Sample Affidavit of Support

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  • 7/24/2019 Sample Affidavit of Support


    Republic of the Philippines)

    Cagayan de Oro City) S.s.


    I" Ra#onito $. Casino" Filipino" of legal age" and a resident of Pauro#

    Co#pound" San %artin" Villanue&a" %isa#is Oriental" after ha&ing been s'orn

    according to la'" do depose and state(

    . hat I a# the se&enth child of Vicentica $. Casino and the late $athaniel *.


    ,. hat #y #other" Vicentica $. Casino" is - years old+

    . hat she has no &isible #eans of support and is dependent" for her chiefsupport" on #e+

    /. hat being dependent on #e" I a# using #y Phil0ealth Insurance to co&er

    her hospitali1ation e2penses+

    3. hat I e2ecute this affida&it to attest to the truth of the foregoing state#ents

    and to support the use of #y Phil0ealth Insurance to co&er her

    hospitali1ation e2penses.

    Done this stof February ,45" Cagayan de Oro City.

    RA%O$IO $. CASI$O


    Doc. $o.(

    Page $o.(

    6oo7 $o.(

    Series of ,45