Sample Astrolipi Essential Horoscope Prepared by astrolipi.com on 05 November 2017 Please visit us at www.astrolipi.com. Email: [email protected] Phone: +91 95702 88055

Sample - astrolipi.com · 2018-03-20 · Sample Astrolipi Essential Horoscope Prepared by astrolipi.com on 05 November 2017 Please visit us at . Email: [email protected] Phone:

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Astrolipi Essential Horoscope

Prepared by astrolipi.com on 05 November 2017Please visit us at www.astrolipi.com. Email: [email protected]

Phone: +91 95702 88055

Astrological Particulars

Main DetailsDate of Birth 01:11:1990(Thursday)

Astrological Day : Thursday

Time of Birth 11:11:11

Place of Birth new delhi

Latitude 028:36:00N

Longitude 077:12:00E

War/Day Time Correction -00:00

GMT at Birth 005:41:10

Local mean Time 010:49:58 hrs

Sidreal Time 013:31:00 hrs

LMT Correction -000:21:12

Aynamsha N.C.Lahiri(023:43:44)

Sun Rise Time : 06:36:13AM

Sun Set Time : 05:33:48PM

Vikram Samvat : 2047

Saka Samvat : 1912

Samvastar : Pramod

Samvastar Lord : Vishnu

Avakahada ChakraLagna (Ascendant) Sagittarius

Lagna Lord Jupiter

Rashi (Moon-Sign) Pisces

Rashi Lord Jupiter

Nakshatra(Constellation) Revathi

Nakshatra Lord Mercury

Nakshatra Charan 2

Ritu (Season) Sharad

Masa (Month) Kartika

Paksha Shukla

Tithi(Moon's elongation) Chaturdashi

Tithi Class Rikta

Tithi Lord Venus

Karna Garija

Karana Class Chara

Karna Lord Vasudeva

Gana(Spritual inclination) Deva

Yoni (Nature) Elephant(F)

Varna(Ego Development) Vipra

Surya Siddhanta Yoga Harshana

Rajju (Prone part) Pada

Vashya (Compatibility) JalaCharan

Tatwa (Element) Akasha

Vihaga (Symbol) Mayura

Tatwa Lord Jupiter

Nadi (Health) ANtha(Shleshma)

Nadi-pada(Constitution) ANtha(Shleshma)

Vedha(Incompatibility with) Magha

Adyakshara (First letter) Do

Paya (Posture) Louha

Ghatak ChakraRashi Kumbha

Masa Phalgun

Tithi 5,10,15

Day Friday

Nakshatra Ashlesha

Prahar 4

Lagna Simha

S S Yoga Vajra

Karana Chatushpada

Sample, 01:11:1990, 11:11:11, new delhi 22

Planetary Positions

Planetary Positions And Dispositions

Lagna Kundali

Navamsha Kundali

Moon Kundali

Planets Signs Amsha Speed S Lord Nak. Ch NN N.L. Nav. NV Lord Status

Ascendant Sagi 14:46:41 --- Jup Purv 1 20 Ven Leo Sun

Sun Libr 14:48:38 00:59:59 Ven Swati 3 15 Rahu Aqua Sat Debilitated

Moon Pisc 21:32:43 14:38:26 Jup Revat 2 27 Merc Cpcn Sat Neautral Sign

Mars (R) Taur 19:52:04 00:10:03 Ven Rohi 3 4 Moon Gemi Merc Neautral Sign

Mercury (C) Libr 21:07:42 01:34:58 Ven Visha 1 16 Jup Arie Mars Friend's Sign

Jupiter Cncr 18:31:55 00:05:20 Moon Ashl 1 9 Merc Sagi Jup Exalted

Venus (C) Libr 14:42:34 01:15:14 Ven Swati 3 15 Rahu Aqua Sat Own Sign

Saturn Sagi 26:12:17 00:03:41 Jup Purv 4 20 Ven Scor Mars Neautral Sign

Rahu (R) Cpcn 08:37:07 00:03:10 Sat Uttra 4 21 Sun Pisc Jup Friend's Sign

Ketu (R) Cncr 08:37:07 00:03:10 Moon Push 2 8 Sat Virg Merc Friend's Sign

Uranus Sagi 12:48:19 00:02:17 Jup Moola 4 19 Ketu Cncr Moon ---

Neptune Sagi 18:28:09 00:01:14 Jup Purv 2 20 Ven Virg Merc ---

Pluto Libr 23:36:21 00:02:24 Ven Visha 2 16 Jup Taur Ven ---

Degree-Distance between Planet to PlanetAsc Sun Mo Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Urn Nep Plu

Asc -- 300 97 155 306 214 300 11 24 204 358 4 309

Sun 60 -- 157 215 6 274 360 71 84 264 58 64 9

Mo 263 203 -- 58 210 117 203 275 287 107 261 267 212

Mar 205 145 302 -- 151 59 145 216 229 49 203 209 154

Mer 54 354 150 209 -- 267 354 65 77 257 52 57 2

Jup 146 86 243 301 93 -- 86 158 170 350 144 150 95

Ven 60 0 157 215 6 274 -- 71 84 264 58 64 9

Sat 349 289 85 144 295 202 289 -- 12 192 347 352 297

Rah 336 276 73 131 283 190 276 348 -- 180 334 340 285

Ket 156 96 253 311 103 10 96 168 180 -- 154 160 105

Urn 2 302 99 157 308 216 302 13 26 206 -- 6 311

Nep 356 296 93 151 303 210 296 8 20 200 354 -- 305

Plu 51 351 148 206 358 265 351 63 75 255 49 55 --

Sample, 01:11:1990, 11:11:11, new delhi 33

BhavSphutas & Kundalis

Lagna Kundali

Bhava Kundali

Bhava-Chalit Kundali

Bhava No. Bhav Mid Bhav Span(From....To)

1 Sagittarius 14:46:41 Sagittarius 02:27:17 Capricorn 02:27:17

2 Capricorn 20:07:52 Capricorn 02:27:17 Aquarius 07:48:28

3 Aquarius 25:29:03 Aquarius 07:48:28 Pisces 13:09:39

4 Pisces 00:50:14 Pisces 13:09:39 Aries 13:09:39

5 Aries 25:29:03 Aries 13:09:39 Taurus 07:48:28

6 Taurus 20:07:52 Taurus 07:48:28 Gemini 02:27:17

7 Gemini 14:46:41 Gemini 02:27:17 Cancer 02:27:17

8 Cancer 20:07:52 Cancer 02:27:17 Leo 07:48:28

9 Leo 25:29:03 Leo 07:48:28 Virgo 13:09:39

10 Virgo 00:50:14 Virgo 13:09:39 Libra 13:09:39

11 Libra 25:29:03 Libra 13:09:39 Scorpio 07:48:28

12 Scorpio 20:07:52 Scorpio 07:48:28 Sagittarius 02:27:17

Degree-Distance between Planet to HouseHou Sun Mo Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Urn Nep Plu

I 300 97 155 306 214 300 11 24 204 358 4 309

II 265 61 120 271 178 265 336 348 168 323 328 273

III 229 26 84 236 143 229 301 313 133 287 293 238

IV 194 351 49 200 108 194 265 278 98 252 258 203

V 169 326 24 176 83 169 241 253 73 227 233 178

VI 145 301 360 151 58 145 216 228 48 203 208 153

VII 120 277 335 126 34 120 191 204 24 178 184 129

VIII 85 241 300 91 358 85 156 168 348 143 148 93

IX 49 206 264 56 323 49 121 133 313 107 113 58

X 14 171 229 20 288 14 85 98 278 72 78 23

XI 349 146 204 356 263 349 61 73 253 47 53 358

XII 325 121 180 331 238 325 36 48 228 23 28 333

Sample, 01:11:1990, 11:11:11, new delhi 44

Maitri Chakra

Natural Friendship

Temperory Friendship

Panchdha Friendship

Plts Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu

Sun ---- Friend Friend Neutral Friend Enemy Enemy Enemy Enemy

Moon Friend ---- Neutral Friend Neutral Neutral Neutral Enemy Enemy

Mars Friend Friend ---- Enemy Friend Neutral Neutral Enemy Friend

Mercury Friend Enemy Neutral ---- Neutral Friend Neutral Neutral Neutral

Jupiter Friend Friend Friend Enemy ---- Enemy Neutral Friend Neutral

Venus Enemy Enemy Neutral Friend Neutral ---- Friend Friend Friend

Saturn Enemy Enemy Enemy Friend Neutral Friend ---- Friend Friend

Rahu Enemy Enemy Enemy Neutral Friend Friend Friend ---- Neutral

Ketu Enemy Enemy Friend Neutral Neutral Friend Friend Neutral ----

Plts Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu

Sun ---- Enemy Enemy Enemy Friend Enemy Friend Friend Friend

Moon Enemy ---- Friend Enemy Enemy Enemy Friend Friend Enemy

Mars Enemy Friend ---- Enemy Friend Enemy Enemy Enemy Friend

Mercury Enemy Enemy Enemy ---- Friend Enemy Friend Friend Friend

Jupiter Friend Enemy Friend Friend ---- Friend Enemy Enemy Enemy

Venus Enemy Enemy Enemy Enemy Friend ---- Friend Friend Friend

Saturn Friend Friend Enemy Friend Enemy Friend ---- Friend Enemy

Rahu Friend Friend Enemy Friend Enemy Friend Friend ---- Enemy

Ketu Friend Enemy Friend Friend Enemy Friend Enemy Enemy ----

Plts Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu

Sun ---- Neutral Neutral Enemy Gr.Friend Gr.Enemy Neutral Neutral Neutral

Moon Neutral ---- Friend Neutral Enemy Enemy Friend Neutral Gr.Enemy

Mars Neutral Gr.Friend ---- Gr.Enemy Gr.Friend Enemy Enemy Gr.Enemy Gr.Friend

Mercury Neutral Gr.Enemy Enemy ---- Friend Neutral Friend Friend Friend

Jupiter Gr.Friend Neutral Gr.Friend Neutral ---- Neutral Enemy Neutral Enemy

Venus Gr.Enemy Gr.Enemy Enemy Neutral Friend ---- Gr.Friend Gr.Friend Gr.Friend

Saturn Neutral Neutral Gr.Enemy Gr.Friend Enemy Gr.Friend ---- Gr.Friend Neutral

Rahu Neutral Neutral Gr.Enemy Friend Neutral Gr.Friend Gr.Friend ---- Enemy

Ketu Neutral Gr.Enemy Gr.Friend Friend Enemy Gr.Friend Neutral Enemy ----

Sample, 01:11:1990, 11:11:11, new delhi 55

Shad Varga

Lagna Kundali

Hora Kundali

Drekkana Kundali

Navamsha Kundali Dwadashamamsha Kundali Trimshamsha Kundali

Shad Varga SummaryCharts (Kundali) Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu

Lagna Kundali Libra Pisces Taurus Libra Cancer Libra Sagittarius Capricorn Cancer

Hora Kundali Leo Leo Leo Cancer Leo Leo Cancer Cancer Cancer

Drekkana Kundali Aquarius Scorpio Virgo Gemini Scorpio Aquarius Leo Capricorn Cancer

Navamsha Kundali Aquarius Capricorn Gemini Aries Sagittarius Aquarius Scorpio Pisces Virgo


Pisces Scorpio Sagittarius Gemini Aquarius Pisces Libra Aries Libra


Sagittarius Capricorn Pisces Gemini Pisces Sagittarius Libra Virgo Virgo

Observartion -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Kimsuka Banjan

Sample, 01:11:1990, 11:11:11, new delhi 66

Sapt Varga

Lagna Kundali Hora Kundali

Drekkana Kundali Saptamsha Kundali

Navamsha Kundali Dwadashamamsha Kundali Trimshamsha Kundali

Sapt Varga SummaryCharts (Kundali) Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu

Lagna Kundali Libra Pisces Taurus Libra Cancer Libra Sagittarius Capricorn Cancer

Hora Kundali Leo Leo Leo Cancer Leo Leo Cancer Cancer Cancer

Drekkana Kundali Aquarius Scorpio Virgo Gemini Scorpio Aquarius Leo Capricorn Cancer


Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aquarius Taurus Capricorn Gemini Virgo Pisces

Navamsha Kundali Aquarius Capricorn Gemini Aries Sagittarius Aquarius Scorpio Pisces Virgo


Pisces Scorpio Sagittarius Gemini Aquarius Pisces Libra Aries Libra


Sagittarius Capricorn Pisces Gemini Pisces Sagittarius Libra Virgo Virgo

Observartion -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Kimsuka Banjan

Sample, 01:11:1990, 11:11:11, new delhi 77

Dash Varga

Lagna Kundali Hora Kundali Drekkana Kundali

Saptamsha Kundali Navamsha Kundali Dashamamsha Kundali

Dwadashamamsha Kundali Shodashamsha Kundali Trimshamsha Kundali

Shashtiamsha Kundali

Dash Varga SummaryCharts (Kundali) Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu

Lagna Kundali Libra Pisces Taurus Libra Cancer Libra Sagittarius Capricorn Cancer

Hora Kundali Leo Leo Leo Cancer Leo Leo Cancer Cancer Cancer

Drekkana Kundali Aquarius Scorpio Virgo Gemini Scorpio Aquarius Leo Capricorn Cancer


Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aquarius Taurus Capricorn Gemini Virgo Pisces

Navamsha Kundali Aquarius Capricorn Gemini Aries Sagittarius Aquarius Scorpio Pisces Virgo


Aquarius Gemini Cancer Taurus Virgo Aquarius Leo Scorpio Taurus


Pisces Scorpio Sagittarius Gemini Aquarius Pisces Libra Aries Libra

Sample, 01:11:1990, 11:11:11, new delhi 88


Scorpio Scorpio Gemini Pisces Capricorn Scorpio Capricorn Leo Leo


Sagittarius Capricorn Pisces Gemini Pisces Sagittarius Libra Virgo Virgo


Pisces Libra Leo Aries Leo Pisces Aries Gemini Sagittarius

Observartion -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Parijata Uttama

Sample, 01:11:1990, 11:11:11, new delhi 99

Shodash Varga

Hora Kundali

Prosperity, Wealth


Siblings, their lives and wellbeing


Luck and Residence


Children, Grand Children


Spouce, General overall withRashi


Profession, Success of allmatters


Parents, their lives and wellbeing


Ones relationship to Vehicles


Spiritual undertakings


Education, Learning, Brains


Strenths and Weaknesses


Miseries, Troubles, Disasters


Auspicious/Inauspicious Events


All things-Everythings-Overall

Shashtiamsha - D60

All things-Everythings-Overall

Sample, 01:11:1990, 11:11:11, new delhi 1010

Sudarshan Chakra

Sudarshan Chakra indicates the cumulative influence of benefic and malefic planets as reckoned from : (i) the

Ascendant, (ii) the Moon and (iii) the Sun at a glance. This also pinpoints the corresponding age-periods during which

those influences will operate.

If the influences are of natural benefic planets (Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Waxing Moon) only, then the whole year will

be enjoyable and auspicious events will take place.

If the influences are of natural malefic planets (Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, Sun, Waning Moon) only, then the year

might be problematic and inauspicious happenings are likely to take place.

Sample, 01:11:1990, 11:11:11, new delhi 1111

Graha Avashthas(Planetary States)

Planetary State Plt Swapnadi-3 Baaladi-5 Lajjitadi-6 Deeptadi-9 Deeptadi-10

SU Supta Yuva Kshudita Dukhita Deena

MO Swapna Kumara Mudita Shanta ----

MA Swapna Kumara ---- Deena Vakra

ME Swapna Vriddha Mudita Shanta Khala

JU Swapna Kumara Trishita Deepta Deepta

VE Jagrata Yuva Garvita Swashtha Swashtha

SA Swapna Mrita Kshudita Deena Peedya

RA Swapna Kumara Mudita Pramudita Mudita

KE Supta Kumara Kshudita Dukhita Vakra

SannadiJanma Karma Sanghatika Samudaya Vinash Manas

Revathi Ashlesha Swati Anuradha Shravana Shatavisha

SthunasKantaka Sthuna : PurvaPhalguni

Kuja Sthuna : Vishakha

Rakta Sthuna : Jyestha

Tri-NadiJati PurvaBhadra

Desh UttraBhadra

Pratishtha Revathi

Navatara ChakraJanma Revathi Ashlesha Jyestha

Sampat Ashwini Magha Moola

Vipat Bharani PurvaPhalguni PurvaAshda

Kshem Krittika UttraPhalguni UttraAshda

Pratyari Rohini Hastha Shravana

Sadhak Mrigashira Chitra Dhanishtha

Nidhan Aridra Swati Shatavisha

Mitra Punarvasu Vishakha PurvaBhadra

Ati Mitra Pushya Anuradha UttraBhadra


Karmava Magha

Aadhaana Moola

Naidhava Shravana

Navashubha ArkDagdha :Swati

Kshaya :Moola

Shoola :Shravana

Sannipata :Ashwini

Dhwaja :Mrigashira

Ulka :Pushya

Bhukampa :Ashlesha

Vajraka :Magha

Nirghat :PurvaPhalguni

Sample, 01:11:1990, 11:11:11, new delhi 1212

Saturn Transit

(Shani-Sadhesati)}kn'ks tUexS jk'kkS f}rh;s p 'kuS'pjA

Lk/kkZfu lIr o"kkZf.k rFkk nq[kS;qZrks HkosrAA

(The seven and half year period during which Saturn transits in the twelfth, first and second from the birth rashi (Moon

Sign) is called sadhesati of Saturn. )

Sadhesati Cycle Transit in Sign Begining Date Ending Date Duration(Y-M-D) Saturn Moorti

First CycleFirst Dhayya Aquarius 05/03/1993 15/10/1993 0.0 y.7.0 m.11 d. Lauha

First Dhayya Aquarius 10/11/1993 02/06/1995 1.0 y.6.0 m.22 d. Tamra

First Dhayya Aquarius 10/08/1995 16/02/1996 0.0 y.6.0 m.8 d. Rajat

Second Dhayya Pisces 02/06/1995 10/08/1995 0.0 y.2.0 m.9 d. Tamra

Second Dhayya Pisces 16/02/1996 17/04/1998 2.0 y.1.0 m.30 d. Lauha

Second Dhayya Aries 17/04/1998 07/06/2000 2.0 y.1.0 m.21 d. Rajat

Kantak Shani Gemini 23/07/2002 08/01/2003 0.0 y.5.0 m.17 d. Tamra

Kantak Shani Gemini 07/04/2003 06/09/2004 1.0 y.5.0 m.1 d. Rajat

Kantak Shani Gemini 13/01/2005 26/05/2005 0.0 y.4.0 m.12 d. Rajat

Ashtam Shani Libra 15/11/2011 16/05/2012 0.0 y.6.0 m.1 d. Rajat

Ashtam Shani Libra 04/08/2012 02/11/2014 2.0 y.2.0 m.29 d. Rajat

Second CycleFirst Dhayya Aquarius 29/04/2022 12/07/2022 0.0 y.2.0 m.13 d. Lauha

First Dhayya Aquarius 17/01/2023 29/03/2025 2.0 y.2.0 m.11 d. Lauha

Second Dhayya Pisces 29/03/2025 03/06/2027 2.0 y.2.0 m.6 d. Swarna

Second Dhayya Pisces 20/10/2027 23/02/2028 0.0 y.4.0 m.5 d. Swarna

Second Dhayya Aries 03/06/2027 20/10/2027 0.0 y.4.0 m.18 d. Swarna

Second Dhayya Aries 23/02/2028 08/08/2029 1.0 y.5.0 m.14 d. Lauha

Second Dhayya Aries 05/10/2029 17/04/2030 0.0 y.6.0 m.12 d. Rajat

Kantak Shani Gemini 31/05/2032 13/07/2034 2.0 y.1.0 m.12 d. Rajat

Ashtam Shani Libra 28/01/2041 06/02/2041 0.0 y.0.0 m.9 d. Lauha

Ashtam Shani Libra 26/09/2041 11/12/2043 2.0 y.2.0 m.15 d. Rajat

Ashtam Shani Libra 23/06/2044 30/08/2044 0.0 y.2.0 m.7 d. Swarna

Third CycleFirst Dhayya Aquarius 25/02/2052 14/05/2054 2.0 y.2.0 m.18 d. Tamra

First Dhayya Aquarius 02/09/2054 05/02/2055 0.0 y.5.0 m.4 d. Tamra

Second Dhayya Pisces 14/05/2054 02/09/2054 0.0 y.3.0 m.20 d. Rajat

Second Dhayya Pisces 05/02/2055 07/04/2057 2.0 y.2.0 m.1 d. Lauha

Second Dhayya Aries 07/04/2057 27/05/2059 2.0 y.1.0 m.20 d. Swarna

Kantak Shani Gemini 11/07/2061 13/02/2062 0.0 y.7.0 m.5 d. Tamra

Kantak Shani Gemini 07/03/2062 24/08/2063 1.0 y.5.0 m.18 d. Swarna

Kantak Shani Gemini 06/02/2064 09/05/2064 0.0 y.3.0 m.2 d. Tamra

Ashtam Shani Libra 04/11/2070 05/02/2073 2.0 y.3.0 m.2 d. Lauha

Ashtam Shani Libra 31/03/2073 23/10/2073 0.0 y.6.0 m.24 d. Swarna

Sample, 01:11:1990, 11:11:11, new delhi 1313

General Predictions Related to Native

General Characteristics:

Your Ascendant falls in sign Sagittarius. This is a fiery, common or flexed, double-bodied or bi-corporeal sign (its

first half is human, while the last half is bestial). Certain other natural qualitative characteristics have also been

attributed to it: this sign is masculine, fruitful and violent by nature.

For being born in this Ascendant, you will be a person of active habits - have an intrepid, bold nature. You will be an

even-tempered frank person - having generous instincts, and a just disposition. You will be full of life and laborious.

Your earnestness and dedication for your work will help you to achieve your desired goals. You will be firm in your

decisions, and will be very dependable as a friend. You will love justice and your judgment will be unprejudiced.

Physical sciences and technologies may not interest you much, but you will have a profound interest in philosophy

and religion. You will be generous, modest and candid. You will believe in simple living and high thinking. You will

abhor showiness or hypocrisy. You will take pride in traditions and traditional values. Your psychic ability will be

well developed.

For being born in this Ascendant, you will be a person of active habits - have an intrepid, bold nature. You will be an

even-tempered frank person - having generous instincts, and a just disposition. You will be full of life and laborious.

Your earnestness and dedication for your work will help you to achieve your desired goals. You will be firm in your

decisions, and will be very dependable as a friend. You will love justice and your judgment will be unprejudiced.

Physical sciences and technologies may not interest you much, but you will have a profound interest in philosophy

and religion. You will be generous, modest and candid. You will believe in simple living and high thinking. You will

abhor showiness or hypocrisy. You will take pride in traditions and traditional values. Your psychic ability will be

well developed.

Mental Characteristics

In your chart, the Moon is situated in sign Pisces; it is the negative sign ruled by the benign planet Jupiter - which is

symbolized by a pair of fishes in opposite postures tied together. It is a common and watery sign, having a

characteristic dual nature. Basically, you may have a dreamy nature, and possess the unique tendency of mixing up

reality with imagination. With your extreme changefulness and inconstancies, you may really deserve to be branded as

queer. You may often appear to be timid, but all on a sudden may revert to being quite unyielding or obstinate -

sometimes even audacious; for such tendencies, some people may not consider you to be very reliable or dependable

either - for which you may lose some opportunities for advancement. At times you may be guided by fanatical

enthusiasm - but you will soon be able to overcome it all by yourself.

You may have a highly passionate nature, and may have no regard at all for the possible consequences; but for this,

you may face some troubles quite frequently, and lose sympathy or support of some of your friends and well wishing

people. If you are engaged in some creative pursuit, then you will be fortunate to become successful in your

endeavors. But if you are engaged in a rather common profession in a modest capacity, then you must curb all these

unproductive tendencies, and come back to the real world - by placing your feet on the firm soil. This is for the simple

reason that by pursuing fanciful risky projects, you can only render yourself vulnerable to meet with some sort of

gross disappointment.

Sample, 01:11:1990, 11:11:11, new delhi 1414









If a natural benefic planet is conjoined with the Moon or aspects it, you will follow a firm direction for putting in your

efforts; obviously, you can then look forward to attaining a coveted position and success in all your endeavors. Dame

fortune - with her sweet will - may decide as to when to favor you with her blessings of abundance and plenty; you are

sure to rise to a dignified position by virtue of your merits and inherent qualities -

at a fairly early age-period. But if a natural malefic planet influences the Moon instead, then you are likely to have a

shocking disappointment in a love affair; alternately, one of your children may become afflicted with some congenital

defect. Besides, you may tend to suffer from morbid tendencies, misplaced sympathies, and even fanatical enthusiasm.

Some secretly inimical false friends may try to create a series of troubles for you, and you may even run the risk of

losing your credibility, honor, rank or status.

Physical Appearance:

You will have a tall, handsome figure and a well-formed, strong physical structure. Your complexion is likely to be

fair, with a long and oval face and a high forehead - which might be bald about the temples. You will have an open

countenance with sparkling eyes.


You will be intelligent and versatile. For your sympathetic nature, you will always be ready to help others. You will

be endowed with energy and resources. You will be sanguine and a positive thinker. You will be broad minded. You

will be religious, pious and believe in God.

Negative Traits:

You may be vacillating and suspicious. You may speak sensitive and harsh words or your acts may be rebellious.

Special Characteristics:You will be endowed with three main qualities viz. extension, expansion and excellence.

You will never be disappointed and will have positive outlook towards life

You will be a hard working person and dedicated to your work.

You will be very straight forward in your talks and will not care for the feelings of others.


You can become a professor, adviser, minister, councilllor, business executive, preacher, philosopher, and lawyer.

You can be a successful writer, publisher, accountant, army commander, sportsman, doctor, physician, and explorer.

Benefic and malefic Planets:Sun, lord of the 9th house, and Mars, Trine lord, are benefics.

Mercury and Venus are malefics.

Saturn, lord of the 2nd house, and Mercury, lord of the 7th house, are markesh.

Jupiter and Moon are neutral.

Sample, 01:11:1990, 11:11:11, new delhi 1515

Important personalities belonging to Sagittarius Ascendant:

Amartya Sen - Economist, Dhiru Bhai Ambani, J. R. D. Tata - Industrialist, Sir Donald Bradman - Cricketer,

Madhuri Dixit, Rekha - Film Star, Carlose Lewis - Author, Dr. Rajendra Prasad - Ex- President of India, Dr.

Manmohan Singh - Prime Minister , Cheiro - Palmist, Nostradamus - Astrologer, Queen Elizabeth.

Sample, 01:11:1990, 11:11:11, new delhi 1616

General Predictions from Various Astrological Constants

Results of birth in Barahaspatya 'Samvatsara'(60 Jovian Years):You have been born in Jovian year (Samvatsar) Pramod. The results of birth in the Jovian year (Samvatsar) 'Pramod'

is as described hereunder: You have been born in the auspicious Jovian year 'Pramod'. The indications are highly

favorable. You will be endowed with very beautiful/ handsome looks with attractive features. You will be highly

intelligent, and possess many good qualities and excellent skill in doing things; above all, you will be truthful and

honest, and find pleasure and satisfaction by doing good deeds for others. Although you might be somewhat proud,

essentially you will have a gentle nature. Your married life will be peaceful and happy.

Results of Birth in Soura 'Ayan':You have been born in Sun's Dakshinayana (or Yamyayana). If some modifying influences are not present in your

horoscope, then the indications are not favorable. You might be endowed with a somewhat proud and haughty nature,

or intolerant disposition. Conditions will be improved for the better if some favorable 'Ravi-yogas' are present in your

chart (Subha-Kartari, Ubhayachari, Vesi, Vosi, etc). But if Sun is under Papa-Kartari Yoga, or has natural malefic

planets in the next 'occupied' sign, then you might be hard-hearted or even deceitful; you might earn your living

through agriculture and/ or cattle rearing; alternately, you may remain engaged in doing some such jobs - where the

remuneration is not at all in consonance with the amount of efforts expended.

Results of Birth in 'Ritu'(Seasons):You have been born in Sharat Ritu (or Early Autumn Season). If some counteracting influences are not present in your

chart, then the indications are favorable. Your constitution may be of 'windy' type - for which you may have a restless

spirit and a quick-to-anger disposition. You will be an embodiment of courage and strength, and have an ardent desire

of gaining victory in battles. You will concentrate on doing your own work for fulfilling your own objectives, amass a

good amount of wealth, and acquire many precious possessions. You will be pure-hearted, and people in general will

treat you will respect and honor.

Results of Birth in 'Masa'(Month):7You have been born in Kartika Masa (October/ November). If some counteracting influences are not present in your

chart, then the indications are very favorable. You will be endowed with attractive face, pleasing manners, and

amiable disposition. You may be unusually talkative by nature, but this particular odd 'quality' might prove to be a sort

of asset for you - which will make you exceptionally successful in your sphere of profession. As regards your natural

inclinations, you may do well in retail- or broker's- business, or in the fields of sales and marketing. Although you

might be somewhat lustful, you will be able to resist alluring temptations. By virtue of doing some meritorious and

commendable deeds, your reputation and honor will always be waxing.

Results of Birth in 'Paksha':You have been born in Shukla Paksha. If some counteracting influences are not present in your chart, then the

indications are favorable. You will be a person of amiable disposition and optimistic nature, and possess broadness of

mind and a good moral character as well. With your clarity of thought and expression, you will be able to impress

your contemporaries. You will be blessed with good longevity, and enjoy a peaceful and happy family life with your

spouse and children. Your state of health may appear to be a bit delicate, but you will have strong resistance to


As the great benefic planet Jupiter is conjoined with the Moon in your chart (or aspects it), you will possess mental

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composure and evenness of temper. You will be an open-minded person with frank nature, optimistic outlook, and

philanthropic disposition. Financially you will be fairly well off, and the circle of your friends and acquaintances will

be quite large. You will always be in a position to decide for yourself, and the people in your circle may seek your

valuable opinion or advice on some important matters that concern them.

Result of Birth in WeekdayYou have been born on a Thursday. As the lord of the weekday, Jupiter acquires special importance in your chart; its

results - according to its occupied house-position - will become more important. Other indications in general are

favorable. You will be a learned person, and your religious inclination will be profound. You will have great

reverence for the elders, teachers, and pious people. For being an embodiment of desired qualities and virtues as well,

people in general will treat you with great respect. With your wisdom, power of discrimination, and impressive

appearance, you will shine forth as an adviser or consultant, and amass a lot of wealth.

Results of Birth in Day or Night :You have been born during daytime. The indications are favorable. You will be active, energetic, intelligent, and

brilliant. You will inherit the good qualities of your father, possess fine expressive eyes, and have an ever-optimistic

nature. You will become known for your meritorious deeds. Your earnings will be good, and you will befriend many

persons from the higher walks of life. For your virtues and qualities, people in general will treat you with respect.

Results of Birth in Surya-Sidhanta Yoga :As per Surya-siddhanta, you have been born in Harshana yoga. This yoga belongs to favorable category. By virtue of

being born under this yoga, you will be fortunate in many respects. As the name implies, you will have an aura of

auspiciousness, and always remain in a joyous mood. Your religious inclination will be profound; you will listen to

evangelistic discourses, regularly observe the traditional rites, and study the sacred ancient scriptures with great

interest and delight.

Results of Birth in Tithi :You have been born on 'Chaturdashi' (or the 14th) tithi. If a natural benefic planet is conjoined with Moon or aspects

it, then the results will be more favorable. Although you will possess a good sense of humor, you might be endowed

with a somewhat intolerant nature and quick-to-anger disposition. You are very much likely to have a fighting spirit

and a keen desire for conquests - for which you may tend to oppose anybody and speak against them even under the

slightest provocation. If a natural malefic planet afflicts Moon by conjunction or aspect, then you might even tend to

acquire a vicious nature and cruel disposition; if anyone ever antagonizes you, then you may wish to teach him/ her a

hard lesson.

Results of Birth in Karana :You have been born in 'Garija' Karana. It is the fifth Karana of the 'Chara' category. You will be endowed with good

health and sound physique, beautiful/ handsome appearance, and pleasing manners. You will be intelligent and wise,

liberal-minded, honorable, and beneficially disposed to others. You will be clever, but will be judicious as well; you

will be able to have all your enemies fully subdued - but you will do so without resorting to cliques, coteries, or

underhand actions. The keys to your success will be patience, perseverance, discretion, and timely action. You will be

able to make your own headway, and surpass many of your contemporaries in the long run.

Results of birth in Nakshatra :

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In your horoscope, Moon is situated in Revati Nakshatra. By virtue of being born in this nakshatra, you will be

fortunate in many respects. You will be an agreeable person with charming behavior, winning manners, and virtuous

disposition. You will be very intelligent and well educated, and will be endowed with grandeur and wealth. You will

have control over your senses, and always remain engaged in doing auspicious work and philanthropic deeds. You

will be courageous and valiant for defending your own rights and also for protecting the meek; but you will never

cover anybody else's possession. You will be very popular, and people in general will treat you with respect.

Results of Birth in Lagna :You have been born in Sagittarius Ascendant. This is the ninth sign of the zodiac; constitutionally it is a common sign

of fiery element - the positive sign of the ruling planet Jupiter. Together with the influences of the planet/s situated in

this sign (if any) and the planet/s aspecting this sign (if any), you will be endowed with the natural characteristics and

specific attributes of the rising sign Sagittarius and its lord planet Jupiter. Depicted as a centaur charging an arrow, the

allegorical significations of this sign are the efforts and achievements. The parts of the body under governance of the

sign are the hips, thighs, and the condition of the blood. You may suffer from sciatica, liver problems, and varicose

veins. You will be fond of blue color, your lucky gemstone is Topaz, and favorite flower is the narcissus.

You are a bright person with broad mind, openhearted nature, optimistic outlook, courteous behavior, and generous

disposition. You will always remain confident to hit your target, and achieve your goals. A strong desire for expansion

will be a hallmark of your nature, and throughout your life you will go on crossing newer horizons. But you may tend

to scatter the fruits of life into the earth.

On the positive side, you will be an alert person of suave nature, clear views, and quick perceptions; you will be

purposeful and constructive in your approach. You will be arduous performer and a hard taskmaster, and remain

devoted to your work not only for the rewards but also for the sake of satisfaction. You will always be in the habit of

keeping your words and fulfilling your commitments.

On the flip side, you may be a selfish person of thoughtless nature; you might be concerned about your own affairs

only, and expend your efforts for furthering your own interests. You might be very anxious for achieving plenty and

abundance - for which you may go on hoarding greedily. You may not have any concrete plan - as you will not wish

to hold a position of power; you may rather want to strike like an invader, and benefit from the proceeds of


The cumulative effect of planetary influences operating in your chart, and the way you wish to excercize your will-

force will determine which way you prefer to follow and what kind of results you would actually derive.

Results of Birth in Hora :In your horoscope, the Ascendant falls in the 1st hora of sign Aries - which corresponds to Leo hora. Owing to this

combination, you will be endowed with a tall figure of bright appearance. But you may have an irascible temper, and

fond of company of people of ruffian type. You may have the pecuiliar habit of rolling your eyes unnecessarily, and

believe that you are cleverer than others.

Results of Birth in Drekkana :In your horoscope, the Ascendant falls in the 2nd drekkana of sign Sagittarius - which corresponds to Aries drekkana.

Owing to this combination, you will be fortunate in many respects. You will be a very learned and wise person, and

your religious inclination will be profound; you might be greatly fond of performing religious sacrifices and regularly

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observe the traditional rites. The study of sacred ancient scriptures and classics will enthrall you and keep you deeply

absorbed. You will have great interest to meet with pious people, listen to priceless discourses, and visit many holy

shrines. You may also gain expertise in Mantra Sashtra, and with your humanitarian nature, you may utilize your

acquired knowledge for healing your fellowmen and alleviate their sufferings.

Results from Position of Pranapada :In your horoscope, Pranapada is situated in the 9th-house (Bhagya-bhava). This is a highly auspicious combination.

You will be exceedingly fortunate, and meet with success in all your endeavors. Your religious inclination will be

strong, and study the sacred ancient classics with profound interest. You will a righteous person abhorring all sorts of

meanness and pretensions. You will be engaged in doing praiseworthy deeds, and deftly manage all your affairs with

great discretion.

Results from Position of Gulika :In your horoscope, Gulika is situated in the 4th-house (Sukha-bhava). This is a not at all a favorable combination, and

you may not be very fortunate in respect of your mother, home, domestic life, and property-matters. Your relatives

and erstwhile friends might forsake you, and owing to some circumstantial compulsion, you may even have to leave

your home and/ or native place. You may incur some losses; your mind might be afflicted with grief, and outlook

quite abruptly changed.

Results of birth in 'Gana' :By virtue of being born in a 'Deva' (Divine) Gana Nakshatra, you will be fortunate in many respects. You will be

endowed with attractive features, beautiful/ handsome appearance, pleasing manners, and gentle disposition. You will

be devoted to God, reverential to elders, teachers, and preachers. You will have a melodious voice, and be soft

spoken. Your appetite would be less, and you will be fond of taking 'satwic' foods. You will be wealthy and virtuous;

you will also be able to appreciate the merits- and discern the virtues- of others.

Results of birth in 'Varna' :By virtue of being born in a 'Vipra' (Priest) Varna Nakshatra, you will be fortunate in many respects. You will belong

to the highest category of spiritual development, and remain free from ego problems and mean intentions. You will be

devoted to God, reverential to elders, teachers, and preachers. You will be honest and sincere, fond of taking 'satwic'

foods, believe in simple living and high thinking. You will be highly intelligent and learned in various subjects -

including the sacred ancient classics. You will be fairly wealthy and virtuous; you will also be able to appreciate the

merits- and discern the virtues- of others. You will be very wise and prudent, and may shine forth as an Adviser or a

Consultant. People in general will treat you with great respect, and seek your counsel in respect of some matters

which concern them.

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Planetary Combinations (Yoga) Applicable in Kundali

(Chart) Important Yogas Applicable in Kundali(Chart) :

In your horoscope, the sign-lord of the Ascendant-lord is also situated in a favorable house - although, the Ascendant-

lord is not situated in a favorable house. This overall combination is highly favorable, as it goes by the term Safala-

Kama Yoga. Although you may not be very fortunate ever since birth, and have to spend the early years of your

working life in a fairly humble capacity, in the long run the things will change for the better; you will be successful in

all your endeavors, and have much of advancement. You are destined to proceed far by leaving all your

contemporaries behind. All your ambitions will be realized, and all your cherished desires will be fulfilled.

In your horoscope, the Ascendant-lord is in exaltation or in own sign; besides, another planet is also in exaltation or in

own-sign - which is situated in an angular (kendra) or trinal (trikona) house as well. This overall highly favorable

combination is termed as Mridanga Yoga. By virtue of being born with this combination, you will become a very

affluent and influential person. You are sure to occupy a position of authority and power, and lead your life in comfort

and style. You may be fond of good things in life, and become a connoisseur of artistic objects.

In your horoscope, the Ascendant-lord, the sign-lord of the Ascendant-lord, the sign-lord of the said sign-lord, and

also the lord of the Navamsha-sign of the same sign-lord - all are in exaltation or are situated in angular (kendra) or

trinal (trikona) houses. This overall highly favorable combination is termed as Kalpadruma Yoga. By virtue of

presence of this combination in your horoscope, you will be a pious and virtuous person, although you will be very

strong and powerful. You will not at all be afraid in case of opposition or conflict, and in the event of such a

development, you will tend to step forward for fighting to the finish; nevertheless, you will be merciful and have a

forgiving nature. You will enjoy limitless wealth and influence, and your name and fame will be widespread.

In your horoscope, the 8th-lord is situated in any house other than the 6th, the 8th, and the 12th; the sign-lord (or the

sign-lord) of the 8th-lord is situated in the 8th-house. This unfavorable parivartana-yoga combination is termed as

Dainya Yoga. If some other modifying influences are present in your horoscope, you may not be very intelligent, or

even your mind may not be very stable. You may tend to speak ill of others, and hurt their feelings; you may also take

part in some unworthy deeds - for which some people may condemn you or become inimically disposed to you. You

should try your level best to mend your ways, otherwise your enemies may try to punish you.

In your horoscope, the 4th-lord is debilitated, or situated in an enemy's sign, or is associated with a natural malefic

planet, or occupies an evil shashtiamsha. This combination is quite unfavorable, termed as Bandhubhistyakta Yoga. If

some strong modifying influences are not present in your horoscope, then owing to the presence of this combination,

you might be deserted by your relatives and friends sometime during your life - even if it is for a little or no real fault

of your own.

In your horoscope, the Ascendant-lord is conjoined together with a natural malefic planet, and any natural benefic

planet is neither associated with it nor aspects it; besides, no natural benefic planet situated in- or aspects- the

Ascendant. The overall combination is rather unfavorable, termed as Deha-Kashta Yoga. If some strong modifying

influences are present in your horoscope, then you may not be financially well-off, and/ or circumstantially may lack

physical comforts and pleasures.

In your horoscope, the Ascendant-lord is situated in the unfavorable 8th-house, and any natural benefic planet is

neither associated with it nor aspects it; besides, no natural benefic planet situated in- or aspects- the Ascendant. This

is a quite unfavorable combination, termed as Deha-Kashta Yoga. If some strong modifying influences are not present

in your horoscope, then you may not be financially well-off, and/ or circumstantially may lack physical comforts and


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In your horoscope, the Ascendant-lord is situated in a watery sign (Cancer or Scorpio or Pisces), and the lord of

Navamsha-sign of the Ascendant-lord is also placed in such a sign. This combination is termed as Deha-Sthoulya

Yoga. Owing to the presence of this combination, if some modifying influences are not present in your horoscope,

you will possess robust health and a stout body.

In your horoscope, a natural malefic planet - which is not in exaltation or in own-sign or in own-nakshatra - is situated

in your 2nd-house. The 2nd-lord or the lord of its Navamsha-sign is a natural malefic planet, or is weak for being

debilitated or combust or eclipsed, or is associated with a natural malefic planet in Lagna-Kundali or in Navamsha

Kundali. This unfavorable combination is termed as Durmukha Yoga. If some strong modifying influences are not

present in your horoscope, then then you may not be endowed with pleasing appearance; alternately, or in addition,

you may acquire irritable disposition, tend to lose your temper frequently, and utter harsh and abusive words - for

which even your own people may greatly dislike you.

You are a male person. Your Ascendant falls in Taurus or Sagittarius. No natural benefic planet is situated in the

Ascendant or aspects it, while a natural malefic planet (who is not in exaltation or in own-sign or in own-nakshatra)

aspects it. This is not a very favorable combination; it is termed as Khalawata Yoga. Owing to the presence of this

yoga, you may have a receding hairline and tend to become bald-headed from sometime around your middle age-


You are a male person. Your Ascendant falls in a sign owned by a natural malefic planet (who is not in exaltation or

in own-sign or in own-nakshatra). No natural benefic planet is situated in the Ascendant or aspects it, while a similar

natural malefic planet aspects it. This is not a very favorable combination; it is termed as Khalawata Yoga. Owing to

the presence of this yoga, you may have a receding hairline and tend to become bald-headed from sometime around

your middle age-period.

Applicable Nabhasha Yoga in Kundali(Chart) :A Nabhasha Yoga combination known as Paasha Yoga is present in your horoscope. This is not a very favorable

combination, and during some period in your life, you may have to struggle against adversities and impediments. You

may remain in service of others in humble capacities earning modest remuneration and without being treated with due

respect. Although you may be skilful in work, you may have a somewhat spiteful disposition; at times you may forget

your manners, and lose the sense of propriety. You might be bound to stay in a place against your will under

circumstantial compulsion.

Applicable Dhana Yoga in Kundali(Chart) :

As in your horoscope, Jupiter is well placed and favorably disposed in relation to the house of wealth, you may be

employed in a financial institution. During sometime in your life, you will amass a substantial amount of wealth by

running a business venture of your own, and lead your life amidst limitless prosperity.

As your 11th house coincides with an airy sign, you may have good gains in or from the places situated in the western

direction from your native/ birth place.

As Mercury and Venus are conjoined together in the 2nd house in your horoscope, you may be either a businessman

or a well-placed person in a big organization of high repute. Your earnings will be remarkable, and you will become

fairly wealthy.

Applicable Vitta Hani Yoga in Kundali(Chart) :

As in your horoscope a dire malefic planet is situated in your 8th house - which is not influenced by a benefic planet,

although you will be fairly well-off, you should remain very careful and cautious, and not take too many chances

unnecessarily; you may have to face an untoward happening of serious sort; it is also appears possible that you may

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inflict grievous injuries to some other person/s - for which you might be hauled up and even be punished.

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Predictions of Planets situated in Various Signs and Houses

Results from Position of Sun :In your horoscope, Sun is situated in sign Libra. As Sun gets debilitated in this sign, you may not be fortunate in

certain respects. Although you will be endowed with graceful appearance and artistic qualities, owing to deterioration

of circumstantial conditions, you may become distressed and feel frustrated during the period when the Dasha or

Bhukti of Sun operates. You will be a good-natured, well-behaved, and soft-spoken person; besides, you will be

energetic and skilful. But in spite of your qualitative characteristics, you might incur the displeasure of the authorities,

and run the risk of facing forced dislocation. Some jealous people might try to bite you behind the back, and cause

you loss of credit, honor, and money as well. Yet you will be able to gain eminence by dint of your own endeavors.

You will understand human nature well, and be successful in foreign affairs.

In your horoscope, Sun is situated in the 11th-house. As your Ascendant is Sagittarius, the position of the 9th-lord Sun

in the 11th in debility is not at all a favorable combination. You may not be fortunate in certain respects. Your father

may face a serious setback in profession, and his health and well being might become a cause of concern for your

family members; the state of health of your mother might also become very delicate. Your residence might be shifted

quite a number of times, and you may have to migrate to different cities/ towns. Besides, you may even run the risk of

facing a lot of problems owing to legal battles - during the period when the Dasha or Bhukti of Sun operates.

Results from Position of Moon :In your horoscope, Moon is situated in sign Pisces. Owing to this reason, you will be an embodiment of qualities and

virtues; you will be fortunate in many respects, and endowed with plenty and abundance. With your beautiful/

handsome appearance, charming behavior, winning manners, and polite speech, you will be the center of attraction in

many re-unions, get-togethers, and social gatherings. You will be well educated, very learned in sacred ancient

classics, and have good proficiency in some branch of fine arts. You will be lucky in matters of romance, speculative

investments, childbirth, and gains from foreign sources through business. You may be greatly fond of traveling-, and

enjoying sports-, on the surface of water. You will be fond of enjoying the company of the agreeable members of the

opposite gender; yet your domestic life will be full bliss and happiness.

In your horoscope, Moon is situated in the 4th-house. For this, you will be fortunate in respect of mother, and you will

receive favors and benefits from married ladies. You will be very fortunate if Moon is situated either in sign Taurus or

Cancer; but may face some problems if it is in sign Scorpio. Although your prospect of inheritance will be fairly good,

you may face some problems or even litigation in connection with property-matters. While in employment, your

position or prospect may become uncertain; you may ultimately start a new venture of your own. In connection with

your profession, you will have connections with the general public.

Results from Position of Mars :In your horoscope, Mars is situated in sign Taurus. Owing to this reason - unless some modifying influences are

present in your chart - you may not be fortunate in certain respects. You may not be wealthy, have a few children but

many dependants, and bear with heavy expenses. Gradually, you may develop a mistrustful nature and jealous

disposition. You may speak harshly, be a voracious eater, and become somewhat selfish. Besides, you might be

inimically disposed to your relatives, commit some violent acts or blameworthy deeds, and spoil the reputation of

your family.

In your horoscope, Mars is situated in the 6th-house. This position is specifically unfavorable for the health and well

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being of maternal uncle, mother's younger sister or stepmother (if there). However, this position is very beneficial for

having success in a very competitive examination, and securing a lucrative employment in a big organization; you are

also likely to have transfer or change of employment quite a few times. You are also likely to get into difficulties with

some people of Turk (or Muslim) origin - for which you should remain careful. If Mars is situated in sign Aries or

Scorpio or Capricorn, then you will be very lucky and amass a lot of wealth; but if it is in sign Cancer, then you may

have to work in small place in a rather modest capacity.

Results from Position of Mercury :In your horoscope, Mercury is situated in sign Libra. Owing to this reason, you will be fortunate in many respects; it

will be more so if either Venus or Saturn is also situated in this sign. You will be very intelligent and clever, have the

capacity to think very fast and understand the chief concerns of others. You will be quick to identify a new scope, and

first to utilize the opportunity to your own advantage. You will earn a fortune by engaging in business/ trade, and your

interests will cover more than one field. You will have many acquaintances and a few friends. Although fickle-minded

and short-tempered, you will possess the skill to please others with your amiable disposition.

In your horoscope, Mercury is situated in the 11th-house. For this, you will be very popular, and have many friends

and a large circle of acquaintances; but with only a few of your friends you will have cordial and lasting relationship -

although some of your friends might be from a very high circle having some exceptional accomplishments.

Association with too many friends might cause some little worries and small vexations as well. If Mercury is situated

in sign Gemini or Virgo, and is free from affliction, then you will have enviable earnings from more than one source,

and own a number of attractive luxury vehicles; but if Mercury is afflicted, then you may face wide fluctuations, and

your vehicle may cause you damages and pain.

Results from Position of Jupiter :In your horoscope, Jupiter is situated in sign Cancer. Owing to this reason, you will be fortunate in many respects; it

will be more so if Jupiter is neither the 6th-lord nor the 8th-lord. If Jupiter is the 6th-lord, then your body or mind

might become diseased or afflicted with grief; but if it is the 8th-lord, then you may have to face insurmountable

obstacles. You are likely to be a learned person of benevolent disposition, and your profession may have some

connection with teaching or dissemination of knowledge during sometime of your life. Your religious inclination will

be profound. You will study the sacred ancient classics, listen to religious discourses, and visit many holy shrines.

In your horoscope, Jupiter is situated in the 8th-house. For this, you will be fortunate in certain respects. You will be

long-lived, remain in good health and free from squabbles, and have good gains through inheritance, legacy, etc. You

will be financially well off, and your spouse will hail from a wealthier family; but the health and well being of your

children might cause you some concern. If Jupiter is situated in sign Cancer or Sagittarius or Pisces, then you will lead

a prosperous life; but if Jupiter is situated in sign Capricorn, then you may have to set sails on stormy seas. If Jupiter

is placed in some other sign, or is under affliction from a natural malefic planet, then your outlook might become

distorted; you may lose sympathy for your fellow men and even be cruel to animals.

Results from Position of Venus :In your horoscope, Venus is situated in own-sign Libra. As Venus is very happily placed in its mool-trikona sign, it is

sure to produce auspicious results, and you will be fortunate in many respects. You will a meritorious person, and well

educated in a specialized field. You will be a righteous person, industrious and skilful in your duties. You will earn

well from an industrial venture by engaging laborers. You will be valorous, and achieve your objectives by directing

your efforts in a very intelligent manner. Your religious inclination will be profound, and you will intently study the

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sacred ancient classics. You will be respectful to the elders, and generous to your friends.

In your horoscope, Venus is situated in the 11th-house. For this, you will be fortunate in many respects. You had been

born in a wealthy family, and will have good gains from more than one source through various callings and efforts.

You will also receive favors from aged ladies of aristocratic background, and your spouse will hail from a wealthier

family; you may have more of female children - who will be beautiful and dutiful as well. You will have a large circle

of friends and acquaintances, and you will have cordial and lasting relationship with many of them. You will have a

very sociable disposition, and will be the center of attraction in reunions and get-togethers. At the times of having

auspicious celebrations in your family, you will treat a large number of people very lavishly. You will also travel

extensively for pleasure and profit.

Results from Position of Saturn :In your horoscope, Saturn is situated in sign Sagittarius. Owing to this reason, you will be fortunate in many respects.

You will be an intelligent person, and receive good education; you will also be learned in sacred ancient scriptures.

You will be soft-spoken, possess the gift of eloquence, be skilful in behavior, and become known in your circle for

polite manners and generous disposition. You will be sincere, honest, and dutiful; as you will be in the habit of

fulfilling your commitments, your credibility and honor will increase. Your spouse will consider you to be dearer than

life, and your worthy children will be a source of happiness. You will have friends in high places, and receive many

benefits from government sources through their active assistance. You will accumulate wealth through just means,

and enjoy affluence in your late age in peaceful and comfortable surroundings.

In your horoscope, Saturn is situated in the Ascendant. For this, you will be endowed with somewhat grave or stern

looks; you will be a strict disciplinarian, and may resort to some ruthless measures for the purpose of achieving a

higher objective - if the circumstances command so. Besides, you will be in a position to divert people's attention for

attaining your desired goals. In connection with your profession, you may have close contact with the general public;

alternately, you will be actively engaged in social work or involved in political activities. Either way, you will have

great interest to work for a cause, and thereby gain public support, fame, and renown. If Saturn is situated in sign

Aquarius or Capricorn or Libra, then you will be highly fortunate - as you will enjoy the beneficial results of 'Shasha

Yoga' (a 'Pancha Maha-Purusha Yoga' combination). You will live as an important and respectable person in the

society; but you may have to live away from your kinsmen.

Results from Position of Rahu :In your horoscope, Rahu is situated in the 2nd-house. For this, you had been born in a fairly well to do family; but

your family fortune might be somewhat unsteady, and you may have to work hard to restore the erstwhile standard.

You will be in a position to improve your fortune by making use of the opportunities coming your way; but you may

also have to spend a large sum for some auspicious family-celebrations like marriage. Your relationship with your

spouse and in-laws may not be very cordial.

In your chart, Rahu is situated in either an angular (kendra) position from the placement of Mercury. Besides, the 4th-

lord is either conjoined with Rahu or aspects it. This is a favorable combination; for being placed in such a position,

Rahu bestows academic distinction, and excellent progress in intellectual pursuits - which will help you to have

excellent advancement in your sphere of profession. You will be highly fortunate, and successful in all your endeavors

during the period when the Dasha or Bhukti of Rahu will operate. However, you may face some irritating minor

problems during the closing period of the same.

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Results from Position of Ketu :In your horoscope, Ketu is situated in the 8th-house. For this, you may not be in good health, and you are likely to

suffer owing to exposure to poisonous chemicals, hot gases, fumes, dust, radiation, or other pollutants. The health and

well being of your spouse might also keep you in worried state. If Sun is situated together with Ketu, then you father

might develop a short-fuse temper, and cause you much of annoyance or worries. Besides, you may be compelled to

bear the burden of some dependants much against your will.

Results from Position of Uranus :In your horoscope, Uranus is situated in sign Sagittarius. For this, you are likely to have a well-developed body-

structure of tall stature with strong arms and hands, and quite supple lower limbs; you might be fond of horses, racing,

hunting, and other outdoor sports activities. You may be endowed with a great zeal for expeditions, explorations, and

even missions - academic, cultural or even religious. You may suffer from ailments like heat generation in blood,

endemic diseases, hurts or injuries caused by animals, affection of hips, thighs, femurs, etc.

In your horoscope, Uranus is situated in the Ascendant. For this, you may acquire a wayward nature, erratic behavior,

and stubborn disposition. If some counteracting combinations are not present in your chart, then you may even have to

be separated from your parents and kindred. You should also remain very careful that you might unexpectedly receive

injury to your head from a fast moving part of a running equipment or machinery.

Results from Position of Neptune :In your horoscope, Neptune is situated in sign Sagittarius. For this, you are likely to have a handsome/ attractive body-

structure of above-average stature with fair complexion, brownish hair, prominent nose, and long legs. You will be

endowed with honest nature and possess generous instincts; you will never associate yourself with anything deceptive,

tricky, or unfair; besides, you will be quick to discern these traits in others. You will have a strong fascination for life

in distant places, and may undertake a few long journeys. You may suffer from ailments like arterial disease, affection

of hip joint, dislocated disc, sciatica, cramp of lower limbs, etc.

In your horoscope, Neptune is situated in the Ascendant. For this, you might be endowed with a restless spirit,

inconstant nature, visionary mind, and wandering disposition. You may have a taste for maritime life or otherwise

enjoy your pastime on the surface of water. If counteracting combinations are not present in your chart, then you may

suffer from a wasting disease, or owing to some sworn enemies remain very fearful.

Results from Position of Pluto :In your horoscope, Pluto is situated in sign Libra. For this, you are likely to have a handsome/ attractive figure of

above-average stature with blue eyes and light-colored hair. You will be endowed with graceful poise, and a

developed sense of balanced deportment. You will always be winning to cooperate with others, and others in turn will

also reciprocate the very same to you. Your spouse may be very supportive, and actively assist you in all possible

ways - which may help you to play an important role in social and public life. You may suffer from ailments like

black jaundice, uremia, floating kidney, affection of suprarenal glands, etc.

In your horoscope, Pluto is situated in the 11th-house. For this, you may tend to form friendships very quickly;

although you may derive some benefits from some such new friends, most of such relations may not last long, and

some of them might even turn out to be quite inimically disposed to you - more so if they belong to the opposite

gender. Thus, you may at times feel very lonely and isolated. You may also experience some sudden fluctuation in

respect of your earnings from your profession.

Sample, 01:11:1990, 11:11:11, new delhi 2727

Recommendation for suitable Gemstone (Ratna)Gemstone(Ratna) For Ascendant-Lord

Asendent(Lagna) Loard - JupiterYour Ascendant-lord is Jupiter. But since it is placed in a trika-house, it is not advisable for you to wear a gemstone

for the planet Jupiter.

Gemstone(Ratna) For 9th house Lord (Navamesh)

9th House Loard - SunSince your 9th-lord is debilitated, you can wear a gem-stone for Sun only if you are so advised by a competent

professional Astrologer.

Ratna (Gemstone) for Planet Sun

Physical Attributes of Ruby

Ruby is a hard and bright stone, which is available in red, pink, reddish orange, purplish red and blackish red. Red

Spinal, Red Garnet and Rubelite are substitutes for Ruby.

Benefits of wearing Ruby

Ruby is symbol of beauty, health, friendship and power. Wearer becomes stalwart and courageous after wearing it.

Wearer gets name and fame. It removes the depression of mind. By wearing Ruby, heart becomes stronger and it

balances the blood circulation in the body. It increases happiness, health, courage, love, enthusiasm, and generosity. It

bestows wealth, success and longevity to the wearer. It protects from enemies and untoward happening to the wearer.

It is beneficial in digestion and biliousness. Wearer gets inspired towards religious and auspicious works. It gives

Sample, 01:11:1990, 11:11:11, new delhi 2828

strength to wearers mind for devotion and desire of pilgrimage. It eliminates physical diseases and problems. It

removes ghost and obsession related problems.

Impact of Ruby on diseases

By wearing Ruby or using its ash, following diseases get cured - blood related problems, blood in stool, impotence,

diarrhoea, piles with blood, hiccup, indigestion, gas outburst, pain in body parts, headache, pain in abdomen etc.

Important instructions for wearing Ruby

Wearer should always wear Ruby with good luster, clean color and free from blemishes, it will increase fortune. Ruby

should be worn in ring or locket made of gold or copper. It should be in constant touch with the skin, so wearing in

ring will be more beneficial. The weight of Ruby should be 3-5 carat (minimum 3 ratti). Men should wear stones in

right hand and women should wear in left hand. When there is Pushya castellation on Sunday, then set Ruby in ring or

locket between 9 to 12 AM and wear it. In absence of Pushya castellation, when there is Krittika, Uttarafalguni or

Uttarashadha castellation on any Sunday, then ring or locket may be made that day also, but Pushya castellation is

more auspicious.

On Sunday, take a bath and wear clean/fresh clothes between 9 to 10 AM. After that, sit in front of the idol of Lord

Ganesha to perform worship while facing towards east. First of all, light a lamp filled with Ghee and light some

incense sticks, then offer flowers, fruits and sweets to deity. After that, wash the gemstone ring or locket with

Panchamrita (mix of milk, curd, ghee, sugar and honey). Now re-wash this gemstone ring or locket with Ganga Jala or

pure water and place it to the feet of deity.

Now, recite the beeja mantra of Sun for 7 times. After this, recite dhyan mantra and rigaveda mantra for once. And at

the end, recite Surya ashtottara shatanamavali (108 names of Sun). Now, hold your palms together, close your eyes

and concentrate on Lord Sun and kneel down. After that, wear ring in ring finger of right hand or locket around your

neck with full faith.

Procedure for donation of Ruby

Sun Yantra

Sample, 01:11:1990, 11:11:11, new delhi 2929

Write Sun Yantra on gold plate, set a Ruby in the middle of yantra and perform 'Prana-Pratishtha'. Then enchant the

Ruby by Sun mantra. Now, donate wheat, jaggery, calf with cow, lotus, gold, red cloth, copper, red sandal, saffron,

coral and dakshina to the priest before 12 AM. All the malefic effects gets removed and desires gets fulfilled by

donating this way.

The time period of effect of Ruby

Starting from the day, stone settled in ring, Ruby remains effective till 4 years and after that it becomes ineffective.

So, wearer should change Ruby after above time period.

Gemstone(Ratna) For Yoga-Karaka Planet

Yoga-Karak Planet - There is no natural yoga-karaka planet for your Ascendant.

Gemstone(Ratna) For Temporal Yoga-Karaka Planet

Temporal Yoga-Karak Planet -There is no temporal yoga-karaka planet in your chart.

Sample, 01:11:1990, 11:11:11, new delhi 3030

Birth tithi based Rudraksha recommendationAs you had been born in Chaturdashi Tithi, 14-faced Rudraksha is being recommended for you.

The presiding deity of this Rudraksha is Jyotirlinga or Lord Shiva. To the wearer, it confers divine gifts of perfect

knowledge and wisdom. The wearer can see the past, present and future and can cure diseases caused by evil effects

of afflicted planets, black magic, etc. It destroys all the sins and blesses with able children when one wears it on


Thread fourteen-faced rudraksh in red thread on Monday, make it touch to Shivling and wear it around neck while

enchanting AUM NAMAH SHIVAY.

Time for wearing RudrakshaGenerally Monday is considered as auspicious day for wearing rudraksh, but to wear on day of Shivaratri is best.

Besides this, auspicious time for wearing rudraksh is mentioned below:

Auspicious Month (Hindi Masa)Aashwin & Kartik Months - Best

Margshirsh & Falgun Months - Good

Aasharh & Sravan months - Below Average

Bhadrapad, Paush & More Month (Malamas) - Inauspicious

Auspicious DayThe day on which planet & castellation are favorable to name sign of wearer , he / she should wear rudraksh on that


Sunday, Monday, Wednwsday, Thursday and Friday are best for wearing Rudraksha, while Tuesday and Saturday are

considered as inauspicious.

Auspicious Phase (Paksha)For materialistic comforts, Rudraksh should wear during Waxing Moon (Shukla Paksha) and for spiritual gain

rudraksh should wear during Wanning Moon (Krishna Paksha).

Auspicious Tithi2nd, 5th, 10th, 13th & Full Moon light (Purnima) dates of Hindi months are best for wearing rudraksh.

Auspicious AscendantAries, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn & Aquarius are auspicious ascendant for wearing rudraksh.

Auspicious Constellation (Star)

Sample, 01:11:1990, 11:11:11, new delhi 3131

Swati, Vishakha, Rohini, Jyeshtha, Uttaraphalguni, Uttarasharha, Hast, Ashwini, Dhanishtha, Shatbhisha & Shravan

constellations are auspicious for wearing rudraksh. Besides this, wearing rudraksh during any eclips, Makar Sankranti,

Ayan, Shiv Chaudas, Basant Panchami and full dark night (Amawasya) is also good.

Desired Rules for wearing Rudraksh (Shshtrokta rules)

Clean your mouth after becoming fresh in the morning. Recitation or enchanting done from unclean mouth may not

produce desired results.

×äwæ³æäçh çßãèÙSØ Ù ×¢˜æÑ ÈܼæØ·ÑÐ

¼¢ÌçÁÃãæ çß³æäçh¢ ¿ ÌÌÑ ·äØæüÌ÷ Âý؈ÙÌÑ ÐÐAfter it, take pure water for bath. After taking bath, concentrate your mind and start worship. Before starting of

worship, you must purify land. Mantra for purification of land:

ú ¥ÂçߘæÑ Âçߘææ~ ßæ âßæüßS‰ææ¢ ‚æÌæ~ùç ßæÑÐ

ØÑ S×Ú~Ì÷ Âä‡ÇÚè·æÿæ¢ â Õæã÷ØæzØ¢ÌÚÑ ³æäç¿Ñ ÐÐUse Kush (a kind of weed) Aasan (Seat) for sitting while worshipping and face towards East. Keep a vessel filled with

pure water during worship. Keep coconut on the vessel and perform Pran Pritishta proceeding. Invite all Goddess &

Gods along with Kuldevta and worship rudraksh.

First of all, wash the Rudraksha from cow dung, cow's urine, milk, curd, ghee etc. (Panchgavya), then wash it again

with Ganges water or pure water. Now, take 9 banyan leaves in a bronze dish and form eightpedaled (ashtadal) lotus

from 8 leaves out of taken 9 leaves and keep one leaf at centre of lotus. Keep rudraksha on centre leaf. Now, recite

'Om Namah Shivaya' mantra for three times. After that, pour water on yourself and all the materials are being used in

worship, while reciting following mantra for three times -

ú ¥ÂçߘæÑ Âçߘææ~ ßæ âßæüßS‰ææ¢ ‚æÌæ~ùç ßæÑ Ð

ØÑ S×Ú~Ì÷ Âä‡ÇÚè·æÿæ¢ â Õæã÷ØæzØ¢ÌÚÑ ³æäç¿Ñ ÐÐ

ú ‚æäLzØæ~ Ù×ÑÐ ú ‚æ‡æ~³ææØ Ù×ÑÐ ú ·äܼ~ßÌæzØæ~ Ù×ÑÐ ú §cż~ßÌæzØæ~ Ù×ÑÐ ú ×æÌëçÂÌë¿Ú‡æ·×Ü~zØæ~ Ù×ÑÐNow take ganges water in right hand with spoon and drink it while reciting each following mantra -

ú ·~³æßæØ Ù×ÑÐ ú ÙæÚæ؇ææØ Ù×ÑÐ ú ×æŠæßæØ Ù×ÑÐNow, wash your hand while reciting following mantra and leave the water on ground -

ú ‚ææ~çß‹¼æØ Ù×ÑÐNow, take ganges water in right hand and recite following mantra of Pranayam Viniyoga and leave the water on

ground -

ú Âý‡æßSØ ÂÚÕýræ « çcæÑ ÂÚ×æˆ×æ ¼~ßÌæ ¼~ßè ‚ææؘæè À¢¼Ñ Âýæ‡ææØæ×~ çßçÙØæ~‚æÑÐThen, perform three Pranayama with following mantra -

ú zæåÑ ú zæäßÑ ú SßÑ ú ×ãÑ ú ÁÙÑ ú ÌÂÑ ú âˆØ×Ð

ú zæåzæäüßÑ SßÑ ÌˆâçßÌäßüÚ~‡Ø¢ zæ‚ææ~ü¼~ßSØ Šæè×çãÐ

çŠæØæ~ Øæ~ ÙÑ Âý¿æ~¼ØæÌ÷Ð ú ¥æÂæ~ •Øæ~çÌÑ Úâæ~ù×ëÌ¢ Õýræ zæåzæäüßÑ SßÚæ~×÷ÐNow, recite following mantra while pouring water on rudraksha through Kush or spoon -

ú âlæ~ÁæÌ¢ ÂýÂlæç× âlæ~ÁæÌæØ Ù×æ~ Ù×Ñ Ð

zæß~zæß~ÙæçÌ zæß~zææßSß×æÙ zæßæ~¼÷zæßæØ Ù×Ñ ÐÐ

Sample, 01:11:1990, 11:11:11, new delhi 3232

Then, recite following mantra while adhibiting sandal and fragranced oil in flower and make it touch to redraksha -

ú ßæ×¼~ßæØ Ù×Ñ, ú •Ø~cÆæØ Ù×Ñ, ú Ÿæ~cÆæØ Ù×Ñ, ú L¼ýæØ Ù×Ñ, ú ·Üçß·Ú‡ææØ Ù×Ñ, ú ÕÜçß·Ú‡ææØ Ù×Ñ, ú

ÕÜæØ Ù×Ñ, ú ÕÜÂý׉æÙæØ Ù×Ñ, ú âßüzæå̼×ÙæØ Ù×Ñ, ú ×Ùæ~‹×ÙæØ Ù×ÑÐThen, recite following mantra while offering Dhoop -

ú ¥ƒææ~Ú~zØæ~ ¥ƒæƒææ~Ú~zØæ~Ñ ƒææ~Ú ƒææ~ÚÌÚ~zØÑÐ

âß~üzØÑ âßü ³æß~üzØæ~ Ù×SÌ~SÌä L¼ýMÂ~zØÑ ÐÐThen apply sandal and fragranced oil with flower while reciting Rudra Gayatri mantra -

ú ̈ÂäLcææØ çß¼÷×ã~ ×ãæ¼~ßæØ Šæè×çã Ì‹Ùæ~ L¼ýÑ Âý¿æ~¼÷ØæÌ÷ÐAfter applying sandal, concentrate on bead of rudraksh and recite Ishan mantra -

ú §ü³ææÙÑ âßüçßlæÙæ×è³ßÚÑ âßüzæåÌæÙæ¢Ð

ÕýrææçŠæÂçÌÕýüræ‡ææ~ùçŠæÂçÌÑ Õýrææ ç³æßæ~ ×~ ¥SÌä â¼æ ç³æßæ~×÷ ÐÐ

Specific rules for wearing 14-face Rudraksha

Viniyoga -Take Ganges water in spoon in the right hand, recite following Viniyoga Mantra and leave the water on the ground.

ú ¥SØ Ÿæè ãÙä׋ע˜æSØ, Úæ׿‹¼ý « çcæÑ, Á‚æÌè À‹¼Ñ, Ÿæè ãÙä×g~ßÌæ, ú ÕèÁ¢ ãSÈýñ¢ ³æçvÌÑ, ¿Ìäßü‚æü çâh؉æ~ü L¼ýæÿæ ŠææÚ‡ææ‰æ~ü

ÁÂ~ çßçÙØæ~‚æÑÐ

Rhishyadinyas -Touch your own body parts - head, mouth, heart and legs respectively by your right hand while reciting following


ú Úæ׿‹¼ý « cæØ~ Ù×Ñ ç³æÚâ~, Á‚æÌè À‹¼â~ Ù×æ~ ×äwæ~, ãÙä×g~ßÌæØñ Ù×æ~ Nç¼, ¥æñ¢ ÕèÁæØ Ù×æ~ ‚æäs~, ãSÈýñ¢ ³æçvÌÑ Ù×Ñ Âæ¼Øæ~,

çßçÙØæ~‚ææØ Ù×Ñ âßæü¢‚æ~Ð

Karnyas -Touch thumb, index finger, middle finger, ring finger, little finger and front-back side of your palm while reciting

following mantra.

ú ú ¥¢‚æäcÆæzØæ¢ Ù×Ñ, ú ¥æñ¢ ÌÁüÙèzØæ¢ Ù×Ñ, ú ãSÈýñ¢ ׊Ø×æzØæ¢ Ù×Ñ, ú wæyÈýñ¢ ¥Ùæç×·æzØæ¢ Ù×Ñ, ú ãâýæñ¢

·çÙçcÆ·æzØæ¢ Ù×Ñ, ú ãâyÈýñ¢ ·ÚÌÜ ·ÚÂëcÆæzØæ¢ Ù×ÑÐ

Hridyadinyas -Touch your heart, head, both arms and eyes while reciting following mantra and by the last mantra, take your hands

above your head, take a round from back to front and give a clap on left hand by index finger and middle finger.

ú ú N¼ØæØ Ù×Ñ, ú ¥æñ¢ ç³æÚâ~ Sßæãæ, ú ãSÈýñ¢ ç³æwææØñ ßcæÅ÷, ú wæyÈýñ¢ ·ß¿æØ ãä×÷Ð ú ãâýæñ¢ Ù~˜æ˜æØæØ ßæñcæÅ÷, ú

ãâyÈýñ¢ ¥S˜ææØ ÈÅ÷Ð

Dhyan Mantra -

©l‹×æ}æü‡Ç·æ~çÅÂý·ÅLç¿ØäÌ¢ ¿æLßèÚæâÙS‰æ×÷

×æñTèØ™ææ~ÂßèÌæzæÚ‡æLç¿ç³æwææ³ææ~çzæÌ¢ ·ä‡ÇÜæzØæ×÷Ð

zævÌæÙæç×C¼æÙÂý߇æ×Ùäç¼Ù¢ ß~¼Ùæ¼Âý×æ~¼×÷

ŠØæg~ߢ çߊæ~Ø¢ ŒÜß»·äÜÂçÌ¢ »æ~c¼èzæåÌßæç¼×÷ÐÐRecite one of the following mantra for 1188 times. After completing recitation, keep rudraksh in a copper vessel.

After doing Pranayam, take vessel filled with water in left hand and touch lower part of vessel from right hand and

remove the right hand. Then sprinkle water on rudraksh and wear it.

Sample, 01:11:1990, 11:11:11, new delhi 3333























1-ú ¥æñ¢ ãSÈý~¢ wæÃÈý~¢ ã|æñ¢ ãâ¢ÃÈýñ (×åÜ ×¢˜æ)

2-ú Ç¢ ×æ¢ Ù×Ñ

3-ú Ùýæ×÷

4-ú Ù×æ~ Ù×Ñ

5-ú Ù×Ñ (¢¿æÿæÚè ×¢˜æ)

6-ú Ù×Ñ ç³æßæØ

7-ú ˜Ø¢Õ·¢ ØÁæ×ã~ â仢çŠæ¢ÂäçcÅߊæüÙ×÷, ©ßæüL·ç×ßÕ¢ŠæÙæ‹×ëˆØæ~×ëüÿæèØ ×æù×ëÌæÌ÷Ð

General Rules for wearing RudrakshFirst of all, wash rudraksha with ganges water on any Mondays or any other auspicious day. Then, apply sandal on

rudraksha. After that, offer Dhoop, lamp (Deep) etc. on rudrakhsa and then offer flower. After that, make it touch with

Shivalinga and recite 'Om Namah Shivaya' mantra for at least 11 times. Now, remmember Lord Shiava and wear it or

keep it at worshiping place.

After wearing Rudraksha follow these instructions.

×l¢ ×æ¢â¢ ¿ ÜæâäÙ¢ ÂÜæ¢Çä¢ ç³æ‚æýä¢ °ß ¿ Ð

³Ü~cæ¢ ¥¢Ì·¢ çßÇ÷ßæÚæ㢠zæÿæØ¢ ßÁüØ~ ÙÚÑ ÐÐDon't have non-vegetarian food stuffs, drugs (alcohol etc.), garlic, onion or any prohibited food stuff after wearing of

Rudraksh. Always have vegetarian food.

Don't make Rudraksh a show off thing.

Don't wear rudraksh at night and keep it at worshipping place & after taking bath in the morning wear it while

reciting AUM NAMAH SHIVAY at least 5 times. Whenever you put off the rosary, do keep it at worshipping place.

Don't have proud.

Be benevolent.

Don't insult or misuse rudraksh.

Control your temperament.

Behave & think virtuously.

Don't abuse anybody.

Follow the Brahmcharya.

Pour Gangajal on Rudraksh.

Don't use soap while taking bath.

Keep place clean and untainted while worshipping or wearing rudraksh.

Maintain the holiness of rudraksh.

Always wear rudraksh after getting done routine work and having bath.

Don't criticize any person or religion.

Stay away from dirtiness.

Have faith in rudraksh.

Give up lust, anger, lure & greediness.

Never hang rudraksh rosary on wall.

Keep away rudraksh from the woman whose menstrual cycle in on.

Don't go in any cremation while wearing rudraksh.

Important Note :Since a genuine Rudraksha is hot, if you are an aged person or physically have a weak constitution, then instead of

Rudraksha, you should better wear a Bhadraksha.

Sample, 01:11:1990, 11:11:11, new delhi 3434

Bhadraksha is like the Rudraksha, but of milder color and much less heat. It confers divine blessings of Gouri-

Shankara. It is excellent for good health and smooth-running comfortable life with family and friends.

Mantra for Bhadraksha

¥æ~ù×÷ ‚ææñÚè ³æ¢·ÚæØ Ù×ÑÐ

Subha Mantra for Bhadraksha

âßü ×¢‚æÜ ×梂æËØ~ ç³æß~ âßü‰ææ âæçŠæ·~

Ÿæ‡æØ~ ˜æØ{Õ·~ ‚ææñÚè ÙæÚæ؇æè Ù×SÌäÌ~ Ð

Some Tests for checking the genuineness of the Rudrakshas

Floatation test:When a genuine Rudraksha seed is gently placed on water, it will sink; but if a fake one is placed on water, it will

always float.

Copper Test:A genuine Rudraksha is very hot, and has electromagnetic attraction with Copper. If beads are held with a string over

a small round thin piece of Copper metal sheet (like a piece of Copper coin of old days), they tend to show a slow

gradual rotational movement. If the rotation is observed to be in clockwise direction, then it is considered auspicious;

otherwise, it is to be rejected – as it might be defective.

Milk test:If an authentic Rudraksha seed is kept in a cup of milk for a day, the milk will not get spoilt. But if it is a fake one, the

milk is to become spoilt.

Sample, 01:11:1990, 11:11:11, new delhi 3535










What is KaalSarpa Yoga?

When all the planets are hemmed between Rahu and Ketu i.e., the moon's north node and the moon's south node

KaalSarpa Yoga is formed. Complete KaalSarpa yoga is formed only when half of the chart is unoccupied by planets.

Even if one planet is outside the Rahu Ketu Axis there is no KaalSarpa Yoga.

The general impacts of KaalSarpa dosha are following :

Hurdles in every important and auspicious work.

Lesser Mental peace.

Deterioration of health and reduces longevity.

Poverty and destruction of wealth.

Destruction of business and loss of job.

Anxiety and unnecessary Tensions.

Bad Relations with family members and friends.

Treachery from friends and colleagues.

Very less help from relatives and friends.

KaalSarpa Yoga is applicable In your chart.

In your Kundali, due to the presence of Rahu in the 2nd house and Ketu in the 8th house, a situation of Kulik

KaalSarpa Yoga is being established. Because of the relation of Rahu with the house of money, the financial position

of this person will be critical. Entire life passes while struggling. His voice will be harsh and due to disputes in his

house there will be will not be peace. He has to suffer from financial losses many times in his life. He will remain

dissatisfied and sorrowful due to his business or service.

KalSarpa Yoga is an unfovrable yog. Sometimes, Kalsarp Yoga is seen at the first sight in this person's kundali, but if

seen thoroughly then there is a breach of Kalsarp yog, which doesn't show any unfavorable effect, still all people

Sample, 01:11:1990, 11:11:11, new delhi 3636




















affected by this Yoga should indulge in worshipping and should establish Kalsarp Yoga Shanti Yantra at home.

Calming of Kalsarpa Yoga and its Remedies

There are many remedies prescribed in Lal kitab to calm down Kalsarp yog. Those which show miraculous effects are

as follows:

Donate fresh raddish.

Have meal sitting in the kitchen.

Clean your teeth with the urine of cow.

Observe 16 shraddh faithfully in bhadrapad.

5-Float one coconut in the sea.

Worship the symbolic silver cobra on the occasion of Nagpanchmi. Invite your ancestors. Pray to the cobra that

your ancestors obtain the right path. Then float all the articles of worship along with the silver cobra in the river.

Place a silver Swastik at the entrance of you house.

If there are problems in your married life because of Kalsarp Yoga then remarry your wife.

Rahu is always hypnotized by Mantra, so give more importance to worship.

Keep barley grains by your side while sleeping in the night and feed them to birds at dawn.

Float more alive fishes than your age once or twice every year in the river.

Worship Lord Ganesha daily and chant the mantra 'Om Ganpatye Namh' regularly.

Worship Lord Ganesha every Wednesday and offer him the Laddos made ut of 'Bundy'. You must necessarily

worship Lord Ganesha on the occasion of Ganeshchaturthi.

Touch the Pepal tree on Saturday and offer sweet water to it.

15-Install a pecock feathered fan in the bedroom.

Feed millet etc. daily to the birds.

Make a hole in the coconut and put black sesame, barley, sugar powder, deshi ghee and some dry fruits in and

bury it under the soil where ants are. Do this experiment on Saturday.

Aspersoriumise one handful of green kidney bean with Rahu Mantra.Aspersoriumise one handful of green kidney

bean with Rahu Mantra.

Wear snakeshaped silver ring in the middle finger after aspersoriuming it with mantra.

Sample, 01:11:1990, 11:11:11, new delhi 3737

Checking the Prospect Of Education Estimating the hindering influences (if any)-

In your horoscope, the lord of a main education-related house (the 2nd-, or the 4th-, or the 5th-) is in retrogression. It

is rather an advantageous factor. But you may not be very regular or even overly studious; yet you will be endowed

with the special capacity of concentration, and cover quite a lot within an unbelievably short duration of time.

Probably your enthusiasm will reach its peak once during the beginning of the term/ year/ course, and once again just

before the final examination, in which you are sure to come out in flying colors.

In your horoscope, Mars is in retrogression. It is not at all a hindering factor for education - rather, it is quite

advantageous. You are sure to possess a high ambition and a sense of pride - which will indirectly encourage you for

having good education.

Aptitude and Proficiency (from 2nd House) - In your horoscope, the 2nd-lord is situated in the Ascendant. This is favorable for the prospect of education. You will

be endowed with good aptitude for education and academic proficiency - more so during the relatively early age-


Informal studies (from 3rd House)- In your horoscope, the 3rd-lord is situated in the Ascendant. This is an advantageous combination for having good

education. It indicates that you will be endowed with a high degree of patience, and pursue informal studies for

several years in various subjects of your interest.

Hand-writing (from 3rd House)- In your horoscope, the 3rd-lord is situated in the Ascendant. This is an advantageous combination for having good

education. It indicates that you will be endowed with an impressive personality, possess writing ability of extra-

ordinary kind, and your hand-writing will be quite attractive; it may even be termed as 'beautiful'.

Special role of the Ascendant-lord - In your horoscope, the Ascendant-lord throws its aspect on the 4th-house - which is the house of general education.

As the strength of the 4th-house has thus been enhanced, it will be advantageous for you for acquiring good education

- you will be a holder of a degree or diploma at least.

General Education - (from 4th-house) - In your horoscope, the 4th-lord is strongly placed - for being situated in exaltation or in own-sign or in own-

constellation. Its indications are favorable for receiving good education. You will not only successfully complete your

graduation, you are to pursue your education further; you may opt for receiving some professional education/ post-

education training from an institution of repute for enhancing your worth.

In your horoscope, one or more natural benefic planet(s) is/ are situated in the 4th-house. Its indications are favorable

for receiving good education. You will not only successfully complete your graduation, you are also very much likely

to pursue your education further; you may opt for receiving some professional education/ post-education training from

an institution of repute for enhancing your worth.

In your horoscope, the 4th-house receives aspect from one or more natural benefic planet(s). Its indications are

favorable for receiving good education. You will not only successfully complete your graduation, you are likely to

pursue your education further; you may opt for receiving some professional education/ post-education training from

an institution of repute for enhancing your worth.

Application-oriented education - (Inter-relationship between the other angular- and trinal-

Sample, 01:11:1990, 11:11:11, new delhi 3838

lords)- In your horoscope, the lords of the 7th- and the 9th- houses are conjoined together. This is a very favorable indication

for having some application-oriented education like technology or engineering. You will be endowed with keen

intellect and retentive memory. With least of efforts, you will easily be able to complete any professional course of

your choice. The subjects like business management and study of law might also attract your attention. Besides, you

might be grossly interested in export/ import business or foreign affairs.

In your horoscope, the lords of the 10th- and the 9th- houses are conjoined together. This is a very favorable

indication for having some application-oriented education like technology or engineering. You will be endowed with

keen intellect, retentive memory, profound nature and divine wisdom. With least of efforts, you will easily be able to

complete any professional course of your choice. You might be grossly interested in diplomatic functions, foreign

affairs or export/ import. Besides, you might be greatly interested in religion, philosophy, etc. You may go to distant

inland- or even foreign- places on a religious or cultural mission.

Prospect of Education and Areas of interest - (from Bhinnashtakavarga of Mercury)- In your horoscope, in Mercury's Bhinna-Ashtakavarga, there are a good number of (7 or 8) benefic dots in the

Ascendant. This is a favorable combination, and it will make you intelligent, suave and alert - in respect of gathering

useful information, and you will be capable of utilizing them in a purposeful manner - in an effective way.

In your horoscope, in Mercury's Bhinna-Ashtakavarga, there are a good number of (7 or 8) benefic dots in the 7th-

house. This is a favorable combination, and you will be endowed with keen intelligence, ready wit and a good sense

of humor. Your business sense will be quite well developed and you will be very successful in public dealings.

Considerations from the 10th-house : For Acuired Knowledge, which can be utilized in

profession - In your horoscope, the 10th-lord is situated in the constellation of the 4th-lord. As 10th-house signifies knowledge

while 4th-house indicates education, its indications are very favorable. It ensures that you will have good education

and informal studies as well - which will have effective utilization in your profession throughout your working life.

Considerations from the Divisional Chart Chaturvimshamsha : The quality- and extent- of

education - As in your D-24 Divisional chart (which is considered specially for education) the lord of a trine (trikona) house is

situated in an angle (kendra) house, it indicates that you are likely to pursue education in an application-oriented field;

there are chances that it might be technology or engineering.

Considerations from the total number of dots in Bhinnashtakavarga - In your horoscope, in the 3rd-house, the total number of benefic dots (contributed by the planets favorably disposed

for education) is found to be very good. This is a favorable combination, and you will be endowed with exceptional

writing ability; you will be very efficient in respect of handling correspondence/ communications, and dealing with

ever-changing lot of information about the latest developments.

In your horoscope, in the 6th-house, the total number of benefic dots (contributed by the planets favorably disposed

for education) is found to be very good. This is a favorable combination; if you have the inclination, then you may

acquire considerable knowledge and information about diseases and their cures by having formal or informal studies.

Even if you do not become a qualified medical practitioner, your profession or hobby may have some connection with


In your horoscope, in the 9th-house, the total number of benefic dots (contributed by the planets favorably disposed

Sample, 01:11:1990, 11:11:11, new delhi 3939

for education) is found to be very good. This is a favorable combination, and you are likely to have higher education;

it appears quite possible that you will be successful to complete some professional course for enhancing your worth in

your sphere of profession.

Sample, 01:11:1990, 11:11:11, new delhi 4040

Checking Prospect of Profession Since Saturn is situated in the 10th from your Moon-sign, you will be an embodiment of patience and perseverance;

you will be a strict disciplinarian, a hard task-master and firmness of purpose will mark your life. If Saturn is exalted

or situated in own house, you are sure to rise to a high position in life. But if Saturn is retrograde or debilitated or is

associated with or aspected by a natural malefic planet, then you will face failure and dishonor and may have the risk

of facing a steep downfall suddenly. Public affairs are likely to fail and bring in discredit coupled with huge losses.

You should remain very careful and cautious.

Since the Moon is aspecting the 10th house from your Ascendant, you will be very popular and will receive benefits

through close association with wealthy married ladies. You will possess multiple skills, impressive speaking powers

and may have artistic talents. You will have a desire for public life and may have many changes in occupation - it may

even be in different fields. You will be virtuous and if you are in business, you may rise in life fairly early but may

suffer a reversal. You may have many journeys to distant inland places and may even go to foreign countries in

connection with your profession.

Since Mars is aspecting the 10th from your Moon-sign, you will be a valorous person. If you are in police or defence

or in similar other active service, you will do well and will secure a position of authority and power. You will have a

high spirit of freedom and desire for conquests. If Mars is neither exalted nor situated in own house, you may have a

fault-finding and quarrelsome nature. You may find pleasure in being cruel others; if Mars is associated with or

aspected by a natural malefic planet, you may become a victim of slander and disrepute and your life may be filled

with turmoil and strife.

Since Saturn is aspecting the 10th from your Ascendant, you will be an embodiment of patience and perseverance;

you will be a strict disciplinarian, a hard task-master and firmness of purpose will mark your life. If Saturn is exalted

or situated in own house, you are sure to rise to a high position in life. But if Saturn is retrograde or debilitated or is

associated with or aspected by a natural malefic planet, then you will face failure and dishonor and may have the risk

of facing a steep downfall suddenly. Public affairs are likely to fail and bring in discredit coupled with huge losses.

You should remain very careful and cautious.

Since your 10th-lord is associated with the Sun, you will receive favors and benefits from your superiors and also

from the government authorities. You are likely to be employed in a government or semi-government undertaking or

in connection with your profession/ business, you may have to deal with senior government officials.

Since your 10th-lord is associated with Venus, you will be highly fortunate in respect of your profession. You will

work in very beautiful and comfortable surroundings and will remain in contact with the cream of the society. You

will earn exceedingly well and lead a class life in comfort and style. Show business and showrooms will attract you

greatly and your profession may have something to do with show.

Since Jupiter is the primary significator for profession in your chart, you will have much of interest in money matters;

as such, your profession may have some connection with banking, insurance, tax-matters, speculation, investment, etc.

If Venus is well-placed in your chart, then you may study law and if Mercury is well-placed in the chart, then you may

work in an advisory capacity or become a consultant. You will be learned in Astrology and allied subjects like

Mantra, Tantra, etc and may become an author. You will have strong religious inclinations and might be attracted to

spiritualism; you may become a priest or monk. You might also be the interested in Gynaecology or Meteorology.

Sample, 01:11:1990, 11:11:11, new delhi 4141

Observations from K.C.D Jeeva-Rashi and Amsha-Rashi

Your KCD Jeeva-Rashi : Gemini

Your KCD Amsha-Rashi : Capricorn

As Saturn aspects your Jeeva Rashi (= Life), you may look somewhat grave or stern. If some modifying influences are

not present in your chart, then you will have a serious disposition, and might become a strict disciplinarian. You will

be a hard-working person, fulfill your commitments, and will insist that your friends and associates also behave with

you in a similar manner. You will take care to accumulate wealth and increase your possessions slowly and steadily,

and lead a secured life in old age.

Your KCD Amsha falls in sign Capricorn. The indications are not very favorable. If some benign modifying

influences are not present in your chart, then you are likely to be engaged in doing some undesirable deeds or

nefarious activities - for which you might be put to blame or accusation. If both of Mars and Saturn are not well

disposed in your chart, then you might become tempted to commit some crime or sin against God and man - for which

you might even be cursed or condemned.

Sample, 01:11:1990, 11:11:11, new delhi 4242

Checking Prospect of Marriage In your chart, in the Bhinna Astakavarga of Venus, there are 5 (or more number of) benefic dots in the 7th from

Venus. This is a highly fortunate combination in respect of the natural significations of Venus - marriage and

happiness in married life. You will be highly fortunate in respect of your spouse. She/ He will be very attractive

looking, hail from a decent family, will be very cultured, well mannered, and refined in taste. Your married life will

be very joyful and happy, as you will consider each other to be dearer than your own lives.

In your chart, in the Bhinna Astakavarga of Saturn, there are 3 (or less number of) benefic dots in the 7th from Venus.

This is not at all a fortunate combination in respect of the natural significations of Venus - marriage and happiness in

married life. If some benign modifying influences are not present in your chart, then you may not be very fortunate in

respect of your spouse. She/ He would neither be very attractive looking, nor hail from a decent family; besides, she/

he might be quite lacking in culture, manners and refinement in taste. Although she/ he might be industrious, yet your

married life may not be very happy, as she/ he might have an argumentative and obstinate nature, coupled with

absolutely unrealistic vainglorious disposition.

In your chart, in Jupiter Bhinna Astakavarga, there are 5 (or more number of) benefic dots in the 7th from Venus. This

is a highly fortunate combination. You will be very fortunate in respect of your spouse. She/ He will be kind-hearted

and generous, hail from a very decent family; she/ he will be prudent, well mannered and dutiful as well. Your

married life will be very fruitful and happy, as you will be endowed with abundance and plenty.

In your chart, the 7th house falls in a navamsha owned by a natural malefic planet, and its lord is neither exalted nor

situated in own sign in Lagna-Kundali or in Navamsha-Kundali. This is not at all a favorable combination. If some

benign modifying influences are present in your chart, and your married life may not be very happy. You may have

misunderstandings with your spouse quite frequently, and quarrels may break out pretty often.

In your chart, the lord of the 7th house - as reckoned from the three points: Ascendant, Moon-sign, Sun and Venus -

have all become blemished owing to retrogression, or debilitation, or combustion, or for being eclipsed. This is a

highly unfavorable combination. If some benign modifying influences are not present in your chart, then your

marriage-alliances could be broken - more than once - just before finalization, or you may not be interested to get

married for any reason best known to you. However, if you still can get married per chance, then your married life is

likely to be neither peaceful nor at all happy.

In your chart, Moon is associated with (or aspected by) Jupiter while Venus is associated with Mercury. This is a

highly auspicious 'Ishta Yoga' combination.

In your chart, one or more natural malefic planet(s) is/ are situated in both of the 4th house and the 8th house, while

no natural malefic planet is situated in either of these two houses. This is a highly favorable combination. If some

counteracting benign modifying influences are not operating in your chart, then your married life is far less likely to

be peaceful or happy either; it may rather become quite burdensome and grossly unhappy.

In your chart, in the Bhinna Ashtakavarga of Venus, there are 4 (or 5) dots in the 7th from Venus. This is a favorable

combination. Your spouse will be a very considerate person; she/ he will give due importance to your likes and

dislikes, and value your opinions. Your married life will be joyful and happy.

Sample, 01:11:1990, 11:11:11, new delhi 4343

In your Navamsha chart, the 7th-lord is a natural malefic planet; it is neither exalted nor in own house or in own

nakshatra. This is not at all a favorable combination. If some benign modifying influences are not present in your

chart, then your married life is likely to be unhappy owing to misunderstandings and frequent emotional outbursts.

In your Navamsha chart, a natural malefic planet is situated in the 7th - which is neither exalted nor in own house or in

own nakshatra. This is an unfavorable combination. If some benign modifying influences are not present in your chart,

then your married life is likely to be unhappy owing to misunderstandings even owing to silly reasons, and frequent

emotional outbursts resulting from these.

In your chart, the natural significator for marriage (Venus) is situated together with the 6th-lord. This is not a

favorable combination. If some strong benign influences are not present in your chart, then you may not be very

fortunate in respect of your spouse. She/ He might be sickly and may have an unpredictable nature and quick temper -

for which you may lack peace and happiness in marriage. The duration of your married life may also not be very long.

In your chart, as reckoned from Venus, two signs out of the three significant signs (the 4th, the 8th and the 12th) are

occupied by only natural malefic planets, while no natural benefic planet is situated in any of these two signs. This is a

highly unfavorable combination, categorized as 'Arishta Yoga'. If some strong benign influences are not present in

your chart, then you may not be interested to get married - owing to adverse circumstances; however, if you get

married, your married life is likely to be unhappy - owing to various causes and developments.

You are a male person. In your chart, a natural malefic planet is situated in the 7th-house or aspects it, while no

natural benefic planet is situated together with it (or aspects it); and the 2nd house is also similarly disposed. This

overall planetary configuration is unfavorable. If some strong counteracting influences are not present in your chart,

then it is very much likely to mar happiness in your married life. You may even have to face some untoward

happening - like physical assault, open combat, lawsuit or quarrel - on account of or owing to your wife.

Sample, 01:11:1990, 11:11:11, new delhi 4444

Travels, Tours & Foreign Journey In your horoscope, a majority of planets (4 or more) are situated in a movable (chara) sign. This indicates that you will

travel quite a lot, and have many short-distance- and long-distance- journeys as well.

In your horoscope, the 9th-lord is situated in a movable (chara) sign. This indicates that you will have many changes,

and frequent journeys to long-distance places.

In your horoscope, the 3rd-lord is situated in the second half (charardha or half adjacent to movable signs) of a

common (ubhaya) sign. This indicates that you will have many changes, and frequent journeys to short-distance


In your horoscope, the 8th-lord is situated in the 4th-house or aspects it, and the 8th-lord is neither exalted nor situated

in own house or own nakshatra. This is an unfavorable combination indicating possibility of having sudden

'dislocation'. Unless counteracting combinations are present in your horoscope, you may have change of residence a

few times, and may not remain in the same place for long. Alternately, it is also possible that you may have a

transferable job or job-changes a few times - which may in turn command change of place of residence.

In your horoscope, a faster moving planet (which is not retrograde) is involved in close 'sextile' aspect with another

planet in 'applying' posture. This indicates the possibility of your moving to a short-distance place (from your place of

birth or native place) wherein you will prosper and will stay there for a fairly long duration.

In your horoscope, a faster moving planet (which is not retrograde) is involved in close 'trine' aspect with another

planet in 'applying' posture. This indicates the possibility of your shifting to a long-distance place (from your place of

birth or native place) - wherein you will prosper, and stay for a fairly long duration.

In your horoscope, a faster moving planet (which is not retrograde) is involved in close 'square' aspect with another

planet in 'applying' posture. This indicates the possibility of your shifting to a long-distance place (from your place of

birth or native place) owing to some sudden and unexpected development, and you may stay there for a fairly long

duration. If some counteracting combinations are not present in the horoscope, then sudden setback in profession may

be the probable cause.

In your horoscope, a faster moving planet (which is not retrograde) is involved in close 'quincunx' aspect with another

planet in 'applying' posture. This indicates the possibility of your shifting to a long-distance place (from your place of

birth or native place) owing to some sudden and unexpected development, and you may stay there for a fairly long

duration. If some counteracting combinations are not present in the horoscope, then the probable cause may be sudden

change of circumstances, accidental or untoward happening, etc.

In your horoscope, a faster moving planet (which is not retrograde) is involved in close 'opposition' aspect with

another planet in 'applying' posture. This indicates the possibility of your shifting to a long-distance place (from your

place of birth or native place) owing to some change of circumstances, and you may stay there for a fairly long

duration. If some counteracting combinations are not present in the horoscope, then it may happen owing to fixation

of marriage, for setting up of a new business venture in partnership or collaboration or for going to a distant inland

place (or a foreign country) on an important errand.

Sample, 01:11:1990, 11:11:11, new delhi 4545

In your horoscope, a natural malefic planet is situated very close to the 6th house-cusp. This indicates that you will be

very bold, fond of driving vehicles, and find speeding past to be an exhilarating experience. But as the natural malefic

planet happens to be retrograde, you should remain careful and cautious while driving - as the possibility of facing an

accidental mishap would always hang on. You should remain more careful while you are returning home back.

Favorable Direction - Where to Go ?

If some counteracting combinations are not present in your horoscope, the favorable direction for you will be


Sample, 01:11:1990, 11:11:11, new delhi 4646

Prepared by astrolipi.com on 05 November 2017Please visit us at www.astrolipi.com. Email: [email protected]

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Sample, 01:11:1990, 11:11:11, new delhi 4747