LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. Thk Coal Oil Obdisakce Apetition is being circulated, taking for a repeat of Ordinance 125, better known aa the coal oil storage t.r*in:.tjce. It vunderstood that the petitioners will ask, if not for the repeil, at least for a mcuiScaUun of the ordinance bo as not to entail unusual and damaging reatric- tionß upon the trade. The petitioners repre- sent a very large proportion of the leading business houses cf the city, and up to Satur- day evening the following hid signed : Whit- tier, Fuller & Co , Continental Oil Company, Booth &Co., Standard Oil Company. George W. Cnealey, Sconeld k Tevis, J. H. Watson, Hall, Luhrs k Co., Kilgore k Tracy, 11. H. Paulk, Jamed I. Felter i Co., Lindley k Co., Mebius k Co.. A Heilbron k. Bro., Btker k Hatrnlt m. L. Eikus &Co., Billingbley &Co., Peopled Savings B»t-k, K. H. Pettit, Kirkj Gaary k Co., H. S. Crocker k Co., Adams McNeil! k Co , BiJw-11 k Cook, P. 11. Rua- sell, Fabian li:o?., Grangers' Co-operative Aseociation, W. A. BuUerfieVl, Hevecer k GriiliiUi, 11. G S-mth, !£. T. Brewer & Co. W. Al Lyor, H..lbr<ok, Merrill k Stetson, Green & Trainor. Ca-ey k Cronai-, W. R Stioog &Co., M. B. Bend k Co., A.A. Van Voorhies k Co., California St»te Bank, HuDtingt'U, Hopkins k Co. The pirtiei announced in the Kecurd-Usiom on Saturday Mhaving been arresteJ for a viola- tion cf the ordiaaccf, appeared in the Police Court on Saturday. George E. Bites acted as counsel for the defendants and City Attor- ney Andersou for tte prusecutiorj. Justice Giliner stated that :n he wjuld not hold Court this week he would prefer not to enter on the tria l , and by consent the case was post- poned until next Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. The petition to repeal or modify the ordinance will be presented to the Board of City Tiusteea to-day. A counter petition has been circulated, and will also bs submitted to tbe same budy this morning. The Cocbsing Match.— The Sacramento Valley Coursing Club held a meeting on Sat- urday evening to make arrangements for the cur.-ii. b ' match to be held at Whitcomb'a ranch on November 30tb, twelve milea from the city, on the lower Stockton road. The entries made are as tollows : W. S. Leake enters b. acd w. d. Blue Jacket ;W. S. Leake enters w. d. Dakota ; M. A. Howard enters b. b. Amy Howard ; Denis Moroney enters b. b. Nelly; John Wtlc'j enters b. and w. H. Nelly ; Alex»mler Hall eaters w. d. Snowball; Steve Qiai! enttrs r. d. Lein- Bter ; H Carey enters n. d. Prido of the West ; F. W. Dunn eutero f. and w. b. Lady Gay; F. W. JJinn enteia r. b. Belle of Lewes ; Charles Z'itzler enters b. b. Sally. The foiling named do^s have bean drawn for tha match : Welch's b. b. Nelly against Leaked b. and w. d. Blue J.-cket. ; Duun'rf r. b. B'llo t.f Ljwes against Howard* b. b. Amy Howard ; Caeey'a b. d. Prida of the West against Q uIFi r. d. Lsinster ; Leake's w. (?. Dikota against Moroney'a brin. b. Neily ; H*il'<s w. d. Suowb<-H acsiDßt Dunn's f. and w. b. L»Jy Gay; C;.;-r.e< Ziitzltr's b. b. runs a bye. The club ordered that the dogs must be iv the slips by !> A. m , and no dogs will be i.eriLji.ttd on the ground not drawti for thaauteh. H. X (iieer was appointed judge ; H. Casey and Thomas Doaswortb, stewards ; A. Larkin and Kiward Fa-rell, eliiDtrs. Ail memb-ri of tha club are re- piir^.t to we^ir badges. SiSDAY School Coscebt. The Snnday- School of the First ('on ,;i.i.;«tional (Ji nrca .held a harvest festival la^i. evening. Tf.tre was a very Urge attendmce. The cliik'ren I'r .t 'rtant 0.-;h»a Asylum were a!.io present. The rostrum wae u^i,\u25a0-\u0084:.,' \ dressed with fl iwers, pr .tninent nniocg the fealurCß bting a large flir&l cross, 'i here were ako many tmblems of the haivest. A part of the programme consisted in a repre- sentative from cuch class nMtcMag to the rotttnim beariii;; some harvest emblem or har- vest product. T«« fcroup would then recita roaie ;• i-~ ..-l' of Scriptuie appropriitely re- lating to the chosen emblem. The class- ni.i-.-y iflrrijg for tliebjnetitof the nchool wnu'.ii then h? haoded in. (),-.e of these class t ff^ricg» wai higii aa 510 50. Appropriate siugiDg by tha children was frequent. Mrs. li- rk; y pre ided at the organ, and the church choir saug selection*. K«v. Dr. Dwine 11 made an opening and a closing addrene. The chil- dren were bd in thur sinking by Elwood Bruner. Tho exercises were very pleading and i r >ved highly entertaining to the large audience present. Freight. An immene* quantity of freight passing over the Ceatr&l Pacific Kiilroad at the present time. The company find it difficult to procure the cars necessary tumove if. At the freight department in this city it this f.tll than ever before. Special freight ' trains are passing over the road each way daily. On Saturday eleven carloads of cattle were sbiy^ped from this city to Sin Jose. Be- side i hi- 113 cars loaded with cattle have passed through SicrameDto witbio a week. Ahont 20 cattle MS allowed to each or. Som« were loaded at different stations iv the State of Nevada, while others were shipped from Marysvilld, Gridley, Anderson and Redding. They wire mostly c.mi'ignsd toSan Francisco, but some were shipped to San Jose and Oak- land. Trie near approach of Thanksgiving haa caused large qaantities cf poultry to bs \u25a0hipped in different direction*, and the com- ing of cold weather has made wood a l»rg« factor in the moving of freight, while wheat ia still raoviug toward the seabaard. Police Coubt. The following business was tractactfd in the Police Court Saturday, Justica Gilder presiding: Ah Foy, grand Urct-uy, continued to December Ist; Tom Jicki"- , drunk, discharged; Gjog Toy, mi«- demeaoor, mntinued to November 28 .h ;J. C. Hi.v y. X EL Forester. J. Sterfens. L. Trzer :\'.i I. M. Blank, misdemeanor, coc- tina-t t. T> vfiober 2U.h ; Tom Goff, Jas. Btt > ru-oi. ouJ Tjm Soott, "healtly beges.rs," fouaii goiky, days ia county j iii ; Win. Mmi •\u25a0!-.. iseasito wtrmft burglary, col- tinudi! to Decembar 21 ; J.mici) Murphy and Jack Eorigbt) discbarged ; Mrs. Gilbert, common drunkard, thirty days in county jail. The Hall of Kkcjbds Srrr. Diatriet Attorney BujkUy nnd Grove L. Johnsjn left for Qrtltwd yesterdiy for the purpose of de- fending this county in the suit brought by P. H. McGrew to recjver money alleged to ba due for w :>rk doae on ihe Hall of Reccrda in this city. The MM will ewe up for hear- ing in the Superior Court of Alameda county this morning on a motion to sustain a de- murrer which has be?n filed, ami also ou a motion for a change of venne to this county. is learned th.t more freight is being moved Cirsr Receipts.— The following are the re- ceipts of t!ie city treasury for the week end- ing Saturday, November 2Sth :S. B, Cald- well, cemetery dues, $59 "5 ; R. D. Scriver water rates, 91,1 0<* 75; N. A.Kidder, harbor dues, $12 50 ; W. A. Henry. Police Court tines, $37 50; George A. Putnam, city license?, $270 90 ; George A. Putnam, dog licenses, $3 <JJ. Total, $1,4W) 38. Osci more are placed in stock job lots of 100 pieces of £ne fringed table damask at 45 and 50 ceaU per yard ; ten pieces black silk at one-third their value ; cashmeres ; ten pieces ebontas cloths, 48 inchei wide, for 40 cants ; black satins for 90 cents good value at tl 40 ; napidus, hosiery, etc. * Call Kaei.t To-dat for twenty yards of tha best calico for $1 ; hosiery, at 8 aod 10 recta (worth more tban double) ; window shaded, fixtures complete, only 50 cento (worth 75 cents), at Anderton &Hamin. Obi thocsaw) dozen ladies' acd misses' hose receivtd, and they are k'oing to be sold for a les» price than you e.er bought them for before. Hale Bro*. Crockekt and glusyware m still t flared at the reduced price sA Ackertcm'a closiug-ont pale. * 11e.'.i> the advertisement of Ackerman £ Cj. It will pay ycu to do it. ~ o^mß^-:cgtoti't Thai ka jiving card \u25a0 THE COAL OIL CONTROVERSY. Eds. Rbcobd-Übion : The " people* or- dinance "was pissed at the urgent solicita- tion of a well meaning citizen (who says he had trouble to get itpassed), in order to keep an oil house from locating near his property, on which he pays an insurance rate of 4 per cent. That "slumbering volcano "it 224 J street U insured at ljper cent, and other companies "want some <f it" at the same rate. The highest rate pud on the paint and oil stock in the Orleans building, which was fiied by the Saa Francisco Bard of Under- writers, is li p?r cent. Th» highest ratepaid on tbe coal oil in the wareroom in tbe came building is If per cent. Tha pirtics who do tha most talking about this trouble run presses wi h a steam-eupioe and boiler, over which is located a lodging-house, the occu- pants cf which are more cr \e->e liable, with- out a moment's warning, to be sent to "Abra- ham's bosom." When these same parties bought the Bee building, and for a long time after, the basement and first fljor of 224 J street was filled with pine doors, sash and blind*, and workmen were daily paiuting and glazing therein. Had it taken fire then the Bee building would have been more endan- gered. Now, the basement is ell that is used, and there is co occasion to open it save in two days in each week, and then only be- tween the hours of 8 A.M. and 4 P.M., making it the safest lot of oil stored in the city. The C. P. R. R. Company buys its coal oil by the c»r load, fire timis more than the ordi- nance allows, and take, this dangerous arti- cle and distributes it from its '"shopr," a property almost as valuable, perhap, as that represented by those agitating this matter. Other parties besides those proceeded agaicst are compelled to handle coal nil in like large quantities. A lik-j ordinaries was set aside in Stockton, on the grouad that it was "con- trary to common Bense." Ifc ial oil, as sold in this city by the trade, had to be carted to a warehouse six blocks and back to the de- pot for shipment, the conntry trade c uld be better supplied from San Francisco, Stockton and Marysville. Howe?er, tht| "people " of this city could burn t a-. Fnme ware- houses have lately been known to barn down over these "slumberiog volcanoes," the even burned off of the cans, and yet not a can "explode," and the loss was but trifling. Ac m cf coal oil, of the grade which for years hfc» been han- dled by the ti •>•!.- here, has nr,t been known to explode, but the idea has long since been exploded. Hotels in this ciiy now pay one and a half per cent, insurance, and coal oil in the name blocks nay one aid a quarter p.r cent, insurance. Suppose alt the high risks be moved out of town, that those compara- tively safe may be s*fer. I also suggest that newspaper men talk to business men, and ascertain business facts, before they "bounce" them. If nothing but an or- dinance will stttisfy tbe complainants, let a new one be euacted reducing tbe quantity one may be allowed to keep without a permit to ICO gallona instead of 500 gallons, and the Trustees supervise the permits themselves ; but I protest against the oil men being branded as outlaws or " cinched " because an ordinance "turns up" that was enacted to protect a four per cent, risk, and which they had stupidly overlooked. Tine, the law's delay is often ancojicg, but in this case it is quite convenient when agitators require edu- cating up to the standard of ommonsenso. J. Steffkss, Hialthy BfO(;ißS.— Thres men who gave the names of Goff, Stevensiu and Scott, were arraigned in the Police Court oc Saturday on a charge of being " healthy beggars." The prisoners defeu Jed themselves with a Bhrewd- ness that showed they were no novices st the business. It appsired to have had some weight with Judge Gilmer, for after sen- tencing each of them to the county j *fl for the full time allowed by the law, he withheld the commitment for twenty-four hours for the purpose of giving the men time to leave the city. The men are well known in police circles, but do not appear to be very w-!l ac- quainted in the nity, for it has been slated that later in the day one of them approached a newspaper repress' alive on Second street and modestly requested the loan of half a doll»r. The trio did not leave the city evi- dently, for yesterdiy two of them were ar- rested by officer Eldred. and charged with disturbing the peace. The chsjb will come up brfnre Judge Henry this morning, when tijf y will probably receive the fullest punish- ment allowed by the law. Goff, alias Stan- -1-y, was one of the leaders of a band of trampt tha v . about three years ago organizsd and defied the officers of this eiiy. Sudpen Death.—link Julia B°nrett dropped dead of heart disease ia-t eveuing at her residence, oa P street, between Fifth and sixth »trcet-:. Ti,e dtcaoeed wag about 50 ycara of air». Sbe h»d been su'.jeci to at- tacks of hantdiww f>ir mm^ tim». Lml evening ter sun. Wiliiac, aead 25 year*, c-.rr.e home ia an ir.toxie -it«:d c .Dditi.ir. und b-ig»u -.l.Ti.-irL' t'le family, aacl efi^cUliy a yc-ucgfr brother. A dbtarbsnct occurred between the two boy, and the moth' r left the house with a still younger child, with the intention of repairing to the hou?e of a friend, rirutted on the next block. Before suing half the distance, an 1, at the corner of P and Fifth streets, she fell dead, as before stated. The drunken eon waa c -tinned in tha police- atation la^t night for safe keeping. The hus- band of the deceased ia in the employ of the Central Pacific Railroad. G. A. R. Camf-firk. Or Saturday even- ing Sumner Post, No. 3, Grand Army of the Republic, appointed a committee of five, con- sisting of I. S. Moore, C. K. Adame, E. L. Hawks, Harrison Bennett and J. D. Kent, to make arrangements for a reception and c»mp-fire to be givin to Governor-elect Gen- eral George Stontman upon his arrival in Sacramento ness muctb. General Slovenian is a member of the above-named organiza- tion. It is the intention cf the old veterans to arrange things in camp-life style, by serv- ing t K .e u»ual bill of fare on such occasions, which consists of "s»lt horse." hard tack, o ffee, pipes and tobjecj. The committee will correspond with General Stoneman and ascertain the time, of bis arrival in the city. Commercial.— Since last report the follow- ing Bteamerß have arrived at Sacramento : San Joaquin No. 2, from San Francisco, with general merchandise and barge of freight and one of lumber for Sacramento Lumber Com- pany ; Varnna acd Dover, from the upper Sacramento, with grain in tracsit ; Reform, from Sin Francisco, withbarge of lumber for the Friend & Terry Lumbar Company and N. L Drew. Departed San Jo&quin No. 2, with barge of grain to order ; Varuaa, for the upper Sacramento, with barge of freight and barge light; Neponset, with general mer- chandise for the upper Sacramento. Willie Kkesb Again.— R-aders of the Record-Union will remember the arrest of a boy 13 years of age at the Central Pacific dep -t, who bad in his po.^saion over $2,8"0 that be bad found on the overland train, and also 'f the boy being taken t<> Otkland after his discharge io the Police Court, on a charge of stealing a horse and wagon. Last Tours- day tLo case came up in the Superior Court •)f Alsrueda county, and the boy was con- victed and sentenced to two months' confine- ment in the county jail. Free Library Keport.— The following is tbe report of the Sacramentoc nto Free Library for ths wetk ending November 2. r i h : Number of books is?u<»d, SOI ; fiction, 015 ; biography, 20 ; history, 24 ; travels and adventure, 46 ; DJiect-llineons literature. 40 ; religion, 2; po- eiry and drama, 20 ; science and art, 34. Ay. er*ge imniH i-mi d psrday, *.14 : percentage of notion, "»'.. Oi N jvembir :W;h the library will he closed duricg the day ; open at 6 o'clock P. M. Late Akrests. The following nsmea were registered at the police station at 12 o'clock : Tom Groff, alias Stan'ey, disturbing the pence; Tom Jackson, disturbing the pe&cs .and common drucktr J ; Charles Knglish, drunk ; Boom, disturbing the peace and using vulgar language. Funekal.— The funeral of the late J. M. Wiedmann took place yesterday afternoon tinder the auspices of Union Lodge, A. O. U. W. It was very largdly attended, the line of carriages to the cemetery being over five blocks in length. Notics.—At the Red House there was placed ia stock Saturday, from the Oakland Mills, ladies' white and scarlet knit under wear (all wool) ; ladies', misses' and chil- dren's wool hose all prices. These goods guarantae themselves. * It was a grand succcas the rush on Satur- day for goods at 40 cents on the dollar. There is more to be cold to-day at Anderson k Hamm'd. * Rehsastb of drew good*, carpets, etc., at any price to dose, at the creditors' sale of I Anderson & Hamm's stock. * A lakqi lot of slightly damaged dolls will ' be i S red on Wec'nesiiiy, November 'J9th, at . | Ackeruian's clo*iig-out (ale. Attend aod ! j supply your want*. For a large fa', mackerel *> to Bt« Tree ' Stir?, corner E g'lt-; and J streets, and get ' oae for 10 cents. * ; A special sale of hosiery to comment j \ Monday, at rue- third le*s than value. Hale jI | 8.-v«. i CONCISE LOCALS. Forty-three immigrant passengers will ar- rive to-morrow. A new schooi-honse at Clay station is I nearly completed. The regular Republican nominees for School Directors are officially annoonceJ to- day. The Sacramento river is still on the de- cline, and last evening marked 8.10 above low water. Alarge number of oil paintings wero sold at the Metropolitan Theater on Saturday afternoon and evening. Officer O. C. Jackson Trent to Truckee last evening, to get a witness in a murder trial which i< set lax this week. Frank M.Page, sot of Consrres*m»n Page, will take a desk in the office of A. L.Frost, Revenue Cillector, on the Ist of December. Miss Emma Kelley, who has been teaching school at Free port, came home Friday, and is confined to her house with malarial lover. At the Signal Service Office, last night, reports were receivtd cf a slight rainfall at OlympU, Portland, Roseburg, and San Fran- cisco. Over 400 tickets to the benefit ball recently given to the Howard's Benevolent Associa- tion were sold to the employes in the railroad shops. The Sacramento Band of Hope gave an en- tertainment at Westminster Presbyterian Church on Friday evening, which was well attended. . A letter was read ia St. Rose Church yesterday from Archbishop Alemany, of San Francisco, which made a strong appeal for aid for the Pop*. In addition to the changes in the arrival and departure of train?, heretofore announced to take effect to-d^y, the train, for Shingle Springs will leave at 7:30 A. M., a halt hour earlier than formerly. Saturday a man named E. A. La Blanc, who waa hauliog bay from a car on I street, caught hii foot in ths lines and fell in such a way as to break a bone in his left leg and badly bruise hin shoulder. Dr. G. S. NorcrosH, of San Joae, e'eetricien and magnetic phyeici?n, has taken rooms in OtasJa building orijcr of Eighth and X street", in thin city, and willengage in the practice »f hU profession. Sheriff Spr&gue, of Bu'.te ccunty, passed tbrcagh the city yeaterd&y, en route to Oro- viils from :'u; Qaeatin with a prisoner named EJ. Mitchell, who is U be u;ed as a witness ia a Chinese murder tiial. Gong Toy, the Chinese woman arrested 02 Friday on a warrant Givorn tj by a well- known highbinder, charging her with obtaic . icg money by false repr?nentation«, will come up tot examination ia tia Police Court to- morrow morning. The first of th» series of free lectures to be given by the Y. M. C. A., at their head- quarters on Fourth street, will take place this evening. Rev. E G. Backwilh. D.D., of San Francisco, will deliver a lecture entitled "Among the Volcanoes. " Judge Henry has returned fro™ San Fran- cisco, and will preside in the P< lice Court this morning. He says the principal new featnre he observed in the metropolis whs tho large mruber of persons who were look- ing for appointments voder the comirjg ad- i:.i:-:-'rat!-'r. The overland train from the East, which was due here Saturday morning, did not ar- rive until yesterday morning at 3:30 o'clock. The delay was caused by the ditching of a freight train at White Plain?, forty milea* east from Wadswotth. A brakeman caioed 1.. L. Campbell and a son of J. B. (Jumpbell, proprietor of a hotel at Like Tahoe, was in- stantly killed by the accident. Tho remains will bo broujht to t!is city for interment. CITY AUDITOR'S REPORT. E. H. McKee, City Auditor, makes the following report for the week ending Satur- day, November 25, 1882 : Balance onhand last report $1a2,566 86 Receipts forIhe week 1,499 3S Total $154,366 24 DISBCBSEMBNT9. General Fund (ISO 50 Water Works Fund 383 27 Lsvee Fund Ul7 50 Cemetery Fund 60 00 Street Fuud 148 CO Police Fuud 8 22 Exhumatiun Futid fi 00 Sewtr Fun J 7s 00 1.47S 43 Total amount iv Treasury *152,887 75 APfOHTIOJiMENT. Siii'-. ir.L' and Interest Fund SO7,SSS 70 Qanacal Fund l'2,7Ti> 05 Water Works Fund 9f ["C'(i S7 Fire Department Fund 7,476 79 School Fund 11,9 v 61 Levee Fund gs 45 Cemetery Fund 2,b0& 11 Stn t t h und I,:>, 703 *'\u25a0 'liv-cFund r>,718 46 Bond Keiit-mption Fuiid 13 S4 Exhumation Fuud Dili 00 Fire Department Bund and Interest Fund 62 21 Übnrj Fund 1,.'ul 71 \u25a0iL'wer Fund 1,192 (17 I><>S Fund 7 i X, L,Ninth and Tenth street Fond 13 20 Total *U2,8»7 To SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Paul Friedman, of Stockton, is in town. A. C. Earle, of Philadelphia, is in town. J. B. Haggin and fa-niij have gone East. Dr. (Jjell,of Woodbridge, was in Sacramento vce. terday. William Jones, Fire Commissioner, went East last eveuing. Mrs. William Uunlap, of Roeeville, is visiting in the city. W. J. Madilen, of Smartsville, was in the city yesterday. C. E. Williams and Henry Lorenz, of Shasta, are in the city. Dr. M Gardner left yctterday fur a two weeks' trip to Texas. Ariul Latbrop passed throush the city Friday, en route to Vina Thomas B. loch and child, of Eureka Mills, are in Sacramento. Alic; Cussick, of this city, will arrive by the over- land train this morning. H. H. Karle, J. E. Mitchell, of San Francisco, are stopping in Sacramento. J. N. Bayley, |of Oakiand, and W. H. Clark, of San Jose, are in the city. R. McMurray, of North San Juna, returned liomc from San Francisco on Saturday. A. J. Swectser, of Moore's Station, Buttc county, 19 visiting friends in Sacramento. J. Lackhard, Forest Hill, and A. Undley, Reno, arrived in Sacramento yesterday. F. B. Orr and wife, Mrs. K. W. Leach and C. B. Orr, of Chicigo, arc? stopping in the city. M. Gildmacher, I L Solomon, J. F. Mayne, F. M. Gilbam, of San Francisco, arrived in the city yester- day. Matt Cannavan, of Virginia City, Nevada, pws&l through the city Saturday, en ruute to San Fr»n- cisco. The Pioneer Association if this city are making preparations for their annual social, to be given on the - ' :iof next munth. Last Thursday evening a surprise party was jriven to Miss Mary Mvrsehcau, of thU city, at Gram Val- ley, where she is visiting friends. N. Manning, wife and son, of New York, anil Miss Libbie Haas, of Blue Spring*, Neb., arrived in the city yesterday from the E:wt. Ge-rge W. Schell, of Medestn; Chirles Clayton, of Sin Francisco, and A. M. Chapman, of Chico, State Prison Conimissiimers, were in the city yes- terday. At Dutch Flit, last Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. E. ChamN:rliiu celebrated their silver wedding. They were the recipients of mauy valuable and appropri- ate presents. J. B. Campbell, proprietor of a hotel and Post master at Lake Talhre. came t-> th's city last week, |and will remain during the winter. His family ac- j company him. A K. Towne, General Manager of the Central Pa c'fii: Kailroad, and family, and J. C St!ibbs, Genera j Manager uK the Freight Department, passed through the city ou Siturday evening from San Franci6c, en route to the East. H. M. Cooper, S. V. Cooper, Helena, Mont.; D. M. Sechler, L. Kmerson, Cincinnati, 0.; A.Page, M.H. Livingston, Ed. S. Rot-hchild, George Bocradaile, of Sail Francisco, are in the city. Mrs. S. E. Wilson, of Suiter county, arrived in the city yesterday from a visit to the Eastern States. She wus meet by her sister, Mrs. H. J. Gleun, of Oakland, who accompanied her home. State House Hotel : Wm. Foj c, Cosumnes ; Guy Taylor, Olila ; John Gretubowcr, Citco ; H. Leslie, Santa Kusa ; A. O. Damn, Plymouth ; E. M. Church, Truckee ; A. T. Higbee, Dima ; K. W. Shepler, Lake House; W. T. Stepheusjn, E. Stephenson, J. O. Stephccson, Franklin. Mr. and Mm. James McCauloy, of Inne City, were tendered a surprise party by their numerous friends on the evening of the lSih instant, the occasion being the twenty-fifth anniversary of their wedding. They were the recipients of several handsome and appropriate presents. The emiple were married at Clarkeville, fcl Dorado county, in 1*57. Last evening S(orri9 Badovic'i and Miss Lena Ar- nold were married in the parlors uf Mrs. Chamber lain, over D. O. Mills I Co.'* bank. A reception was afterward* given, at which the following ladies and eenilemtn were present : Mra. Cbitnberlain and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Carr, ami a number of other ladies whose names were not learned, J. W. Lee, Eobert J. Cooke, D. C. Ashby, Jas. Sc|>ulveda, Thos Gleaso-!, Charles R. Shearer, Charlts Sellinger, John Gill, J. W. Shepperd, Fred. RobbiD, James A Bar- wick, William Benaing, John MiieU. William Mi- KeAna. To Good HrsßANra.— lf yon want to sur- ! prii-e your wife, boy her a $22 50 French , china .-.inner set for Thanksgiving. Acker- : man k (_Y. ! The grua* si!e of dry goods. Job lots of 1 tte finest in the rnark-t are now being sold , at the Keii Horse at two-thirds their value. Allwh j hare teen the . ods gj^eik in praises.* Ir will Im worth your while to call early j to-J»y to »<cu>e good*, a*. 40 c?ct» en the \u25a0 dollar, at A' dersca & ttamm'a. SUPREME COURT. IS BAKK. Thi-rsdat, November 23, 1882. 6,229—Saat» gruz R. R. Co. n County of Santa Cruz—Judgment affirmed. The Court. G.SSS Roberts vs. Columbet— Judgment reversed. | with directions to the Court below to enter Jud»- --> ment in favor of the defendant upon the findings. SnißrsTHx, J. We concur : Thornton, J.; McKinstry, J Morri- son, C. J. We dissent : Myrick, J.; McKee, J.; Ross, J. SiTfRrAT, November 25, 1882. Court met pursuant tc adjournment. Present— Morrison, C. J., presiding ; McKinstry, J.; McKee, J.; Myriclt, J. ;Roe.", J.; fcharpstein, J.; J. B. Mar- tin, Di-p'.ny Clerk ; Finkler, Bailiff. B,373— Bradford et al. xt. Dor«y et si. Argu- ment refaumed by Street for appellant and Dorsey for respondent, and submitted. B,olß— Dresbach vs. His Creditors Argued br Armstrong for appellant and Wallace for respond- ent, and respond, nl allowed twenty d*ys to file brief and appellant ten days to reply ; cause to be sub- mitted thereupon. 8,085— Hayes vs. Campbell et al. Argued by Fife for appellant and McKune for respondent, and sub- mitted. B,2os— Hewlett vs. Miller— Ordered that appellant have forty days to tile brief, with twenty days to re- spondent to reply ; came to be submitted thereupon . Ordered that Associate .Imtic- Thornton be al- lowed to participate in the decision of all cases lieard to-day. Court adjourned toMonday morning at 9:30. TO-DAY'S CALENDAR. I.N BANK. Court meets at 9:30 o'clock a.k. 10,662-People vs. Hamilton. 6,856 PaciHc Life Insurance Co. vs. Stroup S,*4o—Barntt vs. Sims. DirARTVKNT TWO. Court meets at 10 o'clock v M. B.337— Carey vs. Brown. B,42l— Rice vs. McKune et al. B,432— Fierce vs. Schaden et al. 8,464— 0de1l M al. vs. Wilson et al. S,s«2— Mtchell vs. Bs-knuan et al. SUPERIOR COURT Satlrdat, November 2."., 1882. Dkpartkkst Two—Dimxht, Judye. Mar^-iret Taylor vs. Mary E. Oher— Arguments of case cndudal and submitted ; taken unier ad- visement. TRANSFERS OF REAL EST ATE. Saturday, Novembar 2% 1882. Xivcmber 24— J. H. Scott ami wife to Isaiah Reiidcll— 'lliirty acres in American township, south of the American river and oast of Nineteenth street, Sacrunento, extended ; #3,000. November '12 The United Sous of Friendship to Gccrge Murray—North quarter of lot 8, in block bounded by Nand O, Fifth and Sixth streets, city ; *1 f.O. November 24—Samuel W. Pt-.lin to John Flickin- ffcr—North half «f Fection 18, township 0 north, range 7 east, 32) 75- 100 acres ; *5,000. Keom the Oregon Woolen Mills: Men's clothing, custom- made, in dark and light gray ; also in iaucy cassimere suits. These Roods are the best, and are kept at tbe lied House. \u25a0 Save a little of your time on Wednesday next, and visit Halo's clearance of reitnaiite. It will repay yon well. Hosiery and remnant.) the special feature this week, lials's Lew acivertUeruent in this issue. \u25a0 •To-DAT \9 the big d»y for 40 cents on the d.jUar, at Anderson & 11 \u25a0...:. : v. _ Cheslei's Maple Rum, with Tulu, is un- rivaled for coughs an icolds. * ?HH DAILY RECORD-UNION. HOMHI KOVKNBEK ST. 1882 ADVERTISEMENT MENTIOK. Free lecture to-night at Y. M. C. A. rooms. Enlert&inmeDt to morrow night by tbe Pbi-Alpha Club. Notice— Regular Republican nominees for School Directors. Keal estate to let and for B»l2 by A. Leonard & Bon. Card— People's Market. New time-übie— Sacrameuto and FUcerviile Rail- road. Meeting to-night— A. O. F., Ccurt Capitol. Meetii g t>ni(tfct—K.of H., California Lodge. Mectinc to-night— Sicrimento Council, Royal and Select Masters. Electricity and mignetHm— Dr. O. S. Xorcrosg. For ex-liange or sale— Bouse and lot. Notice—Central Pacific land bonds. Buclcess Advertisements P. H. Russell— "TryBell's poultry dressing." Acktrman k Co.—Holiday preset.^ and to>s. Mechanic*' 3torc— Men's clothing, etc. Hale Bros, t Co.— Hosiery. ™^"^—- —^\u25a0^\u25a0^\u25a0^\u25a0^i^sssssssss— MARRIED. >Sonnro, November I!)— John Dawroi to Lucy Bell DMafc, Novtmber W— Wm. W. Woods to ijarah E Wivid. Ukiah, November 11— Kobert Moore to Martha Gschwind. Chico, November J3—Asa Blackburn to Minta Turner. Oroville, November 22— S. L. Fimple to Miss Ral- ston. Rel Blull, November 10— Frank J. Corning to Cora Christian. Ked Bluff, November 19 Robert H. Florence to M«rearet Kexler. Ni.ar Mured, November 22 -George Hannah to Addie Taylor. M^rccil river, November L2—<Jeurj;e VV. Davu to Mary McDou^ r al. San Francisco, November 17— T.iouias W. Tompkins to Etfie A. Kiii^r. Sin Francisco, November 22— Philip Young to Cor- nelia Kouding. BORN. Sacramento, November 21—Wi'e of Elmer C. Cook, :t (iau^hter. San Franciec >, November 9— Wife of Tliomar Gor- man, a daughter. Silinw!, November 16—Wife of W. J. Worne*, a 'l-iu'.'hter. v i arc kdale, November 10 Wife of Geo. Murphy, a sion. DIED. Sacramento, November 23-rLizz : e Lee, a native of Nor'.h CuroUna, Is >ears. IFritiuls an<l acquaintances are refpect/ully invited to Ittlfdtbe funeral, wlreh wiii uke p.ace fmm tbe undertskii'tf rooms of A J. Vermilva this ludrnir.s at l"::> 0o'clock. 1 Sacnmento, November 2.'>— Frederick P.. Washiuc- ton, a native of VbgMa, Uye »re. [Frienils and act|Uaintance3 are resrcctfuliy in\ ited to attend the fumral, which will take placo from the A M. E.C'nuroii this ailernoou at 2:30 o'clock.) Sacram<"n-ii, November 2tt— Ernest Boon, 10 months and 11 days. [Friends are respectfully invited to attend the fune- ral, which will take place from the residence si Mrs. Cogar, on Fourth street, between I and J, this afternoon at 3 o'clock. l Campbtill— Tbe funeral of Lincoln L. Campbell will take place this morning at 11 o'clock from the rcsids;;ce of Frank Perkins, No 1227 X street. Friend* and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend. Sacramento, November 2G- Eer.r (Jregoria, a native of Chile, Wi years. [ Funeral notice hen-after. 1 Near Fretpjrt—Mary Mtinardi, 79 years. iFunera' this morning at 11 o'clock. Friends are invited to attend.] Grass Valley, November 14— Nicholas Singley, 107 years. 1 month and 18 da\s. Wfi De Meter's Catabbh Cube Affords instant relief ami certain cure. As effective in ra>es r>{ 20 years' standing as iv ordinary colds. One package ib generally sufficient. £1, of all driißKis^. Baby's Warning. When baby has pains at dead of ni;bt, Mother in a fright, father in a plight ; When worms do bite, baby must cry. If fever sets in, baby may die. If cr.'upv pains kill' Leonora, Inthat Inu;i- there's no (anlnrla. For mothers earn without delay, Castorla cures by night and day. nl-ImMWF faeTmsT FARMS! FOR SALE BY BWEETBER & ALSIP, INSURANCE AGENTB, No. 1015 Fourth street, HITHi;-, J AS» X, S4IIUIKUO. Oar or CM Arrr.. In Bnlle rniinly. Ibrer miles from Bills' Station, being property of MAKIOXBIGGS, Jr. Is the besf (rrain, fruit or alfilfa land in Butte county; is well timbered; with (rood lanre dwelling:, barns, blacksmith shop, tnol» t granary, etc. Will F.xchanof. is Pari iok Kekisuce i:> i'ikush ok Svjkjuiisio. ALSO A £o«d Dairy or Hop Baorh or in Acre*. on Sacramento river. 'Iwo good dwellings, bams, stable ; is weil timbered ; has a few hap poles on place. Will be sold for low price of f2O per acre. Hop and Grain Banch or 400 Acres, on Cosumues river ; 250 acres of fine bottom land. also— Fine t ri.'.l Banch or leo Acre*, altoatrd 7 miles from Sacramento ; 17 acres in orchard, 3 acres in blackberries, 4 &cres in strawberries, 26 acres iv vineyard ; steam engine and pump for irrigating ; prood buildings, etc. This is one of the best truit ranches on the plains. Price, flO.OOO. Terms of payment easy. also Pmall Farm »r Acres, near Pearyn, w-.th 100 fruit trees, of all varieties ; 1,000 grips vme«, 1,500 blackberry and 1,000 raspberry bushes, allin good bearing condition. . Price, £1,500. ~ IUO-T * Farm of IS Acre. 1-3 Mile or the City— 600 truit trci», 3.000 foreign grapes; dwellioe, barn, etc Prve, jS.OOO. SWESTSEK *.ALSIP, gecrament*. OHANQEB DAILY FOB MECHANICS' STORE- Weinstock & Lubin. ««i MONDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1882. SACBAHEJfTO TEMPEBATI BE. EVICTS OF THE DA*. Tbmfkrature Ykstebdat : „. Hocsic Tuonel opened, 1873. ttignest, 57 Paoißc Ocaan discovered by Magallar, 1520. Xjowest, 42 Snn Rises 6:54 A. M. Tempskatub* CoEBESFOUniSG DAT, 1881 : Sun S«t» 4:42 p. m. __ , Moon Rises 7 : 3J p. M , Highest, 59 Moon Souths 1:57 a. m. Lowest, 35 Day's Length 9n. 48min. \Y'" ./ FINEST DRKSS SHIRTS, SI 75 and §2. L.VTE STYLES IN COLLARS AND CUFFS. Extra Quality SCARF 3, in Tarty Shades, 81. Men's Wool Shaker Socks, lie. \u25a0 \u25a01 r W II I f £g° The season is at its height now in nearly all kinds of goods, and people are buying with the satis- faction which comes from so splendid an assortment to choose from. A dollar goes further at our stores MEN'S CLOTHING ! Bottle-green Mohair Frock Suits, $22 50. New style Pin-head Check Cassimere Sack Suits, $20. Plain Hair-line Diagonal Sack Suits, $15. Extra-fine Dress Suits, satin-lined, $40. Wool, Cheviot Sack Suits ; good for business wear, $12. Fine Striped, Diagonal Sack Suits ; silk-bound, $17 50. OVERCOATS ! Dress Overcoats, finest quality, silk-lined, $29 50. Twilled Cassimere Overcoats; something new, $13. Wool Tweed Ulsterettes, skeleton lining, $8 75. Chinchilla Overcoats, double-breasted, fancy lining, $8. Soldier Overcoats, $4 50. Extra Heavy Chinchilla Ulsters, with Astrakhan trim- Black Beaver Overcoats, $10, Plain Melton Satinet Overcoats, $5. Extra-fine Chinchilla Ulsterettes, $16. BOYS' CLOTHING! Dark Gray or Brown-mixed, Tweed Suits ; for ages, 10 to 16 years. Price, $6 50. Strong Pants for everyday wear ; ages, 10 to 16 years. Price, 75 cents. Dark Brown Tweed Blouse Suits ; jacket and knee pants, $3 50. Children's Overcoats, light drab tweed, $5. All-wool Gray Cassimere Suits ; ages, 10 to 16 years. Price, $10. Boys' Chinchilla Overcoats, $6 50. Dark Cheviot Suits ; for ages, 10 to 15 years. Price, Woolen Foules, 55 cents per yard ; in all the fashion- Black Plush Brocades, $3 25 per yard. Black Satin Ottoman, $1 25 per yard. Plaid Foules, 44-inch, $1 per yard. Black Cloaking Velvet, 28-inch wide, $3 50 per yard. Black Silk Ottoman, $1 50 per yard. Carmelite Cloth, 44-inch, all-wool, $1 per yard. Silk- faced Velvet, all colors, $ I 25 per yard. 27-inch Skirting Satin, $1 25 per yard. 22-inch Velveteens, in black and all colors, 70 cents ; extra value. Black Satin Merveilleaux, $1 25, $1 50 and $1 75 per yard. MECHANICS' STORE, Nos. 400, 402, 404, 406, 408 X St., Sacramento. 1 MISOELLANEOUg. \u25a0npoßrsKs ami ot'.i' >?. iv LTQUORS, Nos. 1016 apd 1018 Second street, between J and X, Sacramento. .___ _____ -^. _^ fi^ WATCHKASLFK AHB JC^ELES. MJ W.,BtTr. hi* ««» _«_ TBFSB c \_^ *T Doalei In WATCHES, JEWSLRY AND DIAHONDS. KoD_.;_r to _fM !»,,*„ ..' inder _H. yLOB-iRQ. A^nl for -ockford YfKtc* rompg,^ '" " 7 "ft JTO^tl^ "~3BS^^3HTB3_i_7~~t /fl Importer, Mar.ofaoturer, Wio'.es* c ana EleW! Dealer In every oascnctlon o. Fp FUlEllSriTUß^] a nd_3EDlDl]Sra ____^P»' •»*. mand »Wt X Hi reft, bet. E-vth ,nrt §afraiae?fr>. au7.^ptf KO. 411 X STREET, SACRAMENTO, \u25a0MwJti.jl) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN PAKLOR, BED AND lUNI_-<i.^Sfi. FURNITURE and C A.RPICTS lATEST PAITEKNS «r 1 1SOI II M AXD OIL CHB_. ALSO, A \u25a0_\u25a0«\u25a0 ASSOBT- J£i:.\T O»' tIETAI\S, MH4DEB, tllliMdv ETC. wh _f i W _2" 5H n _d t^ ?o Ub their o _:van_U Xamine "' "^ ' tOCk ** KOOdB bCf ° re W'l'*** r«»_otry Order* Bollfitfd, and SalUfnrllon «inaraß<ee-. 030- -l«lTliOl_lDAY~CO'O DST Just Arrived at G£o. D. ALLMOND'SSewing Machine Depot. 806 J st : etc. Now to the time .„ bo, whHe ever,, h X ls .Vw -^ Wi-"S?k2S"£rt««^ii lS?.' GEORGE f>. ALLMOvD. wp, 3C 6 J STREET. Tufts' Ye v bine Cough BalsamT MILL CISE VII! X « 01*1! OR (OLD WHEN EVERYTHING ELSE FAILS. TRY IT. W'^ i*t^ COEWEK TE.TII \\r> J HTREETH. [m33-3-*1m1. .. i,ACRA.Hf< '\u25a0 -. THE HOLIDAY SEASON U f«»i approarhlntc. and wllb It the muni ealentallocH wkCTC and I ? what to bay to gladden the heartM or eltfcer our little onri or tho»e dearest to us. This qnestlon In ea»ll) aulved by <• illlD -- niton Ackerman & Co., Nos. 629 and 631 J street, Sacramento, WHERE EVERY CONCEIVABLE AITICLEIN THE LINE OK HOLIDAY PRESENTS AND Are kept in full abundance, and at prices which arc in reach of the humblest. tS" We are delrrmtccd to CLOSE <11T our entire »toek br JAM Alt V l«l, and have marktd every article at a Hgorc mhteh luaki find v italc lor It. For WEDNESDAY, NOV. 29th, ] WE HAVE 320 SLICHTLY DAMAGED DOLLS To offer, ranging fnun 25 to ro r< nt*. Many of Uum are s> iHrMH dtnaged as uot to be dhcernable, and are worth fully double the prx: m ked ZSSI. F. SLATER, Hatter,&, xj.spi eke r ;DRUGS.I" M! «ii^- sixi " KM.II-II AMD A.IIEKICAN Breech-Loading Shotguns, Winchester Rifles, Hunters' Supplies, HUNTINOTOH, HOPKINS & GO., SACRAJrejfTO AND BAH ntANCIgCO. AGENTS FOR CALIFORNIA AND HAZARD Powder Companies TO THE TRADE. JOSEPH HAHX, FORMERLY A MEMBER OF yp^ the firm of H. ('. Kirk * Co , KH wholesale druggists, bavins? re- _Bfcv« #w turned [rooi lii« Knropean uml W*j&9^v Eastern trip, has «pene»l a rew aril 6y*^Vrl extenfire Iniporiinjf aod Wholesale^jßLm^^L^X estabiishmeQi ;^t .*>o9 J sir: \u25a0\u0084 iifHi'ni lirib and Hi«:lt. -arr.m.i .1. , Where will be kept the fullest stock of Drugs* Medicines & ToiM Articles. In the department of TOILET ARTICLES he has brought to the market the finest and largest stock of Holiday GcodH ever seen upon this coist. His fine Parisian ttoods, select.-d by himself in Parii, willbe opened this week, and t-i^ther with pur- chases nude personally at the minufactorics in the East, will form the finest possible selection any- where to be found, and will be fold at t ic VERY LOWEST KATES. These goods consist of every, thins? in the Holiday Tra^e, >v n aa Dressing Coses, in Ivory, Celluloid, Rubber, Plush ani Woods, of beam if til designs and finest quality ; elegant Odor Cases, Perfumerr and Soaps of ali descriptions, both American and Foreign. A stoc'< of Drugs, L hemi- caN, Medicines and Uarfrical Appliance", of every kind known to the trade, are beinir imported' and received fron. first handj ; and having just opened an entirely new establishment, nothing but the freshest and latent will be in stock, and all of which will be sold KVKN WiTH THE VKKY LOWEST SAN FRANCISCO RATES. The business will be conducted under ihu firm uame of D2l-istf JOSEPH H*HM * OQ. STAR MILLS AND MALTHOUSE, XECBOFK6 * LH.t-i, NOS. 60, 52 AND 5* FIFTHST., SACRAMENTO, dealers Id Produce and Brewers' Supplied, Kan- u'icturer» of Malt and all klndji of Meals ; Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Cracked Wheat, Oraham Fkior, Buck- wheat Floor, etc New Grain Bags for Bale. Agents or Bncfceve Mill* Flour. Marvurille »u!7lp KIRK, GEARY & CO , WaWUttAU A>» RETAIL DRUGGISTS, NC. 416 J STKEET. DIRECT IMPORTERS OF Ilruc*. « li. in.- .i:». S'-.-t rlf- j—- lur> !;\u25a0 \u25a0•;.». !•<••; 1:1. : r> . £gg 1 Tollrl :iu«J »«<•«• H..M.1 r», jfSfe^j N.l.ip", t'OHOCIIc- ; !«air. «gW* s *Ai Toolb, Xatl, Clolb, l: ' ! l'^Sks2ll3L and l li.Si i:r---ii ; T»om. f*, Suppori r-, Bhunlf!rr Braces, Sllk- tlattic xiwrkiitso. i\u25a0 1 «.la»ivia.(. oilrl :.m» i". .I -;:i la»«, etc. OL'R PTCKTK OF TOILET KEQUIBITES ! Will be fount) t««al :• 1 hi:t kept i j anr >'\u25a0•.':\u25a0 In the "-1-.1 -. PRESCRIPTIONS AND F/<M LV PEOIPEB Preparrd hy rinipcl* at pbnrmarlt)*. o2aislm Peruvian Bitters! (CINCHONA Rt'BßA.t THE IIU-T BITTKU IN IHE WOKUft thby irraCTi'A' lt c::.« MALARIAL DISEASES! Vitalize the System, and nrrest the ravafcaa ot th» dreadliU Alcohol Harr.t, " DiraoMANIA." St A»U roar Drniuivt or Wlor'^irr.-hnat for them. «M Sptm Wm NEW FURNITURE! «BH COX3ISTISO OF FINE TARLOR AND BtDECOM SETS, IN GI:EAT \ililHi.- ALS Sitiplc Tieoes, Betidinff, etc. W. D COMSTOCK, Cor. Fifth and X streets. *,

Sacramento daily record-union (Sacramento, Calif.) 1882-11-27 [p ] · 2017-12-18 · and there is co occasion to open itsave in two days in each week, and then only be-tween the hours

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Page 1: Sacramento daily record-union (Sacramento, Calif.) 1882-11-27 [p ] · 2017-12-18 · and there is co occasion to open itsave in two days in each week, and then only be-tween the hours


—Apetition is

being circulated, taking for a repeat ofOrdinance 125, better known aa the coal oilstorage t.r*in:.tjce. Itvunderstood that thepetitioners willask, if not for the repeil, atleast for a mcuiScaUun of the ordinance bo asnot to entail unusual and damaging reatric-tionß upon the trade. The petitioners repre-sent a very large proportion of the leadingbusiness houses cf the city, and up to Satur-day evening the following hid signed :Whit-tier, Fuller & Co ,Continental OilCompany,Booth &Co., Standard OilCompany. GeorgeW. Cnealey, Sconeld k Tevis, J. H. Watson,Hall,Luhrs k Co., Kilgore k Tracy, 11. H.Paulk, Jamed I.FelteriCo., Lindley kCo.,Mebius k Co.. A Heilbron k.Bro., Btker kHatrnlt m. L.Eikus &Co., Billingbley &Co.,Peopled Savings B»t-k, K.H. Pettit, KirkjGaary k Co., H. S. Crocker k Co., AdamsMcNeil!k Co ,BiJw-11 k Cook, P. 11. Rua-sell, Fabian li:o?., Grangers' Co-operativeAseociation, W. A. BuUerfieVl, Hevecer kGriiliiUi,11. G S-mth, !£. T. Brewer &Co.W. Al Lyor, H..lbr<ok, Merrill k Stetson,Green & Trainor. Ca-ey k Cronai-, W. RStioog &Co., M.B. Bend k Co., A.A.VanVoorhies k Co., California St»te Bank,HuDtingt'U, Hopkins k Co. The pirtieiannounced in the Kecurd-Usiom onSaturday Mhaving been arresteJ for a viola-tion cf the ordiaaccf, appeared in the PoliceCourt on Saturday. George E. Bites actedas counsel for the defendants and City Attor-ney Andersou for tte prusecutiorj. JusticeGiliner stated that :n he wjuld not holdCourt this week he would prefer not to enteron the trial,and by consent the case was post-poned until next Wednesday morning at 10o'clock. The petition to repeal or modify theordinance willbe presented to the Board ofCity Tiusteea to-day. Acounter petition hasbeen circulated, and willalso bs submitted totbe same budy this morning.

The Cocbsing Match.— The SacramentoValley Coursing Club held a meeting on Sat-urday evening to make arrangements for thecur.-ii. b

' match to be held at Whitcomb'aranch on November 30tb, twelve milea fromthe city, on the lower Stockton road. Theentries made are as tollows :W. S. Leakeenters b. acd w. d. Blue Jacket ;W. S.Leake enters w. d. Dakota ;M. A. Howardenters b. b. Amy Howard ;Denis Moroneyenters b. b. Nelly; John Wtlc'j enters b.and w. H. Nelly ;Alex»mler Hall eaters w.d. Snowball; Steve Qiai! enttrs r. d. Lein-Bter ;H Carey enters n. d. Prido of theWest ;F. W. Dunn eutero f. and w. b. LadyGay; F. W. JJinn enteia r. b. Belle ofLewes ;Charles Z'itzler enters b. b. Sally.The foilj»ing named do^s have bean drawnfor tha match :Welch's b. b. Nelly againstLeaked b. and w. d. Blue J.-cket. ;Duun'rfr. b. B'llo t.fLjwes against Howard* b. b.Amy Howard ;Caeey'a b. d. Prida of theWest against Q uIFir.d. Lsinster ;Leake'sw. (?. Dikota against Moroney'a brin. b.Neily ;H*il'<s w. d. Suowb<-H acsiDßt Dunn'sf. and w.b. L»Jy Gay; C;.;-r.e< Ziitzltr'sb. b.runs a bye. The club ordered that the dogsmust be ivthe slips by !> A. m ,and no dogswillbe i.eriLji.ttd on the ground not drawtifor thaauteh. H. X (iieer was appointedjudge ;H. Casey and Thomas Doaswortb,stewards ;A. Larkin and Kiward Fa-rell,eliiDtrs. Ailmemb-ri of tha club are re-•piir^.t to we^ir badges.

SiSDAY School Coscebt. —The Snnday-

School of the First ('on,;i.i.;«tional (Jinrca.held a harvest festival la^i. evening. Tf.tre

was a very Urge attendmce. The cliik'renI'r .t'rtant 0.-;h»a Asylum were a!.io

present. The rostrum wae u^i,\u25a0-\u0084:.,' \dressed with fl iwers, pr .tninent nniocg thefealurCß bting a large flir&l cross, 'iherewere ako many tmblems of the haivest. Apart of the programme consisted in a repre-sentative from cuch class nMtcMag to therotttnim beariii;; some harvest emblem or har-vest product. T«« fcroup would then recitaroaie ;• i-~..-l' of Scriptuie appropriitely re-lating to the chosen emblem. The class-ni.i-.-y iflrrijgfor tliebjnetitof the nchoolwnu'.ii then h? haoded in. (),-.e of these classt ff^ricg» wai higii aa 510 50. AppropriatesiugiDg by tha children was frequent. Mrs.li-rk;y pre ided at the organ, and the churchchoir saug selection*. K«v.Dr. Dwine11 madean opening and a closing addrene. The chil-dren were bd in thur sinking by ElwoodBruner. Tho exercises were very pleadingand ir>ved highly entertaining to the largeaudience present.


Animmene* quantity of freighti§ passing over the Ceatr&l Pacific Kiilroadat the present time. The company find itdifficult to procure the cars necessary tumoveif. At the freight department in this city it

this f.tll than ever before. Special freight' trains are passing over the road each waydaily. On Saturday eleven carloads of cattlewere sbiy^ped from this city to Sin Jose. Be-side ihi- 113 cars loaded with cattle havepassed through SicrameDto witbio a week.Ahont 20 cattle MS allowed toeach or. Som«were loaded at different stations iv the Stateof Nevada, while others were shipped fromMarysvilld, Gridley, Anderson and Redding.They wiremostly c.mi'ignsd toSan Francisco,but some were shipped to San Jose and Oak-land. Trie near approach of Thanksgivinghaa caused large qaantities cf poultry to bs\u25a0hipped in different direction*, and the com-ing of cold weather has made wood a l»rg«factor in the moving of freight, while wheatia still raoviug toward the seabaard.

Police Coubt.—

The following businesswas tractactfd in the Police Court Saturday,Justica Gilder presiding: Ah Foy, grandUrct-uy, continued to December Ist; TomJicki"- ,drunk, discharged; Gjog Toy, mi«-demeaoor, mntinued to November 28.h ;J.C. Hi.v y. X EL Forester. J. Sterfens. L.Trzer :\'.iI. M. Blank, misdemeanor, coc-tina-t t. T> vfiober 2U.h ;Tom Goff, Jas.Btt > ru-oi. ouJ TjmSoott, "healtly beges.rs,"fouaii goiky, days ia county jiii;Win.Mmi •\u25a0!-.. iseasito wtrmft burglary, col-tinudi! to Decembar 21 ;J.mici) Murphy andJack Eorigbt) discbarged ;Mrs. Gilbert,common drunkard, thirtydays incounty jail.

The Hall of Kkcjbds Srrr.—

DiatrietAttorney BujkUy nnd Grove L.Johnsjn leftfor Qrtltwd yesterdiy for the purpose of de-fending this county in the suit brought byP. H. McGrew to recjver money alleged toba due for w:>rk doae on ihe Hall ofReccrdain this city. The MM willewe up for hear-ing in the Superior Court of Alameda countythis morning on a motion to sustain a de-murrer which has be?n filed, ami also ou amotion for a change of venne to this county.

is learned th.t more freight is being moved

Cirsr Receipts.— The following are the re-ceipts of t!ie city treasury for the week end-ing Saturday, November 2Sth :S. B, Cald-well,cemetery dues, $59 "5;R. D. Scriverwater rates, 91,1 0<* 75; N. A.Kidder, harbordues, $12 50 ;W. A. Henry. Police Courttines, $37 50; George A. Putnam, citylicense?, $270 90 ; George A. Putnam, doglicenses, $3 <JJ. Total, $1,4W) 38.

Osci more are placed in stock job lots of100 pieces of£ne fringed table damask at 45and 50 ceaU per yard ;ten pieces black silkat one-third their value ;cashmeres ; tenpieces ebontas cloths, 48 inchei wide, for 40cants ;black satins for 90 cents

—good value

at tl40 ; napidus, hosiery, etc.*

Call Kaei.t To-dat for twenty yards oftha best calico for $1 ;hosiery, at 8 aod 10recta (worth more tban double) ; windowshaded, fixtures complete, only 50 cento (worth75 cents), at Anderton &Hamin.

Obi thocsaw) dozen ladies' acd misses'hose receivtd, and they are k'oing to be soldfor a les» price than you e.er bought themfor before. Hale Bro*.

•Crockekt and glusyware m still tflared at

the reduced price sA Ackertcm'a closiug-ontpale.


11e.'.i> the advertisement of Ackerman £Cj. Itwillpay ycu to do it.

•~o^mß^-:cgtoti't Thai ka jiving card \u25a0


Eds. Rbcobd-Übion : The"

people* or-dinance "was pissed at the urgent solicita-tion of a well meaning citizen (who says hehad trouble to get itpassed), inorder to keepan oilhouse from locating near his property,on which he pays an insurance rate of 4 percent. That "slumbering volcano "it224 Jstreet U insured at ljper cent, and othercompanies "want some <f it"at the samerate. The highest rate pud on the paint andoilstock in the Orleans building, which wasfiiedby the Saa Francisco Bard of Under-writers, is lip?r cent. Th» highest ratepaidon tbe coal oil in the wareroom in tbe camebuilding is Ifper cent. Tha pirtics whodotha most talking about this trouble runpresses wi h a steam-eupioe and boiler, overwhich is located a lodging-house, the occu-pants cf which are more cr \e->e liable, with-out a moment's warning, to be sent to "Abra-ham's bosom." When these same partiesbought the Bee building, and for a long timeafter, the basement and first fljorof 224 Jstreet was filled with pine doors, sashand blind*, and workmen weredaily paiuting and glazing therein.Had it taken fire then theBee building would have been more endan-gered. Now, the basement is ell that isused,and there is co occasion to open it save intwo days in each week, and then only be-tween the hours of 8 A.M.and 4 P.M., makingitthe safest lot of oilstored in the city.

The C. P. R. R. Company buys its coal oilby the c»r load, fire timis more than the ordi-nance allows, and take, this dangerous arti-cle and distributes it from its '"shopr," aproperty almost as valuable, perhap, as thatrepresented by those agitating this matter.Other parties besides those proceeded agaicstare compelled to handle coal nil in like largequantities. A lik-j ordinaries was set asidein Stockton, on the grouad that itwas "con-trary to common Bense." Ifc ial oil, as soldin this city by the trade, had to be carted toa warehouse six blocks and back to the de-pot for shipment, the conntry trade c uld bebetter supplied from San Francisco, Stocktonand Marysville. Howe?er, tht| "people


this city could burn t a-. Fnme ware-houses have lately been known tobarn down over these "slumberiogvolcanoes," the even burned off ofthe cans, and yet not a can "explode," andthe loss was but trifling. Acm cf coal oil,of the grade which for years hfc» been han-dled by the ti•>•!.- here, has nr,t been knownto explode, but the idea has long since beenexploded. Hotels in this ciiy now pay oneand a half per cent, insurance, and coal oilin the name blocks nay one aid a quarter p.rcent, insurance. Suppose alt the high risksbe moved out of town, that those compara-tively safe may be s*fer. Ialso suggest thatnewspaper men talk to business men, andascertain business facts, before they"bounce" them. If nothing but an or-dinance will stttisfy tbe complainants, let anew one be euacted reducing tbe quantity onemay be allowed to keep without a permit toICO gallona instead of 500 gallons, and theTrustees supervise the permits themselves ;but Iprotest against the oil men beingbranded as outlaws or


"because an

ordinance "turns up" that was enacted toprotect a four per cent, risk, and which theyhad stupidly overlooked. Tine, the law'sdelay is often ancojicg, but in this case itisquite convenient when agitators require edu-cating up to the standard of ommonsenso.

J. Steffkss,Hialthy BfO(;ißS.— Thres men who gave

the names of Goff, Stevensiu and Scott, werearraigned in the Police Court oc Saturday ona charge of being

"healthy beggars." The

prisoners defeu Jed themselves with a Bhrewd-ness that showed they were no novices st thebusiness. It appsired to have had someweight with Judge Gilmer, for after sen-tencing each of them to the county j*fl forthe full time allowed by the law, he withheldthe commitment for twenty-four hours for thepurpose of giving the men time to leave thecity. The men are well known in policecircles, but do not appear to be very w-!lac-quainted in the nity, for it has been slatedthat later in the day one of them approacheda newspaper repress' alive on Second streetand modestly requested the loan of half adoll»r. The trio did not leave the city evi-dently, for yesterdiy two of them were ar-rested by officer Eldred. and charged withdisturbing the peace. The chsjb will comeup brfnre Judge Henry this morning, whentijfy willprobably receive the fullest punish-ment allowed by the law. Goff, alias Stan--1-y, was one of the leaders of a band oftrampt tha v. about three years ago organizsdand defied the officers of this eiiy.

Sudpen Death.—link Julia B°nrettdropped dead of heart disease ia-t eveuingat her residence, oa P street, between Fifthand sixth »trcet-:. Ti,e dtcaoeed wag about50 ycara of air». Sbe h»d been su'.jeci to at-tacks of hantdiww f>ir mm^ tim». Lmlevening ter sun. Wiliiac, aead 25 year*,c-.rr.e home ia an ir.toxie -it«:d c .Dditi.ir. undb-ig»u -.l.Ti.-irL' t'le family, aacl efi^cUliya yc-ucgfr brother. A dbtarbsnct occurredbetween the two boy, and the moth' r leftthe house witha still younger child, with theintention of repairing to the hou?e of a friend,rirutted on the next block. Before suinghalf the distance, an 1, at the corner of P andFifthstreets, she fell dead, as before stated.The drunken eon waa c -tinned in tha police-atation la^t night for safe keeping. The hus-band of the deceased ia in the employ of theCentral Pacific Railroad.

G. A. R. Camf-firk.—

Or Saturday even-ing Sumner Post, No. 3, Grand Army of theRepublic, appointed a committee of five, con-sisting of I.S. Moore, C. K. Adame, E. L.Hawks, Harrison Bennett and J. D. Kent,to make arrangements for a reception andc»mp-fire to be givin to Governor-elect Gen-eral George Stontman upon his arrival inSacramento ness muctb. General Slovenianis a member of the above-named organiza-tion. Itis the intention cf the old veteransto arrange things in camp-life style, by serv-ing tK.e u»ual bill of fare on such occasions,which consists of "s»lt horse." hard tack,o ffee, pipes and tobjecj. The committeewillcorrespond with General Stoneman andascertain the time, of bis arrival in the city.

Commercial.— Since last report the follow-ing Bteamerß have arrived at Sacramento :San Joaquin No. 2, from San Francisco, withgeneral merchandise and barge of freight andone of lumber for Sacramento Lumber Com-pany ;Varnna acd Dover, from the upperSacramento, withgrain in tracsit ;Reform,from Sin Francisco, withbarge of lumber forthe Friend & Terry Lumbar Company andN. L Drew. Departed

—San Jo&quin No. 2,

with barge of grain to order ;Varuaa, for theupper Sacramento, withbarge of freight andbarge light; Neponset, with general mer-chandise for the upper Sacramento.

Willie Kkesb Again.—R-aders of theRecord-Union willremember the arrest of aboy 13 years of age at the Central Pacificdep -t, who bad in his po.^saion over $2,8"0that be bad found on the overland train, andalso 'f the boy being taken t<> Otkland afterhis discharge io the Police Court, on a chargeof stealing a horse and wagon. Last Tours-day tLo case came up in the Superior Court•)f Alsrueda county, and the boy was con-victed and sentenced to two months' confine-ment in the county jail.

Free Library Keport.—The followingistbe report of the Sacramentoc nto Free Library forths wetk ending November 2.rih :Number ofbooks is?u<»d, SOI ;fiction, 015 ;biography,20 ;history, 24 ;travels and adventure, 46 ;DJiect-llineons literature. 40 ;religion, 2; po-eiry and drama, 20 ;science and art, 34. Ay.er*ge imniH i-mi dpsrday, *.14:percentageof notion, "»'.. OiNjvembir :W;h the librarywill he closed duricg the day ;open at 6o'clock P. M.

Late Akrests.—

The followingnsmea wereregistered at the police station at 12 o'clock :Tom Groff, alias Stan'ey, disturbing thepence; Tom Jackson, disturbing the pe&cs

.and common drucktr J ; Charles Knglish,drunk ;

—Boom, disturbing the peace and

using vulgar language.

Funekal.— The funeral of the late J. M.Wiedmann took place yesterday afternoontinder the auspices of Union Lodge, A.O.U.W. Itwas very largdly attended, the lineof carriages to the cemetery being over fiveblocks in length.

Notics.—At the Red House there wasplaced ia stock Saturday, from the OaklandMills,ladies' white and scarlet knitunderwear (all wool); ladies', misses' and chil-dren's wool hose

—all prices. These goods

guarantae themselves.*

Itwas a grand succcas—

the rush on Satur-day for goods at 40 cents on the dollar. Thereis more to be cold to-day at Anderson kHamm'd. *

Rehsastb of drew good*, carpets, etc., atany price to dose, at the creditors' sale of IAnderson &Hamm's stock.


A lakqilot of slightly damaged dolls will'

be iS red on Wec'nesiiiy, November 'J9th, at .| Ackeruian's clo*iig-out (ale. Attend aod !jsupply your want*.

For a large fa', mackerel *> to Bt« Tree'

Stir?, corner Eg'lt-; and J streets, and get'

oae for 10 cents.* ;

A special sale of hosiery to comment j\ Monday, at rue- third le*s than value. Hale jI|8.-v«.


CONCISE LOCALS.Forty-three immigrant passengers willar-

rive to-morrow.A new schooi-honse at Clay station is

Inearly completed.The regular Republican nominees for

School Directors are officiallyannoonceJ to-day.

The Sacramento river is still on the de-cline, and last evening marked 8.10 abovelow water.

Alarge number of oil paintings wero soldat the Metropolitan Theater on Saturdayafternoon and evening.

Officer O. C. Jackson Trent to Truckee lastevening, to get a witness in a murder trialwhich i< set lax this week.

Frank M.Page, sot of Consrres*m»n Page,willtake a desk in the office of A. L.Frost,Revenue Cillector, on the Ist of December.

Miss Emma Kelley, who has been teachingschool at Free port, came home Friday, andis confined to her house withmalarial lover.

At the Signal Service Office, last night,reports were receivtd cf a slight rainfall atOlympU, Portland, Roseburg, and San Fran-cisco.

Over 400 tickets to the benefit ball recentlygiven to the Howard's Benevolent Associa-tion were sold to the employes in the railroadshops.

The Sacramento Band of Hope gave an en-tertainment at Westminster PresbyterianChurch on Friday evening, which was wellattended.. A letter was read ia St. Rose Churchyesterday from Archbishop Alemany, of SanFrancisco, which made a strong appeal foraid for the Pop*.

Inaddition to the changes in the arrivaland departure of train?, heretofore announcedto take effect to-d^y, the train, for ShingleSprings willleave at 7:30 A. M., a halt hourearlier than formerly.

Saturday a man named E. A. La Blanc,who waa hauliog bay from a car onIstreet,caught hii foot in ths lines and fell in sucha way as to break a bone in his left leg andbadly bruise hin shoulder.

Dr. G. S. NorcrosH, of San Joae, e'eetricienand magnetic phyeici?n, has taken rooms inOtasJa building orijcr of Eighth and Xstreet", in thin city, and willengage in thepractice »f hU profession.

Sheriff Spr&gue, of Bu'.te ccunty, passedtbrcagh the city yeaterd&y, en route to Oro-viils from :'u; Qaeatin with a prisonernamed EJ. Mitchell, who is U be u;ed as awitness ia a Chinese murder tiial.

Gong Toy, the Chinese woman arrested 02Friday on a warrant Givorn tjby a well-known highbinder, charging her withobtaic.icg money by false repr?nentation«, willcomeup tot examination ia tia Police Court to-morrow morning.

The first of th» series of free lectures to begiven by the Y. M. C. A., at their head-quarters on Fourth street, willtake place thisevening. Rev. E G. Backwilh. D.D., ofSan Francisco, willdeliver a lecture entitled"Among the Volcanoes.

"Judge Henry has returned fro™ San Fran-

cisco, and will preside in the P< lice Courtthis morning. He says the principal newfeatnre he observed in the metropolis whstho large mruber of persons who were look-ing for appointments voder the comirjg ad-i:.i:-:-'rat!-'r.

The overland train from the East, whichwas due here Saturday morning, did not ar-rive until yesterday morning at 3:30 o'clock.The delay was caused by the ditching of afreight train at White Plain?, forty milea*east from Wadswotth. A brakeman caioed1.. L.Campbell and a son of J. B. (Jumpbell,proprietor of a hotel at Like Tahoe, was in-stantly killedby the accident. Tho remainswillbo broujht to t!is city for interment.

CITY AUDITOR'S REPORT.E. H. McKee, City Auditor, makes the

following report for the week ending Satur-day, November 25, 1882 :Balance onhand last report $1a2,566 86Receipts forIhe week 1,499 3S

Total $154,366 24DISBCBSEMBNT9.

General Fund (ISO 50Water Works Fund 383 27Lsvee Fund Ul7 50Cemetery Fund 60 00Street Fuud 148 COPolice Fuud 8 22Exhumatiun Futid fi 00Sewtr Fun J 7s 00

1.47S 43

Total amount iv Treasury *152,887 75

APfOHTIOJiMENT.Siii'-. ir.L' and Interest Fund SO7,SSS 70Qanacal Fund l'2,7Ti> 05Water Works Fund 9f["C'(i S7Fire Department Fund 7,476 79School Fund 11,9 v 61Levee Fund gs 45Cemetery Fund 2,b0& 11Stn t t h und I,:>, 703*'\u25a0 'liv-cFund r>,718 46Bond Keiit-mptionFuiid 13 S4Exhumation Fuud Dili 00Fire Department Bund and Interest Fund 62 21Übnrj Fund 1,.'ul 71\u25a0iL'wer Fund 1,192 (17I><>S Fund 7 i•X,L,Ninth and Tenth street Fond 13 20

Total *U2,8»7 To

SOCIAL AND PERSONAL.Paul Friedman, of Stockton, isin town.A. C. Earle, of Philadelphia, is in town.J. B. Haggin and fa-niij have gone East.Dr. (Jjell,of Woodbridge, was in Sacramento vce.


William Jones, Fire Commissioner, went East lasteveuing.

Mrs. William Uunlap, of Roeeville, is visiting inthe city.

W. J. Madilen, of Smartsville, was in the cityyesterday.

C. E. Williams and Henry Lorenz, of Shasta, arein the city.

Dr. M Gardner left yctterday fur a two weeks'trip to Texas.

Ariul Latbrop passed throush the city Friday, enroute to Vina

Thomas B. loch and child, of Eureka Mills, arein Sacramento.

Alic;Cussick, of this city, will arrive by the over-land train this morning.

H. H. Karle, J. E. Mitchell, of San Francisco, arestopping in Sacramento.

J. N. Bayley, |of Oakiand, and W. H. Clark, ofSan Jose, are in the city.

R. McMurray, of North San Juna, returned liomcfromSan Francisco on Saturday.

A.J. Swectser, of Moore's Station, Buttc county,19 visiting friends in Sacramento.

J. Lackhard, Forest Hill, and A. Undley, Reno,arrived in Sacramento yesterday.

F. B. Orr and wife, Mrs. K. W. Leach and C. B.Orr, of Chicigo, arc? stopping in the city.

M.Gildmacher, IL Solomon, J.F. Mayne, F. M.Gilbam, of San Francisco, arrived in the cityyester-day.

Matt Cannavan, of Virginia City, Nevada, pws&lthrough the city Saturday, en ruute to San Fr»n-cisco.

The Pioneer Association if this city are makingpreparations for their annual social, to be givenon the -'

:iof next munth.Last Thursday evening a surprise party was jriven

to Miss Mary Mvrsehcau, of thU city, at Gram Val-ley, where she is visiting friends.

N.Manning, wife and son, of New York, anilMiss Libbie Haas, of Blue Spring*, Neb., arrivedin the city yesterday from the E:wt.

Ge-rge W. Schell, of Medestn; Chirles Clayton,of Sin Francisco, and A. M. Chapman, of Chico,State Prison Conimissiimers, were in the city yes-terday.

At Dutch Flit, last Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. E.ChamN:rliiu celebrated their silver wedding. Theywere the recipients of mauy valuable and appropri-ate presents.

J. B. Campbell, proprietor of a hotel and Postmaster at Lake Talhre. came t-> th's city last week,|and will remain during the winter. His family ac-j company him.

A K. Towne, General Manager of the Central Pac'fii: Kailroad, and family,and J. C St!ibbs, Genera

j Manager uK the Freight Department, passed throughthe city ou Siturday evening from San Franci6c, enroute to the East.

H.M. Cooper, S. V.Cooper, Helena, Mont.; D. M.Sechler, L.Kmerson, Cincinnati, 0.; A.Page, M.H.Livingston, Ed. S. Rot-hchild, George Bocradaile, ofSail Francisco, are in the city.

Mrs. S. E. Wilson, of Suiter county, arrived inthe city yesterday from a visit to the Eastern States.She wus meet by her sister, Mrs. H. J. Gleun, ofOakland, who accompanied her home.

State House Hotel :Wm. Foj c, Cosumnes ;GuyTaylor, Olila ;John Gretubowcr, Citco ;H. Leslie,Santa Kusa ;A. O.Damn, Plymouth;E. M.Church,Truckee ;A. T. Higbee, Dima ;K. W. Shepler,Lake House; W. T. Stepheusjn, E. Stephenson, J.O. Stephccson, Franklin.

Mr. and Mm. James McCauloy, of Inne City, weretendered a surprise party by their numerous friendson the evening of the lSih instant, the occasionbeing the twenty-fifth anniversary of their wedding.They were the recipients of several handsome andappropriate presents. The emiple were married atClarkeville, fcl Dorado county, in1*57.

Last evening S(orri9 Badovic'i and Miss Lena Ar-nold were married in the parlors uf Mrs. Chamberlain, over D. O. MillsICo.'* bank. Areceptionwas afterward* given, at which the followingladiesand eenilemtn were present :Mra. Cbitnberlain anddaughter, Mr. and Mrs. Carr, ami anumber of otherladies whose names were not learned, J. W. Lee,Eobert J. Cooke, D. C. Ashby, Jas. Sc|>ulveda, ThosGleaso-!, Charles R. Shearer, Charlts Sellinger, JohnGill,J. W. Shepperd, Fred. RobbiD, James A Bar-wick, William Benaing, John MiieU. William Mi-KeAna.

To Good HrsßANra.— lfyon want to sur-!prii-e your wife, boy her a $22 50 French, china .-.inner set for Thanksgiving. Acker-:man k (_Y. •! The grua* si!e of dry goods. Job lots of1tte finest in the rnark-t are now being sold,at the KeiiHorse at two-thirds their value.Allwhjhare teen the. ods gj^eik inpraises.*

Ir willIm worth your while to call earlyjto-J»y to »<cu>e good*, a*. 40 c?ct» en the \u25a0

dollar, at A'dersca & ttamm'a.


Thi-rsdat, November 23, 1882.6,229—Saat» gruz R. R. Co. nCounty of Santa

Cruz—Judgment affirmed. The Court.G.SSS

—Roberts vs.Columbet— Judgment reversed.

|with directions to the Court below to enter Jud»---> ment in favor of the defendant upon the findings.

SnißrsTHx, J.We concur :Thornton, J.; McKinstry, J • Morri-

son, C. J.We dissent :Myrick,J.; McKee, J.; Ross, J.

SiTfRrAT,November 25, 1882.Court met pursuant tc adjournment. Present—

Morrison, C. J., presiding ;McKinstry, J.; McKee,J.; Myriclt,J. ;Roe.", J.; fcharpstein, J.; J. B.Mar-tin, Di-p'.ny Clerk ;Finkler, Bailiff.

B,373— Bradford et al. xt. Dor«y et si.—

Argu-ment refaumed by Street for appellant and Dorseyfor respondent, and submitted.

B,olß—Dresbach vs. His Creditors —Argued br

Armstrong for appellant and Wallace for respond-ent, and respond, nlallowed twenty d*ys to file briefand appellant ten days to reply ;cause to be sub-mitted thereupon.

8,085— Hayes vs. Campbell et al.—

Argued by Fifeforappellant and McKune for respondent, and sub-mitted.

B,2os—Hewlett vs. Miller—Ordered that appellanthave forty days to tile brief, with twentydays to re-spondent to reply;came to besubmitted thereupon .

Ordered that Associate .Imtic- Thornton be al-lowed to participate in the decision of all caseslieard to-day.

Court adjourned toMonday morning at 9:30.TO-DAY'S CALENDAR.

I.N BANK.Court meets at 9:30 o'clock a.k.

10,662-People vs. Hamilton.6,856 —

PaciHc Life Insurance Co. vs. StroupS,*4o—Barntt vs. Sims.


Court meets at 10 o'clock v M.B.337—Carey vs. Brown.B,42l—Rice vs. McKune et al.B,432—Fierce vs. Schaden et al.8,464— 0de1l Mal. vs. Wilson et al.S,s«2— Mtchell vs. Bs-knuan et al.


Satlrdat, November 2."., 1882.Dkpartkkst Two—Dimxht, Judye.

Mar^-iret Taylor vs. Mary E. Oher— Arguments ofcase cndudal and submitted ;taken unier ad-visement.


Saturday, Novembar 2% 1882.Xivcmber 24—J. H. Scott ami wife to Isaiah

Reiidcll— 'lliirtyacres in American township, southof the American river and oast of Nineteenthstreet, Sacrunento, extended ;#3,000.

November '12—

The United Sous of Friendship toGccrge Murray—North quarter of lot 8, in blockbounded by Nand O, Fifth and Sixthstreets, city ;*1f.O.

November 24—Samuel W. Pt-.lin to John Flickin-ffcr—North half «f Fection 18, township 0 north,range 7 east, 32) 75- 100 acres ;*5,000.

Keom the Oregon Woolen Mills:Men'sclothing, custom- made, in dark and lightgray ;also in iaucy cassimere suits. TheseRoods are the best, and are kept at tbe liedHouse. \u25a0

Save a littleof your time on Wednesdaynext, and visit Halo's clearance of reitnaiite.Itwillrepay yon well.

•Hosiery and remnant.) the special feature

this week, lials's Lew acivertUeruent in thisissue. \u25a0

•To-DAT \9 the big d»y for 40 cents on thed.jUar, at Anderson & 11 \u25a0...:.:v. •_ Cheslei's Maple Rum, with Tulu, is un-rivaled for coughs an icolds.




Free lecture to-night at Y.M.C. A. rooms.Enlert&inmeDt to morrow night by tbe Pbi-Alpha

Club.Notice— Regular Republican nominees for School

Directors.Keal estate to let and for B»l2 by A. Leonard &

Bon.Card— People's Market.

New time-übie— Sacrameuto and FUcerviile Rail-road.

Meeting to-night— A. O.F., Ccurt Capitol.

Meetiig t>ni(tfct—K.of H., California Lodge.Mectinc to-night— Sicrimento Council, Royal and

Select Masters.Electricity and mignetHm—Dr. O. S. Xorcrosg.For ex-liange or sale— Bouse and lot.Notice—Central Pacific land bonds.

Buclcess AdvertisementsP. H.Russell— "TryBell's poultry dressing."Acktrman k Co.—Holiday preset.^ and to>s.Mechanic*' 3torc— Men's clothing, etc.Hale Bros, t Co.— Hosiery.



MARRIED.>Sonnro, November I!)—John Dawroi to Lucy BellDMafc, Novtmber W— Wm. W. Woods to ijarah E

Wivid.Ukiah, November 11—Kobert Moore to Martha

Gschwind.Chico, November J3— Asa Blackburn to Minta

Turner.Oroville, November 22—S. L.Fimple to Miss Ral-

ston.Rel Blull, November 10— Frank J. Corning to Cora

Christian.Ked Bluff, November 19

—Robert H. Florence to

M«rearet Kexler.Ni.ar Mured, November 22 -George Hannah to

Addie Taylor.M^rccil river, November L2— <Jeurj;e VV. Davu to

Mary McDou^ ral.San Francisco, November 17—T.iouias W. Tompkins

to Etfie A. Kiii^r.Sin Francisco, November 22— Philip Young to Cor-

nelia Kouding.

BORN.Sacramento, November 21—Wi'e of Elmer C. Cook,

:t (iau^hter.San Franciec >, November 9—Wife of Tliomar Gor-

man, a daughter.Silinw!, November 16—Wife of W. J. Worne*, a

'l-iu'.'hter.viarckdale, November 10

—Wife of Geo. Murphy,

a sion.

DIED.Sacramento, November 23-rLizz:e Lee, a native of

Nor'.h CuroUna, Is >ears.IFritiuls an<l acquaintances are refpect/ully invited

to Ittlfdtbe funeral, wlreh wiiiuke p.ace fmmtbe undertskii'tf rooms of A J. Vermilva thisludrnir.s at l"::>0o'clock. 1

Sacnmento, November 2.'>— Frederick P.. Washiuc-ton, a native of VbgMa, Uye »re.

[Frienils and act|Uaintance3 are resrcctfuliy in\ itedto attend the fumral, which willtake placo fromthe A M. E.C'nuroii this ailernoou at 2:30 o'clock.)

Sacram<"n-ii, November 2tt—Ernest Boon, 10 monthsand 11 days.

[Friends are respectfully invited toattend the fune-ral, which will take place from the residence siMrs. Cogar, on Fourth street, between Iand J,this afternoon at 3 o'clock.l

Campbtill— Tbe funeral of Lincoln L.Campbell willtake place this morning at 11 o'clock from thercsids;;ce of Frank Perkins, No 1227 X street.Friend* and acquaintances are respectfully invitedto attend.

Sacramento, November 2G- Eer.r (Jregoria, a nativeof Chile, Wiyears.

[Funeral notice hen-after. 1Near Fretpjrt—Mary Mtinardi, 79 years.

iFunera' this morning at 11 o'clock. Friends areinvited to attend.]

Grass Valley, November 14—Nicholas Singley, 107years. 1 month and 18 da\s.

Wfi De Meter's Catabbh CubeAffords instant relief ami certain cure. Aseffective in ra>es r>{ 20 years' standing as ivordinary colds. One package ib generallysufficient. £1, of all driißKis^.

Baby's Warning.

When baby has pains at dead of ni;bt,Mother ina fright, father ina plight;When worms do bite, baby must cry.If fever sets in, baby may die.If cr.'upv pains kill'Leonora,Inthat Inu;i- there's no (anlnrla.For mothers earn without delay,Castorla cures by night and day.





INSURANCE AGENTB,No. 1015 Fourth street,


Oar or CM Arrr.. InBnlle rniinly.Ibrermiles from Bills' Station, being property ofMAKIOXBIGGS, Jr. Is the besf (rrain, fruit oralfilfa land in Butte county; is well timbered;with (rood lanre dwelling:, barns, blacksmith shop,tnol»t

granary, etc. WillF.xchanof. is Pari iokKekisuce i:> i'ikush ok Svjkjuiisio.


A £o«d Dairy or Hop Baorh or inAcre*.onSacramento river. 'Iwo good dwellings, bams,stable ;is weil timbered ;has a few hap poles onplace. Willbe sold forlow price of f2O per acre.

Hop and Grain Banch or 400 Acres, onCosumues river;250 acres of fine bottom land.


Fine t ri.'.l Banch or leo Acre*, altoatrd7 miles from Sacramento ;17 acres in orchard, 3acres in blackberries, 4 &cres in strawberries, 26acres iv vineyard ;steam engine and pump forirrigating ;prood buildings, etc. This is one ofthe best truitranches on the plains. Price, flO.OOO.Terms of payment easy.


Pmall Farm »r 1« Acres, near Pearyn,w-.th 100 fruit trees, of all varieties ;1,000 gripsvme«, 1,500 blackberry and 1,000 raspberry bushes,allin good bearing condition. .Price, £1,500.

~IUO-T *Farm of IS Acre. 1-3 Mile or the City—

600 truit trci», 3.000 foreign grapes; dwellioe,barn, etc Prve, jS.OOO.

SWESTSEK *.ALSIP, gecrament*.


Weinstock &Lubin.««i



Tbmfkrature Ykstebdat :„. Hocsic Tuonel opened, 1873.ttignest, 57 Paoißc Ocaan discovered byMagallar, 1520.Xjowest, 42

Snn Rises 6:54 A. M.Tempskatub* CoEBESFOUniSG DAT,1881 : Sun S«t» 4:42 p. m.__

, Moon Rises 7:3J p. M,Highest, 59 Moon Souths 1:57 a. m.Lowest, 35 Day's Length 9n. 48min.

\Y'" ./


CUFFS.Extra Quality SCARF3,in Tarty Shades,


Men's Wool Shaker Socks, lie.\u25a0

\u25a01 r W IIIf

£g° The season is at its height now in nearly allkinds of goods, and people are buying with the satis-faction which comes from so splendid an assortmentto choose from. A dollar goes further at our stores

MEN'S CLOTHING !Bottle-green Mohair Frock Suits, $22 50.New style Pin-head Check Cassimere Sack Suits, $20.Plain Hair-line Diagonal Sack Suits, $15.Extra-fine Dress Suits, satin-lined, $40.Wool, Cheviot Sack Suits ; good for business wear,

$12.Fine Striped, Diagonal Sack Suits ; silk-bound,

$17 50.

OVERCOATS !Dress Overcoats, finest quality, silk-lined, $29 50.Twilled Cassimere Overcoats; something new, $13.Wool Tweed Ulsterettes, skeleton lining, $8 75.Chinchilla Overcoats, double-breasted, fancy lining,$8.Soldier Overcoats, $4 50.Extra Heavy Chinchilla Ulsters, with Astrakhan trim-

Black Beaver Overcoats, $10,Plain Melton Satinet Overcoats, $5.Extra-fine Chinchilla Ulsterettes, $16.

BOYS' CLOTHING!Dark Gray or Brown-mixed, Tweed Suits ; for ages,

10 to 16 years. Price, $6 50.Strong Pants for everyday wear ; ages, 10 to 16 years.

Price, 75 cents.Dark Brown Tweed Blouse Suits ; jacket and knee

pants, $3 50.Children's Overcoats, light drab tweed, $5.All-woolGray Cassimere Suits ; ages, 10 to 16 years.

Price, $10.Boys' Chinchilla Overcoats, $6 50.Dark Cheviot Suits ; for ages, 10 to 15 years. Price,

Woolen Foules, 55 cents per yard ; in all the fashion-

Black Plush Brocades, $3 25 per yard.Black Satin Ottoman, $1 25 per yard.Plaid Foules, 44-inch, $1 per yard.Black Cloaking Velvet, 28-inch wide, $3 50 per yard.Black Silk Ottoman, $1 50 per yard.Carmelite Cloth, 44-inch, all-wool, $1 per yard.

Silk-faced Velvet, allcolors, $I25per yard.27-inch Skirting Satin, $1 25 per yard.22-inch Velveteens, in black and allcolors,

70 cents ;extra value.Black Satin Merveilleaux, $1 25, $1 50 and

$1 75 per yard.

MECHANICS' STORE,Nos. 400, 402, 404, 406, 408 X St., Sacramento.


\u25a0npoßrsKs ami ot'.i' >?. iv

LTQUORS,Nos. 1016 apd 1018 Second street, between J and X, Sacramento..___ _____ —

-^._^fi^WATCHKASLFK AHB JC^ELES. MJ W.,BtTr. hi*««» _«_ TBFSB c\_^

*TDoalei In WATCHES, JEWSLRY AND DIAHONDS. KoD_.;_r to _fM!»,,*„..'inder _H. yLOB-iRQ. A^nl for -ockford YfKtc*rompg,^'""


"ft JTO^tl^ "~3BS^^3HTB3_i_7~~t/fl Importer, Mar.ofaoturer, Wio'.es* c ana EleW! Dealer Inevery oascnctlon o. FpFUlEllSriTUß^]and_3EDlDl]Sra____^P»' •»*.mand »Wt X Hireft, bet. E-vth ,nrt §afraiae?fr>. au7.^ptf



J£i:.\T O»' tIETAI\S, MH4DEB, tllliMdv ETC.


theiro_:van_U Xamine "'" '̂tOCk **

KOOdB bCf°re W'l'***r«»_otry Order* Bollfitfd,and SalUfnrllon «inaraß<ee-. 030-

-l«lTliOl_lDAY~CO'ODSTJust Arrived at G£o. D. ALLMOND'SSewing Machine Depot. 806 J st :

etc. Now to the time.„

bo, whHe ever,, h,»X ls .Vw-^Wi-"S?k2S"£rt««^ii lS?.'GEORGE f>. ALLMOvD. wp, 3C 6 J STREET.

Tufts' Ye v bine Cough BalsamTMILLCISE VII!X « 01*1! OR (OLD


'\u25a0 -.

THE HOLIDAYSEASONU f«»i approarhlntc. and wllb It the muni ealentallocH wkCTC and I

? what to bay to gladden the heartM or eltfcer our little onri ortho»e dearest to us. This qnestlon In ea»ll) aulved by



Ackerman &Co.,Nos. 629 and 631 J street, Sacramento,



Are kept in full abundance, and at prices which arc in reach of the humblest.

tS" We are delrrmtccd to CLOSE <11T our entire »toek br JAM AltVl«l, and have marktd every article at a Hgorc mhteh luaki find v italclor It. For


320 SLICHTLY DAMAGED DOLLSTo offer, ranging fnun 25 to ro r<nt*. Many of Uum are s> iHrMH dtnaged as

uot to be dhcernable, and are worth fullydouble the prx:mked

ZSSI. F. SLATER,Hatter,&,xj.spieker;DRUGS.I"M!«ii^-sixi



Breech-Loading Shotguns,

Winchester Rifles,

Hunters' Supplies,







FORMERLY A MEMBER OF yp^the firm of H. ('. Kirk *Co , KH

wholesale druggists, bavins? re- _Bfcv« #wturned [rooi lii« Knropean uml W*j&9^vEastern trip, has «pene»l a rew aril 6y*^Vrlextenfire Iniporiinjf aod Wholesale^jßLm^^L^XestabiishmeQi ;^t

.*>o9 J sir: \u25a0\u0084 iifHi'ni lirib and Hi«:lt.-arr.m.i .1. ,

Where will be kept the fullest stock of

Drugs* Medicines &ToiM Articles.In the department of TOILET ARTICLES he has

brought to the market the finest and largest stockof Holiday GcodH ever seen upon this coist. Hisfine Parisian ttoods, select.-d by himself in Parii,willbe opened this week, and t-i^ther with pur-chases nude personally at the minufactorics in theEast, will form the finest possible selection any-where to be found, and will be fold at tic VERYLOWEST KATES. These goods consist of every,thins? in the Holiday Tra^e, >v n aa Dressing Coses,in Ivory,Celluloid, Rubber, Plush ani Woods, ofbeam iftildesigns and finest quality;elegant OdorCases, Perfumerr and Soaps of ali descriptions, bothAmerican and Foreign. A stoc'< of Drugs, Lhemi-caN, Medicines and Uarfrical Appliance", of everykind known to the trade, are beinir imported' andreceived fron. first handj;and having just openedan entirely new establishment, nothing but thefreshest and latent will be in stock, and allof whichwill be sold KVKN WiTH THE VKKY LOWESTSAN FRANCISCO RATES. The business will beconducted under ihu firm uame of

D2l-istf JOSEPH H*HM*OQ.


NOS. 60, 52 AND5*FIFTHST., SACRAMENTO,dealers Id Produce and Brewers' Supplied, Kan-

u'icturer» of Malt and all klndjiof Meals ;Oatmeal,Cornmeal, Cracked Wheat, Oraham Fkior, Buck-wheat Floor, etc New Grain Bags for Bale. Agentsor Bncfceve Mill*Flour. Marvurille »u!7lp




Ilruc*. « li.in.-.i:». S'-.-t rlf- j—-lur> !;\u25a0 \u25a0•;.». !•<••;1:1. :r>. £gg 1

Tollrl :iu«J »«<•«• H..M.1 r», jfSfe^jN.l.ip", t'OHOCIIc- ; !«air. «gW*s*AiToolb, Xatl, Clolb, l:'!l'^Sks2ll3Land lli.Si i:r---ii ;T»om.f*, Suppori r-, Bhunlf!rr Braces, Sllk-tlattic xiwrkiitso. i\u25a0 1 «.la»ivia.(. oilrl:.m» i"..I-;:i la»«, etc.


TOILET KEQUIBITES!Will be fount) t««al :• 1hi:t kept ij anr

>'\u25a0•.':\u25a0 In the "-1-.1 -.


F/<M LV PEOIPEBPreparrd hy rinipcl*at pbnrmarlt)*.




thby irraCTi'A' lt c::.«

MALARIAL DISEASES!Vitalize the System, and nrrest the ravafcaa ot th»

dreadliU Alcohol Harr.t,"


St A»Uroar Drniuivt or Wlor'^irr.-hnatfor them. «MSptm


Sitiplc Tieoes, Betidinff, etc.

W. D COMSTOCK, Cor. Fifth and X streets. *,