TRICHOLOGY EVALUATIONS & TREATMENTS “HEALTHY SCALP = HEALTHY HAIRFrequently Asked Questions For more information on Dr. Bauman’s “Healthy Scalp = Healthy Hair” Trichology Program, other hair restoration treatments and procedures, or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Bauman, call 5613940024 or visit www.BaumanMedical.com. FAQs What is Trichology? Trichology, derived from the Greek word “tricho” meaning “hair,” is the study of the anatomy, growth and diseases of the hair and scalp. A trichologist is a trained specialist in all matters relating to hair and scalp health. A trichology evaluation can address many conditions like itching, flaking, oily or dry scalp as well as hair breakage shedding hair, thinning hair, hair fall and hair loss. Trichologists often work closely with physicians like Dr. Alan J. Bauman who specialize in diagnosing scalp conditions, prescribing medical hair regrowth treatments and performing hair transplant surgery. What can Bauman Medical’s “Healthy Scalp = Healthy Hair” Trichology program do for me? An unhealthy scalp can make growing healthy hair a challenge. Trichology treatments help manage excess sebum, dandruff, toxins and impurities—improving scalp wellness and allowing for optimal hair growth. Healthy hair is thicker, fuller, stronger and shinier! Is there a connection between Stress and Hair Loss? Yes. Elevated levels of the stress hormone cortisol due to intense or prolonged physical or psychological stress can affect many organ systems—hair follicles included! A significant stressful event can trigger hair shedding two to three months later. However, stressrelated hair loss does not have to be permanent. Ask your trichologist about Dr. Bauman’s “sTRESS Test” which can help track cortisol levels in hair over time and what can be done about stress related hair loss. Does Dandruff cause Hair Loss? Dandruff or flakes are one of the most common scalp conditions. Several scientific studies show a possible connection between itchy, flaky scalp (dandruff) and hair loss. Visible dandruff may be a sign of inflammation at the level of the scalp that may be inhibiting healthy hair growth. It’s very important to evaluate and diagnose your specific type of dandruff condition so it may be managed accordingly. Are my styling products or styling habits damaging my hair? Certain styling products habits may be damaging to your hair and scalp. Ask your trichologist what products are recommended based on your specific styling needs and hair/scalp type. Learn how to modify styling habits that could be detrimental to your hair’s health. What about hair extensions, weaves, coloring, perms, and heated styling tools? Can they cause hair loss? Yes, chemical overprocessing and repeated use of heated tools may cause damage to the protective cuticle of the hair fibers putting your hair at risk for hair loss or hair thinning due to hair breakage. To avoid dull or damaged hair and scalp, it’s important to use high quality products, protective conditioners and trichology products that can preserve your hair and scalp from harsh treatments. Weaves, extensions or other artificial hair can pull on your follicles over time causing weakened hair growth or permanent hair loss due to traction alopecia. A trichologist can help you evaluate the risks of these styling options and monitor your scalp and hair for problems. Who is a good candidate for a “Healthy Scalp = Healthy Hair” Trichology Evaluation? Men and women with a “symptomatic scalp” (dry, itchy, flaky or oily scalp, excessive hair loss, shedding or hair breakage) should schedule a trichology evaluation. Patients considering or already using athome hair regrowth treatments, PRP Platelet Rich Plasma or a hair transplant procedure should also consider a trichology evaluation to maximize their results. What does an INITIAL “Healthy Scalp = Healthy Hair” Trichology Evaluation involve? Trichology evaluations are performed at Bauman Medical’s “SalonB.” During your one hour oneonone evaluation, our inhouse trichologist will evaluate the condition of your hair and scalp, perform important measurements including scalp hydration, pH and sebum levels as well as HairCheck™ trichometry to scientifically track hair growth and hair breakage over time. What can I expect to receive upon completing my initial “Healthy Scalp = Healthy Hair” Trichology Evaluation? At the end of your evaluation, you will receive a detailed report of findings, measurements and microscopic scalp photos including personalized inoffice and athome trichology treatment recommendations. You may then choose to schedule your custom onehour weekly treatment and monitoring sessions at SalonB for 4 weeks, 8 weeks or 12 weeks. A healthy scalp is essential for healthy hair growth! Symptoms like dry, itchy, flaky or oily scalp can be managed with an in- office trichology treatment program. TRICHOLOGY “HEALTHY SCALP =HEALTHY HAIR”EVALUATION APPOINTMENTS CAN BE CONVENIENTLY SCHEDULED BY CALLING BAUMAN MEDICAL GROUP AT 5613940024.

SalonB BaumanMD Trichology FAQ

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Basic information about Trichology, the study of the scalp and details about a new 'healthy scalp, healthy hair" program available at salonB inside Bauman Medical in Boca Raton, Florida.

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C+5' C#06)2>> *#2'5 9#&) B+''/ uandruff or flakes are one of Lhe mosL common scalp condlLlons. Several sclenLlflc sLudles show a posslble connecLlon beLween lLchy, flaky scalp (dandruff) and halr loss. vlslble dandruff may be a slgn of lnflammaLlon aL Lhe level of Lhe scalp LhaL may be lnhlblLlng healLhy halr growLh. lL's very lmporLanL Lo evaluaLe and dlagnose your speclflc Lype of dandruff condlLlon so lL may be managed accordlngly. D)5 3. '$.,&0- ;)+62*$' +) '$.,&0- "#@&$' 6#3#-&0- 3. "#&)/ CerLaln sLyllng producLs hablLs may be damaglng Lo your halr and scalp. Ask your LrlchologlsL whaL producLs are recommended based on your speclflc sLyllng needs and halr/scalp Lype. Learn how Lo modlfy sLyllng hablLs LhaL could be deLrlmenLal Lo your halr's healLh. !"#$ #@+2$ "#&) 5E$50'&+0'F A5#G5'F *+,+)&0-F ;5)3'F #06 "5#$56 '$.,&0- $++,'/ H#0 $"5. *#2'5 "#&) ,+''/ ?es, chemlcal over-processlng and repeaLed use of heaLed Lools may cause damage Lo Lhe proLecLlve cuLlcle of Lhe halr flbers puLLlng your halr aL rlsk for halr loss or halr Lhlnnlng due Lo halr breakage. 1o avold dull or damaged halr and scalp, lL's lmporLanL Lo use hlgh quallLy producLs, proLecLlve condlLloners and Lrlchology producLs LhaL can preserve your halr and scalp from harsh LreaLmenLs. Weaves, exLenslons or oLher arLlflclal halr can pull on your folllcles over Llme causlng weakened halr growLh or permanenL halr loss due Lo *"+$*#&, +'&./$#+. A LrlchologlsL can help you evaluaLe Lhe rlsks of Lhese sLyllng opLlons and monlLor your scalp and halr for problems.

!"+ &' # -++6 *#06&6#$5 >+) # 895#,$". :*#,; < 95#,$". 9#&)= ()&*"+,+-. IG#,2#$&+0/Men and women wlLh a sympLomaLlc scalp" (dry, lLchy, flaky or olly scalp, excesslve halr loss, sheddlng or halr breakage) should schedule a Lrlchology evaluaLlon. aLlenLs conslderlng or already uslng aL-home halr regrowLh LreaLmenLs, 8 laLeleL 8lch lasma or a halr LransplanL procedure should also conslder a Lrlchology evaluaLlon Lo maxlmlze Lhelr resulLs. !"#$ 6+5' #0 ?J?(?DB 895#,$". :*#,; < 95#,$". 9#&)= ()&*"+,+-. IG#,2#$&+0 &0G+,G5/1rlchology evaluaLlons are performed aL 8auman Medlcal's 01+'&,234 uurlng your one-hour one-on-one evaluaLlon, our ln-house LrlchologlsL wlll evaluaLe Lhe condlLlon of your halr and scalp, perform lmporLanL measuremenLs lncludlng scalp hydraLlon, pP and sebum levels as well as PalrCheck` LrlchomeLry Lo sclenLlflcally Lrack halr growLh and halr breakage over Llme. !"#$ *#0 ? 5E;5*$ $+ )5*5&G5 2;+0 *+3;,5$&0- 3. &0&$, 895#,$". :*#,; < 95#,$". 9#&)= ()&*"+,+-. IG#,2#$&+0/AL Lhe end of your evaluaLlon, you wlll recelve a deLalled reporL of flndlngs, measuremenLs and mlcroscoplc scalp phoLos lncludlng personallzed ln-offlce and aL-home Lrlchology LreaLmenL recommendaLlons. ?ou may Lhen choose Lo schedule your cusLom one-hour weekly LreaLmenL and monlLorlng sesslons aL Salon8 for 4 weeks, 8 weeks or 12 weeks. A healthy scalp is essential for healthy hair growth!Symptoms like dry, itchy, flaky or oily scalp can be managed with an in-office trichology treatment program.(K?H9LBLMN 89IDB(9N :HDBO < 9IDB(9N 9D?K= IPDBQD(?LJ DOOL?J(4IJ(: HDJ 1I HLJPIJ?IJ(BN :H9ICQBIC 1N HDBB?JM 1DQ4DJ 4IC?HDB MKLQO D( RSTUVWXUYYZX[