SALE - DigiFind-It · p1~m~ said ~ae pMna fall ~ur with ECA operatlnns in Franklln! said the StOUp ~ou2d ato~ss mu- ~ moving the entire holdings to a Township, Voice of America, tuallty

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Page 1: SALE - DigiFind-It · p1~m~ said ~ae pMna fall ~ur with ECA operatlnns in Franklln! said the StOUp ~ou2d ato~ss mu- ~ moving the entire holdings to a Township, Voice of America, tuallty
Page 2: SALE - DigiFind-It · p1~m~ said ~ae pMna fall ~ur with ECA operatlnns in Franklln! said the StOUp ~ou2d ato~ss mu- ~ moving the entire holdings to a Township, Voice of America, tuallty


Ursula Liecardi Kingst0 Church o,,=.,o,=,o..,,.. ,ho,roo~a,oo,,~,od~,.~.~N, ~, u SOCIETY ARE INSTALLED cuss arrangements and set a dateNew Qfllcers ~t the Roxary and tot a children’s Christmas party

Marr~ P M W ddi S

A],sx Soelety were scheduled to

es a. an e ng cene he ~o.to~ed d,rin, ........lea ’° ~ he~° h, tbe ooo,ohh,..last night in St, Joseph’s Church

~Dg$~OD Presbyterian h~tl, East MO2ztane, Massachusetts’ pssition aa lead-

of the wedding of Miss Doris Marlon RutkOwski, preaidenl; o~ its skilled labor supply addbush, "¢ecame the bride Saturday Perrine, daughter of Mr. and M:r~l Mrs. Elizabeth Murray, vice. long tradition of industrial tech-of Edward M. D~Arnloa, son ot George V. D, Perrine of Mm~- president; Mrs. Madeline Blue, nique, gOOd rail and’coastwlseMrs. Mary D’Amico of Atlas, Pa, mouth Junction, to Jacob AtIBe; secretary, and Mrs, Rag!he Blue, shipping facilities, and nearness

The ]Rev. Heeary W, Heaps, pa4

Edwalxi Van Wight, tormer pas-tor, I~rfo~’r~ed the double-rlngceremony attended by 130 0or-

’’’’-’’- BROOKS(Kayo Studio) extending from a cup of seed

Mrs. Rlchat~ Weddermann pearls, the bride WBi¢ given in

rdarrl~g@ by her father. She c~tr-l¯ he ~o~.~.. M~ss Doro~h. ~o-.~a ~h~,o ~h,o .~ .~e~,,.i OF NEW BRUNSWICKtephine Covert was married a bouquet with daisy sfl’eamers.week ago Satueday in East Mill* Miss Mary Jane WeIiy of~tone Reformed Church to Rich- Sayre, N. Y., wearing a hrowr

taffffeta balerJntl ]erlgth gowrwas mold-of-honor. She worepink cad ~nd yell and carriedo,,.,---,. __o,o____o.

SPECIALThe executive board of the Raymond Fing]ey ot Fanw00,Phillips School Parent.Teaeherf brother-in-law of the bridegroom

SedOOI Tuesday at 3 p.m. to pre. Perri~e and Walter Grover Per.(Towne Studio) pare a llst of the school’s laeed8,dne. brOthers of the bride, wereMn. Bdw=rd D)Amieo The Hat will be submitted tcushers,Rev. John P, Adamowskl per. the Board of Education for con.

formed the nuptiaI mass attended =~deraflon in the board’s 395~ The bride’s mother wore a blue IPt~ ~ A

decorated with baskei~ of chry- Drive bOard may offer suggestions ~,~d ~n o~hid eorBage, The bride.

II~ ~lli lStlllilff

sardheR~Ltrfl s hanging at each

tO any member of the grateD, groom’s mother was dressed in

pew arid the altar wan draped Com~it4,ee chairmen for a card blue ser~e with black aceessor~en

wlth p0m pens, party to be held next month a]s~ and wore a yellow earnetlla cot-

Given in marriage by her gash- will be selected at the meeting, sage.

er, the bride wore ~ white is- ~haJrmen will Be appointed to Mrs, James CaDaver of Prince-tot~ Was organist and J~tm~ ~Jin-

ported Italian silk dawn with a ~anage lables, tickets, prizes atld k]e of Princeton sang, "Bless th!sboat neckline embroldered with eetreshmcnt$,

- SALEpearls add a long, princess style

DESSEP~T AND CARl) PARTY After a z’eeeptlon in the chnrehchapel train. A fingertip veil ~ell

IN GRANGe" HALL TODAY u~embly room, the couple w~xlt~’rOr~ a seeded pearl crowT2. ~he The Hofl~ ~eUnDT~i~ Co711mit I O]1 ~ ~VE~ddi~ trip Io ~lor~C~L,carried white orchids oil a prayer t~e of the MJllstooe Valley T~Teb" w~ll reside irl del,~cy Shol~,b~ok.

Mi~ Margaret Liccardl, sister ~ra.:~ge will hold a dessert and Pa. where Hr. Atisey operates a

Of the ~ride, was rnaid of honor. °ard party today at I p.m. at ~he dal ~,. . rod fro ~1Orange HaJI Mrs. Agnes Bird 2tie b~ide ~as g uatedShe wore s forest greed street Publ~e Lands comprise 53 per-

supervisiog nurse at the Univer-

a~ld Mrs. T~lli~ Cu]v~r aJ.e


J~nl~/]r~ HJ~h ~(~l/l~JI ~od the2eng(h Rown w~th a eeh’et tnp cha rme~ o~ he ever, Unlwrsity of Pennayh’ania Nurs-~nd cap to match a~d curried ~ ~ ing School, Phi2adelph~a, She wa~white orchid surrounded by arti-ficial whlte at~d greell lenves, c~ot o[ Oregon’s area. ~s]t,/ hosp~l~]¯ heh.,d--ld ......,n, al.- THUR FRI SATthe M~sses Eteanor D’Amico, sis-


Humble of Bi~ghamton, N, Y,, ¯ ¯ ~ [Jeannette Richardson of Lehlgh-

~: ] lNIM@HPJ~l~lUl~l!m[[~l~ill~l~Im~g411$~oo,.o,,,o,r..Christmas Gdts .tll U° --~g;;:l":°a’;"’~ ~::~"’o~’°r"l C~lor~ t~ tt , m o

The bride’s brother, Clement, -------- ’ ’---.,--- =,-I gill LIIAI5vato~ Lleeardl, brother of the . v v ~m ~= ’,~iC’.=.ote’=,edlo’M..-I from 1/11 /MeGill ~nd James Dot/le of New " "

~,runsw!ek. ,,d R,yl~o~d IAt- ~ Re~artoree, Anthony Chivlroll and ¯ ~

After a recepllou 111 the P~rk ¯ ~ .W.oM,,,.,.,.o.,,,, th. oo,.,,,.t.,,--XWO~’ *..~. ~.__~ |11 1 - ~ V ,for a wedding trip to Florida, - ~ ’~/,~F ~lP.,~ ~.~ ~)/1 IThey Will make their home in /~,,m~,, ~-, ~,-- ~ "~/I 2~./I l

Ruthertord where Mr. D*A=leol$1 AF’mmm mr... " ~/ X~/| /All taken from our !

re=maser o! Clam Liecardl *~ ~l ,=,-=.,,.,,,_ .,.,,,.,I tttf lll i.qi l nla /I / s.o lSchool and a ended Rder Co)-1 ~$ // lUlllm~

~ [I /C’OO’’ "~.OM W O~,OM’Im£

I]ede, She Is a member d Eta , ’~Upsilon O .... Sorority, Mr..~l~ ~J~~ ~. II/ o~a~aco, FORSTW,~N S I

t. t; II / ,=-=. --, "="":::rd=’:’:°’:::"t T, -" ! tl ! !TO’U* Christmas (~’"

~’Ot, $4n ~t,..ll in All COlO~P$Maine was the first state to ~ t#t.~ /

NIOR ’ M I, ~ITOMZN’.do.,a .roh,.:.o., ....h’ehl .?j g,l I.,, ¯ - ,..’, - .1;:%:? .o ,he hooh..o,,, l.oI .~ g I/Lmm)t,mm.,,,,,mtmtn.m~t,z,tt,.mm,umH,m~,,Ln,.m,,.rnmi,.,m,J

-’ " " ¯ NO E~CHANGE ¯ NO B~UBN

Pho~o SO 82174 for F~EE DELIYERY ’ 4) ALL ~ALE8 FINA.L "


"~ ~r=.~L~. ¸ .....................

Page 3: SALE - DigiFind-It · p1~m~ said ~ae pMna fall ~ur with ECA operatlnns in Franklln! said the StOUp ~ou2d ato~ss mu- ~ moving the entire holdings to a Township, Voice of America, tuallty

We wish to express to all our neighbors of Franklin Township,our sincere thanks for the support they have given their owndrug store. We pledge to continue the same friendly, courteousservice and hope to make many more pleasant friendships inthe coming months and years.

FREE Delivery "°"*"ALADDIN COUHY ON USV A C U U M ,OH .u.,.o.B 0 T T L E S YO s..UARU


89* ......PintThe precision of yew pharrnaci*) in com-pounding yourprescription [s elsenti¢li in

FOr* Homo OP GIbr tron$loting your physician’s ,knowledge end

sk;ll Jnlo h~lth-sov[rlg benel~ts ~ Jl~Full Size ~, you. Yo..~ ~..,d on ~, & Irfor ACCURACY, checked andrhoneCHarter9’2332 c H A M 0 ! Sdoub|e-checked.. /OPEN-D~~P.M..,OOo 7( ~ CHarter 9-2332


Page 4: SALE - DigiFind-It · p1~m~ said ~ae pMna fall ~ur with ECA operatlnns in Franklln! said the StOUp ~ou2d ato~ss mu- ~ moving the entire holdings to a Township, Voice of America, tuallty


R CA To Sell Site Ch mb H idRdw.~AEo,,o,.~v,,,e, Co, bo.+~eoRe~d..o+~-a ers o ~elso..~,h.~h,. o~oo work, d., d~eOh ~,h.os, Mr ~,with a budget of about $25,~¢0 ~

Russell Laird, Edmund Jenhins+Fi t Se i .~,h+,od,og.,.+~ ~,aotoo ~+ ~ho+,e~ ~i+o.rs m Her +o+o.~ b~ Wondo, WJobu~oong ~C.,vo.od~,,OnEastonAvenue Forbe oh+oft+,r.ok

IConlinued from Page1)li~ Township Board uf Adjust-

Lit an~o.

-- taunt, about "screening" opera. PHILIp HILLER PUBCHABR8slrabth competitor than it is ~ions of ~is o.~ce. Col. Nel~r~

stated that "prautleaILy no indus. HAWTHORNg DRIVE ’lOMBIConflnued from Page 1) .~a ~’ .

wTthout these co-ordlnatlog up- tries have been established i11 Philip L, Hiller of New Bruna-

~BI~T~ . Ierotions." Middl~ex County in r~cen, wick has boughl from Mra. Mar-

consolidation of communications Pointing to lhe need for uoop- yea~ thu~ ha’co nut fitted i~ well I jorie L, Wallek a four-room CaP¢:tfla~tB, ~ station between comma°Hies, he ~,~th the cumm~nIIy," C~refu][ Cad house with atlaehed g~rage

Though eornpmly ofllclels were hl Middlesex Generalwar~ed, "No °ommunRy in considel’alion is ~iven lo any al 63 Hawthorne Drive. The

reluetant to ~ive any details America can ho!~, to erect ira "+nuisances" lhat may be erupted house is located on a lot of~ x 135"ov, 22--A son, to Mr. and own qrc-n eurta;n’ and prosper to by some industries, he sold, such feet,about the proposed shift to Long Mrm ~dmund Jenkins vl 59~ any degree.*’ a~ nit" m’ water pollution. ’the buyer~ have taken poked-Is]and, The News has learned Hamilton Street. 3n de~3nJng Ih~ purpose an~that NCA sometime ago advised I. silrar.arizing, ~ho speaker sion, the seller moving to Wan-

................ fmmtio° of a chamber of com. e,lled nttenlkm to the potential tagh. L. L Mes Jean Bebreosreel estate a~anis in the erosthat the property was up for sale, °aloes, which are huge rotating mere+ on a county level, Goorg~of Central Jersey communities, of the Berg Agel ca, Me uehen,the companyasking for offers, machir*es which supply radio fze- Shay, head of the combinedcalling the area the "corridor for ~egotlated the sale. Charles M.Deadline for bids WaS~et for qoeney poweP for the alatellnae, chambers and toast .or~iden% of lravel, in the state, Morris of New Rrunswieh w~Nov. ii. Radlo towers on the east side theS°me~’iileChar~ber°fConl" Attending from F~anklin attorne~, for the setler and Frank

of the BarRen River, in Middle- mere+, said R is "not a political Township were James’O. Maher, M. Weiner of Resell+ representedMoving to Long Island sex County, are owned by the or partisan pressure group, nor s resident of the Township +ham-the buyer+Rainh R. Thomas, englneer in NaRonal Broadea~tthg Cool, any. ’super’ chamber of commerce

charge of the FrankE~ Township This property is not connected composed of ’supur’ citizens." Hep1~m~ said ~ae pMna fall ~ur with ECA operatlnns in Franklln! said the StOUp ~ou2d ato~ss mu- ~moving the entire holdings to a Township, Voice of America, tuallty of community interest~

$5omnmunications athflon on Rockytransmitter~ are part of the NBC; and the establishment of the pro-Point. The ]arges~ radio tel+- operation, The towers are leased posed of~ee Of ~n industrial pro-graph star]on in Lhe cOU:1~A~y, and to tha governme,t fur Voice of moflon. .... issioiler,"

GUARANTEEDprobably in ~he world, is located America operations. Mr. Shay revealed plans forthere, according to Mr. retaken, three ~eminars, set for January,

The RCA ~aciflty here is one ’Ne Dog.Ion Yet’ March and May of next year,.,thr.e,nteoont,oent.,.t+s +ben qu+n a o’ t+ i+ and the o+sh en+ +, WATCH REPAIRin the country; thi$ staflon a~d pending sale, Mr. Peterso~ ~o]~ for study of the t~x equalizationLhe one on Reeky Point are t~se4 The News that "’~o deelsion ha~ program, w~th representa|ivee ofto transmit to EuroI~, and a eta. been reached, and no price doter, the State Department of Taxa.lion in Belinms, Col, beam+mined,+’ Hun & Finance as dlseusti0n I INCLUDE+1 ALL " [ ALL REPAI~t~ ELE0-across the Pacific, The ptmt was built orlginatt~ l lenders,




TI~0NICALLY TI~DSituated on 8+7 acres of lan~ in 1912 by the Marconi CompanyA Drear Era D.eon tht west side of the Rarlt~t~ a Briflsb-contrulled corporation K0 ]~T~A 00~T ~t~ "WATOH~A[~T]~River. and sprawled along Easter The U, S. Navy took it over due- Giving what he termed a

A+enue, the communications can- ins WOrld War I and sold it tc"sneak preview" of the Presi-

t ..... tel ..... large buIidin, .CA |Iter the war.dent’s mess.° to +ongre. ~. 3 DAY SERVICE

housing the transmitters end The late Pr+aldent WoodrowJanuary, he said that Mr. Ripen-

offl ...... toragehuusmwhiehwasWilson js said t+ have transmit- h ...... il ash ,0~ ,+o +.,ion+ "’~ne CLOCK SHOP~ce used as a hotel for am- ted bls original 14 Points to Oer. year th be spent at the Federal

level to finance direct grants and D.H. CI~ployeea, two cartages in which many via the RCA txansmiiterstwo ot the nine employees live, on goatee Avenue. ’i~ae station aids fur capital improvements. MILLSTONE, N. J. (opp. C~.ut~th) Belle Mead ~IgRg

eight short-wave transmitters, I~ was part of a major plan devised"We are on the threshold of the

short-wave transmitting ante°- in 1928 to have RCA Communion-grealest development era in his- AI~O OO~PLETE 0L00K P~P&IR 8~RVIOE

nae, and two Alexanderson alter- lions circle the globe, lory," he predicted.In response to a quests° from OPEN 9 A.M.---SP.M,

Grand OpeningTODAY


--.Grand Opening Spedah --RRO. aBe--FOR DRESSES AND LINUBRIR ~ ~ma.6~.4,1q4~

NYLON, white, .......... 39¢ yd.RiO. 1*e...~ a Wf~.4~OR C~RTAt~$

NYLON Marquisette ..... 39¢ yd. f l)fk Tlfl REG. I,l~-..4g’ WIDE

Magic,o. ,i.. Cm Print+ ...... ,YS~ yd. /fe ? Nm/lPinwale Corduroy ....... 7S¢ yd.JIL~O. glad -- pIMWALE Yxfl~Jme omu k~ ̄ g, tay trtmmwl ~rN . , , ¯ ~t~0ty of fiflt for svm’ye=t

, . , zad not s Imd~t worry in the world, Join oat 1~§ ~t~U 0lab nowPrintedc., ,~ ._,r,.uro; ........ 85¢"~$,d.lad be it purll.h~+pp r lhm~ nl~t yllrl.,o..,i+-+w,~c .~c~

Wolverine 1.59 yd, E..1., de..It, th ++., Cb.,=. Ct.b ,~..t .l,¯ * ¯ , , ¯ , , ¯ ̄ , ¯ ̄ ¯ * l~eduee ¯ whelt~ul bll ¢heeb |n ~fme foe |ESf N~eI

buying. Join now . . , plan ahead and ~ve thud for, ¯Thege are Just ¯ few of the many specials yeaql find in merry Ehrt~tmas lB+d and a "bill-free" New Year[Manvllle+s newest store, We ̄l~o e¯rty ¯ Iced Nlecilon of~vllty dre~ I¯h"e~ taffegte, slthl, ~.ayonl, better POItODI~+lsme trlmmlnp and mewing supplies,

"3EW ~nd SAV’J~"

Mill End Shop Bargain Center820 S. MAIX tiT., MANV~LZ, E ~4

(elastic .ebb l~rniture)

Page 5: SALE - DigiFind-It · p1~m~ said ~ae pMna fall ~ur with ECA operatlnns in Franklln! said the StOUp ~ou2d ato~ss mu- ~ moving the entire holdings to a Township, Voice of America, tuallty


Pr~ecator Lean Oeroi~ky le~ Iibe kuuwn that he still haa thNorth PlalnQ~d ease under I~

¯ v~U|a(ton w~ he IflBOUBOelast wee¯ that the holdover MaGrand Jury hu been I~ealLed fo Cheek the e~rre~ word:Monday,

+ L Ernut Heroin¯way (did) (did no4) wbl Creation of a Somerset Count 1~4 No~| Prise for I~i~mtirl.

Industri.l Commls.Lon was tk 2, l~crpt’g former Q~ Nen-iman b divor~her (second) (thbd) hul0ud,subject of the first, in a series ot

& & ~ (Is) (/s not) boflh ¯ ~ Of towseminar mL~’ttoga hold [as~ week8tate ¯eitater Malcel~ Forbel jury and false sweartog by tile by th~ Joint ~hsmbers of corn- leith t? of sweater.

Is mtttidiul out the ¯emmntet ~l May Grand Jury durit~g it~ in, marco of the county. Speaker was 4. Welt ~itql~fl Chal~llo~ Kolltqt~ .’~q~lItlill"Alloelatlon On (}ovetl~r May. DestiNation of the 19S8 Eepublb De Wtyno Nelson, a nlember ~f (Wall) (WU sot) ¯ reqnt vllfltee to tilthnet’s pro~4Ntl to abellJh the .’an Primary th North Plainfield, the Middlesex County Industrial eolultry.county’s proleut part-time |u, withdraw his Dies of innocent Cool.siGn, ~, The EltltIQ ~I~ +f¢llt’liltl an II IIIMyed 011 (1~))111¢181 IM-up Of O~te Counly Ce41rl last week and entered, a new ~ktisllment of such st cool. ISWII}.~e RrM e~e D~lr~t (~m~ pl~ of ~ ~tOL Te¢o o~kers its. mi~mtoo wotlid be up to the Free,ludle, The Gevernor wOUld dicted In the same Inve~tlgatLoia holde~ and |t’a repol~ed their in (S¯B I~anrieeo) (~) (both ¯ flee),other see Somerset, ~do~g with entered new non volt pleas ear- feeithlls in the m~tter are ~e. 7, Tin), rie~tr~nic devh:m ~h|¢h ~ r~...~, ....~n =¯ De..o,.o~, wkl0b Sony+ o+ ~.~ .k.. ~.tw. ,o......d p~,~..*.W. = .,,W~ ~’~..)V;l|h tWO ftl[l-ib~de Cotlflty ~.~II~ Chstrles Goudr~u to steJld trial c~LJurl~t~ 8. At least one ralkq¯d (IJ) (k Ilel) lulhlet.

If gri~es beard by members el |log ¢omltttu~lou ~f ¯n ¯towdeq~wue~motive.

the legal p.~’e~#lon ~be~t del~,.vs ~| 9. A dolphflS It ¯ (Mll) (n~mmld),.... ~.thop,o+t.+~m.~oFra klin Eveany indication, the Bar Associa- ~ ~t~


I0. l~ttaltht II It (¢owltry) (t.yl~ of t0[~)s

tion shoaid be expected to look ~ yotw |nsweri, ecunl~ll IS for I~with favor on Meyner’s reeom- choice. A te~fe of 6-~ ill po~; ~!0-~ IlVeflge; !~,

superior and ~0.100, very ~pe~lOf.i~,endat ion.i

Ordl~rtiy, lm entb-=~.~ Orptltoattom are Imvlted to I1~ Dec. l~--MeeKng, Zoning BOard ~ Belowwomld be ltol~dwmnlnf trvm the their t’uaetielXll la thiJ eeinm~ of Adjustment, Townlhtp Hall,~litleLgu in the county. Even without charge, Det~ltae for this 8 p.m.though I~lltl~ I~ de.empbMIted copy Is Monday neon, Dec. 27--Meeting, Frsnklln Phil. IDec, 2L--Meeting, P~e Grove the Missouri River were made inwhen it eome~ le filling ~dp- Dee. 3--Meetinfi, Frank{in PhL1- ateLt¢ Society, Towt~hip Hal), Ma~or PTA, ~cbeol, 8 p,m, I the period after 176~, atthot~lh

8 p.m, Ddc, :~-Meeting, ~asl MiSstate the river bad Ion¯ been ~ route~.hlp~ it~ a oonLfor|, at tout In atelic Society, Township Hall, Dec. 20--Moating, Board of Edu-PTA, school, 8 p,m. for trade and transport for the¯ omeree~ ~o retain the Status que 8 p.m,

The first known explorations of French traders.amd Republicans en the bench, cotton, East Mill¯to.no Scheol, g -- Indians and, probably, early

However, under pt~esent con- Dec. 5--Communlon Breakd~t, p,m.ditions tbe Republicans face the t{oly Name Society, St, Jo-

prospect of losing the County seph’s Church, church hall,

Jt~dgesbip anyway. Governor a.lr..

°+ ++-+++- DRUGSIdly wokl)d nom~nst, a ,eltow Ph’llips PTA* school, 3 p.m, CHARTER

party member when County Dee. 7--Meetinfi Kingston PTAJudge Clark~en Creamer’s term Laurel Avenue SchoOl, 8 p,m,expires in April. This still would IDec. 7--Barn Dance, Lions Club,leave S.~ Chtsrnvalli, a Repub- Pine Grove M~nor SchoOl aud-lie.n, presiding over District itorium, ~ p.m. ’ Hamilton & Louis Sty. New BrunswickCourt until 1997. Dec. ~-M~ting, TownthJp Com.

Under the ~ovenlor’s proposal, mittev, TownShip HALL, 8 p.m

" ..... NO W OPEN~dlelary would be retaln~d wRh Community Councl], firehouse,ofle Of the noW gl~,000.~-y~ 8 p.m.~nll-time Judg~ being ¯ Repub. Dec, 9--Me~’ting, Franklin Park~lcan nnd the other a Democrat Community Council, firehouse,

++ + +° +- ++ BUSINESS~orma,, thl .... Id raise ,notbe, Dec. 10--Variety Show, Little


question Would the new fills League, Community Volunteertime judge named from the Re. Pirehouse, 8 p,m.publican ranks be Cranmer o~ Dec. I3--Pley. ~Iiddlebu~h P~A.Chiaravnth? It doesn’t appear, Doe. 13--Meetlng, Franklin Worn-though, that this will be a prob. a~’s Club, CoLonial Farms,]em since Judge Cranmer. be p.m.cause o1 a protracted illness, quit~ Middle, hush S~hool.probably will give up h~s exit- Dec. l~--Meeting, Philltl~ PT¯tng Judb:lal duti~whenkisterr~ PhiliiDsSchoot, apma,

COSTA ICE CREAM PARTYDee, 14~MeetlnE, Hamilton PTAexpires, leaving ~higrav’alLlthe loglclll candidate. Hamilton fi[¢hool, 8 g,r~,,,~in ,.¯, th. ,~.... ,. ~,eo l,--M.,,o, cuk +.ok +’

--..e-" rda,,,_ ., ..hdicl~llyltemevelYinv, Terinthe and l~:k +~t..,, PeG u Decca er 44~unty had ̄ yen In add ̄ blseb Grove Manor [Icho¢l, ? p.m,

to ~dm w~mll~I~b it =y be Dec. IB--MeetLn& Sot~e,set F~= ~-~ Ice Cream for all the Kiddi~lll~onmu~ ~ t~ new ~ Grsnl~ 14"o. ?, Frsnldl~ p~rk

praetlee~ mid ~ may to~uthe Ilppe~l for a gm~d ti~t~l~r el I)tc~led [t~inlllgI~.m11~4sp4ellve ~l~dlt4~ l--Dld, ~---~eeond. :--I,. 4--

--oq Was. fi~lce, 8-~an Francisco,H~rr~ Perry of South PIIdn- 7--Trlmlktot~, B--I|, ~--Mim-

~ld. k~et~l on ~ ch~ge of per- mtl. 10--~l~ of ~baeeo.


r to fill lr~


,, +-o,-J+ m,

Illl 7 CHAR TER D R U.GS¯ i "~),~C~o=,~.~,.: ~.~43~ilt0n St. (’co~,~,~tO’~, New Bt-unswi&.Illff Xll~et’. 5-1100 nllll .................... ,.,.,

6 m~

" "’_’ If no answer, call EAst Mllll~ne 8,~1 L"’ "’~ ..

Page 6: SALE - DigiFind-It · p1~m~ said ~ae pMna fall ~ur with ECA operatlnns in Franklln! said the StOUp ~ou2d ato~ss mu- ~ moving the entire holdings to a Township, Voice of America, tuallty

~Ast Millstone B-7000 TIlE F~,ANKLIN NZW8 T’ZU.IRliI3~y, D]gC~IMR II+ 1~11~

the undareountea+ storage. Theri it

’ the counter surface emptied o~discarded a~ter every major foodpreparation would take care ofreal garbage.

Tearing paper and cardboardpackages Bs you throw themaway helps save space. But evenpeople who live in the country orwho have gardecls use enot~h

BY KA~H EA]IUB4Alb packaged foods these days thatHome Agent, Socaerl~t C0unly Extension am’else the disposal of trash becomes ~m

item to consider in kitchen plan-pORK FOR WINTIIR Retail food prices probably ning,

~es 1be coming of winter will average about the same as

taea ..... lent l~0rk to,sis for this year. Co~ of clothing and

~¢.~your family? Probably, becausetextiles may be e little higher,

most of us eat more pork from Cost of services probably will

October throqgh March than allcontinue "their pattern and may

S~RVlc~the rest of the year. Pork prices

go up a little,i

ore lower now and pork wl]l be For the past three years, the 6~- - ~,~.~i J~lT~hcording into the market in greater average overa]l cost of goads S~dsupply, services purchased for family [iv-

Pork is not only exceedinglylg has averaged about a one

tasty, as the ancient Chinese dis-ercent increase each year,;hile many families have been

covered for us, but is also a gold iustly troubled by thi~ Jilerease, A DIFFERENT AFPLE pig II one In which two-thlrds cup ofmine of nutrients as our pres~t- it is far ft~m the rate that we ~lre ehee41e {for g-lnch pie) ~ added to relt’ul~r recipe,day technologists have dlsCov,ered, It is very rich in thiamin have learned to dread In the pastprotein and iron. And for the two decades, The rote of one per- Garbage Js different ’dean It This change Jn kitchen waste

economically minded, pork liver cent a year seems very stable aaed to be] makes a difference i~ kitchen

~$ arJ ou,atanding source of vJta. ~ompat~d to that of 1948, for in- There’s I,B of ’d~e kindy ...... gement. [ ~~.~~~stance, when there was an 18 found in grandmother’s kitchen It’s something to remember if

rain A a~d iron, percent increase. --vegetable trimmings, peelings, you are building a new home orBraised Perk (PaOIM outer leaves and stalks+ loose tea

~J~ W~remodeling your kitchen,

Braised pork chops are a per. Clething Pawlsleaves and eve~ fewer coffee If you must separate garbage

sistent favorite. To prepare the Clothing costs have been going irouncky in same homes. In the from trash, Jt might be wise tochops, brown them slowly in ~ down slightly during the past )lace of this honest-to-goodness plan far a concealed trash con-..+y sk,,,et .nd s0~,nk,e ,be~~+o yea+ ~oe0t,oos bevo ~en,’dfob’oned garbage ~ ....,a,~er ,t n~dn, he ce+ored ,~,....~,~¯..wlth salt and pepper. On top ol shoes ~d rubber overshoes trash -- wrappers, bet[lea, card- tlgh~ly, if at alL, nor oeed zt be ~ ~.~ ,t~~ .~~be browned chops put one oI which cost about two percent board containers and cans. ~artltJoned off Item the rest o¢ ~P ~,f ~fthe following combinations of more than they did two years~easonJngS: canoed tomatoes and ago. The question ~S: HOW muchoo+onr’ng. tb+okr og, ofr w1ongorw t, tb++ ......0,reed

h-tart apples, a little brown sugar~continue? AItbeugh retail cloth- ~J "ai~d water; or, thick slices o~ ing prices have dropped, the cost

sugar, and ca~up. Next, cover th~ A price rise is scheduled thisskillet and simmer the chops me,mh for some work clothing.gently for 2~ to 30 minutes or Wholesale and catalog prices nowanti] they are well done. ~ublished iodlcate that clothing

~~~Scrapple Sp~lal ~riees will not be increased

Use ~ lb. ~resh pork sausage, ioticeably untll next spring. BU~cup ye]]ow cornmeal. 2 cups current low inventories and in-

Beautifuloff ,be fa,. Add ....... ] s]c~ly ,e+er or~0e+ +o ,~0 are,as than CarpetstO the rapidly boiling s~Redthey were a year ago, Censure-water; stir ~nd cook until mushera bought enough furniture and

IIIIg~C’~O~ asausage and seasonlng to the first part of 1954 so that durablemush; stir and cook mixture goods inventories are i~ot so largeabeut 5 minutes. Pack into situationaS at thlSdoestime last year, This

WEAVEbread ]oa~ pan; chill, give a favorable THESlice //I l~oh thick slices fret outlook for ]ower prlees ahead,,be in th.--ge o--. .re ....0 SHOPdrippings, Costs of such services as mad.

.... ical care, household service,LIV~O cogP$ laundry and personal care have

OutlOOk Jrl ]iving cost ill for I~ereased over the l~ast few year~~" ~ly I ikght 1~4~IH ill ll~. and mmm lilly ~o eoutlaUe,

W~II-I~O-W ~11 O~ IPO@I~

oaaqtmtla&" lml4by f so t o t-y-ttn~lnodme~. All wo~,k fttUF

meexede ~ ~o4~ GUJk~J~NT~D,

Carp.-..,- ~,~. etingrr a~"m~ w,u.aer from ¯ yd.

Ouerr.+z MUk ~’1"O IiCHO(N. INHALF 71411 "tiME,~eav~ Cream #% ~ ]PI~OO TOUl+ o~de~ ~fOV~ beloF4 the hOUd~F ~uJh, A m~LI

THE WEAVE SHOP1~ -- -~g~-- ~ III Gt, O~O Wlclawl~ImA1r I

Page 7: SALE - DigiFind-It · p1~m~ said ~ae pMna fall ~ur with ECA operatlnns in Franklln! said the StOUp ~ou2d ato~ss mu- ~ moving the entire holdings to a Township, Voice of America, tuallty


Safety and Beauty Care Go Hand in Glove in the Home

~~ Push.Button Wnrrior~ I~S~ ot a button mn send thb l~ttado~ asa~t turbojet euSIne hu~upJ. m/~hty USAF B-61 Martin Matador to 1,~ deg~e~ F£3renhoit.

with deadly acct=acy toany tsrset wRhin Now, the aviation industry is aimings/j’nlfl~t tat~k/tl ~ l~ dofe~u of to develop a S,0~0-mt~an-ho~ guided

PottedBlue~pruce our country, missile. Johns-Manville is constantly

Potted Holly Trees ~ t= o~..~t, t,~,~.~.~- ~ ~po. to ,oi~o th~ in,~,~,surface g~ided miuile, which travels complex ins~latinn prob[em~ of sups.

Evergreen Boughs t~ugh ,~. ~t olo. to the ,p~d of ,o.le ~ht. The J-M ~m-~.~b,~-Wr~th8

so~d, mu~t he engineered for 100 pe~ent entists, engineers, production workersrel;abillty during its short life. Control of and sainsmen--wi~ continue to combine

Nsny stsee ~gh tamperature is a special problem in their talents in helping aviation reach thle

Balsam Fir Trees its operation. This is where Johns- goal.Manville people e~ter the picture. Sucb accomplishment is po~ibie only

Living Christmas Trees sp~ low-coat custom-built Thermo- when the men and women of a companyflez ~ blsnket~ hove been developed by --Johns-Manville or shy other--cooper-

,4,11 Ohl"lgt~l&s O~J[el~/ng| tit J.M to protect the delicate eisctronic ate to turn out a good product at reason.]Populttl’ ~l~oe| equipment ~nd s~=uct~a/ p~wts o~ the able cost for a ~air profit.

LAUREL GARDENS Plant Market~. Johns-Manville

New JBNSy~S MOI~ Al’E~le lSlJ.~t MP~t~BWEE ROAD (~e ]S~ks~te) ,, nOteD nOON

/ Research Center ¯ Plant ¯ Engineering CenterPbone EL 8-0~Sl Ampls Parking SlmOe P.O. Bez S81en lhe Bsn~ ~f the Old Rarltn ..... ’ ManvillE, New JersEy

Page 8: SALE - DigiFind-It · p1~m~ said ~ae pMna fall ~ur with ECA operatlnns in Franklln! said the StOUp ~ou2d ato~ss mu- ~ moving the entire holdings to a Township, Voice of America, tuallty


NewNe+ .Cub Pack

W;il Dec. 14d Cub Pack 50,

cponsored by the Pine GroveManor Psrent-Teaebera Associa-tion, will hold i~.flrst meetingDec, 14 at 7 p.m. in the school

The pack, formed ]a,~t Spring,has ]? mer~l~r¢ with R,~kel Nor-del of ]g Cooper Avenue as cub-

~ ~’lmaster. Pack metinss will be held, h

the ~ond Tuesday Of everymonth in the school. Weekly d~meetings are to 1~ held in thehomes of the four den nl0ther~


Harry Jaffa, chairman, John ~Yad ~i F~*~*TER A~ ’~*,’VSYOB ~l~ ~ "i’~N0~

Peter Krauszer. Den mother~ areMTS, Joseph Takaes, Mr~ CarlBurda. Mrs. Albert Philips andMrs. Prank I~glaai,

The cubs have been makingChrist/~’,as ot~naments as a [JaCkproject, and will display fhe!rhandiwork at the Dec. 14 meet- ~t~/~l[~l~ ~ I [1~ ~ I~ling. Als~ at the meeting, the pack

gram for the year.Township boys between ~hel

ages of 8 and 11 may apply formembership in (he pack by con

Avenue.lOoting Mr. Nordell at ]fl Cooper ~ ~hool children. Each pupil is I The close of the Mm’ian Year

The first’Fellowship~

ee~ntributing a gift to be sent to, w be obse" "ed w h a 3-daySEMINARY CHORAL GROCF the school whore Mr. Cuthbert No~ena lo tile Immaculate Con-TO SING IN KINGSTON taught last year. caption beginning Sunday and

concluding on Wednesday. Serv-

supper will be held in the King- FINE GROVE MANOR EAST MILLSTONE ROSARY & ALTAR SOCIETY ices will he held every evening,sign Presbyterian Church assem- Bernadette Scott was program Mrs, Ingrid Brokaw’s pre-lst HOLD I)ANCI: IN SCHOOL Sunday through Wednesday, at

bly room, Soturday ,1 6:a0 p.m, announcer al a Thanskglving Day and let Gradar~ vi~Hed Jerze~v- Teen-agars and their parents 7:30 p,m The Ray. John P Ads-The "Men’s Quartet" of the assembly program for the lower skl’a Farm on Henry Street, East .Itended a dance sponsored by mowski, pastor, will rover Mar-Princ~lon Theological Seminarygrades presented in Ihe a~ditor- Millstone. a week ago Friday, to the Rosary and Altar Society of tail Year topics in sermc~ls forwill Rl~g at ~he affair sponsoredium by Joseph Foohey, music in- look over Mr. JerzewsR~’s fur- St, Joseph’s Church, East Mill- the occasion.

by lhe deacons of the church, struetor, a week ago yes~e~lsy, keys. Pictures of turkeys and mto~c, in Middlebush School onLynn Spire opened the pro- other Thanksgiving scenes were RrJdflY. Plal%eS equipped With a very-

The Holy Name Society wil: high-frequency transmitter haveThe Navy probes the atmos- gram with a Bible readJ~g, alter drawn by the group,phere 40 miles high above the which the 1st Grade~ sang a Also in observance of the holt- sponsor a Communion Breakfasi been able, by ~m01e control, to

North Pole for information on series of Thanksgiving ae~gs, day, three Thanksgiving skits in the church hall following ~ turn on landing field lights at

cosmic ray~. Piano se]eetioil8 were played by Were prese.qted at an assemblya.m. mass on Sunday. Masses will unattended fields many miles

Sandra Bosoy and Robert De- program a work ago Wednesday,be held at 8a.m, and 11 a.m. away,


H Build tSam Cleveland Foot was pro- Second graders said ,God-bye

ome (~’ g ............ for an assemblyto Josephine Langow.ki, who


program presented by the 7th moved io Manville a week agooo~r~LT~4~T’J[O~Ii Grade for upper grades. B~bara Friday, where she Is attending

ll~O~]~ Scharf read P~lm 1O0 to open Complain Road Seh~l.AVAI~I~ the program and Stoves Dough-

B erty told the story of "The First MIDDLEBUSH

Home Builders Tk~k+v~.+" The ,th Grade ,~naored aDiane Latianzio offered an ace dance in (he a~ditorlom a Weeg

Mortgage Co. o~lon SO]O a,d Barbara S~bai’f ago yesterd.y, wRb the ~th

~’~ N. Y~hl $1. ~rvSlesans "The Little Shoemaker," Grade as gueat~, Joan Gavin was

150 S-~!411 aeompanl~d by a chorus. "In general ehalrm~m, am, seed by Su-the Chapel in the Moonlight" w~ san YlagS+ Wayne Cortmsno andsung by G~S Peloek, Lhada Oeb- George Tuekey, danetns eo~amlt-

~ haedt and Linda ~ehrend. tee, and Jea~ Wornle~kl and Mm--Aeeoedtou |o1~ were presentedparer Umar, decor~tlnS commit-

by Frank Rot~tm’l, ’i’homu tee. Mx~. Fred Brown wu in.............. ~ ~nd .Lo~ ~ Gall e~trl~ el r~druhm~t=, W~.yne

I--’~’-n~." - ~ P~llock offered ¯ plma solo, Carf~no 8m~mmeod dsz~m md~I ~ =~ Bdwsed FII~IIS Iml "It ~o’a’t +uRn fl|lS Imndl~<i t~ ~o-

T’hnm., Fd. lh~ Dee+ l-I-S |lHurt Anymore", =eem~nled by Ip’sph.Michael D~ede aa the guJtllp. Mrs. J* E, McDonnell was fae.Iklw~l Abrams and &~r John- ul~’ odvi~r+ Gu~t~ include,man san8 ’*Mille TImso" while Mm. IgS~l Stile, Mrl. dolmphl~’~nk M+~’rh~r /aa KJOd~ Slmtdt, Mkl Id~rlmde Bued~lt~kd danced. ~.dWinl Fulol~l, and Mm, J, C~lltJlu~llm,Barbara I~eSLato and Slim Men.sees combined to sins, "Pal~ Georse Cuthbert, exehnnp

Mambo," leacher from Itaslmd ~Jehins ~ ~ YO~ NAVE ’PAl SPA@~ WE’LL BUD,D A PLACESo]m allm wlxe lens by Don- the KInSetcn Beh~l, spoke to ’/th

t~ql TURNI~ ~d Broo~ and Fran¢~ Gallic. and 8~ Grlderl a wl~k lie MOP"[O~ FAM~Y CAN DSSSRVgSl DK~SD TO

VI~TOR MATURE ©hl~ InS I duet wig offered by day, exphdnlnl the ~mna+ In p~ASB THE ITl.,. @ONITRIN~I~D TO FIT ~OU1

ml--t---J, mwtna m~r~ t~i m]+ ran- +n+m and u,a ~;~o;,,Ira, Thl Pt0lrlm elo~S with the ABet helt~ ~e ~ ~e~

~KT+ O~l ~JTOI(*N~F OAI~ W~L oral

entire usembly =lnglns "God decided they would lane letters pBKMANIJNT SATIBFA~’TION, WE QIffOTB TO~ ~OS~,Bless America,++ and Chrlltmas stffl to BOSIIIh WITHOUT OH~GATION; AKRANGJ| B£SY PAY-


LOREE’S DrugStore ,... .. M.NT.."Tlus fl~rvt0e Drug IJtont of B~und Brook"

DIr~ttouj: MInVlI~ ire~t~ke Amwell Rd, to I~tlflkUu TWF. m InM~ddlea~la lad renew #llr~New B~miwlek a~u--+~k~ Hsatllton st. rand tufa leR at MIdlIeT~=S~

~ dmU~KlrN~q F4~11 ChU~,

e enterppeROl.lptlonJ -- Dr,teA| -- Oome’aloHEUot 6-0234 ,,x~, oo..~ ~+d ,~+h m, o,+~ sm-~’,


~’~S the Wahl Ad~

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aNEw¯,<,o., ,.u,., .... ,

The Frankll~y F~.SI h~ E.4.~ " ’~ ....... ~ ..........~’.~"~ tl~n~]]~ialist in Human F.elatlor.e ~;:’~:: -;;;-’:~".;~

Sex’vhlg all of Franklin Townshtp Rutgers University

by the SHOWING AFFECTIONM.nvllle Publishing Company "It’s nonsense for you to say

Edwat~ N’l~h, Editor aud Publisher that Bob is failing ill school be-Ned Wait. Assistant Editor cause he thi¢,ks his father and I

Louis I~ Brown, Advertising Managerdon’t love him," says a wc+riod

Single copies 5f~ 1-year subscription, t2.50; 2 years, $4.~0~other.

"’Be knows perfectly well WeOffi.ce: Eaiiroad Square, MIddlebush, H.d. love hits. Of course, we do pet

All news stories and letters of comment submitted for puhlfcatio~ ~atly a lot, She’s an affectionatemust bear the name a~d address of the writer, child. She’s only seven and is so

~UIe,MIDDLEBUSH, N, d., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, t954 "You jt~t can’t hug and ki~a a

tl-year-old bey. Bob wouldn’t

S Day ,¯and tar it¯ I Ix.airy can’t ..... ym ~+onneetion In Bob’s failures at

;ehooi. petting Sally and not pet-What with Donut Week~ Apple an accident, When you drive Ling Bob. It’s not logical."

Week, M-Day, Digger-Creeodile- safeLy the odds are reduced 5(

Tear~ Week, sad a mess attd mess ~rvent immediately. ~. Filling

of other such d~lgnations, the We llve in an era of high pew, This mother doesn’t l+.allze that

public, should the trend continue, red motor cars, autos with moP£emotions aren’t In#cal. Whenmight fred it quite an adeenture"juice" Stun Some small air ~e ute our head~ and reason~ wetrying te tell one c~londared day planez, And if you don’t kno~ :an be logical, But emotions are

of the week from another. And how to coutrO1 such Power’ Y°u’rt Ieellngs. We can’t think them,now comes another hyphet/ated rotter off on a bus or a jinrikisha we feel ¯haul,symbol, but this one, like a few To fully under.¯and the seri She’s perfectly right in saying

others, should be eiewed and rc ......... f S-Day, one must real-that Bob wouldn’t stand for the ~’~-~ks, Plays &

membered with a deep serio~s- ize the mo~oe ear can be a tour- petting given Sally. But even~. der weapon a~ well a~ a me~ns of though he doesn’t want it, he SundryThin~s...

This new nationwide herald tral~portation, and the difference does feel that the petting showsIha~ been stamped "S-Day," and lies in the behavior of the driver. Sally is loved more thalt he Is,It SiR con~e into being for the Of ....... S-Day should be He may be failing in school in an I

ANew Look for The Bd~rd14-bear perLod of Dee. 11~, Whatevery day--not only Dec. !.5, effort to get his parents’ attetl-

sear this "day" apart frora so lion, He may have concludedmany others is that the abbre- LINCOLN, HOLLAND TUBES that nothing he does will winvht~on is for"Safe Driving Day," CLT~ UNDER HUDSON RI~/liR their affection, so there’s no There is nothing that does vantagem, Donald Mock, who

wkJeb WSI be observed through- There are two vehicular tun* point in trying any more¯ Shakespeere i+~ore good than a plays Feste, the clown, hilS ahealthy disrespect for him. All singing voice good enough to err.

OUl the natic,n under the sponsor- nels connecting New Jersey arid llrlffleult P~blem¯ ship of the President’s Action New York under the Hudron talk about "not violating the ahie him to make the songs

Committee for Tre~c Safely. River.Theme Imrents have a difficult spirit of the Bard" is a lot of pleasant, inga Swensoa and

"S-Day" is something for each The Holland Tunnel was situation ~ their hands. It’s hardnonsense because the greatest Laurie Vendig not only have the

of us to think about. It has beesopened 1o traffic on Nov. 13, 1997. enot£gh to show boys affection Vloiktion ot all is to make him ability hlat also the physical

erelted boeause of the mounting Btdif by separate state commis- Talk isn’t enough. And oil chil. dull. equipment for the roles of Olivia

number of tragedies on Amer- siena, it w~ turned over to the d~n mtmt be shown that their ’I’ne parlous thing is, however,and Vik]a. Tkomas Barbeur’l

iei’~ roadways, because the sta- Hew York Port Authority in parents love them. They don’t that the closer one gets to the Malvolio, Hobert Cass~ Sir Toby

ttstica compiled of broken bones, lOa0 for $50 million. It was automatically realize it, It it glizabethan methods of staging. Belch, Philip Lawrence’s Sir An-

twisted bodies and corpses found named for CtLfford M, Holland particularly hard for parent+ the more fun Shakespeare is. drew Aguecheak and AJenewhen one child is affectionate Proof hi point ie the production Hatch’s Maria are all marvelously

el~, our highways comprise a designer amd first chief engineer and tile other one is not, like 3f "Twelfth Night" currently run- funny. Even the minor roles arenatlorlal calamity, of the facility.

Safe driving is not a code of The Lincoln Tunnel, the first Sally and Bob. aing in the Jan Has Auditorium, played with verve¯ What’s more,

behavior for the other fellow; it tube of which w~ o~nod in Parents could help a boylike ~51 N 74th St., right oft lit all the actors know something

is a sense of self-disciptine which ]937, now comprises two two- Dob feel loved by giving hie1 Avenue in Manhattan. Joyotlsly about diction, so the lines are

every driver should po*sess, lane tubes built at a cost of $6~ more atlention. Encourage him t~ performed by a group of ha<xd- graced w~th clarity,

Safe driving is not somethingmillion. A third is ~mdercon- talk about his ideas and Interests. some and talented yo~tna actors, The current aettvlty off Breed-Meet him more than halfway no Broadway production could way, of which this production is

which can be garnered merely struetlon, with genuine interest Try to be any better. As a matter ol one part, aa encouraging. Off-from a book of traffic regttiktion+; . make him feel that he is import- fact, it is hard to gee how a per- Broadway groups can afford tot is a feeling of rellponsthiltty The G~rt Scou~ of America ant and that his well-being and

formance in an ordinary theatre play around with tiriusltal tack-needed by every man woman are currently condticttn0 a drivelind youth who get~l behind a for at least 200 ̄ dldtlolull exec. happiness matter. Small demon-could be as good. akluei and lleldom-performed

it¯¯ring wheel, users neede~ by t~ue m~hrOom- straBoas of affection---a pat on play¯, because a great deal Of’ S¯le driving, if notldng else, lag organization. By 1160, Girl the shelltder =i you walk pi~t--

Orutel Dl=~deuWill help* tOO, Shakespeare Just w~an’t writ¯

money in opt involved, in ~tebpro~uclion, Whot’l more, Off

Idumld be ̄ very personal ¯ed Scout offielall ~timate that it ten for the picture frame stale, Sreedwiy the thee¯re-¯err ismflfl¯h ipproaeh to the fondu le~t ~000 ̄ ddRiknal fuR-timeri ~--Ik+~ti~ rs’~lu

but Broadway has not yet gettereach one of us u well ms the paid ext~utlvH ind. field difl~- St thg agalrL Tieketl licit ~hINIpl

other motorist, tl ¯ potential pi- tor~ will be i~lieded:m the move- lll’lli~ONll ~ llOiiuR,"over ibsen. Uptown or downtowv nd one dOes opt hive to Set

P~’:llqllt~,+I~lld~Ivl~’~+tOtl~l"It ~

eanifford, tobomuehmorldar, own on hit knees th obtainflint f~ the holpRal or I trent which tohe.v ~umbers over[ ptkt,~ liu ~ luklag ~ ins thin midthwn. In the J¯t them,

Htul, a platform extendl into thl, Itall~ .ubJlct for the emb¯~., miUion ¯rid. belt m.mberl L~ ..~l~f.~ Oil* tha ~ o~ ~ able to

~’ ’.~m~t hitFl~n tO~l" hs 8 ~ool New~oundinnd Is oenJtderod I~IIIII. II~ ~1

middle of ~he 8mall tudlt0rlt~ j0in~tthiMoihalt.hourbe-

¯ I and ̄ red hot ¯ntW to wind up the oldest eolony o~ Greet Brit. ~nd the at~hen~¯ 8its on thr~ tern ¯ fhindaF night polestaR¯nee

’onaRucueSquadst~eMher. ¯in, which clafmed it ¯tier R| ¯ ¯ ¯ lidelofitThllie llnolclneryl¢ mwt |et ¯ tlek¯t--Jmtt take thatl

Usually, it tabor two to ,m~he di~very in 1~9~ by John Cabot~ ~ nlar I~yl~ weigh down the action and lbo Theatre.going become* ̄ ple~.

actors move fluidly thi’~ujh i ur~ again, and not ¯ major ex-.-- to. BI...od-" : i ~ m ¯dvbml ml tl Sit lli often playing practically In ¯hi I~r ~nd level for Jan m~the in: ~ b4MIte- o~ ~ ~i

audience’s lip, tdvanve,The import¯n¯ thing ¯bent Marl power to uptown and

I il~-a1~.~ cul, Vnltke molt of Shlk0~plRPe’lTime ~tilre IgilnlWe# Ill vii n~i ioml.... ebt~-~’o~ food to p~ to ~ffo. comedies, the~ l~ not ̄ touch of --Eltrb

the tragic ik it. Norman Peck,+ .be prod+° ..., R.O. 0++"//t,"S m_ reall,od ,hi, .nd -- no, H. ,. W" ,,A",il tbolili I i bl

afraid to exploit to thiir ftdleii Three bridles built and eper-

++A 13 ir, ,he an+ va,o., of ,b. ,or+ at.d by th. Y.rk PO.

I This entalle~i some cl£ttin I in Authority link Eel Jersey with++.+o+ ..... .....’ i~ "~imr~i mum buffoonery, but the loss of erbrldge Crossikg, between ePot-

~ the more obscure references is tenville, S, I,, and Perth lmbeylno to be regretted, This Is a play Goethal’s Bridge, between How-for spectators, not sckolars, land Hook, S, I., and Elizabeth,

¯ ; Comedies are invariably topical and BayonL~e Bridge, between:.!! ~.~ thl btthtnb let in and much of what Shak~peare’s Port Richmond, S, 11, and Bay-

re furl JliE ~mt~¯II wlR~l to thhe a bath, audience would have found kys. onne.

terleal is simply incomprehen- Th~ latter atrurfure, whichsable today without footnotes. So spans the KIll van KUII, Is the

~ Japanese atomic sclentist~ hove the *’Sbakesperwrtghts," which is longest steel orch bridge in the~+~=~ been going duck huaBng this fall, the rather pompous handle this world and Is one Of the most

~ ~ ~ ~ .......

bet not for fun. They,~ tryLng vepyunpompousgreupka, cbos. sF+etacutar ~tdge s~uetures inaa determine if ducks flytn~ en, cut oul the hopeless liner and the New York metropolitan area.¯ t

l~ iouth from SLberik ha~e been made sure the regt were mage The Other two spans are of theinfected with radiation from re- underat~xdahie through the prop- cantilever ~ype. In all, they ceud

, cent Soviet nuclear tesb. er itures ¯nd expre*slons, leo rallllom to build,"~y DIddy dlln+t 81Wayl Ioi like ta~.~l’$ Jult"llltrSId ~lltt Mothsr hu found f~lg thosl~ hi hlK[ h[ddln Maine Is known i the Pine @i~, S~+md~ Up Mark Twath Ls burled In El-

-- hlt~l dagr~| hgsd|l! Pree Site. T~e flatly hat, IIt~V ad- mira, N, Y.

Page 11: SALE - DigiFind-It · p1~m~ said ~ae pMna fall ~ur with ECA operatlnns in Franklln! said the StOUp ~ou2d ato~ss mu- ~ moving the entire holdings to a Township, Voice of America, tuallty


¢1o~,. Th~ 0o.blo.,io. ~.oho~.....*us=de HOWdinette ia at the front, whbe the,good-aize bedroomB are laeated MAK| A TOOL CABINITon the quiet side of the house.

Plans eel] far an Insulated floor A too] cabinet ~ took |i~tea adso aa ̄ raak for bite,slab on gravel fill, frame con- neat and ¢]~ ahd Jafa from uneb~, ate.struetion with siding and a touch ~l]dx~d~ The ~ ~I¢ bU.E on 8-1loebof face brick. Tb, ¢al~m~ it mwJe d~.. i~./et._ctoegmKl ~m both thl

The dotted ltna8 Jndleale 1he lulllfabl.d with No* d W0¢¢ zl~10~mc~l~C~lblapl¯a~.possible location of a llreplace Nr~’.~ t°k-lneheo l¢*l~Jl* ~ ~’~. ubi~et II f~i~din the Sp~co shown as a ha]] ~. wall ’ml~ S-ineb IIS ~’wm~storage closet. The floor area is 1o1~ ct lum~4F iI~ ~hN ~ ea~cQt~ or dadmr b]o~

wide, cle~ted N ¯ Su ,all dH~ bek~ ~ In~h~~,~o ~qo.~e feet .~d the eu~ge

~V~. ~ ~=~S*,¢

m,=, ~..is ]4,~64 cubic tee~.

a~d at the with ~ 11 .

this series of articles can ’~ had ~o]es ~ ~ ~’8 ~]~1~ ~ m

without obligation+ For addi-

of tie,el data, write to the SmallHouse Plsn~lng Bureau, St.Cloud, Minn. Give your name,

the t LI~,~o : ~i2~=~ I RddreNs, h01~se dasJgZ] I]uTn~rand name of this ~ewa.oaper.~o~oxl~, ’lNe News does not participate

Week ........ in 8/;y way with ~he ~.qle Of

~ ~ll~~l~ building pla~s. Resders who wiah

to purchase such plans h~ay doso directly f~am the Small HousePlanning Bureau.

Design A-315, a 3-bedroom every feature required in a small Another home idea will he pre-dwelling, is today’s "Home of the home, from its attractive exter- dented next week.Week,"This house has practlcslly tar appearance to its

Special Cabinets --~-,-.----For Kitchen Goods ~reo h~na, w,,h ,,eta’ rod s~do,

~%f .... SileSian. The drawers slide ~....~,enne~an~out for easy handling of stored MUIY I ¢1article*. B.llde~

O~her types of storage unitshave spin-shelf and awing-sbe]f ¯

components for dishe~, utensils CO~II¢I"t,IOt’Iozl Loanlland pots and pans¯ Some feature andsJidlr~g trays and ̄ helves ~nd re- Mo~t~ttg’~s

SPecial-pUrpose wood cabinets Ocome in standard sizes and For Est/m~t~n Cldlavailable from building material 80 8-~074dealers. They may be painted.stained or given a "natural" fin-ish. Some come "knocked-down"for economical asssmb]y by thePITT S B U R G H P A I N TSh .........


The New Jersey Departmentof Conservati~ & Economic De-


velopnlent and Deparlment ofEducation maintain an unusual

MIERAEL BYK~E8 A special purpose wood kitchet~ school which teaches

Free Deliveries.--SO 8.7611 cabinet which is designed for lion of natural resources in the2T? S. MAIN ST. MANVILLE storing fruit and vegetables has state.

Started four years ago. theschool is held at Lake Wa;)a- ~ee O’~11 ~ UDUmU~tllanne in Stokes State Forest dur- and ~O]~n~

~~,~THE WHOLE FAIVIILY WILL ’°, the Su~me,,Aoo~,e~tiooChristina, Cardsand nalural history demonstra-

ENJOY YEAR AROUND I Itto~ camp also ta rnaintatned li~ Of aladl~literlld~

the Kittatinny ~{ouniab,~s r~earby’

A~i3~t~ Lines

Those who have been enrolledNORCRO~,~have acquired more understand-Bonttl’d’s leleotlon of thleow ruffs got, lag of ibe ~o lems related WRAPPINGSthe ear ;ervatior and use o~

ill 1Foetal of the 1*oull |1 the lit’~lt fo~’~six, wild]it, and water, B~muttful mt~ltl~limb Wlmlth~

m tats th~,eth. ~,~, ~v,~,,~ .,,~

ANSCO~S"d," woo~ c.~.~.=,,,t. SI,N FLASH OUTFIT.,,.,,,,-..-... ,.’"s .,,".." w., =-~, .,..w,,’ ~oo~,d t,~, |.95 m.o, .,~, ,ore ~-~ ~-"

Bell and Howell2?"X48" T~ooked Wull

OTJ*,~3uY o~. let us O~aIJUlpZO,Tr.O,i, OSm]h~Llded ltUll~

3tTILD l~ue home An J~BOUT 001~-a Y-AWAY PLLW

NEW .OI~ ttlLkOYN A T 9 S

oocm.oT Camera ShopliDS ~, Main St., J~und Breek

Osea thr I~pectkm EL |-tss~

YOU M~T US= Ores, ~thF.JLwsL]T Pls~n Fol, YOgi, G~t PT~rOl~thl~I

Ronald Carpet Company,.,, ,,,,, ,.

*’lkta u,D]nli’*um w. MA~ l~r. ~@MI~ m~at, ta

Page 12: SALE - DigiFind-It · p1~m~ said ~ae pMna fall ~ur with ECA operatlnns in Franklln! said the StOUp ~ou2d ato~ss mu- ~ moving the entire holdings to a Township, Voice of America, tuallty
Page 13: SALE - DigiFind-It · p1~m~ said ~ae pMna fall ~ur with ECA operatlnns in Franklln! said the StOUp ~ou2d ato~ss mu- ~ moving the entire holdings to a Township, Voice of America, tuallty


OPEN LATE *S NIGHTS--Monday thru Friday--8 a. m. to 9 p.m.SATURDAY- 8:00 A, k~ to 6.~0 P.

flLem mrkod arl epen hit¯ B nljlht*, OtJttrs ipm Im Thmlq a,d FrJdly, IB: O0 I.m. l~ 9:00 p.m.

GrOcery and Frown Food prices are effectiveThurlday, De.:, 2nd through Tue~ay, Dec. 7th.O~ther prices effective Ihrough Sat., Dec, Mh,



~PG m~M QUal~ FullF O~gmml


H~ f" "


Lamb Combination ,. 29c Rib Lamb Chops ..69.QFG TOP QUALITYFA~US RAT,’S RLA= ,~w~-T~m Loin Lamb Chops .. 98,

SMOKED HAMS o~ TO, O~A..Breast of Lamb ~ I 2,


Lamb Patties ,. 4~¯ GROCERY SAV;NGS

CARNATION MILK ,.,E,,~ I* "A~F2OU°:’Y~’’Hunt’s Tomnto Sauce 3-- 7, V.~v.ta z,~79.KRAF’PS- DOMESTIC RINDLESS

Del Monte Prune Juice -.,.29, s.:. c~. ~ .49,White House Applesauce 2’~"23, ~.; ’~-"~"Stmwi~rry Preserves ~ ’~"25. w.,~ ~.~~R.,~ 0=,.,-,~Rm

’ ¯ ~--,--. --~,~ . Beef Steaks , ,~., 59.Coming! Next Week[ ©UD~X~’=- ~,,zz~) .....

4.pkls, pulSpzg.,.,, t BREAD = 15c IIn Llnden-~3EndPello you save ~, o, ~ ~ou~o LO~ ZJoin i~l M~yfldr St~r(~ ~ ¯ @ill,lilt , ~J[tOMh IM’ff, dQ

money.vFn| a~¯ to ~teb~e ~he o~nlng ]P U Z* A fJ 1~ Zof aur ilvenfh Itore. Wltch ycmr laell

’~ ""-"--’ ~ ’~’, ,.,.....~ Kolbasi .. 79,p¯por


~ ~,~/FINIST FLORIDA Jl|lLIliGRAPEFRUIT, o5,~i~ST- SRICTi~ ~LO~K)4’S ~O~lt~ IA~T~u~ 10~ X~[~J~nillon St,~ ~ou.ud ~ook

~m~’. Brussels Sprouts~ 130 Sweet Corn 5...IS *eo~.~|us~.,8owez.~LlZe; *ItR8 ~or~r~ R~L,, X~ew Bt*~xu|we.~kiiiiii i m

. J

Page 14: SALE - DigiFind-It · p1~m~ said ~ae pMna fall ~ur with ECA operatlnns in Franklln! said the StOUp ~ou2d ato~ss mu- ~ moving the entire holdings to a Township, Voice of America, tuallty


ii iii i . ~ __ s.~

mEAL EBTATEHelpWmntedl~em~l~ ~tE.A.L E~ATE

Experienced," all-around oper-JOSEPH B1RLAEEKI REAL RSTATE AOENCY tot. Steady employment. Vanity $OI~N KR[PCZAK AGENCY

WE BUILD YOU A ~[OMg ~ ANY TYPE. ANYV.’HEREBox. 17 Hamilton St.. B o u n dBrook. EL 6-0970. {l-t2-2b) -- TOWN AND COUNTRY PROPERTIES

--WITH YOUR OWN PLANSR~kL RETAFE HGlp ~’~zttGd Mitlo ManvlS~Lovety ranch style home, all large rooms, tile bath

Manville, ~Drth Slde--~Mcdern 4-t,oom ranch type houSe, Ex, Part time helper Thursday, and kRehen, lavatory, breezeway-attached garage. ALso additional

pension attic, the bath, fufi basemcnh oil hot water heal. AluminumFriday, Saturday, 8 A.M. to 2 building renting for $80 monthly. Nieely landscaped. Lot 75 x 2~0,

M, SO 8-9030. (l-11-~b) Askicg $18,900.sierra windows. Lot 50 x 100. A~king ELL000.

- ........... Manville--Modern brich home, 8 years old, e~nsL~tlog of 6-ManvSle.--Modern 4-room homo, tile bath, full hasemenl, oil ~’~G1p W~n~ room apartment and 3-room olflee suite, gm’age. Ideally located for

hot water heat. Large lot. Asking $10,500, Rmall down payment, prolessiona[ use. Asking $25~000,Bonwcvifie~Modern 4-room house, expansion attic, Mi heat,

venetian blit]ds, alumloun~. storm windows, Lot B0 X llf, Asking DO YOU NEED Rradley~-yeor old Cape Co0 home, 4-roor~s and hath, at-$9,400. EK’ERA MONEY? ached garege, shed. Lot 80 X 200. Aeking $8,500.

Frallklin TowllShlp~Modern 0-room rat~ch type ho~se, MaztvSic--Good 2-family home, 4 rooms and tile bath eachattached garage, tile bath, fireplace. Oil hot-weler heat. Gas range, You Can Make Extra Money apartment. Oil heat. Lot ?Sxl01), pin8 extra lot 75xlC~. Good buyLOt I00 x 200, Asking $15,0~0. in Your Spare Time hy Solle- for $15,500.

itkig Su]~crlpti~ for TheThree Milw from somervEle~Uol off Highway 202, nice Franklin News in Franklin ManvlOe---Modern ~-family brick home. Two 4-room apart-

buSdlog lot, 100x400, Rlgh elevation. A~kJng $1,2041, Township. meat.5, one 3-room apartmel~t; three separate heating systems. Lot95x100. Asking $25,000.

Manville--2-family house, O rooms and bath in each apart- Three Pe~,one, Men or Worn-raent, full basement* garage, Lot 60xl00. Asking $9,800. en, Are Needed for the Cir- Manvilis--Nlee Perma-S~one front Cape Cod home, 4 rooms

culation Sales StaR. For and bath+ Lot f0xl00. Asking SILO00.Kal/nu6--Groee~/ arid delicalossen store. Good goinE b~flnes& Interview, Please Call One mile U’om Som~wSlo---New modern 3-bedrOOm ranch~.ro~ $75~000 yearly. RAndolph 5-3~0 home ,aluminum screens and sash~ gas range, washer, refrigerator

M~nvlile~ N. 6th Avenue--Very Eood location, 4 Iota As]SInE and btind~, Lot ]f~ x 100. A good buy at ~L3,900.~,0o0. Fez" Sane

M~tvllle--Modern Cape Cod home. 5 rooms and bath dowfl-M~vBh~--Two-f~liy home, 4 and ~ roo~ apa~tmenic, full CombinaCon gas and coal stairs, 2 rcoms and lavBtory upstairs, breezeway attached garage.

baeement, eli hot water heat, ahLr~nttm combination atorm Win- stove. Excellent eondR[on. Apply A very good buy at $13,500.dow~ open pexc~ Lot 6Pxl00, Asking $18,800. 127 N. 5th Ave,, Many e. or call

ManvIHe Busine~ Propel4y~tora and ?-room iivlos quaY-$O ~‘6130. Call after 4 P.M. MR.nvlUe--North side, 6-teem home, aft improvements, 2-ear

tars, all h~provements, Lot 1O0~100, Garage. A~klog $18,500.(1-12-2x) garage. Asking $11,500, Reasonable offer considered.

2 rabbits, one Angora, to be ManvlSe~-room home, all tmprovetnents; hot water heat,M~vlI~--8 lO~s~ $170 per lot. sold as pair, Inquire 123 S. 15th improved slreet. Priced for quick sate -- $5,950.

Manville, N, ~rd Avena~Seven-room house, kit hnpe0ve-Ave., Manville. (]-[2-2x) ManvBle~-Chaxming ~ew ranch home, Three nice bedro~’d&

lovely Iivlog room with fireplace, kitchen, dining area and tile hath.me~ts, Earage, Lot e0xlO0. Aekl~g $14,500.Re~dde~ltial .gJrea lo We~tOla Carport with sun deck. Lot 100xlfiO $13,500, Call for lnspecEon,

Maavllle--2-famUy home, g- and 4-~m apartments,troth, full basement, OS steam heat, Strag~ lot 80xl00. Askl~E

90 lots and ?.room houseMany other fine propertie~ [n various

$12,?00. locations and sil price rangesTiLe floor in eell~a’, 2-car Ear-

MuvRl~-famll.v home, 4 ot d recall gad bath ill ea=h age, property extending on 4apartment, 2-sac garage, lot 60x100. Ve,~ good for ~aw~4UL roodsl sewer lines on 3 roads. 3

~oh~ K~IP~ZA~ A~G~O~’

AskkiE $1~,5~0. wells, arts city water near prop-Manvillo--Modert~ 4-room Cape Cod home. Ezpsnsinn erty; Large Oak and Dutch Elm


kiOe, tile bath, full basement, oil hot water heat. LOt 100xl00, trees.If No Answer, Ckll RAndolph ~-$1tM

.taking $11,0C~, SO 8-7907after 5 p.m, EALESMEN

Vicinity of finmervtite--On Route £0~, very attractive Inrp STEVE WASS JR,, SO 0-$$~’/.rOOm split level h~e) basement, garage, oS hot water heat, ~- 13-1~-4x)

STEVE SARGENT, SO B-15~6acre of land. For 0nly ElK,g00. Kitchen oil stove, May be con-

FA~S AND AC~AOR vetted to coal. Also PhLlgas heat- -- ............................or. SO 8-3708. 34 3aslnskl Street, For ~n~ ~Or ~,@~

S, homervOie--~-aere chicken farrl~ 8-room home,all ira- Manville. (2-t2-2h) Two 4-room apartments, no Slx-toom house, with bath; Inprovements, chicken coops, 1,00O olckens. Asking $15,900. teat. 30l W, Cen~plain Rd., Man- Menville. Ca]] SO B-7~.47.

SEWING MACRINES ville, rear entrance. (l-12-~xl (2-12-2x)O1 KORTOAGEE AND LOAN8 ARRANGED Button-Buttonholes

Room with kitchen privileges Furnished rooms for gentle-Zig Zag, V[goreili, Viking, add ~arage fop a worn,m, Re~aon- then. 2If N. let Ave., M.~3vE]e.

MANY O’EItlR LffYL~’OS Modern Elna, Sinder, Neeehi able. Near a bus line in Middle- (TF)$~5,00 Up bush. Call EA 8-6908. (3-12-16x)

Light hou~keepml~’Ol~’plcf I~I]~L~NS][[XCHRISTMAS SPECIALE Paroished bedroom and kitch- New electric Nfirig~ralor, all ace

’IIQI~ ~R~B.~lll Alit’~ CrodR Terms en in Flnderne. EL 6‘6f45. ¢0mmodatmnL Near bu~ tad24 Months TO Pay (t-i2-2b) st0~’e& Free plrkinE, LoW rental.

AI~S~UR L, BK~ SMNmlm Demonstrations 4 rooms, furn~hed or unfurn- NO chSdr~ll, N~O Rooming

_ ~ N, $ Av~maab Manvitit SOmerviRa 1-15 Rep~rLi~ all Makes bbed, with kit~ben stove, hot K~UZe, 158 ~Outh at., Somerville,~,00 US water, heaL Women O~y or r~r- --


~lO@||~OUi ~|RO~@OUi S O M R R $ g Ttied couple. RA 5‘67~P, (i-12.Sx)

~EWING MAURINE CO, Furnlshed room for geuticrna~,LeavloE for Florida Dec. 8th. with kitchen privileges. 246 N,

TU~KDOS Will take one or ~wo passeager~, i38 finuth Etreet RARER & VENNB~J.~ND?th Avenue, Manvfile. (1-12-~.b)

Phone EO 6-8882 after ~ p,m, 80 S-lOre paintingFO~ ~ (i-12-2x) (4-12-18b) U~fnrnlsh~d studio ream, priv-

ate hath, Call SO 8‘6341 after 5 Col~tr~4eiomEELL’E Cormuit FOr’ S~@

¯p.m, (1-12-2b)

For Fre~ ~iimates8, Mabl St,, Manville J. It. CHARNEEKI BOUND BROOK 4--"~m a p a r t m e n t, private Call SO 8-~/M6

SO $-~l?g For A~y Type of 6~-loom house, g tile baths bath, 2~9 S, 18th Ave., Manville. ~rBL 8,7d~and kitchens, oS heat, fireplace,


~OV~M~ Jr eJ[~PMOk~ul[I N S U R A N C R new gas tense, was to was rup~ Furnished teems, single or

"" and full huemenL F, xcollont condL- doubts. Call evenklEs only. SO Iceland was letfled porto&-lion, can be used ~f twe tam- 8-8844. (4-i~-2x) neatly in 1874, ’

S~II;VIC. SOF~O R EA L EST ATE ilics.26 Sorth Sixth Avanu~ AS~g $17,C00

~. ~o R c~a~n Rd. cus]uK MOVSItS Classified Ad RatesManville, N. J, ~08 E. Second St.

Stomps Bouml Brook, N. J.Men,t111, N, J,

Dinl RA g.0e’/0 EL 8‘6100W~tod ~o Buy ....


][sEiioell~neOUl -’ AND THE FRANKLIN NEWEScrap iron metals and bat- TEMPLE THRIFT SHOP

Ficors sanded and refinLsheS aeries. Machinery dkmantl~d.Machines rented. For It~-.e eolI- For promp~ pickup, call SO 8- NOW OPEN Five eent~ per word, $L00 minimum charge per insertion.mate and prompt serylce, call 781E S. K, Metals, iM~ W. Three or more conseeuSve Insertiot~s, lie change In eopy~ 10c)~Walker’s Floor Service, Belie Complain Rd,, MauvLUs. EYRRY T~I[~REDAY dIMount.Mead 227, (4-12-9bl (S-7~h) Blind ads, repli~ to welch ore addressed t~ this newspaper--

FLOOR COVERINGS’ Auto Wrecker. I buy ears and

9:80 a.r~ to 4:~0 p.m.g0~extra per hmertion,

"Reliable It R’V~:nable’’ known as the Low Count~l~,

E trucks for scrap Need auto part8 Berlainl Goloret Hyphenafed words count as two or more word~ as the easePLASTIC TIL

REL for sale. W. Kuteh, 94 S. 21st may be. Telephone numbers are eoanied p~ ewe words, ahbee~atlol~lO CO Ave, MauvlSe. $0 8-9079. Over BUrho’S More as ~nEle words.

WLOOB CO , ’Dlvictofl St, : ~ Eomervllle The Netherlands, BMslo.’n and This newspaper Is not ~rupenstble let ad copy reeMved by

M Somerville tMephnne.SOmervEIe 8.£A88 Luxembourg are common(S-9-~ Deadlln~ for eol~: Tueed~F 10 earn,


Page 15: SALE - DigiFind-It · p1~m~ said ~ae pMna fall ~ur with ECA operatlnns in Franklln! said the StOUp ~ou2d ato~ss mu- ~ moving the entire holdings to a Township, Voice of America, tuallty


gren sad Brenda Updlke repre-,eot,og aok,,n.bern, County Tuberculosis Associationof Amo oa Reports 717 Cases in Somerset

Apple Packing contests and rally,The Mid-Atlantic Farm Show Parks and Hislorle Sights see. If you e.n make it, the Mid- There are 717 known tuber-

wh eh beg na Sa urdaY in A lan-! ion and he Division el Fish and Allantie Warm Show looks like cuiosis cases OO classified au ac- ONE HURT IN UBARHON 8OMEI~ET $TBERTtic City, with the possible exeep= Game of the Departmeo! of Con- it will be well worth any time live--in Somerset the County Tu- Autos driven by Henry C.

tion of Farmer’s Week In Tren-qaervallon & Economic Develop you may be able to upend in At. bereulosla and Health A~oclatlon Shipmann Jr. of New Brunswickton next month offers the bisgeat sent, New Jersey State Pal;ca, lantic City.attraction for farmers during the the New Jersey Florists’ Astmvia--- revealed th~s week as it eontin- tad Homer Carter, a soldier sta-

"slack" se~on. And, from ed- tic.n; Inv., Stale Department of W~ understand that the Be’~’ ued iss Christmas Seu] sais. tIoned at Fort Dix, collided Sat-vance publicity, this year’s five° Agrleullure, Rutgcrs T3niversity Jersey Potalo A~oclat[on has Seals have been distributed by urduy nlght at Franklin Boule-

day session should be one of the College of Agriculture and the plan to boost sales through rnaH to practicaly all residents oI yard and Somerset Street after

best Jn reeent years, blte;t~’lat~ Commission on the cation, advertia~og~ p tlbl ~ tit y, the ¢otlnty, prSxcip~lty through Mc. Carter’s car stopped at the

The lower level of ConventionDelaware River, better known as sales promntlon and research¯ /~ the cooperation of local chair- intersection,

Hall -- center of most of the ;ncodel, lax of five cents per The right front fet~der on Mr.Shipmann’s ear and the rearshow’s activities--by this tree Farm implements, dairy and all seed potatoe~ SomerviSe, with 128 cases, bumper ontheolher vehicle wereha~ been converted into a live- poultry equipment, home service, leads Somerset in total numberdamaged. Miss Mary WaideSehstock display area with about 350 farm periodicals, insecticides, an- a tentative bilI drawn up fol rePOrted. FiIteen of these are aa- of New Brunswick, a passengerhead of dairy cuttle entered from :real feed and containers fDr agrl- the Legislature live. kq the Sh]ppmann ear, wa~

the finest herds in the New Jet- cultural products will b~ di~- Ma~vi]le, wRh 20 active cases, treated in St. Peter’s HOspitaLsay-Maryland-Delaware area, ~layed at the commercial be used for this purpose, leads in that category while itzNew Brunswick, for cuts on thaEntries in the livestock showhlbits. This plan ~s similar but 100 non-active ruses bring it to forehead, and released. No rum-will compete in 16 elates repra- Then too, there are the many ideotIca] to o n e developed b~ seeand rank in the toLala. F a r mona was issued by Patrolman~entin~ five breeds. Jerseys and ace*lags held in conjunction Maine by the association of grow. Hilts, with two non-active cBaes,Carl Erbacher who investigated.Holsteins will be judged on Sat- with tile Farm Show, Amon~ in Aroostoob Co~l~ty, There has the least nlzmber of any ot

urday, Ayrshlrc, Brown SWIss these arc the Jersey Chiek As- a tax is imposed on all potatoe~ the County’s 21 municipalities, BLKS MSMOHIAL fiERV]CEand Guernsey on Monday. The sectarian on Saturday, Si-a t e leaving the county for destlna- Franklin Township, w~th S~ eases TO FEATURE CHORUS16th Annua] 4-H Baby Beef ShowCheddar of Commerce on Tues- tJon outside the state. ~ine active--stands InLdway in TheL~ MU Sigma Fratern[tFwill foIlow o~ Monday, day b’ld X.Vednesday, State the ]Jsl, of Trenton State Tsachers Col"

Lh’e poultry, baby chicks and Grange. Monday through ’~hurs- at upaett~lg the tax as interfer. In all, there ale 99 active and lege wiS p a r t I cipa t e in themarket eggs wllI compete for day, $1ale Horticultural Society, r~ng with Interstate 3amerce618 non-active cases. The ease- Bound Brooks Elks Memorialpri2e~ at the Poultry Industry Monday through Wednesday, and failed when the U.S. Supremeclarion points out that "lhe battle service Sunday at 4 p.m. in theExhibit. The New Jersey Milk Future Farmers of America Court declined to review th~ agains~ deaths from tuberculosis Elks auditorium. District DeputyGoat Association, the New Jersey TueSday. Maine high court’s de¢laratio~ is being Won hy the new drugs, Grand Exal~d Ruler J. FrancisSheep Breeders and the 4-H Club

resoureesY participate in the eeremony,

section of the New Jersey Slate Monday and Tuesday are of that the law was constitutional bu~ the cate~ must be found in Mor~ney of Phi]lipsburg will be

Rabbit and Cavy Breeders’ As- special interest to 4-Hers. Men-Presumably, a tax would be order to receive the drugs," *.he principal speaker.

sectarian Inc, also will have dis-day’s program w J 11 Seclude a log end of the ]ioe would be It claimed, "The number of Wtllt~r L. Rafferty, exalted rill-

plays in the "iix, a" category¯ half-hour c on e e r t by the ~00 as valid,new eases Is kept from going er, Samuel ZuccareilL William

The hay and corn shows, pre-ye’re #~-H Club chorus, the state- It ts estimated that the New higher and higber hy the u~- Krase, E]woofi Mcoreeraft, Henry

seated at previous se~.~!c~s, wUl wide 4-H Fashio~ Revue, a eoun- Jersey tax weald bring in aboutceasing viglMnce of our As.~ocia- Giamella, C. B. McMenamin and

be repeated again this year. try style ~quare dance a~d the $20,000 per year. The f u n d!lion, working with all available John P. Koehler of the club will

sciect~o~ oi a Farmer’s Eeauty would he sdmitlJstered hyEducation Displays ~tlee!l. Oe the same day the 4-H White Potato Industr

Edges(iOn dlspiay~ will include Chlb Favorlte Foods Show will alan whose members wouldthose erected by the Forestry, ~et under way, wffh Gall Helen- be paid.

At CollegH. DavJ~ Jr, of New Hrunsw~c]~has been named asociate special. VISIT OUR HOME PLANNINO and REPAIR CENTERtat for the Extension Service, H(formerly was an associate pro- ALL TYPES . , .f .....f p,.nt ,ho,o,y.WEATHER STRIPPNG Set2 10]~neral ~ervices were held a ¯

’ock ago yes erdav or D. }lea. FOr Avek’~ge S[~ Windowry 1;.e/ler Jr,, 5g-year-aid pro-fesor of a~riculturM economics,Hebadbeoat~ge,,,~neelO~. NOW! ~-~=,~" Nowl A Bl~rKI6~n

Dr. Fa’actklin C. Nelson of Re- ~ ~ ~ her~lW[t~HI~ [~lO~[~4Jselle was re-elected chairman of

the Advisory C o u n c il of tileThomas J, Headier Fellowshiin Entomology last week¯

Farm tips: B,W. GardneCounty agriculture] a g e n t, ad-vise~ t h a t trees be plantedland which is no longer suitabletht~ f&r~In~ or fOP p~at’~Ir@.

¯Mr. Gardner has tree orderWe A Full~=ok, ,or ~ fro,. the S=e tatrrv

Forest Nursery of the Depart-I,F

=.~t of ~o..,~.,= ~ =~o~- Line o| PEGi¢ Development Fore=t L.’ee seed-

,~ th, ~ o=t *, BOARDBlack ]oeush one of New Jar- Accessories

be~ fence po~t free~, willo~e-ye~r seedling

SUMP15 years. It is I good tree too.,~ e~o~, the Folding Door=agent saJd.A. t,,o,oo,oco.t. ..... PUMPS Z .SS.. hious species of pine sadFor Av~ gbmare avgi[~ble, ~leetir D~Or Ol~q

spee|es to plant rtNtuJre| study,however, arid you may get thl= T’I~P~H 14k~@Og~Onlnfm’m~lion in a leaflet whichmay be obtained In Mr, GardneF: dm,nistrat on Bu"d’og o’’ 0o UNPAINTED FURNITURE"Forest T~ee Planting Guide forNew Jee~ey," ~UOMPLETE HOME FINANUINO ABHANGSD 40

deficit of $3,000,900,000 is

5 lb. pkg ~ect~d to, .......by ,,.~o~.ooo..’ ........ ’ .......... ~00 at the end of fiscal 1954-55,

’lrlfftt~lOl t I~al~d I~tH~OE~ Pi~llt ~OI~~ccording to Budget Director

~O~OtMJ MI~SOnI~ ~tlr|ltol~B ~nw]and R. Hughes, because of~o~lgt’e~ional reduction of excisemxes and an increase in IM50xpetldSurea.

h’wsy ~ st 0h~mnoy rook oross~The effect of factory noise on

~orkers’ hearing is becoming amajor industrial ha~rd, accord- ]g]~iot 0-19T~Ins to expe~t~ who recently ad-

~0 ~ liT. 1~-19 Wlfl~A~ I~)l~ I ~ ~ liT, ~ressed the National SefetF Con- OTBN SATURDAYfi ~ I P~,

m0U;]L~ I~OuR~ I~I~00~gr~ in Chlca~o, Ill,

Page 16: SALE - DigiFind-It · p1~m~ said ~ae pMna fall ~ur with ECA operatlnns in Franklln! said the StOUp ~ou2d ato~ss mu- ~ moving the entire holdings to a Township, Voice of America, tuallty


of C~o,d~n~++~+ .... Burro Claimed Cub Scouts Visit-...er , ,L,,oNE ,KO,ANO, "

iViking 4 "#ill ~plltO~ Ihe

After Night Here .A..El.., -~.,.dealgnatlon mmeRme thlg

The Wagoh Wheel Ranch on memtk,In a letter gear to all phony

O~()~ HamSton Road took in a lost a=b~riberm ot the Ealt MIL1-NIN6 and KRPAIR CENTER burro Monday.atone exchaalte, the N. d. BeU

The yaung al~imal was Lot Telephone Compalt¥ expl~iaed

R++IONe Iaf" ,, h.d chewed uO its +n-0. oh++e +’d..", t"

tLfleatio n tag enroat e io NeWProgr~lfl "for natianwlde di~t-

I It +’ + """. Brmlswick from Arizona. Rail- rarely, +p em~mem"way Express omctat+ quartered Ugder the pPoIrl++m, eenIJm[the burro in the ranch until [+ oPtce d~galllons, dEl~;’~at

i+i+o++.+ +.:: :::When the anLmal arrived o~ alined ~o that they "col be

the lrain Monday morning, all ea~ly pl’ortotw+ee~ aN ~dJl7that was left of its tag was the Und0rs~od in +my part of the

BrunswLck. N. J." After a checkby telegraph to D~uglO~, Ariz.,it was discovered the an/mat be- reslonged to Mrs. Philip Crockett ofPiscataway To4’/nshlp, She said

Fo M torisis~e ordered tha animaJ /or the r ouse of her grandchildren to enjoy SLEEK 18 THE WORD for this new cruise liner, the M, 8.on their visits to her home. Kungshatm. Middlebush Cub Seoqls swarmed over lls decks yes. IContinued from Page lJ

Mrs. Crockett called for the tertiary In New York City aurln~ a tour,burro at 11 a.ltl. Tuesday morn- out-of-court settlement with Mr.ing, after Lt had spent a quiet About ’I0 members of Middle- of Skillman’a Lane, who was va- "FnomI~on and his sister,

bush Cub Pack 7 vialled the sisted by nine other dell mothers, At the origingd hearing on Oct,night feeding oil hay and oats. Tile party was undar the sup- were given to each s~t~t asJohn Monsee~, who cared for the Swedlsh Ameriee41 Line’s ]xew They ~+’isd~ the ahlp*~ o.~2 ft3oms 18, all de~5~ndant$ were present+

Your homo k ̄ Lifetime in re+,m+=t That’s wh~" it deserves r animal during its stay at the . and were treated o ice cream but the case WaS po~tponed whencruise ship. M.S. Kungmholm, at and cooki¢~ ~erved in one of the Mr. Grihlek testified that Mrs.the be6t protection from wtn~, ranch, said it was s~ubbom, bul~lin lnd itorro. Jn good condlt~oll despite the tb~ New York pier yeslerdaY, voraod~ deck louzlge$. Souvenh’~ Pett~j~ was not the driver t~ oneh’~ k dm best tlmo to ttorm, long ~ourney. of the vehicles, claiming he had

,proof your home. bolero h.k, It was interested only in eat- ervision of Mrs. Stanley Zolto,mementoes of the visit thre+ witnesses who would sweaxelule eosLl repairl. ~llrl atIhe tap wit~ itu~dy fit~.r~i~t. lag+ he said, and paid ~o atten- that a man we0 driving the car....... finer:+ .......... the +.+oatotbehorsesi ..... djo,ni~

Fra klin’sWo BI Mrs Pe,tk+n+h+t+,’.he,+.rough ....... her-tory .... pen. ~ man in ue thedriver, andth ....... pc+t-.and yslrlt GLve roar home the¯ long.term prat+ction mud dk- polled until Oct+ 2~ in order that

’our~in¢t/Vedependt~le,b~tu $a~rtntend hr[ the w/Incases mfght appear. But

Cnmdl__l~ellt 21.~ ~Coo,ln,+d from Page III whistle is all ahe needs to st .... Rher Mr, Gi.ibick nor the wit-tLme. teated

lenmlno Ruheroid r~nI ml-’t+riall. "~mwv~= m+ ~ ~v ’ speeders. She blows her whistle hoaxes were Jn court tha+ night,

OWn chiJdre/+ a+let+dJng the school .,hen ~+nyott+ + edg by " he +aid nor o+ tWO succeedil+g SaI~ set++, ......d+,.. .... BtT " ++roofing e~ti~mt+l--withoal* I whoso erossmg she POheea, ]Rich- "a+xd that’s enough to slow them for the hearing,~+bltlmlom U eam ose ard t2 ia in tile +th Grade, and down They don + race along Am It/ another realtor before the

Norman, e entered he Begin- ~ell R0ad again"~Ne¢~vlmel~ l~ptte Bill Co,lolls 21d m . ~ ~ I "

court. Re.emend Eatil[o. g2+ ofthe final game; Team ~ was ahLlt nero’ etaP~ in ~eptemoer. SilO[ Mt~. Merrei[ knows how to Linden was final a total of $Ig7

’ out hy Team 2 in Friday Nighthtwo aaS tune~the," eh!ldren, Lois, 16,! n a ag~ yoangs ors Bes des her fro’ driving a ¢8r without the.... s t at G ris’ Voeatmnal ~ f hBowl ng League competition F=t . ~o ’ bur c dren, she had to owner’~ permission, drivi*~

811 g’~l~S/t~r a-t er 1~ ~# dry n he Fa con Camp a eysSch°°~lnWo°dhtldge, andMl~’lnat,ag+hundredsothemwh~wlt~oxJta~i ...... tn his pales-t" " . LxnnTho.. rne 21 of East Orange. he w aion and cat+eless driving..... Cot e ’a mark v,,~ ust e ghl lira" oldes~ dau ht r Mrs 1 "

orked t the Mlddlebu~hCOMPLETE HOME

~ointm short of the season’s hi~ - . g e , . Theft e~l School eafe er a five year~ ego " He was assessed a mandatoryFINANCING ARRANGED’ovf 223 ’a ed by Bqd Miller ~

nas tx~o chtldre~l maktnS Officer, ndcrstand k ds." she aaid. $1oO aod $4 casts Per dfivlnETeam 4. Lea He ,man ed he v c.

Metrel u ver~ young grand- A re dent o the owtt~ 1 or withot~t the owner’~ consent. He

ors w h a h h set es of 164 7~ mother. ~I yea.s. M ’~ Merrel a ended ~aid $fl for eare]esa drivi~.g andand 53 g , MIs. Mertell was tile only ap- e ol]e. ’earn Three-Mile ~un 14 on the other charge+ The ear

J m A n ca a n o Team 1pticant to answer the chief ~ eel School. ’COne s hrough 8 h ,clanged to his brother, Austen

[l~to~.~+k,m+.~l~ I g , P . , for a schoot-cro~ing guard Ins * h ’ PatdLo, also of Linden.¯ = he ped h s cam £e urn to Its w n- Stlmnler She took on ih i + grades ~re euaed u ha one-HI~II3VAY ~

. e thlt e room Institution. She al~o attc+xd+ Harry Cornell, 35. of Somer-ning ways with a three-game a ~olieewota~ when ed New Brunswick High School. vil[e paid $10 and $4 eo~t~ forAt Chimney Itoek Crowing sweep of Team 4. He tallied 18’, opened in September and serve! Standing at Amwell Road in- speeding g0 tulles ~n hour in aBetwen gometwille & Ig0 and Ig3+ for three hours ~ da~ at a ter~ction these cold windy 25-mile zone,~nd R~k Teams 1 and 3 and 2 and of $l alx hour. Sheisetthelnter mo~ingai~noteasyfora~oma~BL #-g~$ meet Friday on ++he Falcon aSe seetlon from 8 to g:~0 era., II in sktr~, so the atoek.v police. VALLEY FIF~M~N PUSKOImlt htm’d~y +I’11 I F.NLat 8 S.t~. a.rn. to ! ~,m., and fl:~0 t¢ a p.m woman made herself a pair 01 CAMI%~lGN TO END DEBT

Wemm Drlve~ stacks for the uniform, "But i~ Mlllatone Valley firemen ere

P I~

wilt have to be a mighty c01d da, making a h0ule-(o-h0t~, ca~lvulm~thers takihg their children t~ before I get the nerve to wear in East Millstone to raise lundt

Ot.O aJ~d ~hools other than them." she amid for the fire company.~+-

~ P

s~ys Mrs. Metre/l, who never Mrs. Merrelt is one of two ’I~e annu=l[ fund drive+ which

~ ~r~ tMued a aummonl, "I los| tlke scho~l-~romdEE ~l~’dl It~ ~ pallln tWO ~ ~ will ~ ’...lha numbel: and i~lve it to the ToWnship. ~ other~ ~es0 NI~. tthue until O4~* lO, ~

/l~p’~f~,’ Should ~le Om YOUI" ch~et+" ol~:.a* ot SE M=ml£f~m Sfreet, how to r~e I~000 +o ~ tb+

~t~ .~p%~.t,’~.~" ~I~Bl~l L|ltChief Voorhee, claims hex aLands guard at I{araJlton School department’s r~mai~tng debt for

the ~rchase of a new +hiCk.fiance~F LiGht Club Father. Child Night ~o,+’+. Eo,d,o, ,., ,h. ,...

The Item, made two trod a half



~ Att..oS Fil Sigrown

" p.m+Yelra ago, wll, for $1g,000, hut

Gold and Silver recta 70 to ee ms, ng ~,d~’"+" ~" "~in aiL slZes

"Father and Child" night w~ The drive wiU be climaxedOttltO~ ]~d~ celehrsted by the LIo.ml Club ¯ Seventy-five J0ercenf o/ the ~a- with a esrd p~rty Dec. lO at g

Framm *,.k ye,tordlty in th~ Fair- lion’s bLueherrJes =re In In the Millstone ValLeylawn Restaurant, S o m e r s ¯ t Maine. Grmtge Hall, ’

Plaee Your Order ~ B~rlt,About 70 person, vtewed car-

D~I".UX~- O~A~A~B teen film ,trips ~d =ang to theW@ I~41 YOIIP.

accompaniment Of an aeeordion

OIL PAINTING SETS p,.yed h~ doEn Ye,tg0, Al Raloh-eft led the group .inging led CEll

COMPARISONCairo nmnmled the ~oJeetor,R go Pre.mlxed Col~m¯ g Mounted- l~r~-Planea etmvsme~ If" x fS" AI Mflehanoski announced that¯ ~ Oenui~e At41sta Bt~4tm all tickets for the LLone Club ~OIP Be~,] Vttltt¯

349 ~.~ Donee have h.n dedrihIol uted+ Tbe event wJH be held Dee F~ I~ ~OOd Ul~d 4~,~

V at 8 p.m, i, Pine Grove Manor=.+..A,.=..o.,¢m=.,~... +ehoo,++.+ooo. for.eh,, SEE US N0Wtdren’s Christm~ Party.

Ferd Hoch & Co d+ o.w,tt MoC+. L,tO.League pl~er agent, announced¯ ~,..r,.+,he* +.l he h.,+ NYBO AUTO SALES--~T~g~I~RC9 I~l-+ tn the Community VMunteer fire-Ph0tle ~0 ~l-g~n h~tlae 8 W~ek frown t0mrrow at

’/7 W. M~II~ St. . Iletaetvflle. N. J, 8 p.m. Me ~ald the money wtll be ~[~dQr~e 4~ER|gI~

FBEB FAKKINR IN RBAR OF M~03@u~o~ for the foz~flm+ o~ a ~ou~. OU~ RIPUTATION 119 BUILT UPON" DEPENDAB~I~team Pony I~ague,
