9367 Wattsburg Road • Erie, PA 165096031 Visit www.stbonifaceparisherie.org for daily updates on St. Boniface events. Saint Boniface CATHOLIC CHURCH APRIL 29, 2018 FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER OUR VALUES Christ Jesus, enable us to reap this bountiful harvest by staying rooted in the “good soil” of the basic principles in which we as a parish believe. We are a parish who prays, studies, and acts in accord with the Scriptures and the traditions of the Catholic Church and the Diocese of Erie. We are a parish who stands firmly on the foundation of our past; We are a parish who understands and responds to the changing needs of all families today; We are a parish who welcomes and enjoys fellowship with all people; We are a parish who lives within our means and exercises responsible stewardship of the resources entrusted to us; We are a parish who works together as God’s family for the good of all, putting our common mission above all else. This we pray, in your name. Amen. St. Boniface, pray for us. OUR MISSION Christ Jesus, you call us together as a parish to sow and nurture the seeds of God’s saving love in the hearts and minds of all our neighbors and beyond by living your gospel. OUR VISION Christ Jesus, bless us as you blessed our patron, St. Boniface, so that, by carrying out the mission entrusted to us, our parish will yield a bountiful harvest of passionate disciples, united to you by the sacraments and sent by you to further your mission. HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE HEARING DEVICE AVAILABLE

Saint · PDF file9367 Wattsburg Road • Erie, PA 16509-6031 Saint Boniface CATHOLIC CHURCH JANUARY 28, 2018 FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME

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9367 Wattsburg Road • Erie, PA 16509!6031�Visit www.stbonifaceparisherie.org for daily updates on St. Boniface events.


APRIL 29, 2018!!


! OUR VALUES!Christ Jesus, enable us to reap this bountiful harvest by staying rooted in the “good soil” of the basic principles in which we as a parish believe.!!

!!! We are a parish who prays, studies, !! ! ! and acts in accord with the Scriptures !! ! ! and the traditions of the! Catholic ! !! ! ! Church !and the Diocese of Erie.!

!!! We are a parish who stands firmly on !! ! ! the foundation of our past;! !

!!! We are a parish who understands and ! ! ! responds to the changing needs of all !! ! ! families today;!

!!! We are a parish who welcomes and !! ! ! enjoys fellowship with all people;!

!!! We are a parish who lives within our !! ! ! means and exercises responsible ! !! ! ! stewardship of the resources ! ! ! !! ! ! entrusted ! to us;!

!!! We are a parish who works together !! ! ! as!God’s family for the good of all, ! !! ! ! putting !our common mission above !! ! ! all else.!

!! This we pray, in your name. Amen.!!! St. Boniface, pray for us.!

OUR MISSION !Christ Jesus, you call us together as a parish to sow and nurture the seeds of God’s saving love in the hearts and minds of all our neighbors and beyond by living your gospel.!!

OUR VISION!Christ Jesus, bless us as you blessed our patron, St. Boniface, so that, by carrying out the mission entrusted to us, our parish will yield a bountiful harvest of passionate disciples, united to you by the sacraments and sent by you to further your mission.!!



“Christian’s identity card’ and a “portrait of the master, which we are called to reflect in our daily lives” (63). Taking Pope Francis’ lead, and building on his own thoughts in Rejoice and Be Glad, I will reflect for the next several weeks on the Beatitudes as a path to holiness for all. Whoever we are, whatever circumstances we face, Christ calls all of us to holiness. May our reflections together over the next few weeks help each of take the next step on that path.!!

Fr. Marc Stockton !


NIGHT~ Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Erie invites you to enjoy Club CC Night, a celebration and continuation of the good works of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Erie, on May 12 at the Bayfront Convention Center in Erie. The lounge�like setting will feature food and drinks, dancing and entertainment, all for a wonderful cause. Local comedienne Lisa Chimenti�Foster will portray Sister Agnes as the evening’s toastmistress. Cleveland Nightclub DJ Brent Schmidt will offer music covering everything from the Rat Pack through today’s hits.!!!Ann and Charlie Rutkowski will be honored with the Helping Hands Award, given for outstanding service to both church and community. Tickets are $100 per person and must be purchased in advance. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit www.ClubCCNight.com or call 814�824�1251. Proceeds benefit people in need across the 13 counties of the Diocese of Erie.!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!

STAFF!Rev. Marc Stockton, JCL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!�Pastor!Rev. Mister Timothy G. Good�!!!!!!!�Permanent Deacon!Sr. Rose Kuzma, O.S.F.�!!!!!!!�Director of Religious Ed.!Sandee Krivonak�!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!�Business Manager!Melanie Kennerknecht�!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!�Parish Secretary!Darlene Pamula�!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!�Pre�School Director!

PARISH OFFICE HOURS!Monday�Friday�!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!�9:00a.m.�1:30p.m.�

DIRECTORY!Parish Office�!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!�825�4439�Pre�School�!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!�722�0824�Center�!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!�825�8101�Hall Rental�!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!�825�4439�Parish Website�!!!!!!!!!!!!!�www.stbonifaceparisherie.org�Pastor�!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!�[email protected]

General Office�!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!�[email protected]

Business Office�!!�[email protected]

Religious Ed.�!!!!!!!!!!!!!!�[email protected]

Pre�School�!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!�[email protected]








“Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you and utter every kind of evil against you falsely because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because your reward will be great in heaven” (Matthew 5: 11�12).!!

Rejoice and Be Glad is the title of Pope Francis’ latest apostolic exhortation. In it, he reminds us that all people, not just the best�known saints and martyrs, are called to holiness, and the Holy Father offers advice on how to answer that call, whatever our state in life. To understand the universal call to holiness, we need to understand what holiness means. Pope Francis describes holiness as “experiencing, in union with Christ, the mysteries of his life,” both the drama of his death and resurrection as well as the quiet moments of his daily life, and modeling the mysteries of Christ in our own lives by loving God and neighbor. “As a result, ‘the measure of our holiness stems from the stature that Christ achieves in us, to the extent that, by the power of the Holy Spirit, we model our whole life on his’. Every saint is a message which the Holy Spirit takes from the riches of Jesus Christ and gives to his people” (20�21).!!

The message of Christ that God wishes to speak through each of our lives varies depending on the person and the experiences that we face. Some are called to heroic witness, like our patron, St. Boniface. Most are called to simple, daily acts of holiness, as Pope Francis describes: “I like to contemplate the holiness present in the patience of God’s people: in those parents who raise their children with immense love, in those men and women who work hard to support their families, in the sick, in elderly religious who never lose their smile. In their daily perseverance I see the holiness of the Church militant. Very often it is a holiness found in our next�door neighbors, those who, living in our midst, reflect God’s presence. We might call them ‘the middle class of holiness’” (7). !!

The message of Christ that we become for the world through lives of holiness is expressed simply and purely in the Beatitudes, which Pope Francis calls a !

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! April 29, 2018!! PRE BAPTISM CLASS~ Are you planning on

having a child Baptized in the near future? There is a class being held at St. Boniface, on Monday, May 7th at 7:00 p.m. in the Allgeier Room. Call the Parish Office at 825�4439 to register.!!

THANK YOU FROM THE PRIESTS~ !Last weekend, our parish took a second collection to support our retired diocesan priest fund. Despite these difficult economic times we appreciate your generous response to share in the care of those faithful priests who have ministered to your spiritual needs.!!!Your priests truly appreciate your support and thank you for contributing to the Good Shepherd Collection for Erie Diocesan Retired Priests.!If you would like to add your support to this collection you may still return the special collection envelope for Good Shepherd Sunday in upcoming collections or mail to the parish office. You may also send to Office of Finance for the Diocese of Erie (please make notation for Good Shepherd Collection on the check or envelope).!The Catholic Foundation of the Diocese of Erie has an Endowment for Clergy Health and Welfare if you would like to remember a special priest with a gift or bequest to this diocesan endowment to benefit our priests.!!!




BEAR REPEATING~ Research reminds us that teaching children how to resist the overtures of a potential molester requires repetition and reinforcement. Children and young people need to know the rules, and they need to hear them over and over and over again so that the rules become part of a thought process. This is done in the same way we teach the rules about looking both ways before crossing the street and the danger of getting too close to an open flame. Empowering children to speak up and resist the overtures of potential molesters can stop a child molester in his or her tracks. To see what the Diocese of Erie is doing to help create safe environments, check out http://www.eriercd.org/protectyouth.htm.!


MEMORY~ The Sanctuary Candle is lit this week in memory of Sal Randazzo from Family & Friends.!

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION~ Today all the children will be at the 10:30 mass for the Family Mass. We are proud of our Kindergarten, first and second graders who are doing the readings, being greeters and carrying the offertory gifts. The chil-dren will celebrate in the cafeteria after mass and receive their certificates and pins of Attendance.!!



OUR CATECHISTS: Judy Bitters, Patricia Thaler, Jeanne Yaple, Christa Kuhl, Cindy Srnka, Nancy Nunes, Jennifer & Jeremy Pier, Bob Gottschling, Theresa Dunn, Heather Keener, Pam Forbes, Don & Dawn Smith and Linda Gladitz. May God bless and reward each of you. What would we do without you?!!

There are still some families who have not registered for next year and we ask that you do so this week. !!

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL~ We will be having Vacation Bible School on the last week of July. The dates are July 22�27th. Mark your calendar. We can use the upper grades and adults to help and use for service hours.!!

HIGH SCHOOL SERVICE HOURS~ Our summer festival is June 2rd and 3rd. Help is needed in setting up early on June 2nd and then again on Sunday, June 3rd. Please call Marty Kosiorek at 825�3854 to volunteer. !!

FIRST COMMUNION~ Eight children receive their First Communion next Sunday at the 10:30 mass. Do keep all in your prayers.!





JUNE 2 – Craft Beer, Sandwiches & Music 6pm – 10pm !

JUNE 3 – Traditional Chicken Dinner 11:30am – 2:30pm !

save the dates - post this on your fridge!









As we proceed through these final weeks of school and look forward to our end of the year celebration I am deeply grateful for all that has been done by everyone to make our program such a success. Looking ahead we will be opening a 4th classroom to accommodate our growing needs and improve on the academics that we are able to offer. All the time and effort that we put into the program is done not because we have to but because we want to and also it is our love of children that makes us want to grow and offer all that we can to make each child's first years of school a wonderful memory. I believe that God is with us as we go forward and He is the guiding force behind all of us in all we do in our lives. If we truly believe and listen God will answer us.!!I am pleased to say that through the generosity of our St. Boniface community we are able to fence in our playground and purchase some new items. How blessed we are to have such wonderful people who go above and beyond to make dreams come true for others. As soon as the weather gets warm the project will begin. Again from all of us in preschool thank you.!!

God Bless!Darlene Pamula!

Preschool Director!

Sunday— April 29 ! 10:30a.m.! ! ! Religious Education Family Mass !! ! ! ! ! ! ! (Church)!

Monday— April 30 4:00p.m.! ! ! ! Diabetes Meeting (Allgeier Room)!

Tuesday— May 1!! 7:00p.m.! ! ! ! Boy Scouts (Cafeteria)!

Wednesday— May 2 ! 7:00p.m.! ! ! ! Choir Rehearsal (Church)

Thursday— May 3!! 6:00p.m.! ! ! ! Book Study (Allgeier Room)!! 6:30p.m.! ! ! ! Knight’s of Columbus Meeting !!! ! ! ! ! ! ! (Zapolski Room)!

Friday— May 4 1:00p.m.! ! ! ! Prayer Shawl (Zapolski Room)!

Sunday— May 6!! 10:30a.m.! ! ! First Communion (Church)!!



Saturday May 19, 2018. Bus leaves Kmart Grandview at 9:00a.m. and will return approximately around 8:00p.m. The cost is $55 per person which includes: Shopping/tour at Wendell August Forge, Shopping/Wine in Volant, Stop at Cheese House, Dinner and Hay Ride through Elk Ranch. Dinner will be outdoors, weather permitting. For reservations/payment call Rose Konsel at 969�2227 or Ruth Faulhaber at 882�7454.!!

MOTHERS DAY FLOWER DONATION~ Reminder to fill out your Mother’s Day Flower Memorial envelopes in memory of your loved ones. This is a great way to remember the Mothers on Mother’s Day. The envelopes are located on the back counter in the gathering space. Turn in your envelopes to the parish office or in the collection basket at Saturday or Sunday Mass. !!

MEN’S NIGHT OUT~ Join us for Men’s Night Out as U.S. Congressman Glenn ‘GT’ Thompson will be our featured speaker on Friday, May 4 at 6:00 p.m.! at Our Lady of Mercy Church, 837 Bartlett Rd., Harborcreek, PA 16421. Congressman Thompson is a strong voice for protecting the unborn and will be speaking on the status of pro�life legislation in Washington D.C. and other issues important to Pennsylvania’s 5th Congressional District. Food and refreshments will be provided. Free will offering accepted. Event sponsored by the Knights of Columbus/Our Lady of Mercy.!



Heavenly dusters this week are: Jean Conn, John Giewont, Vicki Zboyovski, Rose Pencille and Jan Gehrlein. May God bless them in their faithful work. !

~LECTOR~ SATURDAY– May 5 ! 5:00 p.m.! ! C. Allgeier!!

SUNDAY— May 6 ! 7:30 a.m.! ! R. Cellino!! 10:30 a.m.! ! 1st Communion Class!

~EUCHARISTIC MINISTER~ SATURDAY— May 5 ! 5:00 p.m.! T. Good, E. Allgeier, C. Allgeier!!SUNDAY— May 6 ! 7:30 a.m.! ! K. Smicker, B. Drabina, M. Drabina!! 10:30 a.m.! ! C. Srnka, J. Wise, J. Conn!

~ALTAR SERVER~ SATURDAY— May 5 ! 5:00 p.m.! ! M. Campbell!! ! SUNDAY— May 6 ! 7:30 a.m.! ! E. Nies!! 10:30 a.m.! ! N. Northrup, K. Northrup, !! ! ! ! ! ! S. Matson!

~GREETER~ SATURDAY— May 5 ! 5:00 p.m.! ! R. & C. Bayle!! ! !

SUNDAY— May 6 ! 7:30 a.m.! ! C. Meeker! ! !

! 10:30 a.m.! ! G. & J. Conn!



2018 May Book Study: !Thursdays at 6PM!

!May 3 � Chapters 1&2!

May 10 � Chapters 3&4!

May 17 � Chapters 5&6!

May 24 � Chapters 7,8 & 9!

!We will meet in the lower gathering space before going to our meeting room. !!

Contact : Ginny Stanton at 746�5008 Or Jean Conn at 825�0095.!!

Books can be purchased on your own or we will try to order them for you.!



RECONCILIATION!Saturday…………………………….4:15−4:45 p.m.!

(and anytime by appointment)!

~Sunday, April 22, Collection~

Adult!���������������������������������������������!$4,310.00!Loose!�����������������������������������������������!$147.05!Candles!����������������������������������������������!$10.00!Catholic Service Appeal!���������������!$1,280.00!Upon This Rock!���������������������������!$2,135.00!Easter!�������������������������������������������������!$20.00!Mother’s Day Flowers!����������������������!$10.00!Good Shepherd!�����������������������������!$1,714.56! !


~Thank you to those who use their envelopes regularly and to all who have increased their offerings.~!

Monday, April 30, Easter Weekday !! No Mass Today!! ! !Tuesday, May 1, Easter Weekday !! No Mass Today! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! !Wednesday, May 2, Saint Athanasius !! 8:00 a.m.!! Bill & Julia Carniewski !! ! ! ! ! (Terry & Linda Bush)!! ! ! !!Thursday, May 3, Saints Phillip and James !! 8:00 a.m.!! Joseph Neilsen !! ! ! ! ! (Betty, Barb & Liz Gaber)! ! !!Friday, May 4, Easter Weekday !! 8:00 a.m.!! Bernard Aleksandrowicz !! ! ! ! ! (Bernie & Doris Warzynak)! ! !!Saturday, May 5, Sixth Sunday of Easter !! 8:00 a.m.! ! Alex DeRosa !! ! ! ! ! (Joyce DeRosa & Family)! !! 5:00 p.m.! ! Cheryl Rouse (Paul Krasnesky)!!Sunday, May 6, Sixth Sunday of Easter !! 7:30 a.m.!! Living and Deceased Members of !! ! ! ! ! St. Boniface Parish! ! !! 10:30 a.m.! Betty Kirsch !! ! ! ! ! (Neighborhood Club Girls)! ! !


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