SAGE Spring 2018 Booklet Co.pdf 1 1/31/2018 12:07:48 PM What is SAGE? Seniors Achieving Greater Education (SAGE) welcomes intellectually curious adults, age 50 and older, who have

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Page 1: SAGE Spring 2018 Booklet Co.pdf 1 1/31/2018 12:07:48 PM What is SAGE? Seniors Achieving Greater Education (SAGE) welcomes intellectually curious adults, age 50 and older, who have

SAGE Spring 2018 Booklet Co.pdf 1 1/31/2018 12:07:48 PM

Page 2: SAGE Spring 2018 Booklet Co.pdf 1 1/31/2018 12:07:48 PM What is SAGE? Seniors Achieving Greater Education (SAGE) welcomes intellectually curious adults, age 50 and older, who have


What is SAGE?Seniors Achieving Greater Education (SAGE) welcomes intellectually curious adults, age 50 and older, who have a desire to learn in the company of others with both shared and differ-ent perspectives. SAGE brings members together in a relaxed atmosphere to discover new things about the world and themselves. There are no admission requirements, no exams and no grades – learning is its own reward.

Members pay a membership fee of $42 annually (September 1- August 31) or $22 per fall/spring session. Financial assistance is available. As a member you are encouraged to enroll in as many classes as you want. Some classes have an addi-tional fee, usually for course materials.

SAGE members have free access to most events sponsored by the UMPI Student Affairs Office,

such as athletic events. Your name tag serves as a ticket.

The SAGE program has two sessions per year, one in the fall, beginning usually in Septem-ber; the other in the spring, usually beginning in March. Typical courses are four weeks long, meeting two hours once a week. Many one-day, two-hour classes on special topics are also offered. All classes are planned and led by volunteers, either SAGE members or guests from the area. Course formats range from lectures to discussions and hands-on learning. Course topics may include arts, science, current events, book discussions, practical skills and more. Special excursions and events are also offered.

SAGE hopes you will join the program and share in this life-long learning adventure!

Join us and celebratelearning for life!

Your parking decal is FREE with your SAGE membership. Bring car registration

information to Kick-off.

Visit the SAGE website: www.umpi.edu/sage

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SCP 20201Memory Art:Create a Keepsake Box Mondays, April 9, 16, 23, 309:30 – 11:30 am • Class limit 10

In this class, small sentimental heirlooms come out of the attic! You will create a keepsake box with memorabilia from a beloved ancestor, best friend, or cherished family member. Or you might customize a box to reflect your own per-sonal story. Life happens one memory at a time – and keepsake boxes help safeguard your me-mentos. Bring to the first class whatever items of symbolic significance you wish to include in your box, as well as appropriate adhesives. Additional items may be made in class. A wide variety of wooden boxes will be available for purchase from the instructor, priced from $4 to $10 (or bring your own box). ● Instructor Pam Crawford

SCP 20202Games, Games, and More Games! Mondays, year around12:00 – 3:00 pm

Don’t forget – there are games in the Senior Room at the Presque Isle Sargent Family Recre-ation Center on Chapman Street every Monday beginning at noon. Mexican Train, Skip Bo, Hand and Foot are just a few that we pick from each week. Bring a game you would like to play. We love learning new games. Hope to see you there on any Monday. ● Facilitator Penny Kern

SCP 20203Exploring the Geological Wonders of Our Western National ParksMondays, April 23, 30, and May 7, 14, 211:00 – 5:00 pm

A Great Courses series of lectures on DVDs facilitated by Gina Clark. This program is a collaboration between Great Courses and National Geographic promoting the Wonders of the National Parks, a fascinating introduction to the geological forces that forged North America’s national parks. The 36 half-hour lectures take you to more than 100 spectacular sites guided by geologist and former college professor Ford Cochran. ● Facilitator Gina Clark

SCP 20204Let’s Fix It: Grammar RepairTuesdays, April 10, 17, 24 and May 19:30 – 11:00 am

Using actual (and sometimes hilarious) examples of poorly chosen wording, syntax and punctu-ation, students will discuss why the examples create unfortunate misunderstandings. They will learn ways to correct them, and practice

Unless noted, all classes will be held in the Campus Center (CC).All classes are held in handicapped accessible classrooms/spaces.

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grammatically clarifying their own writing and speaking. I believe that accurate use of grammar and punctuation is vital for clear self-expres-sion. I particularly hope to help students tweak their writing and speaking skills by learning to recognize and avoid potentially embarrassing public grammar errors (For Sale: Piano by lady with carved legs) or expensive ones involving purchased signs or published materials (Smile: Your on our surveillence camera.) ● Instructor Remillie Norsworthy

SCP 20205Life on the Ohio andMaine FrontiersTuesdays, May 15, 22, 29, and June 5, 129:30 – 11:30 am • Class limit 15

This course examines frontier life in Ohio in the late 18th century to the 1900s through the Conrad Richter’s trilogy, The Trees, The Fields, and The Towns. It will compare this to life on the Maine Frontier in Aroostook County. Documents from the Maine State Archives that deal with the settlement of Easton will be shared with the class. The books may be acquired in a variety of ways. They are available in print from Amazon or as a Kindle/Nook edition, or on Interlibrary Loan from one of the two libraries in town - UMPI or the Mark & Emily Turner public library. For help finding them call Nancy Roe, 768-7271. ● Instructor Kim Sebold

SCP 20206Television: The Exciting Early YearsTuesdays, March 27, April 3, 10, 17, 24, May 11:00 – 3:00 pmRevisit those wonderful shows from television’s early years. Each class will feature episodes of classics like the Honeymooners, Ozzie and Har-riet, Topper, I’ve Got a Secret, Dragnet, I Married Joan, Father Knows Best, You Bet Your Life, Sky King, and many more. Join in the fun and relive the excitement of TV’s golden age. ● Instructor Gary Smith

SCP 20207Introduction toConversational FrenchWednesdays, April 11, 18, 25 and May 29:30 – 11:30 am

Geared to beginners, course focus will be on learning the pronunciation differences between English and French vowel sounds, working with certain common memorizable phrases within topic categories (greetings, time, date, num-bers, weather, restaurants and stores ... ), then starting to converse using classroom partners, while building a working vocabulary over the four weeks. Students should obtain a copy of the paperback Just Enough French: How to Get By and Be Easily Understood. (D.L. Ellis and F. Clark, Phrasebook Series) Amazon currently lists this book in 2005 edition, new, between $1.43 and $7.60. A French–English dictionary might also be helpful; bringing an internet-capable device would allow student to sign on to practice websites while still in class. ● Instructor Remi-llie Norsworthy

SCP 20208Senior Water FitnessMondays and Wednesdays, April 9 – May 211:00 – 11:50 am • Class limit 20 • Fee $10UMPI Gentile Hall pool

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This low impact, shallow-water fitness class pro-motes joint range of motion, flexibility, balance and agility while building cardiovascular fitness and muscle strength. It is especially suited to those with chronic conditions, including arthri-tis. All participants are encouraged to perform exercises to their tolerance. The ability to swim is not required as the class is done in the shallow end of the pool which is three and half feet deep. Participants should be ready to get in the water at 11:00 AM. ● Instructor Joyce Price

SCP 20209Learning to Read Music

Wednesdays, April 18, 25 and May 2, 91:00 – 3:00 pmUMPI Library Conference Room(first class)

Learn to read music in the bass and the treble clef. We will explore how reading music relates to playing different instruments. The class will learn to play a few simple tunes on the piano. ● Instructor Barbara Merryman

SCP 20210Knit 1, Purl 1: Beginning KnittingThursdays, April 5, 12, 19, 269:30 – 11:30 am

For those who have never knit a stitch to those who want to be reminded of how it works. Come learn the continental method (“picking”) or brush up on the English method (“throwing”). We should be able to complete a small project by the end of the class. ● Instructor Nancy Beloungie

SCP 20211Let’s Go to the MoviesThursdays, March 29, April 5, 12, 19, 26and Friday, May 41:00 – 3:00 pm

Enjoy the best of motion pictures, from classics of the ‘30s and ‘40s, to modern gems. A variety of highly acclaimed movies, with an emphasis on comedy, will include facts, anecdotes, and group discussions. Expect a fun time for all! ● Instructor Gary Smith

SCP 20212Let’s Play Chess: BeginnerThursdays, April 5, 12, 19, 269:30 – 11:30 am

You will learn to play chess well enough to teach your grandchildren, giving them a new game to enjoy and a head start on critical thinking skills. No grandchildren? Learn for yourself! Recent studies indicate that chess players are 16% less likely than non-players to develop Alzheimer’s disease. ● Instructor Lance Beloungie

SCP 20213Let’s Play Chess: AdvancedThursdays, April 5, 12, 19, 262:00 – 4:00 pm

In this course you’ll learn to beat your comput-er and the meaning of the phrases “to take is a mistake” and “offense is the best defense.” You’ll also learn to spot tactical situations and to recog-nize when giving up material will secure a win. And, you’ll learn how to finish a game when you’re ahead! ● Instructor Lance Beloungie

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SCP 20214Trash to Fashion Show:Create Your EntryFridays, March 30 and April 6, 13, 209:30 – 11:30 am • Fee $5

SAGE will participate in UMPI’s Trash to Fash-ion Show, in celebration of Earth Day. This class provides an opportunity for you to independent-ly design and create your entry, with the support and encouragement of your classmates. We will also share recycled supplies, as needed, so start collecting now, please. SAGE member entries may be clothes or accessories (hats, purses, ties, shoes, etc.). There is a $5.00 entry fee for the show; materials for your entry either are recy-cled or at your own cost. You will participate in the dress rehearsal on April 19 at 6:00 PM and then in the show on April 20 at 6:00 PM at the Multi-Purpose Room in the Campus Center. ● Instructor Pam Crawford

SCP 20215Meet Your AncestorsFridays, April 6, 13, 20, 2710:30 am – 12:30 pm • Class limit 18UMPI Computer Lab to be assigned

Meet your ancestors, discover who they were, where they lived and what they did. Many records are now available online; obituaries are particularly valuable as they reflect every day activities. If your ancestors were in the Military, his/her Military Personnel Files are very detailed. They include medal-winning actions, wounds received during the war and pension applications from dependent family members. Many cities in America and Europe published guide books every year which include residences and places of work for adults living in the city. ● Instructors Richard Kimball and Frances Heales

SCP 20216Simple Home RepairsFridays, April 6, 13, 20, 271:00 – 3:00 pm

In this class you will learn to tackle minor faucet and toilet repair, and to identify other plumbing and heating problems as they arise and before they get worse. We’re adding a couple of classes on simple electrical repairs. This could save you the cost of unnecessary service calls. We will also have hands-on experiences, as well as a field trip to a local hardware store to view various

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aspects of plumbing and heating parts and avail-able supplies. ● Instructors Robert Gagnon and Peter LaJoie

ONE DAY CLASSESSCP 20217How Color Affects Us:What Science RevealsWednesday, April 41:00 – 4:00 pm

A Great Courses series of lectures on DVD fa-cilitated by Gina Clark. There is more to colors than just aesthetics. There’s an actual science behind how colors work on your eyes and your brain. The secrets that scientists are uncovering offer revelations on how colors influence the way you think, feel, and behave – often without your conscious awareness. Knowing how colors affect us informs how we tap into their power to create environments and achieve a breathtaking range of visual goals. These six lectures are by Professor William Lidwell of The University of Houston. ● Facilitator Gina Clark

SCP 20218Strategies for Reading Groups Monday, April 91:30 – 3:30 pm • Class limit 15

For anyone wishing to establish a reading group in your community or in a designated interest area, this mini-course may be helpful. Par-ticipants will examine strategies for setting up a reading cluster and maintaining the energy required to sustain engagement. The instructor will also provide booklists that can be used as foundational material for one or several different groups. ● Instructor Ginny White

SCP 20219Fashion Modeling 101Tuesday, April 246:00 – 8:00 pm • Class minimum 10UMPI Auditorium in Wieden Hall

Build confidence and improve posture. Learn how to better pose for photos and walk across a stage or crowded room – and just have fun being a model for a day! Class meant for men and women of all ages, sizes and shapes. Ladies, please wear low heels; men, dress shoes. Be pre-pared to do lots of walking and turning● Instructor Kim Smith

SCP 20220How to Protect Your PersonalInformation from Identity Thieves Wednesday, April 251:00 – 3:00 pm

Identity theft and identity fraud are terms used to refer to all types of crimes in which someone wrongfully obtains and uses another person’s personal data in some way that involves fraud or deception, typically for economic gain. This interactive presentation from some of NorState’s financial fraud experts will give insight on how to better protect your personal information, how to identify fraud, how to report it and what to do if you become a victim. Join us for two hours of information that just might save your way of life. ● Instructors NorState FCU employees

SCP 20221Health, Life, and Long-Term Care Insurance 101Thursday, May 31:00 – 3:00 pm

How does Medicare Supplement differ from Medicare Advantage? How can I compare

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my options? Do I need life or long-term care insurance? What are the important points to consider? And what about annuities – should I consider investing in one? And how can I find a reliable financial planner to help me better un-derstand my many choices? The mission of the Maine Bureau of Insurance, a State agency, is to regulate the insurance industry and protect and serve the public. Come prepared to learn the basics about some important optional insurance products regulated by the Bureau. ● Instructors Violet Hyatt and Lindsay Laxon

SCP 20222Paper Making: A Bit of Historyand a Bit of FunThursday, May 36:00 – 8:00 pm • Class limit 12 • Fee $10

Participants will learn about the origin of paper, how it was originally made, what was used to create written records prior to the invention of paper, and will actually make a sheet of paper during class to keep. ● Instructor Kim Smith

SCP 20223Using your iPhone or iPadWednesday, May 161:00 – 3:00 pm

An overview of the iOS operating system including iMessaging/Facetime/iCloud/Family Sharing/Siri. The discussion will also cover such topics as camera and photos, email and web browsing. Please bring your own devices and ensure that they are fully charged for hands-on learning. ● Instructors Jody Doughty and Christopher Walls

SCP 20224Adaptation of Plants, Lichens and Animals to Northern MaineThursday, May 1712:00 – 2:30 pmUMPI Folsom 201

“Genetic Adaptation of Plants, Lichens and Animals to Northern Maine Biology Research Projects.” Scientific research projects at UMPI will be described including research on lichens on rock glaciers in Deboullie Public Reserved Land, freshwater snails of the Fish River Lakes, birds of the northern forests, and the herbaceous plant Arabidopsis thaliana. We will discuss the use of genetics in ecology research and how it can be applied to investigate how organisms are adapted to northern Maine. DNA analysis techniques will be demonstrated. ● Instructor Judith Roe

SCP 20225AARP Smart Driver CourseThursday, May 249:00 am – 2:00 pm

Fee $15 for AARP MEMBERS (Bring your AARP membership number with you) $20 for non-members (Bring check, made out to AARP Smart Driver, to the class.)

The AARP Smart Driver Course teaches

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valuable defensive driving skills and provides a refresher of the rules of the road. You will learn proven safety strategies to help keep you safe while on the road. Plus, you may qualify for an automobile insurance discount by complet-ing the course. Please bring a lunch and arrive before 9:00 AM so paperwork can be completed. Checks are payable at the class and made out to AARP Smart Driver. You must have your AARP member number (shown on your AARP card) with you to take advantage of the reduced fee.● Instructors Mary Ayers and Penny Kern

LEARNING EXCURSIONSSCPE 20226Tour a Goat Farmand Make Goat’s Milk SoapSaturday, June 161:00 – 3:00 pm • Depart UMPI 12:00 pm; return 4:00 pm • Trip maximum 10 • Fee $12

Visit a goat farm. If you are lucky, there will be darling baby goats! We will learn to milk the goats and will make a batch of goat’s milk soap. Everyone will be able to make their own scent; participants are encouraged to bring essential oils, herbs, dried flowers, etc, if they choose!

A few different snacks will be provided. Just good fun! Cost is $12 to cover supplies and a van to the yellow house with a big red barn on the Margison Road in Woodland, Maine.

SCPE 20227For Love of Garlicat Wind Angel FarmWednesday, June 20, or when the scapes are ripe • Depart UMPI 8:00 am; return 5:00 pm Trip minimum 12 • Fee $40

Our excursion will begin with a morning visit to the picturesque hilltop Wind Angel Garlic Farm in Oakfield. Upon arrival, our host and 4-year garlic grower, Gina Clark, will offer a workshop on “What are scapes and how useful are they?” An organic farm-to-table luncheon will be served using many different varieties of scapes and garlic as the key ingredient. If you have a dietary request, please let us know at sign-up time. After a delicious dessert, we shall venture off to Twin Brook Farm. Here we will be greeted by our host and 10-year garlic grower Chris Beyer. You will be invited to help with the harvest. You may keep some of the bounty!

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SCPE 20228McAdam Railway Station, McAdam, New BrunswickThursday, August 30Depart umpi 8:00 am (us); arrive 11:00 am (can) • Leave McAdam 3:00 pm (can); arrive umpi 4:00 pm (us)Trip maximum 30Fee $50 admission, lunch, transportation


Built in 1900, the McAdam Railway Station is a National and Provincial Historic site and a designated Heritage Railway Station. Located on the New Brunswick-Maine border the former Canadian Pacific Railway Station was part of the main CPR line into Atlantic Canada. The Station is operated and managed by the McAdam Historical Restoration Commission. It is an active museum offering tours, catered meals, conference facilities and much more. The Station is also a Visitor Information Center, located only a few kilometers from the Maine-New Brunswick border crossing at Vanceboro.We will have a guided tour and a sit-down soup and sandwich lunch. It’s a story of railroad history when ridin’ the rail was the only way to travel!

Outing Club PlansSCPO 20229Winter Fun Dayat The Aroostook NationalWildlife RefugeSaturday, March 1010:00 am – 3:00 pm • FreeMeet at the Refuge (Carpooling available)

Snowshoeing and cross-country skiing are just a couple of winter activities that help the time pass when it’s cold and snowy. With the help of the Limestone Ski Club, the Friends of Aroostook National Wildlife Refuge will be offering cross-country ski classes for those who want to try their hand at it. The trails are relatively flat and easy to handle but being physically fit is a must. Or, if you’d like, bring a pair of snowshoes and leisurely walk the same trails (just off to the side) and enjoy the brisk, early spring day. Hot beverages will be served and there is plenty of indoor space to warm up. Drop by and enjoy the Wildlife Refuge at its best.

SCPO 20230Hike at The Mount Carleton Provincial Park, outside of Plaster Rock, New BrunswickThursday, May 31 • Depart UMPI 9:00 am; return 5:00 pm • Fee $15


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We had a good time last year so we’re trying it again. We will hike Williams Falls Trail first. This is a short, scenic trail that winds its way down to a stunning waterfall. It’s a very easy, short hike doable for just about anyone. We’ll then head to Pine Point where we’ll have a leisurely picnic lunch (bring your own) on the beach. The second hike will be Pine Point Trail. This one is longer and a little more aggressive, but it is gorgeous as it takes us along the banks of a beautiful lake. Hiking boots, bug spray, and a hat are essential. Bring lots of drinking water!

SCPO 20231Mini Golf at Goughan’s Berry Farm,CaribouThursday, June 21 (rain date, June 22)Depart UMPI 10:00 am or meet at Goughan’s at 10:30 amFee $20 for 18 holes of golf ($7.50 for 9 holes),a hot dog lunch and an ice cream cone

How long has it been since you’ve played mini golf? A while? Well, Goughan’s has the perfect place for you to get back into it. The course is NOT smooth, flat or easy to walk so only those who can move over these kinds of surfaces should plan to play. You can still come and watch and have lunch with us, if you’d like. Golfers – be prepared for a fun time. Did I say frustrating time? No, it’s just challenging in spots which makes it more fun. We don’t

have to keep score either. That is totally up to us but there may be a surprise for the winners. We need teams of no more than four so bring teammates or we’ll assign you to a team. Did I mention the 21st is the summer solstice? We must celebrate after the long winter.

SCPO 20232Bike ‘n Hike at Notre Dame du Lac, New Brunswick, Petit Témis TrailWednesday, August 22 (rain date, August 23)Meet at Notre Dame du Lac 11:00 am (can); return at the time determined by participants


The trail along the Lake Temiscouata Shores starting at Notre Dame du Lac is amazing. It is a former railroad bed so the grade is easy and the maintenance on that trail is world class. Go as far as you want, go in any direction you want. Just have fun and join us for a light lunch afterwards, if you wish. Drive yourself if you like, or, if you aren’t planning to bring a bike, we can rent a van. The only fee would be renting the van and everything else is up to you. This is a repeat of last year’s amazing trip.

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Offered by the Caribou Parks& Recreation Department55 Bennett Drive, Caribou

For more information on these and other outings offered by the Caribou Rec Center, contact the Caribou Parks and Rec. Dept. at 493-4224. Visit their website at www.caribourec.org.

PREREGISTRATION IS REQUIREDCall 493-4224 to make reservations

SABIAN Cymbals & Mactaquac DamTuesday, March 27Depart Caribou Rec 8:00 am;return 5:00 pm • Fee $30

We are pleased to offer this popular tour to SABIAN Cymbals in Meductic, New Brunswick. You will be dazzled by this unprecedented tour of their manufacturing facility as they walk us through inch by inch of the cymbal manufacturing process. After touring the SABIAN manufacturing facility, we will break for lunch, included in the fee, then travel to Mactaquac Dam on the St. John River for a tour of this massive hydroelectric project. Both SABIAN and Mactaquac require participants to wear closed toe shoes. Preregister at 493-4224. DO NOT PAY SAGE or UMPI.

Maple Sugar Houses TourTuesday, April 3Depart Caribou Rec 8:00 am;return 4:00 pm • Fee $25

Travel with us and learn about the new techniques being used to collect sap and turning that sap into syrup. Though Aroostook County is not nearly as famous as Vermont in the production of syrup, we can lay claim to several significant syrup producers right in our backyards. Trip will include a visit to two maple syrup producers with a sit-down lunch in between. Preregister 493-4224. DO NOT PAY SAGE or UMPI.

Deer Yards TourTuesday, April 10Depart Caribou Rec 8:00 am;return 4:00 pm • Fee $35

Have you ever given much thought as to how animals survive our long winters? Today will focus on this topic. Join us as we travel with Wildlife Biologist Amanda DeMuse from the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife to some area deer yards. We will learn what it takes to manage such a delicate species. After lunch, included in the fee, we will visit an area greenhouse and invigorate our souls for

Taking It Outdoors

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the warm weather ahead and learn the tips and tricks from the pros about what it takes to get the upper hand advantage over our neighbor’s flowers and gardens for the summer. We will design and plant our own outdoor flower pot. Preregister 493-4224. DO NOT PAY SAGE or UMPI.

Small Engine RepairThursday, April 121:00 - 3:00pm • Fee $5Caribou Wellness Center

Preregister 493-4224. DO NOT PAY SAGE or UMPI.

Composting ClassTuesday, May 81:00 - 3:00pm • Fee $5Caribou Wellness Center

Preregister 493-4224. DO NOT PAY SAGE or UMPI.

Kayaking OutingAroostook River, Caribou, MaineSaturday, May 19Depart from Caribou Rec 9:00 am;return 3:00 pm • Fee $5

Kayaking Outing from the Snow Farm on the Grimes Road to Fort Fairfield. Kayaks provided by the Caribou Parks and Recreation Department included with fee. The kayaks are Old Town Loon 138’s and are incredibly stable. Transportation, PFDs, and paddles are included. Bring your own snacks and/or sandwich for floating lunch. Preregister 493-4224. DO NOT PAY SAGE or UMPI.

New Brunswick Botanical Gardens Friday, May 25Depart from Caribou Rec 9:00 am;return 4:00 pm • Fee $30

You spoke and we listened! This popular early spring trip has been one of the original TIOS destinations since its inception. This natural wonderland will dazzle you. After being cooped up all winter, reward your soul and invigorate your spirit for the summer ahead. If you’re into gardening, or have plans of constructing gardens in your yard, this opportunity will give you the necessary inspiration to hit the ground running with your garden plans. Lunch will be at the Botanical Gardens Café Flora (lunch is on your own). Preregister 493-4224. DO NOT PAY SAGE or UMPI.

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Mary Ayers and Penny Kern have been instructors for AARP Smart Driver course for over a year. They have offered this course across the County.

Lance Beloungie was a 15-year chess coach at Caribou High School. He was named Maine’s 2014 Chess Player of the Year.

Nancy Beloungie’s mother and grandmother taught her to knit many years ago, and she’s still learning.

Gina Clark has for years been leading domestic and international groups of travelers on motor coach and cruise vacations as a free-lance International Tour Director. She is a 15-year board member of Aroostook County Tourism and is a member of the SAGE Board of Directors.

Pam Crawford is a retired educator, a playful dabbling artist, a lifelong learner, a frequent SAGE instructor, and a member of the SAGE Board of Directors.

Jody Doughty and Christopher Walls. Jody brings 18 years of experience in the wireless industry with U.S. Cellular and Christopher Walls is a U.S. Cellular Apple Master.

Robert Gagnon and Peter LaJoie. Robert Gagnon received an Applied Science Degree in 2010. He works for a company in Caribou and has taught in the plumbing lab at NMCC. He is a member of the SAGE Board of Directors. Peter worked for Honeywell for 26 years and taught refrigeration at NMCC for 16 years. He is currently owner/president of LaJoie Electric and Control Services, Inc.

Violet Hyatt and Lindsay Laxon. Ms. Hyatt, RN, is currently Deputy Director of the Consumer Health Care Division of the Maine Bureau of Insurance, where she previously served as the Public Health Nurse Consultant. She also works part-time as a nurse at a nursing home in the midcoast region. Lindsay Laxon is a graduate of Brown University and the University of Maine School of Law. She has worked for the State of Maine since December 2010 in insurance and securities regulation. She is currently the Licensing Attorney for the Maine Bureau of Insurance.

Richard Kimball and Frances Heales - Both Dick and Frances have traced several lines of their families back to their European origins and discovered the reasons that made them emigrate.

Barbara Merryman has taught music in the public schools and piano on the college level. She has directed many adult church choirs and is a

Instructors & Facilitators

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member of the Caribou Choral Society. She is a member of the SAGE Board of Directors.

Norstate FCU will be represented by Danielle Hebert, Marketing Coordinator, from the Madawaska branch of the credit union, and others.

Remillie Northworthy is a retired high-school teacher with 33 years at Central Aroostook High School in Mars Hill, 32 of those years teaching one or more levels of French.

Joyce Price is a Red Cross Water Safety Instructor.

Judith Roe is an Assistant Professor of Biology at the University of Maine at Presque Isle. She teaches Biology, Genetics, Nutrition and Biochemistry.

Gary Smith is an actor, director, and former teacher of communications. He has been a

fan and ardent collector of movies and early television shows for many years, amassing an extensive collection of each medium.

Kim Sebold has taught history at UMPI for almost 20 years. Her specialty is local history. She has worked with Dr. Richard Graves on the history of Presque Isle and helped write the history of Easton for its sesquicentennial. Kim Smith’s professional modeling career spanned 30 years in Florida and Virginia including teaching for modeling agencies. Her specialties included runway, freeze modeling, and commercial photography. She has been with Presque Isle Historical Society since 2006 and has received several awards for her work and service with the Society.

Ginny White is a retired high school English teacher and performing arts director. She has been a SAGE instructor since 2010.

Page 16: SAGE Spring 2018 Booklet Co.pdf 1 1/31/2018 12:07:48 PM What is SAGE? Seniors Achieving Greater Education (SAGE) welcomes intellectually curious adults, age 50 and older, who have


In complying with the letter and spirit of applicable laws and in pursuing its own goals of diversity, the University of Maine System shall not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, including trans-gender status and gender expression, national origin, citizenship status, age, disability, or veterans status in employ-ment, education, and all other areas of the University System. The University provides reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities upon request. Questions and complaints about discrimination in any area of the University should be directed to Brenda Haskell, Interim Director of Equity and Diversity, University of Maine System, 207.621.3548, [email protected]; TTY available upon request.

SPECIAL THANKS To Gary Bowden for the SAGE brochure cover design; to Terry Sandusky for his photographs;

and to Barbara Pierce and Phyllis Taylor for all their help in the SAGE office

Judy BurleighJohn Cancelarich

Gina ClarkPam CrawfordRobert Gagnon

Penny KernSharon LesterJudith Mann

Barbara MerrymanNancy Roe

Susanne SanduskyTerry Sandusky

Gary SmithJanet Snow

Shirley ThaxterCarolyn Wadman

Ex-officioLlori Keirstead &Lydia Kieffer-TillCarol McGlinn

The SAGEBoard of Directors

Want a ride to Kick-off or to a class? Willing to offer a ride to SAGE events?

Sign up on the Registration formwhen you sign up for classes.

SAGE ParticipationWould you like to help plan SAGE courses?

Would you like to be a member of theSAGE Board of Directors?

Would you be willing to contactpotential sponsors of SAGE?

Would you like to help out in the SAGE office?

Or ... is there some other wayyou could contribute to the program?

Sign up on the Registration formwhen you sign up for classes.

