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  • 8/18/2019 Saibal MAA (Page 98-103)


  • 8/18/2019 Saibal MAA (Page 98-103)



    increasing in Bangladesh, information regardingtheir clinical presentation, microbiologicalcharacteristics, antimicrobial susceptibility patternthat is required for choosing empiric antibiotictreatment and outcome of patients are lacking. Thisstudy was aimed at finding any difference inclinical presentation, bacterial causes, antimicrobial

    susceptibility pattern of isolated bacteria andimmediate outcome in diabetic and non-diabetichospitalized patients with CAP.

    Materials and Methods

    This prospective observational study was carriedout in the Department of Internal Medicine andDepartment of Pulmonology of BangladeshInstitute of Research & Rehabilitation in Diabetes,Endocrine & Metabolic Disorders (BIRDEM) incollaboration with National Institute of Diseases ofChest & Hospital (NIDCH) and Dhaka Medicalcollege Hospital (DMCH) between February to

    November 2009. The study was approved by theEthical Review Committee of Bangladesh DiabeticAssociation and informed consent was taken fromeach patient before their enrollment in the study.Total 47 diabetic and 43 non-diabetic adulthospitalized patients with CAP were enrolled in thestudy. Sampling was convenient and purposive.Patients under 18 years and over 80 years, havingacid fast bacilli (AFB) in sputum, having bronchialcarcinoma, chronic renal disease stage 4 or 5, heartfailure and patients with pregnancy were excluded.For each enrolled patient complete clinical historywas taken and physical examination was done,

    complete blood count, biochemical tests, chestradiograph and sputum Gram stain, AFB andculture & sensitivity examination was done. CAPwas defined as the presence of an acute illness withtwo or more of the symptoms and signs of lowerrespiratory tract infection: fever, new or increasingcough or sputum production, dyspnoea, chest painand new focal sign on chest examination and

    presence of infiltration in the chest radiograph onor within 48 hours of admission that was consistentwith acute infection. DM status was determined onthe basis of current or previous biochemicaldiagnosis of DM according to WHO definition 4 with or without treatment with antidiabetic agents.Validated CAP severity index, CURB-65 scoringwas done by calculating scores on confusion ofnew onset (Mini mental state score ≤8) , blood ureanitrogen (BUN) level ( ≥7 mmol/L ), respiratory rate(≥30/mi n) and presence of hypotension (systolic

    blood pressure

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    patients with CAP presented with high total count,increased temperature and higher pulse rate thanthat of diabetic patients with CAP Diabetic patientshad significantly higher CURB-65 scoring incomparison with non-diabetic patients (P50 26 55.3 7 16.3 NSPattern of pneumoniaAtypical 16 34.0 6 14.0Typical 31 66.0 37 86.0 0.027


    Respir atory rate/min

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    Table IV: Sensitivity pattern of isolated bacteria from sputum culture to different antimicrobial agents in both groups

    Outcome was determined in terms of duration ofhospital stay, improvement and mortality. Table Vshowed the mean duration of hospital stay of twogroups of patients. It was observed that meanduration of hospital stay was higher in diabeticgroup than in non-diabetic group, which wasstatistically significant (P

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    and blood serology as a diagnostic tool could detect42% causative pathogen from CAP patients. Otherstudies could isolate organisms from 46% patientshaving CAP. They included both diabetic and non-diabetic patients in their study. Streptococcus

    pneumoniae was the most frequent causativeorganism in both DM and non DM patients

    followed by Haemophilus influenzae , Staph aureus ,and other atypical organism like Chlamydia 17,18 .Our findings differ from their study in terms ofetiological diagnosis of CAP. The etiology of CAPdepends on the geographic areas, the study

    population and the utilized microbiological labtest 17 . Some important microbiologicalcharacteristics came out when we compared twogroups of subjects.

    Klebsiella pneumoniae was the most frequentisolated organism for the diabetic patients on theother hand Streptococcus pneumoniae was thecommonest bacteria causing CAP in non-diabeticsubjects. Other bacteria found were Staphylococcusaureus , E. coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa . Morethan one organism was also isolated. Most of theGram negative bacteria were isolated from thesputum of diabetic patients.

    We found different groups of bacteria have predilection for causing CAP in two differentgroups of patients. DM has been associated withmany alteration of the immune system. There issignificant changes within humoral and cellmediated immunity, particularly related to theneutrophil function, pulmonary functionabnormality such as reduction of diffusion capacityin diabetic patients having signs ofmicroangiopathy 19 . In relation to pulmonaryinfection, the few available studies suggest thisalteration of immune system in diabetic patients butdo not prove certain association between DM andsusceptibility by uncommon microorganism 20,21 .

    Our study disclosed sensitivity pattern of isolatedstrain of bacteria from diabetic and non-diabeticCAP patients. It is alarming that resistant bacteriaare emerging from both groups of patients,specially the strain isolated from the sputum ofdiabetic patients. It was observed that isolated

    Klebsiella pneumonia strain from diabetic patientswas mostly resistant to commonly used antibioticsfor CAP. Other isolated organisms likeStaphylococcus aureus , Pseudomonas aeruginosa ,

    E.coli from diabetic patients with CAP were alsoresistant to -lactamase inhibitor, Macrolides andthird generation cephalosporin.

    Streptococcus pneumoniae mostly isolated fromnon-diabetic patients were sensitive to commonlyused antibiotics for CAP. Our study also revealed

    Carbapenems i.e. Imipenem, Meropenem as themost effective antibiotic for CAP. These antibioticsare costly and not recommended by the guideline

    published by American thoracic society andInfectious disease society of America 22,23 . Beta-lactam antibiotics and Macrolides are used as thefirst line regimen for the treatment CAP in our

    country but emerging strains are more resistant tothese conventional antibiotics. A study ofInternational Centre for Diarrhoeal DiseasesResearch, Bangladesh (ICDDR,B) foundPneumococcus serotype resistant to penicillin &macrolides posing threat to Bangladesh and someother Asian countries 24 .

    We evaluated the immediate outcome of CAP patients between diabetic and non-diabetic.Immediate outcome was assessed on the basis ofduration of hospital stay, improvement, transfer toICU or other institution, surgical intervention andother complications like empyema, abscess

    formation and mortality outcome. It was observedthat hospital duration, ICU transfer anddevelopment of complications were significantlyhigher in diabetic patients than that of non-diabetics. On the other hand improvement duringhospital discharge in non diabetic with CAP ismore in comparison with Diabetic. Pneumoniaseverity scoring was done (CURB-65) in all

    patients and significantly higher scoring was foundin diabetic patients.

    In conclusion, clinical presentation, microbialcharacteristics, antimicrobial susceptibility andimmediate outcome of CAP differed in diabetics

    and non-diabetics. Frequency of atypical presentation and CURB-65 score were significantlyhigher in diabetics. Klebsiella pneumoniae was themost frequent causative pathogen for CAP indiabetic patients, whereas Streptococcus

    pneumoniae was the most frequent causative agentfor non-diabetic patients. Bacteria isolated fromsputum sample of CAP with diabetes were resistantto almost all recommended antibiotics used forCAP but 100% isolates were sensitive toCarbapenems. Pulmonary complications wererelatively more in diabetics and they requiredreferral to intensive care unit more than that of non-diabetics. So, diabetic patients with CAP requireextra attention.


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