EASTWOOD HIGH SCHOOL S3 ESPAÑOL MODULE 4 Los países del mundo, las vacaciones y mis vacaciones especiales OBJECTIVES: By the end of this module I will be able to: Take part in a conversation to book a hotel room in Spain Name the countries of the world in Spanish and say where I usually go on holiday and where I would like to go Talk about typical holiday activities and transport for travelling on holiday and places to stay Use the past tense in Spanish Talk and write about a special holiday that I have been on in the past including where I went, who I went with, 1

S2 French – Vocabulary Booklet - LT Scotland€¦  · Web viewLos países del mundo, las vacaciones y mis vacaciones especiales. OBJECTIVES: By the end of this module. I will be

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Page 1: S2 French – Vocabulary Booklet - LT Scotland€¦  · Web viewLos países del mundo, las vacaciones y mis vacaciones especiales. OBJECTIVES: By the end of this module. I will be


Los países del mundo, las vacaciones y mis vacaciones especiales

OBJECTIVES: By the end of this module I will be able to:

Take part in a conversation to book a hotel room in Spain

Name the countries of the world in Spanish and say where I usually go on holiday and where I would like to go

Talk about typical holiday activities and transport for travelling on holiday and places to stay

Use the past tense in Spanish Talk and write about a special holiday that I

have been on in the past including where I went, who I went with, how I got there, what activities I did and my opinion of the holiday

SPANISH - Curriculum for ExcellenceModern Languages Learning Outcomes Third Level


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In this module I will take part in activities that will allow me to build my skills in listening and talking, reading and writing at level 3.LISTENING AND TALKINGI will demonstrate that…4/3-01a

I can listen to and understand basic conversations and instructions ________

4/3-03a I can take part in prepared conversations to share information______

4/3-04aI can ask for help, seek repetition and ask simple questions________4/3-05a

I can take part in paired speaking and structured role plays in realistic contexts set in a Spanish-speaking country__________

4/3-07a I can speak with good pronunciation using rules to help with

unfamiliar words. I can read aloud accurately and with confidence.___________

READINGI will demonstrate that…4/3-08 a

I can read and demonstrate understanding of more complex texts which contain familiar and unfamiliar language_______________

4/3-11a I can use a bilingual dictionary independently to help me

understand new language___________4/3-11b

I can use language I know and make connections between words (including words in English and French) to help me understand new words and phrases____________

WRITINGI will demonstrate that…4/3-12a

I can use reference materials to help me plan my writing_________4/3-13b

I can express opinions and give reasons for my opinions___________4/3-14a

I can check the accuracy of my writing using reference materials and success criteria to help me ____________

Interdisciplinary LearningThroughout this module I will…

make links to my knowledge of both English and French to help me to learn new Spanish vocabulary for example, nueve = 9 in Spanish, neuf = 9 in French, mayo = May in Spanish.

Make links with Geography as I learn more about popular tourist destinations and the countries of the world and where they are

Use and develop my ICT skills when producing a presentation/poster about a special holiday I have been on



Page 3: S2 French – Vocabulary Booklet - LT Scotland€¦  · Web viewLos países del mundo, las vacaciones y mis vacaciones especiales. OBJECTIVES: By the end of this module. I will be

As I build my skills in Spanish, as a modern language, I am also developing my literacy skills in general.* I will practice and improve my oral presentation skills

Listening and TalkingLIT 4/3.05a

As I listen or watch I can make notes and organise these to help me to remember and recall information.____________

LIT 4/3.07a I can show my understanding of what I listen to or watch by commenting

with evidence on the content of the text.___________LIT 4/3.09a

When listening and talking with others I can share information___________ReadingLIT 4/3.15a

I can make notes and organise them to develop my thinking and help me to remember and recall information______________


When revising the numbers in Spanish I will take part in activities that allow me to show that…MNU 4/3-03a

I can use a variety of different methods to solve number problems, showing my working out and solutions to the


Health and Wellbeing

Through my studies of Spanish and participation in a variety of language learning activities in class, working independently and in pairs or groups, I am:

developing my respect for others meeting challenges, experiencing personal achievement

and building confidence developing social skills

* I will also become more aware of different countries, particularly those where Spanish is spoken, and the need to respect other cultures and beliefs.

How do I learn vocabulary?

Throughout my time studying Spanish at Eastwood High School I will sit regular tests and regularly complete a number of tasks to make sure that I am making progress in the subject and learning new vocabulary.

There are a lot of different things that I can do to help me to learn vocabulary:

1) Write out the word 5 times. Then try to write it out again without looking at it.

2) Think of a similar word in English or French to help you to remember the meaning of the word.e.g. Una diente (dentist) = a tooth


Page 4: S2 French – Vocabulary Booklet - LT Scotland€¦  · Web viewLos países del mundo, las vacaciones y mis vacaciones especiales. OBJECTIVES: By the end of this module. I will be

3) Ask someone to test you. They could ask you the English word and you need to say the Spanish.

4) Cover the English meaning in your booklet. Look at the Spanish and test yourself – do you know what they all mean?

5) Cover the Spanish in your booklet. Look at the English and test yourself – can you remember all of the words in Spanish?

6) Write out all of the words in English on a piece of paper. Cover your vocabulary booklet and try to write in the Spanish. Highlight the ones you get wrong. Write them out 5 times each and then try testing yourself again.

TIPS TO HELP YOU WITH SPANISH *websites can help you to learn and practise vocabulary:www.linguascope.comwww.languagesonline.org.uk*use your module booklet, notes in your jotter and a Spanish dictionary to help you when you are unsure of a new word.*use your module booklet to help you to learn all of the new words regularly at home.

En el hotel

Quisiera reservar…Una habitación dobleUna habitación individualUna habitación con dos camas… con baño / ducha /aseo / lavabo… con televisión / teléfono / balcón… con aire acondicionado…con todo incluido…con media pensión / pensión completa…con vistas al mar¿Para cuántas noches? For how many nights?Para una noche / dos nochesPara una semana


Page 5: S2 French – Vocabulary Booklet - LT Scotland€¦  · Web viewLos países del mundo, las vacaciones y mis vacaciones especiales. OBJECTIVES: By the end of this module. I will be

Para dos semanas / una quincenaPara un mes¿Qué hay en el hotel? What is there in the hotel?Una piscina / un parqueun bar / un restauranteUn gimnasio / un sala de juegosUn aparcamiento / un ascensorEs un hotel de 3 / 4 / 5 estrellas *****¿Cuánto cuesta la habitación?Son ochenta euros en total¿A qué hora se sirve el desayuno?Se sirve entre las siete y las nueveEl desayuno es gratis

Los países del mundoEspañaFranciaAlemaniaEscociaInglaterraIrlandaIrlanda del norteEl Reino UnidoGran BretañaGalesItaliaLos Estados UnidosGreciaTurquíaPortugalBélgicaLos Países Bajos/HolandaSuizaSueciaAustriaAustraliaNueva ZelandaMéxicoUna isla en el CaribeEl extranjero


Page 6: S2 French – Vocabulary Booklet - LT Scotland€¦  · Web viewLos países del mundo, las vacaciones y mis vacaciones especiales. OBJECTIVES: By the end of this module. I will be

¿Dónde vas de vacaciones normalmente? ______________________ ______________________________________________________Normalmente voy a… _____________________________________Normalmente paso mis vacaciones en…_________________________Normalmente me quedo en casa / en Escocia ___________________ ______________________________________________________con…____________mi familia__________________ mis padres__________________mi madre __________________ mi padre ____________________mi hermano ________________ mi hermana ___________________mis abuelos_________________ mi tío/ mi tía _________________mis primos _________________ mi(s) amigo(s) _________________

El transporte y el alojamientoTRANSPORTEViajar… / Ir…Viajo… / Voy…en cocheen trenen aviónen ferryen autocaren barcoen aerodeslizadoren autobúsen taxien metroen bici / bicicletaen motoALOJAMIENTOAlojarse en… Me alojo en… un hotel de 4 estrellasun apartamentouna tienda de campañaun albergue (juvenil)una casauna caravanaun campingPasar…Paso… el fin de semanatres días


Page 7: S2 French – Vocabulary Booklet - LT Scotland€¦  · Web viewLos países del mundo, las vacaciones y mis vacaciones especiales. OBJECTIVES: By the end of this module. I will be

una semanados semanasuna quincenaun mesallí

Actividades durante las vacaciones – Holiday activities

Durante mis vacaciones (no) me gusta… ________________________ Suelo…/Solemos… _________________________________________

Ir a la playa / Ir a la costaIr a la sierra / a la montañaIr al campoIr a un parque acuático / de atracciones Ir de paseo (en la playa / en el pueblo)Ir de compras / Ir al centro comercialComprar recuerdos/regalos/postalesDescansar / relajarmePasar tiempo con mi familiaVisitar una plaza de toros / una catedralVisitar museos / un castilloVisitar monumentos históricosConocer una cultura diferenteViajar y ver otros paísesVer una corrida de toros / un partido de fútbolVer un espectáculo (de flamenco)Tomar el sol (ponerse moreno/a)Nadar (bañarse) en el mar /en la piscinaSacar fotosPracticar deportes acuáticos / el buceoMontar en bicicletaMontar a caballoHacer excursiones / Hacer turismoSalir a cenar en restaurantesJugar al voleibol / al fútbol


Page 8: S2 French – Vocabulary Booklet - LT Scotland€¦  · Web viewLos países del mundo, las vacaciones y mis vacaciones especiales. OBJECTIVES: By the end of this module. I will be

Jugar a las cartas / al ajedrez / a juegos de mesa


You are going to produce a piece of writing on the topic of holidays. This can be used as the prepared talk that forms part of your N5 speaking exam. Use the ideas below to help you with the

first part of your talk.

Normalmente paso mis vacaciones en… / Suelo pasar mis vacaciones en… + NAME OF PLACE

con… + WHO WITH Me encanta / Me gusta / Me gusta mucho ir de vacaciones

porque… + WHAT YOU LIKE ABOUT GOING ON HOLIDAY e.g. hace buen tiempo __________________________________ es relajante / divertido _____________________________ te permite descansar un poco _________________________ puedo olvidar mis problemas __________________________ puedo pasar tiempo con mi familia ______________________ me encanta conocer otras culturas _____________________ *other ideas* (ask your teacher!) _____________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Durante mis vacaciones suelo… + WHAT YOU USUALLY DO (suelo + infinitive e.g. suelo visitar… / suelo comer… / suelo ir…)

You may want to include other details such as what type of accommodation you stay in, how you usually travel, etc.

The regular preterite (past) tense in Spanish


Page 9: S2 French – Vocabulary Booklet - LT Scotland€¦  · Web viewLos países del mundo, las vacaciones y mis vacaciones especiales. OBJECTIVES: By the end of this module. I will be

In order to write or speak in the past tense in Spanish you need to know 2 sets of verb endings: one set for AR verbs and the other for ER and IR verbs.

To say what you did in the past…1) Take the verb e.g viajar (to travel)2) Chop off the AR, ER or IR ending = viaj-3) Add one of the endings from the table below depending on

who you are talking about.So: I travelled = __________________ We travelled = ________________

Change the following into Spanish using the table to help:1. he danced (bailar) = ___________________2. they bought (comprar) = ___________________3. we lived (vivir) = ______________________4. I drank (beber) = ________________5. You (one person) ate (comer) = __________________

The irregular preterite (past tense) in Spanish

Some verbs are not regular and they do not follow the pattern that we have been learning about. You need to learn these off by heart so that you can use them to write and talk in Spanish in the past.


Page 10: S2 French – Vocabulary Booklet - LT Scotland€¦  · Web viewLos países del mundo, las vacaciones y mis vacaciones especiales. OBJECTIVES: By the end of this module. I will be

Ir (to go ) fui – I ____________ fuimos – we _______ Hacer (to do) hice – I ___________ hicimos – we _______ Jugar (to play) jugué – I __________ jugamos – we ______ Tener (to have) tuve – I ___________ tuvimos – we _______ Practicar (to do) practiqué – I _______ practicamos – we ___Sacar (to take) saqué – I __________ sacamos – we ______ Ver (to see/watch) vi – I _____________ vimos – we ________

What do the following mean?1) fui de compras con mi amiga__________________________2) jugué al fútbol en la playa__________________________3) hicimos windsurf __________________________4) saqué muchas fotos_________________________________5) practiqué el esquí___________________________________6) hice una excursión a Madrid____________________________

Practice: regular and irregular

Now put these sentences into Spanish (you can use the list of holiday activities on p8 to help you). Remember to check if the verb

is irregular!

1. I visited museums __________________________________

2. We sunbathed _____________________________________

3. I went to the beach _________________________________

4. We went out for dinner ________________________________

5. I did lots of sightseeing ________________________________


Now use what you have learned to write about a past holiday that you have enjoyed. The ideas below will help you to structure this

part of your talk.

When / Where / Who withEl año pasado ______________________El verano pasado ________________________Hace dos años _______________________


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Hace un par de años _______________________En julio / En octubre __________________________Durante las vacaciones ___________________________Fui de vacaciones a… + NAME OF PLACEPasé mis vacaciones en… + NAME OF PLACEen un pueblo que se llama…… ____________________________ en el norte / sur / este / oeste de … ___________________________por primera vez en mi vida ______________________Pasé + LENGTH OF TIMEcon + WHO WITH

The journeyViajé / Viajamos en… + MODE OF TRANSPORTEl viaje duró … + LENGTH OF JOURNEY (horas/días)El viaje fue… + WHAT THE JOURNEY WAS LIKEmuy/bastante/un poco __________________________ largo/corto ________________ aburrido/divertido _______________cansado ___________________ interesante ___________________una pesadilla _______________Durante el viaje… + WHAT YOU DID ON THE JOURNEYdormí ___________________ charlé con… _________________pasé un rato leyendo revistas / esuchando música __________________ _______________________________________________________

AccommodationMe alojé en… / Me quedé en… + TYPE OF ACCOMMODATIONAlquilamos un apartamento / un chalet _____________________Había… + WHAT THERE WAS una piscina ________________ un balcón con vistas al mar __________________canchas de tenis _______________un campo de golf ________________una playa muy cercana ____________________El hotel tenía de todo _________________________Estaba… + WHERE IT WASenfrente de la playa _________________en el centro de la ciudad _______________________Era… + WHAT IT WAS LIKEprecioso(a) / lujoso(a) / bonito(a) / cómodo(a) / fantástico(a) _________ _______________________________________________________


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Activities (what you did)You already know how to use the preterite (past) tense to say what you did. Here are some extra phrases you could use:Durante mi estancia… __________________________Hicimos un montón de actividades / cosas diferentes _______________ ______________________________________________________Tomé parte en una gran variedad de actividades __________________ _______________________________________________________Un día… __________________ El primer día ___________________Una noche… _______________ La última noche _________________Durante mi estancia… __________________________Aprendí a practicar la vela __________________________Nadé con delfines ________________________________Hicimos una excursión a… ________________________________Nos relajamos mucho _________________________________Compré regalos y recuerdos para mis amigos _____________________Cené en restaurantes típicos ________________________________Fui a una discoteca ________________________________________

Opinions (No) Me divertí mucho ____________________________Lo pasé bomba / fenomenal __________________________Lo pasé muy bien / muy mal / fatal _________________________Me aburrí mucho ________________________________Pasé unas vacaciones fenomenales _________________________Me encantaría volver el año que viene _______________________

porque… ___________________________conocí a mucha nueva gente _________________________________hice muchos amigos nuevos __________________________________la comida era deliciosa _____________________________________ había muchas playas preciosas ________________________________había mucho que hacer _____________________________________hacía un tiempo perfecto ____________________________________hacía sol y calor todos los días ________________________________

no había mucho que hacer ___________________________________llovía todos los días ________________________________________hacía muy mal tiempo _______________________________________

Lo que más me gustó fue… ___________________________________


Page 13: S2 French – Vocabulary Booklet - LT Scotland€¦  · Web viewLos países del mundo, las vacaciones y mis vacaciones especiales. OBJECTIVES: By the end of this module. I will be

Lo bueno / lo mejor fue… ____________________________________________la playa / el hotel / la comida _________________________________ la vida nocturna / la cultura __________________________________ la oportunidad de practicar mi español __________________________

pero / sin embargo ________________________________________

Lo que no me gustó fue… ____________________________________Lo malo / lo peor fue… _____________________________________el tiempo / la gente _______________________________________pasar tiempo con mis padres _________________________________estar lejos de mis amigos ___________________________________

Revision: talking about the future

En el futuro ___________________________________________ El año que viene ________________________________________Durante las vacaciones de verano ____________________________

To talk about what you are going to do in the future, use this formula:

1. Take the present tense of the verb IR (to go).2. Add the word “a” (meaning “to”).3. Add the infinitive, e.g. the verb you find in the dictionary ending in –AR, -ER or –AR.

Examples:a) Voy a jugar = ______________________b) Vamos a bailar = ____________________c) ¿Vas a ir? = ________________________

Your turn! Put these into Spanish, choosing the correct infinitive from the box.

d) I’m going to travel = _________________________e) He is going to watch = ________________________f) We are going to go = _________________________g) You (sing.) are going to eat = ___________________h) Are you (pl.) going to visit? = ___________________


ir = to govoy = I’m goingvas = you are goingva = he/she is goingvamos = we are goingvais = you (plural) are goingvan = they are going



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Other ways of expressing the future: the conditional tense

To say what you would do (if you had the chance / the time / the money etc), use the conditional tense.

Simply add –ía to the infinitive, e.g.

Me gustaría + INFINITIVE ___________________Me encantaría + INFINITIVE _________________ Visitaría… ___________________________Iría a… _____________________________Pasaría dos semanas allí _____________________________________Me alojaría en un hotel de lujo ________________________________Comería helado todos los días ________________________________Tomaría el sol en la playa ____________________________________


Now use what you have learned to write about your dream holiday.

You may wish to use the extra ideas below to help you.

Me gustaría tener la oportunidad de… + INFINITIVE …_______________ _______________________________________________________ir a… / pasar mis vacaciones en… ______________________________visitar… / volver a (+ PLACE) algún día ___________________________dar la vuelta al mundo ______________________________________ir a una isla en el caribe _____________________________________ir de vacaciones con mis amigos _______________________________ir a España / Latinoamérica para mejorar mi español ________________Si tuviera la oportunidad… ___________________________________Lo que me encantaría hacer es… + INFINITIVE ____________________ _______________________________________________________porque me encanta viajar / ir a la playa _________________________


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CHECKLISTAt the end of this Spanish module:

I can…1. name a variety of countries in Spanish 2. book a hotel room in a Spanish-speaking country

3. talk about activities that I do on holiday

4. use the past tense in Spanish 5. talk and write in detail about a holiday that I have been on in the

past6. talk about where I would like to go in the future

Make sure you update your e-portfolio to keep a record of these achievements and the skills that you have developed in Spanish.



With help from feedback from my teacher and my progress in this module, I set myself the following PERSONAL TARGETS to help me to achieve my best in Spanish:1. ________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________

*My main achievements in this module are: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________*The skills I have developed in this module are: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________