Saint Joseph Basilica LITURGICAL CELEBRATIONS/ MSZE ŚWIĘTE Sunday Vigils / Soboty wieczorem: 4:00 p.m. Sundays/Niedziele 7:00 a.m. (Polish); 8:15 a.m.; 9:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m. (Polish) Holy Day Vigil / Wigilie Świąt: 5:00 p.m. Holy Days/Święta 6:30 a.m.; 8:30 a.m.; 7:00 p.m. (Polish) Weekdays / W tygodniu 6:30 a.m. (Mon-Fri); 7:00 a.m. (Tue, Fri, Sat) CONFESSIONS / SPOWIEDŹ Saturdays / Soboty: 7:30 a.m. and at 3:00 p.m. First Friday / Pierwszy Piątek: 6:30 p.m. PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Mon., Tue., Wed., Fri.: 9 a.m. - 12 noon & 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. Thursday / Czwartki Office Is Closed! / Biuro zamknięte! Please call ahead for an appointment with a priest. Spotkania prosimy osobiście umawiać z księdzem. SAINT JOSEPH SCHOOL 47 Whitcomb Street Webster, MA 01570 Phone: 508-943-0378 Fax: 508-949-0581 www.sjs-webster.com Principal Michael Hackenson Secretary Sylwia Kohut Mission Statement Saint Joseph Parish is committed to proclaim the gospel message of Jesus Christ as a Catholic community of faith, by promoting a sense of commitment to the Church, encouraging divine worship and prayer, fostering evangelization and nurturing the spirit of service. Within the context of our Polish - American religious and cultural heritage, we foster our tradition and aspire to personal growth in faith. We are determined to develop our vision for the future, to educate the children in Christian values and to be receptive to the creative and saving grace of God. PARISH PERSONNEL Rector Rev. Msgr. Anthony Czarnecki Associate Pastor Rev. Grzegorz Chodkowski Weekend Assistance Rev. Charles Borowski Organist Karol Jaje Business Manager Ewa Mamro Office Staff Elizabeth Sabaj, Janet Stoica Sacristan Thomas Liro RELIGIOUS EDUCATION/RCIA Phone: 508-943-0467, e-mail: [email protected] SAINT JOSEPH PARISH 53 Whitcomb Street Webster, MA 01570 Phone: 508-943-0467 Fax: 508-943-0808 e-mail: [email protected] www.saintjosephbasilica.com FELICIAN SISTERS Phone: 508-943-2228

Saint Joseph Basilica · 7:00am r.s. Leon (anniv.) and Helen Klejna - int. Dorothy Sabaj and daughters Sunday Vigil, April 21 4:00pm r.s. Ann Marie (Jezierski) Hartman - int. Sister

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Page 1: Saint Joseph Basilica · 7:00am r.s. Leon (anniv.) and Helen Klejna - int. Dorothy Sabaj and daughters Sunday Vigil, April 21 4:00pm r.s. Ann Marie (Jezierski) Hartman - int. Sister



Sunday Vigils / Soboty wieczorem: 4:00 p.m.

Sundays/Niedziele 7:00 a.m. (Polish); 8:15 a.m.; 9:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m. (Polish)

Holy Day Vigil / Wigilie Świąt: 5:00 p.m.

Holy Days/Święta 6:30 a.m.; 8:30 a.m.; 7:00 p.m. (Polish)

Weekdays / W tygodniu 6:30 a.m. (Mon-Fri); 7:00 a.m. (Tue, Fri, Sat)

CONFESSIONS / SPOWIEDŹ Saturdays / Soboty:

7:30 a.m. and at 3:00 p.m. First Friday / Pierwszy Piątek: 6:30 p.m.

PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Mon., Tue., Wed., Fri.:

9 a.m. - 12 noon & 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.

Thursday / Czwartki Office Is Closed! / Biuro zamknięte!

Please call ahead for an appointment with a priest. Spotkania prosimy osobiście umawiać z księdzem.

SAINT JOSEPH SCHOOL 47 Whitcomb Street Webster, MA 01570

Phone: 508-943-0378

Fax: 508-949-0581 www.sjs-webster.com

Principal Michael Hackenson

Secretary Sylwia Kohut

Mission Statement Saint Joseph Parish is committed to proclaim the gospel message of Jesus Christ as a Catholic community of faith,

by promoting a sense of commitment to the Church, encouraging divine worship and prayer, fostering evangelization and nurturing the spirit of service.

Within the context of our Polish - American religious and cultural heritage, we foster our tradition and aspire to personal growth in faith. We are determined to develop our vision for the future,

to educate the children in Christian values and to be receptive to the creative and saving grace of God.

PARISH PERSONNEL Rector Rev. Msgr. Anthony Czarnecki Associate Pastor Rev. Grzegorz Chodkowski Weekend Assistance Rev. Charles Borowski Organist Karol Jaje Business Manager Ewa Mamro Office Staff Elizabeth Sabaj, Janet Stoica Sacristan Thomas Liro


e-mail: [email protected]

SAINT JOSEPH PARISH 53 Whitcomb Street Webster, MA 01570

Phone: 508-943-0467

Fax: 508-943-0808 e-mail:

[email protected] www.saintjosephbasilica.com

FELICIAN SISTERS Phone: 508-943-2228

Page 2: Saint Joseph Basilica · 7:00am r.s. Leon (anniv.) and Helen Klejna - int. Dorothy Sabaj and daughters Sunday Vigil, April 21 4:00pm r.s. Ann Marie (Jezierski) Hartman - int. Sister

2 April 15, 2018 Saint Joseph Basilica

Weekly Masses Intentions Intencje Mszalne

Sunday Vigil, April 14 4:00pm r.s. Louis Grych, Mary Bartkiewicz, and Doris and William Skowron - int. family

Sunday, April 15 7:00 ś.p. Michał Trzuskot (1 r. śm.) - int. Krzysztof z rodziną 8:15 r.s. John & Anthony Szczepaniak and Florence Reich - int. Patricia and Richard Parslow & family 9:30 r.s. Frances Zdrok - int. Carol and Joseph Zdrok 11:00 ś.p. Włodzimierz Sudyka - int. syn Wojciech z rodziną

Monday, April 16 6:30am r.s. Joan Falardeau - int. Warren Rekowski 2:15pm Lanessa Nursing Home Tuesday, April 17 6:30am r.s Helen M. Dawicki - int. Staff at Sitkowski & Malboeuf Funeral Home 7:00am Mass for deceased family members of Easter Flower donors.

Wednesday, April 18 6:30am For the living and deceased members of the Felician Sisters - int. Sister Jeanne Marie, Sister Mary Valenta, and Sister Mary Ann 7:00pm r.s. Florence Motyka - int. Joanne Minarik and Judith Majka

Thursday, April 19 6:30am For the parishioners of St. Joseph Basilica

7:00am Friday, April 20 6:30am r.s. Walter Kolak (anniv.) - int. Msgr. Anthony Czarnecki 7:00am r.s. Raymond Poblocki - int. Wanda Poblocki

Saturday, April 21 7:00am r.s. Leon (anniv.) and Helen Klejna - int. Dorothy Sabaj and daughters

Sunday Vigil, April 21 4:00pm r.s. Ann Marie (Jezierski) Hartman - int. Sister Mary Ann

Sunday, April 22 7:00am ś.p. Franciszka i Wojciech Piwowarczyk - int. Franciszek z rodziną 8:15 r.s. Reine Gorski - int. Faculty and Staff of St. Joseph School 9:30 r.s. Lynn Marszalkowski (2nd anniv.) -int. mother, Connie Favreau 11:00 ś.p. Franciszka i Wojciech Piwowarczyk - int. wnuczek, Wojciech z rodziną

BAPTISM. On designated Sundays. Please call to make arrange-ments. Parents are required to receive orientation.

SAKRAMENT CHRZTU W wyznaczone niedziele. Proszę zadz-wonić na plebanię, aby ustalić datę. Rodzice zobowiązani są do krótkiej katechezy.

MARRIAGE. Proper preparation for marriage requires one year’s notice. Please contact the rectory for appointment.

SAKRAMENT MAŁŻEŃSTWA Narzeczeni powinni zawiadomić kancelarię parafialną rok przed datą ślubu.

MINISTRY TO THE SICK For those of advanced age, ill or hospi-talized, call the rectory to arrange visitation.

SAKRAMENT CHORYCH Po sakramentalną posługę księdza proszę dzwonić na plebanię.

PARISH MEMBERSHIP If you would like to become part of St. Joseph Parish Family, please call the rectory.

ZAPISY DO PARAFII Parafia św. Józefa serdecznie zaprasza nowych członków. Zapisy przyjmujemy w kancelarii parafialnej.

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a process established by the Church for individuals to become Catholic and receive the Sacraments of Initiation-Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist. If you wish to become Catholic, or are a Baptized Catholic in need of making your First Communion and/or Confirmation, please call the Parish Office.

JOIN OUR COMMUNITY / DOŁĄCZ DO NAS If you wish to become a member of our family please fill out this form and mail it to the rectory or put it into the collection basket.

Jeśli pragniesz dołączyć do naszej rodziny, wypełnij poniższy formularz I prześlij go do biura parafialnego lub włóż do koszyka z kolektą. ____ New Parishioner / Nowy Parafianin ____ Data update / Zmiana danych Name / Imię i Nazwisko: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Street / Ulica:________________________________ City/Town / Miejscowość:______________________ State / Stan:___________ Zip:_________ Phone / Telefon:________________________________ email:____________________________________________

Page 3: Saint Joseph Basilica · 7:00am r.s. Leon (anniv.) and Helen Klejna - int. Dorothy Sabaj and daughters Sunday Vigil, April 21 4:00pm r.s. Ann Marie (Jezierski) Hartman - int. Sister

Saint Joseph Basilica April 15, 2018 3

Stewardship Note: Throughout the day we have many opportunities to see the face of Jesus in others and to be the face of Jesus to others. Do we take that oppor-tunity to provide peace to those we encounter or are we afraid of what others will think of us and do nothing? Pray for the strength to live a God-centered life and not a self-centered life.

Instrumental Selections Before Mass: J.S. Bach - The Holy Christ is Risen BWV 628; After Mass: C. Franck - Dextera Domini Eucharistic Ministers - April 14/15 4:00pm - Theresa Wagner and Joseph Werbecki 7:00am - Jean Duclos 8:15am - Marlene Plaza and Betty Sabaj 9:30am - John Hester and Sheila Kusek 11:00am - Cathleen Holmberg Lectors - April 14/15 4:00pm - Thomas Gorski, Jr. 7:00am - Diane Gajewski and Ryszard Skowron 8:15am - Marlene Plaza 9:30am - Louise Hester 11:00am - Tomasz Śmieszek

Of the fact of the resurrection we can have no doubts; Christianity is inexplicable without it, and Christianity has existed for almost two thousand years. A more important point for consideration today is what this resurrection means to us. If Christ has not risen, says St. Paul (1 Cor. 15:17), vain is your faith, for you are still in your sins. But Christ has risen from the dead, the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep. Our faith then is not in vain, for the founder and foundation of our faith is the Word of God who cannot deceive or be deceived, and his resurrection is the guarantee of our resurrection. He is the first fruits, the earnest of the full harvest that was to follow after our earthly death. We shall all rise again, in glory if we have been faithful during our time on earth, in a less pleasant state, if we

have not followed Christ here below. Human life has always been the great enigma for philosophers down through the ages. The resurrection of Christ, which causes and guarantees our resurrection, is the one and only explanation of that enigma. If death were the end of man, with all his gifts of intellect and will; if the grave were to enclose forever this noble being whom God has raised above all other earthly creatures and has endowed with super-mundane gifts and aspirations, then indeed man's sojourn on earth would be an inexplicable enigma. But the gifts God gave to man were not simply to help him to make a precarious living and enjoy a fleeting happiness, interspersed with much sadness, for sixty, seventy or even a hundred years. No, they were intended to last for eternity and to reach their real fruition in eternity.

SACRED HEART SOCIETY - ANNUAL MEETING Our Annual Meeting will be held in St. Joseph School on Sunday, April 22, after the 8:15 a.m. Mass. As this is our once-a-year general meeting, all members are encouraged to attend to learn about events from the past year and plans for this year. It’s also a good time to catch up on payment of annual dues. We hope to see you there! ~Barbara Kryger, President (508) 943-2253

25 YEARS OF PRIESTHOOD This year Fr. Richard Polek and Fr. Krzysztof Śmigielski OFM Conv. celebrate their 25th Anniversary of Ordination to the Priesthood. They will celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving at Our Lady of Czestochowa Church, 34 Ward Street,Worcester with Bishop Robert J. McManus on Sunday, April 29th at 11:00 a.m. After Mass the celebration will continue at the PNI Club, 290 Millbury St. in Worcester. Tickets are $30 each and will be available at Our Lady of Czestochowa rectory. For more information: Agnieszka: 508-887-2149 and Hania: 508-615-3562.


We have begun addressing the issues at our cemetery. If you have any special concerns that should be brought to our attention, please phone the rectory at (508)943 0467. After Sunday, April 22, we will have water connected so that our parish-ioners may have access for their site plantings.

The Rectory will be closed on Monday, April 16, for Patriot’s Day.

SHARING OUR BLESSINGS - April 8, 2018 Weekly $4,985.85

Diocesan Obligations $1,592 ; Fuel $449 Easter $295; Educational Excellence $126

Weekly Budget $7000


Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, Peace be with you. But they were startled and frightened… LUKE 24:36-37

NOVENA TO ST. JOSEPH Please join the St. Joseph Womens’ Club for our weekly Novena and Devotion to our Patron on Wednesday, April 18, at 7:00 p.m. Our devotion to St. Joseph is very popular in every country. The shrines dedicated to St. Joseph are filled with pilgrims seeking his powerful intercession. When we read about the lives of the saints, we learn that each of the saints is effective with particular issues. St. Joseph, however, is a patron of so many human needs. Therefore, we encourage you

to take advantage of this great devotional opportunity and participate in our evening Novena Devotions.

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION No Classes - Spring Break

Page 4: Saint Joseph Basilica · 7:00am r.s. Leon (anniv.) and Helen Klejna - int. Dorothy Sabaj and daughters Sunday Vigil, April 21 4:00pm r.s. Ann Marie (Jezierski) Hartman - int. Sister

4 April 15, 2018 Saint Joseph Basilica

UPDATE - PARTNERS IN CHARITY Through your generosity we have collected $22,580 so far which is 72% of our goal. Whenever we do something good for others, it makes us feel good. Giving to Partners in Charity is one of the options to assist those in need. We would like to reach our annual quota which is designated to us by the diocese and, there-fore, we kindly ask you to contribute through our parish for this important diocesan fundraiser. The priests are challenged to offer their monthly salary to this charity and we are doing this. If you haven’t made your donation yet, we kindly ask you to do so.

DONATIONS St. Joseph Basilica - $200 given by Mrs. Angela Rubin; $169.95 in memory of Mildred Kusek given by Day Kimball Hos-pital Lab employees; $30 in memory of Mildred Kusek given by Judith and Thomas Majka; $100 in memory of Mildred Kusek given by Sheila and Anthony Kusek; $5,000 given by the Reglinski family of East Hartford CT. St. Joseph School - $2,200 from the Polish Saturday School.

BINGO Friday, April 20, in St. Joseph School Cafeteria at 6:30 p.m.

Our Parish Council will be the hosts.

$ CA$H CALENDAR$ $ May CA$H CALENDAR$ will be available at the church en-tries this weekend. $10 gives you 31 chances to win including the $500 prize at month’s end! Please see Pat Parslow or Dottie Kasierski this weekend after Mass.

EASTER FLOWERS One of the reasons that St. Joseph Basilica is always so well-decorated for Easter and Christmas is because we have many dedi-cated parishioners who purchase flowers for these holy days. The Altar Guild graciously arranges the flowers to beautify our altars. In a spirit of gratitude we are offering three masses: one for the deceased, one for God’s blessings to our donors, and one for living members of families in whose gratitude the flowers are offered. On Tuesday, April 17, we will celebrate a Mass for the Repose of the Souls of donors family members at 7:00 a.m.

LOTTERY RAFFLE - EARLY BIRD WINNER$ We are pleased to announce the following winners from our Early Bird Buyer Special. The following winners submitted their Raffle ticket returns prior to April 8th and were eligible for a Free Ticket Drawing. The drawing winners were: Sylvia Kitka, Mr. & Mrs. Warren Rekowski, Lisa Sabacinski, Susan Sabaj, and Robert Wojnowski. Congratulations! Please continue to submit your Raffle Returns for our Big Drawing to be held on Saturday, May 5th, in the St. Joseph School cafeteria following the 4:00 p.m. Mass. (Winners need not be present to win.) You may submit your returns in our collection baskets. Thank you and Good Luck to All!


#222 - Janet Stoica

OPEN HOUSE - SAINT JOSEPH SCHOOL Among the reasons why parents choose Catholic schools for their children is “strong moral val-ues.” This statement is backed by a report from the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate at Georgetown University. Another study by the University of Pennsylvania reveals success is not the number-one priority for most parents. We’re much more concerned about our children becoming kind, compassionate, and helpful. These are just a couple of reasons to choose Catholic schools but there is more to Catholic education than remarkable character-building. Catholic schools prepare students to be true disciples of Christ.

Catholic education addresses the development of the whole person – spirit, mind and body – through spiritual and academic formation based on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Unique to Catholic schools are these principles: - Catholic schools operate as communities rather than bureaucracies - Catholic schools are committed to academic excellence - Catholic schools incorporate spirituality into every aspect of the curriculum - Catholic schools teach that service to others is a basic tenet of the Catholic faith - Catholic school graduates enjoy higher earning potential than public school graduates. - Catholic school graduates are more civically engaged, more likely to vote, more tolerant of diverse views and more com-mitted to service as adults than their public school peers. - Catholic schools are diverse and inclusive - Catholic school teachers and leaders say they believe they are called to the ministry of Catholic education You know you made the right decision to choose a Catholic school for your child when, 18 years later, you hear the following words: My Catholic education allowed me, from an early age, to have educators who became my role models on how to live out my faith on a daily basis. Their example, as well as the emphasis on academic excellence, has shaped my values and diligence. Tuition assistance, philanthropic partnerships, private scholarships and the advancement of school choice give more parents the option to choose Catholic schools today. ~National Catholic Educational Association. To learn more about the enhanced education provided by St. Joseph School, you are invited to attend our Open Houses on Wednesday, May 16, or Wednesday, May 23 during school sessions. All denominations and

backgrounds are welcome! Please call us at (508) 943-0378.

LENTEN PROJECT Ms.Bailey’s 5th grade students created beautiful butterflies and cocoons for their Lenten Project. The students wrote their Lenten sacrifices and good deed acts on each butterfly. Like Jesus, their cocoons and butterflies represented rebirth and renewal. Well done, students!

Page 5: Saint Joseph Basilica · 7:00am r.s. Leon (anniv.) and Helen Klejna - int. Dorothy Sabaj and daughters Sunday Vigil, April 21 4:00pm r.s. Ann Marie (Jezierski) Hartman - int. Sister

Saint Joseph Basilica April 15, 2018 5


Help support our school! On Saturday, April 28, at 5 p.m., our HSA will sponsor an Adult Night Out to include a delicious dinner along with a comedy show featuring Tom Hayes and Will Noonan at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 1017 Riverside Drive, North Grosvenordale CT. Tickets: $35/each. Dinner includes stuffed chicken breast, potato, vegetable, garden salad, gravy, rolls, and dessert. Come and check out the auction items. There will be a cash bar. Please contact the school for tickets (508) 943-0378. Tickets can also be ordered online with a credit card at: https://www.sjs-webster.com/school2/asp-products/saint-joseph-school-comedy-night-and-silent-auction/

SAINT JOSEPH FESTIVAL - VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! You are invited to our next meeting on Wednesday, April 18, at 6:30 p.m. in St. Joseph School. If you can’t make this meeting, please contact Richard Skrocki at St. Joseph School at 508-943-0378 or email at [email protected]. Please note the updated schedule: May 2nd - Parent & Volunteer night with food and drinks May 5th and June 2nd weekends to make golombki for the festival June 15 - general preparations for the festival June 15-17 - Festival Our Special Gifts Booth is still accepting donations until April 30. Please contact Betty Sabaj (508) 943-8570.

BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! Our Festival’s Corn Hole tournament was a huge success last year! Sign-up now to be part of the fun. Please spread the word!

KWIATY WIELKANOCNE Jednym z powodów, dla których Bazylika św. Józefa jest zawsze tak udekorowana na Wielkanoc i Boże Narodzenie, jest fakt, że mamy wielu oddanych parafian, którzy kupują kwiaty na te Święta. Altar Guid z wdziękiem układa te kwiaty, aby upiększyć nasze ołtarze. W duchu wdzięczności za te ofiary, zostaną odprawione trzy Msze w intencji ofiarodawców: jedna za ich bliskich zmarłych, jedna o Boże błogosławieństw dla ofiarodawców i jedna za żyjących członków ich rodzin. Pierwsza Msza zostanie odprawiona we wtorek, 17 kwietnia o godz. 7:00.

ST. JOSEPH WOMEN’S CLUB On April 10th the St. Joseph Women’s Club held its organizational meeting which was well attended with over 50 members. One of the agenda items was to present a new slate of offi-cers for the next year. After long discussions no one volunteered to assume the leadership duties as President and Vice President. This created a serious discussion regarding the club’s disband-ing which is very disturbing news. Our St. Joseph Women’s Club was estab-lished 65 years ago as a prestigious organiza-tion and has provided enormous financial sup-port to St. Joseph School. We all remember their annual Christmas Bazaars held in mid-November, the annual fashion shows, and their vendor shows to mention a few of their fund-raising activities. Over the years membership has grown older and younger members were not attracted to join the club. I am writing this to notify our parishioners and especially mem-bers who were unable to attend the meeting. Please consider stepping forward to help the St. Joseph Women’s Club to continue its benevo-lent service or we will have to accept the de-mise of the club.

Zmartwychwstanie Chrystusa jest z a p o w i e d z i ą n a s z e g o zmartwychwstania. Ono dokonuje się już teraz, przez dar nowego życia, dzięki któremu grzech już nie panuje nad nami. A jeśliby nawet ktoś zgrzeszył, mamy Rzecznika wobec Ojca. Niestety wielu

chrześcijan nie potrafi przyjąć łask wysłużonych przez Pana. Żyją przygnieceni ciągłym poczuciem grzechu i winy wobec Boga, pozbawieni prawdziwej wolności dzieci Bożych, radości z odkupienia. A przecież Chrystus zmartwychwstał, aby to stało się udziałem nas wszystkich.


A gdy rozmawiali o tym, On sam stanął pośród nich i rzekł do nich: «Pokój wam!» Zatrwożonym i wylękłym zdawało się, że widzą ducha. (Łk 24, 36-37)

♫ CHOIR UPDATE ♫ We are seeking new members for our English and Polish choirs. No experience needed! Please join us. Presently, all rehearsals are open to anyone who would like to see and hear what we are all about. The Eng-lish choir rehearses on Tuesdays at 6 pm and the Polish choir on Wednesdays after 8 pm. Please phone Karol Jaje, organist, at the rectory (508) 943-0467 or contact him by email: [email protected]

NOWENNA DO ŚW. JÓZEFA Zapraszamy do wspólnej modlitwy razem z St. Joseph Women’s Club na Mszy Wotywnej i Nowennie do św. Józefa w najbliższą środę, 18 kwietnia o godz. 19:00. Nabożeństwa do św. Józefa są bardzo popularne na całym świecie. Sanktuaria dedykowane temu wspaniałemu świętemu

są pełne pielgrzymów poszukujących Jego wsparcia. Każdy święty jest patronem jakiejś konkretnej rzeczywistości życia ludzkiego. Św. Józef jest pod tym względem wyjątkowy. Patronując Kościołowi Powszechnemu jest patronem niemalże każdego aspektu naszej egzystencji. Dlatego też zachęcamy do powierzania się Bogu za przyczynę tego niezwykłego świętego w czasie naszej cotygodniowej Nowenny.

W poniedziałek, 16 kwietnia, z powodu obchodów Patriot’s Day, biuro parafialne będzie zamknięte!

Page 6: Saint Joseph Basilica · 7:00am r.s. Leon (anniv.) and Helen Klejna - int. Dorothy Sabaj and daughters Sunday Vigil, April 21 4:00pm r.s. Ann Marie (Jezierski) Hartman - int. Sister

6 April 15, 2018 Saint Joseph Basilica

SACRED HEART SOCIETY Doroczne spotkanie Sacred Heart Society odbędzie się 22 kwietnia w szkole po Mszy św. o godz. 8:15. Wszystkie członkinie są proszone o udział w tym spotkaniu, gdyż będzie omawiana działalność Klubu w ubiegłym roku jak również będą planowane działania na rok przyszły. Prosimy tez o przygotowanie się na opłacenie składek. – Barbara Kruger 508 943 2253

25-LECIE ŚWIĘCEŃ KAPŁAŃSKICH W tym roku, ks. Ryszard Polek oraz o. Krzysztof Śmigielski OFM, obchodzą Jubileusz 25-lecia Święceń Kapłańskich. Z tej okazji będą sprawować Mszę św. dziękczynną, wraz z biskupem Robertem McManus w niedzielę, 29 kwietnia, o godz. 11:00. Po Mszy św. uroczystość będzie kontynuowana w Klubie PNI przy 290 Millbury St., na które wszyscy są zaproszeni. Bilety w cenie $30 będą dostępne po Mszach św. w następne dwa weekendy w koście i w kancelarii parafii Matki Bożej Częstochowskiej w Worcester. Więcej informacji udzielają: Agnieszka: 508-887-2149 oraz Hania: 508-615-3562.

LOTERIA Prosimy o przesyłanie wypenionych kuponów na wielkie losowanie Loterii, które odbędzie się w sobotę, 5 maja w szkolnej kafeterii po Mszy o godz. 16:00. (Nie trzeba być osobiście obecnym na losowaniu, aby wygrać). Wypełnione kupony można składać do koszyków z niedzielną kolektą. Dziękujemy i życzymy powodzenia!

FESTIWAL Zapraszamy na nasze następne spotkanie festiwalowe w środę, 18 kwietnia, o 18:30. w szkole św. Józefa. Jeśli nie możesz się spotkać, skontaktuj się z Richardem Skrockim pod numerem 508-943-0378 lub napisz na adres [email protected]. Zwróć uwagę na zaktualizowany harmonogram: 2 maja - noc dla rodziców i wolontariuszy z jedzeniem i napojami 5 maja i 2 czerwca – przygotowywanie gołabków 15 czerwca - ogólne przygotowania do festiwalu 15-17 czerwca – Festiwal

PARTNERS IN CHARITY Dzięki Waszej hojności zebraliśmy do tej pory $22 580, co stanowi 72% całej sumy. Kiedy robimy coś dobrego dla innych, sprawia to, że czujemy się spełnieni. Wspieranie działalności charytatywnej jest jedną z opcji pomocy potrzebującym. Chcielibyśmy osiągnąć sumę, która został nam wyznaczony przez diecezję, dlatego też prosimy o składanie ofiar bezpośrednio do parafii albo przez nasza stronę internetową. Jeśli nie dokonałeś jeszcze darowizny, uprzejmie prosimy o zrobienie tego w najbliższym czasie. Bóg zapłać!

CMENTARZ Ruszyły już prace przy naprawieniu zimowych uszkodzeń na grobach i trawnikach. Stopniowo zajmujemy się też zimowymi grobami. Prace te potrwają jeszcze kilka tygodni. Prosimy o cierpliwość i wyrozumiałość. Wszelkie uwagi i prośby prosimy kierować do biura parafialnego.

OBIAD I NOC KOMEDIOWA Pomóżcie wspierać naszą szkołę! W sobotę, 28 kwietnia o godz. 17.00, HSA organizuje imprezę Adult Night Out, w czasie której odbędzie się kolacja wraz z pokazem komediowym z udziałem Toma Hayesa i Willa Noonana w sali Rycerzy Kolumba, 1017 Riverside Drive, North Grosvenordale CT. Bilety: $35 od osoby. Kolacja obejmuje: nadziewane piersi kurczaka, ziemniaki, warzywa, sałatki, sos, pieczywo i deser. Przyjdź i sprawdź przedmioty aukcyjne. Bilety można zamówić w szkole: 508 943-0378. oraz online: https://www.sjs-webster.com/school2/asp-products/saint-joseph-school-comedy-night-and-silent-auction/

RELIGIA Katecheza – Nie ma zajęć katechetycznych w poniedziałek, 16 kwietnia – przerwa wiosenna.

OPEN HOUSE 16, 23 maja 2018 Jednym z ważnych powodów, dla których rodzice wybierają szkoły katolickie dla swoich dzieci, są "silne wartości moralne". To stwierdzenie zostało poparte raportem Centrum Badań Stosowanych w Apostolacie na Georgetown University. Inne badanie przeprowadzone przez University of Pennsylvania pokazuje, że sukces nie jest najważniejszym priorytetem dla większości rodziców. Jesteśmy bardziej zainteresowani tym, by nasze dzieci stawały się życzliwe, współczujące i pomocne. To tylko kilka powodów, dla których warto wybrać szkoły katolickie, ale edukacja katolicka

jest czymś więcej niż budowaniem charakteru. Szkoły katolickie przygotowują uczniów, aby byli prawdziwymi uczniami Chrystusa. Edukacja katolicka dotyczy rozwoju całej osoby - ducha, umysłu i ciała - poprzez formację duchową i akademicką opartą na Ewangelii Jezusa Chrystusa. Wyjątkowe dla szkół katolickich są następujące zasady: - szkoły katolickie działają raczej jako wspólnoty niż administracje; - szkoły katolickie są zaangażowane w doskonałość edukacyjną; - szkoły katolickie włączają duchowość do każdego aspektu programu nauczania; - szkoły katolickie uczą, że służba innym jest podstawową zasadą wiary katolickiej; - absolwenci szkół katolickich mają statystycznie większy potencjał zarobkowy niż absolwenci szkół publicznych; - absolwenci szkół katolickich są bardziej zaangażowani obywatelsko, częściej głosują, są bardziej tolerancyjni wobec różnych poglądów i bardziej zaangażowani w służbę jako dorośli niż ich rówieśnicy z uczelni publicznych. - szkoły katolickie są otwarte na różnorodność i pełną akceptację; - katoliccy nauczyciele i liderzy szkół traktują swoją pracę jak powołanie. Wiesz, że podjąłeś właściwą decyzję, aby wybrać szkołę katolicką dla swojego dziecka, gdy 18 lat później usłyszysz następujące słowa: Moja katolicka edukacja pozwoliła mi, od najmłodszych lat, być prowadzonym przez nauczycieli, którzy stali się dla mnie wzorem do naśladowania, jak przeżywać moją wiarę na co dzień. Ich przykład, jak również nacisk na doskonałość w zdobywaniu wiedzy, ukształtowały moje wartości i staranność.

CHÓRY Poszukujemy nowych członków dla naszych chórów angielskich i polskich. Nie wymagamy doświadczenia w śpiewaniu! Wystarczy odrobina talentu i dobrej chęci. Proszę, dołącz do nas w środy po 20.00. Zadzwoń do Karola Jaje, organisty, na plebanii (508) 943-0467 lub skontaktuj się z nim przez e-mail: [email protected]

Page 7: Saint Joseph Basilica · 7:00am r.s. Leon (anniv.) and Helen Klejna - int. Dorothy Sabaj and daughters Sunday Vigil, April 21 4:00pm r.s. Ann Marie (Jezierski) Hartman - int. Sister

For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Saint Joseph, Webster, MA 7428

“Jesus Wept.” John 11:35

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Through a unique collaboration with The Cambridge Homes, a local assisted living residence and The Gri�n Museum, come view remarkable and inspiring photography in a comfortable home-like setting.



N E E New England Open May 28th to June 1st

June 28th to July 1st

New England Jr. Clay Court Championships July 10th to July 13th

New England Jr. Hard Court ChampionshipsAugust 14th to August 17th

Francisco Montoya Academy Director

Celeste Frey Academy Manager

Alex Howard Head Coach

Dave ColbyJunior Program Director

Daniel Quiceno Tennis Professional

Chris ClaytonTennis Professional

Francisco Montoya | [email protected] 978-526-8900 ext. 232

Celeste Frey | [email protected] 978-526-8900 ext. 351


Ramp up Your GameJune 14th to August 27thMondays - Fridays

1:30 - 5:30 pm 8 years and up


Join us as we welcome Summer with delicious desserts and music from the Jazz Trio “String Swing.” Enjoy our lovely outdoor garden area, and tour our beautiful community.

Saturday, June 26 th, 2 – 4 pm

Kindly RSVP by June 23 | 978.369.4728

68 Commonwealth Avenue West Concord, MA 01742 ConcordPark.net

BookletsBookmarksBusiness CardsCalendarsDoor HangersFlyers/BrochuresGreeting CardsMagnetsNewsletters

NotepadsPlastic CardsPostcardsPostersPresentation FoldersStickersTable Tent Cards& much more

Proud Printers of This Bulletin

Save 30% to 50% On Most Printing Costs!If you bring your printing to a chain store

or other printer, money is leaving with those print jobs.

We can help save you money.

What’s Inside

617-779-3777 [email protected]





Through a unique collaboration with The Cambridge Homes, a local assisted living residence and The Gri�n Museum, come view remarkable and inspiring photography in a comfortable home-like setting.


N E E New England Open May 28th to June 1st

June 28th to July 1st

New England Jr. Clay Court Championships July 10th to July 13th

New England Jr. Hard Court ChampionshipsAugust 14th to August 17th

Francisco Montoya Academy Director

Celeste Frey Academy Manager

Alex Howard Head Coach

Dave ColbyJunior Program Director

Daniel Quiceno Tennis Professional

Chris ClaytonTennis Professional

Francisco Montoya | [email protected] 978-526-8900 ext. 232

Celeste Frey | [email protected] 978-526-8900 ext. 351


Ramp up Your GameJune 14th to August 27thMondays - Fridays

1:30 - 5:30 pm 8 years and up



[email protected] | 617-779-3777 | www.pilotprinting.net

Banners, Bookmarks, Business Cards, Flyers/Brochures, Greeting Cards, Magnets, Notepads, Posters and much more.

Page 8: Saint Joseph Basilica · 7:00am r.s. Leon (anniv.) and Helen Klejna - int. Dorothy Sabaj and daughters Sunday Vigil, April 21 4:00pm r.s. Ann Marie (Jezierski) Hartman - int. Sister

For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Saint Joseph, Webster, MA 7428

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