Register TODAY! +61 2 9977 0565 +61 2 9977 0567 [email protected] www.questevents.com.au Addressing the most critical challenges facing HSE and process safety managers in oil and gas: Exploring new approaches in HSE, risk and process safety management Human Factors Analysis update - new research behind critical decision making Partnering for success - real world case studies on how Operators and Contractors successfully collaborate to ensure incident-free environments The role of communication in safety - don’t let communication mistakes cause an accident Safety excellence and the challenges of implementation Developing thoughts and methodologies to identify risk vulnerability Operational resilience and recovery Information technology and real-time data for safety improvement PLUS! Full day in-depth learning sessions on 23 February In-depth Learning Session A Process safety leadership for senior executives New protocols of process safety analysis and establishing a process safety dialogue within your organisation In-depth Learning Session B Anatomy of a major incident and how it applies to your company and personal role A candid account from the former VP of Drilling and Completions, Gulf of Mexico for BP. The critical failures in safety management that lead to the Macondo oil spill - and how these they can be mitigated through proper leadership and safety culture Super Early Bird Discount Register before 12 December and save up to $1000! Delivering key industry experts including: Ian Travers Deputy Director, Chemicals Regulation Directorate Health and Safety Executive (HSE) UK Kevin Lacy Executive Vice President Petroskills USA Former VP BP and Talisman Energy Stuart Smith Chief Executive Officer NOPSEMA Rhonda Yoder General Manager Operational Excellence and HSE Chevron David Provan General Manager Health Safety and Environment Origin Energy Prof. Sidney Dekker School of Humanities Griffith University Dr. Clive Killick Principal HSE Consultant Arrow Energy Adjunct Professor of Chemical Engineering University of Queensland Alistair Oliver Production Manager Oil Search PNG Driving the next phase of improvement in HSE and process safety management performance Safety in Oil and Gas 2015 23 – 25 February 2015 I Mercure Brisbane I Australia Organised by: Supporting partners: Media partners: Mark Leigh Team Leader - Process Safety and Asset Integrity ConocoPhillips John Green HSEQ Director - Australasia Hub Laing O’Rourke Nathan Winter HSE Manager - Risk, Audit and Quality Ausdrill Raj Ratneser Executive Vice President HSSE and Corporate Governance Clough Joseph Micallef Chief Safety & Risk Engineer Worley Parsons Bruce Baldwin Manager Security and Emergency Management Origin Energy Rod Rutledge Senior Advisor - Process Safety and HES Risk Caltex John Raine Vice President QHSSE Weatherford USA Andrew Wilson, Solutions Architect - Asia Pacific, DuPont Peter Hayward, Vice President Health, Safety and Environment, Clough Gavin Holden, Area Commander, Queensland Fire and Rescue Service Daniel Conway, HSE Manager, APA Group Jan Hayes, Senior Research Fellow, Australian National University and Member of Advisory Board , NOPSEMA Rowena Richardson, Director, IGEM

Safety in Oil and Gas 2015 in...Rowena Richardson, Director, IGEM. Register TODAY! +61 2 9977 0565 +61 2 9977 0567 [email protected] Safety in Oil and Gas 2015 ... Kevin Lacy

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Page 1: Safety in Oil and Gas 2015 in...Rowena Richardson, Director, IGEM. Register TODAY! +61 2 9977 0565 +61 2 9977 0567 info@questevents.com.au Safety in Oil and Gas 2015 ... Kevin Lacy

Register TODAY! +61 2 9977 0565 +61 2 9977 0567 [email protected] www.questevents.com.au Register TODAY! +61 2 9977 0565 +61 2 9977 0567 [email protected] www.questevents.com.au

Addressing the most critical challenges facing HSE and process safety managers in oil and gas:

Exploring new approaches in HSE, risk and process safety management Human Factors Analysis update - new research behind critical decision making Partnering for success - real world case studies on how Operators and Contractors

successfully collaborate to ensure incident-free environments The role of communication in safety - don’t let communication mistakes cause

an accident Safety excellence and the challenges of implementation Developing thoughts and methodologies to identify risk vulnerability Operational resilience and recovery Information technology and real-time data for safety improvement

PLUS! Full day in-depth learning sessions on 23 FebruaryIn-depth Learning Session AProcess safety leadership for senior executives New protocols of process safety analysis and establishing a process safety dialogue within your organisationIn-depth Learning Session BAnatomyofamajorincidentandhowitappliestoyourcompanyandpersonal role A candid account from the former VP of Drilling and Completions, Gulf of Mexico for BP. The critical failures in safety management that lead to the Macondo oil spill - and how these they can be mitigated through proper leadership and safety culture

Super Early Bird DiscountRegister before 12 December and save up to $1000!

Delivering key industry experts including:

Ian TraversDeputy Director, Chemicals Regulation DirectorateHealth and Safety Executive (HSE) UK

Kevin LacyExecutive Vice PresidentPetroskills USAFormer VPBP and Talisman Energy

Stuart SmithChief Executive OfficerNOPSEMA

Rhonda YoderGeneral Manager Operational Excellence and HSEChevron

David ProvanGeneral Manager Health Safety and EnvironmentOrigin Energy

Prof. Sidney DekkerSchool of HumanitiesGriffith University

Dr. Clive KillickPrincipal HSE ConsultantArrow EnergyAdjunct Professor of Chemical Engineering University of Queensland

Alistair OliverProduction ManagerOilSearchPNG

Driving the next phase of improvement in HSE and process safety management performance

Safety in Oil and Gas 201523 – 25 February 2015 I Mercure Brisbane I Australia

Organised by:Supporting partners: Media partners:

Mark LeighTeam Leader - Process Safety and Asset IntegrityConocoPhillips

John GreenHSEQ Director - Australasia HubLaing O’Rourke

NathanWinterHSE Manager - Risk, Audit and QualityAusdrill

RajRatneserExecutive Vice President HSSE and Corporate GovernanceClough

Joseph MicallefChief Safety & Risk Engineer WorleyParsons

Bruce BaldwinManager Security and Emergency ManagementOrigin Energy

Rod RutledgeSenior Advisor - Process Safety and HES RiskCaltex

John RaineVice President QHSSEWeatherfordUSA

AndrewWilson, Solutions Architect - Asia Pacific, DuPont Peter Hayward, Vice President Health, Safety and Environment, Clough Gavin Holden, Area Commander, Queensland Fire and Rescue Service Daniel Conway, HSE Manager, APA Group

Jan Hayes, Senior Research Fellow, AustralianNationalUniversity and Member of Advisory Board , NOPSEMA

Rowena Richardson, Director, IGEM

Page 2: Safety in Oil and Gas 2015 in...Rowena Richardson, Director, IGEM. Register TODAY! +61 2 9977 0565 +61 2 9977 0567 info@questevents.com.au Safety in Oil and Gas 2015 ... Kevin Lacy

Register TODAY! +61 2 9977 0565 +61 2 9977 0567 [email protected] www.questevents.com.au

Safety in Oil and Gas 201523 – 25 February 2015 I Mercure Brisbane I Australia

Driving the next phase of improvement in HSE and process safety management performance

Conference Day One - Tuesday, 24 February 201508:30 Registration and welcome coffee

08:50 Opening address from the Chair Ian Travers

Deputy Director, Chemicals Regulation Directorate Directorate Health and Safety Executive (HSE), UK


INTERNATIONALKEYNOTE:09:00 Precursorsofamajoraccident–theroleofleadership,process&culture Kevin Lacy was BP’s Vice President of drilling operations in the Gulf of Mexico and exited just

months before the Macondo incident because of disagreements with the oil giant over its commitment to safety. He believed the company was not adequately committed to improving safety protocols in offshore drilling operations to the level of its industry peers. The Deepwater Horizon rig explosion occurred on April 20, 2010, killing 11 workers and causing the worst oil spill in U.S. history.

For the first time in Australia, Kevin will give his insights from a leadership perspective on the organizational factors that preceded this major industrial incident and how these can be mitigated through proper leadership and safety culture.

• Isleadershipacommonfactorinalldisasters?Acommonfactorinalldisasters? • Analysinghowweunderestimatekeyrisks • Understandingwhycultureisthefirstandlastbarriertoescalateariskintoadisaster

-Howdowegainconfidencethatourprocessesarebeingfollowed? Kevin Lacy

Executive Vice President Petroskills USA

Former Vice President, Drilling and Completions, Talisman Energy and BP

09:30 Developing a culture of safety champions: the road to HSE excellence • Definingthe‘what?’inprocesssafetyisnottoodifficult–sowhyisimplementingan

effectivesafetymanagementprogrammeawholedifferentchallenge? • Definingthecriticalstepstoachievesafetyexcellence • Implementingeffectivetoolstodrivecontinuousimprovementinsafety • Makingsafetyshapedecisionmakingateveryleveloftheorganisation Rhonda Yoder

General Manager Operational Excellence and HSE Chevron

SAFETYLEADERSPANEL:10:00 Designing safety systems to make people part of the process • Identifyingnewfactorsinprocessaccidents-newtechnology,systemaccidents,new

types of human error • ChampionSMS’sthatstandthetestoftime-whoisgettingitright? • IntegratingHSE,operationalriskandprocesssafetymanagementsystems-howcanthey

bemorecloselyrelated? Panel Moderator: Ian Travers

Deputy Director, Chemicals Regulation Directorate Directorate Health and Safety Executive (HSE), UK

Panellists: Kevin Lacy

Executive Vice President Petroskills USA

David Provan General Manager Health, Safety and Environment Origin Energy

Rhonda Yoder General Manager Operational Excellence and HSE Chevron

Stuart Smith Chief Executive Officer NOPSEMA

10:45 Morning tea

INTERNATIONALKEYNOTE:11:15 Developing thoughts and a methodology to identify risk profiles and risk

vulnerability • Ensuringclaritythroughoutanorganisationoftherisk-profileofamajorhazardbusiness • Identifyingthemostvulnerableaspectsofprocesssafetymanagementsystemsbasedon

this risk profile • SettingtargetedKPIsonthesemostvulnerableaspectsofriskcontrol Ian Travers

Deputy Director, Chemicals Regulation Directorate Directorate Health and Safety Executive (HSE), UK

12:00 How to effectively integrate Process Safety into the Environment, Health and Safety Management System (EHSMS)

• WhatdowemeanbyProcessSafetyManagementSystems? • HowdoesprocesssafetylinkintoacomprehensiveEHSMS? • Integratingpeoplesafetyandprocesssafetytoachieveaneffectivesafetycultureacross

the organisation • AuditingandmonitoringperformancetomeasureeffectivenessoftheEHSMS Joseph Micallef

Chief Safety & Risk Engineer WorleyParsons


12:30 World’sbestpracticeinundergroundcoalgasification(UCG)-designingcomprehensive systems for safe design of UCG operations and facilities

Dr Greg Perkins Chief Technology Officer Linc Energy

13:00 Networking lunch


14:00 How to establish a robust Contractor Safety Management (CSM) strategy • HowtoestablishclearaccountabilityforCSM • Bestpracticeincategorisingcontractorsaccordingtorisk • Effectivelytrackingcompliance RajRatneser

Executive Vice President HSSE and Corporate Governance Clough

DUPONTCASESTUDY:14:30 The role of contractor safety management in process control • EvaluatingthelevelofPSMawarenessinyourcontractorworkforce • Howtocreateastakeholdertaskforcetoprovidetraining • Placingaccountabilityinreportingincidentsandaccidents • Waystoimprovecontractorsafetyatthetimeofconstructionandcommissioning AndrewWilson

Solutions Architect - Asia Pacific DuPont

15:00 Afternoon tea

15:30 Applying a systematic, risk-based and consultative approach in safety management implementation

• AligningHSEmattersacrossmultiplelegacysystems • Adoptingachange-managementapproachtoimplementingtheSafeguardsystem • Workingtogetherforzeroharm–howtoempowerallemployeestocontributeto

HSE excellence • ResultsayearonsinceSafeguard’simplementation Daniel Conway

HSE Manager APA Group

SAFETYLEADERSPANEL:16:00 Developing a comprehensive risk assessment strategy covering barrier

managementandtheoperator/contractorinterfacetomitigaterisk • Selectionofcontractorandsubcontractor-whichmodeshaveproveneffectivenessin

sustainingHSEmanagement? • KeylessonstobridgingthegapbetweencontractorandoperatorHSEmanagementsystems • Applyingthelatesttechniquesinprojectinterfacemanagementtobarrier-based

risk management • RiskandEPIC-canyououtsourcerisk? Panel Moderator: Joseph Micallef

Chief Safety & Risk Engineer WorleyParsons

Panellists: NathanWinter

HSE Manager – Risk, Audit and Quality, Corporate HSE Ausdrill

John Green HSEQ Director - Australasia Hub Laing O’Rourke

AndrewWilson Solutions Architect - Asia Pacific DuPont

RajRatneser Executive Vice President HSSE and Corporate Governance Clough

16:45 Closing remarks from the Chair17:00 Close of Day One and networking drinks19:00 Official event dinner

Page 3: Safety in Oil and Gas 2015 in...Rowena Richardson, Director, IGEM. Register TODAY! +61 2 9977 0565 +61 2 9977 0567 info@questevents.com.au Safety in Oil and Gas 2015 ... Kevin Lacy

Register TODAY! +61 2 9977 0565 +61 2 9977 0567 [email protected] www.questevents.com.auRegister TODAY! +61 2 9977 0565 +61 2 9977 0567 [email protected] www.questevents.com.au

Safety in Oil and Gas 201523 – 25 February 2015 I Mercure Brisbane I Australia

Driving the next phase of improvement in HSE and process safety management performance

Conference Day Two - Wednesday, 25 February 201508:30 Welcome coffee

08:50 Opening remarks from Chair Ian Cameron

Head of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology University of Queensland


INTERNATIONALKEYNOTE:09:00 Defining the key ingredients of successful management of change in safety systems • Howprocesssafetyincidents(PSI)andmanagementofchange(MOC)worktogethertoinfluence

the implementation of all process safety elements • CommonMOCsystemweaknesses • Leveragingtechnologytodevelopandimplementanefficient,compliantandeffectiveMOCsystem Alistair Oliver

Production Manager OilSearchPNG

09:30 Safety differently - Human factors for a new era Today, the unrelenting pace of technology change and growth of complexity calls for a different kind of

safety thinking. Automation and new technologies have resulted in new roles, decisions, and vulnerabilities. It is becoming increasingly apparent that conventional approaches to safety and human factors are not equipped to cope with these challenges and that a new era in safety is necessary.

In this session Sidney Dekker, internationally renowned thought leader on accident causation and human error, will cover the critical changes in the field during the past decade, and give a new approach to discussing safety.

• Understandinghumanerrorinthecontextofwork,andtheoverridingimportanceofimprovedworkdesign • Applyinganewapproachthatreflectsthelatesthumanfactors/ergonomicsresearchapplicabletosafety • Identifyingandimplementingsystemsafetyandtechnologychanges Sidney Dekker

Professor, School of Humanities Griffith University, Australia

SAFETYLEADERSPANEL:10:00 A new view of human factors and system safety • Inrealizingthatthehumanfactorstillplaysavitalpartinhavingaproactivesafetyculture,are

weatallmeasuringtherightthings? • Whataretherightperformanceindicatorsandwhataretheleadingindicatorswecanlinktothe

humanelement? • Theroleofprofessionalsinmanagingtechnologicalhazards-whathaveconventionalaccident

causationmodelsmissed? • Gettingtotherootofaccidents-systemsthinkingappliedtosafety Panel Moderator: Ian Cameron

Head of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology University of Queensland

Panellists: Sidney Dekker Jan Hayes

Professor, School of Humanities Senior Research Fellow, ANU Griffith University, Australia Member of Advisory Board, NOPSEMA

Mark Leigh Rod Rutledge Team Leader - Process Safety and Senior Advisor - Process Safety and Asset Integrity HES Risk ConocoPhillips Caltex

10:45 Morning tea

TAKINGDATAANALYSISTOTHENEXTLEVELFORSAFETYIMPROVEMENT11:15 Industrial data and risk management: Silk purse out of a sow’s ear? • Data...whatisoutthereandisitreallyworthanything? • Generatinglifecycleinsights...what’simportant,whenandwhere? • Practical, real-time systems for improved risk performance Ian Cameron

Head of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology University of Queensland

11:45 Emerging safety issues in the oil and gas industry and Queensland’s priorities for 2015 Stephen Matheson

Chief Inspector Petroleum and Gas QueenslandDepartmentofNaturalResourcesandMines

SAFETYLEADERSPANEL: 12:15 How to manage the critical barriers to implementation -lessons from the frontline • Newapproaches,tools,andtechniquesappliedtoimplementprocesssafetyeffectively • Bringing“risk-basedthinking”totheforefrontoftheoperations • ProsandconsofimplementingacommonHSSEstandardacrosstheindustry Panel Moderator: Panellists: Ian Cameron Alistair Oliver

Head of Chemical Engineering Production Manage UniversityofQueensland OilSearchPNG

Panellist: Joseph Micallef Peter Hayward

Chief Safety & Risk Enginee Vice President Health, Safety and Environment WorleyParsons Clough

13:00 Networking lunch


continuing exposure to potential hazard incidents • Performingriskbasedhazardidentificationanddevelopingcapabilityforcurrentandfutureoperations • Emergencyresponseandsecuritymanagementlessons–fouryearsofevolutionnotrevolution • Workingwithemergencyresponseagenciesandindustrypeers–acollaborativeapproachand

the long road ahead Bruce Baldwin

Manager Security and Emergency Management Origin Energy

SAFETYLEADERSPANEL:14:30 Developing plans for successfully managing the unthinkable • HowareAustralianoperationsaddressingoilspillprevention/preparedness/responsechallenges? • Bestpracticesindesigningaproactiveplanningprocesstoexpeditecontinuousimprovements

of area contingency plans • EvaluatingnewapproachestoHAZMATincidentresponse Panel Moderator: Ian Cameron

Head of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology University of Queensland

Panellists: Bruce Baldwin

Manager Security and Emergency Management Origin Energy

Gavin Holden Area Commander Queensland Fire and Rescue Service

Rowena Richardson Director EM Standards, Best Practice & Evaluation The Office of Inspector General Emergency Management

15:15 Designing a behavior-based safety program to drive cultural awareness and improvements in employee’s safety attitudes and be behaviours

• Identifyingtheeffectivelaunchandimplementationstrategies • KeyplayersindrivingandsustainingaSafetyAlwaysculture • Creativetacticsusedtopromoteprogramengagement John Raine

Vice President, QHSSE Weatherford

15:45 Afternoon tea

THECRITICALROLEOFCOMMUNICATIONINSAFETYTODETERMINEWORKERPERCEPTIONSANDTHEIRACTIONS16:15 Don’t let communication mistakes cause an accident • Fixingcommunicationinhazardousindustries • Recentfindingsoneffectivecommunicationofsafety • Designingsafetyinterventionsinaculturally-relevantmannertomaximisetheireffectiveness

and reduce the levels of resistance to safety that have been evident in past years Jason Edwards

Faculty of Health, School - Psychology and Counselling Research - CARRSQ Queensland University of Technology

SAFETYLEADERSPANEL:16:45 The evolving role of safety leaders in the new era of safety management • Understandingriskintheneweraofsafetymanagement • Futureproofingfortomorrow’sworkforce • Riskmanagementconsiderationsanddecision-makingonpoliticallydifficultemergingprojects • Bridgingthegapbetweensafetyleadershipandsafetymanagement Panel Moderator: Ian Cameron

Head of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology University of Queensland

Panellists: Mark Leigh

Team Leader - Process Safety and Asset Integrity ConocoPhillips

ChrisWarnock President Engineers Australia, Queensland Division

RajRatneser Executive Vice President HSSE and Corporate Governance Clough

Joseph Micallef Chief Safety & Risk Engineer WorleyParsons

17:15 Closing remarks from Chair

17:30 Close of conference

Page 4: Safety in Oil and Gas 2015 in...Rowena Richardson, Director, IGEM. Register TODAY! +61 2 9977 0565 +61 2 9977 0567 info@questevents.com.au Safety in Oil and Gas 2015 ... Kevin Lacy

Register TODAY! +61 2 9977 0565 +61 2 9977 0567 [email protected] www.questevents.com.au Register TODAY! +61 2 9977 0565 +61 2 9977 0567 [email protected] www.questevents.com.au

Safety in Oil and Gas 201523 – 25 February 2015 I Mercure Brisbane I Australia

Driving the next phase of improvement in HSE and process safety management performance


Ian Travers Deputy Director Chemicals Regulation Directorate Health and Safety Executive


A candid account from the former BP Vice President of Drilling and Completions for the Gulf of Mexico, of the critical failures in safety management that led to the Macondo oil spill. Followed by a step by step analysis of how we underestimate major risks giving all in attendance the skills and confidence to manage process safety effectively.


In December 2009, after voicing concerns over safety and not getting management support, veteran drilling executive Kevin Lacy resigned as BP’s vice president for drilling and completions in the Gulf of Mexico. At the time he worried about a convergence of risk factors: significant planned organizational changes, a risk-heavy set of deep water wells, along with tremendous pressure to reduce cost.

Four months later came the Macondo blow-out… the largest accidental marine oil spill in the history of the petroleum industry. For the first time in Australia, Kevin will give his insights from a leadership perspective on the organizational factors that preceded this major industrial incident and how these they can be mitigated through proper leadership, implementing an effective risk management process and building a robust safety culture.


This course will explain the anatomy of catastrophic process incidents, the concepts associated with safety leadership and safety culture, and provide a detailed review of the Macondo blow out:

• Leadersvsmanagers-haveyoutakenthejourney?• Understanding the anatomy of major disasters• Why QRA often doesn’t work for major incidents• Personal consequences of getting it wrong

• Threat management vs classic risk management - evaluating the pros and cons• Why managing process safety is so difficult compared to personal safety• Soyouhaveaprocess-isiteffective?• Leadership tools and personal behaviours

This practical and interactive session is ideal for senior executives, HSE Directors and senior Process Safety Leads from small to large operators; key regulators; integrated contractors and specialist consultants.


Kevin Lacy Executive Vice President Technical Staff and Disciplines PetroSkills USA

Former Vice President, Drilling and Completions Taslisman Energy and BP




Pre-Summit In-Depth Learning Sessions – Monday 23 February 2015These long format sessions will provide participants with the opportunity to deepen their understanding of critical process safety elements and human factors to achieve improved safety performance. Delivered using a combination of seminars, interactive formats and hands-on exercises these sessions will provide a practical understanding of how world-class organisations manage their process safety and operational risk.

Both sessions run for one full day. Registration and morning coffee is at 08:30 and sessions will conclude at 17:00. Lunch, morning and afternoon tea will be provided. Choose between:


Part 1: Process safety assurance

The UK Regulator, HSE has developed and trained its major hazard inspectors on the use of a new protocol to examine process safety management systems during its inspection and other regulatory programmes. To ensure HSE has a high degree of assurance that major hazard business have effective risk management systems in place it is essential for HSE to be able to link findings from inspection and investigation into serious incidents back to the an organisation’s management arrangements. Crucially, HSE’s inspections have to quickly target the most important aspects of risk control and identify vulnerability and susceptibility of these measures to failure and the likelihood of a major accident.

This session will share this new Process Safety Analysis protocol with safety professionals and managers responsible for risk management at major hazard establishments. You will be able to practice the same skills as HSE inspectors utilise to target and assess key aspects of process safety management.

This part will cover:• AnoverviewofHSE’sprocesssafetymanagementmodel• Howtoidentifyprocesssafetyfailuremechanisms• Howtotargetkeyaspectsofprocesssafetyriskmanagementandhowtousethiswithin your own company’s risk assurance programme• Howtoidentifykeyvulnerabilitiesorweaknessesinoperationalcontrolmeasures• Howtoincorporatetheoutcomestoyourorganisation’sKPIprogramme

Part 2: Establishing a Process Safety Dialogue within an Organisation

Effective management of key business risks requires everyone to be on the same page when it comes to understanding how well risks are being managed. Senior managers must understand the essential aspects of risk management and how to make sense of information on performance of complex systems, and how to question and challenge what they are being told. Safety professionals and operational teams must be able to present information to senior managers in a way that leads to a rapid and shared understanding of the state of play of plant and processes and of the important action which may be needed to prevent a major accident or serious incident.

The part will provide an oversight on:• Howtodescribetheriskprofileofabusinessoractivity• Tipsandhintsabouthowtopresentcomplexandtechnicalinformationinasuccinctway• Howtogatherandmeasureperformanceofcomplexriskmanagementsystems• Howthiscanbelinkedtosharedbusinessoutcomesandobjectives

Having completed this one-day training, senior safety executives will be competent to take a much more visible role in their organisation and will be better placed to take integrated consideration of major hazard risks as an essential part of key business decisions.

For more information on the credentials of your facilitator, see the speakers page of the event website on www.questevents.com.au

Page 5: Safety in Oil and Gas 2015 in...Rowena Richardson, Director, IGEM. Register TODAY! +61 2 9977 0565 +61 2 9977 0567 info@questevents.com.au Safety in Oil and Gas 2015 ... Kevin Lacy

Register TODAY! +61 2 9977 0565 +61 2 9977 0567 [email protected] www.questevents.com.au

Safety in Oil and Gas 201523 – 25 February 2015 I Mercure Brisbane I Australia

Driving the next phase of improvement in HSE and process safety management performance

Want to develop business at the event? Speaking, sponsorship and exhibition opportunities available

The Safety in Oil & Gas 2015 conference will see senior HSE, process safety, operations and risk managers from Australia’s largest upstream, midstream and downstream companies meeting in Brisbane in February to learn about the latest innovations and best practice strategies that will help them improve their safety performance.

If you have products, solutions or services that can help Australian companies in oil and gas exploration and production improve their HSE strategies, process safety management implementation and operational performance, then you can’t afford not to sponsor or exhibit at the Safety in Oil & Gas 2015 conference.

It’s where the industry will meet. Can you afford not to be there?

Potential sponsors please note:

In developing the program and inviting speakers to this event we have researched extensively with business stakeholders about their drivers and their challenges to implement solutions. We designed the agenda in response to the specific pain points they face. By sponsoring this event you will be meeting decision makers that are looking for new ideas and solutions to their safety implementation and delivery challenges.

Partnering with the Safety in Oil & Gas 2015 conference is your chance to demonstrate that you have their solutions at a time and place where they are actively looking for these.

For speaking, sponsorship or exhibition opportunities at the Safety in Oil & Gas 2015 conference, please contact Oli Russell-Cowan on 02 8188 7536 or e-mail [email protected]. Visit www.questevents.com.au to download the sponsorship prospectus

Quest Events would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank the official event advisory panel who contributed their valuable time and expertise to ensure the agenda for this event is timely and relevant for all those concerned with safety in Australia’s oil and gas sector.

Ian Travers Deputy Director, Chemicals Regulation Directorate Health and Safety Executive (UK)

Kevin Lacy Executive Vice President PetroSkills USA Former VP BP and Talisman Energy

Mark Leigh Team Leader - Process Safety and Asset Integrity ConocoPhillips

Dr. Clive Killick Principal HSE Consultant Arrow Energy Adjunct Professor of Chemical Engineering University of Queensland

Who should attend:

• EHS/HSEDirector/Managers• ProcessSafetyManagers/Leads• AssetIntegrityManagers• OperationsManagers• OperationalRiskManagers• SafetyRiskEngineers• HAZOPLeaders• WellEngineers• Drilling&CompletionsEngineers• ProcessControl&InstrumentationEngineers• LNGProjectLeads• SafetyCaseSuperintendents• EmergencyResponseSuperintendents• SiteConstructionManagers• ProcurementManagers• LossPreventionEngineers• SpecialistServiceProviders

• Legaladvisersandbusinessleadershipconsultants

7 key benefits of attending:

1. Stay on top of the latest thinking and practices in safety leadership, accountability and ownership

2. Gain first-hand knowledge of real-life incidents from the people accountable

3. Learn to apply a systems thinking approach for better hazard identification and risk assessment

4. Devise leadership strategies to promote a safety-based culture, engage stakeholders and optimise safety procedures

5. Administer best practices to manage exposure risks, improve process safety and assure contractor safety

6. Benchmark your safety management system with others in your industry

7. Take away invaluable best practices and lessons learnt

PLUS! The three pillars of any Quest event:

Meet: Senior VPs, Directors and Senior Managers in HSE, risk, process safety, operational excellence and technology with a focus on improving the safety performance of their organisations

Learn: From 25+ high profile speakers over 3 days – providing unprecedented visibility into the emerging operating risks and integrity of Oil & Gas operations

Grow: Your professional network and create business development opportunities through face to face interaction with potential clients or customers

Official Event Advisory Panel:

Page 6: Safety in Oil and Gas 2015 in...Rowena Richardson, Director, IGEM. Register TODAY! +61 2 9977 0565 +61 2 9977 0567 info@questevents.com.au Safety in Oil and Gas 2015 ... Kevin Lacy

Register TODAY! +61 2 9977 0565 +61 2 9977 0567 [email protected] www.questevents.com.auRegister TODAY! +61 2 9977 0565 +61 2 9977 0567 [email protected] www.questevents.com.au

Safety in Oil and Gas 201523 – 25 February 2015 I Mercure Brisbane I Australia

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Group Discounts The more you book, the more you save!

Note: Only 1 discount may be applied whichever provides the greater savingAre you a member? IFAP Engineers Australia (Please indicate and eligible for a 10% discount) Are you eligible for a group discount? Group discounts of up to 40%!!* 40% off for groups of 11-15 30% off for groups of 7-10 20% off for groups of 3-6STEP 2 - Select your packages and apply any discounts

Registration Items Dates Book and pay on or Book and pay on or Book and pay Number of Total before 12 December before 23 January after 23 January delegates Oil and Gas Producers and EPC Contractors**3 Day Package A 23-25 February AUD $2,995 incl. GST AUD $3,395 incl. GST AUD $3,795 incl. GST (2 day conference plus pre-conference leadership series: Session A) Save $800 Save $4003 Day Package B 23-25 February AUD $2,995 incl. GST AUD $3,395 incl. GST AUD $3,795 incl. GST (2 day conference plus pre-conference leadership series: Session B) Save $800 Save $4002 Day Package (conference only) 24-25 February AUD $2,395 incl. GST AUD $2,695 incl. GST AUD $2,995 incl. GST Save $600 Save $300Standard3 Day Package A 23-25 February AUD $3,995 incl. GST AUD $4,495 incl. GST AUD $4,995 incl. GST (2 day conference plus pre-conference leadership series A) Save $1,000 Save $500 3 Day Package B 23-25 February AUD $3,995 incl. GST AUD $4,495 incl. GST AUD $4,995 incl. GST (2 day conference plus pre-conference leadership series B) Save $1,000 Save $500 2 Day Package (conference only) 24-25 February AUD $3,195 incl. GST AUD $3,595 incl. GST AUD $3,995 incl. GST Save $800 Save $400Pre-conference Leadership Series: Session A only 23 February AUD $1,895 incl. GST AUD $1,995 incl. GST AUD $2,095 incl. GST Save $200 Save $100Pre-conference Leadership Series: Session B only 23 February AUD $1,895 incl. GST AUD $1,995 incl. GST AUD $2,095 incl. GST Save $200 Save $100Official Event Dinner 24 February AUD $160 incl GST AUD $160 incl GST AUD $160 incl GST

Deduct your discount TOTAL

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* Group Discounts apply for bookings made simultaneously and on one invoice only. **This price is for qualified client side safety professionals from Oil and Gas Explorers, Producers and Engineering/Procurement/Construction (EPC) Contractors only. Qualification for this category will be at the sole discretion of the organisers. Anyone selecting this category where it is deemed to be inappropriate will be notified and will not be admitted to the event unless the standard price has been paid.