Safayat Sir

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  • 8/17/2019 Safayat Sir


    Sagar Chandra Mondal

    ID. : 17033

    Why does finance minister require financial statements of the government?

    In order to maintain economic balance and allocate resources properly, inance minister has to ta!e many

    decisions and inancial statements o the go"ernment help him to ta!e right decisions. #esides this,

    inance minister re$uires the inancial statements o the go"ernment or the ollo%ing reasons:

    1. Comparing the actual results %ith the budgeted results.

    &. '"aluating the eecti"eness and eiciency o his acti"ities.

    3. (ssessing the inancial condition o the country.

    ). Monitoring and controlling the acti"ities o the go"ernment employee.

    *. Controlling the e+penditure o the go"ernment.

    6. 'nsuring that cost are matched %ith beneits accruing thererom.