S11 eng10104 012311_pronouns

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  • 1. Nouns!
    • Nounsare one of the eight parts of speech
    2. Anouncan be a person, place, or thing 3. Anouncan also be the subject of a clause, whether independent or dependent 4. Anouncan also be the object of a verb in a clause

5. Pronouns!

  • Nounsonly change form when in thepossessive case (which we will discuss in a few minutes)... 6. Bethany's eyes 7. Alice's fur coat 8. Apronounis a word that substitutes for a noun. 9. Pronounshave three cases:subject ,object , andpossessive .

10. Pronouns!

  • What is case?Caseis the form anounorpronountakes to indicate its function in a sentence 11. Three cases above 12. Pronounchart

13. Subject Case!

  • Pronounstake on the subject case in the following situations: 14. As a subject of a verb : She bought a new water bottle. 15. As a subject complement : It was she who took me to Long Beach Island.

16. Object Case!

  • Pronounstake on the object case in the following situations: 17. As adirect object(nouns affected by subject/verb): Our department head told Alexis and me to come to the meeting. 18. As anindirect object(tells you who the action is happening to): The tuition bill surprised him.

19. Possessive Case!

  • Possessive caseindicates ownership of something: your car, your book, our wedding 20. Bethany's advisor approved her trip to our campus.

21. Time Out!

  • Pause. 22. Take a breath! 23. Questions?!

24. Who v Whom

  • In general, usewhowhen talking about a person as a subject. 25. Who donated the books? 26. In general, usewhomwhen a pronoun functions as an object. 27. I wonder whom jazz musician Miles Davis influenced (whom=object...Miles Davis is subject...influenced is the verb).

28. We v Us

  • Useweif thepronounis a subject. 29. We women must stick together. 30. Useusif thepronounmust be in object case. 31. Teachers make learning easy for us students.

32. Which v That!

  • Thatusually refers to an object, not a person. Use who if referring to a person. 33. Arthur Miller,whowroteThe Crucible , also wroteAll My Sons . 34. Also, usethatwhen using arestrictive clausethat would change the meaning of the sentence without it. 35. Books that big can't fit into my bag. 36. The librarians at Monmouth that have hybrid cars get better gas mileage.

37. Time Out!

  • Pause. 38. Take a breath! 39. Questions?!

40. Finally...

  • Grammar checkers have a hard time with pronoun usage because they can't infer what words, if any, are being referred to in the sentence. 41. Make sure pronoun references are clear. 42. After Rooney intercepted the ball, he passed it as hard as he could towards the net. ( heanditrefer to Rooney and ball)