s4h25 Unit 1 Exercises s4h25 openSAP: Unit 01: Introduction to the course and our SAP Cloud Appliance Library solutions Exercise 1: Access the SAP CAL and find the required solutions Exercise 2: Create your own SAP CAL instance PUBLIC

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s4h25 – Unit 1 Exercises

s4h25 openSAP: Unit 01: Introduction to the course and our SAP Cloud Appliance Library solutions

Exercise 1: Access the SAP CAL and find the required solutions

Exercise 2: Create your own SAP CAL instance


s4h25 – Unit 1 Exercise 1



Contents BEFORE YOU START ...................................................................................................... 3

Prerequisites for this exercise ........................................................................................ 3

Exercise 1: Access the SAP CAL and find the required solutions ........................................ 4

Overview ....................................................................................................................... 4

Objective ................................................................................................................... 4

Exercise Description ................................................................................................... 4

Exercise 2: Create your own SAP CAL instance ................................................................. 6

Overview ....................................................................................................................... 6

Objective ................................................................................................................... 6

Exercise Description ................................................................................................... 6

s4h25 – Unit 1 Exercise 1



Prerequisites for this exercise

You must have a cloud provider account with either Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP) or Microsoft Azure.

You must have an SAP Community registration and user id, which you can create for free while performing the first exercise.

We have prepared four SAP Cloud Appliance Library (CAL) solutions for you, which are at different preparation and configuration stages during a system conversion

from SAP ERP to SAP S/4HANA. Using our four SAP CAL solutions is free of charge with a trial license for 30 days

each. Plan to complete all units and exercises within the allocated duration of the trial systems.

Please note that your cloud provider will charge you when creating and activating the SAP CAL solutions for using their infrastructure. Always make sure that you suspend or terminate the instances when you no longer need them as per instructions in our

openSAP course exercises. This is very important to avoid unnecessary cost.

s4h25 – Unit 1 Exercise 1


Exercise 1: Access the SAP CAL and find the

required solutions


Estimated time: 5 mins

Objective You want to get an overview about the four SAP CAL solutions and find out where you can find them in SAP CAL.

The course requires four SAP CAL solution instances to perform all exercises. You must create an instance of each SAP CAL solution

to be able to perform the subsequent units’ exercises. Each SAP CAL solution is at a different preparation and configuration stage during a system conversion from SAP ERP to SAP S/4HANA.

Since the course is targeted at technical experts, all functional configuration such as Customer/Vendor integration or correction of Finance inconsistencies has been pre-configured for you in the

SAP CAL solution. The four SAP CAL solutions are called:

• “1: SAP ERP source system” - https://cal.sap.com/subscription?sguid=1a3556c0-0ee1-4a4c-8a5a-db08173df293

• “2: SAP ERP source system after prep steps before running Software Update Manager” - https://cal.sap.com/subscription?sguid=5eb92a4d-a704-48b8-b060-0647c63b667c

• “3: SAP S/4HANA target system after technical conversion before additional config” - https://cal.sap.com/subscription?sguid=4336a3fb-2fc9-4a93-9500-c65101ffc9d7

• “4: SAP S/4HANA target system including additional config” - https://cal.sap.com/subscription?sguid=f48f2b77-389f-488b-be2b-1c14a86b2e69

SAP CAL solutions 1 and 2 are on SAP ERP 6.0 Enhancement Package 6 and are used for practicing preparation steps and configuration before starting the technical system conversion to SAP S/4HANA. SAP CAL solutions 3 and 4 are on SAP S/4HANA 2020 Feature Pack Stack 00 after the system conversion and used for practicing required checks and configuration to further benefit from new functionality available with SAP S/4HANA.

Exercise Description Perform the following tasks:

A) Log on to SAP CAL

B) Find all four solutions

s4h25 – Unit 1 Exercise 1


What to Do What You Will See

1. Open https://cal.sap.com and click on “Log on” Enter your SAP Community user id and password. In case you don’t have such a user id, click on “Register” and create one.

2. Click on the Search field. Enter one of the following solution names each: “SAP ERP source system” “SAP ERP source system after prep steps before running Software Update Manager” “SAP S/4HANA target system after technical conversion before additional config” “SAP S/4HANA target system including additional config”

Please note that we can’t provide a screenshot showing your required solutions as they will only be made available shortly before course start. Simply look them up with the names as described on the left or best follow the URL links on page 4.

3. You will subsequently see the corresponding SAP CAL solution.


• You have found all required four SAP CAL solutions and are ready to create your own instances in the next exercise.

s4h25 – Unit 1 Exercise 2


Exercise 2: Create your own SAP CAL instance


Estimated time: 60 mins

Objective Now that you have found the required SAP CAL solutions, let’s create your own instance. This procedure will have to be done for each SAP CAL solution:

• “1: SAP ERP source system” - https://cal.sap.com/subscription?sguid=1a3556c0-0ee1-4a4c-8a5a-db08173df293

• “2: SAP ERP source system after prep steps before running Software Update Manager” - https://cal.sap.com/subscription?sguid=5eb92a4d-a704-48b8-b060-0647c63b667c

• “3: SAP S/4HANA target system after technical conversion before additional config” - https://cal.sap.com/subscription?sguid=4336a3fb-2fc9-4a93-9500-c65101ffc9d7

• “4: SAP S/4HANA target system including additional config” - https://cal.sap.com/subscription?sguid=f48f2b77-389f-488b-be2b-1c14a86b2e69

Please replace names related to SAP CAL solution “1: SAP ERP source system” accordingly when running through the subsequent exercise steps for SAP CAL solutions 2, 3 and 4. Additional Information Creating an instance can take up to 1 hour. Please be patient. When creating an instance your 30 days free trial period will start running. In this exercise you will start with creating an instance out of the first required SAP CAL solution. Do NOT create the other instances yet, only do so when you will be asked for it in the subsequent units’ exercises, so that you can fully leverage the 30 days trial period each. After creation of the instance do not activate it yet as cost will be occurred then. Only activate it when being asked in the subsequent units’ exercises. Whenever being asked to suspend or terminate an exercise, please do so to save cost. Terminating an instance will permanently delete it, so in case you still want to work with it, obviously do not terminate it yet.

Exercise Description Perform the following tasks:

• Create your first SAP CAL instance

• Connect to your SAP CAL instance’s Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop

• Connect to your SAP CAL instance’s SAP Business Client (SAPGUI)

s4h25 – Unit 1 Exercise 2


What to Do What You Will See

1. Go to SAP ERP source

system” -




and click on Create


2. Choose your cloud

provider account or

alternatively create a new

account first.

Provide the following name

for the instance:

1: SAP ERP source system

Choose your master

password and enter it twice

into Password and Retype


You must remember this

password as you will require

it later on to log on to your

SAP CAL instance’s

Microsoft Windows Remote

Desktop and SAP Business


Click on Create.

3. You will be prompted

about either storing the

private key in your SAP CAL

solution instance or to

download it.

As this is a training system

without any productive data,

choose the simple option

Store. Once you see the

green text “The private key

has been stored.” Click on

s4h25 – Unit 1 Exercise 2



4. Initial startup of the SAP

CAL solution instance takes

approximately 60 minutes.

The instance status is

complete when the status is

shown as “Active”. If you are

not directly continuing to use

this instance, suspend it

directly to save cost.

5. In order to start your

instance after suspension

again, simply click on


Please note that it will take

up to 15 minutes to bring up

your instance.

6. Click on the instance

name, which will take you

the instance details.

7. Click on Connect, which

will take you to another

dialog where you can

choose to log on to either

RDP (Windows Remote

Desktop) or SAP Business

Client (SAPGUI). Let’s first

connect to SAPGUI.

s4h25 – Unit 1 Exercise 2


8. In the popup window

choose client 100 and click

on Connect.

This will trigger downloading an SAP Business Client shortcut. Click on the shortcut. SAPGUI for Java will open.

9. In case you are prompted

for assigning a Trust Level

Classification for ABA,

accept the trust level by

clicking on „OK“.

In case you are getting a

SAP GUI Security prompt,

click on Allow.

10. In the subsequent

prompt enter 10steps2s4 as

user id or whatever other

user id you are being asked

to enter in the subsequent

units’ exercises.

The password is the master

password as you had

entered it during the SAP

CAL instance creation.

Afterwards you will be

logged on into the SAP

Business Client and can

start working with the


Should you encounter

issues with the procedure

from steps 7. to 10., please

follow the steps 11. to 15.


s4h25 – Unit 1 Exercise 2


11. In order to connect to the

remote desktop click on


12. If you are an Apple

macOS user, you must

download and install the

Microsoft Remote Desktop

app first and then click on

Connect. You can download

it from:





If you are a Microsoft

Windows user, simply click

on Connect.

13. You will either directly

get the following connection

prompt or you will first have

to click the shortcut that

would have been

downloaded. Whether you

will have to click a shortcut

or not, depends on your

local system configuration.

Click Connect to confirm the

security prompt.

14. User is Administrator

and the password is your

master password, which you

decided upon SAP CAL

instance creation.

Click OK respectively


Microsoft Windows:

s4h25 – Unit 1 Exercise 2


Apple macOS:

15. Confirm the following

security prompt with Yes on

Microsoft Windows or

Continue on Apple macOS.

Microsoft Windows:

Apple macOS:

s4h25 – Unit 1 Exercise 2


16. Subsequently your

remote Microsoft Windows

desktop will open. Click on

Welcome to get some

additional information.

17. Note: Steps 17 to 37 are

only required for:

SAP CAL solution 4: SAP

S/4HANA target system

including additional config”




For SAP CAL solutions 1

and 3, jump straight to step

41 of this exercise.

For SAP CAL solution 2,

jump straight to step 38 of

this exercise.

Due to licensing implications

Eclipse cannot be provided

pre-installed. Please install it

by following the instructions

in the “SAP Dev Tools for

Eclipse” txt file on the

desktop. Click the shortcut

to open the txt file.

s4h25 – Unit 1 Exercise 2


18. Open





win64.exe in your Chrome

browser and choose


19. Execute the file once it is

downloaded by clicking it.

20. Click on Run in the

popup window.

21. Select the option

“Eclipse IDE for Enterprise

Java and Web Developers”.

s4h25 – Unit 1 Exercise 2


22. Click on “Install”.

23. Accept the license


24. Accept the following


25. Click on “Launch”.

s4h25 – Unit 1 Exercise 2


26. Make sure to define the

Workspace EXACTLY as


space. Only with that

directory it can automatically

connect to the required SAP


Click on “Launch” again.

27. Choose “Help” and

select "Install New


28. Enter


.com/2020-12 into the Work

with field and click “Add..”.

29. Enter name “Standard

Rep” and click “Add”.

s4h25 – Unit 1 Exercise 2


30. Select all and click


31. Click “Next”.

32. Choose to accept the

license terms and click on


33. The subsequent screen

will show the installation.

Wait until this is 100%

completed, do not close it.

s4h25 – Unit 1 Exercise 2


34. Choose “Install anyway”.

35. Select all and choose

“Accept selected”.

36. Choose “Restart Now”.

37. Make sure that once you

start it you choose



space. It must NOT be


You have now successfully

installed Eclipse with all SAP

plugins and can use it in our

other exercises where it will

be required.

s4h25 – Unit 1 Exercise 2


38. Note: Steps 38 to 40 are

only required for:

SAP CAL solution 2: SAP ERP source system after prep steps before running Software Update Manager” https://cal.sap.com/subscription?sguid=5eb92a4d-a704-48b8-b060-0647c63b667c

For SAP CAL solutions 1, 3

and 4, jump straight to step

41 of this exercise.

The solution can be

accessed on operating

system (OS) level using

PuTTY. PuTTY is an open-

source terminal emulator. It

cannot be prepared in your

system instance and you

must install it yourself. You

can download it from




In order to install and use

PuTTY, please follow the

instructions step-by-step as

described in




ns, section “How to connect

to a running instance via the

secure shell protocol (SSH)”.

39. WinSCP is an open-

source FTP client and can

be used for transferring files

to the servers of your CAL

instance. Again, it cannot be

prepared in your system

instance and you must

install it yourself. It can be

downloaded from



In order to install and use

WinSCP, please follow the

s4h25 – Unit 1 Exercise 2


instructions step-by-step as

described in




ns, section “How to connect

to a running instance via the

Secure File Transfer

Protocol Client/Secure Copy

client (SFTP/SCP)”.

40. In case you are facing

the following error, follow the

instructions on the right:

““Authentication log (see session log for details):Unable to load key file “C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\....ppk” (PuTTY key format too new)”

1. Open WinSCP 2. Entered the IP of the machine 3. Selected the Advanced option 4. Chose SSH -> Authentication 5. From the “…” option next to the “Private key file”

field, choose the pem file of the instance 6. When WinSCP asks you I want to convert the pem

file to ppk file, select “Yes” 7. When prompted to enter a user, enter “root”.

41. Do NOT perform the

following step unless you

are requested to do so in the

subsequent units’ exercises.

This will terminate your

instance and it will be

irrevocably gone.

In order to terminate your

instance, click on the three

dots and choose Terminate.

Confirming the following

dialog with OK will terminate

your instance irrevocably.

42. Follow all instructions as

provided in the subsequent

course units’ exercises. As

mentioned previously, make

sure to suspend the

instances when you are not

using them in order to save



• You understand which SAP CAL solutions are available for this openSAP course.

s4h25 – Unit 1 Exercise 2


• You know how to create your own SAP CAL solution instances.

• You understand that there is cost involved from your preferred cloud provider when creating SAP CAL solution instances.

• You know that you should suspend your SAP CAL solution instances when not working with them to save cost.

• You understand that you should terminate your SAP CAL solution instances when you no longer need them as instructed in the subsequent units’ exercises. Termination of a SAP CAL instance is not reversible.

• You know how to connect to SAP Business Client (SAPGUI) and Remote Desktop, which will be required for the subsequent units’ exercises.

• You know that you need to install Eclipse, PuTTY and WinSCP yourself, which cannot be pre-installed due to licensing reasons.

© 2021 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. The information contained herein may be changed without prior notice. Some software products marketed by SAP SE and its distr ibutors contain proprietary software components of other software vendors. National product specifications may vary. These materials are provided by SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company for informational purposes only, without representation or warranty of any kind, and SAP or its affiliated companies shall not be liable for errors or omissions with respect to the materials. The only warranties for SAP or SAP affiliate company products and serv ices are those that are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services, if any. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. In particular, SAP SE or its affiliated companies have no obligation to pursue any course of business outlined in this document or any related presentation, or to develop or release any functionality mentioned therein. This document, or any related presentation, and SAP SE’s or its affiliated companies’ strategy and possible future developments, products, and/or platform directions and functionality are all subject to change and may be changed by SAP SE or its affiliated companies at any time for any reason without notice. The information in this document is not a commitment, promise, or legal obligation to deliver any material, code, or functionality. All forward-looking statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from expectations. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, and they should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. SAP and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP SE (or an SAP affiliate company) in Germany and other countries. All other product and service names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective companies. See www.sap.com/copyright for additional trademark information and notices.

s4h25 – Exercises


s4h25 openSAP: Unit 02: Required patches to the source system

Exercise 1: Start the SAP HANA sizing

Exercise 2: Verify SAP Readiness Check notes in SAP ERP system

Exercise 3: Verify SAP notes for Simplification

Item check in SAP ERP system

Exercise 4: Verify SAP notes for CVI-Customer/Vendor integration in SAP ERP system


s4h25 – Exercises


Contents BEFORE YOU START ...................................................................................................... 3

Prerequisites for the exercises ....................................................................................... 3

Logon Data ................................................................................................................... 3

Logon to system (SAP S/4HANA)................................................................................... 3

Exercise 1: Execute sizing report ....................................................................................... 4

Overview ....................................................................................................................... 4

Objective ................................................................................................................... 4

Exercise Description ................................................................................................... 4

Prerequisites of SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA .............................................. 4

Start the SAP HANA Sizing ............................................................................................ 5

Exercise 2: Verify SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA Notes in SAP ERP system ...... 8

Overview ....................................................................................................................... 8

Objective ................................................................................................................... 8

Exercise Description ................................................................................................... 8

Prerequisites of SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA .............................................. 8

Verify SAP notes implemented for Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA in your SAP CAL instance ...................................................................................................................... 12

Exercise 3: Verify SAP Notes for Simplification Item check in SAP ERP system ................ 14

Overview ..................................................................................................................... 14

Objective ................................................................................................................. 14

Exercise Description ................................................................................................. 14

Prerequisite for the Simplification Items Check:............................................................. 14

Verify Simplification Item Check notes .......................................................................... 16

Exercise 4: Verify SAP Notes for CVI – Customer/Vendor integration in SAP ERP system . 18

Overview ..................................................................................................................... 18

Objective ................................................................................................................. 18

Exercise Description ................................................................................................. 18

Prerequisite for CVI (Customer/Vendor integration to run and monitor): ......................... 18

Verify CVI notes .......................................................................................................... 21

s4h25 – Exercises



Prerequisites for the exercises

You need to have completed all exercises of Unit 01. You must have created your own instance of 1: “SAP ERP source system”


Logon Data

Refer to the welcome page on the desktop of your SAP CAL instance.

User ID Password Client number

10steps2s4 <your SAP CAL instance master password>


Logon to system (SAP S/4HANA)

1: “SAP ERP source system”


s4h25 – Exercise 1

Exercise 1: Execute sizing report


Estimated time: 45 mins


SAP HANA sizing is important for any customer who wants to switch to SAP S/4HANA.

SAP HANA memory size is determined by the data footprint of the system, which

consists of two main areas:

1. Column store (contains the business data) 2. Row store (contains mainly meta data like data dictionary and some system


The HANA memory is also used by other processes like:

• SAP HANA caches • Operating system

• Working memory If the customer runs SAP ERP systems on any database and wants to change to

SAP HANA, the SAP HANA-Sizing report (also known as ABAP sizing report) is the required tool to use. Detailed information and prerequisites are described in SAP Note 1872170.

Exercise Description

In this exercise, preparation activities are completed as described in SAP Note 1872170 . Only execute the SAP HANA sizing report and check the output.

Prerequisites of SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA

You would typically have to follow the instructions as described in SAP Note 1872170. In your SAP CAL instance this has already been done for you.

s4h25 – Exercise 1


Start the SAP HANA Sizing What to Do What You Will See

1. Activate your instance of CAL solution 1 and log on to your SAP ECC system: User: 10steps2s4 Password: <your SAP CAL instance master password>

2. Use transaction se38 and execute report /SDF/HDB_SIZING

3. Select choice of the HANA version: “HANA 2.0” and sizing scenario: “Perform Sizing of SAP S/4HANA” (In a customer environment adjust other options according to your system performance) Click on “Execute” (Or to execute as background job go to → Program→ Execute in background)

s4h25 – Exercise 1


4. Verify the results report.

5. To check the output of the finished report, you can alternatively run transaction se38 → /SDF/HDB_SIZING→ Execute Select “Display a stored sizing result”. Select a stored sizing report and click on execute.

s4h25 – Exercise 1


6. Either continue directly with exercise 2 or suspend your instance of CAL solution 1. Re-activate it once you continue with exercise 2. This is important to save cost.

s4h25 – Exercise 2

Exercise 2: Verify SAP Readiness Check for SAP

S/4HANA Notes in SAP ERP system


Estimated time: 2 mins

Objective The purpose of this exercise is to make you aware of the activities required for preparing for the SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA and Business Scenario Recommendations. It shall serve as reference for all steps you should perform during a real conversion project.

Exercise Description The activities described in this exercise have already been executed in the SAP CAL system. There are no activities to be performed, to implement or update SAP Notes using the “snote” transaction. You should only verify the note status using transaction “snote”.

Execute transaction “snote” and validate the SAP Notes implemented in the SAP CAL instance.

Prerequisites of SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA In your SAP CAL instance this has already been done for you.

SAP Note 2913617 – SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA SAP Note 2758146 – SAP Readiness Check & Next Generation Business Scenario Recommendations or SAP Innovation and Optimization Pathfinder

It is very important that you do not update the notes to the latest release in your SAP CAL instance as we have tested and verified the entire system conversion procedure with the currently implemented note versions. In a real customer system conversion, however, you should implement all notes listed above in the latest version before executing the extraction for the analysis. IMPORTANT: In a real customer system, if you have SAP Note 2310438 implemented in the system, de-implement it, otherwise it is not possible to implement some other SAP Notes NOTE: Always de-implement previous versions of the SAP Note before you implement the new version of the SAP Note. In case of an ABAP class inconsistency, please clean up the class header in the SE24 transaction, specify the object, and select Utilities -> Regenerate sections in change mode.

s4h25 – Exercise 2




SAP Note Title Note



Setting up custom

code analysis

Custom Code Analyzer 2185390 This note is a prerequisite to find the

relevant custom code topics for the

SAP Readiness Check for SAP


Enabling SAP

S/4HANA sizing

ABAP on HANA sizing report 1872170 SAP Note 1872170 will enable the

SAP HANA sizing data collection


Simplification item


SAP Readiness Check –

Simplification Item Check

2399707 This SAP Note is responsible for the target S/4HANA version capability in report RC_COLLECT_ANALYSIS_DATA. The implementation of the code corrections included in SAP Note 2399707 is a minimum requirement for the SAP Readiness Check. Additionally, the implementation of SAP Note 2502552 and the execution of the consistency check described within SAP Note 2399707 is recommended on top, but optional.


Business Process

Analytics analysis

Business Process Improvement

Content for SAP Readiness

Check and Next Generation

SAP Business Scenario


2745851 SAP Note 2745851 enables the

business process analytics data


Enabling IDOC


Interface Discovery for IDoc as

part of Readiness Check


This SAP Note enables Idoc interface analysis as part of the integration check withi SAP Readiness Check.

Enabling Data




DVM API to trigger monitor

ST14 analyses for readiness


2721530 Follow the instructions in SAP Note

2721530 to implement the required

notes based on your system status

and to enable the data volume

management check.

Enabling BP/CVI


Prerequisite for finding the

KPI’s for BP/CVI that will be

reflected on the SAP

Readiness Check dashboard

2811183 This note is a prerequisite for finding

the KPI’s for BP/CVI that will be

reflected in the SAP Readiness

Check dashboard.

Enable innovation

potential check in

SAP Readiness


Enabling innovation potential

check in the SAP Readiness

Check report

2827612 SAP Note 2827612 is a prerequisite

for executing the innovation potential

check of the SAP Readiness Check.

Effort drivers of


Items Check

Enable effort drivers of

simplification items

2903677 SAP Note 2903677 is a prerequisite

for executing the effort drivers of the

Simplification Items Check in the

SAP Readiness Check.

Financial Data

Quality analysis

Enable Financial Data Quality

analysis within RC report

2972792 There is the potential depending on

the volume of financial data that this

check could run longer than other

s4h25 – Exercise 2


checks. If necessary, schedule the

Financial Data Quality check in

isolation from the other SAP

Readiness Check data collectors.

Once complete, the results of the

Financial Data Quality check can

then be appended (using

the Upload function) to the analysis

session created with the original ZIP


Setting up SAP

Readiness Check

SAP Readiness Check for

SAP S/4HANA Managed


2758146 If you have SAP Note 2310438

implemented in your system, de-

implement it, otherwise it is not

possible to implement this note.

Implement the correction instructions

of this note using only transaction.



check result


SAP S/4HANA Conversion &

Upgrade new Simplification

Item Checks


Prerequisites: SAP Note Transport

based Correction Instructions (TCI)

must be enabled – see attachment

of note 2187425

Customer Vendor



Enable Customer Vendor

Integration Analysis

3010669 This SAP Note acts as a central SAP Note for the Customer Vendor Integration Analysis capability delivered by the SAP Readiness Check. As indicated in SAP Note 3010669, SAP Note 2811183 is required to be implemented if it is not already implemented.

Update the


Item catalogue

Update the Simplification Item

catalogue with the latest

available version

If there is no connection between the

system and the SAP Service Portal,

do it manually


SAP Notes implemented in your CAL system (Do not update these notes to

the latest release in the CAL system environment):

1. Verify version 44 of SAP note 2745851 Business Process Improvement Content for “SAP Readiness Check 2.0” and “Process Discovery (evolution of SAP Business Scenario Recommendations)” and “SAP Innovation and Optimization Pathfinder” using transaction snote.

2. Verify version 25 of SAP note 2795008 Corrections for ST-API 01T SP2 (framework for analytics) using transaction snote

3. Verify version 21 of SAP note 2803335 ST-A/PI 01T SP2: Advance Corr. BP Analytics – TBIs for ERP using transaction snote

4. Verify version 59 of SAP note 2769657 Enabling IDOC Analysis using transaction snote

5. Verify version 35 of SAP note 2693666 Enhance error handling when collecting DVM ST14 data for SAP S/4HANA Readiness Check using transaction snote

s4h25 – Exercise 2


6. Verify version 49 of SAP note 2758146 SAP Readiness Check 2.0 & Process Discovery (evolution of SAP Business Scenario Recommendations) or SAP Innovation and Optimization Pathfinder using transaction snote

7. Verify version 83 of SAP note 2502552 S4TC – SAP S/4HANA Conversion & Upgrade new Simplification Item Checks using transction snote

8. Verify version 140 of SAP note 2399707 Simplification Item Check using transaction snote

9. Verify version 12 of SAP note 2811183 Enabling BP/CVI Analysis with Readiness Check 2.0 using transaction snote

10. Verify version 11 of SAP note 2827612 Enable Innovation Potential check in SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA using transaction snote

11. Verify version 29 of SAP note 2903677 SAP Readiness Check: Effort Drivers of Simplification Items Check using transaction snote

12. Verify version 41 of SAP note 2972792 Financial Data Quality: Trigger Data Collection Reports to Check Your Financial Data Quality and to Enable the Financial Data Quality Check in SAP Readiness Check using transaction snote

s4h25 – Exercise 2


Verify SAP notes implemented for Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA in your SAP CAL instance What to Do What You Will See

1. Log on to your SAP ECC system: User: 10steps2s4 Password: <CAL Master Password>

2. Use transaction snote Goto → SAP Note Browser (Depending on your SAP GUI version, the exact steps can be > Menu/More > Goto > SAP Note Browser)

3. Enter SAP Note numbers 2399707,2502552, 2693666,2745851, 2758146,2769657, 2795008,2803335, 2811183,2827612, 2903677,2972792 and click on “Execute”

s4h25 – Exercise 2


5. You will get a list of notes which are implemented in your SAP CAL instance

6. Either continue directly with exercise 3 or suspend your instance of CAL solution 1. Re-activate it once you continue with exercise 3. This is important to save cost.

s4h25 – Exercise 3

Exercise 3: Verify SAP Notes for Simplification

Item check in SAP ERP system


Estimated time: 5 mins

Objective The purpose of this exercise is to collect all notes required to execute the

Simplification Item Check for your reference, so that you know what you should perform during a real conversion project.

Exercise Description

In this exercise, it is necessary that you do not update the notes to the latest release as we have tested and verified the entire system conversion procedure with the currently implement note versions. In a

real customer system conversion, however, you should implement all notes listed in the latest release before executing the Simplification

Items check.

Execute transaction “snote” and verify SAP notes.

Prerequisite for the Simplification Items Check: In your SAP CAL instance this has already been done for you.

The following notes give you all information about the implementation procedure.

Preparation Step SAP Note Comment

Simplification Item heck classes

2502552 This note uses the advanced transport-based correction instructions called TCI. As a prerequisite to install the TCI notes, please follow the instruction in the SAP Note.

Simplification Item Check report

2399707 The new check report is delivered with this note. The report calls the check classes that are delivered with SAP Note 2502552.

Update the Simplification Items catalogue

https://launchpad.support.sap.com/#sic If there is no connection between the system and SAP Support Portal, perform it manually.

s4h25 – Exercise 3


SAP Notes implemented in your SAP CAL instance (Do not update these

notes to the latest release in your SAP CAL instance):

1. Verify version 83 of SAP Note 2502552 using transaction snote 2. Verify version 140 of SAP Note 2399707 using transaction snote

s4h25 – Exercise 3


Verify Simplification Item Check notes What to Do What You Will See

1. Log on to your SAP ECC system: User: 10steps2s4 Password: <your SAP CAL instance master password>

2. Use transaction snote Goto → SAP Note Browser (Depending on your SAP GUI version, the exact steps can be > Menu/More > Goto > SAP Note Browser)

3. Enter SAP note numbers 2502552, 2399707 and click on “Execute”.

s4h25 – Exercise 3


4.You will get a list detailing the status of Simplification Item Check notes status and their versions implemented.

5. Either continue directly with exercise 4 or suspend your instance of CAL solution 1. Re-activate it once you continue with exercise 4. This is important to save cost.

s4h25 – Exercise 4

Exercise 4: Verify SAP Notes for CVI –

Customer/Vendor integration in SAP ERP system


Estimated time: 5 mins

Objective The purpose of this exercise is to make you aware of SAP notes required for CVI. It is very important to read and follow the official documentation in the Cookbook CVI and review SAP Note 2713963 - FAQ: CVI - Customer Vendor Integration for system conversion to SAP S/4HANA. In a real customer environment, you should consider SAP Notes based on your component release and the information described in the CVI Cookbook.

Exercise Description It is necessary that in this exercise you do not update the notes to the latest release as we have tested and verified the entire system with the

currently implemented note versions. In a real customer system conversion, however, you should refer to the cookbook and the CVI FAQ documentation based on your source SAP ERP release.

Execute transaction “snote” and verify SAP notes.

Prerequisite for CVI (Customer/Vendor integration to run and monitor): In this SAP CAL instance this has already been done for you.

The following notes gives you information about the implementation procedure. In addition, you have to refer to the CVI cookbook and SAP Note 2713963 - FAQ: CVI - Customer Vendor Integration for system conversion to SAP S/4HANA.

Preparation Step SAP Note Comment TCI 2820678 CVI SAP_APPL TCI including the notes

mentioned in this SAP note

2823648 Information on pre-requisite SAP Notes for Business Partner CVI Synchronization

CVI-Cockpit 2812309 CVI_COCKPIT: CVI_LOAD Stage 2832085 New Central Cockpit for Customer

Vendor Integration (CVI) to Business Partner

2850537 Central Customer Vendor Integration(CVI) Cockpit - Interface note

2850361 Delivery of texts (DE/EN) for language-dependent objects of TCIs for customer/vendor integration (SAP Note 2818292)


s4h25 – Exercise 4


entries and documentation

2891522 CVI_COCKPIT: Navigation to the new customizing check report

CVI_PRECHK, Master Data Consistency Check Report

2942339 Prevalidation: Master Data Consistency Check V2 - DDIC creation

2891951 Enhancements to Prevalidation: Master Data Consistency Check Report


2891455 New Customizing Check Report for SAP S/4HANA Master Data Migration (BP<->CVI)

MDS_LOAD_COCKPIT 2513118 MDS_LOAD_COCKPIT creates CVI_CUST_LINK/ CVI_VEND_LINK entries in test run mode

2701228 PPO improvements for mds_load_cockpit

2780288 S/4HANA Migration: The business partner checks can be suppressed in the direction Customer/Vendor → BP during synchronization from MDS_LOAD_COCKPIT

2898039 BP CVI: Incorrect error handling during mass synchronization of vendors to business partners.

2923695 Inconsistent CVI links created due to error while creating BP during synchronization

2907519 Master Data Synchronization Tool Revamp

2954330 Performance Improvement of Monitor Tab in MDS_LOAD_COCKPIT

2958046 CVI : MDS_LOAD_COCKPIT does not display Logs of a specific date

2955619 MDS_LOAD_COCKPIT excel upload rows count

SAP Notes implemented in your SAP CAL instance (Do not update these

SAP notes to the latest release in your SAP CAL instance)

1. Verify version 3 of SAP note 2820678 - CVI SAP_APPL TCI using transaction snote

2. Verif version 1 of SAP note 2812309 - CVI_COCKPIT: CVI_LOAD Stage using transaction snote

3. Verify version 10 of SAP note 2832085 - New Central Cockpit for Customer

Vendor Integration (CVI) to Business Partner using transaction snote 4. Verify version 4 of SAP note 2850537 - Central Customer Vendor Integration

(CVI) Cockpit - Interface note using transaction snote 5. Verify version 2 of SAP note 2861108 - CVI_COCKPIT: CVI_LOAD Table

entries and Documentation using transaction snote 6. Verify version 2 of SAP note 2891522 - CVI_COCKPIT: Navigation to new

customizing check report using transaction snote 7. Verify version 8 of SAP note 2942339 - Prevalidation: Master Data Consistency

s4h25 – Exercise 4


Check V2 - DDIC creation using transaction snote 8. Verify version 11 of SAP note 2891951 - Enhancements to Prevalidation:

Master Data Consistency Check Report using transaction snote 9. Verify version 3 of SAP note 2891455 - New Customizing Check Report for

SAP S/4HANA Master Data Migration (BP<->CVI) using transaction snote 10. Verify version 8 of SAP note 2701228 - PPO improvements for

mds_load_cockpit using transaction snote 11. Verify version 2 of SAP note 2898039 - BP CVI: Incorrect error handling during

mass synchronization of vendors to business partners using transaction snote 12. Verify version 2 of SAP note 2923695 - Inconsistent CVI links created due to

error while creating BP during synchronization using transaction snote 13. Verify version 6 of SAP note 2907519 - Master Data Synchronisation Tool

Revamp using transaction snote 14. Verify version 4 of SAP note 2954330 - Performance Improvement of Monitor

Tab in MDS_LOAD_COCKPIT using transaction snote 15. Verify version 5 of SAP note 2958046 - CVI : MDS_LOAD_COCKPIT does not

display Logs of a specific date using transaction snote 16. Verify version 2 of SAP note 2955619 - MDS_LOAD_COCKPIT excel upload rows

count using transaction snote

s4h25 – Exercise 4


Verify CVI notes What to Do What You Will See

1. Log on to your SAP ECC system: User: 10steps2s4 Password: <your SAP CAL instance master password>

2. Use transaction snote Goto → SAP Note Browser (Depending on SAP GUI version will be Menu/More > Goto > SAP Note Browser")

3. Enter SAP note numbers

















and click on “Execute”.

s4h25 – Exercise 4


4.You will get a list of all notes implemented in your SAP CAL instance.

5. Suspend your SAP CAL solution 1 instance until you continue with the exercises of unit 3. This is important to save cost.

s4h25 – Exercise 4



© 2021 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. The information contained herein may be changed without prior notice. Some software products marketed by SAP SE and its distr ibutors contain proprietary software components of other software vendors. National product specifications may vary. These materials are provided by SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company for informational purposes only, without representation or warranty of any kind, and SAP or its affiliated companies shall not be liable for errors or omissions with respect to the materials. The only warranties for SAP or SAP affiliate company products and serv ices are those that are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services, if any. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. In particular, SAP SE or its affiliated companies have no obligation to pursue any course of business outlined in this document or any related presentation, or to develop or release any functionality mentioned therein. This document, or any related presentation, and SAP SE’s or its affiliated companies’ strategy and possible future developments, products, and/or platform directions and functionality are all subject to change and may be changed by SAP SE or its affiliated companies at any time for any reason without notice. The information in this document is not a commitment, promise, or legal obligation to deliver any material, code, or functionality. All forward-looking statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from expectations. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, and they should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. SAP and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP SE (or an SAP affiliate company) in Germany and other countries. All other product and service names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective companies. See www.sap.com/copyright for additional trademark information and notices.

Coding Samples Any software coding or code lines/strings (“Code”) provided in this documentation are only examples and are not intended for use in a production system environment. The Code is only intended to better explain and visualize the syntax and phrasing rules for certain SAP coding. SAP does not warrant the correctness or completeness of the Code provided herein and SAP shall not be liable for errors or damages cause by use of the Code, except where such damages were caused by SAP with intent or with gross negligence.

s4h25 – Exercises

s4h25 openSAP: Unit03: SAP Readiness Check

Exercise 1: Check the version of the Simplification Item Catalog in the SAP ERP system

Exercise 2: Familiarize yourself with the SAP Readiness Check Data Collector Report

Exercise 3: Download the analysis data

Exercise 4: Inspect the collected data


s4h25 – Exercise 1



Contents BEFORE YOU START ...................................................................................................... 3

Prerequisites for the exercises ....................................................................................... 3

Logon Data ................................................................................................................... 3

Logon to system (SAP S/4HANA)................................................................................... 3

Exercise 1: Check the version of the Simplification Item Catalog in the SAP ERP system .... 4

Overview ....................................................................................................................... 4

Objective ................................................................................................................... 4

Exercise Description ................................................................................................... 4

Exercise 2: Familiarize yourself with the SAP Readiness Check Data Collector Report ........ 7

Overview ....................................................................................................................... 7

Objective ................................................................................................................... 7

Exercise Description ................................................................................................... 7

Exercise 3: Download the Analysis Data .......................................................................... 11

Overview ..................................................................................................................... 11

Objective ................................................................................................................. 11

Exercise Description ................................................................................................. 11

Exercise 4: Inspect the collected Data.............................................................................. 13

Overview ..................................................................................................................... 13

Objective ................................................................................................................. 13

Exercise Description ................................................................................................. 13

s4h25 – Exercise 1



Prerequisites for the exercises

You need to have completed all exercises of Unit 01. You must have created your own instance of 1: “SAP ERP source system”


Logon Data

Refer to the welcome page on the desktop of your SAP CAL instance.

User ID Password Client number

10steps2s4 <your SAP CAL instance master password>


Logon to system (SAP S/4HANA)

1: “SAP ERP source system”


s4h25 – Exercise 1


Exercise 1: Check the version of the Simplification

Item Catalog in the SAP ERP system


Estimated time: 5 mins

Objective The SAP Readiness Check refers to the Simplification Item Catalog content

available in the SAP ERP system to run the Simplification Item Check. As a result, the SAP Readiness Check shows the simplification items that are identified as relevant for this specific source system.

It is important to always use the most recent Simplification Item Catalog content for the first run of SAP Readiness Check. The loaded catalog version can be

checked with the report /SDF/RC_START_CHECK. Only if there has never been any Simplification Item content in the system, the report downloads the content automatically once. If the Simplification Item Catalog content is available in the

system, the version and upload date are displayed. The user can decide to upload the newest version from SAP or (if there is no connection from the system to SAP) upload it manually.

In this exercise, a version of the Simplification Item Catalog is

already available in the system.

Exercise Description Perform the following tasks:

A) Check if the latest SAP S/4HANA version is selected as target version.

B) Check the version and upload date of the Simplification Item Catalog. What to Do What You Will See

1. Activate your instance of SAP CAL solution 1 and log on to your SAP ERP system: (Client 100 SID ABA Instance 00) User: 10steps2s4 Password: <your SAP CAL instance master password>

s4h25 – Exercise 1


2. Go to transaction SA38 and execute report /SDF/RC_START_CHECK.

3. In the section Simplification Item Check Options, check if the selected SAP S/4HANA version is SAP S/4HANA 2020 [Initial Shipment Stack]

4. In the section Simplification Item Catalog Source, check the version and date of the uploaded Simplification Item Catalog. Important: Do not execute any of the reports.

5. Either continue directly with exercise 2 or suspend your instance of SAP CAL solution 1. Re-activate it once you continue with exercise 2. This is important to save cost.


• The selected SAP S/4HANA version is:

s4h25 – Exercise 1


• The Simplification Item Catalog version and upload date is: Additional Information:

It is highly recommended to use the up-to-date version of the Simplification Item

Catalog as source for the analysis. Since conversion projects can take a long

time, it might not be possible to avoid catalog changes during your project. To

allow the project to continue without new changes you can stop the auto-update

of the content so you can finalize the conversion project with the same content

you started with.

By default, the report /SDF/RC_START_CHECK does not automatically update

the Simplification Item Catalog content from SAP servers. If you want to

download or update the content from SAP servers, you explicitly have to trigger

this via the “Update catalog with latest version from SAP” button. Only if there

has never been any Simplification Item content, the report downloads the

content automatically once. If there is no connection from the system to SAP,

you could download the content from the Simplification Item Catalog and upload

it manually. The local version will mark the content with the watch icon after

some time when the content is old (refer to SAP Note 2399707 for further


s4h25 – Exercise 2


Exercise 2: Familiarize yourself with the SAP

Readiness Check Data Collector Report


Estimated time: 10 mins


SAP Readiness Check analyzes data you collect in the productive SAP ERP system. You will learn how to execute the SAP Readiness Check data collector report

RC_COLLECT_ANALYSIS_DATA and select the data collectors.

Prerequisites As a prerequisite the required SAP Notes for the data collectors you want to include

need to be implemented and transported to the system. All preparation steps are described in SAP Note 2913617.

In this exercise all required SAP Notes are already implemented (see exercises in Unit 02 as well).

Exercise Description Perform the following tasks:

• Execute the report RC_COLLECT_ANALYSIS_DATA

• See which data collectors are selected

• Check the job logs of the last collector run What to Do What You Will See

1. Go to transaction SA38 and execute report RC_COLLECT_ANALYSIS_DATA

s4h25 – Exercise 2


2. In the section Execution Parameters you see that the newest SAP S/4HANA version is pre-selected. For this SAP CAL solution all has been tested with target version SAP S/4HANA 2020 [Initial Shipment Stack], hence select that version. In the Scope Selection for Discover Phase, only the Financial Data Quality is unselected by default, since depending on the amount of data this collector may run longer than the others and should be run separately. (If there is a great amount of data in the system, you may run the Data Volume Management check separately, too, and de-select it for the first analysis.) For this exercise do select the Financial Data Quality check as well.

3. In the Scope Selection for Planning Phase, select the Simplification Item Effort Drivers. Note: Leave the Simplification Item Consistency check unselected (run the SI Consistency Check later when you have solved the relevant simplification items).

4. Schedule the analysis for immediate execution.

s4h25 – Exercise 2


5. Go to My Jobs to check the executed collector jobs. Enter RC_COLLECT_ANALYSIS_DATA as job name. Choose Execute.

6. The job details are displayed. This job starts all the selected data collectors.

Choose Display Job log to display all steps. Click refresh until the status changes to finished or canceled.

7. Did one of the data collectors end with an error message? A) If yes, which one is it? B) Check in the central SAP Readiness Check SAP Note 2913617 which SAP Note has to be implemented to enable that collector.

8. Either continue directly with exercise 3 or suspend your instance of CAL solution 1. Re-activate it once you continue with exercise 3. This is important to save cost.


• What is the name of the SAP Readiness Check data collector report?

• What is number of the central SAP Readiness Check SAP Note?

s4h25 – Exercise 2


• What is the number of the missing SAP Note which needs to be implemented?

• What is the name of the collector job for Financial Data Quality?

Additional Information:

The SAP Readiness Check data collector report RC_COLLECT_ANALYSIS_DATA triggers several different background jobs, based on the options that you’ve selected:


o TMW_RC_BPA_DATA_COLL is for the business process

analytics data collection. o TMW_RC_HANAS_DATA_COLL and /SDF/HDB_SIZING_SM is for

the SAP HANA sizing data collection.

o TMW_RC_DVM_DATA_COLL, BP_APPLICATION_ANALYSIS_01, DANA_ANALYSIS, and TAANA_ANALYSIS are for the data volume management data collection.

o TMW_RC_SITEM_DATA_COLL is for the simplification item check data collection.

o TMW_RC_EFD_DATA_COLL is for the effort drivers of

simplification items data collection o TMW_RC_FDQ_DATA_COLL is for the Financial Data Quality data


s4h25 – Exercise 3


Exercise 3: Download the Analysis Data


Estimated time: 2 mins

Objective The collected data is stored in a zip file which can be downloaded after the collector

run. This zip file should be stored locally. In a next step it has to be uploaded to the SAP Readiness Check landing page to create a new analysis.

Exercise Description Perform the following tasks:

• Download the zip file with the collected data

• Store the zip file locally What to Do What You Will See

1. Go to transaction SA38 and execute report RC_COLLECT_ANALYSIS_DATA .

2. Select Download Analysis Data. Choose YES to download the zip file.

s4h25 – Exercise 3


3. Store the zip.file locally. What is the name of the zip.file?

4. Either continue directly with exercise 4 or suspend your instance of CAL solution 1. Re-activate it once you continue with exercise 4. This is important to save cost.


• What is the name of the stored zip.file?

• Where did you store the zip.file? Note down the file path.

s4h25 – Exercise 4


Exercise 4: Inspect the collected Data


Estimated time: 5 mins

Objective The resulting compressed file includes a set of XML files. Additionally, for

transparency purposes, the generated package also contains a CSS file and multiple XSL files, used to present the collected data in a “human-readable” form. It is recommended that customers review the “human-readable” view of the contents

prior to submitting the package to SAP, to ensure no identifiable personal information is included (for example, a company code with an individual’s name in the description). Once reviewed, the second part of the SAP Readiness Check

processing takes place when the customer uploads the extracted package to the launch page of SAP Readiness Check.

Exercise Description Perform the following tasks:

Inspect the collected data and answer the following questions:

• Which information is displayed in file ana_sys_header.xml?

• How many financial data inconsistencies have been identified in fiscal year 2020?

What to Do What You Will See

1. Go to the location where you stored the data collection zip file and open the zip file.

s4h25 – Exercise 4


2. To view the documents in human-readable format you can open them in either Microsoft Edge or Mozilla Firefox browser (other browsers do not support the human-readable format). Open the document ana_sys_add_info.xml in one of the named browsers. Which information is displayed in this document?

4. Open the document fdq.xml. Which information is displayed in this document? How many financial data inconsistencies have been identified in fiscal year 2020?

s4h25 – Exercise 4


5. Suspend your SAP CAL solution 1 instance until you continue with the exercises of unit 5. This is important to save cost.


• Which information is displayed in file ana_sys_header.xml? • How many financial data inconsistencies have been identified in fiscal year 2020?

s4h25 – Exercise 4


www.sap.com/contactsap © 2021 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. The information contained herein may be changed without prior notice. Some software products marketed by SAP SE and its distributors contain proprietary software components of other software vendors. National product specifications may vary. These materials are provided by SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company for informational purposes only, without representation or warranty of any kind, and SAP or its affiliated companies shall not be liable for errors or omissions with respect to the materials. The only warranties for SAP or SAP affiliate company products and services are those that are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services, if any. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. In particular, SAP SE or its affiliated companies have no obligation to pursue any course of business outlined in this document or any related presentation, or to develop or release any functionality mentioned therein. This document, or any related presentation, and SAP SE’s or its affiliated companies’ strategy and possible future developments, products, and/or platform directions and functionality are all subject to change and may be changed by SAP SE or its affiliated companies at any time for any reason without notice. The information in this document is not a commitment, promise, or legal obligation to deliver any material, code, or functionality. All forward-looking statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from expectations. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, and they should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. SAP and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP SE (or an SAP affiliate company) in Germany and other countries. All other product and service names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective companies. See www.sap.com/copyright for additional trademark information and notices.

Coding Samples Any software coding or code lines/strings (“Code”) provided in this documentation are only examples and are not intended for use in a production system environment. The Code is only intended to better explain and visualize the syntax and phrasing rules for certain SAP coding. SAP does not warrant the correctness or completen ess of the Code provided herein and SAP shall not be liable for errors or damages cause by use of the Code, except where such damages were caused by SAP with intent or with gross negligence.

s4h25 – Exercises

s4h25 openSAP: Unit04: Custom code checks and evaluation of results

Exercise 1: Execute SAP Fiori Custom Code Migration App

Exercise 2: SAP ABAP Development Tools in Eclipse with Quick Fixes


s4h25 – Exercises



Contents BEFORE YOU START ...................................................................................................... 3

Prerequisites for the exercises ....................................................................................... 3

Logon Data ................................................................................................................... 3

Logon to system (SAP S/4HANA)................................................................................... 3

Exercise 1: Execute SAP Fiori Custom Code Migration App ............................................... 4

Overview ....................................................................................................................... 4

Objective ................................................................................................................... 4

Exercise Description ................................................................................................... 4

Start the SAP S/4HANA Migration Cockpit ...................................................................... 5

Exercise 2: SAP ABAP Development Tools in Eclipse with Quick Fixes ............................ 19

Overview ..................................................................................................................... 19

Objective ................................................................................................................. 19

s4h25 – Exercises



Prerequisites for the exercises

You need to have completed all exercises of Unit 01. You must have created your own instance of 4: SAP S/4HANA target system including additional config


Logon Data

Refer to the welcome page on the desktop of your SAP CAL instance.

User ID Password Client number

10steps2s4 <your SAP CAL instance master password>


Logon to system (SAP S/4HANA)

4: “SAP S/4HANA target system including additional config”


s4h25 – Exercises


Exercise 1: Execute SAP Fiori Custom Code

Migration App


Estimated time: 2 hours

Objective In this exercise, you will find instructions to run the custom code check using the Custom Code Migration FIORI application.

The Custom Code Migration app enables you to analyze custom code that needs to be migrated from an SAP Business Suite system to SAP S/4HANA (on premise). To

evaluate the development objects to be adopted, it performs the SAP S/4HANA custom code checks. In addition, this app supports you with identifying unused custom code based on your collected usage data. This enables you to remove

unused custom code during a system conversion to SAP S/4HANA.

In this exercise, a version of the Simplification Database content is already imported into the SAP S/4HANA System. This information is required for the SAP S/4HANA readiness checks in the Code


Exercise Description

Perform the following tasks: A) Perform basic ADT configuration steps (Import check variants, etc.)

B) Check the version and upload date of the Simplification Item Catalog.

s4h25 – Exercises


Start the SAP S/4HANA Migration Cockpit What to Do What You Will See

1. Activate your instance of CAL solution 4 and log on to your SAP ERP: (Client 100 SID ABA Instance 00) User: 10steps2s4 Password: “Your SAP CAL instance master password“

2. Go to transaction /nSYCM and click on the “Execute Overview” button.

3. In the Simplification Database Overview, you should see the following list of Simplification items (326 SAP Notes)

s4h25 – Exercises


4. Import Check Variants into system. Go to transaction /nSCI. Execute the following: Utilities → Import Check Variants Please note that depending on your screen size “More” might show up or not.

5. Activate the ADT SICF services if is not activated already. Go to transaction /nSICF. Enter Service Name = “ADT” Click on “Execute” button.

6. Navigate to default_host >> sap >> bc >> ADT Right-click on the ADT service, and click on “Activate Service”

s4h25 – Exercises


7. Click on the “Yes” button to activate the ADT service.

8. Change System Role in ATC Go to transaction /nATC. Double-click the entry “System Role”

9. Switch to change mode by clicking on the

button .

10. Select the “ATC Checks Using Object Providers” radio button. Click on the “Save” button.

s4h25 – Exercises


11. Prepare ATC Object Provider. Go to transaction ATC. Double-click the entry “Object Providers”

12. Create System Groups for Object Providers. Select “System Groups” by double-clicking it in the left part of the screen. Switch to change mode by clicking on

the button in the top-right corner.

13. Click on the green check button to continue.

14. Click on “New Entries” to add new System Groups.

s4h25 – Exercises


15. Enter the following information: ID = “S4HANA” Description = “System Group for S/4HANA system” Click on the “Save” button. 16. Select “RFC Object Providers” by double-clicking it in the left part of the screen.

17. Click on the “New Entries” button.

18. Enter the following information: ID = “ABA” Description = “My source ABA system” System Group = “S4HANA” RFC Destination = “ABA” SAP System = “ABA” Click on the “Save” button.

s4h25 – Exercises


19. Launch SAP Fiori Launchpad in browser. User: 10steps2s4 Password: “Your SAP CAL instance master password“ Note: Ignore certificate error in the browser and continue to page. This error occurs because the SSL certificate is a self-signed certificate and is not trusted by your browser.

https://vhcalabaci.dummy.nodomain:9443/sap/bc/ui2/flp?sap-client=100 or

20. You will now be logged into the SAP S/4HANA Fiori Launchpad.

21. Search for the SAP Custom Code Migration App, by clicking the magnifying glass button and searching for “Custom Code” is the search box. Click on Custom “Code Migration – Maintain Projects“ link.

s4h25 – Exercises


22. Create new Custom Code Migration Project. Click on the “Create” Button.

23. Enter the following information. Project Description = “ABA” Target Release = “SAP S/4HANA 2020” Transition Scenario = “System Conversion” Destination = “ABA” Click on the “Save” button. Estimated Runtime = 1hr 20 mins.

24. Verify that the Custom Code analysis is complete. Project state should have status “Ready for scoping” and Analysis State should have status “Finished with warnings”

Scope: The first analysis will take some time (up to 30 minutes) but in the meanwhile you can start

analyzing the scope done automatically by the application.

In this case we have limited usage data available hence the objects in scope cannot be

determined by the usage data but are automatically determined by the application using

basic rules (e.g. temporary packages, empty packages, etc.…).

s4h25 – Exercises


1. To start checking the scope part click on Scope

2. If you select the Not in scope bar and then under View By select Object Name or

Object Type you can see the details about the 2 objects excluded automatically.

3. In addition, you can press Change Scope to check the details per package and

modify it.

4. You will be able to see all packages and contained objects. From this screen you can

also include or exclude manually packages form the scope.

5. By clicking on a specific package, you will see all objects included and from this

screen you can exclude or include single objects from the scope.

s4h25 – Exercises


6. Back in the main page listing all packages if you scroll down you will be able to see

the 2 objects that have been excluded and they are empty packages which the app

automatically decides to exclude.

7. Finally in the main screen you have a button called Create Deletion Transport that

allows you to create automatically a transport request in the source system (SAP

ECC 6.0) to delete the objects you marked as “Out of scope”. This can be done

during the conversion by including this transport request/change request in the SUM

procedure (technical conversion).

s4h25 – Exercises


s4h25 – Exercises



To check this part, you need to wait until the analysis is completed and you can

check this in the right progress bar (Analysis Progress). When all the objects have

been checked you can start analyzing the results.

1. Make sure that the analysis is completed.

2. Click on “Analysis” to start validating the results.

3. You can now see the summary of the results by check category and further down

the number of findings per priority.

4. If you scroll all the way down, you can see a summary of the failures happened

during the analysis.

5. After having checked the summary you can now click on Analyze Findings to see

the details.

s4h25 – Exercises


6. Here you can see all details and you can start analyzing single object results.

7. In the higher part with the graphical filters you can now start analyzing the results

by browsing the different categories, notes, scoping information, priority, etc.

8. Not all the filters are visible on the screen, but you can use the > button on the

end right to show the additional filters.

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9. Between the various filters you can find:

a. The Simplification Item Category specifies whether findings are related to

functionality which is not available any more or has been changed in an

incompatible way.

b. SAP Note Number lets you analyze findings of a specific Simplification Item

(for example field length extension of material number)

c. Scope Information lets you filter the findings to show only findings for objects

that are in scope.

d. Quick Fix Availability lets you analyze which findings can be solved by a

Quick Fix and which findings have to be solved manually.

NOTE: The availability of quick fixes is an important information for the analysis

because it reduces the required effort for the adaptation.

10. Once filtered, you can click on the > icon on the right in correspondence of an

object to see all the related details.

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11. You can now proceed with the analysis of the different errors based for

example on the item categories.

12. You can also access the same result in SAP GUI from transaction ATC and

then “Manage Results”. Typically, there are 2 different result calculated, select the

one with prefix “S4H”. From here you have less filters, but you have the possibility to

jump directly to the source system (using the defined RFC connection) and check the

code section impacted.

Either continue directly with exercise 2 or suspend your instance of CAL solution 4. Re-activate it once you continue with exercise 2. This is important to save cost.

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Exercise 2: SAP ABAP Development Tools in

Eclipse with Quick Fixes


Estimated time: 30 mins

Objective After you did the system conversion to SAP S/4HANA with Software Update Manager (SUM) we recommend running ATC with SAP HANA and SAP S/4HANA checks. After that you need to carry out functional adaptation based on the ATC results. In this step you need to fix SAP HANA and SAP S/4HANA findings. Adapt your custom ABAP code, using the findings of the SAP HANA and SAP S/4HANA checks (ATC results). Findings of SAP S/4HANA checks are related to S/4HANA Simplifications. Each simplification requires a different approach to solve findings. Therefore, findings of SAP S/4HANA checks refer to an SAP Note which describes how you can solve them. What to Do What You Will See

1. Go to transaction /nATC. In the navigation pane, expand the nodes ATC Administration →Runs and double-click the Schedule Runs entry. The screen that appears displays a list of existing run series.

2. Click on the create

button to create a new ATC series.

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3. Enter a name for the new series and confirm. Click on the Green check.

4. Enter the following

entries for the new run series: Click on “Calculate Quick Fix Proposals” checkbox. Enter check variant name = “S4HANA_READINESS” Enter Package = Z* Click on the Save button.

5. If you get the following error “Save inconsistent data”, click on “Yes” to continue. If not, proceed to the next step.

6. Select Series Name

created in step 4. Click on the Schedule button to schedule an ATC series.

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7. Select “Set to Active Results” checkbox. Click on the Execute in Background button to schedule the run series and choose “Immediate” in the schedule.

8. Click on the green


9. Click on the Immediate

button. Click on the Save button to start ATC job.

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10. Go to transaction /nATC. In the navigation pane, expand the nodes ATC Administration →Runs and double-click the Monitor and Control Runs entry.

11. Click on the Execute

button to view ATC runs.

12. Confirm the ATC series

run is complete with state = “Finished”.

13. Click on Results to view

the full list of ATC results.

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14. Now we have access to the results, and you can check the different objects in detail by double-clicking the entries. In the details you can also see the note number containing information about the type of fix potentially required.

15. Double click on the

eclipse icon on the desktop to launch the ABAP Development tools for Eclipse. Note that you must have installed Eclipse as per instructions in the exercises of Unit 01. The icon might look slightly different and is the one that you have installed.

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16. From the menu Windows choose Perspective and then Open Perspective.

17. Select ABAP and confirm with Open.

18. Close the Welcome

screen to see the new perspective with all the relevant sections.

19. Create an ABAP Project,

the central interface between the IDE and the ABAP backend system.

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20. If you cannot directly connect with prefilled system information, enter the system information for the S/4HANA system manually. Fill the application server IP address, which you can find in your SAP CAL instance information listed under “ERP Internal IP address”. Click on Next.

21. Enter the username and

password for the S/4HANA system (ABA). Client: 100 User: 10steps2s4 Password: “Your SAP CAL instance master password“ Click Finish button.

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22. Now go to the menu Window and navigate to Show view and select Other…

23. Search for ATC Result

Browser. Click Open to confirm.

24. Switch to the tab ATC

Result Browser. Expand the folder and click on Active Results…

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25. Select ATC results from previous ATC scheduled job. Choose Group By →Check to display the ATC scans from the ATC scheduled runs. Please note that depending on the Eclipse/ADT version that you would have installed, the “Group By” icon might be in a different part of the screen compared to the screenshot shown here.

26. Right click on results from previous ATC scheduled job. Select “Analyze Results in ATC Problems View”

27. New “ATC Problems” tab

will open.

28. You can now select the

first result as example and see the description in the right tab. At the same time the source code will be opened in the main screen and all the errors are highlighted in red together with the description.

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29. Right click the first error with the icon titled “DB Operation SELECT found (KONV…”. Click the option “Quick Fix…”.

30. In this case the quick fix

proposes 2 different solutions: • Append pseudo comment that is here to ignore the error in the next checks if not relevant • Replace SELECT from table KONV by API Call

31. Select the second option

“Replace SELECT from table KONV by API Call” and confirm by clicking finish.

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32. Now we need to activate the new version of the program by using the activate button in the main bar.

33. The system will ask you

to select a transport request or create a new one. Enter Request Description. Click on OK.

34. Right click the first error

with the icon titled “DB Operation SELECT found (KONV…”. Click the option “Recheck”

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35. Now the error has disappeared and for the same program we just have additional warnings. In this case if you right-click on one of the warnings and try the Quick Fix option, you will see that only the comment to ignore the warning is offered.

36. Suspend your SAP CAL solution 4 instance until you continue with the exercises of unit 9. This is important to save cost.

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