jf | I" i f C= = 2= < COMMERCIAL PRINTING Bill Heads, I Statements. Letter Heads Note Heads, Biii-iness Caijds, Etc., Etc., Done neat Ij and promptly at the a; " g " o g-w-r o-g^-g -p - 2ie.E2-.=-.SgS:»-^^ 8 '-E-S ^Ig-ssfllfiJ-ig.lBlS REPUBLICAN OFFICE

S i lii'g ••••!•: 8 ^Ig-ssfllfiJ-ig€¢Ople Head remarked that a In 'the heart of:the Kusslau In Chicago recently had n tele- phone Instrument Installed In his place for

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Page 1: S i lii'g ••••!•: 8 ^Ig-ssfllfiJ-ig€¢Ople Head remarked that a In 'the heart of:the Kusslau In Chicago recently had n tele- phone Instrument Installed In his place for

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Page 2: S i lii'g ••••!•: 8 ^Ig-ssfllfiJ-ig€¢Ople Head remarked that a In 'the heart of:the Kusslau In Chicago recently had n tele- phone Instrument Installed In his place for

'it SB -said that the Indians gave tofirst Eastern emigrants who camo

:2nto California the. name of "Wo'hah,"'formed from "ivhoa-haw," the sound•-Jlzx^V— liir&Eil.-thc drivers-produce wlien<they 'shouted lo their oxen. -

of the terrors of the Slav•Ople Head remarked that a

In 'the heart of:the KusslauIn Chicago recently had n tele-

phone Instrument Installed In his placefor the accommodation 'of his patrons,^he xQlnnte the llrst user of the 'phone,'licgan to talk Russian Into the receiver,: the wire kinked liito small knots, like


twisted string. They couldn'ti ihing to meet the emergency unti l

tnc of the tolephon" itpptnon, xvhn. Imil*ncc .attempted to do missionary work.'?a -a t-i'iisqlniLjjeUlement In Minnesota.*wplaced the smooth, insuliUuJ tupper^tsanfl svlth-the ordinary barb wire.

Ragged medium proved a perfect. f *•...»


• iceans of tranBmlssIon for llusslanv "speech.

'secretary'of the Navy John D. Long,';to the .Massachusetts campaign of IS78,

making hltf Urst run for Governor<ien. Ben Butler, who bad cap-

'tucud'the Democratic-nomination—and-•Jodge'TosIah Gi Abbott, who was the•candidate of the 'old-line Democrats.' TJic late Judge Thompson was, making• a-spcech for Abbott before a big Dem6-.' ozttlc" audience, and, after praising' thespjjulidate as a^ Jurist_and.a_statesman,

" ;as£ed, .sarcastically: "And now,". wuoTs""jralui ' t l^Lojig'JI- -No-one .aaswer-

he proceeded: "They say he has'IIin d'!

straining "sand _ ol- uitld tbi'ou;,'!! Itrmouth, which doubtless Is true,- bu>:liey go on to explain that owing:o the peculiar construction of Its:hroat larger bodies'tire prevented from>asslng Into the stomach, which Is no!rue. No amount of letterpress will>ersuade aJLand's End fisherman that

a gray mullet cannot or does not ealseaweed; he Is convinced from lifelongobservation that It does, and the facthat the flab's stomach is often found

full of seaweed proves-that the fisher^,nan:.ls-right:. .I<Uslie3;.;,wUlc.U;undpubt-.edly catch and swallow living prey arewont" on~ occasion "to treat- themselves:o' a dish of vegetables. I have just as

tgaat g-g-good Is that to us? All Dem-Swarats read Homer In the original." At"thEs the .person to whom the judge was^MSngrthe story laughedrbut the judge

- "<amttis_edr-"Th-th-that's not --the- real

n-m-manThe real joke is that no

in the audience so much

4: p'athetlc_lncldent Js_' -tie the day of fasting and prayer which

'TOOB -appointed by all. the Governors of'• "tfcs ainlted States at the time Presl-

n, J>. C., to Long Branch, In thel hape_±hatilhe_cJiaiige might help_ hjm_Vs> recover from the bullet wounds in- 'HEeted by Guiteau. "Crete," said the

- Ccesldent to his brave Uttle_wlfe, about'«2exnBn nn that Tliuraday_»mornlng, as:tlae xlogtog strokes from tlie belfry of

-:5IiC_JGpIscpnnlJClmTch1__alin_qs.t_i .across;',arom the cottage, reached his ears,

re they ringing that bell for?"'said .Mrs. Garfleld, who had

lt»ten waiting for the- surprise—that'sVJie church where we. were when you*x«t-*Huna.dov>'.n. They're Jill going toituray, for you to get1v;ellT""iind",'T:illIng'oja-hnsr kueoK, she said, "anil I'm going:toiprny, too, Jahies, that It may l;o•atoon; for I know already that the other•3'rayor has been heard." From whereUiC'Xay Garlleld could see the carriages

'••'.Staw up. and group after group go In.JSTe could even hear the subdued refrain' af "Jesus, Lover of Sly Soul," as It was.* iorne hy on Its heavenward way.

-EhrlUod with emotion, a tear .trickledthe President's fiico. Thon hehis oye.s and turned hl« face as

womnn's voice arose, winginge of Sir Michael Costa'n orato

'• rlos. •"Turn Thou unto me, and Imvn•ajert-y upon mo," saiig tho voice,' "for

• I .am (i<>i ; idut<>; I am desolate n i i i l af-•liclj'll; Uw tri) \ ibli 'H of my heart arn

Oil, hrl i iR Tlimi mr nut ofa^oul j)f_niy_dlHt IVMMI-H, my

" Tin' people In t l i r riiurcITmrrif.pcllboimir under the voice; f"r

«2»_ uliigcr wa« affi-cli 'd deeply, anila-Mtlf> It Hi-i 'iu to all, what It inui i l Imvi

x'.Ven.to lu-r, a prayer In mimic.

DlHllnctlvn "Itoiiilln1.".4ii '<agi:d colored man, who IB well

to Homo of tho atlnche.1 of thehall, tor whom, ho frequently does

nt -their homcH, Is familiarlytho iiobrlQuct of "Tute." One

Xuto'VaBkcd ono of his many cm-If ho -would kindly rend a not«

3jr ailm. Tho refluent waa compiled.\illfa, flnd It proved to bo i\ call ujxm•Tntxi'it'1 norvl i ' fn as (\ wlil toWnolier uml•li-.inor of colliirn. "Why, 'Tiid1,' " mild•In- man, "(hit) In vi-ry p la in ly wr l l ln i ,i nil r»u i.ui'rly ni igl i l to ho iibln to read, l i l f . l y d i M - N i - i r . fur I I n i v o f i ' i ' i i i icni ly

• M •!.•!• •: ' , ' l>li I V M l l l l I K lllV l l l lp lM'H." "Woll,, ; !»: i t ' t ;<jn>i )l," r<'|i|lrd "'I'llli'.", "Yn HIM' ,

'I'l'^r.'/ nj 'ul w i ' d l i i ' I'cudln',' ' l int I I c ln.-i-ni.' n ' H i l l i l ' . i i ' H i l l i i ' . " Thin pi 'cl i l l : i r i-x| J_na( l i r i , I ' IM I ' l l lci l I lu l l "Tulu" rouliljnan:iK<- i/> rr'ml p r i n t , lul l , wan u n i i l i l c<i. i— ml v r l l lmr . I ' l i l l n i l i ' l p l i l i i I . i 'df j i ' i - ,

• t If -l l l l l l l . u l .

r, lio wul l to i l to

Jo-nu- 'Oli , yi-i; .'imj I l < i l d l i lm '••._oM»la»|t..li»t III in,

Ti>nn--Aiul '1IU hn n-nll'/o I hu t yuiiB^tnt't -what you imli lV

JcM;--'No. lui illdii 't Mi'o \vhnl, I incui i l .' ! r.'iii'H.i l ln ni 'vi r l i i - i i i i l . tho verb "to>ri."- uid'd lit t l i o HIMIHO of "to lilmlcr." —

i I 'r i 'nn.


Almost a* Varied in Taste* a* Dwellerson the Land.

"There aro^many thousands of" speciesof flshes and naturaUy thcrejs a greatfllverslty In their, food. Neverthel'css,It Is possible to divide'It Into sevendistinct classes. Now, all the animallife rests on a foundation of vegeta-bles. Plants store up the vital forces'n the air and sunshine aiid pass themon to the'great._nxmy_of .-Vegetarians,who In their turn yield them up,to theanimals which live on Hesh. One 01two additional steps may sometimes beuterposed, but the. result Is the shirts. Aca terplilar eats' a "cabbage,' an Ichneu-uon HJT quarters her brood on the cater!>lllar, an -Insect-eating bird snaps up:he fly and a bird of prey pounces upouthe flycatcher and Unlslies the. story.The Inevitable order Is> plant, vegeta-rian, flesh-eater. •

The vast majority of hshes.feed onflshes or other'animals found In .thesea. Probably, however, the vegeta-lans.aro more numerous than are gen-

For Instance, all theextbooks declare that the..gray mullel

feeds on the living matter obtained by


Instances of Death Ke*ultlnii fromTlielr Bltc«. _

. These snakes must not bo confound-.d with the very numerous species otjea, eels, which, though exceedinglymvuge and armed with strong needle-pointed teeth, are nil uonvcnomous, Ifit oace properly attended to andcleaned by an antiseptic. The seamake Is n true snake In many respects,nnving--either-lamlnnted-senlcsr'tir d-thlck corduroyed skin resembling rudi-mentary scales, the head la flat, andthe general structure, of the body slml-

to that of tho land snake. A writerIn the Leisure Houf says:

Whether "any 'of 'them""possess'thetrue poison glands dnd-fangs I do notKnow, for although I have killed manyiundreds of them, I never took suffi-cient Interest to make n careful ex-amination, and I was told by a Dutchgentleman, long resident on the, coastif Dutch New Guinea, and who badmade much Investigation on the sub-ect, that he had failed to discover any

poison fines or plantls In any one of the:uany snal_es~he had captured. Yet Inid ca

tounsome Instances ho Sound what at firstappeared to be the two ' long rront:eeth common to venomous landsnakes,,but on detailed 'examinationsthese always proved to Be perfectlysolid; nevertheless, a bite from one ofthese sea serpents was generally re-gardod by the natives as fatal.

"In my own experience I know of:wo such cases, one at the Island of

.ITortunfl, In the South Pacific, and. thbDther in Torres straits. In Slgavl har-bor, on Fortunar there is n rock towhich vessels occaslQnally_mn,k.e_fastthelr.";8t.ern...m.oprlngs. ] In the~~ boatwhich. I sent away with a line to thisTOek- were-several-boys; natives of--theIsland, who went -with the crew for

slsted at the post-mortem examinationof-a-breanrwhich contained-la-additiono a crab, large helpings of two kinds

of seaweed in different stages of dlges

.Bu t-doubtlcss it .Is a. fn r t J1g.lj.etIve for the most part on animal diet,

says the .Newport _\"e\vs -tterald^and .1Ls obvious that this must consist-lafgelj

of-some-other class-than-thelr-own;—LLUshes ate fishes only the race wouldsoon become extinct..~ Fo'rtuaately :thesea Is full of life, and for those whichcannot or will.not...eat sea.weed thereare worms Innumerable, jellyfishes,starfishes and sea urchins,, the greathost living In shells, from the oyster tothe periwinkle and the limpet, crabsind all other kindred, and lastly, otherfishes. The appetite must be capriciousindeed which cannot tind something to.empt-It-among-all-tliIs vast-array—


amusement. One of them, aged ibont10,-jtiuiped out of-the boat,-and-ln hishurry fell on his hands and knees rlg)fton the top of a large black and white


Dlood to flow from a score of tiny punc-res^-Iha boy-atronce swam on shore

to be treated by a native; lj) the even-ing- L_heard_that_he seas Mlffec!ng__great' agony; In the morning the poorlittle fefiow was dead.- The second In-stance was near Italno Island, In

'If'..: inornnv ilm-n not worry nu- -••TJiroiiiih ni l I'" t . i ' l i ' l i i i of l inpii 1 I I I M I I7.ruln, lnu, l lu <-l'ni'l t'i dlimmy--

' .Twill l"> Jui't Hi'" xii'ii" old to ibiy.

The use- of old barrels that have con-tained whisky, oil.. etc... for shippingIron, Is held, In 1'urdy vs. WestlnghouseBIeclrIc~n)id"Mnn'nfnctDrliiB~<;onipaiiy(Pa.), Dl L. H. A. 881, not to make theemployer liable for Injury to nn em-ployo caused by explosion 'of a barrelwhen a mutch was lighted to rend thunumber on It.

<V contract to iniirry >af ter the di-vorced wife of the man Is dead, therebeing no Impediment to an Immediatemarriage, IH held, In lirown vs. Odlll(Tcim.), fi_ L. H. A. IKJO, not to be voidfor liidellnltenoHH, or IIH In restraint ofmnrrliige,oron the ground of public pol-icy. Tho authori t ies on the validity ofngrcuiiioiit to marry on death or divorce,of present huslmiid or wife rirocollei.-teijIn n mile- In this ruse.

Tho right of n piiKsi-i iKor on the run-ning board of a street enr to recoverfor In jur lcH. caused by coining lu con-tueLwlULll. DlUllEJlClir l'li.'.track jii al-temptlng to PIIHH aroiinil t in- conductor,who WIIH nlHo on (do board, In odedl-ciii-o to tho coiuluctor'ii direction (ucome forward and |,"'t a sent, IH denied,In Third Avenue Hii l l roud Company VH.Harloii ((}. (J. A. _d O.), W L. It. A. -171,unless under all tint rlriMiiiiHtiiin-e/J doacted im a mini of ordinary priiilencuwould bavo done.

Where a w r i t t e n < - o i i l i - i i e t lines notcontain-all the t e r i im of UK- t n i i i H u i i t l o n ,the Hiiprcim! Court of .South Carol ina,lu the ciiiio of Virginia Ulieii i lon] Com-pany VM. Mooro ('111 H. 10. Hep., Jl-HI),doli lH H i n t paroli- i - v l i l e i u M ) IH i-oiii |1i-ti>ntto Nhnw tlio e i i l l ro I ra i i ' iact lon; a n i l Innn i ic l lon on n wi ' l l toa conlnicl Iho de-fend/ l i l t cnii M I - I up n r i i i i n l e rc l a l i i i , nndninny liy parole evidence, an d i i l o p i - n i l -enl agreement entered I n l n l io lwcnntin; purlieu lit t d u t m n i o l ime, m>l vary-ing the te l ' l i lH of Iho w i ' l l l e l i c i inlrael ,llml, 'claim ihlmiiK'- ' i f»i' liri-ai-d I hereof.

'I l l l l l l U I l l l l l l .

".Say, do»H," do bi'(;aii, "I ilon'l wainno money, 1 only ""It yo in- pium miIn ter dal. limed J o i n t and liny mo amiuuro meal."

"I'oor 'man!" i i * . \ r l u l n u - d " l l i n phllimI l i rop ln l . "I can't do Dia l , I t u t t lui nextI l l l l l l you nalc limy, ml hei'o'it a popiilnladiet In I - I I I IK you overeat yourm-lf ,"riilladelpdlii I'n-tiH.

Jl f i r din.I Hii r i i t - lnr ."I Imvrt found out ono I l i l n / ; i ibun l

my hi iMlmnd," mild t l i o l i r l i l i - , wlm haillieon married In-fore, "that i iurpr l i icfmo i;reutly,"

Her fr iend innyc i l up u I l l l l i i iicmvrMl tha t they could wdlMper, nnd uni ted"What In It?" '

"Hln riiilnry lu Jimt an lilj; mi do lolil1110 It win."-Ol)|cnj;t) Jtui.-onl Herald.


Eminent KJucator Who Hal Left thoUniversltT of Wisconsin.

- -The retirement, of-Dr. Charles Ken-dull Adams from tho presidency of thaUniversity of Wisconsin Is an event olimportance tn the collegiate world, Inthat'It removes from the-field of activ-ity one of the strongest figures amongthe educational forces of the West. Be-hind his Interesting and forceful per-sonality Is the loiigj-ecprd_of a lifeJhatwas""full of professional zeal, literaryIndustry and'scholarly endeavor.

Dr. Adams, who is compelled to ten-

' At itho Table. •flic years have sped since first I led

You to the table, dear..And you «at (pver there ulotfe• ' Ainri'safumlllnfirhoror— -

A year or two Hew past nnd you•No longer sat alone;

A llttlo one-was in. your arms,Your .darling and my own.

And then another year or BO,,And Bomo one else, waa there,

And Wlllle-sat nenr meryou-knowy-"iVhile Trottle claimed your care.

The years have sped ninco Brat I led:You to the fable dear,

A.nd you looked queenly at tho foot/ -..And I felt kingly here.

To-day as I look down at you, ^On cither Side I sec

A. row of hungry, little'on>8All gazing up at mo.

We've added leaves, one after one,• Arid you arc f u r away—

"Ayii, Uiric'u us fitrrmy-dfariras-on—•—- That happy, happy day. .

But though we sit so far oiiarC»-

iler his resignation in order to seek arestoration of falling health. Is a finetype of tho self-made "college man.1

lie was not pushed through college bythe impelling pride of wealthy parentsor relutivesv-ir-e-hud the ald-of no-ad-

.v.etitlUoua circumstance, influential orIluu-uclal, In his struggle for an educa-tion or In his subsequent efforts for pro-fessional preferment.-'- He: >'worked--bls-.way" through.tha University, of Michi-gan, graduating In 1801. Four years1ate.~h1rT.lina male*! liouufed him b,v


Subject! Tlie Power of Hope-No llettnrMedicine Did a Mon Ever Take—For-give the lepentontr-Tho Perfect tlf.to Come—Cultivate Rope,

tCopyrlBbt. 1501.)^WASHINGTON, D. C.—In this discourse

sign that you mv w ' *.i,j<,} - ueiei»,i_ihealth compared with which the moat jo-cund and bilarioue vitality of earth ia in-validiBm. . Are your fortunes spent? Be-member, you are to be lungs and queensunto God. And 'how much more wealthyoujvyjll have whcn_you_ reign J[Qtcw.r_nnd.ever! I want to aee you when you getyour heavenly work dress on. This littlebit of a speck of ai world we call the earthis only the place where we'get ready towork. We are only journeymen here, but]will be master workmen there. ' Heavenwill have no loafers hanging around. The| book eaya of the inhabitants, "They rest

not day nor night." Why real when theywork without fatigue? Why seek a pillow-^ •' ««rf*»**iM * viij j^s, \ji—*if iillia UlOUOUrBO n-win. trmiiv/uv J I M V I ^ U V I » i ««j ovv.n. u £ii*iv/ rr

______—JJr._ralmage-would-li£t people out of dc-^ --iThen-.-there-iernornight-thcre?-1 -wmtrtcrspondency and bring Bomethinp- of future 'Jay into earthly depression. The text isHebrews yi, 19, "Which hope."-

There is nn Atlantic Ocean of depthnnd fullness in the verse from whichiny text is taken, and I .only wade intothe wave at the beach and take twowords. We have all favorite Words .ex-

. pressivo of delight or abhorrence, words. . v that easily find their, way from brain

- to lip, words that have in them morningsand midnights, laughter and tears, thun-n s , a u g e r a n ears, un-derbolts and dewdrops. In all the lexi-

• cons and vocabularies there are few words• that, have for me the attractions of the

. last word of my text,_"Which'hopc."- ' There -have in the course of our life

~ -

You there and I up here—Two'rows of hearts from ni^ fond heart

. _ -looked' over .our. shoulders, or met us oh

"the road, or chanted the darkness away,or lifted ,the curtains of the great future,or pulled us budi Iiom llm

"btroicli uowu 10 you, uiy uuur. .

Thnnk (Sod for every extra leafThe table holds, today, '

And may we never know tho griefl^Of putting one fiwny.—Chicago Keeord-rlerald.

• Ho Uidn'c Mean It.He lost his little brother's ball,

- And said he "didn't'mean it";He bi-oke his little sister's doll,

Ot, course, h«^"didn't mean it";He pushed his playmate from the fence,

,Thcy._found a_hopeless crlpplejhere,But everyone with common sense I" That; cVcr'heunl 6'f tliaVnffatr"". ;•-—\i

Was sure lie-'^didn'-t-mcan it."——-—

making him Instructor In^Latln aud hlsr.tory. -His subsequent pr6motlons wererapid and were won upon demonstratedmerit, until he.Jhmlly su^teded Dr.Whlte~ln~ttie chair-of lilstorVi jhc- latterhaving fesIeliiHl 10 accept the-presl'dency of Cornell University. • '

Tho retirenient'of Dr. White as presl-clent of Cornell and the appolntmunt ofDr. Adams as his sifcceSsof" giive thehitter the opportunity to build }ht> en-during monument of his life. The Im-

He uroke n Kirl'sf poor, trustiuj; heart——Of course,-he "dlda't-mean It": 1__-He played'n reckless, wretched part,

But then he "didn't mean it";'He looked through prison bars, one day,I—Ifpon-his-inother,- bent- with- shame— . —

Torres straits. A stalwart young Kan-aka, one of the crew of a pearling lug-ger, was diving for clam shells on thereef, when a snake about three feet Inlength suddenly .shot up from belowwithin, a-foot of his face. In his angeranil disgust he unthinkingly struck Itwith his ha'nd and was quickly bittenon.JJie_forcllngcr ____ jLleviJi.oura_lnieiL-Ue WUH in n high fever, nci.'onipanlndwith twitching of the extremities; thentetanus ensued, . followed by death \:iforty-eight hours." ----------------- ........ —

-"Although these sea, snakes are com-mon to most tropical sous, they uroiiiost rreiiueiit'aliijuf'lhe nri-at "Barrierreef of Australia. On any smooth daythey may be HI-OII disporting them-selves on the surface of the water, or,rising .suddenly from tho depths, erecttheir heads and some Inches of theirbodies clear from the water, gaze nttho passing vcHHcl, and then swiftlyllsnppear. In nearly nil the Pacificsliuula tho natives hold them In dotes-tat lrm nnd horror, nnd when ono . IsBi-en lying colled up on a rock sunning

olf or crawling over the mirfuco oftlio reef In search of food, a stone, nc-:onipnnleil by a cur.se, I.M always hurlednt It. In the Klllcc group, whim catch-ing Huh at night, one (or more) of theseliorrld Hi-rpeiitH In sometimes HWopt upIn the Hcoop net before It can bo avoid-ed. They range from wlx Inched tonearly four feet In length and hnvo


Of course, knew he was not to bTame—•He said he "didn't mean it."

-Chicago Record-Herald.

PiBo'K Curo ia tho best medicine we ever madfor nil nffcotioni of throat »nd Jung*.—W»t,0. EsimLF.Y, Vauburon, Ind., Feb. 10,1900.

Too Mnch of It.Medium—-I can tell you about a blli>

ship and administrative genius cannot!l:e effaced. When he left It In 181)2 to)t . - i lv i - i!;e presldL-nc-y of the University I Ic<l treasure.•of 'Wisconsin he dud raised It from a I Patron-I'lenso don't. My husbandst:i.T of tlfty-four instructors and nn to always tooting that In my cars.unrcllment of 1.50C1 students. ' Medlum-Dot,s he "know anything

Under his administration the Unlver- about a hurled treasure?dil'-ylJVI^oii^nJia^aiso^enjoxeu^jU! ^™^K??lJiL?_5r.?!J!lff:~°-hJ^5?-i-.-:i of sn-at prosperity, A most captl- ["News.

and l i i r t i r i iu l ive writer upon his

. pi-ecipices,or rolled down upon us the rapturousmusic of tho heavens, but there in one of

- tliUHii .lintels, that has done ec> much lor usthat we wish throughout all time andeternity to celebrate it—the angel of ftopc.St. Paul makes it,the center of a group

- of three, saying, "Now nbideth faith,hope, charity." And, though he eays thatcharity is the greatest of the three, hedoes not take one plume from the wing, orone ray of luster from the brow, or one

~~aTirera from the cheek, or one melodyfrom from the \oice of the anecl of mytext, "Which hope." *

That was a great night for our world- when -in a Bethlehem caravansary the

Infant Royal "was born, and that will- be a great Tiighrin the darkness: of yo'ur

eoul when Christian hotfe is born. Therewill be chanting in-the skies and a starpointing to the Nativity. I will not

-~ " bother you Tvith- the -hu(ik"of'a-defrniticm-nnd-tcll-you-what-hope is. Whon-we-sit

. down hungry at a table, 'we do not-want^ an-analytical—digeoiirae as to—what bread-

• . is. Hand it.on; paso it round; give us a| — 'slice of it. John" speaks of hope as a

- . "pure hope;" Peter calls it" a "livelyhope;" Paul stvles it a "good hope." a

: "sure hope," a ''rcjoiciup; hope." And nil... ^np_ana_down..the.Bible it is spoken-of-as

"nn anchor, as 'a hat-bof,' as 'a'hclinet.'TlB"&'r door. —~

. t .._ pcdcstriapism-of earthhas been exchanged for power of flightmd velocities infinite and enterprises in-i,-rstellar, intcnvorld.. I suspect that the telescope of that ob-servatory brings in sight constellationsthat may comprise ruined worlds whichneed looking after and- need help saintlyand missionary. There may be worldsthat, like ours, have sinned and need tobe rescued, perhaps enved by our Christ,nr by some plan that God has thought outfor other worlds as wise, as potent, aslovely as the atonement."is for our world.; The laziness which-has cursed us in thisworld-will not {tain tho.land-of-eternal ao-tivities—so much tonip in tlip pir, gp TiiucTimspirationin'tho^society^oTifucKachieve7

ment after we get the shackles of theflesh forever off. Do not' dwell so muchon opportunities naft. but put vonr em-nfiasis on opportunities to come.

I not right in saying that eternity

' When wo draw a check on a bank,-wemust have 'reference to the amount ofmoney we have depoaitqd, but Hopemakes a draft on a bank in which for herbenefit—nil -heaven—has—been- deposited;Hope! May it light up every dungeon,stand by every sickbed, lend, a helping

will we not be able to do when our powersm locomotion shall be quickened into theimmortnl spirit's speed? Why shou'd nbird have a swiftness of wing"when it isof no importance how long it shall taketo make its aerial way from forest to'for-'cut and we, who have so much more im-portant errand in the world, get on noslowly? The roebuck putruns us. thehounds ore quicker in the chase, but waitunt i l God lets us loose from all limitationsind hmderments. Then we will fairly he-a;in. • The starting post will 'be the tomb-stone. Leaving the world will be gradua-tion day beforo-the chief work of our men-tal and spiritual career. Hope sees thedoors opening, the victor's foot in stirrupfor the mounting. The day breaks—first

' "

den, and there slml! be nothing to" hurt ordestroy in all God's holy mountain, for theearth shall be full of tho knowledge of thelord ns tho waters cover the sea." Somuch for the world at large.

Thcn/cultivate .hope in regard to your-oivnJieaUh,. your. oivn. financial-prosperity,youi" own .longevity, by seeing how inother people Gpd mercifully reverses thingsand brings to pass the unexpected, re-membering that Washington lost morebattles than he gained, but trjumplied atthe "last, and, further, by making sure ofyour eternal safety through Christ Jesus,understand that you.are on the way topalaces and thrones. This life a spanlong, ending in durations of bliss that

'-neither.human nor archdngelic facultiescan measure or estimate—redolence of aspringtime that flever ends and fountainstossing in the light of a sun that neversets. May God thrill us with anticipationof this immortal glee! "Which hope."

I said in the opening of this subjectthat my text was only the wave on the

'beach, .while .the.whole,verse 'from, whichit is taken is ^an ocean. But the oceantides arc coming in, and the sea is gettingso deep I must.fall back,.wading out as 1waded in, for_what mortal can stand be-fore the mighty surges of "the full tide oleternal-gladness? "Eye hath not seen norcar heard; neither hath entered into tlip-heart, of 'man the_things which. God- hath..*rc_a,rcd for them that love him."


Bntn'a Horn S<ourida a Warning; Noteto tbc Unredeemed.

. ^ . .;pjl_oc an everlasting.miesioi

can-OVE'S labornot do lost.

Love's 'labor Isnever laborious.

Many a b a r dchain Is mv.de upof soft snaps.. Lovenevcr turns

its' microscope onour faults.

Singing Jn_si>r-_row Is the sign cf



- —- LESSON, . 1

Lesson 8. November U. Woria'BTemperance Lesson.

••; 1-30.)Isa, B: s-30. (Read Prov.Memory verses: H, 12.

Golden. Text:. Woe unto themare mighty to drink wine.—Jsa: 22.


Sin Woes in an Evil Time:1'^r°e upon Covetousness:U^.£$~*?™~^*-W*-*°^*.J*-T5?y2)

c°vet'fields, nnd size them (MIc.

1 borne, for the ^nlnd Is still free. It *.a soul slavery and debasement. Tha;"glory of the nation" and the commox)people arc alike famished and parched.

Even the Insatiable grave cannot bold,the victims without enlargement <«x-j^v__ . :..-„„ . ^ ^* _

The mean mar and tho ,loftjr ar«ualike humbled (v. 16).

Palagos shall be pastures, and t£t>Bed'wecn feed heir flock In whatchoice gardens (v. 17).

Those who begin . to draw sfn _ _cords of vanity, proud of their .rxmei»

, and during to drink, shall need a cort^that rope to draw their heavier sins- (T. l*v

2. Wo upon Revelry • -Rise up early..follow strong drink


Small;Blns--arc the: cause of great-emeit*-They naturally scorn the Judgments!of God, and defy his counsel* tvu 13)*,,They call evil good; Insist thar TOW» i»4healthful, saloons a necessity; that"so-,clal customs of wine-drinking make •!>respectable. • . . '-

They are perverted: from the- Srotti(v. 21).

They justify their wickedriess. with e^bribe, and take away rJghteousneBafrom the land (v. Z3>. . '

It Is a hideous nlBhtrridre from" TJhlchithere 'Is no awaking, a sirocco- CroKtwhich there Is no relief, a ]against which tlrere Is but onelatlon; that Is, total abstinence-,every pupil "pledge it.—TheSchoft" ~"

revelling*; "and such Tike ,

" Impiety:say, Let him make speed (18,

the d a o f'VlPet'^s^f8" rn'°^erB BhalUcorne

upon Perversion of Truth:good evil (20).

'rrBra nch'E

The world Is never cold to the warm-flush,ot.thGhoriMn^.TheTmission.of.hopn. lr '^a*'..n'r...^.":.:."^iion^ as. much-of !freirrtf ?•.„....

-t he—heavenly-hereafter as in the

?oon as we enter realms celestial—nothingmore to learnr-no-other-heights-to-clinrbrno new anthems to raise, a monotony ofexistence, the same thing over and overipain for endless years? No! More pro-jrrpBs^inthat_world than we ever made in

- ' ~ " " " " j ~IToue will stand^olFTthc hills~6f~hcavcn

ever brightening landscapes,other transfigurations-of color, new glo-ries rolling over the scene, new celebra-~™ r' yirfnripd in other wo'rlds. heavenTisin^ luto^grariacrrneavensr'seaB'of'fttermingled, Avith fire, .becpmingJa more -brikliant glass mingling with a more flamingfir-o »'W71,;«K Cr,." 8.•_tand_to cvery_ orplian.age, Joqsen evervlfire.

chain, . caress-, every forlorn soul and] Hope on, and, though you mav neverhear of your eon's reformation and othersmay think he has left this life hopeless^

turn the unpiclured room of the nlms-houoc into the vestibule of heavenl. JIownuggcBtiyc that mythology declares that

fled tho goddesswhen all other deitiesof Hope remained!

Time lost In mi-ndlng nets Is saved"Iq catching llsK ' r~ ~

:r reo-I [ii'ulitH in ]voluntary losses.

The life of Christianity Is in thedeath of Christ.—A-sensiti*e-consoience-never-mafces-a-

be not

upon Self-confidence:unto..wise in their


OTT the Rtnt>-^inn Plan

own eyes


M e - than of him- (Prov;

Prunkenness; .—to drink wine

Phlloaoplicr'H Prcjndlce.Afagnamim'Ity superior to, his otn>

could shame even the dogmatic Car-lyle. The man whose arrogance ot opln--ion never permitted him to take any-,tiling .back once had to confess that Q.lew hadi disarmed his bigotry andchanged Ills Insulting • prejudice • Intogratitude and respect. •«n»a5

j Disraeli, whom he had often; re.v,Hlaff..In speech and In prijjt^ had every reason "to know how blttcrlyCariyTe despised f r

him and his race; and after he had foe* *"come the "most" powerfuTT5an"~in~EEi~

Igland.ie-took.-hia-revenge:" • It"was"th.e.""'"vengeance Inflicted by a great man Trho.


Ini- l . -nl x i i l i j tv tH. a lucid and forceful-Hie-t'lnHHrootUi- and a imin

Mm. Wluslow'aSootlilnffByrnp forohlMranteething, loFtoa tUo gmus, reduces Influmma-Uon;nll»j« pain, cares wind colic, 'iSof bottle •

..It was hope that revived • John Knox

.•when— on. shipboard. ."rieaK-Ihe" "coast of. Scotland he was fearfully ill, and he wasrequested to look shoreward and asked if

-,-.,, he knew the village near the coast, and he--- ISli - ^— ----- juuwcrods,-— I-know-it-wellj-for-I-eee-the-

steeple of that" place where' God firstopened my mouth in ]>uhlic to His glory,nnd I am fully persuaded how weak thatever I now appear I shall not depart this

- - - ' 'genia l i ty and liberal-minded-j UB nt n.flt ,g ,|tt|0' more thttn a

- - - • •of srIK-S.S. his retireiiii'iit Is irtuvero loss to

-higher education- --ui|d—• willwide regret.

fCnow How to Mnnnifn Tier.Dingo (t)ptoeliiK Into hln wlfo'u room,

In a whisper)—1'vo' brought tlprcaf r l endu honio to dinner, unexpectedly,

MI-H. Illngo ( i iKluiHt)—\VlmtlI l lngo - VCH, I have. They're down-


Mrs. I t lugi i—-You wi-eti-h!I i lngo-Now, my ili-iir. 1 couldn't uel

out of 111Mi'M. Hlugo (liuiiKhtlly)-Tlion you'U

' invi i t i » I n k o t l i n i-iiiiHO(iueiii:cH.llliiK" HillMI-H. I lingo--You'll havi) to pill "U

\ v l l l i pnic l leal ly not l i l i iK.l l l i i K o Tliut'ii what 1 told tln-ni.Mm. l l l i iKO- ' -Yui l "Id?l l l i i K i i Yen. I told I l iom t l m t Hi«y

needn't iixpVet a idii|{lit t i l ing- tha iWe'd ncrapn iil'oniiil lu tin) l i l lchr l i I'iiei'i'HNary Mild pick 'up wliiitover -w:nii i l i l . And tha t , mi I hadn't let youIUHHV, t lmt wan tho bent we could do.

Mm. i J luKo—What did you ti>ll t l imvt lmt for?

lll i i i ;o—U'H tho tn i l l i , lim't II?Mni. l l ln i io—Ourla ln ly mill Au If II

l imlccM l iny dirforeiieii In inn how manyfrtujulH you l ir l i iK l ioimil I'll iibovvyn i i l --I 'uelc.

A l l o t l l n l ' t'oill p l l l l l r i l t ( lonn \V|-|»il|r.

"Thtri pli) In excellent," unlil tho mill-In ln r , who bud bi-ea Invi ted out to ten,mid Mm. U J r i i M n M , lioliii; a clinucliineni t i i - i ' . j i n i l In mv.Jlnw her prldo mil)nay':

"Yen, I |t"t H nl Hi" b.ik/i-'n."-Homcivfll lu .loiiriuil.


One Man Uxhllurated !>jr Noise imil An-otticr

treat capacity for receiving discipline.^ %


1'aiNK J. OIIKNKY innUrn oath that lie In tha«cinlor partner of thu llrm of F. J. OriENEt A;Co., doing bimlnennlnthiiCiitrori'oioilo, Countynnd Htatonforonaiil, anil that until firm "ill pnytho sum.of ONE nuHunEn noi.r-Ann for cncli

life till I-shnll glorify -Hiir holy -naui'f'lrr. the same nlacc.' His hope was rewarded,and for twenty-live- years more hepreached. That in the hope which stis:

tnined -Mr.-'Morrcll-of-Nonrich when 4c'parting thin life nt twenty-four years of


There caii be'hb'niusic In life wherethere are no silences. "- Th_-\voiTd "onabor-waltrfoTtlie Lord"who labored Himself^ '

Often the best view of heaven is thatobtained from the knees.

. , ..The brightest.truths, are..often dugwho knows but that in the last moment, put of the darkest doubts ~after he has ceased to speak and before „,, . , ,-,

jh is soul launches away, your prayer may iho heavenly .vision does not comelldVA Itnan nnBn.arn^ nn,l U* T.~ « _T Al ._ £Q tb.6 SlUmbCrllll? ChUrCh

Truth Is In danger of becoming falsewhen It becomes fossilized. ,—God_scnds -no-storms~-wltbout-lli8~ralnbow arching somewhere.

Truth supersedes nil statements as aman surpasses his picture.

The shadow of trouble IB nenrl>' al-darkcr than Its Kiibstance.

have bfen_ answered and he be one of thefirst to meet yo'u'atr the shining gate; Theprodigal in the parable got home and satdown at the feast, while the elder brother,who never left the old place, stood poutingat-thc-haclcdoor"nnd"diilTiot"go~fn"atTill;".~

To another class of persons I introducethe angel of hope, and they arc the inva-, .lids. I cannot take the diagnosis of yourdisorder, but let liopc cheer yon with one"of two" tlibiighTs." Such marvelous curesarc being 'wrought in our day through med-ication and surgery that your invaliditmimay yet be mastered..,

I'eraonH ns ill'aW'yoii "

wine (Prov. 23: 29, 30).^e-not-drunken-vvith-wlne

_ 'CRITICA'&-'.NOTBS. -_ >.

_ The fifth "chapter "oTTsaisih is-a ser-mon. Tfigjation has bppnby dreadful losses in war and thepreacher niaTces this the occasion" foFdenouncing the sins that have led to

il hVerses 11, 12.-Woe! Rising early ' in,

Uie-mprnlng,-they-purauevstronB-drlnk!Tarrying Jate in the night, wine In-flames them! Directly, this charge Ismade, not against jlisslpated people -ingeneral, but against certain public andsocial leaders in Judah, whom the pro-phet has specifically in mind. Whatlie here ertphaslzes.ls,.not the habit ofholding-drunken 6.1-gles "late at". nightthough he may have had that In mnid,but the habit of making dissipation theserious business of life,

upon a great man who could not.—Recognlzlng-'the-commandlng-lnte. ~lect of the surly philosopher and theluster It conferred upon his ccuntiy^

^he_priine minister offered__hfni,....'tJ}fi»'knlghth6d3 of the Grand Cross of the.Order of the Bath, and the "good fel-.'loWshlp" pension once accepted and en-.iroyeaTjy Dr. Samuel~J6'hiison~an3~alici"~*by the poet' Southcy. '^CarTyUTdecIIned the title as being-opt-of keeping wltlrthe tenor of his-"poor' " -ex.Islence,"_and. the-penslon-bccause he^. —was not in neeoj^ circumstances j bn.tthe fact of .the .offer and the-generous—language-In-which It was conveyed;startled nnd subdued him. He wrotefrankly to Disraeli: , - --^-- '

"Allow me to say that the letter, bptht .- • — -In purpose rtnd expression, fs worthy-tc^

the _harp, etc.: The prophet is notthinking of Indigent, low-down drunk-ards, but oC people who can afford luxu-y.??.-, w'th,._thclr....drinking—Habitualdrunkenness did not become the viceof the poor unti l Intoxicants hud becomecheapened by the art of installation.

cor nnd tuberculous will yet give way be- by the deveiopnient of crediillty".The family al tar Is the heart of the

. .

e declared, "1 nhoulil like to under- fore noine new discovery, I see every ilay I The family al tar Is the heart (th. si-cruU of eternity before to- ncople Btrong and well who not long ago |iOlllc nlld jctermlnes Its healU,

w morning." That was tho kind of I Baw pallid and leaning heavily on a staff | • uctumlin.s ,lt« health.

"What I like about Now York," nv I nnil ovory cnao of dXTAiimi that cannot boarked a WoHtcnicr. "Is Its truiu^iuloUM I «"»»«» «» «" »f nM£°™F$J££.marked _

energy. The crowds and bustli- haveupon me tlio exhilarating effect of 11Htln:ulant. AH 1 move ulong iimoiiK thomasses on tho Bldownllw and look uponthe perpetual Htronin of vehlclen of nil

H-.rom lo bnforo mo anil mihioribcil In m>_»__; . prmoncc, thin (ith day of Docomber,

I HCAI, ( A. I)., 1HHO. A, W. OJ.KAHON. "I —,— ' Aro(<iiM/ I'ubltc.

Hnll'i Oiitarrli Ouro In taken Internally, anilRotn illrootly on tho blooil ami mucoiu Burfooesof tho Hyutora. Honil for Icntlmonlali, f'»o.

F. J, (]IIKNI:» .. Co., Toledo, 0,HoMJiy prilgBlolfl, 7(So.HaU'n Family 1'Illrt urn the bout.

.Tim Itunllo Woy.

A moro or loiin f n l r cyrllM, known toI'mieli, inut ft fn r in lulxiror In nn llnic-l l i i l . Inno. Unt i l nho:

"Omt you (llroct mo to ill|;hinii Ui>-ley, plomio?"

"You'vo only i;ot to folliir yor notio,mlnii," nnlil hi>, "but you'll (lull It up' I I I work I" '

Them iimmit to 1m moro than ono wnyof f iny l i iR Hint il.niiiiu In "llp'lllteil llkothe uutal 6f tv Howcr."

Muku few explanations. The ,charac-

? In «« Blmplo na wiuililni; niton yon" - - - '

di-scrlptlons In tho streuta I am coii-Hi-loiiH of u buoyancy of aplrlt anil miIncreased physical energy.

"I feel llko going nil tlo time, mymind IH brighter and clearer, and, In j tyr'Th^t^nnor'defimd ItVuTf' lu not ^fact, my whole l>eliig HCOHIB toned up. ivorth vindicat ing,New York and UH crowdh arc mtiro ben-

.iiilclal-tQ.juc..tdau^uiiy.-rL-Hott. J Jiavo.over Btiuclc. 'Aftor a two weeks' Htayhero 1 return homo fooling llko anotherman."

"Well, that IH HtrniiKO,' ' fluid tho per-HOII to whom UilH Htatomoii t wan made,in-cording to tho Now York Times. "Doyou know, Now York linn upon mo junto.xiictly tho oppotilto effect. To me,what 1 i i i lRhl term t l io nnrplliRnRO ofI I f o hero IH tloproimlni,'. I inn by nomeaiiH fond of Hol l lude, 1 Imvo lived Inn moderate nixed city nil my life, ami Itl , n ; , . , to Htay In tho country for tinyif . . , j l h of time, dut when I comoin . -,'(irl( iiml urn caught In thot l id -H nl ' human i ty , neo Iho overcrowded(ei iomeii tH nnd Imvo my enrii aimaulledwith tho perpotual din of tho otrcntii, 1docomo poHlllvoly iiiclniicholy. '

"I focliwli ' i t nn liiol|;iillli-iiiit iilom Inni, nf tor ni l—no moro than n drop ofwater lu n grunt rlvcr-nnd tlio feolltif!oppreiiHivi mo, It ni'omii an If \hcro wniinobody hero who (-ariril what liecamo ofnnydoily.' 'I'lio only relief 1 llml fromIho fcol l i iK In In tho IhcnterH. 1 K<> to uHhow overy night whl ln 1 am lioro, nnil.ot uoiinio, I ' l^ujoy that Immomiely. Hutnil noon nn I Imvo mndo tho round/i ofI ho iihowii I urn ready to return homo,whoro I linow moiit oviiryliody nndI hero nro nniiiy who can)."

nge ho declared, "1 Hhould like to underetanilmorrow ., ...hope that the corporal had in tho battlewhen, after several Htandard hearers hadfallen, and turned to. a. lieutenant-coloneland naiil. "If I fall , tell my dear wifo that'I die with a good hope in Christ andthat I am glad to give my life for mycountry." Tlmt wan the good hope thatDr. Onodwin had in hix Ian t. hour whentie «aiih "Ah, in thin death? How liavuI dreaded ax an enemy this smiling

friend!"No betcr medicine did a man ever take

than hope. It in a ntimiilant, a febrifuge,a tonic, n catholicon. 'i'liotin;ui(ln of peo. never feels cut ot cold or _ --

Klc long ago departed thin life would and where there in no rant wind Bowing I her are not shod wi th the go.-iriel ofavc been living to-day but' for tlio reason | pneumonias on the air, your (lectncfH

and hardly able to climb Htairs.•Hut if you will not take the hand of hope

for earthly convalescence let me' pointyou to the perfect body you arc yet tohave if vou love and m-rve the "Lord.Death will put a prolonged anaestheticupon your present body, and you willnever again feel an ache or pain, and thenin Ilia gootl time you will have- u rcmiiTcc-tion body, about which we know nothingexpect that it will lie painlena anil glnriounbeyond 'all premtnt appreciation. Whatiiuiut be the health of that laud whichnever feels cut of cold or hlant of heat,

No government can make a peoplefree when their hoiirts are enslaved.

There Is no man so poor ns to bewithout the Jnlluen.o of his example.

H Is nlwnys better to th ink withoutsaying than to' sny without thinking.

Natural law wi thout God behind It IH»o more Hum a glove without n handIn |t.

,, ''1(- teat of the kicking church iiiem-

grnsp. I have-nopo after ono

Thero Ifl. however, a l imit at which(urhi-araiK'u i.-eaoca to bo n virtue.

FITHporminonMjr ourml. Nolltiornervoni-ni-nn nf tor tint day'* nun of Dr. Kllno'a Oro»»Norm Hcntoror. *4 trial tiottlo nnil tro&tlso frooDr. II. I I .KMNK.I. td. , ll.'ll ArchH>.,l 'hlU. r».

If A i.'in mhrrlen ti poor man, It 1*HtrnnKo how noon her old frlondo forgotUlu iinino.

$8.OO ono of theBUVS bost madofiflft Lli. Platform Scale!)over Sold. Well mado. •

WILL LAOT A LIFE TIM-. FULLHi™ Platform. (Jnliitocuo froo.

Jum:.'i<iir PAYS TincniiiiuiiT), 'J i l N u l l A M I i i N . N. y. r

<4alil JUciUI nl I l i i l lnln l;xpo»ltloii.MOfl^IKNISY'S TAIIASCO

$900 TO $1500 PUR VIJAR."'Wo want Intell igent Men cuit women «i

TiRvrllntf i(epie«enUtlvf* or 1/icul Manager* |mini/ t-j"° (0 t'V " ycor *'"' "" c*pci»c», ,•ouuulliitf la cipcrlcuco anil oblllly. Wo »laa „trniil lor.l lc|iie.4iiUllv« I •«l«ty () lo |i-) « .neck niid coniiMMoii.iJ'lTj'll.iM upon tha tlmoAcvolcil. Html nlnni|i fur full | iu l l lculAr« «ujttiilo panltluu plrtfrlcil. Aildicu*, llejit. U.

Tint HUM. COMI'ANY, l-|ill«.ltl|>lcU, ]•«.

tttll,lulok r t l l t f »nb oiir««"{r«n^f »»<! ll> tin/*1

• •un>, in a, iI-TID C H I P Vnl' inl i lo l 'utrnl l"r C«r«[-. UK OMLC..-|,rliicr.' 'rmiii cniiAi'.1 cliiiHillcc«jClliiiiillcc,l'ulcillAllyii.VVil»ll.l)A<.


they let holm nlip tlu-irknown poiipla lo . l ive onlung \VMH goni* and iliHi-ane had nceincd tolay hold of every nerve, and muscle andartery and bone,

Alexander the_ (Ireut, Htar t ing for thew«rn in I'eirtia, diviilml l i i n property amongthe MflCt-iloiiiaun, • Ho gavr n village toone, a port to another, a tit-Id to anotheranil all l i in i -wln le lo l i in u'ii'ililu. Thenl'ci'(l!i-oa« uhld-il, "What have you kept forVourm-lf?" Hit aiiHWeri-d triiiiiiiihantlv,'•Hope."

• And, whatever ulmi you and I i;ive away,we mimt kci-p.for oumelvi-H hope- all com-fort ing, All cheering hopr. In the hi-artof every man, woman uml child tha t lii-am

' or readn thin Hcnnoii may Ood iniplaii t t h iuprinciple right now I.

' Many Imvn full unxuranco that all 1«right with the uonl. They aro aa miro of'heaven an if they hail panned tlio pcnrlvpanels of thu Hat", atrthntigh they wero al-ready ncated in tho tcmplo of Ooil unroll-Ing tha libretto of tho heitvonlv chnrlHli-r.I conuratiilato all niich. I winli I hail i t ,too—lull iinHiiranoc—hut with niu i l inhope. "\Vhli-h liano." fllnful, It expi-clnforglvi-ni-Mji; troiihii-il, I t i ixpcntn i r l i e f ;licroft. It expoulM rimniiiii; n lenr i lown, I tvxpcctn wingH to l i f t ; Mhipwi- i - r lu- i l , i t . ev -piM-tn l i f rhoa t ; hankni | i t , i t , expre tn «-|er-mil rleli i-rt ; a prodigal, it exiu-rtii t h u \vnlnop(Mi door of tho f a the r ' n I 'arniliouni1 , IIiliu-M not wear it/icll' out. liy. loolii'iu i M i r l i -\ \ i u i l ; i l ahvaVH lonlcn, funvi in l , What InI Im II»M of u lv ln i t no nui i ' l i l i n n - lo l|ie IT-lii-ai'niil of tho | i n » l ? Your i n i n l n l d ' H arenot riii ' i ' i 'c 'li-il In- u rrvli i iv. Your l i innenri tnnol, by l i rno i l i au over Ih i - in , In- l i in ie i lInli i H a i i i H . I I . it I l i e fn ln i ' e t h a t him t l i onii)nt for IH, anil hope rherrn I I M nn, AVehavi- a l l f -o in in i t l i . i l l i l n iu l e rn , hut ilni-n Ihorailing of the roll of them niiilie th t - i i i anylho,len>< hl i i inl i ' i 'n? I.mil; u l i e i i i l In all m a t -tr i 'H nf i iHof t i l n i iHM. ' l lownvi . r nii i i ih youlimy Imvo nd'omplinli i ' i t for ( t i n t ani l l l u 'wni'hl 'n l i e l l c rn ic i i l vnui- nn-alent, nn||(ul.ni ' r tH in to eoian, "Mo,"-nayr i M O I I I O ono,"my money In KOIHI," "No," iiayn muni-one, "Ihn inont uf my yenrii nee (tonit ani lt hon - fn i -K Inv i in i i f i i l n i -nn . " \Vl iy , yon ta l l :llldi an i n l l i l n l . Do ynu n i i p p n n n ' l l H i l a l lynni- rapar i ly In iln |(iini| in fnni ' i- i l In liyI l i l n l i f e ? Are ynu i(iilni( to lio n loungerani l a do n u t l i i n i t a f l i ' i ' yun havo qull t h i nwnrliU

II, |ri my hilnlni-mi lo l u l l you Unit ynurfaciilth-n aro to lio en ln iKe i l ani l In l iu iu l l lu i land yniii- oi i i i l l l l i ' i i l l i i i in I'm- unefn lnc iu i nul l -l ip l l i - i ) li-iitohl, a hiinili 'eill 'olil, n t l i iniuaiul ,fold. .

la vonr lu-altl) l!ol|i>V 'I'lieii tlml It) i|

greater than the foot of ilci-r. your eye-night clearer than caglu in nliy, pcrfirthi-alth, in a country where all the inhnb-I tnn t s arc everlastingly well!

You who have in your body an en-oyntcd bullet ever since the ('ivil War;yuu_who.have kept.alive.only.by. prccuu--tiona and nclf dcniala anil perpetual watch-Ing of piilnc and lung; you of tho dcafi-ni-di-ar anil dim vision and the aovero back-ache; you who Imvo not been free f r o mpain for ten yearn, how do you like th inntnry of phytucul reeoimtniction, wi th ni lwciildimn and mifTcring auhtractcil anileverything jocund and (miauling ndilnly

Do not have anything to do with theRlnom I hat Ilnrrict Alnr l incau <'\preK,ieil 'III her dying woriln: "1 l-avo no ri-anon lo ,lii'lii-vn in anothi-r worhl. I Imvi- Imi lCnniigh of l i fe in one nnd emi HCC no U I M H ] )I'CaiioM why Hnrrli 't ^lartlnean Hhouli l hu 'lii-ipiitiiiiteil." \Viiuli l you not rathi-r havellm ( ' h r ln l l an i-i i lhimlaniu of Hul io i l An- Inan, who wht-n HOIIII I otu? Hai t i , "I wi l l lie I«atinllcd if 1 manage Honu-hnw tn 'u i - l in to'ii-nvnii," replli-il. pointing In a nanUi 'M yen-ii-l l l i n l \ \ i i n l i e inK ili-anKi'il np I he I l iver1'iiy: "Would you liln- lo lio piil leil i n to

l ienve i i with two tugn l ike Unit ve»ni>l you- ,i l i - r ? I t e l l you f would l i kn to K" in w i l l iall my nn l ln 'mil anil i-iilorn living."

' . \ na i i i , let inn i i i t rnidi i -n llie rli ' inenl nfhnpe lo l l inne KOOI| |ienple who are In ile iH j i a l r ahoii t tho world'n moral I ' D i i i l i t l i i u . !' I h i ' V Imvn Ki i lh i - r i ' i l up nppal l i i iK n i n t h -tiril, Tlu-y l u l l of t i n - nuinlx-r of i|[viirci-n,hut ilo ni4'/laltn I n l n iMi i in l i l e i ' i iUnn t h n l Itin-re are a thoiuiani l happy 'homen whrroIhure In ni i i i nf mnrl t i t l d inrnr i j ,

Thoy tell you of the Inrgn niunher juour Inni l who nro l iv ing pi'olli|<ate l i ven ,but fiil'iiel, to mi-nt lnn l l in l . I here menniiiy n i l l l ionn of men and wnmi- i i who mei lo l i iK tin1 di-nt they can.

Tlmy lul l you thii iiiunlii 'l- of ih u n h i - i i i MIn |hm I ' l inn l ry , lu l l f u l l In i i i c i i l lm i ( l i eI h i M u m i i i l n of ghii'lmiti nli i i i 'ohi 'n w|lh t \ \ i ii loorn-oiiii (look- upon for all who wil l i-n-ti-l- fnl' pnri lon am) I ' l m n o l n t l n n , nml I h rnlhi-r i lnnr o j i i -n l i iK I n t o tho heavonn I'nrt h n niK-i'iil . nt nimhi pi-eparoil for I n i n i i l n -l ion .

1'Vciin t h in himr n i l l l v n l o Inipe. |)n miby i v u i l h i K n i l l lm N e r l p l n i ' i i l p i -nn i ln i -n of

wi i i ' l i l 'n r n m h i K l O i l i ' i i l r n l l n n , ami i h n i l i lI f ynu i ln ro l lm v n r n i ' l l y of l lm A l i t i l J d i l ywhi'll I In nayn Mil w i l l miilin llm i ler . r i I

menlo, ami l lm li'iipanl anil l i l i i w i l l l iei lnwn il l I he naiim pnn lu i ' n llelil , nml l lmlion, i ' i -nnlng lo In) i -n rn ivunmn, wi l l ho<rnino i iramiii ivoi 'nun, r a l l n u "ntriuv l ike nn>K," nnd r o p t l l l a i i vi-iumi n l m l l I 'hanuo i u l nlai 'nih'i iniii 'Hii. no tha t llm "ivi-ani-il I 'liihl

nhall pul hid hum! on llm coeluitrk'u'ii

pence.'You cannot put t l io church before

ClirlHt without putt ing ClirlHt behindtlio church.

Some people do not bellovo in olllcesIn tho chiircli-brcniirm-thr<y-nrn-nK'Ver™iiomlii i i tcd.

A I l l l l l l VllO |H W l l l l l I K to I l l -Kil l hlrt

work In a sinnill wny u l iu l l bo led Inton Inrgo one, ,,.

When you Hte-p up on ono promlHO youwill n lwnj -H Hnd a li lK'li i- i ' and a hotterolio before you.

The pnu-t lni l va lue of umiiy I I I D V O -m e i i l M IH on i i i - e i i i i i i t of .SDIIIO I m p n i c t l -i ' i i l p i iNHlon l i c l i l n i l I l i i - n i .


iJe called magnanimous and noble; that~^^J^^^lt-ta^^mt^^^*^^vsi^.—— ' ' ' history, nnil I think It Is unexampled,"

too, In the history of governing personstoward men of letters at the presentor at any tlhieTahd that I will carefully^preserve It ns one of the ito memory and-heart."J

Subsequently ho wrote to his trtct lie Countess of i)erby:

"Xfr. Disraeli's letter Is really what ^calle<l HJmagnanlmouB and noble on his.part. It reveals to me, after alt th&hard things I have said of him, a newnnd• unexpected-strrftum of-genlal dig-•••

I n I (y and manliness of character which" I hod by iio-meaiiB given him credit for.It la, as my penitent heart admonishesme, a kind of 'heaping coals of Uro. op,my head,' and I do truly repent and)

"promise to iimcnd."One needs no better evidence of the,

r«il groatnesH of Oarlyle.than thepromptness with which he recognized!t h i n magnanimity, .and thewi th which he acknowledged It,


\Viui lr i l I ' l K I H I V V U Al l .lll ( i l l l i - l l e . (be i l i - | ( i l - , h|,|,.H |, ]ii.H i i h i i i i i - l ' , I IH 1'n |- a wny I'nmi

ci 'owilH nnd ne\\ H p i i p e i - | irniuiials U H|Mi: tMUil , . . Of ten he imen l i l n l ime \ . . . . .x l i - i i i ' t l i i K u ne\v wni-l i , w i l l ed N u t ( looi l\ v l n e n l l H "Ilio ( i l l l e l l e piny n t i l i n gI l l l l l n e l M l l H e l f . " due N i i i i i n i e i - ( i l l l o l l /l i l i ' e i l n y i M ' l i l . n n i l , I I M lie I I - U M ( l ) i ' MUM'.l .I t wufir-n i T n l l w l l l i n i i l n n i- i | i inl . \\'|i'liI I l i tnv I ' l ' l e l i i l i i I n - Ne l n u l l I 'nini \e\\Vnlli I l l l l l I H ' i i l ' i ' l ' i l e i l liy \VII .V of HieM i i i l l i l i i | i o l l u e i ' l l l M i - . T ln-y l>c|i l ,- | ,IHCto Yhoi'e, M i n i u \ \ eeU or nn n l ' t e r t l ie\ 'lel'l) New V i i r K wero i l r l l ' l l u ( ; | I - |HUI-I- | . \li\ n p i i lu l nf I i i n i i nl I In- i - h i l . i i f \ v l i l c l iH i l l n H i i l e i n n V n n l i e e HM|I |HI ; , I n n |'c\y,hul l l 'H IJie I n u i l h l l l l l i M d h d l I h o p o l i i l ' n l i i ll l io. . . \ ' i i l l l i i -e i i r n i i n c i l l i l i n i i e l l ' I'l'oin l i l i iI ' D i l l e i i i p l i i l l n i i uf t i n - \ v i i l c i ' n n i l i i H K e i l :

Whom lire yu I ' romV"Now Yni'liC" n-pl le i l I l l l l e l l e , w l l h n

tta_j3revaJent...amonK-. the., poor-anthe prophet hail the good sense to ad-ilrenH himself to the i-hiss (hat Bets thefnHhlon for the other classes.—TheyroRaKl not the work of Jehovah: Thereference IB CHpeclnlly to what JehovahIP ilolnp In current events. Instead of

i Wi tch ing . the Indications of providenceanil devotlnj? their brains and culture toOie.rlRlit Rt i l i l lnK of their country, theySlve IheniHi'Ive.s to HOclal excesses

Verses 13. M.—Therefore: Thn coursethey pursue has resulted In horrible1'nlninltlen to their country.—Captivi ty:Tho result of overthrow In war.—Forlaeic of JtimwleilRer U IB tha bunlnt-SHnf publli: anil noi-lal lenders to knowICvlls follow If they ulvc their t ime to•li'lii/flni? nnd amusements, Innleiul ofmnklnfi: HicniHelVf-H wall Informed amicompetent.—Honorable men.. . .multi-tude: Duxf l i iKi i lHl ied cltlzen.H and c'om-mon people iillke nuffcr through the Ir-rrHpoiiHlbl l l ty of the leailei H.—There-fore: The prophet repenlH this connec-tive. He 'wai i tH to limlHt upon It thattho ealiiniltU'H t lmt have befnllen arethe direct results of the Helf-lndulKi-neo

-of~tlio-|>iibllo. uni t Hoi'liil-li-mJrrn:—Hhcnl-Thi> word of the ill-nil.-— Hath enlargedIts il.'Hlre: Or, "i-nhu'Red Itself." wi thci ther t rannlnt lnn a poi-tlrnl deserlptlouof :i defeat In which the wlni iKhter hnnbeen unprecpilenteil, so that the worldof tho dead lia« becomo overcrowded

VerflM 1R, 10.—Tho prophet cites tllolanguage which ha lym used In tho pre-ceding prophecy (2: », 11, 17), IIM niuehIIH to nay tlmt the foreboding ho thereuttered nun now been juut l f lc i j

Verso 17,—Then ahull tho lonibs feeil:Moro exactly nnil hotter, "And Inmlmahull food.",—Bhall wandorcra eat: Inthe OM Version, "otrangero." Tho t r im

In "soJournerB." ns In t i n ,of t h < - American itrvlnlon. Tin-

prophet I h r e i t l e i i H (eonip, VH. II, 10) t l m lcnhi in l l len u l i n l l i -onl l in ie ( i l l (he linoc u l t i v a t e d e s t a t i - M n h a l l bermti,- p u N i i m */ ( l u n i u l M f in- t I ' l t n n l i - n i l i i l n i l i l t a n i H .

Vei 'ni '« I V 22, 211. "Woe! I l e r u i ' Mi h l n k l l i K \ v l i M - , ami men o f n l i i u i yl i i l l i K l l i l K - M l i n i i K id-hi l l ! ' I ' l i cMO in'|.Iho bent f i u n l l l o M In J i n l n h . l iy t he i rl i h l l i nml pn*i | i l i in I h o y n l i i i u h l lu . ),,,.1 ' i i o f i , hn l I l i ey r ' X h l l i l l I h e l f hrrnlni | i I ni l r l n l i l i i ) ; e o n t i - M i r t / T ln-y Imvo nal l ini lK l f l i t nml p i m . - i ' i - M i , I O I I M a i n l r i i l l n ro , n m lIhoy l lml e i n p l i i y i i i i - n l I'm- Hil i n i i n i l l i i K . I n l i ' p M . l . l l e n i i u ino liner O X M I I I | > | O nf Inniy.

- f u r- r< i r

r n i i l i i l i i H

'i'lio jjaiifrii ». as on Him.Ex-Attorney (Jeiu-rnl Miller recently

old.tlUaJitory.,wl(luh.lJoyed by the imrrntor:

"When President Harrison Invited.mo to become a member of bis cabi-net," he Bnld, "I'determlned to visit myboyhood homo In Indiana bnforo going;to Washington. I hnd not been In the,town for twenty yearn, At the rail,roml Million I wns met by the villagelinekmiin, who knew me when I \VIIH i^lio.v. Ho erected me us If I luul le.f^Hie t own only the ilny befoi-o. On tho,way to tho hotel In bl« nim.ihnckmdeep nca KO|II ' liiu-l; I mi ld :

" ' W e l l , W l l l l n i n , w l m t . I I U H liiipjieiieititlnci- 1 h n v e l i i ' i -n licri 'V"" ' .Nolhln ' , ' lie replied." ' W i y i n i n , 1 I i - o i i l l i i i i e i l ,

.-lumen a ine i i i l i e r of the

.•abliiet. W h n l i|o Iho nelcli l i i ir i iN) I l l l l l V / '' " lOt.'illi',' l i n ' i n i H W c r i i l , 'tlvt-y

" - -New York Tlme.-i.


ow liHiKt"||ieo\iii|{. I," Mlin i M c i l t h e v i ich l i i .


I i i n i i n i c n l n ,Tllo Viiul ieo I ' e l l l l ' l i e i l |o l i l i i eonleni .

l i l n l l o i i , n m l the ynel i t k c p l o u d r l f l l n ^l u l l n l u i i K In Dm i i f l e n i i i n i i tbero emnen vnl i - i i over llm water, nml It anlici!"U'lint veiirV1^ l laniei- 'n \Voiilily,



t l m l l l n - \vnmi; i i l l | , ' !mla p i i i ' l a i l n y i i > vu / ' i i n l i l f r ,io v l l , '

An In all m o i M l ' l l K l i l n , \Mthe \Vonl for n t i r x \ ' i<o P O I I M .mi l ban u wen linn III everyin1" not m b l l i M i y l l i r e i i l i i , bu t t ho »"•,'.e n H i i r y i p n u l l n or III" I I I W M uf 11111- ln ' ln,-

. Ill In l i i - l ' n urn nut on m,. -. |n[|a . . . . . . j(v. 11). Tho llm nf n | > | n < ! l l , . m/;,.,, ,,..,1In d lereanei l liy i -yerv lnili i l | ;ene,. M,..,

ear ly anil M i l li|i I n t o i,, ,,,|,| ,,„„

I l l l l l l l |;o |MThin H I M , . .

verne. TM,.y

amf u e l In Iho Ih'i

Mll ' l l l l I I I I l l l l l e i l , In l i m i t , , mm foriroll lm w o r k i n g i > n t nf Iho I n w n i ,r t he i rl io ln iC (v . IL') . They rn i i i ih l r r imt ( h u tI I I I - M O I I I W H me ( I n i l ' M I l l i e l l a i l i r e n h l i ,

w i i y n of \ v i n U l l i Kl i y vl rdik men aro i i imin n l n v o M

(v, 'l.-l). If || >v,.| ily In Imi l l lv nlavn-y, I l k u (ho l-)i;y|i|hin. Il i n l u j i l |>u


HllllllllOll ll> Illi

A i l n i in iHl i i ) , - coi i l r i i rc i -Ny I I I I Hk lu I ' IU- IH uvi - i - t i n - i;i-mli-i- of Uu>liK '-'lo," \vh lc l i Iho I 'Yi ' l lrl i AeiideinydaiK n i n l y dci-lni 'eil In bo niiuieiul ine, I • " . • ' • •

l i n e i l h i p i i l a l l o i i M \v r i t iT \y ( iul i | ||k,. tnK n o w how "a i i l n i i i n l i l l oV can do man,e i l l l l i i - , wh i l e "locomolillo" In feialnlno,To I h l ' i l l n - anmvci- IM t r i u m p h a n t l yi ; lven t l m l Hie n u t . . . . . i id l ln In Inn uj;lyIn do femin ine .

W i t h I d l a K a l l a u l n n d On iu inwi - r i i l l l ou r / ; u i n i - n l n|l dedale ceanen,

M i n n , l ln i | i le r l i l i - Aro you fonda i i l i i i ad i , Mr . \ V y i n l d i u n V

Mr. Wyiiildain \\'ell, I l lkoliiinb. M o i i n - r v l l l o .luiiniul.

Page 3: S i lii'g ••••!•: 8 ^Ig-ssfllfiJ-ig€¢Ople Head remarked that a In 'the heart of:the Kusslau In Chicago recently had n tele- phone Instrument Installed In his place for

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House, Sign,

iy—Miss—Marion-Gilbert-;—addrese-by-Bev. y. L. Jewett, Pastor,of the M. E.Jhnrch ; vocal solo by Miss Carlaw ;ddress by Rev. Wm. K..McKinney,'astor of the Presbyterian Church ;rgan solo bj Miss Gilbert.The guests were then introduced to

dr. and Mrs. Loomis, and tenderedheir eood wishes, after which a littleline was spent sociably.

After adjournment, quitq a numberproceeded to the parsonage, where aereuade..was -given ..that could, hardly.>e classiflcd as classical music, except

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• Ont*. Y«rl/ HuUctl|>«on, tt.OO. |(/ou• it I 'I Mod u* Ilia n«m»«nd iwMrwMOf KlTMi l'l>ii» or Ornn l'l«T(.ni. no will M>ad you •> <»i|>/oMU* u«c**lu* Frua.

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Real Estate & Insurance.Money to loan on mortgage. Partlen having

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Fresh JerHey Jousage,2 Ibu. for 25,cts.

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Atlantic City.Oniolal Town Attorney.

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Money for firHt mortgage loann

Ohas, Gunningh&m, M,D,Physician and Surgeon.

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1:()() to!) lOO and 7:00 to U :00 i-.u.

Jonti \VoHtliafor, of Loouootro, Iml,.la a poor man, but ho naya tiiivt ho wouldnot bo wltliont ()hitnili»rluln'a 1'ulu Diilm

Jit It con; llvo ilollnrn u liottlo, for It Bayedhim from being a orimilo. No cxtornuln|i|>l|{)iitloti la iiquiil to thla llnluiofit forBlllfnnil iwollou Jolnm, oontruotud miin-olim, at Iff nook, n|iruinn, mid rlioiinmtlound niuaonlnr i>alim. U linn ulao outodnumcroiin oaocn of )>uvllnl |inrulyalii. Itla lor aula by Crowull,

I Entered aBsooondolaaamattor.]


i The Reception.The Pastor of the Baptfet pharcb

Rev. Herbert F. Looruie, witb bis bridearrived homo unexpectedly on Tuesdaytivenioij, thereby avoiding a meetingwhich bad been planned by some ol theyoung people.

UD Wednesday evening the Ladies1

Aid Society carried out their.rvcuptionprogramme.. The church was mostbi-autifully decorated. The platform,was Biled with the Unoat distilav ol^hryeaotburouma we ever saw iu Hum-iuiml6u. Iu tho coaler was an i l lu iu iuuted.'-Weleowe." The electric lampswere covered with colored liusut- piiper.The bouse was welt tilled with friaudsrom all the uliuruDea, and others. Theirogramiuo consisted of an instrumentaliplo by Mian Bullu Carkhuff; vocal solo

3. Society gave them a cat glass dish ;he Ladies' Aid Society, choice "dona"

q u i l t ; \ ~ "


-Last Saturday, Mas'Pape bad themisfortune of losing one finger, and hadhis thumb and hand badly cut. by thecircular saw at Bozarth's mill.

. Tbe. JJ..JE. Cbnrch _,WBB.. representedat the Bible Society meeting in' Hani"monton by, Bev. H. T. Flsler ; the Pres-byterians by Bev. M. 8. Morgan andLouis L Hoi den; J:They spent a pleas-ant as well ua protltable time ihere.

Pastor Morgan Is conducting a series' velryi^^^^

thiee to four, preparing his people,-forthe , communion service nest Sunday,and trying to bring others into theChurch.—These meeting aro-vory bene-ficial, and all are welcome.

Mrs. Maurer spent a few days in thocity thisTweeTT.

Mr. J. W. Johnson and son GeorgeII. have returned from a very pleasantvisit to Washington.

..JMr.-Chas.. Wugnor.has.been .spendinga lew days with friends here.

Mrs. MacMullon In at hpmo for a fewdays. Hlie has boon in thp hospitalsince Out. 1st, undergoing treatment"or cataract. She bos bad one removedfrom onu eye, aud expect an operationon tho other. Her niece, Mlea Wick-ward, from Philadelphia, la etaylngwith her unti l she returns. u.

B*Jr Notwithstanding a widely cur-rent rumor that tho Kev. Erl R. lllcks

and nuvur did u harder nnd raoio suc-al'ul yeiir'a work tliuii that ubout

closing. Ho lmn J U K I coiuplotvd hisRU und upluudld Aliniiimo for 1902,

ind, wi th |I!B Btuir of ublu iu-lpurs, liuabrought h ln ju i i rnu l , Word uud Works,UBtly forward Into Inlurimlionul ropti'

tiitlon. For a quarter of u century Mr." tiktt lini) Krown in reputation und uno-

uciw an tho pimple's astronomer, andforeciiblur ol uiorum and thu clmructorof coniliiK euiinoMB. Nuvur woro hlowoulhur forucimta no Bought nftur ualow, lilu llniuly warning of a eurlousIroulh this ytiur Imvluu mivud thu poojlilo Iroin loan und milliirliiK. Mlllloim of)UBliol8 of whmit woro Imrvonlvcl thro'ila lulvlco lo jilunt crops' Hint wouldmiliiro curly. Tho Aniurloiin jioojilo

will cortiiliily utnnil hy 1'rof. Mlul iH,whon It coata thuin no llulo itml tho

idltH »ro m> «rtiut. I l l n lino Alumimo)l 1!00 pniifa la only i!5 contu, und liliipUiiullil liimjly jiiuriiiil In only 0110

lolliir i\ yijiir l i icl i i i l lnu ( I I I ) Aluwillio.•iond to "\Vortlunil \Vorkii'> I'ub. Co.,

2201 Jxjounl Hi., Ht. Lm\\a, Mo.

Workliig Night nndTlia bualoat und miKlitluat Illlln tiling

lint OV»T vroii mitda in Di. Klnn'a Now,lfo I'llln. 'J'liuao ])lll« chiuiKti WdtvliiuiBBInto iilioUKtli, llotlotuiiunn Into nuergy,

ln-fuK Into ninntul jxivror. Thoy urowondorfiil In iHilldliig up hoitltli. Only

o. i>or box. Mold by (Jrowcll.

Are' you blind ? SATtaDAY. NOV. 23, 1001

to the fact-that our-stock'coinprises the latest designsand most useful gift a.in our line ? If so, may this adEnablei you?tb see'tiiat it ,j0e8 - - - - - - -

We are 'constantly adding new goods to .line of our stock. • '.;_:'•

Mail Time.-'Malls-will-otoso-at-the-Hammonton.

Post Office as follows:' . ' -LEAVE- '"'• ..

Vf '

Now 4Later


for inspection.for

- • _ • • „ •

We would especially mention our complete stock of Chainsfor both ladies and gentlemen, at pricas to suif your purae.

Also Rings, Gold and Silver Pens and Pencils. •

You can only appreciate our -stock by seeing it. - - .

You will find^s hea4qujtr^^^ -^ ,

OTTO'A.M, ~ 7:15:85 P.M. 9:40

i ' • '' 12:20 r.H.3:56

-ARRIVE- .'5:5(5 A.M. , 7:25 A.M.9:22 4:10 P.M.5:48 r.M. . . . ' '

S83". Give thanks next Thursday.S8f Get jour ticket • tb-hls;ht for the

rtainstrelB. " . . . . - .S&" Keep in mind the tnuslcale Id

BO'EERT'STEEL^J^wefe-$£3* Remember the minstrel troupe

j-on Thanksgiving night.' TACKBOM Will lake join ordct An Tlianlrg."U giving Turkey. "

Satisfaction^guaranteed in all our eye testing.

rer,"—all sizes,

'."Printed promptly,aline REPUBLICAN bffiee

J8@- Cold weather-thls week,—a half-idch icoformlD!? Tuesday night. '•'"

jjgjy Hammonton schools will closenext-Wednesday-oiBbt, for the week.

Eg?-Tho opening overture for theminstrels is alone worth tho price of


MISS KATIE DAVIS will do Manicuringat her borne, Mondays. Wednesdays,

and Saturdays, from 9 am. to 5 p.m. •fiSf-'MrsY Wm. -Priestley, of CamdenT

is spending two weeks with her mother,

Eg?" Mrs. Emma Arlitz Beckworth,—of Newarkt-was-iu Hammontorron-

inese, last Saturday."BiJ^TSIrB. Wm7

daughter 'Jessie, and BOD Harry, spent

ORDER-your Thankiglving Turkey earyBeat Balls/action Riven at Jackson'a.


of Jersey Pork.- We have two grades of Mince Meat, 10 and 12 c»

Chow"Chow, Pepper Sauce, Pickles, and Horseish. Home-made Sour Krout.

Orders received and delivered.309 Bellevue Ave. -

B. TiltoQ attended the State Sunday•School CoDTention this week, held in•Camden.

—eSSF Capt. Moore is havLBR consider-able work dooo on bis residence. The

1 back part is to be raised and enlarged,adding two rooms.

BSF The Bank will bo closed all day-on Thanksgiving Day. -The Post-office

will be open from 7.00 to 10.00 a. m.,;,and from 5.00 to 0.30 p.m. .

Have you used .Cottolene ?

made from refined Vegetable Oiland BeTecEed Bee? Suet ? -

It has no offensive odor in cooking, and impartsno flavor of grease to the food.

. It is healthful and nutritious, and recommendedby well-known cooking experts.


A trial can will convince you of its good qualities.

Put up in 2,,4, and 10 pound pails.

HALF of double houno to rent, on OrchardBticot. Apply to F. TUOMAB,

112 N. Second Street.•4, EOF" Tho Health Inspector reports

that there are no now cases of diphthe-ria In town, and tboae now Bufferingfrom that disease are tecovoring.

S6r"-Dgn't~you"fe'a)omber how• plcaa*ion tbe muslcales given by tho EpworthIicague have boon P Tho one for Deo.6th promises to surpuss them all.

EOT M the fire, Thursday morning,- Mr. E. W. Batcbolor cut tho buck of

his band quite eovoruly,eevorlng two~ veins. Ho is one of our best and coolestheaded Dromon.

THE FIRE will not Intnrfero with theqimlliy of your Tlmnbi'Klvlnii turkey.

Orilt-rof JACJiHO.N 4 BON.

Mr. Charles E.( Coffln' nnd hisbride made Ildmmonton a flying visit,on their honeymoon trip, visiting theirparents', the Mnwsons, on Central Ave.Mr, M. Jiaying j^stj??0.^ ?. Bow

~ " ". .ntd carriage, the~fatr "ybniSi "coupletook the fleet ride behind the new steed.

'to Union Hall, and is making neededrepairs and Improvements. .Now frontsteps have been built, with a hand railon each Bide. Elevated seats occupythe rear end of the bail, either Bide oltho entrance. Fred. Whitmore will stillhave charge of the building.

A CAED.— We.wish to tender thanksto the Volunteer Fire*' Company, theIndependent Fire Company, and to allwho assisted in putting out the Ore Inour market early Thursday morning:also to' the business men who • haveoffered ua the use of their stock to Gilour orders. i-^Be'spectfUlly,

J5ST Nextwill buAccording to custom in

M. L. JACJCSON & SON.week Thursday, Nov. 28,


union religious servicoB will be held,—this time in the M. E. Church, Bev.Mr. MeKinooy to preach. Serviceswill begin at 10.30 a.m., and everybodyla invited to attend. .

ily nnd her brotU-er Paul bave gone to spend two, monthswith their father, John B. Beely, atCharleston, 8. C. _^Tbey will visit theexposition to be opened there early inDecember. They-bave visited severalalacen of-interest,, including.the. Jale.ofPalms, and report it a lovely sight. •

WOOD FOR RALE'at following prlcei»:pole wood,© per load; cord woodTSiSO.

Bean poles, crape ntakea, and stona Ordersmay-be lefratrMrorBntliird'H mllll

52?" Lester Bryant, an attache of tbeBlectncXi(?ht_Company»-waB,Jaid_o.ut.stiff by a thmrsanbTvoircharge of elec-tricity, the .other day\ He stambled,

rdnoTBTnrrttfas^fTjrorjrfalliDg^WSTpea"a guy-wire which a 8tray~plece'6f haywire had connected with tbe chargedine above, with what might have been

fatal result. He needed-attention>efore he recovered from the shock.

The only printing: housein Hammonton is '*'

The South Jersey Republican Offloo.Wo are well equipped for nil aortH of printing,know how to do it; charge ftiir pricoH,and tinfoil work juut when promiHod.

Did you aay CHICKENSHaving bought-th«-entire mtouk of u Uyiiltry Farm,wo uro bolter prepared tlnin ever hoforo to.(ill ordora.

, Old, 14 cents per pound. Spring, 1H cents. ^«Fine Print Buttor, '28 c. a pound.


The Ladles* Aid Society of thePresbyterian Church will hold theirChristmas sale' in the etoro formerlyoccupied by Mr. Fiedler, on BellovuoAvenue,—to be opened Due. 2nd,

S&TA very enjoyable social WAS givenon Tuesday evening, at Mrs. Lonz'n,

~"t{y'lho"Junror U. isTHocToty ol tho Baj)-tift Church, Tho progruiu constated ofsolos, recitations, quartettes, und selectdialogues.

t&~ Several men found that there IsBtruugth In tho acid used Iu tho chemi-cal Ore engine, A dash of It riilnud acoat, and pttlr of punts for Mr. Coggoy,/uid eoverol otliora will hnvo to pulron-izu tho tailor.

HAl.K A I1OHHIO to l«,t. InniilraorMIIH. KKNUAI.L, 'W Oralmrd Ht.

S&~ Mr. Kdw. Drew filled mostnccoptabty tlio pnfint at tho HnptletChurch, last Sunday. Hln aolo aibglng,ulso, dollghtod the audionciis, both thereund 'at tho inon'n inuatlng Iu the oldPost-Olllco building.

, jjtSrOn next. Thuraduy evening, thejluiitlst congreKatUin 'will hold an expu-tloucu mooting, ul which tho mombflra.itnd frluiiita will tu|l how tlmy rulnod tho•Oollur (or moro) towunln thu incldoutivl4)Xpul)nua of the (Jluiroli.

Tlioro tvlll 1)0 npoclul gonpolIn thu I'ronliytvrluu Oluucli,Dec. 3ml, nnd undlhg' oh thn

flth, The eervlcua will conuniiDcti nt7:45 p.m., and ho nddroflood by itnvoralliromlnout vlsltlug olorgyman,

NO'I'IOIU. Knr Inrnrnmtlon rnlut lvu to IhoIliiruliunaiiniinJ, 10. 1'rloo, Jr.,:i>ni|iuny

ill Ninth Ulroot mid HmioiMl Idiixi, .u.iiiy to)_ \V. It. Hli',ICI,Y. Atfiinl.

"luniiro nltli (ho A. II. lMi(lll|m Co.,JT.IU6 Atlnutlo Avu,, Ailuutlo CJii>.

CS?" The next meeting of the Lyceumwill be held on Monday evening, Nov.25th. Tbe enhjeot for debate will be, —'Resolved, that education increasesmppiness." Mlea Amanda Wilson andMrs. (3halfant will enjitaln tbe^afDrma-ive, with Misses Rose Bodioe and Missilaudo Jacobs on the negative s\de ofthe question. An interesting entertain-ment program bad been arranged. •

jgj- The Reading R.R. made qnite afihanBo.in.tbmo.on.the 17th,__Up trainsleave Hammonton as follows: 5.07,7.13,8.09 (oxp.), 10.53 (exp.), 4.38, 6.09(exp.); Sunday, 8.04 a. m., 5.07 and8.11 (exp.) p.m. Down trains leavePhiladelphia at 7.00, 9.00 (exp.) a. in.,2.00 (exp.) 4.00 (oxp.), 5.1S, 0.30, 7.15(exp.); Hunday. 8.00, 9.00 (oxp.) a.m.;"6.00 p.m.

jgy Wo call attention to tho TrainingSchool for Fi'c.hlo Minded Girls andBoys, at Ylnnlnnd. It Is sustained bydonations, almost exclusively, and IBdoing a great amount of good in thocare and training of children who, whilenot "Idiotic," needed special attentionday by day. Tho collection at ourunion Thnnkflglving services has boon

An Intcrxistlni; and profltnblomeeting of the County Executive Commitlee of the W. C. T. U. was held atthe Leedoin, Atlantic City: It wasvoted to expend pfteendolkrs^fpx literaturo. Local. Unions were urged to

"take more interest in 'school matters.Tbe President urped all to keep postocon tho canteen quMfion. Arrange-ments were made for a Spring school ofmethods, in May, at Egg Harbor.

fSyMr. Maweon,- who bought theEarl place, on Central Avenue, bosmade many improvements since hecame here, last Spring. Besides fencingthe place, be has resbinerled tbe house,pat a new brick foundation under thekitchen, and, built a corn-crib. ThoughnoUt farmer, he raised thirteen barrelsof sweet potatoes from one thousandplants—first time trying. Can anyonebeat that? ' -

of the late Samuel Anderson, Sr., died•at the residence of her son Samuel, In.LJLRulujOulOl)} ULI UilLUl'UUy iHHtj W

16th, aged nearly 77 years. Mr. andMrs. Anderson were among the veryearliest settlers in Hammonton, cominghere about 1860. They were industriousbard workers, good neighbors, activeChristians. Funeral services wereTbeldon Tuesday afternoon,, conducted by-Bov. W.-K-MoKtnneyv

Jgf Last Friday evening an unknownparty in an automobile, making toprapid speed on the-way^from ^AtlanticCity ja^Pbiladel^hia^ turned Elvin'scorner in a reckless' woyT Sd'^collidiid

ward- bound -in-his-earriager The-carriaue-iyas-batHy-damaeedrthe-doctof_thrown to the gjound^BiitJiappily not

PKANK'GKEia'-JD'aiSoata"."" (-seriously injured. The strangers madeno apology, but'went oa their way

A DVEETI8EHENTS In thla size type/onexi. bnlf oeut per word for each Insertion.Mo charge lesa than 10 conta.

_ .Make it liberal this year, as tho schoolIs nnody. Or, send them food, now orRocond hand clothing, books, pictures,or anything that you think would bouseful In n family of children. '

-fiSJ" On-Sunday eyeningras WmrA.Elvins stood at a window of the W. J.&S. R. B. station, setting bis watch bythe office clock, an_upiexpire8.8__-weDtspinning by on the north-bound track.At . the . crossing—, perhaps. . .fifty... feej;away— the locomotive encauntered adog, which was sent flying through the

-airt; struck the station J^ildiojg,; thenhit Mr. Elvins in the ' back with theforce of a cannon ball, knocking himdown and injuring-him 8overely,-if -notseriously. Ho was picked up by men

. present, soon taken home in a carriage,And medical aid summoned. The nextday he was unable to walk, and theindications were not encouraging ; but•I?!?8! J JL1!0- !'£l4}.J.!1.Bre... JW ? _P??spectsof early recovery. It was a strangemishap— apparently no man's fault, —unlocked for, and unavoidable.

tST List ot uncalled-for letters in theHammonton Post Office on Wednesday,Nov.~20tb7100r: " ./\

Mrs Julia OroasmanMrs Calharlno Johnson

Wm M PinoPoolo DomotolloAngela Rlnera

Geo lNoa lJitmes TWOCBJoe Monco

Paolo Colo'na.Nuncio PaganoPorsonii calling for any of the above

letters will plonso state that It hasboon advortlBod.

• M. L. JAOKBON, P. M.

Natalo DomanelloAntonio RUsa


COAL FOR CASH.Got Ills Introductory prlooo.


Loaded Shellson hand to select from.

Give us your order now, for what you will need

during tho coining season,•nnd they

will bo bo set nsido for you.



We have 16 first-class Bicycles,

Call and see them.

jwpuld be a very useful Christmas-gift_^ ^for the father, brother,; or son. :

-in^olors-and-blaefcj——from 50-cen.ts to $2.25. '

.MenjsJBlack Knit Jackets^from $i.§0 to $2.90.

Woolen and LeatherGloves and Mittens,for Men and Boys, from 25 c. up.

Have you seen our Mirnituref-We anythingfrom^Rbcking"

Chair to a whole Suite.

O u r • ' • • ' . .PuHtan Oil Stoves

are giving satisfaction everywhere.



Hovo you Been the fine droveof Sheep recently purchasedby JWm. II. BernshouHO ? Itin a fine lot, and no mistake.

While yon Imve jour mind/on Slutep, porhapa thesd

prices will provo interestingto yon,—

Leg of Mutton,

Shoulder of Mutton,

Mutton Chops,

Stewing Mutton,

12 cents

8 centu

<l6. contH

6 centu


Mi Lo Jackson & Son

Page 4: S i lii'g ••••!•: 8 ^Ig-ssfllfiJ-ig€¢Ople Head remarked that a In 'the heart of:the Kusslau In Chicago recently had n tele- phone Instrument Installed In his place for


ITou'ro going to Btnrt for the top of th», hill: -- - . .

And blazon your name to the • world;All 'obstacles passed by the strength of

—'your -will; : ••-• Yonr banner triumphant unfurled,

You'JI fling to Uio breezes that flow fromthe sky

All never earth-tainted you say;TJ8 noble and grand and.delightful; but

why—But why don't you do it to-day?

The good that you think and the eoodthat you do

Are millions of. long miles apart;What Kood to the earth, 'if you're good

nnd you're true— 'But never outside of your heart?

The generous deeds you intend to performAre all very lovely; but eny,

.While your soul is BO high and your heartis so warm,

Why don't you perform them to-day?—San Francisco Bulletin.

"Where neither of you cowards wi)follow me," laughed, the girl. •

"I would follow you to -!'\ Pedroscreamed, stopping abruptly.

"So would I!" yelled Fernando._" Where.arc, yoii-golrgl-'i : ?—

"To.gather orchids In Death's HeadValley," replied the girl, still.smiling.

The two men started, and theirbrown faces turned a little pale1.

"I saw a patch on one of the trecB,looking down from -uiy window lastcvenlnc. and 1'iu going to have It."

H61pl"' -And the echoes died away Intho 'blackness of the night.

"Good-by," whispered Algle. "Willyou-kiss mo once?" • " ".

She stooped and pressed ' her lipsngalnstJulm-and.hls.headJeli back.. ..„

But' he wna not dead. O, dear no.That kiss, with the rnrigic force that aklfis may have, had revived him—putlife Into him, set the blood running i'untonce more, anil presently he raised hisbead again and Bald:

•Jessie." ' -

: ID w.7-

HEN Jessie's father. SalmonOgilvie, acquired his coffee es-tate on the summit of Santa

Nlta, Colombia, South America, in thecentral Andes, be knew little of the cli-mate he was about to face, and Jessieknew less. But he was a brave man,nml "fiinod tlio mncie" gnylv, nnd nifldpa lot of money, while Jessie eeerned tofind nights, of thunderstorm and daysof steamy heat agree with her perfect-ly. Not a girl in all Colombia" half~sofair as she, with her black^ hair_ andbrown'eyesrarrd 5'"feet'll inches of ho-hie young womanhood.'

She was loved "passionately madly"- -

'Hut It's ceftafu Ueatiif" slioutea tnocwo men.

"Not-it!" said Jessie. "I'll coiu'b bacltsafely you'll tiud."

"You shan't go.^ hissed Pedro, ad-vancing, but Jessie Used her brownt-ycs steadily, upon him, and her shoul-ders went hack, and her right arm wasraised slowly. She seemed about tobrush him from her path. And he re-treated with a muttered apology.

At that moment Algie strolled on thelawn., ceremoniously^ raised his' biglinen- caprand^sald~lirt]iat~elab'oratelycourteous-voice of his, "Good morning,Miss Jessie, can I be of any use'.'"

am ifolng^for some orchids downin Death's, Ileadl Valley," she said.

Yuu can cimiu wtth mu if you are-notafraid."

"I slept there last night," said Algle,calmly.

Jessie gave a look at the other two,who were glaring with hate at Algie,then turned to the young American anilstarted off with him down the hill:

I'edro hissed an -oath at Fernando,who shouted back a curse; then thetwo closed und fought each other witliknives^ till Mr. Ogilvie canur out-anddrove_theffl away with _ a whig.

seventeen others, and quietly and un-demonstratlvely by a twentieth. Thetwo "passionate mad" adorers were

.SpaniflhTColombians.'-Pedro-and --Per--

Only those \vlio have been In Death'sHead Valley know what sort of a placeitjs^ At J lie hottoiu of it the Jlio Caucaruns rapidly alouj; between Its banksand bowlders, hissing and foanilng androaring; and'iii the quiet back water ofthe river lie liungry alligators _«'aUInsfor^"ETri5etliln"g"fleshy~to ta,ke"a snuTp at.Snakes of all lengths between K!XInches and fifteen feet lie sleeping Inthe long moist grass; mosquitoes in

sliurry up and down the smooth "tfuhkBof -the trees; and . the monotonoussss-k-rrr of -the— "scissor grinder"Bounds all day IDC the thick: roof of fpU-age -overhead.: -It'-lsnot-a nice-placefor a Sunday school picnic, and longbefore Jessie had reached the bottomsbe.had begun to wish she hadn't come,but the calm young man beside her

'T believe I shall live." ; -Then came a great noise of men rail-

Ing, .nnd a great flashing of big lamps,and a wild cry In "a woman's voice;and half an hour later Algle was beingborne back to Santa Nlta, his hand heldby Jessie. . / ' ''And sometimes now Ije , tells, his

bouncing boys of the night lie and theirmother once spent In the Colombianforest. But Jessie listens to It .withfear and trembling.—Chicago. Tribune.


Parole System of New York IB MnklncUuuJ CUljLuii

Miss T.lllle TTnmlltnn T.-rprm}j fi.1Tq |nWorld's Work how the parqle systemfor boys who have been convicted forerinicf In Xcw York is putting the ma-jority of those whom It reaches uponthe straight track to nianly life andgood citizenship.•"For boys over 1C," says Miss French,there was absolutely liotlUng' except

Crush and Towel Get liven.The brush and the towel were talking

together, nnd they were all tired outand 'flustered''.with the work of gettingTommy Fltzpatrlck'ready for dinner.You see Tommy Is one of those peculiarboys who seem to think that It's bignnd nice nnd manly to give other peopletrouble., nnd to cry when you can't haveyour own way, and .be does bate being•washed and brushed and made neatnnd tidy. So the brush was overheiitecr -us-you-gdod-f«ci!i-und—bruised-n lid—tumbled,—and—thetowel wns so weak and sllmpsy that itlay in a little heap.

Besides, they were very sorry for thekind girl wlunn Tnimhv enllH "nurse."

"I'd like to get even with that boy,"

:he common jall,as a place of detention,nothing except the penitentiary as aplace of-punishment^ For_the-benelitof these boys, then, the law was amend-Ed;"iiud"wIieiI"51F~Wllla?d~ volunteeredto take under his charge as an experi-ment boys between the ages of 10 ajid,22,pr.?3,.\yhp_had been_for' the first time

the In-jHsl;, excitedly, ."I'mmahouttired of being thrown across the rooniriml pounded against the xlmrp'odge of:lie dresser.. Siiy wo get even, Jlrs.Towol? Will you help?"

"Yi's, indeed, dear. Mr. Brush," salathe towel, quite readily. "We'll let himsee what it's like to be so treated. Per-hups it will do him good and help thev

"kind nurse."You see the nurse Is always good to

Invitation, so. he'stored In the maple'sspare room all hla baggage, which con-sisted of one hickory nut. He soonbrought another, however, and anotherand another, till 'the room was almostf uU.('"• Then- he curled "himself'up "con>~fortably In the warmest corner. '

"I told "you we Rhonld have com-pany," said the mapU>. "Now I havoKoine one to talk', to on dull winterdays." : ' ' . ' . .

And. sure enough; la-stormy wcathcsf:-we jihvnys hear her rattling ....her.branchcu and talking very, fast Jn her •fashion. Hut 1 am afraid. that • thesquirrel Is not -a good listener, for totell the'truth, h e ' l a sound asleep.-^Youth's Companion.

A Little' Boy's Heply.A bright little fellow of C made quite

on apt reply to a crofo-graincd old manwho had outgrown his -love for chil-dren. "Get out of my way," was thesurly command. '?Wbat are such chaps'


JoJin .Scliocfor, a Half Hour Under" W liter, TJien KcBliacitutcd,

said: "Sir. the.v make gentlemen outof such chaps as'I am." The boy cameoff wltli flying colors.. It's a great pity.

la. men lire•-toe-wovar, tlmt Buoften mads oiifiif t '-&dren. - - ' - • - '

A Not Unusual Occnrrcncc.'There Is a great Seal of truth in the

assertion that knowledge—some kinds .of knowledge at least—is largely a mat-ter of Instinct. Clara,raged-u, came-ruunlug Into her 'mother's room thoother morning in a atixtu of giuul UA-

walEcd beside the river, andlittle lobsterllke black Insects gaveboth of them agony. They entered anopen~gIa*de~ahiI1irfierTiriance ~snakc~8Ud-denly reared up before them and wasonly dodged with dllilculty, Algio. giv-ing him a crack on the heml wl i l i liisstick as be passed that left him power-less for all fur ther mallei! In thisworld. Wherever Ilioy went they en-






uando by name. The seventeenpassionate^1 ones didn't fQjint._The-nn^

'denioiiHtrative OIK; wus Alfjlo Hruce,anil he was the oiilj' one of whomJoHsle aiipearod to take any notice ntnil, ftncl that Hoonii-d only a coiiteiniitu-OUH notli'o.

"He Is no lame," Hhe would uuy toher father.

"Ho'B n good deal of a man for ullthnt," her fallior would

'( inlet nihllo.I'odro nnd Kernnndo had boon bonoin

fr lendH ti l l Jotmlo eaino. Then theyImmediately became IMIHOIII eiionileH.Twice under the cover of durknoHM hadI'edro rtjucht l''eniaii(lo'H l ife w i th hisKl I t t r r l i iK forcMl knife . Thrice hadI'Vn'iinndu IilnHed an n w f u l vow Hl ra lKh iIn to I'edni'H face t h a i llie day lu- ( I V(Iro) won l int hive ( if .ICH.sle wnilli l beli l« h in t ! They walcheil hor whereverHint went. Did ohc appear on the dournto|i of her fn lher 'H \viioilen liofiHe theywould Hpi-l i iK fi-nin behl i i i l I ITCH andhelp her In to her middle . Did H|I^> coniccllmlilnj; up t he m i n i n i i i l n w l i u wate rfrom the well , I l i cy would h c n n i | i c i -down In relieve her of her |IM||», Andof an cvcalnj;, w h i l e H!IC wmi ld h(. MnxI Ilk' IIU^):H|M lu bur father In i l i e d r n wlnj;room, (hey would lie l l a l i cn ln i ; i h c l rtuiDivi i i K a l i i H L the wl i ido \v , l ih iMmKf o r t h the i r luvo for her nnd l l ie lr ha lofor ouch dllicr, nnd Dua l ly t u r n i n g \ y h l ia roar of I | |HJ;IIH| and h l i r .v l l iK l l ie l r 111!(,'i'ni In oiieh i i lhcr ' i i I h r o n l H . Tliry wcroa nice, <'|||;IIK|III{ coniile.

It wan a Mny morning. A f t e r a nl|;lnof c i i m i l i i i - l i i l l l i l l n i h ' l ' H l o r i n , i|l(, mmWIIH h h l n h i f ; K h i r l n i i H l y iipun I In, worldof Ki'ccn h i l l nnd f i i r i ' M l , and fur a w a yIn Vi ; i i iv . i i i< l i i i r l c i l i i i c i l Ihe w h i t eh c l i ; l i l M of l l i e .Sierra N c V u d u , ' » n ip j ie . l 'In l l i e l r i n a i i l l i i of c tc i ' i i a l nno\v , . I rn 'tile H tc j ipcd f o r l h f r u i i i t h e I K M I M C , aI n i h U i ' l In niic h n i i i l nml n j n i l r n f lui ' j ; , .i icl i i i ini 'M In MIC nl her , mid In the namemoi i i cn l I 'c i l rn nnd l ' 'crnamlu n l m ii< | i ra i iK f u r l l i , l l ie oini fi 'mii l i c l i l n i l alni 'KC aloe, Ihe n l l i c r from I he i i lnul.nvof n i>H" of dciil I M M C M .

"\\'liei'e nrc ymi ;;n|ii|;V" id io i i t c i l Ihollvo rn l l lami , mi xcnll .v IIH )>ui i i i lb l i* .

while, uiisoeii and unknown by eitherof then), a big leopurd was stealthilydogging their Htepx, keeping artful lyIn the shadow, but with eyes that everburned and glared, two circles of grceumalignant lire.

At last they reached the tree onwhose topmost branches were blooiii-Ing thOjOrchlds Jessie had seen. )

"How high they are!" Bald tin- ggin.

quite u flhort one.""Not too hluh for me," aiiHwered

Alf-lc, iirrpnrliig to climb."No, no; don't n t teuni t II." i-rled the

Kir). "Ilnlf the lu-uiKdiOH HOOIII nit ten.Vou might fall and lie killed."

"And wlmt If I were! Who wouldm l H H me? Not a soul!" And lie jj'uve n

eonsloted—ot-nilssdtunoanoFr—tho—<:ourtlui-ned thern over to him, paroling themusteud of.sending them to the house

of. jefuge,..or_lmprlBonlng^thein,-or-6ns-pending sentence. During the course ofhe year (here are sometimes as manyis 1,300 of these boys arrested, ut thatsusceptlhle nge when,- us one of the

riald to IMS .!"....fewTinyB lii thetombs will act as a corrective, while u'ew mouths' Imprisonment will ruinhem for life. Once let a hoy get Intohe penitentiary and his _hope for rc-

demptiOTrls""Sii).-ill.' Tie" hiiist'be .savedu the first instance or not nt all.'" 'And the resultV 1 asked one of the

judges. 'The result!' he answered.'You remember some of- Hies'e bovs.

Element. "Ob, mrtmma," she exclaim-ed, "cook has Just killed an old hen to ' • •

'—i"^"-JJ-'^"-~"—makeover into chicken."- —-...Aid,.y.e.t..Clara-had-n6ver -llved-ln-a-boarding house.


hnppened to me shows clenrly that lotsof people BufCcring from Inimorslon areallo>vcd, to die. when they c'oiild he reGuscllutei], If It had not been for theenergy nnd hopefulness of Dr. Barney

- who worked over mo .when ray caseappeaj^^jjoj<o]Ms,_I__would Se In cay«oUin to-day Inatoud of hero In thischair. '

My father, Henry Scbaefer, waskilled it wo years ago by a fall fromthe Jj. structure at Fulton Ferry. 1

> live with my mother and two sisters atNo. 1014 Third avenue, and my mothercells tickets for the Fifth avenue L

' road at the Fortieth street station. Iam a stenographer/

Last Wednesday afternoon, withJohn-WatHon and .Mike Gallagher, Iwent for a swim lu the bay a^ the foot

on BcH's dock, right alongside theThirty-ninth street ferry- slip.

I am not a vei'y good swimmer.don't dilpiiotw I ever swam any further '

- than -twciiJ-y-tlvo- nr thirtyhad plenty of confidence In myself, nndI never felt aiiy fear In the water.

After paddling around for a while I•concluded to take a dive. I hud dived

-- from-t ho dock, btftjjad never 'taken ahigh dive. The' other boys "w.ere dlv-

" I had a terrible cold and couldhardly Jbrenthe. I then tried Ayer'r,Cherry Pectoral. and It gave me im-mediate relief.''

W. C. Layton, Sidell, IH.

-How will -yotir coughbe tonight? Worse, prob-ably. For it's first a cold,then .a cough, then bron-chitis or pneumonia/ aajdat last consumption.Coughs always tenddownward. Stop thisdownward tendency bytaking Ayer's Cherry Pec-

Itoral. _^r~Three nfieiTZStrSOf, $I..AlWr»ltlsts.--j

I Consult -jOiir'doctor. Tf ho SATS .take it.' then (lo ns lio miyii. If h» telfn. — --*o take U. thuil Uun'l' tlilcu It. He Knows.Loavo It with lilni. We. aro willing.

J. C. AYEB CO.. Iflwell. Mass.

.poised myself and dived head first.

I hi t the water clean. and went downI remember feeling pretty weji satisfiedwltir'myself for" the "good dive I "had

Capsicum Vaseline. Put up In Collapsible Tubes.

- A Substitute for and Superlor^to Mustard orother plaster, and will not blister the moat dollcatoIktn. Th«Jl«lnj»ll«Tlne- -nd ^ritll... rjn.-lll.. „

faces they,had. Had we no parole sys-tem we should have been obliged tosend many of them to prison. We could

"not" "even" "haveT'luspendeil ~ tlicfr™ scn:

tences. In such'cases, what •chanceswould they, have had? For a boy con-victed of stealing in a department storecould not have been taken back undersuspended sentence/ The example tothe others would have been bad. Butwith the—parole-syfltoui -tlie-condition.Is changed. He goes back to prove him-self."


"Do you Hiiy that liecaiiHe I broughtyou down here'/" linked .lewle. Hluwly.

"I never (larcil to I h l n k of you a«tak ing the Hi iml lcNt Intercti t In mo. <iueway or the other."

"Why?" iiHkcd .IcHHle, making theHii l ' t eyes at him. Ami the Iciipurd be-l i ln i l . seeing t h e m HIUH a l iKor l ie i l In onei i i in lher . ci'i'|il a I l l l l i j nearer.

"l.hm't look nl me l ike tha i ! " erli'd-\U;lr, JIM her fncc ni iddenly pale/tl andher I\VCH opeiieil wide w l l h horror.'•

"Turn i|ulrl,ly," wlilnpcred .lesMlo,l u l l n l i e WIIH loo la i r , i Tint I I I - I I M I WIIHu p h i l l h im, UH r l i i w H In II |H H l i i i i i l i l i ' m ,u n i l U H leel l i I I I II|H nei'U. l i e I l l l ' l l r i lnml w r i t h e d , Inn l l i e l i r u l e Hind ; inh i m ; lie pivc the H l l i ' U l u .IcMtile, nmlw l l h M C I - C I I I I I n p i > I | H iTc i i l l i H|||.' Hll 'lll. 'U Itmi Ihe head U K i i l n ami H K i i l n , w h i l e t h eh l i i u i l p iMire i l down t h e lud 'H i ih i iu l i le rH.mil l I l l H > < l r c l l t ; l l l W I I H v lid I l ly chh l i iKaway. -b-( I I I M I Hhe l i i 'migl i l I l l n cudgeldi iwn ii|ii>n llie nnlimil ' l l head w l l h aforce t h a i hrnl te I I H u l u i l l , n m l I t r o l l n -i | l i lnhe i l I I H l io l i l n n d f f c l l I n I l i n e i i r l hdead; nnd Alu lo fe l l mieli U| i iu i l l In nIIWIIIMI,

. I c M N l o kno l l Invddu h im , wlpeit t l n </ i l i i o i l f rom bin I'nee and nerk, n m l ha Hieil h i m w l l l i wi l ie r f rom Ihe r iver .il i lAUVjjiflcr l i i n i r putir tcd, ami l ln> iu ;h heupi ' i ie i l hl t i oy'ort an i l iipulio In her howan u l l i ' i ' l y l innhle to I'bii1. A l I I I M I Ihomm net , Ihe f i i i ' i 'Hi l i i i i l i i ' i iC ' i l , I h r I n n -lent Illeii I M ' K H M In dar t h l l l i e r nmlI h l l h e r , ani l a l e n r Tell upon Hie hid1.,I'ui-e. .

"1 Teel ni l I l i i i l I K h 1 were i l y l l l i ; , " hi1

in i i rmur i ' i l , f a i n t l y ,"No," I ' i ' I r i l .leiitde, ami leaped t o l i r i

feel. " l lc l |>l l lclpl" i i l i i - ncrcnmcd atl lm toil of her voice, " l le lpl l l i - l j i l


Good-^ized Omrice«. •- Lulu,.- agcJ4,-"-wa9 taking- -her first- — •'•ride' on the steam cars and as theywhizzed by the farms she saw some

•nilng. and determined that I would re-peat the dive as soon 'us I came to thesurface.

Air'ft't"oiicc It 'occurred "to nfe that :

and, remembering her five brothersand sisters at home, she said: "Obrmijinma. look what big oranges! Let'sstop nnd buy one and It'll go allaround." _ ;

An a linle lie Illicitly Appreciates IllsOwn Ab i l i t i e s '

The actor sufferH HI 111 from adulationand derogatlon—Just about IIH muchfrom OIK; IIH the other—and In bothwaytt tho linniL.donc_tg.lii!!i_lH_l]iri_E(h.sui t of a enreJCHH feeling toward hiswork by n large part of (he public, HiiysKraukJIn FyloH lu Kveryboily'H Maga-zine. I do not have lu mind at this mo-ment II!H Hoclnl Htnndlng, high or low,bill am th ink ing of him solely IIH u per-former on the Hinge."

Few lu an audience d!:iocrn any th ingback of l i lm. Whatever he does Unit \a

-tMMlt4fiH*l(M'y-lM jlii'i'dl''^!.!' pet down lohlH perHoiml credit! IIH IhoiiKh he hadoriginated It. Kven Home of the ro-vlewei-H write of him IIH "croutlng" adiameter for whlcli ho him originatedabsolutely nothing. Tho author IHi|illle I 'ni 'Kolten, and nil the credit IHl imt l i i r . l l v i ' l y Klvcn to tho Interpreter.

'ii'hln inline i id in l ra t lou loo of tenimikeH him i in 'abHurdly vain creaturen crow, H) rut I Ing In the borrowed pluiii-iigi- nf u poiMTick and no plcuncd by binfon lhc i 'H t h a i he liclleVeH l i l i i iHelf tobe t h e Hue bird Hull they grew on,Mi;lil n l ' i e r n l K h i 'lie lienni i ipphuiHoHul l |I!H m a U i ' . l i o l l i ' V O i | U n l l l l e H excite,bil l mine of Un i t which hi at the M I M I Cl ime hr l i i ) ; g iven to t h o U H a i i i l n of otheri m i i m n e r M t l i l ' i i ng l i i i l l l the e i i l in t ry , Mo(loi-i lint hear In inhiil Hint people chipl l ie l r I n i i i i l H IIH lini'd at a really l irave

rapr'/.c man In a clrcnn IIH they do at ani n l l n l l o n of a mimic hero In a i lranm,nut l iu iuh I IH loi ldly a t an or iginal ly

mile elown IIH they <!• at a merely In-I c i p i c l a i l v c comedian.

AH n rule he In i - x l r n v n g i i n l l y appro-I ' l a l l v e ( i f b in own i l b l l l l l c H . Me bo-comcH a coM'ouib and a l n n K C a r l . l l l nn i ' l l ' - im l Ih l ' i i c l Inn p reven lH bin ilii'velo|i-meii t of mi I m-iil Kl"H li.v a r l l i i l lo iic-i l i i l i ' i t i n c n l , He CCIIHCH eiirnciil . etTorlnnd idopii i d K i r t of w h a t ho tulgh! lie-C D I I I C , liecaune i n l i i l a t l o i i I I I I H weiilienedor de r i t rove i l l l ln a lu l i l l lnn .

tlie brush nnd the towel.s. So they wereiinxioiiH to do Bometliing to belp_her.__^

That u"iglit, when Tommy was fasTfasleep in his cot, they Invaded the nice,ciul£^di't'ani_dminjjer lii_whlchji kjudfairy hnil jilaccd him to siunibor, andthey picked him up and threw hlniacross the roolu and pounded him cuthe slinup edge of-therdresscr nndcTuni"bled him nil up, nml twisted him nwful-ly, and pulled him nearly In two pieces,and trented him just UH he treated themIn hit) waking imimentH. Next morningTommy didn't feel quite so well asu.MiiaJ. Hut he was very good nnd quiet

jivlien It fiumMlnu) for him to be wanh-I'd and briinhed.

"I dreamed the briiKh and the towel(routed me awful ly last night," he toldhlH nurvc when he WIIH nearly readyfor breakfast.

"I'crhiips they tlhl," was tho quietniiHwer. "Vou certainly deserve-It fromthem. Tommy."

And Tommy him been very good attldylng-up tlmi'N evernlnce. I th ink he'dbelter be. ilmi'lHerald.

Little O'tpl Wanted to Know.'The car In which a little 4-year-pUJ

was travcllng~was partly demolishedIn a -wreck,_and, noticing the a.larm ofthe liasseugers, she turned to her moth-er and said: "Mamma, are we allkilled?" '

NVIicii Mumtna Mnko< lirenrt.\Vlieu my niuiiinia liinkes brend ut nigh'.

I helji her nil I enu;( climb up by t l ie table.

And hold my l i t t le 'pun.

Anil wnteh her while uhe inlxen laThe Hour tm Hp(t and white,ml Hii l t and milk nnd minnr.


Stone I>OCB Not Ficure in the Constrnc* ~~tion of Upper litorlcs.

The sky-scraping tower of Btoue and.lron..\vhlchJs-bcco'mlng.Bo-Common an —rt—eye-sore in American cities has not In- •vaded that bind of the earthquake andthe typhoon, the I'hlllpplue Islands,nndIt Is not likely to do so soon. Theseperilous vIs l tnulH'govern the characterund tho Bl/.o of |be houses, which arcvery rarely more t han two Htorlos Inheight'," "t.'VeIi~lii~Uf<~"liest""(iuarU;irs~o.Manila. Of these, the ground tloor IBused as u coachhouse or to lodge theuatlvij servants. It Is apt to be too>damp for the family, who live, on tin?upper Hoot, which Is dlylded Into nHpucIoiiH hall, dining' and receptionrooms, and bed and other private apart-ments. The kitchen Is often a separatebulldliig, with a roofed passage tend-ing to the lioiim-. lU-Sidb'lt IB tho bath-

. -was going down a long time. I askecmyself why I didn't start toward thesurface. _ There ftPPy.nred_to bejjqnH-.iiiid of n suction tlTut was dragging me•down all the time. .1 thought It wascaused by a ferry bout going out of theslip, and that I would soon go up.

My .eyes'became dim and my cars

Anil then H|ID knenilH* nnd Ian-lulu It,Till U'H Hinouth IIH I t CUM be;

Anil If I'm Kciid nl i i l do not tennoHim K|VI-H n plivi- to Hie.

A < ' i - i i i i ' i i ' i y of ( ' i <r i i r n i n n i r i i i ' l i M i N i - n i i i i ' i c r y hi / i i l n

M l e i l i l l 1.u MIT, nil l l l n Ni le , Hern rejini in I b n n n i i i i n i l l l r i l b n d l i ' M . n f n i l l l l o i i Hnf Hiieriid I ' a l i i , '1'hi'lr r e i i n i l i i M n i r i i u l i lnby nldn wl lh tho bodleii of lilii |;n andcmpcrora 4u inaiiuolviinc'.

' i -11 liver ll

Ami n i l Ibe i l n r l t , xt ' l l l nlxM,U'lille I am Hl i ' ep l i iK In my bed

.My lirend IH celllni; l l K h l .*

I . I I H I l ime It l inl .nl HO iilci1 and brown,Ani l evei-ybiii ly mi ld ,

\Vlieii l l V V I I M i lnne, l l i i ' i 'e" never w a n -A liellfl- liiiiT of lilTiul,

I iTiii ' l ieil up In l l i e pnr i -u l ' n <-nj,vA n i l KIINT u pi . . . . . . tn I 'nll.v,

Thru I ' bu t t e r ed n i l t in- rent u in l ba i lA pa r ty fur my du l ly .Till' Im l i ' p r l l i l i ' l i l ,

The Mii|iln'< Vinlliit,

"Whew!" w b l n t l e d tho bln-l i , w l l b nH b l v e r Hull iibonk oil' it gi-eul t i i i n i l l ' i i lof IcavcH. "Winter In coining!"

"Why nl ioi i ld you M!){|I over t h i i l V "iiald Ibe Jol ly , rimy innple. "Tb(> garden wi l l bo HU i-lean and \vbl le uni lt h e n I l i o l i ' l r len! Mow ilicy wi l l Hpnrkin mi I h o llpii of our l l i imTMl Vonlumw Ibey am rvn- M I - i i i i i eb b r i g h t e rl i m n I l i rn i ' Hold i i i f i l I ' l ' l i i i H i i n leavenH i n t everybody l l l i rn HO well."

"lllll till' I'lllllllH will 111' KOIn-," lll/(lll'll

t he hlivh, n l i i i l i l i i K her l leni l , "anil H n <l i ln ieb i 'M m i l l b l i ieblnln!"

"Never mind , we i i l i u l l l i i i v n p l e n t y ofroinpnny," nn ld l l i e innple, u n i l J u n ln l I l i n l n i i i n i i ' i i l n m i i i l r r e l run u luni ;her bni i ie l i i 'M, n m l |M'I . | I | III ; I n t o a liolrIn l i i ' r I r u n k , aiiki'd II' bo i n l i ; l i l c iu in -In.

"I 'er lnl l l ly ," l in l i l Hie l i l l l p l i ' . " M i l l ) 1

n i l w in te r I f you Illie,"Till' ( i i i l l l n r l i irrlnrll J i l e a i i e i l w l l b t i l l -

room, mi npartinent much In demandamong the I'Mlfplnos, with Whom ciean-lliU'HH IH one of Hie chief vlruies andbathing a dally duty.

These houses wero formerly of stone,i but Hlnce the great earthquuku of 1880I only wood ban been permitted In the/i second HtorleH. These nro lilted with

Mlli l lng wlndowH nil around, to-porinit(ho fi-cent enliranre of jiilr, «_;U_t_lH; HIIIIIOTiTie, to UT-ej) out t i n - hot glow of thosunlight. glasH IH replaced lu l l i t - ,wln-iliiwii by t ra i iNli i rent Kei iHl ie l lH, throiiRli'which only n modicum of light can.

i Illtei ' . , ('ornigali'il Iron roofti aro com-| inon, lu l l they are very hot. To obvi-

a t e I l i l n . i n i i i i y r i u i fH are covered witha I l i l n layer of n lpa-pal iu t l in l i ' b lng rwhlcli IH eooler, Iboi igb ( b i H K e r o l i M lu-I ' I I H I - of tire.

In the unl ive ipmrlcrx of the c i ty thoIn i i iHcH iiri ' much s impler In dexlKi ' . eachbeing i-onipoHi-d of a h lng l i> story. Tholi i i iHr IH bu l l l i ipnn i i l i n i t poHls, nnd putloKe th i ' i ' w i t h o u t a na i l or peg, IboI ' rnni i - belii|( of biiiuboo, l ln l logetherw i t h r i i l l a i i . Mlp i i . pa l in l e n v e H o r wov-en bi i iuboo nlr l ] i i i form I l iu h l i l cH, anil

, the ronf In tbntcheil wl tb tilpa lenvnaor cogon, u long criihH.

Tln< lloor IH minin of bamboo hlr lpH,wl th . thv l r rounded hli lcH uppi-f'inoNt unil

I Ibid together, N;> an to leavo wide crnckHbetween. HwlngliiK iihiulen, which cnn

I bo propped up diirl i iK tho day, servoI f , i""wlmlo\VH. A ladder lakes Iho placoI of i i la l rn. N ' e i i l l l n t l o n IH the l i l i p i i r l i i n ti I b l i i K Hiul In c i n i H l i l n l l y i ' i in i ; l i l ,i o r t i ' l i Iliei 'e IH only a t i l n ^ l e . room,I wl ib 'h M i - f v i - M for I ' i K i U l i i K , r i l l ing, nml

r l l eep l l lK . Hit ' lire ll i ' l l l | ( I l l l l l l i ; oil n limp,nl' 1 ' i i r l h lu one rui 'iier, nml when Inl ln i ' I I I H l l K Ibe bo l ix i i \ \ l l b i i l l l i i l . r . I l kHm l i i M i e r hoii i i i ' i i IW1iijj\ylrii*'two or more

i I ' l i o i i iH . There III u l l i ' i;n'ill l l i lv i l i i | i i | ;e l i t| l l d ' H i ' ' l i o i i M c i i . I l l mm' n i l I ' l i r i i u i u i i U o

i i l m i i l i l nb i i l ie l l i i ' i n dinri i , ur n lyphoi r i ilo |>p! i< Ibe in over, no our In I l l ie ly l i >l iu h u r l , Tbi' i l i a l e r l n l n lire Inn ll/(l.'tto i l u l i n y l i n r n i , An i l they urn MO opento Hie i i l r nli to n i n l i o I h e i i i i i i u i ' h ciiulerI b n i i clone l i n l i l i l w e l l l u i r i i . N e w Vurk

-—7- rang.-but-I felt no pain. --I don't -nr-member when I began to breathe amlllled up with water. All 1 rememberIs f loat ing arpuncTdown there for a Iont|niij..,I.l.(]ldji't,think,of dying, nor.-dld

. the events of my life pass through mymind. All my faculties seemed to be

f bent on trying to Ogure out why 1

• Now comes file most rcimirlcnblrthing.—Just-na-my-eyes-were-gettlng«o dim that I could scarcely make anything out I saw noine object coming to-

_ „>„. i»ard_nie_fjom.tlie. nurface.....It_was.njlnek, Indlatlnqt. object It came prettrclose to me and then went nwny. 1

,. felt noni'J curiosity about It, nnd soon\, ^aw It coming toward me ngnln. It ad

vnnced and receded Boveral times, nndiltmlly It touched inc.

Th/j..next J_ri;member-wn9 n'-feellngnf exultation ut being In the sunlight.t realized tha t I wns no longer mir-ronnik'd by water, hut the bright airfloemed oppretislvo. Then I fell Into 1111consclouHiieas nmf did not recover my•seiiHeft un t i l K o'clock the next morning,when 1 woke up licru In the hospital.

I have heard ulnco how 1 wan rescued.1 John .lohiiHon, u boy who lira In l-'ort. Ilniullton, dived after me nix tluica be

1 foro he found me. Throe tlmi'i^hedlvedwith hla clothca.on. nimlerSriiml ho liTto get a, llf(vsaver's modal, und If any-body deserves It ho does.

What puzzles mo Is this. They toll me.I was under tho water 'about i lf teonor twenty minutes when Johnson beganto dlvo for me. IH It ponslblo that Isaw him coming toward mo nnd goingawayV Did I retain consciousness uu

"iif5H~? It would aeoni "Impomilble, butIt IH Htrnngo that I should Imve KOCHthat object groping around, evidentlyla ucarch of mo, and It IB Btrango thatI should remember being taken Into thoimnllght.

Dr. (Jeorgo 'I). Unrnoy, of No. 401Third street, WIIH tho man who pulledmo through. Ho did heroic work, butI don't remember .anything about II.They got my heart benlliiR and my

to work, but I felt nothing untilI woko up hero tho next morning.

t wan puzzled for Qui to a time. Ilinnw 1 WIIH In n hospital, Imt I won-dered what drought mo lu-ri'. Tho liuit1 romcmhcrcd WIIH tlm iiunllRht. Thenmy mind worked buck to my oxporl

• iMice In tho water nnd I realized tha tI lind lieeii nearly drowned, I hud noMon how long 1 had been In tho waterunt i l my mother told me of my nlnioiit

/ nilraculouii oinipfl. Now Vnrlc World.

r.o.lU Bt (1,0 T,|>)>«1< rpackiiRo of cocoa or chorolnto

lint out by AValtcr l inker ft Oo, henrntho w«H known trudn-iuark of thochocolnto girl, nnd tbo placo of innnu-

.Clictliru, "Doreheater, Mnnn," Ilounc-Iceepcni nro ndvlned to (ixiinllmi theirpnrchrineM, nml nmlco iniro ( l int otherKooilii liiivo not hmm «iil|iit |tiited, Theyreceived three. i;ohl mediilu from thornn-Aniorlcnii uxpoultlon.

ISi» Nrnl of 1'ruycr.Deacon IDbony—-I hub not iimm you

lit ouali rovlvnl nioetln'n, M l u t u h lllack,MIbl i i l i llbiek AVot foil I \yant oh re-

vival inoetl i i ' i i?"Don't you obbcrprayV""No; I carry or rabblt'n foot."—Now

York A

artli le are wondorluL" It wUI stop tbo tootbachomt once, and relieve headache and sciatica.

We rocommfind It fta the best and safest extern^counter-irritant known, also as an external remedyfor paluslntho chc9t_&nd fltomach and all rhenmatii-,

and rout/ complaints.

bo found to bo Innlaablo In the hounohold. Manypeople say 'It Is the best of all your preparations.

Frtce, 18 cents. ataUdruralsts. or other doaleis,or by Mndtas this .amaant.to.ns -la-poeUee stann«'ire'irQl sjond Ton • tab* by mail.

Va trtlclesiloald boaocgplad by tha pabllo^ unleaatho ume oarrie* oar labaL u otherwise it la noturenolne. ~

or (joiumbus/"Wait until I have touched this onep. Ootno-bitck lu about a week, aod

see what you think ot.lt, If it suitsyou, you can have it for the amountyou have at your disposal."

As soon as the visitor bad gone thebrass founder- set two men at work onthe figure o.f Gambrluns. They '_ re-

uvud Ihe bear keg from unaer hisrlghrfootrand^plnced-there an-onchor-and a coil of rope; from his hand theyremoved the goblet and substituted aglobe, with' the continents traced onJt:.fxQBj,hlaJbroTC.-they.,to.9k, .the. wreathof barley and hops, and substltuted-awreath of laurel, and then proceeded totrjm,.,up._jjla.-whlskers — -The- finishingtouch consisted In putting at the base•of-the-statue~"ehTistoforu Colonrb

When the commission - merchantoame he was delighted with the figure,

17 8t»te Street, Hew york City.


- ADDROS nR.TAFT;79£.l30^STi,M.Y.CiTV®


i ; SOOTHING SYRUJt:! hMbocntnodbymllilonaormotliiirafOrthelr i

1 1 children wlilloToetnlnf for over Fifty Years. (i U Koothcs thucbllil. Boftons tlio guiiiH, allays < i

, J. oil jiatn. curn wln(l_co^lo..uilil_la tli; beat

t*ivf?niyi*flve'C<inta a Bottlb.




Phone, 1-42-09 A. PHI LA.

Consignments Solicited.


It wnH In May last that ManagerKeith first Invaded the realm of bur-IcHquo and musical comedy by placingen hln stage a spectacular productionthat served to crowd hlH Jiandaomotheatre to Its capacity at every per-

Lformanco—for—inuny—wcolcs. Such_waa.the Huecesa of his drat effort In thatdirection that probably no Hurprlaewi l l bo evinced at tho announcementho tnkeB In to-day'H advertisementthat ho wil l to-morrow pronent a Btlllmorn protvnt loi iH production, com-pletely ecllptilnB In every detail hlaInitial venture.

As before, It has been found neceu-flary to divide It In to threo Hcotlonn,ami In order that thcro. shall bo no

„, .„ _,,„ tcdlotl.i "wiillH," reg'iilar^jmiudcylllo-cutyjum^rtjj-^j^jjn-Tjmi-jivr^,,.^-],, ,,monK thodlvlnf iniH. Nor Hli'ould the titles mln-ilend nlavKnurn Into the holloC that ItIn but a repet i t ion, for imcli IH not thufact. More properly iipcnklnir, , l t In ancxpamilon of tho flrut Idea with awealth of Hoenle t i i i i r m i n d l n K n and e!le-Ifivnt codtumlnit that were unthoi iuhtof at, the tlmo of the llrnt produc-tion.

Tho ntaRe H O t t l U K fur l h l n hi veryolnborato, and U In e l i i l inni t by tiiOHOwho Imvo HODII It In rohcanml that thudrill wil l not the whole InvJ'n ta lking.Tho ontlro product Inn In under ||l(. p,.,..oonal direction of i.'nptuln <!, W, Mddy,nnd It la iiald t h a t he inciimi to iiur-prlun oven bin warinent i i i l inlroni .

«>T Cnlirnn Not.I/idy—TIIOHO Houvenl r H|IOOIIH looft

llko forkB.Dealer--Of courHe, i im' i i in; you

wouldn't huvii. UOUYi-nh'^^iooiii^ lookllko upoonn, would you?- Now ^orkWeekly.


mil the comilantlv Inci i 'Ht i l iu; \liunandfor and ntui idy itrowlh In populavlty(if Ht. Jucolm Oil mnoiiK I ' l l clutmeii of

i>lilo ID ovory part of tlm clvl l l /edirld ,nhow ronelnnlvely what rnmiuly

tlm i>t>o|do UNO for their Itheimiatlnmmil bodily in'licM ami i>alnii. l''uctnipoalc loiidor l imn woi'dw, nnd Ilin faotremnlnii undlmmtcil Hint tho niiln ofII. Jacobfi Oil In Ki'eiitei ' thiiii all other

i i inu id len for ou tward application coin-li lnei l . It nc l i i Him inni ; lc , eureii whern-vcryl l ihut nine falbi. ciin(|U(ini lniln.

T i i lnn ln are bent nur tured . In nolltiiilo;ihanic lor In bi'Mt formud In Iho n tor inyh t l l own of HID world. '

II. 11. OnBKM'n Hotoi, of Atlantn. On,, nratlm only iMionnmifiil Drnjinr Iliidalidliits la thoworlil. l ino Ilinlr ll l iornl t inor Inailrtrllgoinontu anullior coliuun of, t l i ln pnpor.

Only man olni;n hln Impplncim w l l hearn, deutroylnu; what lu with thou(;1i!<r

,uf wliut inuy bo.

MAKING A couuMbus STAS i>£.•So*r a Coloanal Brewery Blcn Was

Trl»nined POTTU.lold. .of.a. brass: founder of

York, who was one day visited.byi friend acting as agent for 0110 of thocities of Central America. Th^ agentasked what It would cost to cast astatue of Christopher Columbus for thepublic square of tho city. The amount.was far In excess of the sum -which,iho-raan had at hls-dlsposnJ.—He-wasabout leaving, in despair of being ableto secure the statue, when the brassfounder said:

"Como.back In the Junk yard, and letas see what can be found there."

lie went back and the brass foundershowed him a colossal statue of Gam-brings,'recently removed from the frontof a large brewing establishment Un-der his feet rested'a beer keg; In hishand was a large and 'overflowingschodner; his beard ' was'. long andshaggy, and about his brows wasjvrejUhedjijfarland of barley and hops.

"Why, tDTs""wlH^cevcr~il(5;<'L-sald^thffcommission merchant. 'I want a statue-

Mrs. Kate Berg, Secretary Ladies' Aux-iliary of Knights of Pythias, No. 58, Com-mercial Hotel, Minneapolis, Minn., AfterFive Years Suffering Was Cured by LydiaEr~Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.

'" PEAK. ror virtue fhere is irt medicineseems to be concentrated in Xiydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable

-Compound,—-I— suffered-for—five—year&^with—profuse-aiid-painlul—menstruation until I lost flesh and strength? and life had no charms for me.

Only three bottles of your Vegetable Compound cured me, Ibecame regular, without any pains, and hardly know when I am sicjc. ,

Some of my friends who have used your Compound for uterineand ovarian Uuubles all havfe the same good»word to say for it, and


chasing it, shipped It to the CentralAmerican city, where It adprns the pub-lic square, and Is. looked upon with ven-eration hy the citizens of that town.

GETTING AHEAD1 Many people never get ahead until theygo m debt- Debt-may, be safely, and.honestly Incurred when a good life In-surance policy runs along with It.Consult the.PENN MUTUAL LIFE

-J>end.forXfree)-descriptive_baoklets._do business through correspondence.

i—rcaaiu.—. they ur»

vlth valid a pec 111 cations,drawings and claims.

I f\l%f c» l\n"^\D^ ar« recommended tolIMVfclMl OrtO coll upon or write to

as and be adrlsed without charge hon lo p rowed• ' ' itcctlon for their Improvements.

Washington. D. C. Koui232_ChMtiuiij;t

H-V"/,""',4'!1' A.lfUIll i jJAN I.ADY, Inil.penojntly rich, wants Booil, honest huslinnd. Adlireas ftlra. K., 87 :llnrUft MI.. Chicago. 111.



;_Wlien .women are i troubled, with irregular,^BUppressedMpr_paiiifulmenstruation, weakness, leucorrhcea, displacement or ulceration of tho

• '- ;inflamm.atipn- of -the ovaries,'backttCQB; •-bloating (or flatulence), general debility, indigestion, and nervous pros-

. . . -excitability, irritability, nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, "all

pd hopelessnesg.* *_^ ^^ ^^^-gone" and •"wanfc.to-heJeft-alone—they should ^member there is one tried and true remedy:. Iiydln E.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound-at once removes suchT troubles.

e, for you need thejbest. 'Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to -write bcr for advice.

.She Has guided thousands to health. Address T/vnn, Mass.

The itundnrd has alwaysfceen rl»ccd BO high that tho :

wcarcrrccolTornorn vnluoforI-lno Cannot BoAt Any 1'rlco.

For Mon Run a Qoirtsr of at8flo

{3.00 au

his money In Iho W. L,$3.00 pnd SS-UiBho^s than bo canget elsewhere, w. 1.. Dongloauakcs Bud foi

8UO f hoca than nny oticf tiroropat8flon_of

.00 aud tuo ehn•trie, comfort and wear hoa ox*ceiled all other makos sold at theseprices. This excellent rqvutntlonhM boon won by merit alone. W. L.poaglas shoes hare to stvo hotter sat-iafacUon than other $>.a> and £3.CO«hoos bocauso his ropntatlon for tho teat J3.00and (S^Oahoos must bu malutalncd.'

IV. jL. Douglas 83.00 nnd 83.no nbocs-oro-xnad«'^>(-tlia Baiiicr-biErh^rnxdo IcatTt-era uaod in 85.00 and SO.OO shoes andaro Just afl £rood la every way.

and 29

manufacturers fn tho world.PAST COLOB EYELETS USED.

Insist upon hartal Vf. &. Douglas abotf. iUi nanw and prlc* stamped '

ontottom. &hoosBentany>Trhcro on receipt of prlcoints additional for car. -con

rinse. Take measurements of oof /u Bhonu | Btato stylo do.-filrodfslioimilwldtlusually worni plain.or cap too t heavy, ^medium or light soles.

bold bjr IUI)oU||luitortif In Americaneltlo'iclUngillrect from Ihctoly toWMr«rak onft profll|and tbo b««t iboedwlui<'"t"l"g O. Frcci. AV. Tj. HOTTOT.AH, TlrocUton. Bljtss.




With many millions of families Syrup of Figs has become theldea,l home laxative. The combination is a simple and wholesomeone, and the method of manufacture by the California Fig SyrupCompany ensures that perfect purity and uniformity of product,which have commended it to the favorable consideration of themost eminent physicians and to the intelligent appreciation of allwho are well informed in reference to medicinal agents.

Syrup of Figs has truly U laxative effect and acts gently with-out in any way disturbing the natura l functions and with perfectfreedom from any unpleasant after ^fleets.

lu the process of manufacturing, figs arc used, as they aropleasant to the taste, but the medicinally laxative principles of thecombination are obtained from plants known to act most bene-ficially on the system.

lo.Jet.its b®r\efkisj effects —buy ihc ^crxviirxerMavnufacturcd bv

""" * T411 ^ '


FOB /3ALC OV i*'.L nnuooiora



Page 5: S i lii'g ••••!•: 8 ^Ig-ssfllfiJ-ig€¢Ople Head remarked that a In 'the heart of:the Kusslau In Chicago recently had n tele- phone Instrument Installed In his place for





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