D U N B L A N E H I G H S C H O O L Prospice Ultra Montes COURSE CHOICE S3 Options for the S4 Senior Phase 2019-2020 Information Booklet

S2 OPTIONS 2008dunblanehighschool.org.uk/files/S3_-_S4_Options_BOOKLET_2019-_20_JAN.pdf · HNC Electronics allows you to progress to 2nd year of the BEng Electronic & Electrical Engineering

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S3 Options Programme Timeline for the Senior Phase 1

Making Your Choices

Preparing for the Senior Phase – how parents can help!


Frequently Asked Questions

National Courses

Changes to the National 5 assessment

Subject Information on the Senior Phase

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Week beginning 17 September

S3 Interim Reports to Parents Interim assessment of effort and general progress - via schoolbag.

Week beginning 22 October

S3 Subject Survey Pupils asked to indicate which 5 subjects they might like to study for the new National Exams in S4. This survey is designed to gauge likely demand prior to the drawing up of a Draft Options Form.

Week beginning 26 November

S4 Senior Phase Draft Options’ Form ready.

Based on the Subject Survey and staffing availability, a Draft Options’ Form will be issued to pupils. As well as indicating their 5 choices, this DRAFT Options’ Form will ask pupils to indicate subject combinations that they would like but which are not on the DRAFT Options’ Form

Week beginning 4 December

Senior Phase Options’ Form finalised Full timetabling and staffing analysis of the likely impact of S4 Senior Phase Options completed.

Friday 21 December Christmas Holiday begins

Monday 7 January School returns

Friday 7 December S3 REPORTS TO PARENTS Full BGE report to parents – on line.

Thursday 25 January S3 PARENTS’ EVENING Meetings with individual subject teachers. Careers Adviser available.

Wednesday 24 January S3 Options’ Assembly

Further information for pupils on subjects and courses

Thursday 31 February


Detailed information on course choices and options’ procedures. Option form will be issued.

Wednesday 6 February Friday 8 February

S3 Senior Phase Options’ Interviews Completed option forms to be returned during PSHE. Interviews with individual pupils and parents’ in the McCarron

Monday 11 May 2018 SENIOR PHASE BEGINS New timetable begins for whole school. The aim is to ensure a rigorous start to the Senior Phase – school activities/excursions/school show will all be scheduled for mid to late June.

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S1-S3 Broad General Education

So far in Dunblane High School our S3 students have studied a wide range of subjects within the Broad General Education. This was to ensure that during these years, as well as developing the appropriate Numeracy and Literacy skills, their curriculum was broad and balanced covering all the curricular areas within:

Arts, Health & Wellbeing


Maths, Science & Technology

In addition, students were able to participate in a range of Interdisciplinary Projects, enabling learning beyond traditional subject boundaries. These subject connections promoted a deepening of their knowledge, offered a range of experiences as well as providing all students with a challenging and stimulating learning environment. As a consequence our S1-S3 students will have encountered a variety of leaning & teaching styles across the CfE experiences and outcomes. The aim here was to ensure progression in skills, knowledge and understanding. The Options’ Form has been structured along curricular lines to ensure that in the first year of the SENIOR PHASE in S4 there is still a degree of curricular breadth before further specialisation begins with the choice of 5 subjects in S5.

New Subjects

Learning experiences in S1 to S3 have been designed to provide students with some experience of most of the subjects available to them in S4. However, some subjects (e.g. Media and Engineering Science) may be new and students should give them special consideration before making a choice. Students should read the description of the new subjects in this booklet carefully and if necessary consult with teachers of the subject concerned. This should be done before Option Choice interviews take place.

S5 and S6

It is more than likely that students will want to remain at school and continue with studies into S5 and S6, possibly with a view to gaining entry qualifications for University or College. The curriculum and associated timetable are being structured in such a way as to maximise curricular continuity and progression from S4 through to S6. Therefore subject choices for S4 should be made with a view to a planned S5 and S6. Combinations of Higher subjects not possible in one year are often easily available if planned over two years.

Some subjects, such as Art & Design, Business Management, Drama, History, Geography, Media, Modern Studies, & PE can be studied in S5 and/or S6 without previously having been studied at National 5. This is provided that students have reached an appropriate SQA level of attainment in English or Maths at National 5.

Future Career

No career option is closed by our Options Form. With the exception of some courses, such as Medicine which require passes in particular subjects, the actual subjects studied at Higher Grade may not be as important to universities as the number of ‘A’, ‘B’ or ‘C’ passes gained. However emphasis on a particular mode might be advisable (e.g. prospective engineers, might be well advised to take subject combinations from the Maths, Science and Technology Faculty).

Students should carefully consider the advice given on prior attainment in subjects or skills so as to ensure that there is a real prospect of progression from National 5 to Higher.

Information and Advice We would recommend that students choose subjects that they enjoy and in which they are doing well.

For more information visit:: www.skillsdevelopmentscotland.co.uk




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Preparing for the Senior Phase

~ How Parents Can Help ~

Talk with your child about how they are getting on in Dunblane High – what subjects they enjoy and feel they can achieve success with.

Talk about the options and encourage them to start thinking about what they might like to do in the future.

Generally it’s a good idea to encourage them to keep their options as open as possible. They may already have some ideas about what they want to do in the future, but these could change. And, for many young people it’s still too early to have specific career ideas or interests.

Encourage them to avoid biased views about what subjects or careers are ‘suitable’ for girls or boys.

If there are any family members, neighbours or friends that have careers that may be of interest to your child, encourage them to ask questions of them about their careers or if there is an opportunity for some work experience or visit to their workplace.

Talk to their subject teachers, Pupil Support PT and/or careers adviser if you need more information or they have any worries about subject choice.

They should choose subjects in which they demonstrate an aptitude. They should not choose subjects because they appear ‘harder’ and therefore universities ‘prefer’ them! This is never the case!

The world of work is probably very different now to when you were at school. Beware of steering your child into a particular career pathway based on ‘how it used to be.’

Progression and Employability Pathways 16+

These exciting opportunities are accessed in partnership with colleges, employers and the community.

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Progression Planning It is important that when students are making choices they should consider progression leading ultimately to their transition from school. The pathways available to achieve career ambitions have developed considerably during the last two years. Universities, colleges and employers have worked closely with secondary schools and the government to provide different progression routes to ensure that all students’ achievements are recognised so that Scotland can develop the talents of all its young people. These developments have acknowledged that the traditional definition of success has been too narrow. It has come under greater scrutiny as employers and universities look to recruit young people who are able to adapt and thrive in what is now a highly competitive global community and who may have been previously excluded. It is essential therefore that students plan their senior-phase carefully. Traditional subjects are still important – especially at National 5 – but to consider other awards [see opposite] that may be offered in school or at college during the senior-phase and beyond will be important in building a qualification portfolio that is representative of skills as well as knowledge. These skills for life, learning and work are being acknowledged through the development of vocational courses, the broader recognition of prior learning, articulation between learning in different centres [i.e. college and university] and the needs of employers.

Alternative Qualifications As well as Nationals at N5, Higher [6] and Advanced Higher [7] the SQA also certificate and support a wide range vocational and skills based qualifications that can either be part of the progression pathway or the destination. These include:

Apprenticeships FOUNDATION [FA] [School & College] FAs are a work-based learning opportunity for senior-phase secondary school pupils. Lasting two years, pupils typically begin their Foundation Apprenticeship in S5. Young people spend time out of school at college or with a local employer, and complete the Foundation Apprenticeship alongside their other subjects like National 5s and Highers. MODERN [MA] [Employer & College] MAs are work based learning frameworks supported by the SQA and Skills Development Scotland. Young people would apply to a work place that offers an MA supported by a college.

GRADUATE LEVEL [GLA] [Employer, College & University] GLAs provide work-based learning opportunities up to Master’s degree level for employees. They have been created in partnership with industry and the further and higher education sector. The apprenticeships combine academic knowledge with skills development to enable participants to become more effective and productive in the workplace.


There are a wide range of vocational awards [National Certificates and National Progression Awards] that focus on skills and industry relevant qualifications. These can provide alternatives or enhancements to traditional routes be they, for example, part of a personalised timetable throughout the senior-phase progressing into college or university, a way to develop a broader skills base that will enhance university applications or transitioning into employment.


NATIONAL DIP. [HND] [Colleges and some Universities]

These are specially designed to meet the needs of employers.

Strathclyde University Engineering Academy

The Engineering Academy is a pioneering programme that offers you an alternative route into university and employment as a Strathclyde student. The first year is an enhanced HNC programme at one of the partner colleges [for DHS it is Forth Valley College] together with practical skills units. The curriculum has been designed in consultation with the participating departments at the University. Three separate HNC programmes have been developed to allow you to progress to a variety of degree programmes. Students who achieve the required performance are guaranteed transfer to the second year of one undergraduate degree programmes: 1. HNC Chemical Engineering allows you to

progress to 2nd year of the undergraduate degrees in the Department of Chemical & Process Engineering

2. HNC Electronics allows you to progress to 2nd year of the BEng Electronic & Electrical Engineering programme within the Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering

3. HNC General Engineering allows you to progress to 2nd year of the undergraduate degrees offered by the Departments of Design, Manufacture & Engineering Management; Civil & Environmental Engineering; Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering; and Naval Architecture, Ocean & Marine Engineering; and 1st year of the undergraduate degrees offered by the Department of Biomedical Engineering.

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1. Can I change courses in S4 if I find I don’t like my first choice? No. As a general rule it will not be possible after the first few weeks of the course, and even then there may not be any places available in other subjects. You are making a choice for the next year and you must therefore think very carefully about it. 2. Should I choose a subject because my friends are choosing it? No. Surely you and your friends disagree about what film to go and see, which team is best and who should win the X-Factor. So why would you all agree to do the same school subjects? Following the crowd isn’t always the best option. Work out your own plans and stick to them 3. Should I choose a subject because I like the teacher? No. In the end it is always going to be down to you to put the work in and get the results although teachers are there to support you. But what happens if the teacher leaves or you change schools? Teachers can be great at making you feel enthusiastic and interested in a subject, but remember there is no guarantee that you will get the same teacher next year, so in the long run the motivation has to come from you. 4. Should I choose/not choose a subject because it is seen to be a girl’s subject or a boy’s subject? There is no such thing as girls’ subjects or boys’ subjects - this is the age of equal opportunities. There is nothing you can’t do if you have the right skills and interests. The only barriers to the subjects you can study are the ones you put up yourself. 5. Should I choose a subject because I need it for the career I want to follow? Yes. This is a sensible and valid reason for choosing a subject. However, do remember that you need not have a firm career in mind at the moment, only that you should be picking from a range of subjects which will maximise your options for the future. No matter how sure you feel at the moment about your future career, you should have alternatives in mind. You could change your mind completely and find out that you don’t have the spread of subjects for other things which now interest you. 6. Should I choose a subject because the teacher says I should take it? Subject teachers can give you good advice because they know you and your aptitude and ability in their subject. Your Pupil Support teacher knows about you as a person too so can help with decisions. However, you should be doing your own research. 7. Should I choose a subject because I’m good at it? Yes. Ability in a subject is a definite plus. However, you also have to think about the usefulness of the subject to you long term: be careful about narrowing your options too much and becoming too specialized. If you are lucky enough to be good at a lot of subjects, you may be able to leave some out because you can’t fit them all in, so other aspects like your possible careers ideas, have to be taken into account.

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8. Should I choose a subject because my parents want me to do it? Your parent’s support is really important because they know you and your interests well. You should explore your ideas together using the PlanitPlus website as well as advice from subject and pupil support teachers. 9 What help can I get from the school? You will have been considering aspects of subject choice at assemblies and this booklet provides very important additional information. 10. Will my Pupil Support Teacher help me? Yes. Your Pupil Support Teacher will discuss your choice with you at an interview arranged for this purpose in January. Your parents are most welcome to participate in this interview if available. You will have been issued with a Senior Phase 1 Option Form on which you have shown the subjects you think you would like to take. This will form the basis for your pupil support interview. 11. If I fail a National 5 course will I automatically be awarded a National 4 course as a default? This was a possibility until the end of 2016. For the new S4 students who will embark on their National 5 courses from 2017, this process called ‘Recognising Positive Achievement’ (RPA) will no longer apply as the removal of units from National 5 courses means that the unitised model – on which RPA is based – will no longer exist. (See page 12). National 4 courses remain unchanged. 12. Is a ‘D’ award at National 5 a pass? Yes, although a ‘D’ award at National 5 is an award at SCQF Level 5, most Highers (SCQF Level 6) require a minimum of a ‘C’ award at National 5. At this time of publication of this Options Booklet the SQA are discussing the possibility of extending the current grade scale below grade C in order to recognise a broader range of learner achievements

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The new qualifications taken at the end of S4, which are known as ‘Nationals’, have been developed to articulate with Curriculum for Excellence. Changes are also being made to the Higher and Advanced Higher qualifications as well as the introduction of a number of new SQA Awards. These new qualifications will help young people reach their full potential as they progress from their broad, general education through to college, university, other learning and employment.


From 2015–16, the new National Qualifications (National 4 up to and including Advanced Higher) were fully introduced in Dunblane High.

Assessment and Certification

For the new S4 candidates beginning National Courses such as National 5 from 2017, a variety of coursework will continue to be assessed and marked throughout the year by teachers. In the past it included internal ‘units’ which were resulted as pass or fail. These units and subsequent unit assessments are being ‘phased out’ from Session 2018/19. Remaining course assessment will normally be carried out using one or two methods from seven possible types of assessment methods which will include:

1. assignments 2. case studies 3. practical activities 4. performance 5. portfolios 6. projects 7. question papers or tests

Course Grading

Internal unit assessments remain for all National 3 and National 4 courses. N3 & N4 Courses will not be graded but assessed overall as a PASS or FAIL. If a learner fails a Course assessment, they will receive credit for the Units they have achieved at that level.

National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher Courses will be graded A to D or ‘No Award’.

Added Value

Courses from National 4 through to Advanced Higher will assess ‘added value’ and thus include a 40 hour added value element. This will assess breadth, challenge and/or application of learning. This will be achieved by sampling skills, knowledge and understanding from Units. Added value will be assessed in a Unit at National 4 and through the Course Assessment at National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher.

New Awards

As well as developing the new qualifications, SQA has developed a number of new Awards.

Their purpose is to give young people more ways to demonstrate their achievement at school and college. Some of the new Awards cover work from different subject areas, are shorter than traditional Courses, and recognise success across different levels of difficulty. This makes them suitable for young people of all abilities. The new Awards will be assessed internally and adhere to national standards. They do not have any external assessment or exams. Examples of possible awards that might be available as ELECTIVES in DHS are:

• Personal Achievement (SCQF levels 1 to 2) • Personal Development (SCQF levels 2 to 6)

Support Materials

Specimen question papers and other assessment resources will be available before the new qualifications are introduced to help learners revise and prepare.

Where to find more information

The SQA website:

www.sqa.org.uk/cfeforparents, is full of useful information to help explain the National Qualifications, including opportunities to download the various documents. There are also details on how they are working with teachers and lecturers on

National Qualifications and Awards. Keep in touch with Facebook at:


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Changes to Assessment in National Courses

In September 2016, the Deputy First Minister announced that units and unit assessments will be removed from National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher

courses. A unit was an internally assessed element of the course [see above ‘Assessment and Certification’]. Students previously needed to pass all the unit

assessments of a course before being awarded a certificate.

National 5 from 2016-17 Higher from 2017–18 Advanced Higher from 2019–20

The current course assessment approach requires candidates to complete internally assessed National units and a course assessment, which is normally an

examination question paper and/or coursework. Removing the units and corresponding unit assessments means that the SQA will strengthen the course

assessments to maintain 24 SCQF credit points and protect the integrity of their National courses. Due to this, the changes to course assessment will result in

one or more of the following:

♦ extension of the existing question paper

♦ extension of the existing item of coursework

♦ a new question paper

♦ a new item of coursework

Dunblane High School will inform students and parents of all emerging detail as and when it is available to us. The revised course specification for each National 5 subject will be made available at the end of April 2017. For further information visit http://www.sqa.org.uk/sqa/files_ccc/Changes-to-assessment-of-National-courses-your-questions-answered.pdf

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Curriculum for Excellence




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The next three pages provide some information on subjects that may be new to S4 either because they are not normally part of the S1-3 Broad General Education or that they have been delivered as an ‘insert’ in S3.

BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Would you like to run your own business? Have you watched The Dragon’s Den and admired the dragons with their successful business empires or the entrepreneurs looking for financial support to develop their fledgling businesses? Sir Alan Sugar has shown us some of the challenges facing apprentices in the business world. You can probably name many successful Companies but do you know and are you interested in understanding the challenges behind the glamour. Success comes from good business sense. Studying Business Management will introduce you to how businesses develop strategies, handle risk and take decisions. You will study essential business functions such as marketing, HR, accounting and finance. You’ll investigate how organisations think and work, how they’re managed, and the external world in which they operate. Business plays an important role in society. The Course therefore includes the study of organisations in the private, public and voluntary sectors. The Course develops skills for learning, life and work that will be of instant use in any workplace from your first job earning pocket money to wherever your aspirations take you.

COMPUTING SCIENCE In current age of developing technology including gaming, mobile applications and internet / web development effective use and understanding of these technologies and processes are necessary for our future generations to succeed in a constantly evolving world. Many different businesses and industries see the potential in developing digital solutions that can help them grow economically and commercially. Computing Science will allow students to explore how to develop a feature rich and aesthetically attractive web site. This also links into another aspect of the course; database management. Students will discover how to manage and organise information efficiently and with clarity using sector leading software. Other skills that the course will offer are the design and programming skills that are required to plan to build an app for any current mobile platform. These skills are not just limited to the Computing Science but are used across all industries. Apps available on ‘Google Play’ and ‘iTunes’ can be used for shopping, social networking, banking, health mapping and much more. Computing Science prepares students in these skills and for further study in IT and Computing Sciences.

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ENGINEERING SCIENCE Engineering Science is the replacement course for Technological Studies. This course has been developed by SQA together with partners in industry, colleges and universities, to articulate with engineering courses in further education and training. Scotland has a long and distinguished history of engineering and has produced some of the World’s most famous engineers. Modern Scotland is still renowned for excellence in engineering, with companies such as the Wood Group and the Weir Group who have engineers working worldwide, together with advances in renewable energy, and of course the offshore oil industry is set to continue for at least another 30 years. Some commentators have recently suggested that there will be a shortage of suitably trained engineers in the mid to long term future. The new Engineering Science course comprises three main units: Engineering Contexts and Challenges; Electronics and Control; and Mechanisms and Structures. Engineering Science can lead learners into the many fields of engineering, whether through craft apprenticeships, technician training, or degree courses.

HOSPITALITY One of the essential skills for life is being able to feed ourselves to allow us to pursue an active, healthy lifestyle. The main purpose of this course therefore is to develop learners’ practical cookery skills and their understanding of the ingredients used. The course contains a significant practical component, which involves experiential learning, and is supported by related theory. It also provides a set of foundation skills for those who wish to progress to professional hospitality courses or work. The Scottish catering and hospitality industries are large, vibrant and growing, collectively employing a significant proportion of the nation’s workforce. Throughout Scotland, employers have been unanimous in their calls for well-educated and skilled workers capable of further professional development, and this qualification in Practical Cookery aims to answer the call. In this beautiful part of the country we have some of the finest hotels and Cook Schools; Gleneagles, Hilton Doubletrees and Nick Nairn’s Cook School to mention a few. What better place to start the journey than with this Hospitality Course.

ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE The environment affects everyone, from global issues such as climate change and pollution, to more local issues such as the quality of rural and urban environments.Through this Course, learners will investigate key areas of the living environment, the earth and its resources. It allows learners the opportunity to investigate sustainability and sustainable development. The Course has a strong interdisciplinary nature and develops skills, knowledge and understanding in relevant areas of science & social science. It provides opportunities for learners to develop their scientific literacy skills as well as consider the impact that environmental science makes on their lives, on the lives of others, on the environment, and on society. Jobs in this sector are predicted to continue to increase in the future offering a diverse range of employment opportunities. The growing prominence of environmental legislation, locally and globally, as well as the raised public awareness of environmental issues has led to more investment in this sector. These changes have led to an increase in demand for environmental specialists and technicians.

DRAMA Studying drama requires emotional maturity, and gives students a deep understanding of themselves. Involving not only their voices and bodies, but also emotions and creativity, it is able to engender a deep sense of self-esteem. It is a subject that requires a great deal of peer trust, and so it plays an important role in teaching communication, problem-solving, listening and empathy skills, as well as self-presentation, self-discipline and an ability to handle criticism. Studying drama is demanding. Students will choose an appropriate role as part of at least two dramatic productions, and analyse their own performances and those of their peers. Students will develop technical competences in sound, lighting, props, costumes and script-writing, as well as acting and directing. The skills that are learnt by studying drama are invaluable in later life: being able to speak and present confidently in front of people, and the planning that is required in any production, are useful skills in many careers. Drama can be a good basis for a career not only in a range of performing arts, but also in art therapies, film and broadcasting, education and arts and events management.

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MEDIA Media is crucial to how we make sense of our lives and feel about things. Being able to interrogate the message behind a media text and to create media content are modern, practical skills which play a useful part in the design of our social world, helping students to understand the ever-changing technologically-driven society in which we live. This course gives students the opportunity to analyse and create media content. In analysis, students will experience a wide range of media texts including film, television, radio, print and digital texts. Areas of study include film-making, script-writing, advertising, social media and journalism. Students will create their own media content in chosen forms and genres. This will involve using various pieces of technology, including state-of-the-art editing software, to create professional media products. The course allows students to gain valuable skills in communication, teamwork, creative thinking, independent learning and media literacy. This course offers excellent career prospects, with organisations such as the BBC, ITV and Sky looking for employees with the skills students will gain on this course.

PRACTICAL WOODWORK The Course has three mandatory Units. Each of the Units of the Course is designed to provide progression to the corresponding Unit at the next SCQF level. Topic 1 - Flat-frame Construction This Unit helps learners develop skills in the use of woodworking tools and in the preparation and production of basic flat-frame wood-working joints and assemblies. Learners will learn to read and follow simple wood-working drawings or diagrams. Topic 2 - Carcase Construction This Unit helps learners develop skills in the preparation and production of basic woodworking joints and assemblies suitable for use in carcase construction. This may include working with manufactured board or with frames and panels. The Unit includes the use of simple working drawings or diagrams. Topic 3 - Machining and Finishing This Unit helps learners develop skills in using common machine and power tools. It also helps learners develop skills in a variety of simple woodworking surface preparations and finishing techniques. In each of the three Units above, learners will develop an appreciation of safe working practices in a workshop environment. They will also gain knowledge and understanding of sustainability issues and good practice in recycling in a practical wood-working context.

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Dunblane High School S 4 S E N I O R P H A S E 2 0 1 9 - 2 0

Course Choices for S3

National 4 (SCQF Level 4) National 5 (SCQF Level 5)

Higher (SCQF Level 6)

Prior Requirements Minimum Requirements Minimum Requirements

Success in this course comes from completion of the Experiences/Outcomes in the Art and Design input in the BGE with a completed portfolio of evidence.

Successful completion of the Broad General Education Experiences and Outcomes in Art and Design at level 4 (equivalent of National 4).

Pass in National 5 Art and Design

Additional Requirements Additional Requirements

Must be willing to work hard and independently

Must be willing to do regular homework exercises Must carry out all practical and critical work

National 5 pass in English or History recommended

Must be willing to work hard and independently

Must be motivated and show initiative

Expected to do a fair amount of regular homework

Progression Progression Progression

National 5 Art and Design

Higher Art and Design

Skills for Work Courses (SCQF 5 or 6)

National Certificate Group Awards

National Progression Awards (SCQF 5 or 6) Employment and/or training

Within school – Adv. H Art and Design

Higher qualifications valuable for entry to University or FE studies, particularly creative industries, design, media and arts courses.

Further study, vocational training or employment

Course Content Course Content Course Content Portfolio

Expressive Activity Unit

Design Activity Unit

Added Value Unit - Candidates will develop works of art and design based on their portfolio units to achieve a course award at National 4 (dependent on quality). A critical activity component is also included.


Expressive Activity Unit

Design Activity Unit

Portfolio - Candidates will develop works of art and design based on their units to achieve a course award at National 5 (dependent on quality). A critical activity component is also included.


Expressive Activity Unit

Design Activity Unit

Portfolio - Candidates will develop works of art and design based on their units to achieve a course award at Higher. A critical activity component is also included.

Additional Information Additional Information Additional Information

Assessment is based on the Portfolio and Written Paper in Higher Art and Design.

Assessment is based on the Portfolio and critical elements only.

Assessment is based on the Portfolio and Written Paper in National 5 Art and Design SQA weightings 2017- Exam: 20%; Coursework: 80% SQA weightings 2018- TBD

Art and Design

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Dunblane High School S 4 S E N I O R P H A S E 2 0 1 9 - 2 0

Course Choices for S3

National 4 (SCQF Level 4) National 5 (SCQF Level 5) Higher (SCQF Level 6)

Advanced Higher (SCQF Level 7)

Prior Requirements Minimum Requirements Minimum Requirements Minimum Requirements

Success in this course comes from completion of the science experiences/ outcomes in the BGE and is supported by a completed portfolio of evidence. The purpose of the BGE is to develop learners’ interest and enthusiasm for Science in a range of contexts. The skills of scientific enquiry and investigation are developed throughout the course. Thus enabling learners to become scientifically literate citizens, able to review the science-based claims they meet.

Successful completion of the Broad General Education Experiences and Outcomes in Science at level 4 (equivalent to National 4)

A pass at Grade C in National 5 Biology

A or B pass at Higher Biology Higher Maths and English preferred

Additional Requirements Additional Requirements Additional Requirements

Must be willing to work hard and independently

Must be willing to complete regular homework exercises Must be willing to carry out practical work

National 5 passes in English and Maths are strongly recommended

Must be willing to carry out experimental work

Expected to complete homework regularly Expected to consolidate knowledge regularly

Must be willing to work independently

Must be willing to undertake practical work on a large scale project

Progression Progression Progression Progression

National 5 Biology

National 5 Chemistry

National 5 Physics

National 3 or 4 Environmental Science (please see additional information on the Environmental Science Page)

Higher Biology

National 5 Course in another science subject

Skills for Work Courses (SCQF 5 or 6)

National Certificate Group Awards

National Progression Awards (SCQF 5 or 6) Employment and/or training

Within school – Adv. H Biology

Higher qualifications needed for entry to many medical and biology related university courses

Another Higher as part of a group leading to University or FE studies

Success in Adv. H helps to gain entry into competitive courses such as medicine, dentistry and veterinary medicine

Eases progression into first year university Vocational training or employment in a biology-based or related area including the health sector, agricultural science or environmental services

Course Content Course Content Course Content Course Content

Unit 1 Life on Earth Unit 2 Cell Biology Unit 3 Multi-cellular Organisms Assignment – pupils will be required to extend and apply their knowledge and understanding in unfamiliar contexts and complete an assessed assignment

Unit 1 DNA & the Genome Unit 2 Metabolism & Survival Unit 3 Sustainability & Interdependence An Assignment: pupils will investigate/research a topic to identify the underlying biology and its impact on society/the environment. (Externally assessed 16% of final mark)

Unit titles are : Biology: Cells and Proteins Biology: Organisms and Evolution The course covers key aspects of life science at the molecular scale and extends to aspects of the biology of whole organisms that are among the major driving forces of evolution Investigative Biology

Additional Information Additional Information Additional Information Additional Information Only Environmental Science will be offered at National 3 and 4 level in S4. Biology will only be offered at National 5. Teachers will have made progress recommendations within the S3 reports.

The course will be of interest and value to learners wishing to develop skills, knowledge and understanding of biology. The course is a broad and up-to-date selection of concepts and ideas relevant to the central position of life science within our society. SQA weightings 2017 – Exam 80%; Coursework 20% SQA weightings 2018- TBD

The development of skills prepares learners by enabling them to adapt their learning to new situations, solve problems, make decisions based on evidence, and evaluate the impact of science developments on their own

Through this course, learners will develop scientific and analytical thinking skills in a biological context whilst acquiring and applying knowledge and understanding of Biology. These skills enable learners to develop an informed and ethical view of complex issues.


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Dunblane High School S 4 S E N I O R P H A S E 2 0 1 9 - 2 0

Course Choices for S3

National 4 (SCQF Level 4) National 5 (SCQF Level 5) Higher (SCQF Level 6)

Advanced Higher (SCQF Level 7)

Prior Requirements Minimum Requirements Minimum Requirements Minimum Requirements Successful completion of the Broad General

Education Experiences and Outcomes in Social studies and English.

Successful completion of the Broad General Education Experiences and Outcomes in Social studies and English.

Pass at C or above in National 5 Business Management or

A pass at National 5 English and a pass in a National 5 social subject if Business Management

Higher Business Management, grade A or B Higher English

Additional Requirements Additional Requirements Additional Requirements

Must be willing to work hard and independently

Must be willing to do regular homework exercises

National 5 pass in English s

Expected to complete homework regularly Expected to consolidate knowledge regularly

Must be willing to work hard and independently

Progression Progression Progression Progression National 5 Business Management Higher Business Management

Higher Accounting

Skills for Work Courses (SCQF 5 or 6)

National Certificate Group Awards

National Progression Awards (SCQF 5 or 6) Employment and/or training

Advanced Higher Business Management

Higher qualifications recommended for entry to many business and finance degrees Further study, vocational training or employment.

This Course or its Units may provide progression to: - degrees/HND in Business Studies and other business-related disciplines

-careers in a wide range of management functions within the private, public and third sectors

Course Content Course Content Course Content Course Content Business In Action

Business Influences

Added Value Unit: The general aim of this Unit is to enable the learner to prepare a simple business proposal for an aspect of a small business, making use of appropriate technology where applicable

Understanding Business (Nat 5)

Management of People and Finance (Nat 5)

Management of Marketing and Operations (Nat 5)

Understanding Business (Higher)

Management of People and Finance (Higher)

Management of Marketing and Operations (Higher) Externally assessed assignment

The External Environment & Internal Environment

Researching a Business: Learners will develop analytical and research skills by investigating real organisations in a range of contexts. Understanding and applying the key concepts and theories of management through current business contexts ensures that its relevance to learners.

Additional Information Additional Information Additional Information Additional Information National 4 Business is only offered as a fall-back position from National 5 Business Management when candidates do not meet the minimum standard as set out in the National 5 Internal Unit Assessments. *This course is only offered in S4*

This Course will develop skills and attributes focus on business contexts; entrepreneurship, by using their initiative in being creative and resourceful; and decision making, by interpreting, analysing and evaluating a range of information to make critical, ethical, responsible and effective business decisions.

SQA weightings - Exam: 70%; Coursework: 30% SQA weightings 2018- TBD

The purpose of the Course is to highlight the ways in which organisations operate and the steps they take to achieve their strategic goals. This purpose will be achieved by combining theoretical and practical aspects of learning through the use of real-life business contexts.

At Advanced Higher level, the study of Business Management provides learners with a perspective that gives them the ability to research, analyse and interpret the actions and decisions taken by real organisations and to explain how these actions and decisions might affect businesses and their economic success.

Business Management

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Dunblane High School S 4 S E N I O R P H A S E 2 0 1 9 - 2 0

Course Choices for S3

National 4 (SCQF Level 4) National 5 (SCQF Level 5) Higher (SCQF Level 6)

Advanced Higher (SCQF Level 7)

Prior Requirements Minimum Requirements Minimum Requirements Minimum Requirements Success in this course comes from passing the National 5 Unit assessments and completing an internally assessed Added Value Unit (AVU)

Successful completion of the BGE

A pass in National 4 Chemistry A pass in National 5 Biology or Physics

A pass in National 5 Chemistry at A-C.

Must be able to work independently

Must be willing to undertake practical work on a large scale project

Additional Requirements Additional Requirements Additional Requirements

Must be willing to work hard and independently

Must be willing to do regular homework exercises

Must carry out practical work

A pass in English and Maths at National 5 level is strongly recommended

Expected to complete homework regularly

Expected to work independently

Must be able to work independently

Must be willing to undertake practical work on a large scale project

Progression Progression Progression Progression

National 5 Chemistry

Higher Chemistry

National 5 Course in another science subject

Skills for Work Courses (SCQF 5 or 6)

National Certificate Group Awards

National Progression Awards (SCQF 5 or 6) Employment and/or training

Within school – Adv. H Chemistry

Higher qualifications needed for entry to many medical and biology related university courses

Another Higher as part of a group leading to University or FE studies

Further study, vocational training or employment

Success in Adv. H helps to gain entry into competitive courses such as medicine, law, dentistry, veterinary medicine, engineering, environmental and health sciences careers in a chemistry-based disciplines such as oil and gas exploration, renewable energy development, engineering, technology, etc.

Course Content Course Content Course Content Course Content

Chemical Changes and Structure

Nature’s Chemistry

Chemistry in Society + Added Value Unit Assessment (AVU)

Learners will use the skills, knowledge and understanding developed throughout the course to undertake an investigation into a topical issue in Chemistry.

Chemical Changes and Structure (National 5)

Nature’s Chemistry (National 5)

Chemistry in Society (National 5) Externally assessed Assignment - pupils will be required to extend and apply their knowledge and understanding in unfamiliar contexts and complete an assessed assignment

Chemical Changes and Structure (Higher)

Nature’s Chemistry (Higher)

Chemistry in Society (Higher) Researching Chemistry (Higher) – pupils will plan and undertake a practical investigation related to a topical issue. Using their scientific literacy skills, learners will communicate their results and conclusions.

Inorganic and Physical Chemistry

Organic Chemistry and Instrumental Analysis

Researching Chemistry - Pupils are required to independently identify, research, plan and safely carry out a chemistry practical investigation of their choice.

Additional Information Additional Information Additional Information Additional Information

National 4 Chemistry is not an option. An experimental and investigative approach is used to develop knowledge and understanding of Chemistry concepts.

SQA weightings 2017 - Exam:80%;Coursework: 20%

SQA weightings 2018- TBD

The Course content has been selected to allow learners to study key chemical areas within situations of personal relevance using up-to-date contexts.

The Course builds on Higher Chemistry, continuing to develop the underlying theories of chemistry and the practical skills used in the chemistry laboratory.


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Dunblane High School S 4 S E N I O R P H A S E 2 0 1 9 - 2 0

Course Choices for S3

National 4 (SCQF Level 4) National 5 (SCQF Level 5) Higher (SCQF Level 6)

Prior Requirements Minimum Requirements Minimum Requirements Success in this course comes from the successful completion of the experiences and outcomes in the Computing input of the BGE within S3 through formative assessment from classroom teachers and ongoing summative assessment from class work. Skills developed in Computing Science will enable students to become skilled and confident individuals in understanding, developing and using computer software and hardware technology and being able to apply skills towards developing structured digital solutions to real life contextual problems. The course develops general problem solving and logic and also supports students in developing efficient skills and expertise in ICT and solving computer related problems.

Successful completion of the Broad General Education Experiences and Outcomes in Computing Science during the course at level 4 (Equivalent of National 4). Competency at National 4 Mathematics is advisable.

Recommended A or B pass in National 5 Computing Science

Additional Requirements Additional Requirements

Students should possess a genuine interest and motivation in Computing & Technology

Students must be willing to work hard and independently.

Students must be willing to complete regular homework exercises to meet course requirements.

Students must be prepared to complete issued Computing Practical Work at home.

Students must be willing to work hard and independently.

Students are expected to complete regular self-directed study, practice questions and revision throughout the year

Expect to consolidate course knowledge & processes regularly

Students must be willing to complete regular homework exercises to meet course requirements.

Progression Progression Progression

National 5 Computing Science

National Certificate or Unit National Progression Awards in Computing / IT Related Areas (Further Education)

Higher Computing Science

National 5 Course in another numerate subject.

Skills for Work Courses (SCQF 5 or 6)

National Certificate Group Awards

National Progression Awards (SCQF 5 or 6)

Employment and /or Training

Advanced Higher Computing Science

University degree in IT, Computing Science, engineering or scientific discipline

A higher as part of a group suitable for University or FE study.

Further study, vocational training/employment

Course Content Course Content Course Content Unit 1 – Software Design & Development

Unit 2 – Information Systems Design & Development + Course Added Value Unit (AVU) This combines all elements of the course into an internal project where students are given an extended problem. After extended design and analysis, students produce and implement a digital solution to this via a programming or applications development environment.

Contained within the Broad General Education

Unit 1 – Software Design & Development

Unit 2 – Information Systems Design & Development + Course Added Value The first component combines all elements of the course into an overall external SQA assessment (question paper) which accounts for 60% of the overall grade. (Graded A – D). The second component is an assignment accounting for the remaining 40% of the overall grade. Students carry out an internal school project on an extended problem. After extended design and produce analysis students produce and implement a digital solution to this via a programming or applications development environment using advanced structures.

Unit 1 – Software Design & Development

Unit 2 – Information Systems Design & Development + Course Added Value The first component combines all elements of the course into an overall external SQA assessment which accounts for 60% of the overall grade. (Graded A – D). The second component is an assignment accounting for 40% of the overall grade. Students carry out an internal school project on an extended problem. After extended design and produce analysis students produce and implement a digital solution to this via a programming or applications development environment using advanced structures including full testing and documentation.

Additional Information Additional Information Additional Information

SQA weightings 2017 - Exam: 60%; Coursework: 40% SQA weightings 2018- TBD

Higher Computing Science is not a necessary requirement for Higher & Further Education progression in Computing & IT degree courses, but experience of software development is a considerable advantage.

Computing Science

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Dunblane High School S 4 S E N I O R P H A S E 2 0 1 6 - 1 7

Course Choices for S3

National 4 (SCQF Level 4) National 5 (SCQF Level 5) Higher (SCQF Level 6) Advanced Higher (SCQF Level 7)

Minimum Requirements Minimum Requirements Minimum Requirements Minimum Requirements None

Additional Requirements Must be willing to work both as part of

a group and independently

National 4 Drama Pass in National 5 Drama Pass at Higher

Additional Requirements Additional Requirements Additional Requirements Must be creative, organised and reflective,

thinking independently about the work of the class to consolidate knowledge and application

Must be willing to work both as part of a group and independently

Must be creative, organised and reflective, thinking independently about the work of the class to consolidate knowledge and application

Must be willing to work both as part of a group and independently

Must be creative, organised and reflective, thinking independently about the work of the class to consolidate knowledge and application

Must be willing to work both as part of a group and independently

Progression Progression Progression Progression National 5 Drama Higher Drama

Modern Apprenticeships

Further education

Advanced Higher Drama

Scottish Baccalaureate

Modern Apprenticeships

Further education

Higher education

Vocational training or employment

Success in Adv. H helps to gain entry into competitive courses

Further education

Eases progression into first year university

Vocational training or employment

Course Content Course Content Course Content Drama Skills (National 4) Learners will explore and develop drama skills. They will learn how to respond to stimuli. They will learn how to respond to stimuli, including text. They will learn how to develop character, knowledge and understanding of form, structure, genre and style when creating and presenting drama. Drama Production Skills (National 4) Learners will explore and develop production skills. They will use these skills to enhance drama when presenting. Learners will use problem-solving skills in order to generate ideas for presenting drama. Added Value Unit: Drama: Performance Learners will apply their production skills in a drama performance.

Drama Skills (National 5) Learners will explore and develop a range of drama skills and ways of communicating thoughts and ideas to an audience. They will develop a range of skills as an actor. They will learn how to respond to stimuli, including text. They will learn how to develop character, knowledge and understanding of form, structure, genre and style when creating and presenting drama. Drama Production Skills (National 5) Learners will develop a range of production skills. They will use these skills to enhance drama when presenting. Learners will use problem-solving skills in order to generate ideas for presenting drama. Course assessment: Drama performance plus examination externally assessed by the SQA.

Drama Skills (Higher) Learners will apply complex drama skills and develop ways of communicating thoughts and ideas to an audience. They will learn how to respond to stimuli, including text. They will also learn how to portray character in a range of ways and explore form, structure, genre and style when creating and presenting drama. Drama Production Skills (Higher) Learners will explore and apply complex production skills. Learners will learn how to respond to stimuli, including text, to communicate ideas for a production. They will develop ideas and production skills within their chosen production roles. Course assessment: Drama performance plus examination externally assessed by the SQA.

Drama Skills (Advanced Higher) This Unit will focus on learners developing their knowledge of methodologies, theatre practices and texts to progress their devising skills. Their knowledge and skills will be informed by the work of a key theatre practitioner. They will independently create a devised drama production. This will explore how meaning can be communicated to an audience through practical realisation of their own theatrical concepts. Drama Production Skills (Advanced Higher) They will explore and analyse key productions that reflect their acting or directing or design methodologies through both research and practical experimentation. They will take on the role of the actor or director or designer in the exploration of a textual extract.

Additional Information Additional Information Additional Information Additional Information

SQA weightings 2017–Exam 40%-Performance 60% SQA weightings 2018 - TBD

Course assessment: Drama performance plus project externally assessed by the SQA.


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Dunblane High School S 4 S E N I O R P H A S E 2 0 1 7 - 1 8

Course Choices for S3

National 4 (SCQF Level 4)

National 5 (SCQF Level 5) Higher (SCQF Level 6)

Prior Requirements Minimum Requirements Minimum Requirements Success at National 4 comes from the completion of the Broad General Education [BGE] in English. In covering the experiences and outcomes pupils will address the needs of N4 through their engagement with genre and the core skills of reading/writing & talking/listening. They will have developed their thinking skills to use their comprehension of knowledge to synthesis and evaluate texts and create texts of their own.

Successful completion of the Broad General Education Experiences and Outcomes in English at level 4 (equivalent of National 4).

Pass in National 5 English

Additional Requirements Additional Requirements Must be organised and reflective

Must be willing to work hard and independently

Must be willing to complete regular homework assignments

Must be organised and reflective, thinking independently about the work of the class to consolidate knowledge and application

Must be willing to work hard and independently

Must be willing to complete regular homework assignments

Progression Progression Progression National 5 English

National 5 Media

Higher English

Literacy Unit (SCQF level 5)

Modern Apprenticeships/ Further education

National Certificates

Within-school – Adv. H English

Modern Apprenticeships

National Certificates

Further education

Higher education

Course Content Course Content Course Content BGE

+ Added Value Unit (AVU) combines different elements of a Course into overall assessment which learners are required to pass in order to achieve a course at National 4

English: Analysis and Evaluation (National 5) The purpose of this Unit is to provide learners with the opportunity to develop listening and reading skills in the contexts of literature, language and media. Learners develop the skills needed to understand, analyse and evaluate detailed texts. The texts studied must include Scottish texts. English: Creation and Production (National 5) The purpose of this Unit is to provide learners with the opportunity to develop talking and writing skills in a range of contexts. Learners develop the skills needed to create and produce detailed texts in both written and oral forms. Course assessment: External examination consisting of 2 papers [1] Reading for UAE & [2] Critical Reading plus an internally generated folio to be externally assessed by the SQA.

English: Analysis and Evaluation (Higher) The purpose of this Unit is to provide learners with the opportunity to develop listening and reading skills in the contexts of literature, language and media. Learners develop the skills needed to understand, analyse and evaluate detailed and complex texts. English: Creation and Production (Higher) The purpose of this Unit is to provide learners with the opportunity to develop talking and writing skills in a wide range of contexts. Learners develop the skills needed to create and produce detailed and complex texts in both written and oral forms. Course assessment: External examination consisting of 2 papers [1] Reading for UAE & [2] Critical Reading plus an internally generated folio to be externally assessed by the SQA.

Additional Information Additional Information Additional Information

SQA weightings 2017 - Exam: 70%; Coursework: 30% SQA weightings 2018- TBD

There is an option to study the Higher over two years. This will be decided come the February of the examination year and will be based on evidence & progression expectations.


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Dunblane High School S 4 S E N I O R P H A S E 2 0 1 7 - 1 8

Course Choices for S3

National 4 National 5 (SCQF Level 5) Higher (SCQF Level 6)

Prior Requirements Minimum Requirements Minimum Requirements N/A

Successful completion of BGE Engineering Science level 4 and Mathematics at National 4.

N5 grade A or B in Engineering Science. N5 grade A or B Maths would be an advantage. For S6 Higher Physics may be acceptable.

Additional Requirements Additional Requirements

Must have genuine interest or reason for doing it otherwise may find it hard going

Must be willing to work hard and independently

Must be willing to do a considerable amount of regular homework

Must carry out practical work

Must have attained National 4 Mathematics

Must have an interest in engineering as a possible career/university or college course.

Must be willing to carry out practical work on own.

Expected to do a considerable amount of regular homework

Expected to consolidate knowledge every week.

A good working knowledge of Trigonometry would be an advantage.

Progression Progression Progression National 5 Engineering Science.

Higher Engineering Science

National 5 Course in another science subject

Skills for Work Courses (SCQF 5 or 6)

National Certificate Group Awards

National Progression Awards (SCQF 5 or 6)

Employment and/or training

Advanced Higher Engineering Science

Higher qualifications needed for entry to many Engineering related university courses

Another Higher as part of a group leading to University or FE studies

Further study, vocational training or employment

Course Content Course Content Course Content Engineering Contexts and Challenges. Electronics and Control. Mechanisms and Structures. +Added Value Unit

Engineering Contexts and Challenges. Electronics and Control. Mechanisms and Structures. +Added Value + External Exam

Engineering Contexts and Challenges. Electronics and Control. Mechanisms and Structures. + Added Value + External Exam

Additional Information Additional Information Additional Information

Added Value will be a project set by SQA

This course is quite theoretical and students should expect to carry out complex calculations. SQA weightings 2017 - Exam: 60%; Coursework: 40% SQA weightings 2018- TBD

Engineering Science

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Dunblane High School S 4 S E N I O R P H A S E 2 0 1 7 - 1 8

Course Choices for S3

Broad general Education National 3/4 (SCQF Level 4) National 5 (SCQF Level 5)

Minimum Requirements Minimum Requirements Success in this course comes from completion of the experiences/outcomes in the science input in the BGE with a completed portfolio of evidence. The purpose of the BGE is to develop learners’ interest and enthusiasm for Science in a range of contexts. The skills of scientific inquiry and investigation are developed, throughout the course, by investigating the applications of Science. This will enable learners to become scientifically literate citizens,

able to review the science-based claims which they will meet.

Successful completion of the Broad General Education Experiences and Outcomes in Science at levels 2 + 3.

Successful completion of National 4 Environmental Science

Additional Requirements Additional Requirements

Must have enjoyed the BGE in Science

Must be willing to work hard and independently

Must be willing to do regular homework

Must carry out practical work

Must be willing to carry out experimental work

Expected to do a regular amount of homework

Expected to consolidate knowledge every week

Progression Progression Progression

National 5 Biology

National 5 Chemistry

National 5 Physics

National 3/4 Environmental Science

National 5 Environmental Science (if available).

National 5 Course in another science subject

Skills for Work Courses (SCQF 5 or 6)

National Certificate Group Awards

Employment and/or training

Within school – H Environmental Science

Employment and/ or training

Further study, vocational training or employment

National 5 course in another Science subject (if available).

Course Content Course Content Course Content Planet Earth

Forces, Electricity and waves

Biological Systems


Unit 1 Living Environment

Unit 2 Earth’s Resources

Unit 3 Sustainability + Added Value The purpose of this assignment is to allow the learners to undertake an investigation in a topical issue in environmental science. The topic will be chosen by the learner with the help of the teacher. It will be assessed under supervised open book conditions.

Unit 1 Living Environment

Unit 2 Earth’s Resources

Unit 3 Sustainability + Added Value (AV) The purpose of this assignment is to allow the learners to carry out an in-depth study of an Environmental Science topic. The topic will be chosen by the learner, within certain SQA parameters, who will then investigate the application and its impact on society

Additional Information Additional Information Additional Information Environmental Science will only be offered at National 3 / 4

The National 3/4 course will be internally assessed. SQA weightings 2017 - Exam: 0%; Coursework: 100% SQA weightings 2018 - TBD

This course will only run if there are enough students interested in the course, and if there is staffing available

Environmental Science

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Dunblane High School S 4 S E N I O R P H A S E 2 0 1 7 - 1 8

Course Choices for S3

National 4 (SCQF Level 4) National 5 (SCQF Level 5) Higher (SCQF Level 6)

Prior Requirements Minimum Requirements Minimum Requirements To gain a N4 in Modern Languages [French] you will have completed the requirements of the Broad General Education [BGE]. This is evidenced through your Language Faculty Pupil Profile and a portfolio of evidence. Through your N4 you will have studied the key concepts of the target language and will have

developed the core skills of reading/writing & talking/listening in a wide

variety of contexts. The experiences of theN4 will develop language skills, both in knowledge and understanding & application giving you a rich understanding of culture.

Successful completion of the Broad General Education Experiences and Outcomes in Science at level 4 (equivalent of National 4).

Pass in National 5 French

Additional Requirements Additional Requirements Must be organised and reflective

Must be willing to work hard and independently

Must be willing to complete regular homework assignments STUDENTS ARE REQUIRED to purchase a dictionary for the coursework, Mocks & final SQA examination. Recommended: Collins French ISBN: 978-0-00-748435-5. (a discount purchase may be available from DHS)

Must be organised and reflective, thinking independently about the work of the class to consolidate knowledge and application

Must be willing to work hard and independently

Must be willing to complete regular homework assignments STUDENTS ARE REQUIRED to purchase a dictionary for the coursework, Mocks & final SQA examination. Recommended: Collins French ISBN: 978-0-00-748435-5.

Progression Progression Progression National 5 French

Employment or training

Higher French

Other Modern Language Courses o Spanish [in school] o German [in school]

National Certificates

Within school – Adv. H French

Other Modern Language Courses o Spanish [in school] o German [in school]

Further education - UK or abroad

Higher education - UK or abroad

Course Content Course Content Course Content BGE

+ Added Value Unit (AVU) combines different elements of a course into overall assessment which learners are required to pass in order to achieve a course at National 4

Modern Languages: Understanding Language (N) The purpose of this Unit is to provide learners with the opportunity to develop reading and listening skills in the modern language and to develop their knowledge and understanding of detailed language in the contexts of society, learning, employability, and culture. Modern Languages: Using Language (National 5) The purpose of this Unit is to provide learners with the opportunity to develop talking and writing skills in the modern language, and to develop their knowledge and understanding of detailed language in

the contexts of society, learning, employability, and culture. Course assessment: External examination consisting of 2 papers covering the 3 of the strands to be externally assessed by the SQA + Performance – Speaking

Understanding Language Learners will be required to provide evidence of their reading and listening skills in the modern language, using detailed and complex language, in one of the following contexts: society, learning, employability, or culture. Using Language Learners will be required to provide evidence of their talking and writing skills in the modern language, using detailed and complex language, in one of the following contexts: society, learning, employability, or culture. Course assessment: External examination consisting of 2 papers covering 3 of the strands to be externally assessed by the SQA+ Performance – Speaking.

Additional Information Additional Information Additional Information SQA weightings - Exam: 70%; Coursework: 30%

SQA weightings 2018- TBD


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Dunblane High School S 4 S E N I O R P H A S E 2 0 1 7 - 1 8

Course Choices for S3

National 4 (SCQF Level 4)

National 5 (SCQF Level 5) Higher (SCQF Level 6)

Prior Requirements Minimum Requirements Minimum Requirements

Success in this course comes from completion of the experiences/outcomes in the Social Studies input of the BGE with a completed portfolio of evidence. The purpose of Geography is to develop the learner’s understanding of our changing world and its human and physical processes. In the 21st century, with growing awareness of the impact of human activity upon the environment and scarce resources, the study of Geography fosters positive life-long attitudes of environmental stewardship, sustainability and global citizenship. This qualification will provide learners with the knowledge and skills to enable them to contribute effectively to their local communities and wider society.

Successful completion of the Broad General Education Experiences and Outcomes in Social Studies. at level 4 (equivalent to National 4)

Pass in National 5 Geography.

Pass in National 5 Environmental Science Course

Additional Requirements Additional Requirements Must have genuine interest

Must be willing to work hard and independently

Must be willing to do regular homework exercises

Must carry out practical work

National 5 pass in English recommended

Must be willing to carry out independent research work on own

Expected to do a fair amount of regular homework

Expected to consolidate knowledge every week

Progression Progression Progression National 5 Geography

Higher Geography

National 5 Courses in another Social Subject

Skills for Work Courses (SCQF 5 or 6)

National Certificate Group Awards

National Progression Awards (SCQF 5 or 6)

Employment and/or training

AH Geography

Higher qualifications needed for entry to many university courses in both Arts and Science Faculties

Another Higher as part of a group leading to University or FE studies

Further study, vocational training or employment

Course Content Course Content Course Content

Unit 1 Physical Environments

Unit 2 human Environments

Unit 3 Global Issues + Added Value Unit (AVU) combines different elements of a course into overall assessment which learners are required to pass in order to achieve a course at National 4

Unit 1 Physical Environments

Unit 2 human Environments

Unit 3 Global Issues + Added Value combines different elements of a Course into overall assessment which learners are required to pass in order to achieve a course at National 5

Unit 1 Physical Environments

Unit 2 human Environments

Unit 3 Global Issues + Added Value combines different elements of a course into overall assessment which learners are required to pass in order to achieve a course at Higher

Additional Information Additional Information Additional Information

SQA weightings 2017 - Exam: 75%; Coursework: 25% SQA weightings 2018- TBD


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Dunblane High School S 4 S E N I O R P H A S E 2 0 1 7 - 1 8

Course Choices for S3

Broad General Education National 5 (SCQF Level 5) Higher (SCQF Level 6)

Prior Requirements Minimum Requirements Minimum Requirements Success in this course comes from completion of the experiences/outcomes in the technologies input in the B.G.E. with a completed portfolio of graphics based evidence. The purpose of the B.G.E. is to develop learners’ interest and enthusiasm for the Technologies in a range of contexts. Skills in Graphic Communication are developed, throughout the course, by investigating a series of design briefs.

Successful completion of the Broad General Education Experiences and Outcomes in Technology at level 4 and completion of one unit at National 4.

Grade A or B in National 5 Graphic Communication or an A in National 5 Art and Design

Additional Requirements Additional Requirements Must have genuine interest or reason for doing it otherwise may find

it hard going

Must be willing to work hard and independently

Must be willing to do a considerable amount of regular homework

Must carry out investigations into design briefs

Must be willing to carry out investigative design work on their own

Expected to do a considerable amount of regular homework

Expected to consolidate knowledge weekly

Progression Progression Progression

National 5 Graphic Communication

Higher Graphic Communication

National 5 Course in another science subject

Skills for Work Courses (SCQF 5 or 6)

National Certificate Group Awards

National Progression Awards (SCQF 5 or 6)

Employment and/or training

Within school – Adv. H Graphic Communication

Higher qualifications needed for entry to many Engineering and Design related university courses

Another Higher as part of a group leading to University or FE studies

Further study, vocational training/employment

Course Content Course Content Course Content

Design a model house

Design a floorplan

Design a graph

Unit 1 2D Graphic Communication

Unit 2 3D and Pictorial Graphic Communication + Added Value The purpose of this assignment is to allow the learners to apply their graphic skills and knowledge in tackling a realistic design problem. Pupil will analyse the design brief and use a variety graphics techniques in the development, presentation and evaluation their solution with reference to the impact on society/environment.

Unit 1 2D Graphic Communication

Unit 2 3D and Pictorial Graphic Communication + Added Value The purpose of this assignment is to allow the learners to apply their graphic skills and knowledge in tackling a realistic design problem. Pupil will analyse the design brief and use a variety graphics techniques in the development, presentation and evaluation their solution with reference to the impact on society/environment.

Additional Information Additional Information Additional Information

SQA weightings 2017 - Exam: 50%; Coursework: 50% SQA weightings 2018- TBD

Graphic Communication

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Dunblane High School S 4 S E N I O R P H A S E 2 0 1 7 - 1 8

Course Choices for S3

National 4 (SCQF Level 4) National 5 (SCQF Level 5) Higher (SCQF Level 6)

Prior Requirements Minimum Requirements Minimum Requirements Success in this course comes from completion of the experiences/outcomes in the Social Studies input in the BGE with a completed portfolio of evidence. The purpose of the National 4 is to open up the world of the past for learners. History provides learners with insights into their own lives and of the society and wider world in which they live. The main aims of the course are to develop a conceptual understanding of the past and the skills required for investigating and explaining historical events. Through the successful completion of this course, important skills for learning, life and work are developed.

Successful completion of the Broad General Education Experiences and Outcomes in Social Studies at level 4 (equivalent to National 4).

Pass in National 5 History or other Social Subject.

Additional Requirements Additional Requirements Must have genuine interest

Must be willing to work hard and independently

Must be willing to do regular homework exercises

Must be willing to carry out independent research work on own

Expected to do regular homework

Progression Progression Progression National 5 History

Higher History

National 5 Course in another Social Subject

Skills for Work Courses (SCQF 5 or 6)

National Certificate Group Awards

National Progression Awards (SCQF 5 or 6)

Employment and/or training

Within school – Adv. H history

Higher qualifications needed for entry to many university courses

Another Higher as part of a group leading to University or FE studies

Further study, vocational training or employment

Course Content Course Content Course Content

Historical Study: Scottish

Historical study: British

Historical Study: European and World + Added Value Unit (AVU) In this unit, learners will exercise choice in selecting a topic for personal study drawn from Scottish, British or European and World contexts.

Historical Study: Scottish

Historical study: British

Historical Study: European and World

+ Added Value In this unit, the assignment will require learners to extend and apply their knowledge and skills and will be sufficiently open and flexible to allow for personalisation and choice.

Historical Study: Scottish

Historical study: British

Historical Study: European and World

+ Added Value In this unit, the assignment will require learners to extend and apply their knowledge and skills and will be sufficiently open and flexible to allow for personalisation and choice.

Additional Information Additional Information Additional Information

SQA weightings 2017 - Exam: 75%; Coursework: 25% SQA weightings 2018- TBD


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Dunblane High School S 4 S E N I O R P H A S E 2 0 1 7 - 1 8

Course Choices for S3

National 4 Unit (SCQF Level 4)

National 5 (SCQF Level 5) Hospitality: Practical Cookery

National 5 (SCQF Level 5) Hospitality: Practical Cake Craft

Prior Requirements Minimum Requirements Minimum Requirements Successful completion of the Broad General Education Experience and Outcomes in Home Economics.

Successful completion of the Broad General Education Experiences and Outcomes in Home Economics

National 4 – Hospitality

Pass in National 5 Hospitality: Practical Cookery

Additional Requirements Additional Requirements Additional Requirements Will suit learners with an interest in food and

cooking and who enjoy being creative with food

Must be willing to work independently and at a good pace

Expected to practice individual skills to enable learners to achieve the highest standards they can.

Will suit learners with an interest in food and cooking and who enjoy being creative with food

Must be willing to work independently and at a good pace

Expected to practice individual skills to enable learners to achieve the highest standards they can

Must be willing to work independently and at a good pace

Must be willing to carry out design research on own and at home

Expected to practice individual skills to enable learners to achieve the highest standards they can

Progression Progression Progression

National 5 Hospitality: Practical Cookery

Further study, employment or training

National 5 Course in Hospitality: Practical Cake Craft

Higher Hospitality – FE Course

Skills for Work Courses

Employment and/or training

Other qualifications in Hospitality or related areas

Skills for Work Courses

Further study, employment and/or training

Course Content Course Content Course Content Cookery Skills, Techniques and Processes

Understanding and Using Ingredients

Organisational Skills for Cooking

Course Assessment – success in all three units above as well as the Added Value Unit.

Cookery Skills, Processes and Techniques

Understanding and using Ingredients

Organisational Skills for Cooking

Course Assessment – this includes success in all three units above as well as the SQA set Practical Activity

Cake Baking

Cake Finishing

Course Assessment

Additional Information Additional Information Additional Information There is a part charge for this course as pupils take

food home

Pupils are expected to provide a container for each lesson.

There is a part charge for this course as students take the food home

Students are expected to be provide a container for each lesson SQA weightings 2017 - Exam: 0%; Coursework: 100% SQA weightings 2018- TBD

Pupil numbers and staff availability dependent

There is a part charge for this course as students take the food home

SQA weightings 2017 - Exam: 0%; Coursework: 100% SQA weightings 2018- TBD


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Dunblane High School S 4 S E N I O R P H A S E 2 0 1 7 - 1 8

Course Choices for S3

National 4 (SCQF Level 4) National 5 (SCQF Level 5) Higher (SCQF Level 6)

Prior Requirements Minimum Requirements Minimum Requirements Entry into this course comes from the successful completion of the experiences and outcomes in the Mathematics input of the BGE through formative assessment from classroom teachers and summative assessment from class topic block knowledge reviews during S1 & S2. Numeracy and Mathematics skills developed throughout National 4 will enable students to become confident numerate individuals capable of solving problems in both everyday and mathematical contexts.

Successful completion of the Broad General Education Experiences and Outcomes in Mathematics at level 4 (Equivalent of National 4)

Pass (Recommended A or B in National 5 Maths)

Additional Requirements Additional Requirements

Students must be willing to work hard and independently.

Students must be willing to complete regular homework exercises to meet course requirements.

Students must be willing to work hard and independently.

Students are expected to complete regular self-directed study, practice questions and revision throughout the year

Expect to consolidate course knowledge & processes regularly

Students must be willing to complete regular homework exercises to meet course requirements.

Progression Progression Progression

National 5 Mathematics

National 5 Lifeskills Mathematics

Higher Mathematics

National 5 Course in another numerate subject.

Skills for Work Courses (SCQF 5 or 6)

National Certificate Group Awards

National Progression Awards (SCQF 5 or 6)

Employment and / or Training

Advanced Higher Mathematics

University degree in mathematics, engineering or scientific discipline

A higher as part of a group suitable for University or FE study.

Further study, vocational training or employment.

Course Content Course Content Course Content Contained within the Broad General Education

Unit 1 – Expressions & Formulae

Unit 2 – Relationships

Unit 3 – Applications + Added Value Unit (AVU) This combines all elements of the course into an overall internal assessment which learners are required to pass in order to achieve an overall course award (Graded Pass / Fail). This assessment contains both Calculator and Non- Calculator Components. Part 1: Maths Skills In Context & Part 2: Mathematical Extended Response Questions.

Unit 1 – Expressions & Formulae

Unit 2 – Relationships

Unit 3 – Applications + Added Value This combines all elements of the course into an overall external SQA assessment which learners are required to pass in order to achieve an overall course award (Graded A – D). This assessment contains both Calculator and Non- Calculator Components.

Unit 1 – Expressions & Functions

Unit 2 – Relationships & Calculus

Unit 3 – Applications + Added Value This combines all elements of the course into an overall external SQA assessment which learners are required to pass in order to achieve an overall course award (Graded A – D). This assessment contains both Calculator and Non- Calculator Components.

Additional Information National 4 Mathematics or National 3 or National 4 Lifeskills Mathematics courses will be offered to students in S4 whose formative and summative assessment performance during S3 indicates a prospective weakness towards National 5.

Additional Information SQA weightings - Exam: 100%; Coursework: 0% SQA weightings - TBD

Additional Information


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Dunblane High School S 5 S E N I O R P H A S E 2 0 1 8 - 1 9

Course Choices for S5

National 4 (SCQF Level 4) National 5 (SCQF Level 5) Higher (SCQF Level 6)

Prior Requirements Minimum Requirements Minimum Requirements An interest in modern communication [film, TV, radio, digital

media, etc.] & the role it plays in society [artistic and cultural]

to entertain & shape our understanding of the world.

To learn the practical skills of media making – shooting, editing

& producing etc.

National 4 English

Successful completion of the Broad General Education Experiences and Outcomes in English at level 4 (equivalent of National 4).

Pass in National 5 English

Additional Requirements Additional Requirements Must be organised and reflective

Must be willing to work hard and independently

Must be willing to complete regular homework assignments

Must be organised and reflective, thinking independently about the work of the class to consolidate knowledge and application

Must be willing to work hard and independently & complete regular homework assignments

Progression Progression Progression National 5 English

Higher Media [level 6]

Skills for Work: Creative Digital Media(level 5)

NC in Media (level 6)

NPA in Journalism (level 6)

NPA in Digital Production Skills (level 5)

NPA in Television Production (level 5)

This Course or its component Units may provide progression to HNC, HND or degree-level courses in media, communication or journalism, and ultimately, for some, to employment.

Course Content Course Content Course Content Carry out straightforward analysis of media content by: Describing media content in some detail Describing media contexts in some detail Describing the relationship between media content and context Applying knowledge of the relevant key aspects of media literacy Create straightforward media content by: Planning and developing ideas in response to a negotiated brief Using production skills appropriate to the media content and context Commenting on the production process Applying knowledge of relevant key aspects of media literacy

Analysing Media Content The purpose of this Unit is to develop the skills to analyse media content. This Unit provides learners with the opportunity to develop knowledge and understanding of the key aspects of media literacy central to the detailed analysis of media content. Creating Media Content The purpose of this Unit is to develop the skills to create media content and evaluate production processes. This Unit provides learners with the opportunity to develop knowledge and understanding of the key aspects of media literacy central to creating media content. Course Assessment (CA)combines different elements of a Course into overall assessment which learners are required to pass in order to achieve a course at N 5

Analysing Media Content: Learners will be required to provide evidence of the skills that are needed to analyse media content. Learners will demonstrate knowledge of the relevant key aspects of media literacy central to the detailed and complex analysis of media content. Creating Media Content: Learners will be required to provide evidence of the skills and knowledge that are needed to create media content and evaluate production processes. Learners will apply knowledge of the relevant key aspects of media literacy central to creating media content. Course Assessment (CA) combines different elements of a Course into overall assessment which learners are required to pass in order to achieve a course at National 5

Additional Information Additional Information Additional Information SQA weightings 2017- Exam: 50%; Coursework: 50%

SQA weightings 2018- TBD


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Dunblane High School S 4 S E N I O R P H A S E 2 0 1 7 - 1 8

Course Choices for S3

National 4 (SCQF Level 4) National 5 (SCQF Level 5) Higher (SCQF Level 6)

Prior Requirements Minimum Requirements Minimum Requirements Success in this course comes from completion of the experiences/outcomes in the Social Studies input in the BGE with a completed portfolio of evidence. The purpose of the National 4 is to develop the skills to help learners interpret and participate in the social and political processes they will encounter now and in the future. The main aims of the course are to use a range of sources of information and develop knowledge and understanding of political, social and international issues.

Successful completion of the Broad General Education Experiences and Outcomes in Social Studies at level 4 (equivalent to National 4.

Pass in National 5 Modern Studies or other Social Subject.

Additional Requirements Additional Requirements

Must have genuine interest

Must be willing to work hard and independently

Must be willing to do regular homework exercises

Must be willing to carry out independent research work on own

Expected to do regular homework

Progression Progression Progression

National 5 Modern Studies

Higher Modern Studies

National 5 Course in another Social Subject

Skills for Work Courses (SCQF 5 or 6)

National Certificate Group Awards

National Progression Awards (SCQF 5 or 6)

Employment and/or training

Within school – Adv. H Modern Studies

Higher qualifications needed for entry to many university courses

Another Higher as part of a group leading to University or FE studies

Further study, vocational training or employment

Course Content Course Content Course Content

Democracy in Scotland and the United Kingdom

Social Issues in the United Kingdom

International Issues

+ Added Value Unit (AVU) In this unit, the learner will choose an appropriate topic or issue, collect and use information to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the topic or issue studied.

Democracy in Scotland and the United Kingdom

Social Issues in the United Kingdom

International Issues + Added Value In this unit, the learner will be expected to apply skills in less familiar contexts which may be drawn from all units and requires learners to use a range of skills.

Democracy in Scotland and the United Kingdom

Social Issues in the United Kingdom

International Issues

+ Added Value In this unit, the learner will draw on, extend and apply the skills, knowledge and understanding they have acquired during the course.

Additional Information Additional Information Additional Information

SQA weightings 2017 - Exam: 75%; Coursework: 25% SQA weightings 2018- TBD

Modern Studies

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Dunblane High School S 4 S E N I O R P H A S E 2 0 1 7 - 1 8

Course Choices for S3

National 4 (SCQF Level 4) National 5 (SCQF Level 5) Higher (SCQF Level 6)

Prior Requirements Minimum Requirements Minimum Requirements Success in this course comes from completion of the experiences/outcomes in the Music input of the BGE with a completed folio of evidence. The purpose of National 4 is to develop learners’ interest and enthusiasm for Music in a range of contexts. The skills of Performing, Listening and Composing are developed, throughout the National 4 course, through experience of different instruments and styles.

Successful completion of the Broad General Education Experiences and Outcomes in Music at level 4 (equivalent of National 4).

Pass in National 5 Music

Additional Requirements Additional Requirements

Must have demonstrable skills on two instruments with the ability to quickly develop these skills to ABRSM Grade 3 equivalent standard.

Expectation of a disciplined approach to coursework

Must be willing to work hard and independently.

Must be motivated to develop creative skills in composition.

Must adopt a regular practise routine at home.

Must have demonstrable skills on two instruments with the ability to quickly develop these skills to ABRSM Grade 4 equivalent standard.

Expectation of disciplined approach to coursework.

Must demonstrate consistency in the development of creative skills in composition.

Regular practise routine at home is essential.

Instrumental tuition on both instruments is desirable.

Progression Progression Progression

National 5 Music

Further study or employment

Higher Music (SCQF Level 6)

Other qualification in Music

Further study or employment

Advanced Higher Music (SCQF Level 7).

Other qualifications in Music

Further study or employment.

Course Content Course Content Course Content

Unit 1: Performing Skills

Unit 2: Composing Skills

Unit 3: Understanding

Added Value Unit – Performing Skills

Unit 1: Performing Skills

Unit 2: Composing Skills

Unit 3: Understanding Music

Added Value: Performing Skills

Unit 1; Performing Skills

Unit 2; Composing Skills

Unit 3; Understanding Music

Added Value: Performing Skills

Additional Information Additional Information Additional Information

SQA weightings - Exam: 40%; Coursework: 60% SQA weightings 2018- TBD


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Dunblane High School S 4 S E N I O R P H A S E 2 0 1 7 - 1 8

Course Choices for S3

National 4 (SCQF Level 4) National 5 (SCQF Level 5) Higher (SCQF Level 6)

Prior Requirements Minimum Requirements Minimum Requirements

Successful completion of the Broad General Education Experiences and Outcomes in Physical Education

Successful completion of the Broad General Education Experiences and Outcomes in Physical Education

Successful Completion of National 4 Physical Education

Successful Completion of National 5 Physical Education

Successful Completion of National 5 English

Additional Requirements Additional Requirements Additional Requirements

Must have a genuine interest in the subject

Must bring appropriate kit to all lessons.

Must have a genuine interest in the subject Must bring appropriate kit to all lessons.

Must have a genuine interest in the subject Must bring appropriate kit to all lessons.

Progression Progression Progression

National 5 Physical Education

Further study, employment or training

Higher Physical Education

Other qualifications in Physical Education

Further study, employment or training

Advanced Higher Physical Education Course

Higher National Certificates

Higher Education degrees

Further study, employment and/or training

Course Content Course Content Course Content

Unit 1 Performance Skills

Unit 2 Factors Impacting on


Added Value Unit - Performance

Unit 1 Performance Skills

Unit 2 Factors Impacting on Performance

Assessment: Externally assessed portfolio

Unit 1 – Performance

Unit 2 – Factors impacting on Performance

Assessment: External exam covering Unit 2

Additional Information Additional Information Additional Information

SQA weightings - Exam: 0%; Coursework: 100% SQA weightings 2018- TBD

Physical Education

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Dunblane High School S 4 S E N I O R P H A S E 2 0 1 7 - 1 8

Course Choices for S3

Broad General Education National 5 (SCQF Level 5) Higher (SCQF Level 6)

Minimum Requirements Minimum Requirements Success in this course comes from completion of the experiences/outcomes in the science input in the BGE with a completed portfolio of evidence. The purpose of the B.G.E. is to develop learners’ interest and enthusiasm for Science in a range of contexts. The skills of scientific inquiry and investigation are developed, throughout the course, by investigating the applications of Science. This will enable learners to become scientifically literate citizens, able to

review the science-based claims which they will meet.

Successful completion of the Broad General Education Experiences and Outcomes in Science at level 4 (equivalent of National 4).

Grade A or B in National 5 Physics and National 5 Mathematics

Additional Requirements Additional Requirements Must have genuine interest or reason for doing it otherwise may find

it hard going

Must be willing to work hard and independently

Must be willing to do a considerable amount of regular homework

Must carry out practical work

Must have attained National 4 Mathematics

Must be willing to carry out experimental work on own

Expected to do a considerable amount of regular homework

Expected to consolidate knowledge every week

Progression Progression Progression National 5 Biology

National 5 Chemistry

National 5 Physics

National 3/4 Environmental Science

Higher Physics

National 5 Course in another science subject

Skills for Work Courses (SCQF 5 or 6)

National Certificate Group Awards

National Progression Awards (SCQF 5 or 6)

Employment and/or training

Within school – Adv. H Physics

Higher qualifications needed for entry to many Engineering and Physics related university courses

Another Higher as part of a group leading to University or FE studies

Further study, vocational training or employment

Course Content Course Content Course Content Planet Earth

Forces, Electricity and waves

Biological Systems


Unit 1 Electricity and Energy

Unit 2 Waves and Radiation

Unit 3 Dynamics and Space + Added Value The purpose of this assignment is to allow the learners to carry out an in-depth study of a Physics topic. The topic will be chosen by the learner, who will investigate the underlying physics and the impact on society/environment

Unit 1 Our Dynamic Universe

Unit 2 Particles and Waves

Unit 3 Electricity + Added Value Researching Physics - The purpose of this assignment is to allow the learners to carry out an in-depth study of a physics topic which will be determined each year by the SQA. The candidates must produce an individual scientific communication about their findings

Additional Information Additional Information Additional Information Environmental Science will only be offered at National 3 or 4 Physics will only be offered at National 5

SQA weightings - Exam: 80%; Coursework: 20% SQA weightings 2018- TBD

The researching Physics (AVA) topic will be internally assessed as a pass or a fail.


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Dunblane High School S 4 S E N I O R P H A S E 2 0 1 7 - 1 8

Course Choices for S3

Broad General Education National 4 (SCQF Level 4) National 5 (SCQF Level 5)

Prior Requirements Minimum Requirements Minimum Requirements The purpose of the B.G.E. is to develop learners’ interest and enthusiasm for the Technologies in a range of contexts. Skills in Practical Woodworking are developed during the course, by tackling different manufacturing projects in wood. Success at National 4 and 5 would build on these skills and also require candidates to interpreting drawings, use measuring devices accurately, work safely and engage fully with the different activities in the course.

Successful completion of the Broad General Education Experiences and Outcomes in the Technologies: Craft

Successful completion of the Broad General Education Experiences and Outcomes in the Technologies: Craft or National 4 Practical Woodworking

Additional Requirements Additional Requirements Must have genuine interest or reason for doing it otherwise may find it hard going

Must work hard and develop a growing independence in the application of practical skills

Must be willing maintain a record of work

Must have genuine interest or reason for doing it otherwise may find it hard going

Must work hard and develop a growing independence in the application of practical skills

Must be willing maintain a record of work

Progression Progression Progression National 4 or 5 Practical Woodworking National 5

National Certificate Group Awards

Employment and/or training

Modern Apprenticeship

Skills for Work Courses (SCQF 5 or 6)

National Progression Awards (SCQF 5 or 6)

National Certificate Group Awards

Employment and/or training particularly

Modern Apprenticeship

Course Content Course Content Course Content Design and Manufacture of a Pencil holder or Spatula Design and Manufacture of a Mobile-phone holder/ amplifier.

The Course has three mandatory Units. Each of the Units of the Course is designed to provide progression to the corresponding Unit at the next SCQF level. Topic 1 - Flat-frame Construction This Unit helps learners develop skills in the use of woodworking tools and in the preparation and production of basic flat-frame wood-working joints and assemblies. Learners will learn to read and follow simple wood-working drawings or diagrams. Topic 2 - Carcase Construction This Unit helps learners develop skills in the preparation and production of basic woodworking joints and assemblies suitable for use in carcase construction. This may include working with manufactured board or with frames and panels. The Unit includes the use of simple working drawings or diagrams. Topic 3 - Machining and Finishing This Unit helps learners develop skills in using common machine and power tools. It also helps learners develop skills in a variety of simple woodworking surface preparations and finishing techniques. In each of the three Units above, learners will develop an appreciation of safe working practices in a workshop environment. They will also gain knowledge and understanding of sustainability issues and good practice in recycling in a practical wood-working context.

The Course has three mandatory Units. Each of the Units of the Course is designed to provide progression to the corresponding Unit at the next SCQF level. Topic 1 - Flat-frame Construction This Unit helps learners develop skills in the use of woodworking tools and in the preparation and production of basic flat-frame wood-working joints and assemblies. Learners will learn to read and follow simple wood-working drawings or diagrams. Topic 2 - Carcase Construction This Unit helps learners develop skills in the preparation and production of basic woodworking joints and assemblies suitable for use in carcase construction. This may include working with manufactured board or with frames and panels. The Unit includes the use of simple working drawings or diagrams. Topic 3 - Machining and Finishing This Unit helps learners develop skills in using common machine and power tools. It also helps learners develop skills in a variety of simple woodworking surface preparations and finishing techniques. In each of the three Units above, learners will develop an appreciation of safe working practices in a workshop environment. They will also gain knowledge and understanding of sustainability issues and good practice in recycling in a practical wood-working context.

Additional Information Additional Information Additional Information Candidates will be presented for National 4 Practical Woodworking Skills if the accuracy of their practical work does not meet National 5 Standards.

National 4 - Added Value - Making a Finished Product from Wood This Unit requires learners to draw on and extend their range of practical woodworking experiences and skills in order to produce an effective overall response to the task. National 4 courses are internally marked and externally moderated but are not graded.

SQA weightings - Coursework: 100% subject to visiting verification SQA weightings 2018 - TBD

National 5 - The learner will draw on, extend and apply the skills and knowledge they have developed during the Course. This will be assessed through a practical activity; which involves producing a finished product in wood to a given standard. The task will be sufficiently open to allow the learners to demonstrate practical creativity. The finished product completed by the learner is externally marked by SQA and Graded A to D. To achieve an award in the Practical Woodworking Course, learners must pass all of the required Units, including (at National 4) the Added Value Unit.

Practical Woodworking Skills

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Dunblane High School S 4 S E N I O R P H A S E 2 0 1 7 - 1 8

Course Choices for S3

National 4 (SCQF Level 4) National 5 (SCQF Level 5) Higher (SCQF Level 6)

Prior Requirements Minimum Requirements Minimum Requirements Success in this course comes from completion of the experiences/outcomes in the RME input in the BGE with a completed portfolio of evidence. The purpose of the National 4 is to develop learners’ interest and enthusiasm for RMPS in a range of contexts. Knowledge and understanding of religious, moral and philosophical issues that affect the world today are developed throughout the National 4 Course. Religious and non-religious perspectives are considered and learners will explore the questions they raise and the solutions or approaches they offer. This will enable learners to reflect on

these issues and on their own experiences and views.

Successful completion of the Broad General Education Experiences and Outcomes in RMPS at level 4 and/or National 4.

Pass in National 5 RMPS or an equivalent social subject

Additional Requirements Additional Requirements

Must have genuine interest or reason for doing it otherwise may find it hard going

Must be willing to work hard and independently

Must be willing to do regular homework exercises

National 5 pass in English strongly recommended

Expected to do a fair amount of regular homework

Expected to consolidate knowledge and skills every week

Progression Progression Progression

National 5 RMPS Higher RMPS

National 5 Course in another social subject

Skills for Work Courses (SCQF 5 or 6)

National Certificate Group Awards

National Progression Awards (SCQF 5 or 6)

Employment and/or training

Within school – Adv. H RMPS

Higher qualifications which may benefit preparation for entry to many university courses (Philosophy, Theology, Politics, Psychology, Sociology, Economics, Education)

Another Higher as part of a group leading to University or FE studies

Further study, vocational training or employment

Course Content Course Content Course Content Unit 1 World Religion

Unit 2 Morality and Belief

Unit 3 Religious and Philosophical Questions

+ Added Value Unit (AVU) Research project relating to a religious, moral or philosophical topic or issue

Unit 1 World Religion

Unit 2 Morality and Belief

Unit 3 Religious and Philosophical Questions + Added Value combines different elements of a Course into overall assessment which learners are required to pass in order to achieve a course at National 5

Unit 1 World Religion

Unit 2 Morality and Belief

Unit 3 Religious and Philosophical Questions + Added Value combines different elements of a course into overall assessment which learners are required to pass in order to achieve a course at Higher

Additional Information Additional Information Additional Information

SQA weightings - Exam: 75%; Coursework: 25% SQA weightings 2018- TBD

Religious, Moral & Philosophical Studies (RMPS)

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Dunblane High School S 4 S E N I O R P H A S E 2 0 1 7 - 1 8

Course Choices for S3

National 3 (SCQF Level 3) National 5 (SCQF Level 5) Higher (SCQF Level 6)

Prior Requirements Minimum Requirements Minimum Requirements To gain a N3 in Modern Languages [Spanish] you will have completed the requirements of the Broad General Education [BGE]. This is evidenced through your Language Faculty Pupil Profile and a portfolio of evidence. Through your N3 you will have studied the key concepts of the target language and will have developed the core skills of reading/writing & talking/listening in a wide variety of contexts. The experiences of the N3 will develop language skills, both in knowledge and understanding & application giving you a rich understanding of culture.

Successful completion of the Broad General Education Experiences and Outcomes in Science at level 4 (equivalent of National 4).

Pass in National 4or 5 Spanish

Additional Requirements Additional Requirements Must be organised and reflective

Must be willing to work hard and independently

Must be willing to complete regular homework assignments STUDENTS ARE REQUIRED to purchase a dictionary for the coursework, Mocks & final SQA examination. Recommended: Collins Spanish ISBN: 978-0-00-748436-3 (a discount purchase may be available from DHS)

Must be organised and reflective, thinking independently about the work of the class to consolidate knowledge and application

Must be willing to work hard and independently

Must be willing to complete regular homework assignments STUDENTS ARE REQUIRED to purchase a dictionary for the coursework, Mocks & final SQA examination. Recommended: Collins Spanish ISBN: 978-0-00-748436-3

Progression Progression Progression National 4/5 Spanish

Employment or training

National 5 or Higher Spanish

Other Modern Language Courses

Within school – H or Adv. H Spanish

Other Modern Language Courses

Further education - UK or abroad

Higher education - UK or abroad

Course Content Course Content– National 5 Course Content- Higher BGE

Modern Languages: Understanding Language The purpose of this Unit is to provide learners with the opportunity to develop reading and listening skills in the modern language, and to develop their knowledge and understanding of detailed language in the contexts of society, learning, employability, and culture. Modern Languages: Using Language The purpose of this Unit is to provide learners with the opportunity to develop talking and writing skills in the modern language, and to develop their knowledge and understanding of detailed language in

the contexts of society, learning, employability, and culture. Course assessment: External examination consisting of 2 papers covering the 3 of the strands to be externally assessed by the SQA + Performance – Speaking.

Understanding Language Learners will be required to provide evidence of their reading and listening skills in the modern language, using detailed and complex language, in one of the following contexts: society, learning, employability, or culture. Using Language Learners will be required to provide evidence of their talking and writing skills in the modern language, using detailed and complex language, in one of the following contexts: society, learning, employability, or culture. Course assessment: External examination consisting of 2 papers covering 3 of the strands to be externally assessed by the SQA+ Performance – Speaking.

Additional Information Additional Information Additional Information SQA weightings - Exam: 70%; Coursework: 30%

SQA weightings 2018- TBD


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S4 2017- 18 ~ SENIOR PHASE OPTION FORM: FINAL Name: __________________________________________________________ PSR Class: _________

Please choose the subjects you would like to study for the new National Courses in S4. You must indicate a first and second choice in every column by entering ‘1’ for your first choice and ‘2’ for your second choice. The viability of courses will be dependent on uptake and staff availability

English (Column A), Maths (Column B), Core PE and RME are compulsory and are not included on this form.

Column C Column D Column E Column F Column G

Business Management

Biology Art & Design Business Management


Drama Chemistry Biology Computing Science Chemistry

Geography Environmental Science

Chemistry French Engineering Science

History Graphic Communication

French Graphic Communication


Modern Studies History German Hospitality Modern Studies

RMPS Music Physical Education

Music Practical Wood Working Skills

Physics Physics Spanish

Page 41: S2 OPTIONS 2008dunblanehighschool.org.uk/files/S3_-_S4_Options_BOOKLET_2019-_20_JAN.pdf · HNC Electronics allows you to progress to 2nd year of the BEng Electronic & Electrical Engineering