Sai Center of Stamford Study Circle Sunday, Nov. 1 st 2015. YOGA OF WISDOM

Sai Center of Stamford Study Circle Nov. 1 2015. · detachment or renunciation. Wisdom takes you to renunciation. A flower, after a while, turns into an unripe bitter fruit, which

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Page 1: Sai Center of Stamford Study Circle Nov. 1 2015. · detachment or renunciation. Wisdom takes you to renunciation. A flower, after a while, turns into an unripe bitter fruit, which

Sai Center of Stamford Study Circle Sunday, Nov. 1st 2015.


Page 2: Sai Center of Stamford Study Circle Nov. 1 2015. · detachment or renunciation. Wisdom takes you to renunciation. A flower, after a while, turns into an unripe bitter fruit, which

RecapSource of Love◦Yoga Of Dharma (Action)◦Svadharma◦Atma Dharma

Path of Love ◦Yoga Of DevotionGoal Of Love◦Yoga of Wisdom

Page 3: Sai Center of Stamford Study Circle Nov. 1 2015. · detachment or renunciation. Wisdom takes you to renunciation. A flower, after a while, turns into an unripe bitter fruit, which

What is Wisdom (Jnana)?

Jnana means higher knowledgeThe root word is jnameans to know

Page 4: Sai Center of Stamford Study Circle Nov. 1 2015. · detachment or renunciation. Wisdom takes you to renunciation. A flower, after a while, turns into an unripe bitter fruit, which

Why should we attain Wisdom (Jnana) ?Jnana Yogauddhared atmanatmanam natmanam avasadayetatmaiva hyaatmano bandhuratmaiva ripur atmanah

A man must elevate himself by his own mind,  not degrade himself. The mind is the friend of the conditioned soul, and his enemy as well.Bhagavad Gita

Page 5: Sai Center of Stamford Study Circle Nov. 1 2015. · detachment or renunciation. Wisdom takes you to renunciation. A flower, after a while, turns into an unripe bitter fruit, which

What Swami Says on Wisdom (Jnana) ‐ (contd.)

“End of Knowledge is Wisdom”Swami also says:The end of wisdom is freedom.The end of culture is perfection.The end of knowledge is love.

Page 6: Sai Center of Stamford Study Circle Nov. 1 2015. · detachment or renunciation. Wisdom takes you to renunciation. A flower, after a while, turns into an unripe bitter fruit, which

What Swami Says on Wisdom (Jnana) ‐ (contd.)

Bhagawan: Look! In college, you have elective subjects like M.P.C (Mathematics. Physics and Chemistry), B.P.C (Biology, Physics and Chemistry) and so on, haven't you? Similarly, to realize the divinity within you, you have to take a group of three subjects. They are bhakti (devotion), Jnana, (wisdom) and vairagya (renunciation).

Page 7: Sai Center of Stamford Study Circle Nov. 1 2015. · detachment or renunciation. Wisdom takes you to renunciation. A flower, after a while, turns into an unripe bitter fruit, which

What Swami Says on Wisdom (Jnana) ‐ (contd.)Without devotion, you can't acquire wisdom ‐ Bhakti leads to Jnanam. Without wisdom you can never develop detachment or renunciation. Wisdom takes you to renunciation. A flower, after a while, turns into an unripe bitter fruit, which ultimately becomes a sweet ripened one, doesn't it? It is a question of time that brings about the change. Devotion transforms itself into the wisdom that leads to detachment. This detachment helps you in visualizing the divinity within yourself. The fruit then drops down from the tree of life. Jnana (wisdom) contributes to sharanagati, surrender.

Page 8: Sai Center of Stamford Study Circle Nov. 1 2015. · detachment or renunciation. Wisdom takes you to renunciation. A flower, after a while, turns into an unripe bitter fruit, which

Obstacles in acquiring Jnana           

vyadhi = disease, illness, sicknessstyana = mental laziness, inefficiency, idleness, procrastination, dullnesssamshaya = indecision, doubtpramada = carelessness, negligencealasya = sloth, languor, lazinessavirati = sensuality, want of non‐attachment, non‐abstention, craving

Page 9: Sai Center of Stamford Study Circle Nov. 1 2015. · detachment or renunciation. Wisdom takes you to renunciation. A flower, after a while, turns into an unripe bitter fruit, which

Obstacles in acquiring Jnana ‐ contd.        

bhranti‐darshana = false views or perception, confusion of philosophies (bhranti = false; darshana = views, perception)alabdha‐bhumikatva = failing to attain stages of practice (alabdha = not obtaining; bhumikatva = stage, state, firm ground)anavasthitatva = instability, slipping down, inability to maintainchitta‐vikshepa = distractions of the mind (chitta = mind field; vikshepa= distractions, diversions)te = they are, these areantarayah = obstacles, impediments

Page 10: Sai Center of Stamford Study Circle Nov. 1 2015. · detachment or renunciation. Wisdom takes you to renunciation. A flower, after a while, turns into an unripe bitter fruit, which

Obstacles in obtaining Jnana  leads to …         

duhkha = pain (mental or physical)

daurmanasya = sadness, despair, dejection, frustration, depression, anguish

angam‐ejayatva = shakiness, unsteadiness, movement, tremor of the limbs or body (anga = limbs or body)

shvasa = inhalation, inspiration (implying irregular inhalation)

prashvasah = exhalation, expiration (implying irregular exhalation)

vikshepa = distractions

sahabhuva = companions, accompaniments, correlates

Page 11: Sai Center of Stamford Study Circle Nov. 1 2015. · detachment or renunciation. Wisdom takes you to renunciation. A flower, after a while, turns into an unripe bitter fruit, which

How should we acquire Wisdom (Jnana) ?

Yoga Sutra says:Practice:1. Abhyasa  ‐ not giving up2. Vairagya – non‐ attachment

Page 12: Sai Center of Stamford Study Circle Nov. 1 2015. · detachment or renunciation. Wisdom takes you to renunciation. A flower, after a while, turns into an unripe bitter fruit, which

How should we acquire Wisdom (Jnana) ?

Swami says that Work must be transformed into Worship, whereupon it would lead to Wisdom. In the language of the Gita what it means is:“Start with Karma Yoga, add Bhakti and then automatically you end up with Jnana or Wisdom and become united with God, which is what the word Yogameans – union with God.”

Page 13: Sai Center of Stamford Study Circle Nov. 1 2015. · detachment or renunciation. Wisdom takes you to renunciation. A flower, after a while, turns into an unripe bitter fruit, which

Practice of WisdomStory 1Pippalada (Great Sage) told the disciple, “The prāna (life‐principle) is the most important factor. You have to merge yourselves in the mind. Merge the mind in the Atma. Whatever you do, do it in a spirit of dedication to the Atma. You can carry on your respective avocations. When you practice it in a spirit of dedication, work will be transformed into worship. When life is led in such manner, there is no rebirth”. The dedication to the Lord should not be merely verbal but must emanate from the heart. SSS, v24, c13

Page 14: Sai Center of Stamford Study Circle Nov. 1 2015. · detachment or renunciation. Wisdom takes you to renunciation. A flower, after a while, turns into an unripe bitter fruit, which

Practice of Wisdom ( Contd…)Story ‐ 2“While Brahma was thus teaching Narada, with great joy, Narada interrogated Him, in amazement and anxious yearning, thus: ‘Lord, as directed by you, I am engaged without intermission in singing the gloryof God and enabling the world to derive bliss therefrom. But this insidious and powerful Maya (Delusion) may overpower me any moment, plunge me into wrong, and create obstacles in the path of mymission. Is there any measure by which I can escape this calamity? Kindly instruct me in that and show me this additional sign of your parental affection. 

Page 15: Sai Center of Stamford Study Circle Nov. 1 2015. · detachment or renunciation. Wisdom takes you to renunciation. A flower, after a while, turns into an unripe bitter fruit, which

Practice of Wisdom ( Contd…)

Story ‐ 2Brahma laughed at this question. He replied, ‘Son! Your words seem childish. The clouds of Delusion (Maya) cannot darken the inner consciousness of those who revel in the glory and majesty of God, those who know and make known that God is the Master of Maya, the Wielderof the Operative Forces that both delude and destroy delusion, those who are engaged in good deeds executed with faith and devotion, and those who endeavor ever to maintain Truth and Righteousness. 

Page 16: Sai Center of Stamford Study Circle Nov. 1 2015. · detachment or renunciation. Wisdom takes you to renunciation. A flower, after a while, turns into an unripe bitter fruit, which

Practice of Wisdom ( Contd…)

Story ‐ 2Therefore, move fearlessly all over the three worlds with the Veena in your hands, singing in adoration of God. Listening to therecital and elaboration of the mystery of God and the Godly,the inhabitants of the Worlds will save themselves from the cycleof  birth and death.

Page 17: Sai Center of Stamford Study Circle Nov. 1 2015. · detachment or renunciation. Wisdom takes you to renunciation. A flower, after a while, turns into an unripe bitter fruit, which

What Swami Says we should do?

Today’s students fill and express their love with weaknesses. No, no. Love must be an energy composed of purity and resolution. When we let our “energy” sap, we become victims of “allergy”. Develop this “energy”, yourmental strength. Guard your mental fortitude with care. Such are the exalted teachings of Sage Pippalada.

Page 18: Sai Center of Stamford Study Circle Nov. 1 2015. · detachment or renunciation. Wisdom takes you to renunciation. A flower, after a while, turns into an unripe bitter fruit, which

What Swami Says we should do? – contd.

Love is the fruit that grows on the tree of the divine Name. The Love Principle proclaims the oneness of name and form. Brahman (Supreme Self) is the form of Love. Brahman is suffused with love. Love matching love is the law.When one is strongly established in love, he or she qualifies for mergence with the Divine to become one with the Adore love. Live in love. There is no greater education than this. 

Page 19: Sai Center of Stamford Study Circle Nov. 1 2015. · detachment or renunciation. Wisdom takes you to renunciation. A flower, after a while, turns into an unripe bitter fruit, which

What Swami Says we should do? – contd.Traverse the path of love. Partake of the food oflove. It is not enough if you merely partake of love, you should also assimilate and digest it. Only then the essence of love will spread to every cell of your body giving you immense strength and wisdom. Today’s education is leading to agitation. True education lies in assimilating and digesting the Principle of Love. You are the embodiments of love. You are filled with love. You may not know this, but I can see love in you from top to toe. 

Page 20: Sai Center of Stamford Study Circle Nov. 1 2015. · detachment or renunciation. Wisdom takes you to renunciation. A flower, after a while, turns into an unripe bitter fruit, which

What Swami Says we should do? – contd.Today your foremost duty is to enthrone tyaga (sacrifice). Only when sacrifice reigns, love will come into its own. All your latent potentialities will then manifest themselves. You will succeed in all your legitimate undertakings. When love becomes the ruling principle, sorrow and disappointment will disappear. That was why the Vedas declared that sacrifice alone is the key to immortal bliss. “God is love. How can you hope to realize God without love?”SSIB, 1991, c6

Page 21: Sai Center of Stamford Study Circle Nov. 1 2015. · detachment or renunciation. Wisdom takes you to renunciation. A flower, after a while, turns into an unripe bitter fruit, which

Questions1. How do you practice obtaining Jnana?2. What challenges do you face practicing it? 

Page 22: Sai Center of Stamford Study Circle Nov. 1 2015. · detachment or renunciation. Wisdom takes you to renunciation. A flower, after a while, turns into an unripe bitter fruit, which

Study Circle responses:

Page 23: Sai Center of Stamford Study Circle Nov. 1 2015. · detachment or renunciation. Wisdom takes you to renunciation. A flower, after a while, turns into an unripe bitter fruit, which


Further reading:

•Articles as searched from RadioSai



• Audio links to files on RadioSai

http://www.radiosai.org/program/SearchProgramme.php ‐‐ Anecdotes to Awaken ‐Mind and Mud