Our Mission is to be a Reflective and Active Presence of Jesus Christ in the Community. We are called by God as the Baptized Community of Saint Fabian to Embody the Risen Christ we Experience as Savior, Teacher, Healer, Peacemaker, Compassionate Lover Embracer of all Cultures and Ages, Celebrator, Comforter, Servant, Host, Entrance and Guide United in faith as Daughters and Sons, we live and celebrate God’s Presence SAINT FABIAN CATHOLIC COMMUNITY PARAFIA ŒWIÊTEGO FABIANA

SAINT FABIANsaint-fabian.org/resources/December8.pdfreveals the roots before trying to cut the tree from them. Expose the roots! That really says much! No evil and no unhappiness appears

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Page 1: SAINT FABIANsaint-fabian.org/resources/December8.pdfreveals the roots before trying to cut the tree from them. Expose the roots! That really says much! No evil and no unhappiness appears

Our Mission is to be a Reflective and Active Presence

of Jesus Christ in the Community.

We are called by God as the Baptized Community of

Saint Fabian to Embody the Risen Christ we Experience as


Teacher, Healer,

Peacemaker, Compassionate Lover

Embracer of all Cultures and Ages, Celebrator, Comforter,

Servant, Host,

Entrance and Guide

United in faith as

Daughters and Sons, we live and celebrate

God’s Presence




Page 2: SAINT FABIANsaint-fabian.org/resources/December8.pdfreveals the roots before trying to cut the tree from them. Expose the roots! That really says much! No evil and no unhappiness appears


Roots of Evil The judgment in John's preaching is an unavoidable necessity approaching Israel. God's fire will burn everything - that is John's message! The descent from Abraham and belonging to the chosen people no longer matters. God, like a lumberjack, reveals the roots of evil before his last blow from his ax, and if people do not allow themselves to be cut off from them, they will fall like a tree hit by the blade. Some 40 years after these words were spoken, Jerusalem's gates were smashed with Titus's legionnaire's axes, and fires destroyed homes. Josephus described mass crucifixions outside the walls of Jerusalem. John's words about God's judgment falling like an ax on the tree of humanity are still valid. In every age, in every generation, with time, something will degenerate and there is no other option but to amputate the parts of humanity affected by the gangrene of sin. This happens in the human community, and also with each of us. How many “ends of the world” have we experienced in our lifetime? How many times has our world collapsed like an axed tree? We've asked God hundreds of times: why? Why did the husband leave, why did the child die, why did the wife fall seriously ill or when we were constantly in trouble. Why is there multiple sclerosis, depression, drunkenness, hatred? Why can't we accept ourselves as we are but still play the role of someone else, suppressing our despair? Why are we unable to stop our greed, which then leads to harm, and then someone leaves us. Why is bad luck haunting us and God doesn't seem to listen to us at all? John gives us the answer: Before the lumberjack hits the trunk for the last time, he bends over and reveals the roots before trying to cut the tree from them. Expose the roots! That really says much! No evil and no unhappiness appears without a reason, and they are most often deeply hidden in our memory, repressed and concealed by ourselves, rooted in the past, forgotten, and banalized. Once, in a family, a child fell ill with a mysterious disease. No doctor could cure her or diagnose her clearly. The disease disorganized the family's life to such an extent that nobody was in control of anything anymore. A few years earlier, the young couple became interested in occult medicine practices. They practiced first with friends and for fun, they quickly gained fame from the people who effectively freed themselves from diseases, by appealing to beings from outside this world. They felt satisfaction over the control of supernatural forces, and even more because of the admiration surrounding them. They gloated over their superiority. They both experienced multiple humiliations from their loved ones as a child. In the hidden labyrinths of their souls, a sick desire arose in them to dominate others, even at the price of cryptography with the forces of darkness. Perhaps more of us should, before any blade shines over the crown on our head, look deeply into ourselves, and touch upon our hidden personal history.

From the Pastor

Page 3: SAINT FABIANsaint-fabian.org/resources/December8.pdfreveals the roots before trying to cut the tree from them. Expose the roots! That really says much! No evil and no unhappiness appears


Korzenie zła

Sąd w przepowiedni Jana jest nieuniknioną koniecznością zbliżającą się do Izraela. Ogień Boga wypali wszystko – tak brzmi przesłanie Jana! Pochodzenie od Abrahama oraz przynależność do narodu wybranego nie mają już znaczenia. Bóg niczym drwal przed ostatnim ciosem siekiery odsłania korzenie zła i jeśli od nich ludzie nie pozwolą się odciąć, wszyscy runą jak drzewo uderzone ostrzem. Jakieś 40 lat po wygłoszeniu tych słów jerozolimskie bramy były rozbijane siekierami legionistów Tytusa, a pożary niszczyły domostwa. Józef Flawiusz opisywał masowe ukrzyżowania za murami Jerozolimy. Słowa Jana o sądzie Bożym, spadającym jak siekiera na drzewo ludzkości, ciągle są aktualne. W każdej epoce, w każdej generacji z czasem coś wyrodnieje i nie ma już innego wyjścia, jak tylko amputować objęte gangreną grzechu części ludzkości. Tak dzieje się z ludzką wspólnotą, ale też z każdym z nas. Ileż to końców świata przeżywaliśmy już w ciągu życia? Ile razy zawalał nam się świat jak drzewo ścięte siekierą? Pytaliśmy Boga setki razy: dlaczego? Dlaczego odszedł mąż, umarło dziecko, żona poważnie rozchorowała się albo nieustannie popadaliśmy w coraz większe tarapaty. Dlaczego stwardnienie rozsiane, depresja, pijaństwo, nienawiść? Dlaczego nie potrafimy zaakceptować się takimi, jakimi jesteśmy, i ciągle gramy rolę kogoś innego, tłumiąc w sobie rozpacz? Dlaczego nie potrafimy powstrzymać chciwości, dopuszczając się krzywd, albo ciągle ktoś nas opuszcza? Dlaczego prześladuje nas pech, a Bóg zdaje się w ogóle nas nie słuchać? Jan podaje nam odpowiedź: drwal zanim po raz ostatni uderzy w pień, wcześniej pochyla się i odsłania korzenie, próbując od nich odciąć drzewo. Odsłonić korzenie! Jak wiele to mówi! Żadne zło i żadne nieszczęście nie pojawia się bez przyczyn, a są one najczęściej głęboko ukryte w naszej pamięci, wyparte i zatajone przez nas samych, zakorzenione w przeszłości, zapomniane, zbanalizowane. W pewnej rodzinie dziecko zachorowało na tajemniczą chorobę. Żaden lekarz nie mógł jej wyleczyć, ani jednoznacznie zdefiniować. Choroba zdezorganizowała życie rodziny do tego stopnia, że już nikt nad niczym nie panował. Kilka lat wcześniej młodzi małżonkowie zainteresowali się praktykami medycyny okultystycznej. Praktykowali najpierw z przyjaciółmi i dla zabawy, szybko zyskali sławę osób, które skutecznie uwalniają od chorób, odwołując się do istot spoza tego świata. Odczuwali satysfakcję z powodu panowania nad siłami ponadnaturalnymi, a jeszcze bardziej z powodu podziwu, jakim otaczali ich ludzie. Napawali się wyższością nad innymi. Obydwoje w dzieciństwie przeżywali wielokrotne upokorzenia od bliskich. W ukrytych labiryntach ich dusz powstało chore pragnienie dominowania nad innymi, nawet za cenę cyrografu z siłami ciemności. Może bardziej należy, zanim jakiekolwiek ostrze zabłyśnie nad koroną na naszej głowie, spojrzeć głęboko w siebie, dotknąć ukrytej osobistej historii.

Słowo Proboszcza

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Monday: Gn 3:9-15, 20; Ps 98:1-4; Eph 1:3-6, 11-12; Lk 1:26-38 Tuesday: Is 40:1-11; Ps 96:1-3, 10ac, 11-13; Mt 18:12-14 Wednesday: Is 40:25-31; Ps 103:1-4, 8, 10; Mt 11:28-30 Thursday: Zec 2:14-17 or Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; Jdt 13:18bcde, 19; Lk 1:26-38 or Lk 1:39- 47,or any readings from the Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary, nos. 707-712 Friday: Is 48:17-19; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Mt 11:16-19 Saturday: Sir 48:1-4, 9-11; Ps 80:2ac, 3b, 15-16, 18- 19;Mt 17:9a, 10-13 Sunday: Is 35:1-6a, 10; Ps 146:6-10; Jas 5:7-10; Mt 11:2-11

The earth shall be filled with knowledge of

the LORD, as water covers the sea. — Isaiah 11:9

THE LONG-AWAITED ONE As the Sundays of Advent unfold the scriptures shift focus from the final coming of the Lord to his historical birth. Today’s scriptures blend the two. Isaiah’s disillusionment with the kings of his own day led him to envision an ideal king who would rule with divine approval and be led by divine wisdom. For centuries the Jewish people anticipated the arrival of that Messiah, who would usher in a blessed age when the whole world would finally dwell in justice and peace. After centuries of such growing expectation, the preaching of John the Baptist about the imminent arrival of the Messiah could not help but provoke intense interest. The Baptist’s message about preparation for “the one who is coming” (Matthew 3:11) makes clear that Jesus is, in fact, the long-awaited one who is ushering in the new age foretold by Isaiah and all the prophets. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.



Come visit Jesus in the Chapel anytime this Monday from: 12:00 Noon to 5:30 p.m.

Benediction will be at 5:15 p.m.

“O my God, forgive what I have been, correct what I am, and direct what I

shall be.” St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Please Note: This Monday, Dec. 9th, the Adoration Chapel will close at 5:30 with Benediction at 5:15. Mass for the Feast of The Immaculate Conception will be at 6:00 p.m. thus the reason for closing early.

Parish Advent Reconciliation Service December 11, 2019 - 7:00 P.M.

Page 5: SAINT FABIANsaint-fabian.org/resources/December8.pdfreveals the roots before trying to cut the tree from them. Expose the roots! That really says much! No evil and no unhappiness appears


Second Week of Advent In the Second Sunday of Advent we hear Isaiah write of peace and prosperity that will come when the “root of Jesse” blossoms. “Then the wolf shall be a guest of the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; the calf and the young lion shall browse together, with a little child to guide them.” Matthew's Gospel brings us the famous Advent reading of John the Baptist serving as a voice of one crying out in the desert, “Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths.” Monday the US celebrates the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary with its own special read-ings. Thursday the US and many parts of the Americas celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. We focus on the first readings from the Prophet Isaiah this week. With the Babylonian Captivity, the temple was destroyed, the lead-ers of the people were taken away to Babylon and a remnant was left behind. A life-threatening desert separated the people. In this context, Isaiah proclaims God's vindication of the people in exile. The desert will be reborn. A highway will bring their liberation. And the signs will be that there is healing and peace. “Comfort, give com-fort to my people,” says the Lord. The valleys will be filled in, the mountains leveled - every obstacle will be overcome - to build a highway for our God to come and save us. The people can hardly believe the good news. They are weak and weary of their captivity. Isaiah proclaims, “They that hope in the LORD will renew their strength, they will soar as with eagles’ wings.” He offers support: “I am the LORD, your God, who grasp your right hand; It is I who say to you, 'Fear not, I will help you.'” The people have been at a distance from the Lord for some time and were not obeying the commandments. The Lord says, “I, the LORD, your God, teach you what is for your good, and lead you on the way you should go.” The final first reading this week is a piece from the book of Sirach in which the prophet Elijah is praised. Elijah, who was destined to come again to restore order before the day of the Lord, is seen in the reading from Matthew's Gospel to be John the Baptist. The gospels this week, taken from various evangelists, show Jesus as the fulfillment of the liberation promised. Jesus heals the paralytic. He tends to the lost sheep of his flock. He comforts us who labor and are burdened. Jesus teaches a true wisdom. The Third Sunday of Advent repeats an Isaiah reading from earlier in the week, filled with promise, healing and a hope for our longing: “Then will the lame leap like a stag, then the tongue of the mute will sing.... They will meet with joy and gladness, sorrow and mourning will flee.” In Matthew's Gospel, John the Baptist hears of Jesus' work and sends a message to his cousin: “Are you the one who is to come, or should we look for another?” Jesus replies that his work speaks for itself. “The blind regain their sight, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the poor have the good news proclaimed to them.”

Daily Prayer This Week Finding intimacy with God in the midst of our busy lives begins with getting in touch with our own desires. Advent is a wonderful time to ask myself, “What am I looking for? What do I desire? What longing can I recognize in my heart?” The answers to those questions will be our best guide for daily prayer. The readings this week offer some possible ways to talk with the Lord about our desires. We can begin by trying to get in touch with a part of my heart that is divided, perhaps with a desert separating the two parts. For example, is there a disconnect between my primary commitments and the amount of time and attention that I give to them? Is there a distance between who I say I am and who I actually am? Do I experience something missing between what I believe and how I live those beliefs? We all have these contradictions and inconsistencies within us. These are the places into which we can let our Advent desiring grow. This week, we can imagine the prophet saying, “There will be a path between what is separate or divided or at a distance in your life!” or “What is desert, barren, dry and life-less in you will come to life!” We can hear, “You will find freedom and comfort, where you have been finding yourself in a captivity to pattern and routine, where you have felt weak and weary.” “Learn from the Lord and learn real wisdom.” When one or more of these desires really strikes a chord in our hearts, Advent begins for us. Each morning this week, we can turn to our God, when we first wake up, while in the shower or getting dressed, and simply ask: “Come, Lord. Come into this place, into this embarrassing place of need in my life.” We may be able to be specific and ask, “Please, Lord, come and be with me and bring life and hope into my morning as I face this meeting.” As we go to work or do laundry or shop, or head home from work, we might ask even more specifically for the grace to love - to take the liberating journey across the desert and let the Lord bring us home to a place of com-fort, healing and peace. Advent is about our coming to a felt sense of our need for a Savior and letting our Savior into our hearts to save us. Advent comes alive for us as we identify our desires and let them be expressed as long-ing and expectant hope. Into this space our Lord comes with good news, healing and a peace the world can't give. As we taste our desires and longing grow, we can give thanks each evening before we go to bed, to acknowledge we are being given a great grace of a growing intimacy with our God, right in the midst of our very busy days.

Strengthen the hands that are feeble, make firm the knees that are weak, Say to those whose hearts are frightened: Be strong, fear not! Here is your

God.... Isaiah 35

Taken from the "Weekly Guide for Daily Prayer" on the Creighton University's Online Ministries web site:

http://www.creighton.edu/CollaborativeMinistry/online.html Used with permission.

Page 6: SAINT FABIANsaint-fabian.org/resources/December8.pdfreveals the roots before trying to cut the tree from them. Expose the roots! That really says much! No evil and no unhappiness appears


It is the Advent season and once again the trees at St. Fabian are decorated with brightly colored ornaments. Each ornament represents a man, woman, boy, or girl in need of some Christmas cheer. It has been a tradition here at St. Fabian’s to help those in need, especially at this time of year. • Please take an ornament tag from the tree. • Purchase a new gift for the person listed on

the tag. • Wrap and attach the colored ornament tag

securely to the package ••• Return the gift to church Return the gift to church Return the gift to church

December 14th and 15th. December 14th and 15th. December 14th and 15th.

Gifts returned AFTER these Gifts returned AFTER these Gifts returned AFTER these dates CAN NOT be delivered.dates CAN NOT be delivered.dates CAN NOT be delivered.

The tags are coded to go to a specific group and it is important that these tags be taped to the outside of your package so that it will get to the proper person. Many of you in the past have been very gener-ous in taking tags from the tree. If you are new to St. Fabian’s or just haven’t taken a tag in the past, won’t you consider taking just one of the tags and returning a gift? One tag can make a big difference in the success of this tradition. Extra gifts are always appreciated and should be marked with appropriate age and gender. Thank you for your continued generosity, and for sharing your gifts with another during this Advent season.


Oplatki are available this weekend in the

Narthex. Our cost is $2.00 each.

A donation to help defray costs

would be most appreciated.

The Immaculate Conception of the

Blessed Virgin Mary

December 9, 2019

English Masses:

9:00 am & 6:00 pm Polish Masses:

10:30 am & 7:00 pm

(Not a Holy Day of Obligation)

~ Quips from Deacon Charlie ~ Prayer for the Week: Dear God, as You cleanse our hearts, grant us courage to ask for Your divine help, believing that You hear us and will answer.

Page 7: SAINT FABIANsaint-fabian.org/resources/December8.pdfreveals the roots before trying to cut the tree from them. Expose the roots! That really says much! No evil and no unhappiness appears


Please help us keep our Parish Sick List updated by letting us know if someone on this list

needs to be added or taken off. Call the parish office at

(708) 599-1110.

With respect for the privacy of the person who is ill and the HIPPA Laws, we can only accept requests from the ill person or their relatives

with permission of the ill person.


Page 8: SAINT FABIANsaint-fabian.org/resources/December8.pdfreveals the roots before trying to cut the tree from them. Expose the roots! That really says much! No evil and no unhappiness appears



Traditional Christmas FoodTraditional Christmas Food TAMALES ARE ON SALE December 14th & 15th

and December 21st & 22nd After all Masses in the Kash Hall

FR. GREG’S KAPUSTA IS ON SALE December 21st & 22nd

After all Masses in the Kash Hall

Sauerkraut (Kapusta) at it’s finest!

An old Warmuz family recipe that’s not only delicious …

It’s also blessed by Fr. Greg!

Tamales: A Christmas tradition. In the Southwest and for many Mexican-American families,

Christmastime means tamale-time. Tamales are a tasty package of meats, cheeses or vegetables in a

corn-based shell all wrapped up in a corn husk and steamed. Tamales have been eaten in the Americas

for a long, long time.

Page 9: SAINT FABIANsaint-fabian.org/resources/December8.pdfreveals the roots before trying to cut the tree from them. Expose the roots! That really says much! No evil and no unhappiness appears


27th Year Celebration

Southwest Fil-Am Catholic Community Ihanda ang Ilyong Puso

Simbang Gabi is a Filipino catholic tradition of celebrating a novena (series of nine) of Advent

evening masses. It is meant to help the Filipino-American and other Catholics in the

area to intensify their spiritual preparation for the grace-filled celebration of Christmas. The

nine host parishes invite the parishioners, families and friends to celebrate Simbang Gabi

with them each night.

Date Hosting Parish

Sunday Dec. 15 St. George Parish 7:00 p.m. 6707 175th Street Tinley Park, IL Monday Dec. 16 St. Michael Parish 7:00 p.m. 14327 Highland Ave. Orland Park, IL Tuesday Dec. 17 St. Fabian Parish 7:00 p.m. 8300 S. Thomas Bridgeview, IL Wednesday Dec. 18 St. Julie Billiart Parish 7:00 p.m. 7399 W. 159th St. Tinley Park, IL Thursday Dec. 19 St. Damian Parish 7:00 p.m. 5300 W. 155th Street Oak Forest, IL Friday Dec. 20 Our Lady of the Woods 7:00 p.m. 10731 W. 131st Street Orland Park, IL Saturday Dec. 21 St. Stephen D & M Parish 7:00 p.m. 17500 S. 84th Street Tinley Park, IL Sunday Dec 22 St. Francis of Assisi Parish 7:00 p.m. 15050 Wolf Road Orland Park, IL Monday Dec. 23 Queen of Martyrs Church 7:00 p.m. 10233 S. Central Park Ave. Last Night Evergreen Park, IL

Celebrant: Bishop Andrew Wypych Episcopal Vicar, Vicariate V



Page 10: SAINT FABIANsaint-fabian.org/resources/December8.pdfreveals the roots before trying to cut the tree from them. Expose the roots! That really says much! No evil and no unhappiness appears

COME CELEBRATE WITH US!! St. Fabian will celebrate the New Year

with a Polish-American

New Year’s Eve Dance!

Cost: $70.00 per person, which

includes delicious food,

dancing to live music and a special New Year’s Eve Toast!

Tickets are on sale this weekend in the Narthex.


Luz Acevado Joseph Aniol Frankie Annel Betty Armstrong Danny Arp Katie Aston Bud, Theresa & Christina Baldwin David Bender Joan Berquist Fr. Ted Bojczuk Ron Boyce James Burian Lou Buttny John Ciciora Sam Clanton John Clark Matthew Coughlin Mary Jane Crowhurst D’Agostino Family Mary Daniels Judy Davis Carmen Di Miele Cathy Duska Mary Anne Dyer David & Robert Dziedzic Raymond Figura Nicholas Fillion Carol Fiore Michael Fox Karen Fulton Jim Galemb Rosalio Garcia, Sr. Patricia Gardner Gilbert Garza Eric Gefvert Geri Gestaut Eric Ginther Karen Gleasner Joanna Glow Jose Gomez Irene Graff Nancy Granato Aylene Guerrero Luna Beverly Hadley Randall Harding Rusty Harding Michael Herbert Jay Higginson Rachel & Thomas Hernandez Bob Horstmann Natalie Horvath Edward & Janina Hosaniak Wilma Hudson Stephanie Huskey Marilyn Jaborski-Borowy Walter Jachec Denise & Richard Jandura Eugene F. Janus Elmer Javier Anita Jelcic Diana Jones Nora Kazmierczak Roman Klepczarek Kim Kirchoff Madeline & Richard Kirn Bernadine Kolodziejczak Daniel Kobylarczyk Rose Kochanski Velta Kopacek Muriel Kowalski June Krzyston Lorraine Kubal Theresa Kulpa Joseph Lubas Angela Lukanus Bill & Whitney Luke Eileen & Michael McMillan Christine Madera

Thomas Mahon Debra Major Graeniel Lance Manuel Joseph Martinez Maria C. Martinez Selva Martinez Michael Mavraganes Kate Meade Grace Medina Robert J. Mercurio David Michaels Stacey Misicka Dennis & Denise Murphy Ron Mystek Paola Navarrete Joyce Netecke Linda Norcutt Carmella Smiley - Norvell Danuta Nowak Margareta Odehmal Erik Oller Joan Ormins Steve Otten Mary D. Owens Linda Panos Gladys Patterson Eileen M. Pawlak Michael A. Pawlak Andrzej Pawlica Chester Perczynski Virginia Petri Dolores Polkow Marie & Richard Pollak Ken Porter Cindy Poynter Millie Purpura Iracema Galvani Quinete Meg A. Radcliff Adam Raj Mary Margaret Riccio Irena Rolak Austreberto Saucedo Nicolas Saucedo Terry J. Scott Justin Sewers Mary Sherman Michael Patrick Shilney Alfred Skrobot Rose Szumal David Sterling Joyce Stover Lillian Stricker George Sylvester Mary Tadda Julie Teninty Barbara Thomas Judy Venard Maci Villareal Alice Wagner Denise Warda Jack Wasielewski George Wasinski David Weaver Iza Weisenritter Joan & Chester Wiczek Melanie Williams Robert Wilson Pamela Wojdyla Patrick J. Woods Benedict Yerkes Jerome Zaccaro Ronald Zajac Helena Zeglin Tom Zielinski Rachel Zimmer Tommy Zimmer


Date: 3-24-19 3-31-19

Collection: $ 9,921.06 $ 9,898.12

5:00 p.m. $ 1,725.76 $ 2,055.10

6:30 a.m. $ 877.30 $ 756.50

8:00 a.m. $ 1,085.00 $ 1,097.00

9:30 a.m. $ 1,635.00 $ 1,738.52

11:00 a.m. $ 1,689.00 $ 1,462.00

12:45 a.m. $ 1,826.00 $ 1.427.00

7:00 p.m. $ 1,083.00 $ 1,127.00

Mailed in: $ .00 $ 235.00

Total: $ 9,921.06 $ 9,898.12

Weekly Deficit: $ 828.94 $ 851.88

Year-to-date: $ 45,110.25 $ 45,962.13

Weekly Collection

July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020 Weekly Goal: $11,250.00

Date: 11-24-19 12-01-19

Collection: $ 9,455.66 $ 9,522.87

5:00 p.m. $ 1,411.28 $ 1,325.17

6:30 a.m. $ 770.00 $ 1,002.00

8:00 a.m. $ 1,213.38 $ 1,701.00

9:30 a.m. $ 2,192.00 $ 2,257.70

11:00 a.m. $ 1,479.00 $ 2,096.00

12:45 a.m. $ 1,312.00 $

7:00 p.m. $ 1,078.00 $ 971.00

Mailed in: $ .00 $ 170.00

Total: $ 9,455.66 $ 9,522.87

Weekly Deficit: $ 1,794.24 $ 1,727.13

Year-to-date: $44,351.37 $46,078.50



4:00 p.m.

7:00 a.m.

8:30 a.m.

10:00 a.m.

11:30 a.m.

(no Mass)

7:00 p.m.

Mailed in:


Weekly Deficit:


Weekly Collection

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12-14-19 12-15-19 12-15-19 12-15-19 12-15-19 12-15-19

4:00 PM (E) 7:00 AM (P) 8:30 AM (E) 10:00 AM (E) 11:30 AM (P) 7:00 PM (P)

Lector 1 J. Tipperreiter I. Slota R. Kavales V. Vogel J. Mateja J. Stafiera

Lector 2 E. Kazelas R. Purwin V. Bosworth J. Pawlicki A. Swietoslawski M. Adamski

Lector 3 E. Jedynasty A. Kulach T. Wroblewska

Host 1 E. Nathan E. Jedynasty L. Sheehan R. Harding A. Swietoslawski J. Stafiera

Host 1A M.A. Moisan I. Slota M. Oates K. Tylka M. Bobek

Host 3 J. Dokey J. Salinas D. McGuire

Host 4 D. Fierke M. Guerrero L. Barnes

Wine 1 A. DuPraw K. Surwillo Y. Dugic

Wine 1A J. Poynton

Wine 2 Deacon Deacon Deacon

Wine 3 M. Carpenter L. Guerrero P. Swiatkowski

Wine 4 J. Schultz S. Salinas J. Latona

P. Kroll P. Kroll G. Cichore

A. Cichore

Sunday, December 8, 2019

7:00 AM Edward Dlugopolski, Jozef Obrochta, Stanislaw Stryczula, Stanislaw Komperda, Jozef Chraca, Michalina i Felix Lesnicki, Franciszek Lesnicki, Leopold i Maria Komperda, Tadeusz Kantor, Anna Janczy, Grazyna Szafran, Dominik Lata, Barbara Rutdowska (Health & Bless-ings)

8:30 AM Health & Blessings for the Harwatek, Radwan, & Martineck Families, Dorthy Gasionowski, Andrew Wnek

10:00 AM Jerome Kudlinski, Jr., Carmen Flores, Matthew Lukaszczyk, Albert Flakus, Bertha Smart, Carla Segreti, Walter Wnek

11:30 AM Pawel Lojak, Aniela Koscielnak (Birthday Blessings), Dorota Potoczny, Dariusz i Dawid Maka (Birthday Blessings), Robert Janik, Franciszek Mendala, Cierpiace dusze w Czysccu, Jan Szuba i syn Wojciech Szuba, Janina i Jan Sadelski, Antonina Fuks, Bronislawa Topor, Wladyslaw Skubisz , Walerian Szlachta

7:00 PM Ryszard Swiedrych, Jozefina i Augustyn Albertusiak, Stefan i Maria Mazanka, Christopher Luberda, Bronislaw Luberda

Monday, December 9, 2019 - The Immaculate Conception of Mary

9:00 AM Michael Aguirre 10:30 AM Maria Komperda 6:00 PM Tom Paluch (Birthday Blessings) 7:00 PM Helena Krzysiak

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

9:00 AM Monica Kopinski (18th Birthday Blessings)

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

9:00 AM Victor J. Malec

Thursday, December 12, 2019 - Our Lady of Guadalupe

9:00 AM Bridget Fuentes, Rosalinda Sanchez

Friday, December 13, 2019

9:00 AM Deceased Parishioners and Their Families 7:00 PM Maria Komperda

Saturday, December 14, 2019 4:00 PM Lucille Christakos, Matt & Eddie Giliberto, Bobbie Mendoza, Irene

Talerico 7:00 PM Maria Komperda

Sunday, December 15, 2019

7:00 AM Edward Dlugopolski, Jozef Obrochta, Stanislaw Stryczula, Julia i Wladyslaw Tomczyk, Tadeusz Kantor, Anna Janczy, Jan i Anna Janczy, Andrew Wnek, Dominik Lata

8:30 AM People of The Parish 10:00 AM John Mularski, Matthew Lukaszczyk, Mary & Perer Frankov (Health &

Blessings), Sabina Powers, Anne & John Leyden, Stanley Karbarz, Helena & Joe Reczek, Stefania Wnek & Family (Health & Blessings)

11:30 AM Jozef Liptak, Robert Plewa, Pawel Lojek, Dorota Potoczny, Robert Janik, Franciszek Mendala, Pawel Gasienica Szymkow, Cierpiace Dusze w Czysccu, Jan Szuba, Wojciech Szuba, Wladyslaw Grela, Karol Fuks, Zofia i Andrzej Styrczula i syn Andrzej , Wladyslaw Skubisz, Anna i Bronislaw Mazurek, Maria i Jan Budz, Anton Bolcarowicz, Helena i Jakub Mazurek

7:00 PM Jozefina i Augustyn Albertusiak, Stefan i Maria Mazanka


SUNDAY EUCHARIST: [English] 8:30 & 10:00 AM (Saturday 4:00 PM) [Polish] 7:00, 11:30 AM & 7:00 PM DAILY EUCHARIST: 9:00 AM (Monday - Friday) HOLY DAY EUCHARIST: Scheduled prior to the holy day.

RECONCILIATION: Saturday: 3:00 – 3:45 PM First Friday: 6:00—7:00 PM MARRIAGE: Contact Fr. Greg 6 months in advance. BAPTISM: English - 1st Sunday at 2p.m.; Polish - Every Sunday at 11:30 Mass. Come to the Parish Office to schedule. Birth Certificate Required. ANOINTING: Call the Parish Office when serious illness occurs.

Page 12: SAINT FABIANsaint-fabian.org/resources/December8.pdfreveals the roots before trying to cut the tree from them. Expose the roots! That really says much! No evil and no unhappiness appears



Iz 11,1–10

Czytanie z Ksiêgi proroka Izajasza

Wyroœnie ró¿d¿ka z pnia Jessego, wypuœci siê odroœl z jego korzenia. I spocznie na niej Duch Pana, duch m¹droœci i rozumu, duch rady i mêstwa, duch wiedzy i bojaŸni Pana. Upodoba sobie w bojaŸni Pana. Nie bêdzie s¹dzi³ z pozorów ni wyrokowa³ wed³ug pog³osek; raczej rozs¹dzi biednych sprawiedliwie i pokornym w kraju wyda s³uszny wyrok. Rózg¹ swoich ust uderzy gwa³townika, tchnieniem swoich warg uœmierci bezbo¿nego. Sprawiedliwoœæ bêdzie mu pasem na biodrach, a wiernoœæ przepasaniem lêdŸwi. Wtedy wilk zamieszka wraz z barankiem, pantera z koŸlêciem razem le¿eæ bêd¹, cielê i lew paœæ siê bêd¹ spo³em i ma³y ch³opiec bêdzie je pogania³. Krowa i niedŸwiedzica przestawaæ bêd¹ przyjaŸnie, m³ode ich razem bêd¹ lega³y. Lew te¿ jak wó³ bêdzie jada³ s³omê. Niemowlê igraæ bêdzie na norze kobry, dziecko w³o¿y sw¹ rêkê do kryjówki ¿mii. Z³a czyniæ nie bêd¹ ani zgubnie dzia³aæ po ca³ej œwiêtej mej górze, bo kraj siê nape³ni znajomoœci¹ Pana na kszta³t wód, które przepe³niaj¹ morze. Owego dnia to siê stanie: Korzeñ Jessego staæ bêdzie na znak dla narodów. Do niego ludy przyjd¹ z modlitw¹, i s³awne bêdzie miejsce jego spoczynku. Oto S³owo Bo¿e.


Ps 72,1–2,7–8,12–13,17

Bo¿e, przeka¿ Twój s¹d Królowi, a Twoj¹ sprawiedliwoœæ synowi królewskiemu. Aby Twoim ludem rz¹dzi³ sprawiedliwie i ubogimi wed³ug prawa. Za dni Jego zakwitnie sprawiedliwoœæ i wielki pokój, a¿ ksiê¿yc nie zgaœnie. Bêdzie panowa³ od morza do morza, od rzeki a¿ po krañce ziemi. Wyzwoli

bowiem biedaka, który Go wzywa, i ubogiego, co nie ma opieki. Zmi³uje siê nad biednym i ubogim, nêdzarza ocali od œmierci. Niech Jego imiê trwa na wieki, jak d³ugo œwieci s³oñce, niech trwa Jego imiê. Niech Jego imieniem wzajemnie siê b³ogos³awi¹! Niech wszystkie narody ziemi ¿ycz¹ Mu szczêœcia.


Rz 15,4–9 Czytanie z Listu œwiêtego Paw³a Aposto³a do Rzymian Bracia: To, co niegdyœ zosta³o napisane, napisane zosta³o dla naszego pouczenia, abyœmy dziêki cierpliwoœci i pociesze, jak¹ nios¹ Pisma, podtrzymywali nadziejê. A Bóg, który daje cierpliwoœæ i pociechê, niech sprawi, abyœcie wzorem Chrystusa te same uczucia ¿ywili do siebie i zgodnie jednymi ustami wielbili Boga i Ojca Pana naszego, Jezusa Chrystusa. Dlatego przygarniajcie siebie nawzajem, bo i Chrystus przygarn¹³ was ku chwale Boga. Mówiê bowiem: Chrystus sta³ siê s³ug¹ obrzezanych dla okazania wiernoœci Boga i potwierdzenia przez to obietnic danych ojcom oraz po to, ¿eby poganie za okazane sobie mi³osierdzie uwielbili Boga, jak napisano: „Dlatego oddawaæ Ci bêdê czeœæ miêdzy poganami i œpiewaæ imieniu Twojemu”. Oto S³owo Bo¿e.


£k 3,4.6

Przygotujcie drogê Panu, prostujcie œcie¿ki dla Niego; wszyscy ludzie ujrz¹ zbawienie Bo¿e.


Mt 3,1–12

S³owa Ewangelii wed³ug œwiêtego Mateusza

W owym czasie wyst¹pi³ Jan Chrzciciel i g³osi³ na Pustyni Judzkiej te s³owa: „Nawróæcie siê, bo bliskie jest królestwo niebieskie”. Do niego to odnosi siê s³owo proroka Izajasza, gdy mówi: „G³os wo³aj¹cego na pustyni: Przygotujcie drogê Panu, prostujcie œcie¿ki dla Niego”. Sam zaœ Jan nosi³ odzienie z sierœci wielb³¹dziej i pas skórzany oko³o bioder, a jego pokarmem by³a szarañcza i miód leœny. Wówczas ci¹gnê³y do niego Jerozolima oraz ca³a Judea i ca³a okolica nad Jordanem. Przyjmowano od niego chrzest w rzece Jordanie, wyznaj¹c przy tym swe grzechy. A gdy widzia³, ¿e przychodzi do chrztu wielu spoœród faryzeuszów i saduceuszów, mówi³ im: „Plemiê ¿mijowe, kto wam pokaza³, jak uciec przed nadchodz¹cym gniewem? Wydajcie wiêc godny owoc nawrócenia, a nie myœlcie, ¿e mo¿ecie sobie mówiæ: »Abrahama mamy za ojca«, bo powiadam wam, ¿e z tych kamieni mo¿e Bóg wzbudziæ dzieci Abrahamowi. Ju¿ siekiera do korzenia drzew jest przy³o¿ona. Ka¿de wiêc drzewo, które nie wydaje dobrego owocu, bêdzie wyciête i w ogieñ wrzucone. Ja was chrzczê wod¹ dla nawrócenia; lecz Ten, który idzie za mn¹, mocniejszy jest ode mnie; ja nie jestem godzien nosiæ Mu sanda³ów. On was chrzciæ bêdzie Duchem Œwiêtym i ogniem. Ma On wiejad³o w rêku i oczyœci swój om³ot: pszenicê zbierze do spichrza, a plewy spali w ogniu nieugaszonym”. Oto s³owo Pañskie.


Page 13: SAINT FABIANsaint-fabian.org/resources/December8.pdfreveals the roots before trying to cut the tree from them. Expose the roots! That really says much! No evil and no unhappiness appears


W ci¹gu ca³ego roku porz¹dek Mszy œw. w niedziele w jêzyku polskim jest nastêpuj¹cy: 7:00 am, 11:30 am i 7:00 pm. ♦ Biuro parafialne czynne: poniedzia³ek - pi¹tek 9:00 rano - 7:00 wieczorem przerwa na lunch od godz. 1 pm-2pm sobota 9:00 rano - 12:00 po po³udniu niedziela - nieczynne ♦ W pierwszy pi¹tek miesi¹ca: Msza œw. z nabo¿eñstwem I-pi¹tkowym o godz. 7:00 pm. SpowiedŸ od godz. 6:00 pm-7:00 pm. ♦ Sakrament Chrztu œw. w jêzyku polskim: W ka¿d¹ niedzielê miesi¹ca w czasie Mszy œw. o godz. 11:30 am. Przygotowania rodziców odbywaj¹ siê w niedzielê poprzedzaj¹c¹ datê Chrztu, po Mszy œw. o godz. 11:30 am. Zg³oszenia na chrzest przyjmowane s¹ w biurze parafialnym osobiœcie. Prosimy o dostarczenie aktu urodzenia dziecka. Po dodatkowe informacje proszê dzwoniæ do biura parafialnego (708) 599-1110. ♦ Œlub w jêzyku polskim Prosimy zg³aszaæ szeœæ miesiêcy wczeœniej. ♦ SpowiedŸ œw. w ka¿d¹ sobotê W godz. od 3:00 pm do 3:45 pm. ♦ Polska Szko³a Katolicka im. œw. Fabiana Zajêcia: czwartek & pi¹tek (5 pm-9 pm); sobota (11:30 pm-3:30 pm). Tel. (708) 458-9120. ♦ WSZYSTKIE INTENCJE NA MSZE ŒW. MO¯NA ZAMAWIAÆ NA PLEBANII I W ZAKRYSTII.



PrzyjdŸ odwiedziæ Jezusa w kaplicy w poniedzia³ek od godz: 12:00 p.m. do 5:30 p.m.

B³ogos³awieñstwo o godz. 5:15 p.m.

REKOLEKCJE ADWENTOWE 13, 14, 15 grudnia 2019 r.

Msza Œwiêta o godzinie 7:00 p.m. SpowiedŸ w pi¹tek i sobotê

w czasie Mszy Œwiêtej

Page 14: SAINT FABIANsaint-fabian.org/resources/December8.pdfreveals the roots before trying to cut the tree from them. Expose the roots! That really says much! No evil and no unhappiness appears

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www.saint-fabian.org e-mail: [email protected]

St. Fabian Catholic Community Pastor: Rev. Gregory Warmuz

8300 S. Thomas Avenue - Bridgeview, IL 60455

Parish Office Hours: Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (Closed from 1-2 p.m. for Lunch) Saturday 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (Closed Sundays)

Parish Office 708-599-1110 Religious Education 708-458-6150 Parish FAX 708-599-0673 Religious Education FAX 708-458-2698 Music Director 708-594-7540 Polish School 708-458-9120


Pastor - Rev. Grzegorz Warmuz Weekend Associate: Rev. Marek Smolka Diaconal Ministry - Deacon Ron & Pam Zielinski Deacon Tom & Rhonda Hyde Deacon Joe & Linda Stalcup Senior Deacon Charles & Janet Tipperreiter

Administrative Secretary - Mary Harvey Office & Business Manager - Monica Lassak Receptionist - Bozena Swiatek Night Crew - Ewelina Soltys, Patrick Swiatek

RCIA - (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)

Ministry of Care - Director - Paula Daley 708-458-2562 Religious Education : English Program - Coordinator - Cindy Schlesser (M-W-F 9:00 am - 3:30 pm) Polish Program - Director - Rev. Grzegorz Warmuz Administrator: Maria Pocica (Czwartek & Piatek 5:00 - 9:00 pm; Sobota 11:30–3:30 pm) Music Ministry – English & Polish Director - Grazyna Bogutyn Maintenance Ramon Plascencia

8300 S. Thomas Avenue Bridgeview, IL 60455