S3/4 Craft and Design Aesthetics

S3/4 Craft and Design Aesthetics. What is Aesthetics? Aesthetics is the word used when explaining or thinking about the appearance of an object. Creating

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S3/4 Craft and Design


What is Aesthetics?

Aesthetics is the word used when explaining or thinking about the appearance of an object.

Creating man-made objects with good aesthetics can often be problematic.

Why is Aesthetics important in a design?

When creating a product or an object, its aesthetic appearance (how it looks) creates our first impression and begins to form an opinion of the object.

These two bookcases have very different aesthetic properties, but still carry out the same function.

Why is Aesthetics important in a design?

However, there is more to a product than simply making it eye-catching and interesting to look at.

The appearance of a product can suggest more than you may initially think…..

By carefully planning your design, you can make an object look clean, strong, fast, safe, durable and even lightweight!!!

Dyson vacuum cleaners are designed to look light-weight and clean.

Elements of Aesthetics

It can at times be difficult to appreciate why a designer has used aesthetics to ensure a product appears in a certain way, but aesthetics can be broken down into the following elements;

Size & Proportion

The size of a product is found by simply measuring all of the dimensions, such as the length, breadth and height of an object.

The proportion is the relationship between the length, breadth and the height of an object.

Products can be made to appear more interesting if they are “out of” proportion. For example, the backs of these chairs are out of proportion in comparison to the seat and the legs.


Lines are regularly used to create and then develop design ideas. They can be combined and arranged in a way to create different shapes or textures, and can suggest movement or convey emotions!

For example, a Formula 1 car has very clean lines and smooth curves. This is partly to help streamline the car, but it also gives the car a fast and smooth appearance.


Colour is a huge part of any design. The choice of colour can suggest a feeling or theme, for example, red suggests very hot, blue is cold, orange is warm and green is relaxing.

Colours can also be used to create a contrast or harmony is a product. Contrast is where colours stand out against one another, and harmony is where they compliment (go well with) one another.

Shape and form

Shape and form have a huge impact on the success of a design. Often, the starting point for a design is basic 2-dimensional shapes that can then be developed into a 3-dimensional form.

For example, the form of door handles are carefully considered so they are smooth and comfortable, opposed to sharp and awkward.

As you can see, all of these door handles have soft rounded forms for comfort.

Pattern and Texture

Patterns can be used to create interest and liven up some plain aspects of a design.

Patterns can also be used to improve the function, aesthetics and durability of a design. For example, pattern surfaces can be applied for grip on handles, and applying a texture to plastics can make them appear more expensive.

Patterns are often applied to floors as it shows up less dirt and marks.

Textures are often applied for more grip on a product.


A style is a look popular for a period of time that is usually linked with fashion.

Styles of the past include Art Nouveau, Art Deco, Modernism and Bauhaus.

Often designers develop their own style, such as MacIntosh who had proportion and elegant spaces at the heart of his designs.

Symmetry and balance

Symmetry and balance are important in a design. Our brain is naturally very unsure of designs which do not appear to look balanced.

The simplest way to ensure visual balance is to have a symmetrical design, however, this is not always exciting and does not make the brain think about a design/object.

Designs which are not symmetrical tend to challenge the brain more and are more eye-catching.