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Samaritan’s Purse Australia Limited · Samaritan’s Purse is a non-profit, Christian organisation providing emergency relief and development assistance to suffering people around

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Samaritan’s Purse Australia Limited


Samaritan’s Purse Australasia – Operation

Christmas Child

Annual Reviews

Year Ended 31st December 2015

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Samaritan’s Purse Australia Limited P O Box 346, Penrith, NSW 2751 - Telephone +61288251300


Mission Statement

Samaritan’s Purse is a non-profit, Christian organisation providing emergency relief and development assistance to suffering people around the world. Samaritan’s Purse is meeting the physical needs of victims of war, poverty, natural disaster, disease, and famine with the aim of demonstrating God’s love and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ.

The aid and assistance are given without regard to the race, creed, gender, religion, or ethnicity of the beneficiaries.

New Initiatives for 2015

In 2015 we started our first ever “build back better” work in Vanuatu to rebuild pre-schools which had been destroyed by cyclone Pam. “Build back better” is done with the assistance of Australian and New Zealand volunteers.

In 2015 we started a pilot program in Cambodia to upskill teachers and vastly improve literacy and numeracy in village schools through the introduction of learning resources that include computer tablets for children to fast track their literacy and numeracy. This was very successful with literacy levels increasing from 14% to 67% on average at the schools we piloted the program in. This is being expanded to additional schools in 2016

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Samaritan’s Purse Australia Limited project highlights for year ended 31-12-2015 We summarise in this report our work during the year ended 31st December 2015, in each of the sectors of aid and assistance we specialise in.

Animals and Agriculture projects

We partner with in-country organisations that equip people in poverty with the skills and resources to develop sustainable livelihoods.

This enables them to break the cycle of poverty and build a new future for themselves and their families. Our “Livelihoods” programs empower people in poverty to generate income from employment, business, or subsistence farming. Our new work in this sector in 2015:

2015 Animals, Agriculture and Livelihoods Statistics

Item Country Name Number of Beneficiaries

Agriculture Mongolia Livelihood Recovery Project 1,740 Mongolia Winter Disaster Recovery 110

Mongolia Agricultural Cooperatives 300 Total 2,150

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Water and Sanitation projects Every 90 seconds a child dies from a water-related disease - 160 million children suffer from stunting and chronic malnutrition linked to water and sanitation - Globally, 1/3 of all schools lack access to safe water and sanitation - Diarrhoea is the 3rd leading cause of child death, a majority of which are water-related1

These are shocking statistics but with the financial support of our donors, we fund the drilling of wells, provide water filters, rain tanks and improved sanitation, for thousands of children and families. Our new work in this sector during 2015:

2015 Water and Sanitation Statistics

Type of Water Source Country Number of Sources Constructed

Number of Beneficiaries

Bio Sand Water Filters Cambodia 1,900 9,500 Wells Cambodia 12 600 Latrines Cambodia 18 900 Health and Hygiene Education Cambodia 6,248 Ceramic Filters Cambodia 1018 5,090

Total Sources 2,948 Total Beneficiaries 22,338

1 World Health Organization and UNICEF Joint Monitoring Program (JMP). (2015) Progress on Drinking Water and Sanitation, 2015 Update and MDG Assessment

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Education projects Education provides the building blocks for a new future and is a vital element in breaking the cycle of poverty.

Samaritan’s Purse strives to give impoverished children access to quality education in developing nations.

Our education projects build schools and pre-schools, pay for literacy and numeracy projects and upskills teachers.

2015 Education Statistics

Item Country Name No Beneficiaries Preschools Cambodia Phnom Krom 44 Preschools Cambodia Banon 41 Preschools Cambodia Toul Kros 48 Preschools Cambodia Sang Kom 50 Preschools Cambodia Douken 39

Total Preschools 222 Building Projects Cambodia Bos Thom Figures given in report

were totals for all 5 brand new schools

Cambodia Kauk Prech Cambodia O'Kach Cambodia Prasat Cambodia Srah Plous

Total teachers impacted 21 Total students impacted 931

School Program Cambodia We can Read We Can Write (students)


Cambodia Better Teachers, Better Education (teachers)


Cambodia High School of New Beginnings


Mongolia A Future Without Alcoholism 10,000 Total School Programs 11,227

Vocational Training Cambodia Office Skills Training Centre 5,651 Vocational Training Vietnam Hoa Sua Vocational Training 10

Total Vocational Training 5,661 Sport (Leadership training) Solomon Islands Sports and Leadership

Training 450

Total Sport Programs 450

Total 18,512

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Health and Nutrition projects Improved health drastically increases the quality of life for children, families and communities in poverty.

The picture on the left shows a mother and child who were beneficiaries of our projects in a Cambodia, standing with a Samaritan’s Purse Cambodian employee.

We promote health and disease prevention by building health clinics and by providing health education and a range of health services.

With the right mix of programs and facilities, the health of whole communities is positively impacted.

2015 Health and Nutrition Statistics

Item Country Name Number of Beneficiaries Clinics/Hospitals Jordan Annoor Sanatorium- ACSD

Project (Solar Power) 3,500

Cambodia Maternity Ward Sandan construction


Cambodia Maternity Ward Themi construction


Cambodia Maternity Ward Thmo Krae construction


South Sudan Maban Hospital extension of facilities


Total Clinics/Hospitals 91,000 Health and Nutrition Cambodia Maternal Infant Child Health

project 8,314

Total 99,314

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People at Risk projects We work with in-country ministry partners offering education that will prevent trafficking and we also provide assistance, protection and care for people at risk. Our work includes projects in orphanages, assistance for destitute Cambodian migrants returning from Thailand to their villages of origin, and Safe Migration and Trafficking awareness. We also provide assistance to encourage youth to stay away from crime and alcoholism influences in their neighbourhood.

The photo on the left is of some of the tens of thousands of migrants who cross borders daily from Cambodia to

Thailand to seek work. Many of these do so without proper permits and education and consequently are often exploited and eventually arrested and expelled by the Thailand authorities. We part fund a Migrant Assistance Centre at the Thailand/Cambodia Poipet border to help expelled migrants, giving them refreshments, trauma counsel if needed, and assistance with transport back to their villages.

2015 People at Risk Statistics

Item Country Name Number of Beneficiaries

Orphanages Sri Lanka Aroma Ministries 100 Orphanages Mexico Desayundor Sendero De Vida 400

Orphanages Vietnam Improving Orphans Health and Nutrition


Total Orphanages 624 Prostitution/Trafficking Cambodia Migrant Assistance Centre 54,251

Prostitution/Trafficking Cambodia Safe Migration and Trafficking Awareness


Total Prostitution/Trafficking 65,438 Disabilities Mongolia Reaching Light Development 750

Total Disabilities 750

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Disaster Relief projects

When natural disasters, wars and emergencies come, children and families in poverty are the ones who are hardest hit. We respond to disasters by providing life-saving emergency aid and bringing relief, comfort and physical help to victims of war, famine, poverty and natural disasters. Through our global network we have access to prepositioned emergency supplies that can be distributed swiftly to areas of crisis.

Photo on the left shows the offloading of materials from a cargo plane chartered by Samaritan’s Purse to send disaster relief materials to Vanuatu in response to cyclone Pam

2015 Disaster Relief Statistics

Country Name Number of Beneficiaries potentially reached in

programs that we participated in partnership

with Samaritan's Purse International

Vanuatu Cyclone Pam 42,000 Iraq Iraq Refugee Response 20,000 Liberia Ebola Response 300,000 Nepal Nepal Earthquake 100,000

Total 462,000

In addition, we deployed to the South Australia Pinery fires in December 2015/January 2016, to provide relief to people who suffered property damage. We have received very encouraging feed-back from the public and the South Australian authorities in relation to the work we performed at this disaster with the help of our excellent volunteer team.

The picture on the left is of two of our volunteers deployed to the Pinery Fires

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Samaritan’s Purse Australasia – Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child (OCC) is a unique project of Samaritan’s Purse that brings joy and hope to children in desperate situations around the world through gift-filled shoe boxes. Operation Christmas Child provides an opportunity for Australians and New Zealanders of all ages to be involved in a simple but hands-on project that has the power to transform children’s lives.

By the grace of God we were enabled by our supporters to reach over 342,000 children with the OCC ministry in 2015. This is an all-time record.

Distributions were to children in the following Countries:

Number of children

Cambodia 90,947 Vietnam 53,572 Thailand 95,913 Papua New Guinea 21,652 Fiji 53,978 Samoa 21,674 Vanuatu 5,078 TOTAL 342,814

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The Greatest Journey

The Greatest Journey (TGJ) is a discipleship program taught to children with parental permission. It is a part of the Operation Christmas Child ministry.

Translated into over 60 languages, this exciting discipleship program allows children learn in their own language, about God’s love and what it means to be a follower of Jesus.

The Greatest Journey is taught by trained volunteers at local churches in receiving countries and provides a valuable resource for local pastors and church leaders to offer the children in their communities.

We are working to grow The Greatest Journey program to see in excess of 150,000 children enrolled annually, by the year 2019.

The estimates provided by our National Leadership Teams in each country we work in with The Greatest Journey are:

Country Children Enrolled

Graduated Accepted Christ Received New Testament

No. of Teachers Trained

Teacher Trainers

Cambodia 10,914 5,935 3,250 10,914 1,128 13 Thailand 11,025 3,962 3,228 3,962 791 15 Fiji 8,603 8,203 211 8,203 800 10 PNG 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 30,542 18,100 6,689 23,079 2,719 38

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Church Resourcing projects – other than TGJ

Our church resourcing work includes the funding of church buildings and the training and equipping of church leaders in the developing world.

The photo on the left is of a church in Vunika, Fiji and its pastors. We were able to fund the building of this church three years ago and have had to extend it in 2015 because of the growth of the congregation.

With the generosity of our supporters, in 2015 we were able to fund some of the costs of an evangelism camp in Cambodia, which was attended by approximately 1,000 people. Please see full list of 2015 projects below.

2015 Church Ministry Statistics

Country Name Number of Beneficiaries in 2015

Cambodia Friendship Camps 1,000 Mongolia Ger Church Construction 400 Fiji Vunika Church Extension 100 Fiji Naduna Church Construction 50

Total Church Ministry 1,550

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Financial highlights for year ended 31-12-2015

Samaritan’s Purse Australia Limited

Donations and grants and sundry income

During 2015 donations, grants and sundry income received totalled AUD 3,396,921 compared to AUD 3,290,422 in the prior year. The main reason for the variance is increased generosity of our financial supporters.


During 2015 total disbursements were AUD 3,428,647 compared to AUD 3,155,564 in the prior year.

The main reason for the variance is that in 2015 we had a higher level of projects funded.

Net expenditure over income

Net expenditure over income in the year ended 31st December 2015 was AUD 31,726 compared to a net income over expenditure of AUD 134,858 in the prior year. The main reason for the decline is the shortfall of income compared to expenditure in domestic disaster relief, taken into account in 2015.

Samaritan’s Purse Australasia – Operation Christmas Child Donations and grants, gifts in kind and sundry income

During 2015 donations, grants, gifts in kind and sundry income received totalled AUD 14,463,029 compared to AUD 15,060,202 in 2014. The main reason for the decline was that the average value of gift box content was lower than in the prior year.


During the year ended 31st December 2015 disbursements totalled AUD 14,313,365 which was substantially down on the 2014 total of AUD 15, 207, 795. The main reason for the decline was that the average value of gift box content was lower than in the prior year.

Net expenditure over income

Net income over expenditure in the year ended 31st December 2015 (for use in future years) was AUD 149,664 as opposed to a deficit of AUD 147,592 in the prior year.

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Income and Disbursements

Samaritan’s Purse Australasia – Operation Christmas Child &

Samaritan’s Purse Australia Limited

New Initiatives for 2016 We plan to expand our “build back better” programs for disaster relief in the South Pacific. Last year we started our first ever “build back better” work in Vanuatu to rebuild pre-schools. In 2016 we plan on continuing our “build back better” program in Vanuatu and expanding it to Fiji as well due to the damage caused by cyclone Winston. “Build back better” is done with the assistance of Australian and New Zealand volunteers.

In the past we have sent medical volunteers to disaster areas to work under the leadership of Samaritan’s Purse International. In 2016 we are planning to expand our medical teams program by arranging our first ever short term medical mission to Cambodia to provide assistance to people living in desperately poor circumstances.

Projects and Disaster Relief 16%

Administration and Fundraising 10%

Disbursements Year Ended 31 December 2015

Operation Christmas Child $13,017,754 The Greatest Journey $122,670

Projects & Disaster Relief $2,824,135 Admin & Fundraising $1,777,453

Samaritan's Purse Australia Limited

Samaritan's Purse Australasia - Operation

Christmas Child

Consolidated Prior Year Consolidated

2015 2015 2015 2014


Income 3,396,921 14,463,029 17,859,950 18,350,624


The Greatest Journey and other Christian Projects - cash 122,670 122,670 182,107

The Greatest Journey Goods In Kind 0 0 75495

Operation Christmas Child - Gifts in Kind 10,847,262 10,847,262 11,563,230

Operation Christmas Child - Cash 2,170,492 2,170,492 2,756,410

Fund Raising & Admin 604,512 1,172,941 1,777,453 1,449,594

Development and Disaster Relief 2,824,135 2,824,135 2,336,523

Total Disbursements 3,428,647 14,313,365 17,742,012 18,363,359

Surplus/ (Deficit) – for future ministry use -31,726 149,664 $117,938 -$12,735