COVID-19-EPIDEMIC : Saliva sample for testing SARS-CoV-2 infection – a rapid review m e mo

Saliva sample for testing SARS-CoV-2 infection - a rapid review · 2020-05-08 · Title Saliva sample for testing SARS-CoV-2 infection – a rapid review Norwegian title Spyttprøver

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Saliva sample for testing SARS-CoV-2 infection – a rapid review


Title Saliva sample for testing SARS-CoV-2 infection – a rapid review

Norwegian title Spyttprøver for testing av SARS-CoV-2 infeksjon – en


Institution Norwegian Institute of Public Health

Responsible Camilla Stoltenberg, Director General

Authors Lene Kristine Juvet, scientific director, Lauvrak Vigdis, senior

advisor, Norwegian Institute of Public Health

Memo May – 2020

ISBN 978-82-8406-093-4

Publication type Rapid Review, Covid-19 rapid response

Number of pages 19

Commisioner Norwegian Institute of Public Health

Citation Juvet LK, Lauvrak V. Saliva sample for testing SARS-CoV-2

infection – a rapid review. Rapid review 2020. Oslo: Norwegian

Institute of Public Health, 2020.

2 Key messages

Key messages

This memo is based on rapid searches in PubMed, LitCov and supplementary searches

for pre-prints. One researcher assessed the relevance of each reference and summa-

rized the findings. Another researcher supplied information and summarized the find-

ings, read and provided feedback on the review. In the current situation, there is an ur-

gent need for identifying the most important evidence quickly. Hence, we opted for this

rapid approach despite an inherent risk of overlooking key evidence or making mis-

guided judgements.

The aim of this rapid report is to investigate if there are studies supporting the use of

salivary samples for detection of SARS-CoV-2, and if there are studies that can be used

to calculate the diagnostic accuracy of salivary testing compared to nasopharyngeal or

oropharyngeal swab samples.

We selected studies focusing on testing for SARS-Cov-2 in saliva. We excluded studies

that had not used SARS-CoV-2 testing with samples from nasopharyngeal and/or oro-

pharyngeal swabs as reference standard. This rapid review does not include a formal

quality assessment of included papers, nor does it include a grading of the certainty of

evidence. The results should therefore be interpreted with caution.

We identified 32 new papers from the database search and by manual searching of ref-

erence lists. From these, we include 8 studies comparing SARS-Cov-2 nucleic acid de-

tection from salivary samples compared to nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal swab

samples. Two of the included studies had not been through peer review. The sample

sizes range from 4-82 patients. Two of the studies could be used to assess diagnostic

accuracy. The results indicate that the correlation between diagnostic accuracy of

symptomatic patients tested with reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction

(rRT-PCR) using self- collected saliva samples, compared to health care worker ad-

ministrated nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal swabs is good, corresponding to a

sensitivity of 97-100 % and a specificity of 89-100%. The results should be consid-

ered with caution as further studies may change the estimates. Additionally, six of

the studies are indicative of various types of salivary sampling as appropriate for detec-

tion of SARS-Cov-2 nucleic acid. These findings are highly relevant in the face of short-

ages of both swabs and personal protective equipment for health care workers. Self-

collection of saliva is comfortable for patients as well as being easy, cheap, and non-in-

vasive with minimal equipment required.

3 Key messages

In conclusion, the results indicate that the correlation between diagnostic accuracy of

symptomatic patients tested with rRT-PCR using self- collected saliva samples com-

pared nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal swabs is good. The results should be consid-

ered with caution as further studies may change the estimates.

4 Hovedfunn (Norwegian)

Hovedfunn (Norwegian)

Dette notatet baserer seg på raske søk i PubMed, LitCov og pre-print databaser. Én fors-

ker gikk gjennom søketreff, to forskere valgte ut og oppsummerte resultatene. Etter-

som det har vært viktig å få fram forskningsresultatene raskt, valgte vi denne fram-

gangsmåten selv om det innebærer risiko for at vi kan ha oversett viktig dokumenta-

sjon og kan ha gjort feilvurderinger underveis.

Hensikten med denne hurtigoversikten er å oppsummere hva som finnes av studier om

påvisning av SARS-CoV-2 i spytt, og om diagnostisk nøyaktighet ved bruk av spyttprø-

ver sammenlignet med bruk av dyp nese- og/eller halsprøver kan beregnes.

Vi ekskluderte studier som ikke hadde bekreftet SARS-CoV-2 fra dyp nese- eller hals-

prøve som referanse standard. Denne hurtigoppsummeringen inkluderer ikke en kvali-

tetsvurdering av studiene, ei heller en gardering av tiltroen til studiene. Så resultatene

bør tolkes med forsiktighet.

Etter søk i databaser og manuelle søk i referanselister, identifiserte vi 32 nye original-

publikasjoner. Av disse inkluderte 8 studier som sammenlignet SARS-CoV-2

nukleinsyrer deteksjon fra spyttprøver med dyp nese- eller halsprøve. To av de

inkluderte studiene var pre-prints som ikke har vært gjennom fagfellevurdering, og

mange av studier hadde veldig få deltakere (fra 4 til 82 pasienter). I to av studiene

kunne en sammenligne den diagnostisk nøyaktigheten. Resultatet av sammenligningen

viste til god diagnostisk nøyaktighet på pasienter med symptomer testet med rRT-PCR

på spytt-prøver pasienten tok selv sammenlignet med dyp nese eller halsprøve.

Studiene viste sensitivitet på mellom 97 til 100 % og spesifisitet på 89 til 100%. Resul-

tantene må tolkes med forsiktighet da nye studier sannsynligvis vil endre estimatene. I

tillegg inkluderte vi seks studier som også antyder at spytt-prøver kan være en for-

målstjenlig måte å bruke for å påvise SARS-CoV-2 nukleinsyrer ved mistanke om infek-


Disse forskningsresultatene er relevante da det er en mangel på både prøvetakingsut-

styr og beskyttelsesutstyr til helsepersonell i denne epidemien. Spytt-prøver, i tillegg til

å ikke være smertefull, er en ikke-invasiv prøvetakning, som både er billigere og hvor

behovet for prøvetakingsutstyr er mindre. I tillegg vil den minske risiko for nosokomial

spredningen av SARS-CoV-2 til helsepersonell.

5 Hovedfunn (Norwegian)

For å konkludere, indikerer studiene at det er godt samsvar mellom prøvene tatt i spytt

av pasienten selv og ved dyp nese-halsprøve tatt av helsepersonell. Estimater for dia-

gnostisk nøyaktighet må tolkes med forsiktighet siden ny forskning kan påvirke disse.

6 Content








Summary of included studies 10

Diagnostic accuracy 12

Detection of SARS-Cov-2 in saliva 13





In relation to the Norwegian Institute of Public Health’s role in handling the COVID-19

epidemic, we have been asked to produce a rapid summary of the available research on

saliva test for testing SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Diagnostic tests for SARS-CoV-2 can broadly be grouped into two categories, those

aimed at:

- pathogen (virus) detection (acute infection)

- detection of immune response to the pathogen (past exposure).

Pathogen detection tests, mainly reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction

(rRT-PCR) to detect viral nucleic acid, and tests to detect an immune response to the

virus (development of SARS-CoV-2-specific antibodies) should not be considered com-

peting alternatives. Both testing approaches are clinically relevant, but must be de-

ployed at different time points during the clinical course of infection taking considera-

tion of their relevant diagnostic windows (1).

Nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swabs are the recommended specimen types for

Covid-19 diagnostic testing. The collection of these specimen types requires close con-

tact between healthcare workers and patients and poses a risk of transmission of the

virus, causes discomfort and may cause bleeding, especially in patients with condition

such as thrombocytopenia (2). Saliva has a potential as a diagnostic fluid and offers an

edge over other biological fluids as its collection method does not require invasive pro-

cedure or health personal (2).

RT-PCR facilitates direct detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA. It is characterised by high sen-

sitivity and specificity and is regarded as the gold standard for clinical diagnostics of

SARS-CoV-2. The initial identification of the SARS-CoV-2 virus was based on non-com-

mercial RT-PCR laboratory protocols which were published on the World Health Or-

ganization (WHO) website. Now, rRT-PCR test kits, many of which work off existing

platforms already deployed in hospital and diagnostic virology laboratories, are also

available. The diagnostic window for using RT-PCR to detect acute infection with SARS-

CoV-2 ranges from approximately three days following exposure to the virus until two

weeks following symptom onset (1).

Saliva specimens can be obtained by different techniques, including self-sampling were

the patient is asked to spit into a sterile bottle. Recent research has suggested that


SARS-CoV-2 can be detected in saliva at high titers, and salivary diagnostics has the po-

tential to be incorporated as part of disease diagnosis, clinical monitoring of systemic

health and to make clinical decisions for patient care (2).

An Irish rapid HTA has summarized twenty-seven studies reported on positive detec-

tion rates across sample sites (including sputum, faecal, urine, blood, saliva, lingual, oc-

ular, BALF and vaginal) in patients with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19, as per oro-

pharyngeal and nasopharyngeal swabs (table 1) (3).

Table 1. Different sample sites for test of SARS-CoV-2 (3).

Sample Studies Positive rate

Spuntum 6 77% to 100%*

Faecal 12 3% to 100%*

Urine 14 No detection (11 studies) or 7% to 11%

Blood 14 1% to 87%

Saliva 2 78% and 92%

Lingual 1 36%

Ocular 3 1% to 16%

BALF 2 79% and 100%*

Vaginal 1 no positive

*However, it should be noted that the 100% detection rate was based on a studies with few patients.

BALF=bronchoalveolar lavage fluid

The aim of this report is to investigate if there are studies supporting the use of salivary

samples for detection of SARS-CoV-2 and if there are studies that can be used to calcu-

late the diagnostic accuracy of salivary testing compared to nasopharyngeal or oropha-

ryngeal swab samples.



The main objective of this rapid review update was to summarise current evidence

concerning saliva as a sample for SARS-CoV-2 testing. More specifically we wanted to

address how saliva sampling performed compared to nasopharyngeal and/or oropha-

rynges swab sampling.

We searched in PubMed and LitCov, using the search strategy combining Saliva with

Coronavirus/SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19 and diagnostic search filters. Searches were limited

to the period from December 2019 to 04 May 2020, as SARS-CoV-2 was first identified

in December 2019. We also search in Norwegian Institute of Public Health’s systematic

and living map on COVID-19 evidence (4). For pre-prints we search in medRxiv with

this searching term "Saliva and diagnosis and SARS-Cov-2". All referenced were imported

to EndNote-database and duplicates removed.

We selected studies focusing on diagnostic accuracy using SARS-Cov2 tests on saliva

samples. We excluded studies that not included patients with confirmed SARS-CoV-2

from nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swabs as a gold standard. This rapid review

does not include a formal quality assessment of included papers, nor does it include a

grading of the certainty of evidence. The results should therefore be interpreted with


One researcher (Lene K Juvet) assessed the relevance of each reference and summa-

rized the findings. Another researcher (Vigdis Lauvrak) supplied information and sum-

marized the findings, read and provided feedback on the review. One other researchers

Karolin Bragstad, Norwegian Institute of Public Health) initiated the review, read and

provided feedback on the review before publication.



The update-search resulted in 32 unique records, 13 studies were read in full text, and

we ended up including 8 primary clinical studies (5-11). Two of the included studies

were conducted in China (6, 7) , two in USA (11, 12), two in Hong Kong (8, 10), one in

Italy (5), on in Australia (9). Four of the included studies were published or accepted

for publication in peer reviewed journals (5-10), two (6, 12) was an unpublished pre-

prints and one was information supplied with a commercial assay for SARS-CoV-2 for

saliva Enhanced Emergency Authorisation (EUA) by FDA in the USA (12).

Summary of included studies

Sample sizes of the included studies ranged from 4 to 82 patients tested with rRT-PCR

using both saliva samples and reference samples (nasopharyngeal and/or oropharyn-

geal swabs). The identification and selection of cases for inclusion was not always ade-

quately described. Timing of the collection of saliva samples relative to the reference

samples varied, as did the information on number of replicates and excluded samples.

Saliva was collected through different techniques with variable information on the de-

tails provided. In most studies the saliva sampling was stated to be performed by the

patient (self-sampling) under instructions of health-care workers.

We considered that two of the studies (9, 12) can be used to calculate diagnostic accu-

racy of saliva samples compared to the reference sample. In both these studies the in-

cluded patients were symptomatic, but not necessarily critically ill patients, providing

self-administrated samples. In the other studies, mainly samples from hospitalised pa-

tients were analysed in a retrospective manner and diagnostic accuracy could not be

calculated. All the eight included studies are shortly described in table 2. Details on the

individual studies is presented below.


Table 2. Included studies

Study Country

Age, sex Patient set-ting

Sample/ test

Reference sample/ test



2020 (9),


NI Ambulatory

care setting

Pool saliva in their mouth and spit/ rRT-PCR

Nasopha-ryngeal swabs or sputum/

82 33 6 49 1


(12), USA

NI Ambulatory care setting

Self-admin-istrated sa-liva test/ rRT-PCR

Nasopha-ryngal or oropharyn-gal swab/ rRT/PCR

60 30 0 30 0

Azzi L

2020 (5),


Mean age of 61.5 ±11.2 years. 68% males

Hospital-ized, severe disease

Drooling/ rRT-PCR

Nasopha-ryngeal swab/ rRT-PCR

25 25 0 NA NA


2020 (11)


Over 18


Hospital-ized, severe disease

Saliva, no details/ rRTPCR

Nasopha-ryngeal swab/ rRT-PCR

38 30 5 3 0


2020 (6)


Mean age of 60.6 (18-81) years. 52% males

Hospital-ized, severe disease. Only 4 had both tests.

Massage of the salivary gland/ rRT-PCR

Oropharyn-geal swab/ rRT-PCR

4 3 1 NA NA


2020 (7) China

Mean age of

41 (34-54)

years. 50% males

Hospitalized N/A Nasal swab 32 25 7 NA NA


2020 (10)



Mean age of 62 (range 37-75) years. 58% males

Hospitalized Self-admin-istrated cough out saliva, 2 days after hospitaliza-tion/ rRT-PCR

Nasopha-ryngal swab or sputum at admission/ rRTPCR

12 11 NA NA 1


2020 (8) Hong Kong

Mean age of 62 (range 37-75) years. 57% males

Hospitalized Archieval samples as above 4-20 days after hospitaliza-tion/ rRT-PCR

.Nasopha-ryngal or sputum at admission/ rRTPCR

23 20 NA NA 3

rRT-PCR =, NA = Not applicable, NI = No Information, N = Total number of patients, TP = True Positive

relative to reference, FP = False positive relative to reference, TN= True Negative relative to reference,

FN = False negative relative to reference


Diagnostic accuracy

Two studies (9, 12) were included for calculation of diagnostic accuracy. In the largest,

performed in Australia (9), 622 patients were screened for Covid-19 using nasopha-

ryngeal swabs and 522 of these also provided patient self-sampled saliva samples. Pa-

tients were asked to pool saliva in their mouth for 1-2 minutes prior to collection of spit

into a 25 ml collection pot. Neat saliva was transported to a laboratory where it was

mixed with liquid Amies media (1:1). The median time from sample collection to addi-

tion of media was 180 minutes. All reference samples underwent rRT-PCR. Samples

from patients testing positive with the reference were also analysed by rRT-PCR. Fol-

lowing nucleic acid extraction (extraction volume of 200uL of the sample was used, 33

with RNA eluted in 60uL in Qiagen 32 EZ1 platform). In total 39 of 622 (6.3%; 95%

confidence interval [CI] 4.6%-8.5%) patients were positive for the reference test, and

33 of these (84.6%; 95% CI 70.0%-93.1%) were positive with the saliva test. To assess

specificity, a subset of saliva specimens from 50 patients with PCR negative swabs was

also tested. One in 50 (2%; 95% CI 0.1%- 45 11.5%) of these saliva samples was posi-


In the FDA EUA study (12) samples from 30 symptomatic patients at three ambulatory

care centres were included. The patients were provided with instructions for self-col-

lection of saliva. Self-collection was performed under the observation of a healthcare

provider who subsequently (within 10 minutes) also collected either a nasopharyngeal

or oropharyngeal swab from each patient for parallel testing. The samples were placed

in viral transport medium. Details on how the saliva sampling was performed is not de-

scribed. Both the saliva and swabs were transported at ambient temperature, nucleic

acid was extracted (PerkinElmer Chemagic 360 automated specimen processing sys-

tem), and the samples were analysed by the same RT-PCR test within 48 hours of col-

lection. A total of 30 positive and 30 negative samples were included in the study.

There was 100% (95% two-sided score CI 88.7-100) positive and negative agreement

between the results obtained from testing of saliva and those obtained from nasopha-

ryngeal and oropharyngeal swabs. No information on the total number of samples

screened, nor the number of inconclusive samples was provided in the document avail-

able to us.

Diagnostic accuracy based on these two studies are revealed in figure 1.

Figure 1. Summary of diagnostic accuracy (sensitivity and specificity) of two studies (9,



In conclusion, the results indicate that the correlation between diagnostic accuracy of

symptomatic patients tested with rRT-PCR using self- collected saliva samples com-

pared to health care workers administrated nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal swabs is

good (9, 12) . The results should be considered with caution as further studies may

change the estimates.

Detection of SARS-Cov-2 in saliva

Six studies of salivary sample being an appropriate sample for detection of SARS-Cov-2

nucleic acid in a diagnostic setting were included.

In an American study (11), samples were collected from 44 hospitalized patients with

severe disease with 19 requiring intensive care unit (ICU) care, 10 ventilation. 121 self-

collected saliva or nasopharyngeal swab samples from these patients were retrospec-

tively analysed. For saliva sampling the patients, upon waking were asked to avoid

food, water and brushing of teeth until the sample was collected. Patients were asked to

repeatedly spit into a sterile urine cup until roughly a third full of liquid (excluding

bubbles), before securely closing it. All samples were stored at room temperature and

transported to the research lab at the Yale School of Public Health within 5 hours of

sample collection. There were 38 patients with matched saliva and nasopharyngeal

samples. Of these 35 were saliva positive and 30 were nasopharyngeal positive. The au-

thors claim to see a higher viral count in the saliva samples. We have not assessed this

in detail as the timing of the samples relative to each other was not presented.

The same study (11) also reported on self-collected saliva samples and/or nasopharyn-

geal samples from 98 asymptomatic hospital workers and analysed these with rRT-

PCR. A total of 33 had both type of samples taken (matched samples) at the same time.

Nucleic acid was extracted using the MagMAX Viral/Pathogen Nucleic Acid Isolation kit

(ThermoFisher Scientific). Two health-care workers with matched samples tested posi-

tive on saliva samples, not on nasopharyngeal samples. Based on rRT-PCR data viral

load in the positive samples was low. Data was not presented to assess these results in


In the Italian study (5), 25 hospitalized patients were included. All patients were af-

fected by severe or very severe Covid-19 confirmed by rRT-PCR on nasopharyngeal

samples. Saliva was collected by the drooling technique, excluding mucus from the oro-

pharynx or lower respiratory tract. In intubated patients or patients with mechanical

ventilation saliva was collected by a physician with a pipette. Information on time be-

tween reference sample is not provided. Following nucleic acid extraction (QIAmp Viral

RNA mini kit (Qiagen)), rRT-PCR was performed. Samples were run in four replicas. All

samples from all patients tested positive. CT values were not influenced by age or com-


morbidity. Two patients with matched samples tested positive on saliva samples, not

on nasopharyngeal samples.

In one Chinese study (6), 31 Covid-19 patients confirmed positive patients were in-

cluded. Of these four were critically ill and saliva samples were compared to oropha-

ryngeal swab samples taken at the same time. Details on methods for sampling was not

provided. The salivary samples were all positives. We conclude that this study reveals

that viral nucleic acid can be detected in saliva samples of SARS-CoV-2 infected patients

but based on this study we cannot conclude regarding diagnostic accuracy (sensitivity

and specificity).

In a second Chinese study (7) 32 Covid-19 suspected hospital admitted patietns were

included. Of these eight were intensive care unit patients (ICU) and 24 were non-ICU.

Nasal, blood, fecal, urine saliva and tear samples were taken from each patient. Details

on methods for sampling are not provided. All included patients tested positive on na-

sal swab samples. No information is provided to whether this was an inclusion criteria.

Following nucleic acid extraction, rRT-PCR was performed. The positive rate of saliva

was 25 out of 32 (78.1%) compared to 5 out of 32 in tears (15,6%). We conclude that

this study reveals that viral nucleic acid can be detected in saliva samples of Covid-19

infected patients but based on this study we cannot conclude regarding diagnostic ac-

curacy (sensitivity and specificity).

The two Honk Kong studies (8, 10) overlapped in patients included. In the first study,

12 patients with laboratory confirmed Covid-19 based on nasopharyngeal or sputum

analysed with RT-PCR were included. For oropharynhgal saliva samples patients were

asked to produce an early morning (before, fluid intake, meal and toothbrush) cough

up sample by clearing the throat. This self-sampling procedure was done under super-

vision of nurses. Saliva sampling was performed after admission at a median of day

two. After nucleic acid extraction, the saliva samples were analysed by rRT-PCR. Eleven

out of 12 patients (91.7%) tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. In the second Hong Kong

study (8) 30 consecutive patients (including the 12 from the first (10)) with laboratory

confirmed Covid-19 were screened for inclusion, 23 were included. Archival samples of

blood, urine, posterior oropharyngeal saliva, and rectal swabs were analysed. Patients

were excluded if insufficient sample of saliva or serum was available. For viral load

analysis in saliva the same self-sampling procedure as described above was used unless

the patient was intubated. From intubated patients, endotracheal aspirates were used

as the saliva sample. A total of 173 samples were collected at different time points, with

an average of 7.5 for each patient. The samples were analysed by rRT-PCR as in the first

study. Three out of 23 patients had no positive saliva samples. Seven of 21 surviving

patients had positive samples at 20 days or longer following symptom debut. No corre-

lation between viral load in saliva and severity of disease was detected.


In conclusion, these six studies reveal that viral nucleic acid can be detected in saliva

samples of Covid-19 infected patients but based on these studies we cannot conclude

regarding diagnostic accuracy (sensitivity and specificity).


Discussion and conclusion

We included 8 original studies in this rapid review of research related to saliva test for

testing SARS-CoV-2 infection. Two studies were conducted in China, and two studies in

USA and in addition studies were conducted in Italy, Hong Kong and Australia (5-9, 11,

12). In most of the studies included the sample had been taking in a hospital setting,

only one study had a screening setting that is comparable to community settings (9).

Most of the studies were retrospective and had small sample sizes. Results from an

EUA approved FDA test was also included (12).

According to Cochrane Handbook a study should include at least 200 participants to be

able to conclude about diagnostic accuracy (13). We conclude that the level of evidence

on clinical samples and collection sites suitable for SARS-CoV-2 testing overall is low.

The limited number of participants in the studies identified here mainly included pa-

tients with laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2, as per PCR testing of oropharyngeal and

nasopharyngeal swabs. The absolute number of false positive and false negative test re-

sults observed in a population will depend on the prevalence of the disease being stud-

ied: as prevalence decreases the absolute number of false negatives decreases and the

absolute number of false positives increases (13). This could be of relevance if saliva

diagnostics should be used in the community with relative low numbers of SARS-CoV-2

infected people. Although FDA has recently approved saliva as a possible way of sam-

pling for COVID-19 (12). Larger studies will come, we identified a protocol for an ongo-

ing study including larger sample size of patient self-collection of saliva samples (14).

Some of the studies found in the search (5, 11, 15) show positive salivary samples but

negative respiratory swabs samples at the same time. There has been concerns of the

findings of some patients with symptoms of Covid-19 with having a negative nasopha-

ryngeal swab in hospital. There may be several explanations for any apparent discord-

ance between test results based on discordance between test results and clinical find-

ings which are unrelated to the test itself. Firstly, there is a potential for pre-analytical

errors including issues such as insufficient sampling, contamination of specimens, and

inappropriate storage and transport conditions. Secondly, the analytical process can af-

fect results with the use of different sample preparations and varying levels of analyst

skills. Thirdly, the viral dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 across the time course of the infection

are still not fully understood. Hence, false negative test results may occur if samples are


tested during the early incubation period or else during the late convalescent phase,

when virus levels may be undetectable.

It is still not understood why the virus is detectable in the oral cavity. It may appear in

the mouth because it migrates from the nasopharynx or the lower respiratory tract to

the oral cavity, but it can’t be excluded that a role may be played by the secretory activ-

ity of the salivary glands. It has been suggested that the oral cavity may play an active

role in the pathogenesis of COVID-19, and this was highlighted by a Chinese study that

showed a high expression of ACE2 receptors on the epithelial cells of the oral mucosa

(5) . However, it should be noted that saliva specimens not only contain saliva secreted

from major or minor salivary glands but also contain secretions coming down from the

nasopharynx or coming up from the lung via the action of cilia lining the airway. Fur-

ther studies are required to delineate the sources of SARS-CoV-2 in saliva (10).

The sensitivity of saliva as a diagnostic specimen seems high and comparable to naso-

pharyngeal or oropharyngeal samples. Saliva testing may therefore be a suitable alter-

native for first-line screening test in several environments, including low resource set-

tings reserved for patients with an ongoing high clinical index of suspicion. These find-

ings are highly relevant in the face of shortages of both swabs and personal protective

equipment in many settings (9). An advantage of saliva is sampling comfortability in an

epidemic situation. By using saliva as a collection sample, healthcare providers, doc-

tors, nurses, dentists and paramedic staff will be safe from the transmission of disease.

Saliva collection is quite comfortable for patients as well as being easy, cheap, and non-

invasive with minimal equipment required. It should also minimize the nosocomial

transmission of SARS-CoV-2 to healthcare workers.

One study was excluded (16), the study was a retrospective cohort study with 3497

respiratory samples (688 sputum and 1178 deep cough saliva) as well as stool, serum

and urine samples were collected from patients after hospitalisation. Infection was con-

firmed by testing sputum and saliva samples with rRT-RCT. 96 patients had confirmed

covid-19. The study was excluded as the deep cough saliva samples were not tested

with the relevant a reference test. However, the study reveals that viral nucleic acid can

be detected in sputum and in deep cough saliva samples of Covid-19 infected patients.

In conclusion, the results indicate that the correlation between diagnostic accuracy of

symptomatic patients tested with rRT-PCR using self- collected saliva samples com-

pared to health care workers administrated nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal swabs is

good. The results should be considered with caution as further studies may change the




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Published by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health May 2020P. O. Box 222 SkøyenNO-0213 OsloTel: +47 21 07 70 00www.fhi.no