CONTACT US: Office: 301.881.1380 School: 301.881.1824 Email: [email protected] www.StElizabethChurchMD.org SUNDAY MASSES: Saturday: 5pm Sunday: 7:30am, 9am, 10:30am, 12:15pm and 6pm WEEKDAY MASSES: Monday - Friday: 7am and 11:30am Saturday: 9am SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday, 4:00-4:45pm First Wednesday of each month: 7:30-8:30pm, or by appointment. BAPTISM OF CHILDREN: Parents must be registered and participate in a parent preparation program. For spe- cific details, call the parish office or pick up ‘Planning My Baby’s Baptism’ from the table in the Commons. CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS: Adults interested in becoming Catholic are always welcomed, and may partici- pate in our weekly inquiry discussion group. Please contact the parish office for details. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Planning for a wedding must occur at least six months prior to a desired date; a marriage preparation program is required. Contact with a parish priest must occur before any specific date is planned. SICK CALLS: Please notify the parish office as soon as possible with information about anyone who is in the hospital, is sick or home- bound and who may wish to be visited by a priest or a Eucharistic Minister. SUPPORTING YOUR PARISH: Secure automatic giving is provided to our parish through FaithDirect. Please visit www.faithdirect.net to enroll online, or call toll free (1-866-507-8757). Our parish code is MD19. (Note that enroll- ment in FaithDirect does NOT automati- cally register you in the parish. Please call the parish office for details.) PARISH MEMBERSHIP: We ask that if you wish to make this your parish home that you please pick up and fill out the registration materials. You must be registered for certification letters of eligibil- ity to be married in the Church, to be a sponsor for confirmation or to be a god- parent or for any sacramental prepara- tion. You should be registered to enroll in Saint Elizabeth School or the Religious Education Program. If you are over the age of 21 and have previously been registered at St. Elizabeth Parish with your parents, please re-register under your own name. Registration packets are available in the parish office or in the Commons of the Church. Please always notify the parish office if your family status changes, you change address, telephone number or email address, or if you move out of the area. The Epiphany of the Lord 03 January 2016 We at St. Elizabeth Parish have been called together by the Holy Spirit to become a community of God’s people as we devote our time and share our talents and treasure to help one another as witnesses to the gospel. Our strength lies in our diversity and common purpose as we welcome all visitors and work together to carry out our mission of devotion to God and stewardship to others in the framework of a Catholic parish community. 917 Montrose Road, Rockville, Maryland 20852-4203 Saint Elizabeth Catholic Church

Saint Elizabeth Catholic Church The Epiphany of the Lord · parish home that you please pick up and fill ... darkness of night in a lowly manger is revealed as the manifesta-7

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Page 1: Saint Elizabeth Catholic Church The Epiphany of the Lord · parish home that you please pick up and fill ... darkness of night in a lowly manger is revealed as the manifesta-7


Office: 301.881.1380

School: 301.881.1824

Email: [email protected]



Saturday: 5pm

Sunday: 7:30am, 9am, 10:30am,

12:15pm and 6pm


Monday - Friday: 7am and 11:30am

Saturday: 9am



Saturday, 4:00-4:45pm

First Wednesday of each month:

7:30-8:30pm, or by appointment.


Parents must be registered and participate

in a parent preparation program. For spe-

cific details, call the parish office or pick

up ‘Planning My Baby’s Baptism’ from

the table in the Commons.



Adults interested in becoming Catholic

are always welcomed, and may partici-

pate in our weekly inquiry discussion

group. Please contact the parish office for



Planning for a wedding must occur at

least six months prior to a desired date; a

marriage preparation program is required.

Contact with a parish priest must occur

before any specific date is planned.


Please notify the parish office as soon as

possible with information about anyone

who is in the hospital, is sick or home-

bound and who may wish to be visited by

a priest or a Eucharistic Minister.


Secure automatic giving is provided to

our parish through FaithDirect. Please

visit www.faithdirect.net to enroll online,

or call toll free (1-866-507-8757). Our

parish code is MD19. (Note that enroll-

ment in FaithDirect does NOT automati-

cally register you in the parish. Please call

the parish office for details.)

PARISH MEMBERSHIP: We ask that if you wish to make this your

parish home that you please pick up and fill

out the registration materials. You must be

registered for certification letters of eligibil-

ity to be married in the Church, to be a

sponsor for confirmation or to be a god-

parent or for any sacramental prepara-

tion. You should be registered to enroll in

Saint Elizabeth School or the Religious

Education Program. If you are over the age

of 21 and have previously been registered at

St. Elizabeth Parish with your parents,

please re-register under your own name.

Registration packets are available in the

parish office or in the Commons of the

Church. Please always notify the parish

office if your family status changes, you

change address, telephone number or email

address, or if you move out of the area.

The Epiphany

of the Lord 03 January 2016

We at St. Elizabeth Parish have been called

together by the Holy Spirit to become a

community of God’s people as we devote

our time and share our talents and treasure

to help one another as witnesses to the

gospel. Our strength lies in our diversity

and common purpose as we welcome

all visitors and work together to carry out

our mission of devotion to God and

stewardship to others in the framework of a

Catholic parish community.

917 Montrose Road, Rockville, Maryland 20852-4203

Saint Elizabeth Catholic Church

Page 2: Saint Elizabeth Catholic Church The Epiphany of the Lord · parish home that you please pick up and fill ... darkness of night in a lowly manger is revealed as the manifesta-7

St. Elizabeth Parish

Rockville, Maryland 1

Wednesday, January 6 7:00am Mass

11:30am Mass

7:30pm Holy Hour/Confessions until 8:30pm

Thursday, January 7 7:00am Mass

11:30am Mass

7:30pm Adult Choir rehearsal

Friday, January 8 7:00am Mass

10:00am Play group in Commons

11:30am Mass

7:30pm Baptism Preparation in room 219 of school

Saturday, January 9 9:00am Mass

9:15am S.O.M.E. in front of school

4:00pm Confessions until 4:45pm

5:00pm Mass

Sunday, January 10 - The Baptism of the Lord 7:30am Mass 9:00am Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Homebound Ministers dismissed

10:20am Faith Formation classes grades pre-k thru 6th

10:30am Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Homebound Ministers dismissed

12:15pm Mass

6:00pm Youth Mass

7:00pm Youth Ministry

7:30pm Centering Prayer


Jacob; 7:30am Msgr. Macfarlane; 9am Fr. Leopold; 10:30am Fr.

DeSiano; 12:15pm Fr. Séamus; 6pm Msgr. Macfarlane

Parish Life

Social Concerns Collection The Social Concerns collection for next weekend (9/10 Jan.)

is our usual January collection for Stepping Stones shelter, a

local home for women in crisis, who are allowed to bring their

children with them.

Remembering Those Who Have Died Please keep in your prayers all those have died, especially

Nancy Rees (aunt of Msgr. Macfarlane). Her family has our

community’s deepest sympathy.

Next Food Pantry Collection on January 3 St. Elizabeth’s parishioners donate food on the first Sunday

of every month for the St. Camillus Food Pantry in Langley

Park. The almost 2,000 bags of groceries you donated in 2015

made a big difference in the Pantry’s ability to serve its needy

clients and in the lives many hungry families. The pastor of St.

Camillus, the volunteers who staff the Pantry, and the people of

Langley Park continue to express their admiration and deep ap-

This Week

Sunday, January 3 - The Epiphany of the Lord Food Collection for Langley Park

7:30am Mass 9:00am Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Homebound Ministers dismissed

10:20am Faith Formation classes grades pre-k thru 6th

10:30am Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Dougé baptism at this Mass

Homebound Ministers dismissed

12:15pm Mass

6:00pm Youth Mass

7:00pm Youth Ministry

7:30pm Centering Prayer

Monday, January 4 7:00am Mass

11:30am Mass

7:15pm Faith Formation grades 7&8

7:30pm Job Seekers in front meeting room

7:30pm RCIA in room 303

Tuesday, January 5 7:00am Mass

8:30am School Mass

10:45am Sodality Prayer Group in family room

11:30am Mass

3:15pm Junior Choir rehearsal

7:00pm School Board Meeting in library

Dear Parishioners:

Happy New Year!

This weekend, we celebrate the Feast of

the Epiphany. This feast commemorates that the child born in the

darkness of night in a lowly manger is revealed as the manifesta-

tion of God. The beautiful Christmas story of the three Wise Men

or Magi is the basis for the gospel this weekend.

The wise ones from the East believe that the star signals the

birth of the King of the Jews to whom they all pay homage as their

Lord. The visit of the Wise Men is tinged with foreboding danger,

pointing to Jesus’s Death and Resurrection.

This week, we return to our “normal” schedules as we try to

maintain our New Year’s resolutions.

I wish each and every one of you a very blessed New Year. Let

us remember each other in our prayers.

Happy New Year,

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The Epiphany of the Lord

03 January 2016 2

preciation for your faithful and very generous support. The

top four food priorities are: Vegetable Oil, Masa Harina (for

tortillas), Black Beans (dried), and White Rice. Other key

needs are: Dried Milk or UHT Shelf-Stable Milk, Canned

Fruit (pineapple and peaches), Oatmeal (canisters), Spaghetti,

Pasta and Pasta Sauce, Cornflakes or Cheerios, Macaroni and

Cheese, Canned Tomatoes, Tuna Fish, Canned Corn, and

Canned Peas. (The toothpaste, toothbrushes, and toiletries that

some parishioners include with their food donations continue

to be very much appreciated.)

In-depth Analysis of Pope Francis’

Encyclical Laudato Si... ...with Fr. Jacek Orzechowski, OFM on January 14 and 21.

He is a Franciscan friar from St. Camillus church who also

serves as chair of the Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation

Directorate for his Franciscan Province. He has received

awards for his work in forest conservation promoting the use

of recycled materials to reduce the consumption of wood

products. January 14’s topic is: “The Agony in the Garden:

What's Happening to our Common Home?” January 21’s top-

ic is “Pope Francis' Call to Environmental Justice: What That

Has to Do With My Catholic Faith” Join us at 7:30pm in the

school library.

Job Seekers Group Meets Monday, January 4 Happy New Year! As we begin the New Year, the time is

upon us to clarify our job seeking and career goals for the

year, and make firm resolutions around how we’ll achieve

them. Please join us for a lively discussion to challenge our-

selves and help answer the question “what am I going to ac-

complish relating to job and career in 2016?” Join us at 7:30

PM, in the Commons front Meeting Room on Monday, Janu-

ary 4.

Weekly Collection

For the weekend of 19/20 December:

Thank you for your gifts!

Offertory #

Envelopes 204 $ 9,421.00

Loose checks 64 $ 2,497.00

Loose cash $ 1,784.05

Faith Direct $16,292.97

Offertory Total $ 29,995.02

Social Concerns (CMR) $ 568.00

Christmas to date: $ 20,913.00

We thank you for your faithful and consistent giving. Your

donations are so very important because they allow us to

carry on the work of St. Elizabeth Parish that the Lord has

entrusted to us. God bless you!

Parish Office Staff

Rev. Msgr. John Macfarlane, Pastor ........................... ext. 202

[email protected]

Rev. Jacob C. George, Associate Pastor ..................... ext. 349

[email protected]

Kathryn Swartz, Pastoral Associate ............................ ext. 203

[email protected]

Deacon Kevin Byrne, Permanent Deacon ......... 301.279.5962

[email protected]

Carmen Boston, Senior Ministry/Faith Formation…..ext. 310

[email protected]

Martin Cosgrove, Director of Music & Liturgy ......... ext. 205

[email protected]

Denise Crawford, Administrative Assistant ............... ext. 200

[email protected]

Mary Theresa Heneghan, Secretary.…………………ext. 201

[email protected]

Mary Linehan, Director of Finance ............................ ext. 306

[email protected]

Patricia McCarthy, Minister of Senior Adults ... 301.984.0595

[email protected]

Elizabeth Rosales, Director of Faith Formation…......ext. 309

[email protected]

Vincent Spadoni, School Principal ............................. ext. 300

[email protected]

Marilyn Taylor, Director of Adult Education ............. ext. 204

[email protected]

Brian Werth, Youth Minister………………………...ext. 338

[email protected]

Paul Yetter, Facilities Administrator .......................... ext. 404

[email protected]

Flowers in the Church Thank you to the many parishioners who donated to our

Christmas flower environment this year — as you have expe-

rienced, we are beautifully decorated for the season! The

names of all those you have honored or memorialized are

listed in our Christmas flower booklet which can be found in

the Commons (if additional copies are needed, please call the

parish office). Thank you so very, very much!

Year of Mercy The Year of Mercy is an invitation to step into a whole

new way of life: to open our hearts to the healing love of God

and to share that merciful love with those around us. I invite

you to find out more about how to celebrate the Year of Mer-

cy including videos, a sign up to receive weekly text or email

reflections, regional event calendar, and MORE at mer-


Parent / Spouse Bereavement Support Group St. Elizabeth Bereavement Ministry will offer an eight

week bereavement support group series for adults who have

experienced the death of a parent, spouse or significant other.

The Winter daytime series will meet in the front meeting

room of the church on Wednesday mornings, 10–11:30am,

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The Epiphany of the Lord

03 January 2016 3

from January 20 - March 9. (An evening series is planned for

Spring 2016, April/May). There is no fee, but registration is

required. Space is strictly limited so call early. To register

call Deacon Kevin Byrne (301-279-5962) or Claudia

McAuliffe (301-881-1457).

Parishioner in Search of Housing A single mom with 8 and 10 year old sons (who attend

Farmland ES and St. E’s religious ed program) is in need of

housing. She is able to pay some rent, and is hoping to find a

room or a basement where she and her boys can live as she

searches for a full time job with a stable income. She is will-

ing to be a housekeeper and/or house sitter, as part of the

accommodation arrangement. If you have space to help her

out, or know of someone who might, please call Marie (240

216 9899).

Msgr. Macfarlane Book Discussion Msgr. Macfarlane’s annual Sodality-sponsored book dis-

cussion will take place on Wednesday, March 16, 2016. The

book he has chosen this year is: Created to Relate, God’s

Design for Peace and Joy, by Kelly M. Wahlquist. “Kelly

Wahlquist’s new book is a breezy and fun introduction to

evangelizing. Catholic women will appreciate Wahlquist’s

verve and humor as she examines how the feminine genius

inspires our sharing of the faith. Created to Relate reminds

women that evangelizing isn’t scary — we were made for

this!” -Pat Gohn, award-winning Catholic author. Books are

available through the parish office for $14.50. A limited

number of books through the parish are available, so get your

copy while supplies last! See Kathy Swartz for your copy.

SOME on Saturday, January 9 St. Elizabeth has been delivering (and helping to serve) a

monthly meal on the 2nd Saturday of every month to So Oth-

ers Might Eat (SOME) for more than twenty eight years. This

important parish outreach program provides over 3,000 hot

lunches annually to needy men, women, and children at the

main SOME building on 71 “O” Street, NW, in Washington,

D.C. (We have been serving 250 to 300 clients a

month.). Although our parishioners are very generous in their

support of the program, we can always use new volunteers

willing to donate food, particularly chicken. (This can be

done on an occasional or regular basis.) When possible, do-

nors are asked to provide food for ten people consisting of:

Cooked Chicken (either fresh, frozen, or boxed), Rice

Mass Intentions

Sat. 01/02 9:00am Carol Galginaitis

5:00pm Malu & Antonio Gomes (Int)

Sun. 01/03 7:30am Suffering Souls in Purgatory


10:30am Rozalia & Francis Bednarz 12:15pm Marilyn Keating

6:00pm Our Parish Family

Mon. 01/04 7:00am Andy Kranking (Int)

11:30am Daniel G. Waring, Sr.

Tue. 01/05 7:00am Marie Noelle (Int)

8:30am Giuseppe Bortolotti


Wed. 01/06 7:00am Alfredo Paner

11:30am Malu & Antonio Gomes (Int)

Thu. 01/07 7:00am Thomas Burkhard (Int)

11:30am Dr. Paul Noone

Fri. 01/08 7:00am Angela Theofilos (Int)

11:30am Elizabeth A. McDonough

Sat. 01/09 9:00am Edward H. Moran

5:00pm Kenneth & Linda Lee

Sun. 01/10 7:30am Rose Smith

9:00am Colleen Kleier

10:30am John & Eleanor Sarsfield 12:15pm Nicole Murry (Int)

Eric & Dylan Denchfield (Int)

6:00pm Our Parish Family

Scripture Readings-Week of January 4 MON 1 John 3:22—4:6; Matthew 4:12-17, 23-25 TUES 1 John 4:7-10; Mark 6:34-44 WED 1 John 4:11-18; Mark 6:45-52 THU 1 John 4:19—5:4; Luke 4:14-22a FRI 1 John 5:5-13; Luke 5:12-16 SAT 1 John 5:14-21; John 3:22-30 SUN Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11; Titus 2:11-14; 3:4-7; Luke 3:15-16, 21-22

(bagged or boxed), Green beans (cans), and Fruit (bananas or

oranges). Food will be collected in St. Elizabeth’s parking lot

(in front of the school) between 8:30 - 9:30 AM on Saturday,

January 9. The staff and guests are SOME are very apprecia-

tive of the food we provide and claim that our chicken menu

is a particular favorite. For more information, please contact

Brian Crowe ([email protected]).

Baptism Preparation If you are planning to have a first child baptized, there is a

required preparation session for parents prior to being able to

confirm a date. This one-hour session is held in the school

the first Friday of each month; since January 1 is a holiday,

our next session will be held on the second Friday, January

8. Parents need to be registered in the parish, but do not need

a reservation to attend the session. Just show up at 7:30pm at

the school. Call the parish office if any questions. Following

the session you need to be in touch with Msgr. Macfarlane,

Fr. Jacob, or Kathy Swartz to set up a home visit to confirm

and plan your child’s baptism.

Community News

The Catholic Business Network The Catholic Business Network of Montgomery County

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The Epiphany of the Lord

03 January 2016 4

would like to invite you to our January Network-

ing Breakfast. The speaker is Michael Gottlieb, an attorney,

and he will speak on exempt/non-exempt employees and the

new wage and hour laws. The cost is $20 for pre-registered

guests and $30 on the day of the event. Register

at www.cbnmc.org. Please come and join us for networking

at Timpano's Italian Chophouse, 12021 Rockville Pike on

Friday, January 8, from 7:30am-9:00am.

Full-Time Nanny Needed Navy doctor and nurse couple in the parish looking for a

full-time nanny for our will-be 4-month daughter in approxi-

mately April 2016. Mother will have to go back to work Mon-

day-Friday 0700-1630 after maternity leave ends. Looking for

someone loving, responsible, and with experience in infant

child-care. Would prefer to have someone come into the home

for care, but open to other in-home options as well. Please

contact Julia for more information. julia_stavridis


Benefit for St. Joseph’s House

& Isaiah's Promise Make your reservations now for an evening of music & fun

benefiting St. Joseph’s House, a non-profit daycare and respite

home serving children with multiple disabilities, and Isaiah's

Promise, which provides on-going support to families present-

ed with a poor prenatal diagnosis. Saturday Jan. 23, 7:00-10

p.m. at The Knights of Columbus, 9707 Rosensteel Ave.,

Silver Spring, MD. For reservations contact Mary Bro-

gan, [email protected], 301-351-5966 or Annmarie

Edwards ([email protected] / 301-871-5852). Admission:

$50 adults, $25 children includes appetizers and beverages.

Warm up your cold winter's night with this work of grace!

For Young Adult Catholics Epiphany Party at St. Catherine Labouré Church, Satur-

day, Jan. 9, 7:00 pm - Midnight. Mingle with local Catholics

and enjoy a delicious Greek dinner, dancing and DJ, and

more. Send $21 donation to SLS Dance, St. Catherine La-

bouré, 11801 Claridge Rd., Wheaton, MD 20902. ($25 at

the door.) For info. email [email protected].

Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend This weekend we celebrate the Epiphany of the

Lord. We read about the magi bringing gifts to the Christ

child. Give the gift of time and yourselves to your spouse;

sign up today to attend the next Worldwide Marriage En-

counter weekend. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter

Weekend is April 22-24, 2016 in Rockville, MD. For more

information and to apply online visit welovematrimony.org,

or call 301-541-7007, or email at applica-

[email protected].

Pray for the Sick

Our Parishioners Please remember all those in our parish who are sick or in need of special prayers from us, especially Hossein Adineh,

James Beckley (son of Carey & Jim Beckley), Charlie Bradford, Cathy Cantilena, Beatriz Corrales, Louise Jackson, Glenna

McClanahan, George McCormick-Pickett, Diego Mendoza (son of Jose & Patricia Mendoza), Rex Reed, Maureen Santiago,

John Swaggart, and Eunice Weixel.

Friends and Family Dennis Arevalo (cousin of Monica and A.G. Wood), Nancy Brady (daughter of Janet Brady), Theresa Black (friend of

Lynn Hill), Trish Davies (friend of Gustavo Matheus), Karen Duty (niece of Terry & Gingie Glover), Don Evans (friend of

Terry & Gingie Glover), Marie Francis Fisher (mother of Elissa Fisher), Amelia Fones (granddaughter of Bernice & Ed

Fones), Terry Franks (cousin of Patty & Scott Petruzzelli), Isabella & Lucianna Frasca (friends of Jane Milne), Carol

Gaouette (friend of Carolann Regnell), Dr. Jim Gay (brother-in-law to Arline & Hector Sanchez), Jim George (brother of

Lorraine Fitzsimmons), Dorothy Hamilton (sister-in-law of Elizabeth Kistner), Diana Hamm (former parishioner), Mary Hig-

gins (aunt of Lorraine Fitzsimmons), Cathy Kaiser (cousin of Jane Milne and Tim McDonough), Megan Keller (friend of the

Palttala’s), Sandra Landsman (friend of Marie Dromerick), Lucille Mannelly, Sheila Matheus (mother of Gustavo), Bodhi

McIntire (friend of Lynn Hill), John Miceli (brother-in-law of Peggy Drury), Fen Milne (sister-in-law of Steve and Jane

Milne), Jim Nichter (father of Kathy Bartlett), Helen Okula (mother of Carolann Regnell), Jackie Preston (mother of Bob

Preston), Clifford Raisch (brother of Charles Raisch), Mary Eileen Schattman (sister of John Brannigan), Betty Schillinger

(mother of Mary Doherty), Marie Shuck (mother of Scott Shuck), Scheryl Sledge-Gonzalez (friend of Lynnette Riggio), Sr.

Georgine Marie Smith, OSF (aunt of Patty and Scott Petruzzelli), Lynne Sorentino (friend of Darinka Zic), Debbie Stabulis

(cousin of Susan Corwin), Lynne Taylor, Robin White, Jim Woolsey (friend of Steve & Jane Milne) and Kathleen Yeager

(cousin of Bill Fitzsimmons). Our gathered community remembers all of these people daily and asks God for His gentle and

healing touch. (Names listed here for several weeks will regularly be rotated off unless you call the parish office to ask for an

extension. We continue to remember everyone in our intentions, whether listed here or not!).

Active Service Members Bryan Adams (son of Mary Adams), Vincent Alexander Bobenrieth (friend of Gingie & Terry Glover), Itai Mofaz (friend

of the Kilners), Steven Morse (friend of Suzan Corwin) and Richard Thomas (friend of Tim & Jenny McDonough).

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Youth Ministry News

Our Youth Group starts back up this Sunday night, January 3. We will reflect on our year, the ups and downs, highlights and

challenges and ways in which we would like to grow in 2016. It will introduce our January theme: New Year, New Service, a

month dedicated to living for others. We have lots of great service projects planned and as a pre-approved SSL service organi-

zation, every one of our service projects is good for SSL hours including our Wounded Warriors Care Packages Night and our

annual Souper Bowl of Caring, food pantry collection.

Parishioner and long time volunteer for Project Gabriel, Natalie Ray, will be joining us as guest speaker on January 10. She

will witness to her great work for the organization which benefits women who find themselves with an unexpected pregnancy.

“An abortion-minded woman needs to know that real help is close by, not only from government agencies, but from the

Church, her spiritual home. Project Gabriel expresses what the Church is called to be, a community of believers who, by living

their Faith in action, become more sensitive and responsive to the needs of those who may be outside that community. No so-

lution goes more swiftly and effectively to the heart of the abortion problem. It is a compassionate and caring way in which

each parish can carry out its mission to proclaim and extend the Gospel of Life” (Project Gabriel’s Purpose Statement). With

one in three pregnancies in this country ending in abortion, Project Gabriel’s loving response is a truly inspirational one which

is truly needed.

Upcoming Calendar:

Jan. 3, Sun., Life Teen Mass: 6 p.m., Youth Group: 7–9 p.m. – Resolutions and Reflections (Jan. birthdays celebration)

Jan. 10, Sun., Life Teen Mass: 6 p.m., Youth Group: 7–9 p.m. – Project Gabriel Info Night

Jan. 17, Sun., Life Teen Mass 6 p.m., Youth Group: 7–9 p.m. (MLK Jr. Holiday), Wounded Warriors Care Packages Night

Jan. 22, Fr i., March for Life (Mass for Life at the Ver izon Center then the March: 7 a.m.–7 p.m.)

Jan. 24, Sun., Life Teen Mass: 6 p.m., Youth Group: 7–9 p.m. – World Awareness/Trade Show

Jan. 29 – 30, Fr i. – Sat., Core Team Retreat – Please pray for your adult leaders as they go on retreat together.

Jan 31, Sun., Youth Mass 6 p.m., Youth Group 7–9 p.m., Souper Bowl Bag Distribution Dress in very warm clothes and

wear sneakers as we will be distributing bags on foot door to door

Feb. 6, Sat., High School Ski Tr ip at Whitetail Resor t (7 a.m.–9 p.m.)

Questions? Contact Youth Minister, Brian Werth

[email protected]; “Brian Werth YM” on Facebook

Youth Ministry Website: www.stelizabethchurchmd.org/ym

Join us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/saintesyg and on Instagram: saintesyg

Happy New Year!

May you and yours enjoy a

blessed and prosperous 2016

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