s GAF Green Building Playbook Using GAF Products on LEED ® v4 Projects Updated Oct. 2016

s GAF Green Building Playbook6 GAF Green Building Playbook for LEED v4 Updated Oct. 2016 GAF Green Building Playbook LEED® v4 for BD+ C: New Construction and Major Renovation About

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Page 1: s GAF Green Building Playbook6 GAF Green Building Playbook for LEED v4 Updated Oct. 2016 GAF Green Building Playbook LEED® v4 for BD+ C: New Construction and Major Renovation About


GAF Green Building Playbook

Using GAF Products on LEED® v4 Projects


Updated Oct . 2 0 1 6

Page 2: s GAF Green Building Playbook6 GAF Green Building Playbook for LEED v4 Updated Oct. 2016 GAF Green Building Playbook LEED® v4 for BD+ C: New Construction and Major Renovation About

1 GAF Green Building Playbook for LEED

® v4 Updated Oct . 2016

T a b le o f Co n t e n t s About GAF ..................................................................................................................................... 2

GAF’s Sustainability Milestones ..................................................................................................... 3-5

About LEED® 1 ................................................................................................................................ 6

Why LEED® ................................................................................................................................... 6

Benefits of a Green Building ............................................................................................................ 6

LEED® v4 Rat ing Scale .................................................................................................................... 7

LEED® v4 Topics ............................................................................................................................ 7

LEED® Credits That Apply to GAF Products2

GAF LEED® v4-Ready Roofing Products Overview ............................................................................... 8

I ntegrat ive Process ( I P) .................................................................................................................. 9

I P CREDI T 1 I NTEGRATI VE PROCESS ......................................................................................... 10

Sustainable Sites (SS) .................................................................................................................. 11

SS CREDI T 2 SI TE DEVELOPMENT – PROTECT OR RESTORE HABI TAT ................................................... 12

SS CREDI T 3 OPEN SPACE ..................................................................................................... 12

SS CREDI T 4 RAI NWATER MANAGEMENT .................................................................................... 12

SS CREDI T 5 HEAT I SLAND REDUCTI ON ................................................................................ 13-19

CASE STUDI ES .............................................................................................................. 20-22

Energy and Atm osphere (EA) ......................................................................................................... 23

EA CREDI T 1 ENHANCED COMMI SSI ONI NG .................................................................................. 24

EA PREREQUI SI TE 2 MI NI MUM ENERGY PERFORMANCE .................................................................... 24

EA CREDI T 2 OPTI MI ZE ENERGY PERFORMANCE ....................................................................... 24-25

EA CREDI T 5 RENEWABLE ENERGY PRODUCTI ON ........................................................................... 26

Mater ials and Resources (MR) ........................................................................................................ 27

MR CREDI T 1 BUI LDI NG LI FE-CYCLE I MPACT REDUCTI ON ................................................................ 28


ENVI RONMENTAL PRODUCT DECLARATI ONS ................................................................ 29-31


SOURCI NG OF RAW MATERI ALS .............................................................................. 32-39


MATERI AL I NGREDI ENTS ...................................................................................... 40-41



ZERO WASTE JOB SI TE POLI CI ES ............................................................................................. 43

I ndoor Environmental Quality (EQ) ................................................................................................. 44

EQ CREDI T 2 LOW-EMI TTI NG MATERI ALS .............................................................................. 45-50

Regional Pr ior it y (RP) .............................................................................................................. 51-52

Com parison of LEED® v2009 to LEED® v4 for Roofing ....................................................................... 53

EcoScorecard – Find GAF Product Data for LEED® Documents Here ............... .. .. .. .. ............................. 54

Want To Learn More? .............................................................................................................. 55-56

Glossary of Terms ................................................................................................................... 57-59

LEED® v4 Checklist ..................................................................................................................... 60

1 LEED® and the related logo is a t radem ark owned by the U.S. Green Building Council and is used with perm ission. 2 For project team s using the LEED® v2009 Rat ing System, refer to the 2013 GAF Green Building Playbook at ht tp: / / gaf.com.

USGBC releases quarterly Addenda, or changes to LEED® , that m ay affect credit requirements. Addenda should be checked by project

team s for updates.

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2 GAF Green Building Playbook for LEED v4 Updated Oct . 2016

Ab o u t GAF Founded in 1886, GAF is the largest roofing manufacturer in North America.

As the indust ry leader, GAF proudly offers a com prehensive port folio of award-winning,

innovat ive roofing products for both steep-slope and commercial propert ies. Supported by an

extensive nat ional network of factory-cert ified cont ractors, GAF has built it s reputat ion – and it

success – on its steadfast com m itm ent to Advanced Quality, I ndust ry Expert ise, and Solut ions

Made Sim ple.

GAF offers all major low-slope roofing technologies, including repair and maintenance products

and roof restorat ion system s, as well as new roofing system s (BUR, modified bitum en, TPO,

PVC, and liquid-applied roofing) . GAF has developed single-ply, asphalt ic and liquid-applied

m em branes with excellent durabilit y and high reflect ivity to m eet the m ost r igorous indust ry

standards while helping commercial property owners and designers reduce energy consum pt ion.

For more informat ion, visit ht tp: / / www.gaf.com.

I m age: GAF’s LEED ® cert if ied Global Headquarters in Parsippany, NJ

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3 GAF Green Building Playbook for LEED

® v4 Updated Oct . 2016

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4 GAF Green Building Playbook for LEED v4 Updated Oct . 2016

Please visit GAF’s Green Roof Cent ral to learn m ore!

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6 GAF Green Building Playbook for LEED v4 Updated Oct . 2016

GAF Green Building Playbook LEED® v4 for BD+ C:

New Const ruct ion and Major Renovat ion

Ab o u t LEED ® The LEED® (Leadership in Energy and Environm ental Design) Green Building Rat ing System is a voluntary,

consensus-based, m arket -dr iven program that provides third-party verificat ion of high-performance,

energy-efficient sustainable buildings. The LEED® cert if icat ion system is a program that cert ifies a building

for sat isfying specified green building cr iter ia and requirem ents. GAF current ly references the LEED® v4

NC1 rat ing system for this GAF Playbook. Start ing Novem ber 2016, all new projects will be required to

register under the v4 version of LEED® . For more informat ion, visit www.usgbc.org/ leed.

W h y LEED ® ? The built environm ent has a profound im pact on our natural environment , economy, health and

product iv ity. Green building pract ices can substant ially reduce or elim inate negat ive environm ental im pacts

and im prove exist ing unsustainable design, const ruct ion and operat ional pract ices. Working on a LEED®

project? Please visit ht tp: / / gaf.ecoscorecard.com for LEED® docum entat ion resources related to GAF


Ben ef i t s o f a " Gr een Bu i ld in g " Environm ental: A Green Building May...

Protect and enhance ecosystems and biodiversity

I mprove air and water quality

Conserve and lim its natural resource use and reduces solid waste going to landfills

Econom ic: A Green Building May...

Lowers building's operat ional costs

I ncrease building values, assets and profits

At t racts and retains superior em ployees

I mproves em ployee product ivity, sat isfact ion and reduces sick days

Prom ote eligible incent ives for LEED® and other energy efficiency im provem ents are available at the

federal, state and local levels. For m ore inform at ion on relevant incent ives, visit www.DSIREusa.org or


Health & Com m unity: A Green Building May...

Enhance air, thermal and acoust ical quality

Enhance occupant com fort and health

Reduce the st rain on the local infrast ructures

I m prove overall quality of life


LEED® v4 BD+ C for New Const ruct ion (NC) addresses design and const ruct ion act ivit ies for both new buildings and m ajor renovat ions.

The LEED® credits referenced in this Playbook m ay also apply to various other LEED® rat ing systems.

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7 GAF Green Building Playbook for LEED

® v4 Updated Oct . 2016

LEED ® v 4 N C Ce r t i f i ca t io n Le v e ls: Cert ified 4 0 - 4 9 points

Silver 5 0 - 5 9 points

Gold 6 0 - 7 9 points

Plat inum 8 0 points and above

LEED ® v 4 N C Ad d r e sse s 9 M a in T o p ics:

I ntegrat ive Process ( IP) 1 pt .

Locat ion and Transportat ion (LT) 16 pts.

Sustainable Site (SS) 10 pts.

Water Efficiency (WE) 11 pts.

Energy & Atmosphere (EA) 33 pts.

Materials & Resources (MR) 13 pts.

I ndoor Environm ental Quality ( I EQ) 16 pts.

I nnovat ion in Design ( ID) 6 pts.

Regional Prior ity (RP) 4 pts.

Total: 110 points

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8 GAF Green Building Playbook for LEED v4 Updated Oct . 2016

GAF LEED® v4 - Ready Roofing Products Overview 1

Many GAF products can

help projects qualify for

a wide range of LEED®

credit s. Here are the

ones m ost comm only


Applicable LEED® v4 Credits

Eligible 2 GAF

Product Lines3

SSc5 :


I sland

Reduct ion

EAp2 / EAc2 :

Opt im ize Energy

Perform ance

MRc2 :

BPDO – Environm ental

Product Declarat ions

( EPDs)

MRc3 :

BPDO – Sourcing of Raw

Materia ls

MRc4 :

BPDO – Material

I ngredients

EQc2 :

Low -

Em it t ing

Materia ls

Roofing – Low -Slope


Ext rem e® TPO

n/ a

EverGuard® TPO

n/ a

GAF Vegetat ive

Roofing n/ a

Liquid-Applied Roofing

United Coat ings HYDROSTOP™

I nsulat ion




n/ a n/ a

Roofing - Steep-Slope

Tim berline® Cool Series Shingles

n/ a

Pavem ent Coat ings

St reetBond®

SB1 50 SR Pavem ent

Coat ing

Adhesives &


EverGuard® , TOPCOAT® , MATRI X™,

OlyBond 5 0 0 ™

n/ a n/ a


1 For a com plete list ing of LEED® v4 eligible GAF roofing products and docum entat ion for LEED® projects, visit

ht tp: / / gaf.ecoScorecard.com. 2 Products are not reviewed or cert ified under LEED® . LEED® credit requirements cover the perform ance of m aterials in aggregate, not the

perform ance of individual products or brands. 2 For specific inform at ion on the LEED® v4 credit opt ions and compliance paths to which GAF roofing products cont r ibute, see the 2016

GAF Green Building Playbook for LEED® v4 Projects at ht tp: / / gaf.com in Green Roof Cent ral.

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I ntegrat ive Process ( I P)



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I P Credit

( 1 point ) I ntegrat ive Process

I ntent To support high- perform ance, cost - effect ive project

outcom es through an early analysis of the

interrelat ionships am ong system s.

Descript ion Beginning in pre- design and cont inuing throughout

the design phases, ident ify and use opportunit ies to

achieve synergies across disciplines and building

system s. Use the Discovery and Analyses

Guidelines described in the credit to inform the

ow ner’s project requirem ents ( OPR) , basis of

design ( BOD) , design docum ents, and construct ion

docum ents.

GAF’s Contr ibut ion to I Pc1 GAF’s roofing, insulat ion, and hardscape coat ing products

cont r ibute to the integrat ive process in both the Energy-

Related Systems and Water-Related Systems analysis, as

well as the Im plem entat ion cr iter ia.

GAF and Energy- Related System s

Hardscape reflect iv ity, therm al building envelope

at t r ibutes ( roof insulat ion) , roofing system s, and

exterior m aterials analyses ( reflect ive or

vegetat ive roofing)

GAF and W ater- Related System s

Supply sources of on-site rainwater related to

roofing system s and catchm ent .

Landscaping and rainwater m anagem ent related

to vegetat ive roofing.

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Sustainable Sites ( SS)



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SS Credit 2

( 1 - 2 Points)

Site Developm ent :

Protect or Restore Habitat

I ntent To conserve exist ing natural areas and restore

dam aged areas to provide habitat and prom ote


GAF's Eligible 1 Opt ion Specify a GAF vegetat ive roof system to contr ibute

tow ards LEED® credit requirem ents2 under “Opt ion

1 . On- Site Restorat ion”.

I N 3 Bonus Point SSc2 is eligible for an exem plary perform ance point

w hen doubling the 3 0 % restorat ion requirem ents

under Opt ion 1 .

SS Credit 3

( 1 Point )

Open Space

I ntent To create exter ior open space that encourages

interact ion w ith the environm ent , social

interact ion, passive recreat ion, and physical

act ivit ies.

GAF's Eligible 1 Opt ion Specify a GAF vegetat ive roof system to contr ibute

tow ards LEED® credit requirem ents2 .

SS Credit 4

( 2 - 3 points)

Rainw ater Managem ent

I ntent To reduce runoff volum e and im prove w ater quality

by replicat ing the natural hydrology and w ater

balance of the site, based on historical condit ions

and undeveloped ecosystem s in the region.

GAF's Eligible 1 Opt ion

Specify a GAF vegetat ive roof system to contr ibute

tow ards LEED® credit requirem ents2 .

I N 3 Bonus Point SSc4 is eligible for an exem plary perform ance point

if 1 0 0 % of ra inw ater that fa lls w ithin the project

boundary is m anaged and docum ented.

1 Products are not reviewed or cert ified under LEED® . LEED® credit requirements cover the perform ance of m aterials in aggregate, not the

perform ance of individual products or brands. 2 Refer to www.usgbc.org/ leed for com plete credit requirements. 3 I N stands for I nnovat ion in Design, one of nine LEED® credit categories. See page 7.

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SS Credit 5

( 1 – 2 points) Heat I sland Reduct ion

I ntent To m inim ize effects on m icroclim ates and hum an

and w ildlife habitats by reducing heat islands

( therm al gradient differences betw een developed

and undeveloped areas) .

GAF's Eligible 1 Opt ion

Specify qualifying GAF roofing m em branes,

coat ings, GAF Solar Roofing System , GAF

vegetat ive roof system and/ or GAF StreetBond®

pavem ent coat ings to reduce heat absorpt ions to

contr ibute tow ards LEED® credit requirem ents

under both Opt ions 1 and 2 . ( See Tables 3 & 4 )

I m age: EverGuard Extrem e® TPO

I m age: GAF Vegetat ive Roof System

I m age: Coated asphalt parking lot using

StreetBond® SB1 5 0 w ith Solar Reflectance

( SR) Colorants

Credit Requirem ents2:

Choose one of the follow ing tw o opt ions:

Opt ion 1 : Non- Roof and Roof ( 2 points)

Meet the cr iter ion in Equat ion 1 (see page 15) , or

alternat ively, a (Solar Reflectance I ndex) SRI and (Solar

Reflect ivity) SR weighted average approach m ay be

used to calculate com pliance using Equat ion 2, (see

page 15) .

For exam ple, roofing m aterials having a higher SRI

value than those listed in Table 1 may help offset non-

roof hardscape areas not m eet ing the SR values,

depending on the relat ive proport ions of roof to non-roof

areas and m it igat ion st rategies in the project .

Use any com binat ion of the following st rategies for

Opt ion 1:

High- Reflectance Roof

Use roofing m aterials that have an SRI equal to

or greater than the values in Table 1.

Table 1 . Minim um solar reflectance index value,

by roof slope.

Roof Type Slope I nit ia l


3 - yr Aged




< 2: 12

(15% ) 8 2 6 4


sloped roof

> 2: 12

(15% ) 3 9 3 2

Vegetated Roof

I nstall a vegetated roof.

1 Products are not reviewed or cert ified under LEED® . LEED® credit requirements cover the perform ance of m aterials in aggregate, not the

perform ance of individual products or brands. 2 Refer to www.usgbc.org/ leed for com plete credit requirements.

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14 GAF Green Building Playbook for LEED v4 Updated Oct . 2016

SS Credit 5

( 1 – 2 points) Heat I sland Reduct ion ( Cont inued)


Opt ion 1 now requires com bining non-

roof (hardscape) areas with roof areas

into one perform ance calculat ion, if

hardscape is present .


SR (Solar Reflectance) values are now

used to calculate non- roof (hardscape)

areas, rather than SRI (Solar

Reflectance I ndex) .

I m age: Asphalt st reetscape coated w ith



Try using the SSc5 LEED® credit form

to run various roof and hardscape

m it igat ion scenarios for quick

calculat ions.

Go to: ht tp: / / usgbc.org/ leed

See Credit Library / Heat I sland Reduct ion /

Form s


Only 75% of roofing and 50% of non-

roofing area m ust m eet the m inim um

SRI and SR values. Because it is a

com bined perform ance calculat ion,

this m eans any areas that exceed the

m inim um SRI or SR values can

actually help ‘carry’ the areas that are

below the m inim um SR or SRI values.

Non- roof Measures

Use paving m aterials with an init ial solar

reflectance (SR) value of at least 0.33 at

installat ion, or a three-year aged SR value of at

least 0.28.

Provide shade with architectural devices or

st ructures that have an I nit ial SR of at least 0.33

at installat ion, or a three-year aged SR value of

at least 0.28.

Provide shade with vegetated st ructures.

Use an open-grid pavem ent system (at least

50% unbound) .

Provide shade with st ructures covered by energy

generat ion system s, such as solar therm al

collectors, photovoltaics, and wind turbines.

Use the exist ing plant m aterial or install plants

that provide shade over paving areas ( including

playgrounds) on the site within 10 years of

plant ing. I nstall vegetated planters. Plants m ust

be in place at the t ime of occupancy perm it and

cannot include art ificial turf.

Table 2 . Typical SR ( Solar Reflectance) Values

Standard Non- Roof

Mater ia ls I nit ia l SR I ndex 3 - Yr Aged

SR I ndex

Grey cem ent concrete 0.26 0.18

White cem ent concrete 0.70 0.35

Asphalt concrete 0.05 0.10

Source: USGBC LEED® I nterpretat ion # 10411


Opt ion 2 : Parking Under Cover ( 1 point )

Place a m inim um of 75% of parking spaces

under cover. Any roof used to shade or cover

parking m ust (1) have an init ial SRI of at least

39 at installat ion or a three-year aged SRI of at

least 32, (2) be a vegetated roof, or (3) be

covered by energy generat ion system s, such as

solar therm al collectors, photovoltaics, and wind


I N 1 Bonus Point SSc5 is eligible for an exem plary perform ance point if

both Opt ions 1 and 2 are achieved AND 100% of parking

spaces have been located undercover.


I N stands for I nnovat ion in Design, one of nine LEED® credit categories. See page 7.

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SS Credit 5

( 1 – 2 points) Heat I sland Reduct ion ( Cont inued)

Opt ion 1 : Non- Roof and Roof ( 2 points)

Meet the cr iter ion in Equat ion 1, or alternat ively, an SRI and SR weighted average approach m ay be

used to calculate com pliance using Equat ion 2.

Equat ion 1 . Standard non- roof or roof calculat ion

Equat ion 2 . Weighted non- roof or roof calculat ion

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El i g i b l e 1 GAF R o o f i n g P r o d u ct s

SSc5 : Heat I sland Reduct ion

Table 3

Tit le Product

Area I nit ia l

Reflect ivity

I nit ia l

Em issivity

I nit ia l


3 - Yr.



Product Area: Asphalt ic Cap Sheets


EnergyCap™ Mineral-

Surfaced Cap Sheet (White) Cap Sheet 0.72 0.91 8 9 pending


EnergyCap™ 30

Granule FR (White) Cap Sheet 0.71 0.90 8 7 pending


EnergyCap™ HW Plus

Granule FR (White) Cap Sheet 0.75 0.82 9 1 6 9


EnergyCap™ Mop Plus

Granule FR (White) Cap Sheet 0.74 0.84 9 0 7 0


EnergyCap™ Torch

Granule FR (White) Cap Sheet 0.72 0.91 8 9 pending


EnergyCap™ Torch

Plus Granule FR (White) Cap Sheet 0.74 0.90 9 1 pending

Product Area: Single- Ply Mem branes

EverGuard Ext rem e®


(Energy Gray)


Mem brane 0.73 0.90 9 0 pending

EverGuard Ext rem e®




Mem brane 0.83 0.84 1 0 3 8 9

EverGuard Ext rem e®


Ult ra (White)


Mem brane 0.83 0.84 1 0 3 8 9


Freedom™ TPO



Mem brane 0.40 0.89 4 5 2 4 6


Freedom™ TPO



Mem brane 0.65 0.90 7 9 3 6 9 3


Freedom™ TPO



Mem brane 0.76 0.90 9 4 8 1


PVC (White) Single-Ply

Mem brane 0.87 0.95 1 1 1 7 2


PVC Sm ooth (White) Single-Ply

Mem brane 0.87 0.87 1 1 0 9 3


PVC XK (White) Single-Ply

Mem brane 0.87 0.87 1 1 0 9 3


PVC XK Fleeceback



Mem brane 0.87 0.87 1 1 0 9 3


TPO (Energy Gray) Single-Ply

Mem brane 0.72 0.87 8 8 8 2


TPO (Energy Tan) Single-Ply

Mem brane 0.72 0.89 8 8 8 0


TPO (Gray) Single-Ply

Mem brane 0.40 0.89 4 5 2 4 6


TPO (Tan) Single-Ply

Mem brane 0.65 0.90 7 9 3 6 9 3

1 Products are not reviewed or cert ified under LEED® . LEED® credit requirements cover the perform ance of m aterials in aggregate, not the

perform ance of individual products or brands. 2 Roofing and/ or pavement coat ing m aterials having a lower SRI or SR value than those listed in Table 1 m ay be used to achieve

com pliance using Equat ion 1 or in the weighted com pliance path using Equat ion 2. 3 Use the 3-year Aged SRI value opt ion for calculat ions when it meets the m inim um value but the I nit ial value does not .

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El i g i b l e 1 GAF R o o f i n g P r o d u ct s ( Co n t i n u e d )

SSc5 : Heat I sland Reduct ion

Table 3

Tit le Product


I nit ia l

Reflect ivity

I nit ia l

Em issivity

I nit ia l


3 - Yr.



Product Area: Single- Ply Mem branes ( cont inued)


TPO (White) Single-Ply

Mem brane 0.76 0.90 9 4 8 1


TPO FB Ult ra (Gray) Single-Ply

Mem brane 0.40 0.89 4 5 2 4 6


TPO FB Ult ra (Tan) Single-Ply

Mem brane 0.65 0.90 7 9 3 6 9 3


TPO FB Ult ra



Mem brane 0.76 0.90 9 4 8 1

Product Area: Coat ings


Prem iumCoat®

Finish Coat (Cot ton) Coat ing 0.71 0.90 8 7 8 2


Prem iumCoat®

Finish Coat (White) Coat ing 0.79 0.90 9 9 8 6



Elastom eric Coat ing (White) Coat ing 0.91 0.87 1 1 5 9 7


MB Plus (White) Coat ing 0.83 0.88 1 0 4 9 0


Mem brane (White) Coat ing 0.85 0.90 1 0 7 8 4


Surface Seal SB

(White) Coat ing 0.84 0.90 1 0 6 7 0

United Coat ings™ Acron 60 Roof

Coat ing (Tan) Coat ing 0.66 0.90 8 0 2 5 5

United Coat ings™ Acron 60 Roof

Coat ing (White) Coat ing 0.84 0.88 1 0 5 8 0

United Coat ings™ Diathon®


Roof Coat ing (White) Coat ing 0.82 0.89 1 0 3 8 9

United Coat ings™ Diathon®


Coat ing (Light Tan) Coat ing 0.71 0.93 8 8 7 1

United Coat ings™ Diathon®


Coat ing (Tan) Coat ing 0.67 0.90 8 2 5 0

United Coat ings™ Diathon®


Coat ing (White) Coat ing 0.83 0.92 1 0 5 8 7

United Coat ings™ Elastuff™ 103

Roof Coat ing (White) Coat ing 0.81 0.89 1 0 1 8 3

United Coat ings™ Fireshield®


(White) Coat ing 0.72 0.91 8 9 8 4

United Coat ings™ Kym ax™

Coat ing (White) Coat ing 0.87 0.87 1 1 0 9 5

United Coat ings™ Roof Mate

Ceram ic Coat ing (White) Coat ing 0.87 0.90 1 1 0 9 3

1 Products are not reviewed or cert ified under LEED® . LEED® credit requirements cover the perform ance of m aterials in aggregate, not the

perform ance of individual products or brands. 2 Roofing and/ or pavement coat ing m aterials having a lower SRI or SR value than those listed in Table 1 m ay be used to achieve

com pliance using Equat ion 1 or in the weighted com pliance path using Equat ion 2. 3 Use the 3-year Aged SRI value opt ion for calculat ions when it meets the m inim um value but the I nit ial value does not .

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El i g i b l e 1 GAF R o o f i n g P r o d u ct s ( Co n t i n u e d )

SSc5 : Heat I sland Reduct ion

Table 3

Tit le Product


I nit ia l

Reflect ivity

I nit ia l

Em issivity

I nit ia l


3 - Yr.



Product Area: Coat ings (cont inued)

United Coat ings™ Roof Mate

Coat ing (Light Tan) Coat ing 0.71 0.93 8 8 7 1

United Coat ings™ Roof Mate

Coat ing (Tan) Coat ing 0.67 0.90 8 2 5 0

United Coat ings™ Roof Mate

Coat ing (White) Coat ing 0.83 0.92 1 0 5 8 7

United Coat ings™ Roof Mate HT

Coat ing (White) Coat ing 0.82 0.89 1 0 3 8 9

United Coat ings™ Roof Mate MB

Plus Coat ing (White) Coat ing 0.83 0.88 1 0 4 9 0

United Coat ings™ Roof Mate TCM

Coat ing (White) Coat ing 0.85 0.90 1 0 7 8 4

United Coat ings™ Roofshield®

Coat ing (Tan) Coat ing 0.66 0.90 8 0 2 5 5

United Coat ings™ Roofshield®

Coat ing (White) Coat ing 0.84 0.90 1 0 6 8 1

United Coat ings™ Surface Seal

SB Roof Coat ing (White) Coat ing 0.84 0.90 1 0 6 7 0

United Coat ings™ Unisil HS Roof

Coat ing (White) Coat ing 0.87 0.89 1 1 0 8 6

United Coat ings™ Unisil Roof

Coat ing (White) Coat ing 0.85 0.85 1 0 6 8 0

Product Area: Shingles

Products that May be Eligible 2

Glenwood™ (Golden Prair ie) Shingle 0.17 0.92 1 6 pending

Royal Sovereign®

(Desert Sand) Shingle 0.19 0.92 1 9 pending

Royal Sovereign®

(White) Shingle 0.27 0.91 2 8 2 5

Tim berline Am erican Harvest®

(Amber Wheat ) Shingle 0.18 0.92 1 7 pending

Tim berline HD®

(Aged Chestnut ) Shingle 0.17 0.90 1 5 pending

Tim berline HD®

(Birchwood) Shingle 0.20 0.92 2 0 pending

Tim berline HD®

(Coastal State) Shingle 0.17 0.90 1 5 pending

Tim berline HD®

(Copper Canyon) Shingle 0.17 0.92 1 6 pending

Tim berline HD®

(Golden Am ber) Shingle 0.20 0.92 2 0 pending

Tim berline HD®

(Sagewood) Shingle 0.17 0.90 1 5 pending

Tim berline HD®

(Sandalwood) Shingle 0.17 0.90 1 5 pending

Tim berline HD®

(White) Shingle 0.26 0.85 2 4 2 5

Tim berline Ult ra HD®

(Birchwood) Shingle 0.20 0.92 2 0 pending

Tim berline Ult ra HD®


Canyon) Shingle 0.17 0.92 1 6 pending

Tim berline Ult ra HD®


Am ber) Shingle 0.20 0.92 2 0 pending

1 Products are not reviewed or cert ified under LEED® . LEED® credit requirements cover the perform ance of m aterials in aggregate, not the

perform ance of individual products or brands. 2 Roofing and/ or pavement coat ing m aterials having a lower SRI or SR value than those listed in Table 1 m ay be used to achieve

com pliance using Equat ion 1 or in the weighted com pliance path using Equat ion 2.

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El i g i b l e 1 GAF R o o f i n g P r o d u ct s ( Co n t i n u e d )

SSc5 : Heat I sland Reduct ion

Table 3

Tit le Product


I nit ia l

Reflect ivity

I nit ia l

Em issivity

I nit ia l


3 - Yr.



Product Area: Shingles

Products that May be Eligible 2


Cool Series®

- Cool

Ant ique Slate Shingle 0.28 0.92 3 0 2 7


Cool Series®

- Cool

Barkwood Shingle 0.27 0.90 2 8 2 8


Cool Series®

- Cool

Weathered Wood Shingle 0.26 0.92 2 8 2 7


Natural Shadow®

Arct ic White Shingle 0.26 0.85 2 4 2 5

El i g i b l e 1 GAF N o n - R o o f ( H a r d sca p e ) P r o d u ct s SSc5 : Heat I sland Reduct ion

Table 4

Tit le Product


I nit ia l


3 - Yr. Aged SR

Product Area: Pavem ent Coat ings

StreetBond® SB150 SR Pavem ent Coat ing


Pavem ent

Coat ings

0 .6 0 pending

StreetBond® SB150 SR Pavement Coat ing (Sun

Baked Clay)

Pavem ent

Coat ings

0 .4 4 pending

StreetBond® SB150 SR Pavement Coat ing ( I r ish

Cream )

Pavem ent

Coat ings

0 .4 3 pending

StreetBond® SB150 SR Pavement Coat ing


Pavem ent

Coat ings

0 .3 3 pending

StreetBond® SB150 SR Pavement Coat ing


Pavem ent

Coat ings

0 .3 2 2 pending

StreetBond® SB150 SR Pavement Coat ing


Pavem ent

Coat ings

0 .3 2 2 pending

StreetBond® SB150 SR Pavement Coat ing


Pavem ent

Coat ings

0 .3 1 2 pending

StreetBond® SB150 SR Pavement Coat ing

(Terra Cot ta)

Pavem ent

Coat ings

0 .3 1 2 pending

StreetBond® SB150 SR Pavement Coat ing


Pavem ent

Coat ings

0 .3 1 2 pending

StreetBond® SB150 SR Pavement Coat ing


Pavem ent

Coat ings

0 .3 0 2 pending

StreetBond® SB150 SR Pavement Coat ing

(Safety Blue)

Pavem ent

Coat ings

0 .3 0 2 pending

1 Products are not reviewed or cert ified under LEED® . LEED® credit requirements cover the perform ance of m aterials in aggregate, not the

perform ance of individual products or brands. 2 Roofing and/ or pavement coat ing m aterials having a lower SRI or SR value than those listed in Table 1 m ay be used to achieve

com pliance using Equat ion 1 or in the weighted com pliance path using Equat ion 2.

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Case Study # 1

Project Profile Example project of how GAF roofing products cont r ibute direct ly to

achieving m ult iple LEED® v4 credit requirements.

LEED® Credit SSc5 : Heat I sland Reduct ion

EverGuard Ext rem e® TPO white roofing ( I nit ial SRI of 94) exceeds the

m inimum LEED® credit threshold of I nit ial SRI 82.

LEED® Credit MRc2 : BPDO1 – Environm ental Product Declarat ion ( EPD)

EverGuard Ext rem e® TPO roofing has a third-party ver ified Product -

specific Type I I I EPD, which m eans it cont r ibutes as 1 ‘whole’ product

to the 20 required for credit achievem ent .

EnergyGuard™ Polyiso roof insulat ion has an I ndust ry-wide (generic)

EPD, cont r ibut ing as ‘one-half ’ product value towards credit

achievement .

LEED® Credit MRc3 : BPDO – Leadership Extract ion Pract ices

EverGuard Ext rem e® TPO roofing cont r ibutes with its’ recycled

content .

EnergyGuard™ Polyiso roof insulat ion cont r ibutes with it s’ recycled

content .

LEED® Credit MRc4 : BPDO – Mater ia l I ngredients

EverGuard Ext rem e® TPO roofing and EnergyGuard™ Polyiso both

cont r ibute with the required Health Product Declarat ion (HPD)

t ransparency disclosures. EverGuard Ext rem e® also carr ies Declare

and C2C Mater ial Health Cert ificates.

LEED® Credit EQc2 : Low - Em it t ing Mater ia ls

GAF’s low-VOC adhesives and sealants in this project are all exter ior-

applied, which exem pts them from credit requirements.

LEED® Credit I Pc1 : I ntegrat ive Process

EverGuard Ext rem e® TPO roofing and EnergyGuard™ Polyiso

I nsulat ion both cont r ibute to the Energy-Related System s compliance

port ion of this credit through the Discovery and I mplementat ion

process for the building envelope and roofing system s. EverGuard

Ext reme® TPO cont r ibutes towards Renewable Energy opportunit ies

given it s advanced heat and UV protect ion propert ies.

1 Building product disclosure and opt im izat ion.

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Case Study # 2

Project Profile: Mercedes-Benz Superdom e

Locat ion: New Orleans, Louisiana

Project Challenge :

Maintain the appearance and perform ance of the largest dome st ructure in

the world, set in the heart of hot and hum id New Orleans. The Superdom e

needed a roof coat ing that would resist the buildup of dir t and biological

growth, keeping the city’s “crown jewel” br ight white and ensure solar

reflect ivit y to lower cooling dem ands and em issions.

GAF Solut ion:

United Coat ings™ Kymax™ Coat ing (White) outperformed eight different test

patch coat ings.

How GAF products cont r ibute to

the following LEED® v4 Credits:

LEED® Credit SSc5 : Heat I sland

Reduct ion

United Coat ings™ Kym ax™

Coat ing (White) with an I nit ial SRI

of 110 great ly exceeds the SSc5

m inim um Init ial SRI of 82 for the


I n a weighted perform ance

calculat ion for this credit , the roof

SRI of 110 would also help offset

any hardscape areas that fell below

the required m inimum SR value in

a v4 project .

LEED® Credits EAp1 & EAc2 :

Opt im ize Energy Perform ance

GAF’s United Coat ings™

Kym ax™ Coat ing cont r ibuted to

reducing the cooling loads of the

building by reflect ing more of the

sum m er sun’s heat and reducing

the outside sum mer ambient

tem peratures.

LEED Credit EQc2 : Low - Em it t ing Materials

GAF’s low-VOC adhesives and sealants in this project are all exterior-

applied, which exem pts them from credit requirements.

LEED Credit I Pc1 : I ntegrat ive Process

The I ntegrat ive Process ident ifies design opportunit ies to achieve

synergies across disciplines and building system s. GAF’s United Coat ings™

Kym ax™ Coat ing cont ributes to the Energy-Related System s compliance

port ion of this credit through the Discovery & Im plem entat ion process for the

building envelope and roofing system s.

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Case Study # 3

Project Profile: Histor ical Beach House Parking Lot - Annenberg Com m unity Beach Club

Locat ion: Santa Monica, CA

Project Challenge :

Reduce the Heat I sland Effect of the exist ing dark, non- reflect ive asphalt parking


GAF Solut ion:

The project applied GAF’s St reetBond® SB150 SR Pavement Coat ing that contains a SR

(solar reflect ive) Colorant that keeps asphalt cool, which in turn keeps outdoor am bient

temperatures lower. This reduct ion then cont r ibutes to lowering cooling dem ands and

costs of the building while also reducing CO2 em issions and pollut ion.

GAF’s St reetBond®

SB150 SR cont r ibutes

to the following LEED®

v4 credits:

LEED® Credit SSc5 :

Heat I sland

Reduct ion

St reetBond®

SB150 Pavement

Coat ing increased the

Solar Reflectance (SR)

of the black asphalt

parking pavement from

Init ial SR 0.05 to I nit ial

SR 0.33 using the Khaki

Colorant . St reetBond®

SB150 solar reflectance

colorant select ions

range from SR 0.30 to


LEED® Credits EAp2 & EAc2 : Opt im ize Energy Perform ance

GAF’s St reetBond® SB150 SR Pavem ent Coat ing cont r ibuted to reducing the cooling

loads of the building by decreasing the outside sum m er am bient temperatures.

St reetBond® increased the Solar Reflectance of the asphalt parking pavement by

reflect ing m ore of the summ er sun’s heat .

EQc2 : Low - Em it t ing Materia ls

GAF’s St reetBond® SB150 SR Pavem ent Coat ing is water-based, low-VOC (< 25 g/ L) ,

and m eets st r ingent SCAQMD air pollut ion regulat ions.

LEED Credit I Pc1 : I ntegrat ive Process

GAF’s St reetBond® SB150 SR Pavem ent Coat ing cont r ibutes to the Energy-Related

System s path of this credit , specifically in the Discovery and Im plementat ion process for

Site Condit ions. The I ntegrat ive Process ident ifies design opportunit ies to achieve

synergies across disciplines and building system s. I n this case, the default decisions for

hardscape surfaces are explored, result ing in a solut ion to the t radit ional non- reflect ive

asphalt parking pavem ent , without the cost of concrete.

I m age: Coated asphalt parking lot with

St reetBond® SB150 SR Pavement Coat ing applied

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Energy & Atmosphere (EA) 


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EA Credit 1

( 2 - 6 points) Enhanced Com m issioning

I ntent To further support the design, construct ion, and

eventual operat ion of a project that m eets the

ow ner’s project requirem ents for energy, w ater ,

indoor environm ental quality, and durability.

GAF's Eligible 1 Opt ion

Opt ion 2 . Building Envelope Com m issioning ( BECx)

is new in LEED® v4 .

GAF can contr ibute to achieving this credit opt ion by

support ing the design and construct ion team w ith

roofing system draw ings and specificat ions for the

roofing port ions of the therm al envelope.

EA Credit 2

( 1 - 1 8 points) Opt im ize Energy Perform ance

I ntent To achieve increasing levels of energy perform ance

beyond the baseline in the prerequisite standard to

reduce harm ful environm ental and econom ic

im pacts associated w ith excessive energy use.

GAF's Eligible 1 Opt ion

Opt ion 1 : Use GAF EnergyGuard roof insulat ion to

dem onstrate a percentage increase in the building

perform ance rat ing com pared to the baseline per

ANSI / ASHRAE/ I ESNA Standard 9 0 .1 - 2 0 1 0 . ( See

Table 5 )

Other m ethods to im prove energy perform ance

using GAF products include the use of a reflect ive

roofing m em brane system , vegetat ive roof system or

solar roofing system 2 .

I m age: GAF EnergyGuard Roof I nsulat ion

1 Products are not reviewed or cert ified under LEED® . LEED® credit requirements cover the perform ance of m aterials in aggregate, not the

perform ance of individual products or brands. 2

Refer to ht tp: / / www.usgbc.org/ leed for com plete credit requirem ents.

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EAc1 : Opt im ize Energy Perform ance

Points Aw arded for I ncrease in Energy Perform ance over Base Standard

Table 5

Energy Efficiency I m provem ent 1

LEED® Points New Const ruct ion Major Renovat ion

6% 4% 1

8% 6% 2

10% 8% 3

12% 10% 4

14% 12% 5

16% 14% 6

18% 16% 7

20% 18% 8

22% 20% 9

24% 22% 10

26% 24% 11

29% 27% 12

32% 30% 13

35% 33% 14

38% 36% 15

42% 40% 16

46% 44% 17

50% 48% 18

54% 54% I N2 Bonus Point


The Building Perform ance Rat ing Method includes ALL of the energy costs within and associated with the building project . 2

I N stands for I nnovat ion in Design, one of nine LEED® credit categories. See page 7.

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EA Credit 5

( 1 - 3 points) Renew able Energy Product ion

I ntent To reduce the environm ental and econom ic harm s

associated w ith fossil fuel energy by increasing self-

supply of renew able energy.

GAF's Eligible 1 Opt ion

I m age: GAF Solar Roofing System

I m age: GAF Green Machine

Solar Pow ered Roof Exhaust Vent

Use a GAF Solar Roofing System or Solar Vent ilat ion

Product to contr ibute tow ards credit requirem ents

in Table 6 .

Calculate the energy produced by the on- site

renew able system as a percentage of the yearly

energy cost of the building.

On- site Renew able Energy Thresholds

Table 6

Percentage Renew able Energy2 LEED®


1% 1

5% 2

10% 3

15% I N3 Bonus




  1 Products are not reviewed or cert ified under LEED® . LEED® credit requirements cover the perform ance of m aterials in aggregate, not the

perform ance of individual products or brands. 2

Refer to www.usgbc.org/ leed for com plete credit requirements. 3

I N stands for I nnovat ion in Design, one of nine LEED® credit categories. See page 7.

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Materials & Resources (MR) 


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MR Credit 1

( 2 - 5 points) Building Life- Cycle I m pact Reduct ion

I ntent To encourage adapt ive reuse and opt im ize the

environm ental perform ance of products and

m ateria ls.

GAF's Eligible 1 Opt ion

I m age: GAF’s Life- Cycle

Assessm ent Report

GAF EverGuard TPO products have contr ibuted LCA

( Life- Cycle Assessm ent ) data to the Athena I m pact

Est im ator, w hich is used to achieve Opt ion 4 . W hole-

Building Life- Cycle Assessm ent for this credit .

Credit Requirem ents2 :

Dem onst rate reduced environm ental effects during init ial

project decision-making by reusing exist ing building

resources or demonst rat ing a reduct ion in materials use

through life-cycle assessm ent . Achieve one of the

following opt ions.

Opt ion 1 . Historic Building Reuse.

Opt ion 2 . Renovat ion of Abandoned or Blighted


Opt ion 3 . Building and Materia l Reuse

Opt ion 4 . W hole- Building Life- Cycle Assessm ent

For new const ruct ion (buildings or port ions of buildings) ,

conduct a life-cycle assessm ent (LCA) of the project ’s

st ructure and enclosure that dem onst rates a m inim um of

10% reduct ion com pared with a baseline building in at

least three of the six im pact categories, one of which

must be global warm ing potent ial. No impact category

assessed as part of the life-cycle assessm ent m ay

increase by m ore than 5% com pared with the base



Refer to www.usgbc.org/ leed for com plete credit requirements.

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MR Credit 2

( 1 - 2 points)

Building Product Disclosure and

Opt im izat ion –

Environm ental Product Declarat ions

I ntent To encourage the use of products and m ateria ls for

w hich life- cycle inform at ion is available and that

have environm entally, econom ically, and socia lly

preferable life- cycle im pacts.

To rew ard project team s for select ing products

from m anufacturers w ho have verified im proved

environm ental life- cycle im pacts.

GAF's Eligible 1 Opt ion Select GAF EverGuard TPO and EnergyGuard®

Polyiso products w ith qualifying EPDs.

( See Table 8 )

I m age: GAF’s Product - specific

Type I I I EPD for EverGuard® TPO


Opt ion 1 EPDs can be

achieved sourcing:

20 products count ing

as ‘Full or Whole

product ’, or

40 products count ing

as “Half product ’, or

80 products count ing

as ‘Quarter product ’, or

a com binat ion

I m age: GAF’s I ndustry- w ide EPD

for EnergyGuard® Polyiso

Credit Requirem ents2 :

Achieve one or m ore of the opt ions below, for a

m axim um of 2 points.

Opt ion 1 : Environm ental Product Declarat ion ( EPD) (1 point )

Use at least 20 different perm anent ly installed products

sourced from at least five different m anufacturers that

m eet one of the disclosure cr iter ia below.

Product - Specific Declarat ion

Products with a publicly available, crit ically reviewed life-

cycle assessm ent conform ing to I SO 14044 that have at

least a cradle- to-gate scope are valued as one quarter

(1/ 4) of a product for the purposes of credit achievem ent

calculat ion.

Environm ental Product Declarat ions ( EPDs)

EPDs which conform to I SO 14025, 14040, 14044, and

EN 15804 or I SO 21930 and have at least a cradle- to-

gate scope.

I ndust ry-wide (generic) EPD – Products with third-

party cert if icat ion (Type I I I ) , including external

verificat ion, in which the m anufacturer is explicit ly

recognized as a part icipant by the program

operator are valued as one half (1/ 2) of a product

for purposes of credit achievem ent calculat ion.

Product -specific Type I I I EPD – Products with third-

party cert if icat ion (Type I I I ) , including external

verificat ion in which the manufacturer is explicit ly

recognized as the part icipant by the program

operator are valued as one whole product for

purposes of credit achievem ent calculat ion.

USGBC approved program ( future)


1 Products are not reviewed or cert ified under LEED® . LEED® credit requirements cover the perform ance of m aterials in aggregate, not the

perform ance of individual products or brands. 2 Refer to www.usgbc.org/ leed for com plete credit requirements.

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MR Credit 2

( 1 - 2 points)

Building Product Disclosure and

Opt im izat ion – Environm ental Product

Declarat ions ( Cont inued)


Use the LEED® MR credit

BPDO Calculator to t rack and

docum ent m aterial purchases

(or project ions) and their

eligible m ix-and-m atch

cr iter ia for MR credit

achievem ent .

Go to ht tp: / / usgbc.org and

search ‘BPDO calculator ’.


Looking for the actual product

EPDs to view or docum ent for

this credit?

Go to:

ht tp: / / gaf.ecoscorecard.com /


ht tp: / / www.gaf.com

Opt ion 2 . Mult i- At t r ibute Opt im izat ion ( 1 point )

Use products that com ply with one of the cr iter ia below

for 50% , by cost , of the total value of perm anent ly

installed products in the project . Products will be valued

as below.

- Third party cert if ied products that demonst rate impact

reduct ion below indust ry average in at least three of the

following categories are valued at 100% of their cost for

credit achievem ent calculat ions.

o global warm ing potent ial (greenhouse gases) , in


o deplet ion of the st ratospheric ozone layer, in kg


o acidificat ion of land and water sources, in m oles

H+ or kg SO2;

o eut rophicat ion, in kg nit rogen or kg phosphate;

o form at ion of t ropospheric ozone, in kg NOx, kg

03, or kg ethane; and

o deplet ion of nonrenewable energy resources, in


- Future USGBC approved program for m ult i-at t r ibute

fram eworks.

Locat ion valuat ion factor (a regional m ult iplier) :

For credit achievement calculat ion, products sourced

(ext racted, manufactured, AND purchased) within 100

m iles (160 km ) of the project site are valued at 200% of

their base cont r ibut ing cost . Go to

ht tp: / / gaf.ecoScorecard.com to determ ine project


St ructure and enclosure m aterials m ay not const itute

m ore than 30% of the value of com pliant building


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Eligible 1 GAF Products

MRc2 : Environm ental Product Declarat ions ( EPDs)

Table 8 . GAF’s Qualifying EPDs


value ½ LEED®

value Full LEED®


Eligible GAF Products Product - specific

Declarat ion I ndustry W ide EPD

Product - specific EPD:

Type I I I

GAF EverGuard® TPO Roofing

GAF EverGuard Ext reme®

TPO Roofing

GAF EnergyGuard® Poly iso

Roof I nsulat ion

GAF third-party cert if ied EverGuard® TPO products cont r ibute the highest level of EPD disclosures, qualify ing for

‘whole’ product value towards credit achievement .

Table 9 . USGBC EPD Process Com parison – MRc2 ( LEED® v4 )

EPD Types Product - specific

Declarat ion I ndustry W ide EPD

Product - specific EPD:

Type I I I

Data are cr it ically reviewed

Data are specific to product

Data are reported according

to a PCR possibly

S o u r c e : U S GB C

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32 GAF Green Building Playbook for LEED v4 Updated Oct . 2016

1 Products are not reviewed or cert ified under LEED® . LEED® credit requirements cover the perform ance of m aterials in aggregate, not the

perform ance of individual products or brands. 2

Refer to www.usgbc.org/ leed for com plete credit requirements. 3

I N stands for I nnovat ion in Design, one of nine LEED® credit categories. See page 7.

MR Credit 3

( 1 - 2 points)

Building Product Disclosure

and Opt im izat ion –

Sourcing of Raw Materia ls

I ntent To encourage the use of products and m aterials for which

life cycle inform at ion is available and that have

environm entally, econom ically, and socially preferable life

cycle im pacts.

To reward project team s for select ing products verified to

have been ext racted or sourced in a responsible m anner.

GAF's Eligible 1 Opt ion

Select GAF products that can contr ibute to Opt ion 2 ;

Leadership Extract ion Pract ices. ( See Table 1 0 )


Use the LEED® MR credit

BPDO Calculator to t rack and

docum ent m aterial purchases

(or project ions) and their

eligible m ix-and-m atch

cr iter ia for MR credit

achievem ent .

Go to ht tp: / / usgbc.org and

search ‘BPDO calculator ’.

Recycled content is the sum

of postconsum er recycled

content plus one-half the

preconsumer recycled

content , based on cost .

Products meet ing recycled

content cr iter ia are valued at

100% of their cost for the

purposes of credit

achievement calculat ion.

Credit Requirem ents2 :

Opt ion 1 : Raw Mater ia l Source and Extract ion

Report ing (1 point )

Opt ion 2 : Leadership Extract ion Pract ices (1 point )

Use products that m eet at least one of the responsible

cr iter ia below for at least 25% , by cost , of the total value

of perm anent ly installed building products in the project .

Recycled content .

Extended producer responsibilit y.

Bio-based materials.

Wood products.

Materials reuse.

USGBC approved program ( future) .

Locat ion valuat ion factor (a regional m ult iplier) :

For credit achievement calculat ion, products sourced

(ext racted, manufactured, AND purchased) within 100

m iles (160 km ) of the project site are valued at 200% of

their base cont r ibut ing cost . Go to

ht tp: / / gaf.ecoScorecard.com to determ ine qualifying

distances for specific projects.

St ructure and enclosure m aterials m ay not const itute

m ore than 30% of the value of com pliant building


I N 3 Bonus Credit Opt ion 1: Source at least 40 products from five

m anufacturers. Opt ion 2: Purchase 50% , by cost , of the

total value of perm anent ly installed building products that

meet the responsible ext ract ion cr iter ia.

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33 GAF Green Building Playbook for LEED

® v4 Updated Oct . 2016

El i g i b l e 1 GAF P r o d u ct s

MRc3 : BPDO – Sourcing of Raw Materia ls

Table 1 0 . Recycled Content

Com m ercial

Roofing Products2


Content 3

Post - Consum er


Content 3

Pre- Consum er

Product Area: Single-Ply Mem brane

EverGuard® TPO (White) 45 m il, 60 m il, 80 m il 0% 1.0%

EverGuard® TPO (Tan) 45 m il, 60 m il, 80 m il 0% 1.0%

EverGuard® Energy Tan TPO 45 m il, 60 m il, 80 m il 0% 1.0%

EverGuard® Energy Gray TPO 45 m il, 60 m il, 80 m il 0% 1.0%

EverGuard® Freedom ™ TPO (White) 45 m il, 60 m il, 80 m il 0% 1.0%

EverGuard® Freedom ™ TPO (Tan) 45 m il, 60 m il, 80 m il 0% 1.0%

EverGuard® TPO Fleece-Back (White) 45m il, 60m il, 80

m il 0% 1.0%

EverGuard® TPO Fleece-Back (Tan) 45 m il, 60 m il, 80 m il 0% 1.0%

EverGuard® PVC (White) 50 m il, 60 m il, 80 m il 7.0% 7.0%

EverGuard® PVC Fleece-Back (White) 60 m il, 80 m il 7.0% 7.0%

EverGuard® Steep Slope TPO (White) Resid. 0% 1.0%

EverGuard Ext rem e® TPO (White) 50m il, 60m il, 70m il,

80m il 0% 1.0%

Product Area: I nsulat ion4

EnergyGuard™ Polylso I nsulat ion AA Panel 32.6% 9.9%

EnergyGuard™ Polylso I nsulat ion A Panel 29.1% 9.7%

EnergyGuard™ Polylso I nsulat ion B Panel 21.9% 9.4%

EnergyGuard™ Polylso I nsulat ion C Panel 18.8% 9.2%

EnergyGuard™ Polylso I nsulat ion 1” 32.0% 9.9%

EnergyGuard™ Polylso I nsulat ion 1.5” 25.0% 9.5%

EnergyGuard™ Polylso I nsulat ion 2” 20.3% 9.3%

EnergyGuard™ Polylso I nsulat ion 2.5” 16.5% 9.1%

EnergyGuard™ Polylso I nsulat ion 3” 14.7% 9.1%

EnergyGuard™ Polylso I nsulat ion 3.1” 14.3% 9.0%

EnergyGuard™ Polylso I nsulat ion 3.3” 13.6% 9.0%

EnergyGuard™ Polylso I nsulat ion 3.5” 12.9% 9.0%

EnergyGuard™ Polylso I nsulat ion 4” 11.6% 8.9%

EnergyGuard™ Polylso I nsulat ion X Panel 32.6% 9.9%

EnergyGuard™ Polylso I nsulat ion Y Panel 20.3% 9.3%

EnergyGuard™ Polylso I nsulat ion Z Panel 14.7% 9.1%

EnergyGuard™ Polylso I nsulat ion Q Panel 25.0% 9.5%

1 Products are not reviewed or cert ified under LEED® . LEED® credit requirements cover the perform ance of m aterials in aggregate, not the

perform ance of individual products or brands. 2 I f a product you are evaluat ing is not shown in Table 10, it m ay not contain any recycled content . Consult GAF for addit ional inform at ion

on any product . 3 Recycled content is based on weight . Sourcing varies by region and is determ ined when the product is ordered. 4 EnergyGuard™ insulat ion is sourced from m anufacturing facilit ies nat ionwide and recycled content is based on GAF nat ional averages.

Sourcing locat ion will not be determ ined unt il t ime of shipment and is subject to change. Depending on m aterial sourcing, check

packaging to determ ine if EnergyGuard™ insulat ion is labeled RA, RN or no designat ion. Confirm with GAF Custom er Services.

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34 GAF Green Building Playbook for LEED v4 Updated Oct . 2016

El i g i b l e 1 GAF P r o d u ct s ( Co n t i n u e d )

MRc3 : BPDO – Sourcing of Raw Materia ls

Table 1 0 . Recycled Content

Com m ercial

Roofing Products2


Content 3

Post - Consum er


Content 3

Pre- Consum er

EnergyGuard™ RA Polylso I nsulat ion 1” 24.5% 18.5%

EnergyGuard™ RA Polylso I nsulat ion 1.5” 18.8% 14.2%

EnergyGuard™ RA Polylso I nsulat ion 2” 15.4% 11.6%

EnergyGuard™ RA Polylso I nsulat ion 2.5” 13.1% 9.9%

EnergyGuard™ RA Polylso I nsulat ion 3” 11.4% 8.6%

EnergyGuard™ RA Polylso I nsulat ion 3.1” 10.8% 8.2%

EnergyGuard™ RA Polylso I nsulat ion 3.3” 10.3% 7.7%

EnergyGuard™ RA Polylso I nsulat ion 3.5” 10.3% 7.7%

EnergyGuard™ RA Polylso I nsulat ion 4” 9.1% 6.9%

EnergyGuard™ RA Polylso I nsulat ion X Panel 24.5% 18.5%

EnergyGuard™ RA Polylso I nsulat ion Y Panel 15.4% 11.6%

EnergyGuard™ RA Polylso I nsulat ion Z Panel 11.4% 8.6%

EnergyGuard™ RA Polylso I nsulat ion Q Panel 18.8% 14.2%

EnergyGuard™ RA Polylso I nsulat ion AA Panel 0% n/ a

EnergyGuard™ RA Polylso I nsulat ion A Panel 21.9% 15.9%

EnergyGuard™ RA Polylso I nsulat ion B Panel 16.8% 12.7%

EnergyGuard™ RA Polylso I nsulat ion C Panel 14.0% 10.5%

EnergyGuard™ RN Polylso I nsulat ion 1” 26.4% 13.7%

EnergyGuard™ RN Polylso I nsulat ion 1.5” 19.1% 11.8%

EnergyGuard™ RN Polylso I nsulat ion 2” 15.8% 10.9%

EnergyGuard™ RN Polylso I nsulat ion 2.5” 12.9% 10.1%

EnergyGuard™ RN Polylso I nsulat ion 3” 11.3% 9.7%

EnergyGuard™ RN Polylso I nsulat ion 3.1” 11.0% 9.7%

EnergyGuard™ RN Polylso I nsulat ion 3.3” 10.5% 9.5%

EnergyGuard™ RN Polylso I nsulat ion 3.5” 9.6% 9.3%

EnergyGuard™ RN Polylso I nsulat ion 4” 8.7% 9.1%

EnergyGuard™ RN Polylso I nsulat ion X Panel 26.4% 13.7%

EnergyGuard™ RN Polylso I nsulat ion Y Panel 15.8% 10.9%

EnergyGuard™ RN Polylso I nsulat ion Z Panel 11.3% 9.7%

EnergyGuard™ RN Polylso I nsulat ion Q Panel 19.1% 11.8%

EnergyGuard™ RN Polylso I nsulat ion AA Panel 26.4% 13.7%

EnergyGuard™ RN Polylso I nsulat ion A Panel 22.8% 12.8%

EnergyGuard™ RN Polylso I nsulat ion B Panel 17.5% 11.4%

1 Products are not reviewed or cert ified under LEED® . LEED® credit requirements cover the perform ance of m aterials in aggregate, not the

perform ance of individual products or brands. 2 I f a product you are evaluat ing is not shown in Table 10, it m ay not contain any recycled content . Consult GAF for addit ional inform at ion

on any product . 3 Recycled content is based on weight . Sourcing varies by region and is determ ined when the product is ordered.

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35 GAF Green Building Playbook for LEED

® v4 Updated Oct . 2016

El i g i b l e 1 GAF P r o d u ct s ( Co n t i n u e d )

MRc3 : BPDO – Sourcing of Raw Materia ls

Table 1 0 . Recycled Content

Com m ercial

Roofing Products2


Content 3

Post - Consum er


Content 3

Pre- Consum er

EnergyGuard™ Perlite Cant St r ip 33.0% 2.0%

EnergyGuard™ Perlite Edge St r ip 28.0% 2.0%

Product Area: Cover Board

EnergyGuard™ HD Plus Polyiso Cover Board ½ ” 38.5% 10.2%

EnergyGuard™ HD Polyiso Cover Board ½ ” 43.8% 10.4%

EnergyGuard™ HD Fiberboard 28.0% 3.0%

DensDeck® Roof Board 0% 0%

DensDeck® Prim e Roof Board 0% 0%

SUCUROCK® Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board 0% 95.0%

EnergyGuard™ Perlite 28.0% 2.0%

Product Area: SBS Modified Bitum en Mem brane

RUBEROI D® 20 Sm ooth 0% 0%

RUBEROI D® 30 Granule 0% 0%

RUBEROI D® 30 Granule FR 0% 0%

RUBEROI D® Mop Granule FR 0% 4.4%

RUBEROI D® Mop Plus Smooth 0% 5.0%

RUBEROI D® Mop Granule 0% 4.8%

RUBEROI D® Mop Plus Granule FR 0% 0%

RUBEROI D® Mop Sm ooth 1.5 0% 5.0%

RUBEROI D® EnergyCap™ Mop Plus Granule FR (White) 0% 0%

RUBEROI D® EnergyCap™ Torch Granule FR (White) 0% 0%

RUBEROI D® Ult raClad® SBS 0% 0%

RUBEROI D® HW Sm ooth 0% 4.6%

RUBEROI D® HW Granule 0% 4.7%

RUBEROI D® HW 25 Sm ooth 0% 0%

RUBEROI D® HW Plus Granule 0% 5.6%

RUBEROI D® HW Plus Granule FR 0% 5.5%

RUBEROI D® HW Granule FR 0% 4.4%

RUBEROI D® EnergyCap™ HW Plus Granule FR (White) 0% 0%

1 Products are not reviewed or cert ified under LEED® . LEED® credit requirements cover the perform ance of m aterials in aggregate, not the

perform ance of individual products or brands. 2 I f a product you are evaluat ing is not shown in Table 10, it m ay not contain any recycled content . Consult GAF for addit ional inform at ion

on any product . 3 Recycled content is based on weight . Sourcing varies by region and is determ ined when the product is ordered.

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36 GAF Green Building Playbook for LEED v4 Updated Oct . 2016

El i g i b l e 1 GAF P r o d u ct s ( Co n t i n u e d )

MRc3 : BPDO – Sourcing of Raw Materia ls

Table 1 0 . Recycled Content

Com m ercial

Roofing Products2


Content 3

Post - Consum er


Content 3

Pre- Consum er

Product Area: APP Modified Bitum en Mem brane

RUBEROI D® Torch Plus Granule FR 0% 7.5%

RUBEROI D® Torch Sm ooth 0% 4.3%

RUBEROI D® Torch Granule 0% 7.3%

RUBEROI D® EnergyCap™ Torch Plus Granule FR (White) 0% 0%

RUBEROI D® EnergyCap™ Torch Granule FR (White) 0% 0%

WorkHorse™ RoofMatch™ APP Granular - Hickory 0% 7.3%

WorkHorse™ RoofMatch™ APP Granular - Shakewood 0% 7.3%

WorkHorse™ RoofMatch™ APP Granular - Slate 0% 7.3%

WorkHorse™ RoofMatch™ APP Granular - Tan 0% 7.3%

WorkHorse™ RoofMatch™ APP Granular – Weathered

Wood 0% 7.3%

WorkHorse™ RoofMatch™ SBS Granular 0% 4.8%

Product Area: Built -Up Roofing Mem brane

GAFGLAS® FlexPly™ 6 0% 0%

GAFGLAS® Ply 4 0% 4.8%

GAFGLAS® # 75 Base Sheet 0% 0%

GAFGLAS® # 80 Ult ima Base Sheet 0% 0%

GAFGLAS® Mineral-Surfaced Cap Sheet 0% 0%

GAFGLAS® Stratavent® Nailable Vent ing Base Sheet 0% 39.7%

GAFGLAS® Stratavent® Perforated Vent ing Base Sheet 0% 39.7%

GAFGLAS® EnergyCap™ Mineral-Surfaced Cap Sheet

(White) 0% 0%

Product Area: SBS Modified Bitum en

Liberty™ SBS Mechanically At tached Base Sheet 0% 0%

Liberty™ SBS Self-Adhering Cap Sheet 0% 4.9%

Liberty™ Self-Adhering Base/ Ply Sheet 0% 0%

Product Area: Underlayment

Storm safe™ Anchor Sheet 0% 0%

Weather Watch® XT 0% 0%

UnderRoof ™ HT 0% 0%

Shingle-Mate® 60.0% 0%

Product Area: Vegetat ive Roofing

GardenScapes™ Drainage Mat 0% 50.0%

Product Area: Fasteners & Plates

Drill-Tec™ Fasteners & Plates 25.0% 0%

1 Products are not reviewed or cert ified under LEED® . LEED® credit requirements cover the perform ance of m aterials in aggregate, not the

perform ance of individual products or brands. 2 I f a product you are evaluat ing is not shown in Table 10, it m ay not contain any recycled content . Consult GAF for addit ional inform at ion

on any product . 3 Recycled content is based on weight . Sourcing varies by region and is determ ined when the product is ordered.

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37 GAF Green Building Playbook for LEED

® v4 Updated Oct . 2016

El i g i b l e 1 GAF P r o d u ct s ( Co n t i n u e d )

MRc3 : BPDO – Sourcing of Raw Materia ls

Table 1 0 . Recycled Content

Resident ia l

Roofing Products2


Content 3

Post - Consum er


Content 3

Pre- Consum er

Product Area: Shingle

Tim berline® Cool Series Shingles 0% 8.7%

Cam elot® Shingles 0% 32.0%

Cam elot® I I Shingles 0% 21.2%

Grand Canyon™ Shingles 0% 30.0%

Sent inel® Shingles (White) 0% 17.3%

County Mansion® I I Shingles 0% 11.4%

Royal Sovereign® Shingles (White) 0% 12.9%

Grand Sequoia® I R Shingles 0% 17.4%

Tim berline® HD (White) 0% 17.4%

Tim berline® HD™ Shingles 0% 9.3%

Marquis® Weatherm ax® Shingles 0% 18.1%

Monaco® Shingles 0% 10.1%

Slateline® Shingles 0% 19.8%

Tim berline® Am erican Harvest™ Shingles 0% 6.9%

Tim berline® Arm orShield™ I I Shingles 0% 20.0%

Tim berline® Natural Shadow™ Shingles 0% 5.9%

Tim berline® Ult ra HD™ Shingles 0% 33.5%

Woodland® Shingles 0% 14.7%

Product Area: Starter Shingle

StarterMatch™ Starter St r ip Shingles 0% 11.1%

Weatherblocker™ Starter St r ip Shingles 0% 36.0%

ProStart™ Starter St r ips 0% 43.4%

Product Area: Cap Shingle

Seal-A-Ridge® (Cool Series Shingles) 0% 30.7%

1 Products are not reviewed or cert ified under LEED® . LEED® credit requirements cover the perform ance of m aterials in aggregate, not the

perform ance of individual products or brands. 2 I f a product you are evaluat ing is not shown in Table 10, it m ay not contain any recycled content . Consult GAF for addit ional inform at ion

on any product . 3 Recycled content is based on weight . Sourcing varies by region and is determ ined when the product is ordered.

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38 GAF Green Building Playbook for LEED v4 Updated Oct . 2016

El i g i b l e 1 GAF P r o d u ct s ( Co n t i n u e d )

MRc3 : BPDO – Sourcing of Raw Materia ls

Table 1 0 . Recycled Content

Resident ia l

Roofing Products2


Content 3

Post - Consum er


Content 3

Pre- Consum er

Seal-A-Ridge® Arm orShield™ & Seal-A-Ridge® I R Cap

Shingles 0% 35.5%

Seal-A-Ridge® Cap Shingles 0% 30.7%

RidGlass® (Cool White) 0% 37.1%

RidGlass® (Cool Barkwood) 0% 37.1%

RidGlass® (Ant ique Slate) 0% 37.1%

RidGlass® Hip and Ridge Shingles 0% 37.1%

TimberTex® Hip and Ridge Shingles 0% 37.1%

Z® Ridge Hip and Ridge Shingles 0% 37.1%

Product Area: Solar Vent ilat ion/ Vent ilat ion

Green Machine™ Solar Powered I ntake Booster™ Vent 25.0% 0%

Green Machine™ Solar Powered Exhaust Vent 25.0% 0%

Green Machine™ Solar Powered Gable Vent 25.0% 0%

Green Machine™ Solar Powered Ridge Vent 25.0% 0%

Cobra® At t ic Exhaust Vent 80.0% 20.0%

Product Area: Underlayment

Shingle-Mate® 60.0% 0%

Product Area: I nsulat ion Panels

Therm aCal® 1 Vent ilated Roof I nsulat ion Panels 2.5” 16.5% 9.1%

Therm aCal® 1 Vent ilated Roof I nsulat ion Panels 3.0” 14.7% 9.1%

Therm aCal® 1 Vent ilated Roof I nsulat ion Panels 3.5” 12.9% 9.0%

Therm aCal® 1 Vent ilated Roof I nsulat ion Panels 4.0” 11.5% 8.9%

Therm aCal® 1 Vent ilated Roof I nsulat ion Panels 4.5” 10.4% 8.9%

Therm aCal® 1 Vent ilated Roof I nsulat ion Panels 5.0” 9.5% 8.8%

Therm aCal® 1 Vent ilated Roof I nsulat ion Panels 5.5” 8.8% 8.8%

Therm aCal® 1 Vent ilated Roof I nsulat ion Panels 6.0” 8.1% 8.7%

Therm aCal® 1 Vent ilated Roof I nsulat ion Panels 6.5” 7.4% 8.7%

Therm aCal® 1 Vent ilated Roof I nsulat ion Panels 7.0” 7.0% 8.7%

Therm aCal® 2 Vent ilated Roof I nsulat ion Panels 3.5” 12.9% 9.0%

Therm aCal® 2 Vent ilated Roof I nsulat ion Panels 4.0” 11.5% 8.9%

Therm aCal® 2 Vent ilated Roof I nsulat ion Panels 4.5” 10.4% 8.9%

Therm aCal® 2 Vent ilated Roof I nsulat ion Panels 5.0” 9.5% 8.8%

Therm aCal® 2 Vent ilated Roof I nsulat ion Panels 5.5” 8.8% 8.8%

Therm aCal® 2 Vent ilated Roof I nsulat ion Panels 6.0” 8.1% 8.7%

Therm aCal® 2 Vent ilated Roof I nsulat ion Panels 6.5” 7.4% 8.7%

1 Products are not reviewed or cert ified under LEED® . LEED® credit requirements cover the perform ance of m aterials in aggregate, not the

perform ance of individual products or brands. 2 I f a product you are evaluat ing is not shown in Table 10, it m ay not contain any recycled content . Consult GAF for addit ional inform at ion

on any product . 3 Recycled content is based on weight . Sourcing varies by region and is determ ined when the product is ordered.

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39 GAF Green Building Playbook for LEED

® v4 Updated Oct . 2016

El i g i b l e 1 GAF P r o d u ct s ( Co n t i n u e d )

MRc3 : BPDO – Sourcing of Raw Materia ls

Table 1 0 . Recycled Content

Resident ia l

Roofing Products2


Content 3

Post - Consum er


Content 3

Pre- Consum er

Therm aCal® 2 Vent ilated Roof I nsulat ion Panels 7.0” 7.0% 8.7%

Therm aCal® Non-Vent ilated Roof I nsulat ion Panels 1.5” 32.6% 9.9%

Therm aCal® Non-Vent ilated Roof I nsulat ion Panels 2.0” 20.3% 9.3%

Therm aCal® Non-Vent ilated Roof I nsulat ion Panels 2.5” 16.5% 9.1%

Therm aCal® Non-Vent ilated Roof I nsulat ion Panels 3.0” 14.7% 9.1%

Therm aCal® Non-Vent ilated Roof I nsulat ion Panels 3.5” 12.9% 9.0%

Therm aCal® Non-Vent ilated Roof I nsulat ion Panels 4.0” 11.5% 8.9%

Therm aCal® Non-Vent ilated Roof I nsulat ion Panels 4.5” 10.4% 8.9%

Therm aCal® Non-Vent ilated Roof I nsulat ion Panels 5.0” 9.5% 8.8%

Therm aCal® Non-Vent ilated Roof I nsulat ion Panels 5.5” 8.8% 8.8%

Therm aCal® Non-Vent ilated Roof I nsulat ion Panels 6.0” 8.1% 8.7%

Therm aCal® Non-Vent ilated Roof I nsulat ion Panels 6.5” 7.4% 8.7%

Therm aCal® Non-Vent ilated Roof I nsulat ion Panels 7.0” 7.0% 8.7%


1 Products are not reviewed or cert ified under LEED® . LEED® credit requirements cover the perform ance of m aterials in aggregate, not the

perform ance of individual products or brands. 2 I f a product you are evaluat ing is not shown in Table 10, it m ay not contain any recycled content . Consult GAF for addit ional inform at ion

on any product . 3 Recycled content is based on weight . Sourcing varies by region and is determ ined when the product is ordered.

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40 GAF Green Building Playbook for LEED v4 Updated Oct . 2016

MR Credit 4

( 1 - 2 points)

Building Product Disclosure and

Opt im izat ion –

Materia l I ngredients

I ntent To encourage the use of products and m aterials for which life-

cycle inform at ion is available and that have environm entally,

econom ically, and socially preferable life-cycle im pacts.

To reward project team s for select ing products for which the

chem ical ingredients in the product are inventoried using an

accepted methodology and for select ing products ver ified to

m inim ize the use and generat ion of harm ful substances.

To reward raw m aterial manufacturers who produce products

verified to have im proved life-cycle im pacts.

GAF's Eligible 1 Opt ion

Specify GAF’s EverGuard® TPO and EnergyGuard™ Polylso

products that have the qualifying HPD, Declare, and/ or

Materia l Health Cert ificate disclosures and can contr ibute

to achieving Opt ion 1 of this credit . ( See Table 1 1 ) .


Mix-and-m atch! Products can

com ply under different

program s; it is not necessary

to find 20 products that all

com ply using the sam e path

for Opt . 1.

I m ages: GAF’s 3 qualifying

disclosures for EverGuard

Extrem e®


Credit Requirem ents2 :

Opt ion 1 : Materia l I ngredient Report ing (1 point )

Use at least 2 0 different perm anent ly installed products

from at least five different m anufacturers that use any of

the follow ing program s to dem onstrate the chem ical

inventory of the product to at least 0 .1 % ( 1 0 0 0 ppm ) .

Manufacturer I nventory. The m anufacturer has published

com plete content inventory for the product following

specific guidelines.

Health Product Declarat ion (HPD) . The end use product

has a published, com plete Health Product Declarat ion

with full disclosure of known hazards in com pliance with

the Health Product Declarat ion Open Standard.

Cradle to Cradle. The end use product has been cert ified

at the Cradle to Cradle v2 Basic level or Cradle to Cradle

v3 Bronze level.

Declare. The Declare product label m ust indicate that all

ingredients have been evaluated and disclosed down to

1000 ppm.

ANSI / BI RMA e3 Furniture Sustainabilit y Standard.

Cradle to Cradle Material Health Cert ificate. The product

has been cert ified at the Bronze level or higher and at

least 90% of m aterials are assessed by weight .

USGBC Approved Program ( future) .


Opt ion 2 : Mater ia l I ngredient Opt im izat ion (1 point )

Use products that docum ent their m aterial ingredient

opt im izat ion using the paths below for at least 25% , by cost , of

the total value of perm anent ly installed products in the project .

GreenScreen v1.2 Benchm ark

Cradle to Cradle Cert ified

1 Products are not reviewed or cert ified under LEED® . LEED® credit requirements cover the perform ance of m aterials in aggregate, not the

perform ance of individual products or brands. 2

Refer to www.usgbc.org/ leed for com plete credit requirements.

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MR Credit 4

( 1 - 2 points)

Building Product Disclosure and

Opt im izat ion –

Materia l I ngredients ( Co n t i n u e d )


Use the LEED MR credit BPDO

Calculator to t rack and

docum ent m aterial purchases

(or project ions) for MR credit

achievem ent .

Go to ht tp: / / usgbc.org and

search ‘BPDO calculator ’.


Looking for the actual product

HPDs, Declarat ions, or C2C MHC

reports to view or docum ent for

this credit?

Go to:

ht tp: / / gaf.ecoscorecard.com /


www.gaf.com / Roofing/ Com m erci

al/ Green_Roof_Central

Opt ion 2 : Mater ia l I ngredient Opt im izat ion (1 point )

I nternat ional Alternat ive Com pliance Path – REACH

Opt im izat ion (Outside U.S. only)

USGBC approved program ( future)


Opt ion 3 : Product Manufacturer Supply Chain Opt im izat ion

(1 point )

Use building products for at least 25% , by cost , of the total value

of perm anent ly installed products in the project that m eet

specific guidelines.

Products m eet ing Opt ion 3 cr iter ia are valued at 100% of their

cost for the purposes of credit achievem ent calculat ion.

Locat ion valuat ion factor (a regional m ult iplier) :

For credit achievement calculat ion of Opt ions 2 and 3, products

sourced (ext racted, manufactured, AND purchased) within 100

m iles (160 km ) of the project site are valued at 200% of their

base cont r ibut ing cost . Go to ht tp: / / gaf.ecoScorecard.com to

determ ine project distances.

St ructure and enclosure m aterials m ay not const itute m ore than

30% of the value of com pliant building products.

I N 1 Bonus Point Opt ion 1: Purchase at least 40 perm anent ly installed building

products that m eet the credit cr iter ia.

Opt ion 2: Purchase at least 50% , by cost , of perm anent ly

installed building products that m eet the credit cr iter ia.

     Eligible 1 GAF Products

MRc4 – Materia l I ngredients

Table 1 1

Product Nam e LEED Qualifying Report ing Program s

HPD 3 Declare C2 C MHC4

EverGuard Ext rem e® TPO

EverGuard® TPO

EnergyGuard Roof I nsulat ion

GAFGLAS EnergyCap™ BUR Mineral

Surfaced Cap Sheet

Tim berline® Cool Roofing Shingles


I N stands for I nnovat ion in Design, one of nine LEED® credit categories. See page 7. 2 Products are not reviewed or cert ified under LEED® . LEED® credit requirements cover the perform ance of m aterials in aggregate, not the

perform ance of individual products or brands. 3 HPD stands for Health Product Declarat ion. 4 C2C MHC stands for Cradle to Cradle Material Health Cert ificate.

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MR Credit 5

( 1 - 2 points)

Construct ion and Dem olit ion

W aste Managem ent

I ntent To reduce construct ion and dem olit ion w aste

disposed of in landfills and incinerat ion facilit ies by

recovering, reusing, and recycling m ateria ls.

GAF's Eligible 1 Opt ion


For t ips on recycling roofing

m aterials and m ore, go to the

GAF Green Roof Cent ral

website www.gaf.com / green.

Recycle, salvage, and/ or donate nonhazardous

roofing m ateria ls w here applicable .

Exam ples of m ateria ls include: asphalt shingles,

TPO and PVC m em branes, polyiso insulat ion,

ext ruded or expanded polystyrene insulat ion,

gypsum board, m ineral fiber board, ballast , m etal

flashings, m etal roof panels, and clean w ood.


Don’t m iss the GAF

Com m ercial Roof Recycling

Program flyer “Zero Waste

Jobsite Policies” in this credit

sect ion, on the following


I m age: Construct ion Hauler

Credit Requirem ents2 :

This credit im plem ents the Const ruct ion and Dem olit ion

Waste Management (CWM) Plan developed in the

corresponding LEED® MR Prerequisite 2 that establishes

diversion goals and st rategies, and ident ifies const ruct ion

haulers and recyclers to handle the designated m aterials.

This credit m easures actual perform ance against


Project team s m ay select 1 of 2 opt ions (See Table 1) :

Opt ion 1 : Diversion (1-2 points) ; or

Opt ion 2 : Reduct ion of Total W aste (2 points)

Table 7 . MRc5 : CW M Opt ions



Opt ion 1 : Diversion

Divert 50% plus 3 m aterial st ream s; OR 1

Divert 75% plus 4 m ater ial st ream s 2

Opt ion 2 : Reduct ion of

Total W aste Mater ia l

Do not generate m ore than 2.5 lbs. of

const ruct ion waste per square foot of the

building’s floor area.


Achieve both Opt ion 1 ( e ither Path 1 or

Path 2 ) and Opt ion 2

1 - I N 2 Bonus


I N 3 Bonus Point Opt ion 1. Source at least 40 qualifying products from five

m anufacturers.

Opt ion 2. Purchase 75% by cost , of perm anent ly installed

building products that m eet the required at t r ibutes.

        1 Products are not reviewed or cert ified under LEED® . LEED® credit requirements cover the perform ance of m aterials in aggregate, not the

perform ance of individual products or brands. 2

Refer to www.usgbc.org/ leed for com plete credit requirements. 3

I N stands for I nnovat ion in Design, one of nine LEED® credit categories. See page 7.

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I ndoor Environm ental Quality ( I EQ)


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I EQ Credit 2

( 1 - 3 points) Low - Em it t ing Materia ls

I ntent To reduce concent rat ions of chem ical contam inants that

can damage air quality, human health, product ivity, and

the environm ent .

GAF's Eligible 1 Opt ion

Specify GAF’s low-em it t ing adhesives, sealants, and roof

coat ings to cont r ibute towards achieving the low-em it t ing

product goal.

See Table 1 2 for eligible GAF adhesives, sealants, and

roof coat ings.


Exterior applied products are

exem pt from this Low-

Em it t ing Mateials credit ,

except for Healthcare and

Schools projects.


ht tp: / / gaf.ecoScorecard.com

for Healthcare and Schools

VOC guidance for GAF)


Use the roof drawing in

I llust rat ion 1 to ident ify the

dividing plane of the building

inter ior from the exterior for

your project .


For inter ior applied products,

(and Healthcare & Schools

projects) use the LEED® v4

Low-Em it t ing Materials

Calculator to t rack products

and their low-em it t ing and

em issions criter ia.

Go to ht tp: / / usgbc.org and

search “Low-Em it t ing Materials

Calculator” .

Credit Requirem ents2 :

This credit includes requirem ents for product

m anufacturing as w ell as project team s. I t covers

the VOC content of m ater ia ls, volat ile organic

com pound ( VOC) em issions into indoor a ir and the

test ing m ethods by w hich indoor VOC em issions are

determ ined.

The building inter ior and exter ior are organized in

seven categories, each w ith different requirem ents

and thresholds of com pliance. Therefore,

ident ifying this dividing plane is a key step.


The building inter ior is defined as everything within the

waterproofing m em brane.

The building exterior is defined as everything outside and

inclusive of the prim ary and secondary weatherproofing

system , such as waterproofing m em branes and air- and

water- resist ive barr ier m aterials.

Opt ion 1 : Product Category Calculat ions (1-3 points)

Achieve the threshold level of com pliance with em issions

and content standards for the num ber of product

categories listed in Table A.

Opt ion 2 : Budget Calculat ion Method (1-3 points)

The Budget Calculat ion Method m ay be used if som e

products in a category do not m eet the cr iter ia.

(Equat ions not shown)

I N 3 Bonus Credit Opt ion 1. Earn all points and reach 100% of products.

Opt ion 2. Reach 100% of products.

1 Products are not reviewed or cert ified under LEED® . LEED® credit requirements cover the perform ance of m aterials in aggregate, not the

perform ance of individual products or brands. 2

Refer to www.usgbc.org/ leed for com plete credit requirements. 3

IN stands for I nnovat ion, one of nine LEED® credit categories. See page 7.

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Definit ion of Building I nter ior and Exter ior

LEED® v4: EQ Credit 2 – Low-Em it t ing Materials

I llust rat ion 1 . TPO Roof Assem bly illust rates the specific line betw een the building

inter ior and exter ior for LEED® purposes.

Credit requirem ents vary for inter ior and exter ior applicat ions, m aking this an

im portant first step.

For exam ple, exterior- applied products are exem pt from low - em it t ing credit

requirem ents, except for Healthcare and Schools.

Illustration 1. TPO Roof Assembly

Content Source USGBC LEED®

v4 BD+ C Reference Guide

I m age: GAF

Low - Em it t ing Materia ls – Definit ion for building inter ior and exter ior:

Building I nterior is everything within the waterproofing m em brane.

Building Exterior is everything outside and inclusive of the primary and secondary

weatherproofing system , such as waterproofing m em branes and air-and-water- resist ive

barr ier m aterials.

Source: USGBC

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Table A. EQc2 Opt ion1 The 7 categories of m ateria ls and their thresholds of com pliance

w ith em issions and content standards Category Threshold

Em issions and

content requirem ents

I nter ior paints and

coat ings applied on


At least 90% , by volum e, for

em issions; 100% for VOC content

General Em issions Evaluat ion

for paints and coat ings applied

to walls, floors, and ceilings

VOC content requirem ents for

wet applied products

I nter ior adhesives and

sealants applied on

site ( including flooring


At least 90% , by volum e, for

em issions; 100% for VOC content

General Em issions Evaluat ion

VOC content requirem ents for

wet applied products

Flooring 100% General Em issions Evaluat ion

Com posite wood 100% not covered by other

categories Com posite Wood Evaluat ion

Ceilings, walls,

therm al, and acoust ic

insulat ion


General Em issions Evaluat ion

Healthcare, Schools only

Addit ional insulat ion


Furniture ( include in

calculat ions if part of

scope of work)

At least 90% , by cost Furniture Evaluat ion

Healthcare and

Schools Projects

only: Exterior applied


At least 90% , by volum e Exterior Applied Products

Source: USGBC - LEED®

v4 BD+ C

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V O C Li m i t s f o r GAF P r o d u ct s EQ c2 : Lo w - Em i t t i n g M a t e r i a l s

Table 1 2 (For a com plete list of products, please visit ht tp:/ / gaf.ecoscorecard.com )

Product Nam e

VOC Lim it of


( g/ L less

w ater)

VOC Lim it

Allow ed1

EXTERI OR applied

( g/ L less w ater)


OlyBond500® I nsulat ion Adhesives (Spot Shot & Bag- in-Box) 5 exempt

OlyBond500® Green 0 exempt

GAF 2-Part Roofing Adhesive 68 exempt

LRF-O 0 exempt

LRF-M 0 exempt

EverGuard® Low VOC TPO Bonding Adhesive 250 exempt

EverGuard® Low VOC PVC Bonding Adhesive 199 exem pt

EverGuard® WB 181 Bonding Adhesive 8 exempt

Mat r ix™ 102 SBS Membrane Adhesive 289 exempt

Mat r ix™ 103 Cold Process Adhesive 289 exempt

Mat r ix™ 201 Prem ium SBS Flashing Cement 289 exempt

Mat r ix™ 202 SBS Flashing Cement 289 exempt

Mat r ix™ 203 Plast ic Roof Cement 289 exempt

Mat r ix™ 204 Wet / Dry Roof Cem ent 289 exem pt

Mat r ix™ MajorSeal™ Liquid Flashing 25 exempt

Prim ers, Cleaners, Flashing & Sealants

Acrylex 400 Prim er 50 exempt

Adhere- I t® I I Prim er n/ a n/ a

CleanAct Rinsable Prim er n/ a n/ a

Epoxy Prim er ( formerly Uniseal Prim er) 120 exempt

Lock-Down Prim er 420 exempt

StableRust Prim er 200 exempt

SureBond Primer 200 exempt

TPO Red Prim er 50 exempt

UniBase Primer 50 exempt

Unisil Prim er (Part A & B) 60 exempt

UniTile LV Sealer (Part A & B) 250 exem pt

XR-2000 Prim er 170 exempt

United Cleaning Concent rate (UCC) n/ a n/ a

HydroStop® Prem ium Coat® But ter Grade Flashing 50 exempt

United Coat ings™ Roof Mate But ter Grade Flashing 50 exem pt

United Coat ingsTM Roof Mate Liquid Fabric 50 exempt

United Coat ings™ Roof Mate Spray Grade Flashing 50 exem pt

United Coat ings™ Roof Mate WOB Flashing 50 exem pt

Flexseal™ Caulk Grade Sealant 300 exempt

1 Exterior applied products are exem pt from EQc2: Low-Emit t ing Materials, except for Healthcare and Schools. Visit

ht tp: / / gaf.ecoscorecard.com for guidance on GAF product list ings for Healthcare and Schools projects.

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V O C Li m i t s f o r GAF P r o d u ct s ( Co n t i n u e d )

EQ c2 : Lo w - Em i t t i n g M a t e r i a l s

Table 1 2 (For a com plete list of products, please visit ht tp:/ / gaf.ecoscorecard.com )

Product Nam e

VOC Lim it of


( g/ L less w ater)

VOC Lim it

Allow ed1

EXTERI OR applied

( g/ L less w ater)

Prim ers, Cleaners, Flashing & Sealants (cont ’d)

FlexsealTM Sealant 300 exempt

EverGuard® Pourable Sealer- (Part A & B) 2 exempt

EverGuard® One-Part Pourable Sealant 25 exempt

EverGuard® Low VOC Prim er 199 exempt

Mthane One-Part Pourable Sealant 25 exempt

Mat r ix™ 307 Prim er 320 exempt

Roof Coat ings

FireOut™ Fire Barr ier Coat ing 50 exempt

United Coat ings™ Acron 60 Roof Coat ing 50 exem pt

United Coat ings™ Acron DS Roof Coat ing 50 exem pt

United Coat ings™ Diathon® Base Roof Coat ing 50 exem pt

United Coat ings™ Diathon® DS Roof Coat ing 50 exempt

United Coat ings™ Diathon® HT Roof Coat ing 50 exempt

United Coat ings™ Diathon® QS Roof Coat ing 50 exempt

United Coat ings™ Diathon® Roof Coat ing 50 exem pt

United Coat ings™ Elastuff® 101 Base Roof Coat ing 250 exem pt

United Coat ings™ Elastuff® 103 Roof Coat ing (A & B) 250 exempt

United Coat ings™ EnergyCote™ Roof Coat ing 50 exempt

United Coat ings™ FireShield® MB Roof Coat ing 50 exem pt

United Coat ings™ Kym ax™ Coat ing 250 exem pt

United Coat ings™ Roof Mate Base Coat ing 50 exem pt

United Coat ings™ Roof Mate Coat ing 50 exempt

United Coat ings™ Roof Mate HT Coat ing 50 exem pt

HydroStop® Barr ierGuard® Waterproofing 50 exempt

HydroStop® Prem ium Coat® Finish Coat 50 exempt

HydroStop® Prem ium Coat® Foundat ion Coat 50 exem pt

United Coat ings™ Unisil Roof Coat ing 350 exem pt

United Coat ings™ Unisil HS Roof Coat ing 50 exem pt

United Coat ings™ Roof Mate TCM Coat ing 50 exempt

United Coat ings™ Roof Mate QS Coat ing 50 exem pt

United Coat ings™ Roof Mate WOB Coat ing 50 exem pt

United Coat ings™ Roof Mate MB Plus Coat ing 50 exempt

United Coat ings™ Roofshield® Coat ing 50 exempt

United Coat ings™ Surface Seal SB Roof Coat ing 450 exempt

1 Exterior applied products are exem pt from EQc2: Low-Emit t ing Materials, except for Healthcare and Schools. Visit

ht tp: / / gaf.ecoscorecard.com for guidance on GAF product list ings for Healthcare and Schools projects.

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V O C Li m i t s f o r GAF P r o d u ct s ( Co n t i n u e d )

EQ c2 : Lo w - Em i t t i n g M a t e r i a l s

Table 1 2 (For a com plete list of products, please visit ht tp:/ / gaf.ecoscorecard.com )

Product Nam e

VOC Lim it of


( g/ L less w ater)

VOC Lim it

Allow ed1

EXTERI OR applied

( g/ L less w ater)

Architectural & W all Coat ings

United Coat ings™ Acrysheen Sealer 100 exempt

United Coat ings™ Aquathon® Wall Coat ing 50 exempt

United Coat ings™ CanyonTone™ Clear Wall Coat ing 100 exempt

United Coat ings™ CanyonTone™ Stain 100 exempt

United Coat ings™ Elastuff® 120 Coat ing - Part A 25 exempt

United Coat ings™ Elastuff® 120 Coat ing - Part B 25 exempt

United Coat ings™ Elastuff® 120 Coat ing - Roller Grade 25 exempt

United Coat ings™ Elastuff® 120 Coat ing - Spray Grade 25 exempt

United Coat ings™ Rhino Top Sm ooth Coat ing 250 exempt

United Coat ings™ Rhino Top Textured Coat ing 100 exempt

Pavem ent Coat ings

St reetBond® SB150 Pavem ent Coat ing 25 exem pt

St reetBond® SB120 Pavem ent Coat ing 25 exem pt

DuraShield Pavem ent Coat ing 25 exem pt

St reetBond® WB Concent rate 90 exem pt

St reetBond® Adhesion Prom oter Concent rate 0 exem pt

St reetBond® CemBase Asphalt Fort ifier 25 exempt

St reetBond® Sealer Concent rate 100 exem pt

1 Exterior applied products are exem pt from EQc2: Low-Emit t ing Materials, except for Healthcare and Schools. Visit

ht tp: / / gaf.ecoscorecard.com for guidance on GAF product list ings for Healthcare and Schools projects.

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Regional Prior ity Credit ( RP)



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RP Credit

( 1 – 4 points)

Regional Prior ity Credits A LEED® Bonus Credit Category

I ntent Regional Prior ity ( RP) credits are exist ing LEED®

credits that have been designated as part icular ly

im portant for specific regions. They provide an

incent ive for the achievem ent of credits that

address geographically specific environm ental

pr ior it ies.

Descript ion


To ident ify the six Regional

Prior ity credits for your

project , enter the project

locat ion and LEED® rat ing

system and version at the link


RegionalPrior ityCredits

A specific locat ion, referenced by project address,

has six RP credits that have been ident ified by

USGBC regional councils and chapters. A project

m ay earn up to four bonus points as a result of

earning these credits elsew here in the rat ing

system that are designated for a project ’s locat ion,

w ith one bonus point earned per eligible credit .

For exam ple, if your team pursues and achieves the two

points for SSc5: Heat I sland Reduct ion and it is a

Regional Prior ity credit for your project ’s locat ion, you

autom at ically earn an ext ra bonus point . RP credits m ay

specify a part icular threshold level.

Projects registered on LEED® Online automat ically see the

associated Regional Priority credits.

Projects registered prior to May 8, 2016 used a zip code

look-up for RP select ions.

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Com parison of LEED ® v2 0 0 9 to LEED® v4 for Roofing

I s LEED® v4 Harder or Easier for Roofing? Here’s a possible interpretat ion of how the new SSc5

com bined credit will affect projects:

LEED® v2 0 0 9

SSc7 .1 Heat I sland Effect : Non- Roof

SSc7 .2 Heat I sland Effect : Roof


LEED® v4

SSc5 Heat I sland Reduct ion: Non- Roof and Roof

Credit Features v4 Easier v4 Harder

Com bining 2 credits into one

credit and one perform ance

calculat ion.

W eighted averages approach

applies for com bined non-

roof/ roof areas.

High SRI roof can ‘carry’ non-

reflect ive hardscape, depending

on roof- to-hardscape proport ions

and SRI / SR values.

High SRI roof can reduce size of

hardscape area requir ing

m it igat ion.

Large hardscape areas with

sm all roofs will require m ore

aggressive hardscape m it igat ion

st rategies in the combined non-

roof/ roof credit

Solar Reflectance I ndex ( SRI )

of roofs

SRI increased:

from 78 to 82 for low-sloped

from 29 to 39 for steep-sloped

Solar Reflectance ( SR) vs

SRI now for hardscape and

shading devices

SR increased

Vegetated roof area A project can choose to use

the higher of the two

Qualifying area increased from

50% to 75% ; weighted

averages st ill apply

I nit ia l SRI vs.

3 year aged SRI opt ion

A project can choose to use

the higher of the two

Exem plary Perform ance Both Opt . 1 & 2, and 100% of

Parking Under Cover (Opt . 2)

m ust be achieved

Tree canopy shade – grow th


I ncreased from 5 to 10 years; no

m ore sum m er solst ice

calculat ions

Parking Under Cover I ncreased from 50% to 75% of


Note: This chart reflects LEED®

v4 SSc5 for BD+ C for New Const ruct ion and Major Renovat ions. Other rat ing system s

m ay differ .

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N e e d LEED ® d o cu m e n t a t io n f o r y o u r GAF p r o d u ct ? Check out GAF's ecoScorecard w ebsite! ht tp:/ / gaf.ecoscorecard.com /

Architects, Designers, Specifiers: You’ve been heard. As you face thousands of product choices,

understanding a part icular product ’s cont r ibut ion to a rat ing system is a daunt ing task.

ecoScorecard solves this pervasive challenge, m aking environm ental product calculat ions and

docum entat ion easier for you.

ecoScorecard is a w eb- based tool accessed on a m anufacturer’s website, that allows you to search

that specific m anufacturer’s product catalog based on specific green characterist ics. Beyond just the

search funct ion, ecoScorecard perform s the required calculat ions and com piles the data into a

pr intable PDF cut sheet . This PDF can then be used to help you m eet the product docum entat ion

required by LEED® or any other cert ifying body.

ecoScorecard is a no- cost service provided to you as an added custom er service benefit by the

m anufacturer. The tool will help elim inate your dependence on the sales reps and outside LEED®

consultants for accurate product informat ion and docum entat ion. And because it ’s a web-based tool

you have access to the answers you need 2 4 hours a day, 7 days a w eek , within m inutes.

Source: w w w .ecoscorecard.com

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N o w M o r e T h a n Ev e r , I t ' s Ea sy T o Be " Gr e e n " . . . W h e n M a k i n g

Y o u r R o o f i n g Ch o i ce s.  

As the industry leader, GAF is proud to offer a broad array of environm entally fr iendly solut ions. We have

opt ions for both resident ial and com m ercial propert ies, including products containing recycled m aterials,

reflect ive or "cool" roofing, re-cover roofing to reduce landfill waste, garden roofing, and solar roofing

products. We have also worked to incorporate sustainable pract ices into our m anufacturing process,

including the recycling of shingle waste at plants, and a Zero-Waste- to-Landfill effort . GAF has also been a

leader in the HPD pilot program for LEED® v4 and has been working to establish m ore LCA’s and EPDs for

our product line over t im e. And be sure to ask about our Cert ified Green Roofer program that recognizes

professional roofing cont ractors for recycling!

W a n t t o l e a r n m o r e ?

GAF Technical Services…can provide detail and answer quest ions on project specific condit ions.

Contact Telephone…1-800-766-3411

For m ore inform at ion . . .about GAF’s com m itm ent to green m anufacturing processes and our full line of

energy saving products, v isit “Green Roof Cent ral” at www.gaf/ green.com .

Helpful Links. . .

www.gaf.com GAF

ht tp: / / www.usgbc.org US Green Building Council ( USGBC)

ht tp: / / gaf.ecoscorecard.com GAF ecoScorecard

www.coolroofs.org Cool Roof Rat ing Council ( CRRC)

www.energystar.gov Federal Tax Credits

www.roofpoint .org RoofPoint

www.DSI REusa.org State I ncent ives for Renew ables & Efficiency

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56 GAF Green Building Playbook for LEED v4 Updated Oct . 2016

W ant to learn m ore? ( Co n t i n u e d )

LEED® v4 : Roofing- related Provisions by NRCA

The Nat ional Roofing Contractors Associat ion (NRCA) has published a 130-page guide t it led LEED® v4:

Roofing-Related Provisions writ ten to assist roofing cont ractors who want to understand roofing-specific

issues related to USGBC’s LEED® v4 Green Building Rat ing System .

The NRCA guide takes a deep-dive into each roofing- related LEED® credit with relevance specific to roofing

cont ractors. But don’t be scared off by the size of the guide because it is writ ten for both a com prehensive

understanding of green building and LEED® , yet st ructured for skipping direct ly to the succinct pract ical

advice that roofing cont ractors are in search of for a prospect ive LEED® project .

Roofing cont ractors will appreciate having this interpretat ion of green building and the LEED® process as it

is uniquely tailored to their specific roles and responsibilit ies in a clear, chronological form at . I t covers the

LEED® v4 rat ing system s in both the Building Design and Const ruct ion (BD+ C) , and Building Operat ions

and Maintenance (O+ M) fam ilies.

For roofing cont ractors who have part icipated in earlier versions of LEED® , NRCA includes an analysis of

what roofing- related provisions have changed in LEED® v4, saving reader ’s t im e. There have been a few

updates to LEED® v4 since the guide was published in 2014, so be sure to check all Addenda for any

changes to specific LEED® credits at ht tp: / / www.usgbc.org.

The guide can be purchased at ht tp: / / www.nrca.net .

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Glossary of Term s1


Any built - in, nonst ructural port ion of a roof system , such as skylights, vent ilators, m echanical equipm ent ,

part it ions, and solar energy panels.

Building Exterior

A st ructure’s pr im ary and secondary weatherproofing system , including waterproofing m em branes and air-

and water- resistant barr ier m aterials, and all building elem ents outside that system .

Building I nter ior

Everything inside a st ructure’s weatherproofing m em brane.

Em issivity

The rat io of the radiat ion em it ted by a surface to the radiat ion em it ted by a black body at the same

tem perature.


The rat ing a building earns using the ENERGYSTAR® Port folio Manager to com pare building energy

perform ance to sim ilar buildings in sim ilar clim ates. A score of 50 represents average building perform ance.

Environm ental Product Declarat ion

A statem ent that the item m eets the environm ental requirements of I SO 14021–1999, I SO 14025–2006

and EN 15804, or I SO 21930–2007.

Extensive Vegetat ive Roof

A roof that is covered with plants and typically not designed for general access. Usually an extensive

system is a rugged green roof that requires lit t le maintenance once established. The plant ing m edium in

extensive vegetated roofs ranges from 1 to 6 inches in depth. (Adapted from U.S. EPA) exter ior vegetated

surface area the total area of vegetat ion on the project site, including vegetated roofs and turf grass.


The inanim ate elements of the building landscaping. I t includes pavem ent , roadways, stonewalls, wood and

synthet ic decking, concrete paths and sidewalks, and concrete, br ick, and t ile pat ios.

Heat I sland Effect

The therm al absorpt ion by hardscape, such as dark, non- reflect ive pavem ent and buildings, and its

subsequent radiat ion to surrounding areas. Other cont r ibut ing factors m ay include vehicle exhaust , air-

condit ioners, and st reet equipm ent . Tall buildings and narrow st reets reduce air flow and exacerbate the

effect .

I nfrared ( Therm al) Em it tance

A value between 0 and 1 (or 0% and 100% ) that indicates the abilit y of a m aterial to shed infrared

radiat ion (heat ) . A cool roof should have a high therm al em it tance. The wavelength range for radiant

energy is roughly 5 to 40 m icrom eters. Most building m aterials ( including glass) are opaque in this part of

the spect rum and have an em it tance of roughly 0.9, or 90% . Clean, bare m etals, such as untarnished

galvanized steel, have a low em it tance and are the m ost im portant except ions to the 0.9 rule. I n cont rast ,

alum inum roof coat ings have interm ediate em it tance levels. (Adapted from Lawrence Berkeley Nat ional

Laboratory) .

I ntensive Vegetated Roof

A roof that , com pared with an extensive vegetated roof, has greater soil volum e, supports a wider variety

of plants ( including shrubs and t rees) , and allows a wider variety of uses ( including hum an access) . The

depth of the growing m edium is an im portant factor in determ ining habitat value. The nat ive or adapted

plants selected for the roof should support the site’s endem ic wildlife populat ions. (Adapted from Green

Roofs for Healthy Cit ies) .

1 Refer to the USGBC LEED® v4 Online BD+ C Reference Guide for current credit -specific LEED® terms and definit ions or view the full LEED

v4 Glossary of Term s at ht tp: / / www.usgbc.org/ resources/ leed-v4-glossary- term s- t ranslat ions.

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Gl o ssa r y o f T e r m s 1 ( Co n t i n u e d )

Life- Cycle I nventory

A database that defines the environm ental effects ( inputs and outputs) for each step in a m aterial’s or

assembly’s life cycle. The database is specific to count r ies and regions within count r ies.

Locat ion Valuat ion Factor ( form erly term ed Regional Materia ls in LEED v2 0 0 9 )

For credit achievem ent calculat ion for LEED v4 credits MRc2, MRc3, and MRc4 (Opt ions 2 & 3 only) ,

products that are sourced (ext racted, m anufactured, and purchased) within a 100 m iles of the project site

are valued at 200% of their base cont r ibut ing cost . What was form erly a LEED credit and point in v2009 is

instead a m ult iplier for the LEED v4 m aterial credits.

Low - Sloped Roof

< 2: 12 pitch

Post - consum er Recycled Content

Defined as waste m aterial generated by household or by com m ercial, indust r ial and inst itut ional facilit ies in

their role as end-users of the product , which can no longer be used for its intended purpose.

Pre- consum er Recycled Content ( Post - I ndustr ia l)

Defined as material diverted from the waste st ream during the m anufactur ing process, determ ined as the

percentage of material, by weight . Examples include planer shavings, sawdust , bagasse, walnut shells,

culls, t r im m ed m aterials, over issue publicat ions, and obsolete inventories. The designat ion excludes

rework, regrind, or scrap materials capable of being reclaimed within the same process that generated

them ( I SO 14021) . Form erly known as post - indust r ial content .

Prim er

A material applied to a subst rate to im prove adhesion of subsequent ly applied coat ings.

Product ( perm anent ly installed building product )

An item that arr ives on the project site either as a finished elem ent ready for installat ion or as a

com ponent to another item assem bled on-site. The product unit is defined by the funct ional requirem ent

for use in the project ; this includes the physical components and services needed to serve the intended

funct ion of the permanent ly installed building product . I n addit ion, sim ilar products within a specificat ion

can each cont r ibute as separate products.

Rainw ater Managem ent On Site ( form erly Storm W ater Control in LEED® v2 0 0 9 )

To capture and retain a specified volum e of rainfall to m im ic natural hydrologic funct ion. Exam ples of

rainwater m anagem ent include st rategies that involve evapot ranspirat ion, infilt rat ion, and capture and



The collect ion, reprocessing, m arket ing and use of m aterials that were diverted or recovered from the solid

waste st ream .

Regionally Extracted or Manufactured Mater ia ls ( see Locat ion Valuat ion Factor)


A st rategy to return m aterials to act ive use in the sam e or related capacity.

1 Refer to the USGBC LEED® v4 Online BD+ C Reference Guide for current credit -specific LEED® terms and definit ions or view the full LEED

v4 Glossary of Term s at ht tp: / / www.usgbc.org/ resources/ leed-v4-glossary- term s- t ranslat ions.

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Gl o ssa r y o f T e r m s 1 (Cont inued)

Raw Mater ia l

The basic substance from which products are m ade, such as concrete, glass, gypsum , m asonry, m etals,

recycled m aterials (e.g., plast ics and metals) , oil (pet roleum , polylact ic acid) , stone, agrifiber, bam boo, and


Roof Area

The area of the upperm ost surface of the building which covers enclosed Gross Floor Area, as m easured

when projected onto a flat , horizontal surface ( i.e., as seen in Roof Plan view) .


A m aterial with adhesive propert ies that is formulated prim arily to fill, seal, or waterproof any gaps or

joints between two surfaces. Sealants include sealant pr im ers and caulks.

Solar Reflectance ( SR)

The fract ion of solar energy that is reflected by a surface on a scale of 0 to 1. Black paint has a solar

reflectance of 0; white paint ( t itanium dioxide) has a solar reflectance of 1. The standard technique for its

determ inat ion uses spect rophotom etr ic m easurem ents, with an integrat ing sphere to determ ine the

reflectance at each wavelength. The average reflectance is then determ ined by an averaging process, using

a standard solar spect rum , as docum ented by ASTM Standards E903 and E892.

Solar Reflectance I ndex ( SRI )

A m easure of the const ructed surface’s abilit y to stay cool in the sun by reflect ing solar radiat ion and

em it t ing therm al radiat ion. I t is defined such that a standard black surface ( init ial solar reflectance 0.05,

init ial therm al em it tance 0.90) has an init ial SRI of 0, and a standard white surface ( init ial solar reflectance

0.80, init ial thermal em it tance 0.90) has an init ial SRI of 100. To calculate the SRI for a given material,

obtain its solar reflectance and therm al em it tance via the Cool Roof Rat ing Council Standard (CRRC-1) . SRI

is calculated according to ASTM E1980. Calculat ion of the aged SRI is based on the aged tested values of

solar reflectance and thermal em it tance.

Steep- Sloped Roof

> 2: 12 pitch

Therm al Em it tance ( See I nfrared Em it tance)

Three- year Aged SR or SRI Value

A solar reflectance or solar reflectance index rat ing that is m easured after three years of weather exposure.

Tit le 2 4

California's energy efficiency standards for resident ial and nonresident ial buildings.

W aste Diversion

A m anagem ent act ivity that disposes of waste through m ethods other than incinerat ion or landfilling.

Examples include reuse and recycling.

VOC's ( Volat ile Organic Com pounds)

Carbon com pounds that part icipate in atm ospheric photochem ical react ions (excluding carbon m onoxide,

carbon dioxide, carbonic acid, m etallic carbides and carbonates, and am m onium carbonate) . The

com pounds vaporize (becom e a gas) at norm al room tem peratures.

1 Refer to the USGBC LEED® v4 Online BD+ C Reference Guide for current credit -specific LEED® terms and definit ions or view the full LEED

v4 Glossary of Term s at ht tp: / / www.usgbc.org/ resources/ leed-v4-glossary- term s- t ranslat ions.

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LEED® v4 Project Checklist

LEED v4 for BD+C: New Construction and Major Renovation

Project Checklist

Y ? N

Credit 1 1

0 0 0 Poss.Pts: 16 0 0 0 Poss. Pts: 13Credit 1 16 Y Prereq 1 Required

Credit 2 1 Y Prereq 2 Required

Credit 3 2 Credit 1 5

Credit 4 5 Credit 2 2

Credit 5 5 Credit 3 2

Credi 6t 1 Credit 4 Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Material Ingredients 2

Credit 7 1 Credit 5 2

Credit 8 Green Vehicles 1

0 0 0 Indoor Environmental Quality Poss. Pts. 16

0 0 0 Poss Pts: 10 Y Prereq 1 Required

Y Prereq 1 Required Y Prereq 2 Required

Credit 1 1 Credit 1 2

Credit 2 2 Credit 2 3

Credit 3 1 Credit 3 Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan 1

Credit 4 3 Credit 4 2

Credit 5 2 Credit 5 1

Credit 6 1 Credit 6 2

Credit 7 3

0 0 0 Poss. Pts: 11 Credit 8 1

Y Prereq 1 Required Credit 9 1

Y Prereq 2 Required

Y Prereq 3 Building-Level Water Metering Required 0 0 0 Innovation Poss. Pts: 6Credit 1 2 Credit 1 5

Credit 2 6 Credit 2 1

Credit 3 2

Credit 4 Water Metering 1 0 0 0 Regional Priority Poss. Pts: 4Credit 1 Regional Priority: Specific Credit 1

0 0 0 Poss. Pts: 33 Credit 2 Regional Priority: Specific Credit 1

Y Prereq 1 Required Credit 3 Regional Priority: Specific Credit 1

Y Prereq 2 Required Credit 4 Regional Priority: Specific Credit 1

Y Prereq 3 Required

Y Prereq 4 Required 0 0 0 TOTALS Possible Points: 110Credit 1 6

Credit 2 18

Credit 3 1

Credit 4 2

Credit 5 3

Credit 6 1

Credit 7 2

Acoustic Performance

Quality Views

Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies

Low-Emitting Materials

Indoor Air Quality Assessment

Thermal Comfort

Certified: 40 to 49 points , Silver: 50 to 59 points, Gold: 60 to 79 points, Platinum: 80 to 110

Access to Quality Transit

Reduced Parking Footprint

Open Space

Site Assessment

Interior Lighting


LEED Accredited Professional


Rainwater Management

Light Pollution Reduction

Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control

Energy and Atmosphere

Minimum Energy Performance

Fundamental Refrigerant Management

Cooling Tower Water Use

Green Power and Carbon Offsets

Heat Island Reduction

Outdoor Water Use Reduction

Indoor Water Use Reduction

Outdoor Water Use Reduction

Indoor Water Use Reduction

Enhanced Commissioning

Building-Level Energy Metering

Water Efficiency

Fundamental Commissioning and Verification

Demand Response

Renewable Energy Production

Enhanced Refrigerant Management

Optimize Energy Performance

Advanced Energy Metering

Construction Activity Pollution Prevention

High Priority Site

Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses

Sustainable Sites

Building Life-Cycle Impact Reduction

Site Development - Protect or Restore Habitat

Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Sourcing of Raw Materials

Project Name:


Location and Transportation

Sensitive Land Protection

LEED for Neighborhood Development Location

Bicycle Facilities

Construction and Demolition Waste Management Planning

Materials and ResourcesStorage and Collection of Recyclables

Construction and Demolition Waste Management

Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance

Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Environmental Product


Integrative Process