SPARQL ̶ RW : Transparent Query Access over Mapped RDF Data Sources Kostantinos Makris 1 Nikos Bikakis 2,3 Nektarios Gioldasis 1 Stavros Christodoulakis 1 EDBT 2012 | 15th International Conference on Extending Database Technology | Berlin | Germany Sparql ReWriting S RW The SPARQL2XQuery Framework Bridging the Gab between the XML and the Semantic Web Worlds. · XML Schema to OWL Transformation (XS2OWL plug-in) · Mapping Specification & Generation between OWL - RDF/S and XML Schemas · SPARQL to XQuery Query Translation · XML RDF Data Transformations Family Framework X 2 Sparql XQuery X S Motivating Example 1 Technical University of Crete, Greece 2 National Technical University of Athens, Greece 3 "Athena" Research Center, Greece Query ReWriting Intro · Describes mappings between OWL/RDF-S ontology schemas · Defines and supports all the possible mapping types which can be exploited by the SPARQL query rewriting process. · The supported mappings are highly dependent to the SPARQL expressiveness. Grammar · Four basic notions: Class Expression Object Property Expression Datatype Property Expression Instance Expression · Expressions are defined using several operators: union (), intersection (), composition (○), inverse (—), domain/range restrictions, etc. · Supports N:M cardinality mappings using equivalence or subsumption relationships. Semantics Formal semantics based on Description Logics. Mapping Model The SPARQLRW Framework The SPARQL-RW (SPARQL ReWriting) Framework provides a generic method for SPARQL query rewriting, with respect to a set of predefined mappings between ontology schemas Key Features · Mapping Model Specifies mapping types which can be exploited by the SPARQL query rewriting process Formally described using Description Logics Supports Flexible & Rich Mappings · Query Rewriting Method Based on a set of predefined mappings between ontologies Semantics Preserving · Java System Prototype Architecture Problem Definition Let a source ontology O S , a target ontology O T and a set of mappings M between O S and O T . Our framework takes as input a SPARQL query Q S expressed over O S , and rewrites it to a semantically correspondent SPARQL query Q T (expressed over O T ) w.r.t. M. Intro Overview · The SPARQL query rewriting process lies in the query’s graph pattern rewriting. · For each Basic Graph Pattern, rewrite each triple pattern a) by Predicate b) by Object c) by Subject. · The rewriting is independent of the query type (i.e., Select, Ask), the SPARQL solution sequence modifiers (i.e., Order By, Distinct) and the SPARQL algebra operators (i.e., Union, Optional). · Triple Patterns Types Data Triple Patterns: Deal with data and not schema info. Schema Triple Patterns: Deal with schema info. Contain RDF/RDFS/OWL terms. Semantics Preserving Rewriting Let D S and D T be the RDF datasets of a source and a target ontology, respectively. Similarly, let D U be the RDF dataset which is produced by merging the D S and D T datasets using a set of mappings M. Definition (Semantics Preserving Rewriting). Let tp be a triple pattern and rp the graph pattern resulted from one step rewriting of tp w.r.t. a mapping μ M. The rewriting step performed for tp, w.r.t. the mapping μ, is semantics preserving iff the evaluation of tp and the evaluation of rp over D U , preserve the semantics of mapping μ. In other words, let V be the common variable set between tp and rp. The relationship R(i.e., ≡, , ) that holds for the mapping used in the rewriting step, should also hold between [[tp]] D U and [[rp]] D U projected on V. π V ([[tp]] D U ) R π V ([[rp]] D U ), where R { ≡, , } SPARQL Queries Using DBpedia 3.2 Vocabulary Select ?x { ?x dbpprop-el:όνομα "Christos Papadimitriou" } DBpedia v. 3.7 DBLP ACM YAGO IEEE Freebase Greek DBpedia DBpedia v. 3.2 Initial Triples Rewritten Triples by Predicate Part Rewritten Triples by Object Part Predicate Mappings Object Mappings Subject Mappings Rewritten Triples by Subject Part (Final Triples) Mappings (RDF) SPARQL Q t Q s RDF Data Target Ontology SPARQL‒RW RDF RDF Data Source Ontology Mapping Type Determinator Mapping Parser Query Analyzer & Composer Results Visualizer Graph Pattern Rewriter Rewriting Rules & Axioms FILTER Expr. Rewriter Triple Pattern Rewriter Triple Pattern Type Determinator Subject Rewriter Object Rewriter Predicate Rewriter

S Stavros Christodoulakis ACM - NTUAbikakis/papers/SPARQL-RW - Poster...S PARQL R W: Transparent Query Access over Mapped RDF Data Sources Kostantinos Makris 1 Nikos Bikakis 2,3 Nektarios

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Page 1: S Stavros Christodoulakis ACM - NTUAbikakis/papers/SPARQL-RW - Poster...S PARQL R W: Transparent Query Access over Mapped RDF Data Sources Kostantinos Makris 1 Nikos Bikakis 2,3 Nektarios

SPARQL ̶ RW : Transparent Query Access over Mapped RDF Data Sources Kostantinos Makris 1 Nikos Bikakis 2,3 Nektarios Gioldasis 1 Stavros Christodoulakis 1

EDBT 2012 | 15th International Conference on Extending Database Technology | Berlin | Germany



The SPARQL2XQuery Framework

Bridging the Gab between the XML and the Semantic Web Worlds.

· XML Schema to OWL Transformation (XS2OWL plug-in)

· Mapping Specification & Generation between OWL - RDF/S and XML Schemas

· SPARQL to XQuery Query Translation

· XML ⎯ RDF Data Transformations

Family Framework






Source Target

Motivating Example

1 Technical University of Crete, Greece 2

National Technical University of Athens, Greece

3 "Athena" Research Center, Greece

Query ReWriting


· Describes mappings between OWL/RDF-S ontology schemas· Defines and supports all the possible mapping types which can be exploited by the SPARQL query rewriting process.· The supported mappings are highly dependent to the SPARQL expressiveness.


· Four basic notions: ‒ Class Expression ‒ Object Property Expression ‒ Datatype Property Expression ‒ Instance Expression· Expressions are defined using several operators: union (⨆), intersection (⨅), composition (○), inverse (—), domain/range restrictions, etc.· Supports N:M cardinality mappings using equivalence or subsumption relationships.

SemanticsFormal semantics based on Description Logics.

Mapping Model

The SPARQL‒RW Framework

The SPARQL-RW (SPARQL ReWriting) Framework provides a generic method for

SPARQL query rewriting, with respect to a set of predefined mappings between

ontology schemas

Key Features

· Mapping Model ‒ Specifies mapping types which can be

exploited by the SPARQL query rewriting process

‒ Formally described using Description Logics ‒ Supports Flexible & Rich Mappings

· Query Rewriting Method ‒ Based on a set of predefined mappings

between ontologies ‒ Semantics Preserving

· Java System Prototype


Problem Definition

Let a source ontology OS, a target ontology OT

and a set of mappings M between OS and OT. Our framework takes as input a SPARQL query QS expressed over OS, and rewrites it to a semantically correspondent SPARQL query QT (expressed over OT) w.r.t. M.



· The SPARQL query rewriting process lies in the query’s graph pattern rewriting. · For each Basic Graph Pattern, rewrite each triple pattern a) by Predicate b) by Object c) by Subject.· The rewriting is independent of the query type (i.e., Select, Ask), the SPARQL solution sequence modifiers (i.e., Order By, Distinct) and the SPARQL algebra operators (i.e., Union, Optional).· Triple Patterns Types ‒ Data Triple Patterns: Deal with data and not schema info. ‒ Schema Triple Patterns: Deal with schema info. Contain RDF/RDFS/OWL terms.

Semantics Preserving Rewriting

Let DS and DT be the RDF datasets of a source and a target ontology, respectively. Similarly, let DU be the RDF dataset which is produced by merging the DS and DT datasets using a set of mappings M.

Definition (Semantics Preserving Rewriting). Let tp be a triple pattern and rp the graph pattern resulted from one step rewriting of tp w.r.t. a mapping μ M. The rewriting step performed for tp, w.r.t. the mapping μ, is semantics preserving iff the evaluation of tp and the evaluation of rp over DU, preserve the semantics of mapping μ.

In other words, let V be the common variable set between tp and rp. The relationship R (i.e., ≡, ⊑, ⊒) that holds for the mapping used in the rewriting step, should also hold between [[tp]]DU and [[rp]]DU

projected on V.

πV ([[tp]]DU) R πV ([[rp]]DU), where R { ≡, ⊑, ⊒ }

SPARQL QueriesUsing DBpedia 3.2 Vocabulary

Select ?x { ?x dbpprop-el:όνομα "Christos Papadimitriou" }


v. 3.7









v. 3.2

Initial TriplesRewritten Triples by

Predicate PartRewritten Triples by

Object Part

Predicate Mappings

Object Mappings

Subject Mappings Rewritten Triples by

Subject Part (Final Triples)





RDF Data

Target Ontology



RDF Data

Source Ontology

Mapping Type Determinator

Mapping Parser

Query Analyzer & Composer

Results VisualizerGraph Pattern Rewriter

Rewriting Rules& Axioms

FILTER Expr. Rewriter

Triple Pattern Rewriter

Triple Pattern Type Determinator

Subject Rewriter

Object Rewriter

Predicate Rewriter