Sacred Heart College Professional Learning and Development Appraisal Documentation 2014

Sacred Heart College Lear… · Sacred Heart College provides a Catholic Education that encourages each student to aim for excellence and to pursue her full potential. Introduction

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Page 1: Sacred Heart College Lear… · Sacred Heart College provides a Catholic Education that encourages each student to aim for excellence and to pursue her full potential. Introduction

Sacred Heart College

Professional Learning and


Appraisal Documentation


Page 2: Sacred Heart College Lear… · Sacred Heart College provides a Catholic Education that encourages each student to aim for excellence and to pursue her full potential. Introduction

Professional Learning and Development 2014

School Mission Statement

Sacred Heart College provides a Catholic Education that encourages each student to aim for

excellence and to pursue her full potential.


The focus of school Professional Learning and Development (PLD) from 2014 onwards will be

teaching by inquiry. The growing importance of this approach to teaching as seen in the New

Zealand Curriculum, as well as some significant shifts in the registered teacher criteria, means that

we need to make a major shift in our approach to PLD.

The PLD committee (AS, MB & KM) have met regularly throughout 2013 to develop a plan for 2014.

The committee has attended courses specifically on teaching by inquiry as well as courses on e-

Learning, BYOD and aligning PLD to appraisal. They have also attended PLD sessions and worked

with or been advised by local schools, including St. Patrick’s Silverstream, Hutt Valley High School

and Taita College, all of which are doing teaching by inquiry.

The overall aim is to further develop the teaching and learning culture at SHC to ensure all staff are

reflective practitioners and are addressing the factors that contribute to powerful learning and the

improvement of student outcomes.

Teaching by Inquiry

Extract from TKI - http://nzcurriculum.tki.org.nz/Curriculum-stories/Case-studies/Teachers-as-


The fundamental purpose of the Teaching as Inquiry cycle is to achieve improved outcomes for all

students. Less obviously, but very importantly, the cycle is an organising framework that teachers

can use to help them learn from their practice and build greater knowledge.

In the focusing inquiry, teachers identify the outcomes they want their students to achieve. They

consider how their students are doing in relation to those outcomes, and they ask what their

students need to learn next in order to achieve them.

In the teaching inquiry, teachers select teaching strategies that will support their students to

achieve these outcomes. This involves asking questions about how well current strategies are

working and whether others might be more successful. Teachers search their own and their

colleagues’ past practice for strategies that may be more effective, and they also look in the research

literature to see what has worked in other contexts. They seek evidence that their selected

strategies really have worked for other students, and they set up processes for capturing evidence

about whether the strategies are working for their own students.

The learning inquiry takes place both during and after teaching as teachers monitor their students’

progress towards the identified outcomes and reflect on what this tells them. Teachers use this new

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information to decide what to do next to ensure continued improvement in student achievement

and in their own practice.

Although teachers can work in this way independently, it is more effective when they support one

another in their inquiries. We all have basic beliefs and assumptions that guide our thinking and

behaviour but of which we may be unaware. We need other people to provide us with different

perspectives and to share their ideas, knowledge, and experiences.

Our Inquiry Focus

The focus for our inquiries for 2014 will be ‘Thinking’. It is the Key Competency (KCs) that the other

KCs hang off. So you could choose to conduct an inquiry around any of the five KCs, or specifically

around ‘thinking’. Your inquiry should also relate back to the school goals. Together we are going to

co-construct our school goals early in Term 1 so that you have a clear idea about how to align your

inquiry with it.

How will PLD run in 2014?

Although each teacher will have their own inquiry, it is important to have some collaboration. When

surveyed during Term 3 of 2013, staff stated that they wanted some department time as well as

cross-curricular time. This means that we have organised the PLD time into these categories: ‘All

staff’, ‘Department’, ‘PLGs’ (Professional Learning Groups), ‘Individual’ and ‘Pop-ups’.

All staff: this will usually be if we have an initiative to roll out to everyone or a guest speaker.

Department: this time will be used to form your inquiry with the help of your departmental

colleagues initially. The time would then be used for sharing ideas and looking at evidence to help


PLGs: Once you have decided on your inquiry during Term 1, we will organise you into Professional

Learning Groups. These groups will meet approximately twice a term. The aim is for the group to

Participating &Contributing



? ?

Relating to Others

Managing SelfUsing LanguageSymbols & Text

Participating &


Using Language

Symbols & Text

Relating to Others

Managing Self


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work interdependently toward the same goal – a successful inquiry. We will give you guidance and

structure for each PLG session.

Individual time: this is time you have to be working on your inquiry on your own. Some possibilities

for using the time: planning something for a lesson, completing a professional reading, meeting with

another staff member from SHC or another school, collecting and/or analysing data. It is expected

that you will always use this time for PLD.

Pop-ups: these will be sessions that will be run about twice a term and will focus on an area of PLD

that comes from what you need or request. They will be voluntary sessions and will be mostly run by

teachers. We have one in Term 1 which will be on Kamar basics and data and how you can use this

for your inquiry. Some ideas are: e-AsTTle, reflective practice, literacy, gifted and talented or raising

Maori achievement. This is not an extensive list; Pop-ups will all depend on what you want and we

will develop them throughout the year.


Here is the calendar for PLD for Term 1. We will publish the calendar for the rest of the year during

Term 1, depending on how this first term runs.

Week Date Focus

2 Mon 3 February All staff: Kamar training

3 Mon 10 February All staff: Co-construction of school goals to align to inquiry

4 Mon 17 February Department: Discussion of department goals and ideas for inquiry

5 Mon 24 February All staff: Jeanette Duffy, Deputy Rector at St. Patrick’s Silverstream, to present ‘What is Teaching by Inquiry and how does it work?’

6 Mon 3 March Individual: Collecting data to help frame your inquiry

7 Mon 10 March Pop-up: e-AsTTle OR Individual: Collecting data to help frame your inquiry

8 Mon 17 March NO PLD – Mid-term break NB: Templates to be filled in by Friday 21 March

9 Mon 24 March Department: Further discussion of each inquiry from template

10 Mon 31 March All staff: Explanation of PLGs and then move into these groups

11 Mon 7 April Individual: Where to from here? Your next steps.

12 Mon 14 April All staff: Explanation of Pop-ins

Documents are to be found:

T:\Professional Learning and Development\Inquiry 2014

Blank templates are set up for you in this folder and under your department.


Appraisal aligns very closely with teaching by inquiry. The diagram over the page shows this. If you

are conducting your inquiry well, then you are targeting most of the Registered Teacher Criteria

(RTCs). This means that appraisal will not be a beginning and end of year event; instead it will be on-

going throughout the year. Your appraisal goal should be your inquiry.

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Teaching by Inquiry 2014 Template

Focusing Inquiry What concerns me, interests me, puzzles me about students’ learning, progress or engagement? Who will I inquire into and what will my inquiry be?

Teaching Inquiry What tools will I use to complete my inquiry? What is my timeline and what will I do in lessons?

Learning Inquiry What evidence do I have to support my inquiry?

Focusing Inquiry What do I know already and how do I know it? What evidence do I have to support this? Click here to enter text.

What do I want/need to know about the topic of inquiry? Click here to enter text.

Teaching Inquiry What type of inquiry tool will I use? Journals to record inquiry? Observations? Portfolios? Writing? Critical dialogue? E-learning?

Click here to enter text.

What might a possible plan of action look like? Units of work? Lessons? Activities? How a lesson begins? …

Click here to enter text.

WHAT? Click here to enter text.

WHO? Click here to enter text.

WHEN? Click here to enter text.

What resources or resource people can I use? PLGs? On staff? External person/group?

Click here to enter text.

Learning Inquiry What data will I use to present my inquiry findings? Click here to enter text.

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Teaching by Inquiry 2014 Template (Annotated Version)

Focusing Inquiry What concerns me, interests me, puzzles me about students’ learning, progress or engagement? Who will I inquire into and what will my inquiry be?

Teaching Inquiry What tools will I use to complete my inquiry? What is my timeline and what will I do in lessons?

Learning Inquiry What evidence do I have to support my inquiry?

You need to think about an aspect of your teaching that you would like to work on. Try to be as specific as you

can. You could focus on one class, or even a group of students in a class. If there has been an area of your

teaching that you have been wanting to develop for a long time and haven’t found the time, then this is your


You should think about aligning your inquiry with the school goals.

Focusing Inquiry

What do I know already and how do I know it? What evidence do I have to support this?

What is it that you know you want to change in your classroom or in your practice? What evidence do you

have that you need to make this change?

What evidence would you need to show that your intervention has made a difference? Would data be useful,

and if so, what data would you need?

Examples of Evidence could be: results from previous years, diagnostic testing early in 2014, observations

done on you, student voice/survey, professional readings etc.

What do I want/need to know about the topic of my inquiry?

What do you want to find out that you don’t already know?

What immediate interventions can you think of and where could you find additional ideas?

How can you evaluate other ideas that teachers have used to address this issue?

What support would you like from your appraiser or from the PLD committee?

Teaching Inquiry

What type of inquiry tool will I use? Journals to record inquiry? Observations? Portfolios? Writing? Critical dialogue? E-learning? …

There are lots of tools you could use to help your inquiry and you will need to narrow this down so that you are not trying too many things. Technology has become increasingly important in the classroom. However, technology itself is not an inquiry. It is a tool you can use to conduct an inquiry.

Think about how you might use these tools to help you to gain evidence/data.

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What might a possible plan of action look like? Units of work? Lessons? Activities? How a lesson begins? …


What specifically will you do? Will you decide to begin each lesson in a certain way in order to…? Or will you

plan a specific activity that you will trial periodically? etc


Who is your focus? Class, group?


What is your timeline? When will you make these changes to your lessons?

When will you finish?

What resources or resource people can I use? PLGs? On staff? External person/group? …

What do you need to help you to work on this inquiry though the year?

Are there members on the staff who may be able to contribute to my inquiry?

What other sources may be useful – other schools, Ministry of Education, NZCER, Teachers’ Council,


Learning Inquiry?

What data will I use to present my inquiry findings?

What does my data mean?

How will it help in the future?

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Professional Learning and Development Expectations 2014

SMT PLD Committee HoDs Teachers

Complete an inquiry Ensure that PLD time is always used for PLD and that the school calendar always reflects this. Track the inquiries of those in their appraisal group by having ongoing professional conversations around their inquiry. To promote PLD and its importance and to show enthusiasm for it. Provide feedback for PLD committee.

Complete an inquiry Ensure that PLD time is always used for PLD. Action requests made by HoDs and staff. Set up templates and files for each teacher. Meet regularly to plan and review PLD.

Complete an inquiry Ensure that PLD time is always used for PLD. Track the inquiries of those in their department by having ongoing professional conversations around their inquiry. Feedback to PLD committee where appropriate (progress made or request for support)

Complete an inquiry Ensure that PLD time is always used for PLD. Be an active member of your Professional Learning Group (PLG) Request support from PLD committee where appropriate.

The flow diagram shows how inquiries are tracked:


Principal ↓

SMT ← PD committee ↓

HoDs ↓


PLD committee roles

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Alison Kristina Maria Encourage inquiry and show positivity Report to the BOT on PLD With MP, track conversations had by HoDs with their departments members as part of Performance Management Organise agenda items for Inquiry in HoD and staff meetings where appropriate Monitor own appraisal group and their inquiries Meet weekly with KM – ‘What’s on Monday?’(future planning) Make board with post-its

Encourage inquiry and show positivity Keep in contact with the HoDs – take requests for support and find and provide positive feedback. Maintain links with Jeanette Duffy (St. Pat’s Silverstream) and Susan Arrowsmith (HVHS) Meet weekly with AS – ‘What’s on Monday?’ (future planning)

Encourage inquiry and show positivity Keep in contact with the HoDs – take requests for support and find and provide positive feedback. Meet with AS and KM when required.

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Sacred Heart College

Appraisal Documentation


Page 12: Sacred Heart College Lear… · Sacred Heart College provides a Catholic Education that encourages each student to aim for excellence and to pursue her full potential. Introduction


GUIDELINES At Sacred Heart College we encourage teachers to be reflective practitioners. This is done through an appraisal system which is also linked in to Teaching by Inquiry and to the Registered Teacher Criteria. We are accountable for our performance in terms of these criteria which came into play in 2011. We need to ensure the emphasis within our school is on the improvement of teaching and learning, in line with the goals and objectives of the school Charter. Therefore the appraisal process includes a focus on the professional development needs and priorities of staff as a collective and as individuals. Attestation (which is a separate process) is linked into the Collective Contract. There is a separate process for Attestation; however material from the Appraisal process can be used for Attestation as well. While staff will be appraised in all 12 criteria annually, there will be a strong focus on 4 of the 12 criteria over the next 3 years in terms of PLD through the school. During Term 1, each teacher will set up an inquiry that they will work on for the rest of the year. The first meeting with Appraisers during Term 1 should include discussion of the inquiry goal. THE APPRAISAL PROCESS The annual appraisal process will comprise a minimum of two meetings, as well as a number of informal ‘chats’ throughout the year, a classroom visit from the appraiser, and the contribution of student voice. Guidelines are as follows: Interview One – (Term One)

Staff (in discussion with their appraiser) will develop a goal that will be the main focus of their inquiry for the year

Appraiser and teacher discuss how the goal will be achieved, and will set milestones to help progress the goal

Classroom Visit and Pop-ins – (from Term Two)

Appraiser and teacher agree on a specific focus and date for the classroom visit

There should be a brief follow-up meeting after this visit which gives the opportunity for timely feedback and also the opportunity to touch base re goals that were set at the start of the year

This visit may be one only or several short ones (pop-ins) or a combination, but there should be a collaborative discussion based on being in the classroom

Student Voice in Teaching and Learning – (from Term Two)

All staff should obtain some form of student voice

This may be a survey in one sitting; a series of simple questions periodically throughout the year or any other form

Student voice should to be connected to RTC and/or your inquiry

The teacher will discuss findings with the appraiser at the next scheduled meeting

A summary/overview could be developed and there is a section for this in your appraisal documentation

Classroom Pop-ins – OPTIONAL – (Term One, Two or Three)

The teacher and another staff member (may be from own department or their PLG) arrange to visit each other’s classes at least once during the year (more than once would be more beneficial)

Observations are made and a follow-up meeting should take place

Staff will not be given cover to make these visits, so staff need to coordinate with each other in terms of who is available at which times

Final End of Year Interview

Discuss outcomes of the teaching inquiry and future actions planned for the following year

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There is a self-reflection sheet which is designed to frame thoughts and initiate discussion at the final meeting and you can use this throughout the year

Minutes from this meeting must be kept, agreed upon and included in the final documentation

The Teacher Appraisal Final Report will be completed at the end of this interview and signed by appraiser and teacher. The appraiser will ensure that the report is filed with the Deputy Principal (Michelle Pigou) before the end of Term Four. This final report is then held on the teacher’s personal file as a confidential record.

The appraiser needs to remember that where there is a real concern that a successful assessment against the standards may not be justified, the Principal should be informed in the early stages of the appraisal process.


Note that all templates are available on the staff share drive in the folder: T:\Professional Learning and Development\Performance Management 2014\Appraisal Documents 2014 After the final end of year interview, the following documentation should be submitted to the Deputy Principal by the end of Term 4:

Teacher Appraisal Final Report o This is the final cover sheet which indicates that you have completed your appraisal

Inquiry Report with evidence noted and/or appended o Evidence for the four focus criteria should be provided – this can be appended copies of PDL

undertaken; reference to readings/discussion groups etc. o Student Voice Summary

It is up to each teacher to determine which survey/student voice selection will best suit their needs in terms of obtaining valid feedback from students

Each teacher should undertake their own analysis of this information – there is no set format – so that they can discuss the findings of this survey with their appraiser

Minutes/notes from final meeting o These should be brief o These should be emailed/given to the teacher for final approval

Goal(s) templates – OPTIONAL – (annotated) one goal for Teacher and one for Unit Holder o These are working documents that are referred to during the year o If your unit holder goal is not specific to your Appraiser’s area, then you may need to discuss this

with your appraiser (e.g. having a Goal for Deaning and an HoD for Appraisal)

Lesson observation sheet(s) o The teacher and the appraiser should discuss possible templates for lesson observations based on

what the teacher’s goals are and what the focus of the observation is about


Management of particular areas is detailed in job descriptions. Any concerns about the management of specific areas

should be raised in forums other than appraisal (e.g. budgetary issues would usually be raised by the Principal or

Executive Officer rather than the Appraiser and usually not within the normal appraisal cycles). The purpose of having a

separate goal for Unit Holders is to enable the teacher to establish a goal for the year specifically related to that unit.


This new appraisal process assumes professionalism and segues from practice into professional learning and

development. We are also contending with the changing nature of the classroom. Within this new appraisal process is

the scope for professional reflection across the spectrum. This is a process which should not only satisfy statutory

requirements, but should also satisfy professional requirements both for the individual teacher and for the school as a


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Teacher Inquiry Appraisal Document This document is where you will record your inquiry and doubles as your appraisal documentation.

Name: Appraiser: Year: Purpose Appraisal is a process to help you improve your teaching practice, and to prove that you are meeting the obligations and

requirements of being a professional.

Teaching as Inquiry

All teachers will be appraised through their use of the Teaching as Inquiry Cycle from the New Zealand Curriculum.

‘Teaching as inquiry’ is when teachers inquire into: what is most important; what strategies or approaches are most

likely to work; and the impact of teaching on students.

All teachers will complete one teaching as inquiry cycle as part of their appraisal over the year.


Term 1: teachers will work on the “Focusing Inquiry”. You will learn about the inquiry cycle and have regular

discussions with your appraiser as you frame your inquiry.

Terms 2 & 3: teachers will focus on the “Teaching Inquiry”. This will include observations.

o One observation can be done by a member of their PLG.

o Another observation must be done by the teacher’s appraiser

o An observation can be a whole lesson or part of a lesson that focusses on an aspect of your inquiry. Shorter

observations but completed more often would give teachers better feedback.

Term 4: teachers will focus on the “Learning Inquiry”. You will discuss your outcomes.

Connecting to the Registered Teacher Criteria

You should make links from your inquiry to at least 4 of the Registered Teacher Criteria as you write it up in this

document. Over the three years for renewing practising certificates you will need to gather notes towards all 12 criteria.

This year you could focus on RTCs 1, 4, 11 & 12 as these align well with inquiry. However, you may choose to focus on

different RTCs.

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Registered Teacher Criteria

1. Establish and maintain effective professional relationships focused on the learning and well-being of


2. Demonstrate commitment to promoting the well-being of all ākonga/learners.

3. Demonstrate commitment to bicultural partnership in Aorearoa New Zealand

4. Demonstrate commitment to ongoing professional learning and development of personal professional


5. Show leadership that contributes to effective teaching and learning.

6. Conceptualise, plan and implement an appropriate learning programme.

7. Promote a collaborative, inclusive and supportive learning environment.

8. Demonstrate in practice their knowledge and understanding of how ākonga learn.

9. Respond effectively to the diverse language and cultural experiences, and the varied strengths,

interests and needs of individuals and groups of ākonga.

10. Work effectively within the bicultural context of Aotearoa New Zealand.

11. Analyse and appropriately use assessment information, which has been gathered formally and


12. Use critical inquiry and problem-solving effectively in their professional practice.

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Baseline data: Include here the data on which you are determining your students’ starting point. It could be

NCEA, KAMAR, in class test, observation or interview data. It should be data that can be collected again for comparison

at the end of the teaching as inquiry cycle.

This shows students have already learned: Include here a brief summary of what these students

already know, understand and can do.

These students need to learn: Include here a brief summary of what the next steps are for these students’


My goal for this inquiry cycle is: Your goal should be specific, high and clearly linked to both your own and

the students’ learning.

Focusing Inquiry

What is important (and therefore worth spending time on) given where my students are?

This focusing inquiry establishes a baseline and a direction. The teacher uses all available information to determine

what their students have already learned and what they need to learn next.

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Teaching Inquiry What strategies (evidence-based) are most likely to help my students learn this?

In this teaching inquiry, the teacher uses evidence from research and from their own past practice and that of colleagues

to plan teaching and learning opportunities aimed at achieving the outcomes prioritised in the focusing inquiry.

Key information / research about this topic: List briefly the research / evidence that you have used

to decide on your teaching and learning opportunities below. It could be links to websites, books, articles, ideas from

colleagues, discussions from department meetings etc. What PLD opportunities will you need to help with this inquiry?

Teaching and learning opportunities I intend to trial: List a brief outline of what you are going to

trial in the classroom.

Observation: Use your first observations to get feedback on your inquiry focus. Include your summary /

reflection from observations:

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Learning Inquiry

What happened as a result of the teaching, and what are the implications for future teaching?

In this learning inquiry, the teacher investigates the success of the teaching in terms of the

prioritised outcomes, using a range of assessment approaches. They do this both while

learning activities are in progress and also as longer-term sequences or units of work come to an

end. They then analyse and interpret the information to consider what they should do next.

Post data: Include here the data that you collected after the teaching and learning opportunities.

Student Voice: Include here a summary of student voice about the teaching and learning, e.g. a summary of

findings from a student evaluation form.

Observation 2: Include your summary / reflection from your second observation form here.

Reflection / Next Steps: Write a brief reflection on this teaching as inquiry cycle, how successful it was or was

not (NB, you are not being assessed on its success but you should try to analyse why it was not if this is the case).

Include what you see as the next steps for yourself in this area e.g. a goal for a future teaching as inquiry cycle.

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Name: Date Applying:

Professional Development Being Applied For




Cover Required: Y/N

Outline why you would like to/why you need to undertake this PLD and how it

connects with your department and/or inquiry.

Signed: ..................................................

HoD/Appraisers Signature: ………………………………………………..

A copy of this will be returned to you. Please attach any documents for

registration which provide more detailed information

Approved …………………………………………………………………. PLD Co-ordinator Not Approved Relief Co-ordinator advised by PLD Co-ordinator

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Name: Date of PD:

PD Evaluation

Title and brief outline or overview of the PLD.

Was this PLD a good use of time and money? Why?

How does this PLD link into – Curriculum OR Classroom Management OR

Assessment OR Teaching Pedagogy OR your inquiry?

What will you share with your colleagues?

What is the best forum for sharing this information? E.g. department meeting;

staff briefings; PLGs; whole staff PLD; staff meetings; staff blog; share drive;

presentation to committees?

Where to from here?

Please provide a copy of this to the DP and to your HoD or Appraiser where

appropriate. Save a copy of this (you may chose to delete some aspects for public

posting) and any other electronic material to the staff drive under “PROFESSIONAL

DEVELOPMENT – EVALUATIONS”. You can also scan paper copies.

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NAME: _____________________________ Meeting Dates: __________________________

Those in a tagged position may want to formulate goals that reflect special character


Inquiry focus

PDL Identified/Undertaken

Unit Holder Goal

PDL Identified/Undertaken

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Name: Position Held:

Appraiser/ Attestor: Date: Year:

The teacher has participated in the Performance Management Cycle. There is evidence in respect of each of the Registered Teacher Criteria.

(please tick) I can report that the overall performance of the teacher meets the Registered Teacher Criteria

(please tick) I can report that the teacher has identified future actions and possible goals for next year as a result of this process

Further development in the following areas is recommended: (fill in if appropriate)

I must report that the teacher does not meet the Registered Teacher Criteria as follows (please detail which criteria and a brief note

as to why the criteria have not been met – attach any other documentation as necessary to this final report)

Documentation (please tick when provided)

Evidence Attached Minutes from Final Interview Attached

Signed: __________________________(Appraiser) Signed: __________________________(Appraisee) Date: _________

NOTE: The signature indicates that the teacher has sighted the form not that she/he agrees with it – any issues should be raised with the Principal ASAP