4 o1r- J1 4 > r F T k t i r i THE BANN- ERs BVEUYBATUUDAYa- tTBSCEIPTION s fl IKU ANNUM INVAIUDLV IN ADVANCE- r ENTERED AT THK PIT OFFICE AT CHIP LET FLA At SECOND CLASS MAIL t MATTER V o JONIM EDITOR I 4 ADV nTI INO RATES OX AITUOATin- NClilpley I Fin Sept 4th 189 y I Tim queen rcgont of Spain will recelvo tho now United States minister General Stewart L Wood on Sept 13th Canada snys wo must not say Klondike but Troandlko Hut whoso boss Is Canada an > how Anybody can spell an 1 Indian work as many ways as Shakes ptaro spelled his name and no Indian r over objects r An Increase of nearly 15000000 In tho public debut during Augnst justifies Tho Worlds observation that Undo Sam has not yot felt tho wave prosperity When this sort of thing happened under a Dem- ocratic ¬ Administration how tho Repub- lican ¬ papers did howl p A great sutlt Is going on In California f says an exchange to de ldo whether tho owner of the lieu owns tho chickens or tho woman that bought tho eggs In r Florida It would bo tho coon that first got Into tho coop but tho California Judgo lias reserved his decision f Whenever tho Legislature Is In session t or some halffledged demagogue wants I an office flro Is opened up on tho rail r ads and tho progressive new siia > or3 of this state Will some of those bit talk Irs help the roads and the papers now to- t bring people and capital to Florida Ex A writer In Lo Jour of Paris wants America to Join the alliance with France and Russia entered Into recently No thanks America prefers not to at least the United States Were all right as It- iswe couldnt use tho French or tho Russians anyhow so whats tho use If they want moro company lot them apply to some tunblcdown nation like Spain Pensacola 1I1J1- Sr r home paper Is in no sense a child of charity It earns twice over every dollar It receives and Is second to no enterprise In contributing to tho upbuilding of a- tm n or community Its patrons leap far moro benefit from Its columns than do tho imbllsbcrs and In calling for tho support- of tho peoples of tim community In which- It Is published It takes no moro than In- c all fairness belongs to It though It often ¬ times rec lees much less The United States I This Irreprossnblo nation Is all pervns- ho and If our flag does not float In every harbor It Is loved by somebody In every spot on the face of the earth where civili- zation ¬ sets her loot and men congregate business or pleasure for study or curlosl1 ty And whenever ono of tho members of- t its groat political body has his toes crushed by King or KaUcr by people largo or pirate of low degree a thrill runs thro the whole like electricity through tho wire scorning distance Ignoring difficul- ty and despising danger while from pop ulolis city and fragrant wood and teem lirlds comes hack a demand that Old Glo- ry ¬ 1 must guard all sho covers that sho must protect all for whom her stars shlno It and her colors wave tr Tlio American people have never failed- to mako this demand upon tholrrepreson- tatlvcs when a case arises to Justify It Are we so unreasonable as to demand I that for which wo refuse to provide tho Fjt means Aro we so poor In spirit or In r purse that wo tare unwilling to pay for- T whatwoneed1 fJhull the United States take her place among tho great nations of tho earth as confidently as sho assorted her Indepen- dence ¬ and as manfully as she has main- tained ¬ her right to tho rank sho assumed i j Con sho do this without a navy Letter From Mr Bryan Law of Supply nncl Drmaml Regulate v I lItllntl Sliver 4 St Louis Mo Sept 4Tho St Louis r PostDispatch tomorrow will print a let ¬ ter from William J Bryan the first ut- terance ¬ after three month of travel and observatIon during the return of prosper- ity ¬ Among other things ho says Wheat has risen because tho foreign crop has been dcccedlngly short Tho fact that silver and wheat have jmrtod company will cause no dismay to those who understand Unit tho law ol supply and demand regulates the price of both Nothing can better disclose the weak- ness ¬ I of tho Republican position than thu j lI manifested by tho Republicans over evnts for which their AdmInistration I t fil their politics arc In no wise respon Bpouslblo- If the Republicans dotro claim cred It or the high price ol wheat they must wutnu the responsibility for the tamlne- In India C b I p I FLOlilPAS SHIP CANAL Articles of Incorporation Flledln New YOlkdt Augustine to be tho Eastern Terminus of It Now York Sept 3 Articles havo been filed with County Clerk Porroy for tho In ¬ corporation of tile Florida TransPenln ¬ sular Ship Canal company Tho chief Incorporators aro Robert May CalTall Freeman II Baldwin n liolct Pcraza consulgeneral for tho Greater Republic of Central America this city Benjamin Cromwell and Francis P Fleming Tho capital 75000000 Tho projectors havo In mind tho build- Ing of a ship canal and railway to con- nect tho Atlantic with the Gulf Thin ca ¬ nal will be of sufllclent capacity for tho passage of oceangoing vessels ConsulOencral Peraza said Tho now canul will bo of great advan- tage ¬ In the defense of the country In easo of an international war as well as being of tho area test commercial benefit In times of peace It will shorten tho tlmo for vessels going to Texas or Mexico by three days Tho waters around the southern coasts of Florida are very treacherous owing to tho numerous currents All this danger will bo done nwnv with Wo expect that ir000000 tons of freight will pass through the canal each year and even light tolls on this will mako tho enterprise pay Wo have applied for tho charterand wII probably get It next month As soon as It Is Issued wo will begin work Mr Caffall our civil engineer has al- ready ¬ surveyed tho ground and all ar- rangements ¬ have been mado to push tho work Tho consulgeneral further said that the harbor of St Augustlno would bo tho eastern entrance to tho now canal Tho width of tho water way will bo 200 feet through its entire length and It will be deep enough to allow tho largest shill to pass through It will probably be about five years bcforo tho canal Is fin- ished ¬ WELl SAID Says a Nashville special There was was quite an exciting session of tho Na tlonal Raco council which Is composed of negroes to day W II Council of Ala ¬ bama was elected temporary chairman- and In his address said Tho frequency of violence to women Is alarming Wo cannot stop to argue tho nlco points as to tho cause of tho coming- of theso Incarnate fiends Into n raco hith- erto ¬ with absolute Immunity from them nor have we tlmoto plead that they aro not the trusted servants of our southern homes nor can wo stop to appeal from Judgo Lynch to the magosty of tho civil laws but wo must stamp out tho crime Sufficient for us Is It to know that these crimes aro committed by negroes to make us hang our heads In shame and I go In sackcloth and ashes Lot us re ¬ storo that sense of security which white women felt fifty years ago In the presence of our fathers under any circumstances amid the most forbidding environments Wo must make tho humblest whlto wom- an ¬ In the remotest and wildest presence of a negro man as did angelic Eva alono with her Uncle Tom I Let us make the white woman of this land and of all lands fool that our black J arms are over ready hacked by hearts as pure as truth as guileless as babes to de- fend ¬ their honor that wo aro willing to throw our black bodies between them and their assailants and shed our blood to the last drop In protecting them and hunting down and executing these brutes In hu form This language aroused thin Iro of many delegates and after a long wrangle a i resolution was adopted declaring that the accusations wero Injurious and request ¬ ing time chairman to qualify his remarks Tho chairman refused to make any qualifications saying ho had spoken time Twenty years + + For more than twenty years vft Have been telling how Scotts Emulsion overcomes the excessive waste of the system puts on flesh nourishes and builds up the body making it the remedy for all wasting di- seases ¬ of adults cud children but it isnt possiblefor us to tell the story in a mere stick ¬ ful of newspaper type We have had prepared for us by a physician a little book telling in easy words how and why Scotts Emulsion benefits and a postal card request will be enough to have it sent to you free Today would be a good time to send for it SCOTT BOWNE N w York T- I = c 4 um3tfl3 ° 1 pnsBiiiosajd jo t Moq uodnoa- oij t611 u pool puoo93D 0 pojiu- qsr J 3 jo u 111 lIuIIJnfl n t411r1U JO H I A aDtino Jiioj ipiio aputj fiiiod- tiooou i ptiDSiqootmoovi ipcaO- pJSUJ n- OAOJJRQol tib upjo- ftirnimino 110U- SII Ml3119 i C OT pO > 3 SB- snC jpfizc > anoa si aja StOt- DJ7 Ilctu pip SB poo3- SB f- Y snf si sooocqoj 1- ijo ioj mI3 stq otIJ 4 sentiments of his heart and If moro In- tellectuality ¬ was poured Into tho judg- ment ¬ of his hearers they would admit that ho had spoken tho truth Council was unanimously elected per manent chairman and the body proceed- ed ¬ to business Time Florida Klondike With stories tho Arctic placer fields filling pages of tho dally press with time Klondike fever running at Its height with thousands struggling on tho lonely way to tho Yukon amid all the talk In club and counting house on tho streets and In tho home of tho now Eldorado of the north of a long silent winter unbro ¬ ken save by tho occasional faIl of Icy frag- ments ¬ from their frozen solitudes amid all the dreams of wealth to be wrested from tho regions of glacier and aurora Florida unfolds her bosom to soft sea winds courted by a tropic sun to ripen time gold of her oranges to mellow tho pineapple and to Impart tho aroma to her tobacco Klondikes amid flowers and song Citizen I Why It Crime I Now that prosperity has returned there will doubtless bo differences of opinion as to tho cause of Its coming Some will give all time credit to the thrifT and others will claim Wall street boomed wheat and brought prosperity just to help Mark Hanna In Ohio To bo honest In the mat ¬ ter we think tho chief cause of time return of prosperity Is that tho time had como for It Tho human mind cant stay bent In ono extreme position for more than three or four years at a time and tho re- action must needs follow So prosperity Is with us As a helper to this reaction Is the feeling that tho tariff and money standard aro settled for four years at least It docs not matter nearly so much whether we are under tho Wilson bill or tho Dlngloy bill as It does that tho agita- tion ¬ is over and w o have something cer- tain ¬ for a period of years Marie llimim his Mark Last year it was Mark Hanna who run up tho price of wheat Just to elect his old friend McKinley president later hncaus ed famines In India and Argentine to hold tho prlco up and help prosperity along and now just for an outing as It were with congress ofT his hands ho has started a gold boom la Klondyko to help him carry Ohio In an ofT year and ulti- mately ¬ to crush time poor with a single standard Great aro DIanna of Ephcsus and Mark Hanna of Ohio for evil In tho minds of those who toll not neither do they spin but weary tho highways and byways with their presence while chow lag their cud talking and spitting at a mark and declaring with profane vehe- mence ¬ I that prosperity has not returned I till at last they aro washed away with tho I tldo and become undernnother form what they aro now bubbles of air on tho bosom ot tho flood Mark was at Duluth on his yacht last month and took occasion to raise tho prlco of potatoes about half a dollar a bushel over last year This may take the starch out of sliver syndicate collars that so many 18 to leTS woarfor every ounce of silver produced by tho rich whllo the poor man can dig and own soldbut we shall havoto put up with tho wilted nppearanco of time calamity crowd till potatoesdrop again Then too I Mark has touched tho King of Dixie with his magic wand and from away down I south In tho land of cotton clnamon seed rand sandy bottom comes the shout that i time horn of plenty has been spilled upon a long suffering pooplo and distress has passed away At last Nark pined forrest from his labors and behold tho demand for pine doubled up and the prlco of lum- ber ¬ and labor felt a gentle rise Thus we might go the wholn rounds of tho market and see how Mnrk has marked It but civ cry professional loafer who U a great hand with a scythe by tho winter fireside and heap big Injun with an ax In the sum- mer ¬ shade knows all About Marl without our exploiting satanic attributes Ho edits the prlco current for the universe and delights In chasing tho free sliver jack rabbit pops that always Jump high ¬ I est on tho third bound Altogether Is a man of mark Beware 0 croaker his Buckeye swath of Joy For prosperity follows his trail Hcdes Budget A Modern Heroine I know a girl with sparkling eyes And cheeks just hike a peach And lips that many a lover tries Nor finds thorn out of reach Her curling hair Is very long Black as any jot And 0 she does not think It wrong To smoko a cigarette Her tiny feet and ankles trim And dainty llttlo hands Attract tho miscellaneous him To matrimonial bans Although her ago you try to gun go- lly laws of average Youll find it true wlmter you do Never have her ago Sho flirts at times and sometime bets And though misunderstood- At length a great reward sho gets Because shes really good Sho never eats and only sips Tho very choicest wines limit yet In obtuse problems dips And to free thought Inclines Youll never timid her hero below However you may look Because tho creatures do not grow Except within a book 1 Exchange V C T U Tho following from the St Louis Advo- cate ¬ Is worth time consideration of all taoughtful people According to tho Brewers Journal British capital to time amount of 91202 830 Is Invested In 70 American breweries As tho average annual dividend on theso Investments Is 6 per cent American beer drinkers send 5472109 out of tho country as their yearly contribution to tho Income of foreign capitalists- A like sum spent for American produc- ed ¬ necessaries of life would help tho re- turn ¬ of good times with or without tho advance ngont of prosperitys1 assist- ance ¬ V Ono man who possesses tho courage to cast a persistent against the ginmill Is of moro value In helping to solve the liquor problem than a whole brigade of those who simply profess that tho saloon- Is a bad thing and stop there- A 0 0 little boy led a policeman time other I day to a house which appeared at first to i bo deserted but at last a little girl ap ¬ poured at tho door and said that sue kept Inuso for her father and two little broth- els ¬ I She Is only ten years old I am all alono today said tho child papa Is I drunk and has gone away and sold lots of the furniture On examination It was found that tho father was only a fow years a well known Wall Street bro a 1111 member of tho Stock Axclmngo j Ho married a beautiful girl outof a splon did family whoso parents gave a present of 510000 on her wedding day This and all her husbands has been spent III saloons A month ago she died husband has been drunk nearly over since Who can compute tins waste that has gone on In that homo No wonder tho prophet exclaims Whom firodojo spend your money for that not and your for that which satisfytim imot Mrs R FORTEK Tress Itcoorter Vi I- 3U1CU ra OR I WOMAK ASSURED I Imnithate I W XNCOME XUGT PERI TOI BON THB BEST PAT EVER OF FEIU3D FOR SIMILAR SERVICE Th Coimopoliiin almrutnedlt4bYJONNU- LIIUN to ndd a qmrter of a million to lit clltntlle the lar ell tiii king tctdettpuiieitcd- bv my piilooical lu the II IB PRBPAK2D TO PAY HAND hOMELY FOR ASSISTANCE REN I CURED It wiiheq the services of I cue reliable man or woman In every I town vlllaijn country district or I manufacturing establishment in every I All that 1s of any I ne to roUabWtyearneatnesa and I vorlc o matter ou what other I work you are engaged it will pay 1 you to examine into this offer I Apply itutli bets loTHECOSMOroUTANMAOAZlNK New Yotk ALLIGATOR SALOON 107 EAST WRIGHT STREET PENSACOLA FLOK- lDAiwoas ET FJNET iUAft Orders from country promptly filled and satlslaotlon guaranteed W0 NORMAN PROPRIETOR lsuSSUSflS uunau A BUSINESS EDUCATION Is the 1Itd desired by the men and women of 10 day It can be obtained at a lass expense nttho- DcFiinfnk Spg Business College than anywhere else Intbe South Pull Lift Tune BusliiusJ Suholimhlp Including 1enmanshln short- hand writing Business Arithmetic Etc ONLY 137 I hoard 10 per wonth Catalogue Free Address II P COOK HA PrinD- eFunlnk Springs Kla fERRS Always the best For eale everywhere 0 M FERRY CO Detroit M- ichRBBELLAMY PHYSI M ANDDIRUQOIST CdirLEY FLORDIA iC yBlcliin8 pescrlptlons care fiu compounded by Dr R BUellnmy any hourdnr r nig- htLUCKY G < od Luck Good Luck J JijNNltJilg8li- as a Rabbit foot anti If you call at his liluiC you will have Iood luck You iii Know Jonts the butcher Opposite Union Depot PeiiRacola Flu Sen1 to JON E S for meat U h un n uu un nn u au tha joy In = Next Door Pat Mclltighs opposite Union Pensacola j Best equipped most elegant comfortable shop ihe Hot water bath best barters sharpet razors towels etc nflSS SIUSUtSSStStSSSSStIP SSSS SSS ISt SSSfluflI SSI sraWnfl Tetter HaltllUcuni and Eczema I The intense itching and smarting Inci- dent to these diseases instantly allured by applying Chamberlains ye and- S ln very bad cases have been permanently cured by it It is equally efficient for itching piles and i n favorite lemedy for sore nipples chapped hands chilblains mid chronic sore eyes 25 eta per box Dr Condition Fonder are t13t what a horse needs vhen In had condition Tonic blood purifier and vermifuge They are not food but medicine and tho best in use pnt r horse in condition Price 2 cents Per package Ponce le Leon House 110 East Ititemleiitla S- tPensacoln Florida FIRST C1A S BOARDING AT REASON A BIE RVTES Cm trn II Ioca ted Ctreits tad TridcM jrlcs obtained tntt ill Put J- tntbutlntsscondiicied or MODIR TC Ftti Oun Ornct IB OPPOSITE US PATENT OrrictJ end we can secure In less time from WuhlnRtoi- Send model duvriuc or with descrip > tloo Yeaarlte 11 tmentabb or not rce charge Our fee not due li secured A P Mi HtrT HowtoObttln Patents wIlt cost ol lu the U S and orctgncounU53 seat free OFF PAZPT orrici t oc s onnn n- I Are you a subscriber to TIle BannerI- F roi You Should lie J he price is on- lysioo per year- AN It is the best weekly paptr In West Florida And thoroughly iJemorratio in lu- piincipals und teachings THISt- his is not the caipalgu year but yon need to keep you posted If yon want something be a nnd comfort to jon send us ONE DOLLAR and get tie Banner lor lONE YEAR I UUUUUUuuu uu = flLVtflnflVVrsnflVLflV PARLOR AND RATH nooll OFBLDUIV Co Depot Florida and and In city and cold elegant L SATISFACTION GUARANTEED o nn I SU Mummy to primo remote > Add- rctsCASNOWftCO e tb- nBANNEE will iTONSORIAL 5 TilE V- IMWRIAL BilLflf TALL AII ASS HE FLAt HAS THE GKEATEST KNQUIUY ABOUT TIlE UEdOtKCES AND ENTKIIPRISES OF FLORIDA OF ANY 1AIEH IN TIlE STATE IT OOES TO EVERY STATE AND ERhtlIOhtY IN TIlE IMON SEND FOIl SAM f COPY IT WILL BBSENTFIIEE- IF G po JJtLL < 1AMgr Thrice u Week Edition r TilE NFW YORK WORLD AM THE Chiplcy Banner vo- n8UJ5PER TEAR The TWlcenw Worlll hos zmw beconlf1 time Thrlceaweek World being Issued ev cry Monday elue Friday most liberal oflercer mnde lo the public Time ThrlceHweek World Is Inftn than any weeUx or semlwcekl per clghlcenpAr18 eight Wltiinii8wlilecveiy nml lor Otis Dollnr tind Sixty five cents a year The World combines the r and crispness of ii < vltb Ibl Instructive featurt of ii weekly Address for further Information Time CJlUIK flANNEl Thlpiey Via WI1ID yrui want hill bendCI- nvplopeo Jpl1l r htlItI8 or any knd ol joli I I write the UAKNER tor inter = JOHN 60S6SOVE PR01MMBTOK- 831111BLACK8J111UAXDMAOJUNB Pensaoola Foundrv KOI1UER LOBE TALVES AND PIPE FITTING I Pensacola Florida

s A n- iUAft OAOJJRQol upjo- ftirnimino 110U-ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/58/91/00014/0097.pdf · pure as truth as guileless as babes to de-fend ¬ their honor that wo aro willing

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Page 1: s A n- iUAft OAOJJRQol upjo- ftirnimino 110U-ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/58/91/00014/0097.pdf · pure as truth as guileless as babes to de-fend ¬ their honor that wo aro willing

4 o1r-J1


> r

F Tk t
















Fin Sept 4th 189 y I

Tim queen rcgont of Spain will recelvo

tho now United States minister General

Stewart L Wood on Sept 13th

Canada snys wo must not say Klondikebut Troandlko Hut whoso boss Is

Canada an > how Anybody can spell an1 Indian work as many ways as Shakes

ptaro spelled his name and no Indianr over objects

r An Increase of nearly 15000000 In thopublic debut during Augnst justifies ThoWorlds observation that Undo Sam hasnot yot felt tho wave prosperity When

this sort of thing happened under a Dem-



Administration how tho Repub-



papers did howlp

A great sutlt Is going on In California

f says an exchange to de ldo whether thoowner of the lieu owns tho chickens or

tho woman that bought tho eggs Inr Florida It would bo tho coon that first got

Into tho coop but tho California Judgolias reserved his decision

f Whenever tho Legislature Is In session

t or some halffledged demagogue wants I

an office flro Is opened up on tho rail

r ads and tho progressive new siia >or3 of

this state Will some of those bit talk

Irs help the roads and the papers now to-

t bring people and capital to Florida Ex

A writer In Lo Jour of Paris wantsAmerica to Join the alliance with Franceand Russia entered Into recently Nothanks America prefers not to at leastthe United States Were all right as It-

iswe couldnt use tho French or thoRussians anyhow so whats tho use Ifthey want moro company lot them applyto some tunblcdown nation like Spain

Pensacola 1I1J1-


home paper Is in no sense a child ofcharity It earns twice over every dollarIt receives and Is second to no enterpriseIn contributing to tho upbuilding of a-

tm n or community Its patrons leap farmoro benefit from Its columns than do thoimbllsbcrs and In calling for tho support-of tho peoples of tim community In which-It Is published It takes no moro than In-

c all fairness belongs to It though It often ¬

times rec lees much less

The United States I

This Irreprossnblo nation Is all pervns-ho and If our flag does not float In everyharbor It Is loved by somebody In everyspot on the face of the earth where civili-


sets her loot and men congregatebusiness or pleasure for study or curlosl1ty And whenever ono of tho members of-

t its groat political body has his toescrushed by King or KaUcr by people largoor pirate of low degree a thrill runs throthe whole like electricity through thowire scorning distance Ignoring difficul-

ty and despising danger while from populolis city and fragrant wood and teemlirlds comes hack a demand that Old Glo-


1 must guard all sho covers that shomust protect all for whom her stars shlno

It and her colors wavetr Tlio American people have never failed-

to mako this demand upon tholrrepreson-tatlvcs when a case arises to Justify ItAre we so unreasonable as to demand

I that for which wo refuse to provide thoFjt means Aro we so poor In spirit or In

r purse that wo tare unwilling to pay for-T whatwoneed1

fJhull the United States take her placeamong tho great nations of tho earth asconfidently as sho assorted her Indepen-dence


and as manfully as she has main-tained


her right to tho rank sho assumed

i j Con sho do this without a navy

Letter From Mr Bryan

Law of Supply nncl Drmaml Regulatev I lItllntl Sliver


St Louis Mo Sept 4Tho St Louisr PostDispatch tomorrow will print a let ¬

ter from William J Bryan the first ut-


after three month of travel andobservatIon during the return of prosper-ity


Among other things ho saysWheat has risen because tho foreign

crop has been dcccedlngly shortTho fact that silver and wheat have

jmrtod company will cause no dismay tothose who understand Unit tho law olsupply and demand regulates the price ofboth

Nothing can better disclose the weak-ness

¬I of tho Republican position than thuj lI manifested by tho Republicans overevnts for which their AdmInistration

I t fil their politics arc In no wise responBpouslblo-

If the Republicans dotro claim credIt or the high price ol wheat they mustwutnu the responsibility for the tamlne-

In India C




Articles of Incorporation Flledln New

YOlkdt Augustine to be tho

Eastern Terminus of It

Now York Sept 3 Articles havo been

filed with County Clerk Porroy for tho In ¬

corporation of tile Florida TransPenln ¬

sular Ship Canal company Tho chief

Incorporators aro Robert May CalTall

Freeman II Baldwin n liolct Pcrazaconsulgeneral for tho Greater Republic

of Central America this city Benjamin

Cromwell and Francis P Fleming

Tho capital 75000000

Tho projectors havo In mind tho build-

Ing of a ship canal and railway to con-

nect tho Atlantic with the Gulf Thin ca ¬

nal will be of sufllclent capacity for tho

passage of oceangoing vessels

ConsulOencral Peraza said

Tho now canul will bo of great advan-



In the defense of the country In easo

of an international war as well as being

of tho area test commercial benefit In times

of peace It will shorten tho tlmo for

vessels going to Texas or Mexico by three

days Tho waters around the southern

coasts of Florida are very treacherous

owing to tho numerous currents All this

danger will bo done nwnv withWo expect that ir000000 tons of freight

will pass through the canal each year

and even light tolls on this will mako tho

enterprise pay Wo have applied for tho

charterand wII probably get It next month

As soon as It Is Issued wo will begin workMr Caffall our civil engineer has al-



surveyed tho ground and all ar-



have been mado to push thowork

Tho consulgeneral further said thatthe harbor of St Augustlno would bo thoeastern entrance to tho now canal

Tho width of tho water way will bo 200

feet through its entire length and It willbe deep enough to allow tho largest shillto pass through It will probably be

about five years bcforo tho canal Is fin-



WELl SAIDSays a Nashville special There was

was quite an exciting session of tho Natlonal Raco council which Is composed ofnegroes to day W II Council of Ala ¬

bama was elected temporary chairman-

and In his address saidTho frequency of violence to women Is

alarming Wo cannot stop to argue thonlco points as to tho cause of tho coming-

of theso Incarnate fiends Into n raco hith-erto


with absolute Immunity from themnor have we tlmoto plead that they aronot the trusted servants of our southernhomes nor can wo stop to appeal fromJudgo Lynch to the magosty of tho civillaws but wo must stamp out tho crime

Sufficient for us Is It to know thatthese crimes aro committed by negroesto make us hang our heads In shame and


go In sackcloth and ashes Lot us re ¬

storo that sense of security which whitewomen felt fifty years ago In the presenceof our fathers under any circumstancesamid the most forbidding environmentsWo must make tho humblest whlto wom-



In the remotest and wildest presenceof a negro man as did angelic Eva alonowith her Uncle Tom I

Let us make the white woman of thisland and of all lands fool that our black


arms are over ready hacked by hearts aspure as truth as guileless as babes to de-



their honor that wo aro willing tothrow our black bodies between them andtheir assailants and shed our blood to thelast drop In protecting them and huntingdown and executing these brutes In huform

This language aroused thin Iro of manydelegates and after a long wrangle a

i resolution was adopted declaring that theaccusations wero Injurious and request ¬

ing time chairman to qualify his remarksTho chairman refused to make any

qualifications saying ho had spoken time


+ +

For more than twenty years

vft Have been telling howScotts Emulsion overcomes theexcessive waste of the system

puts on flesh nourishes andbuilds up the body making itthe remedy for all wasting di-



of adults cud children

but it isnt possiblefor us to

tell the story in a mere stick¬

ful of newspaper typeWe have had prepared for

us by a physician a little booktelling in easy words how andwhy Scotts Emulsion benefits

and a postal card request will

be enough to have it sent toyou free Today would be agood time to send for it




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pnsBiiiosajd jot Moq uodnoa-

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upjo-ftirnimino 110U-

SII Ml3119 i

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snCjpfizc > anoa si aja StOt-

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snf si sooocqoj1-ijo ioj mI3 stq otIJ 4

sentiments of his heart and If moro In-


was poured Into tho judg-


of his hearers they would admitthat ho had spoken tho truth

Council was unanimously elected permanent chairman and the body proceed-ed


to business

Time Florida KlondikeWith stories tho Arctic placer fields

filling pages of tho dally press with time

Klondike fever running at Its heightwith thousands struggling on tho lonelyway to tho Yukon amid all the talk In

club and counting house on tho streetsand In tho home of tho now Eldorado of

the north of a long silent winter unbro ¬

ken save by tho occasional faIl of Icy frag-


from their frozen solitudes amidall the dreams of wealth to be wrestedfrom tho regions of glacier and auroraFlorida unfolds her bosom to soft sea

winds courted by a tropic sun to ripentime gold of her oranges to mellow thopineapple and to Impart tho aroma to hertobacco Klondikes amid flowers andsong Citizen

I Why It CrimeI Now that prosperity has returned there

will doubtless bo differences of opinion as

to tho cause of Its coming Some willgive all time credit to the thrifT and otherswill claim Wall street boomed wheat andbrought prosperity just to help MarkHanna In Ohio To bo honest In the mat ¬

ter we think tho chief cause of time returnof prosperity Is that tho time had como

for It Tho human mind cant stay bentIn ono extreme position for more thanthree or four years at a time and tho re-

action must needs follow So prosperityIs with us As a helper to this reactionIs the feeling that tho tariff and moneystandard aro settled for four years atleast It docs not matter nearly so muchwhether we are under tho Wilson bill ortho Dlngloy bill as It does that tho agita-


is over and w o have something cer-


for a period of years

Marie llimim his Mark

Last year it was Mark Hanna who runup tho price of wheat Just to elect his oldfriend McKinley president later hncaused famines In India and Argentine tohold tho prlco up and help prosperityalong and now just for an outing as Itwere with congress ofT his hands ho hasstarted a gold boom la Klondyko to helphim carry Ohio In an ofT year and ulti-


to crush time poor with a singlestandard Great aro DIanna of Ephcsusand Mark Hanna of Ohio for evil In thominds of those who toll not neither dothey spin but weary tho highways andbyways with their presence while chowlag their cud talking and spitting at amark and declaring with profane vehe-mence


I that prosperity has not returnedI till at last they aro washed away with thoI

tldo and become undernnother form whatthey aro now bubbles of air on tho bosomot tho flood Mark was at Duluth on hisyacht last month and took occasion toraise tho prlco of potatoes about half adollar a bushel over last year This maytake the starch out of sliver syndicatecollars that so many 18 to leTS woarforevery ounce of silver produced by thorich whllo the poor man can dig and ownsoldbut we shall havoto put up withtho wilted nppearanco of time calamitycrowd till potatoesdrop again Then too

I Mark has touched tho King of Dixie withhis magic wand and from away down

I south In tho land of cotton clnamon seedrand sandy bottom comes the shout thati time horn of plenty has been spilled upon

a long suffering pooplo and distress haspassed away At last Nark pined forrestfrom his labors and behold tho demandfor pine doubled up and the prlco of lum-


and labor felt a gentle rise Thus wemight go the wholn rounds of tho marketand see how Mnrk has marked It but civcry professional loafer who U a great handwith a scythe by tho winter fireside andheap big Injun with an ax In the sum-mer


shade knows all About Marl withoutour exploiting satanic attributes Hoedits the prlco current for the universeand delights In chasing tho free sliverjack rabbit pops that always Jump high ¬


est on tho third bound Altogether Is

a man of mark Beware 0 croaker hisBuckeye swath of Joy For prosperityfollows his trail Hcdes Budget

A Modern HeroineI know a girl with sparkling eyes

And cheeks just hike a peach

And lips that many a lover triesNor finds thorn out of reach

Her curling hair Is very longBlack as any jot

And 0 she does not think It wrongTo smoko a cigarette

Her tiny feet and ankles trimAnd dainty llttlo hands

Attract tho miscellaneous himTo matrimonial bans

Although her ago you try to gun go-

lly laws of averageYoull find it true wlmter you do

Never have her ago

Sho flirts at times and sometime betsAnd though misunderstood-

At length a great reward sho gets

Because shes really good

Sho never eats and only sipsTho very choicest wines

limit yet In obtuse problems dipsAnd to free thought Inclines

Youll never timid her hero belowHowever you may look

Because tho creatures do not growExcept within a book 1



Tho following from the St Louis Advo-


Is worth time consideration of alltaoughtful people

According to tho Brewers JournalBritish capital to time amount of 91202830 Is Invested In 70 American breweriesAs tho average annual dividend on thesoInvestments Is 6 per cent American beerdrinkers send 5472109 out of tho countryas their yearly contribution to tho Income

of foreign capitalists-A like sum spent for American produc-



necessaries of life would help tho re-



of good times with or without thoadvance ngont of prosperitys1 assist-



VOno man who possesses tho courage to

cast a persistent against the ginmillIs of moro value In helping to solve theliquor problem than a whole brigade of

those who simply profess that tho saloon-Is a bad thing and stop there-



little boy led a policeman time other

Iday to a house which appeared at first to

i bo deserted but at last a little girl ap ¬

poured at tho door and said that sue keptInuso for her father and two little broth-




She Is only ten years old I am allalono today said tho child papa Is

I drunk and has gone away and sold lots of

the furniture On examination It wasfound that tho father was only a fow

years a well known Wall Street broa 1111 member of tho Stock Axclmngo j

Ho married a beautiful girl outof a splondid family whoso parents gave apresent of 510000 on her wedding dayThis and all her husbands hasbeen spent III saloons A month ago shedied husband has been drunknearly over since Who can compute tinswaste that has gone on In that homo Nowonder tho prophet exclaims Whomfirodojo spend your money for that

not and your for thatwhich satisfytim imot

Mrs R FORTEKTress Itcoorter

Vi I-

3U1CUra OR I





Th Coimopoliiin almrutnedlt4bYJONNU-LIIUN to ndd a qmrterof a million to lit clltntlle the larell tiii king tctdettpuiieitcd-bv my piilooical lu the


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IF G po JJtLL <1AMgrThrice u Week Edition


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