s E N I 0 R s 24 SENIORS

s E N I 0 R...s E N I 0 R Amy Arnold Misty Baker Kathleen Barrett Alan Belew Brian Belew Corey Belew Amy Benes Colleen Bohmont Lyle Bouc Kevin Bousquet Sean Burkland Shell Caint t

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Page 1: s E N I 0 R...s E N I 0 R Amy Arnold Misty Baker Kathleen Barrett Alan Belew Brian Belew Corey Belew Amy Benes Colleen Bohmont Lyle Bouc Kevin Bousquet Sean Burkland Shell Caint t

s E N I 0 R s


Page 2: s E N I 0 R...s E N I 0 R Amy Arnold Misty Baker Kathleen Barrett Alan Belew Brian Belew Corey Belew Amy Benes Colleen Bohmont Lyle Bouc Kevin Bousquet Sean Burkland Shell Caint t

Members of the graduating class of 1989. gather track s1de for their off1cial class portrait SENIORS 25

Page 3: s E N I 0 R...s E N I 0 R Amy Arnold Misty Baker Kathleen Barrett Alan Belew Brian Belew Corey Belew Amy Benes Colleen Bohmont Lyle Bouc Kevin Bousquet Sean Burkland Shell Caint t


0 n July 29, 1988, Ceresco was blessed with a Lincoln telephone line. Many parents and students were pleased with the new line because it meant a serious reduction in their telephone bills. " Not only do I like it , but Mom does too because it 's easier on her pocketbook," stated Senior Colleen Bohmont.

With the addition of the new line, students found it easier to carry on a relationship with someone who lived in a different town. They also found it cheaper to do homework while on the phone. The biggest asset of all from the direct calling was the ability to create and strengthen friendships.

Ceresco proposed to get the di­rect line so businesses could contact

Lincoln or surrounding areas at no cost. Not only did the businesses ben­efit from the line, but the school found it cheaper to call to Ceresco to find out about absent students.

The proposal for the new line was brought about by Jim Weinberger of Ceresco, after he moved to town and found that it was not possible to call Lincoln without it being long-dis­tance. He did fund raising and pres­sured people to make it possible to add the line. People of Ceresco had to vote on whether they wanted the line, then they had to sign up to acquire the line.

Overwhelming amounts of peo­ple responded positively to the line. There were, however, those who did not favor the it. because they never called Lincoln or other towns.

This year 's Senior class officers are Vice Presi­dent Shane Jansa , President Bill Jacobs . T rea­surer Colleen Bohmont , Sponsor Corrine Forbes, and Secretary Jennifer Grant.

Taking full advantage of the new telephone line 1s M1ke agel , as he looks up numbers that are now toll free to call .


Talk ing 1n s te reo on the two pay phones, Terry Kruse makes the most out of the added line.

Page 4: s E N I 0 R...s E N I 0 R Amy Arnold Misty Baker Kathleen Barrett Alan Belew Brian Belew Corey Belew Amy Benes Colleen Bohmont Lyle Bouc Kevin Bousquet Sean Burkland Shell Caint t

s E N I 0 R

Amy Arnold Misty Baker Kathleen Barrett Alan Belew

Brian Belew Corey Belew Amy Benes Colleen Bohmont

Lyle Bouc Kevin Bousquet Sean Burkland Shell Cain

T rae Carnahan Jeff r we Am Dahl T m Eggerl ing

SE 10 S 2

Page 5: s E N I 0 R...s E N I 0 R Amy Arnold Misty Baker Kathleen Barrett Alan Belew Brian Belew Corey Belew Amy Benes Colleen Bohmont Lyle Bouc Kevin Bousquet Sean Burkland Shell Caint t

t t I


've got to be at work by four. " Mary Steinmetz was one of several seniors who raced out of school in or­der to get to work on time. Along with classmate Terry Kruse, Mary found working at Shopko a good source of income. "Luckily," commented Terry, "during basketball season I only had to work on the weekends."

There were various jobs held by the students. Being a checkout clerk at one of Lincoln's busiest 24-hour su­permarkets, Supersaver, allowed Trina Graham to work unusual hours .

Michelle Nelson put her talents to work by tutoring young trumpet players in her home. The first chair trumpeter in the Mustang band, Mi­chelle, "Encourages young players to follow through with their musical de­sires."

Regardless of the type of job they got, the seniors had one thing in com­mon, a need for money.

28 SENIOf\5

Recoverrng from a long day layrng sod rn the heat , Alan Belew cat naps durrng activity perr ­od.

Want ads supply students wrth potentral job opportunrtres, but for Senrors Kevrn Bousquet and John Mrllrngton the sports pagers the rnarn attract ron.

Understandrng the basrcs of wrrrng. Senrors Scott Rech and lyle Bouc check connect rons before testing therr crrcurt. Such skrlls may help prepare them for future JObs .

Page 6: s E N I 0 R...s E N I 0 R Amy Arnold Misty Baker Kathleen Barrett Alan Belew Brian Belew Corey Belew Amy Benes Colleen Bohmont Lyle Bouc Kevin Bousquet Sean Burkland Shell Caint t

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Trina Graham Jennifer Grant Thor Halbakken Kelly Hellerich

Kim Hughes Bill Jacobs Shane Jansa Jeff Jones

Scott Jones Craig Kliment Heather Kreitman Terry Kruse

Vince MacMillan Debbie Maher Michelle Maher Laurice Matulka


Page 7: s E N I 0 R...s E N I 0 R Amy Arnold Misty Baker Kathleen Barrett Alan Belew Brian Belew Corey Belew Amy Benes Colleen Bohmont Lyle Bouc Kevin Bousquet Sean Burkland Shell Caint t


D uring the last week of Novem­ber and the beginning of December, tragedy struck two seniors, Amy Be­nes and Dean Oberg. Their injuries re­quired reconstruct ive surgery on their left knees.

For the next month , students were aware that they should stay out of the way of the "crutch buddies." Anybody who got in their way were run over by the duo. Dodging people and racing through the halls kept the spirit of Amy and Dean light. They found it an interesting challenge to see if it was possible to get to class in three minutes.

The light-heartedness was defi­nitely needed by these two. They were faced with going to therapy and working with their injured limbs. Pain

John Millington Kris Mostrom

Ryan Mumm Todd Munford

Mike Nagel Bob Nelson

Michelle Nelson Dean Oberg


and agony could be seen on their faces each time they got back from their therapy sessions, but the pain was only a small stepping stone on the road to complete recovery.

As the year wore on, the sights of crutches dwindled. Amy and Dean gave up the crutches and started to walk without aids , except their cum­bersome braces. Eventually. the braces left and a definite sign of relief had taken hold of their faces .

" It 's so much easier to get around the halls now without my 'other legs ,' " commented Amy. She felt a lot bet­ter because she was not in so much pain.

" It wasn ' t as painful physically as it was mentally because I was unable to finish my career in sports in my se­nior year .'' Dean added.

Anxiously awa11mg the day to throw away the crutches , Dean Oberg and Amy Benes slowly recover from knee llliUrles.

Page 8: s E N I 0 R...s E N I 0 R Amy Arnold Misty Baker Kathleen Barrett Alan Belew Brian Belew Corey Belew Amy Benes Colleen Bohmont Lyle Bouc Kevin Bousquet Sean Burkland Shell Caint t

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Cory Thomas Michael Trutna Kris Workman


Jennifer Payne Scott Rech Dale Rezac Shannon Ryan

Kelli Samuelson Mike Scanlon Ron Scanlon Wendy Siefken

Jeff Spech Mary Steinmetz Tami Swanson Susan Swoboda


Page 9: s E N I 0 R...s E N I 0 R Amy Arnold Misty Baker Kathleen Barrett Alan Belew Brian Belew Corey Belew Amy Benes Colleen Bohmont Lyle Bouc Kevin Bousquet Sean Burkland Shell Caint t

Seniors accomplishments and honors recognized.

Amy Arnold, FHA 4: P.R.I.S.M. 3. 4: vb 2. Misty Baker: FBLA 3, 4: FHA I. 2. 3. 4: Drill Team 3, 4, Pep Club I. 2. 3, 4, Honor Roll I. 2, 3. 4. Kath leen Barrell: FBLA 1: HS 2: Model U. . 2: tr I; Who's Who Among Amer. H.S. Stu.; Soc. of D1st. H.S. Stu.: Pres. Acad. Fitness Award, Honor Rolli, 2. 4, Congress-Bunewstag Scholarship Ex­change Program 3. Alan Belew: FFA 4: FFA Chapter Farmer. Bryan Belew: FFA 4: VICA 2: bb I, tr 2: FFA Chap­ter Farmer. Cory Belew: FBLA I; FFA 3, 4: Cho1r 3, 4: FFA Chapter Farmer. Amy Benes, C-Ciub I, 2. 3, 4: FHA I; Class Officer Treas. I; Pep Club 2. 3, 4: Cheerleader 3, Co­Capt. 4, HS 2. 3, Treas.4: Yrbk 3: Band I, 2. 3, 4: Homecommg Pnncess: vb I, 2. 3, 4, bb I, 2. 3, 4: tr I. 2, 3: G1rl's State: Honor Roll I, 2. 3, 4. Colleen Bohmont ' C-Ciub I, 2. 3. 4, FBLA 3, 4 Treas., VICA 4, Class Off1cer Treas. 4, Pep Club V. Pres. I, 2. Pres. 3, 4: HS 2. 3. V Pres.4, Yrbk 4, Choir 3: P.R.I.S.M. 3: gbb mgr. 1: tr 3: btr mgr. 3: wr mgr. 4: Honor Roll I, 2. 3. 4. lyle Bouc: C-Ciub 4: FFA 4: VICA 4: Band I, 2. 3. 4: cc 3, 4: wr 4: FFA Chapter Farmer. Kevin Bousquet: VICA 3, 4: Class Officer V. Pres.; HS 2, 3, 4: Homecommg Duke: fb I, 2, 3, 4, bb 1: tr I, 2, 3. 4, wr 2. 3, 4, Who's Who Among Amer. H.S. Students; Soc. of D1st. H.S. Stu., Pres. Acad. Fitness Award: Honor Roll I, 2. 3, 4. Sean Burklund , FFA 3. 4, VICA I, 2. 3. 4. Shell Cain - Drama 2: Dnll Team 4, Pep Club 4:

HS 2, 3. 41 Speech Team 2, Band I; Choir 2, P.R.I.S.M. 3: Close-up 4, bbb mgr. 4, Who's Who Among Amer. H.S. Students: Soc. of D1st. H.S. Stu.; Girl's State Alt., Honor Roll I, 2, 3, 4. Tracy Carnahan, fb I, 2: bb I, 2. 3, 4. Jeff Crowe: bb I; wr 3, 4. Amy Dahl: FBLA 4: Drill Team 4, Pep Club 4, Yrbk 3: Choir 4. Tom Eggerling: C-Ciub 2. 3: VICA I. 2, 3, 4, wr 2. 3: Band I, 2. Trina Graham - FHA 4, Choir 3, 4, P.R.I.S.M. 3. Jennifer Grant: C-Ciub 3, 4: FFA I, 2. 3, Pres. 4, FHA Publicity Cha1rman I, D1st. Off1cer 2, 3. Pres. 4, Class Off1cer Seer. I, 4: Pep Club I, 2. 3. 4: HS 2. 3. Secr.4, Yrbk 3, 4: Homecommg Duchess, Sweetheart Ball M1ss F 3, M1ss A 2: vb I, 2. 3, 4: bb I, 2: tr 1: Who's Who Among Amer. H.S. Students: Soc. of D1st. H.S. Stu.; FFA Chap­ter Farmer," Who 's Who Among Amer. Ag. H.S. Students; Honor Roll I, 2, 3, 4. Kelly Hellerich : C-Ciub 2. 3, 4, FBLA 4: Class Of­fleer Sec. 2. V.Pres. 3: Pep Club I, 2, 3. 4, Cheer­leader 3, co-capt. 4, Yrbk 3. 4, Choir 2. 3: Home­coming Oueen: vb I, 2. 3, 4: bb I, 2. 3, 4: Pres. Acad. Fitness Award, Honor Rolli, 2, 3, 4: Jr.law Cadet Alt. Kim Hughes C-Ciub 3, 4: Pep Club I, 2. 3: Band I, 2. 3, 4: Cho1r 3, 4, Tnple Tno 4, vb I, 2: bb I. Bill Jacobs C-Ciub I. 2. 3. 4, FBLA 4: FFA Jr . Sec. I. Reporter 3. V. Pres.4: St. Council I. 2, 3, 4. V Pres., Sec., VICA I, 3, 4, Class Officer Pres. 2. 4: HS 3, 4, Speech 2, Homecommg Pnnce: Sweetheart Ball Mr. F 1: fbI, 2. 3, 4, Who's Who Among Amer. H.S. Students; Soc. of D1st. H.S. Stu., Honor Roll I, 2. 3, 4: a!lonal Honor Roll.


Shane Jansa . C-Ciub I, 2. Pres. 3. V. Pres. 4: FBLA 4: VIC A 3. Pres.4, Class Off1cer T reas.2, Pres. 3, V. Pres. 4: HS 3, 4, Speech Team 4, Band I, 2. 3, 4: Homecommg Kmg, fb I, 2. 3. 4, bb I. 2: tr I. 2. 3. 4, Who's Who Among Amer. H.S. Stu­dents: Soc. of D1st. H.S. Stu., Pres . Acad. Fitness Award: Honor Roll I. 2, 3. 4, United States Achievement Academ 2. 3, HS, Boy's State Alt. Scoll Jones: fb 1: bb I, 2. 3. Craig Kliment : Art Club 1: C-Ciub I. 2. 3, 4: FBLA 3. 4, Yrbk 3, fb I. 2. 3, 4: bb I. 2. 3. 4, tr I. 2. 3: Pres. Acad. Fitness Award, Amer. leg. Jr. law Cadet: Honor Roll 2. Heather Kreitman C-Ciub 3. 4: FBLA I. 2, 3, FHA 1: Pep Club 1: Yrbk. 3. 4: Band I, 2. 3. 4, Jazz Band 1. 2. 3: vb I. 2. 3, 4, bb 1, tr I, 3, Who's Who Among Amer. H.S. Stu., Soc. of D1st. H.S. Stu., Pres. Acad. Fitness Award, Honor Roll. Terry Kruse C-Ciub 3. 4, Yrbk. 3. 4, Cho1r 2. 3. 4, Swmg Cho1r 4, Madngals 2. 3, Close-up 4, bb I, 2, 3. 4, tr I, 2. 3. 4. Vince MacMillan C-Ciub I. 2. 3, 4: VICA 4: fb I. 2, wr I, 2. 3. Debbie Maher Drama 2. 3: Speech 3, Choir 3, 4, Honor Roll 4. Laurice Matulka C-Ciub I. 2. 3, 4: FFA I, 2. 3, 4: Class Officer 3: Pep Club I, 2, HS 2. 3, 4, Band 1: cc I, 2. 4: bb I. 2. 3. 4: Who's Who Among Amer. H.S. Stu.; Soc. of D1st. H.S. Stu., Pres. Acad. Fit ­ness Award: FFA Chapter Farmer, Honor Roll I. 2. 3, 4. John Millington: C-Ciub I, 2, 3. 4: Drama Club I. 2. 3, 4, Stu. Co. 2, V Pres. 4, VIC A 4, Class Offi­cer Pres. I; Speech Team I, 2. 4, Yrbk 2, fbI, 2. 3, 4: bb I, 2: tr I, 2. 3. 4, Who's Who Among Amer. H.S. Stu., Pres. Acad. Fitness Award, Honor Roll I, 2. Kris Mostrom C-Ciub 2. 3. 4, Choir I, 3, 4: vb I, 2. 3. 4, bb I, 2. 3, 4: tr I, 2. 3, 4: Amer. leg. Jr . law Outstandmg Cadet; Honor Roll I, 2. 3. 4. Ryan Mumm : C-Ciub 1: FFA I, 2. 3. 4, VICA I, 2, 3, 4: FFA Chapter Todd Munford . C-Ciub I, 2. 3, 4: VICA 2, 3, 4, fb I. 2. 3, 4: bb I, tr I, 2. 3, 4: wr 2. 4: Who's Who Among Amer. H.S. Students; Soc. of D1st. H.S. Stu.; Pres. Acad . f1tness Award. Mike agel. C Club I, 2, 3, 4, FFA Sentmel 3, 4: Class V. Pres. 2, fb I, 2, bb I, 2. 3, ·t tr I. 2. 3, 4: Pres. Acad. Fitness Award, FFA Chapter Farmer: Honor Roll 3.

In Memory of Mark Allen Drewel October 14. 1970 to July IS. 1988

Mark was a member of the class of 1989. H1s mterests were h1s car and h1s 1dol. Han!.. Williams Jr. Mark was often cru1s mg 1n h1s Cutlass and listenmg to h1s tapes. H1s favorite dream was to someday meet Han!.. Williams Jr

Bob Nelson Art Club I, C-Ciub I. 2. Seer 3, 4, Drama Club I; Stu. Co. V. Pres . I. Pres. 2, Cho1r 4: P.R.I.S.M. 2: fb I, 2. 3. 4, bb I. 2. 3, 4: tr I. 2. 3, 4: Who's Who Among Amer. H.S. Stu., Pres. Acad. fitness Award, Honor Roll I. Michelle elson (-Club 2: Drama Club 3, ~BLA 3. Pres . 4: Pep Club I, 3. 4, NHS 2. 3, Pres. 4, Speech Team 3: Yrbk 3, 4, Band I, 2. 3, V. Pres 4: Jazz Band I, 2. 3. Pres. 4: Cho1r I, 2. 3, 4, Swmg Cho1r I, 2. 3, 4, Madngals 2. 3, Play production 3: bbb mgr. 2, Who's Who Among Amer. H.S. Stu., Soc. of D1st. H.S. Stu., Girl'S State, Honor Roll I, 2. 3. 4. Dean Oberg C-Ciub 3, 4: VICA 3, V. Pres. 4: Band I, 2. 3. 4, fb I, 2. 3, 4: tr 3. 4, Pres. Acad. F1tness Award. Jennifer Payne Choir 3, 4, Who's Who Among Amer. H.S. Students. Scoll Rech FFA I. 2. 3. 4, Band I, 2, 3. 4, Sweet · heart Ball Mr. F. Dale Rezac · FFA I, 2. 3. 4, Chapter farmer, Honor Roll 3. Shannon Ryan : C-Ciub I, 2, 3. 4, FFA 2: VICA 4: Speech Team 3, Yrbk 3, fb 1: cc 2, 3, 4, tr I, 2: wr I, 2. 3, 4: Who's Who Among Amer. H.S. Stu.; Soc. of D1st. H.S. Stu., Honor Roll I. 2, 3. 4. Kelli Samuelson: FBLA 2. 3, 4, Dnll Team 3, Pep Club I. 2. 3, Choir 2. 3, 4, Madngals 3: Tnple Tno 4, vb I, 2. 3: bb 1: Honor Rolli, 2. 3. 4: G1rl's State Alt. Mike Scanlon C-Ciub I. 2. 3. 4: VICA I. 2. 3. 4, Band I, 2, fbI. 2. 3. 4, tr I, 2. 3, Who's Who Among Amer. H.S. Stu.: Soc. of D1st. Amer. H.S. Stu.; Pres. Acad. F1tness Award, Honor Roll I, 2. 3. Ron Scan lon: VICA 2, 3. 4, Close-up 4, fb I, 2: Who's Who Among Amer. H.S. Stu.; Honor Roll. Wendy Siefken : C-Ciub 1: FBLA 3. Seer. 4, VICA 3, Class Off1cer Seer. 3, Dnll Team 3. 4, gbb mgr. I; Who's Who Among Amer. H.S. Stu., Honor Roll I, 2, 3, 4. Jeff Specl-1: C-Ciub I, 2. 3, 4, FFA I. 2. 3, wr I, 2, 3. Mary Steinmetz, P.R.I.S.M. 3. Tami Swanson C-Ciub 1: FHA 1: Choir 2. 4, P.R.I.S.M. 1: Tnple Tno 4, gbb mgr. I. Susie Swoboda. FBLA 2. 3: PepCiub 2. 3, HS 3, Yrbk 3, Model U.N. 3, Close-up 4: vb I, 2. 4: tr 1: wr mgr. 4, Who's Who Among Amer H.S, Stu.; Soc. of D1st. H.S, Stu., Pres. Acad. Fitness Award: Honor Roll I, 2. 3, 4. Cory Thomas: C-Ciub 2. 3, 4: FFA Jr. Parh . Pro. Sentmel: bb I, 2, 3. 4. Michael Trutna Drama Club 2. 3, Seer. 4: FBLA 1: HS 3: Speech Team 2. 3, 4, Yrbk 3, Band I. 2. 3, 4, Jazz Band I, 2. 3, 4: Choir I, 2. 3, 4, Swmg Choir I, 2. 3. Pres. 4, Madngals 2. 3, Play Produc­tions 2. 3, 4, Who's Who Among Amer. H.S. Stu., Boy's State, Honor Roll I, 2. 3. 4. Kris Workman: Drama Club 2. 3, VIC A 3. 4, FBLA 3. Parhmentanan 4, Dnll Team 3, 4, Pep Club 2, 3, Play tech. 2, Who 's Who Among Amer. H.S. Stu., Honor Roll I, 2, 3, 4.