1 SAHARA BIKE1 RESPONSIVE MAGENTO THEME This document is organized as follows: Chater I. Install ma_sahara_bike1 template Chapter II. Features and elements of the template Chapter III. List of extensions in this template

SAHARA BIKE1 RESPONSIVE MAGENTO THEMEsaharathemes.com/demo/docs/ma_sahara_bike1_document.pdf · SAHARA BIKE1 RESPONSIVE MAGENTO THEME This document is organized as follows: Chater

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This document is organized as follows:

Chater I. Install ma_sahara_bike1 template

Chapter II. Features and elements of the template

Chapter III. List of extensions in this template


Table of Contents

I. Install ma_sahara_bike1 template ......................................................................................................... 4

1. Install quickstart ................................................................................................................................ 4

2. Install template ............................................................................................................................... 10

II. Theme features and elements .............................................................................................................. 13

1. Home page ...................................................................................................................................... 13

1.1. Structure .................................................................................................................................. 13

1.2. Menu ....................................................................................................................................... 15

2. Products grid page and products list page ....................................................................................... 16

3. Details page ..................................................................................................................................... 19

4. Prozoom .......................................................................................................................................... 21

5. How to edit static blocks in this template ....................................................................................... 21

5.1. Header Call ( Texts : “Call + 84 888 868”) ............................................................................ 21

5.2. Ma Block Static 1 .................................................................................................................... 23

5.2.1. How to show Ma Block Static 1 block in this template ...................................................... 25

5.3. Footer Static ( Titles “about us, information, my account, newsletter”) ................................. 25

5.4. Footer Link payment ............................................................................................................... 27

5.5. Static Sub Menu Bottom ......................................................................................................... 28

5.6. Banner Left ............................................................................................................................. 30

5.7. Link-category (in demo) ......................................................................................................... 31

5.8. Change Footer Copyright (text “copyright”) .......................................................................... 32

6. How to upload rotator image .......................................................................................................... 34

III. Extensions in this template ............................................................................................................. 36

1. Custommenu ................................................................................................................................... 36

1.1. Configuration .......................................................................................................................... 36

1.2. Add CMS Block to popup of a specify category. ................................................................... 38

1.3. Add CMS Block to menu item. ............................................................................................... 39

1.4. How to identify category IDs in magento : ............................................................................. 40

1.5. Add links to menu item. .......................................................................................................... 41

1.6. How to use .............................................................................................................................. 41


2. Banner Sequence ............................................................................................................................. 44

2.1. Configuration .......................................................................................................................... 44

2.2. How to add banner .................................................................................................................. 46

3. Product Tabs ( Titles “Featured, New, Sale”)................................................................................. 49

3.1. Configuration .......................................................................................................................... 49

3.2. Featured Products Table .......................................................................................................... 51

3.3. How to show Product Tabs extension in this template ........................................................... 52

4. Mostviewed products ( Title “ Mostviewed products”) ................................................................ 53

4.1. Configuration .......................................................................................................................... 53

5. Blog ( Title “Blog”) ........................................................................................................................ 55

5.1. Configuration this extension ................................................................................................... 55

5.2. How to creat categories ........................................................................................................... 58

5.3. How to add post ...................................................................................................................... 59

5.4. How to manage posts .............................................................................................................. 61

5.5. How to manage comments ...................................................................................................... 61

6. Upsell Slider ( Title “ Upsell products” in details page) ............................................................... 63

6.1. Configuration .......................................................................................................................... 63

7. Related Slider ( Title “ Related products” in details page) ............................................................. 65

7.1. Configuration .......................................................................................................................... 65

8. Brand slider(Title “Our Brands”) ................................................................................................... 67

8.1. Configuration .......................................................................................................................... 67

8.2. How to add logo ...................................................................................................................... 68

9. Prozoom .......................................................................................................................................... 69

9.1. Configuration .......................................................................................................................... 69

10. Layered navigation ajax ( in products page) ............................................................................... 71

10.1. Configuration ...................................................................................................................... 71

11. Ajaxcart Super ............................................................................................................................ 72

11.1. Configuration ...................................................................................................................... 72

12. Theme options ............................................................................................................................. 75

12.1. Configuration ...................................................................................................................... 75


I. Install ma_sahara_bike1 template

There are two ways to install a Magento Theme:

Install quickstart: By using this package, you will set the theme exactly as

our Demo with sample data.

Install only template: If you exist a magento website you can install only


1. Install quickstart

Please following steps below:

1. Create new database and import database sample ( ma_sahara.sql or

ma_sahara.sql.gz) in database folder.

Open your Browse and type : localhost/phpmyadmin or


Then create database

Click database you have created


2. Extract and Upload the whole Quickstart package (app, js, skin … in

ma_sahara_bike12_quickstart folder ) to your server.

ma_sahara_bike12_quickstart.zip is in ma_sahara_package

Extract ma_sahara_bike12_quickstart, we got:


Copy all of folder above to your Magento .

3. Open browser and navigate to your site (where the quickstart uploaded) to

load default Magento installer with the database you just created and

import database sample.

As an example, name of magento is ma_sahara.


Click button “Continue”.

4. Step by step to follow the instructions.

Click “Continue”. We got:


With database name : ma_sahara – database name you have just created

User name : root

User password : No need to fill in.

Click “Continue” button.


- Fill

Personal information : First Name, Las Name, Email

Login Information: Username, Password, Confirm Password

- Click “Continue” button

5. Finish installer.

6. You can “Go to frontend” to go to Home page.

(Important note ( at step 3 of installation - Configuration page) )

7. Disable cache

Login your magento admin


Clear all cache ( System > Cache management > Disabled all

cache )

After cache is disabled cache management screen might look like this:

8. Reindex data

Go to System > Index Management. To rebuild your indexes,

select all, select Reindex Data and click Submit button.

2. Install template

1. Please unzip package ma_sahara_bike1_template_1.0.zip and upload

the folders ( app, skin, js, media ...) from the theme package to the root

directory ( www, public_html) of your magento software using an FTP


ma_sahara_bike1_ template_1.0.zip in ma_sahara _package

Unzip ma_sahara_bike1_template_1.0.zip, we got:


Copy all app, js, media, skin above to your Magento.

2. Please go to Magento Admin > Magentothem > Install template

3. If your magento has many store views :

Choose All Store View -> then click submit button


If don’t have many store views, choose Submit button :

4. Clear all cache ( System > Cache management > Disabled all cache )

After cache is disabled cache management screen might look like this:


II. Theme features and elements

In this chapter you can find description and configuration details of

selected elements of this theme, such as home page, built-in static blocks,

CSS classes etc.

1. Home page

1.1. Structure

<image is next page>

- Blue text : name of static block

- Red text : name of extension



After the theme is installed, you can import sample versions of the

home page.

To manage pages in Magento, go to CMS > Pages section. By

default in Magento a page with URL Key home is displayed as the

store’s home page. One of a few sample home pages which you

can import, has the following URL key: sahara_bike1-home-page.

So to display that page as a home page in your store, you need to

change its URL key to simple home.


If the page with that URL key already exists(which is true in

most of Magento installations) you will need to delete existing

page or change its url key.

Alternatively you can indicate which CMS page you want to use

as your home page. To do that, go to System > Configuration >

General > Web > Default Pages tab and select the desired page in

the CMS Home Page field.

1.2. Menu


1.2.1. Home page layout

For every CMS page in Magento you can select page layout - the

number of columns: one, two, or three columns. To change the layout of the

home page, go to CMS > Pages, select the page, select one of the options in

the Layout field and click Save Page button

1.2.2. Home page content

To edit the content of the home page, go to CMS > Pages and open

the active home page. Content can be found in the main field of the

Content tab:


Always turn off WYSIWYG editor when you want to edit HTML or

Magento's CMS tags in the page/block content. Otherwise WYSIWYG

editor will break the content. Refer to 4.8.1 WYSIWYG editor for more


2. Products grid page and products list page

<image is next page>




3. Details page

<image is next page>



4. Prozoom

5. How to edit static blocks in this template

Names of blocks and extensions in home image, grid, list, detail.

5.1. Header Call ( Texts : “Call + 84 888 868”)

If you want to change content in this block, please do these steps below :

Login your Magento Admin area

Navigate to CMS > Static Blocks

You will see :


At “Title” column, choose “Header Call”

Click “Show/Hide Editor” to show code HTML of this block

You can change content by editing code HTML

Click “ Save Block” when you finish.


5.2. Ma Block Static 1

If you want to change content in this block, please do these steps below :

Login your Magento Admin area

Navigate to CMS > Static Blocks

You will see :

At “Title” column, choose “Ma Block Static 1”


Click “Show/Hide Editor” to show code HTML of this block

You can change content by editing code HTML

Click “ Save Block” when you finish.

You should cut 2 images (left+right) with size 270 x 172px, center image

with size 570 x 172px.


5.2.1. How to show Ma Block Static 1 block in this template

Login your magento admin

Navigate CMS > Pages

At Title, Choose your Home page

Choose tab Content :

Click “ Show/Hide Editor”:

This code {{block type="page/html" name="home.banner.static"


- Shows Ma Block Static 1 block in this template.

5.3. Footer Static ( Titles “about us, information, my account, newsletter”)

If you want to change content in this block, please do these steps below :


Login your Magento Admin area

Navigate to CMS > Static Blocks

You will see :

At “Title” column, choose “Footer Static”


Click “Show/Hide Editor” to show code HTML of this block

You can change content by editing code HTML

Click “ Save Block” when you finish.

5.4. Footer Link payment

If you want to change content in this block, please do these steps below :

Login your Magento Admin area

Navigate to CMS > Static Blocks

You will see :

At “Title” column, choose “Footer Link payment”


Click “Show/Hide Editor” to show code HTML of this block

You can change content by editing code HTML

Click “ Save Block” when you finish.

5.5. Static Sub Menu Bottom

If you want to change content in this block, please do these steps below :

Login your Magento Admin area


Navigate to CMS > Static Blocks

You will see :

At “Title” column, choose “Static Sub Menu Bottom”

Click “Show/Hide Editor” to show code HTML of this block

You can change content by editing code HTML

Click “ Save Block” when you finish.


5.6. Banner Left

If you want to change content in this block, please do these steps below :

Login your Magento Admin area

Navigate to CMS > Static Blocks

You will see :

At “Title” column, choose “Banner Left”


Click “Show/Hide Editor” to show code HTML of this block

You can change content by editing code HTML

Click “ Save Block” when you finish.

5.7. Link-category (in demo)

This part shows links of category of your template.


How to show links of categories in this template :

Access file : app\design\frontend\default\ma_sahara_bike1(your


<div class="link-category">


<?php $helper = $this->helper('catalog/category')


<?php foreach ($helper->getStoreCategories() as

$_category): ?>

<li><a href="<?php echo

Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->setData($_category->getData())->getUrl(); ?>"

title="<?php echo $_category->getName() ?>"><?php echo $_category->getName()


<?php endforeach ?>



- This code show links of categories in this template.

5.8. Change Footer Copyright (text “copyright”)

If you can change in Footer Copyright, please do these steps below :

Login your Magento Admin

Navigate to System > Configuration


Choose tab “Design” and then click tab “Footer” :

You can edit HTML in this place.


Click Save Config when you finish.

6. How to upload rotator image

Example, first image :

When hover, we see back of image ( rotator image) :

How to upload rotator image :

Login your magento admin

Navigate to Catalog > Manage Products

Choose one products you want to have rotator image, example, here choose

Nunc facilisis :

At Product Information, choose tab Images


Choose Browse Files to choose images. Then click Upload Files to upload

images. Then tick at Rotator Image column if you want to choose that

image as rotator image :

Click Save button to save your configuration.


III. Extensions in this template

1. Custommenu

1.1. Configuration

Log in to the admin panel, and we will show you how to configure the

extension step by step.

To enable the extension, go to System -> Configuration ->

Custom Menu -> General on your Dashboard.

Also in General tab you can configure next three fields.


After that you can customize number of columns.

Config how to show popup


1.2. Add CMS Block to popup of a specify category.

In order to display a custom block with images or other html content

in the popup, use the Static Block (CMS->Static Blocks section)

with the ID like "pt_menu_idcat_10", where "10" is the Category ID

of this category.

Default the custom block will be show at the bottom of the popup. But

if you want to show it on the right of the popup, just use the ID like



1.3. Add CMS Block to menu item.

Just use the static block with the ID has prefix is "pt_item_menu".

Ex: pt_item_menu_first, pt_item_menu_second…


1.4. How to identify category IDs in magento :

Login your magento admin

Navigate to Catalog > Manage Categories


1.5. Add links to menu item.

In order to add links to menu item we use only static block with the

ID is “pt_menu_links”.

The content of this static block like this:


<li><a href="{{store direct_url="about-magento-demo-

store"}}">About Us</a></li>

<li><a href="{{store direct_url="contacts"}}">Contact



1.6. How to use

Go to frontend and just hover mouse on the menu items to see how it


Below are some demo images




2. Banner Sequence

You should cut background image with size 1920 x 457.

2.1. Configuration

Login your Magento Admin area

Navigate to Magentothem > Banner Sequence> Configuration


We got :

Below is parameters explanation:

Enabled : Enable module or not

Auto slide : Defines whether slideshow autoplay or not

Delay : Timeout betweet transition of 2 slides when enable auto slide

Pause on hover : Defines whether slidw will be paused or not when you

hover image if enable auto slide

Show Next/Back control : Defines whether show next/back button or not

Show navigation control: Defines whether show navigation control or not


2.2. How to add banner

Login your magento admin

Navigate to Magentothem > Banner Sequence > Manage Banner


Store View : Store view which banner will be displayed. Default is “All

Store View”

Title : Title of banner

Animation: Animation between title and image

Title2 : Title of banner

Link : Link of banner

Background Image : Click Browse to choose image you want to set as

background image

Image : Image of banner. Click Browse to choose image you want

Description: Description of banner


Kinds of effect : Effects of image. You can choose one from 4 effects

Status : Enable or disable this banner

Order : Order of this banner.

Example :

With this item :

You got:


3. Product Tabs ( Titles “Featured, New, Sale”)

3.1. Configuration

Login Magento Admin Area

Navigate Magentothem > Product Tabs > Configuration > Click

Product Tabs Config, Featured Product Setting, Product Show.


Below is paramenters explanation:

Enabled: Include yes/no module parameter

Auto slide : Defines whether slide auto play or not

Title : Title of module

Slide Speed : Duration(in milliseconds) of slide transition animation.

Defines how fast the current slide is replaced with the next slide.

Min Item Slider : Min number of items in slider

Max Item Slider : Max number of items in slider

Show navigation control : Defines whether show navigation control or


Width of item : Width of item.

Width of Thumbnail: Width of thumbnail image will be displayed.

Height of Thumbnail: Height of thumbnail image will be displayed.


Enable Featured Products : Defines whether enable featured products table

or not.

Title : Title of table.

Show Type Product : Choose types of products in each tab.

- Bestseller : Show best selling products

- Featured Products : Show featured products

- New Products : Show new products

- Random Products : Show random products

- Sale products : Show discount products

Number Product Show : Number of products will be shown in each tab

Show Action Product : Choose actions of product such as : add to cart,

add to wishlist, add to compare or display all or none.

3.2. Featured Products Table

Login your magento admin

Navigate to Product Tabs > Featured Products


If you want to set product as featured, tick at that product.

Click Save Featured Products to save your config.

3.3. How to show Product Tabs extension in this template

Login your magento admin

Navigate CMS > Pages

At Title, Choose your Home page

Choose tab Content :


Click “ Show/Hide Editor”:

This code : {{block type="producttabs/producttabs" name="producttabs"

template="magentothem/producttabs/producttabs.phtml" }}

Show Product Tabs extension in this template.

4. Mostviewed products ( Title “ Mostviewed products”)

This module shows most viewed products.

4.1. Configuration

Login Magento Admin area

Navigate to Magentothem > Mostviewed Products > Configuration


Below is paramenters explanation :

Enabled : Include Yes/No paramenters

Title : Title of module.

Show Add To Cart : Defines whether the Add to Cart is displayed or not

Show Review Rating : Defines whether the Review Rating is displayed or


Show Add To Wishlist : Defines whether the Add to Wishlist is displayed or


Show Add To Compare : Defines whether the Add to Compare is displayed

or not

Show Short Description : Defines whether the short description is displayed

or not

Show Description Max Length : Max length of short description is


Qty Of Products : Product quantity will be displayed on product scroller

Products per row : Number of products per row.

Width Of Thumbnail : Width of thumbnail image will be displayed.

Height Of Thumbnail : Width of thumbnail image will be displayed


5. Blog ( Title “Blog”)

5.1. Configuration this extension

Login your Magento Admin

Navigate to Magentothem > Blog > Configuration



Some explanations :

At Blog Setting :

Enable : Defines whether enable module or not

Route to Blog :

Example URL :

“blog” is Route to Blog.

Blog Title : Title of blog

Page layout : Choose layout for blog page.

Date Format : Format of date

Summary Character Count : Number of characters in a post to be displayed

before it is truncated and the Read More link is added. 0 for unlimited.

Use Short Content Field : If enabled, additional "Short Content Field" is

taken instead of truncated main post.

At Slide Setting :

Example :

Enable Slide : Defines whether enable slide or not

Width one column (PX) : The width slide

Number of columns : Number of columns will be shown in slide

Number of rows : Number of rows will be shown in slide

Speed of slide : The speed of slide

Auto Slide : Defines whether slide will be auto played or not

Max Slide Show : Maximum number of slideshow will be shown

Include Jquery : Defines whether include jquery or not

At Menus and Links :

Enable Left Menu : Show posts in left sidebar

Enable Right Menu : Show posts in right sidebar


Recent Posts : The number of recent post to be displayed in the menu. 0 to


5.2. How to creat categories

Login your magento admin

Navigate to Magentothem > Blog > Categories

Click Add New

- Title : Title of category

- Identifier : ID of category

- Sort Order

- Store View : Choose store view you want to show categories

- Keywords

- Description : Description of category


Click Save Category to save your config.

5.3. How to add post

Login your magento admin

Navigate to Magentothem > Blog > Add Post



- Title : Title of post

- Identifier : Id of post

- Store view : Choose store view for this post

- Category : Choose category for this post. Default category is News

- Status : Hidden pages won't be shown in blog but still can be accessed directly

- Enable Comments : Disabling will close the post to new comments

- Tag : Type tag

- Short Content : Click Show/Hide Editor to type short content

- Content : Click Show/Hide Editor to type content

5.4. How to manage posts

Login your magento admin

Navigate to Magentothem > Blog > Posts

Choose post you want to edit

Edit or dublicate, delete post.

Click Save Post to save your changes.

5.5. How to manage comments

Login your magento admin

Navigate to Magentothem > Blog > Comments


- User : User name

- Email Address

- Status : Choose Approved to show comment, choose Unapproved to don’t

show comment.

- Comment : Content of comment

Click Save Comment to save your change

Or Delete Comment if you want to delete it.


6. Upsell Slider ( Title “ Upsell products” in details page)

6.1. Configuration

Login Magento Admin area

Navigate to Magentothem > UpsellSlider > Configuration and

configure default criteria as per screenshort below:

Below is paramenters explanation:


Enabled: Include yes/no module paramenters

Auto slide: Enable auto scroller product

Title : Title of module

Slideshow Speed:Duration(in milliseconds) of slide transition

animation. Defines how fast the current slide is replaced with

the next slide.

Animation Speed: The speed of animations, in milliseconds

Show Price: Defines whether price of product is displayed or not

Show Review Rating: Defines whether the review rating is

displayed or not

Qty of Products: Product quantity will be accepted in this module.

Number Product Show: Number product will be displayed in a


Width of Thumbnail:The width of thumbnail image will be


Height of Thumbnail: The height of thumbnail image will be


Show Next/Back control: Defines whether the next/back control is

displayed or not

Show navigation control: Defines whether the navigation control

button is displayed or not


7. Related Slider ( Title “ Related products” in details page)

7.1. Configuration

Login Magento Admin area

Navigate to Magentothem > Related Slider > Configuration and

configure default criteria as per screenshort below:


Below is paramenters explanation:

Enabled: Include yes/no module paramenters

Auto slide: Defines whether images autoplay or not

Slideshow Speed:Duration (in milliseconds) of slide transition

animation. Defines how fast the current slide is replaced with

the next slide.

Animation Speed: The speed of animations, in milliseconds

Show Price: Defines whether price of product is displayed or not

Show Wishlist: Defines whether the wishlist is displayed or not

Number Product Show: Number product will be display in a row

Width of item: The width of the item.

Width of Thumbnail: Width of thumbnail image will be displayed.

Height of Thumbnail: Height of thumbnail image will be displayed

Show Next/Back control: Defines whether next/back control is

displayed or not

Show navigation control: Defines whether navigation button is

displayed or not


8. Brand slider(Title “Our Brands”)

8.1. Configuration

Login Magento Admin area

Navigate to Magentothem > Brandslider > Configuration and

configure default criteria as per screenshort below:

Below is paramenters explanation:

Enabled : Include yes/no module paramenters

Auto slide: Defines whether images autoplay or not

Slideshows Speed:Duration (in milliseconds) of slide transition

animation. Defines how fast the current slide is replaced with

the next slide.

Animation Speed: The speed of animations, in milliseconds

Show Short Description: Defines whether display short description or


Qty of items: Number item display

Number Items Show: Number of product is displayed.

Width of Item: The width of items


Show Next/Back control: Defines whether display next/back button or


Show navigation control: Defines whether display navigation or not

8.2. How to add logo

Navigate to Magento > Brandslider > Manage Items. Then :

Click Add Item:

Below is explanation:

Title: Title of item

Link: URL

Image: Image of item

Status : Define whether display images or not

Decription: Description about item

Upload images of item : Click “Browse” button, you can

choose image from your computer

You can repeat Add Items above to configure new attribute for other



When finished, click Save Item button to save your brand slider.

Log out Magento Admin, then Reindex data

9. Prozoom

9.1. Configuration

Login Magento Admin area

Navigate to Magentothem > Prozoom > Configuration and

configure default criteria as per screenshort below:


Below is paramenters explanation:

Enabled Module: Include yes/no module paramenters

Width of Zoom Panel: The width of zoom panel

Height of Zoom Panel: The height of zoom panel

Border Width of Zoom Panel: The border width of zoom panel

Border Color of Zoom Panel: The border color of zoom panel

Width of Lightbox Image: The width of lightbox image

Height of Lightbox Image: The height of lightbox image

Enabled Thumbnail Scroller: Defines whether thumbnail scroller is

displayed or not

Auto Thumbnail Scroller: Defines whether thumbnail scroller is

autoplayed or not

Scroll Style:

Number Thumbnail Display: Number thumbnail is displayed

Width of Thumbnail: The width of thumbnail

Height of Thumbnail: The height of thumbnail


10. Layered navigation ajax ( in products page)

10.1. Configuration

Login your Magento Admin area

Navigate to Magentothem > Layered navigation ajax>


Click General Configuration

And configure default criteria as per screenshort below:

Below is paramenters explanation:

Enabled Module : Include yes/no module paramenters.

Enable Toolbar Ajax : Defines whether enabled Toolbar ajax or not.

Enable Slider : Defines whether show price slider

Enable Tag Product Ajax : Defines whether Product tag uses ajax or


Loading Image : Image when loading ajax. Click Browse to image

you want to insert.


Transparent Image : Background image when loading ajax. Click

Browse to image you want to add.

Background Opacity : Opacity of background image.

11. Ajaxcart Super

11.1. Configuration

Login your Magento Admin area

Navigate to Magentothem > Ajaxcart Super> Configuration

Click General Configuration

And configure default criteria as per screenshort below:

Below is paramenters explanation:

Enabled Module : Include yes/no module paramenters.

Show or hide Effect to cart : Defines whether show effect to cart or


Example :


Using SSL : Enable if you use https.


Show or hide confirm box : Defines whether show confirm box or not.

Example : This is confirm box

Loading Background Color : Color of loading background .

- You can type color code at input box

- or choose color from pallete

Loading Image : Image when loading ajax cart. Click Browse to

choose image you want

Background Opacity : Opacity of background.


12. Theme options

12.1. Configuration

Login your Magento Admin area

Navigate to Magentothem > Theme Options> Configuration

Click Theme Options Config

New label : Defines whether show label New or not

Sale label : Defines whether show label Sale or not

Click Save Config when you finish config.