fsaint JJaiHj’g Beacoq. LEONARDTOWN, M THURSDAY Morning, December 18. fBZ OmiVATOUAL 60VTX8T. The contest (or the Democratic nomination for Governor of Mary- land promises to be interesting. Got. Brown has many energetic workers in bis cause, and anyone who imagines there is bat little in- terest manifested in Mr. Hayner’a behalf has bat to mention the elo- quent congressman’s name where democrats are congregated to bean- deceived. Spencer Jones has a strong hold on the sympathies of the large and influential ex-Confed- erate element in the State and if he enters the contest there are “hus- tlers” in every county who will “join the cavalry” and fight earn- estly for Montgomery’s favorite son. Judge Fisher, of Baltimore, is also a name potent to stir the Deniocrilic heart and if he be “in it” his chase* s to succeed will he bright;. Last, but by no means least is Judge Jamm M. Robinson. The t i .v< rnorship would In; a fitting ending to IJs honored carter ILs freedom from factional entangle- ments, his State wide reputation for Jacksonian Democracy and his spot- less character us a Judge and citi- zen will rally to his cause a power- ful following and make him a strong candidate. Of all the possibilities, however, the advantage of position is with the avowed candidates and therein in part is Mr. Rayner’s great strength. He wants the place and he says so. Democrats everywhere have been thrilled by his eloquence and they know that his Democracy is of the kind not circumscribed by the narrow limits of a legislative precinct, hut of the all wool variety that acknowledges fellowship with true Democrats wherever they be found. NEWS IN BRIEF. Frvm the HUtimore &un. Saturday, December 8, 1894. It is said that cx-Govcrnor Odea Bowie left no will. A colored man was sentenced at Kaston to fifteen years in the peni- tentiary lor arson and a colored woman to two years for attempt to poison. •# Bernheimer Brothers, proprietors of a department store on Lexington street, obtained a preliminary in- junction restraining the poultry dealers of Baltimore from enforcing a boycott against them. While every effort is being made lv the democratic majority in the Senate to secure harmony, the fact remains that the democratic caucus on Thursday did not instruct the steering committee in reference to some of the most important features of the democratic platform. It is hoped by democratic leaders that harmony may be secured on Secre- tary Carlisle's financial plan, but the stumbling block here is said to be the threatened interjection of the free silver coinage question. Monday, December 10, 1894. A verdict of manslaughter was rendered in the case of Jonathan Smith for killing his brother, Solo- mon Smith, in Washington county. It is stated that a transportation company proposes to lease the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal and take charge of all its traffic. Twenty-three men and eighteen women and girls were arrested in a raid on Baltimore ‘sweat shops” yesterday and were held for court on tliechargeof working on Sunday. The Chesapeake and Delaware Canal commission has prepared for submission to Congress its report relative to the most feasible ronte for a ship-canal across the Maryland and Delaware peninsula. Tuesday, December 11, 1894. A meeting is to be held at Mar- tinsburg Saturday next in further- ance of the scheme for founding u home for needy ex-Confederates in West Virginia. State’s Attorney Gannt and the judges of the Circuit Court for Anne Arundel are introducing re- forms calculated to lessen court ex- penses to the taxpayers. The Senate judiciary committee postponed further consideration of the nomination of Mr. W. L. Mar- bury to be United States district attorney for Maryland. The final hearing of the suit of Theodore and James K. Hooper against Alcaeus Hooper to recover a proportionate share of money lent to Wm. J. Hooper was commenced. Resolutions urging the United States government to do w?iat lies ; in its power to prevent a repetition of the Armenian massacre were adopted at a mass-meeting of Balti- moreans held at Levering Hall. The Southern Hotel in Chatta- nooga, Tenn., which cost $75,000, THE LATE EX-GOVERNOR ODEN BOWIE. BORN, NOVEMBER 10, 1826. DIED, DECEMBER 5,1804. | Few men have occupied a larger share of public attention than Ex- j Governor Oden Bowie, who died December, sth instant. He was a typi- cal Southern Marylander, courageous, frank and generous. He was a prominent figure in State politics, and, in the troublous days immedi- ately succeeding the Civil War, with other gallant men of hit section, bravely upheld the cause he believed right. The sketch of his life, pub- lished on our first page, is an epitome of the political history of bis j State from 1848 to the present, and recalls the time when the voices of Causin, Harris, ‘Dent, and other brainy representatives of our section, wtre potent in the “councils of the State.” The sketch which in partis compiled from the Newt is necessarily incomplete, but nevertheless, is s interesting reading. For the picture given below we are indebted to’the , courtesy of the Baltimore Sun. 1 . I / dKniAk / fflk JSm, 'xvvWu nfrd /ft wli ill pUBLZC SALS PERSONAL PSOPEBTY. On TUESDAY, December 18,1881, at SAVONA, near Cbaptico, will be offer- ed for sale the following property ; ; A 2 YOUNG HORSES. g. 1 YOKE OXEN.Jfctt , 60 barrels long corn, 8 barrels short corn and farming implement.*. Sale to begin at 1 o'clock, I*. M. TERMS CASH. PERRY HAYDEN, Dec. 13—It. Agent. RAT FICATION NOTICE. Daniel L. Ris ley, vs Annie S. Wilson and Irene Wilson, heirs of James S. W. Wilson. In the Circuit Court fo r St Mary’s county, sitting as a Court of Equity, No. 788 N. E. Ordered this Gth day of December, 1894, that the sale made and reported by J. Frank Bohanan, Trustee, in the above cause, be ratified and confirmed unless cause to the contrary be shown on or before the 2nd Monday in January, 1895, provided a copy of this order bo published in the St Mary's Beacon once s week for three sue cesslve weeks prior to the said 2nd Monday in January 1895. The report states that the land sold for SSOO. JAMES J. OREENWELL, Clerk. True copy—Test: JAMES J. OREENWELL, Clerk. Dec 13. 1894—3wf COME AND SEE. NOTHING so thoroughly con- vinces a person of what is in ex istence as to see facts with your own eyes J O. JARBOEhas the goods and at bottom prices in his new store at California, Md., and it will afford him plea- sure to wait on all old friends and to form new acquaintances. His stock of goods, consisting of the leading styles in Ladies’, Gents’ and Children's wetr also a lull line ol choice GRO- CERIES, Christmas Goods—- in fact, everything not often seen in a country store, has been carefu’ly and tastefully selected by an experienced person, and he defies competition Don’t pass by the new store at Cali- fornia without calling in. If you do, you will regret it. Come and See J. O. JARBOE, Dec 13—tit California. ESTABLISHED 1869. Piedmont Guano —KOR—- TOBACCO PLANTS AND TOBACCO. TSE BEST TJINE FETZLZZEB KALE H FOB GBOWING 1 TOBACCO. FjR COTTOH, corn, oats, WHEAT, PEANUTS, i AND A 1.1. OTHER CROPS USE PIEDMONT SPECIAL FERTILIZER. MAJHFAtTIKED RT THE MT. AIEY HANUTAC'QTQ CO. 1 BALTIMORE, XE. eirr. I'W (mama St. Firtm, IrElJwn’i fk*l j W. V. WATSBS, * ' Agent for St. Mary's county, Maryland Dec 13. *94—6mt FOR SHERIFF. ! i I j Messrs Editors yon will please announce Jeff J. Head mono. Jr., as a suitable can* I didate for the Sheriffalty and say that be 1 will receive the undivided support of the < Democrats throughout the county and 1 particularly from the Sixth,Eighth and Sec- ' ond District* , i March 22,94 p , was burned yesterday. Theseventy- i five guests in the house esoa|>ed. , C. S, Todd, ticket agent of the Southern Railway, was seriously burned. I DIED. Departed this life Deeemlier 3rd, 1894. CHARLOTTE bcl>ve<! wife of James T. Cox, in the 43rd year of her age. f We extend to her sorrowing family our heartfelt sympathies in their bereavement, ? particularly to the husband who was lying r dangerously ill, and could not be informed ol her doth. Her remains were laid at i rest in St Nicholas church}ard, where . many of her friends gathered to pay their last tribute of honor. O! how can I say farewell. To the one I love ho dear; In vain my tears I smother, For thou art no longer here. Weeping husband, and children, Bid your grief adieu; For the one you love so dearly, Has forever gone from you. M E B. 1 In the fith election district. October 31. 1894, Mrs. JULIA ANN KNOTT, wife of Mr, Henry Knott, in the 74th year of ner I age. . Though suffering tor al< ng time, ye' I trusting in God, she never murmured, but like the good Christian that she wascalmly i waited the final summons which she knew must soon come. How consoling to have lived such a life i as not to fear to die! Such was her case. Knowing she could not recover, she would speak ol death, not as an event to be dread- ed, but as a final rest Death brings its sorrows and gloom at all times. Whether it be the young and sprightly or the old and infirm its sorrows are the same. In this case it is the mother of the family, the true helpmate of her aged husband, whose dee ming years with their burdens were made lighter by her presence and Christian example that is taken. The Umily have our sincere sympathy in their bereavement. ' *** New Advertisements. FOR RENT. The Store and Dwelling at Sand Oates. Possession given January Ist, 1895. Apply to Mrs. H. C. FORREST. Doc 13, ’94—m SUPPER. T’HERE will be an oyster supper given 1 at the parsonage of the M E Church, at Cedar Point for the benefit of the pastor, >o Thursday December 27, 1894. if fair if n*t on the first fair day thereafter. All are cordally invited. By order ol Committee. Dec 13 id. NOTICE. All persons indebted to me on medical account or otherwise are requested to settle with Mr. Joe Reeder, who is authorized to rtviept for me. Any account unsettled bv the Ist day of March. 1895, will be put in the bands of an officer, without further notice after that date. L. J. SUTTON, M. D Dec 13. '95-m ENTERTAINMENT. THERE will be an Entertainment, Dance and Oyster Supper at the Academy Hal), Leonardtown, on THURSDAY, December 20th, 1894. Doors open at 7:30 p in Admission. 50 cents; children half price. Sapper, 25 els. Dr 13, ’94—2 SLIHOLOFF ft CO.’S TOBACCO iJEU FERTILIZER Hum No Equal. Ammonia, 10 to 11 per ct. Available Phosphoric Acid, 44 to 5 Potash (K-2-O) 24 to 3 For sale by all Commission Merchants. SLINGLUFF & CO.. Nos. 148, 15*3,152 Equitable Building, Baltimore, Md. Dec 13—3 m, CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. We will give a Christmas Prescat to every customer during next week. Come and get it. A. A. LAWRENCE, Leonardtown, lid. ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT Hear; Wlagite, Tretsortr of the Board of School Commissioners St Xiijr'i County. Sutemea; of Receipts and Disbursements for Public School Parpen from July 31st 1893, to July 31st, 1891 DISBURSEMENTS. 11 Amount paid Teachers' Salaries, ,/ white schools, $13,834 00 '( Fuel, white schools 295 87 . Incidentals 91 33 Lumber and repairs 491 57 [ Kent 44 00 [ Building School houses 665 00 . Books and Stationery 688 04 1 j Stores sod Fnrnilure 187 09 ..Printing and Advertising 115 50 1 Postage 31 50 j Insuran . and new policies.... 60 89 Incidentals for office 1 35 . Books returned 417 ' Magistrate fee* 550 Teachers attending St. Teach• ers’ Association 30 00 Lot for school site Ist E D 15 00 Writing deed for same 5 00 Traveling expenses Examiner oat of county 50 00 Per diem Commissioners 300 00 Attention to text books and ac- counts ; 200 00 1 Salary Secretary, Treasurer and I Examiner SOO 00 1 Teachers’ salaries. (colored 1 schools.) 5,114 50 *' a !l ... 168 20 Incidentals •* 55 08 Lumber and *•pairs ' *4 jg Rent (truing building scb >ol No 2. sth election district) 1 75 Stoves and furniture for name.. 124 30 Lot lor school 25 00 ruing deed fur same. 5 00 BaihUng sch<v.l Ko. 2, sth K D. (colored | 40(5 51 Balance on hand July 31, 1894. 3.215 98 M Total $26,606 39 IILNK\ WINGATE, Treasurer. RECEIPTS , Balance on band July 3L1893, $4,0 59 Amount from Slate Treasurer Public choo! Tar ... 8,890 52 Amount from State Treasurer . Free School Pond 1,887 07 Academic Pand 400 00 Collectors of Oooatj Tax "ale* of B-ok* 717 11 Montgomery P<relnsurance... 405 54 Toogert* OjMering Licenses (white). 1,123 47 Tungers’ (H Bering Licensee (colored) 1.423 70 Sr*e Trwurer, appropriation colored schools 5,250 05 i ,v ?t . ' W^ r T t * l 126.600 20 Not. 29—-3 t. By order, SLEEPY CORNER WIDE AWAKE! Friends and Present Customers ! WE beg to ask of yon one little favor; tbat is to come and see us ft GEBAT HILLS, if you need anything in the Mercantile line. We will give you goods lower than any tariff rates. We will save you money every time. We are just from Baltimore with a full line o FALL and WINTER SUPPLIES and we mean Just what we say. Now, all we ask of you is just give us one trial, and see for yourself. Thanking you for past favors and hop- ing a continuance of the same. Yours Respectfully, GEO. E. COMBS & CO. Nov. 22 *94-tf Jobusi’s SterC MS THE PLACE ~~ To buy Groceries, Provisions, Fruits, Salt, Nails, Hardware, -all kinds of Tin ware. AU6 5 and 10c good*, teorth double. Notions, Hosiery, Shirts, all wool, at 50 per cent, less than last year. Blankets. Buggy Blankets, Horse Blank- ets, Boots and Shoes, Cakes and Candies, etc, etc. When you want a STOVE to last a life time, call or send for a catalogue describ ing the world renowned EXCELSIOR COOK STO VBB. Landed free of freight on the wharf at Leouardtown. Nov 29—4 mt S. Levinson, Watchmaker k Jeweler, Leoaardfcown. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry neatly re- paired at reasonable prices. All work done in workmanlike manner. Call at the Drug Store. Hrpkuknces :—Dr. A. Jack Spalding. E B. Aliell, Charles Havdn, David L Dawson. Wm. F. Oretnweli. jr., B. M. Abell, B. H. Camalier, F. N. Holmes. Sept Id—tft U NDERTAKING. HAVING located at Great Mills, Md., with a new HEARSE and a full shirk of COFFINS, CASKETS, ROBES, etc , I am prepared to serve funerals at the short- est notice and upon reasonable terms. I am, also, prepared to build CARTS, W AGONS ana BUGGIES at the lowest prices. Repairing, painting and trimming a spe- cialty. F. T. 8. PRICE. June 7—tf, SOUTHERN HURTUND REAL ETATE AGENCY, •••• P. V, W., Vufel KIM, D. C. OT WANTED FOR PURCHASERS St. Mary’s county lands, desirably located and reasonable in price. Write me giving full description and all particulars. Q. H. CALVERT & CO. July 7~tfl SwnSS —. DUI O STORK, IEONAROTOWN, You can buy all the Ingredients necessary for pickling, such as otmu thagar, WhiteCHmstanl, Celery Sssd.ftc. , and are sure of securing the best quality at 1 a reasonable price. ... I iM Prescription* carefully and accu- - rately compounded—Dr. A. Jack Spald- iho giving his peraonal attention to the business. ' - Aug 17—tf# STOLEN. On thenlghtof October 25, out of my i stable, two miles north of Park Hall, in the | Bth districtof St Mary’s county, Maryland, a small Sorrel Mare, 6 years old, i biased face, white right front foot, scratches on ihe left hip-joint and root of tail from teeth of other horses. A liber*! reward will be paid f v information leading to her reeoverv. T. R. WINGROVE. 1 Nov 22 94 mp Fithing Point. Md. < UNDERTAKING. .at /COFFINS and CASKEST latest styles alwasys on hand and furnished at shortest notice and at lowest prices for rank. THREE HEARSES. always at hand. HORSESHOEING, SI.OO Cash. In conjunction with my Blacksmith and Whbri.wriobtdepartment,! am prepared to build CARTS. WAGONS, BUGGIES, Ac allow prices, REPAIRING, PAINTING and TRIMMING a specialty* J. A. BILLOW. Leonardtown, Md April 21.87—tf NOTICE. The Ladies Aid Society of Saint Mary’s Parish, will hold a B;ir.ar and Supper, for the benefit of -the Parish, at the Rectory. St. Mary’s City, on Wedaeiday and Thursday evenings, December 12lh and 13th, from six to eleven o’clock. Admission each evening ten cents. Sup- per 25 cents Ice cream, confections, &c. The public are cordial!}' invited. Dec. 6.’94-1 public Auction OF Desirable Personal Property In Brittan’s Neck. I will sell at public auction at my resi- dence, Rocky Point, near Howard’s wharf, on THURSDAY, December 13, 1894, if fair, if not, the first fair day thereafter, the following desirable personal property : Household and Kitchen Furniture, all in first class condition. Among the goods are a Parlor Set, Bedroom Suits, Cook Stove and utensils. &c. TERMS CASH. J PIPER, Dec. 6—Up. Rocky Point. DR. L ERNEST PAYNE, DBNTINT, Obpkks bis professional services to the people of St. Mary’s county Dr. Payne will be in bis office at Leonardtown always except on the following days, when he will visit other parts of the county. St. Inigo’s, third Monday; Chaptico, fourth Wednesday; Milestown, third Thursday; Mecbanicsville, third Friday; Charlotte Hall, third Saturday j of each month. 1 will visit parties at their I homes upon notification. Sept 14, ’93—tf. UNDBKTAKIN6. Situated one mile m and a-half from Great Mills, on the road to St George’s, with an elegant hearse and a full stock of coffins and caskets, we are prepared to serve funerals at the shortest I notice and upon the most reasonable terms. All orders quickly and neatly attended to 1 LEWIS T. CLARKE A BRO.. 1 April 96—ti{ Notice to Debtors. ~, 1 Because of my locs in the recent fire I I am in pressing need of money. Parties j indebted to me on medical account will I please make immediate payment. L. B. JOHNSON, M. D. Nov. 22. ’94—mp. Notice To Debtors. ALL persons indebted to me on Medical A*, i c 2S nt Jf , . u^. IMke Immediate payment. I am obliged to bare money. M THW LTNCH. K. n ' Oct is. V* California. MU. guy Everythin Q LION ABDTOWN. I LAWRENCE'S NEW STOCK AT lowest city prices. Dry Goods, Notions, , Shoes, Furniture. Tableware, Silverware, China and Glass- ware at low prices. 1 r I Palau. Oil., Varalah, Win Mow Via.*. 1 I Flair, Meal. Moat*. Lard. Flak. ate. \ CANDIES. CAKES and FRUITS fresh 1 by every steamer, i , - Largest, Finest and Cheapest variety of 1 Stand, Sidt, Banquet and Hanging Lamps ever offered in this section. Lamp Oil at 14 cents, or 5 gallons at 60 1 cents, and we sell only high grade safety oil. 1 1 HT Come in and see fur yoarself. It ( will do you good. A. A LAWRENCE. 1 C. W. FOXWELL. AT THE NEW ATONE. If'Tl7S S J1 s JJ N JfrJM Beadl Kent!! KendS I ¦ BRING two empty sacks or a flour bar- rel to Gardiner’s Mill and have filled with 196 lb. ol Hillsdale Patent Flour. made from mntud, choice wheat lor only es*,so. Half barrel, ball price. (Quarter ban el, quarter price. ~ , Think of it! 196 lbs. of choice Hour for $3 50; 98 tbs for $1.75, and 49 tbs. for H7), Same flour 2 cents per pound. Bran in abundance for sl6 per ton; 10 bushel lots, $1 •~0; middlings, 30 cents per bushel. AUBREY 8. GARDINER, Sept 18—tf. Ne,rCh.pttc°. MARYLAND and VIRGINIA Steamboat (Jompuny, i. , Steamer POTOMAC Capt. W C Geogbegan. On and after Tuesday, Sept. 11,1894, the Steamer Potomac,Capt. W.C. Geoghegan, will leave Pier 18. Light street wharf, Balti mtre, every Tuesday and Friday, at 6p. m , (weather permitting:) On Tuesdays for Millers, Jones’, Brume's, Bacon's, Coan, Bundick's, Cowart’s, Lewisetta, Kinsale, Lodge, Mundy’s. Point. Adams’, Piney Point, Howard’s, Stone’s, Abell’s, Leon- ard town. Returning, will leave Leonardtown on Thursday, at 6 a. m , for Baltimore, Kinsale at 12 m.. Own at 1:30 p. m., Bacon’s at 6 p. m., making all of the above landings Will leave Baltimore on Friday for all of the above Landings, and in addition: Lancaster, Bash wood, Glymont, Alex- andria and Washington. Will leave Washington on Sunday at 4 p m , Leonardtown at 6 a. m., Monday; Kinsale, 12 m ; Coan, 1 50 p. m.; Bacon's, 6 p. m , arriving in Baltimore early Tuesday and Friday a. m. Connecting on Wednesday, at 6 a. m., at Lewisetta, with Steamer Sue, for the fol- lowing landings; Barnes, Sandy Point, Nomini, Mt. Holly, Deep Poin t. Beale’s, Bush wood, Lancas- ter’s, Colonial Beach, Riverside, Liverpool, Glymont, Alexandria and Washington. On Saturday for Barnes'. Sandy Point, Nomini, Mount Holly, Deep Point, Beall’s. Riverside, Liverpool, Colonial Beach. ALVIN KENNEDY, Sept 13, General Agent. MARYLANDand VIRGINIA STEAMBOAT COMPANY. Steamer SUE , Capt. J. A. Geoghegan. On and after MONDAY, Sept. 10, 1894, the Steamer SUE will leave Washington foot 7th Street on MONDAY andTUUR SDA Y at 3 p m , Alexandria at 3.30 p. m , for the following landings on the Potomac Rivet, (weather permitting), Glymont, Liverpool Point, Riverside, Colonial Beach, Lancaster's, Buatiwood Nomini, Mt. Holly, Deep Point, Beal’s,’ Howard’s, Stone's, Abells, Leonardtown, Piney Point, Adams’, Sandy Point, Kinsale’ Mundy’s Point, Lodge. Miller’s, Coan! Bundick’s, Barnes’, Cowart’*, Lewisetta. Returning, will leave (Lewisetta) at 6a. m. on WEDNESDAY and SUNDAY making all of the above landings, arriving at Washington early Monday and Thurs- day a. m. Manager. STEPHENSON A BBoJ Agent*, _ Washington. , F. A. REED & CO.. AgenU. Sept 13, ’94—tf Alexandria. R. H. J. MAGILL 4 CO~ Commission Merchant, For (he Sale of Poultry, Kggg, Fruits, Live Stock, I Fish, Oysters, Hides, Furs, <tc. 935 La. Avo. WASHINGTON, All bnsiness promptly attended to, Nov 15, 94—y lEI YORK RESTAORUT, OYSTER indCHOF HOOSE, 70* Mfe Mt. N. W., WASHINGTON. If. H. J, Majfill, Novls 94—y FOR THE LEGISLATURE. Messrs. Editors: Please announce through your paper Jaa T. M Ralbt as a canll- <Ute lor the Legislature and say that he wul be warmly supported by the Demo- cratic party, particularly of the Eighth District E Richard B. Tirrrrr & Bro . Attorneys, Law Building, Baltimore, MJ. , PUBLIC SALE —or— VALUABLE PROPERTY ' —IS THE—- r 7th Election Dietrict of St. Mary's Co. BY virtue of a power of sale contained in a mortgag* from Demetrius Coode 1 *od Cornelia L. Coode, bis wife dated May 1894. and larded amSng SJ Land Records of St Mary's county in Li- ber J. F. F., No. 8, folk. 168. the under i. win . tZ„V ,bllc Auction the premise*, at il ill-lop, on . THURSDAY, December 27. 1894. . ; at 11 o clock, A M , all that trset of ground ; situated in the Tth Election District of St i Mary s county, containing about f 70 Acres of Land, l and known a* PART OF ST. OENARDS. r it being the part alloted to Cornelia 8.. h ,“ the real estate of the ate I. Jackson Allton. and more par- 'p C u a n y d r* cribed in two deeds from J. F. Hall and wile to said Cornelia E Coode, one date,! March 16th. 1885. and recorded in Liber J.FF, No. 8. folio* 102 and lU3 and the other dated April 30th, 1885, and’ recorded in Liber J. F F. No. 8. folio 156. one of the Land Records of Si. Mary's enutrty. ' - property is well improved with a 1 Morehouse, Mabie and other buildings wSSJJ?!?oS! , J ai,ed Ux,my of ILKMBLABHup* *n ratification of sale A deposit of SSO will be required from purchaser on day of sale. ! JAS. K. TIPPETT, ' W. B Loan. Auctioneer Dec 6,1894—taf PIRATES; PENZANCE! , BEANDEST EXHIBITION OF THE DAY! I HOW lIKI.No PHODITCI) AT JONES BROS., Leonardtown Wharf, I hars* far A.I m . Theresulu ofth,. last cruise of these re- n.*wned corsairs captured from all the mer- chantmen of the world at the lowest cost alth ? f‘wt reasonable fig- SSt CODH,Bt,n K ol a full asaort- -BHOES, HATS, DRY BOOBS. SHIRTS, DRAWERS, COIURS. TIES. PANTS and VEBl>, TABLE LINEN, BED SPREADS. LADIES’ HOSE, GENTS- HALF HOSE fine assortment, and at low figures. haye in shck a dne assortment cf ( 1 OiViS WT/1 vr U f I rI rj *id a fine grade of WHISHT, WIRE. AHfD ,*. Also, Sugars, Syrups, Teas, Cof- foo, Spices, &c, f "" ' ,,,K ' k (>t , MKAL, PROVISION#, etc. OTWe invite the public and all o Ur old customers to come and see the Pirates at ; kEONAEDTOWNWHAEF June 14 F. Oscar Morgan Extends a special invitation to his many mends and customers to visit his STORE and examine his large stock of fashionable GOODS. I mean to sell and shall always keen w f m he people want at the people's prices, it will be my aim to give my patrons every dollar ~ worth every time and if there ti virtue m good g-**ds at low prices I mean t<* be 1 hk trroK* of Leonardtown. DOMESTICS. In this department I arn low priced Call Ca?toJi m, S n V* nCy Oinh2i, GROCERIES fmaM I rWlh i. *“' l chca l'- Call and make a nmall purchase and I know that you will become a permanent customer. SHOES and HATS . My new styles arc in, and prices lower men jST' My , BU)ck wilS P*W young men, old men and bays. 3 K Ready-Made Clothing. For meai, youths' and boys' wear I ‘vJr is® ch **P c * t DfJ nobbiest line clfi*K b T n ln my store 1 Hrn emphati caLy headquarters for this trade F- OSCAR MOR6AN-, Uoiarfci, Id. Cct 557, 1887—tl] ST. MART’ ACADEMY Leonardtown. Md., UNOKB CHAKOK OF TUM . SiMtersofCharlty OF NAZARETH, KENTUCKY. The course of Studies includes Christian Drjctnne, Heading, Wriiing, Arithmetic. Bt>>k-keepmg, Algebra, Geometry. Eng* r^ b ,K r *P? iar ' History, Rheto- VarUlf 15v enU L ol B<.tany. .Mental and Na.unil Philosophy, Astronomy, Chemis- SLti Lltera u aod Gmamental rloedlework. Music on the Piano and u - * tar and French. Boy froti the age of 7 to 14 yea received. J Forteruu or further information apply o SISTER MADELEINE, Leonardtown, Md.

Saint Mary's beacon (Leonard Town, Md.) 1894-12-13 [p ]€¦ · Judge Fisher, of Baltimore, is also a name potent to stir the Deniocrilic heart and if he be “in it” his chase*

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Page 1: Saint Mary's beacon (Leonard Town, Md.) 1894-12-13 [p ]€¦ · Judge Fisher, of Baltimore, is also a name potent to stir the Deniocrilic heart and if he be “in it” his chase*

fsaint JJaiHj’g Beacoq.LEONARDTOWN, M

THURSDAY Morning, December 18.

fBZ OmiVATOUAL 60VTX8T.The contest (or the Democratic

nomination for Governor of Mary-land promises to be interesting.Got. Brown has many energeticworkers in bis cause, and anyonewho imagines there is bat little in-terest manifested in Mr. Hayner’abehalf has bat to mention the elo-quent congressman’s name wheredemocrats are congregated to bean-deceived. Spencer Jones has a

strong hold on the sympathies ofthe large and influential ex-Confed-erate element in the State and if heenters the contest there are “hus-tlers” in every county who will“join the cavalry” and fight earn-

estly for Montgomery’s favoriteson. Judge Fisher, of Baltimore,

is also a name potent to stir theDeniocrilic heart and if he be “in

it” his chase* s to succeed will he

bright;. Last, but by no meansleast is Judge Jamm M. Robinson.The t i .v< rnorship would In; a fittingending to IJs honored carter ILsfreedom from factional entangle-ments, his State wide reputation forJacksonian Democracy and his spot-

less character us a Judge and citi-zen willrally to his cause a power-ful following and make him a strongcandidate.

Of all the possibilities, however,the advantage of position is withthe avowed candidates and thereinin part is Mr. Rayner’s greatstrength. He wants the place andhe says so. Democrats everywherehave been thrilled by his eloquenceand they know that his Democracyis of the kind not circumscribed bythe narrow limits of a legislativeprecinct, hut of the all wool varietythat acknowledges fellowship withtrue Democrats wherever they be



Frvm the HUtimore &un.

Saturday, December 8, 1894.

It is said that cx-Govcrnor OdeaBowie left no will.

A colored man was sentenced at

Kaston to fifteen years in the peni-tentiary lor arson and a coloredwoman to two years for attempt topoison.


Bernheimer Brothers, proprietorsof a department store on Lexingtonstreet, obtained a preliminary in-junction restraining the poultrydealers of Baltimore from enforcinga boycott against them.

While every effort is being madelv the democratic majority in theSenate to secure harmony, the factremains that the democratic caucuson Thursday did not instruct thesteering committee in reference to

some of the most important featuresof the democratic platform. It ishoped by democratic leaders thatharmony may be secured on Secre-tary Carlisle's financial plan, butthe stumbling block here is said tobe the threatened interjection ofthe free silver coinage question.

Monday, December 10, 1894.

A verdict of manslaughter wasrendered in the case of JonathanSmith for killing his brother, Solo-mon Smith, in Washington county.

It is stated that a transportationcompany proposes to lease theChesapeake and Ohio Canal andtake charge of all its traffic.

Twenty-three men and eighteenwomen and girls were arrested in araid on Baltimore ‘sweat shops”yesterday and were held for court

on tliechargeof working on Sunday.The Chesapeake and Delaware

Canal commission has prepared forsubmission to Congress its reportrelative to the most feasible ronte

for a ship-canal across the Marylandand Delaware peninsula.

Tuesday, December 11, 1894.A meeting is to be held at Mar-

tinsburg Saturday next in further-ance of the scheme for founding uhome for needy ex-Confederates inWest Virginia.

State’s Attorney Gannt and thejudges of the Circuit Court forAnne Arundel are introducing re-forms calculated to lessen court ex-penses to the taxpayers.

The Senate judiciary committeepostponed further consideration ofthe nomination of Mr. W. L. Mar-bury to be United States districtattorney for Maryland.

The final hearing of the suit ofTheodore and James K. Hooperagainst Alcaeus Hooper to recovera proportionate share of money lentto Wm. J. Hooper was commenced.

Resolutions urging the UnitedStates government to do w?iat lies ;in its power to prevent a repetitionof the Armenian massacre wereadopted at a mass-meeting of Balti-moreans held at Levering Hall.

The Southern Hotel in Chatta-nooga, Tenn., which cost $75,000,


| Few men have occupied a larger share of public attention than Ex- jGovernor Oden Bowie, who died December, sth instant. He was a typi-cal Southern Marylander, courageous, frank and generous. He was aprominent figure in State politics, and, in the troublous days immedi-ately succeeding the Civil War, with other gallant men of hit section,bravely upheld the cause he believed right. The sketch of his life, pub-lished on our first page, is an epitome of the political history of bis

j State from 1848 to the present, and recalls the time when the voices ofCausin, Harris, ‘Dent, and other brainy representatives of our section,wtre potent in the “councils of the State.” The sketch which in partiscompiled from the Newt is necessarily incomplete, but nevertheless, iss interesting reading. For the picture given below we are indebted to’the

, courtesy of the Baltimore Sun.

1. I / dKniAk

/ fflk

JSm,'xvvWu nfrd /ft




at SAVONA, near Cbaptico, will be offer-ed for sale the following property ;


, 60 barrels long corn, 8 barrels short cornand farming implement.*. Sale to begin at1 o'clock, I*. M. TERMS CASH.

PERRY HAYDEN,Dec. 13—It. Agent.


Daniel L. Ris ley,vs

Annie S. Wilson and Irene Wilson,heirs of James S. W. Wilson.

In the Circuit Court for St Mary’s county,sitting as a Court of Equity,

No. 788 N. E.Ordered this Gth day of December, 1894,

that the sale made and reported by J. FrankBohanan, Trustee, in the above cause,be ratified and confirmed unless causeto the contrary be shown on or before the2nd Monday in January, 1895, provided acopy of this order bo published in the StMary's Beacon once s week for three suecesslve weeks prior to the said 2nd Mondayin January 1895.

The report states that the land sold forSSOO.

JAMES J. OREENWELL, Clerk.• True copy—Test:

JAMES J. OREENWELL, Clerk.Dec 13. 1894—3wf

COME AND SEE.NOTHING so thoroughly con-vinces a person of what is in existence as to see facts with yourown eyes J O. JARBOEhasthe goods and at bottom pricesin his new store at California,Md., and it will afford him plea-sure to wait on all old friendsand to form new acquaintances.His stock of goods, consisting ofthe leading styles in Ladies’,Gents’ and Children's wetr —

also a lull line ol choice GRO-CERIES, Christmas Goods—-in fact, everything not oftenseen in a country store, has beencarefu’ly and tastefully selectedby an experienced person, andhe defies competition Don’tpass by the new store at Cali-fornia without calling in. Ifyou do, you will regret it.

Come and See

J. O. JARBOE,Dec 13—tit California.


Piedmont Guano—KOR—-









eirr. I'W (mama St. Firtm, IrElJwn’i fk*l jW. V. WATSBS, * '

Agent for St. Mary's county, MarylandDec 13. *94—6mt


Messrs Editors yon will please announceJeff J. Head mono. Jr., as a suitable can* Ididate for the Sheriffalty and say that be 1will receive the undivided support of the <Democrats throughout the county and 1particularly from the Sixth,Eighth and Sec- 'ond District* , i

March 22,94 p

, was burned yesterday. Theseventy-i five guests in the house esoa|>ed., C. S, Todd, ticket agent of the

Southern Railway, was seriouslyburned.


Departed this life Deeemlier 3rd, 1894.CHARLOTTE bcl>ve<! wife of James T.

’ Cox, in the 43rd year ofher age.f We extend to her sorrowing family our

heartfelt sympathies in their bereavement,? particularly to the husband who was lying

r dangerously ill, and could not be informedol her doth. Her remains were laid at

i rest in St Nicholas church}ard, where. many of her friends gathered to pay their

last tribute of honor.O! how can I say farewell.

To the one I love ho dear;In vain my tears I smother,

For thou art no longer here.

Weeping husband, and children,Bid your grief adieu;

For the one you love so dearly,Has forever gone from you.

M E B.1 In the fith election district. October 31.

1894, Mrs. JULIA ANN KNOTT, wife ofMr, Henry Knott, in the 74th year of ner

I age.

. Though suffering tor al< ng time, ye'

I trusting in God, she never murmured, butlike the good Christian that she wascalmly

i waited the final summons which she knewmust soon come.

How consoling to have lived such a lifei as not to fear to die! Such was her case.

Knowing she could not recover, she wouldspeak ol death, not as an event to be dread-ed, but as a final rest

Death brings its sorrows and gloom at• all times. Whether it be the young and

sprightly or the old and infirm its sorrowsare the same. In this case it is the motherof the family, the true helpmate ofher agedhusband, whose dee ming years with theirburdens were made lighter by her presenceand Christian example that is taken. TheUmily have our sincere sympathy in theirbereavement.



New Advertisements.

FOR RENT.The Store and Dwelling at Sand Oates.

Possession given January Ist, 1895.Apply to

Mrs. H. C. FORREST.Doc 13, ’94—m

SUPPER.T’HERE will be an oyster supper given1 at the parsonage of the M E Church,at Cedar Point for the benefit of the pastor,>o Thursday December 27, 1894. if fair ifn*t on the first fair day thereafter. All arecordally invited.

By order ol Committee.Dec 13 id.

NOTICE.All persons indebted to me on medical

account or otherwise are requested to settlewith Mr. Joe Reeder, who is authorized tortviept for me. Any account unsettled bvthe Ist day of March. 1895, will be put inthe bands of an officer, without furthernotice after that date.

L. J. SUTTON, M. DDec 13. '95-m

ENTERTAINMENT.THERE will be an Entertainment,

Dance and Oyster Supper at the AcademyHal), Leonardtown, on

THURSDAY, December 20th, 1894.Doors open at 7:30 p in Admission. 50

cents; children half price. Sapper, 25 els.

Dr 13, ’94—2



Ammonia, 10 to 11 per ct.

Available Phosphoric Acid, 44 to 5 “

Potash (K-2-O) 24 to 3 “

For sale by all Commission Merchants.SLINGLUFF & CO..

Nos. 148, 15*3,152 Equitable Building,Baltimore, Md.

Dec 13—3m,

CHRISTMAS PRESENTS.We will give a Christmas Prescat

to every customer during next week.Come and get it.

A. A. LAWRENCE,Leonardtown, lid.


Hear; Wlagite, Tretsortr of the Board of School Commissioners

St Xiijr'iCounty. Sutemea; of Receipts and Disbursements for Public

School Parpen from July 31st 1893, to July 31st, 1891


11 Amount paid Teachers' Salaries,,/ white schools, $13,834 00'( Fuel, white schools 295 87

. Incidentals 91 33Lumber and repairs 491 57

[ Kent 44 00[ Building School houses 665 00

. Books and Stationery 688 041 j Stores sod Fnrnilure 187 09..Printing and Advertising 115 50

1 Postage 31 50j Insuran . and new policies.... 60 89

Incidentals for office 1 35. Books returned 417' Magistrate fee* 550

Teachers attending St. Teach•ers’ Association 30 00

Lot for school site Ist E D 15 00Writing deed for same 5 00Traveling expenses Examiner

oat ofcounty 50 00Per diem Commissioners 300 00Attention to text books and ac-

counts ; 200 001 Salary Secretary, Treasurer andI Examiner SOO 001 Teachers’ salaries. (colored1 schools.) 5,114 50

*' a ‘!l ““

... 168 20Incidentals •* “ 55 08Lumber and *•pairs ‘


*4 jgRent (truing building scb >ol

No 2. sth election district) 1 75Stoves and furniture for name.. 124 30Lot lor school 25 00”

ruing deed fur same. 5 00BaihUng sch<v.l Ko. 2, sth K D.

(colored | 40(5 51Balance on hand July 31, 1894. 3.215 98

M Total $26,606 39

IILNK\ WINGATE, Treasurer.


Balance on band July 3L1893, $4,0 59Amount from Slate Treasurer

Public choo! Tar ... 8,890 52Amount from State Treasurer

.Free School Pond 1,887 07

Academic Pand 400 00Collectors ofOooatj Tax"ale* of B-ok* 717 11Montgomery P<relnsurance... 405 54Toogert* OjMering Licenses

(white). 1,123 47Tungers’ (HBering Licensee

(colored) 1.423 70Sr*e Trwurer, appropriation

colored schools 5,250 05


,v ?t . '


T”t*l 126.600 20

Not. 29—-3t. By order,


Friends and Present Customers !

WE beg to ask of yon one little favor;tbat is to come and see us ft

GEBAT HILLS,if you need anything in the Mercantileline. We will give you goods lower thanany tariffrates. We will save you moneyevery time.

We are just from Baltimore with a fullline o

FALL and WINTER SUPPLIESand we mean Just what we say.

Now, all we ask of you is just give usone trial, and see for yourself.

Thanking you for past favors and hop-ing a continuance of the same.

Yours Respectfully,GEO. E. COMBS & CO.

Nov. 22 *94-tf

Jobusi’s SterCMS THE PLACE


To buy Groceries, Provisions, Fruits, Salt,Nails, Hardware, -all kinds ofTin ware.

AU6 5 and 10c good*, teorth double.Notions, Hosiery, Shirts, all wool, at 50

per cent, less than last year.

Blankets. Buggy Blankets, Horse Blank-ets, Boots and Shoes, Cakes and Candies,

etc, etc.

When you want a STOVE to last a lifetime, call or send for a catalogue describing the world renowned EXCELSIORCOOK STO VBB. Landed free of freighton the wharf at Leouardtown.

Nov 29—4mt

S. Levinson,Watchmaker k Jeweler,


Watches, Clocks and Jewelry neatly re-paired at reasonable prices.

All work done in workmanlike manner.

Call at the Drug Store.Hrpkuknces :—Dr. A. Jack Spalding.

E B. Aliell, Charles Havdn, David LDawson. Wm. F. Oretnweli. jr., B. M.Abell, B. H. Camalier, F. N. Holmes.

Sept Id—tft

U NDERTAKING.HAVING located at Great Mills, Md.,

with a new HEARSE and a full shirkof COFFINS, CASKETS, ROBES, etc , Iam prepared to serve funerals at the short-est notice and upon reasonable terms.

I am, also, prepared to build CARTS,W AGONS ana BUGGIES at the lowestprices.

Repairing, painting and trimming a spe-cialty. F. T. 8. PRICE.

June 7—tf,


REAL ETATE AGENCY,•••• P. V, W., Vufel KIM, D. C.

OT WANTED FOR PURCHASERSSt. Mary’s county lands, desirably locatedand reasonable in price. Write me givingfull description and all particulars.

Q. H. CALVERT & CO.July 7~tfl

SwnSS —.


You can buy all the Ingredients necessaryfor pickling, such asotmu thagar, WhiteCHmstanl, Celery Sssd.ftc. ,and are sure of securing the best quality at 1a reasonable price. ... I

iM Prescription* carefully and accu- -rately compounded—Dr. A. Jack Spald-iho giving his peraonal attention to thebusiness. ' - Aug 17—tf#

STOLEN.On thenlghtof October 25, out of my i

stable, two miles north of Park Hall, in the |Bth districtof St Mary’s county, Maryland,a small Sorrel Mare, 6 years old, ibiased face, white right front foot, scratcheson ihe left hip-joint and root of tail fromteeth of other horses. A liber*! rewardwill be paid f v information leading to herreeoverv. T. R. WINGROVE. 1Nov 22 94 mp Fithing Point. Md. <


/COFFINS and CASKEST latest stylesalwasys on hand and furnished at

shortest notice and at lowest prices forrank.

THREE HEARSES.always at hand.


In conjunction with my Blacksmith andWhbri.wriobtdepartment,! am preparedto build



allow prices,


and TRIMMINGa specialty*

J. A. BILLOW.Leonardtown, MdApril 21.87—tf

NOTICE.The Ladies Aid Society of Saint Mary’s

Parish, will hold a B;ir.ar and Supper, forthe benefit of -the Parish, at the Rectory.St. Mary’s City, on

Wedaeiday and Thursday evenings,December 12lh and 13th, from six to eleveno’clock.

Admission each evening ten cents. Sup-per 25 cents Ice cream, confections, &c.

The public are cordial!}' invited.Dec. 6.’94-1

public AuctionOF

Desirable Personal Property InBrittan’s Neck.

I will sell at public auction at my resi-dence, Rocky Point, near Howard’s wharf,on

THURSDAY, December 13, 1894,if fair, if not, the first fair day thereafter,the following desirable personal property :Household and Kitchen Furniture, all infirst class condition. Among the goodsare a Parlor Set, Bedroom Suits, CookStove and utensils. &c.


Dec. 6—Up. Rocky Point.


Obpkks bis professional services to thepeople of St. Mary’s county Dr. Paynewill be in bis office at Leonardtown alwaysexcept on the following days, when he willvisit other parts of the county.

St. Inigo’s, third Monday;Chaptico, fourth Wednesday;Milestown, third Thursday;Mecbanicsville, third Friday;Charlotte Hall, third Saturday j

of each month. 1 will visit parties at their Ihomes upon notification.

Sept 14, ’93—tf.

UNDBKTAKIN6.Situated one mile mand a-half from Great

Mills, on the road to

St George’s, with an elegant hearse and afull stock of coffins and caskets, we areprepared to serve funerals at the shortest Inotice and upon the most reasonable terms.All orders quickly and neatly attended to 1


1April 96—ti{

Notice to Debtors.~,

„ 1

Because of my locs in the recent fire I Iam in pressing need of money. Parties jindebted to me on medical account will Iplease make immediate payment.

L. B. JOHNSON, M. D.Nov. 22. ’94—mp.

Notice To Debtors.ALL persons indebted to me on Medical A*, ic2SntJf,.u^. IMke Immediate payment. I amobliged to bare money.

MTHW LTNCH. K. n 'Oct is. V* California. MU.

guy Everythin QLION ABDTOWN.


LAWRENCE'S NEW STOCK ATlowest city prices.

Dry Goods,Notions,

, Shoes,Furniture.

Tableware, Silverware, China and Glass-ware at low prices.1 r

I Palau. Oil., Varalah, WinMow Via.*.1

I Flair, Meal. Moat*. Lard. Flak. ate.

\ CANDIES. CAKES and FRUITS fresh1 by every steamer,

i ,

- Largest, Finest and Cheapest variety of1 Stand, Sidt, Banquet and Hanging Lamps

ever offered in this section.

• Lamp Oil at 14 cents, or 5 gallons at 601 cents, and we sell only high grade safety


1 HT Come in and see fur yoarself. It( will do you good.


If'Tl7S S J1 s JJ N JfrJMBeadl Kent!! KendS

I ¦

BRING two empty sacks or a flour bar-rel to Gardiner’s Mill and have filled

with 196 lb. ol Hillsdale Patent Flour.made from mntud, choice wheat lor only

es*,so.Half barrel, ball price.

(Quarter ban el, quarter price.„

~ , „Think of it!

196 lbs. of choice Hour for $3 50; 98 tbs for$1.75, and 49 tbs. for H7), Same flour 2cents per pound.

Bran in abundance for sl6 per ton; 10bushel lots, $1 •~0; middlings, 30 cents perbushel.


Sept 18—tf.Ne,rCh.pttc°.

MARYLAND and VIRGINIASteamboat (Jompuny,

i. ,

Steamer POTOMACCapt. W C Geogbegan.

On and after Tuesday, Sept. 11,1894, theSteamer Potomac,Capt. W.C. Geoghegan,will leave Pier 18. Light street wharf, Baltimtre, every Tuesday and Friday, at 6p.m , (weather permitting:)

On Tuesdays forMillers, Jones’, Brume's, Bacon's, Coan,

Bundick's, Cowart’s, Lewisetta, Kinsale,Lodge, Mundy’s. Point. Adams’, PineyPoint, Howard’s, Stone’s, Abell’s, Leon-ard town.

Returning, will leave Leonardtown onThursday, at 6 a. m , for Baltimore, Kinsaleat 12 m.. Own at 1:30 p. m., Bacon’s at 6p. m., making all of the above landings

Will leave Baltimore on Friday for all ofthe above Landings, and in addition:

Lancaster, Bash wood, Glymont, Alex-andria and Washington.

Will leave Washington on Sunday at 4p m , Leonardtown at 6 a. m., Monday;Kinsale, 12 m ; Coan, 1 50 p. m.; Bacon's, 6p. m , arriving in Baltimore early Tuesdayand Friday a. m.

Connecting on Wednesday, at 6 a. m., atLewisetta, with Steamer Sue, for the fol-lowing landings;

Barnes, Sandy Point, Nomini, Mt. Holly,Deep Poin t. Beale’s, Bush wood, Lancas-ter’s, Colonial Beach, Riverside, Liverpool,Glymont, Alexandria and Washington.

On Saturday for Barnes'. Sandy Point,Nomini, Mount Holly, Deep Point, Beall’s.Riverside, Liverpool, Colonial Beach.ALVIN KENNEDY,

Sept 13, General Agent.


Steamer SUE,

Capt. J. A. Geoghegan.On and after MONDAY,Sept. 10, 1894,

the Steamer SUE will leave Washingtonfoot 7th Street on MONDAY andTUURSDA Y at 3 p m , Alexandria at 3.30 p. m ,

for the following landings on the PotomacRivet, (weather permitting),

Glymont, Liverpool Point, Riverside,Colonial Beach, Lancaster's, BuatiwoodNomini, Mt. Holly, Deep Point, Beal’s,’Howard’s, Stone's, Abells, Leonardtown,Piney Point, Adams’, Sandy Point, Kinsale’Mundy’s Point, Lodge. Miller’s, Coan!Bundick’s, Barnes’, Cowart’*, Lewisetta.

Returning, will leave (Lewisetta) at 6a.m. on WEDNESDAY and SUNDAYmaking all of the above landings, arrivingat Washington early Monday and Thurs-day a. m.

Manager.STEPHENSON ABBoJ Agent*,

_ Washington.,

F. A. REED & CO.. AgenU.Sept 13, ’94—tf Alexandria.

R. H. J. MAGILL 4 CO~Commission Merchant,

For (he Sale ofPoultry, Kggg, Fruits, Live Stock, IFish, Oysters, Hides, Furs, <tc.935 La. Avo. WASHINGTON,All bnsiness promptly attended to,

Nov 15, 94—y


70* Mfe Mt. N. W., WASHINGTON.

If. H. J, Majfill,Novls 94—y


Messrs. Editors: Please announce throughyour paper Jaa T. M Ralbt as a canll-<Ute lor the Legislature and say that hewul be warmly supported by the Demo-cratic party, particularly of the

Eighth District

E Richard B. Tirrrrr & Bro .

Attorneys, Law Building,Baltimore, MJ.




r 7th Election Dietrict ofSt. Mary's Co.

BY virtue of a power of sale containedin a mortgag* from Demetrius Coode1 *od Cornelia L. Coode, bis wife dated

May 1894. and larded amSng SJLand Records of St Mary's county in Li-ber J. F. F., No. 8, folk. 168. the underi. win. tZ„V,bllc Auction the premise*, at

il ill-lop, on

. THURSDAY, December 27. 1894.. ; at 11 o clock, A M , all that trset ofground

; situated in the Tth Election District of Sti Mary s county, containing about

f 70 Acres of Land,

l and known a*

PART OF ST. OENARDS.r it being the part alloted to Cornelia 8..h,“ the real estate ofthe ate I. Jackson Allton. and more par-


any dr*cribed in two deeds from J.F. Hall and wile to said Cornelia E Coode,

one date,! March 16th. 1885. and recordedinLiber J.FF, No. 8. folio* 102 and lU3and the other dated April 30th, 1885, and’recorded in Liber J. F F. No. 8. folio 156.one of the Land Records ofSi. Mary'senutrty. '

- property is well improved with a1 Morehouse, Mabie and other buildings’ wSSJJ?!?oS! , Jai,ed Ux,my of

ILKMBLABHup* *n ratification of saleA deposit of SSO will be required frompurchaser on day of sale.

! JAS. K. TIPPETT,' W. B Loan. Auctioneer

Dec 6,1894—taf



JONES BROS., Leonardtown Wharf,I hars* far A.I m


Theresulu ofth,. last cruise of these re-n.*wned corsairs captured from all the mer-chantmen of the world at the lowest costalth ? f‘wt reasonable fig-

SSt CODH,Bt,n K ol a full asaort-



TABLE LINEN, BED SPREADS.LADIES’ HOSE, GENTS- HALF HOSEfine assortment, and at low figures.

haye in shck a dne assortment cf( 1 OiViS WT/1 vr Uf I rI rj

*id a fine grade ofWHISHT, WIRE. AHfD ,*.


Sugars, Syrups, Teas, Cof-foo, Spices, &c,

f"" ',,,K'k (>t, MKAL,PROVISION#, etc.

OTWe invite the public and all o Ur oldcustomers to come and see the Pirates at


F. Oscar MorganExtends a special invitation to his manymends and customers to visit his STOREand examine his large stock offashionable

GOODS.I mean to sell and shall always keenw fm he people want at the people's prices,it will be my aim to give my patrons everydollar ~ worth every time and if there tivirtue m good g-**ds at low prices I meant<* be 1 hk trroK* of Leonardtown.

DOMESTICS.In this department I arn low priced Call

Ca?toJi m,S nV*nCy Oinh2i,


i.*“'l chca l'- Call and make anmall purchase and I know that you willbecome a permanent customer.


My new styles arc in, and prices lowermen jST' My


BU)ck wilS P*W youngmen, old men and bays. 3 K

Ready-Made Clothing.For meai, youths' and boys' wear I‘vJr is® ch **Pc*t DfJ nobbiest line

clfi*Kb T n ln my store 1 Hrn emphaticaLy headquarters for this tradeF- OSCAR MOR6AN-,

Uoiarfci, Id.Cct 557, 1887—tl]

ST. MART’ ACADEMYLeonardtown. Md.,



NAZARETH, KENTUCKY.The course of Studies includes ChristianDrjctnne, Heading, Wriiing, Arithmetic.Bt>>k-keepmg, Algebra, Geometry. Eng*


r*P?iar ' History, Rheto-VarUlf 15v “enU


ol B<.tany. .Mental andNa.unil Philosophy, Astronomy, Chemis-SLtiLltera

u aod Gmamentalrloedlework. Music on the Piano and u


tar and French.Boy froti the age of 7 to 14 yea

received. J

Forteruu or further information apply oSISTER MADELEINE,

Leonardtown, Md.