SACRAMENTO DAILY RECORD-UNION. OJLSLV CHIOS SEKIES-Y«*L. 1.-KO. 10,139. ) •Aii.YRECOKB t»EKIE»-VOI.XXTIII.- SO. 5143. 1 SACRAMENTO, FRIDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 5, 1883. l vouhjk \\iii~tr«ni.7i sr. PACIFIC SLOPE. Sale of Mill l>n>per.> -Miootlng Affair In the Sierras- Miner Instantly Hilled —Advices from Oregon— »he Wa»hlng ton Territory Lrglxluturc- Tho Stage Kobbers kll.-j tfr.iir* In liaaymai— Brltlah Colombia News- Etc. [SPICIAL DISPATCIira TO THE RSCOiD-CTi lOS J (AIIIOKMi. The Cood Templars. San Francisco, October 4th.- The Grand Lodge of Good Templars to-day elected J. L. Coles, of luolumne. Chief Templar,' by 424} votes, over Will K. Gould, of Los Angeles, .'illj. A mags ni-ohib<- tion meeting is in progress to-uiglit at Daahawav Hall. Bharon k. Bill. San Frahcisco, October 4tb.— Ex-Senator Sharon c >D*.inues to denounce the purported marriage con- tract between him tod Sarah Althea Hill as a fur- k-cry, and has asked the United States Circuit Court to ii. Clare it null and void. The Shklrou.Connly Fair. Treka, Ootober 4th.--The first event tsday was a two in three trotting race for two year-old*, cor- te3teil by Huggie May, Nellie Lisbon and Nettie S. Maggie won the first heat, distancing the others. Time, 2:55. The secoi.d race was a single du»h running, 1J miles, contested by Lady F., Rondo and Harry B. Kondo was the favorite in the pools. Lady F. next. Lady F. was the winner, beaUnc Ror.do about half a neck, with Harry B. about three leugtbs behind. Time, 2:17j. Tho third was a trotting race, two in thrc. 1 , for horses tt'at had never beaten three minuttp, contested by Alta. Bo- rocco, Nutwuod, Jr., aud Curtis. The first heat was won by Alta by about a length, Sorocco btcood, Curlid third, ai:d Nutwood distanced. Time, 3. 9-. Complaint being made that Sorocco was not driven to win, the judges ordered a new driver. On the second heat Alta broke at the Htart, when Soroeco shot ahead, lut Alta made up the less to wltiiin a length at the out- come. S rucco WuS given the heat, and Curiij Jis- tanccd. Time, 3:08. In the third heit Sorocco broke at the ttirt, Alta taking the lead and keeping itall the way round, trotting nicely Sorocco got into a run at several places on tbe track, pud acted very badly, keej .ing hs dirtai.ee at the stand. Time, 3:06. The judges, in announcing the decision, found no fault with the drying by the owner of Surncco, but oaly made the change on complaint of several parties who had bets in the pools at stake. At tbe close of the r^es rain commenced falling, but does not promise to interfere wilh continuing the races the remainder of tho week. Unppy .liarjftvllle. Marisvillb, October 4th.— The prospect of a fa- vorable decision in th_- Woodruff suit has caused a remirkable advance in the value of farming lands about Marrsville in Yuba and Sutter counties. This has been rhuwn l>y numerous sales at good figures iv the past few weeks ; but the most noteworthy in- stance o:curred to day, when the Shermin ranch, on Dry- creek, i'uba county, six miles south of Maryaville, containing 4SO acre", was sold by public auction for 515 per acre. The same ranch was sold by auction two years ago for $H 25 per acre, aUs boom in city real estate is anticipated as the result of Judge SiwjerV decision, which is expected to be a final settlement of the debris question. Flood in a Mine. Grass Valley, October 4th.— Yester.'ay, as three miners were engaged at work in the Prescott Hill tunnel at Odborne Hill, near this place, a large bed}- of water came in upon them from the Betsy tunnel, which they were trying to cut into. The flood of water coming unexpectedly upon the men, carried them with great force part way through the tunnel ; but the flood Icing of Bhort duration, the men were not carried to the surface. They were all bruised and injured more or less, Henry bahl sus- taining the worst injuries. The Log Anst'lcn Murder Case. Los Akokles, October 4th.—The examination <f the Amadon murderers was concluded to-day, and resulted in holding John Foster for murder without hail, Ella Amadon. wife of the murdered man, as an accessory, with bail at 82,000, and Lottie Greenleaf, accessory also, with bail at $1,500. The prisoners ' were all remanded to the custody of the Sheriff, and committed to jail. The Slate Grange. , Sax Jose, October 4th —The State Orange will elect officers to-morrow morning, and in the even, ing the Feast of Pomona will be held. Shooting Affray. Red BLCFr, October 4th.— News reached here last night that J. L. Shannon shot and killed Henry Waseon on Tuesday morning ii. the Sierras near Butte Creek meadows. Shannon is in custody and willbe examined before ' Justice Martin, of Sierra township. The particulars are meager. A physi- cian was telegraphed (or, which leads to the belief that Wuison is not dead. The shooting wag done with a Henry rifle. . Miner Killed by a Falling Rock. San Jose, October 4tb.—Richard Wedlake, a Cor- nisbman, 57 years of age, married, was killed at Almaden yesterday afternoon, He was working in a chamber leading from the drift at the 1900-foot level of the San Isabel s^iafi, and while preparing to set off a blast a rock weighing 200 pounds foil from the roof on his head, killing him tntantlv. Mill Properly Sol<!—Kallrond Wood. Trcckisb, October 4th.— lt In reported upon good authority that the Boca Mill Company have cold their property in this locality, consisting of mill?, houses, water rights ard hundreds of acies of tim- ber land*, to the Sierra Nevada Wood and Lumber Company, the price asked being 5150,000. About 50,000 c rds of wood have been cut and piled for the Central Pacific Railroad this year by the different contracting firms in this neighborhood, prices averaging from $3 50 to $4 per cord. OHEGOM. Advlre* from I'ort'and. PcEXUra, October 4th.—The Territorial Lfpisla- ture of Wasl'iuirt' n has convened at Olympia, and organized as follows: Hciuse— E. C. Fcnruson, of Snihomish county, Speaker; Chief Clerk, M. T. Crawford. AChinaman committed suicide this morning by leaping into the river. He is supposed to have been crazed by opium. The body was not recov- ered. The greatest apprehension is felt regarding the recovery of Captain Alexander, lylnif at Astoria with tyihoid pneumonik. Ever since the night the (fi-t'i of the Pacific was stranded, Captain Alexan- der has been suffering from pain in the chest, and when the l^'ueen arrived on her last trip from San Francisco he was obliged to relinquish command and c;me ashore. For the last twenty four hours hi has been delirious, and his physicians have given strict orders to allow no visitors. . [SECOND DISPATCH.] Portland, October 4th. In the Washington Ter- ritory Legislature, M. T. Crawford, of Whatcom, was tlectcd Assistant Clerk; W. H. liuirhta, of King, Engrossing Clerk ; Miss Lucl a McMillan, En- rolling Clerk; Mies C. Newton Uillory, of Butler, S£rgeant-at-Arms ;D. O. Keller, Doorkeeper ; Hey. H. Cameron, Chaplain. Council Sewall Truax, of Walla Walla, President; P. B. Johnson, of Walla Walla, Chief Clerk; John De Ter.e, Assistant Clerk ; Samuel Crawford, BoroUing Clerk ; John A. Calhoun, Lngrossing Clerk ; Colonel H. Coock, Ser- gcsnt-at-Arma ; C. Ca'lahan, Doorkeeper; Rev. D. Bagley, Chaplain. The oaths of cilice were admin- istered to all the officers, and both branches were duly organized. Governor Ne*vcll f s message was read in Joint Convention. Chief Engineer Thielson \u25a0»' teen up the North- ern Pacific Kiilrn^.t, Kolama diviniop, to inspect in person the condition of the railroad, and reports that rapid an 1 satisfactory progress in being niwlu Alarge force is now engaged on the Cedar river di- vision, and the number will 1 c increased from tine to time. : "- \u25a0 v A young mm named Tiilman Johnson was acci- dentally that inF.a>t Portland yetterday, byityoung woman named alaggie llaimi: if. The latter was playfully toying with the weapon when it was di*- charged, the ball taking effect in Johnsoti's breast. . ' ' ... AttIZOSA. Stage Rulihrr« Killed. i Willcot, October 4th.— On Toe-day a certain clue was obtained in re ard to *.)<n whereabouts of Jack Elncer and Chart, » Hensley, the stage robbers. Act- ing on this clue. Superintendent Bean, r.f Tucson, placed at the disposal of Sheriff Paul Kid p sse an engine to bring them to this point, where arranse- ments hid been made to fumixh the toisc with horses and provisions. The posse left Wilcox at 7 P. M on that day, and came upon the robbers near Percy's ranch, twelve rai.es from here. Fire was opened by both parties at once, lied J. ck was killed, being riddled by ball", and Hensley badly wounded. The litter escaped toward the Point of Muuntains, with six well-mounted armed men in pursuit. His capture is only a question of a few hours. Not one i f the posse was seriously injured, cne receiving a slight fl.sh wound in tb» ankle. An inquest willb3 held here to day. Both robbers were armed and mounted, and according to their story were endeaving to make their way to Clifton, where they claimed they would be safe. They suffered ranch from hunger, being at time* three or four di" s without food. ' Latkr.— Sheriff Paul is just in. H"ne!ev was captured thiß morring, and rr.ft the satre fate that befell R. dJack last ni&fht. The bodies willboth be here in two hours. 18F.COND DISPATCH.I Wai/cox. October 4th.— Hensley, when found by the Sheriff's posse. w*s near the Point of Moun- tains en miles from here, lyin(f ina irulch. He bad been shot in the breast and abdomen. He fired three shots at Sheriff Paul, shooting the Sheriff s horse from under him. Hensley was game to the lut, ihootmi as lonic as he was able to pulla triß- trer. Too much credit cannot be accorded to sheriff Paul for his untiring energy and oravcry in hunting down the»e red-handed murderers. Both Hensley and Elmer declared their determination, r>nly three nights a*o, to a certain party, never to be taken olive, but wonld fight to the death. A Gtuutly Doable Trafcedy. Tomsstok*, October -4th. A ghastly double tragedy occurred about 12:30 P. m , resulting in the death of John Standlford and a Mexican woman of the town named Marie. At the time mentioned parties in 'he saloon on Aden street saw the woman approach the side window of the saloon, holding a towel to her throat, blood spurting in Jets from several blood vessels. Almost at the same instant the woman, who was recounted m an occupant of a Maieon Dore adjoining, fell to the ground Tbe oc- cupants of the Hloon rushed to the scene. Just before reaching the woman tbe crowd was horror- stricken to see Stantliford stagger from the near door f'f the house fr m which the , woman had \u25a0 corns, - with ' a bloody; razor in his hand. Before . he ; could \u25a0, be . reached be raised his razor, gave ope 0/iiiek, sharp cut across his throat, and then handed the razor to the foremost nun in the cruwd, who by that time h-d reached him, and fell (ace downward to the ground, the life-blood flowing in a stream from the wound, and 'ora-lng a pool beside him. An examination ehowed that the carotid artery and tubular vein were C 1 *»<*P* Statdiford. the crowd proceeded to where the body of the woman was lying, and found her dead, the razor having nearly severed her head from her body. The scene was sickening. - Strong men were unnerved, and the few women who had been tempted to approach the scene fainted dead away. The causes leading to the double tragedy were rum and jealousy. SUndiford, who had been driving the Contention stage for about six months not longsince became enamored of Marie, and paid her such assiduous attention as to neglect hi* woik, which resulted in his discharge last week. With the loss of his situation came the loss of the affections of Mane, and the driving of SUndiford to bard drink- ing. Several efforts were made by him to regain his lost place in Mario's boudoir and affections, but without avail. A stormy interview between them occurred at her house the day before, resulting in Standiford being ejected. He then declared that he would killher, also himself About dark last even- ing Sandy Bob, his former employer, found him in th« stage barn huntii for something. In reply to a quettion as to what he wanted, he answered that he was looking for a razor : that he intended to kill himself. After finding the article he went away. Nothing more was seen of him until the time of the murder. Standiford was well known through Cali- fornia, Idaho and Montana as a stage-driver. He was a native cf Georgia or North Carolina, aged about forty years. The woman has been a resident of this camp a lor time, and was about twenty years of aj.-e. Her relatives live on the ban Pedro river, in this county. Fire Department Election. To«nsi.iSß, October 4th.—The election for Chief Engineer yesterday resulted in the choice of Ike Isaacs, he beating Dan MeCann by fix votes. Tha contest was a hot one. tut paused eff quietly. Isiacs is an old member of the Virginia City Department and well known on the coast ' \u25a0 w.tsimtiTON tebk:tcr¥. Found Drownnl. Seat™, October -ith. -The body of Michael Me- Cloud, »!,„ ? obert McCl.-ud, v,! a found on the b.ach at i he Oregon Kiver and Navigation Com- pany's docks thu morning. It CII: , -,, at ho wan diairoustf bearding a steamer for ;,.,; .., r which was to leave at 2 A. m., ami lost hi, way, (ell over an embankment i to the bay, and drowned before assistance could reach him. He was former!* the second mate of the ship India, and a native of Caw Breton, France, 35 jeira old, and unmarried OLU MEXICO. Item* from Cuaymog. GrATMAS, October 4th.—Contrary 11 expectations the steamer Sonora takes freight ami pusstngers tj Southern Mexico. It in understood that the will not touch at La Paz. us she left there before beir, ordered into quarantine. Officers ot th..- road here Inm of the death, near Atcbison, Ks., «f the able and gentlemanly man- rof the road here, Thomas J Sciley." Itis a severe loss to the company and to this community. A telegram from above abowa that mauy of the refugees along the road are bei:|{ attacked, and sev- eral of them quite severely. By some mistake the engine house a*. ITermoeillo wanpirtlv demolished by a pile-driver train, but it willbooh b; repaired. The blame seems to rest on two Mexican brakeraen. Twenty-two are rt-porfed as the mortality for the last twenty-four hours at Hermositlo, but cool weather ia reducing the number of new cues and improving the convalescent*. No deaths nor new cases have recurred in Guay- mas for the last day. Rain tell last nicest, which cooled the a'mosrhere. Unless some bad chance tikes place, we m»y be said to be free from fever. Many are preparing tore- turn. The railroad company's office ii diaped in mourning, in respect to their manager. [SECOND DISPATCH.iI CrAYKAS, October Information ha* been re- ceived if theoeath of three of the engineers who went with A. Kovrans, engineer, and W. K. Rogers, the attorney of Tocolovampo road, at that place some time ii September. The two contractors ar- rived here on the 25th, and left on a chartered Tea- sel the next day. Work was to be commenced on the road the Ist at the month. Reports froji Hermoeillo are Hill discouraging, some twenty-two having died in the last forty-eight hours. Cold weather it* now setting in,and a change for the better may be looked for. Oor. Torres is convalescent, and hag gone to Magdalena to recuper- ate, taking with him General Carbo and staff. Bey. enil more of th; Anglo Saxons at Hermosillo have been carried off, amoug them the wife of Don Ki- cardo Jodjon, and the wife and child of Tr. J. S. Lathrop. Only three deaths have occurred here for forty-eight hours. Today a chilly nortbeMt wind is blowing, and all are improving. Fruit, that is apples, are now told on permit from the Prefect, but none are allowed to be sold in stores. The only point where the infection now exits here is at Punta Arenas. Mr. Lyons, foreman of the irachine shops, died night before last. earns!! mnnu, An O*d Citizen Dead— tannery Bnrned. Victoria, October 4th.— Ja-j eg Hamilton, an o'd pi i.e. r partner in the Victo. ia Tram and British Colombia Express Company, while ttscindlnfr the Bt< j>B of his private In. use. coughed, broke a blood- vessel, was led in bybis wife and died immediately. He had been ailing (or some time. He leaves a wife and three children. At New Westminster Lild'awiCo. 'a fish oiciiery, at Sappdfton, was discovered on fire. Th« whole establishment, including the outfit ir.a 3.0 0 ±tea of r.itioi., v.-a.i totally (MstVQTfd Laidlaw's *.ri- vato house was saved, but in a wrecked condition. The Penitentiary fence was badly scorched. The fire Hsupposed to have originated in the lacquering department. Itis estimated the low is $75,000, with a probable insurance of $50,000. Lieutenant Lees, removed to the Naval Hospital, is progressing favorably. Kg lineaments of his former self remain. PASSENGER LISTS. Sivniu, October 4lh.— Passed hero tc-dajr, to arrive in San Francisco U>-morrow : Ygracio Flores/ Antonio Floref, Mrs. B. J. shay and bod, Mrs. S. A. Duncan, fan Francisco ; K. D. .Miirtha. J. TeTia, San Diego; O. T. L'jer, Riverside ; Mrs. R. Bilder- rain, D. Whiting, A. Naught, Sim Prager, J. D. Hines, Mrs. Payson, F. Saunderson, LoaAn(role»: Dr. H. Neal, Holliiter ; V. W. Moore. Tucson, A. T. H.-il.'tk, Tucson ; Mrs. V. A. Gardner, St. Helena ; C. Walder, Oalveston, Tex.; Wm. Franklin, New- hall. Caislis', October 4th.— Pasted here to-day, to ar- rive inSacramento to-morrow : O. Lcndt, D. H. Ainiworth, J. S. liißlie, William J. amitli, San Fraacisco; James Forbes, Ogden, U. T.; Mrs. 11. O. Robinson »nd two children, Stockton, Cat.; Hiss Emily Ihordike, Washington, D. C; H. S. Koss, J. Laagdon Ward, Charles A. Post, J. A. Wilks, Mrs. L K. Barker, G. W. Tliompson and wife, New York city •W. Swift, E. B. Sccley, Connecticut ; Mrs. A. Norris, Philadelphia, Pa ; C. S. Delfemlahl, Boston, Mats.; I. Mathen-son, Mrs. M. Malhewson, lowa ; Mrs E. M. Frank, Butte City, Mont. ; Miss L. Waldro, F. Bretharte, <.;. R.yriolds, H. J. Sarirent, J. P. Caddagan, Miss Edna Carey, D. Bouclcault, Mif» S. Martinet, New York city ; Miss Nellie More, Idaho Territory ;Jakichi Hagashi, N. Okabe, Japan ; O. Wilkz, -alt Lake ;J. V. Phelan, Mrs. Junes B. Phelan, Miss Phelan, San Francisco ; Mr?. Downev, Miss Madeleine Downey, lowa City, la; A. 11. Forree t, New York city; li. O. Elton, Jesse Kinnev and wife, Detroit, Mich.; C. May, Con- necticut ;Mrs. 8. Bow, Nebrasi a ; 11. Martin, S. Leonard and family, Os den; Miss Lou Kcmpton, Montana: Liei:tenant Grajdsn, U. 8. N.; F. E. Nonic, Miss Ida Nickeuson, Wiscousin ; W. P. Bynum, North Carolina : K. Gto-, J. R. Derm's, Utah ; J. P. Button, Brooklyn, N. V.; T. C. Hamil- ton, New York city ; James MoCiw. Colorado; J. Leah, Utah ;in special car '.kltic— Lord Ro.'ebeij, Lady Rosebery, London, Great Hrl'am ; 11. Bracd, T. Rolls, Miss Davie, servants ; 65 emixrauts, in- cluding 43 miles, to arrive October CtV.. San Francisco Stock Sales. Hah «soo, October 4th. MOKMfOSESSION. lOOCntlr .3 TO 3CO Exchequer 6So 410Me'do«u-...2 4J(SJSC 20j Justice 450 7CO Savage 1 M 750 Union. 4. 50@4 65 «CalUr>rnl» 15 HO A!U. 160 300 Con. Va., Hie:11M> Silver Hill 150 100 Cboliai 5 6S#ri 70 do assets deiia. SlOPotoeL '' 43 Andts.... 60c tOlUle* N...3 BCB3 8!> 4-. -u-oruion 650 KQC Point ll f OBoL'dbilrer Mo 30 Jacket .3 $}',£&*£ » 45 150 Alpha. 22 IWIISavaJo. 385 40 Belcher 1 lOf UOlOnte. 61 100 Confidence 1 &', 700 Elko ..I 1350 3. Ifma'L>...4 4C<34 5r 30 Hello Me .400 Utah SMI ML Diablo 4 25 imU'OOH sKutioa. 500 Pin*! 1 ?0, HO n. »nd N 3 05 210 N. Belle « 50 O. Point ISO 400 Prize »*\u25a0 : 300 Belcher... .. •\u25a0.\u25a0"•] tv Hodle slc 1640 a K-end»...4 25«4» 4?l(»phlr 360 20 run 315 292 Mexican 2 .10; SOOJoatice 450 oo *<£.::::.:. .2 3 9950.100. 4am 40 mi; til 3 1503 3 I ;OoAlta 1 35 •>iOUili*." 1t-ial 66! 2COPoto»^ 4 4»Con7VIr 45 I SIX) Bccrploo 600 353rh,Uw 2 7001 K| lOOAnlei Mo 550Potod 95c <4\, * «.« Bright's Disease, Diabetes. Bawars cf the etaff that pretends to cure these disease* or other serious kiuney, uri- nary or liver diseases, as they only relieve for a time, and make yn ten time* worse ftftcrwsrd*, hat rely solely on Hop Bitters, the only remedy th»t will rarely and perma- neatly cute yon. It destroy* ami removes the causa of disease bo effectually that it nevor return*. Malarial disorders :\u25a0* often attack the people of v large . cities as of the country. Ayer's Ague Cure is warranted a safe and certain specific. , - " Fiyx doctors ; bo end of medicine; no relief. Dr. Benson's Skin Core has driven away all eruptions and I'm nearly well." Ida C. Young, Hamilton, HI. Druggists keep it, $1 per package. - ~«-« " Eyes brighten,' cheeks bocime rosy, muscles gain strength by the use of Brown's Iron in.- tejs. ' "' ' m *Amon? the most \u25a0 fffioscious of remedial agent* are the medical preparations from the laboratory of Mrs. LydiaE. Pinkbam, Lynn. Mass. :• -. .. .-/-. _._— -• : - . . $ST For one dime eet a package of Diamond D sat the drnKßisVe. They col arythinst '."He simplest and moßt desirable colon. MISCELLANEOUS. A WOMAN'S AFFAIR. Mrs. N. H. Shall, the wife of tho popular Deputy Sheriff and Asssssor of Topsham, Me., writes us on May 15, 1833: " That she had been se- verely afflicted during several years withkidney and lher disease, accompanied with severe pains and backache. ' Having tried many sc-ca.ltd euro?, and medicines, . and doctors' prescription*, without re- ceiving any benefit, and while seeking for a cure, she noticed the advertisement of Hunt's Remedy and decided to try it. Having bought a bottle at Mr. Johnson's drug store, commenced using it with such flatteringresults that she continued its use, and after using only five bottles the improvement in her health is so marked that she wishes all who are afflicted in like manner to know of this most valu- able and reliable medicine ; and she most cheerfully recommends Hum's Remedy to all, and especially to females who are troubled with the complaints pecu- liar to the sex." v .6 ' : A FAMILY HOttUM!. Under date of May 10, 183), we have received the followinginformation from Mr. Lokkszj Lombard, of 18 Charles street, Portland Me. Mr. Lombard says : " For Beveial years past I have been troubled withsevere backache and pains in the side, and when I wou'd lie down I could not rest well, as it seemed impossible for me to get into an easy position ; and my aches and pains increased constantly to such an extent that I became convinced that I had disease of the kidneys fastened to me, and after having used doctors' prescriptions and many of the so-called cures without getting any benefit, I was persuaded by a near neighbor, Mr. Jones, to try Hunt's Rem- edy, as himself and wife had been greatly benefit id by its uses, and many other of our acquaintances spoke »! its merits in the highest terms. I decided to try it, and purchased a bottle at Nichol's d'u; store, and as soon as I had taken a few doaes of it the pains in my back were relieved, and after taking three bottles my BiJeache and lame back are cured, and I can truly testify that Hunt's Remedy is an ar- ticle of great merit, and will do all that is claimed for it, and I know of miny other people in Portland who have found a cure in Hunt's Remedy after all others failed to do any good, and I recommend it to all who have kidney or liver disease, hoping that this inijr be the means of relieving some sufferer who does not know of the merits of Hunt's Rem- edy." \u25a0 nC-l.vMWF&wly - . ' '-'\u25a0 silicon CLEANS AND POLISHES COLD and SILVER .PRODUCING rXEQUAT.T.ED BRILLIANCYWITH LEAST LABOK AND WITHOUT INJURY TO FINEST SURFACE. 16 YEARS IN HOUSEHOLD USE. Sold by Grocers niul Druggists. \u25a0 THK ICJIECTKO S1I.ICO:V CO., 72 JOHN ST., MOW YORK TRUE Temperance Is not signing a pledge or taking a solemn oath that cannot be kept, because of the non-removal the cause ;V liquor. The way to make a man temperate is to kill the desire for those dreadful artificial stimulants that car- ry so many bright intellects to premature graves, and desolation, strife and un- happiness into so many families. ' Itisafact! Brown's Iron Bitters, a true non-alcohol- ictonic, made inBaltimore, Mel., by the Brown Chemical Company, who are old drug- gists and in every particu- lar reliable, will, by remov- ing the craving appetite of the drunkard, and by curing the nervousness, weakness, " and general ill health result- ing from intemperance, do more topromote temperance, " in the strictest sense then any other means now known. ' ; It is a well authenticated fact that many medicines, especially bitters,' are noth- ingbut cheap whiskey vilely concocted for use in local option countries. Such is not the case with Brown's Iron Bitters. It is a medi- cine, a cure for weakness and decay in the nervous, muscular, and digestive or- gans of the body, produc- ing good, rich blood, health and strength. Try one bot- tle. Priced i. 00. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. SAN RAFAEL. A L rye Iron iron?, Pressed Ick S *S? 2R. 30. TWO STORIES -STORE AND CELLAR BELOW, JL and Blglit Finn Rooms above. Looted on the inei-t orner in th;* town (next to Portofßce). •ultaMe for any fliBt-c!a«8 bujiocsa. Is offered for ulo st a bargain, and on easy terms of payment; >r will LEASE the game, at low rental, to a goo 1 tenant onIon;? leue. To the right paty this Is a rare :hance'to make money. For particulars, address E.4STO.\ A »:LI>RIDC£. Real Estate Agents and Hou<*o Brokers, No. 22 Montgomery street. San Francisco. ' \u25a0 03-2wMtVF&w2t - "\u25a0 \u25a0 .- STAR MILLS AND MALTHOUSE xcritoruG a LAGES. NOS. 60, 62 AND 54 FIFTHST., SACRAMENTO, dealers in Produce and Brewers' Supplies, Man. ifacturers of Malt and all kinds of Meal? ; Oatmeal, 3ornmo«l, Cracked Wheat, Graham Flour, Buck- .rhe&t Flour, etc New Grain Bags for sale. Agents 'or Buckeye Flour Millp, Miryavilie. jel7lp . Friend * Terry LUMBER OOXUCE>JBOKr^-. , , . ESTABLISHED ISSS. lUCAR REDWOOD, G3ECCK'& THUOXtEPIN At WhrJemle and Retail, and Ibuavfßetored to Order Mthe Kills «x th* - ;."\u25a0-. . Company. : - . Alto Doors, Windows, Blinds, Shake*, Shingle*, ' RolU and Tint. MATS YARD ANT) OFFICE, No. 1310 Second Street, near M. BRANCH. YARD, - Caraer Twdftb A4 »<«., Sacraments, Cal - \u25a0 lelO-4r*ro . <v- ;i .. THK/ llfilllUS I, A.XJ»TI3 lEfcTtr, OmCE : SAWTKLLITS BOOK STORE, NO. 62* 1 J Etroct. i faa4 lj<gm) 1 8. B. CCOLEY, Prop. BUSINESS CARDS. C. Z(TICK EL. ... . \u25a0 M-STRKET FOUNDRY, BETWEEN FOURTH J.TX and Fifth. Cast Iron Founder. Manufact- urer of all kinds of Cast and Rod Iron R tilings and Fences. All Building Castings made to order. - - \u25a0• «5 4plm «tr as wo ciian a CO . DEALERS IN CHINESE MERCHANDISE, ±J China Butchers and Contractors, will open a e&tVjHshment on August 18th. AH SING, Agent, No- 304 I street. aulslm B. F. KOOT. ALEX. HIILSOS. I. DRISCOU. - ROOT, >£<!>«» A CO., UNION FOUNDRY IRON AND BRASS U Founders and Machinists, Front street, be- tween N and O. Castings and Machinery of every description made to order. Jy24-4plm r. rosTuu 1. 0. rxnustoa. . 1856. F. FOSTER A CO., 1883. T>OOE BINDERS, PAPER - KULERS AND J > Blank-Rook Manufacturers, No. 818 J street, between Third and Fourth, Sacramento. jy2o-4ptf CRYSTAL PALACE ALOOM, J STREET. BETWEEN NINTH AND/«^r* Tenth. The handsomest sample rasa rooms in town. Only the very best Wines, >B£ipl Liquors and Cigars served to patrons. A fine lunck served W. a. CHENOWETU, Proprietor. ]yi4-tf TELEPHONE l'HM\t. Mm, /CORNER J AND FIFTEENTH STREETS, \j Sacramento. H.D. VANDERCOOK & CO., Pro- prietors, Contractors and Builders. Manufacturers of Doors, Saehes, Frames, Blinds and Moldings. Planing, Turn!11; and all kinds of Mill Work dune on short notic*. The fittingof Stores and Offices a Specialty. Iyl2-tf !S.IISHO\ A BE.IDLEB, A RCniTECTS, NO. 1006 SEVENTH STREET, XV iiotwettn J and X, Sacramento. No. 318 Pine street, San Francisco. j>ll-tf . »8. LOT FOND vets. ' . OFFICE AND MEDICINE STORE, NO. 926 Third street, between! Mid J. By the pulse he can locate disease. Consultation free. He uses no poisonous drugs, but roots and herbs, nature's medicine for man. Call and see him. JylO-tf* JACOB CiBIESEL. MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN Saddles, litrness, Collars, Whips, Curry- combs, Brushes, etc., No. 1022 I street, between Tenth and Eleventh, opposite Central Hay Yard, Sacramento. N. B.—Repairing always well done. jvs-4ptf J. MIMA*. JR.. TTTATCHMAKER ANDJEWELER, 608 -no If J street, between Fifth and Sixth, Cf?W ma always onhand a choice variety c : tine (CL. Watcheo, Diamonds, Jev elry, Ac. aud-lm tF;>*M JAHEB JHcCITiaE, MANUFACTURER Of ROAD SCRAPFRS, ill. Iron Doors, Jail Cells, Shutters, Railings Uratin2fs, Housework and Blaoksmitbing in general, 1 No. 520 X street, between Fifth and Sixth. Secoud- hand Doora for sale. je22-4pti 9. CARLS. 1. 1. OEOLT. CARLE A CBOLY, CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS, ARE PRE- j pared to do all kinds of wcrk in their line, la city or country Principal place of business, Sacra- mento. Shop, No. 1124 Second etreet, between X and L. PoetotSce Box No. 410, Sacramento. ]018-4ptf WM. t.!TKM!IR(.i;i;, "I.BON AND BRASS FOUNDER AND MA- ' X chinist, Front and N streets. Manufacturer of Gutenbcrger's Horse Powers, Patent Ground Roller and Clod Crusher and Bariey Mills. AH kinds of Hydraulic Pipes. For sale, Three Mil'.er Patent nay Presses. nil-lplm J. A. rVYIVCUAJf, SACRAMENTO BOILEK AND IRON WORKS, I street, between Front and Second, Sacra- mento. Manufacturer of Steam Boilers, Sheet Iron \vork, etc. Changes Portable Boilers from Wood to Straw Burn.eis. Hop Stoves made to order. mB-4ptf LOUS sLOSS A CO.. DEALERS, CORNER OF FRONT AND L street*. Highest price for Hideo, Sheep Pelts and Tallow. Batchers supplied with Salt, Paper, latest improved Sausage Machines, Stuffers, Lard Presses, etc. Prompt cosh returns made for all consignments. felS-4ptf PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS C. DMT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUKOEO* (HOMCEOPA- thist). Resideno, ISIS Ci street. Olilce, No. 627 i street (over Dale b), Sacratneuto, Cal. Office hours -10 to 11 A.M.; 2 t'4p. si.; 6:20t08p.a. Special attention given to diseases of the heart and lungs. 02-lm «>i;s. iii;( i. (><.<: A GOSB. /"\FFICE CORNER SEVENTH ANDI STREETS. OFFICE CORN'Ktt SSVENTH AND I STREETS. \J Office Hours : Miss L.J. Kellosr?, M. D.— B to 9a. X.; 12 to .-. r. it.; 6to7p. M. Mis-- C. A. Grs, M. D.-10 to 12 a. M.; 3t05 i- M.; 7toBr. m. b-26- DR. LAI\E,i PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON.— OFFICE AND Residence, No. 323 J street, between Third and Fourth, Houm— to 10 A. M, 3to 5 and 7toBp. M. Office of City Superintendent of Public Schools at same place. «->."..•:. >;*• BEHOVED. DR. IRA E. OATJIAN HAS REMOVED HIS office to the northwest corner J and Bevel streets. Entrance on J street. Residence, l'J27 G street, corner Eleventh. Office hours— 9toloA. V ,and Ito'i, au«l 7toBp. M. jyl4-lm* T. A. VMUfclt, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, SOUTHEAST corner Second and X stneta. Office flours— \u25a0j to 10:30 A. M.; 2to 4, and 7t09 p. M. Residence, 913 Mstreet, between Ninth and Tenth. m'23-4ply CDAULES E. PIKKHAM. M. D.. HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. IX Office— removed to 818 Eighthf erect, between il and I. Residence next door. Office hours till9 A. m ; from Ito 3, and 6:30 to 7:30 P. M ]yl3-lm UK. NIXON, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, M STREET, BE- tween Ninth and Tenth, Nos. 91S and 920. Willvisit the Railroad Hospital dally at 9:30 A. M. Office hours— B to 9a. m.; 1 to 3p. m., and even- ugs. Jyl4-lm WM. ELLSICV BKIKU*. M, It., OCULIST, AURIST AND PHYSICIAN FOR Diseases of the Throat. Office, 429] J street, comer of Fifth, over Sacramento Rank, Sacramento, Cal. Hours— 9:3o to 12 a. M.; 1 to 4 P. M. Sundays 9:30 to 11 a. M ; 1 to 4 p.m. jvl-tf W. A. IRBMiSi. 0., HOMEOF.ATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office, southwest comer of Seventh and J itri-.W, in Bryte'g new building, up stairs. Resi- dence, southeast corner of Seventh and N street*, Sacramento. Office H-urs : Ito3 and 7toB P. H. ; and on Sundays only, 7 to 8 p. M. jc2s-4plm DB. A. K. ItItCSE, PHYSICIAN AND SUHGEON, GRADUATE OF the University of Berlin, Germany. Office and nttdenoo, No. 521 J street, between Fifth and Sixth, Sacramento. Office hours— Btoll a. M., 3to 5 and 7 to 8 P. M j .1., If WALLACE A. BRINGS, H. D. OFFIU--C AND RESIDENCE, NO. 3H J STREET \9 runes to. ( 8 to 5 a. M. ) Olilce ntsn : { 11 a. m. to 2 r. v. > jiiv-iptl I 6:30 to BT. «. } ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ~ V,. 11. BEITTY .\u25a0. 9. C. DEXSOV, A TTOBNEYS AND. COUNSELORS AT LAW. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS street, be- . Offices : Metropolitan Block, X street, be- tween Fourth and Filth, Sacramento. Entrance next door to Metropolitan Theater. - ' 01-tf D. E. ALEXANDER, .4 TTORNEY-AT-LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC, t\ No. 407 J street, between Fourth and Fifth, 1 Sacramento. Jyl-tf W. 0. VAS FLIIKT. PRESLET DCXLAP. S DUVLAr A VAX FLEET. A TTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS, 603 I [ s*. ret, neat Sixth, Sacramento, Cal. JvlS-2m ' 8. P. BCASI&I.K. A TrORNEY-AT-LAW, 627 J STREET, NORTH- *•*• west corner, Upstairs, Sacramento. Will practice In all the Courts of the state. Jyll-tf , CHAKLKS S. POST. HIC.NRT KDOEKTON. EOGEBTOX A I'O-iT, A TTORNEYS-AT-LAW, NO. 904 BETKKTB J\. strict, near J. Will practice inall the Courts 1 of the State. jylO-4^tf 1 C. L. WIIITX. A. L. HART. , DART A WHITE, , A TTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS-AT-LAW— Xjl. Offices at the southwest corner of Fifth and J street*, Sacramento, California. : je2s- HISET L. BCCKCir. . . '. ." «. SOLOS BOLL. BOLL A BCCKLET, \ ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. Office, northeast corner Sixth and I its je9-tf WILCOX& WHITE ORGANS —AT WAKHROOHS or . L, K. Hammer, : I No. 820 J Street, Caepatneuto. \u25a0 tS" Sold 00 the installment plan. \u25a0 Orders for TUSDtQ promptly attended to. JySO-li 'm akft& tftv\ & Ijil " SpT One Aitent (Dealer __ M HA only) WAN in every Cj \u25a0"* "^ ;town on the coaxt for cjp" this "America's Finest E^ "" 5' cent Cigar." £* G. B. CORWIN, SOLE AGENT FOE PACIFIC COAST, No. 933 Second .street. Sacramento Cal. ' au2 4ply AMONG THE GIANTS I Premium* Awarded at Slate Agricultural Society Fair, 1883, to JOBBT \u25a0ac. STOXiXi, No. 610 X STKEET," SACRAMENTO. Society's «>. \u25a0 Prem- orold medal . M\ ium fur for beet feS\ y* bestdis- display in JL^^i\. J^&__ pl*y <>' the Fourth o§. 3 V , S!>«>»^^7»!^\ Sa-l<ller> Depart. I^^o^^^^^^%, H * T *- haaaies IjB?.fS9EK.3 and liar- Premium. V& I "3 II ncsa Bridle. Ms^/vf/ m c n's M#|W Saddles Saddle \W Side Sa- d dies and Stoll'a Patent Collars ' . The above premiums show the superiority of my work in a fair and squire fight, with the largest bouse on the coast. 1 have carried nearly every- thing before me. I ask the public to whom should you i;lve your trade. Myprices are guaranteed as low as any on the coast. By proper management mechanical work can be done as well and as cheap as the poor work by mismanagement. Address, JUH.t' T. BTOIX, P. Box 54, Sacra-cento, Cil. /I GRIFFITI ? S ' : -kJ I PENRYN S;IaRiBITBWORKS PENRYN BSANITBWORKS PKSBYS. CAK. rTIHE BEST VARIETY AND ~ ==c **"^ J. Largest Quarries on the Pa- '\u25a0 '^J,! -m» Coast. Polished Granite Monuments, Tombstones and Tablets made to order I er Srmnlle Bnlldlnc Stone <at. Dressed and Polished 'o Order. . \u25a0 oU-lp6m X EBNER BROS., ; lUPOBTEBS AND WHOLESALE SEALERS IN WISES AND LIQVOn, 116 and 118 XSt., bet, Front ard Second, Sacramento. ..-.. AQKSTB FOR TUB CKLEERATXD .. ... .... POMMESV ' AND SKEXO I lIAUPA»;\I.. -^ --. \u25a0 •\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0---. Je2slDlm \u25a0--\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-.\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0-... \u25a0 SEWER PIPE! T AMMANUFACTURING THE BEST ABTICLK I AM MANUFACTURING THE BEST ABTICLE of Vetrifled and Stone Sewer Pipe made in California, at ?«PITOL POTTERY. X mrert, between Twenty-ninth and i Thirtieth. - <• The latest improved machinery made expressly for my works— been added, thus enabling me to fill contracts tor any quantity. -< A liberal discount offered to the Trade. . [anU-4plm] OF.O, MUDDOX, MILLINERY. FALL MILLINERY! PERMIT US TO STATE THAT /fBfeEESj. J_ we hive been roceivins.' fur the Jta&JtBBB last two weeks the Finest Lino o{ S2! Trimmed and Untrimmed lI ATS, %Sfi' F^^^- FEATHERS, BIRDS, VELVETS, RIBBONS, etc. Our lines of Ribbons are now completa in all the Shades, and we shall sell them at LOW PRICKS. We are prepared to fill all orders promptlyat MKSDAMES BARBER &PEALER'S, No. C.'IJM,, Sacramento. auSO-lply . LATEST STYLES ,: ox ACCOUNT of THE je wish holi- days, MRS. KITZi:.\HTKI\S MMMI OPFM>G OF 9IILLIXERTWILL BE COS- TIMi:i» TO-DAY. 7-lptf 0ABEIA&E8, WAGONS, ETC, MARTIN KESTLER, MANUFACTURER OF ALL _ kinds of Bngifie?, Farm, BfadsJ^ r.xpri3SB, Freight, Header anii^^^^i3p>Vt*vy. Quartz Wagons ; constantly on"s™SaoaiUßSß»Jbi band and made to order at lowest rates. AU work warranted. Repairing, et:., done at short notice. Nos. 1010, 1012 and 1014 Ninth street, between J and X,Sacramento. - \u25a0 aul-lptf PIKE & VOUNO CARRIAGE MASUFACTUR- «5»« \_y era, corner of Fourth and /s^?~-^ VS£~** L streets, Sacramento, have on ll'JjSte^ hand the largest assortment of _£*^_Hi*"&L__3t Carriages, Wagons and Baggies to be found in Sacra mento, which they will sell at very lo» \u25a0•ateg. ]y!3 A. MEISTER, MANUFACTURER OF CAR- , t^^^ I IT 1. riatres, Bu^rics, Phaetons fc^VSitfr and Spring Wagons. Rewirg. _^gggx«JTf^j i made withdispatch and at low"SSfi"*Sßia»BSU*"") ' rates. First class" work in painting and trimming. Manufactory, Ninth street, between I and J, oppo- site the Plaza. ' * je27-4p3m J. E. PARMETER, CARRIAGE PAINTER. ALL WORK DONE : with Neatness and Dispatch, at the Lowest Prices. No. 922 Eleventh street, between landJ. Fine Carnage Painting a specialty. Please call and see me. Sacramento, Cal. JylO-lp-tf BAMIfIQ HOUSES. ~~ ISTational Bank D. O. MILLS & CO., SACRAMENTO, CAL. CAPITAL, 8300,000. EDGAR MILLS, ; V President. ! FRANK MILLER .'. Casticr. DIRECTORS: . D. O. MILLS, - EDGAR MILLS, W. E. CHAMBERLAIN, C. H. HUBBARD, FRA?TK MILLER. s!2-4ptf CIIA9. CROCKRR. R. C. WOOLWORK!. WM. H. CFOCKMI. Crocker, Woolworth & Co., 13 A.DST JK3EIXCS, 322 PINE STREET ....... SAN FRANCISCO . Carry on a General Banking Business. Corre- spondents in the Principal Cities of the Eastern States and in Europe. . jy6-4plm MONEY TO LOAN PEOPLE'S SAVINGS BANK, Southeast Cor. J and Fourth street*, In any amount, at low rate of interest. mlO-iptt CALIFORNIaJTATE BANK. Does a General Ranking Business. t3T Draws Exchange on all the principal cities of the world. OFFICERS I Presldert, N. D. RIDEOUT. Vise-President, FREDERICK COX. Cashier, A. ABBOTT. DIRECrORSt C. W. CLARK, ••'-* GEO. C. PERKINS, ALBERT GALLATIN, J. R. WATSON, --\u0084* H. D. HIDEOUT, FREDERICK COX, --- .-- \u25a0:. ,\u25a0\u25a0: . \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 A. ABBOTT. ai-8-tt . , HALE BROS. & CO. ACTUAL FACTS TELL With Wonderful Effect ! i * \u25a0 * \u25a0 \u25a0 Actual facts tell with wonderful effect. We are daily receiving a part of our immense Eastern importation for this Fall, and are of- fering many goods for less prices than heretofore. Our object is to give the lowest uniform price for the quality of any house in this city. WE PUGS ON SALE THURSDAY MORNING, OCT. 4th, 843 1-2 Yards TABLE LINEN! Bought as a Job, and to be sold as such at the low price of 25 CENTS PER YARD ! SETHIS JOB LOT CONSISTS OP UNBLEACHED, HALF ACHED, AND SOME TURKEY RED TABLE LINEN, WHICH IT IS WELL WORTH YOUR WHILE TO INVESTIGATE AT ONCE, AS, AT THE PRICE, IT CANNOT LAST LONG. -\ WE ARE SHOWING HiNf VERY ATTRACTIVE FABRICS IN OUR DRESS GOODS STOCK. While the tendency this season is almost wholly towards Plain Goods, still we have NOVELTIES that are very pretty and unique in design, imported specially by us for our Sacramento trade, and the value we guarantee to be as good as the best. HALE BROS. & GO. Nos. 82!), 831. 8 S3, 855 X St., and No. 1050 Ninth st. fBUITS, SEEDS AND PBODUOE. GEO. COOPER, So. SIS X direct, bet. Fifth and Sixth, SAC BAH EN TO. /Ma ja GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, WJ$ Wholesale and Retail Dealer in ™§Srig Poultry, Came, Fish. Vegetables. ''''"" 823-1m H. a MAY & CO., PROPRIETORS OF FULTON MARKET. 423 and 430 X St., corner Filth, Sacramento, Cal. Wholesale dealers in Butter, Eggs, Produce, Fruit, Fish, Game, Tropical Fruits and Poultry. Country orders promptly filled. Postoffice Box 437. o2 tf 1. HOOBIR. B eiKSOM. . S. GERSON & CO., f^ ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND \T Dealers in Imported and Ponie»tlo Fruits, Vegeta- bles. Nuts, Etc., NO. 220 J STREET, Between Second and Third, Sacramento. jyC-'m LYON & CURTIS (Successors to LYON & BARNES), /COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN V- 7 Produce, Vegetables and Fruits, Potatoes, Beans, Batter, Eggs, Honey, \u25a0POULTRY, ETC. t3T Storage for HOPS, GRAIN, etc. "SJ Mot. 111, 119 and 183 J atreet. Ja23-lptf FRUIT DEALERS. .*£&.-.&.- a.-Ben's* -jL-jt<s<3Kr X HAVING REMOVED TO MORE OOMMOLIOUS pi^mises, we have enlarged our stock. We offer you choice Apples, free from worms, Lemons, Lime», Oranpes, I>rled Fruit», Nuts Dates, Canned Goods, etc., at v rylow nri.-.". M. T. BREWER & CO., 1006 to 1010 Second street, bet •con J and X, Si;. ramento. je22-tf D. Dc BERNARD! &CO., CENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN TROPICAL, CALIFORNIA Jt OBEGOX Fruits and Nuts; BUTTER, EGGS, POULTRY, GAME, HONEY, Vcsetablts, Hah, Oysters, Lie. WITH THE EXPERIENCE OF YEARS IN the buiiuess, and every facility to prosecute it, and the use of the very latest improvements in packages, we respectfully state to the trade, that. feeling our ability to select the best of goods, at prices suitable to the present time, we solicit their patronage, and shill endeavor to merit a preference for all favors they mar be pleased to extend to as. £3" Country and City Orders Promptly ttieodeil to. All tbtod* Delivered to any part of tbe City Free of Charge. 308 and 310 Ifst , Sacramento. au3o- ICGK7I 1. QRKOORT. C. 0. BAR.VKH FRAHK SRXQORY. GREGORY, BARNES & CO, Successors to Gregory & Co.), So*, its and 128 J Street, WHOLESALE DEALERS INPRODUCE AND Fruit. Full stocks of Potatoes, Vegetables, Green and Dried Fruits, Beans, Alfalfa, Butter, Eggs, Cheese, Poultry, etc., always oc hand. Orders filled at lowest rat-cj. Jelg-tf W. R. STROM. P. S. PLAIT. eobt. WIUJ.UISOS W. R. STRONG & CO., Wholesale Dealers in— . GKEES AND DRIED I KMT and CEXITBAL PttSDDCE, J an.i FRONT STREETS SACRAMENTO, CAL. a7-tf LA&EB BIER, SALOONS, ETC. «a-2St «» DKT33> OS>£IJC9XI»CS- AT THE MARBLE SALOON, Tblrd street. Bet. J anil U (West Side), »u:K'!av EVfcXIXC., OCTOBER Mb. A SPLENDID LUNCH WILL BE/£^S» j*\^ spread in both French and ItaliantfcJ^^JJ style. Allare invited to attend. «l§s£3i B2.>lplm KERERA BKOS., Proprietor?. COLUMBUS BREWERY, /\u25a0^ORNER'OF SIXTEENTH AND X STREETS, \_j (;HRIST. WAHL, Proprietor. A good supply of excellent Boer always on band, and sold at current rates. City and country orders promptly attended to, witha liberal discount. Beer delivered to any part of the city or at derot free of charge, sl-lptf ANHEUSER ST. LOUIS J53 JfZA JBCa JsTfv w OS DRAUGHT, AT GRUHLER'S SALOON, No. 522 J street t|e3o-lplm] Sacramento. THE JUMBO. 1 AOO FIFTH STRLET, BETWEEN J AND JLV/V 4 X— Finest Five-Cent Beer Saloon in the city. Beat brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. A handsome Billiard and Pool Parlor attached. Also Club Rooms. Free Lunch every day. Call and ere me. ]e2B-lm L. ALEXANDER, Proprietor. _ MARKETS. . C. WEISEL & CO., POUIt ril'KKlt*, "23, <2Si LStreet, Sacramento. ALL KINDS OF FRESH MEATS AND jna, Sausices oil hand. Highest L'tshiKo^ Price pud for allkinds of live stock. Coun- ft#j« try orders solicited. e4-lp3tn M. F. ODELL, NEW YORK MARKET, Cor. Tenth and Xstreets, Sacramento. WHOLESALE. AND RETAlLV&Mgsgptjn Batcher. IU K hr>t <»Nh •\u25a0 Price paid '<> Fat Stock. JylB-4ptf fP^fl A. HEILBRON & 6RO 4 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUTCHERS. Having purchased the City Market, on J street, between Front and Second, from P. Herzoe, we shall endeavor to keep the same supplied with tt'e BEST o! MEATS. We offer special inducements to the trade, and being connected with the slaugh- ter-house by telephone, we art 'prepared to take or- ders from SA.M.toS P. v. Special attention given to orders from the country. Live Stock bought at the Highest Market Prices. jylO-lm METROPOLITAN MARKET' /-10NRAD SCHEPP, DEALER IN -MMta,aph \_; Fresh Meat* o[ every descrip- 05S tion. southwest corner of >bts>j=^y Twelfth and E Street?, Sacramento. Highest cash price paid for all kinds of stock, and the same sold wheleealo and retail at the lowest market rates. Jy6-4ptJ WATEBHOCSE & LESTER, , M?OBTiBa or— •l'jii "txr.A-Gtoxtar acTraaußJEixs AMD CABRIAGB TBIBfinKGS, !to», 708 and 710 J street,.. ... Sacrament*. Not. 16 to S3 Bealeitract, S»n Francisco Ko. 168 Front strait. (jyl-tfi Nfw fork FOR FINE HAVANA CIGARS, GO TO B. 11. PETTIT. CIGAR MANUFACTURER, AND WHOLESALE and retail dealer in Havana Cigars, Tobacco, Snuff, Pipes, etc Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco in bulk. Ho. 225 Xstreet, between Second and Third, Sacramento. jylilptf H. P. OSBORN'S Wood and Opal Yard T3 NOW PREPARED TO FCRNISH THE BEST X of Wood and Coal, at the lowest rates. Wood sold from the Car at Special Rates. . ' Office, No. 80S I street, Sacramento. \n2 4ptf WANTED. LOST AND FOUND, \u25a0t*.«ia«n'« of Ore tine* in this department are Inserted for '& woU for one time ; three times for 50 •euti, or 73 cent* per week. AJTTRD—B7 A TOUNG MAN JUST FROM WANTKD— BT A YOtnro MAN" JUST FKOM Switzerland, a situation to work on a farm. Understand* taking care of horses, milking cows, etc, and is not afraid to work at anything. Inquire at HELVETIA HOUSE, Fifth street, between J aadK. 03-4f SITUATION WANTED—BYAN*EXPERIENCED farmer, with small family, to take charge of a farm, or will rent on shires; good references,' if required. Address, W. RAINES, 1113 X street, Sacramento city. 02 lw* WANTKD— THE PUBLIC TO KNOW THAT m August 15th 1 purchased the wash- bouse business at Florin from SING LEE, and will continue tVsame and do work at the lowest prices. SAM LEE, Florin. 829-1»\u25a0• WANTED— TO BUY OR SELL GOOD/7\ second band furniture ; also new pioe |^Ww sets at $25. Give me a call, at CHARLES M. I^K CAMPBKLL'3, No. 409 X street ; also upiol- ' " " •terlng and repairing. 823 tf WANTED- INFORMATION OF THE WHERE- abouts of JAMES HENRY COATS and BENJ. FRANKLIN COATS. Address, GEO. W. COATS, E'-na. Col. sC-lm' WANTED. EIGHT SHEEP SHEARERS 8 CENTS PER head; 6 men for farming, $26 ; 8 men tochop by the day, iland board ; 5 waif-re, *i 0; men to c.i'>|> 1 foot wood, $1 60 per cord ; 3 men cooks, $30 ; also, 10 men to clear land. Female 3 girls to wiit, $iO ; also, 3 women cooks, $30 ; 6 girls for house- work for city and country, $15 to $25 ; also, girls to take cue of children and girls for various other work. Apply to HOUSTON & CO., Employment Office, Fourth and X streets. lelSlptf ~TO LETUPS FOB SALE." : Advertisement! of lire lines in thi* department are Inßcrtad for */6 rcrt;for oue time ; three times for SO cenU. or 75 cents per week. \u0084 IJ^OR SiLE OR TO LET-HOUSE COS->^ ' tainirf 10 rooms, every room carpeted ; \u25a0••• also, hnt and oold water ; with two lull lots.HalL 160 feet Bqaare. Apply northwest corner Thirteen and E streets. 04-3f FARM FOR SALE— II 3 ACRES RICHEST MfOk kiod of land ; willproduce any kind of wypr crops ; well located for dairy or stock farm ; only four and a half miles from Sacramento ; price reasonable and terms easy. Particular*, inquire of CARLSTROBEL, 321 J stieet. 03-gt&wlt* TO LET-NICELY FUBNISHED FRONT room, suitable for one or two gentlemen, at 1115 X street. For terms address "H,' this om:e, or apply on the pre-nisfa after 1 o'clock r. m. 02-5t FOR SALE— SACRAMENTO AGENCY OF two leading Sun Francisco daily papers For terms and particulars, inquire at this o:lice. 02-tf 18. C.| FOR SALE -AFEW SMALL FARMS, A jQt \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:•. lar?e river farm, and a few very tJT trocd tracts of what land : also very fine vine-JCm. yard property, in bearing. luquiro of CARLSrito- BEL, Year Broker, No. 321 J street, Sacramento. s?9-S'' FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET— A SUIT OF front rooma, or a single room can be had at reasonable rent by applying on piemiscd, No. 809 N street. Reference required. 529-6t* I SALE -HOP POLES IN ANY QUANTITY delivered lit Grey's Bend, Sacramento river, at auv time before the rainy season sets in. AJdress OEO. T. HKNNAOIN, Woodland. s!4-2m' 200 WPIAH S»F HIGH GRADE AND THOR- * \J oughbred SPANISH MERINO /^rj^Xj HAMS for sale; one and two years Iww&KkT old. Apply at MRS. K. M. WILSON'S^g JLV&- Ranch, one mile north of Mi-Cmiuell^t^V ™<% Station. Posto£oe address : Elk Grove, Sacramento county. - slOlplm FOR SALE. THE WELL-KNOWN RESTAURANT, BAKERY, JL Ice Cream and Confectionery Establishment of HENRY fI^UER is for sale. This is one of the best investments for an enterprising business man to be found in the SUte. Call at 6nS 1 street, and see for yourself. Myobject in selling is to retire from buineM. [an3llm] lIFNRY FISHER. ». L. iioao*. Notary Public. «. EL tuckhr. TUCKER & HOGUE, Real Estate and Loan Brokers, OFFER FOR SALE CHOICE ' Vine, Fruit & Alfalfa Lands, ' LOCATED IN THE FAMOUS FRUIT BELT OF FRESNO COUNTY, InTract* »f 20, 40. 80. 160, 320 and 643 Acres or More, WII'H Oil Wll'liOl HAIEII, at from SIO to $20 for IMM- ri£OVEI>, rn>l S2O to $30 for IK- rUOV£I>, » ills WATER. Field of operations, Selma, Fowler, Mendocino and Wildflower. t3r SEND FOR CATALOGUE. TUCKER & HOGUE. auSO tl BELWA, FKEaXO COI'XTV. < AL. IViODiEYTO LOAf^ OS RJCAI ESTATE, AT A LOW RATE OF IS- terast, by FKTSR IiOHL 820 J street. jel6-U SABT FRfLNGISOO OABDS. «AN FRANCtSCO BUSINESS DIRECTORY. AKTISTS. Boa«cw«rt3l— Optician and Photographer, No. 13 UoctsoQury street. Established lv 1851. DRUGS, CHEMICALS. Jtutta elalea.— Dna?3i"t, Pino'*! to 72S Koct^tsnory St., S. F. Country orders foUdted. HATS. C. Hcrrataua A Co.— M&nalacturtjg and Im- porters. No. S36Kearny«.,nearP!m. Theflnest hats at rue lowest prices. Factory: 17 Belden st. EASDWARB, IRON, STEEL, ETC. Itnw IrrBr»«.' Hardware laiporiars of Har'i .Tf.ri; ked Agricultural Implement*, Kos. SOI, ICS, WO, T-ft And 80S Market street, San Fran^aoo. STATIONERS, PRINTERS, ETO, B. S. Crotker a Co.—lmporting and Manufact- arm; Stattouers, Prtntcrs and Lithographers, Hot. US, SIT and SI a Bosh street, above b&iisomc. BAORAMENTO RECORO-UNIOK. San »rnnrl«ro OOlee. No. 8 New Montgom- ery street fPalace Hotel) Wm. Cameron, Agent. The Pioneer Box Factori Mill Akead of aU Competitor*. COOKE &SON coßinut OF Frs>t **<! IS Streets *wr*ro*Mir . ri^otf WSI.OOX, POWERS &CO., IMFORTKRS AND WTIOLSSALX LMJfOfc Dealers. SO. X* 8 aTßi;iCT_r]yl-'ctn 3ArrB3MENTO BOOTS AND SHOES! THE VAMPHUSM OF J. GOULD. ,«,_ which led to the Telecrapii war, isnotaPJJ to be criticised by M.KUEHNEL. f%J 824 J street, bet. Eighth and Ninth; **=» But to rival hi* competitors by giving the " Best Value in COOTS AKDSHOES for the Money" is his motto. an7-4ptf mcCREARY'S PATENT ROLLER FLOUR! Seldom I'qaaled I Never Excelled ! CM»CREART & CO. HAVE JUST COM- pleted the remodeling of their Mill Into an ALL-ROLLER FLOUR MILL, with a capacity of 450 barrels per day. It if tbe only Boiler Mill north ct San Francisco. . It is supplied with the best machinery known to the milling trade, and no expense has been spared to make it the most com. plete Boiler Mill on the Pacific Coast. We guarantee HeCrearjr'i Patent Holler Flour to be tke Choicest Floar Made In the State, it being at once the BEST, HEALTaiEST and CHEAPEST FLOUB THAT CAN BE USED. All we ask is that you bay a sack of your Grocer and try it, and you will bo convinced that McCREARTS BEST IS THE BEST. 822 4ptl' .


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PACIFIC SLOPE.Sale of Mill l>n>per.> -Miootlng Affair

In the Sierras- Miner Instantly Hilled—Advices from Oregon— »he Wa»hlng •

ton Territory Lrglxluturc- Tho Stage

Kobbers kll.-j tfr.iir* In liaaymai—

Brltlah Colombia News- Etc.



The Cood Templars.San Francisco, October 4th.- The Grand Lodge

of Good Templars to-day elected J. L. Coles, ofluolumne. Chief Templar,' by 424} votes, over WillK.Gould, of Los Angeles, .'illj. A mags ni-ohib<-tion meeting is in progress to-uiglitat DaahawavHall.

Bharon k. Bill.San Frahcisco, October 4tb.— Ex-Senator Sharon

c >D*.inues to denounce the purported marriage con-tract between him tod Sarah Althea Hill as a fur-k-cry, and has asked the United States Circuit Courtto ii.Clare itnull and void.

The Shklrou.Connly Fair.Treka, Ootober 4th.--The first event tsday was

a two in three trotting race for two year-old*, cor-te3teil by Huggie May, Nellie Lisbon and Nettie S.Maggie won the first heat, distancing the others.Time, 2:55. The secoi.d race was a single du»hrunning,1J miles, contested by Lady F., Rondo andHarry B. Kondo was the favorite in the pools.Lady F. next. Lady F. was the winner, beaUncRor.do about half a neck, with Harry B. aboutthree leugtbs behind. Time, 2:17j. Tho third wasa trotting race, two in thrc.1,for horses tt'at hadnever beaten three minuttp, contested by Alta. Bo-rocco, Nutwuod, Jr., aud Curtis. The firstheat was won by Alta by about a length,Sorocco btcood, Curlid third, ai:d Nutwooddistanced. Time, 3.9-. Complaint being madethat Sorocco was not driven to win, the judgesordered a new driver. On the second heat Altabroke at the Htart, when Soroeco shot ahead, lutAlta made up the less to wltiiina length at the out-come. S rucco WuS given the heat, and Curiij Jis-tanccd. Time, 3:08. In the third heit Soroccobroke at the ttirt, Alta taking the lead and keepingitall the way round, trotting nicely Sorocco gotinto a run at several places on tbe track, pud actedvery badly, keej .inghs dirtai.ee at the stand. Time,3:06. The judges, in announcing the decision, foundno fault with the drying by the owner of Surncco,but oaly made the change on complaint of severalparties who had bets in the pools at stake. At tbeclose of the r^es rain commenced falling, but doesnot promise to interfere wilh continuing the racesthe remainder of tho week.

Unppy .liarjftvllle.Marisvillb,October 4th.—The prospect of a fa-

vorable decision in th_- Woodruff suit has caused aremirkable advance in the value of farming landsabout Marrsville in Yuba and Sutter counties. Thishas been rhuwn l>ynumerous sales at good figures ivthe past few weeks ;but the most noteworthy in-stance o:curred to day, when the Shermin ranch,on Dry- creek, i'uba county, six miles south ofMaryaville, containing 4SO acre", was sold bypublicauction for 515 per acre. The same ranch was soldbyauction two years ago for $H 25 per acre, aUsboom incityreal estate is anticipated as the resultof Judge SiwjerV decision, which is expected to bea final settlement of the debris question.

Flood in a Mine.Grass Valley,October 4th.— Yester.'ay, as three

miners were engaged at work in the Prescott Hilltunnel at Odborne Hill,near this place, a largebed}- of water came inupon them from the Betsytunnel, which they were trying to cut into. Theflood of water coming unexpectedly upon the men,carried them with great force part way through thetunnel ;but the flood Icing of Bhort duration, themen were not carried to the surface. They were allbruised and injured more or less, Henry bahl sus-taining the worst injuries.

The Log Anst'lcn Murder Case.Los Akokles, October 4th.—The examination <f

the Amadon murderers was concluded to-day, andresulted inholding John Foster for murder withouthail, Ella Amadon. wifeof the murdered man, as anaccessory, withbail at 82,000, and Lottie Greenleaf,accessory also, with bail at $1,500. The prisoners'were all remanded to the custody of the Sheriff, andcommitted to jail.

The Slate Grange., Sax Jose, October 4th —The State Orange willelect officers to-morrow morning, and in the even,ing the Feast of Pomona will be held.

Shooting Affray.Red BLCFr, October 4th.—News reached here last

night that J. L. Shannon shot and killed HenryWaseon on Tuesday morning ii. the Sierras nearButte Creek meadows. Shannon is in custody andwillbe examined before

'Justice Martin, of Sierra

township. The particulars are meager. A physi-cian was telegraphed (or, which leads to the beliefthat Wuison is not dead. The shooting wag donewitha Henry rifle..

Miner Killed by a FallingRock.San Jose, October 4tb.—Richard Wedlake, a Cor-

nisbman, 57 years of age, married, was killed atAlmaden yesterday afternoon, He was working ina chamber leading from the drift at the 1900-footlevel of the San Isabel s^iafi, and while preparing toset off a blast a rock weighing 200 pounds foil fromthe roof on his head, killinghim tntantlv.

MillProperly Sol<!—Kallrond Wood.Trcckisb, October 4th.— ltIn reported upon good

authority that the Boca Mill Company have coldtheir property in this locality, consisting of mill?,houses, water rights ard hundreds of acies of tim-ber land*, to the Sierra Nevada Wood and LumberCompany, the price asked being 5150,000. •

About 50,000 c rds of wood have been cut andpiled for the Central Pacific Railroad this year bythe different contracting firms in thisneighborhood,prices averaging from$3 50 to $4 per cord.


Advlre* from I'ort'and.PcEXUra, October 4th.— The Territorial Lfpisla-

ture of Wasl'iuirt' n has convened at Olympia, andorganized as follows: Hciuse— E. C. Fcnruson, ofSnihomish county, Speaker; Chief Clerk, M. T.Crawford.

AChinaman committed suicide this morning byleaping into the river. He is supposed to havebeen crazed by opium. The body was not recov-ered.

The greatest apprehension is felt regarding therecovery of Captain Alexander, lylnif at Astoriawithtyihoid pneumonik. Ever since the night the(fi-t'iof the Pacific was stranded, Captain Alexan-der has been suffering from pain in the chest, andwhen the l^'ueen arrived on her last trip from SanFrancisco he was obliged to relinquish commandand c;me ashore. For the last twenty four hourshihas been delirious, and his physicians have givenstrict orders to allow no visitors.. [SECOND DISPATCH.]

Portland, October 4th.—

In the Washington Ter-ritory Legislature, M. T. Crawford, of Whatcom,was tlectcd Assistant Clerk; W. H. liuirhta, ofKing,Engrossing Clerk ;Miss Lucl a McMillan,En-rollingClerk; Mies C. Newton Uillory,of Butler,S£rgeant-at-Arms ;D.O. Keller, Doorkeeper ;Hey.

H.Cameron, Chaplain. Council—

Sewall Truax, ofWalla Walla, President; P. B.Johnson, of WallaWalla, Chief Clerk; John De Ter.e, AssistantClerk ;Samuel Crawford, BoroUing Clerk;John A.Calhoun, Lngrossing Clerk ;Colonel H. Coock, Ser-gcsnt-at-Arma ;C. Ca'lahan, Doorkeeper; Rev. D.Bagley, Chaplain. The oaths of cilice were admin-istered to all the officers, and both branches wereduly organized. Governor Ne*vcllfs message wasread in Joint Convention.

Chief Engineer Thielson \u25a0»' teen up the North-ern Pacific Kiilrn^.t,Kolama diviniop,to inspect inperson the condition of the railroad, and reportsthat rapid an 1 satisfactory progress in being niwluAlarge force is now engaged on the Cedar river di-vision,and the number will1c increased from tineto time. : "- \u25a0 v

Ayoung mm named Tiilman Johnson was acci-dentally that inF.a>t Portland yetterday, byityoungwoman named alaggie llaimi: if. The latter wasplayfully toying with the weapon when it was di*-charged, the ball taking effect in Johnsoti's breast.

. ' ' ...AttIZOSA.

Stage Rulihrr« Killed.

i Willcot, October 4th.—OnToe-day a certain cluewas obtained inre ard to *.)<n whereabouts of JackElncer and Chart, » Hensley, the stage robbers. Act-ing on this clue. Superintendent Bean, r.f Tucson,placed at the disposal of Sheriff Paul Kid p sse anengine to bringthem to this point, where arranse-ments hid been made to fumixh the toisc withhorses and provisions. The posse left Wilcox at 7P. M on that day, and came upon the robbers nearPercy's ranch, twelve rai.es from here. Fire wasopened by both parties at once, lied J. ck waskilled, being riddled by ball", and Hensley badlywounded. The litterescaped toward the Point ofMuuntains, with six well-mounted armed men inpursuit. His capture is only a question of a fewhours. Not one if the posse was seriously injured,cne receiving a slight fl.sh wound in tb» ankle. Aninquest willb3 held here to day. Both robbers werearmed and mounted, and according to their storywere endeaving to make their way to Clifton, wherethey claimed they would be safe. They sufferedranch from hunger, being at time* three or fourdi"s without food.


Latkr.—Sheriff Paul is just in. H"ne!ev wascaptured thiß morring, and rr.ftthe satre fate thatbefellR. dJack last ni&fht. The bodies willboth behere in two hours.

18F.COND DISPATCH.IWai/cox. October 4th.— Hensley, when found by

the Sheriff's posse. w*s near the Point of Moun-tains en miles from here, lyin(fina irulch. He badbeen shot in the breast and abdomen. He firedthree shots at Sheriff Paul, shooting the Sheriff shorse from under him. Hensley was game to thelut, ihootmi as lonic as he was able to pulla triß-trer. Toomuch credit cannot be accorded to sheriffPaul for his untiring energy and oravcry inhuntingdown the»e red-handed murderers. Both Hensleyand Elmer declared their determination, r>nly threenights a*o, to a certain party, never to be takenolive, but wonld fight to the death.

A Gtuutly Doable Trafcedy.

Tomsstok*, October -4th.—

A ghastly doubletragedy occurred about 12:30 P. m,resulting in thedeath of John Standlford and a Mexican woman ofthe town named Marie. At the time mentionedparties in 'he saloon on Aden street saw the womanapproach the side window of the saloon, holding atowel to her throat, blood spurting in Jets fromseveral blood vessels. Almost at the same instant thewoman, who was recounted m an occupant of aMaieon Dore adjoining, fell to the ground Tbe oc-cupants of the Hloon rushed to the scene. Justbefore reaching the woman tbe crowd was horror-stricken to see Stantliford stagger from the neardoor f'f the house fr m which the ,womanhad \u25a0 corns,

-with ' a bloody; razor in his

hand. Before . he ; could \u25a0, be . reachedbe raised his razor, gave ope 0/iiiek, sharp cutacross his throat, and then handed the razor to theforemost nun in the cruwd, who by that time h-dreached him, and fell(ace downward tothe ground,

the life-blood flowingin a stream from the wound,and 'ora-lng a pool beside him. An examinationehowed that the carotid artery and tubular vein wereC1*»<*P* Statdiford. the crowd proceeded towhere the body of the woman was lying, and foundher dead, the razor having nearly severed her headfrom her body. The scene was sickening.-

Strongmen were unnerved, and the few women who hadbeen tempted to approach the scene fainted deadaway. The causes leading to the double tragedywere rum and jealousy. SUndiford, who had beendriving the Contention stage for about six monthsnot longsince became enamored of Marie,and paidher such assiduous attention as to neglect hi* woik,whichresulted inhis discharge last week. With theloss of his situation came the loss of the affections ofMane, and the drivingof SUndiford to bard drink-ing. Several efforts were made byhim to regainhis lost place inMario's boudoir and affections, butwithout avail. A stormy interview between themoccurred at her house the day before, resulting inStandiford being ejected. He then declared that hewould killher, also himself About dark last even-ing Sandy Bob, his former employer, found him inth« stage barn huntii for something. In reply toa quettion as to what he wanted, he answered thathe was lookingfor a razor :that he intended to killhimself. After finding the article he went away.Nothing more was seen of him until the time of themurder. Standiford was well known through Cali-fornia, Idaho and Montana as a stage-driver. Hewas a native cf Georgia or North Carolina, agedabout forty years. The woman has been a residentof this camp a lor time, and was about twentyyears of aj.-e. Her relatives live on the ban Pedroriver,in this county.

Fire Department Election.To«nsi.iSß, October 4th.— The election for ChiefEngineer yesterday resulted in the choice of IkeIsaacs, he beating Dan MeCann by fixvotes. Thacontest was ahot one. tut paused eff quietly. Isiacsisan old member of the Virginia City Department

and well known on the coast'


w.tsimtiTON tebk:tcr¥.

Found Drownnl.Seat™, October -ith.-The body of Michael Me-Cloud, »!,„ ?obert McCl.-ud, v,!a found on theb.ach at ihe Oregon Kiver and Navigation Com-pany's docks thu morning. It CII:, -,,at ho wandiairoustf bearding a steamer for ;,.,;..,r whichwas to leave at 2 A. m., ami lost hi, way, (ell over anembankment ito the bay, and drowned beforeassistance could reach him. He was former!* thesecond mate of the ship India, and a native of CawBreton, France, 35 jeira old, and unmarried


Item* from Cuaymog.GrATMAS, October 4th.—Contrary 11expectations

the steamer Sonora takes freight ami pusstngers tjSouthern Mexico. Itin understood that the willnot touch at LaPaz. us she left there before beir,ordered into quarantine.

Officers ot th..- road here Inm of the death, nearAtcbison, Ks., «f the able and gentlemanly man-

r»rof the road here, Thomas J Sciley." Itis asevere loss to the company and to this community.

A telegram fromabove abowa that mauy of therefugees along the road are bei:|{attacked, and sev-eral of them quite severely.

By some mistake the engine house a*. ITermoeillowanpirtlvdemolished bya pile-driver train, but itwillbooh b;repaired. The blame seems to rest ontwo Mexican brakeraen.

Twenty-two are rt-porfed as the mortality for thelast twenty-four hours at Hermositlo, but coolweather ia reducing the number of new cues andimproving the convalescent*.

No deaths nor new cases have recurred in Guay-mas for the last day.

Rain telllast nicest, which cooled the a'mosrhere.Unless some bad chance tikes place, we m»y be saidto be free from fever. Many are preparing tore-turn. The railroad company's office iidiaped inmourning, in respect to their manager.

[SECOND DISPATCH.iICrAYKAS,October Information ha* been re-

ceived if theoeath of three of the engineers whowent withA. Kovrans, engineer, and W. K. Rogers,the attorney of Tocolovampo road, at that placesome time ii September. The two contractors ar-rived here on the 25th, and lefton a chartered Tea-sel the next day. Work was to be commenced onthe road the Ist at the month.

Reports frojiHermoeillo are Hill discouraging,some twenty-two having died in the last forty-eighthours. Cold weather it*now setting in,and a changefor the better may be looked for. Oor. Torres isconvalescent, and hag gone to Magdalena to recuper-ate, taking with him General Carbo and staff. Bey.enil more of th; AngloSaxons at Hermosillo havebeen carried off,amoug them the wife of Don Ki-cardo Jodjon, and the wife and child of Tr.J. S.Lathrop. Onlythree deaths have occurred here forforty-eight hours. Today a chilly nortbeMt windisblowing, and allare improving.

Fruit, that is apples, are now told on permit fromthe Prefect, but none are allowed to be sold instores.

The only point where the infection now exits hereis at Punta Arenas.

Mr. Lyons, foreman of the irachine shops, diednightbefore last.

earns!! mnnu,

An O*d Citizen Dead— tannery Bnrned.Victoria,October 4th.— Ja-j eg Hamilton, an o'd

pi i.e. r partner in the Victo.ia Tram and BritishColombia Express Company, while ttscindlnfr theBt< j>B of his private In.use. coughed, broke a blood-vessel, was led inbybis wifeand died immediately.He had been ailing (or some time. He leaves awife and three children.

At New Westminster Lild'awiCo.'a fish oiciiery,at Sappdfton, was discovered on fire. Th« wholeestablishment, including the outfit ir.a 3.0 0±teaof r.itioi., v.-a.i totally (MstVQTfd Laidlaw's *.ri-vato house was saved, but in a wrecked condition.The Penitentiary fence was badly scorched. Thefire Hsupposed to have originated in the lacqueringdepartment. Itis estimated the lowis $75,000, witha probable insurance of $50,000.

Lieutenant Lees, removed to the Naval Hospital,is progressing favorably. Kg lineaments of hisformer self remain.


Sivniu, October 4lh.— Passed hero tc-dajr, toarrive in San Francisco U>-morrow :Ygracio Flores/Antonio Floref, Mrs. B. J. shay and bod, Mrs. S. A.Duncan, fan Francisco ;K. D. .Miirtha. J. TeTia,San Diego; O. T. L'jer, Riverside ;Mrs. R.Bilder-rain, D. Whiting, A. Naught, Sim Prager, J. D.Hines, Mrs. Payson, F. Saunderson, LoaAn(role»:Dr. H. Neal, Holliiter;V. W. Moore. Tucson, A.T.H.-il.'tk, Tucson ;Mrs. V. A. Gardner, St. Helena ;C. Walder, Oalveston, Tex.; Wm. Franklin, New-hall.

Caislis', October 4th.— Pasted here to-day, to ar-rive inSacramento to-morrow : O. Lcndt, D. H.Ainiworth, J. S. liißlie, William J. amitli, SanFraacisco; James Forbes, Ogden, U.T.;Mrs. 11. O.Robinson »nd two children, Stockton, Cat.; HissEmily Ihordike, Washington, D. C; H. S. Koss, J.Laagdon Ward, Charles A. Post, J. A.Wilks, Mrs.L K. Barker, G. W. Tliompson and wife,New Yorkcity •W. Swift,E. B. Sccley, Connecticut ;Mrs. A.Norris, Philadelphia, Pa ;C. S. Delfemlahl, Boston,Mats.; I.Mathen-son, Mrs. M. Malhewson, lowa ;Mrs E. M. Frank, Butte City, Mont.;Miss L.Waldro, F. Bretharte, <.;. R.yriolds, H. J. Sarirent,

J. P. Caddagan, Miss Edna Carey, D. Bouclcault,Mif» S. Martinet, New York city;Miss NellieMore, Idaho Territory ;Jakichi Hagashi, N. Okabe,Japan ;O. Wilkz, -alt Lake ;J. V. Phelan, Mrs.Junes B.Phelan, Miss Phelan, San Francisco ;Mr?.Downev, Miss Madeleine Downey, lowa City, la;A.11. Forreet,New York city; li.O. Elton, JesseKinnev and wife, Detroit, Mich.; C. May, Con-necticut ;Mrs. 8. Bow,Nebrasi a; 11. Martin, S.Leonard and family,Os den; Miss Lou Kcmpton,

Montana: Liei:tenant Grajdsn, U. 8. N.; F. E.Nonic, Miss Ida Nickeuson, Wiscousin ; W. P.Bynum,North Carolina : K. Gto-, J. R. Derm's,Utah ;J. P. Button, Brooklyn, N. V.; T. C. Hamil-ton, New York city;James MoCiw. Colorado; J.Leah, Utah ;in special car '.kltic—Lord Ro.'ebeij,Lady Rosebery, London, Great Hrl'am ;11. Bracd,T. Rolls, Miss Davie, servants ;65 emixrauts, in-cluding 43 miles, toarrive October CtV..

San Francisco Stock Sales.Hah «soo, October 4th.

MOKMfOSESSION.lOOCntlr .3 TO 3CO Exchequer 6So410Me'do«u-...2 4J(SJSC 20jJustice 4507CO Savage 1 M 750 Union. 4.50@4 65«CalUr>rnl» 15 HO A!U. 160

300 Con. Va., Hie:11M> Silver Hill 150100 Cboliai 5 6S#ri 70 do assets deiia.SlOPotoeL

''43 Andts.... 60c

tOlUle* N...3 BCB3 8!> 4-. -u-oruion 650KQC Point llfOBoL'dbilrer Mo

30 Jacket .3 $}',£&*£ » 45150 Alpha. 2 2 IWIISavaJo. 385

40 Belcher 1 lOf UOlOnte. 61100 Confidence 1 &',700 Elko ..I

1350 3. Ifma'L>...4 4C<34 5r 30 Hello Me .400Utah SMI MLDiablo 4 25

imU'OOH sKutioa.

500 Pin*! 1 ?0, HO n. »nd N 3 05210 N.Belle « 50 O. Point ISO400 Prize »*\u25a0 :300 Belcher... ..•\u25a0.\u25a0"•]tvHodle slc 1640 aK-end»...4 25«4»4?l(»phlr 360 20run 315292 Mexican 2 .10; SOOJoatice 450

oo *<£.::::.:..2 3 9950.100. 4am 40mi; til 3 1503 3 I ;OoAlta 1 35

•>iOUili*." 1t-ial 66! 2COPoto»^ 44»Con7VIr 45 I SIX)Bccrploo 600353rh,Uw 2 7001 K| lOOAnlei Mo550Potod 95c <4\,* «.«

—Bright's Disease, Diabetes.

Bawars cf the etaff that pretends to curethese disease* or other serious kiuney, uri-nary or liver diseases, as they only relievefor a time, and make yn ten time* worseftftcrwsrd*, hat rely solely on Hop Bitters,the only remedy th»t willrarely and perma-neatly cute yon. It destroy* ami removesthe causa of disease bo effectually that itnevor return*.

Malarial disorders :\u25a0* often attack thepeople of v large . cities as of the country.

Ayer's Ague Cure is warranted a safe andcertain specific. ,-„"Fiyx doctors ;bo end of medicine; no

relief. Dr. Benson's Skin Core has drivenaway all eruptions and I'm nearly well."Ida C. Young, Hamilton, HI. Druggistskeep it,$1per package.


~«-« "

Eyes brighten,' cheeks bocime rosy,musclesgain strength by the use of Brown's Ironin.-tejs. ' "' '


*Amon? the most \u25a0 fffioscious of remedialagent* are the medical preparations from the

laboratory of Mrs. LydiaE. Pinkbam, Lynn.

Mass. :• -. .. .-/-. _._— -• :- . .$ST For one dime eet a package ofDiamond

D sat the drnKßisVe. They col arythinst

'."He simplest and moßt desirable colon.


Mrs. N. H. Shall, the wife of tho popularDeputy Sheriff and Asssssor of Topsham, Me.,writes us on May 15, 1833:

"That she had been se-

verely afflicted during several years withkidney andlher disease, accompanied with severe pains andbackache.

'Having tried many sc-ca.ltd euro?, and

medicines, . and doctors' prescription*, without re-ceiving any benefit, and while seeking for a cure,she noticed the advertisement of Hunt's Remedyand decided to try it. Having bought a bottle atMr. Johnson's drug store, commenced using itwithsuch flatteringresults that she continued its use,and after using only fivebottles the improvement inher health is so marked that she wishes all who areafflicted in like manner to know of this most valu-able and reliable medicine ;and she most cheerfullyrecommends Hum's Remedy to all, and especially tofemales who are troubled with the complaints pecu-liar to the sex." v .6


A FAMILY HOttUM!.Under date of May 10, 183), we have received the

followinginformation fromMr.Lokkszj Lombard,of 18 Charles street, Portland Me. Mr.Lombardsays :

"For Beveial years past Ihave been troubled

withsevere backache and pains in the side, and whenIwou'd liedown Icould not rest well, as itseemedimpossible for me to get into an easy position ;andmyaches and pains increased constantly to such anextent that Ibecame convinced that Ihad disease ofthe kidneys fastened to me, and after having useddoctors' prescriptions and many of the so-calledcures without getting any benefit, Iwas persuadedby anear neighbor, Mr. Jones, to try Hunt's Rem-edy, as himself and wifehad been greatly benefit idby itsuses, and many other of our acquaintancesspoke »! its merits in the highest terms. Idecidedto try it,and purchased a bottle at Nichol's d'u;store, and as soon as Ihad taken a few doaes of itthe pains in myback were relieved, and after takingthree bottles myBiJeache and lame back are cured,and Ican truly testify that Hunt's Remedy is an ar-ticle of great merit, and willdo all that is claimedfor it,and Iknow of miny other people inPortlandwho have found a cure in Hunt's Remedy after allothers failed to do any good, and Irecommend it toall who have kidney or liver disease, hoping thatthis inijrbe the means of relieving some suffererwho does not know of the merits of Hunt's Rem-edy."

\u25a0 nC-l.vMWF&wly- .''-'\u25a0





Sold by Grocers niulDruggists.\u25a0 THK ICJIECTKO S1I.ICO:V CO.,


TRUETemperanceIs not signing a pledgeor taking a solemn oath thatcannot be kept, because ofthe non-removal the cause

;V —liquor. The way tomake

a man temperate is to killthe desire for those dreadfulartificialstimulants that car-ryso many bright intellectsto premature graves, anddesolation, strife and un-happiness into so manyfamilies.

'Itisafact! Brown's Iron

Bitters, a true non-alcohol-ictonic, made inBaltimore,Mel.,by the Brown ChemicalCompany, who are old drug-gists and in every particu-lar reliable, will,by remov-ing the craving appetite ofthe drunkard, and by curingthe nervousness, weakness,"and general illhealth result-ing from intemperance, domore topromote temperance, "

in the strictest sense thenanyother means now known.

'; Itis a well authenticatedfact that many medicines,especially bitters,' are noth-ingbut cheap whiskey vilelyconcocted for use in localoption countries. Such isnot the case with Brown'sIronBitters. Itisamedi-cine, a cure for weaknessand decay in the nervous,muscular, and digestive or-gans of the body, produc-ing good, rich blood, healthand strength. Tryone bot-tle. Priced i.00.


A L rye Iron iron?, Pressed Ick

S *S? C» 2R. 30.TWO STORIES -STORE AND CELLARBELOW,JL and BlglitFinn Rooms above. Looted on theinei-t orner in th;* town (next to Portofßce).•ultaMe forany fliBt-c!a«8 bujiocsa. Is offered forulo st a bargain, and on easy terms of payment;>r willLEASE the game, at low rental, toa goo 1tenant onIon;? leue. Tothe rightpaty this Isa rare:hance'to make money. For particulars, address

E.4STO.\ A »:LI>RIDC£.Real Estate Agents and Hou<*o Brokers, No. 22

Montgomery street. San Francisco.'\u25a0 03-2wMtVF&w2t


\u25a0 .-


NOS. 60, 62 AND 54 FIFTHST., SACRAMENTO,dealers inProduce and Brewers' Supplies, Man.

ifacturers of Maltand all kinds of Meal? ;Oatmeal,3ornmo«l, Cracked Wheat, Graham Flour, Buck-.rhe&t Flour, etc New Grain Bags for sale. Agents'or Buckeye Flour Millp,Miryavilie. jel7lp .

Friend *Terry


lUCAR REDWOOD, G3ECCK'& THUOXtEPINAt WhrJemle and Retail, and

Ibuavfßetored to Order Mthe Kills«x th*-;."\u25a0-. . Company. : - .

Alto Doors, Windows, Blinds, Shake*, Shingle*,'

RolU and Tint.


No. 1310 Second Street, near M.BRANCH. YARD, -

Caraer Twdftb A4»<«., Sacraments, Cal-\u25a0 lelO-4r*ro . •

<v- ;i.. THK/ llfilllUS

I,A.XJ»TI3 lEfcTtr,

OmCE :SAWTKLLITSBOOK STORE, NO. 62*1JEtroct. ifaa4 lj<gm) 18. B. CCOLEY, Prop.


M-STRKET FOUNDRY, BETWEEN FOURTHJ.TX and Fifth. Cast Iron Founder. Manufact-urer of all kinds of Cast and Rod IronRtilings andFences. AllBuildingCastings made to order.- -

\u25a0• «5 4plm

«tras wo ciian a CO.DEALERS IN CHINESE MERCHANDISE,±J China Butchers and Contractors, will open a

e&tVjHshment on August 18th. AH SING,Agent, No- 304 Istreet. aulslm



IRON AND BRASSU Founders and Machinists, Front street, be-tween Nand O. Castings and Machinery of everydescription made to order. Jy24-4plmr.rosTuu 1. 0. rxnustoa.. 1856. F. FOSTER A CO., 1883.


J>Blank-Rook Manufacturers, No. 818 J street,between Third and Fourth, Sacramento. jy2o-4ptf


J STREET. BETWEEN NINTH AND/«^r*Tenth. The handsomest sample rasarooms in town. Only the verybest Wines, >B£iplLiquors and Cigars served to patrons. A fine lunckserved W. a. CHENOWETU, Proprietor.



/CORNER J AND FIFTEENTH STREETS,\jSacramento. H.D.VANDERCOOK &CO., Pro-prietors, Contractors and Builders. Manufacturersof Doors, Saehes, Frames, Blinds and Moldings.Planing, Turn!11; and all kinds of MillWork duneon short notic*. The fittingof Stores and Offices aSpecialty. Iyl2-tf


XViiotwettn J and X,Sacramento. No. 318 Pinestreet, San Francisco. j>ll-tf

. »8. LOT FOND vets.' .

OFFICE AND MEDICINE STORE, NO. 926Third street, between! Mid J. By the pulse

he can locate disease. Consultation free. He usesno poisonous drugs, but roots and herbs, nature'smedicine for man. Call and see him. JylO-tf*


MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER INSaddles, litrness, Collars, Whips, Curry-

combs, Brushes, etc., No. 1022 Istreet, betweenTenth and Eleventh, opposite Central Hay Yard,Sacramento. N. B.—Repairing always well done.


J. MIMA*.JR..TTTATCHMAKERANDJEWELER, 608 -noIf J street, between Fifth and Sixth, Cf?W

ma always onhand a choice variety c: tine (CL.Watcheo, Diamonds, Jev elry, Ac. aud-lm tF;>*M


MANUFACTURER Of ROAD SCRAPFRS,ill.Iron Doors, Jail Cells, Shutters, RailingsUratin2fs, Housework and Blaoksmitbing in general, 1No.520 X street, between Fifth and Sixth. Secoud-hand Doora for sale. je22-4pti


CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS, ARE PRE-jpared to do allkinds of wcrk in their line, la

city or country Principal place of business, Sacra-mento. Shop, No. 1124 Second etreet, between Xand L. PoetotSce BoxNo. 410, Sacramento.


WM. t.!TKM!IR(.i;i;,


X chinist, Front and N streets. Manufacturer ofGutenbcrger's Horse Powers, Patent Ground Rollerand Clod Crusher and Bariey Mills. AH kinds ofHydraulic Pipes. For sale, Three Mil'.erPatent nayPresses. nil-lplm


SACRAMENTO BOILEK AND IRON WORKS,Istreet, between Front and Second, Sacra-

mento. Manufacturer of Steam Boilers, Sheet Iron\vork, etc. Changes Portable Boilers from Wood toStraw Burn.eis. Hop Stoves made to order. mB-4ptf


DEALERS, CORNER OF FRONT AND Lstreet*. Highest price for Hideo, Sheep

Pelts and Tallow. Batchers supplied with Salt,Paper, latest improved Sausage Machines, Stuffers,Lard Presses, etc. Prompt cosh returns made forall consignments. felS-4ptf


PHYSICIAN AND SUKOEO* (HOMCEOPA-thist). Resideno, ISIS Ci street. Olilce, No.

627 istreet (over Dale b), Sacratneuto, Cal. Officehours -10 to 11 A.M.; 2 t'4p. si.; 6:20t08p.a.Special attention given to diseases of the heart andlungs. 02-lm

«>i;s. iii;(i.(><.<: A GOSB./"\FFICE CORNER SEVENTH ANDISTREETS.OFFICE CORN'Ktt SSVENTH ANDISTREETS.\J Office Hours :Miss L.J. Kellosr?, M.D.—Bto9a. X.; 12 to .-. r. it.; 6to7p. M. Mis-- C. A. Grs,M.D.-10 to12 a. M.; 3t05 i- M.; 7toBr. m. b-26-


PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON.— OFFICE ANDResidence, No. 323 J street, between Third and

Fourth, Houm— to 10 A.M,3to 5 and 7toBp. M.Office of City Superintendent of Public Schools atsame place. «->."..•:.>;*•


DR. IRA E. OATJIAN HAS REMOVED HISoffice to the northwest corner J and Bevel

streets. Entrance on J street. Residence,l'J27 G street, corner Eleventh. Office hours—9toloA. V,and Ito'i,au«l 7toBp. M. jyl4-lm*

T. A. VMUfclt, M. D.,

PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, SOUTHEASTcorner Second and X stneta. Office flours—

\u25a0j to 10:30 A. M.; 2to 4, and 7t09 p. M. Residence,913 Mstreet, between Ninthand Tenth. m'23-4ply


HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON.IXOffice—removed to 818 Eighthferect, betweeniland I. Residence next door. Office hours till9A. m ;from Ito3, and 6:30 to 7:30 P. M ]yl3-lm


OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, M STREET, BE-tween Ninth and Tenth, Nos. 91S and 920.

Willvisit the Railroad Hospital dally at 9:30 A. M.Office hours— B to 9a. m.; 1 to 3p. m., and even-ugs. Jyl4-lm


OCULIST, AURIST AND PHYSICIAN FORDiseases of the Throat. Office, 429] J street,

comer of Fifth, over Sacramento Rank, Sacramento,Cal. Hours— 9:3o to 12 a. M.; 1to 4 P. M. Sundays

—9:30 to 11 a. M;1to 4 p.m. jvl-tf

W. A. IRBMiSi. 0.,

HOMEOF.ATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON.Office, southwest comer of Seventh and J

itri-.W, in Bryte'g new building, up stairs. Resi-dence, southeast corner of Seventh and N street*,Sacramento. Office H-urs :Ito3 and 7toB P. H.;and on Sundays only, 7 to 8p. M. jc2s-4plm

DB. A. K. ItItCSE,

PHYSICIAN AND SUHGEON, GRADUATE OFthe University of Berlin, Germany. Office and

nttdenoo, No. 521 J street, between Fifth and Sixth,Sacramento. Office hours— Btolla. M., 3to 5 and7 to 8 P. M j.1., If



( 8 to 5 a. M. )Olilce ntsn :{ 11 a. m. to 2 r. v. > jiiv-iptl

• I6:30 to BT. «. }


V,. 11. BEITTY .\u25a0. 9. C. DEXSOV,


.Offices :Metropolitan Block, X street, be-

tween Fourth and Filth, Sacramento. Entrancenext door to Metropolitan Theater.

- '01-tf

D. E. ALEXANDER,.4 TTORNEY-AT-LAW AND NOTARYPUBLIC,t\ No. 407 J street, between Fourth and Fifth, 1

Sacramento. Jyl-tf



s*.ret, neat Sixth, Sacramento, Cal. JvlS-2m'


*•*• west corner, Upstairs, Sacramento. Willpractice Inall the Courts of the state. Jyll-tf ,



A TTORNEYS-AT-LAW, NO. 904 BETKKTBJ\. strict, near J. Will practice inall the Courts 1of the State. jylO-4^tf 1


A TTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS-AT-LAW—Xjl.Offices at the southwest corner of Fifth and Jstreet*, Sacramento, California. : je2s-


ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW.Office,northeast corner Sixth andIits je9-tf



L,K.Hammer,:INo. 820 J Street, Caepatneuto. \u25a0

tS" Sold 00 the installment plan. \u25a0 Orders forTUSDtQ promptly attended to. JySO-li 'm

akft& tftv\ &

Ijil" SpT One Aitent (Dealer

__M HA only) WAN in every Cj\u25a0"* "^•

;town on the coaxt for cjp"this "America's Finest E^""5'cent Cigar." £*


No. 933 Second .street. Sacramento Cal.' au2 4ply

AMONG THE GIANTSIPremium* Awarded at Slate Agricultural

Society Fair, 1883, toJOBBT \u25a0ac. STOXiXi,

No. 610 X STKEET," SACRAMENTO.Society's «>. \u25a0 Prem-

orold medal . M\ ium furfor beet feS\ y* bestdis-display in JL^^i\. J^&__ pl*y <>'the Fourth o§. 3V,S!>«>»^^7»!^\ Sa-l<ller>Depart. I^^o^^^^^^%,H*T *-


IjB?.fS9EK.3 and liar-Premium.V& I"3 II ncsa

Bridle. Ms^/vf/ m c n'sM#|W Saddles

Saddle \W Side Sa-d dies and

Stoll'a Patent Collars' .

The above premiums show the superiority of mywork in a fair and squire fight, with the largestbouse on the coast. 1 have carried nearly every-thing before me. Iask the public to whom shouldyou i;lveyourtrade. Myprices are guaranteed aslowas any on the coast. By proper managementmechanical work can be done as well and as cheapas the poor work by mismanagement. Address,

JUH.t' T. BTOIX,P. Box54, Sacra-cento, Cil.




rTIHE BEST VARIETY AND~==c**" J. Largest Quarries on the Pa-'\u25a0 '^J,!

—-m» Coast. Polished Granite

Monuments, Tombstones and Tablets made to orderIer Srmnlle Bnlldlnc Stone <at. Dressed

and Polished 'o Order. . \u25a0 oU-lp6m


lUPOBTEBS AND WHOLESALE SEALERS IN• WISES AND LIQVOn,116 and 118 XSt., bet, Front ard Second, Sacramento...-.. AQKSTB FOR TUB CKLEERATXD ..... ....POMMESV


-^ --. \u25a0 •\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0---. Je2slDlm \u25a0--\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-.\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0-... \u25a0


of Vetrifled and Stone Sewer Pipe made inCalifornia, at ?«PITOL POTTERY. X mrert,between Twenty-ninth and iThirtieth.

-<• The latest improved machinery

—made expressly

for my works— been added, thus enabling me tofillcontracts tor any quantity. -< A liberal discountoffered to theTrade. .[anU-4plm] OF.O, MUDDOX,


PERMIT US TO STATE THAT /fBfeEESj.J_ we hive been roceivins.' fur the Jta&JtBBBlast two weeks the Finest Lino o{ S2!Trimmed and Untrimmed lIATS,%Sfi'F^^^-FEATHERS, BIRDS, VELVETS, RIBBONS, etc.

Our lines of Ribbons are now completa in all theShades, and we shall sell them at LOWPRICKS. Weareprepared to fillall orders promptlyat MKSDAMESBARBER &PEALER'S, No. C.'IJM,,Sacramento.


,: ox ACCOUNT ofTHE jewish holi-days, MRS. KITZi:.\HTKI\S MMMI




MANUFACTURER OF ALL _kinds of Bngifie?, Farm, BfadsJ^

r.xpri3SB, Freight, Header anii^^^^i3p>Vt*vy.Quartz Wagons ;constantly on"s™SaoaiUßSß»Jbiband and made to order at lowest rates. AU workwarranted. Repairing, et:., done at short notice.Nos. 1010, 1012 and 1014 Ninth street, between Jand X,Sacramento.

-\u25a0 aul-lptf

PIKE & VOUNOCARRIAGE MASUFACTUR- «5»«\_y era, corner ofFourth and /s^?~-^ VS£~**Lstreets, Sacramento, have on ll'JjSte^hand the largest assortment of _£*^_Hi*"&L__3tCarriages, Wagons and Baggies to be found inSacramento, which they willsell at verylo» \u25a0•ateg. ]y!3



IT1. riatres, Bu^rics, Phaetons fc^VSitfrand Spring Wagons. Rewirg. _^gggx«JTf^j imade withdispatch and at low"SSfi"*Sßia»BSU*"") '

rates. First class" work in painting and trimming.Manufactory, Ninth street, between Iand J, oppo-site the Plaza.

' * je27-4p3m


CARRIAGE PAINTER. ALL WORK DONE :with Neatness and Dispatch, at the Lowest

Prices. No. 922 Eleventh street, between landJ.Fine Carnage Painting a specialty. Please call andsee me. Sacramento, Cal. JylO-lp-tf


ISTational Bank


CAPITAL, 8300,000.EDGAR MILLS, ; V President. !FRANK MILLER .'. Casticr.





Crocker, Woolworth & Co.,13 A.DST JK3EIXCS,

322 PINE STREET ....... SAN FRANCISCO. Carry on a General Banking Business. Corre-spondents in the Principal Cities of the EasternStates and in Europe. . jy6-4plm


Southeast Cor. J and Fourth street*,

Inany amount, at low rate ofinterest. mlO-iptt

CALIFORNIaJTATE BANK.Does a General Ranking Business.

t3T Draws Exchange on all the principal cities ofthe world.

OFFICERS IPresldert, N. D. RIDEOUT.Vise-President, FREDERICK COX.Cashier, A. ABBOTT.


.-- \u25a0:. ,\u25a0\u25a0:.\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 A.ABBOTT. ai-8-tt .



With Wonderful Effect !i * \u25a0 *


Actual facts tell with wonderful effect. We are daily receivinga part of our immense Eastern importation for this Fall, and are of-fering many goods for less prices than heretofore. Our object is togive the lowest uniform price for the quality of any house in this city.



843 1-2 Yards

TABLE LINEN!Bought as a Job, and to be sold as such at the low

price of



WE ARE SHOWING HiNf VERY ATTRACTIVEFABRICS INOUR DRESS GOODS STOCK. Whilethe tendency this season is almost wholly towardsPlain Goods, still we have NOVELTIES that arevery pretty and unique in design, importedspecially by us for our Sacramento trade, and

the value we guarantee to be as good as the best.

HALEBROS. &GO.Nos. 82!), 831. 8 S3, 855 X St., and No. 1050 Ninth st.


GEO. COOPER,So. SIS X direct, bet. Fifth and Sixth,


Wholesale and Retail Dealer in ™§SrigPoultry, Came, Fish. Vegetables.


H.a MAY &CO.,

PROPRIETORS OF FULTON MARKET. 423and 430 X St., corner Filth, Sacramento, Cal.

Wholesale dealers inButter, Eggs, Produce, Fruit,Fish, Game, Tropical Fruits and Poultry. Countryorders promptly filled. Postoffice Box 437. o2 tf


B eiKSOM.. S. GERSON & CO.,f^ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND\T Dealers inImported and Ponie»tlo Fruits, Vegeta-

bles. Nuts, Etc.,

NO. 220 J STREET,Between Second and Third, Sacramento. jyC-'m

LYON & CURTIS(Successors to LYON& BARNES),

/COMMISSION MERCHANTS ANDDEALERSINV-7 Produce, Vegetables and Fruits,Potatoes, Beans, Batter, Eggs, Honey,

\u25a0POULTRY, ETC.t3T Storage for HOPS, GRAIN, etc. "SJ

Mot. 111, 119 and 183 J atreet. Ja23-lptf

FRUIT DEALERS..*£&.-.&.-a.-Ben's* -jL-jt<s<3Kr X

HAVINGREMOVED TO MORE OOMMOLIOUSpi^mises, we have enlarged our stock. We

offer you choice Apples, free from worms, Lemons,Lime», Oranpes, I>rled Fruit», Nuts Dates, CannedGoods, etc., at v rylow nri.-.".

M. T. BREWER & CO.,1006 to 1010 Second street, bet •con J and X,Si;.

ramento. je22-tf




Vcsetablts, Hah, Oysters, Lie.

WITH THE EXPERIENCE OF YEARS INthe buiiuess, and every facility to prosecute

it,and the use of the very latest improvements inpackages, we respectfully state to the trade, that.feeling our ability to select the best of goods, atprices suitable to the present time, we solicit theirpatronage, and shill endeavor to merit a preferencefor allfavors they mar be pleased to extend to as.

£3" Country and City Orders Promptlyttieodeil to. Alltbtod* Delivered to anypart of tbe City Free of Charge.

308 and 310 Ifst ,Sacramento.au3o-


GREGORY, BARNES & CO,Successors to Gregory & Co.),

So*, its and 128 J Street,

WHOLESALE DEALERS INPRODUCE ANDFruit. Full stocks of Potatoes, Vegetables,

Green and Dried Fruits, Beans, Alfalfa, Butter,Eggs, Cheese, Poultry, etc., always oc hand. Ordersfilled at lowest rat-cj. Jelg-tf


W. R. STRONG &CO.,—Wholesale Dealers in—.





MARBLE SALOON,Tblrd street. Bet. J anil U(West Side),»u:K'!av EVfcXIXC., OCTOBER Mb.

A SPLENDID LUNCH WILL BE/£^S»j*\^ spread inboth French and ItaliantfcJ^^JJstyle. Allare invited to attend. «l§s£3iB2.>lplm KERERA BKOS., Proprietor?.


/\u25a0^ORNER'OF SIXTEENTH AND X STREETS,\_j (;HRIST. WAHL,Proprietor. Agood supplyof excellent Boer always onband, and sold at currentrates. City and country orders promptly attendedto, witha liberal discount. Beer delivered to anypart of the cityor at derot free of charge, sl-lptf



GRUHLER'S SALOON,No.522 J street t|e3o-lplm] Sacramento.

THE JUMBO.1AOO FIFTH STRLET, BETWEEN J ANDJLV/V4 X—Finest Five-Cent Beer Saloon in thecity. Beat brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Ahandsome Billiard and Pool Parlor attached. AlsoClub Rooms. Free Lunch every day. Call and ere me.

]e2B-lm L.ALEXANDER,Proprietor.


. C. WEISEL & CO.,POUIt ril'KKlt*,

"23, <2Si LStreet, Sacramento.

ALLKINDSOF FRESH MEATS AND jna,Sausices oil hand. Highest L'tshiKo^Price pud forallkinds oflive stock. Coun- ft#j«

try orders solicited. e4-lp3tn


NEW YORK MARKET,Cor. Tenth and Xstreets, Sacramento.

WHOLESALE. AND RETAlLV&MgsgptjnBatcher. IUKhr>t <»Nh •\u25a0

Price paid '<> Fat Stock. JylB-4ptf fP^fl


WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUTCHERS.Havingpurchased the City Market, on J

street, between Front and Second, from P. Herzoe,we shall endeavor to keep the same supplied withtt'e BEST o! MEATS. We offer special inducementsto the trade, and being connected with the slaugh-ter-house by telephone, we art 'prepared to take or-ders fromSA.M.toS P. v. Special attention givento orders from the country. Live Stock bought atthe Highest Market Prices. jylO-lm

METROPOLITAN MARKET'/-10NRAD SCHEPP, DEALER IN-MMta,aph\_; Fresh Meat* o[ every descrip- 05S v»tion. southwest corner of >bts>j=^y

Twelfth and E Street?, Sacramento.

Highest cash price paid for all kinds of stock, andthe same sold wheleealo and retail at the lowestmarket rates. Jy6-4ptJ


—M?OBTiBa or—•l'jii

"txr.A-Gtoxtar acTraaußJEixsAMD CABRIAGB TBIBfinKGS,

!to», 708 and 710 J street,..... Sacrament*.Not. 16 to S3 Bealeitract, S»n FranciscoKo. 168 Front strait. (jyl-tfi Nfw fork


CIGAR MANUFACTURER, AND WHOLESALEand retail dealer in Havana Cigars, Tobacco,

Snuff, Pipes, etc Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco inbulk. Ho. 225 Xstreet, between Second and Third,Sacramento. jylilptf

H. P. OSBORN'SWood and Opal Yard

T3 NOW PREPARED TO FCRNISH THE BESTX of Wood and Coal, at the lowest rates. Woodsold from the Car at Special Rates. .'

Office, No.80S Istreet, Sacramento.\n2 4ptf

WANTED. LOST AND FOUND,\u25a0t*.«ia«n'« of Ore tine* in this department are

Inserted for '& woUfor one time ;three times for 50•euti,or 73 cent* per week.

AJTTRD—B7 ATOUNG MAN JUST FROMWANTKD—BT A YOtnro MAN" JUST FKOMSwitzerland, a situation to work onafarm.

Understand* taking care of horses, milking cows,etc, and isnot afraid to work at anything. Inquireat HELVETIA HOUSE, Fifth street, between JaadK. 03-4f

SITUATION WANTED—BYAN*EXPERIENCEDfarmer, withsmall family, to take charge of a

farm, or willrent on shires; good references,' ifrequired. Address, W. RAINES, 1113 X street,Sacramento city. 02 lw*

WANTKD—THE PUBLIC TO KNOW THATm August 15th 1 purchased the wash-

bouse business at Florin from SING LEE,and willcontinue tVsame and do work at the lowest prices.SAM LEE, Florin. 829-1»\u25a0•

WANTED—TO BUY OR SELL GOOD/7\second band furniture ;also new pioe |^Ww

sets at $25. Give me a call, at CHARLES M.I^KCAMPBKLL'3, No. 409 X street ;also upiol-

'" "•terlngand repairing. 823 tf


BENJ. FRANKLIN COATS. Address, GEO. W.COATS, E'-na. Col. sC-lm'


EIGHT SHEEP SHEARERS 8 CENTS PERhead; 6 men for farming, $26 ;8men tochop

by the day, iland board ;5 waif-re, *i0; men toc.i'>|> 1 foot wood, $1 60 per cord ;3 men cooks, $30 ;also, 10 men to clear land. Female

—3girlsto wiit,

$iO ;also, 3 women cooks, $30 ;6 girls for house-work for cityand country, $15 to $25 ;also, girlstotake cue of children and girls for various otherwork. Apply to HOUSTON & CO., EmploymentOffice, Fourth and X streets. lelSlptf

~TO LETUPS FOB SALE.": Advertisement! of lire lines in thi* department areInßcrtad for*/6 rcrt;foroue time ;three times for SOcenU. or 75 cents per week. \u0084

IJ^OR SiLE OR TO LET-HOUSE COS->^'tainirf10 rooms, every room carpeted ;\u25a0•••

also, hnt and oold water ;with two lull lots.HalL160 feet Bqaare. Apply northwest corner Thirteenand Estreets. 04-3f

FARM FOR SALE—II3ACRES RICHEST MfOkkiod of land;willproduce any kind of wyprcrops ;well located for dairy or stock farm ;only four and a half miles from Sacramento ;pricereasonable and terms easy. Particular*, inquire ofCARLSTROBEL, 321 J stieet. 03-gt&wlt*

TO LET-NICELY FUBNISHED FRONTroom, suitable for one or two gentlemen, at

1115 X street. For terms address "H,' this om:e,or apply on the pre-nisfa after 1o'clock r.m. 02-5t

FOR SALE— SACRAMENTO AGENCY OFtwo leading Sun Francisco daily papers For

terms and particulars, inquire at this o:lice. 02-tf18. C.|

FOR SALE -AFEW SMALL FARMS, AjQt\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:•. lar?e river farm, and a few verytJT

trocd tracts of what land :also very fine vine-JCm.yard property, in bearing. luquiro of CARLSrito-BEL, Year Broker, No. 321 J street, Sacramento.


FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET—A SUIT OFfront rooma, or a single room can be had at

reasonable rent by applying on piemiscd, No. 809 Nstreet. Reference required. 529-6t*

ISALE -HOP POLES INANY QUANTITY•delivered lit Grey's Bend, Sacramento river, at

auv time before the rainy season sets in. AJdressOEO. T. HKNNAOIN,Woodland. s!4-2m'



\J oughbred SPANISH MERINO /^rj^XjHAMS for sale; one and two years Iww&KkTold. Applyat MRS. K.M.WILSON'S^g JLV&-Ranch, one mile north of Mi-Cmiuell^t^V ™<%Station. Posto£oe address :Elk Grove, Sacramentocounty.

- slOlplm


THE WELL-KNOWN RESTAURANT,BAKERY,JL Ice Cream and Confectionery Establishment of

HENRY fI^UER is forsale. This is one of thebest investments for an enterprising business mantobe found in the SUte. Call at 6nS 1street, andsee foryourself. Myobject in selling is to retirefrom buineM. [an3llm] lIFNRY FISHER.

». L. iioao*. Notary Public. «. EL tuckhr.

TUCKER & HOGUE,Real Estate and Loan Brokers,


Vine,Fruit &Alfalfa Lands,'LOCATED IN THE


InTract* »f 20, 40. 80. 160, 320 and643 Acres or More, WII'H OilWll'liOlHAIEII,at from SIO to $20 for IMM-ri£OVEI>, rn>l S2O to $30 for IK-rUOV£I>,»ills WATER. Field of operations,Selma, Fowler, Mendocino and Wildflower.




terast, by FKTSR IiOHL 820 J street. jel6-U



Boa«cw«rt3l— Optician and Photographer, No. 13UoctsoQury street. Established lv 1851.

DRUGS, CHEMICALS.Jtutta elalea.— Dna?3i"t, Pino'*! to 72S

Koct^tsnory St., S. F. Country orders foUdted.

HATS.C. Hcrrataua A Co.—M&nalacturtjg and Im-

porters. No. S36Kearny«.,nearP!m. Theflnesthats at rue lowest prices. Factory: 17 Belden st.

EASDWARB, IRON, STEEL, ETC.Itnw IrrBr»«.' Hardware laiporiars of

Har'i .Tf.ri;ked Agricultural Implement*, Kos. SOI,ICS, WO, T-ft And 80S Market street, San Fran^aoo.


B.S. Crotker a Co.—lmporting and Manufact-arm; Stattouers, Prtntcrs and Lithographers, Hot.US, SIT and SIa Bosh street, above b&iisomc.

BAORAMENTO RECORO-UNIOK.San »rnnrl«ro OOlee. No. 8 New Montgom-

ery street fPalace Hotel)—

Wm. Cameron, Agent.

The Pioneer Box FactoriMillAkead of aU Competitor*.

COOKE &SONcoßinut OF

Frs>t **<!IS Streets *wr*ro*Mir. ri^otf



SO. X*8 aTßi;iCT_r]yl-'ctn 3ArrB3MENTO


which led to the Telecrapii war, isnotaPJJto be criticised by M.KUEHNEL. f%J824 J street, bet. Eighth and Ninth; **=»But to rival hi* competitors by giving the


Value in COOTS AKDSHOES for the Money" ishismotto. an7-4ptf



Seldom I'qaaled I Never Excelled !

CM»CREART & CO. HAVE JUST COM-•pleted the remodeling of their MillInto an

ALL-ROLLER FLOUR MILL,with a capacity of450 barrels per day. Itiftbe onlyBoiler Mill

north ct San Francisco. .It is supplied with thebest machinery known to the millingtrade, and noexpense has been spared to make itthe most com.plete Boiler Millon the Pacific Coast. We guaranteeHeCrearjr'i Patent Holler Flour to be tkeChoicest Floar Made In the State, it being

at once the BEST, HEALTaiEST and CHEAPESTFLOUB THAT CANBE USED. Allwe ask is thatyoubay a sack of your Grocer and try it,and you

willbo convinced that McCREARTS BEST ISTHEBEST. 822 4ptl' .