S . P CHURCH · 2021. 1. 14. · 2 | January 17, 2021 ST.PATRICK CATHOLIC CHURCH Gretna, Nebraska 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time FIRST READING (1 SM 3:3B-10, 19) Eli was the priest of

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    508 W. ANGUS STREET GRETNA, NE 68028�

    JANUARY 17, 2021

    � �

  • 2 | January 17, 2021�


    Gretna, Nebraska

    2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time�

    FIRST READING (1 SM 3:3B-10, 19) Eli was the priest of the temple in Shiloh. He raised Samuel and helped Samuel to hear God’s voice in his life. Who have you taught to hear God’s voice? ��SECOND READING (1 COR 6:13C-15A, 17-20)�Paul taught the Corinthians that believers should “glorify God in your body” by avoiding immorality. What do you think is needed to live a good, moral life? ��GOSPEL (JN 1:35-42) In John’s account of the call of the first disciples, Jesus poses the ques0on, “What are you looking for?” In your own spiritual journey, how do you know you have found Jesus? �

    REFLECT AND RESPOND 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Our faith is not just about ideas. It’s really

    about having an encounter with God and, in

    par0cular, the Risen Christ! Once we give

    ourselves over to the no0on of God’s

    presence, we have to train ourselves to listen

    for God’s voice and be a4en0ve to God’s

    call. Having companions on our faith journey

    is so incredibly important as they can help us

    fine�tune our listening skills and discern

    God’s voice from others we may be hearing.

    Faith is all about having these profound encounters not only with God but with our

    brothers and sisters, and crea0on itself. Anyone or anything that is alive with God’s

    presence becomes an occasion for God to speak and call us to deeper graces and

    experiences. “Come, and you will see.”��

    The example and teaching of Jesus, the lives of the saints, those living among us and those

    glorified in heaven, and the wonder and beauty of crea0on can all serve to help us listen

    more clearly and assist in posi0oning ourselves for this profound God mee0ng. It is an

    encounter that can quickly and easily lead to a friendship and in0mate intertwining of our

    souls to their Maker, making a claim on us like no other. Then, the Word of God moves

    from being just a body of ideas to something we simply accept and do. The person of Jesus

    Christ swi9ly moves from being just a good prophet in word and deed to the incarnate

    presence of God Himself, the Lamb of God. The voice leads us to the Person behind it.��

    The Gospel is hard to follow. We can intellectually debate whether what Jesus said is really

    what we are asked to do. The Gospel ideas do not always make sense in our prac0cal,

    secular world. The person of God always does. We can debate the prac0cality and sense of

    ideas and doing so o9en keeps the more difficult ones at a safe distance away from us.

    Jesus said to love our enemy, but we really don’t need to do that, our minds try to convince

    us. It just doesn’t make sense. Yet, if we are truly in love with the God who is behind the

    voice of those words, they make perfect sense. Our deep and in0mate love of this God

    would even find us laying down our lives for Him if necessary. Speak Lord, your servant is



    Welcome We invite you to become involved�

    in our parish community!�There are many opportuni�es for�

    experiencing the peace and joy�of our loving God in liturgy,�

    educa�on, prayer and service.��

    If you would like to join our parish�family, please visit our website or�

    the Parish Office for a registra�on form.�

    PARISH OFFICE Office Hours……………..….M�F 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM�Phone………………………….…..…….…….402�332�4444�Fax…………………………….……..….……...402�332�5107�Website…………...………..…....stpatricksgretna.org�Facebook……………………..…………..@stpatgretnane�E�mail……………[email protected]��

    MASS AND HOLY EUCHARIST Saturday……….………………………………….…..5:00 PM�Sunday……………..…...8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, & Noon�Monday…………...No Mass or Communion Service�Tuesday and Thursday…….……….…….…....6:00 PM�Wednesday and Friday………………….....….7:30 AM�Holy Days…………………….….....7:30 AM & 6:00 PM�Holidays (on weekdays) ..……..………...…..9:00 AM��

    SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday…………………….……..….4:00 PM � 4:40 PM�Or call the parish office for an appointment. ��

    SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Parishioners registered for a minimum of one year are eligible to marry here. Six months of marriage prepara0on prior to your wedding is required by the Archdiocese. Contact the Parish Office to schedule a wedding date and marriage prepara0on instruc0on. ��

    SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Classes are held at 7:00 PM on the second Monday of each month in the Fr. Hitch Room. Please call the Parish Office if you will be a4ending a specific class. A bap0smal date will not be set un0l you become a registered parishioner and both the parents and Godparents a4end the bap0smal class for their first child. Bap0sms take place a9er the Sunday Noon Mass.��

    MINISTRY TO THE SICK If you, a rela0ve or friend are hospitalized or shut in, short or long term, and would like a visit from the Pastor, Deacon or Pastoral Minister, please call the Parish Office. For emergencies or if facing danger or death, call 402�332�4428.��

    EUCHARISTIC ADORATION The second Thursday of each month, exposi0on begins at 7:30 AM and concludes before the start of the same day Mass (reposi0on at 5:45 PM). For more informa0on, contact Jean Hlavacek at 402�504�4222. �

    QUESTION: Why do parishes have the Blessed Sacrament in a separate room? ��

    ANSWER: While many Catholics of a certain age have memories of the Blessed Sacrament being housed in the tabernacle on the high altar of the church, many parishes in the decades since the Second Va0can Council have chosen to build a separate space � a reserva0on chapel � where the Blessed Sacrament is kept. Although this prac0ce is not universal, it is in keeping with the guidance offered by the US Bishops in their document Built of Living Stones (see nos 77�78). The goal is to create a space that is separated from the nave and sanctuary, but which is “integrally connected with the church” which can foster “reverence and

    Con�nued on next page�>�


  • 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time� January 17, 2021 | 3�


    Gretna, Nebraska


    MONDAY: Heb 5:1�10/Ps 110:1, 2, 3, 4 [4b]/Mk


    TUESDAY: Heb 6:10�20/Ps 111:1�2, 4�5, 9 and 10c

    [5]/Mk 2:23�28�

    WEDNESDAY: Heb 7:1�3, 15�17/Ps 110:1, 2, 3, 4

    [4b]/Mk 3:1�6�

    THURSDAY: Heb 7:25�8:6/Ps 40:7�8a, 8b�9, 10,

    17 [8a and 9a]/Mk 3:7�12�

    FRIDAY: Heb 8:6�13/Ps 85:8 and 10, 11�12, 13�14

    [11a]/Mk 3:13�19�

    SATURDAY: Heb 9:2�3, 11�14/Ps 47:2�3, 6�7, 8�9

    [6]/Mk 3:20�21�

    NEXT SUNDAY: Jon 3:1�5, 10/Ps 25:4�5, 6�7, 8�9

    [4a]/1 Cor 7:29�31/Mk 1:14�20�


    MONDAY: January 18�25 is the Week of Prayer for

    Chris0an Unity; Mar0n Luther King Day �

    WEDNESDAY: St. Fabian, Pope and Martyr; St.

    Sebas0an, Martyr �

    THURSDAY: St. Agnes, Virgin and Martyr �

    FRIDAY: Day of Prayer for the Legal Protec0on of

    Unborn Children�

    SATURDAY: St. Vincent, Deacon and Martyr; St.

    Marianne Cope, Virgin; Blessed Virgin Mary�

    NEXT SUNDAY: 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time�

    can provide the quiet and focus needed for personal prayer.” This can be especially important for communi0es that have con0nuous eucharis0c adora0on, allowing people to come and pray in a space separate from the normal ac0vi0es of parish life. ��

    The prac0ce of reserving the Eucharist in a separate space � or in a dignified loca0on away from the altar where Mass is celebrated � is that it emphasizes the importance of the liturgy itself, which is the “source and summit” of the life of the Church. ��

    As with many things in the Church, the prac0ce of placing the tabernacle in the sanctuary or in a separate chapel is not universal (as can be seen in visits to historic churches in Rome and other places). The important thing is that as communi0es ques0on where to place the tabernacle, they listen to the voice of the Church, explore the ancient and varied liturgical tradi0on of the Church, consider the needs and life of the community, and also take into account the architecture and limits of the spaces they might already have. �

    CATHOLIC LIFE EXPLAINED Continued from Page 2

    Almost nothing is known of this saint except that she was very young�12 or 13�when she was martyred in the last half of the third century. Various modes of death have been suggested�beheading, burning, strangling.��

    Legend has it that Agnes was a beau0ful girl whom many young men wanted to marry. Among those she refused, one reported her to the authori0es for being a Chris0an. She was arrested and confined to a house of pros0tu0on. The legend con0nues that a man who looked upon her lusUully lost his sight and had it restored by her prayer. Agnes was condemned, executed, and buried near Rome in a catacomb that eventually was named a9er her. The daughter of Constan0ne built a basilica in her honor.��

    Like that of Maria GoreV in the 20th century, the martyrdom of a virginal young girl made a deep impression on a society enslaved to a materialis0c outlook. Also like Agatha, who died in similar circumstances, Agnes is a symbol that holiness does not depend on length of years, experience, or human effort. It is a gi9 God offers to all. ��

    Saint Agnes is the patron saint of girls and Girl Scouts.�

    SAINT AGNES Virgin and Martyr

    Fabian was a Roman layman who came into the city from his farm one day as clergy and people were preparing to elect a new pope. Eusebius, a Church historian, says a dove flew in and se4led on the head of Fabian. This sign united the votes of clergy and laity, and he was chosen unanimously.��

    He led the Church for 14 years and died a martyr’s death during the persecu0on of Decius in 250 A.D. Saint�Cyprian

    wrote to his successor that Fabian was an “incomparable” man whose glory in death matched the holiness and purity of his life.��

    In the catacombs of St. Callistus, the stone that covered Fabian’s grave may s0ll be seen, broken into four pieces, bearing the Greek words, “Fabian, bishop, martyr.” St. Fabian shares his liturgical feast day with St. Sebas0an on January 20.��

    We can go confidently into the future and accept the change that growth demands only if we have firm roots in the past, in a living tradi0on. A few pieces of stone in Rome are a reminder to us that we are bearers of more than 20 centuries of a living tradi0on of faith and courage in living the life of Christ and showing it to the world. We have brothers and sisters who have “gone before us with the sign of faith,” as the First Eucharis0c Prayer puts it, to light the way for us. �

    SAINT FABIAN Pope and Martyr

  • 4 | January 17, 2021� 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time�


    Gretna, Nebraska

    Mary’s open heart and courageous “yes” to God shows us how to live year�round�with hearts open to the Lord, following where He leads. We are called to place our trust in Him, to enter compassionately into the suffering of others, and to love one another as Christ loves us. Like Our Blessed Mother welcomed Jesus, we are called to cherish and protect the gi9 of human life, at every stage and in every circumstance. ��

    One way to follow Our Lady’s example is to join 9 Days for Life, a novena for the protec0on of human life, taking place Thursday, January 21 � Friday, January 29. Each day's

    inten0on is accompanied by a short reflec0on and suggested ac0ons to help build a culture of life. Join today to receive an email or text each day during the nine day novena at 9daysforlife.com!��

    The loss of a child can form a hole in their heart so deep that some0mes it seems nothing can fill the emp0ness. As a human and Chris0an family, we grieve the loss of so many lives. And yet, even in our grief, we know there is hope. ��

    If you or someone you know is suffering a9er abor0on, confiden0al, compassionate help is available. You can find out more informa0on about the Church’s ministry for healing a9er abor0on by visi0ng hopea9erabor0on.com or rachelsvineyard.org.�

    9 DAYS FOR LIFE NOVENA January 21-29

    The first drawing of 2021 happened on January 5 at our monthly Knights of Columbus mee0ng. Dan Dauner was the honorary drawer at the mee0ng.��WINNER ARE:

    $150.00: Dues Not Paid�$75.00: Geraldine Childers�$50.00: Steven Kanne�$25.00: Helen Krajicek�$25.00: Andy and Jocelyn Pearson�$25.00: Michael Laughlin�$25.00: Dues Not Paid��

    As you can see, two winners have not paid their dues, so no funds can be paid at this 0me.��

    Anyone can join Century Club at any 0me of the year. Dues for new members are $5.00 per month remaining in 2021. If you have not paid your 2021 dues, please do so as soon�as possible. It will save on postage when I send out reminder le4ers soon. If you have any ques0ons or concerns, please contact Jim Ho4ovy at 402�651�8564. Thank you all and have a blessed day!�


    CHURCH DOORS TO BE LOCKED EARLIER Effective Monday, January 18

    In the interest of the safety and protec0on of our parish family and our church proper0es, a9er careful discernment we have made the decision to modify our church hours.� Effec0ve on Monday, January 18, the new closing 0me for all church doors will change from previously closing at 10:00 PM to now closing at 7:00 PM, 7 days a week.� If access a9er 7:00 PM is needed, please make arrangements with the parish office and provide us with the purpose of access.� In summary, our new security measures are as follows:��

    �� The main east entrance doors leading into the Narthex (farthest to the south) of St. Patrick Church will be open 7 days a week from 6:00 AM to 7:00 PM to allow parishioners to come in and pray.� Please remember to respect the social distancing rules of staying a minimum of six feet apart from one another.� �

    �� For weekend Masses only, all church entrances will con0nue to be unlocked a half hour prior to the start of Mass and locked five minutes a9er the Mass has begun.� If you arrive late to Mass, you will need to enter through the Main East Entrance South Door (the door leading into the Narthex, closest to the Parish Office).� Late arrivals will be allowed access by the security guard who will open the door for you.�

    �� The en0re church basement and the elevator will con0nue to be locked around�the�clock every day of the week.�

    �� Conference and mee0ng rooms will con0nue to be available for limited use with the approval of the parish office.�

    �� If access is needed, please make appropriate arrangements with the parish office and allow a minimum of a 24�hour no0ce.�


    Next weekend, we will have a second collec0on to par0cipate in the “One Rose One Life” campaign. It is sponsored by the Nebraska State Knights of Columbus Culture of Life Founda0on and our local Council #10047 of Gretna. All dona0ons received will stay in Nebraska to help with pro�life ac0vi0es. Please con0nue to pray for the end to abor0on and a respect for all life.�


    St. Patrick Catholic Preschool will begin registering parish member families for the 2021�2022 preschool year beginning on February 8.�Any child that will be 3 by October 15, 2021 and toilet trained will be eligible for one of our several preschool class op0ons.�Online registra0on will be ac0ve at h4ps://stpatricksgretna.org/mesmerize/educa0on/preschool/.�Paper copies are available upon request.�Register early to receive your first preference class. If you wish to set up an in�person tour, please call the preschool office at 402�332�3050.�

    Father and maker of all, you adorn all crea0on with splendor and beauty, and fashion human lives in your image and likeness. Awaken in every heart reverence for the work of your hands, and renew among your people a readiness to nurture and sustain your precious gi9 of life. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen�

    PRAYER FOR LIFE FROM THE USCCB Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of the Unborn: January 22

  • 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time� January 17, 2021 | 5�


    Gretna, Nebraska


    Charity is at the heart of our work and our faith � and it always has been. For the Knights of Columbus, charity means suppor0ng a virtually boundless variety of projects. Each year Council #10047 supports many local organiza0ons that benefit our own community as well as others. Due to the pandemic, many of those we support need even more aid than in the past. Below is a list of who our council has supported with funds, our 0me or both in the past year. Please consider your own contribu0on and prayers to these organiza0ons and groups!��

    All Saints Day Party�American Heritage Girls Troop�Apostolate of Family Consecra0on�Bethlehem House�FOCUS Missionary Program�Gretna Lunch Program�Gretna Neighbors�Gretna Food Bank�Gretna Senior Center�Gretna Tractor Pull�Hope of the Poor�Knights for Intellectual Disabili0es�Least of my Brethren�Nebraska Embracing Life�Pro�Life and Pro�Life March�R.S.V.P.�St. Patrick Blood Drive�St. Patrick Church Bulle0n�St. Patrick Cemetery�St. Patrick Church�St. Patrick Culture of Life�GHS Scholarships�Spirit Catholic Radio�Trail Life Boys Troop�Villa Marie School��


    The Knights of Columbus Council #10047 and St. Patrick Church will host a Gretna Community Blood Drive Monday, February 1, from 1:00 PM to 7:00 PM. To make your appointment, go to www.redcrossblood.org and search the sponsor code: GretnaNE�or call Marty Stednitz at 402�332�3840.��

    Knights of Columbus�Grand Knight, Jim Hain…….………….....402�981�8831�Deputy Grand Knight, Joe Krajicek ....402�616�9612�Financial Secretary, Marty Stednitz...402�332�3840�Chancellor & Membership Director, John Schaffert�...……………………..…………..…….…………..402�672�7903�




    The great treasure of the

    Catholic Church is the Eucharist

    � Jesus himself hidden under

    the appearances of bread and

    wine. We believe, as the

    Catechism states, that “In the

    most blessed sacrament of the

    Eucharist ‘the body and blood,

    together with the soul and

    divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ

    and, therefore,�the whole Christ is truly, really, and substan�ally contained’”�(CCC 1374).��

    Addi0onally, this Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist does not end immediately when

    we receive him at Communion 0me. The�Catechism�goes on to explain how, “The

    Eucharis0c presence of Christ begins at the moment of the consecra0on and endures as

    long as the Eucharis0c species subsist” (CCC 1377).��

    What does that mean when we receive him into our mouths? How long does Jesus’ Real

    Presence remain in our bodies?��

    There is a famous story from the life of Saint Philip Neri that helps answer that ques0on.

    One day while he was celebra0ng Mass, a man received Holy Communion and le9 the

    church early. The man appeared to have no regard for the Presence within him and so

    Philip Neri decided to use this opportunity as a teaching moment. He sent two altar boys

    with lighted candles to follow the man outside of the church. A9er a while walking through

    the streets of Rome, the man turned around to see the altar boys s0ll following him.

    Confused, the man returned to the church and asked Philip Neri why he sent the altar boys.

    Saint Philip Neri responded by saying, “We have to pay proper respect to Our Lord, Whom

    you are carrying away with you. Since you neglect to adore Him, I sent two acolytes to take

    your place.” The man was stunned by the response and resolved to be more aware of

    God’s presence in the future.��

    It is generally assumed that the Eucharis0c species remains for about 15 minutes a9er

    recep0on. This is based on simple biology and reflects the Catechism’s statement that the

    presence of Christ “endures as long as the Eucharis0c species subsist.”��

    This is why many saints have recommended offering 15 minutes of prayer a9er receiving

    the Eucharist as a thanksgiving to God. This allows the soul to savor the presence of God

    and have a true “heart�to�heart” with Jesus.��

    In our fast paced world it is o9en difficult to remain long a9er Mass, but that doesn’t mean

    we can’t at least pray a brief prayer of thanksgiving. The main point is that we need to

    remember Jesus’ presence in the Eucharist stays with us for several minutes and presents

    us with a special 0me when we can commune with our Lord and feel his love within us.��

    If one day you forget, don’t be surprised if your parish priest sends altar servers to follow

    you to your car when you leave Mass early!��

    SOURCE: Knights of the Holy Eucharist � Waverly, NE�

    The Knights of the Holy Eucharist offer a daily reflec0on on the Eucharist on their website:


    TODAY’S EUCHARISTIC REFLECTION�We Have to Pay Proper Respect to Our Lord


    We will celebrate Confirma0on at the Noon Mass on Sunday, January 31. Due to COVID restric0ons and available sea0ng in the church, this Mass will ONLY be for Confirma0on Candidates and their families. Thank you for understanding!�

  • 6 | January 17, 2021�


    Gretna, Nebraska

    2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time�



    An individual may ask a Priest to offer a Mass for several reasons: for example, in thanksgiving, for the inten0ons of another person (such as on a birthday or if they are ill), or, as is most common, for the repose of the soul of one who has died (†). We must never forget the infinite graces that flow from the Sacrifice of the Mass which benefit one’s soul.� To request a Mass inten0on, stop by the Parish Office to schedule. A minimum of $10 per Mass is requested.�

    MONDAY, JANUARY 18TH No Communion Service or Mass��

    TUESDAY, JANUARY 19TH 6:00 PM� The Golka Family��

    WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20TH 7:30 AM� † Jeane4e Donley��

    THURSDAY, JANUARY 21ST 6:00 PM� † Donald Ference��

    FRIDAY, JANUARY 22ND 7:30 AM� † Eric Stec��

    SATURDAY, JANUARY 23RD 5:00 PM� † Mike and Delores Valasek and ������������������������������������������† Joe and Arlene Reinig ��

    SUNDAY, JANUARY 24TH �8:00 AM� Parishioners and Benefactors �10:00 AM � † Bernice Renken �12:00 PM� † Willis and Margaret Harvey �

    SUNDAY, JANUARY 17TH—2ND SUNDAY IN ORDINATRY TIME 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, Noon Mass �Sanctuary �8:55 AM to 9:55 AM Religious Educa0on Classes�Religious Ed Classrooms��

    MONDAY, JANUARY 18TH 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM No Preschool�Staff Work Day�6:30 PM to 8:30 PM CRHP Women�Parish Center C�9:00 PM to 10:00 PM CHRP Rosary�Sanctuary��

    TUESDAY, JANUARY 19TH�5:30 PM to 5:50 PM Rosary (before Mass begins at 6:00 PM)�Sanctuary�6:30 PM to 6:40 PM Our Lady of Perpetual Help Devo0on (a9er Mass)�Sanctuary�6:30 PM to 8:30 PM Knights of Columbus Fish Fry Planning Mee0ng�Fr Hitch Room��

    WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20TH 7:00 AM to 7:20 AM Rosary (before Mass begins at 7:30 AM)�Sanctuary�8:00 AM to 9:30 AM 55+ Club Ou0ng�4:00 PM to 8:00 PM Religious Educa0on Classes�Religious Ed Classrooms�7:00 PM to 8:00 PM RE Parents Faith Sharing�Father Hitch Room�

    THURSDAY, JANUARY 21ST 5:30 PM to 5:50 PM Rosary (before Mass begins at 6:00 PM)�Sanctuary�6:30 PM to 8:00 PM Trail Life�Parish Center A/B��

    FRIDAY, JANUARY 22ND 6:30 AM to 7:30 AM Men’s Faith Sharing�Father Hitch Room�7:00 AM to 7:20 AM Rosary (before Mass begins at 7:30 AM)�Sanctuary��

    SATURDAY, JANUARY 23RD�8:00 AM to 10:00 AM Knights of Columbus Officer Mee0ng�Father Hitch Room�4:00 PM to 4:40 PM Confession�Father Hitch Room�5:00 PM to 6:00 PM Mass �Sanctuary �

    SUNDAY, JANUARY 24TH—3RD SUNDAY IN ORDINATRY TIME 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, Noon Mass �Sanctuary �8:55 AM to 9:55 AM Religious Educa0on Classes�Religious Ed Classrooms�

    Let us pray

    for all


    affected by


    Pray for

    Kathy Luers

    (daughter of Peg Iliff), Jack Schmit, Carol Tramp,

    Nolan Schultz, Mike Petersen, Jessica Blum and

    Randy Kohlbek. Pray for Mark Bauer, Cecil

    Wortmann, and DeDra Robb, and Reece Bi4ner,

    (grandson of Bruce Jefferies). Pray also for all our

    parishioners who are homebound, hospitalized,

    and in nursing homes, and for all our parishioners

    and loved ones who have recently passed away. �

    To add a loved one to the prayer line, please call

    Corliss Lovstad at 402�968�5877 or email her at

    [email protected].�

    Would you like your New Year’s resolu0on to include spending more 0me with the Lord and praying together? Come and join us for prayer on Wednesday mornings following daily Mass. Rediscover together the ancient beauty of the prayer of the Psalms. Your friends at St. Patrick meet by the Tabernacle around 8:00 AM.��

    The Liturgy of the Hours is the official daily prayer of the Church, based on the Psalms and Scripture Readings. It is prayed worldwide by priests, deacons, religious and any laymen and women of good will. It is a “sacrifice of praise, connected with the sacrifice of the Eucharist, both preparing and flowing from the Mass” (usccb.org).��

    During this pandemic, do you desire to be spiritually nourished, strengthened, consoled and to grow in your personal rela0onship with the Lord? For ques0ons, interest, or more informa0on, please contact Karen Tighe by phone or text at 402�658�4542 (you can leave a message). You can also email Karen at [email protected]. Thank you.��

    “For me, prayer is a surge of the heart; it is a simple look turned toward heaven, it is a cry of recogni�on and of love, embracing both trial and joy.” St. Therese of Lisieux�

    WEDNESDAY MORNING PRAYER Join in Praying the Liturgy of the Hours

  • 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time� January 17, 2021 | 7�


    Gretna, Nebraska



    Fr. Gregory P. Baxter……….……………...402�332�4444�

    [email protected]


    Emergencies (if facing danger or death), call:�


    Deacon Ken Broz…………………………....402�676�1025�

    Deacon Steve GrandineV……….……….402�896�4693 �

    Deacon Joseph Hartne4…….…………...402�690�4347�

    Deacon Larry Heck………..….……………..402�572�1319��


    � Jolene Jefferies, Parish Mgr…...402�332�4444, x203�

    [email protected]

    Megan Seamann, Communica0ons Associate�

    [email protected]�332�4444, x202 �

    Judy Weier, Secretary……..….….402�332�4444, x201�

    [email protected]��


    � Shane Fagan………………………...…………402�332�3454�

    [email protected]��


    � Stephanie Adams…….…….….…….……..402�332�3050�

    [email protected]��


    � Irene Lempke………….……..………402�332�4444, x213�

    [email protected]��


    � Francesca Dammermann….…...402�332�4444, x204�

    [email protected]��


    � Tracy Hoye…………………….…..……….….402�618�8606�

    [email protected]��


    � Lezlie Thomas………………….……..…..….402�525�3098�

    [email protected]��


    Judy Knight……………..……….…...402�332�4444, x212�

    [email protected]��


    Bill Baumert……..……..……….………...….402�332�5201 ��


    Ma4 Meyer…………..……………….……….402�301�4855��


    � Jerry Thoendel………….……..………….....402�332�3475��


    � Jim Hain………………….…...….…….……....402�981�8831�



    � Pam Golka……………[email protected]��


    � Brian Stransky……….…[email protected]

    LAY MINISTER’S SCHEDULE 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

    JANUARY 23RD 5:00 PM �

    Altar Servers�None scheduled�at this 0me��

    EMHCs�Dan Dauner� (North and South Transepts)�Anita Hayes� (South Nave)��

    Standby: (if a sub is needed)�

    Nancy Arp�Joe Krajicek III��

    Greeters�None scheduled�at this 0me��

    Lector �(Read Both 1st and 2nd Readings)�

    Jayne Schram��

    Standby: (if a sub is needed)�

    Karen Meyero4��

    Rosary Reciter�None scheduled�at this 0me��

    Sacristan�Anita Hayes��

    Ushers �Dan Dauner�Kathy Dauner�Chris Lingbloom�Chad Soupir��

    Fogger Crew�See schedule posted�on SignUp Genius�

    JANUARY 24TH 8:00 AM �

    Altar Servers�None scheduled�at this 0me��

    EMHCs�Gene Schwar0ng� (North and South Transepts)�Kathy Schwar0ng� (South Nave)��

    Standby: (if a sub is needed)�

    Barb Applegate�Rich Chladek��

    Greeters�None scheduled�at this 0me��

    Lector �(Read Both 1st and 2nd Readings)�

    Duane Benes��

    Standby: (if a sub is needed)�

    Denny Grace��

    Rosary Reciter�None scheduled�at this 0me��

    Sacristan�Joan Ingram��

    Ushers �Frank McEvoy�Paul Polt�

    Bob Sis�Marty Stednitz��

    Fogger Crew�See schedule posted�

    on SignUp Genius�

    JANUARY 24TH 10:00 AM �

    Altar Servers�None scheduled�at this 0me��

    EMHCs�Bob Huber� (North and South Transepts)�Judy Huber� (South Nave)� �Standby: (if a sub is needed)�

    Jim Ho4ovy�Linda Noonan��

    Greeters�None scheduled�at this 0me��

    Lector �(Read Both 1st and 2nd Readings)�

    Jolene Jefferies��

    Standby: (if a sub is needed)�

    Theresa Gulizia��

    Rosary Reciter�None scheduled�at this 0me��

    Sacristan�Mitch Wendlandt��

    Ushers �Clint Bollock�Terese Croghan�Bruce Jefferies�Andy Pearson��

    Fogger Crew�See schedule posted�on SignUp Genius�


    Altar Servers�None scheduled�at this 0me��

    EMHCs�Delma Stoner� (North and South Transepts)�Janie Vipond� (South Nave)��

    Standby: (if a sub is needed)�

    Norma Hintz�Linda Schriner��

    Greeters�None scheduled�at this 0me��

    Lector �(Read Both 1st and 2nd Readings)�

    Steph Lampe��

    Standby: (if a sub is needed)�

    Eric Hi4ner��

    Sacristan�Linda Schriner��

    Ushers �Ginny Giebelhaus�Pete Giebelhaus�Linda Schriner�Delma Stoner��

    Fogger Crew�See schedule posted�on SignUp Genius�


    Daily Mass �

    Altar Servers�None scheduled�at this �me��

    Voca�ons Crucifix�Russ Eusterwiemann�

    If you are unable to serve at your assigned

    time, please kindly find a substitute. The

    Parish Office greatly appreciates your help,

    support and patience as we work together

    in providing Mass to our parish family!

    If you are scheduled as a standby please

    check in when you arrive at Mass in the

    Father Wallace Room.

  • 8 | January 17, 2021� 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time�


    Gretna, Nebraska


    “What are you looking for?” Jesus asked, which he follows with an invita0on to “come and see,” in response to the disciples’ ques0on about where he is staying. Of course, Jesus knew what they were seeking; is it not what we all seek � peace, hope, salva0on? Jesus calls them, and indeed us as well, to accept his invita0on to find those things, and so much more, in him.��

    Regardless of where Jesus resides physically, we know from his teaching later in John’s Gospel, what he longs to show us is where he abides. In�John 15:4�16, Jesus shares the blessing of abiding with him; there, we can bear much fruit in our faith, receive what we need, and most importantly, know the Father’s glory.��

    Jesus’ invita0ons present an opportunity for us to contemplate what we are looking for and to take stock of our current situa0on. Do you know what it is you seek in this world? Are you open to truly be a disciple of Jesus Christ? Can you leave behind your expecta0ons, trus0ng the goodness of Jesus’ invita0on, and follow God’s perfect will for your life?��

    Without wai0ng for the early disciples to respond, knowing their hearts and that the Kingdom of Heaven holds everything they seek, he invites them to come and see. Some of Jesus’ disciples came and stayed with him because they had heard him preach. Moved by the promise, hope, mercy, and life he offered, they directly accepted the invita0on from him. However, like Peter, others came to follow Jesus a9er someone else extended an invita0on to “come and see” themselves.��

    Peter’s brother Andrew’s willingness to evangelize brought Peter to become a disciple of the Lord. Andrew’s love for Peter moved him to share the truth and joy he had found. How blessed to have someone care enough to step out in faith and share the life found only in Jesus � no ma4er how uncomfortable they may feel or how their tes0mony may be received.��

    Those who believe inspire others to believe. John’s Gospel also introduces us to the Samaritan woman Jesus meets at the well. Her encounter with Christ spurs a conversion so drama0c, she cannot keep it to herself. Transformed by his love, mercy, and hope of a life where she no longer has to thirst for acceptance and redemp0on, she leaves her past behind and becomes an unlikely evangelist. Moved by her transforma0on from accep0ng Jesus’ invita0on to come and see � she goes out immediately to share the Good News � causing a ripple effect of discipleship.��

    The lives of the people she encounters and invites, are never the same once they accept the invita0on to follow and abide in the truth and love offered by Jesus. One of the most powerful moments in John’s Gospel (4:41�42) occurs when we learn many more have come to believe. And those she has tes0fied to come back saying, “It is no longer because of what you said that we believe, for we have heard for ourselves and know that this One truly is the Savior of the world.”��

    The power and beauty of evangeliza0on manifests in the conversion of hearts when an invita0on leads to a personal encounter with Christ and the choice to remain and abide with him. We may recognize our journey within these many roads to discipleship; which of these paths is yours? Will we pay forward what we have received? Do we have the courage and strength to follow Jesus’ example and invite others to come and see? When we, like Andrew and the woman at the well, tell others about finding the Messiah, we become part of the hope of discipleship present in John’s Gospel. We become conduits for others to encounter the truth and grace found only in Jesus Christ.�

    �Lord Jesus Christ, You have given your Church to proclaim the Gospel to all the

    na�ons. May our efforts to fulfill this mission be guided by the Holy Spirit so that we might be a leaven of new life, salt of the earth and a light of the world,

    worthy missionaries and faithful to You. Make us valiant witnesses to the Faith of the Church and inspire us to speak the truth with love. Help us to

    communicate to others the joy that we have received. Jesus, may I not only accept and be transformed by your invita�on to come and see, but also invite

    others to encounter your loving mercy, hope, and joy as well. �Amen�


    Lord, have mercy.� Lord, have mercy.�Christ, have mercy.� Christ, have mercy.�Lord, have mercy.� Lord, have mercy.��

    God our Father in heaven,� have mercy on us.�God the Son, Redeemer of the world, �have mercy on us.�God the Holy Spirit,� have mercy on us.�Holy Trinity, one God,� have mercy on us.�Holy Mary,� pray for us.�Saint Joseph,� pray for us.�Noble son of the House of David,� pray for us.�Light of patriarchs,� pray for us.�Husband of the Mother of God, �pray for us.�Guardian of the Virgin,� pray for us.�Foster father of the Son of God,� pray for us.�Faithful guardian of Christ,� pray for us.�Head of the Holy Family,� pray for us.�Joseph, chaste and just,� pray for us.�Joseph, prudent and brave,� pray for us.�Joseph, obedient and loyal,� pray for us.�Pa4ern of pa0ence,� pray for us.�Lover of poverty,� pray for us.�Model of workers,� pray for us.�Example to parents, �pray for us.�Guardian of virgins, �pray for us.�Pillar of family life,� pray for us.�Comfort of the troubled,� pray for us.�Hope of the sick,� pray for us.�Patron of the dying,� pray for us.�Terror of evil spirits,� pray for us.�Protector of the Church,� pray for us.��

    Lamb of God, you take away�the sins of the world, �have mercy on us.�Lamb of God, you take away�the sins of the world, �have mercy on us.�Lamb of God, you take away�the sins of the world, �have mercy on us.��

    God made him master of his household,� And put him in charge of all that he owned.��

    Let us pray.�O God, who in your inexpressible providence were pleased to choose Saint Joseph as spouse of the most holy Mother of your Son, grant, we pray, that we, who revere him as our protector on earth, may be worthy of his heavenly intercession. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.�

  • 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time� January 17, 2021 | 9�


    Gretna, Nebraska


    PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY � Sue Orosco……………………………………..402�332�3692

    LEAST OF MY BRETHREN � Sign Up Genius link to volunteer……………….h4ps://



    � Sign Up Genius link to volunteer……………….h4ps://



    � Megan Seamann……[email protected]��VIDEOGRAPHER/SCRIPT DIRECTOR FOR MASS

    � Megan Seamann……[email protected]��ADVERTISE FOR YOUR MINISTRY GROUP

    � Does your parish ministry group have

    opportuni0es for others to get involved? Contact

    Megan Seamann, [email protected],

    about geVng your parish ministry group

    opportuni0es adver0sed.�

    Our Crochet Prayer Shawl Ministry plans to meet on Tuesday, January 26 at 1:00 PM in the Father Hitch Room. Please bring your finished shawls to be blessed by Father Baxter. Hope to see you soon.��

    Your Leader, �Sue Orosco, 402�332�3692�

    PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY Meeting January 26

    Are you 0red of making the same New Year’s resolu0on every year? Maybe you are looking for a New Year’s resolu0on that will truly make a difference. Prayerfully consider a renewed commitment to your faith and church community by signing up for the upcoming Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) retreat.�Through CRHP, the Holy Spirit will begin to work within you and s0r your longing to awaken your prayer life and love for your faith. Embrace this year as the beginning of a journey to a deeper rela0onship with Jesus.�

    Women’s weekend � February 27�28�Men’s weekend � March 20�21��

    Sign up through the�parish website or contact the parish office.�

    NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION Christ Renews His Parish

    The Serra Club of West Omaha invites you to join us for Holy Mass on Monday, January 18, at 5:30 PM at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church in Omaha (5419 N. 114th Street) to pray for an increase in voca0ons to the priesthood and consecrated religious life within the Archdiocese of Omaha. Mass will be celebrated by Rev. Frank Baumert. Immediately following Mass, we invite you to a4end our brief Mee�ng & Mixer. Find out how you can engage in helping to build the Church locally. Meet our dedicated Serra members and enjoy light refreshments with us. For ques0ons, contact John Lingo, Serra VP, 402�290�4670 or [email protected].�

    YOU’RE INVITED TO PRAY WITH US! Special Mass For Vocations, January 18 at 5:30 PM

    We are in the Year of St. Joseph. What be4er 0me to consecrate yourself and your family to this great Saint!��

    WHO: All St. Patrick Parishioners WHAT: To par0cipate in a 33�day prepara0on and consecra0on to St. Joseph. �WHEN: Prepara0on will begin on February 15 and will end with our consecra0on on the Solemnity of St. Joseph on March 19. �WHERE: In the comfort of your own home �HOW TO PARTICIPATE: Stop in the parish office to purchase the book, Consecra�on to St. Joseph, The Wonders of Our Spiritual Father by Donald H. Calloway for $5. (We have ordered the book in bulk for be4er availability for parishioners who would like to par0cipate.) ��

    Then, contact Paul and Carrie Hubert at [email protected] or call 402�671�8123 to join this prayer community in preparing to make a consecra0on to St. Joseph and receive weekly emails with addi0onal resources about St. Joseph.��

    Although we are unable to meet as a group for weekly mee0ngs, we will be able to come together to make our consecra0on to St. Joseph. Father Baxter will lead us in the consecra0on prayer a9er the 7:30 AM Mass on Friday, March 19. ��

    To learn more about Consecra0on to St. Joseph go to consecra0ontostjoseph.org.��


    “I par�cipated in the prepara�on for consecra�on to St. Joseph in the fall and I was shocked by how li0le I knew about this great Saint. My devo�on to St. Joseph has grown

    tremendously in the last few months thanks to making this consecra�on. I also gi2ed a copy of the book to my dad, who doesn’t read, and he too said he couldn’t put it down.”�

    CONSECRATION TO ST. JOSEPH Preparation begins February 15

    The Week of Prayer for Chris0an Unity has�a history of over 100 years�, in which Chris0ans around the world have taken part in an octave of prayer for visible Chris0an unity. The Week of Prayer for Chris0an Unity this year was prepared by the Monas0c Community of Grandchamp. The theme that was chosen, “Abide in my love and you shall bear much fruit”, is based on John 15:1�17 and expresses Grandchamp Community’s voca0on to prayer, reconcilia0on and unity in the church and the human family. ��

    A daily prayer guide for this week, including scripture, a medita0on and a prayer, can be found at h4ps://geii.org/week_of_prayer_for_chris0an_unity/prayer_worship/daily_scripture_and_prayer_�guide.html.�


  • 10 | January 17, 2021�


    Gretna, Nebraska

    2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time�

    AL-ANON (ALCOHOL TREATMENT—OMAHA) Phone……………………..……….…..…….…402�553�5033�Website……………….……………………..….…al�anon.org�

    BOYS TOWN NATIONAL HOTLINE Phone……………………..…….…..…….…1�800�448�3000�Website……………….…………….…www.boystown.org�

    CATHOLIC ANSWERS Phone…………………….…….……...…….1�888�318�7884�Website……………………………………www.catholic.org�

    CATHOLIC CEMETERIES Grief & Healing Counselor………...…..402�391�3711�Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Gretna....402�332�3475�

    CATHOLIC CHARITIES—OMAHA Phone…………………….…….…..…….…….402�554�0520�Website……………………………………….....ccomaha.org�

    CATHOLIC VOICE ONLINE Website……………………..…catholicvoiceomaha.com�

    COURAGE (PASTORAL SUPPORT—SAME-SEX ATTRACTION) Phone…………………….…….…...……….…402�557�5692�Website……………………….....…………….couragerc.org��

    EWTN (GLOBAL CATHOLIC TELEVISION NETWORK) Phone…………………….…….…...…….…1�800�447�3986�Website………………………..…………….www.ewtn.com��

    HOLY FAMILY SHRINE Phone…………………….…….…..…….…….402�332�4565�Website………………………….….holyfamilyshrine.com�

    LEAST OF MY BRETHREN Phone…………………….…….…..…….…….402�681�5424�Facebook Group……..…………@LeastOfMyBrethren�

    MARRIAGE RESOURCES For Your Marriage………www.foryourmarriage.org�Retrouvaille………………………….…...1�800�470�2230�Retrouvaille……………….www.helpourmarriage.org�

    MASS TIMES NATIONWIDE Phone…………………….…….…..……..…1�858�207�6277�Website…………………..…………..www.mass0mes.org�

    NEBRASKA HOMESCHOOL NETWORK Website…………..…………..nebraskahomeschool.org��

    POPE PAUL VI INSTITUTE (FERTILITY HELP) Phone…………………….…….…..………..…402�390�6600�Website………………..…………..www.popepaulvi.com�

    RACHEL’S VINEYARD (ABORTION HEALING) Phone…………………….…….…..……..…1�866�482�5433�Website……….………………www.rachelsvineyard.org�

    SPIRIT CATHOLIC RADIO—FM 102.7 Phone…………………….…….…..…….…….402�571�0200�Website………………….www.spiritcatholicradio.com�

    ST. BENEDICT CENTER (RETREATS IN SCHUYLER) Phone…………………….…….…..………..…402�352�2177�Website………....chris4hekingpriory.com/sbcabout �

    ST. JOHN PAUL II NEWMAN CENTER Phone…………………….…….…..…….…….402�557�5575�Website………………………….……………..jpiiomaha.org�

    STRIVE (BREAK FREE FROM PORNOGRAPHY) Phone………….………….…….…..…….…1�800�588�1422�Website………………………………….……….strive21.com�


    24/7 Hotline….………….….…..…….…….402�345�7273�Website……………………………………....wcaomaha.org�



    Allow us to guide you through your feelings of grief caused by destruc0on and death, to invite you to compassion, and to guide you to choose life and hope. Join us for a compelling reflec0on and prayer with local advocates on issues of abor0on, the death penalty, the pandemic, natural disasters, and refugee rese4lement. The Notre Dame Sisters thought the topic of life and its challenges, especially a9er what the na0on faced in

    2020, was a perfect way to discuss and commemorate life. Speakers include: Sr. Stephanie Matcha, ND � advocate on Abor0on and Death Penalty issues, Sr. Marlene Bakken, ND � re0red teacher in Iowa, reflects on natural disasters: Derecho and the pandemic, Sr. Celeste Wobeter, ND � hospice minister will give perspec0ve on grieving during the pandemic, Mr. Preston Love, Jr.� systemic racism and need for a clear vision, and Theresa Wiggs, Notre Dame Sisters Associate and OTOC ac0vist with refugee youth, will discuss refugee rese4lement in Omaha. To find the event on Facebook, visit h4ps://www.facebook.com/NotreDameSisters. � BIOSPIRITUAL FOCUSING: PRAYING WITH THE WHOLE SELF—ZOOM, JANUARY 22-23

    BioSpiritual Focusing is a way of opening the whole of ourselves�mind, body, and spirit�to a deeper connectedness with God, others, and self. Join us to learn more about how gently being with what is present within your embodied self can open the door to a deeper story and to a greater sense of wholeness. This prac0ce is simple yet profound. It can be helpful for anyone, young child to senior. It requires no more than showing up and a willingness to engage contempla0vely with what is going on within. And the poten0al for transforma0on and growth unfolds in the process. This retreat is sponsored by the Saint Benedict Center in Schuyler, and led by Deborah Sheehan, M.A., and Jane King, M.A. Zoom sessions are on Friday, January 22, from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM and Saturday, January 23, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Register now at www.StBenedictCenter.com or call 402�352�8819ext. 360. ��


    EWTN presents complete coverage of the na0on’s largest pro�life event from Washington, D.C., where the faithful take a stand against abor0on and build a culture of life. To find out more visit ewtn.com.��


    In marriage, communica0on is more than

    just talking.�At some point, did you stop

    sharing about the things that were

    important to you?�Did your

    spouse?�Improving a marriage takes 0me

    and a conscious effort to learn about your spouse.�Growing closer in a marriage does not

    happen automa0cally.�Retrouvaille is a marriage program dedicated to helping couples

    grow closer and develop a stronger bond.�You give your heart and soul to everything you

    do, between your work and your family.�Are you giving your heart and soul to your

    marriage?�Some0mes the distance between a husband and a wife can seem so wide that it

    cannot be repaired. For more informa0on or to register call 1�800�470�2230 or visit

    www.helpourmarriage.org or www.retrouvaille.org. The last day to sign up is January 25.��


    SEEK21 is best experienced in a small group seVng. If you don’t have a small group to join, we encourage you to invite others and form a group yourself! However, if you are unable or uncomfortable with par0cipa0ng in SEEK21 in a group context, we s0ll want you to join us. Individual registra0ons can be purchased for $139. You’ll receive front row access to all sessions, exclusive live and on�

    demand content, special events and�more. To register visit h4ps://seek.focus.org/join�us/registra0on�informa0on/. �


  • For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com St. Patrick, Gretna, NE B 4C 02-0793

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    402.679.5327Parishioner & Realtor

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    (402) 332-4770Mark Hintz, Owner



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    Dave HubertParishioner

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    Kristin McGregor, M.D. St. Patrick’s Parishioner

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    Mark AllgoodRealtor®


    402-490-7326 Cell [email protected]

    A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC

    Berkshire HathawayHomeServicesAmbassador

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  • For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com St. Patrick, Gretna, NE A 4C 02-0793

    Andrew Consbruck, PT, DPT, PRC - ParishionerNate Dickes, PT, DPT - Parishioner

    Standing Stone Plaza402.905.9089


    Ken Beckman REALTOR® - Parishioner


    [email protected]

    HAWKINS ROOFINGCommercial • Residential • Industrial • Churches

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    402-203-6193Jon and Traci Miller


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    Office: 402-332-4727Fax: 402-332-3861E-mail: [email protected]: www.kirkrohmanagency.comAccess Anytime: 1-800-MYAMFAM (800-692-6326)

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    Making Life Better...Joanie Hansen, MA, LIMHP

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    (402) 215-3038

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    Religious Greeting Cards For All Occasions


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