0163-769X/86/0703-0284$02 .00/0 Endocrine Reviews Copyright ; 1986 by The Endocrine Society The Neuroendocrinology of Stress and Aging : The Glucocorticoid Cascade Hypothesis* ROBERT M. SAPOLSKYt, LEWIS C. KREY, AND BRUCE S. MCEWEN Clayton Foundation Laboratories for Peptide Biology, The Salk Institute, San Diego, California 92138; and Laboratory of Neuroendocrinology, The Rockefeller University, New York, New York 10021 A S RECENTLY as 1900, tuberculosis, influenza, and pneumonia were the leading causes of death in our country (1) . For the most part, however, these infectious diseases, as well as those of poor hygiene or undernutri- tion, no longer plague us . Instead, we succumb most frequently to heart disease and cancer, diseases of slow degeneration (1) . Most of all, unlike so many in the generations before us, we are in a position to age . Re- gardless of what else occurs, we age, we become more constrained by the discrepancy between what we were andwhat we have become, and each step becomes harder . The goal in the study of aging is not to halt the process, because we can no more be cured of aging than of birth . The goal, instead, is to slow and soften the sharpest edges of the biological unraveling that constitutes aging . Over the past 5 yr, we have examined some of the sharpest edges of the pathology of aging . We have studied the capacity of aged organisms to respond appropriately to stress and the capacity of stress to cumulatively dam- age aging tissue . The idea of a relationship between stress and aging has permeated the gerontology literature in two forms . First, senescence has been thought of as a time of decreased adaptiveness to stress (2) . This idea has been supported frequently, as many aged physiolog- ical systems function normally under basal conditions, yet do not adequately respond to a challenge . For exam- ple, aged and young humans have similar basal body temperatures, but the former are relatively impaired in thermoregulatory capacities when heat- or cold-chal- lenged (3) . A second theme in gerontology concerning stress is that chronic stress can accelerate the aging process . Selye and Tuchweber (2) for example, postulated a finite "adaptational energy" in an organism, with pro- longed stress prematlírely depleting such reserves, thus Address requests for reprints to Dr . Sapolsky : Clayton Foundation Laboratories for Peptide Biology, The Salk Institute, P.O . Box 85800, San Diego, California 92138 . The studies described were made possible by a predoctoral grant from the National Institute on Aging (to R .M .S .) . t Mathers Fellow of the Life Sciences Research Foundation . 284 Vol. 7, No. 3 Printed in U .S.A . accelerating the onset of senescence . This idea was de- rivative of earlier idea (cf. Ref. 4) that the "rate of living" could be a pacemaker of aging . Experimentally, varied approaches have supported the notion that at least some biomarkers of age can be accelerated by stress (5, 6) . The above hypotheses led us to examine the adreno- cortical axis, the endocrine axis which is among the most central to the stress response . Our findings support both of these concepts . We find that the aged male rat is impaired in terminating the secretion of adrenocortical stress hormones, glucocorticoids, at the end of stress . This hormonal excess may be due to degenerative changes in a region of the brain which normally inhibits glucocorticoid release ; the degeneration, in turn, is caused by cumulative exposure to glucocorticoids . To- gether, these effects form a feed-forward cascade with potentially serious pathophysiological consequences in the aged subject . The adrenal cortex secretes glucocorticoids in response to a variety of stressors . This is the final step in a neuroendocrine cascade that begins with a perception of a stressor by the brain and the triggering of hypothalamic release of CRF and of other ACTH secretagogs . In turn, these stimulate release of ACTH from the anterior pi- tuitary, and this hormone subsequently stimulates glu- cocorticoid release from the adrenal gland (7-9) . Gluco- corticoids, in turn, interact with the brain and pituitary to regulate the entire axis by inhibiting subsequent re- lease of CRF and ACTH . Thus, the axis forms a closed- loop feedback system (7-9) . Glucocorticoids cause tre- mendous shifts in carbohydrate metabolism throughout the body that increase circulating energy substrates at the cost of stored energy ; they also increase cardiovas- cular tone, alter cognition, and inhibit growth, the im- mune and inflammatory responses, and reproduction (7, 8, 10) . These changes are central to successful adaptation to acute physical stress, as they increase readily available energy and supportive metabolism and defer energeti- cally costly anabolism until less stressful times . The notorious fragility of organisms with adrenocortical in-

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0163-769X/86/0703-0284$02 .00/0Endocrine ReviewsCopyright Cç; 1986 by The Endocrine Society

The Neuroendocrinology of Stress and Aging: TheGlucocorticoid Cascade Hypothesis*ROBERT M. SAPOLSKYt, LEWIS C. KREY, AND BRUCE S. MCEWENClayton Foundation Laboratories for Peptide Biology, The Salk Institute, San Diego, California 92138; andLaboratory of Neuroendocrinology, The Rockefeller University, New York, New York 10021

AS RECENTLY as 1900, tuberculosis, influenza, andpneumonia were the leading causes of death in our

country (1) . For the most part, however, these infectiousdiseases, as well as those of poor hygiene or undernutri-tion, no longer plague us . Instead, we succumb mostfrequently to heart disease and cancer, diseases of slowdegeneration (1). Most of all, unlike so many in thegenerations before us, we are in a position to age. Re-gardless of what else occurs, we age, we become moreconstrained by the discrepancy between what we wereandwhat we have become, and each step becomes harder .The goal in the study of aging is not to halt the process,because we can no more be cured of aging than of birth.The goal, instead, is to slow and soften the sharpestedges of the biological unraveling that constitutes aging.

Over the past 5 yr, we have examined some of thesharpest edges of the pathology of aging. We have studiedthe capacity of aged organisms to respond appropriatelyto stress and the capacity of stress to cumulatively dam-age aging tissue . Theidea of a relationship between stressand aging has permeated the gerontology literature intwo forms. First, senescence has been thought of as atime of decreased adaptiveness to stress (2) . This ideahas been supported frequently, as many aged physiolog-ical systems function normally under basal conditions,yet do not adequately respond to a challenge . For exam-ple, aged and young humans have similar basal bodytemperatures, but the former are relatively impaired inthermoregulatory capacities when heat- or cold-chal-lenged (3). A second theme in gerontology concerningstress is that chronic stress can accelerate the agingprocess. Selye and Tuchweber (2) for example, postulateda finite "adaptational energy" in an organism, with pro-longed stress prematlírely depleting such reserves, thus

Address requests for reprints to Dr . Sapolsky : Clayton FoundationLaboratories for Peptide Biology, The Salk Institute, P.O . Box 85800,San Diego, California 92138 .

The studies described were made possible by a predoctoral grantfrom the National Institute on Aging (to R.M.S .) .

t Mathers Fellow of the Life Sciences Research Foundation .


Vol. 7, No. 3Printed in U.S.A .

accelerating the onset of senescence . This idea was de-rivative of earlier idea (cf. Ref. 4) that the "rate of living"could be a pacemaker of aging. Experimentally, variedapproaches have supported the notion that at least somebiomarkers of age can be accelerated by stress (5, 6) .The above hypotheses led us to examine the adreno-

cortical axis, the endocrine axis which is amongthe mostcentral to the stress response . Our findings support bothof these concepts . We find that the aged male rat isimpaired in terminating the secretion of adrenocorticalstress hormones, glucocorticoids, at the end of stress .This hormonal excess may be due to degenerativechanges in a region of the brain which normally inhibitsglucocorticoid release ; the degeneration, in turn, iscaused by cumulative exposure to glucocorticoids . To-gether, these effects form a feed-forward cascade withpotentially serious pathophysiological consequences inthe aged subject.The adrenal cortex secretes glucocorticoids in response

to a variety of stressors . This is the final step in aneuroendocrine cascade that begins with a perception ofa stressor by the brain andthe triggering of hypothalamicrelease of CRF and of other ACTH secretagogs. In turn,these stimulate release of ACTH from the anterior pi-tuitary, and this hormone subsequently stimulates glu-cocorticoid release from the adrenal gland (7-9) . Gluco-corticoids, in turn, interact with the brain and pituitaryto regulate the entire axis by inhibiting subsequent re-lease of CRF and ACTH. Thus, the axis forms a closed-loop feedback system (7-9). Glucocorticoids cause tre-mendous shifts in carbohydrate metabolism throughoutthe body that increase circulating energy substrates atthe cost of stored energy ; they also increase cardiovas-cular tone, alter cognition, and inhibit growth, the im-mune and inflammatory responses, and reproduction (7,8, 10) . Thesechanges are central to successful adaptationto acute physical stress, as they increase readily availableenergy and supportive metabolism and defer energeti-cally costly anabolism until less stressful times. Thenotorious fragility of organisms with adrenocortical in-

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sufficiency in adapting to stress testifies to the impor-tance of glucocorticoids . However, as these are predom-inantly catabolic responses to acute emergency, excessiveexposure to the steroid (as seen during prolonged stressor in pathological, Cushingoid states) imposes a'cost inthe form of myopathy, steroid diabetes, hypertension,immunosuppression, infertility, and inhibition of growth(8, 10). Thus, both an absence of and an overabundanceof glucocorticoids during stress have profound, if con-trasting, pathophysiological consequences, and an ina-bility to appropriately terminate glucocorticoid secretionat the end of a stressor can ultimately be as damaging asthe inability to appropriately initiate secretion at theonset of a stressor . Our initial studies determinedwhether aged rats can appropriately regulate glucocorti-coid secretion during and after stress .

Terminating the Stress Response : The Problem ofFeedback Inhibition

After a variety of stressors, aged male rats show noimpairments in their adrenocortical stress response . Fig-ure 1 shows the secretion of the species-typical glucocor-ticoid, corticosterone (B) in response to 1 h of immobi-lization stress in young and aged rats . A similar lack ofan age effect is seen in B secretion in response to otherstimulators of B secretion, such as ether or cold exposure,cage transfer, laparotomy, or histamine injection (11-14). An appropriate reserve capacity for B secretion isalso present in the aged adrenal, as old rats adequatelysecrete B in response to a new stressor after a period ofchronic stress (11) . Additional features ofthe axis remainfunctional, including the typical circadian rhythm of Bsecretion anda normal clearance rate of the steroid fromthe blood of unstressed animals (11) . In the female rat,

FIG. 1. B titers in young (3-5 months) and aged (24-28 months)Fischer 344 rats during 1 h of immobilization stress, followed by 4 h ofpoststress recovery . Asterisk indicates time when titers are no longersignificantly elevated above baseline (determined by two-tailed pairedt test). In the case of young subjects, this was after 1 h of the recoveryperiod; for aged subjects, such recovery did not occur within themonitored time period. [Reproduced with permission from R. Sapolskyet al. : Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 81:6174, 1984 (20) .]


stress-induced B concentrations have been reported todecline with age (15, 16), and it initially appeared thatthis represented a diminished adaptive capacity in theseanimals. However, levels of the B-binding globulin arealso likely to decrease with age (due to a decrease inconcentrations of estrogen, which increases levels of theglobulin) and thus, concentrations of unbound B-thebiologically active pool of the steroid-are unlikely to bechanged (17, 18).While the aged rat seems capable of appropriately

initiating a B stress response, it is dramatically impairedin its capacity to terminate it (11) . In Fig. 1, subjectswere monitored during the recovery period after immo-bilization . B concentrations in young rats return to basalrange within 60 min after the end of stress . In contrast,concentrations of aged rats remain elevated for as muchas 24 h post stress (11, 19, 20) . Factoring the clearancerate of B out of the data in Fig. 1 shows the elevatedpoststress concentrations of B in the aged rats to be dueto continued secretion of the hormone (11) .

This case of hyperadrenocorticism is but one in a largersyndrome of B hypersecretion . In addition to the delayin terminating B secretion at the end of stress, aged ratsshow delays in adapting to mild sustained stress, such asmoderate cold exposure (11) . Furthermore, basal concen-trations of B have often been reported to rise progres-sively (11, 14, 20-23) . Given the unchanged B clearancerate with age (11), and the increased body size and bloodvolume of aged rats, this represents a substantial increasein adrenocortical output during senescence .Throughout this paper, we will propose that this prob-

lem of B hypersecretion is due to degenerative changeswithin the aging brain, specifically in the hippocampalregion of the limbic system. Should the brain be thegenesis of the hypersecretion, one would expect B to beonly the last in a cascade of hormones that are hyperse-creted during stress ; in fact, this is observed to be thecase . Basal concentrations of ACTH also rise with age(along with ß-endorphin) (14, 24, 24a) . ACTH concen-trations increase approximately 4-fold with age, consid-erably more than the approximate doubling of B concen-trations . Accompanying this is a decreased adrenal sen-sitivity to ACTH (13, 14, 25, 26). This diminished re-sponsiveness can be viewed as an only partially success-ful adrenal compensation for the more substantially am-plified ACTH signal in the circulation . The moderaterise in basal B concentrations with age is the result ofthese coupled changes. Higher in the axis, similarchanges also seem to occur. While CRF concentrationshave not yet been measured in aged rats, the aged pitui-tary shows the same dampened sensitivity to CRF asdoes the aged adrenal to ACTH (27) . This suggests thathypersecretion occurs throughout the aged adrenocorti-cal axis .

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These cases of hypersecretion are likely to arise froma progressive loss of sensitivity of the axis to negativefeedback regulation (28-31). Elevated concentrations ofcirculating glucocorticoids normally inhibit both subse-quent basal and stress-induced concentrations of gluco-corticoids . However, B and the synthetic glucocorticoiddexamethasone (DEX) are relatively ineffective in sup-pressing endogenous B secretion in old rats (28-31) .Feedback inhibition within the axis is diverse, and boththe rapid, rate-sensitive, and the delayed, level-sensitiveforms of B inhibition of adrenocortical secretion arediminished in old rats (31) . The varied cases of elevatedB concentrations discussed earlier appear due to this lossof sensitivity to feedback inhibition.

The Problem of Hippocampal Neuron LossHormones influence target tissues by interacting with

macromolecular receptor proteins which, in turn, stim-ulate second messenger cascades or directly alter genomicevents . Glucocorticoids are bound by macromolecularreceptors which, upon forming complexes with the ste-roid, interact with genomic material . [At present, it re-mains controversial whether such receptors occur in thecytoplasm (32, 33) ; however, we will henceforth refer tothe unoccupied form as "cytosolic ."] The demonstrationof a decreased sensitivity with age of some unknownregulatory region of the brain or pituitary to the inhibi-tory feedback signal of glucocorticoids led us to postulatethat a loss of glucocorticoid-binding receptors mightunderlie this desensitization .There are at least two receptor types in the brain

which are capable of recognizing glucocorticoids. Onetype (called "GC receptor") is recognized by antibodiesto the liver glucocorticoid receptor and is found in manyregions of the brain (32) . It is labeled in vivo by [3H]DEX (34) . The other type (called "corticosterone" or "Breceptor") is similar to the so-called "mineralcorticoidreceptor" of the kidney (36) and it recognizes B with ahigh affinity (35) . Both B and GC receptors are labeledin vitro by [3H]DEX and by [3H]B (36) .Our initial studies demonstrated that glucocorticoid-

binding receptors are lost with age in the hippocampus.The hippocampus is the principal uptake site in the brainfor tracer doses of [3H]B (37, 38), and this uptake is duein large part to binding to B receptors (36) . Only athigher doses of B or with DEX is there evidence oflabeling of the lower affinity GC receptor in the hippo-campus (34, 39) . We and others found that the agedhippocampus sustains a loss of approximately 50% ofglucocorticoid binding sites (22, 40, 41) . This deficitoccurs, at least in part, in the population of B receptors,since the loss was first demonstrated by in vivo admin-istration of [3H]B, which selectively labels B receptors


(34, 36, 39). We have not yet conducted a similar studywhich would preferentially label GC receptors in theaged hippocampus; thus, it is not clear whether a lossoccurs in that population . In the rest of this article, whendiscussing in vitro experiments utilizing [3H]DEX, wewill refer to the "GC + B" receptor, whereas in experi-ments in which [3H]B was administered in vivo, selec-tively labeling B receptors, we will refer only to B recep-tors .The loss of hippocampal B receptors appears to be

anatomically specific, as receptor levels are unchangedin other target sites for B, such as the pituitary, hypo-thalamus, cortex, and midbrain. (It should be noted thatthis does not rule out the possibility of losses in smallsubregions of these loci.) There is also a small andrelatively inconsistent receptor loss in the amygdalawhich can be detected by biochemical, but not by auto-radiographic, techniques . The loss of GC + B receptorsin the hippocampus is due entirely to a loss of cytosolicreceptors affinity of binding, and the capacity of thereceptor, once having formed a complex with the steroid,to bind tightly to the cell nucleus does not change withage (40) .

Since glia also contain glucocorticoid receptors (42),we next investigated whether the receptor decreases arepredominately of neuronal or nonneuronal origin . Wedetermined this by comparing age-related in vivo uptakeof [3H]DEX as . [3H]B . A short time after administration,the former selectively labels GC + B receptors found inglia (43-45). Furthermore, DEX induces a glial-specificenzyme and fails to induce a neuron-specific protein (42,46). In labeling glial glucocorticoid receptors, we foundthat no age-related decrease occurs and, in fact, a trendtoward increased [3H]DEX uptake is observed (40) . Thisis likely to reflect the glial hypertrophy typical of senes-cence (47-49). These studies suggest that this age-relatedreceptor loss may be restricted exclusively to the neu-ronal receptor population .We next determined the anatomical specificity of this

loss . The hippocampus is a large, heterogeneous struc-ture, with multiple neuron types, anatomically distinctcell fields, and differing functions ascribed to differentportions of the structure (50) . Quantitative autoradi-ographic techniques with [3H]B showed the receptor loss(in this case, the B receptor) to be anatomically discrete,in that some portions of the hippocampus show no age-related losses (e.g. subiculum, dentate gyrus, and theCA4 cell field) while others show profound depletion (e.g.pyramidal cell layer of CA3) (51, 52) .The CA3 cell field contains considerable concentra-

tions of both B and GC receptors (36) and, as discussed,it is not yet clear whether there is a decline in GCreceptors to accompany the demonstrated loss of B re-ceptors.

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Finally, we determined whether the B receptor loss inthese regions is due to decreased average numbers ofreceptors per neuron or to loss ofthe neurons themselves .Using high resolution autoradiography of [''H]B bindingcoupled with cell counting techniques, we found that thereceptor loss is at least partially due to death of thetarget neurons. This was observed in the CA3 cell field,where previous quantitative autoradiographic studieshad revealed extensive receptor losses . Importantly, noneuron loss occurs in the CA4 cell field, an area with nooverall decrease in [`'H]B binding (51, 52). Previous workhad shown hippocampal neuron loss with age (53, 54);our studies demonstrated that it is [''H]B concentratingneurons which are lost, with surviving neurons having asmaller complement of receptors.

Is There a Relationship between the BHypersecretion and the Receptor Loss?

The studies described in the previous section demon-strated that the aging hippocampus loses cytosolic B andpossibly GC receptors in some of its cell fields, and thata loss of neurons richest in B receptors accounts for thisdecline . We next investigated whether there is a relation-ship between the two age-related deficits uncovered atthis point-the problem of B hypersecretion (with theunderlying problem of loss of sensitivity to negativefeedback inhibition), and the loss of GC + B receptorsin the hippocampus (with the underlying problem of lossof the neurons themselves).We assumed the possibility of a causal, rather than

merely correlative, relationship between these dysfunc-tions because of the frequency with which they appeartogether . Elevated basal glucocorticoid concentrations,delayed recovery from stress, and insensitivity to gluco-corticoid negative-feedback consistently appear in asso-ciation with decreased hippocampal binding of glucocor-ticoids and/or damage to that structure. We briefly re-view these correlations .

As detailed, such a cluster of traits is found in the agedrat. The Brattleboro rat, a strain cogenitally deficient invasopressin (VP) (see below) shows a similar pattern, inthat there is a loss of GC + B receptors which is mostevident, within the central nervous system, in the hip-pocampus (55), as well as a hypersecretion of B after theend of stress (20) . Pharmacological manipulations thatnormalize the number of such GC + B receptors in thehippocampus of the Brattleboro rat are accompanied bynormalization of the B secretion (20) . Streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus in the rat results in both aninsensitivity to glucocorticoid negative-feedback inhibi-tion, as well as a loss of cytosolic GC + B bindingthroughout the limbic system (56-59). Similarly, chronicstress leads to preferential down-regulation of GC + B


receptors in the hippocampus (Ref. 60 ; discussed below)as well as hypersecretion of the steroid and negative-feedback insensitivity (20, 61).These consistent correlations are also observed devel-

opmentally. The neonatal rat has a pronounced paucityof limbic GC + B receptors (61-63), and adult-like con-centrations of receptors develop only gradually duringthe first few weeks of life. Chronic B exposure selectivelydecreases hippocampal GC + B receptor concentrationsin day 35 rats ; this reversal of the developmental pro-gression of this system has been shown to produce asyndrome of B hypersecretion that accompanies suchreceptor loss (63) . Furthermore, stimulation of the neo-natal rat (specifically, daily handling) produces persist-ent increases in hippocampal GC + B receptor concen-trations (64) as well as an enhanced ability of rats toterminate B secretion after the end of stress (65, 66) .These correlations are also observed phylogenetically,

as New World monkeys have cortisol concentrations 1order of magnitude higher than those in Old Worldmonkeys and, in addition, are 1 order of magnitude lesssensitive to the suppressive effects of glucocorticoids.Such species do not have a paucity of glucocorticoidreceptors, but rather are reported to have receptors withan affinity for cortisol considerably lower than in OldWorld monkeys [(67) ; it should be noted that this doesnot appear to be the sole unique feature of the hypo-thalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in New World primates(cf. Ref. 68)] . A similar pattern is shown for guinea pigs,as compared to related species. The former have a 3-foldincrease in cortisol concentrations, are DEX resistant(requiring a higher dose for suppression and a fasterescape from such suppression) . The species is found tohave receptors with a 20-fold decrease in affinity for thesteroid (69) .A number of insults that damage the hippocampus are

associated with glucocorticoid hypersecretion . As will bedetailed below, experimental destruction of the structureis associated with instances of hypersecretion and resist-ance to feedback inhibition . Furthermore, Alzheimer'sdisease (AD), the primary foci of which includes damageto the hippocampus, nucleus basalis of Meynart, andcortex, is associated with DEX resistance in approxi-mately 50% of cases (see below) . In addition, chronicalcohol exposure, which reduces hippocampal neuronnumber in both adults and fetuses, is associated withhyperactivity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis(70-73) .

Finally, diverse studies of large numbers of differentsocial species, inculding mouse (74-78), rat (79, 80), wolf(81), and primates (82-91), demonstrate that elevatedbasal glucocorticoid secretion, adrenal enlargement, andDEX resistance are associated with social subordinancein a stable dominance hierarchy; such subordinance is

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also associated with down-regulation of B receptors inthe brain (92) .

This extensive and catholic array of studies suggesteda relationship between damage to the hippocampus and/or to its glucocorticoid receptors, and syndromes of glu-cocorticoid hypersecretion . We thus began to study thecomplex patterns of causality between these two classesof defects. We initially investigated whether the hippo-campal damage typical of senescence could eventuate inthe associated syndrome of hypersecretion .

The Hippocampus and Feedback Inhibition

Stimulatory influences upon the adrenocortical axisare complex; some stressors act directly upon the hypo-thalamus and pituitary to release CRF, related secreta-gogs, and ACTH, while others influence these structuresvia neural projections (9). Negative-feedback regulationof the axis by glucocorticoids is also diverse, involvingboth rapid rate-sensitive and delayed level-sensitiveforms of regulation (9). Studies with hypothalamic ex-plants or pituitary cell lines indicate that most feedbackinhibition by glucocorticoids occurs at these target sites.However, suprahypothalamic structures also mediatesmall but significant portions of the inhibitory glucocor-ticoid signal . Thus, the inhibitory effects of glucocorti-coids are attenuated when the afferent connections tothe hypothalamus are severed (93) . We hypothesized thatthe hippocampus is a mediating locus of glucocorticoidfeedback inhibition at the end of stress, and that in theaged rat, the observed hippocampal degeneration is re-sponsible for the loss of sensitivity of the axis to feedbackinhibition .There was much reason to suspect a hippocampal

involvement as, of all suprahypothalamic loci, the struc-ture has been most consistently implicated as an inhibi-tory influence upon the adrenocortical axis . This appearsto include regulation of basal ACTH and glucocorticoidsecretion, as total hippocampal lesion, lesion of only thedorsal hippocampus, or fornix transection results in basalhypersecretion of these hormones (94-98) [with someconflicting suggestions of a circadian alteration in thestrength of this inhibitory hippocampal regulation (94-99)] . Furthermore, the structure appears capable of in-hibiting stress-induced activation of the adrenocorticalaxis, as destruction of either the entire, or just the dorsalportion of the hippocampus produces glucocorticoid hy-persecretion after a number of different stressors (95, 96,100, 101). In addition, electrical stimulation of the struc-ture (particularly the CA3, subicular, or dentate gyruscell fields) inhibits an adrenocortical stress response(102-105). Finally, such hippocampally induced inhibi-tion of the axis appears to be a manifestation of negative-feedback inhibition by circulating glucocorticoids. As


evidence, destruction of the entire hippocampus, thedorsal component, or the fornical outflow from the struc-ture attenuates the suppressive effects of DEX upon thestress response (91, 106, 107) . In addition, ACTH secre-tion is increased after hippocampectomy, and the differ-ence in concentrations between lesioned and sham-le-sioned animals is abolished by adrenalectomy (95), sug-gesting that the relative increase in ACTH due to thelesion resulted from disinhibition from corticoid feed-back suppression.As a body, these studies heavily implicated the hippo-

campus as a potentially inhibitory influence upon theadrenocortical axis . This conclusion should be accom-panied by a number of caveats, however. The structureshould not be considered homogeneous; this is clearlythe case from an anatomical perspective, and this liter-ature supports the notion of heterogeneity of function .Thus, the dorsal hippocampus appears to have more ofan inhibitory influence upon the axis than does theventral portion (96) . Furthermore, within any given la-mella, stimulation of different cell fields produces differ-ential effects; CA1, for example, appears to stimulateadrenocortical secretion, in contrast to all other cell fields(105). The hippocampus must also be thought of asplaying, at best, only a minor role in regulating the axis,as judged by the size of the effects reported in thesestudies. In addition, there appears to be redundancy insuch regulation, as there is the potential for recovery ofnormal adrenocortical function with time after hippo-campal damage (98) . Finally, the inhibitory role of thestructure is not apparent at all times during the circadiancycle (94-99). Thus, with regard to inhibition of adre-nocortical function, the hippocampus is neither structur-ally monolithic nor functionally of primary importance .

Despite these caveats, we felt that the data implicatingthe hippocampus as potentially inhibiting the adrenocor-tical axis was sufficiently robust to determine the adre-nocortical consequences of the hippocampal damage typ-ical of senescence . First, we found that complete hippo-campal lesion eventuates in B hypersecretion at the endof stress, as in the aged rat [(20) although it should benoted that, unlike the aged rat, hippocampectomy alsoproduced B hypersecretion during stress ; see also Ref.108] . We next determined whether this is due to the lossof the neurons after lesioning, or whether loss of the GC+ B receptors per se contained within those neuronscould produce the hypersecretion . As negative-feedbackregulation can be conceptualized, a glucocorticoid signalis detected by hippocampal neurons; the first step in thedetection process is occupation of hippocampal glucocor-ticoid receptors by the steroid. The neurons then trans-duce this endocrine signal into an inhibitory neuralsignal to the hypothalamus . Thus, destruction of thehippocampus itself damages both detection and trans-

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duction, whereas lesioning of the fornical projection fromthe hippocampus to the hypothalamus results in a hip-pocampus capable of detecting the endocrine signal butincapable of subsequently inhibiting the hypothalamus.In both cases, feedback insensitivity and hypersecretionensue. Would impairing detection while leaving com-munication to the hypothalamus intact (by depleting thehippocampus of GC + B receptors without damaging theneurons themselves) also result in B hypersecretion? Toanswer this, we developed two rat models in which weselectively and reversibly depleted the hippocampus ofGC + B receptors without altering neuron number. Con-sistently, we observed that a loss of receptors is coupledwith the B hypersecretion syndrome at the end of stress .

In the first model, we administered high dosages of Bto rats, which decreased GC + B receptor number (20,60). Such down-regulation of receptors by sustained ex-posure to elevated levels of ligand is a well-known com-pensatory feature of endocrine and neural systems.Within the brain, hippocampal GC + B receptors aremost sensitive to such regulation (60, 109), and with aproper protocol of B administration, we could reducehippocampal GC + B receptors in a reversible and fairlydiscrete fashion. Although we did not distinguish be-tween GC and B receptors in most studies of down-regulation, one instance where we did use [''H]B in vivoto selectively label B receptors indicated that this popu-lation is decreased in CAI and CA2 (109). Figure 2 (left)demonstrates that such receptor-depleted rats hyperse-crete B after the end of stress ; this agreed with apreviousreport showing that rats treated chronically with stressbecome less sensitive to feedback inhibition by glucocor-ticoids (109a) . Importantly, Fig. 2 also shows that a weekafter the cessation of B administration, when GC + Breceptor concentrations in the hippocampus return to

FIG. 2. B titers of rats taken 1 h into the recovery period after 1 h ofimmobilization stress . Panel A, Rats were Long-Evans control subjects(C), rats exposed to 1 week of daily stressors (S), and stressed ratsallowed 1 week to recover from the stress regimen (S + R) . Panel B,Rats were Long-Evans controls (CONT), untreated Brattleboro rats(BB), and Brattleboro rats treated for 1 week with the VP analog des-glycinimide VP and tested either 0, 1, 2, or 6 weeks after the suspensionof treatment with the peptide. * and ** indicate significantly elevatedabove basal B titers at 0.05, 0.02 levels, respectively (paired t tests) .[Reproduced with permission from R. Sapolsky et al . : Proc Natl AcadSci USA 81:6174, 1984 (20) .]


normal, the capacity to turn off the B stress responsepromptly also normalizes (20) .As our second model, we studied the Brattleboro strain

of rat, which is congenitally deficient in the peptide VP.VP serves both as an antidiuretic hormone in the pitui-tary, a modulator of ACTH release, and as a neurotrans-mitter or neuromodulator in the brain. Neural VP canapparently regulate hippocampal GC + B receptors, asBrattleboro rats are deficient in such receptors; a losshas not been reported anywhere else in the brain and iscorrected by administration of VP or a centrally actingVP analog (55) . We found that the Brattleboro rat,deficient in hippocampal GC + B receptors, hyperse-cretes B at the end of stress (Fig. 2, right) . Furthermore,normalization of the receptor deficit with a VP analognormalizes B secretion. Finally, after suspension of VP-analog therapy, receptor levels decline over 6 weeks topretreatment levels, and B hypersecretion reemerges inparallel (20) .Thus, the aged hippocampus, with its loss of neurons

and of their B and possibly GC receptors, is doublyimpaired in its regulation of adrenocortical secretion.The receptor depletion desensitizes the structure to thepresence of circulating B and, in effect, causes circulatingconcentrations of the steroid to be underestimated . Theproblem is further compounded because not only is therea loss of the receptors, but also of the neurons thatcontained them ; consequently, neural communicationthrough and out of the hippocampus is impeded. Theproblem of feedback desensitization and B hypersecre-tion thus appears due to the degenerative loss of neuronsand receptors in the aging hippocampus. As noted above,the B and GC receptors differ in their affinities for B.Under conditions of basal circulating B concentrations,approximately 90% of hippocampal B receptors are oc-cupied, whereas perhaps 10% of the lower affinity GCreceptors are occupied at that time (36) . During stress,occupancy of the B receptors changes only minimally,whereasoccupancy of GC receptors changes considerably(36) . It has been theorized that hippocampal B receptorsmediate signals concerning tonic changes in basal Bconcentrations, whereas hippocampal GC receptors areresponsive to stress signals (36) . The age-related deple-tion of B receptors in the hippocampus may thus be mostrelated to the elevated basal B concentrations observedin the aged rat; that B is hypersecreted in the aftermathof stress makes it of considerable importance to deter-mine whether there is also an age-related loss of hippo-campal GC receptors.

It should be mentioned that the construct developedin this section, namely that hippocampal damage impairsthe capacity of the aged rat to terminate B secretionafter the end of stress, differs from (but does not contra-dict) the more traditional views of B feedback regulation .

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Essentially all of the numerous reports concerning suchregulation have examined the effects of B feedback oneither basal or stimulated (i.e. stressed) adrenocorticalsecretion (cf. Ref. 9) . In general it appears that sustainedelevation of B concentrations over a period of daysinhibits both basal and stimulated secretion . Over thecourse of hours, B feedback is more effective at inhibitingstimulated rather than basal secretion . In both of thesetime domains, the extent of inhibition is proportional tothe steroid dose . Finally, over a course of minutes, Bfeedback, in proportion to the rate of rise of concentra-tion of the steroid, can inhibit stimulated adrenocorticalsecretion (9) . To our knowledge, before reports concern-ing aged rats (11, 19, 20), little attention had been paidto regulation of secretion during the poststress period .As noted, we found that complete hippocampal destruc-tion leads to B hypersecretion both during and afterstress (20) . This represents a more severe neurologicallesion than in aged rats [who have only a moderate lossof hippocampal neurons (52-54)], as well as a more severeendocrine defect [as aged rats do not appear to hyperse-crete B during stress (11-14)] . When a more subtle defectis induced in the hippocampus (i .e . depletion of GC + Breceptors without destruction of neurons), B hypersecre-tion is only observed during the poststress period (20) .This suggests a particularly important role for the hip-pocampus in terminating poststress B secretion, andthathippocampal damage as a normal part of aging is insuf-ficient to produce elevated B concentrations duringstress .

Regulation of Receptor Number per NeuronAt this point, we sought to understand the cause of

the degenerative changes in the senescent hippocampusby searching for experimental manipulations whichwould mimic its features. A number of models initiallyseemed to fulfill these criteria.The Brattleboro rat and the aged rat appeared to have

a number of features in common. The former completelylacked neural VP, while the latter had decreased levelsof the peptide (110, 111) . Both hadthe similarB hyperse-cretion syndrome described, as well as similar cognitiveimpairments (55, 110, 111) . Finally, both had a selectiveand extensive loss of glucocorticoid-binding receptors inthe hippocampus (40, 55) . The demonstration that re-placement of the absent VP in the Brattleboro rat nor-malized the receptor depletion (55) [as well as the en-docrine and cognitive dysfunctions typical of the strain(55)] suggested that declining hippocampal VP concen-trations may underlie the similar problems of senescence .Thus, aged rats were administered a VP analog whichnormalized the receptor loss in the Brattleboro rat. Un-fortunately, the peptide fails to correct the aged receptor


deficit (51) . Just as in the aged rat, quantitative autora-diography after [';H]B administration in uiuo revealedthe Brattleboro hippocampus B receptor deficit to be themost dramatic in the CA1 cell field and to spare CA4,dentate gyrus, and subiculum. However, high resolutionautoradiography revealed the critical difference : Brattle-boro rats have a profound and VP-reversible loss ofreceptors per hippocampal neuron, but, unlike the agedrat, have not lost any of the neurons themselves (51) .Thus, depletion of VP is not the likely cause of thesenescence-induced degeneration in the hippocampal Breceptor system, and our subsequent characterization ofthe VP regulation of these receptors showed it to berather specialized and limited (112) .A second possible model concerned ACTH, which has

been reported to regulate GC + B receptor number inthe brain (41, 113) . Administration of an ACTH analoghas been reported to potentiate GC + B receptor numberin the aged hippocampus (41) . This suggested that anabsence of ACTH may underlie the senescent receptordeficit. However, there are at least two inconsistencieswith this hypothesis . First, as discussed, ACTH concen-trations rise with age (14, 24) . Next, the directions of theACTH effect on GC + B receptors in the two reportswere contradictory (41, 113) .

In a third model, we investigated reports that disrup-tion of specific neurochemical inputs into the hippocam-pus could alter its number of GC + B receptors . Wedisrupted dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin pro-jections but, in contrast to other reports (114, 115), foundno reliable changes in GC + B receptor number aftersuch lesions. Furthermore, in examining catecholamineand indolamine content in the aged hippocampus, wefound no evidence that significant depletions of any ofthese neurotransmitters occur with aging (Renner, K.,R. M. Sapolsky, and V. Luine, unpublished data) .

As a final model, we examined whether the down-regulation of hippocampal GC + B receptor concentra-tions after elevated B concentration is an appropriatemodel for the senescent hippocampus. We first demon-strated that either a week of sustained stress, or a weekof B administration sufficient to mimic the stress-in-duced concentrations of circulating B, down-regulatesGC + B receptor number. As in the aged rat, the loss ismost profound in the hippocampus, less reliably so inthe amygdala, and not at all in the pituitary or in otherbrain regions. As in the aged rat, the receptors thatremain are unchanged in their affinity for the steroidligand (60) . However, this down-regulation appears dueto either decelerated receptor synthesis or accelerateddegradation, as there is only a change in the number ofreceptors per neuron, with no change in the number ofneurons themselves (116). Finally, as noted, the receptorloss spontaneously normalizes within a week of the end

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of B treatment (60) . Therefore, this is not the likelymechanism for the degeneration of the senescent hippo-campus .Thus, hippocampal GC + B receptor number can be

regulated by VP, short term exposure to stress, or ele-vated B concentrations . In contrast with the receptorloss in the aged rat, such alterations of receptor numberare transient, presumably involve changes in receptor-processing rates, and do not involve changes in neuronnumber .

Glucocorticoid Neurotoxicity in the Hippocampus

Despite our demonstration that 1 week of stress or ofexposure to high titers of B produced only transientreceptor loss, we speculated that more prolonged B ex-posure could produce permanent degenerative changesin the hippocampus similar to those observed in the agedrat. This was based on two observations in the literature .First, pharmacological concentrations of glucocorticoidsproduce hippocampal degeneration (117); the seeminglyanomalous anatomical preference for the hippocampusmay be explained by the demonstration that the struc-ture had the highest concentration of B receptors in thebrain (37) . Second, in a series of important and difficultstudies, Landfield and colleagues (23, 49, 53, 118) pro-duced evidence that cumulative exposure to basal Bconcentrations over the lifespan might mediate hippo-campal neuron death. After characterizing the senescentfeatures of the hippocampus, including the decreasedneuron density and compensatory glial clustering andreactivity, they demonstrated that the extent to whichbasal B concentrations are elevated with age in the ratpredicts the severity of the neuropathological changes inthe hippocampus. Finally, they demonstrated that re-moval of B at midage by adrenalectomy prevents theemergence of these markers of hippocampal senescence .

As a result of these observations, we examined whethertruly prolonged elevation of B concentrations producesa "senescent" hippocampus. We administered B to ratsat a dosage producing the concentrations seen after majorstress continuously for 3 months (representing approxi-mately 12% ofthe lifespan). After this time, hippocampalGC + B receptor number is down-regulated approxi-mately 50%, about the same extent as after only 1 weekof B administration (116) . This is not surprising, as wehad previously shown that to be the maximal extent ofdown-regulating achievable in the structure (60) . How-ever, in contrast to rats which were exposed to 1 week ofB and in which hippocampal receptor concentrationsnormalized within 1 week of the cessation of treatment,the receptor depletion in 3 month 13-treated rats was farmore persistent, if not permanent; 4 months after theend of treatment, no recovery of receptor numbers is


observed (Fig . 3) . The depletion appears due to loss ofthe host neurons themselves . Total cell number is de-creased, and the decline is entirely attributable to loss of13-concentrating cells . As with the aged hippocampus,surviving cells bind less B . Furthermore, area determi-nations of cell bodies showed that the cells lost are ofthe same size class as the neurons lost in the senescenthippocampus. Importantly, just as in the aged structure,this loss is accompanied by a significant increase in smallcells which, by morphological and cytological criteria,resemble the glia which proliferate and infiltrate in re-sponse to neuronal damage . Finally, the cell loss in bothexperimental and aged rats is most profound in the CA3cell field. Thus, this model produced features identicalto that of the aged hippocampus: persistent GC + Breceptor loss most probably due to loss of the hostneurons, a preferential vulnerability of the CA3 cell field,and glial hyperplasia accompanying this neuronal dam-age (116).These findings, when combined with the Landfield

studies (23, 49, 53, 118), suggest that cumulative exposureto basal concentrations of B lead to the degenerative lossof neurons and B receptors in the senescent hippocam-pus, and that chronic stress, with its resultant increasein B concentrations, accelerates this process. This was,in many regards, a puzzling finding: neuron loss due notto toxins, exogenous insults, slow viruses, or autoimmuneattack, but rather to cumulative exposure to normalconcentrations of a hormone that is essential for life .

Fic. 3. Maximal binding capacity (in femtomoles ['H]DEX bound permg cytosolic protein) of hippocampi of control, acute, and chronicsubjects . Acute subjects were injected sc daily with 5 mg B for 2 weeks,chronic subjects for 3 months . Rats were then allowed to recover fromsuch treatment; four subjects from each group were culled at each timepoint during the recovery period for receptor assay. Both acute andchronic rats had significantly diminished binding capacity, relative tocontrols, at the beginning of the recovery period (0 .01 level of signifi-cance, Scheffe test after two-way analysis of variance). Acute ratsrecovered from this quickly, such that receptor levels were comparableto those of controls within a week . Chronic rats, however, showed noevidence of recovery during the 4-month followup . [Reproduced withpermission from R. Sapolsky et al. : J Neurosci 5:1221, (116).]

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However, there are precedents for degeneration inducedby sustained exposure to an endogenous ligand . Thefemale rodent loses the capacity to ovulate with age, andsuch reproductive failure arises from loss of the triggeringsurge of LH before ovulation. Degenerative changes inthe senescent hypothalamus (in particular, the arcuatenucleus) appear to underlie the failure of the LH surge,andan extensive and elegant body of studies showed thatcumulative exposure to basal concentrations of the ovar-ian steroid, estrogen, accelerated the hypothalamic de-generation (119). Furthermore, stress has been shown todamage the retina, decreasing the numbers of photore-ceptor and bipolar neurons, and this toxicity could beprevented by adrenalectomy (120, 121) .

Thus, we turned our attention to the cellular mecha-nisms of glucocorticoid neurotoxicity in the hippocampusand found evidence for at least one model of action.Potentially, B could be directly and intrinsically toxic tothese neurons; i.e . in the absence of any challenges orinsults, neurons continuously exposed to B would diefaster, relative to B-free controls . No evidence for suchan action has been demonstrated . As an alternative oradditional mechanism, B might be insufficiently toxic tokill neurons directly but might, in some manner, com-promise their capacity to survive subsequent extrinsicchallenges . Such a model predicted that a variety oftoxins and insults which damaged the hippocampuswould be more lethal in stressed or B-treated rats andless so in adrenalectomized subjects . We and others havefound evidence for such glucocorticoid modulation ofhippocampal neuronal vulnerability (122-127). Twoneurotoxins, kainic acid and 3-acetylpyridine, and hy-poxia-ischemia, all of which preferentially damage thehippocampus, are all more neurotoxic in rats with phys-iologically elevated B levels . Conversely, adrenalectomyprotects against these insults. The effect is large, withthe number of dead neurons varying by more than 1order of magnitude depending on the B milieu . Thesefindings are strikingly reminiscent of those of O'Steenand Donnelly (120), who reported that the damagingeffects of photic stimulation upon the retina are poten-tiated by acute stress, and that this synergy is attenuatedby adrenalectomy.A considerable amount of work has been done recently

examining this capacity of glucocorticoids to potentiatedamaging insults to the hippocampus, and a number offeatures of this modulation are now understood:

1. Glucocorticoids impair the ability of hippocampalneurons to survive the insults, rather than to alter thequality of the insults themselves . This view is mostbroadly strengthened by the sheer variety of mechanismsby which these insults damage the hippocampus. Forexample, kainic acid is an excitotoxin which is an analogof the excitatory amino acid glutamate and appears to


exert some of its damage by influencing glutaminergicsynapses (128, 129) . In contrast, 3-acetylpyridine is anantimetabolite which disrupts the electron transportchain (130), while hypoxia-ischemia is proposed to dam-age the hippocampus via ATP depletion, inappropriatecalcium and/or chloride fluxes, and interaction with theglutaminergic system (131-134) . Yet all of these insultsare more potent in the presence of elevated concentra-tions of glucocorticoids . Furthermore, glucocorticoids donot increase the diffusion or binding of kainic acid withinthe hippocampus (122), which also supports the idea thatthe steroids are influencing the capacity of neurons towithstand the insults, rather than influencing the insultsthemselves . Finally, the potentiation of damage by glu-cocorticoids occurs either exclusively or most dramati-cally in the hippocampus, suggesting that these neuronsare atypically vulnerable to glucocorticoids (122-124).2. Glucocorticoids themselves are the damaging agents

within the hippocampus. The steroids have a vast num-ber of metabolic effects throughout the body, and onemight readily speculate that the potentiation of hippo-campal damage by the steroids arises secondarily toglucocorticoid actions elsewhere. The rather unique vul-nerability of the hippocampus to the damaging actionsof glucocorticoids, and the high concentrations of gluco-corticoid receptors within the structure suggest, instead,that the steroids exert a direct effect in compromisingneuronal viability. This is strongly supported by ourrecent observation that glucocorticoids enhance kainicacid and 3-acetylpyridine-induced neuron death in pri-mary cultures of dispersed fetal rat hippocampal neurons(Sapolsky, R. M., andW. Vale, submitted) . This conclu-sion is at odds with one facet of the work of Landfieldand colleagues who have suggested that at least some ofthe damaging actions of glucocorticoids in the hippocam-pus arise secondarily via glucocorticoid-induced inhibi-tion of ACTH secretion (i .e . that chronic diminution ofexposure to ACTH is damaging to the hippocampus) . Insupport of this view, they demonstrated that some of theprotective effects of adrenalectomy upon the aging hip-pocampus could be mimicked with administration of anACTH analog (118) . Potentially, both sustained expo-sure to glucocorticoids and sustained deprivation ofACTH could each be damaging; however, it should benoted that in the aging rat, ACTH concentrations areelevated (13), contrary to the prediction of the data ofLandfield and colleagues .

3. Some of the glucocorticoid actions in damaginghippocampal neurons are mediated by the GC receptor.As evidence, the capacity of glucocorticoid to enhanceinsult-induced damage in vitro is attenuated by coincu-bation of cultures with the GC receptor antagonist, RU38486 (Sapolsky, R. M., and W. Vale, submitted) .Whether some of the endangering actions of the steroid

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also arise from interactions with the B receptor in thehippocampus (cf Ref. 135) is currently being examined.4. Both a history of exposure of the hippocampus to

elevated glucocorticoid concentrations before an insult,as well as the acute presence of elevated concentrationsin the aftermath can potentiate damage. This was shownby limiting glucocorticoid administration to adrenalec-tomized rats to either a week before or a week after theinsult, but not both ; significant potentiation of damagestill occurs (125) .

5. Glucocorticoids endanger the hippocampus in arapid and persistent manner . A pair of studies examinedthe time-window of hippocampal neuronal vulnerabilityto the compromising actions of glucocorticoids ; theseshowed that as little as 24 h of exposure to elevatedconcentrations of the steroid bracketing the administra-tion of kainic acid or 3-acetylpyridine can potentiatedamage (123, 125) . This suggests a fairly rapid steroidaction, eliminating a number of possible mechanisms oftoxicity . For example, glucocorticoids can nonenzymati-cally form adducts with proteins in ways that can theo-retically impair protein function or lead to destructivecross-linked protein aggregates ; such a mechanism hasbeen proposed for glucocorticoid-induced retinal damage(136) . The speed with which glucocorticoids impair hip-pocampal neuronal viability suggests that the formationof such adducts is unlikely to underly this phenomenon .The glucocorticoid effect upon neurons appears to be

relatively persistent . As evidence, exposure of adrenal-ectomized rats to high glucocorticoid concentrationsfrom 7-4 days before kainic acid administration poten-tiates damage (125).6. Some of the damaging actions of glucocorticoid arise

from their disruption of hippocampal neuronal energymetabolism . Neurons are notoriously vulnerable to de-pletion of energy. They consume energy at a high rate,have only limited abilities to store glycogen, and utilizeonly a few energy substrates (134). In addition, the threeinsults the potencies of which are modulated by gluco-corticoids either impair the capacity of neurons to gen-erate energy (hypoxia-ischemia, 3-acetylpyridine), orplace pathological demands upon the neuron for energy(kainic acid). It appears that glucocorticoids potentiatetheir damage, at least in part, by exacerbating the stateof energy depletion that they induce . Glucocorticoidsinhibit glucose uptake in peripheral tissues such as adi-pocytes, skin, and thymocytes (137) . While measures ofwhole brain glucose content have not indicated a similarsteroid action throughout the entire organ (138), thehormone significantly inhibits glucose uptake and utili-zation in the hippocampus, as determined by both meas-urement of labeled glucose in dissected individual brainregions (139) and by 2-deoxy-glucose studies (M. Kade-karo, personal communication) . The mechanisms of ac-


tion of these insults upon energetically vulnerable neu-rons, and the ability of GCs to themselves disrupt neu-ronal energy metabolism suggested that supplementingrats with additional brain fuels might counteract thesynergy between glucocorticoids and these insults. Wehave now observed this to be the case (126); supplemen-tation of rats with glucose, mannose, the ketone ß-hy-droxybutyrate, or (to a much lesser extent) fructoseattenuates the synergy between glucocorticoids andeither kainic acid or 3-acetylpyridine . Whyenergy deple-tion damages neurons is, in effect, the central and mostchallenging question in cellular neuropathology .These studies demonstrate that physiological eleva-

tions of B can impair the ability of hippocampal neuronsto survive extrinsic challenges . This is clearly relevantto acute insults. In the aftermath of cerebral ischemia orseizure, exogenous administration of glucocorticoids canenhance hippocampal damage . Even more importantly,after such insults, adrenalectomy reduces damage, sug-gesting that what is viewed as "normative" hippocampalinjury after these insults is, in fact, normative damageexacerbated by coincident secretion of glucocorticoids[thus, as we have suggested (124), pharmacological atten-uation of glucocorticoid secretion in the aftermath ofthese insults may prove protective of the hippocampus] .These studies suggest that hippocampal neuron loss dur-ing aging might arise from a decline after each externalinsult, the size of the decline being modulated by the Bmilieu at that time . As noted, whether the hormones arealso directly toxic (i.e . whether, superimposed on thepunctate loss is a continuous decrement) is unknown.Finally, it is unknown whether such declines are exac-erbated by intrinsic senescence of these neurons or areentirely afunction of external hit frequency (i .e . whether,with the same extrinsic insult in the same B milieu, thepunctate decline is greater in a population of aged neu-rons) .

In a thoughtful review, Munck (137) viewed the met-abolic actions of glucocorticoids as designed to transferenergy during stress from storage sites in fat, skin, thy-mocytes (and apparently some brain regions) to muscle-the tissue most likely to have an increased demand forenergy during a somatic stressor and the capacity ofwhichto utilize glucose is not inhibited by glucocorticoids(137) . It appears both maladaptive and puzzling thatcerebral ischemia or seizure can provoke glucocorticoidsecretion as robustly as do numerous somatic stressors(140), as energy utilization is then curtailed in criticallyvulnerable neurons. The hippocampus has been long-recognized by neuropathologists as being inordinatelyvulnerable to numerous insults (134), andvarious mech-anisms have been offered as explanations for this vul-nerability, including the sparse microvasculature in theregion, or aspects of hippocampal electrophysiology

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(134). The studies just outlined suggest that, as an ad-ditional factor, enhanced hippocampal vulnerabilitymight arise from the catabolic actions of glucocorticoidsand the extremely high concentrations of their receptorsin the hippocampus.

An Integrated Model with PossiblePathophysiological Implications

The separate features of this system-the cumulativeB effects in the hippocampus, and the hippocampal reg-ulation of B secretion-combine to form a feed-forwardcascade of degeneration with age (Fig. 4) . Periods ofstress, of excessive B secretion, down-regulate the num-ber of B receptors per hippocampal neuron, and once theperiod of B hypersecretion terminates, the receptor losscan be self-correcting. At some point, however, the down-regulation of receptors is sufficient to dampen hippocam-pal feedback inhibition of the adrenocortical axis, and Bhypersecretion emerges. This precipitates further down-regulation of receptors and, further hypersecretion untilpermanent loss of the hippocampal neurons themselvesoccur, and irreversible commitment to the cascade be-gins . However, a number of questions still remain un-answered . First, is there a linear relationship betweendown-regulation of the B receptors in the hippocampusand the loss of feedback sensitivity (i .e . does hypersecre-tion begin with the most minimal of down-regulation)?There appears to be a fair linearity in the relationship,as both the B hypersecretion and the hippocampal GC+ B receptor decline emerge progressively with age (11,21-23) . At what juncture does neuron death begin, andto what extent must excessive B secretion and extrinsicmetabolic challenges temporally coincide to damage neu-rons? Finally, in addition to disrupting feedback inhibi-tion, does the finite down-regulatory loss of B receptorsalso temporarily protect the neurons from the more toxicB effects and thus temper the emergence of the cascade?

Fta. 4 . Schematic representation of glucocorticoid cascade hypothesis .


This model casts light on why the adrenocortical axisin aged male rats responds to stress inefficiently, howthis can emerge from a normal lifespan of occasionalstress and metabolic challenges to the brain, and howexcessive stress and challenges accelerate the process.The degenerative cascade can, potentially, have variedpathophysiological consequences . As described earlier,hyperadrenocorticism has a pathophysiological price, in-ducing catabolic degeneration in varied organ systems(8, 10). Figure 4 lists pathologies that share two features :occurrence after excessive glucocorticoid exposure, anda dramatically increased spontaneous occurrence withage (8, 10) . [It should be noted that in the human,depression should be added to this list, as its incidenceincreases with age; glucocorticoid administration, as wellas Cushing's disease, is similarly associated with anincrease in depressive symptoms (141, 142)] . As an ad-ditional pathological consideration, the hippocampusplays an important role in cognition (143) . Hippocampaldamage or decreased GC + B receptor number in thehippocampus are both associated with learning impair-ments (21, 143), as is aging (118), and Landfield andcolleagues (118) have shown that aged rats, after havingbeen adrenalectomized at midage, are not only spareddegenerative changes typical of the senescent hippocam-pus, but also display improved cognition. Could the Bhypersecretion syndrome that emerges with age play arole in some of the other pathologies of aging? We havetested this idea in one study. Stress, at least in partthrough glucocorticoid secretion, promotes the establish-ment of tumors and accelerates tumor growth (144-146).The long-known immunosuppressive effects of glucocor-ticoids, as well as their effects on tumorigenesis factorsand metabolism, might play a role in this (7, 147-150) .If aged rats, because of the regulatory dysfunctions ofthis cascade, secrete more B per stressor than do youngsubjects, will chronic stress be more tumorigenic in agedsubjects? After injecting rats with cells transformed withFujinami sarcoma virus, we found that aged rats werevastly more vulnerable to stress-induced acceleration ofthe growth of these tumor-forming cells. Furthermore,replication of the aged pattern of B hypersecretion at theend of stress in young rats similarly increased theirvulnerability to tumor growth (151) . While indirect, thisstudy presents first evidence that this senescent cascadeof glucocorticoid hypersecretion may be a predisposingfactor in some of the pathologies that are concomitantsof aging.

Appropriateness of this Model to the Primate andHuman

As noted, all of the studies described have utilized rats.Is the model outlined in Fig. 4 relevant to the human

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and/or primate brain? The general features of the modelare phylogenetically conserved from rodents to primates .For example, the endocrine axis involving CRF (andrelated secretagogs), ACTH, and glucocorticoids (in thecase of primates, cortisol) is identical in the two groups(152) . Furthermore, as for the rodent, the primate hip-pocampus is the principal neural target for glucocorti-coids (153). Moreover, excessive glucocorticoid exposurecan have many of the same pathophysiological conse-quences in both groups (10) . However, do the morespecific features of this model also apply to the primate?

The Effect of Glucocorticoids upon the PrimateHippocampus

Can glucocorticoids damage the hippocampus, or anyglucocorticoid-sensitive tissue of the primate brain? Notsurprisingly, only very tentative and almost anecdotaldata can be considered . Before the emergence of moderntherapeutic methods for managing Cushing's syndrome,such patients were likely to sustain prolonged exposureto elevated glucocorticoid concentrations . A rather oldliterature examining the postmortem status of the brainsofsuch individuals reports a low but consistent incidenceof neural atrophy and lesions in the limbic brain, frontallobe, and hypothalamus (discussed in Ref. 153a). Hydro-cephalus was reported to accompany many such cases.In these reports, the cerebral damage was invariablyconsidered as a possible cause, rather than consequence,of the endocrine abnormalities of the syndrome . In amore recent but equally sparse literature, torture victimshave been reported to have high incidences of cerebralatrophy, ventricular enlargement, and dementia (154,155) . Some of these neurological correlates of tortureappear to be transient, however. In an ongoing study, thebrains of vervet monkeys who had died during a periodof sustained social stress have been examined . Animalshad been recently captured and housed in pairs, and ina number of cases, the socially subordinate member ofthe pair died, with associated renal failure and pepticulcers . As compared with age- and sex-matched controls,such stressed animals showed a significant loss of neu-rons, along with incidences of pyknosis, neuronophagia,and glial infiltration throughout the hippocampus andcortex (Uno, H., and R. M. Sapolsky, in preparation) .The most useful observations concerning the capacity

of glucocorticoids to damage the primate hippocampushas emerged from examination of the fetal brain. Inthese studies, DEX was administered to 132 gestationday rhesus monkeys, and their fetuses were removed at135 days. In such fetuses, total numbers of neurons weredramatically reduced in the CA2 and CA3 regions of thehippocampus, as well as in motor and visual cortex . Lesspronounced declines occurred in the CA4 and CAI hip-


The Effect of the Primate Hippocampus uponGlucocorticoid Secretion

Normative Human Aging


pocampal cell fields and in sensory and frontal cortex .The 135 gestation day hippocampus is cytoarchitectur-ally mature anddifferentiated in this species; this impliesthat the decrement in neuron number can be ascribed toreduction by the steroid of preexisting neurons ratherthan to arrest of subsequent neurogenesis (Ref. 156; andH. Uno, personal communication) . Thus, there is somesuggestion that glucocorticoids can damage the hippo-campus, and that the CA3 region is particularly vulner-able to this effect . This relationship remains to be tested,of course, in the adult primate brain .Can stress and/or sustained glucocorticoid exposure

down-regulate hippocampal cortisol receptors in the pri-mate? There are no relevant data yet concerning down-regulation of primate hippocampal cortisol receptors,much less consideration of whether the structure is pref-erentially sensitive to such regulation .

To consider the other side of the feed-forward cascadeoutlined in Fig. 4, does the primate hippocampus mediateglucocorticoid negative feedback? What little data thereare support this conclusion . First, there is a correlationbetween hippocampal damage and glucocorticoid hy-persecretion (either basally and/or after DEX adminis-tration) in a number of human disorders, including ADand chronic alcoholism (discussed below) . Furthermore,in perhaps the only such report involving the humanhippocampus, stimulation of the structure results in in-hibition of adrenocortical secretion (157) . Finally, wehave recently obtained preliminary evidence that fornixtransection in the macaque produces cortisol hypersecre-tion throughout the circadian cycle as well as DEXresistance (Sapolsky, R. M., S. Zola-Morgan, and L.Squire, unpublished observations).

Thus, the primate hippocampus appears to have asimilar inhibitory influence upon the adrenocortical axisas in the rodent . Furthermore, the structure appears tolose neurons with age (with the loss most pronounced,as in the rat, in the CA3 region and far less so in theCAI cell field) (H . Uno, personal communication) . Fi-nally, this pattern of neuron loss can arise from exposureto elevated glucocorticoid concentrations, at least in thefetus. Thus, a number of features of Fig. 4 appear,tentatively, to be relevant to the primate. Do thesefeatures produce a syndrome of glucocorticoid hyperse-cretion as a normative aspect of human aging? Quiteclearly, the answer is no . Neither the secretion of cortisolnor of 17-hydroxycorticosteroids increases with age inthe human (158-161), and circadian rhythmicity of the

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secretion is demonstrable (161-164) . Pituitary ACTHcontent is unchanged with age, as is adrenal responsive-ness to stress (158, 159) . Finally, most (159, 164, 165)[although not all (29)] studies report no age-relatedchanges in the responsiveness of the adrenocortical axisto either metyrapone or DEX.

Neuropathology and Psychopathology in theAged Human

Thus, while most of the regulatory features of Fig. 4appear to be potentially operable in the primate brain,the syndrome of glucocorticoid hypersecretion is not anormative part of human aging. However, these featuresdo emerge as a function of age when senescence is coupledwith a pathological state. We will specifically discuss thisinteraction between age and both AD and affective dis-orders .AD is among the most common causes of dementia

and produces a profound disruption of cognition. Itsneurocytological hallmarks are its neurofibrillary tanglesand neutitic plaques of amyloid. Of considerable impor-tance, such cytological degeneration is most marked inthe hippocampus and neocortex (166). Considerable at-tention has focused on the cholinergic components of thedisease, in that cholinergic perikarya are lost in thenucleus basalis of Meynart which projects to both thehippocampus and neocortex; accompanying this loss is adecline in choline acetyltransferase activity in those lat-ter sites (167-169). The neurochemical abnormalities ofthe disease are not limited to the cholinergic system,however, and include declines in somatostatin and CRFconcentrations within the cortex (170-173) .A hallmark of AD is the glucocorticoid hypersecretion

of its sufferers. This includes elevations of basal cortisolconcentrations as well as DEX resistance (174-178) . Asproposed by Carroll et al . (179), the DEX suppressiontest involved administering 1 mg DEX orally at 2300 h,followed by sampling of serum cortisol concentrations at1600 h and 2300 h the next day. Nonsuppressors aredefined as those who fail to suppress below 5 Fig/100 mlat either time point, since some individuals may fail tosuppress altogether whereas others may show prematureescape from otherwise normal suppression (180). Usingthis criterion, researchers have reported an approxi-mately 50% rate of DEX resistance in AD patients, andthis appears unrelated to coincident affective disorders(see below) (174, 175, 178) . Importantly, recent workdemonstrates that in the AD patient, DEX resistancebecomes more prevalent with age (181) .

In viewing these data, we speculate that the glucocor-ticoid hypersecretion arises from the hippocampal dam-age typical of AD. In most younger patients, DEX re-sponsiveness is intact (181) which suggests that the


primary hippocampal damage attributable to AD is, asyet, below threshold for disrupting adrenocortical func-tion . In older patients, the hippocampal impairmentattributable to AD and presumably to aging, each alonetypically insufficient to disrupt adrenocortical function,combine and produce a far higher prevalence of DEXresistance (182).A similar picture may characterize affective disorders

such as endogenous depression . The illness has beenlinked to abnormalities in adrenocortical function (183)and to resistance to DEX (179, 184) . Other related in-dices of abnormal activity of this pathway in depressioninclude elevated CRF levels in the CSF (185) and ele-vated ACTH levels (186) [which, under some circum-stances, may be dissociated from elevated glucocorticoidconcentrations (187)] . In addition, depressed patientshave been found to have phase shifts in diurnal pattern-ing of adrenocortical function, reflecting an earlier nadirin cortisol levels ; this pattern can be dissociated fromDEX resistance (188) . Carroll and others (179, 184) havefound that approximately half of patients with majordepression are DEX resistant. Many reasons have beenproposed for this partial correlation, including the pos-sibility that there are subtypes of depression with differ-ent degrees of adrenocortical dysfunction, different pa-tient populations, or that the conditions which lead toDEX resistance are not operative all the time in de-pressed patients . In fact, all three notions may be valid.With regard to subtype of depression, higher inci-

dences of nonsuppression have been identified in familialpure depressive disease, compared with sporadic depres-sive and depression spectrum disease (188). Furthermore,in keeping with the original work of Sachar et al . (183)which identified abnormal cortisol secretion in psychoticdepression, this subtype is also recognized as having ahigh incidence of DEX resistance (189-191) . Anotherrecent study indicates that symptoms of melancholiatogether with either symptoms of agitation or delusionare associated with elevated cortisol concentrations anda high incidence of DEX resistance (R . Brown, Payne-Whitney Clinic, personal communication) . With regardto inherent differences in patient populations, it hasrecently become clear that with a wide variety of depres-sion subtypes, DEX resistance becomes more prevalentwith age (192-195c) . This was shown quite dramaticallyin one study by Georgotas et al . (193), in which fully 83%of depressives over the age of 60 were DEX-resistant.

Finally, the sensitivity of the adrenocortical axis toDEX waxes and wanes as a function of stress, whichcould explain some of the patterns of responsiveness toDEX in depressives. Remission of symptoms of depres-sion is associated with normal DEX responsiveness(184), and scoring of patients for lifetime occurrence ofDEX resistance, rather than relying only upon one test,

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produces a higher percentage of nonsuppressors amongbipolar depressed subjects, familial pure depressive dis-ease, and sporadic depressive disease (188) . It is thereforeconceivable that individuals prone to depression are moreprone to psychological stress and perhaps more suscep-tible as well to the consequences of physical or psycho-logical stress .These data suggest a number of tentative conclusions

regarding depression . First, there appear to be subtypesof depression more strongly associated with glucocorti-coid hypersecretion than others . Next, stressors, eitherpreceding or coincident with the depressive episode,might well increase the prevalence of DEX resistance .In support of this, acute stress among physicians asso-ciated with preparing and delivering a lecture leads toDEX resistance in half of the subjects (Ref. 196; see alsoRef. 196a). Such resistance disappears within 1 week . Inthe same study, depressed and schizophrenic patientsshowed the same incidence of DEX resistance (40-50%)as the stressed physicians, although healthy nonstressedcontrols were all normal suppressors. Thus, stress ofunknown duration appears to be an important factor indetermining DEX resistance . As discussed, stress in therat eventuates in preferential down-regulation of gluco-corticoid receptors in the hippocampus, and that suchtransient down-regulation is associated with glucocorti-coid hypersecretion and resistance to negative feedbackregulation (20, 60, 119) . Given the demonstrated role ofthe primate hippocampus in similar mediation of gluco-corticoid feedback regulation, we speculate tentativelythat the DEX resistance observed in some depressivedisorders [which are, in fact, recognized as often beingprecipitated by stress (197)] can arise from transientstress-induced down-regulation of glucocorticoid recep-tors in the hippocampus. As with AD, the prevalence ofDEX resistance among depressives becomes more pro-nounced with senescence and we interpret this, onceagain, as representing an interaction between the nor-mative impairments of the aged hippocampus (which aretypically below threshold for disrupting adrenocorticalfunction) and impairments attributable to the patholog-ical state.These data concerning humans and primates generate

a number of conclusions. It appears that the broadestfeatures of the model presented in Fig. 4 may be operablein the primate, in that the hippocampus plays a role inadrenocortical feedback regulation, and that glucocorti-coids can potentially damage that structure. The mech-anisms for such damage are unknown and it is, of course,of enormous importance to determine whether glucocor-ticoids can sensitize the human hippocampus to thedamaging effects of acute neuropathological insults suchas stroke or seizure (198) . Despite the similarities be-tween the rodent and primate, it is nevertheless clearthat the thresholds for eliciting the features of Fig. 4 are


higher in primate ; in other words, this dysfunctionalcascade does not emerge as a normative part of humanaging. However, when compounded with a pathologicalstate such as AD or depression, the syndrome of gluco-corticoid hypersecretion does emerge with age. Thatthere is such "a direct correlation between age and cor-tisol in interaction with a third variable" (194) suggeststhat the secretory dysfunctions of Fig. 4 are normallysubclinical in the aged human.



Our studies have generated information about nor-mative features of the adrenocortical axis, including Bregulation of GC + B receptors, and hippocampul GC +B receptor modulation of the stress response . In addition,they provide insights into how these regulatory features,when combined, can produce some of the characteristicendocrine abnormalities of the aged rat. The initial re-versibility of the receptor loss ensures that the abnor-malities emerge only slowly; the B-induced neuron deaththat eventually occurs makes the abnormalities ulti-mately irreversible ; and the exacerbation of the processby chronic stress implies a strong environmental or ex-periential component in this aging process. Finally, theyshow the synergism between B and toxins, which sug-gests that glucocorticoids may not only influence the rateof some aspects of aging, but may also influence thecapacity to withstand acute neuropathological insults.Finally, a rather preliminary literature suggests thatthese studies are relevant, if not to normal human aging,then to some pathological concomitants of human aging.It is our hope that the research described here will aid inunderstanding and tempering the excesses of aging whicheach of us must inevitably face .


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