THE SUN SUNDAY MARCH 4 1000 s LONDONS DIG FUn SALES rum lit rnis HKAHOX iniKv AI- TUI wuntit UOKH IIIKIIK TO iiur Lively Illilillnc lit tint Anrllnn of Heal Skin Init DectiuiberKiinrinmii Irlcct fu- Hllvrr fat mill Him Otlrr Tectilliir gmtl- III Iteijulred for Huccrti In Ittijlng This Is llm season when fur buyers ibu world over turn thilr facis toward IhHr Mecca nnj ml out tor the MMch lur sales In London town Tin enl skins weredlspiwed ol In Dieml r the l uiers were scattered In January there have betn minor Mies all through the winter tut the Brent lur salo- eornes In March There nre fur sales In nlher- rnuntrics tint Ixindon IN the rhlif ur market ol the world There Ihe tremendous collection ol the lluilsoti liny Compnny Is sold and to certain treat commission flritiH In Ixuidun traders nil over the world send their nnnunl collections nf- kins Tim commission merchant liiui the sate nd sure end ol tlio business He receives as orts catalogues ami sells at auction the goods consigned to hlnii and whether prices snar or I lie geH his libers comralKsloii Just the Mine tiut the man who buys ur nt the Me Hiiro must hare- tmerrlnirludgiiienllrialworksllke chain lightning It he wants to come out ol th transaction with profit For days before tlio beginning of tho sate Birn crowd tl1 warehouses examining th as- orled lots ol furs estlmallng values lormtilatlns plans of action Tha representative ol small deafen have rather an advantage In this pre- liminary skirmish for lh y are not regarded as dangerous ami both commission men and fellow buyers treat m with comparative frankness nl genially swap opinions with them Hut thn buyer who Is likely to snatch mrythlnir worth baring In certain linen IK an object of scrutiny Hid Kusplrlon Naturally each separate skin cannot be overhauled for Inspection but enough ota are displayed to serve ns fair samples The lie of the lots varies according to the value and bulk of tb Hudson Hay sables for ex- ample being small and not of extravagant value sold In lots comprlsingfa rnthet largo number cf pelts Hoar skins being bulky to handle rorao In lot and txu oUr silver lot Itusdnn other nklns of great vnlue ore often eold singly Where th lots comprise many sklus each one cannot lw exnmlned but tho general quality can be determined tram examination of- eamples for the absolute fairness and equity of these great fur sales are among their remarkable feature The pelts are assorted according to- tlu and class with absolute Irnpartltdity and U buyers equal chanoeB upon iiallty Incidental Thn are stored In casks Mid It Is a wise who Is unerring In Ms Judgment of raw or green The seal caVb N made at the season animals go ashore to breed and legitimate seating consists In separating tho males from tin herd driving them Inland and clubbing them to death a royalty being paid upon each heal killed Tha seals must bo skinned Im- mediately otherwise the condition of thu skin Is Impaired and much defective furU attributable to carelessness In this detail If thu seals are driven too fast to the shambles tho quality of the kin Is Injured so the poor beasla must approach their death nut exactly ns one who wraps the drapery of his couch about him Ac but In a lie urely and lumbering flop As an the skin Is removed It Is placed 111 a tho flesh fide up and liberally salted The next skin Is laid upon the flrsl the flesh side down The cask Is tightly packed In this nay with thick layers ol- ealt between tha flesh bides of each pair ol skins nd this pickles keeps tho skins In rood condi- tion Soincllties however when unpacked the skifii show small pink ipols which in- dicate tfialdecouiposltlon ha beguu its work before the pickling via and these pink Inter develop lulu bare cured lur The raw senl has long hairs through lha suit short fur and fur many years these hairs Injured thu beauty ami vnlue ol the not die like the rest of the skill but glistened aud were the despair ol the timer A a MtiA I u4 hd AM if utp 4illltll the skin some hard subntonce blow- Ing the fur until the olUialrs undlay flat and then clipping the long hairs nlth sdiNorH The iiruuNti won tedluiu tiut he Ualnwl girls to dolt and lor a liruo had u monopcily of the the other dealer seuillng their wnl skins to him to be triatHl Then a machine wa iiiventetl by which a strong curreut ol air ww orceil over the fur am automaUc clippers did the clipping and that method Is sllll III use The snlu Uonml r was one ol the liveliest lur snlex London tins hsd and the auction room rlvallcil In txrltenient tlio Chicago wheat pit In panic lime Iricea ruso bO cent and even ei rlenivd buyers lost thdr heads and lloumlerwl America wa In Illegal sealing which at one time brought Kngliind America to blow consists In capture euinle seaU that take to the water with their young niter breeding time and are by law exempt molestation Tha North western sealskins btloiuf to this class The fulled Slate Doteminent having a mighty row over this sealing matter was obliged In to be consistent to bur nil healsklni from entrance Into this country under any conditions hvery Inch ol enterlin uur must Iw by cenincntes it U genulno Alaska senl or Southern st alskln Kven a sealskin bought In ICtirul must 1m certlllid to In me way or is llnblo to silzuru America buys more lur than any other country In the Rave ltavla Kranro would have sealskin Northwestern mum not come In si practically U th deruaml must ol sealskins reached 7TWU but o this number 2rt00 skins werv Alaskun not onouKh- to supply the entire American deumnd and lente can buyers were bound to hnve what they nvediM- Ho up went wmrlng until the cost o Aiankan seal was iilmnsl doubled but as usual tncle Sam got what ho went alter and almost the w hule output o Ala k seal comes to this country Thn was Ilia cosler liecaiiso seal has Ixen a popular ur in either Kruno nr Hiis Ida although these two countries are the heaviest nd most extraviurnnt nl the Ixiudmi sales Ilusslnn aud Frmcli tohte Inclines to the long- hair urs and the finest cables ajid ox- tlllM tWO countries while very nearly nil tea otter to llussln Hii bidding In the lust March Hale drme silver fox lip to prlfe ol l7l lor n single skin and even that wan eclipsed last January when silver los brought ll iO Hiisslan sable ton mMe a new record n lot ol twenty skins soiling dn h UIH nt ini lluit fit n tult fsiitile- of thoso tiny skins would worth ItfK or SOOO apiece Hea otlr brought IMSUO a skin The raw wllsklnsaltr Wiw sold nro handed over to llrnw lur dyeing lu curing nd dressing skim niericnns have tut superi- ors but twlni lor Jutt what Is the reason lor Ibis urrlers can hardly explain H inu nay that tin wnier Is res ins ble that lh iitlects the fur ndothrs that ills a cnseulsklllcil work- manship and long experience hatnver tin cause may the rxtimlns that almmt all ieaUkln Is dyed In Kngland and the California kin that have trnvelled from Aln ka to have been Hold and lliere Imvo returned to America where th cent duly Is lni s nd have Invu s M her retnll All l and cured furs are llabli to duty but tlm uncured skint ioine lulu this country free so our tariff laws add little to the nisi furs SUVH In cast ol sealskin The skins of animals ther than wal an pre for by dr utxjn ttiords tightly In bnlei The lightness f their pnclilng prevents lunger nun niolhs If the p are In long In lb arehotises they are sometimes In n M K ir g or with a wash I rmrruMte snbllniale The Hudson Hay M oilletioti Is la storage lon Ivfore the March sale nmi Is iluly and leisurely assorted catalogued In fart there are a serene mn nml cnliu about the HUiUwn t and an Inexorable equity la Its final dealings that nro lni lng In mldal fashion Year alter ye r iriiiipers and hunters scour th llmlson Trritory pain- fully slowly skin the Items that go to he tremendous nggre- irati but promptly unfailingly the Inimensii arrive an handled and are sold at tlii appointed lime In the np pointed way There Is never a IJtch or a surprint rim wheels of tho mwhln roll with new and the mm who see only tin meclnnlcal- Ixindnn end of the httlness can form IHtle Idea of the Individual ellort skill win fatigue ami danger represented In the bales nf they all the business Is not with Hudson Day monotony and dignity Until the very day of consignments i the llrms- Ighty hustling amontr vwirlers- at the last catalogues nr particulars M they are rolled blnssnm out newspaper extras veritable triumphs of work are achieved a ship bearing fur consignment worth hiinareds thonsamu ul and the commission men ore wild wllh impatient and alarm The opening of lust at hand bran of the ship Suddenly nbe U men have a Mg force of workmen on the dcxk Hal train to In waiting The skins are him ott the at d- tbmwn aboard trout which makes time to tondon There all hands are 11 I I I kin are mal tko aud- i sea MAt son I LH ur woul Sew leA II r larielf lor 111mp prl Wit b l onl 0 lor I h Iho Ihe Ir 1111 r or t llh Ih IID I I whu nt ln t bu dId h pal I ckl1 ali I kin b j I I I t como j Acd ther LH a I I Ik I held ball R a a Not 1011 I I lW ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ > < ¬ > < > < = and cataloguing are done an If nilradn nn at another particular to baodc- lo Hie trada and ilia heads ronunlstio- houHedraw lung breaths nt relief OJid trlumril The bulk ul the done by the firm Is enormous Hllvrr and blue fox sea am sable nrrivu In Htno- liiuanllUiin but Hi iMf furs are collet let iitinntlUm The Idea of catchlti- k2aiH skunks would l rather li tin man who has Iwn airiiHlumwl in om skunk In IN yard but that number nt sktuil skins was sold al jenrs sale 2IUWX minks contilbuted llielr skins to tho anniml c lection 7171HJ mu krals illi I thn death lur tin same HiiiiUl ml tliclr chicken slenllng In order Ui bxninie ornauieulul- nnd here isNiini wkltm- Th auction Is held In the Commercial sales- rooms holding possibly 100 buyers Yetr alter Jtnr llm nuiie men occupy same soals by- no right save Ihal of universal reccgnltl n nnd- lulerniuf S imetlmes a father drops out and hlsplaat N taken his son ri partner but lh firm Is llieru In tho old and every nm knows whereto look fur 11 1lw big buyers are clusely- watchetl Ihe smaller fry upon them to a great extent paco sale The aunlonecr starts oil wllh some snutll and uni- versally skin as for example the Hudson Hrst lot goes No nnd- Is In a hurry or The go H up a shilling at a move until It reached thirty nUll no one overbids Tho Urst lot In sold fun t The buyer of tho flrst lot al thirty hat a right to take th other lots n same cis al that same uul w some- one InterdTfi lilt bids higher Tlures nothing slow atmut the priK now Tim auctioneer sturw In upuii list of lots rattling them of- as fast as tongue can work No 2 tSame 3 same Ac- II thu original buyer represents a small business In other men he want only a few lots BI they quietly wait until he sliakm his head Then Ihey jump and tha quickest one gets Ihti at name old buyers know that this man will gobblo everything within Blglil nt tluii cant Ui lei him IIAVU IL They begin lu bid II the bidding ll lie knows they will want little and letting them have U may kevn Die lor him bnt when Ill other In he must or bit donn jut supply Bills rattle like liallslont s and r a ui- extwrlencwl buyers catalogue will show not only what each but also to whom It was Oflen thn game waxes m fast and furious that the auctioneer himself has to stop and to the for Information OH to to whom certain lots were knocked down Them Is no more exciting auction sain In the world and no shrewder set ol buyers Theres time cogitation The man knows lust how long to when lo lump In like a Is Ihe man who wins He must note each mans buying know tha probable limit of lICh llrms the outcome of the from the fashion In which tho big buyers lire calculate his chances of the bidders price when that bidders demand eases Iud up his mind whether to watt on that cnaiice or advance the bid and so turn Ihe guns upon himself If must tie able to figure illllng to speculate After lire over a general average ol nettle down to out where they land If their total of buying Is Mow the aver ge price they rodlata self and a lhan the hilL they usually rear If Ihrtr totals exceed tho average itreal M hotel where onstime of whiskey and n la and compos propitiatory messages or ad- ressea fur the home linn ETHICS Of DRAW POKEIt A Veteran Sporting Mans Uncompli- mentary View of the lame I It possible for n man to learn to play was asked of a veteran sport the other day Of course It Is h snorted Tlutl Is It Is possible for some people The man with sport- Ing blood In bis veins and will unit too much re- gard fur ethics lu his competition can learn to Jay pokrr This talk about everything In tho cards you hole Is nil rot I have Men a man lay down three ocm to a fair of deuces and that certainly demonstrate thai there Is more n playing poker lhan Die value of the hand f cours such a thing as llutt would not ba IH Ible wher the limit was nl ut the sle of thn rot but then a good poker player steers clear nf any such sketches as that It place Iho spurt n the same level nlth tho sucker and there Is no chance for a man to display his skill or kuowl- dge of the It Is easy enough to spot a sucker he con- tinued He cun coma Into Iho gamn with ox- nuch of a swagger a1 the c ui muster but ho will how his wenknefs Inslda of ton minutes and Ihen be will have more Iroublo on his bonds Ihoti can take can a year He Is slow about retting his ante to tlio centra of the table and f tho cords run ngalnM him he Is always cursing ds luck and making things generally unpleas inl for the players If ho gets a good hand rm rows over his winnings until tho others get sorn iou can always tell whether ho has a good hand ir not for ho has never learned Ihe value nf self introl lint Ms exultation Is always evident lo neter has Iho sllghtesl idea of the percentage IK stands cf winning nnd Is always coming n on short pairs That Ls where h loses He- nnt wall for fortune lo ccmo to him and he s nlivnys trying to bull bis luck He wilt chip iwny more money In two hours tbnn a good player Watch the contrast between tho sucker mil lha trained sport The lattr comes and IU down to the tnble qulutly nnd without linT USB He skins his cords carefully and keeps in eya on every play around the board No- mf ever bos tfi tell Mm to mitn niid he never hold a pi t mortem to set what he mlghl have ot I IK mny not make n move for half an hour nit when he gcU oul on a piny ho will break timelines heart ritheron a Hull or wllh a hand tint the devil liltaselt could not beat Is It right to cheat Well you lire Betting KI personal I wont ndmlt that I would do- uch a thing but II there Is any crooked work- Ing nn I am going to have my share of the mxfeds or know tho reason why This talk ihoul a gentlemens game Is all a dream II man plays poker lUll keepn at It h N going o Ix n party to something crooked whether he lays ol a club nr In a win room it Imck ol a saloon For own ireler to play In n Hard game where something s llnble to bn pulled nil I know that I have o luok out fur Is reduced 0 n moral level when It comes gambling and tbile sumo of Dies prate itiout their hotmr nnd nil thai It Is only their ul being fount I oul Dial keeps from Ing as crookwl nny provide if cmtrst Unit tnetl the mnn cnnt have too squeamish n regard lor- thtcw or cniiselenio If he is going to 1 1 see cheating going on 1 merely declare myself n If I M a liny curd thrown or cutch a man lobllngotit thlnL pro er coirsx would lx to- mm gently to m sell and III wen crooning i lullaby 1 want n slice of I inn UIUIK J lave a slice i that for tho reason that Ills too rood to pass ui Then lht limn who turneil- h would l lo me the would get divvy for preserving the peace Now 1 admit I get up i rnr I could elnm cnrds on tho table mil pruli that 1 was a Kiiitucklnn nnd a gentle uin thai l tnd sah 1 would tolerate milling of Ui I wusslltlngI- Vhat would b Ihe resull The gnmbler would tay w us mistaken thu sucker would get ty bu bad been rubbed nnd I would get nothing or m shun What would I tlo il thn urns a frleml of my mlru whom I hud taken up- o tho gum Such u ciiMt would never come or the reason thai I never lake a frltnd lo a poker fame I itlways go nnd come n Iuker Is no pm fur friendship nntl- Iytlilns would never have heard of If the Iwnchtims mil evei snt down ton game of draw There nre a ninny ways of turning a- rrooketl inrd The 1 fairly mircessiul hut It hits In l i doii9 by nn even then it is dangerin Marked curds dont go with l itls or tlie decks are changM too often when Ihe snkes nre high The best methods nre by- ilarklng lh curds holding out II lakes a- Koinl mnn tndu the former Ihera nre limes when he fulls down and glvns his opponents more Ihnn he Intends to Holding out Is easiest for lli rensin Hint tho others always have to look out for lliemMves and bold A gcmil ninny irta of mechanical devices have l tn Invented fur holding out nnd I have t iker who wern really walking ineeH of machinery Th bug as It la Is the most fr iii 11 Is so It Is nothing but nn nlmiMt Invisible silt nt thoixlge- nf the tniile nhern tvirds can IH slipped In until they nre wanM It Is a to bump up against and It can lie run a good- man until further orders without a show of de- lection A Now llrrat hoMrnmli Decltlon run Uu leutnult C mr ir tmtrnal Feb tho casa of ll ni brown v Sarah A a decree alvlnc tHut for i of Promliia todar by thu A very unusual auestlon was Involved In thU east llrpwn am divorced hn tot b tAW 1 Inl b 1IlIlltlN bll bllL ln I l rIco ILl Ihlrl 1Ilf he 1 lip 11111 lie lotH Jrlce Iown huelll oat t I < oI I I6 o ho bh bill lIl1t Iho 01 ht trlldo he lit rrllln IInd huw dJI tbo I1rm W Je Ih prtco 011 IIh clllliH ot fur 11 aM th Ih Yr At lIaillglofll1 poker I bIn lIme Ito olin I would III tworlllYtl rn I I silk 11111 ear 1 11111- M kr 111 lOll will Ilk Ivr wink I t lit 1I1 111 In II lImll whr tn MIll 11I1O 11 1 IIn n- om IIII IH II Will hI Leer 11 0 1111 Le m with IInlor llInlllnlr th I rlt to morIF on I the ot hla wll mar- I nl I anothr hOller and Ihe I IIetencII wat thM Ih limo not oome him to 1111 hi contmct bill Ill 1e- elded alllllnit him on the IllOlIncl that he had In a I If 1m- poulble lor him to hi CQutrcct II hie wile houkJ dill > > > < ¬ ¬ < > > > < TIlE DEAF DUMB AND ONJ BU JiVfLIOTKU JtKSCttTniS HI- ll No SIor Idea now Thane About Hln Look Than llnve Thntn Who 8 e llavi- IdeiM About tlin People of Mar IIov- He IleeoKnltei Tenon nnd Tiling Contented With llli lliird Lot Ona who ls deaf dumb and blind has nent Till KUN the following descrtpllon of the way In which thosti slmilaily uOllctid are mnde to know iiersoni and things and how lu tlmo they coma to rrm and write and acquire a knowledge nf many Ihlngi thai would stvrn Impossible to persons deprive nf sight hearing and speech TUB cor- nvipondent writes oa follows Probably one of tho most illfflcult as well a- tb most lmiortant laski lu the schools for the Instruction of tht deaf and dumb ts to rducati a child that Is totally blind as well The raitlhnd- nf teaching the blind and deaf while simple In i way may still b regarded as somewlial scientific A child thus offllcUtl whether having been burn H ur deprived of his senses In hilt youth requlw- th tfrwiUwt nltentlon and must bo tnughl by persons thoroughly familiar with the deaf and dumb and their language and gestures Ilur- In tho Kist qunrter of a century or motw ther have b n abnut half a dozen denf and tlumt and blind children who havn been educated al- Uie New York Institution on Washington Heights Ttirlr names are lames H Cntnn Mallle Moore house Klchard K Clinton KatU McOIrr and Orris IleiuKin I the writer of this article do not Include myself In the lUt sinco I graduated the year I became blind All but two of persons have gradunled The two that remain are Katla McOIrr and Orris llenson When a child that lion been born deaf dumb and bUild or has bnn made so by dlseaHe or acci- dent Is taken lo Iho Instllutlon he Is assigned to teacher who lins already bad experience In teaching thn blind and deaf and then lha work of bringing the unfortunale pupil Into thu light U commenced The method of Instrucllng Ihe deaf dumb and blind Is about the same In all the InMltutloiis where there Is one or mora child who Is m unfortunate us to be totally Wind and deaf Some children become deaf dumb and blind when but two or three years old and some- times when much older Children that lose their sight hearing and speech at bucli an early ng usually forget everything they knew or had learned previous to the limo they went aflltctnl So when a child Is admitted as a pupil to the Insti- tution he knows comparatively nothing although be or sho may hava a mind which Is capable of being cultivated He Is unable to express hU thoughts In any way because he has nn Inn guagti with which to do It He be com- pared to a person who Is lame and can wnlk but has no crutches Sometimes the child Is slow to learn and It often requires considerable skill I tience nnd toil nn the part of his nv her teacher to teach a single thing Sometimes the child learns rapidly and excites the wonder of his teacher and thtHo with whom ho Ls familiar rut In the casn- of Miss llelea Keller and Orris Ilenson Persons visiting thu Imstitutkm look upon an afflicted child who has bran rencurd from out of lh depths of Ignorance with wonder and admiration and are sometimes loath to believe that the Institution was capable of educating a child that bad never seen thn light of day or henrd nr uttered a single sound They forget that come of tho most stupid of animals also have bIn taught to perform many kinds ot tricks H may seem to the Intelligent render or he may Imagine that It Is far easier to teach animals to do tricks than It would M to educate n Imrn deaf dumb and blind child becauso the animals cnn see and follow tile directions and performances ct their master while the child on the contrary can se or hear nothing nnd Is therefore at a great disadvantage Ha this however as It may no animal Is supurlor In intellect to man In nine caws out ten the nllllcllon brought upon chll dren by disease birth nr accident not tin pair their may lw In as good a taU os Individual nf all tieH This Is the advantage they have over Ihn dumb animals All that U to te done Is for the teacher to reach down uiasp the mind end polish ll The loss ol Ihe senses hearing speech does not as maur un- familiar l of th wnses thinks Interfere with the intellectual faculties If tho child happens be feebleminded It Is dU9- to the sickness has endured as slcknr s is- llablo to cause one to forget everything he may have lenrnd- lri in the admission nf a blind deal mute to the Institution he Is assigned to a teacher who U nn In the sign language and has bnd experience with pupils so first teacher to loach his blind llie deaf and dumb When the pupil thoroughly mastered thU he Ls iwn nam he has learned Ui express II it U I1IA L rom hu constant assi lntlon with hw How Ills Intelligence bos now commenced o down he Is taught Ui linniw ol Arsons and On a In tlm ciiiln nf- he schoolroom are placed a number of objects mch as a mill jug van saw Ac- Mlng tho pupil to the table placing In his laml for the saw the lls- he nnmo of the In his hand and rnake- he sign for saw holding bis band straight and pressing Iho edge ol It on land nnd up down or back and ornanl as nne would do In a saw II tha- inpil does not nt flrsl undertnnd what the lenclier- nenns Ibo Uacher of cotirm explains the thing ver and nver again In nny nnmen- if tho various and tho HM of each life earned It taking weeks and snrnttlmes nvinlhs- foro lha acquired Ihn nnrao and us- it every object Sow has becomn furailUr Uio nnmew nf things and knows otnclly that each to fur he U taiiirht to ito lth th objects nnd to tell what he hns done with hem In accompanied by signs Touch Iht says The put ll tot understanding what hns been told him to ils teacher performs himself or ils pupils hand In his own so as to let him MI- ir I rather sny eel what IN Mng done this nail Vitich that Is now asked the WhM did you do The meaning nl whil hns he ii dcni lo obj xl Is clearly nnd mill thn has the n wlinl he must do- riiu teacher nets as a dictionary for all the words lie must explain Intrlllgenrf- lvglns to h has lenrnetl n eulUclent lumber nl words he tntlght simple kenlvtices- ind nltiT n time learns how to form Inntriiair- eTheformsof the A It Shaving mn enrn l he can learn his tasks without aid by- ncaru ol rals l letUtr lessons Tin method of- xlucatlun now Is tin same ns Ihnt tnughl In the ichools for tin blind The pupil learns nrithmetlc nnd other hints It mny l nsked how nn Imlitldual or being lereltof Imth sliihlniid hearing Lsahle Ills frlentls ntnl inwiclatis All Intelligent alllictid tin Ir as as other ipl do who have their evm and ears rin eyes and ears nf tliH ones NIng in thU or Hint j rson Iersons nl all their faculties other by their looks and gait The blind denf nn tbn contrary knows nne person from the other by the clmrncter of the hand As n in nn a muli becomes iuoiiitil with a rsiin liu Is MHO to the nl Hint persons bnnil the marks nnd scnrs If nny One hand mny l larger thinner smoother nr rnuKhft- Ihnn another nud so tlw blind mule tlnds very IlltiH difficulty In making out ne pel n from nut olten tbnt IIH It dweived nnd- mlsUkes fiiH lor another Men dlller- n hand fu well iisln look Wlwn the Und mute- s In doubt ia to Hie iinimnf tlie person with win mi- ie has ninie in cnnlnct tu rwngnlrts him by tb- wnv fin 1tlks T Ihe movements of his Imtv- lltli whli h he hns nlso mnil hpi elf Sometimes Iho blind mutes friends will try to- rleiHYi him Pretending Ihnl Hey nre i They this by removing tlejr rini- Lf iictutnmid to nnde f flicn lain in their lingers l pit this llieMind iniirn rarely fnlli In one thoni le s really known ns a friend whom lie hns not mel fi rn iHs- ldernblo time He recognlres liln IrleniN wlen they have on iflnves simply by the nmtlon or- tlu persnn of I nm Men asked Imw ll wms In N deprived of tnt seiiMt of linahni nnd sight Ill m reply tosiuh n oue tlnisMtre in run In thl way wenis ID to eMiMnllv when Ill nloie dark and still One limy perhnps get a hotter Idea of my conilltlin tmell and inii t H II i mr n weK rer hnps he will come l the vnln ninclusn Hint his fr Is not worth living nnd iry t pr t n tlm hnnd IH nmt n rntPrd- low and tedious U read A gimd rapid sivllcr can read to me about lire columns of favor He paper Tun SUN In nn hour r therenlxmu- Jl H very t i tlw words ns they are spelled nn the fingers low the bUnd mutes would U wre Mr Ellison wlianl to liitnnt mnrhitie witli nn hand and no mail ii vltn n kik or- mchlne the nrtifleial contrived no mutes must l content wIth their rl and learn M much from them Some people want to innv jj i U r I I I can lm BLIND n lU I Oj f N J 11 Pr SUN the I mil I Thll 1111 I1 hI tA ul an II er60nH lelr IIl11lcl 1I JIM nwhlle W ot till 18bl r 0 I I II I kl n till nrllon Ih Ullllorillllill nJr Ih mrllnlnlr I louch lrnll III lilnR b Ih IPllrher ulP nn rr hl I hlIr I tI III7 Irl n Ihlr Ih nrp ten nlI III ntJ lIl1 11- 1Hllnll III lilt Nllid ler I I > < IIIIllIle1 h Ipr- I III 1111 1111 dlnmlnl Ielr r IfO hit 140 Ill I hJ m I IIr or whlltlrrl th Irson mllhl 111111 10 tn II Ind ould relld I th > 11111 lirIIyr- roDilhe Sbueh II11111nllon ultl IH Ir EdlNoII hJm1I 1 III III I he rPII l tIl IIrtic11 nnnlli I the bUn l IIA clln 10111111 haw lib could > ¬ > > < > > > > > > < > < > > how a looks no more than on ran Imagine how the people If then be any Ihere- on the planet I cannot tell colors neither can I smell That I con very vrull- u a great blessing 1 all blind nuli- do I nea tho Inside very Inielllgem by every nno wllh whiitn hit hap- pens In iime esHrl when that lie lost his slulil and when but a years old and remembers nothing pruvlous to hn was allllcfcd lie Is In- my opinion as blight as Mta Helen Killer nl sho Is far inoro ailvnnced In her sludles and has had a much smoother mad over which Ui travel Hum lV imnn He lias learmnl as much Ui deal miitn Messed wllh tin Mnwe ol vlslnn who has lnvn at the Institution the SlIm nf lime as he What Is most remarkable U liu has l vn taught to He IN fond nt play and will play at bide nnd Nwk nil If he thn to with I asked him nnre If he would ball with me He said Yuti cannot we has great ambition He tells m he will do glad when he leaves school w that he can enrn some money and assist his parents Orris Is fontl of study IIMI He Is now learning history an1 geography day I which h t liked History wild hit llecausH history Is more Interestlnir was Iho- re pliwhMdn think nf thewnr down In Africa I pity th Hoers the llrlllsh lire cowards CIMBAnoinn vnt HIS Limit A Down 1nnt Shnrk That Knew llli Itlglit- nnd Dnred Auk for Them Arnrn Me Lemiten Etinlny Journal When I nskeil Harrison Curtis of Thoniastmi for tils sHda of Ihls story he Imikeil me doubt- fully The sage of the fieorges Valley Iho ills courser nn llm powers of the Inllnlle the philoso- pher nf the Pliocene era ot Ihu world ho looked at me doutilliill- yId rnllier nol tell you that story said lie for that Is a most remarkable story nnd some people there lire In the world who do not know enough to believo It I have no objections to telling the story to those w of the elect and who understand that truth Is stranger luan ficllon Hut It really hurts my feelings to Imvi the scoffer me Ironically with tlw iKilliolic mlsumler- Httndliig ol till Irreclnlmnble heretic Imler stand that I dont class you In wllh Ihnt crowd Hut If you write this remarkable story nut and quote ma In the matter the snmo misunderstand- Ing will follow me Id rather youd we Stntt Senator Chamberlain of llrktul about the atfair- Ur tberu Is Iish Warden Hnnna Doth nf them know the story and are ready to UMify to Ils truth Its ginxl to liavo authority of Hmt kind I think youd UtUr gel them to Ml you Here the reader ran insert Qve minutes of HO lo suit lib Ideas cf how a man bn coaxed Then Hnrriwin Curtis loquitur clearing his Ihrimt and comtuenclng with on I must I mast air from this mint This em hapimned right after the war Con- siderable nf the men that went to Ihe war Uuklr1 on in mackerel In hearty stylo Hand lining In lho days So No seining the snrae as tlin Nwevpen ol lh wa carry- on tha busliiVvs nowa The man Unit I with for the first trip alUtr wnr tlnies wit the worst man toswenr that I think 1 ever Ivnrd I dont know as that tins anything to do with the but Ihal man did swear so that I cant help thinking of II every time I talk about him 1 dont remember how hoi ImliiiJ or whether lie von wore whlikers but I dj remember how b iwd lu Uilk Well 1 lilreil as cnok for tlw trip Hod leu other men You Just ask thamberliiln or Hannii- al Ut them and If wore not fund men and by tin way Ib whole len of them stand right UhUid story want you to remember that Wi did our first fishing oil SeKiiin ilnck eel bit llrst rate for about half nn hour nnd WH was rvelln Vui In hnnd over llsi fnt and nhlla and bigs your arm All Ui once stopped bitin- Shnrk said the man and oh massy ou itigbt to hntu henrd him swear No yean you shouldnt have heard Mm swear It as Shark snld lie When ihnrk conies up- ynu understand the mackerel always sup and go oil nnd hide Hut n crew In thoftrt wvj always ready fur anything nf- Ihal kind always knew how lu come Mlsbr Shnrk Su w threw over iiur shark lliv will n pleciuf pork on HIM end The hook it- clmln so thai Mister Shark couldnt- bil It nil Well In less than llilrty seconds MWcr Shark bll WH milled him over the side wns- n nice shark Should htt would sutlln weigh CXi pounds Had null n tuwl him over HIH side of the schnnnrr Hold him there roared the skipper when Mltor Shark wns on tho deck Now Jeptlia Mid thu old mnn straddle him lh wow illddy owdiddyslauildlnily ic cut him n n Sow that sharks liver filled n hnll of a hogset Most remnrkabl liver Now ty dumpily tow him uphowled the skipper they tool n big sail nt lle nnd they with a neat herring txiv his II was a rnl Rood looking job In li tli work I Mt id In th cnok duorloklngonnnd I could s i lh sharks that tin wns greaily nt losing his liver Hut he didnt sny any- thing nnd so when he was nil nicely up over they threw him splnli nnd hn went Tills shark rind com nlong nlxml light In the you stv they hnd l vn- Mr r kin nn him wind breeunl up we kept iotin into the windward and we got nil Ibo griiundt- Su rld mnn allowed Hint we might ns well trim sail nnd makv iiwuy for ln Ann And w did lot to he Rrniinds olf Cnpo Ann lung down with our lines nnd commenced tu flsh Had lurk for nlxiiit hall nil hour flsli bit well nnd wn nf good slzu Then nil in OIKH tluy- Htnpp biting just us they hnd donit l or old mnn his liuik up bis hnnd to shniU his eyes nnd look a long to windward t hbliiledubbliditnouhlit luted K II grass howlefl lie heres he comes And olf wn could MW n shark rome lintun alone moderate like yet In a liurry flnnln like Ihls nnd the ntrrnlor stuck Ins up in th nlr lingers rwt nnd fcntly- vibratiil the inemlwr- So nlnng the slinrk come nnd tlw old mnn Uild- em to heart over that doomily Kumilty shakline- CAnd lid And the shnrk bit Ho bit 1I evidently wanted to lt caught He had butiiess with IIH And when we pulled him over the ll wns es ns Ihe nld man wild It would In II ns Hint SlIm shnrk- I ikin lor his lookln fur his liter How Mtil thai sounds when you think of it Now the old mnn nilrmred KIlt Didnt makn difference who hnd Ilia gill tint nlil man admired tho critter that had It- He stood there ntnl looked nt that shark nl iluni snid h yere blnnii nocnunl shark bill git luirklmiia enough to stiKk up n whole villngi ilk and he grabbed Hint shark by till lln there right IDton us liis hnl tu him and ghe him Hit the Stmens Ililnn Hut still lli shark looked texed Oh Mid Ihn nbl mnn in mlmlrln tune I wish yn knew IIUH to talk the Ingllsh Inngiingt lly lint wlils- kers nf n hadiloek swinr Now there wns nolhln mean iilmtit tlm nld- mnn lie snld ns how that slinrk was giln in have bi liver Tnke oul Ihoni stllches again suld lie And did And tlin the nld mnn with his own bnnilH put luck tlml liver Into that shark nud they siwetl up cnreluller Ihnn ever Then mnn- M nhnt n ciiull to tilings puiireda horn of rum down the shnrks threw him over Hn still looked vexed us I could s mm lh nnd I duiino ns It is- In he niiiulered nt When his lln went out it Fight It wnt twiggln kind of innl Hnl his liver find we didnt see nny more ol him One nf the Old lintvn Vcrnliin Irenenteil- tn the Kmi loitllllte nf snlrin fill n Mass tnraTho liredies Illble- is Hi nnnn upplie1 to editions ol lie Iluly- lliiiU Ililillnheil in inevo by English reformerM- tvliu lied in Hint clly frmn Jrenl Uritnin iluring Hit rersectitlmi nf Jiien Mnrys rign Mi uf the undent tnlumes Inis lieii priMnlil lo the Essex Insllliite nt Ilils clly by ChaileH V Pnl trey It wns omit the pru rty nf linger IV- nani one ol the first seitlrs ul Salem and IH highly prlre by tnemUrsit the Inatitule In tt blank spare nt Hie bottom if nne nf Hut pages Is n rerun apfarenlly mnde by tonniits wile ill lhes words Tlm I day uf May 117- 2lniiit Sfitenlny my ilere liltel smu Saniuell 11111111 ilisl the ilny nl June Ilt7i Saierlny my dere ilere dere hiisSmil linger This HIM was linnitl Mr Inllrey lolnhni- iiihnni Inllrey while Hut latter was riling his hlstury ul New The nuihnr snbnillteil- It In HKUsl IMIo in CienrgK llvernnire whu returned it ih stnleinenl I tlml by examination llml this IllhleU of llm- iemvn version tlr1 inmslntxil nnd publlshnl- In liVi by tlm Kngllsh reformers who tliil in thai city the persenitloii ol Mnrys reign Is ill third Knglish translation ilnles Irlnir Ihe Ursl ranniers Ihe- mvniiil lit ISflH This translation was alnrys highly este Miii l the Puritans nnd notwllh It was condemnd King lames who afwrle1 it to ba the worst translation ever nioiln- It n iitlniid In be many lone ha- iraiuilatiou md by royal was pub m L vrrl IlInlloll lIh hulII Il1n J II 110 A w 110 will I roll leltll I pr 111 rill One lter nllkl MIl he lit bUll ICIUO lit mlIl r Ih < II till IlII 11 II h Mlh1 tI nil lit n wed him 11 Ilk I III III ICIIII b 1011 hcw 111 Ilbo1 r oc1Kk In Ih 1111rfIIIII lIw III I 1 lIII1M II Ih Kid I nl I h Ih II ulln IWIIIW 1JIVl lIrtt I I I tIII I h II CIr h u alln Ibhttt > < < ¬ > > > > < CONSUL HANNAS WAR NEWS TJIK anviiET sicnncu HIS onatx IXKIt IX IVKUTO HH1U During tlm Hpnnl h Wnr nil Wni Able to Ilcncli Kvttrjr Inrt f tlio Ulainl nnil Keep Vnililnitoii Will InformedInno cent Appearing Cnble lii intihe Mnll- Tlint Kicuped thu Hpitnlih Cenmir- DKH MOINHS In March 1 When Philip C Hnnna 1ntlixl States Consul at Ia iimyrn Venezuela wni trnnsferre lti San Iilnn Puerto Illco bifure tho Spanish Will began ho set nlxiut- organljlng a secret service which was of great advantage to this Government during the en- Mtilng events lly the system he established huwusabliilocnmmiinlcaUisecrclly with nny part ol thu Island either from San luan nr Irum any point outside the Inland which cnuld bo reached by cable No one of lilt persons upon whom he re- lied or Information knew aloul Hie system livery mnn wasted to believe that lie was Hie nnlyonoun- mufldentlal terms with the American Consul Mr llanuit promised to run no risk ol being trapped by S iilsh detectlvoN and nn a dlllerenl cipher tvns arranged for nearly every man If im wnt betrayed It would not help the Spanish to read any cilhr despatches He let It appear tn each one nf Ms asslslnnts Ihnl he was simply grnll- tylnK a rlend by allowIn him lo prepare a cod whereby theCinisiilmight lie advised olatiythlng- ollnlertsllohlinlnlhetuluw Hiially alUr his urgnnlrntlon wan completed the order came rom Washington Turn affairs over lo Hrltlsh Consul Oo to St Thomas re- port and await orders Ho was nlnioM the last American to leave San Juan and htt and a few refugies sailed on an Kngllsh coaling vessel On his person ho curried the cipher code ot the Stale Detriment and copies of all the codes tlml had becu nrrungid for the scores ot agents whu were to represent him In dllfercnt parts ot the Islnnd No sooner was he sctltwl al St Thomas thun the perfect working ot his machine was proved Krom every illy town vlllnito nnd precinct within the Puerto Illcun group came letters giving Hie latest detailed Information There were charts nl furtlllcalluns descriptions ot new earthworks thrown up and of churches being mado Into fortsby piling bags nf dirt nnd sand around them They told nf tho nrrivnl- nt new arms whether they were of old nr new uitteinnftlieaniniuiiillunIts style and whether It was nlJ or new nt thu mounllng of new cannon of the repairing ot old torts of the planting nf large guns giving their cnllbre nt places nlong HID seashon They ili crlbtl the movements of troops and Ihe arrival of new truojis They tolj of the arrival nf conl for the Spanish sldps- nnd gave In detail the amount of supplies of all kinds that hnd arrived for the Spanish army They tuld ot Ihe shortness of certain kinds nt fund In lh Islnnd they told whclher Ihe people were contented or not Kvery ship arriving from Ihe Island brought Information by the pnssengers Nothing could pass through Ihe malls id- dres d to Mr Ilannn but mailer did rearh htm addressed to W U Drown Co L A Dollmn- COH C Uaker4ilonndadozen more names agreed upon Such Utters were looked upon as purely commercial Hy Falling vessels ot nil soils anil by lishlng smocks daily commtinlcatlun was held between the eastern parts of the island and St Thomas bontmnli expected to recflvi n reward for ilrllverlng any sort or to Consul One duy nn old fisherman who had made a Inndlng on thu wist coast uf Puerto Itlco soughl Consul lliuinn on the arrival nl his bnnlnl Si Thnmnsnnd Informed Ihal he had the ILsh H drew In Ills tine and a lung llsh weighing sovernl which had for ninny hours nnd hitl lieeii nllowed lo llonl In Ihe water MI as tn out of sight wns drnwn Into the Imnl nnd- gltiH lu the lonsul Mr Hnnna took lint llsh- wilhoiit hesltntlon nsklng the prim This kind Is worth S20 Mid llslnrmnn- nnd Ihe tnnsul sllpinil n twenty dollar InUi ills bund of lliitlsh uns lucked away a carefully rolled In n ul and It IunUilned n wl of tnluublt charts and other Tbu bontmnn hnd l en afraid hit might lie overhauled by n Spanish nnd tho papers found uixui his ivrson- so he dfpunited Hie llsh fastened a great hook Into Its jnw and threw it Into the sea and bruiiKbtlttoSt Thomns- Krtsiuent of cigars were sent from to Consul Hniinn The tillers often proved tn bt llssiii Infnrinntlon- It li renrtlly uniierstrml Hint It was highly Important Hint be should hnve Access to cnlilt connected Piiertn Hicn nnd St Thomns fur depending upon inominltnti hy Inan In snnin cases nroxit too ulnw fur wnr limes Tlm- lm I tin cndi system was now renllrnl Tin fnliio wns under tint strictest censorship Spanish nlllcers read everything operators tn r srnt nut to the It was evident thai noililng could nn which HIM name of Ilannn or uf the American Consul np- Inred All dispaicluH Intendml fur Imr- eHirefnn tlw mlilress iin if Ihtt llrms which In had lini esiilishe nr were sent to some business liouooln St Thomns- to In turneil over to him None of these Irli- grnnis ctnild safely Innr the lensi mnrk of tery Thiy nil therefon nppearnl to lie strictly anil in relate to bin cumnier- rial subjiits They appeared to sent by uii- twholeslie hulls In lo nnolher snle liiiuso In St Tlinmos quoting tlw the pruluctsul the Islnnd instniict nt Mlgrnce- n to Drown Co of Si Thomas Ihi nt which Ihey would sell iM lioirshemU- nl a certain grad nf sugar telling the colur nf- Hi sugar In what pnrt of Nniid It WON pro of Ihn sugnr A merchniil nt Pnnce might telegraph lo mie nf Mr Hnnnns firms lu- M iUuii Hie nrlce nt w In lay down In New York Uver il nr Hnrnhirir- ZO bags i if n cirtnln kind of cnllee Ho the color nnd sl nl llu lnrrles wlml pnrl nl It- wns nlrendy In his unrehmisK what pan was still In tlm Held nnd when tin wnuld- l ready fnr shipment sunnlimes mentioning Hie It would bo In Another merchniil known to den in tobacco might semi n telegrnni nlmut lobncco- nlferlinc H many bates of dnscrlblng what were fillers whnt purl wrappers what IKirtlon dark and whnt mrlicn it- wn nnd how lung It hnd lienhnrvesteil whether It hnd be n carefully cured or was partly mildewed Tho In sugar hnd rt- Intlng to In cnlliv had cmlis- miicernlnglhe raising nnd shipment o colfw- Tohnccn and nil drnlers relating lo tin they lminlls1- In order to avoid sending too many telegrams lo one Him Mr Hnnnns would mnke thilr oilers lu dllferent llrms Tlnn fr- rhincit If mil of these friendly Puerto Klcnns felt Ihnl the tiovernment was becoming suspicious if hlni he would say to n member nn out nit ShnnUh llrm Wont do me the kindness lo tell your representative In SI Thomas that luivi sn many nf stienr llml I will hip In giving n description nt Hit sugar ir coilee nr tnhncin merchant tlways to do his nelghlmr n fatnr nflen- urwurdeil such telegrams tlrnily belletlng they itere exactly wlml tn be limes they were senl tn the renl if Ih SpniiLsh house In St Thomas Consul Ilannn nr nne his friends wnuld iflicen Hint llrm In n careless way and wnuld nsk limn Ihe prices nnd products in Puerto Him Hid II were nter here nr not nnil they wnuld show him Hi Inlsl trie- rnni To th receiver ll wns exactly wlml It- ntlnii nf Hut Mr- laiinn Imniiillately recognized therein the codes hat were usiil llm siluailuit and H- inner ol the Island Tin words used n describing tlm various prndurts Ihnl were rum non to Ilierin Hico nil had n inclining which elnUil entirely lo the wnr between tlie 1nited- ilnts Somtinuw they were snli- n English nnil sometimes In Spanish lienernlly- colfw Inglish bad fruiu that It hnd In Thero wns nevrr nn in send n telegram that nre mys- ertous Tlie simpler nnd more liuslnesslik the rlegrnm Hie nnd Ih despatches always related renl rnndiiinli of huntsis mil H- iirnducts nt tin country Inly dealers In sugar lere lo talk of sugar Iliilr telegrnins dealers In eottee quoted cnlfis nr tUMrllml liepiiilliliiiinlciillsln ihe inly men known o liantlli lulmciii sent the highly Important in- ormnilun concerning the tobacco CMIS Mnn- ucli careful meiiMires inri I lie cable iiDralori- Ithuiigli wini of iheni were rngllsh and Srnirl- inllil sus rl llml liifnrmnlluii wns rnlrur senl Her liirlr lines to Mr Ilannn concerning Ihe- vur In ficl the cable while j hat he sent ninny cnhles n Mnshlnginii illd nit knmv that hi wns reivlvlng so ninny lies talches trm Puerto Illci- Sujironipl the system Ihnl knew f Hie limnlinrilmiil nf San unil ulille il wns laking plait ami n rtiil the nrts at Vnshlngtmi He of the nrrivnl nt mil essN l fire they dMtiieil nnrlmr- Ie knew of the nrrivnl nnd f every I urshli lie knew lniinillitilv of Ih- nnteiAent if Spanish lro tipnn tlw receipt of our f Hies cninierrlal Idegrniils nd- InMsd tn n real or flrtllliuis firm In Si Ilininns- ly snnie In Puerto II wits In- msltiiii contridht nil Ihe wild nP rts which eriwnl itil Ships n dnilrnl nns liil cnlbil often it St for Infnrmniliin Mr llnnnn wns In n in lllon them the latest in- ornmllnn lie knew which Spanish giinbints ten In wlilcli had gone in cea and wbtih- rer getting In everything PM hat related to the Spaniards in that parl nf Ih- iirld Ill Ms he enabled an warships In several vessels loaded 11 ill Ihe Spanish Government i Consul llanna was t know uch nf th plans of Ihe Governor General uertn Hico as nert moile public Mr Hanna raa the flnt official lu report la Wn ton Uw I ¬ ¬ > < whereabouts ol Oen Mllcei and lilu anil h- transmlttnl the frnm the Secretary ol War Miles rtvelvcd rom Mashlngloi- afttr hU arrival a Puerto Illcaii tnirt Oen Miles sent for Consul llulina and nsked him ti- comnmnlcatrt with Celt MaiIns the inv rrnor cf Uie Island nl Puerto Hlcn nnd nsceitnli- pnolllvely If tint Spanish Governor InUmliil In nr nut Mr did nol illnvl his mes- sage nf Inquiry In tin nlliclnl but In iiuiie less n dlnvl and pusltlttt an- swer tn Ihe elfe Ihnt iill Mnclas wai a gout nnd wnuld light There was n very Auurlcaii MliUnuni- In Ilannn mmlell his huslnis- to rtlllllilM nud IncffOMi this seiltlinelit lievlng that tlie wnuld enlhu lastlcnlly receive the Americans and desert Hi nt tlio first So he mad It Ids bus ness tn the Puerto nt Hie advnn- Inges nf American rule and shnwisl them how American nlerprls nud would iletrln- Hm Islnnd makn great public Improvements nnil project public Ililerprlses al Ihnn Ihey hnd evei- recelveil helom lie calliil atleiillon tit Ihe re- Mumm nt the Islnnd which was ol pro diiiliig ninny tlmm as much ns It did under system nl Spanish taxation Tie udwintagis n 1nltiit Stntiv went prisiiitiHl Ui Hi They were Inlil how thn American Inws would lusttci and how free nchnnls would be All these Ihlngs he tint Into circulation through the Miret Hrvico which Jn nnd whlcli penetrated to every pnrl nt the Island So h- conlrlliiiied nn pnrt to the ot III tnlted Slnles in the Island nf Puerto Illco practically without n struggle He hnd ndvsi no In sent lo Puerto Illco 10 Hint the Spaniard would l able to furiit natives lulu ngliilng Hie Americans These hnd llielr influence nnd- Hie sJenl ien MlleVs army mnde It certnlu Hint there would IM no Indge Day Secretary nf Slnte snld nl Huilose- nl Hie war the Infuniiiillon llm Slnte- Depnrlnienl hul nvelveil frmn nny iilnrler cnm from Consul llnnnn Th had learneil to rely on his Ucniise they wer- ntrv from seiisttlnu and lo I- Dcorricl Mr Ilaiina Is now Cnnsufliineral fur northern Mexico wllh himlqiinrlers nt Monterey IOXaVINtAUK VAVAIKY HIIIKK- 1eatl of ItrlllOi In Africa Compared With AimMenu AclilevciiiriiU Them Is niticli of Interest In riders generally but imrticulnrly to the Ililted Stntes cuviilryinen- In rtDirls Hint Itavtt cum from Soutli Africa nf- somo nf the long I IH til rides mnil there by tlm- Dritish muiinld trnnks Thonccounliol sum ol- thew rupid fnrril mnrclns of cavalry an lurking tn detail but the sjncillc stnlemetit Is mini Hint a squadron cf tlm Natal MoiinUil Ullles recently rod eighty live miles In twelve consecutive hours Thu English press sp nks of the rides of sixty miles by detached cavalry triKips which an coin pltleil within the limit nf the daylight hours and lhet uctiievemenis of the troo rs and Hielr mounts nre smian of ns If ol lreitient nccurnnci- At llrsi thimglit ll may riot ni iir Hint thesfl rides are pnitlnularly rniarknble but Ihe net must b taken Intu mnslderation Hint bodies nf- Irmps and nut single tudivliluals nr mnceriied- nnd when this Is the case Hie rapldlly nf Hi march niusi nciwnrily l gaugiil by the raplillly nnd- enduralicinf thnjorest hursniit Hiuoiiltlt Mure over each aiilmnl eneagid hn to carry weiirhl nl- mnn nud eqillpniflit tu an average nmonnt uf JM- Ipnunds liiny of Ihe hurms used by Hie English trim Ts nro American Imil and n natural Interest In thU country is added o the rides for it gives n chance to get a line nn tin cndiirnnctt nl the American animal under absolutely strange climatic No urniy In tlie worM rlinps has bad the sameup ituiiilles Vilest theeiidiirnnoof cavalry horses us hns the small regular fore uf the 1iiiied- Siaies The lung level slntches nt Hi plums nmi the activity uf tinmarauding Indian niuuntd nil his tireless IIMIICO liatu Invii the conditions w iiicli gave to tlicle Sams cnvulrymnn his match- less chance fur lung lonvd niiuintil ninnhs- C j Tlieulort Ayrault Dmlg Imini Stntes Army colleclil tlie ulUinil nenrds nf long distance cat rliles nnd has ininU Itnm public so Hint b ii iiiuired wiih in nf the soldier linrHinen ol other nniiMiis Cnl Dodge declares that In has r ccUst nil hear- say rides nl winch lliere is n end and has lie unly those priivtit by olliiml reiirts- tnlIK lgsays that 1npl S I I niinlninrnlti- dStits Cavalry ln Hie year I Mil ri le with a detach meninf his troop eighty iiuighl hums This recnlil Is touched fur nnd il Is IUr limn thnt of the Nnlnl Muuntd Ililles hy nlmut fnirI- murs the illstaniv Irlng wlihin one mile of Hint made In Suulh Africa Pur nciunl HDI U this march slnnds rlin nt the heml uf thu- Aniericnn remnl though other rlils Imve en mori1 renwrknhle In ihe 1S7H when Hit Ties suiHtfileil m gtlitng some lnltd Sintes- inups Into wlml wns nllerwird known us I hoin burgs ral hole several iiinunted nmriers sue iifikil In slipping through the circling line of savages of them reached Merrills column 171 miles illitnnt In less Hmn twent Iniir Imurs- Tli exncl time wns not inken for as Cnl Dtulge puts It rescue uns uf mute Itnportuna thnn- r r It must IK utiilcrstodd ol course Hint all these Aniericnn rides were mail wiilmut i hanging Imrsh The stied nl Ih start wns ihe ts nt- Ih llnlsh The I M riiler acitortllng to cutnlry- IXinrls Is nol the mnn who lakes a lle barred Kite or who can ride slninllng lull In who Insilnct feeli tin ciindllloli nf Ills hnfsH anil- ihiiigh gelling the most nutth niiluml knows hfw lo nmsrve bis Mtnrigtli The Inti lien I mi Ion whu was killed In Hie Philippines In the yenr Ihrt PH ruin I led Agency Veil In Sidney 111 the Hume State illMnnie ol ISA miles In twenty six Imurs He wns carrying Importml dispiitcliiH fur len Crook and Ih mad wns had Ills mount wns In good nuuii linn when lnwtin lonklnir live years older ihnn- li did tin ilny liefnre lininlid nver Ills liutiille- nf pnDrs to the liliiiU l nrileil denernt ien Merrill n furred Imitcli leitird tlml hns no- nierlinn iwrnllel nlun the miidlilniiN nt his jntirney are cotislilired lie wns nrilenil in Iho all uf U7H to tin relief nf Pnyiis command uhlcli wns siirroumliil luntilu Imliaas MIT rills cnnininlid cnnsisteil nf fmir nf mv but nl the last nmment he was unleivd to mid to his Inrco n battalion of Infantry Th dough wire lunded into army wagon Irawn by mules nnd wllh the lavnlry nl the llnnks tli relief mliinin started The illsiniici- l traverfnd wns 171 miles nnd ll wns nmi- lnntnlthsiaiiillng the hninliu of the wagons mil trails thnt wen runiMy sandy turns II lust sixty six hours At the end of Hie ninlili- ihe tn i Ts went ini ihe light nnd In tin entln- omninnil not one horse showed n lutiie leg nr n- lailille sore Pour troupers nf the Imulli Cavalry who had ioliini ris fur the pnrtieiihir servlo were MIII- In the summer uf H frmn Inrt Hnrney to Inrti- Vnrner with desiNitclieN nnil were ti mnke- he lnst liniinvsllili withitit killing llielr horses The men ner un their melt Thy made Hi- elltanci NO mlUs twenty miles nf ihe wny Ning- hrnngli Ii w In twenty twn Imurs lh ictnnl marching time bliiK eigMen Imurs nnd- lilrly inlniiles At Kurt Wnrner they reMtl mi- Iny nnd returnul to Ilnnnv n the snui Imrsisi- it the uniform rate of sitlv miles a day InM ndniiind I lVclwt sinrlsl m niiilnurht fr tin relief of til liiillini scout 1 wlm hml IHVII sent mil tn nrrest Silling Hull who nflr killing that Illrf WIT U llIIKIIln ll III II Ing hilt lit Ills fulliiw- rs IVchit IDik un nnibiilnnce wngin mul- llntchklsN gun with him The gun inrrlnci- rnk dnun and hi wns compelled In fnslii the rnilnf hepectn 111till I the ninliulanc- ind thus drug il nlmiir xi Iwltlistumlltig tills mndicap he nmile Hi first forty live miles In han Mtn Imurs It fniightnnil drove nil Hii- oiing Sluiix bucks then scouted the country fur n miles gave Ills trnn rs soni nnd- tiiriiil to ihe furt lnurl en Imurs wr cnn I he cavalry tmrss if th American Army mve llns cmltirnne ntnl cnn ests carrying weights nf innr thnn 2iK pninds- ind wlthnul nny training that re- vived In the cours nf truntler srniiiing- HM daily drill evnliitlniis The greatest inilllurv- nl remnleil as il niipiars on m r nl- he Austrian Count Strnhrenhrg who riHJe iti- nrve Vnniilesiii steiity nne hmirs Theniilnnil never inrrlnl tin mints weight US- Kiunils it had l eii s ciully Unimd fnr miinth- iliiilergu the iniliirnnr nnd luring II- Iiile time nf the rM It ns kept up nn Minni- nils I lie horse IIH within Iwentyfoiir Imurs ftT th iiiniplelluii nf its tnik- inl In hs Minnnary nf iiles ells nf n professional rider uli w I f mil Mn niPiiMitni liilii rmurknlil- ess in- y moulds cum tliroiiglin ln tii- i mi liorsi in sixty Imurv- fmr made tpnrlie iiniiilry This man a- irnnchn ncularly ninde Im miles ml llitii resting hlsi m nut fnr lireturn sihis was mi a cnvnlryuchlev lent It IN imt usv fnr piri r nl mniNirismi- oiicnlnir Hi Imwevir tin military HUT says Hint exivpnmr the nss there is tier ni no craliire nn enrtli stiibbnriily iffiis Ihe bmnelm I Dnilgi iis nut Hunk IhH if tests were lan there would t fml much illlterenn l tlie rcnns ulilih rnirlisli nnd Amerfriiii- ulillers wnuld reirl ir II m s Hint n roni isit Irture miiV f Mm Intish nn MI Amrlrnn- roninrs wnuld slum Hal Hie Hire lins which tnlillsli Hi Mnl nt ih rid r nre prtclicnlly- ie siitn am thnt ii iti this H ih prnir rare Hi Imrsv Inrgflt Hi natters ills inri ncmntpllshnl and i eei umintninei- lenuirkiililt Ktperlenn nt n Hell Klnger- Pml Ik rbrtraml- DKTIIIII Ieb LilA iikuir uieMent o- clirrl i til Chin h nt iliiiri- iy morning Thn ncu11 xtii luing i isiiuriil man formerly I iorvint tn- n shnftir wns n ulstltuli- Hilli rlimln thiin ror th iiiriiinferviin- l bv om means boiniii rilreled wr of in hn wn drnvn tirwanl wllh- neh terrific force that his hnd Uit- rlllni brenklnir nnoak thru by twelvu- if he In Klw l yond a Blight abrasion of tho alp the uiun nu > > > > > < > > > PICTURES OF THE BABIES A xisir muwcii o TKUVHLB roa- nn IITTIK OXKS- liffect ill tint Inrrennlng Deninnd for Ple- ttin tit llulilrnlnfiint lleHrlt Nwelllug- Wllli oinlir Iilinpprnvnl unit IU- A Speclinitn of Vlint They lu Tlirotiili Tint bnliies nl HIK foundling asylums and In- fants hospitals have been having a hard time slnci the illustration crare reached It prrMQt singe Tint nlrendy dlllliull problem of com urlnblu Imby existence tins licen compllcaUdi for them by the idiologrnplier nnd Iho arttat- nnd IniiumernMi small benrts are nwelllnf wllh wonder nnd Indignation The little babied ran only wall their protest 1ml the elder loddleri- s nk their mind nlwiil Ihe iersecullon ol th- Innocinls Dot n black boxr nsked Molly aged 4- plclovisly when a SfM reporter tried to nakt friendly overtures A blnik boxr1 the reporter echoed lielpleoclf- lXs Hues oo put nor head In n black boa and do so She Hiinptnd the pudgy fingers unit hnnd nnd wnteil It mildly nt theiepurtcr Well no I ilunt ilu Ihnt ordinarily No Im not n ilnctn- rIlnvent dot no bags nor sharp flngs Insldef Not n bng- Tlit severe Inlnnt relnxed nnd heaved a mighty sigh ol relief All ylghtshe sabl settling herself comlort- bly In liny chnlr l slile the rejHirlcr Wbt did IKI turn for slut nsked genially lust to see you Dot nny nnlimil trnckersr- Im nwlully sorry but I havent Ive col money Ihnt would buy them though All ylght lelinesoiiiewhennodohome- Kilendshlp l lng established nn n basis of- prospectiM animal crackers the reporter look Ills turn at cross exniiilnntlon nnd giadually- dlsiiiverid llm rtasnll fur the deep iMslrilRt In- tlw Infant mini It wenis thnt nt bcMes hos- pllnls two kinds ol men nre known Ilolh- iis n rule curry Murk boxes nnd nre In a drendtul hurry dne ls n doctor When lie puts In an- npDarniui look nut tor nasty Ihlngs lo swnllow- nnd pokes In nil the ilnces Hint hurl Sometimes when he conies Ihe nurso carries n Hule lot nut of the wnrd nnd the doctor tnkes llu sharp Ihlnga nut nl his bng nnd hurts the Imby and when tha little iiuurnile Is brought bnck he tins blindage Wags lied nn like dot explained Ihe small nnrrnlor gravely displaying a bnndaged nrra- nnd wrist Ilnyln wlf matches she eNplnlned- In reply to tin iiiesiluii in Hie repurters eyes Slill the iluctur Isnt n lind lellow He doesnt like lo hurl HNIIC Uuil dms It to make vent well nnd II one Is very brave nnd doesnt cry nnd tnkes medicine without rcMllon he cnlls her nice names IK has n very line taste In anl mill crackers loo has the ilmlur When Wllll- hnd his fool nil pulled straight the dorttir brought him n very superior variety nl animal crnckers dust lull nf ifelunts Animal crackers eeem- to l t the highest notch ol Imby hospital orgy Candy forbidden nnd nil indigestible nwectsj but whnls the illlterencu wbelher a camel tastes gooilslnivlussiichttloy tollieeye Vex Hie doctor lias his good points but lb- nlher black Imx man who takes pictures hasnt- In the babys islliuntlnn a leg to stand on Dust mates trouble she iltcliires stoutly Wlienlw comes in nnd looks around sick nnd well nllke- omer Theres no telling where lightning will strike A jolly Hill inntnlesienl who 1ms just lneii hnlhil nnd dressed nnd hnd her hair nnd brushed nnd Is resting niter the onslaught In n Minny corner with n picture book spread nut Infore IHT lie grnbl d un nnd ninl to l d where she is rolled nruuud In th must extraordinary wny- fionnlDnly pictures showing how slutIs mny rtinnged getting an In- tnlld out n lied nnd several Ihlngs nf that kind Inteirupied n snilllnif nurse al Hits point In the tale nnd It wns ensler to show chllil pictures than pictures of nilulls- An len wns an dwessed all In her nn put nn ve Ilixir In a- bnstlk wlv pillows In II nn ve man put his head ve nn mnde noises an linniisdo vis wny and she cried Nut by tin iiursi He unnted n nlclure nf a sup irt l In nne nf the j aiiled clnlhes baskets They can propped In the baskets ynu know cnnl fall nut or hurt themselves Untie cwled at ve mnn reasserted Ihe baby sturdily nn veri she rn looked an rut v- baf lull wlvoiil nnyllng on and she had dust had n bnl nn sh c le l some more but re man he made noises so he scared her an she couldn t- cw nn fen he snld he wns Iron Suddenly the bnbys eyes dllnted and shi clutched the remrters knwi- wnciiiiis irH nne she whispered In- Imrrnr stricken tones The reporter arniind saw a brisk and nlert young man carry- Ing n bliok box Tli nurse was to him Now e me see snld Ihe newcomer In crisp business like way Wheres a good plump Imbv tlml won t cry nurse This is to tell the right wny nnd wrong way nf holding nnd dressing n liilr ench wny nnd- l iter light in oilier rnnms Annther menl in twenty minutes This way please Put your chnlr there Thats he baby use Itll me see my notes Illustrate putting nn shirt Put on the hlrt right way nurse The nurse had taken a placid baby out of a oil nnd liUi il iinilress nil her It Its mouth and eyes III astonishment and ills Doing lo commented Iho reporters small Irlend oracularly- Thatll do now thettrnnglwaysaid the pho- Ingruplier I ilmil knnw any wrong wny said tlie nurse helplessly Mi must lie n wrong way nld wn ailtiscd Ihe blithely Tin nurs iwistitl the kfiirt into n ana tried to look like n young nnd Inexperienced mother Thats gniDl now Hie band The baby was rnlll uter mi Its atxlonien where il kHieil feehly w hlle I In nurse sewed ml a bnnd The wrong wny ordered the I siiipo It isnt nCssnry to run pins mor- Ihnn n slmrl illtunce ln the bnbyr thI- IIIIM with n suspicion sueiinms in her tone nt at nil not nl repind Hie photographer in all seriousness IMil the In a isiure In your lap Tin Imbv nrmighl right side un once more blinki nud puc rnd iis iimuth Dnini wlirht now whispered the biff hubv glerfully Ive got llml lh M it the wrung nald the phiitttriiiher Mi tiurs removed a sup- porting hnnd tin luiby crumpled up n wet rag Its lmlv llaied In a fash- ion its hend ttnbbiril patliellcnlly its face ex nitmns eye liuiulringly nl Hi muse Then II stared mnllv nt the rimttr She nver did Hns In me before What linj iii to my wmM1 look plainly sail Then nnd incredulity gave war I rage Then yes rlnseil Hie openea- n wratlismut Hialr- fint It l fnre Hi storm broke nurse Kuil the plutntrrnpher ns he gathered his Imps tignher hurried away nurses inoiith rlooil rather ns file the crj ing baby There Isnt to nny mure nf It here fh said nuletly Me like ti l obliging but there n IIDI much of the thing and well have to- Ktnp it tiling ther for we canl alfnrd a give tha- tun nnI attention to it nnd worry the children this way M Is ve cwled s iner nld Molly In lilies of deep ilirt num nt nnd the reporter allied forth In pursuit nf th festive animal HIOI TO nitoir AXO- ilie Strangn Ilenlln nf Three llrotliertVh Lived In MemnliU- frun At MtmtMi Sinitar- Tlieilentlint Mr 7 II Mnnees which ncciirred- IliurMlny night nt his home nt 120 Mnshlngto- ntrft wns a very remniknble nne Mr Maneen- ind predicted the exact dny nmi tune Hint hi- niilil lenve this world and hadmide every p p- irnlrui setting aside tin clothing he burled In liefnre he went tu bi ihnt night l wns nut n siilferer rum any disease nnd ho- dit Itn confined tu Ills b il jirevlntH to his death Ip M a few years ago Mr Mnnees conducted in extensive plantation In Arkansas but as ha- tns getting nlong In yrnrs being ntmilt 7S or 74- ie rtird from ncllve life Five nys agn his lrlends remarked that ba- uns licomlng lleshy nnd l tu cnngrutulata- i m iiDn gelling Inl in tils old ngi The matVr lid not Mtm no ihtrftil to Mr Manee as ll- mllnnrlly Ihe ens fir tn turn It meant the very irxl litnlih Two hrnlhers nf hla kin Inn ihI hnd Irgini iu grow considerably ntlef Ihpe i lie tore llielr llmth- Hn Tiltwin Mr Mni e H friends noticed Inil IIB lunl irnntil cinxldernlily more llesh than In lay IDlure nnd bv V dnesiny h had grown n iluil Ins clotiim wiiild cnnIi lit him Tha- lext niiirnlng lie luld IIM family that he was con lileni the end wni nl liand nnd that he would eer s v the light itf another H look nensiirn tu wind up his bmlneM affair and fore retiring thai night made every prepara mil lor his burial that lay In power > > < ¬ > > > > >

chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1900-03... · s THE SUN SUNDAY MARCH 4 1000 LONDONS DIG FUn SALES rum lit rnis HKAHOX iniKv AI-TUI wuntit UOKH

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Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1900-03... · s THE SUN SUNDAY MARCH 4 1000 LONDONS DIG FUn SALES rum lit rnis HKAHOX iniKv AI-TUI wuntit UOKH


rum lit rnis HKAHOX iniKv AI-

TUI wuntit UOKH IIIKIIK TO iiurLively Illilillnc lit tint Anrllnn of Heal Skin

Init DectiuiberKiinrinmii Irlcct fu-

Hllvrr fat mill Him Otlrr Tectilliir gmtl-III Iteijulred for Huccrti In Ittijlng

This Is llm season when fur buyers ibu world

over turn thilr facis toward IhHr Mecca nnj ml

out tor the MMch lur sales In London town Tinenl skins weredlspiwed ol In Dieml r the l uiers

were scattered In January there have betn minor

Mies all through the winter tut the Brent lur salo-

eornes In March There nre fur sales In nlher-

rnuntrics tint Ixindon IN the rhlif ur market ol

the world There Ihe tremendous collection ol

the lluilsoti liny Compnny Is sold and to certain

treat commission flritiH In Ixuidun traders nil

over the world send their nnnunl collections nf-

kins Tim commission merchant liiui the sate

nd sure end ol tlio business He receives asorts catalogues ami sells at auction the goods

consigned to hlnii and whether prices snar or I

lie geH his libers comralKsloii Just the Mine tiut

the man who buys ur nt the Me Hiiro must hare-tmerrlnirludgiiienllrialworksllke chain lightningIt he wants to come out ol th transaction with

profit For days before tlio beginning of tho sate

Birn crowd tl1 warehouses examining th as-

orled lots ol furs estlmallng values lormtilatlnsplans of action Tha representative ol small

deafen have rather an advantage In this pre-

liminary skirmish for lh y are not regarded asdangerous ami both commission men and fellow

buyers treat m with comparative franknessn l genially swap opinions with them Hut thn

buyer who Is likely to snatch mrythlnir worth

baring In certain linen IK an object of scrutiny

Hid Kusplrlon Naturally each separate skin

cannot be overhauled for Inspection but enough

ota are displayed to serve ns fair samples Thelie of the lots varies according to the value and

bulk of tb Hudson Hay sables for ex-

ample being small and not of extravagant value

sold In lots comprlsingfa rnthet largo number

cf pelts Hoar skins being bulky to handle rorao

In lot and txu oUr silver lot Itusdnnother nklns of great vnlue ore often

eold singly Where th lots comprise many skluseach one cannot lw exnmlned but tho general

quality can be determined tram examination of-

eamples for the absolute fairness and equity of

these great fur sales are among their remarkable

feature The pelts are assorted according to-

tlu and class with absolute Irnpartltdity andU buyers equal chanoeB upon iiallty

IncidentalThn are stored In casks Mid It Is a

wise who Is unerring In Ms Judgment of

raw or green The seal caVb N made atthe season animals go ashore to breed

and legitimate seating consists In separating tho

males from tin herd driving them Inland and

clubbing them to death a royalty being paid upon

each heal killed Tha seals must bo skinned Im-

mediately otherwise the condition of thu skin

Is Impaired and much defective furU attributableto carelessness In this detail If thu seals are

driven too fast to the shambles tho quality of the

kin Is Injured so the poor beasla must approach

their death nut exactly ns one who wraps the

drapery of his couch about him Ac but In a lieurely and lumbering flop As an the skin

Is removed It Is placed 111 a tho flesh

fide up and liberally salted The next skin Is

laid upon the flrsl the flesh side down The cask

Is tightly packed In this nay with thick layers ol-

ealt between tha flesh bides of each pair ol skinsnd this pickles keeps tho skins In rood condi-

tion Soincllties however when unpacked theskifii show small pink ipols which in-

dicate tfialdecouiposltlon ha beguu its work

before the pickling via and thesepink Inter develop lulu bare

cured lur The raw senl has long hairsthrough lha suit short fur and fur many yearsthese hairs Injured thu beauty ami vnlue ol the

not die like the rest of the skillbut glistened aud were the despair ol the timer

A a MtiA I u4 hd AM if utp 4illltllthe skin some hard subntonce blow-

Ing the fur until the olUialrs undlayflat and then clipping the long hairs nlth sdiNorHThe iiruuNti won tedluiu tiut he Ualnwl girls todolt and lor a liruo had u monopcily of the

the other dealer seuillng their wnl skins to himto be triatHl Then a machine wa iiiventetl bywhich a strong curreut ol air ww orceil over thefur am automaUc clippers did the clipping andthat method Is sllll III use

The snlu Uonml r was one olthe liveliest lur snlex London tins hsd and theauction room rlvallcil In txrltenient tlio Chicagowheat pit In panic lime Iricea ruso bO centand even ei rlenivd buyers lost thdrheads and lloumlerwl America wa

In Illegal sealing which at one timebrought Kngliind America to blow

consists In capture euinle seaU that taketo the water with their young niter breedingtime and are by law exempt molestationTha North western sealskins btloiuf to thisclass The fulled Slate Doteminent having

a mighty row over this sealing matterwas obliged In to be consistent to bur nil

healsklni from entrance Into thiscountry under any conditions hvery Inch ol

enterlin uur must Iwby cenincntes it U genulno Alaska senlor Southern st alskln Kven a sealskinbought In ICtirul must 1m certlllid to In

me way or is llnblo to silzuru Americabuys more lur than any other country In the

Rave ltavla Kranrowould have sealskin Northwestern mum notcome In si practically U th deruaml must

ol sealskins reached 7TWU but o this number2rt00 skins werv Alaskun not onouKh-

to supply the entire American deumnd and lente

can buyers were bound to hnve what they nvediM-

Ho up went wmrlng untilthe cost o Aiankan seal was iilmnsl doubledbut as usual tncle Sam got what ho went alterand almost the w hule output o Ala k seal comesto this country

Thn was Ilia cosler liecaiiso seal hasIxen a popular ur in either Kruno nr Hiis

Ida although these two countries are the heaviestnd most extraviurnnt nl the Ixiudmi sales

Ilusslnn aud Frmcli tohte Inclines to the long-

hair urs and the finest cables ajid ox-tlllM tWO

countries while very nearly niltea otter to llussln Hiibidding In the lust March Hale drme silver foxlip to prlfe ol l7l lor n single skin andeven that wan eclipsed last January whensilver los brought ll iO Hiisslan sable ton

mMe a new record n lot ol twenty skins soilingdn h UIH nt ini lluit fit n tult fsiitile-

of thoso tiny skins would worth ItfK or SOOO

apiece Hea otlr brought IMSUO a skinThe raw wllsklnsaltr Wiw sold nro handed

over to llrnw lur dyeing lu curingnd dressing skim niericnns have tut superi-

ors but twlni lor Juttwhat Is the reason lor Ibis urrlers can hardlyexplain H inu nay that tin wnier Is res insble that lh iitlects the furndothrs that ills a cnseulsklllcil work-

manship and long experience hatnver tincause may the rxtimlns that almmt allieaUkln Is dyed In Kngland and the California

kin that have trnvelled from Aln ka tohave been Hold and lliere Imvo returnedto America where th cent duly Is lni s

nd have Invu s M her retnll Alll and cured furs are llabli to duty but tlm

uncured skint ioine lulu this country free soour tariff laws add little to the nisi furs SUVH

In cast ol sealskinThe skins of animals ther than wal an pre

for by dr utxjn ttiordstightly In bnlei The lightness f

their pnclilng prevents lunger nun niolhsIf the p are In long In lb arehotisesthey are sometimes In n M K ir g or

with a wash I rmrruMte snbllnialeThe Hudson Hay M oilletioti Is lastorage lon Ivfore the March sale nmi Is ilulyand leisurely assorted catalogued In fartthere are a serene mn nml cnliu about theHUiUwn t and an Inexorable equityla Its final dealings that nro lni lng Inmldal fashion Year alter ye r iriiiipers andhunters scour th llmlson Trritory pain-fully slowly skin the Itemsthat go to he tremendous nggre-irati but promptly unfailingly the Inimensii

arrive an handledand are sold at tlii appointed lime In the nppointed way

There Is never a IJtch or a surprint rimwheels of tho mwhln roll withnew and the mm who see only tin meclnnlcal-Ixindnn end of the httlness can form IHtle Ideaof the Individual ellort skill win fatigue amidanger represented In the bales nfthey all the business Is not

with Hudson Day monotony and dignityUntil the very day of consignments

i the llrms-Ighty hustling amontr vwirlers-

at the lastcatalogues nr particulars M they are rolledblnssnm out newspaper extras veritabletriumphs of work are achieved

a ship bearing fur consignmentworth hiinareds thonsamu ul

and the commission men ore wild wllhimpatient and alarm The opening of

lust at hand branof the ship Suddenly nbe U

men have a Mg force of workmen on the dcxkHal train to In waiting The skins are himott the at d-

tbmwn aboard trout which makestime to tondon There all hands are








tko aud-





ur woul

Sew leA



larielf lor 111mp



b l


0 lor


h IhoIhe Ir 1111





I whu nt ln t bu


pal Ickl1


Ikin b





t comoj Acd ther LH aI

I Ik



ball Raa Not 1011 I I lW














and cataloguing are done an If nilradn nnat another particular to baodc-lo Hie trada and ilia heads ronunlstio-houHedraw lung breaths nt relief OJid trlumrilThe bulk ul the done by the firmIs enormous Hllvrr and blue fox sea am

sable nrrivu In Htno-liiuanllUiin but Hi iMf furs are collet let

iitinntlUm The Idea of catchlti-k2aiH skunks would l rather li tinman who has Iwn airiiHlumwl in omskunk In IN yard but that number nt sktuilskins was sold al jenrs sale 2IUWXminks contilbuted llielr skins to tho anniml c

lection 7171HJ mu krals illi I thn death lur tinsame HiiiiUl ml tliclrchicken slenllng In order Ui bxninie ornauieulul-nnd here isNiini wkltm-

Th auction Is held In the Commercial sales-rooms holding possibly 100 buyers Yetr alterJtnr llm nuiie men occupy same soals by-no right save Ihal of universal reccgnltl n nnd-lulerniuf S imetlmes a father drops out andhlsplaat N taken his son ri partner but lhfirm Is llieru In tho old and every nm knowswhereto look fur 11 1lw big buyers are clusely-watchetl Ihe smaller fry upon them to agreat extent paco sale Theaunlonecr starts oil wllh some snutll and uni-versally skin as for example the Hudson

Hrst lot goes No nnd-Is In a hurry or Thego H up a shilling at a move until It reached

thirty nUll no one overbids Tho Urst lot In soldfun t The buyer of tho flrst lot

al thirty hat a right to take th other lotsn same cis al that same uul w some-one InterdTfi lilt bids higher Tlures nothingslow atmut the priK now Tim auctioneersturw In upuii list of lots rattling them of-

as fast as tongue can workNo 2 tSame 3 same Ac-

II thu original buyer represents a small businessIn other men he want only a fewlots BI they quietly wait until he sliakm his headThen Ihey jump and tha quickest one getsIhti at name old buyersknow that this man will gobblo everything withinBlglil nt tluii cant Ui lei himIIAVU IL They begin lu bid II the bidding ll

lie knows they will want littleand letting them have U may kevn Dielor him bnt when Ill other In hemust or bit donn jut supply Billsrattle like liallslont s and r a ui-extwrlencwl buyers catalogue will show notonly what each but also to whom Itwas Oflen thn game waxes m fast andfurious that the auctioneer himself has to stopand to the for Information OH to

to whom certain lots were knocked downThem Is no more exciting auction sain In the worldand no shrewder set ol buyers Theres

time cogitation The man knowslust how long to when lo lump In like a

Is Ihe man who wins He must note eachmans buying know tha probable limit of lIChllrms the outcome ofthe from the fashion In which tho big buyerslire calculate his chances ofthe bidders price when that bidders demandeases Iud up his mind whether to watt

on that cnaiice or advance the bid and so turnIhe guns upon himself If must tie able to figure

illllng to speculateAfter lire over a general average ol

nettle down to out where theyland If their total of buying Is Mow the averge price they rodlata self and

a lhan the hilL they usuallyrear If Ihrtr totals exceed tho averageitreal M hotel whereonstime of whiskey andn la and compos propitiatory messages or ad-

ressea fur the home linn


A Veteran Sporting Mans Uncompli-mentary View of the lame

I It possible for n man to learn to playwas asked of a veteran sport the other day

Of course It Is h snorted Tlutl Is It Ispossible for some people The man with sport-

Ing blood In bis veins and will unit too much re-

gard fur ethics lu his competition can learn toJay pokrr This talk about everything

In tho cards you hole Is nil rot I have Men aman lay down three ocm to a fair of deuces andthat certainly demonstrate thai there Is moren playing poker lhan Die value of the hand

f cours such a thing as llutt would not ba IH

Ible wher the limit was nl ut the sle of thnrot but then a good poker player steers clear

nf any such sketches as that It place Iho spurtn the same level nlth tho sucker and there Is

no chance for a man to display his skill or kuowl-

dge of theIt Is easy enough to spot a sucker he con-

tinued He cun coma Into Iho gamn with ox-

nuch of a swagger a1 the c ui muster but ho willhow his wenknefs Inslda of ton minutes and

Ihen be will have more Iroublo on his bonds Ihotican take can a year He Is slow about

retting his ante to tlio centra of the table andf tho cords run ngalnM him he Is always cursingds luck and making things generally unpleasinl for the players If ho gets a good hand rm

rows over his winnings until tho others get sorniou can always tell whether ho has a good handir not for ho has never learned Ihe value nf selfintrol lint Ms exultation Is always evidentlo neter has Iho sllghtesl idea of the percentageIK stands cf winning nnd Is always comingn on short pairs That Ls where h loses He-

nnt wall for fortune lo ccmo to him and hes nlivnys trying to bull bis luck He wilt chipiwny more money In two hours tbnn a good player

Watch the contrast between tho suckermil lha trained sport The lattr comes andIU down to the tnble qulutly nnd without linTUSB He skins his cords carefully and keepsin eya on every play around the board No-

mf ever bos tfi tell Mm to mitn niid he neverhold a pi t mortem to set what he mlghl haveot I IK mny not make n move for half an hournit when he gcU oul on a piny ho will breaktimelines heart ritheron a Hull or wllh a handtint the devil liltaselt could not beat

Is It right to cheat Well you lire BettingKI personal I wont ndmlt that I would do-

uch a thing but II there Is any crooked work-Ing nn I am going to have my share of the

mxfeds or know tho reason why This talkihoul a gentlemens game Is all a dream II

man plays poker lUll keepn at It h N goingo Ix n party to something crooked whether helays ol a club nr In a win roomit Imck ol a saloon For ownireler to play In n Hard game where somethings llnble to bn pulled nil I know that I haveo luok out fur Is reduced0 n moral level when It comes gambling andtbile sumo of Dies prateitiout their hotmr nnd nil thai It Is only their

ul being fount I oul Dial keeps fromIng as crookwl nny provide

if cmtrst Unit tnetl themnn cnnt have too squeamish n regard lor-

thtcw or cniiselenio If he is going to1 1 see cheating going on 1 merely declare myselfn If I M a liny curd thrown or cutch a manlobllngotit thlnL pro er coirsx would lx to-mm gently to m sell and III wen crooningi lullaby 1 want n slice of Iinn UIUIK J

lave a slice i that for tho reason that Ills toorood to pass ui Then lht limn who turneil-h would l lo me the

would get divvy for preserving the peaceNow 1 admit I get up

i rnr I could elnm cnrds on tho tablemil pruli that 1 was a Kiiitucklnn nnd a gentleuin thai l tnd sah 1 would toleratemilling of Ui I wusslltlngI-Vhat would b Ihe resull The gnmbler wouldtay w us mistaken thu sucker would get

ty bu bad been rubbed nnd I would get nothingor m shun What would I tlo il thnurns a frleml of my mlru whom I hud taken up-o tho gum Such u ciiMt would never comeor the reason thai I never lake a frltnd lo a poker

fame I itlways go nnd come nIuker Is no pm fur friendship nntl-Iytlilns would never have heard of If theIwnchtims mil evei snt down ton game of draw

There nre a ninny ways of turning a-

rrooketl inrd The 1 fairly mircessiulhut It hits In l i doii9 by nn even thenit is dangerin Marked curds dont go with

l itls or tlie decks are changM too often whenIhe snkes nre high The best methods nre by-ilarklng lh curds holding out II lakes a-

Koinl mnn tndu the former Ihera nre limeswhen he fulls down and glvns his opponents moreIhnn he Intends to Holding out Is easiestfor lli rensin Hint tho others always have tolook out for lliemMves and boldA gcmil ninny irta of mechanical devices havel tn Invented fur holding out nnd I have

t iker who wern really walkingineeH of machinery Th bug as It laIs the most fr iii 11 Is soIt Is nothing but nn nlmiMt Invisible silt nt thoixlge-nf the tniile nhern tvirds can IH slipped In untilthey nre wanM It Is a tobump up against and It can lie run a good-man until further orders without a show of de-lection

A Now llrrat hoMrnmli Decltlonrun Uu leutnult C mr ir tmtrnal

Feb tho casa ofll ni brown v Sarah A a decree

alvlnc tHut for i of Promliiatodar by thu Avery unusual auestlon was Involved In thUeast llrpwn am divorced




tAW1 Inl

b 1IlIlltlN bll bllL


I lrIco



1Ilf he 1 lip 11111 lie lotH

Jrlce Iownhuellloat

t I<

oI II6

o ho



lIl1t Iho 01 ht trlldo he litrrllln IInd huw dJI tbo I1rm W Je

Ihprtco 011 IIh clllliH ot fur 11 aM th


Yr At lIaillglofll1poker

I bIn


Ito olin


would III tworlllYtl

rn I


silk 11111






Ilk Ivr winkI

t lit1I1 111

In II lImll whr tn










hILeer11 0 1111

Le m withIInlor llInlllnlr th I rlt to morIF on I

the ot hla wll mar-


nlI anothr hOller and Ihe I

IIetencII wat thM Ih limo not oomehim to 1111 hi contmct bill Ill 1e-

elded alllllnit him on the IllOlIncl that he hadIn a I If 1m-

poulble lor him to hi CQutrcct II hiewile houkJ dill














ll No SIor Idea now Thane About HlnLook Than llnve Thntn Who 8 e llavi-IdeiM About tlin People of Mar IIov-He IleeoKnltei Tenon nnd Tiling

Contented With llli lliird LotOna who ls deaf dumb and blind has nent Till

KUN the following descrtpllon of the way In whichthosti slmilaily uOllctid are mnde to know iiersoniand things and how lu tlmo they coma to rrmand write and acquire a knowledge nf many Ihlngithai would stvrn Impossible to persons deprivenf sight hearing and speech TUB cor-

nvipondent writes oa followsProbably one of tho most illfflcult as well a-

tb most lmiortant laski lu the schools for theInstruction of tht deaf and dumb ts to rducatia child that Is totally blind as well The raitlhnd-nf teaching the blind and deaf while simple In iway may still b regarded as somewlial scientificA child thus offllcUtl whether having been burnH ur deprived of his senses In hilt youth requlw-th tfrwiUwt nltentlon and must bo tnughl by

persons thoroughly familiar with the deaf anddumb and their language and gestures Ilur-

In tho Kist qunrter of a century or motw therhave b n abnut half a dozen denf and tlumtand blind children who havn been educated al-

Uie New York Institution on Washington HeightsTtirlr names are lames H Cntnn Mallle Moorehouse Klchard K Clinton KatU McOIrr andOrris IleiuKin I the writer of this article donot Include myself In the lUt sinco I graduatedthe year I became blind All but two of

persons have gradunled The two that remainare Katla McOIrr and Orris llenson

When a child that lion been born deaf dumband bUild or has bnn made so by dlseaHe or acci-

dent Is taken lo Iho Instllutlon he Is assignedto teacher who lins already bad experienceIn teaching thn blind and deaf and then lha workof bringing the unfortunale pupil Into thu lightU commenced The method of Instrucllng Ihedeaf dumb and blind Is about the same In allthe InMltutloiis where there Is one or mora childwho Is m unfortunate us to be totally Wind anddeaf Some children become deaf dumb andblind when but two or three years old and some-

times when much older Children that losetheir sight hearing and speech at bucli an earlyng usually forget everything they knew or hadlearned previous to the limo they went aflltctnlSo when a child Is admitted as a pupil to the Insti-

tution he knows comparatively nothing althoughbe or sho may hava a mind which Is capableof being cultivated He Is unable to express hUthoughts In any way because he has nn Innguagti with which to do It He be com-

pared to a person who Is lame and can wnlk buthas no crutches Sometimes the child Is slowto learn and It often requires considerable skillI tience nnd toil nn the part of his nv her teacherto teach a single thing Sometimes the childlearns rapidly and excites the wonder of his teacherand thtHo with whom ho Ls familiar rut In the casn-

of Miss llelea Keller and Orris IlensonPersons visiting thu Imstitutkm look upon

an afflicted child who has bran rencurd fromout of lh depths of Ignorance with wonder andadmiration and are sometimes loath to believethat the Institution was capable of educatinga child that bad never seen thn light of day orhenrd nr uttered a single sound They forgetthat come of tho most stupid of animals also havebIn taught to perform many kinds ot tricksH may seem to the Intelligent render or he mayImagine that It Is far easier to teach animals todo tricks than It would M to educate n Imrn deafdumb and blind child becauso the animals cnnsee and follow tile directions and performancesct their master while the child on the contrarycan se or hear nothing nnd Is therefore at a greatdisadvantage Ha this however as It may noanimal Is supurlor In intellect to man In ninecaws out ten the nllllcllon brought upon chlldren by disease birth nr accident not tinpair their may lw In as good ataU os Individual nf all

tieH This Is the advantage they have over Ihndumb animals All that U to t e doneIs for the teacher to reach down uiasp the mindend polish ll The loss ol Ihe senses hearing

speech does not as maur un-familiar l of th wnsesthinks Interfere with the intellectual facultiesIf tho child happens be feebleminded It Is dU9-

to the sickness has endured as slcknr s is-

llablo to cause one to forget everything he mayhave lenrnd-

lri in the admission nf a blind deal mute tothe Institution he Is assigned to a teacher whoU nn In the sign language and has bndexperience with pupils so first

teacher to loach his blindllie deaf and dumb When the pupil

thoroughly mastered thU he Ls

iwn nam he has learned Ui expressII it U I1IA L

rom hu constant assi lntlon with hw HowIlls Intelligence bos now commenced

o down he Is taught Ui linniw olArsons and On a In tlm ciiiln nf-

he schoolroom are placed a number of objectsmch as a mill jug van saw Ac-

Mlng tho pupil to the table placing In hislaml for the saw the lls-

he nnmo of the In his hand and rnake-he sign for saw holding bis band straight

and pressing Iho edge ol It onland nnd up down or back and

ornanl as nne would do In a saw II tha-inpil does not nt flrsl undertnnd what the lenclier-nenns Ibo Uacher of cotirm explains the thingver and nver again In nny nnmen-

if tho various and tho HM of each lifeearned It taking weeks and snrnttlmes nvinlhs-

foro lha acquired Ihn nnrao and us-it every object Sow has becomn furailUr

Uio nnmew nf things and knows otncllythat each to fur he U taiiirht to ito

lth th objects nnd to tell what he hns done withhem In accompanied by signs

Touch Iht says The put lltot understanding what hns been told him toils teacher performs himself orils pupils hand In his own so as to let him MI-

ir I rather sny eel what IN Mng done

this nail Vitich that Is now asked theWhM did you do The meaning nl whil hns

he ii dcni lo obj xl Is clearly nnd

mill thn has the n wlinl he must do-

riiu teacher nets as a dictionary for all the wordslie must explain Intrlllgenrf-lvglns to h has lenrnetl n eulUclentlumber nl words he tntlght simple kenlvtices-ind nltiT n time learns how to form Inntriiair-eTheformsof the A It Shaving mnenrn l he can learn his tasks without aid by-

ncaru ol rals l letUtr lessons Tin method of-xlucatlun now Is tin same ns Ihnt tnughl In theichools for tin blind The pupil learns

nrithmetlc nnd otherhints

It mny l nsked how nn Imlitldual or beinglereltof Imth sliihlniid hearing LsahleIlls frlentls ntnl inwiclatis All Intelligent

alllictid tin Ir as as otheripl do who have their evm and ears

rin eyes and ears nf tliH ones NIng in

thU or Hint j rson Iersonsnl all their faculties other by theirlooks and gait

The blind denf nn tbn contrary knowsnne person from the other by the clmrncter of thehand As n in nn a muli becomesiuoiiitil with a rsiin liu Is MHO to the

nl Hint persons bnnilthe marks nnd scnrs If nny One handmny l larger thinner smoother nr rnuKhft-Ihnn another nud so tlw blind mule tlnds veryIlltiH difficulty In making out ne pel n from

nut olten tbnt IIH It dweived nnd-mlsUkes fiiH lor another Men dlller-n hand fu well iisln look Wlwn the Und mute-s In doubt ia to Hie iinimnf tlie person with win mi-

ie has ninie in cnnlnct tu rwngnlrts him by tb-wnv fin 1tlks T Ihe movements of his Imtv-

lltli whli h he hns nlso mnil hpi elfSometimes Iho blind mutes friends will try to-rleiHYi him Pretending Ihnl Hey nre i

They this by removing tlejr rini-Lf iictutnmid tonnde f flicn lainin their lingers l pit this llieMind iniirnrarely fnlli In one thoni le s reallyknown ns a friend whom lie hns not mel fi r n iHs-ldernblo time He recognlres liln IrleniN wlenthey have on iflnves simply by the nmtlon or-

tlu persnn ofI nm Men asked Imw ll wms In N deprived

of tnt seiiMt of linahni nnd sight Ill mreply tosiuh n oue tlnisMtre in run In thl way

wenis ID to eMiMnllv when Ill nloiedark and still One limy perhnps get a hotterIdea of my conilltlin tmell andinii t H II i mr n weK rerhnps he will come l the vnln ninclusn Hint his

fr Is not worth living nnd iry t pr tn tlm hnnd IH nmt n rntPrd-

low and tedious U read A gimd rapid sivllcrcan read to me about lire columns of favorHe paper Tun SUN In nn hour r therenlxmu-Jl H very t i tlw words ns theyare spelled nn the fingers lowthe bUnd mutes would U wre MrEllison wlianl to liitnnt mnrhitie witli nn

hand and no mail ii vltn n kik or-

mchlne the nrtifleial

contrived no mutes must l contentwIth their rl and learn M much

from themSome people want to innv jj i

U r I I I can lm


nlU IOj f NJ 11 Pr






Thll1111 I1 hI tA ul

anII er60nH lelr



W ot till


r0 I I




till nrllon

Ih Ullllorillllill nJr Ih mrllnlnlr I louch

lrnll III lilnR b Ih IPllrher ulP nn rrhl I



tI III7 Irln

Ihlr Ih nrp ten nlI III ntJ lIl1 11-


III lilt




< IIIIllIle1

h Ipr-I

III 1111 1111 dlnmlnl Ielrr

IfO hit


Ill I




IIr or whlltlrrl th Irson mllhl 111111 10tn II

Ind ould relld I th > 11111 lirIIyr-

roDilhe Sbueh II11111nllon ultlIH Ir EdlNoII hJm1I 1 III

III I he rPII l tIl IIrtic11 nnnlli Ithe bUn l

IIAclln 10111111

haw lib could














< >


how a looks no more than on ranImagine how the people If then be any Ihere-on the planet I cannot tell colorsneither can I smell That I con very vrull-

u a great blessing 1 all blind nuli-do I nea tho Inside

very Inielllgem by every nno wllh whiitn hit hap-pens In iime esHrl when

that lie lost his slulil andwhen but a years old and remembers nothingpruvlous to hn was allllcfcd lie Is In-

my opinion as blight as Mta Helen Killer nlsho Is far inoro ailvnnced In her sludles

and has had a much smoother mad over whichUi travel Hum lV imnn He lias learmnl as muchUi deal miitn Messed wllh tin Mnwe ol vlslnnwho has lnvn at the Institution the SlImnf lime as he What Is most remarkable U liuhas l vn taught to He IN fond ntplay and will play at bide nnd Nwk nil If he

thn to with I asked himnnre If he would ball with me He saidYuti cannot we has great ambition

He tells m he will do glad when he leaves schoolw that he can enrn some money and assist hisparents Orris Is fontl of study IIMI He Is nowlearning history an1 geography day I

which h t likedHistory wild hit

llecausH history Is more Interestlnir was Iho-

repliwhMdn think nf thewnr down In AfricaI pity th Hoers the llrlllsh lire cowards

CIMBAnoinn vnt HIS LimitA Down 1nnt Shnrk That Knew llli Itlglit-

nnd Dnred Auk for ThemArnrn Me Lemiten Etinlny Journal

When I nskeil Harrison Curtis of Thoniastmifor tils sHda of Ihls story he Imikeil me doubt-

fully The sage of the fieorges Valley Iho illscourser nn llm powers of the Inllnlle the philoso-

pher nf the Pliocene era ot Ihu world ho lookedat me doutilliill-

yId rnllier nol tell you that story said liefor that Is a most remarkable story nnd some

people there lire In the world who do not knowenough to believo It I have no objections totelling the story to those w of the elect andwho understand that truth Is stranger luan ficllonHut It really hurts my feelings to Imvi the scoffer

me Ironically with tlw iKilliolic mlsumler-

Httndliig ol till Irreclnlmnble heretic Imlerstand that I dont class you In wllh Ihnt crowdHut If you write this remarkable story nut andquote ma In the matter the snmo misunderstand-Ing will follow me Id rather youd we StnttSenator Chamberlain of llrktul about the atfair-

Ur tberu Is Iish Warden Hnnna Doth nf themknow the story and are ready to UMify to Ilstruth Its ginxl to liavo authority of Hmt kindI think youd UtUr gel them to Ml you

Here the reader ran insert Qve minutes of HOlo suit lib Ideas cf how a man bn

coaxedThen Hnrriwin Curtis loquitur clearing his

Ihrimt and comtuenclng with on I must Imast air from this mint

This em hapimned right after the war Con-

siderable nf the men that went to Ihe warUuklr1 on in mackerel In hearty styloHand lining In lho days So Noseining the snrae as tlin Nwevpen ol lh wa carry-on tha busliiVvs nowa

The man Unit I with for the first tripalUtr wnr tlnies wit the worst man toswenrthat I think 1 ever Ivnrd

I dont know as that tins anything to do withthe but Ihal man did swear so that I canthelp thinking of II every time I talk about him1 dont remember how hoi ImliiiJ or whether lievon wore whlikers but I dj remember how biwd lu Uilk

Well 1 lilreil as cnok for tlw trip Hod leuother men You Just ask thamberliiln or Hannii-al Ut them and If wore not fund menand by tin way Ib whole len of them standright UhUid story want you to rememberthat

Wi did our first fishing oil SeKiiin ilnckeel bit llrst rate for about half nn hour nnd WH

was rvelln Vui In hnnd over llsi fnt and nhllaand bigs your arm

All Ui once stopped bitin-Shnrk said the man and oh massy

ou itigbt to hntu henrd him swear Noyean you shouldnt have heard Mm swear Itas

Shark snld lie When ihnrk conies up-ynu understand the mackerel always supand go oil nnd hide Hut n crew Inthoftrt wvj always ready fur anything nf-

Ihal kind always knew how lu comeMlsbr Shnrk Su w threw over iiur shark llivwill n pleciuf pork on HIM end The hook it-

clmln so thai Mister Shark couldnt-bil It nil

Well In less than llilrty seconds MWcr Sharkbll WH milled him over the side wns-n nice shark Should htt wouldsutlln weigh CXi pounds Had null n tuwl

him over HIH side of the schnnnrrHold him there roared the skipper when

Mltor Shark wns on tho deckNow Jeptlia Mid thu old mnn straddle him

lh wow illddy owdiddyslauildlnily iccut him n n

Sow that sharks liver filled n hnll of a hogsetMost remnrkabl liver

Now ty dumpily tow him uphowledthe skipper

they tool n big sail nt lle nnd theywith a neat herring txiv

his II was a rnl Rood lookingjob In li tli work

I Mt id In th cnok duorloklngonnndI could s i lh sharks that tin wns greaily

nt losing his liver Hut he didnt sny any-thing nnd so when he was nil nicely upover they threw him splnli nnd hn went

Tills shark rind com nlong nlxml light Inthe you stv they hnd l vn-Mr r kin nn him wind breeunl up we keptiotin into the windward and we got nil Ibogriiundt-

Su rld mnn allowed Hint we might ns welltrim sail nnd makv iiwuy for ln Ann And

w did lot to he Rrniinds olf Cnpo Ann lung

down with our lines nnd commenced tu flsh Hadlurk for nlxiiit hall nil hour flsli bit well

nnd wn nf good slzu Then nil in OIKH tluy-Htnpp biting just us they hnd donit l or

old mnn his liuikup bis hnnd to shniU his eyes nnd look a long

to windwardt hbliiledubbliditnouhlit luted K II grass

howlefl lie heres he comesAnd olf wn could MW n shark

rome lintun alone moderate like yet In aliurry flnnln like Ihls nnd the ntrrnlor stuckIns up in th nlr lingers rwt nnd fcntly-vibratiil the inemlwr-

So nlnng the slinrk come nnd tlw old mnn Uild-

em to heart over that doomily Kumilty shakline-CAnd lid And the shnrk bit Ho bit

1I evidently wanted to l t caught Hehad butiiess with IIH And when we pulled himover the ll wns es ns Ihe nld man wild Itwould In II ns Hint SlIm shnrk-

I ikin lor his lookln fur his literHow Mtil thai sounds when you think of it

Now the old mnn nilrmred KIlt Didnt makndifference who hnd Ilia gill tint nlil man

admired tho critter that had It-

He stood there ntnl looked nt that sharknl iluni snid h yere

blnnii nocnunl shark bill git luirklmiiaenough to stiKk up n whole villngi ilkand he grabbed Hint shark by till lln there rightIDton us liis hnl tu him and ghe himHit the Stmens Ililnn

Hut still lli shark looked texed Oh MidIhn nbl mnn in mlmlrln tune I wish yn knewIIUH to talk the Ingllsh Inngiingt lly lint wlils-kers nf n hadiloek swinr

Now there wns nolhln mean iilmtit tlm nld-

mnn lie snld ns how that slinrk was giln inhave bi liver

Tnke oul Ihoni stllches again suld lie Anddid

And tlin the nld mnn with his own bnnilHput luck tlml liver Into that shark nud they siwetl

up cnreluller Ihnn ever Then mnn-M nhnt n ciiull to tilings puiiredahorn of rum down the shnrksthrew him over Hn still looked vexed us I coulds mm lh nnd I duiino ns It is-

In he niiiulered nt When his lln went out itFight It wnt twiggln kind of innl Hnlhis liver find we didnt see nny more ol him

One nf the Old lintvn Vcrnliin Irenenteil-tn the Kmi loitllllte nf snlrin

fill n Mass tnraTho liredies Illble-

is Hi nnnn upplie1 to editions ol lie Iluly-

lliiiU Ililillnheil in inevo by English reformerM-tvliu lied in Hint clly frmn Jrenl Uritnin iluringHit rersectitlmi nf Jiien Mnrys rign Mi ufthe undent tnlumes Inis lieii priMnlil lo theEssex Insllliite nt Ilils clly by ChaileH V Pnltrey It wns omit the pru rty nf linger IV-

nani one ol the first seitlrs ul Salem and IH

highly prlre by tnemUrsit the InatituleIn tt blank spare nt Hie bottom if nne nf Hut

pages Is n rerun apfarenlly mnde by tonniitswile ill lhes words Tlm I day uf May 117-2lniiit Sfitenlny my ilere liltel smu Saniuell

11111111 ilisl the ilny nl June Ilt7iSaierlny my dere ilere dere hiisSmil linger

This HIM was linnitl Mr Inllrey lolnhni-iiihnni Inllrey while Hut latter was riling his

hlstury ul New The nuihnr snbnillteil-It In HKUsl IMIo in CienrgK llvernnire whureturned it ih stnleinenl

I tlml by examination llml this IllhleU of llm-

iemvn version tlr1 inmslntxil nnd publlshnl-In liVi by tlm Kngllsh reformers who tliil inthai city the persenitloii ol Mnrysreign Is ill third Knglish translationilnles Irlnir Ihe Ursl ranniers Ihe-

mvniiil lit ISflH This translation was alnryshighly este Miii l the Puritans nnd notwllh

It was condemnd King lames whoafwrle1 it to ba the worst translation ever nioiln-It n iitlniid In be many lone ha-

iraiuilatiou md by royal was pub


L vrrl IlInlloll lIh hulII Il1n J II 110

A w 110 will I roll leltll






MIl he










IlII 11

IIh Mlh1




nwed him 11 Ilk




Ilbo1 r oc1Kk In Ih 1111rfIIIII lIw III







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TJIK anviiET sicnncu HIS onatxIXKIt IX IVKUTO HH1U

During tlm Hpnnl h Wnr nil Wni Able toIlcncli Kvttrjr Inrt f tlio Ulainl nnilKeep Vnililnitoii Will InformedInnocent Appearing Cnble lii intihe Mnll-

Tlint Kicuped thu Hpitnlih Cenmir-DKH MOINHS In March 1 When Philip

C Hnnna 1ntlixl States Consul at Ia iimyrnVenezuela wni trnnsferre lti San Iilnn PuertoIllco bifure tho Spanish Will began ho set nlxiut-

organljlng a secret service which was of greatadvantage to this Government during the en-

Mtilng events lly the system he establishedhuwusabliilocnmmiinlcaUisecrclly with nny partol thu Island either from San luan nr Irum anypoint outside the Inland which cnuld bo reachedby cable No one of lilt persons upon whom he re-

lied or Information knew aloul Hie system liverymnn wasted to believe that lie was Hie nnlyonoun-mufldentlal terms with the American ConsulMr llanuit promised to run no risk ol being trappedby S iilsh detectlvoN and nn a dlllerenl ciphertvns arranged for nearly every man If im wntbetrayed It would not help the Spanish to readany cilhr despatches He let It appear tn eachone nf Ms asslslnnts Ihnl he was simply grnll-

tylnK a rlend by allowIn him lo prepare a cod

whereby theCinisiilmight lie advised olatiythlng-ollnlertsllohlinlnlhetuluw

Hiially alUr his urgnnlrntlon wan completedthe order came rom Washington Turn affairsover lo Hrltlsh Consul Oo to St Thomas re-

port and await orders Ho was nlnioM the lastAmerican to leave San Juan and htt and a few

refugies sailed on an Kngllsh coaling vesselOn his person ho curried the cipher code ot theStale Detriment and copies of all the codes tlmlhad becu nrrungid for the scores ot agents whuwere to represent him In dllfercnt parts ot theIslnnd No sooner was he sctltwl al St Thomasthun the perfect working ot his machine wasproved Krom every illy town vlllnito nndprecinct within the Puerto Illcun group cameletters giving Hie latest detailed InformationThere were charts nl furtlllcalluns descriptionsot new earthworks thrown up and of churchesbeing mado Into fortsby piling bags nf dirt nndsand around them They told nf tho nrrivnl-

nt new arms whether they were of old nr newuitteinnftlieaniniuiiillunIts style and whether

It was nlJ or new nt thu mounllng of new cannonof the repairing ot old torts of the planting nflarge guns giving their cnllbre nt places nlongHID seashon They ili crlbtl the movementsof troops and Ihe arrival of new truojis Theytolj of the arrival nf conl for the Spanish sldps-

nnd gave In detail the amount of supplies of allkinds that hnd arrived for the Spanish armyThey tuld ot Ihe shortness of certain kinds nt fund

In lh Islnnd they told whclher Ihe people werecontented or not Kvery ship arriving from IheIsland brought Information by the pnssengers

Nothing could pass through Ihe malls id-

dres d to Mr Ilannn but mailer did rearh htmaddressed to W U Drown Co L A Dollmn-

COH C Uaker4ilonndadozen more namesagreed upon Such Utters were looked uponas purely commercial Hy Falling vessels ot nilsoils anil by lishlng smocks daily commtinlcatlunwas held between the eastern parts of the islandand St Thomas bontmnli expectedto recflvi n reward for ilrllverlng any sortor to Consul One duy nn oldfisherman who had made a Inndlng on thu wistcoast uf Puerto Itlco soughl Consul lliuinn onthe arrival nl his bnnlnl Si Thnmnsnnd Informed

Ihal he had the ILsh H drew In Illstine and a lung llsh weighing sovernlwhich had for ninny hoursnnd hitl lieeii nllowed lo llonl In Ihe water MI as tn

out of sight wns drnwn Into the Imnl nnd-gltiH lu the lonsul Mr Hnnna took lint llsh-wilhoiit hesltntlon nsklng the prim

This kind Is worth S20 Mid llslnrmnn-nnd Ihe tnnsul sllpinil n twenty dollarInUi ills bund of lliitlsh uns luckedaway a carefully rolled In n ul

and It IunUilned n wl of tnluublt chartsand other Tbu bontmnn hnd l enafraid hit might lie overhauled by n Spanish

nnd tho papers found uixui his ivrson-so he dfpunited Hie llsh fastened a greathook Into Its jnw and threw it Into the sea andbruiiKbtlttoSt Thomns-

Krtsiuent of cigars were sent fromto Consul Hniinn The tillers often

proved tn bt llssiii Infnrinntlon-It li renrtlly uniierstrml Hint It was highlyImportant Hint be should hnve Access to cnlilt

connected Piiertn Hicn nnd St Thomnsfur depending upon inominltnti hy Inan In snnincases nroxit too ulnw fur wnr limes Tlm-lm I tin cndi system was now renllrnlTin fnliio wns under tint strictest censorshipSpanish nlllcers read everything

operators tn r srnt nut to the It wasevident thai noililng could nn which HIM

name of Ilannn or uf the American Consul np-

Inred All dispaicluH Intendml fur Imr-eHirefnn tlw mlilress iin if Ihttllrms which In had lini esiilishenr were sent to some business liouooln St Thomns-to In turneil over to him None of these Irli-

grnnis ctnild safely Innr the lensi mnrk oftery Thiy nil therefon nppearnl to lie strictly

anil in relate to bin cumnier-rial subjiits They appeared to sent by uii-twholeslie hulls In lo nnolhersnle liiiuso In St Tlinmos quoting tlw thepruluctsul the Islnnd instniict nt Mlgrnce-n to Drown Co of Si ThomasIhi nt which Ihey would sell iM lioirshemU-nl a certain grad nf sugar telling the colur nf-Hi sugar In what pnrt of Nniid It WON pro

of Ihn sugnr A merchniil nt Pnncemight telegraph lo mie nf Mr Hnnnns firms lu-

M iUuii Hie nrlce nt w Inlay down In New York Uver il nr Hnrnhirir-ZO bags i if n cirtnln kind of cnllee Ho

the color nnd sl nl llu lnrrles wlml pnrl nl It-

wns nlrendy In his unrehmisK what pan was stillIn tlm Held nnd when tin wnuld-l ready fnr shipment sunnlimes mentioningHie It would boIn Another merchniil known to den intobacco might semi n telegrnni nlmut lobncco-nlferlinc H many bates of dnscrlblngwhat were fillers whnt purl wrappers whatIKirtlon dark and whnt mrlicn it-

wn nnd how lung It hnd lienhnrvesteilwhether It hnd be n carefully cured or was partlymildewed Tho In sugar hnd rt-

Intlng to In cnlliv had cmlis-miicernlnglhe raising nnd shipment o colfw-Tohnccn and nil drnlers relating lotin they lminlls1-

In order to avoid sending too many telegramslo one Him Mr Hnnnns wouldmnke thilr oilers lu dllferent llrms Tlnn fr-rhincit If mil of these friendly Puerto Klcnns feltIhnl the tiovernment was becoming suspiciousif hlni he would say to n member nn outnit ShnnUh llrm Wont do me the kindnesslo tell your representative In SI Thomas thatluivi sn many nf stienr llml I willhip In giving n description nt Hit sugar

ir coilee nr tnhncin merchanttlways to do his nelghlmr n fatnr nflen-urwurdeil such telegrams tlrnily belletlng theyitere exactly wlml tn belimes they were senl tn the renlif Ih SpniiLsh house In St Thomas ConsulIlannn nr nne his friends wnuldiflicen Hint llrm In n careless way and wnuld nsklimn Ihe prices nnd products in Puerto HimHid II were nter herenr not nnil they wnuld show him Hi Inlsl trie-rnni To th receiver ll wns exactly wlml It-

ntlnii nf Hut Mr-

laiinn Imniiillately recognized therein the codeshat were usiil llm siluailuit and H-

inner ol the Island Tin words usedn describing tlm various prndurts Ihnl were rumnon to Ilierin Hico nil had n inclining whichelnUil entirely lo the wnr between tlie 1nited-ilnts Somtinuw they were snli-n English nnil sometimes In Spanish lienernlly-colfw Inglish bad fruiuthat It hnd In Thero wns nevrr nn

in send n telegram that nre mys-ertous Tlie simpler nnd more liuslnesslik therlegrnm Hie nnd Ih despatches alwaysrelated renl rnndiiinli of huntsis mil H-

iirnducts nt tin country Inly dealers In sugarlere lo talk of sugar Iliilr telegrnins

dealers In eottee quoted cnlfis nr tUMrllmlliepiiilliliiiinlciillsln ihe inly men knowno liantlli lulmciii sent the highly Important in-

ormnilun concerning the tobacco CMIS Mnn-ucli careful meiiMires inri I lie cable iiDralori-Ithuiigli wini of iheni were rngllsh and Srnirl-inllil sus rl llml liifnrmnlluii wns rnlrur senlHer liirlr lines to Mr Ilannn concerning Ihe-

vur In ficl the cable while j

hat he sent ninny cnhles n Mnshlnginii illdnit knmv that hi wns reivlvlng so ninny liestalches trm Puerto Illci-

Sujironipl the system Ihnlknew f Hie limnlinrilmiil nf San

unil ulille il wns laking plait ami n rtiil thenrts at Vnshlngtmi He of the nrrivnl ntmil essN l fire they dMtiieil nnrlmr-Ie knew of the nrrivnl nnd f every I

urshli lie knew lniinillitilv of Ih-

nnteiAent if Spanish lro tipnn tlwreceipt of our f Hies cninierrlal Idegrniils nd-

InMsd tn n real or flrtllliuis firm In Si Ilininns-ly snnie In Puerto II wits In-

msltiiii contridht nil Ihe wild nP rts whicheriwnl itilShips n dnilrnl nns liil cnlbil often

it St for Infnrmniliin Mr llnnnn wnsIn n in lllon them the latest in-

ornmllnn lie knew which Spanish giinbintsten In wlilcli had gone in cea and wbtih-rer getting In everything PMhat related to the Spaniards in that parl nf Ih-

iirld Ill Ms he enabledan warships In several vessels loaded11 ill Ihe Spanish Government i

Consul llanna was t knowuch nf th plans of Ihe Governor Generaluertn Hico as nert moile public Mr Hannaraa the flnt official lu report la Wn ton Uw






whereabouts ol Oen Mllcei and lilu anil h-

transmlttnl the frnm the Secretaryol War Miles rtvelvcd rom Mashlngloi-afttr hU arrival a Puerto Illcaii tnirt OenMiles sent for Consul llulina and nsked him ti-

comnmnlcatrt with Celt MaiIns the invrrnor cf Uie Island nl Puerto Hlcn nnd nsceitnli-pnolllvely If tint Spanish Governor InUmliil In

nr nut Mr did nol illnvl his mes-sage nf Inquiry In tin nlliclnl but In

iiuiie less n dlnvl and pusltlttt an-

swer tn Ihe elfe Ihnt iill Mnclas wai a goutnnd wnuld light

There was n very Auurlcaii MliUnuni-In Ilannn mmlell his huslnis-to rtlllllilM nud IncffOMi this seiltlinelitlievlng that tlie wnuld enlhu lastlcnllyreceive the Americans and desert Hint tlio first So he mad It Ids busness tn the Puerto nt Hie advnn-Inges nf American rule and shnwisl them howAmerican nlerprls nud would iletrln-Hm Islnnd makn great public Improvements nnilproject public Ililerprlses

al Ihnn Ihey hnd evei-recelveil helom lie calliil atleiillon tit Ihe re-

Mumm nt the Islnnd which was ol prodiiiliig ninny tlmm as much ns It did under

system nl Spanish taxation Tieudwintagis n 1nltiit Stntivwent prisiiitiHl Ui Hi They were Inlilhow thn American Inws would lusttciand how free nchnnls would be Allthese Ihlngs he tint Into circulation through theMiret Hrvico which Jn nnd whlclipenetrated to every pnrl nt the Island So h-

conlrlliiiied nn pnrt to theot III tnlted Slnles in the Island nf Puerto Illcopractically without n struggle He hnd ndvsi

no In sent lo Puerto Illco10 Hint the Spaniard would l able tofuriit natives lulu ngliilng Hie AmericansThese hnd llielr influence nnd-Hie sJenl ien MlleVs army mnde It certnlu Hintthere would IM no

Indge Day Secretary nf Slnte snld nl Huilose-nl Hie war the Infuniiiillon llm Slnte-Depnrlnienl hul nvelveil frmn nny iilnrler cnmfrom Consul llnnnn Th hadlearneil to rely on his Ucniise they wer-ntrv from seiisttlnu and lo I-Dcorricl Mr Ilaiina Is now Cnnsufliineral furnorthern Mexico wllh himlqiinrlers nt Monterey


1eatl of ItrlllOi In Africa Compared WithAimMenu AclilevciiiriiU

Them Is niticli of Interest In riders generallybut imrticulnrly to the Ililted Stntes cuviilryinen-In rtDirls Hint Itavtt cum from Soutli Africa nf-

somo nf the long I IH til rides mnil there by tlm-

Dritish muiinld trnnks Thonccounliol sum ol-

thew rupid fnrril mnrclns of cavalry an lurkingtn detail but the sjncillc stnlemetit Is mini Hint asquadron cf tlm Natal MoiinUil Ullles recently rod

eighty live miles In twelve consecutive hoursThu English press sp nks of the rides of sixtymiles by detached cavalry triKips which an coinpltleil within the limit nf the daylight hours andlhet uctiievemenis of the troo rs and Hielr mountsnre smian of ns If ol lreitient nccurnnci-

At llrsi thimglit ll may riot ni iir Hint thesflrides are pnitlnularly rniarknble but Ihe netmust b taken Intu mnslderation Hint bodies nf-

Irmps and nut single tudivliluals nr mnceriied-nnd when this Is the case Hie rapldlly nf Hi marchniusi nciwnrily l gaugiil by the raplillly nnd-

enduralicinf thnjorest hursniit Hiuoiiltlt Mure

over each aiilmnl eneagid hn to carry weiirhl nl-

mnn nud eqillpniflit tu an average nmonnt uf JM-

Ipnunds liiny of Ihe hurms used by Hie Englishtrim Ts nro American Imil and n natural InterestIn thU country is added o the rides for it gives n

chance to get a line nn tin cndiirnnctt nl theAmerican animal under absolutely strange climatic

No urniy In tlie worM rlinps has bad thesameup ituiiilles Vilest theeiidiirnnoof cavalryhorses us hns the small regular fore uf the 1iiiied-Siaies The lung level slntches nt Hi plumsnmi the activity uf tinmarauding Indian niuuntdnil his tireless IIMIICO liatu Invii the conditionsw iiicli gave to tlicle Sams cnvulrymnn his match-less chance fur lung lonvd niiuintil ninnhs-

C j Tlieulort Ayrault Dmlg Imini StntesArmy colleclil tlie ulUinil nenrds nf long distancecat rliles nnd has ininU Itnm public so Hint

b ii iiiuired wiih in nfthe soldier linrHinen ol other nniiMiis Cnl Dodgedeclares that In has r ccUst nil hear-say rides nl winch lliere is n end and has lie

unly those priivtit by olliiml reiirts-tnlIK lgsays that 1npl S I I niinlninrnlti-

dStits Cavalry ln Hie year I Mil ri le with a detachmeninf his troop eighty iiuighl humsThis recnlil Is touched fur nnd il Is IUr limnthnt of the Nnlnl Muuntd Ililles hy nlmut fnirI-murs the illstaniv Irlng wlihin one mile of Hintmade In Suulh Africa Pur nciunl HDI U this

march slnnds rlin nt the heml uf thu-

Aniericnn remnl though other rlils Imveen mori1 renwrknhle In ihe 1S7H when

Hit Ties suiHtfileil m gtlitng some lnltd Sintes-inups Into wlml wns nllerwird known us I hoinburgs ral hole several iiinunted nmriers sueiifikil In slipping through the circling line ofsavages of them reached Merrills column171 miles illitnnt In less Hmn twent Iniir Imurs-Tli exncl time wns not inken for as Cnl Dtulgeputs It rescue uns uf mute Itnportuna thnn-r r

It must IK utiilcrstodd ol course Hint all theseAniericnn rides were mail wiilmut i hangingImrsh The stied nl Ih start wns ihe ts nt-

Ih llnlsh The I M riiler acitortllng to cutnlry-IXinrls Is nol the mnn who lakes a lle barredKite or who can ride slninllng lull In whoInsilnct feeli tin ciindllloli nf Ills hnfsH anil-ihiiigh gelling the most nutth niiluml knowshfw lo nmsrve bis Mtnrigtli The Inti lienI mi Ion whu was killed In Hie Philippines In theyenr Ihrt PH ruin I led Agency VeilIn Sidney 111 the Hume State illMnnie ol ISA

miles In twenty six Imurs He wns carryingImportml dispiitcliiH fur len Crook andIh mad wns had Ills mount wns In good nuuiilinn when lnwtin lonklnir live years older ihnn-li did tin ilny liefnre lininlid nver Ills liutiille-nf pnDrs to the liliiiU l nrileil denernt ienMerrill n furred Imitcli leitird tlml hns no-

nierlinn iwrnllel nlun the miidlilniiN nt hisjntirney are cotislilired lie wns nrilenil in Ihoall uf U7H to tin relief nf Pnyiis commanduhlcli wns siirroumliil luntilu Imliaas MITrills cnnininlid cnnsisteil nf fmir nf mv

but nl the last nmment he was unleivd tomid to his Inrco n battalion of Infantry Thdough wire lunded into army wagonIrawn by mules nnd wllh the lavnlry nl thellnnks tli relief mliinin started The illsiniici-

l traverfnd wns 171 miles nnd ll wns nmi-lnntnlthsiaiiillng the hninliu of the wagonsmil trails thnt wen runiMy sandy turnsII lust sixty six hours At the end of Hie ninlili-ihe tn i Ts went ini ihe light nnd In tin entln-omninnil not one horse showed n lutiie leg nr n-

lailille sorePour troupers nf the Imulli Cavalry who had

ioliini ris fur the pnrtieiihir servlo were MIII-In the summer uf H frmn Inrt Hnrney to Inrti-Vnrner with desiNitclieN nnil were ti mnke-he lnst liniinvsllili withitit killing llielr horsesThe men ner un their melt Thy made Hi-elltanci NO mlUs twenty miles nf ihe wny Ning-hrnngli Ii w In twenty twn Imurs lhictnnl marching time bliiK eigMen Imurs nnd-lilrly inlniiles At Kurt Wnrner they reMtl mi-Iny nnd returnul to Ilnnnv n the snui Imrsisi-it the uniform rate of sitlv miles a day InMndniiind I lVclwt sinrlsl m niiilnurht fr tinrelief of til liiillini scout 1 wlm hml IHVII sent miltn nrrest Silling Hull who nflr killing thatIllrf WIT U llIIKIIln ll III II Ing hilt lit Ills fulliiw-rs IVchit IDik un nnibiilnnce wngin mul-

llntchklsN gun with him The gun inrrlnci-rnk dnun and hi wns compelled In fnslii thernilnf hepectn 111till I the ninliulanc-ind thus drug il nlmiir xi Iwltlistumlltig tillsmndicap he nmile Hi first forty live miles Inhan Mtn Imurs It fniightnnil drove nil Hii-oiing Sluiix bucks then scouted the country furn miles gave Ills trnn rs soni nnd-tiiriiil to ihe furt lnurl en Imurs wr cnn

I he cavalry tmrss if th American Armymve llns cmltirnne ntnl cnnests carrying weights nf innr thnn 2iK pninds-ind wlthnul nny training that re-

vived In the cours nf truntler srniiiing-HM daily drill evnliitlniis The greatest inilllurv-nl remnleil as il niipiars on m r nl-

he Austrian Count Strnhrenhrg who riHJe iti-nrve Vnniilesiii steiity nne hmirs Theniilnnil

never inrrlnl tin mints weight US-Kiunils it had l eii s ciully Unimd fnr miinth-

iliiilergu the iniliirnnr nnd luring II-

Iiile time nf the rM It ns kept up nn Minni-nils I lie horse IIH within Iwentyfoiir ImursftT th iiiniplelluii nf its tnik-inl In hs Minnnary nf

iiles ells nf n professional rider uliw I f

mil Mn niPiiMitni liilii

rmurknlil-ess in-y moulds cumtliroiiglin ln tii-

i mi liorsiin sixty Imurv-

fmr made

tpnrlie iiniiilry This man a-

irnnchn ncularly ninde Im milesml llitii resting hlsi m nut fnrlireturn sihis was mi a cnvnlryuchlevlent It IN imt usv fnr piri r nl mniNirismi-oiicnlnir Hi Imwevir tin militaryHUT says Hint exivpnmr the nss there is tierni no craliire nn enrtli stiibbnriilyiffiis Ihe bmnelm

I Dnilgi iis nut Hunk IhH if tests werelan there would t fml much illlterenn l

tlie rcnns ulilih rnirlisli nnd Amerfriiii-ulillers wnuld reirl ir II m s Hint n roni isitIrture miiV f Mm Intish nn MI Amrlrnn-roninrs wnuld slum Hal Hie Hire lins whichtnlillsli Hi Mnl nt ih rid r nre prtclicnlly-

ie siitn am thnt ii iti this H ih prnir rareHi Imrsv Inrgflt Hi natters ills

inri ncmntpllshnl and i eei umintninei-

lenuirkiililt Ktperlenn nt n Hell Klnger-

Pml Ik rbrtraml-DKTIIIII Ieb LilA iikuir uieMent o-

clirrl i til Chin h nt iliiiri-iy morning Thn ncu11 xtii luing

i isiiuriil man formerly I iorvint tn-n shnftir wns n ulstltuli-

Hilli rlimln thiin ror th iiiriiinferviin-l bv om means boiniii rilreledwr of in hn wn drnvn tirwanl wllh-neh terrific force that his hnd Uit-rlllni brenklnir nnoak thru by twelvu-ifhe In Klw l yond a Blight abrasion of thoalp the uiun nu








> >


A xisir muwcii o TKUVHLB roa-nn IITTIK OXKS-

liffect ill tint Inrrennlng Deninnd for Ple-

ttin tit llulilrnlnfiint lleHrlt Nwelllug-Wllli oinlir Iilinpprnvnl unit IU-

A Speclinitn of Vlint They lu TlirotiiliTint bnliies nl HIK foundling asylums and In-

fants hospitals have been having a hard timeslnci the illustration crare reached It prrMQtsinge Tint nlrendy dlllliull problem of comurlnblu Imby existence tins licen compllcaUdi

for them by the idiologrnplier nnd Iho arttat-nnd IniiumernMi small benrts are nwelllnf wllhwonder nnd Indignation The little babied ranonly wall their protest 1ml the elder loddleri-s nk their mind nlwiil Ihe iersecullon ol th-

InnocinlsDot n black boxr nsked Molly aged 4-

plclovisly when a SfM reporter tried to naktfriendly overtures

A blnik boxr1 the reporter echoed lielpleoclf-lXs Hues oo put nor head In n black boa

and do so She Hiinptnd the pudgy fingersunit hnnd nnd wnteil It mildly nt theiepurtcr

Well no I ilunt ilu Ihnt ordinarily

No Im not n ilnctn-rIlnvent dot no bags nor sharp flngs InsldefNot n bng-

Tlit severe Inlnnt relnxed nnd heaved a mightysigh ol relief

All ylghtshe sabl settling herself comlort-bly In liny chnlr l slile the rejHirlcr Wbtdid IKI turn for slut nsked genially

lust to see youDot nny nnlimil trnckersr-Im nwlully sorry but I havent Ive col

money Ihnt would buy them thoughAll ylght lelinesoiiiewhennodohome-

Kilendshlp l lng established nn n basis of-

prospectiM animal crackers the reporter lookIlls turn at cross exniiilnntlon nnd giadually-

dlsiiiverid llm rtasnll fur the deep iMslrilRt In-

tlw Infant mini It wenis thnt nt bcMes hos-

pllnls two kinds ol men nre known Ilolh-

iis n rule curry Murk boxes nnd nre In a drendtulhurry dne ls n doctor When lie puts In an-

npDarniui look nut tor nasty Ihlngs lo swnllow-

nnd pokes In nil the ilnces Hint hurl Sometimeswhen he conies Ihe nurso carries n Hule lot nutof the wnrd nnd the doctor tnkes llu sharp Ihlnganut nl his bng nnd hurts the Imby and when thalittle iiuurnile Is brought bnck he tins blindage

Wags lied nn like dot explained Ihe smallnnrrnlor gravely displaying a bnndaged nrra-

nnd wrist Ilnyln wlf matches she eNplnlned-

In reply to tin iiiesiluii in Hie repurters eyesSlill the iluctur Isnt n lind lellow He doesnt

like lo hurl HNIIC Uuil dms It to make ventwell nnd II one Is very brave nnd doesnt crynnd tnkes medicine without rcMllon he cnlls

her nice names IK has n very line taste In anlmill crackers loo has the ilmlur When Wllll-

hnd his fool nil pulled straight the dorttir broughthim n very superior variety nl animal crnckersdust lull nf ifelunts Animal crackers eeem-

to l t the highest notch ol Imby hospital orgyCandy forbidden nnd nil indigestible nwectsj

but whnls the illlterencu wbelher a camel tastesgooilslnivlussiichttloy tollieeye

Vex Hie doctor lias his good points but lb-

nlher black Imx man who takes pictures hasnt-In the babys islliuntlnn a leg to stand on Dustmates trouble she iltcliires stoutly Wlienlw

comes in nnd looks around sick nnd well nllke-

omer Theres no telling where lightning will

strike A jolly Hill inntnlesienl who 1ms justlneii hnlhil nnd dressed nnd hnd her hairnnd brushed nnd Is resting niter the onslaughtIn n Minny corner with n picture book spread nutInfore IHT lie grnbl d un nndninl to l d where she is rolled nruuud In thmust extraordinary wny-

fionnlDnly pictures showing howslutIs mny rtinnged getting an In-

tnlld out n lied nnd several Ihlngs nf that kindInteirupied n snilllnif nurse al Hits point In the

tale nnd It wns ensler to showchllil pictures than pictures of nilulls-

An len wns an dwessed allIn her nn put nn ve Ilixir In a-

bnstlk wlv pillows In II nn ve man put hishead ve nn mnde noises an

linniisdo vis wny and she criedNut by tin iiursi He unnted n nlclure nf a

sup irt l In nne nf the j aiiled clnlhesbaskets They can propped In the basketsynu know cnnl fall nut or hurt themselves

Untie cwled at ve mnn reasserted Ihe babysturdily nn veri she rn looked an rut v-

baf lull wlvoiil nnyllng on and she had dusthad n bnl nn sh c le l some more but re manhe made noises so he scared her an she couldn t-

cw nn fen he snld he wns IronSuddenly the bnbys eyes dllnted and shi

clutched the remrters knwi-wnciiiiis irH nne she whispered In-

Imrrnr stricken tones The reporterarniind saw a brisk and nlert young man carry-Ing n bliok box Tli nurse was to him

Now e me see snld Ihe newcomer Incrisp business like way Wheres a good plump

Imbv tlml won t cry nurse This is totell the right wny nnd wrong way nf holding nnddressing n liilr ench wny nnd-l iter light in oilier rnnms Annthermenl in twenty minutes This way pleasePut your chnlr there Thats he babyuse Itll me see my notesIllustrate putting nn shirt Put on the hlrt

right way nurseThe nurse had taken a placid baby out of a

oil nnd liUi il iinilress nil her ItIts mouth and eyes III astonishment and ills

Doing lo commented Iho reporters smallIrlend oracularly-

Thatll do now thettrnnglwaysaid the pho-Ingruplier

I ilmil knnw any wrong wny said tlie nursehelplessly

Mi must lie n wrong waynld wn ailtiscd Ihe blithelyTin nurs iwistitl the kfiirt into n anatried to look like n young nnd Inexperiencedmother

Thats gniDl now Hie bandThe baby was rnlll uter mi Its atxlonien where

il kHieil feehly w hlle I In nurse sewed ml a bnndThe wrong wny ordered theI siiipo It isnt nCssnry to run pins mor-

Ihnn n slmrl illtunce ln the bnbyr thI-

IIIIM with n suspicion sueiinms in her tonent at nil not nl repind Hie photographer

in all seriousness IMil the In aisiure In your lapTin Imbv nrmighl right side un once more

blinki nud puc rnd iis iimuthDnini wlirht now whispered the biff

hubv glerfullyIve got llml lh M it the wrung nald

the phiitttriiiher Mi tiurs removed a sup-porting hnnd tin luiby crumpled upn wet rag Its lmlv llaied In a fash-ion its hend ttnbbiril patliellcnlly its face ex

nitmns eyeliuiulringly nl Hi muse Then II staredmnllv nt the rimttr

She nver did Hns In me before Whatlinj iii to my wmM1 look plainlysail Then nnd incredulity gave warI rage Then yes rlnseil Hie openea-n wratlismut Hialr-

fint It l fnre Hi storm brokenurse Kuil the plutntrrnpher ns hegathered his Imps tignher hurried away

nurses inoiith rlooil ratherns file the crj ing baby

There Isnt to nny mure nf It here fhsaid nuletly Me like ti l obliging but there

n IIDI much of the thing and well have to-Ktnp it tiling ther for we canl alfnrd a give tha-tun nnI attention to it nnd worry the childrenthis way

M Is ve cwled s iner nld Molly Inlilies of deep ilirt num nt nnd the reporterallied forth In pursuit nf th festive animal

HIOI TO nitoir AXO-

ilie Strangn Ilenlln nf Three llrotliertVhLived In MemnliU-

frun At MtmtMi Sinitar-Tlieilentlint Mr 7 II Mnnees which ncciirred-

IliurMlny night nt his home nt 120 Mnshlngto-ntrft wns a very remniknble nne Mr Maneen-ind predicted the exact dny nmi tune Hint hi-niilil lenve this world and hadmide every p p-

irnlrui setting aside tin clothing heburled In liefnre he went tu bi ihnt night

l wns nut n siilferer rum any disease nnd ho-dit Itn confined tu Ills b il jirevlntH to his death

Ip M a few years ago Mr Mnnees conductedin extensive plantation In Arkansas but as ha-

tns getting nlong In yrnrs being ntmilt 7S or 74-ie rtird from ncllve life

Five nys agn his lrlends remarked that ba-uns licomlng lleshy nnd l tu cnngrutulata-i m iiDn gelling Inl in tils old ngi The matVrlid not Mtm no ihtrftil to Mr Manee as ll-mllnnrlly Ihe ens fir tn turn It meant the very

irxl litnlih Two hrnlhers nf hlakin Inn ihI hnd Irgini iu grow considerablyntlef Ihpe i lie tore llielr llmth-

Hn Tiltwin Mr Mni e H friends noticedInil IIB lunl irnntil cinxldernlily more llesh thanIn lay IDlure nnd bv V dnesiny h had grownn iluil Ins clotiim wiiild cnnIi lit him Tha-lext niiirnlng lie luld IIM family that he was conlileni the end wni nl liand nnd that he wouldeer s v the light itf another H looknensiirn tu wind up his bmlneM affair and

fore retiring thai night made every preparamil lor his burial that lay In power








