jSatut Mary's iicacon. JLocal Dottli&flfa. There will be no oe/rioe at All Saints’ Chapel Sunday, March 3rd, bola Lenten Service will be held there on the following Friday. Ash-Wednesday service will be held at Christ Church, Cbaptico. ——— ¦ Cm* ad Smim. There will be a meeting of the St Mary's County Democratic Club, of Leonard town, on Friday, March Btb, at 7 o’clock, p. m. A full attendance is requested. Any dem ocrat desiring to become a member is re- quested to attend. Liu F. Matthews, B. 11. Cahaube, President Secretary. OrskW t'ssrt. Feb. 28, I&J9. Court met—all the offi- cers. except Judge Milborn, present. William T. Bailey, Ex. of Ann Bailey f filed account of sales and distribution or- dered. Accounts vs. decedents’ estates filed and passed. Final release* Ac., filed. Court adjourned to March 18,1886. Buratd U Dtalh. Beccntly, a young daughter of Mr. Sbo- hart, of the Cbaptico section, was burned to death. The account which baa reached us is, that the child, who was deaf and dumb, had been sent into the kitchen to notice the fire and while there, is supposed to have gotten too near the stove and thus ignited her clothing. Being unable to give any alarm she was fatally burned before any the family koefr of the accident. ¦ -i ¦ i ¦ ¦¦ Marcias* Llmmm. , Since the Ist of February, the following Licences to Marry hare been issued by the Clerk to our Circuit Court: white : John F A. Norris and Lucy A. Norris. John Austin Cusick and Lucy A. Glares COLORED: Charles D. Garner and Knsa Stephens. J 'hn K. Butler and Qeorgeanna Carter. William Jordan and Maria Smith. Thott. Summerville and Sallie M. Herbert. Bernard Maguire Chase and Rosa Brooks. In Mm*rlasi. On the morning of Saturday, February 23rd, 1889, passed from this lifeto a bright- er and a happier one, Miss Nell Fen- wick in the fullness of the hope of a Messed immortality. By her death society has lost a cherished friend and religion a bright ornament. In her daily life she was kind-hearted, genial and generous to a fault Those who bad the privilege of be- in z near to her did not merely respect her, but they loved her, for her’s was essenti- ally a most lovable character. Like the bl-H.miDg rose, when it puts forth its blos- soms and delights all by its sweti perfume, she was bcan'iful to all by her virtues. As the ruse her bloom on earth was blight- ed, but she has been transplanted to anoth- er soil—She will bloom forever ’ncath the kindly sky of heaven. The fragrance of her piety lingers here, and holds her in sweet memory. May she rest in |>eace. * (Correspondence of the Beacon.) Fake Hall, Feb. 25,1889. Your humble correspondent bad the great pleasure of attending the supper at Cedar Point the 13th instant, and if the date is regarded by superstitious persons as unlucky, it proved rather a lucky one for the committee. I think it is generally con- ceded that it was through the indefatiga- ble efforts of Miss Mollie Hilton that this agreeable mortal umeut was gotten op. About 630 I*. M. the guests began to ar- rive and the rush was so great that the wonder was will we ever have standing room, but the bouse seemed built of caout- chouc and (here was room for all. At 7 o'clock sharp the joyous peal of the supper bell was beard and then as many as could be accommodated filed into the supper room, which was artistically decorated with ferns, calls lilies and geranium*. The center pieces of the three tables were composed of ferns, palm and myrtle ar- ranged in th* most exquisite manner. And the choice viands! Why if you didn’t have any appetite just the savor of them acted as an appetizer. All the delicacies of the season were promptly furnished and in such elegant style that no epicure could possibly murmur While partaking of the delicate morsels I could not help thinking how very true the following lines were—- “We may live without poetry, music or art. We may live without conscience and live without heart; We may live without friends, we may live without books. But civilized mao Cannot live without cooks.” The confectionery table was presided over by able ladies and gentlemen. Th cakes were the prettiest I ever beheld; two most have been representations of old King Win- ter. 1 didn’t learn the amount realized, bol know it mart have been satisfactory, for the managers faces were just the perfect pictures of contentment Oakville, St Ini- go’s Cedar Point, Fishing Point, Great Mills. California and Park Hall were well represented. There were present minis- ters, teachers, captains, merchants, tann- ers, a doctor, lawyer, magistrate and con- stable, but there were so arguments or jars (except those that held candy) all went merry as a marriage belt a UaaU Man nap True. At ao adjourned meeting of Use Direc- tors of the Fanners and Photos Agvocv of Baltimore city, held at their office on Wednesday, the 20th day ot February, 1889, Joe Shepherd was elected President, J P. Briscoe, Vice-President, Sam i. M. Hlnks, Cashier, G. W. Dorsey, Treasurer, and B. E- Hlnks, Secretary. The Board of Directors for the year 1889 was elected as follows, Joe Shepherd, of Anne Arundel Co.; J. P. Briscoe, of Culvert Co. :J. W. Crawford, of Calvart Co.; P. H. Tuck,of Baltimore City; Ad- rian Posey, of Charles Co.; Samuel M. Hlnks. of Frederick CO4 6. W, Dorsey, of Calvert Co.; 8, B. Hi ok* of Frederick Ox, and J. Frank Talbott, of Calvert Go. The Club met at t o’clock In the parlor at Moore’s Hotel Notwithstanding the bitter cold weather a eery respectable at- tendance was oa hand and a lively interest was manifested by all the members, giving bis views la an earnest manner upon the subject* discussed. On motion, the rules were suspended and Mr. James Smith was elected by acclama- tion. The committee ou commimiou agen- cy * being present, it was moved and carried that the committee’s be ex- tended. The following resolution was offered and adopted. That the members of the Club and all farmers of 6t Mary’s county who have grievances against any commission agent, merchant or transportation compa- ny be invited to state the bets to the sec- retary of our Club, ao that the Club buying cognizance, may take the proper action to protect the farmers. Moved and carried that a committee of two be appointed to make arrangements in regard to having the Club represented in the Stale Fair this Fall. The chair ap- pointed C. Arnold Qraef and Jno. F. Duke. Moved and carried that a committee ot five be appointed to consider the advisabil- ity of having a county Fair the coming Pall. The chair appointed the folio wing; Joseph H. Key, Giles F. Dyer, H. F. Moore, J. T. Gough and J. J. Green well On motion, Club adjourned. John F. Dckb, Secretary. Five*. Tuesday last, the dwelling of Mr. George H. Carpenter, of Budd’s Creek neighbor- hood, caught fire and was burned to the ground. The fire originated in the kitchen and, when discovered, had gained such headway as to be beyond control. Mr- Carpenter, we are told, was sitting in his dining room and needing something in bis kicthen started to go there. When be opened the door the flames bunt out, and his face and head was badly scorched. We are informed that the property was in- sured, We trust that “Mr. George” wiU soon be all right again and have a new house. Saturday last, the kitchen adjoining the store-house occupied by Mr. T. F. C. Her- bert, Cbaptico, caught fire and was burned down. The kitchen is very close to the store and is not for removed from Chapti- co Hotel. Owing to the earnest exertions of the neigh bon, the store-boose, although several times on fire, was saved. A gen- tleman from the neighborhood informs os that the side of the store next tie burned kitchen is almost bnrned to a coal. In fighting the flames Mr. Allie Welch bad bis bead and face painfully burned. The property was insured. A defective flue is thought to have been the cause of the fire •S. lltems. f From our Regular Correspondent.] Owners of ice houses are seeminglv in buoyant spirits now that old Winter has everything his own way. Sleighing and snow balling were some of the amoaemonts indulged in on the 22nd. Fish, principally perch, are being told hereabout at 15 cts., per bunch. The are caught in Deep Creek by Messrs. Abel Hammett and sons. With the exception of giving advice and prescribing ’alteratives,* our neighborhood doctors are comparatively idle. Our village merchants ard doing tolerably well. They sell principally for cash or its equivalent taking in exchange for the necessaries of life, beef, hides, green and flint, poultry, eggs, butter, Ac. Men who appear tobe possessed ofration- al minds and sound lessoning faculties are laying the flattering nnction to their souls that after the 4th of March money will be plentiful (!) and that iron-heated banger will take its flight from our shores! All hail to tiie coming happy time! What a relief it will be to the charitably disposed of our great cities. No more soup booses, for Capital, (credit to the winds!) the essen- tial factor of effective speculation, will be every man’s possession. Sequel (1892) a nation of millionaire speculators. Whew! “we are climbing up tbe golden stair*” “Cupid in happy inasmuch as he has bis worshipers thoroughly schooled in the srt of keeping secret* It is all guess work with outside parties as to tbe date when John William and Susan Jane are going to become “one and inseparable.” Your old friends, Loker and Harry Greenwell, Esqrs., are enjoying excellent health. News scarce. Raltat. (Correspondence of the Beacon.) Milestown, Feb. 20,1889. Mesar* Editors: —On Thursday night last, by invitation, I was present at an en- tertainmant given by Mr. and Mr* Va Ferrell at Bush wood. By 8 o’clock tbe guest* representing the beauty and Ash- ion of Milestown, had assembled. Danc- ing was now indulged in with spirit and exquisite enjoyment until about 11 o’clock, when a carnation of the exhilerative sport was taken far supper, which was served amid round* of laughter and flashes of mer- riment This was indeed a delicious re- pert, at which the most delicate and fas- tidious palate could not find fault. The first la order after supper was a prize dance. The match was between our Hon. T. and bis private Secretary, Henry, and against F. 8. and & 8., which was won by the latter. They also had the praise of the ladle* as not only being the best dancer* bat the best looking gentlemen in the boose. After the match we bad a surprise marriage,* the bridal party being Miss H. •ad Mr. L., both of Milestown neighbor- hood. Father M. was called upon to per- form the ceremony, which he did very readily. After congr tnlating the happy pair we hurtled far our coats and empty bottle* The music was famished by tbe Widowers’ Band. Many thanks were ten- dered to tbe host and hostess for their hos- pitality and generous efforts to make the occasion to every respect an enjoyable one. On our Way home from the wedding and fiance our partj gut squandered somewhat, and some strayed off, and yon could bear cries and howls for miles around, calling far Henry and Peter, asking for help or non whiskey. Oor oldest neighbors say' they never knew the Spring Branch to be haunted before; but nop the general talk is of tbe bowls (a that neighborhood. Fond or Temur. MM’ALWUE A STREEVISS. Are you going, to the inauguration? Next Wednesday will be Aah-Wednea- day. Taere will be Mam at Newtown, Ash- Wed nesday at 9 o’clock. Both the Orphans’ and Coauatwaoner’s Courts were la sesripn Tuesday. Tuesday the CoaunbrionetF Court voted an additional fifty dollar* to Chaptioo Owing to the cold weather Saturday, the attendance at tbs meeting of the Farmer* Club was not large. Miss Nell Fenwick, second daughter of the late John F. Fenwick, died at the residence at her mother-in-law, this village, Saturday last. Mrs. Jennie Fenwick Edelen, of Balti- more, bat Mrs. Rebecca Fenwick’s, this village. Mrs. Edelen arrived Thursday right, per Str. Wakefield. Monday next the republicans will again take hrid of the irina or government Stay the incoming President give us as econom- ical and as clean an administration as hb (hnvwtti* predsoemor In the matter at oammuricatiotiS we have been obliged this week to follow the time honored rale, “first oomt, first served.” This ex plains why several esteemed fetors do not appear in to-day’s isma. W. invite the attention of our readers to the first pages of our present paper. The second of Mr. Murpliy's letters, a circular Bom Rev. J. Gibson Gantt, an extract Bom Hon Zeb Vance’s tariff speech and other Interesting reading b to be found there A “cate” thief has been relieving Mr. L D. Freeman, of Medley’s Neck, of hie meat. The thief bad polled off a board, near where the meat was placed, arranged it to bang on a nail and form a convenient trap-door through which to remove the meat as he, she, or they needed it. Quite a number ofrepublican politicians were in town Tuesday and we are told that petitions for office were circulated. Our inC mtant stated thatn petition recommend- ing Mr. Adrian Posey, of Charles county, k>r Collector of Internal Revenue, was signed by several of the leaden. The Centennial Celebration at the Uriver- tity of Georgetown was a grand affair. Cardinal Gibbons and President Cleveland made speeches. Among the St. Mary’s representatives were Revs Cbas. K. Jenk- ins. C. J. Lancaster, J. We Neale, Hon. Robert C. Combs, Joe. F. Morgan, B. Harris Camalier and Enoch B. Abell, Esqre., Messrs. J. T. Parson, Charles Abril, Igns. E. and George £. Mattingly. As Cast. For sixty days I will close out all heavy clothing, hats and Winter goods at cost Now is your time for bargains. Room must be made for Spring goods. Call early at the Brown Store and secure your share of them. ‘Old Reliable.” (ESTABLISHED IN ISM.) The American Farmer. Over 40 years trader the tame management. Devoted to Farming, Slock Raising, Fruit Growing, Market Gardening, the Dairy, the Poultry Yard, etc-, etc. Special attention is paid to Fertilizers and Manures, including those of commerce and the farm. Reports of Representative Farmers’ Clubs are a notable feature of Its issues. Its Home Department is filled with charm- ing reading and practical suggestions for the ladles of the farm household. The most competent, successful and ex- perienced men and women have charge of the several departments. No Farmer in the Atlantic States, from Deb ware to Georgia, can afford to be with- out this old ana reliable advertiser and guide on farm work. The American Farmer is published every month, (on the Ist ana 15tb,) in clear Spe. SI.OO a year. To any one sending a ub of five, an extra copy will be sent free. SAM’L SANDS & SONS, Publishers, Baltimore, Md. The Beacon and the American Farmer will be clubbed together and sent to any address for $1.75 for one year—invariably 1 in advance. ICAKTIRSI CURE Amt to abtUoas state of tbs system. rack as Duziaoss, Khm, Prmwlni* Mlw after eating. Pain in tbs Bide, tv. While their most isnuitstiln rem— Ur Yt~h iV-ra In mltw SICK jrot Carter's Llttls time Mb am squally valuable la Constipation, ruriug aad pro ranting UOa annoying complaint, while tbsralso aorrectsHdXonlareoriba*lo—cbAttiaolatatas HrerfeAmgalatsthobewaia. Ereatftbeyoriy HEAD A*MHpvMHlMlß*l|iWartiSMwle eatr free* tide titwta*eeißpaiat; bet Serta- mslyibStpint—inei*irtlia>Aotttiw Who earn try them will Sad thorn littivptUavaln- ¦Mataaeaaaay wa^athat lhay will not ba wil. “"ACHE " isttabmaaf aoiaaay Urea that barslswbara waauka ear gnat bom*- Oar pillacure Uwhile Uret ntle are very cman aad very may to taka. Onaor two pillemakaaAoae. They are etrtetly regetabta ana do act gripe or paiy* hatby their srntlaertloo pleaaeaU who am them, la vials at Mcents; SrefrSl. SoM kr Srentals gnij-irli 11 r it —nt v r —” OARTKR WtOIOrNK CO.. Now Yoric% fm.ni. SMALL DOSE. SMALLPRICK RATIFICATION NOTICE. J. Walter Carpenter vs. Frank M. Dyer and Jennie D. Dyer, his wife. In the Circuit Court for St. Mary’s county, sitting ss a Court of Equity. No. 683 N. E. Ordered this Ist day of January, 1869, that the sale made and reported by J, WALTER CARPENTER, Mortgagee, in the above cause, be ratified and confirmed, unless cause to the contrary be shown oo or before the 4tfa Monday of January, 1889, provided a copy of this order be published in the Sc Mary’s Beacon once a week for three successive weeks prior to the said 4th Monday of January. The report states the land sold for S2JOO. J. FRANK FORD, Clerk. True copy—Test: . s- J .. FKANK FORD>cwt | Ladies cloaks are going off like wiki fin at the Brown store. Arles o*tf K Cts, forilgdg 4rm§gltu. m.a s_ _ mg _ _ a a Quit, ScatSt, Backache, thm *, Ae. chew ,T * WASHINGTON 420, 422, 414 tad 4M fllf II Street, HEADQUARTERS FOR HOUIIT GOODS. ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING DESIRABLE AND SUITABLE FOB A HOLISM *• SSMFT IS KEPT BY US IN ALL THE DIF- FERENT PRICES. WHEN YOU COME TO WASHINGTON VISIT US EVEN IF YOU DONT HAVE NEED TO PURCHASE ANYTHING. BIOBMTOBBSitWttto ***** Nov. 23—yi. NOTICI TOCRCMTMt. Orphans’ Court of St Maty's county. Set Dec. 11, SBfnL w Ordered by the Court, that’Jaa. T. Har- rison, administrator of Thao. Harrison, Jr., late of St Mary's county, MA deceased, give the notice required by law to the de- ceased's creditors lo exhibit thrir claims and that the same be published once a week for six successive weeks in the St Mary’s Bkacoi. Test Jaa. T. M. Ralkt, Register of Wills for St Mary’s county. NOTICE In pursuance of the above order, I here- by give notice that I have obtained from the Orphans’ Court of St Mary’s county, Maryland, letters of administration on the persona] estate of Theo. Harrison, Jr, fete of said county, deceased. %U persons having claims against the said deceased are here- by notified to exhibit the hibitt* with the proper vouchers attacked thereto to the subscriber, on or before the 18th day of June. 1889, they will otherwise by law be excluded from the hmfitv of the said es- tate. All persons indebted to the deceased are requested to make immediate payment to the subscriber. JAS. T. HARRISON, Administrator Dec 13 'BB KILLHEBT, KUBEBI r Mbs Nellie Fenwick ha* Just opened a New and Beautiful Stock of MILLINERY and FANCY GOODS For Spring and^Suuner. Newut BaU, BmmaU, Notion*, Feather*, A, fo and such other articles as are nsuallv keot in a well-stocked MUUnery Stare. MWJ.HMWICK. when he vrtll ojln’- it Inigo’s M Monday; MflmSwn.. \ Meehanicsville . jfcd Friday; Charlotte Hall fed Saturday; in each month. HT Letters addressed M Dr. Payne at Leonard town by parties wishing him to vishttietr homes will raostvnprompt at- pirmer’s tadpiuttr’i^encj 220 8. CHARLKS ST. KALTIM9RL For the sale of Tobacco, Grain, Fndt aad all kinds of Country Produce. JOS. SHEPHERD, PnsL.Hr. G. W. DOR SET,JTrea^a rety Salesman for Grain.^ and Mnnnfoctnwm of High Grada Fertilizer and agents far Dissolved Ground Bone, KhiU .iwt Toilet, and lanmiAty soaps, at evwy JOHN P- BKfeCOK AND DANIEL C. HAMMETT, Attend assignee's sale -4E VALUABLE—- REAL ESTATE BY vimm of a power contained lo a most- naa from Margaret A. Wlae to the Vreuy of Saint Paul’* Pariah la Oal- icrt county. Manrland, dated the 14tfa day of Scprerefcar, 1884, aad recorded among Em Lead Records 0184. Karr's oouaty, Maryland, la Liber J. 7. F-, No. 7, folios 418. fox, aad which said mortgage was on the Iflth day ofFebruary, 1889, assigaed hy the reid,Em Vestry of w. Paul’s Pariah la Calvert county, to ooe Daniel C. Haa- nelt, which said assignment is now on re- cord amoag the said land records, the un- dersigned, ae Assignee as aforesaid, will aril at pabtic auction, in Boat of the Court Boose door ia Leonard town, la said coun- ty. < TUESDAY, the 19tb day of larch, 1889, At8 o’clock, P. M., ALL THOSE FIVE PIECES OR PAR oris of fared, situated in the Bth district at 84. Mary’aoonnty, and described ns follows; All that tract offared conveyed by R. A. Clarke aad wife to Robert H. Wise by dead, recorded in the fared records of St Mary’s ooanty. In Über J. A U, No. 3, fo- lk* 191, fox, and containing W 40 ACRES, more or lean Also, all that tract of land lying aad bring immediately on the Pa- tuxent river called and known as Town Point, conveyed by William C. Abell and wife to Robert H. wise by deed recorded In said land records in liber J. A C., No. 8, folios MO. fox, containing 200 ACRES. mote or lean The improvements consist of n comfortable DWELLING HOUSE and the necessary out-buildings. il'fS B| Also, all that tract ot land -Tillri and known as the NECK, conveyed by James R. Thompson and oth- ers to Robert H. Wise by deed recorded in mid land records ia liber J. A C., No. 6, folios 479, Ac, containing 115 ACRES, more or leas. Also, all that tract of land called and known as PERCY’S COSTS, conveyed by Joseph Forrest and Chapman Billingsley, surviving Commissioner* lor the division of the real estate of the late Philip Clarice to Robert H. Wise, by deed noosded la said fared records in liber J. A 0., No. 6, folk* 148, fox, containing 117 tens, more or lets. Abo, all that tract of fared, being part of a tract of land called and known as KINGSTON, conveyed by A. H. Hall and wife to Rob- ert H. Wise by deed recorded in said land records in Über J. T. B. No I, folk*681, fox, containing 98 acres, more or leas, all of which will appear by reference to said mortgage. TERMS OF SALS. One-third cash on final ratification of said sale—ooe-third in ooe year aad ooe- third in two years, or all cash on the final ratification of said sale at the option of the purchaser or purchasers, the defer- red payments to bear interest from the day of sale and to be secured to the satis- faction of the undersigned. A cash deposit of SIOO on cash purchase required on the day of sale. DANIEL C. HAMMETT, Assignee. Feb. 21.1889—t5. HEV ULLDiERYI- FALL OPENING! HA VINO now randy n handsome lias of nil the latest styles m fine aad medium drew goods, such as Cashmere, Ladies Cassimeres, ttricots, in doable width, nod la nil desirable shades. Orioles, i English Cashmeres . Toilet dor Noid, Prints, Ginghams. Abo MILLINERY in mourning aad colon. Cloaks, Muffs, Fur Trimming, Toboggan $ Jtollen Wear at all descriptions. Kid Gloves a specialty. Notions of a II classes. Thanking my friends and patrons for K fevers, I desire them to call and exam- ¦y stock at an early day. UNA A. JONtS _ LEONAROTOWN. Oct 36—tf, FOM AiUL A FINS BAT OOLT stiL (W) three ranold in April. T. EDWARD LOKSR: DmlC Vatkylfe. UMOEHTAKIMB! I MOST respecttally inform the pnbtic that 1 have Just completed anew benrse and can mash Ooffiat urf Onlrth G** while COFFINS AimWHEBLwraimnSe aid 3lacS£ BMTTHING In all their branches. V ttmnktal for all past fkvosa, 1 solicit a cons tin nance of the tame. KBWAKt FAttAK, NF. INRUN; Insurance Agent g Broker , lsovaistov* mb. Represents the following ftaal Clam Com- panies with combined assets of twelve mil- lion of dollars, and has frriUties for placing large tines of insurance on the most ferar- able terms in home or forein companies. MsiiiinryT" xm juL . Nm* York MnttZtLfr. GmntetietU Mutual Ltft. Jan 12,8B—yf *** POROIBRT DEALER AND MANUFACTURER Pine Gobs, Rifles, Pistols, Ac POWDER, SHOT, SHEUS.it. constantly 00 hand and at the lowest prices. E. WATT ST., near Light. BALTIMORE. RATIFICATION NOTICE. The Birdsall Company vs. Samuel L Rawleigb. In the Circuit Court for St Mary’s county, sitting as a Court of Equity. No. 690. N. E. Ordeied this 35th day ofJanuary, 1889, that the sale made and reported by Urie Townsend, Attorney, in the above cause, be ratified and confirmed, unless cause to the contrary be shown on or before the 4th Monday of Feb., 1889, provided a copy of this order be published in the 8t Mary’s fiascos once a week for three successive weeks prior to the said 4th Monday of February, TThe report states the property sold few $925. J. FRANK FORD, Clerk. True copy—Test: , J FRANK FORD, Clerk. Jan. 81—Sw„ RATIFICATION NOTICE. ~ Ignatius V. McKay et al. Joseph E. McKay etaL In the Circuit Court for St Mary’s couaty. sitting as a Court of Equity. No. 692 N. E. Ordered this 23nd day of January. 1889, that the sale made and reported by J. Prank Buhanan, Trustee, in the above cause, be ratified and confirmed, unless cause to the contrary be shown 00 or before the Brd Monday of February, 1889, provided a copy of this order be published in the St. Mary's Beacon once a week for three successive weeks prior to the said 3rd Monday of Feb- ruary. Tbe report states the land sold for $1,884. J. PRANK FORD, Clerk. True copy—Test: J. FRANK FORD, Clerk. Jan 34 —3w| RATIFICATION NOTICE. Robert C. Combs, Attorney for Brown A 1 Graves, vs. Beoenia A. Thomas. In the Circuit Court for 8t Mary’s county, ! sitting as a Court of Equhy. No. 694 N. E. Ordered this stb day ofFebruary, 1889, J that tbe Auditor's report, filed in the above ¦ cause, be ratified and confirmed, unless cause to the contrary be shown on or be- fore the Ist Monday of March. 1889, pro- vided a copy of this order be published in ] the 8t Mary’s Bkacom once a week for three successive weeks prior to tbe Ist ' Monday of March. J. FRANK FORD, Clerk. True copy—Teat: J FRANK FORD, Clerk Feb 7—Bw| TOR SALE, Aaound, Hg, fa., , Mjlh .mi A well known hone; about twelve yean old. K\ v At Br. Hugo's Priest's Panic, 8c Mary’s county. JanlO J 1 CATARRH Ely’s Cream Balm and Hearing. 1 pOK SALE. am I THE DESIRABLE Ho Fanis of the late Geo. SHAKIS Combs, containing, 97 aem of highly tm proved land; a Fine Dwelling, and beau- titally situated within half a mile of Leoa- ardtown. For terms, apply to ROBERT C OOMBS, Jnly . l^ltoWn MA “SIMPLY GRAND!” IB TiIJK GENERAL EXCLAMATION of mil who Ttdl the Muuwtk Oie-Price CisbSton. lib my delight to announce to joat first cbm line of FALL mmd WINTER GOODS. Ilk truly a Variety Store. If I cannot a re you from 25 to 40 per cent oer any concern aouth of Baltimore City, I will -throw ap the spoageemd any noth- iag more upon the subject I only can give a few hi each department It would fill every colamn of thia vain- able paper to give in detail all Its laaamer- able contents, ao will give yoa a taint Idea in the following department* ¦ SNOC BCMTHENT. IcaUyonr atteatkm to the ml* ew. rrtfmbig Tmskar, Smith A Ooaßhoaa, which need no commendation from me. S!!u!^ t 0 *** thllt l fOQottooV>t oa Mena fine taea'fl 25, worth 21 SO- H bntton calf. $1 68, - * 195, - 826 do- - - 137. 175 do“ - 2 66, - 800 do- 100, - goo - kip English tiea, 1 96, - 220 155 - 175 - split plows, i |5, - 126 - 126. - 150 - extra mamleea, 165, -200 Bop’ veal call, I 80, - Iso do do 116, do 1 86 ,*> .dp button, 1374 do 160 Ladies’ do do 1374, do 180 t'SftSttk'ifkJl ,* do grain button $l2O to 150- ItOtolTß doWdto*., 150- 175 do glove bala, 1 20 -1 4c Mimes reb. grain bat 196 -1 85 do goat, 160- 165 Children’* fine grain, 120 worth 185 do do 96 do 110 do do 100 do 120 do do 65 do 76 Men'a boot*. |1 90, 2 00. 8 00, 8 50, 4 46 goya do 75. 1 95. Child's do $139. awoery Baparfmi. All Standard Oaada Portonoo Molasses, 28c worth 35 Cuba do 25 go Golden Syrup, * 40 - 45 Bright Dnna, 60 - 60 Granulated Sugar*, 9c. Light C Sugar*. 74 Coffee*, 18, 20 and 23. Tem, 86,4M0 soc . Flour—standard family, $6 80 to $0 26 Pvaltira Department. 1 have the pleasure to call again your at- teutiun to I*urn iture. To jroosg men mm well ms old who contemplate bemutUVing that dearest spot on earth; “HOME," I am right here to gladly serve you. How grand a thing it is for every well thinking vourm man to have a cosy, though humble little home wherein to rest from his toll. It is a Joy to me to be able to say that since my advent here I have been instrumental in making many cheerful home. 1 shall be pleased to tarnish y .u in this all impor- u“* A* l )rio, “beyond the shadow of a doubt 36 and 40 per cent below Balti- more prices. This is a bold assertion, but rest assured they are solid facta or I will forfeit a suit Chamber Suita, 7 pieces, $lB, worth $24 do do 10 do 25, 80 dp do 10 do 38, “46 Bureaus and Dressers, 680 to 835 Bedstead* 276 to 650 Centre and leaf tables, 360 to 800 Wood spill chairs, $3 76 per half dozen do do bow backs, 876 - - Oak chairs, $4 00 to 450 - Cane Seat 475 to SSO - CMhiif Department. I have positively the finest. Cheapest line of Clothing ever shown in Leonard- town, and styles that all admire. To see •hern is to buy them. , Men’s Suita from $6 60 to sl7 00 x ouths do do 850 to 980 Children’s do 235 to 560 Mi’s Suspenders. 8,12.14,16,17,90; 24c do Hosiery, 5, 6. 7,8. 10 to 85c do Collars, all styles and shoes, 10,12,16 do Dress Shirts, made of N. Y. Mills [muslin, 80c. worth $1 25 do do standard goods, 60, 90 do 110 Bovs’ Shirts, 42 do under-shirts, 35.86. 60 adfos’Jerseys, 80. 76. to 100 do Hosiery. 8. 10, 18. 16, 20 do Bustles, latest styles, 25 and 50c do Collars, ail do 5,10,13, 15 Pnnto, 44.6,6,7,8.10 to 14c Spool cotton. L2. 8,4, 5c Box paper, 34 envelopes, 24 sheets paper, t . [5,8-9,-180 Asst hair pint, 100 in box, 6c Batter Dishes, 10 cents, worth 26 cents fIIVAIB DEPABTMEIT. {gallon covered buckets 9cents - - 15 * wUk^ P““’ 6to 10 - Wash Basina, 6to 10 - Tea Pans, 12, 16, 86 and 86 eta Clmmk MMepmritmemt. Your attention. Ladies, please to them goods, never before brought to Leonard - town in such quantities and styles. These gw<ls are bongbt direct from the manufac- turer, so they are 85 per cent below any- wbsre else. All first-class goods and all of the very latest styles. I shall make this line one of my specialties. Udlmf Cloaks, $8 96 to sl9 00 Massaa Sbool do. $3 60 to $3 90 JPVve Cemi Cewnler. It is a pleasure to say that the 5 and 10 Cent Counter is a perfect wonder in jowlf. The surprise of all, it contains tinware really worth 10 and 96 cents. Glassware worth 10 to 36 cents. Granite Ware, Stone Ware and one hundred other articles worth and f cents. Cpms often to this novel- ty as they are swept off as feat as they come is. I shall have the them onni. g steady along. UT Terms. Cash on Delivery. tffßy taking 00 risks I can serve you HTat very bottom figures. Standing upon merit alone, fair and square to all, I ask you to command, Yonr faithful servant, J. W. JOHNSON, Leona rdtown. WARES.— Agents to solicit orders for our choice sod hardy Nursery Stock. Steady Walk far Bnerptto Tamperanoe B ? Uy y. or commission if preferred. The buMness quicklv and m3. FOR SHERIFF: J. IW Omxwxjx. of 8c Clement’* *candidate for the ntßberiffaUy. subject toU<deeMoa of the Dsnsocvnac party. Ddocmn, . *

Saint Mary's beacon (Leonard Town, Md.) 1889-02-28 [p ]

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jSatut Mary's iicacon.JLocal Dottli&flfa.

There will be no oe/rioe at All Saints’Chapel Sunday, March 3rd, bola LentenService will be held there on the following

Friday. Ash-Wednesday service will be

held at Christ Church, Cbaptico.——— ¦

Cm* ad Smim.

There will be a meeting of the St Mary'sCounty Democratic Club, of Leonard town,on Friday, March Btb, at 7 o’clock, p. m.A full attendance is requested. Any democrat desiring to become a member is re-quested to attend.

Liu F. Matthews,B. 11. Cahaube, President


OrskW t'ssrt.

Feb. 28, I&J9. Court met—all the offi-cers. except Judge Milborn, present.

William T. Bailey, Ex. of Ann Baileyf

filed account of sales and distribution or-dered.

Accounts vs. decedents’ estates filed andpassed.

Final release* Ac., filed.Court adjourned to March 18,1886.

Buratd U Dtalh.

Beccntly, a young daughter of Mr. Sbo-hart, of the Cbaptico section, was burnedto death. The account which baa reachedus is, that the child, who was deaf anddumb, had been sent into the kitchen to

notice the fire and while there, is supposedto have gotten too near the stove and thusignited her clothing. Being unable to giveany alarm she was fatally burned before

any the family koefr of the accident.¦ -i ¦ i ¦ ¦¦

Marcias* Llmmm. ,

Since the Ist of February, the followingLicences to Marry hare been issued bythe Clerk to our Circuit Court:

white :

John F A. Norris and Lucy A. Norris.John Austin Cusick and Lucy A. Glares


Charles D. Garner and Knsa Stephens.J 'hn K. Butler and Qeorgeanna Carter.

William Jordan and Maria Smith.Thott. Summerville and Sallie M. Herbert.Bernard Maguire Chase and Rosa Brooks.

In Mm*rlasi.

On the morning of Saturday, February23rd, 1889, passed from this lifeto a bright-er and a happier one, Miss Nell Fen-wick in the fullness of the hope of aMessed immortality. By her death societyhas lost a cherished friend and religion abright ornament. In her daily life she waskind-hearted, genial and generous to afault Those who bad the privilege of be-in z near to her did not merely respect her,

but they loved her, for her’s was essenti-ally a most lovable character. Like thebl-H.miDg rose, when it puts forth its blos-soms and delights all by its sweti perfume,she was bcan'iful to all by her virtues.As the ruse her bloom on earth was blight-ed, but she has been transplanted to anoth-

er soil—She will bloom forever ’ncath thekindly sky of heaven. The fragrance ofher piety lingers here, and holds her insweet memory. May she rest in |>eace.


(Correspondence of the Beacon.)Fake Hall, Feb. 25,1889.

Your humble correspondent bad the

great pleasure of attending the supper at

Cedar Point the 13th instant, and if the

date is regarded by superstitious persons asunlucky, it proved rather a lucky one forthe committee. I think it is generally con-ceded that it was through the indefatiga-ble efforts of Miss Mollie Hilton that thisagreeable mortalumeut was gotten op.About 630 I*. M. the guests began to ar-

rive and the rush was so great that thewonder was will we ever have standingroom, but the bouse seemed built ofcaout-

chouc and (here was room for all. At 7o'clock sharp the joyous peal ofthe supperbell was beard and then as many as couldbe accommodated filed into the supperroom, which was artistically decoratedwith ferns, calls lilies and geranium*.The center pieces ofthe three tables werecomposed of ferns, palm and myrtle ar-ranged in th* most exquisite manner. Andthe choice viands! Why if you didn’thave any appetite just the savor of themacted as an appetizer. All the delicaciesof the season were promptly furnished andin such elegant style that no epicure couldpossibly murmur While partaking of thedelicate morsels I could not help thinkinghow very true the following lines were—-“We may live without poetry, music or art.We may live without conscience and live

without heart;We may live without friends, we may live

without books.But civilized mao Cannot live without

cooks.”The confectionery table was presided overby able ladies and gentlemen. Th • cakeswere the prettiest I ever beheld; two mosthave been representations ofold King Win-ter. 1 didn’t learn the amount realized,bol know it mart have been satisfactory,for the managers faces were just the perfectpictures of contentment Oakville, St Ini-go’s Cedar Point, Fishing Point, GreatMills. California and Park Hall were wellrepresented. There were present minis-ters, teachers, captains, merchants, tann-ers, a doctor, lawyer, magistrate and con-stable, but there were so arguments or jars(except those that held candy) all wentmerry as a marriage belt

aUaaU Man nap True.

At ao adjourned meeting of Use Direc-tors of the Fanners and Photos Agvocvof Baltimore city, held at their office onWednesday, the 20th day ot February,1889, Joe Shepherd was elected President,J P. Briscoe, Vice-President, Sam i. M.Hlnks, Cashier, G. W. Dorsey, Treasurer,and B. E- Hlnks, Secretary.

The Board of Directors for the year1889 was elected as follows, Joe Shepherd,of Anne Arundel Co.; J. P. Briscoe, ofCulvert Co. :J. W. Crawford, of CalvartCo.; P. H. Tuck,of Baltimore City; Ad-rian Posey, of Charles Co.; Samuel M.Hlnks. of Frederick CO4 6. W, Dorsey,of Calvert Co.; 8, B. Hiok* of FrederickOx, and J. Frank Talbott, of Calvert Go.

The Club met at t o’clock In the parlorat Moore’s Hotel Notwithstanding thebitter cold weather a eery respectable at-tendance was oa hand and a lively interestwas manifested by all the members,giving bis views la an earnest manner uponthe subject* discussed.

On motion, the rules were suspended andMr. James Smith was elected by acclama-tion. The committee ou commimiou agen-cy *being present, it was moved andcarried that the committee’s be ex-tended.

The following resolution was offered andadopted. That the members of the Cluband all farmers of6t Mary’s county whohave grievances against any commissionagent, merchant or transportation compa-ny be invited to state the bets to the sec-retary ofour Club, ao that the Club buyingcognizance, may take the proper action toprotect the farmers.

Moved and carried that a committee oftwo be appointed to make arrangements inregard to having the Club represented inthe Stale Fair this Fall. The chair ap-pointed C. Arnold Qraef and Jno. F. Duke.

Moved and carried that a committee otfive be appointed to consider the advisabil-ity of having a county Fair the comingPall. The chair appointed the foliowing;Joseph H. Key, Giles F. Dyer, H. F. Moore,J. T. Gough and J. J. Green well

On motion, Club adjourned.John F. Dckb,



Tuesday last, the dwelling of Mr. GeorgeH. Carpenter, of Budd’s Creek neighbor-hood, caught fire and was burned to theground. The fire originated in the kitchenand, when discovered, had gained suchheadway as to be beyond control. Mr-Carpenter, we are told, was sitting in hisdining room and needing something in biskicthen started to go there. When beopened the door the flames bunt out, andhis face and head was badly scorched.We are informed that the property was in-

sured, We trust that “Mr. George” wiUsoon be all right again and have a newhouse.

Saturday last, the kitchen adjoining thestore-house occupied by Mr. T. F. C. Her-bert, Cbaptico, caught fire and was burneddown. The kitchen is very close to thestore and is not for removed from Chapti-co Hotel. Owing to the earnest exertionsof the neigh bon, the store-boose, althoughseveral times on fire, was saved. A gen-tleman from the neighborhood informs osthat the side of the store next tie burnedkitchen is almost bnrned to a coal. Infighting the flames Mr. Allie Welch badbis bead and face painfully burned. Theproperty was insured. A defective flue isthought to have been the cause of the fire

•S. lltems.

fFrom our Regular Correspondent.]Owners of ice houses are seeminglv in

buoyant spirits now that old Winter haseverything his own way. Sleighing andsnow balling were some of the amoaemontsindulged in on the 22nd.

Fish, principally perch, are being toldhereabout at 15 cts., per bunch. The arecaught in Deep Creek by Messrs. AbelHammett and sons.

With the exception ofgiving advice andprescribing ’alteratives,* our neighborhooddoctors are comparatively idle.

Our village merchants ard doing tolerablywell. They sell principally for cash or itsequivalent taking in exchange for thenecessaries of life, beef, hides, green andflint, poultry, eggs, butter, Ac.

Men who appear tobe possessed ofration-al minds and sound lessoning faculties arelaying the flattering nnction to their soulsthat after the 4th of March money will beplentiful (!) and that iron-heated bangerwill take its flight from our shores! Allhail to tiie coming happy time! What arelief it will be to the charitably disposedof our great cities. No more soup booses,for Capital, (credit to the winds!) the essen-tial factor of effective speculation, will beevery man’s possession. Sequel (1892) anation of millionaire speculators. Whew!“we are climbing up tbe golden stair*”

“Cupid in happy inasmuch as he has bisworshipers thoroughly schooled in the srtof keeping secret* It is all guess workwith outside parties as to tbe date whenJohn William and Susan Jane are going tobecome “one and inseparable.”

Your old friends, Loker andHarry Greenwell, Esqrs., are enjoyingexcellent health. News scarce.


(Correspondence ofthe Beacon.)Milestown, Feb. 20,1889.

Mesar* Editors: —On Thursday nightlast, by invitation, I was present at an en-tertainmant given by Mr. and Mr*VaFerrell at Bush wood. By 8 o’clock tbeguest* representing the beauty and Ash-ion of Milestown, had assembled. Danc-ing was now indulged in with spirit andexquisite enjoyment until about 11 o’clock,when a carnation of the exhilerative sportwas taken far supper, which was servedamid round* of laughter and flashes of mer-riment This was indeed a delicious re-pert, at which the most delicate and fas-tidious palate could not find fault. Thefirst la order after supper was a prizedance. The match was between our Hon.T. and bis private Secretary, Henry, andagainst F. 8. and & 8., which was won bythe latter. They also had the praise of the

ladle* as not only being the best dancer*bat the best looking gentlemen in theboose. After the match we bad a surprisemarriage,* the bridal party being Miss H.•ad Mr. L., both of Milestown neighbor-hood. Father M. was called upon to per-form the ceremony, which he did veryreadily. After congr tnlating the happypair we hurtled far our coats and emptybottle* The music was famished by tbeWidowers’ Band. Many thanks were ten-dered to tbe host and hostess for their hos-pitality and generous efforts to make theoccasion to every respect an enjoyable one.On our Way home from the wedding andfiance our partj gut squandered somewhat,and some strayed off, and yon could bearcries and howls for miles around, callingfar Henry and Peter, asking for help ornon whiskey. Oor oldest neighbors say'they never knew the Spring Branch to behaunted before; but nop the general talkis of tbe bowls (a that neighborhood.

Fond or Temur.


Are you going, to the inauguration?Next Wednesday will be Aah-Wednea-


Taere will be Mam at Newtown, Ash-Wed nesday at 9 o’clock.

Both the Orphans’ and Coauatwaoner’sCourts were la sesripn Tuesday.

Tuesday the CoaunbrionetF Court votedan additional fifty dollar* to Chaptioo

Owing to the cold weather Saturday, theattendance at tbs meeting of the Farmer*Club was not large.

Miss Nell Fenwick, second daughter ofthe late John F. Fenwick, died at theresidence at her mother-in-law, this village,Saturday last. •

Mrs. Jennie Fenwick Edelen, of Balti-more, bat Mrs. Rebecca Fenwick’s, thisvillage. Mrs. Edelen arrived Thursdayright, per Str. Wakefield.

Monday next the republicans will again

take hrid of the irina or government Staythe incoming President give us as econom-ical and as clean an administration as hb(hnvwtti* predsoemor

In the matter at oammuricatiotiS wehave been obliged this week to follow thetime honored rale, “firstoomt, first served.”This ex plains why several esteemed fetorsdo not appear in to-day’s isma.

W. invite the attention ofour readers tothe first pages of our present paper. Thesecond ofMr. Murpliy's letters, a circularBom Rev. J. Gibson Gantt, an extract BomHon Zeb Vance’s tariffspeech and otherInteresting reading b to be found there

A “cate” thief has been relieving Mr. LD. Freeman, of Medley’s Neck, of hie meat.The thief bad polled off a board, nearwhere the meat was placed, arranged it tobang on a nail and form a convenienttrap-door through which to remove themeat as he, she, or they needed it.

Quite a number ofrepublican politicianswere in town Tuesday and we are told thatpetitions for office were circulated. OurinC mtant stated thatn petition recommend-ing Mr. Adrian Posey, of Charles county,k>r Collector of Internal Revenue, wassigned by several of the leaden.

The Centennial Celebration at the Uriver-tity of Georgetown was a grand affair.Cardinal Gibbons and President Clevelandmade speeches. Among the St. Mary’s

representatives were Revs Cbas. K. Jenk-ins. C. J. Lancaster, J. We Neale, Hon.Robert C. Combs, Joe. F. Morgan, B. HarrisCamalier and Enoch B. Abell, Esqre.,Messrs. J. T. Parson, Charles Abril, Igns.E. and George £. Mattingly.

As Cast.

For sixty days I will close out all heavyclothing, hats and Winter goods at costNow is your time for bargains. Roommust be made for Spring goods. Call earlyat the Brown Store and secure your shareof them.

‘Old Reliable.”(ESTABLISHED IN ISM.)

The American Farmer.Over 40 years trader the tame management.

Devoted to Farming, Slock Raising,Fruit Growing, Market Gardening, theDairy, the Poultry Yard, etc-, etc.

Special attention is paid to Fertilizersand Manures, including those ofcommerceand the farm.

Reports of Representative Farmers’ Clubsare a notable feature of Its issues.

Its Home Department is filled with charm-ing reading and practical suggestions forthe ladles ofthe farm household.

The most competent, successful and ex-perienced men and women have charge ofthe several departments.

No Farmer in the Atlantic States, fromDeb ware to Georgia, can afford to be with-out this old ana reliable advertiser andguide on farm work.

The American Farmer is publishedevery month, (on the Ist ana 15tb,) in clear

Spe. SI.OO a year. To any one sending aub of five, an extra copy willbe sent free.SAM’L SANDS & SONS, Publishers,

Baltimore, Md.

The Beacon and the American Farmerwill be clubbed together and sent to anyaddress for $1.75 for one year—invariably 1in advance.


CUREAmt to abtUoas state of tbs system. rack asDuziaoss, Khm, Prmwlni* Mlw aftereating. Pain in tbs Bide, tv. While their mostisnuitstiln rem— Ur Yt~h iV-ra In mltw

SICKjrot Carter's Llttls time Mb am

squally valuable la Constipation, ruriugaad proranting UOa annoying complaint, while tbsralsoaorrectsHdXonlareoriba*lo—cbAttiaolatatasHrerfeAmgalatsthobewaia. Ereatftbeyoriy

HEADA*MHpvMHlMlß*l|iWartiSMwleeatr free* tide titwta*eeißpaiat; bet Serta-mslyibStpint—inei*irtlia>AotttiwWho earn try them willSad thorn littivptUavaln-¦Mataaeaaaay wa^athat lhay will not ba wil.


isttabmaaf aoiaaay Urea that barslswbarawaauka ear gnat bom*- Oar pillacure Uwhile

Uret ntle are very cman aadvery may to taka. Onaor two pillemakaaAoae.They are etrtetly regetabta ana do act gripe orpaiy*hatby their srntlaertloo pleaaeaU whoam them, la vials at Mcents; SrefrSl. SoMkr Srentals gnij-irli 11r it—nt

vr —”



J. Walter Carpentervs.

Frank M. Dyer and Jennie D. Dyer, hiswife.In the Circuit Court for St. Mary’s county,

sitting ss a Court of Equity.

No. 683 N. E.Ordered this Ist day of January, 1869,

that the sale made and reported by J,WALTER CARPENTER, Mortgagee, inthe above cause, be ratified and confirmed,unless cause to the contrary be shown ooor before the 4tfa Monday of January, 1889,provided a copy of this order be publishedin the Sc Mary’s Beacon once a week forthree successive weeks prior to the said 4thMonday of January.

The report states the land sold forS2JOO.J. FRANK FORD, Clerk.

True copy—Test: .



| Ladies cloaks are going offlike wikifinat the Brown store.

Arles o*tfK Cts, forilgdg 4rm§gltu.m.a s_ _ mg _ _ a a

Quit, ScatSt, Backache, thm*,Ae.


,T „



420, 422, 414 tad 4M fllfII Street,













Nov. 23—yi.

NOTICI TOCRCMTMt.Orphans’ Court of St Maty's county. Set

Dec. 11, SBfnL w

Ordered by the Court, that’Jaa. T. Har-rison, administrator of Thao. Harrison, Jr.,late of St Mary's county, MAdeceased,give the notice required by law to the de-ceased's creditors lo exhibit thrir claims andthat the same be published once a week forsix successive weeks in the St Mary’sBkacoi. Test Jaa. T. M.Ralkt,

Register of Willsfor St Mary’s county.

NOTICEIn pursuance of the above order, I here-

by give notice that I have obtained fromthe Orphans’ Court of St Mary’s county,Maryland, letters of administration on thepersona] estate of Theo. Harrison, Jr, feteofsaid county, deceased. %U persons havingclaims against the said deceased are here-by notified to exhibit the hibitt* with theproper vouchers attacked thereto to thesubscriber, on or before the 18th day ofJune. 1889, they will otherwise by law beexcluded from the hmfitv of the said es-tate. All persons indebted to the deceasedare requested to make immediate paymentto the subscriber.

JAS. T. HARRISON,Administrator

Dec 13 'BB


Mbs Nellie Fenwick ha* Just openeda New and Beautiful Stock ofMILLINERY and FANCY GOODS

For Spring and^Suuner.Newut BaU, BmmaU, Notion*,

Feather*, A, fo

and such other articles as are nsuallv keotin a well-stocked MUUnery Stare.


when he vrtll ojln’-itInigo’s MMonday;

MflmSwn.. \Meehanicsville . jfcd Friday;Charlotte Hall fed Saturday;in each month.

HT Letters addressed M Dr. Payne atLeonard town by parties wishing him tovishttietr homes will raostvnprompt at-

pirmer’s tadpiuttr’i^encj220 8. CHARLKS ST.

KALTIM9RLFor the sale of Tobacco, Grain, Fndt aad

all kinds ofCountry Produce.

JOS. SHEPHERD, PnsL.Hr. G. W. DORSET,JTrea^a rety

Salesman for Grain.^ and

Mnnnfoctnwm of High Grada Fertilizerand agents far Dissolved GroundBone, KhiU .iwt

Toilet, and lanmiAty soaps, at evwy


assignee's sale-4E VALUABLE—-

REAL ESTATEBY vimm ofa powercontained lo a most-

naa from Margaret A. Wlae to theVreuy of Saint Paul’* Pariah la Oal-

icrt county. Manrland, dated the 14tfa dayof Scprerefcar, 1884, aad recorded amongEm Lead Records 0184. Karr's oouaty,Maryland, la Liber J. 7. F-, No. 7, folios418. fox, aad which said mortgage was onthe Iflth day ofFebruary, 1889, assigaedhy the reid,Em Vestry ofw. Paul’s Pariahla Calvert county, to ooe Daniel C. Haa-nelt, which said assignment is now on re-cord amoag the said land records, the un-dersigned, ae Assignee as aforesaid, willaril at pabtic auction, in Boat of the CourtBoose door ia Leonard town, la said coun-ty. <

TUESDAY, the 19tb day oflarch, 1889,At8 o’clock, P. M.,

ALLTHOSE FIVE PIECES OR PARoris of fared, situated in the Bth district at84. Mary’aoonnty, and described ns follows;

All that tract offared conveyed by R. A.Clarke aad wife to Robert H. Wise bydead, recorded in the fared records of StMary’s ooanty. In Über J. AU, No. 3, fo-lk*191, fox, and containing

W 40 ACRES,more or lean Also, all that tract oflandlying aad bring immediately on the Pa-tuxent river called and known as

Town Point,conveyed by William C. Abell and wife toRobert H. wise by deed recorded In saidland records in liber J. A C., No. 8, foliosMO. fox, containing

200 ACRES.mote or lean The improvements consist ofn comfortable

DWELLING HOUSEand the necessary out-buildings. il'fSB|

Also, all that tract ot land -Tillri andknown as the

NECK,conveyed by James R. Thompson and oth-ers to Robert H. Wise by deed recorded inmid land records ia liber J. A C., No. 6,folios 479, Ac, containing

115 ACRES,more or leas. Also, all that tract of landcalled and known as

PERCY’S COSTS,conveyed by Joseph Forrest and ChapmanBillingsley, surviving Commissioner* lorthe division of the real estate of the latePhilip Clarice to Robert H. Wise, by deednoosded la said fared records in liber J.A 0., No. 6, folk* 148, fox, containing

117 tens, more or lets.Abo, all that tract of fared, being part of

a tract ofland called and known as

KINGSTON,conveyed by A. H. Hall and wife to Rob-ert H. Wise by deed recorded in said landrecords in Über J. T. B. No I, folk*681,fox, containing

98 acres,more or leas, all ofwhich will appear byreference to said mortgage.

TERMS OF SALS.One-third cash on final ratification of

said sale—ooe-third in ooe year aad ooe-third in two years, or all cash on the finalratification of said sale at the option ofthe purchaser or purchasers, the defer-red payments to bear interest from theday of sale and to be secured to the satis-faction of the undersigned. A cash depositof SIOO on cash purchase required on theday ofsale.


Feb. 21.1889—t5.

HEV ULLDiERYI-FALL OPENING!HAVINO now randy n handsome lias

of nil the latest styles m fine aad mediumdrew goods, such as

Cashmere,Ladies Cassimeres,

ttricots, in doable width, nodla nil desirable shades.

Orioles,i English Cashmeres .

Toilet dor Noid,Prints,


MILLINERYin mourning aad colon.


Fur Trimming,Toboggan $ Jtollen Wear

at all descriptions.

Kid Gloves a specialty.

Notions of a IIclasses.Thanking my friends and patrons for

K fevers, Idesire them to call and exam-¦y stock at an early day.



A FINS BAT OOLT stiL(W) three ranold in April.

T. EDWARD LOKSR:DmlC Vatkylfe.


IMOST respecttally inform the pnbtic that1 have Just completed anew benrse and canmash

Ooffiat urf OnlrthG**while COFFINS

AimWHEBLwraimnSe aid 3lacS£BMTTHING In all their branches. Vttmnktal for all past fkvosa, 1 solicit a constinnance ofthe tame.


NF. INRUN;Insurance Agent g Broker ,

lsovaistov* mb.Represents the following ftaal Clam Com-panies with combined assets of twelve mil-lion of dollars, and has frriUties for placinglarge tines ofinsurance on the most ferar-able terms in home or forein companies.

MsiiiinryT"xm juL.Nm* York MnttZtLfr.

GmntetietU Mutual Ltft.Jan 12,8B—yf



Pine Gobs,Rifles,

Pistols, AcPOWDER, SHOT, SHEUS.it.constantly 00 hand and at the lowest

prices.E. WATT ST., near Light. BALTIMORE.


The Birdsall Companyvs.

Samuel L Rawleigb.

In the Circuit Court for St Mary’s county,sitting as a Court ofEquity.

No. 690. N. E.Ordeied this 35th day ofJanuary, 1889,

that the sale made and reported by UrieTownsend, Attorney, in the above cause,be ratified and confirmed, unless cause to thecontrary be shown on or before the 4thMonday of Feb., 1889, provided a copy ofthis order be published in the 8t Mary’sfiascos once a week for three successiveweeks prior to the said 4th Monday ofFebruary,

TThe report states the property sold few$925.

J. FRANK FORD, Clerk.True copy—Test:


J FRANK FORD, Clerk.Jan. 81—Sw„


Ignatius V. McKay et al.

Joseph E. McKay etaL

In the Circuit Court for St Mary’s couaty.sitting as a Court of Equity.

No. 692 N. E.Ordered this 23nd day ofJanuary. 1889,

that the sale made and reported by J. PrankBuhanan, Trustee, in the above cause, beratified and confirmed, unless cause to thecontrary be shown 00 or before the BrdMonday of February, 1889, provided a copyof this order be published in the St. Mary'sBeacon once a week for three successiveweeks prior to the said 3rd Monday ofFeb-ruary.

Tbe report states the land sold for $1,884.J. PRANK FORD, Clerk.

True copy—Test:J. FRANK FORD, Clerk.

Jan 34 —3w|


Robert C. Combs, Attorney for Brown A 1Graves,

vs.Beoenia A. Thomas.

In the Circuit Court for 8t Mary’s county, !sitting as a Court of Equhy.

No. 694 N. E.Ordered this stb day ofFebruary, 1889, J

that tbe Auditor's report, filed in the above ¦cause, be ratified and confirmed, unlesscause to the contrary be shown on or be-fore the Ist Monday of March. 1889, pro-vided a copy of this order be published in ]the 8t Mary’s Bkacom once a week forthree successive weeks prior to tbe Ist 'Monday of March.

J. FRANK FORD, Clerk.True copy—Teat:

J FRANK FORD, ClerkFeb 7—Bw|

TOR SALE,Aaound, Hg, fa., , Mjlh .mi A

well known hone; about twelveyean old. K\ v

At Br. Hugo's Priest's Panic,8c Mary’s county.

JanlOJ 1


Ely’s Cream Balm

and Hearing. 1


Ho Fanis ofthe late Geo. SHAKISCombs, containing, 97 aem of highly tmproved land; a Fine Dwelling, and beau-titally situated within half a mile of Leoa-ardtown. For terms, apply to




of mil who Ttdl the

Muuwtk Oie-Price CisbSton.lib my delight to announce to joat

first cbm line of FALL mmd WINTERGOODS. Ilk truly a Variety Store. IfI cannot a re you from 25 to 40 per centoer any concern aouth of Baltimore City,I will -throw ap the spoageemd any noth-iag more upon the subject

Ionly can give a few hi each departmentIt would fillevery colamn of thia vain-

able paper to give in detail all Its laaamer-able contents, ao will give yoa a taint Ideain the following department* ¦

SNOC BCMTHENT.IcaUyonr atteatkm to the ml*ew.

rrtfmbig Tmskar, Smith A Ooaßhoaa,which need no commendation from me.

S!!u!^ t 0 *** thllt lfOQottooV>t oa

Mena fine taea'fl 25, worth 21 SO-H bntton calf. $1 68, -

“ *

195, - 826do- - - 137. 175do“ “ - 2 66, - 800do- “ “ 100, - goo- kip English tiea, 1 96, - 220“ “ “ 155 -

175- split plows, i |5, - 126- “ “ 126. - 150- extra mamleea, 165, -200

Bop’ veal call, I 80, - Isodo do 116, do 1 86,*> .dp button, 1374 do 160Ladies’ do do 1374, do 180

t'SftSttk'ifkJl ,*do grain button $l2O to 150- ItOtolTßdoWdto*., 150- 175do glove bala, 1 20-1 4cMimes reb. grain bat 196-1 85

do goat, 160- 165Children’* fine grain, 120 worth 185do do 96 do 110do do 100 do 120do do 65 do 76Men'a boot*. |1 90, 2 00. 8 00, 8 50, 4 46goya do 75. 1 95.Child's do $139.

awoery Baparfmi. All Standard OaadaPortonoo Molasses, 28c worth 35Cuba do 25 “ goGolden Syrup, * 40 - 45Bright Dnna, 60 -

60Granulated Sugar*, 9c. Light C Sugar*. 74Coffee*, 18, 20 and 23. Tem, 86,4M0 soc .Flour—standard family, $6 80 to $0 26

Pvaltira Department.

1 have the pleasure to call again your at-teutiun to I*urn iture. To jroosg men mmwell ms old who contemplate bemutUVingthat dearest spot on earth; “HOME,"I amright here to gladly serve you. Howgrand a thing it is for every well thinkingvourm man to have a cosy, though humblelittle home wherein to rest from his toll.It is a Joy to me to be able to say that sincemy advent here Ihave been instrumentalin making many cheerful home. 1 shallbe pleased to tarnish y .u in this all impor-u“* A* l)rio, “beyond the shadow ofa doubt 36 and 40 per cent below Balti-more prices. This is a bold assertion, butrest assured they are solid facta or I willforfeit a suitChamber Suita, 7 pieces, $lB, worth $24do do 10 do 25, “ 80dp do 10 do 38, “46Bureaus and Dressers, 680 to 835Bedstead* 276 to 650Centre and leaf tables, 360 to 800Wood spill chairs, $3 76 per half dozendo do bow backs, 876 - -

Oak chairs, $4 00 to 450 -

Cane Seat “ 475 to SSO - “

CMhiif Department.I have positively the finest. Cheapest

line of Clothing ever shown in Leonard-town, and styles that all admire. To see•hern is to buy them. ,

Men’s Suita from $6 60 to sl7 00x ouths do do 850 to 980Children’s do 235 to 560

Mi’sSuspenders. 8,12.14,16,17,90; 24cdo Hosiery, 5, 6. 7,8. 10 to 85cdo Collars, all styles and shoes, 10,12,16do Dress Shirts, made of N. Y. Mills

[muslin, 80c. worth $1 25do do standard goods, 60, 90 do 110

Bovs’ Shirts, 42do under-shirts, 35.86. 60

adfos’Jerseys, 80. 76. to 100do Hosiery. 8. 10, 18. 16, 20do Bustles, latest styles, 25 and 50cdo Collars, ail do 5,10,13, 15

Pnnto, 44.6,6,7,8.10 to 14cSpool cotton. L2. 8,4, 5cBox paper, 34 envelopes, 24 sheets paper,

t .[5,8-9,-180

Asst hair pint, 100 in box, 6cBatter Dishes, 10 cents, worth 26 cents


{gallon covered buckets 9cents- -

15 *

wUk^P““’ 6to 10 -

Wash Basina, 6to 10 -

Tea Pans, 12, 16, 86 and 86 eta

Clmmk MMepmritmemt.

Your attention. Ladies, please to themgoods, never before brought to Leonard -

town in such quantities and styles. Thesegw<ls are bongbt direct from the manufac-turer, so they are 85 per cent below any-wbsre else. All first-class goods and allof the very latest styles. I shall make thisline one of my specialties.Udlmf Cloaks, $8 96 to sl9 00Massaa Sbool do. $3 60 to $3 90JPVve Cemi Cewnler.It is a pleasure to say that the 5 and 10Cent Counter is a perfect wonder in jowlf.The surprise of all, it contains tinwarereally worth 10 and 96 cents. Glasswareworth 10 to 36 cents. Granite Ware, StoneWare and one hundred other articles worth

and fcents. Cpms often to this novel-ty as they are swept off as feat as theycome is. I shall have the them onni.gsteady along.

UT Terms. Cash on Delivery.tffßy taking 00 risks I can serve youHTat very bottom figures.Standing upon merit alone, fair andsquare to all, Iask you to command,

Yonr faithful servant,

J. W. JOHNSON,Leona rdtown.

WARES.— Agents to solicit orders forour choice sod hardy Nursery Stock.

Steady Walk far Bnerptto Tamperanoe

B?Uyy. or commission ifpreferred. The buMness quicklv and m3.

FOR SHERIFF:J. IW Omxwxjx.of 8c Clement’*

“*candidate for thentßberiffaUy. subject toU<deeMoa ofthe Dsnsocvnac party. Ddocmn,

. *