Office Location Phone Email/Fax Website Parish Office 105 Harrison St., New Milford 201-261-0148 offi[email protected] Fax #: 201-261-0369 sjcnj.org Religious Educaon 105 Harrison St., New Milford 201-261-1144 [email protected] sjcnjre.org Saint Joseph School 305 Elm St., Oradell 201-261-2388 offi[email protected] sjsusa.org the greenhouse-PreK 305 Elm St., Oradell 201-477-8114 [email protected] greenhouseusa.org MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am, 12:00 pm DAILY Weekdays 7:00 am & 8:30 am Saturday 8:30 am HOLY DAYS as announced Miraculous Medal Novena Monday, 7:00 pm in Mary’s Chapel Eucharisc Adoraon First Wednesday of Month SACRAMENTS Confession: Saturday, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm Bapsm Contact the Parish Office. Marriage Arrangements should be made with a priest at least one year in advance. Sick/Homebound/Hospital Call the Parish Office. Chrisan Iniaon of Adults—RCIA Contact the Parish Office. PARISH REGISTRATION Contact the Parish Office. PASTOR: Msgr. David C. Hubba PAROCHIAL VICARS: Rev. Andrew Park Rev. Roy Regaspi DEACON George Montalvo DEACON Edward Maron PASTOR EMERITUS: Rev. George M. Reilly Oradell/New Milford, NJ Roman Catholic Church Saint Joseph Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time —October 16, 2016 * Parish Office Hours: Parish: Mon.-Fri..9 am-5 pm, ; Rel. Ed.: Mon –Thurs.: 9:30 am—5 pm (Also by appointment.) INSIDE: *Parish Financial Summary —see p. 5 *Youth Group Update —see p. 6

Saint Joseph - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/stjosephromancatholicchurch...New Milford 201-261-0148 [email protected] Fax #: 201-261-0369 sjcnj.org Religious Education 105 Harrison

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Page 1: Saint Joseph - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/stjosephromancatholicchurch...New Milford 201-261-0148 office@sjcnj.org Fax #: 201-261-0369 sjcnj.org Religious Education 105 Harrison

Office Location Phone Email/Fax Website

Parish Office 105 Harrison St., New Milford 201-261-0148 [email protected] Fax #: 201-261-0369


Religious Education 105 Harrison St., New Milford 201-261-1144 [email protected] sjcnjre.org

Saint Joseph School 305 Elm St., Oradell 201-261-2388 [email protected] sjsusa.org

the greenhouse-PreK 305 Elm St., Oradell 201-477-8114 [email protected] greenhouseusa.org

MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 5:00 pm

Sunday 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am, 12:00 pm

DAILY Weekdays 7:00 am &

8:30 am

Saturday 8:30 am

HOLY DAYS as announced

Miraculous Medal Novena Monday, 7:00 pm in Mary’s Chapel

Eucharistic Adoration First Wednesday of Month

SACRAMENTS Confession: Saturday,

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm Baptism

Contact the Parish Office. Marriage

Arrangements should be made with a priest at least one year in advance.

Sick/Homebound/Hospital Call the Parish Office.

Christian Initiation of Adults—RCIA

Contact the Parish Office.

PARISH REGISTRATION Contact the Parish Office.


Msgr. David C. Hubba


Rev. Andrew Park Rev. Roy Regaspi

DEACON George Montalvo DEACON Edward Maron


Rev. George M. Reilly

Oradell/New Milford, NJ Roman Catholic Church Saint Joseph

Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time —October 16, 2016


Parish Office Hours: Parish: Mon.-Fri..9 am-5 pm, ; Rel. Ed.: Mon –Thurs.: 9:30 am—5 pm (Also by appointment.)

INSIDE: *Parish Financial Summary

—see p. 5 *Youth Group Update

—see p. 6

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Saturday 5:00 pm

Sunday 7:30 am 9:00 am 10.30 am 10:30 am MC 12:00 pm

Monday 7:00 am 8:30 am

Tuesday 7:00 am 8:30 am

Wednesday 7:00 am 8:30 am

Thursday 7:00 am 8:30 am

Friday 7:00 am 8:30 pm

Saturday 8:30 am 5:00 pm

Sunday 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am UC 10:30 am MC 12:00 pm


Let us remember those who are ill: Zachary Berkowitz

Let us remember those who have recently died: Frank Marchesano, Sr., James Edward Murray,

Margaret Gaughan, Alice Madorran

Let us remember those serving in the military.


Week of October 9, 2016 BASKET PARISHPAY* TOTAL

$8,361 $3,698 $12.059

* Please note that our ParishPay total remains the same but has been divided into five weeks for October 2016.

BREAD & WINE INTENTIONS The bread and wine

for the week of October 16, 2016

is offered for the honor and glory of God.


“… be persistent whether it is convenient or inconvenient.” 2 TIMOTHY 4:2 It is not always convenient to be a good steward, especially when all the temptations of our busy and materialistic world get in the way. Now add your own pride and ego into the equation and living a stewardship lifestyle may be downright uncomfortable! Remember, God didn’t call us to be comfortable. He called us to be faithful.

Saint Joseph Parish Staff

Parish Trustees………..Mr. Brendan Walsh/Mrs. Carol Winkler Dir. of Religious Education ……..Deacon George Montalvo Sacraments Coordinator ………...Mrs. Arlene Kennedy Director of Music ……………………Mr. Monroe Quinn Youth Minister ……………………….Mrs. Donna Cirino Facilities Director …………………...Mr. Tom Meli Business Manager …………………. .Mrs. Phyllis Vrola Parish Secretary ……………………...Mrs. Geraldine Carolan

Principal of Saint Joseph School…………..Mrs. Colette Vail Dir. of Comm./ Bulletin Editor…...Mrs. Diane Hellriegel See our bulletin in FULL COLOR at sjcnj.org

SPECIAL ALL SOULS MASS—NOVEMBER 2 We will have a special Mass on Wednesday, November 2 at 7:30 pm for All Souls Day (the Commemoration of the Faithful Departed). At that Mass the names of all those who have had funerals at Saint Joseph Church this year will be read. You may include the name of your loved one who died this year (even if their funeral was not celebrated at Saint Joseph) if you call our Parish Office at 201-261-0148 by Monday, October 24.

October 15, 2016 Mary O’Carroll

October 16, 2016 People of the Parish Susan Costello Jane Emanuel Mary Maureen O’Carroll Felice Bartolomeo

October 17, 2016 Daniel O’Grady Aniano Yabut

October 18, 2016 Mary Glynn For the Talarico Family —living and deceased

October 19, 2016 George Eljouzi Caroline M. Seco

October 20, 2016 Linda Camilleri Mary Glynn

October 21, 2016 Gilda & James Moretti Mary Glynn October 22, 2016 Marion Norton John H. Schatz October 23, 2016 William Corcoran Patricia Holt Margaret & Patrick McNiff Caroline & Vito Perrini Marie Roeltgen

HOLY LAND GIFTS FOR SALE A group representing the Christians of the Holy Land will visit Saint Joseph Parish next week-

end (October 22-23) to speak briefly at all Masses about their mission to provide support for Christians there. They will also offer hand-crafted items from the Holy Land for sale.

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As slavery was the defining moral issue of the Nineteenth Century, abortion is that of our own times. Since America’s Catholic bishops

have designated October as Right to Life month, here are some pertinent considerations.

1. Moral issues are, at root, based on rational truth. God has given us minds for figuring out what is allowable to do and what must be avoided. This is what we mean by conscience and the natural law (the moral law of our human nature).

2. There is a hierarchy of values, because not all have the same weight. Among them, life itself is

absolutely primary, since without it we can’t possess or exercise any other rights. Carl Anderson, head of the Knights of Columbus, has pointedly said that “No legal system can be truly committed to human rights if it supports the principle that it is acceptable to intentionally kill the innocent.” And Nebraska Bishop James Conley has bluntly called abortion “the death penalty for the unborn.

3. We should not be blind to the discoveries of science, which is exactly what many opponents of the Church have often wrongly accused it of being. Right to Life defenders have paid open-minded attention to the inarguable discoveries about the earliest stages of human life, which make it clear that from the moment of conception a new and unique physical human life has started to exist that will inevitably develop into a human person (no matter how the attainment of personhood is temporally defined) unless the process is disturbed. To deny this is to be scientifically ignorant and hopelessly benighted. To help get this message across, the Knights of Columbus have recently launched a project to donate 700 ultrasound machines to make it easier for prospective parents to be more aware of the growing pre-natal life of their babies. Not long ago, an American dentist on a safari hunt killed an Africa lion named Cecil, causing widespread revulsion and rage. Such a reaction is, sadly, seldom present when children’s lives are taken.

4. The 1973 Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision, which completely changed America’s policy on abortion, was a willful re-definition of legal precedent. Even many legal experts who favored changing abortion laws have admitted that its legal reasoning was embarrassing. The ruling soon became a classic incidence of the proverbial “camel’s nose”: when the camel got its nose into the tent, Pretty soon the whole camel took it over. Another name for this is “the slippery slope,” one our nation

(continued above)

has quickly descended. At first, certain of our influential political leaders assured us, in a famous formulation, that abortions would be kept, “safe, legal and rare.” But this has long since given way to unrestricted abortion. There are 195 nations in the world, and we are now one of only four that allow abortion for any reason. (The other three are China, North Korea and Canada.) For years, we have allowed abortions to take place long after babies became viable (able to live outside the womb). With little public reaction, we have seen abortions routinely occur when babies are in the actual process of being born, typically four-fifths so, at which point their deaths are brought about by stabbing them in the back of the neck with surgical scissors, a procedure one prominent doctor has said should really be called “killing a baby during delivery” instead of “partial birth abortion.”

5. There are about 1.2 million abortions a year in the U.S. The total number, since Roe vs. Wade, is beginning to approach 60 million. In New York City, an estimated 41% of pregnancies result in abortion.

6. Those who are largely in charge of defining our contemporary culture have deliberately under- reported the extent of American’s support for the Right to Life cause. This can perhaps be most readily seen in the news coverage given to the March for Life held each January in Washington. Although hundreds of thousands (largely young people) take part in it, it usually winds up on, maybe, “page 27” of the newspapers, if it gets any notice at all. And it’s worse than that on TV.

7. The politics of abortion has become deeply troubling. Catholic political leaders have increasingly taken to saying that they are personally opposed to abortion but don’t see how they can support their beliefs in the public arena, where their deepest convictions should apparently have no effect. Government leaders are trying to compel those opposed to abortion to have their tax dollars spent on it. (There is now a powerful drive to abolish the Hyde Amend- ment, which for several decades has outlawed the use of federal tax money for abortions except in cases where the mother’s health is in serious jeopardy, or when there has been a pregnancy resulting from rape or incest). Furthermore, the recent push for the so-called Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) has sought to force Catholic institutions to provide employee medical coverage that includes abortion, and to prevent Pro-Life doctors and nurses from opting out of abortion procedures they have a conscientious objection to. In addition, there

(continued on next page)

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Visit us on our websites: CHURCH: sjcnj.org SCHOOL: sjsusa.org

RELIGIOUS ED.: sjcnjre.org

Sign up now for the trip of a lifetime! A limited number of seats are left. DEADLINE to reserve your spot is Nov.5. For full details see the flyer in our church literature racks. Call Fr. Roy at 201-261-0148 for additional information.


On Wednesday, October 19 there will be a joint meeting of our Women's and Men's Cornerstone—an opportunity for our brothers and sisters who are praying and planning for Cornerstone XXV to meet together as one family, to share our faith, and support each other as we journey towards our March weekends. We have a wonderful meeting planned, but we need YOU to be with us. Everyone is needed and welcome, even if you haven't been able to attend our past meetings. We hope to see you on Wednesday, October 19 at 8:00 pm at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 199 River Road in New Milford. If you can, please bring a non-perishable food item and place it in the yellow bin as you come in. These items will be distributed to needy families by our Knights.

(From the Pastor’s Desk—continued) have been disturbing efforts by abortion proponents in the medical establishment to refuse licensing in obstetrics and gynecology to medical students who cannot bring themselves to participate in abortion training. Another distressing development has been the creation of phony “Catholic organizations” that try to mislead Catholics into thinking that abortion is acceptable in their religion. The most notable of these has been Catholics for Choice (previously known as Catholics for a Free Choice), which recently ran expensive full-page ads in many large news- Papers, including in The Record. For years, the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights has pointed out that this organization has no members and has been heavily funded by the Ford Foundation, which has long been antagonistic to the Catholic Church. (A search of www.catholicleague.org is very illuminating, but you better have a fresh cartridge in your printer if you want to print the results.)

8. Our tax money has contributed heavily to the support of Planned Parenthood, America’s largest providers of abortion. Planned Parenthood is an annual billion-dollar business that carries out nearly 335,000 abortions a year, earning it a profit of an estimated $165 million annually. In 2012, it received $542 million in tax money, 45% of its budget. (A more recent figure is $553.7 million.) And it makes more money by selling body parts of aborted babies, as we recently learned when its operatives were videotaped joking about it as they downed glasses of wine.

9. According to recent polls, most Americans favor either banning abortions or, at least, greatly restrict- ing them. 56% would ban all abortions—or at least allow them only where there is danger for the mother’s life, or when rape or incest have occurred. Only 13% think there should be no restrictions. In other words, 87% support at least some legal restrictions on abortion. And 78% want abortion facilities to be subject to the same safety standards as all other outpatient surgery centers. Right to Life supports have constantly been accused of trying to force people to accept their beliefs. It looks like that charge should really be made about the radical pro- abortion fanatics among us.

Msgr. David Hubba


For those who were unable to attend the Jubilee Year of Mercy pilgrimage to Washington, D.C. on October 22, Saint Joseph Parish will offer a pilgrimage to Our Lady of Mercy Church in Park Ridge on the following Saturday, October 29. This will give participants the same chance to gain a plenary indulgence, since OLM is one of the designated pilgrimage churches for our Arch-diocese. If you would like to join us, please meet in the Saint Joseph rectory parking lot (105 Harrison St., New Milford) between 1:45 and 2:00 pm. We will organize carpooling then, leaving promptly at 2:00. At OLM, we will join together for prayers, and anyone who wishes to go to Confession will have the chance to do so.

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“40 Days for Life” is the largest internationally coordinated pro-life mobilization in history. If you can give an hour of prayer each week during this 40-day period, or would just like to learn more, please call Margaret Scully at 201-805-0937. We pray across the street from the abortion facility located at 10 Zabriskie Street in Hackensack.

Location: Most Blessed Sacrament Friary—375 13th Ave.,

Newark. For more information visit: NEWARKFRIARY.ORG


Registration:—8:00 am (FREE)

Welcome: 9:30 am; Speaker:

Rev. Giuseppe Sinischalchi,C.F.R.

Holy Mass: 4:15 pm

Confessions: Throughout the day

Contact parishioner Tom Moran at 201-220-9278 for more info.

INCLUSIVE FAMILY MASSES Inclusive Family Masses are adapted for individuals or families living with developmental, intellectual and/or other disabilities. In our area, these Masses are celebrated at St. John the Evangelist (29 N. Washington Avenue, Bergenfield) and St. Therese of Lisieux (120 Monroe Avenue, Cresskill). The Mass schedules are as follows: St. Therese (201-567-2528) —1:30 pm on Oct. 16, Nov. 20, Dec. 18 (refreshments, fellowship and activities follow each Mass); St. John (201-384-3601)—1:30 pm on Nov. 6, Dec. 4.

“R.A.D.” (Really Awesome Day!) YOUTH RETREAT —NOVEMBER 19

REGISTRATION HAS BEGUN! Saint Joseph will be offering a one-day retreat for members of both our Senior and Junior Youth Groups on Saturday, November 19. (The youth groups will be divided at times and together at other times during the day.) There will be a Christian rock band, food, great friends and a fun time, and also a chance to reflect on important subjects. Young adults will share with our Sr. Youth Group (grades 9-12) their “Aha!” moment when they realized how Jesus helps them now that they are away at different schools or in the work force. Our Jr. Youth Group (grades 7-8) will hear about how to cope with bullying and peer pressure (what they can do, how to get help and how everyone can become a support system for one another). If you are not yet a member of one of our Youth Groups but would like to be, simply contact our parish Youth Minister Donna Cirino at 201-362-8783 or by email at [email protected] All students in grades 7-12 (no matter what school) are welcome!

YOUTH GROUPS UPDATE Our first Junior Youth Group meet-ing was a success! We had pizza, played games, talked about camping, going to Six Flags Great

Adventure and lots more!

JR. YOUTH GROUP MEETING TIME CHANGED Our Junior Youth Group will now meet on Sundays from 6:00-8:00 pm. Next Sunday, October 23, the Junior Youth Group will meet in the Parish Life Center at 6:00 and then be joined by the Senior Youth Group at 7:00 pm. (The Sr. Youth Group meets from 7:00-9:00 pm.) The groups will overlap for one hour—a great way for the youth of the parish to get to know each other and to build a support group. —Donna Cirino, Youth Minister


Saint Joseph Parish’s Cub Scout Pack 142 is accepting new members. Boys in grades 1 –5 (in public school as

well as in Saint Joseph School) are welcome to join. Please contact Mike Criscuolo at 973-418-2279 or at [email protected] for more information or to sign up.

HOW TO REPORT ABUSE The Archdiocese takes very seriously any and all allegations of sexual misconduct by members of the clergy, Religious and lay staff of the Archdiocese. We encourage anyone with knowledge of such to inform us immediately so that we may take appropriate action to protect others and provide support to any victim. Individuals who wish to report an allegation may do so by calling the Archdiocesan Office of Child and Youth Protection at 201-407-3256.

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