RZINACH..... Tall Tiillimry Opening! Thursday andTriday. September 17th and 18th. Srour inspoction is solici'tect. lHe Neip Store, 427 East Broad (next to Fourqurean, Temple & Co.) ETY, (Contlnued From Slxth Page.) i..... many friends and glven enilre satlsfac- tion. ." In sddltlan to MIsb Powell's reoog- nlied muslcal abillty, she ls a charmlng and attractive young lady, rtnd enjoys a wide personal ncqunlntanco ln thls her natlve clty. . .,-,,...-r . * * Mlss Erle Caldwell haa gone lo Co¬ lumbla, S. C to act a* mald of honor at tho "moTrTlage of her cousln, Mlss Brookmnnn to Mr. Lamar Ferguson. On September 17th, Mlss Caldwell wlll go to Charlotte, N. C, to rosurno her poBltlon as teachor in the Ellzabeth Col- lege. . « . Mrs. Mebnn Hobson, of Blrmlngham, "Ala., who has boen spendlng somo tlmo at the Cold Sulphur, in now vlsiting Mlss Tutwllcr. of No. 2731 Floyd Avenue. Mrs. Charles W. Selden nnd fnmlly who hnve been «pendlpg the summer months at Goshen, Va., havo -returned to thqlr home. No. 10 West Maln Street. R Mlss Jean Bayly Knox. who has beon apendbig the summer. nt her country home. has gone to New York clty for the month of September. Sentaor and Mrs. W. H. Hale, son nnd mald are at the Roanoke Hotol, Roanoko, Va., whro they wlll remnln Borae tlme. Mrs. Hale has been spendlng tho sumrarcr at Rndford, Va. and as her'Rlchmond friends wlll be pleased to know has re- galned hr usual health and strength. She wlll be ln Rlchmond noxt month for the -Jttorse Show. . ". ,. .-, Mrs. Junlus B; Mosby ls expected to return to Rlchmonil early thls week from Haddon Hall, Atlnntle Clty, Where she- has been spendlng several weeks. She wlll go to the Mecklenburg Hotel Chase Clty, for the latter part of September. * * * Mrs. Samuel Rcgester, who has spont the summer at Atlantlc Clty, and laterat Patapsco Helghts, Western Maryland, ha« returned to tho clty, i> x » . Mrs. D. V. Prossor, wlth her two daughters, Mlsses Marlo and Effle, are at Chase Clty. '...'..: . . « > !. MIbs Nora C^ Phllllps nnd her brothor, I/mgan, have returned to the clty after a pleasant ,vlalt_,to friends ln Lexlngton and Parls, Ky.. nnd Clnclnnatl. O. . . . Dr E K. Gold, Mrs. Gold and thelr flaug'hter, Katle Lee, accompanled by Mlss Heath Mackle,, aro In Rlchmond, afteri^, dellghtful slx weeks* vlslt to friends Tn the country. -.".;' Mr and Mrs. N. F. Jacobs are at home to thelr friends, at No. 318 East Clay Btreet, ... , \ l> Mrs. J. B. Noryell and Httle son, are spendlng some .time at "Cherlcoke," the beautiful homo pf her slster, Mrs. 3. Her- bert Montague, Ifv Klng Wllllnm countr. * . . . Mrs. C. L. Ford, b'f No. .601 West.Grace Btreet, wlll return from New York to- t*' . . * Mrs. XV. H. Oordon, of No,""l0fl Esst Clay Street, left Saturday for New York olty. Mrs. Rlohard M\ Anderson and little daughter, Jullet, hnve returned to the dty. after an extended vlslt to friends In Brldgeport, Conn., Hempstead, L. I., New York and Rehoboth Beach, Del. . . . A dellghtful salllng party waa given last Wednesday nlght by the Mlsses Grlf- flth to a party of riends, on the swiit- ^ It waa chapcr- 'Grlfflth Rouatree. going launch Vlrglnla. oned by Mrs. Mlnnie '< Mr. A. F, Bagby, bf tappah&nnock, was tn the city yesterday on her way to vlslt her son, tho Rev. Rlchard Bagby, and to meet Dr. Bathurst Bagby, who has been in New Mexlco for some months. . .. Miss Eloanor Stelnbrecher haa returned home, after a four weeks* vlslt to Bal¬ tlmore, Elllcolt Clty, Annapolls, Md., and Atlantlo Clty. New Jersey. . ? . MIsb Loulse Schultz returned homo last week, after "a month's vlslt with relatlves and frlends In Gloucester county, . . . Miss Nora Eavlduon, of Church Hill, Falled yesterday on the Old Domlnlon steamer Prlncess Anne to New York, to vlslt her brother, Mr. C. M. Davtdson, of Newburgh, N, Y. . . . M^s.' John D. Potts and Master John D. Potts, Jr., of Clnclnnatl, O., are the guests tn Rlchmond of Mrs.-C. O.'B. Cowardtn. ¦» . . . Mrs. Ada 8. Meredlth and Mr. George M. Cole were marrled Monday, Septem¬ ber 7th, In the parlor of the Rev. W.\3. Beauchamp. . .. Mrs. Annle L. Davls left for a vlslt to Petersburg yesterday. ... »t, ;; ...¦,-. ... Mlas Lllllan Ford. of Aulton Place, Nor¬ folk, is the guest of her friend, Mlss Drake, at No, 602 Reservolr Street. ¦ . . Mrs. Wllllam Bldgood, of Mobile, Ala., vlio l,is spont the summer at Blue Rldgo Sprlnga, ls. now the guest of her slster, Mrs. Elbert G. Walthall on Grove Avo. . * . Mr. C. M. Garrett has returned from a very pleasant vlslt of a week wlth hls parents'ln Prince Edward county. .> . . .. . Dr. :J. MilWhltfleld has>moved his labo- ratory to hls new home, No. 206 East Grace Street. '.', n *&atrmount Vfowsi ooococococ<xxx>doccoocoooo6 Rev.. J. O. Babcock wlll preach at both services to-day nt Falrmount Methodlst Church, The morning aubject wlll be "A Wonderful Book;" nlght, "Bhamgar's Oxgood." Mlsses Llzzla and Ellen Martin, of Hanover county, are visitlng thelr cous- in, Miss Mable Pollard, at No. "1208 TWen- tleth Street. Mrs. Nettle Bunch, of Washlngton, who has been visitlng Mrs. Henry Pollard, has left for home. , Mrs, R. C. Thompson la qulte slck at her resldence on Twenty-flrst Street. Mrs. J. T. Nuokols haB left for White Hall, Bucklngham county, to attend the blg protracted meetlng now In progress there; Mra. Maude Harrls Ib very much im¬ proved. Mr. W. T. Johnson and famlly have returned from Southampton county, where they vislted Mr. Johnson's father. Mr. Wlllle Oxenham contemplates build¬ lng two houses on hla lot next to hls home on Twenty-thlrd Streot. Mr. Howard Harrls. who was.severely WE KNOW HOW-THAT'S WHY! ma CLOTHING ANY OUTFITERS TO MEN* BOYS. 8.&BROAD 8TS. We Can't Talk Too Much _____..._..., .. t About Boys' School Suits No, and we can't talk too loud when you can make tha mouey that baroly buys one suit elsewhere get two suits of the sarae kind here. Wo thiuk it should be proolaimGd from the housetops, SCHOOLBELLS SWEETLY CHIME, BUY HUB SUITS EVERY TIME,... It is not necessary to give detail and we -will only say they are all wool and perfectly tailored. A Good Serviceable AlKWool Suit...,,. $M8 A Little Better AILWool Suit.?»&. $2'48 An AH»Wool Suit flne enough to wear anywhere.><.». $3.4o hurt by falllng from a scaffold several days ago, ls reported ai dolng as well as can be expected. Mrs. Aubrey Enos and chlldren, Ry- land and Adol, loft yesterday for Sur¬ ry county to vlslt relatlves for several Master John Gary has returned home from Goochtand county. Mrs. S. A. Gary and Marle nnd Mack wlll return thls Mlss T. A. Taylor ta vlsiting Mrs. Cpr- ter, of Barton Helghts. ATr. Whltemorc, who has been dolng buslness on TWentleth Stroet, has sold out to the Dementl Company, grocers, on Short P Strdet. Rev, Dr. Hannon, of Unlon Statlon Church, wlll lecture at East-End Bap¬ tlst Church noxt Thursday nlght, Sept. 17th, on "Dynamlte." Little Lucilo Ledman ls qulte Indlsposed at her parents' homo, at No. 1117 Twen- ty-thlrd Street, slnce her return-homo. Mrs. George Troxler left Friday for "Hewlett's," Hanover county, to vlslt re¬ latlves and friends for two weeks. Louis Garnett has left forSeven Plnes, where he will spend some tlme with the family of Mr. Tiller. Mrs. Archer Douglass ls very much ln- dlspoBed at her home on Short Q and Twenty-flrst Streets. Mrs. Lona Bradley Hawks ls now much improved and Is able to take short drlvos. Mlsses OUve and Flagg Mitchell have returned from a^wo-weeks' stay at "Sum¬ mer Rest." They also vlslted friends at Doswell, Hanover county. .Mlss .Loulse Lawrence, who has been spendlng some tlme ln Amherst county, has returned home. ..... », Mra. James AtkinBoh has returned from Henrlco county. whore she spenfsomo tlme vlsiting relatlves. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lonnie Mitchell have returned from Whlte Hall, whero they have been attendlng the blg meetlngs golng on at that place. Mrs. Harry Hall and chlldren have returned home from a pleasant vlslt to relatlves In Powhatan county. Mr. Garnett Dunn, who was opernted on for appendicitis at the Vlrglnla Hos¬ pltal last week, ls gettlng on very nlce- iy, nnd hopes soon to be able to slt up. Mrs. Thomas Morris has returned from Roanoke, where she spent several weeks durlng the summer months. Mrs. D. Cooper is spendlng some, time ln the mountains. She wlll ,also. vlslt friends ln Phlladelphla before returnng home. Mlsses Allce, Agnes and Loretta Cooper ara staylng wlth Mrs. Mary Lore on Twenty-flrst Street for a short tlme. Mr. W. S. Fldler ls conflned to hls home wlth rhoumatism. Miss Clyde an! Mamlo Durvln have returned home from Loulsa county, where they spent several weeks. Alr. Arthur Medlen, who had hls shoul- der qulto badly hurt last week whlle at work at the Locomotlvo Works, ls reported as gettlng on very nlcely. Mlsses Bessie and Mona Locker, of Loulsa county, have accepted posltions ln Rlchmond, and are stopplng at the Wo- man's Chrlstlan Assoclatlon. Mrs. Swann and daughter, Gertrude, who have been vlsiting Mr. Charlle.Pol-. lard, :have left for Newport News,,.,. Little Miss Alma Albertson,. who -has been spendlng some tlme wlth relajuves at Brookland Park, has returned, accom-' panled by her grandmother. Mrs. L. A. Eaton, who will spend some tlme wlth Mrs. Albertson. , Revival services wlll begln at Falrmount Methodlst Church the fourth Sunday ln thls month. The pastor wlll bo aflslsted by Rev. Mr. Gutfirie, of SeVen Plnes. Mlss Bettle Johnson, of Southampton county, ls vlsiting her brother, Mr. W. T. Johnson. on Twenty-flrst Street. Mlss Tlsdale ls the guest of Mrs. Ro- berta Jeter on the avenue. Mr. C. M. Green, who has been vlsiting hls father at Wakefleld, Va., has returned home. _'.;, Mlsses C. E. and E. B. Pollard were tho guests of thelr aunt, Mrs. A. N. Pol¬ lard durlng tho week. ,','¦¦'¦__ Mrs. Georgo Knlght ls qulte slck at hor home on Twentleth Street. Mrs. Carrie. Cobb vlslted her frlend, Mrs. Nollson, ln Fulton last week. Mr. Thomas H. Pollard wlll move from the country. on the 16th, and wlll ocoupy No. 2204 Falrmount Avenue. Mrs. Hlgglnbotham has returned from a pleasant vlslt to her old homo ln Am¬ herst county. Mr. Wesley Pollard, who had hls shoul- der-blade fractured whlle playlng wlth a compamon, Is able to be out on tho * Mrs. W, J. Warrlner left Tuesday for Buena Vlsta to vlslt her slster, Mrs. XV. T. O'Nell. < , Rev. Joel T. Tucker, who has been ln Bucklngham county vlsiting relatlves and asslstlng ln protracted meetlngs, returned home yesterday, Mr. and Mrs. S. U Ledman have re- turned home from Accagone, where thoy wore suramoned on aooount of the death of a brother cf Mr. Ledman. Mlsses Florence Holland and Aunle Rob¬ inson have returned home from a do- llghtful vlslt through the mountalna of Vlntlnla. They were «ilso among the guests of a dellghtful camplng party at Mountaln Lake for a week, A dellghtful ovening wns spent Thurs¬ day at the resldence of Mr. C, N. Schaaf, or Twenty-flfth Street, when qulte a crowd of young folks gathered to enjoy watermelc<n. Parlor games nnd muslo. both Instrumental and vocal, was Indulged ln untll n lato hour, when melons, large and small, round and long, wlth green rlnds and rod meat |were served, after whlch games were agaln resumed untll the small hours of the mornlng. Among those present were: Mr, and Mrs. C. N. Sclinaf Mr. and Mr,s. Dlcker- son, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Haynes, Mrs, J, W. Haynes, Mlsses Iva Bohaaf, Kate Savago Ethel Schaaf, Elvlo Maloney, Beeale Schaaf, Brlght Eubank, Mary Ma¬ loney. Annie McCurdv, Susle Lowe, Ma¬ mlo Smlth, Mamle Shelton, Ida Haynes and Mlss Blanoh Haynes; tlie gentlemen nresent woro: Messrs. Lnrnost Bohanf, Arthur Medlen. John Garaboidoj^Earnest Maloney. Jamea Cirow, Wlll*ro~Balley, Charlle Klng, Earnest Smlth, Mr. Peni- berton and Mr. Jaokson, ond many oth- ers, , .«$_^><^$><^$>4'4>4><H^^ Moetlngs begln at Hiffhland Bprlngr Methodlst Eplacopal Church to-day at 11 A, M, and S P. M. and eaqh nlght durlng tho week ut 8 o'clock. The pastor wm bo asBlsted at those meetlngs by the Rov, J. XV, Flaer, of Rlohmond. Mr. FIzer had been heard here, and needs no word of recornmendatlon, as hla preaohlng ap. poaled to the peoplo. Rev. lt: H. Bonnett, presldlng ojder of thls dlstrlct, wlll preach at the M, e. Church on lho fourth Sunday at Bi30 P. M. At thls Bervlce holy communton wlll be admlnlatered Thore was a well-attended meetlng Fri¬ day evoning at Llbrary Hall of trustees and numbers of the Flrat Unltarlon Churoh, when a few changoa lor aervioos In the future at the church were notod and agroed upon. Wodnesday evening a largo party waa entertalnod at "Tuckahoo." The young hoBtess, Miss _uiz&both Jordan, enter¬ tained her guests ln a manner that a matron of large experlence mlght onvy. The merry party spent most pleasantly the evening ln games, social and Instru- mental members' being heartlly enjoyed and applauded. Mrs. Blankingshtp, Miss Jordan's aunt, ohaperonod tho party, among whom were: Mlsses Ruth AtkLn- son, Ina Lou Kldd Tllllo Turner, Jane Kidd, Mlss Jennie Hudglns, Bessle Hudg- 1ns, Ellzabeth Jordan; Messrs. Harry Ad- klnson, Andrew Atklnson, Waylnnd Kldd and Wllllam Jordan. Thursday evening the Mlsses Ruth and Lella Atklnson entertained a large party of frlends in thelr usual dellghtful man¬ ner. There wero a number ot gueata from Rlchmond and other loeatlons. A mualcal recltal, embraclng piano, vlolin, mandolln and vocal BeleotlonB, waa arranged for thelr ploasure, and was given ln a credlt- ablo manner to thoso who partlclpated. The evening'a pleasure8 were olosed by an Invltatlons to the dlnlng hall, where, to the tune of a grand maroh, the guests wended thelr way, and thero found a beautifully arranged table, handsomely decorated with cholce flowcrs and fruita, and where was dispatched lce-cream. and Ices,. and other dellciouB products of tho season, ',", j Mrs. W. J. AOtlnson, Mlsa Janle Hudg¬ lns, of HIghland Sprlngs, chaperoned the party. .'. Mlss De Wolf and slster, Mrs. Mc- Donald, returned to thelr home,_ Falr- vlew, on Thuraday, after an cxtendod vlslt to Phlladelphla and other northern cltles much better for thelr seaaon's out- Ing. Mr. and Mra. B. S. Read, of the Manor Houae, have returned home from a very pleasant vlslt, Mrs. H. L. Vlnal and Mlss Nellie Vlnal, of "Vlnehaven," have also returned ftom a trlp to the country, Mrs. Danlel Smlth and Mrs. Hubert, of the Tower House, spont Thursday eve¬ ning at a house party by invltatlon of frlends,'1 havlng' Just taken possesalon of thelr new and elegant home nt Home Place, Rlchmond. Mlss Emma McEvoy, the Mlsses Lella and Cecllla McEvoy, of Rlchraonu, spent Wednesday wlth frlends at Lynnhurst. * i <^tr®&&$&S&$>&S>^^ Mr. Arthur C. Nelsen, a well known young business man of Fulton, Is cllmb- Ing the, ladder of success step by step. Mr, Nolsen. who is one of the youngest business men ln this section, is havlng a harwlsome two-story undertaklng and embalmlng eaiabllshment erected at tho corner of Fulton and State Streets, ,The buildlng wlll be of brlck, 23x90 feet. 'The storo wlll be of the latest Improvemont and will contain every modern feature. The plans aro drawn from the parlors of a large undertaker ln the West, The buildlng will bo completed and ready for occupancy on tho 16th of Ootobor. Mr. Nelsen entared business, after leav¬ lng school, with his fathor, and by close attention to business, connected wlth his Eopularlty, ho haa sucoeeded. When ho ecame of ngo several years ago, hls father admitted him to the flrm, and now ho branohes out to hlmself wlth a brlght future beforo hlm, A pecullar accldent happoned to Mr. Ernest Whltlook. a well known young man of Fulton, Thursday afternoon at hla realden«_ on Lowls Street, Mr. Whit- lock has been ln 111 health for aevoral months and hna only been out of bed a fow dnys. Xie was seatecl on the back porch of his rcsidenco when his father's cow whlch had beon frightened, daahod ud tho yard, nt a rapld rate. and was fast approachlng an opon well, Ho re- cognl-ed tho danger of the cow, and, with hls llttlo strength, attompted to drive her In another dlrectlon. In hls attempt ho fell and sustalned painful injurles, but saved tho cow from death. The members of the Orlentnl dogroo of Patrlck Henry Councll, No. 12, J, 0. U. A. M., wlll moei Tuosday nlght at Nelaen'a Hal] for permanent organlzatlon. The degree ls a Beparate feature from tho worklngs of tbo order, but composed df members oxclualvely of the ordar wbo have boiuled tbomselves togethor for ao- olal beneflt Tbo degree haa been ln ex- Istenco for about a yoar, and havo been holding thelr sesslon after the acljoum- ment of the councll, nnd has u large memibershlp. Tho members propdse to es- tnblleh a pormanont organlzatlon and have a separate meetlng nlght. Thoy wlll hnve a »oola'i after oaoli meetlng, und nt tho dr-mn o; a uembor will erc<;c n neat tombstono to mark hls rostlng-place, The decroo wlll not pay alok benefits or eup- nort any lilgh-salaried olncors. A good tlmo on thls eurth and curo of tho grr.yo after depnrtlng tlila llfe ls thelr motlo. Everv member Of the degreo wlll havo to bo a member of tha J. o. u. A. M, The membeia wlll give a social nftor tho meetlng Tuosday nlght. Mr. Waltor Rock is _rand oilont or the court Mutlanonl Ti-lbe of Red Men wlll hold an onon sesslon on Wednesday nlght. Tho nrogramrno includes a "mock trall," ln whloh tlm leiullng llghta of the young trlbo wlll dlsplay tholr oratory, Tho pub¬ llo is Invlted to be present, Tho trlbo, whlch is nno of tho youngest In tho city, Ib'rapldly growlng. Hev Davfil Hepburn. the new posti.v of Fulton ll-iptlst Churoh, wlll ocoupy hla nuinit for 'ho Ilrst tlme next Sunday. Hb wlll not enter upon hls duties untll October lst. Tho congregatlon aro muoh Dloaaod wlth tho aelectlon mado by thelr commlttee, and they predlot succuss for thflip naator II bls now ,fleld. nlv A A. Jo'ios wlll beoupy hls pulplt at both services to-dny ut Denny-Streot Uhf<- joh'n V. naugherty- wlll flll hla Diilnlt at tbo Apnsillo Churoh at the reg- ,\;i,a., Middenly sho became rrighl mad" «" W "<Wty, >F. Watson wna K;., l0 tlio ground; the rope became tnn_leu nr'1'11"1 nla ,eBB,i,_anjJ he W11S S*,2Sk5i somo dlstance. The farmer put ?raggioi?lHtrugglo, holding fast to tho up «r .i Buoceeaed in subdulng tho beast, but iM.i'beforo hls loft shoulder had been aiThons'^'-"e",Jury ot the ,olty *or Pay ment of gas und water bllls, located al Harrlson's drug storo, dld «. good' busl- hfls.i Friday and proved Its value to tho cotnrnunlly. Mr, Vernon'Buller, a woll ltnown young man, Is at tho Vlr/jlnla Hospltal. whore ho waa ppornWd, on Wodtiesday for np- tiendtcltls. Mr. flutlor Is dolng as nlce- y as oould be expected. The young mnn ms Just recovored from an attack of fever. Mrs. G. W. Jones, ot Norfolk, is th* BUcst of her father-ln-law, Rov. A. A, Ttr?'Joseph Llpford Is able to bo out after hls recent lllness. , ... Mlas Ella-Tnylori who hatt beoh vlsiting Mlss jennle Rogers, has roturned to hor homo ln Vnrlnn,' .... Mlss Norma Mosby ontertalnod a num¬ bor of hor frlohds ThUrsdny. nlght nt the rosldonc.e of her fnthor, Colonel Charles E. Mosby. Tho evenlng waB spent ln muslcal seloctlons, after whlch llght rofreshmentn woro sorved. .'_ Tho infant clnssos of Fultpn, Baptlst Church wero glvon a plctilc nt '/Vvavoriy. tho homo of Mr. H. L. Harrlson, on Wod- nestlay. . An important meeting of Honnco Coun¬ cll. No. 723, Royal Arcanum, wlll bo hold Thursday nlght, at Nelson's Hall, 1.1m mootlng will be tho flrst of tho fall sea¬ son auj: wlll bo Interestlng. -After busl- .noss, rofrcshments wlll bo served. Mr, Edward Barbor left thls week for Brnmbleton, Va. whero ho goes to aocopt a positlon. , . .,' A lojyn party was glven several nights thla week nt tho resltfence of Mr. Robort Poarce for the beneflt of Montroso m£h'£. C. Scott, of Amelliu la vlsiting Mrs, L. II. Komp, of Fulton Hlll. Rev. George lt. Sheriff wlll begln a serlos of revlvnl meetlngs at Fpur-Mllo Creek Baptlst Churoh. ln Varlna to-nlght. Parrlsh Rcnms. tho llttlo son of Mr, J. W. Reams, left thls week to vlslt hls sls¬ ter, Mrs. J. Claudo Elsom, at Madlson, Ml'ss Katlo Lamborf'has roturned homo after a vlslt to friends at Snow Hlll. Mr. Wllllnm McNumarn, son of tlio lato Mr. and Mrs. Cornnllus McNanwirn, of Trenton, N. J., Is tho guost of hls unclo, Mr. John F. O'Grady. Mr. MoNamara haa had tho mlsfortune to loso bcttn of hls parents In the past year Both of thom were woll known ln Fulton, whore thoy reslded somo years Ago. Mr. and MrB. Isaao Wood, Jr., havo returned from a vslt to Mrs. Wood s sls¬ ter, Mrs. Belle Rogers, at Axton, Va. Mr, Arthur C. Nolsen left to-day for Plttuburg, Pa.., to tako a speclal courso in embalmlng. A valuahle cow bolonglng to Mrs. Chas. Burkman was kllled Thursday by a C, and O. train Just below Fulton. Little Mlss Mary McCann, of Baltlmore, who haB been vlsiting her aunt, Mrs. James Bowen, has roturned homo. Mr. John Duke ls rapldly recoverlng irom a spell of typhold fever. Mlss Bessle Wells has returned from a vlslt to frlonds ln Frederlckeburg. Aldorman Lewls Wosher and family have returned to tho olty from thelr country resldence, "Slato Top,* whore they spont th© summer, Mrs, Gortlo.Hardln ls recoverlng from her recent lllness. ... . James Rlddoll, Jr., who has beon suf- ferlng with blood poisoning for sovoral weeks, ls able to bo out. Mrs. N. W. Thompson and chlldren, who have been vlsiting ln Charlottesvllle, have returned home, MrB. Fred. L. Rlce nnd chlldren havo returned home from Nag-s Head, N C., whore they spent the summer wlth rela- CoTonel Charles E, Mosby ls conflned to his resldenco on Nlcholson Stroot. Mrs. Josie Fantono has roturned from a vlslt to relatlves at Norfolk. Mr. RIchard Dowdoh,/who has been qulte slck, ls much lmr/roved. Mr. B. J. Zlmmer ls qulte slck at hls resldence at No. 3714 Lestcr Streot. Mlss Loulso Briggs leti yesterday for Farmville; where she wlll attend col- lege thls fall. _ $ fBADnrON HEICNTS. | <$<**-»<^.Mx'»4>4><4^^ Mr. Stuart Whlte lott yesterday for Roa¬ noke and Lynchburg on o pleasant trlp. Mrs. Cardwell, of Columbla. S. C, is vlsiting Mrs. N. B. Croxton. MlS Jeanette Luck, of Vlrglnla Avenue has left for Washlngton, D. C, to spend some tlmo wlth her aunt. \ Mlss Bessle Luck ha8 returned home. nfter' a vlslt to. friends ln Spotsylvanla, VMr C. R. Cullon and daughter. who aro vlsiting ln Bedford Clty, wlll return Tr! W^lfery'Gans has left for Elllcott Clty Md. to resume hls studles at tne RMIS8HW H0llHl?l. of Petersburg. ls vlsit¬ ing Mrs. Kastelburg. of Chestnut Hlll. Mrs, B. XV. Bonnett, of Washlngton, ls vlsiting Mrs. Tiller. of Brookland Park Mrs. A. W. Ball, of New York. Is vlsit¬ ing Mrs. Jones, of Moadow Brldge Road. Mrs. W. D. BecVof Loulsa. ls vlsiting Mrs. Georgo B. Carter. of Brookland Mrs W, M. Luck, who has been vlsiting her sl'stec Mrs. Blakeley, of New Jersoy, has returned home. Mlss Ada Lewls Scott has returned after a stay with friends and relatlves ln 0M?_V°P.nHaupt hM. returned homo from a trlp to Florlda. Mlss May Sharp is vlsiting frlonds ln RMlssr Jane Wooldrldge, of New York, who haa been vlsiting Mrs. George P. ¦Wllson. haa returned homo. Mlss Mary Jones, who ls vlsiting friends and relatlves In Loulsa, ls expected homo S°Mr's C, P. Duell hns returned home, after a vlslt to relatlvos in Washlngton. Rov. C, R. Kuyk. who Is vlsiting in Nottoway, has returned home. Mr. Wllllo Goyne and brothers have roturnod homo. after a vlslt to thelr oou- sins, Mr. and Mrs. James Edmunds, of Nowport News. Mr. John Toler, who has been vlsiting Mr Goorgo Palmor. of Meadow Brldgo Road. haa left for Norfolk. Mlss Graco Perkins, of Ralelgh. ls the guest of Mlss L. Smlth. Mr, Wllllnm Croxton has left for Klng William to vlslt relatlves. Mr. L. O. Boone wlll leave ln n few days fhr Klng Wllllnm to vlslt frlonds. Mr, Charles L. Jones, of Lynchburg, ls vlsiting hls wife here. . .,< Mrs. Charles R. Wllholm, of BnltU moro, ls the guest of hor rlstor, Mrs. W. B. Blount. . '.'_.¦';¦. ¦'¦'¦'' Mra. Jullus L. Gny has roturnod home. aftor a vlslt to relatlves in/ Charlottes- V Ml'ss Bonson. of Petersburg. ls vlsltlhc Mrs. Georgo E. Carter. of Brookland Mlss Tiller, of Washlngton, ls vlsiting MMl'saMaud' Tnylor, ofBnltlrrtoro. ls vls¬ iting Mrs, Georgo Cartor. of Brookland Mlss Ball, of Loulsa, Is ylsltlng Mlsa Baln. of Meadow Biidgn Road. Mrs. George XV. AVIlson, who hns beon stopping wlth Mrs. Smlth, of Wlnnsboro, S. C. ls vlsiting her father, Mr, E. J. WMrs!nYV". T. Tiller, of Lynchburg, ls tho ¦-ue-t "' Mrs. George Cartor. "Mrs, lt. W. Furthor, of North Carolina, Whiskey and Beer Habit PERMANENTLY CURED BY "ORRINE" Plivsiclans ana scleatliti tlirmiyhout tlie world'havo long sluco prououiicurt driinkouness a dlsoiiso of ili« norvous svstom, creatluif U inorbld cravlug for a stlinulant. Hy.tem* vary na to tlie liliid of driuk tluit vrlll satlsfy thls cravlnif.Bome want wlii8kcy,otliera beer, wliio, klmniel, ete, tUe uso of wlilcli wlll evoutually result lu mlnlng the health and brlngiiig oii disease, ln many cusrseiullnc lu denlli. " ORRINfi " penuaiieiitly removes tbe crav. luir for liquor, resiores tlie oryaua of ilia stomacli to thelr natural couilltlou aud li.v nro vi'B tlie appL'tlto und rllireiiliiiii. Itcoui.ii iui uo liijiirloiiarinigs of any deacrlptlon. ». ORkINU" call bo giveu wltliout tlio pulicut'a knowlrd.;,,, If deslred, 'u tea, coffee, water or milk. It re- nulrea nc >fllce or aaultarlum treatment, but run be taken atliome.We wlll rofiind tlio money if lt falls to do ull tbat ls clalmed for lt. Mr, E, T. Sluis, Jfrooklyu, N. Y., wrlteai 'Use uiy uaiuo aa artwouty-yaar druulrard ro< itnrud lo mauhood aud lieallli l>y 4 boxes of 'ORRINH.' It is a nouderful and marvelom :uro for tlio drlnk liabli." TUe nrlce of "ORRINB" U $1 por box, j boxes for**", MalleU lu ulalu.aealed wrapiwr, byOKmmt Co., S17 KtU St., N, W. Wasblug- ton, I). C. Interestliifr booklet (gealed) free ou rcijuest. Sold and recomnieudcd by POLK MIUI-ER-CHILpBEY CO., 101 Ea5t Broad, Cornar Flrst Street. POLK MILLER DRUQ OO., S34 East Maln Street uss Corscts Sludylng the Requlrements of Well Developed Figures haa resnltnd In tha prorlnotlon of Longfelo Model, style 530, Tlils ls s «at> mont of rteslgn nnd proportions auch ns nro ossontlal for flgnros of Inrge dovelop- mont. Draw tho flesh from thn abdomon to tliahlpn, wlioro It Is hold saenrelr fa grnoofnl llnos br tbo Inrjje lmlf-b«ek jroro. No unduo pressuro nnywhore, The enrred and hlm sootlons do tho work, No straps, not n lmrnosa, hut a sciontlllcally oon- .tructod oorsob, Mndo of flne Con til, ln Whlto, Drab and Black, Slzon 13 to 30.12.00. 130 Other Styles.A Sh-pe for tverj Fliure At j-our dealors, /¦".¦; is tho guost of Mrs, Cowardln. Mlss Luck, of Toxas, ls tho guest of Mlss Green, of Brookland Park. / Mlss Burton, ot New York. ls visitlng Mrs, Coffoy, of Brookland Park. Mr, Kimball -Moores, who la visitlng relatlves ln Oldham. wlll roUirn homo thls woelc. Mr, Edgar Rose has returned from a trlp to Klng Wllllam. Messrs. Wllllam and Rlchard Qlbbs. of Bedford Clty, is the guest ot Mr. W. T. Coalter. of Brookland Park, Mrs. Earle Qlbbs and chlldren, of Dur¬ ham, N. C, are spendlng tho week wlth Mrs, W. T. Coalter. Mr. Wllllam Hogan, of Bedford Clty, is the guest of Mr. W. T. Coaltor, The C. M. A. Club met at the homo of Mr. Overton Woodwards yesterday. Those preHent woro: Vlrglnlus Croxton.. Evuns Davlson, Buford Rose, Robert Kldwell and Overton Woodward. Mr. Charles Parsona, ot Loulsa, la the guest of Mr. John Jones, Sestnutjfci'tl and JtyhlandPark The regular meetlng of the Sunday- Bchool aopletles of Rlchmond wlll bo held at HIghland Park Church thls afternoon ai half-past 3 o'clock. An interestlng programme has beon arranged. Congress¬ man John Lamb wlll address tha meet¬ lng. Mr. Holladay. of Charlottesvlllo, has been visitlng Mr. Horace Baker. of Fourth Avenuo. Miss Roxle Skllos has returned to her home Jn Manchester. after a plensant .vlslt to her cousin. Mra. E, T, Long, of Thlrd Avenuo. Usual Sunday morning services at MIs- pah Presbyterlan Church to-day nt 11 o'clock A. M., conducted by pastor. Rov. D. -K.-"Walthall. Sunday-school at 9:30 A. M. Mlss Ellle Noel has returned to hor home ln Bon Alr, nfter n short vlslt to Mrs. Charles Eubank, of Second Ave¬ nue. Tho rosldents of Northsldo are arlad to seo now rails and tleB, whlch soon will bo placed around tho loop to tho former termlnus, Mrs. Wlrt Quarlos and son, Rufus, of Thlrd Avenuo. have returned homo, after spendlng several woeka with relatlvs in Baltlmore. Mr. Smlth. of Rlchmond, haa movod Into hls new rosldenco on Fourth Avenuo. Mlss Louise Austln, of Tlhrd Avenue, has returned homo, nfter spendlng sev- oral days wlth Miss Lillle and Fannlo Gray. of Hanover county. Regular Sunday morning services wlll bo held nt HIghland Park Mothodlst Church at 31 o'clock A. M. On account of tho meetlng in the evening thore wlll bo no ovenlng sorvices. Mr. J. E. Austln. of Thlrd Avenuo, loft Thursdny to accept a posltlon In Roa- Miss Bossio 'Holladay. of Charlottea- vllle, was tho guest last weok of Mlss Delia Bakor. of Fourth Avenue. Master Eddle Benl spent last weok wlth hla cousin, Master Clarence Austln, of Thlrd Avenue. Mlss Llzzie Tylor has been visitlng rela¬ tlves on tho "Hill." Mlss Suo Todd, of Fourth Avenuo, hna roturnod homo, after spendlng several woeka wlth relatlves ln Hanovor coun¬ ty. After undorgolng many repnlra, HIgh¬ land Park achool wlll be openod. Mon¬ day, the lltih; wlth Miss Ellzabeth Quln- bv as principal, and Mlsses Mary Pomlior- ton. Mattle Hanes, Rena Carleton and Mary Duncanson as asslstants, The pastor, Rev. A. Osburn, will con- duct services at Beulah Prosbytorlan Church thls afternoon at 3:30 P. M. Mr. Alllo Roberts Is very 111 wlth ty¬ phold fever o.nd blood poisonlng. Mt. Bernnrd Bendlea ls dolng ns well as can be expected. Mrs. 11. Osburn, of Cold Hurbor Ceme- tory, ls on a vlslt to hor mother near Seven Plnea, ¦¦ /, Mr. Robert Jooklna Is Htlll Improvlng. Tlie picnlc given for Bothleliom Pros- byterlnn Church ln thn grove of Mr. John Tomlln. nonr tho Pnmuukoy Rlver, wns enjoyed by nll. loe-cream wns aeryed after the game of ball wna playod. Tho old ohurch todm waa tho winner. Mr. Frank Blount, ot Rlchmond, vlslt¬ ed Galnes' Mlll battlotlelda aud Cold Hur¬ bor Cenieterv durlng tho paat week, Mr nnd Mra. A, Jonklns, of Itlchmond, hnvo beon visitlng hla mothnr recently. Mra. Miller, of Mondow Farm, who has been absont aovor.-il months, la expeoted Homo In tho noar future, Mrs. .At. C. Martin la visitlng hor daugh- tor nnd Mra. M. J. Bryant ln Rloh¬ mond. , , , MothlGhom Churoh ls muoh Improved nnd la very pretty nnd attractlve slnee tho addltion lo It hns beon mnde. Mr, nnd Mrs. Hoshor have been eponumg tlio pnst weok wlth the latter's paronta nnd nttondlng tho protracted meetlng at Hlack C'rook Churoh. Mrs. Floronee Campbell and husband has returned to Rlohmond aftor a atay of a fow weeks lu Hutiovor, Mlas Jesslo Wlngo haa roturnod hnme aftor a vlslt to relatlvoa and frlends ln Albemarle county, Wodnesday Mr. and Mrs. Orant Frank¬ lln gavo a birthday party In honor of 'tlielr daughter, Mlas IMuud Franklln. Manv young peoplo enjoyed tho ppcaslon, A dellghtful roceptlon wna given.TJiurs- duy evening by Mr. und Mra. WuTianis at Arllngton HelghtB, tholr homo, In luin- or of their nlooo of Phlladelphla, Mlss Mnyboll Belmont. Muslo and rofroah- monts lont much to the oujoynioiit oT tho evening. Among tbo features of the ooeaalon wero tbo t-harmlng solos by Mlasea PavJs nud Tront, and the plens¬ ant rejidltlou of rng-tlme muslo by Mr. Riiglln und Mrs. Preston. Among those piosont woro: Alllo and Bt ¦} Fos or, IJl- Ilo Tyler, Ora Uuglund. Nellie uiidl/ijte Smlth, Mary nnd l,ufa Carter, Fstmlo Cary. Sallle Clruy last, but nut lonat; MAib Mnyboll Belmont, Jamos luistor, Lulher Tyler John and Wlllle Westmun, Hurry Carter, Mr. Ragland aud Mr. Preston and Mr and Mra. Burnard Wllliams. BLUEFIELD IS FULL OF RATS /ilore There Than In Any Other Portlon of West Virglnia. (Speclal to The Times-Dlspatch.) BLUEF]ELDj_W. VA., September 12.-t The Industrlal situation in thls eeotion ls at anMnterestlng stage at present It waa thought whon the Norfolk and Western Rallroad Issued orders some tlme ago dlscontinulng work on the varlous double tracklng contraots between Radfowl and Kenovn that a general euspenslon bt nearly nll kinds of work would promptly; ensuo, but such has not beon the case. All the laborers who wore thrown out of omployment along the maln Une were ea- gerly gathered up by the contractors on tho varlous branch roads of tho Norfolk nnd Wostern E'yntem, whlch work wns not affoatad by tho cessatlon of Improre* rr.ents along the maln llno. Theift aro, probably moro men at work now "(rt thls Immedlate vlclulty than ever bo'for-j. The gradlng of new rnHrouds, the bullcftng of new towns, the rapld growth of the 014 ones, together wlth the progperous condi¬ tlon and heavy output of the coal Jlelds, nll contrlbuto to tlie Interests of labor and tho genoral welfare of us all. Over flvo hundred new housei' have b«e_ erectod ln thla clty alone slnce enrly sprlng, and fully one-third that number nre now olthor under way or projectsd, Bluedold Is growing As It never has be¬ foro, and Its future seems brlght all the wny through. A street car llne wlll In the near futuro connect thls place wlth Gri»- hnm, Va,, a. Ilvely little town four mlle§- west, nnd In duo course of events.-, lt chartors and other preparatlons count, the llno wlll bo extended to Hlnton, on the Chesapenko and Ohlo Rallroad. There aro probably moro rats ln Bl_e- Ilold than any othor clty Its sUo ln West Virglnia, nnd durlng tho progress of the work of toaring up the old sldewalks. prepnratory to puttlng down new ancl better ones, a pecullar state of alfmtra waa found to exlst. In many places tha mls- chlevous llttlo roiionts had, worklng from the collars, hurrowed holes under1 tha sldownlks ln mnny placea to suoh huge proportlons ns to make the walkw dan- gerous to llfo nnd llmb. Thoy appear te be nlmost f_^rless, nnd frequently show thelr foroclly by defendlng the onslaughta mado upon them by wouid-be rat etcter- mlnators, Church of Holy Comforter. There wlll bo holy commimlon at tha Church of the Holy Comforter at 11 X, M. Rev. John H. Dlcklnson will preach at 11 A. M. and 5 P, M, Belng vegetable, Sutln Skin Creaa| does not ouuse or promote halr growtli, li'a skin food.nourlshes away wdnklea, 26c. Miller & Rhoads. CASTORIA For Infant« and Children. The Kind You Have Always Botfftt Hoats the Siguutwo msB

RZINACH Tiillimry Opening!...Mr. Wesley Pollard, who had hls shoul-der-blade fractured whlle playlng wlth a compamon, Is able to be out on tho * Mrs. W, J. Warrlner left Tuesday for

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Page 1: RZINACH Tiillimry Opening!...Mr. Wesley Pollard, who had hls shoul-der-blade fractured whlle playlng wlth a compamon, Is able to be out on tho * Mrs. W, J. Warrlner left Tuesday for

RZINACH.....Tall Tiillimry

Opening!Thursday andTriday.September 17th and 18th.

Srour inspoction is solici'tect.

lHe Neip Store,427 East Broad (next to Fourqurean, Temple & Co.)

ETY,(Contlnued From Slxth Page.)

i.....many friends and glven enilre satlsfac-tion. ."

In sddltlan to MIsb Powell's reoog-nlied muslcal abillty, she ls a charmlngand attractive young lady, rtnd enjoysa wide personal ncqunlntanco ln thls hernatlve clty. . .,-,,...-r

. * *

Mlss Erle Caldwell haa gone lo Co¬lumbla, S. C to act a* mald of honorat tho "moTrTlage of her cousln, MlssBrookmnnn to Mr. Lamar Ferguson.On September 17th, Mlss Caldwell wlll

go to Charlotte, N. C, to rosurno herpoBltlon as teachor in the Ellzabeth Col-lege.

. « .

Mrs. Mebnn Hobson, of Blrmlngham,"Ala., who has boen spendlng somo tlmoat the Cold Sulphur, in now vlsiting MlssTutwllcr. of No. 2731 Floyd Avenue.

Mrs. Charles W. Selden nnd fnmlly whohnve been «pendlpg the summer monthsat Goshen, Va., havo -returned to thqlrhome. No. 10 West Maln Street. R

Mlss Jean Bayly Knox. who has beonapendbig the summer. nt her countryhome. has gone to New York clty for themonth of September.

Sentaor and Mrs. W. H. Hale, son nndmald are at the Roanoke Hotol, Roanoko,Va., whro they wlll remnln Borae tlme.Mrs. Hale has been spendlng tho sumrarcrat Rndford, Va. and as her'Rlchmondfriends wlll be pleased to know has re-

galned hr usual health and strength. Shewlll be ln Rlchmond noxt month for the

-Jttorse Show.. ". ,.

.-, Mrs. Junlus B; Mosby ls expected toreturn to Rlchmonil early thls week fromHaddon Hall, Atlnntle Clty, Where she-

has been spendlng several weeks. She wlll

go to the Mecklenburg Hotel Chase Clty,for the latter part of September.

* * *

Mrs. Samuel Rcgester, who has spontthe summer at Atlantlc Clty, and lateratPatapsco Helghts, Western Maryland, ha«returned to tho clty, i> x

» .« .

Mrs. D. V. Prossor, wlth her twodaughters, Mlsses Marlo and Effle, are atChase Clty. '...'..:

. . «> !.

MIbs Nora C^ Phllllps nnd her brothor,I/mgan, have returned to the clty after a

pleasant ,vlalt_,to friends ln Lexlngtonand Parls, Ky.. nnd Clnclnnatl. O.

. . .

Dr E K. Gold, Mrs. Gold and thelrflaug'hter, Katle Lee, accompanled by MlssHeath Mackle,, aro In Rlchmond, afteri^,dellghtful slx weeks* vlslt to friends Tnthe country. -.".;'

Mr and Mrs. N. F. Jacobs are at hometo thelr friends, at No. 318 East ClayBtreet, ... ,

\ l>Mrs. J. B. Noryell and Httle son, are

spendlng some .time at "Cherlcoke," thebeautiful homo pf her slster, Mrs. 3. Her-bert Montague, Ifv Klng Wllllnm countr.

* . . .

Mrs. C. L. Ford, b'f No. .601 West.GraceBtreet, wlll return from New York to-

t*' . . *

Mrs. XV. H. Oordon, of No,""l0fl EsstClay Street, left Saturday for New Yorkolty.Mrs. Rlohard M\ Anderson and little

daughter, Jullet, hnve returned to thedty. after an extended vlslt to friends

In Brldgeport, Conn., Hempstead, L. I.,New York and Rehoboth Beach, Del.

. . .

A dellghtful salllng party waa givenlast Wednesday nlght by the Mlsses Grlf-flth to a party of riends, on the swiit-

^ It waa chapcr-'Grlfflth Rouatree.going launch Vlrglnla.

oned by Mrs. Mlnnie '<

Mr. A. F, Bagby, bf tappah&nnock,was tn the city yesterday on her wayto vlslt her son, tho Rev. Rlchard Bagby,and to meet Dr. Bathurst Bagby, who hasbeen in New Mexlco for some months.

. . .

Miss Eloanor Stelnbrecher haa returnedhome, after a four weeks* vlslt to Bal¬tlmore, Elllcolt Clty, Annapolls, Md., andAtlantlo Clty. New Jersey.

. ? .

MIsb Loulse Schultz returned homo lastweek, after "a month's vlslt with relatlvesand frlends In Gloucester county,

. . .

Miss Nora Eavlduon, of Church Hill,Falled yesterday on the Old Domlnlonsteamer Prlncess Anne to New York,to vlslt her brother, Mr. C. M. Davtdson,of Newburgh, N, Y.

. . .

M^s.' John D. Potts and Master JohnD. Potts, Jr., of Clnclnnatl, O., are theguests tn Rlchmond of Mrs.-C. O.'B.Cowardtn.

¦» . . .

Mrs. Ada 8. Meredlth and Mr. GeorgeM. Cole were marrled Monday, Septem¬ber 7th, In the parlor of the Rev. W.\3.Beauchamp.

. . .

Mrs. Annle L. Davls left for a vlslt toPetersburg yesterday. ... »t, ;;

...¦,-. ...

Mlas Lllllan Ford. of Aulton Place, Nor¬folk, is the guest of her friend, MlssDrake, at No, 602 Reservolr Street.

¦ . .

Mrs. Wllllam Bldgood, of Mobile, Ala.,vlio l,is spont the summer at Blue RldgoSprlnga, ls. now the guest of her slster,Mrs. Elbert G. Walthall on Grove Avo.

. * .

Mr. C. M. Garrett has returned froma very pleasant vlslt of a week wlthhls parents'ln Prince Edward county.

.> . . .. .

Dr. :J. MilWhltfleld has>moved his labo-ratory to hls new home, No. 206 EastGrace Street. '.', n

*&atrmountVfowsiooococococ<xxx>doccoocoooo6Rev.. J. O. Babcock wlll preach at both

services to-day nt Falrmount MethodlstChurch, The morning aubject wlll be"A Wonderful Book;" nlght, "Bhamgar'sOxgood."Mlsses Llzzla and Ellen Martin, of

Hanover county, are visitlng thelr cous-in, Miss Mable Pollard, at No. "1208 TWen-tleth Street.Mrs. Nettle Bunch, of Washlngton, who

has been visitlng Mrs. Henry Pollard, hasleft for home. ,

Mrs, R. C. Thompson la qulte slck ather resldence on Twenty-flrst Street.Mrs. J. T. Nuokols haB left for White

Hall, Bucklngham county, to attend theblg protracted meetlng now In progressthere;Mra. Maude Harrls Ib very much im¬

proved.Mr. W. T. Johnson and famlly have

returned from Southampton county,where they vislted Mr. Johnson's father.Mr. Wlllle Oxenham contemplates build¬

lng two houses on hla lot next to hls homeon Twenty-thlrd Streot.Mr. Howard Harrls. who was.severely




We Can't Talk Too Much_____..._..., ..


About Boys' School SuitsNo, and we can't talk too loud when you can make tha moueythat baroly buys one suit elsewhere get two suits of the saraekind here. Wo thiuk it should be proolaimGd from the housetops,


It is not necessary to give detail and we -will only say theyare all wool and perfectly tailored.

A Good Serviceable AlKWool Suit...,,. $M8A Little Better AILWool Suit.?»&. $2'48An AH»Wool Suit flne enough to wear

anywhere.><.». $3.4o

hurt by falllng from a scaffold severaldays ago, ls reported ai dolng as wellas can be expected.Mrs. Aubrey Enos and chlldren, Ry-

land and Adol, loft yesterday for Sur¬ry county to vlslt relatlves for several

Master John Gary has returned homefrom Goochtand county. Mrs. S. A. Garyand Marle nnd Mack wlll return thls

Mlss T. A. Taylor ta vlsiting Mrs. Cpr-ter, of Barton Helghts.ATr. Whltemorc, who has been dolng

buslness on TWentleth Stroet, has soldout to the Dementl Company, grocers, onShort P Strdet.Rev, Dr. Hannon, of Unlon Statlon

Church, wlll lecture at East-End Bap¬tlst Church noxt Thursday nlght, Sept.17th, on "Dynamlte."Little Lucilo Ledman ls qulte Indlsposed

at her parents' homo, at No. 1117 Twen-ty-thlrd Street, slnce her return-homo.Mrs. George Troxler left Friday for

"Hewlett's," Hanover county, to vlslt re¬latlves and friends for two weeks.Louis Garnett has left forSeven Plnes,

where he will spend some tlme withthe family of Mr. Tiller.Mrs. Archer Douglass ls very much ln-

dlspoBed at her home on Short Q andTwenty-flrst Streets.Mrs. Lona Bradley Hawks ls now much

improved and Is able to take short drlvos.Mlsses OUve and Flagg Mitchell have

returned from a^wo-weeks' stay at "Sum¬mer Rest." They also vlslted friends atDoswell, Hanover county..Mlss .Loulse Lawrence, who has beenspendlng some tlme ln Amherst county,has returned home. ..... »,Mra. James AtkinBoh has returned from

Henrlco county. whore she spenfsomotlme vlsiting relatlves.Mr. and Mrs. J. Lonnie Mitchell have

returned from Whlte Hall, whero theyhave been attendlng the blg meetlngsgolng on at that place.Mrs. Harry Hall and chlldren have

returned home from a pleasant vlslt torelatlves In Powhatan county.Mr. Garnett Dunn, who was opernted

on for appendicitis at the Vlrglnla Hos¬pltal last week, ls gettlng on very nlce-iy, nnd hopes soon to be able to slt up.Mrs. Thomas Morris has returned from

Roanoke, where she spent several weeksdurlng the summer months.Mrs. D. Cooper is spendlng some, time

ln the mountains. She wlll ,also. vlsltfriends ln Phlladelphla before returnnghome. Mlsses Allce, Agnes and LorettaCooper ara staylng wlth Mrs. Mary Loreon Twenty-flrst Street for a short tlme.Mr. W. S. Fldler ls conflned to hls

home wlth rhoumatism.Miss Clyde an! Mamlo Durvln have

returned home from Loulsa county, wherethey spent several weeks.Alr. Arthur Medlen, who had hls shoul-

der qulto badly hurt last week whlleat work at the Locomotlvo Works, lsreported as gettlng on very nlcely.Mlsses Bessie and Mona Locker, of

Loulsa county, have accepted posltions lnRlchmond, and are stopplng at the Wo-man's Chrlstlan Assoclatlon.Mrs. Swann and daughter, Gertrude,

who have been vlsiting Mr. Charlle.Pol-.lard, :have left for Newport News,,.,.Little Miss Alma Albertson,. who -has

been spendlng some tlme wlth relajuvesat Brookland Park, has returned, accom-'panled by her grandmother. Mrs. L. A.Eaton, who will spend some tlme wlthMrs. Albertson. ,

Revival services wlll begln at FalrmountMethodlst Church the fourth Sunday lnthls month. The pastor wlll bo aflslstedby Rev. Mr. Gutfirie, of SeVen Plnes.Mlss Bettle Johnson, of Southampton

county, ls vlsiting her brother, Mr. W. T.Johnson. on Twenty-flrst Street.Mlss Tlsdale ls the guest of Mrs. Ro-

berta Jeter on the avenue.Mr. C. M. Green, who has been vlsiting

hls father at Wakefleld, Va., has returnedhome. _'.;,Mlsses C. E. and E. B. Pollard were

tho guests of thelr aunt, Mrs. A. N. Pol¬lard durlng tho week. ,','¦¦'¦__Mrs. Georgo Knlght ls qulte slck at hor

home on Twentleth Street.Mrs. Carrie. Cobb vlslted her frlend,

Mrs. Nollson, ln Fulton last week.Mr. Thomas H. Pollard wlll move from

the country. on the 16th, and wlll ocoupyNo. 2204 Falrmount Avenue.Mrs. Hlgglnbotham has returned from

a pleasant vlslt to her old homo ln Am¬herst county.Mr. Wesley Pollard, who had hls shoul-

der-blade fractured whlle playlng wlth a

compamon, Is able to be out on tho*Mrs. W, J. Warrlner left Tuesday for

Buena Vlsta to vlslt her slster, Mrs. XV.T. O'Nell. < ,

Rev. Joel T. Tucker, who has been lnBucklngham county vlsiting relatlves andasslstlng ln protracted meetlngs, returnedhome yesterday,Mr. and Mrs. S. U Ledman have re-

turned home from Accagone, where thoywore suramoned on aooount of the deathof a brother cf Mr. Ledman.Mlsses Florence Holland and Aunle Rob¬

inson have returned home from a do-llghtful vlslt through the mountalna ofVlntlnla. They were «ilso among theguests of a dellghtful camplng party atMountaln Lake for a week,A dellghtful ovening wns spent Thurs¬

day at the resldence of Mr. C, N. Schaaf,or Twenty-flfth Street, when qulte acrowd of young folks gathered to enjoywatermelc<n. Parlor games nnd muslo.both Instrumental and vocal, was Indulgedln untll n lato hour, when melons, largeand small, round and long, wlth greenrlnds and rod meat |were served, afterwhlch games were agaln resumed untllthe small hours of the mornlng.Among those present were: Mr, and

Mrs. C. N. Sclinaf Mr. and Mr,s. Dlcker-son, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Haynes, Mrs,J, W. Haynes, Mlsses Iva Bohaaf, KateSavago Ethel Schaaf, Elvlo Maloney,Beeale Schaaf, Brlght Eubank, Mary Ma¬loney. Annie McCurdv, Susle Lowe, Ma¬mlo Smlth, Mamle Shelton, Ida Haynesand Mlss Blanoh Haynes; tlie gentlemennresent woro: Messrs. Lnrnost Bohanf,Arthur Medlen. John Garaboidoj^EarnestMaloney. Jamea Cirow, Wlll*ro~Balley,Charlle Klng, Earnest Smlth, Mr. Peni-berton and Mr. Jaokson, ond many oth-ers, ,

.«$_^><^$><^$>4'4>4><H^^Moetlngs begln at Hiffhland Bprlngr

Methodlst Eplacopal Church to-day at 11A, M, and S P. M. and eaqh nlght durlngtho week ut 8 o'clock. The pastor wmbo asBlsted at those meetlngs by the Rov,J. XV, Flaer, of Rlohmond. Mr. FIzer hadbeen heard here, and needs no word ofrecornmendatlon, as hla preaohlng ap.poaled to the peoplo.Rev. lt: H. Bonnett, presldlng ojder

of thls dlstrlct, wlll preach at the M, e.

Church on lho fourth Sunday at Bi30 P.M. At thls Bervlce holy communton wlllbe admlnlateredThore was a well-attended meetlng Fri¬

day evoning at Llbrary Hall of trusteesand numbers of the Flrat UnltarlonChuroh, when a few changoa lor aervioosIn the future at the church were notodand agroed upon.Wodnesday evening a largo party waa

entertalnod at "Tuckahoo." The younghoBtess, Miss _uiz&both Jordan, enter¬tained her guests ln a manner that amatron of large experlence mlght onvy.The merry party spent most pleasantlythe evening ln games, social and Instru-mental members' being heartlly enjoyedand applauded. Mrs. Blankingshtp, MissJordan's aunt, ohaperonod tho party,among whom were: Mlsses Ruth AtkLn-son, Ina Lou Kldd Tllllo Turner, JaneKidd, Mlss Jennie Hudglns, Bessle Hudg-1ns, Ellzabeth Jordan; Messrs. Harry Ad-klnson, Andrew Atklnson, Waylnnd Klddand Wllllam Jordan.Thursday evening the Mlsses Ruth and

Lella Atklnson entertained a large partyof frlends in thelr usual dellghtful man¬ner. There wero a number ot gueata fromRlchmond and other loeatlons. A mualcalrecltal, embraclng piano, vlolin, mandollnand vocal BeleotlonB, waa arranged forthelr ploasure, and was given ln a credlt-ablo manner to thoso who partlclpated.The evening'a pleasure8 were olosed byan Invltatlons to the dlnlng hall, where,to the tune of a grand maroh, the guestswended thelr way, and thero found abeautifully arranged table, handsomelydecorated with cholce flowcrs and fruita,and where was dispatched lce-cream. andIces,. and other dellciouB products of thoseason, ',", j

Mrs. W. J. AOtlnson, Mlsa Janle Hudg¬lns, of HIghland Sprlngs, chaperoned theparty. .'.Mlss De Wolf and slster, Mrs. Mc-

Donald, returned to thelr home,_ Falr-vlew, on Thuraday, after an cxtendodvlslt to Phlladelphla and other northerncltles much better for thelr seaaon's out-Ing.Mr. and Mra. B. S. Read, of the Manor

Houae, have returned home from a verypleasant vlslt,Mrs. H. L. Vlnal and Mlss Nellie Vlnal,

of "Vlnehaven," have also returned ftoma trlp to the country,Mrs. Danlel Smlth and Mrs. Hubert, of

the Tower House, spont Thursday eve¬ning at a house party by invltatlon offrlends,'1 havlng' Just taken possesalon ofthelr new and elegant home nt HomePlace, Rlchmond.Mlss Emma McEvoy, the Mlsses Lella

and Cecllla McEvoy, of Rlchraonu, spentWednesday wlth frlends at Lynnhurst.

* i<^tr®&&$&S&$>&S>^^Mr. Arthur C. Nelsen, a well known

young business man of Fulton, Is cllmb-Ing the, ladder of success step by step.Mr, Nolsen. who is one of the youngestbusiness men ln this section, is havlnga harwlsome two-story undertaklng andembalmlng eaiabllshment erected at thocorner of Fulton and State Streets, ,Thebuildlng wlll be of brlck, 23x90 feet. 'Thestoro wlll be of the latest Improvemontand will contain every modern feature.The plans aro drawn from the parlors ofa large undertaker ln the West, Thebuildlng will bo completed and ready foroccupancy on tho 16th of Ootobor.Mr. Nelsen entared business, after leav¬

lng school, with his fathor, and by closeattention to business, connected wlth his

Eopularlty, ho haa sucoeeded. When hoecame of ngo several years ago, hls

father admitted him to the flrm, and nowho branohes out to hlmself wlth a brlghtfuture beforo hlm,A pecullar accldent happoned to Mr.

Ernest Whltlook. a well known youngman of Fulton, Thursday afternoon at hlarealden«_ on Lowls Street, Mr. Whit-lock has been ln 111 health for aevoralmonths and hna only been out of beda fow dnys. Xie was seatecl on the backporch of his rcsidenco when his father'scow whlch had beon frightened, daahodud tho yard, nt a rapld rate. and wasfast approachlng an opon well, Ho re-cognl-ed tho danger of the cow, and, withhls llttlo strength, attompted to driveher In another dlrectlon. In hls attemptho fell and sustalned painful injurles, butsaved tho cow from death.The members of the Orlentnl dogroo of

Patrlck Henry Councll, No. 12, J, 0. U. A.M., wlll moei Tuosday nlght at Nelaen'aHal] for permanent organlzatlon. Thedegree ls a Beparate feature from thoworklngs of tbo order, but composed dfmembers oxclualvely of the ordar wbohave boiuled tbomselves togethor for ao-olal beneflt Tbo degree haa been ln ex-Istenco for about a yoar, and havo beenholding thelr sesslon after the acljoum-ment of the councll, nnd has u largememibershlp. Tho members propdse to es-tnblleh a pormanont organlzatlon andhave a separate meetlng nlght. Thoy wlllhnve a »oola'i after oaoli meetlng, und nttho dr-mn o; a uembor will erc<;c n neattombstono to mark hls rostlng-place, Thedecroo wlll not pay alok benefits or eup-nort any lilgh-salaried olncors. A goodtlmo on thls eurth and curo of tho grr.yoafter depnrtlng tlila llfe ls thelr motlo.Everv member Of the degreo wlll havoto bo a member of tha J. o. u. A. M,The membeia wlll give a social nftor tho

meetlng Tuosday nlght. Mr. Waltor Rockis _rand oilont or the courtMutlanonl Ti-lbe of Red Men wlll hold

an onon sesslon on Wednesday nlght. Thonrogramrno includes a "mock trall," lnwhloh tlm leiullng llghta of the youngtrlbo wlll dlsplay tholr oratory, Tho pub¬llo is Invlted to be present, Tho trlbo,whlch is nno of tho youngest In tho city,Ib'rapldly growlng.Hev Davfil Hepburn. the new posti.v

of Fulton ll-iptlst Churoh, wlll ocoupy hlanuinit for 'ho Ilrst tlme next Sunday.Hb wlll not enter upon hls duties untllOctober lst. Tho congregatlon aro muohDloaaod wlth tho aelectlon mado by thelrcommlttee, and they predlot succuss forthflip naator II bls now ,fleld.nlv A A. Jo'ios wlll beoupy hls pulpltat both services to-dny ut Denny-StreotUhf<- joh'n V. naugherty- wlll flll hlaDiilnlt at tbo Apnsillo Churoh at the reg-

,\;i,a., Middenly sho became rrighlmad" «" W "<Wty, >F. Watson wnaK;., l0 tlio ground; the rope becametnn_leu nr'1'11"1 nla ,eBB,i,_anjJ he W11SS*,2Sk5i somo dlstance. The farmer put?raggioi?lHtrugglo, holding fast to thoup

«r .i Buoceeaed in subdulng tho beast,but iM.i'beforo hls loft shoulder had been

aiThons'^'-"e",Jury ot the ,olty *or Pay

ment of gas und water bllls, located alHarrlson's drug storo, dld «. good' busl-hfls.i Friday and proved Its value to thocotnrnunlly.Mr, Vernon'Buller, a woll ltnown young

man, Is at tho Vlr/jlnla Hospltal. whoreho waa ppornWd, on Wodtiesday for np-tiendtcltls. Mr. flutlor Is dolng as nlce-y as oould be expected. The young mnnms Just recovored from an attack offever.Mrs. G. W. Jones, ot Norfolk, is th*

BUcst of her father-ln-law, Rov. A. A,

Ttr?'Joseph Llpford Is able to bo outafter hls recent lllness. , ...

Mlas Ella-Tnylori who hatt beoh vlsitingMlss jennle Rogers, has roturned to horhomo ln Vnrlnn,' ....Mlss Norma Mosby ontertalnod a num¬bor of hor frlohds ThUrsdny. nlght ntthe rosldonc.e of her fnthor, ColonelCharles E. Mosby. Tho evenlng waB spentln muslcal seloctlons, after whlch llghtrofreshmentn woro sorved. .'_Tho infant clnssos of Fultpn, Baptlst

Church wero glvon a plctilc nt '/Vvavoriy.tho homo of Mr. H. L. Harrlson, on Wod-nestlay. .

An important meeting of Honnco Coun¬cll. No. 723, Royal Arcanum, wlll bo holdThursday nlght, at Nelson's Hall, 1.1mmootlng will be tho flrst of tho fall sea¬son auj: wlll bo Interestlng. -After busl-.noss, rofrcshments wlll bo served.

Mr, Edward Barbor left thls week forBrnmbleton, Va. whero ho goes to aocopta positlon. , . .,'A lojyn party was glven several nights

thla week nt tho resltfence of Mr. RobortPoarce for the beneflt of Montroso

m£h'£. C. Scott, of Amelliu la vlsitingMrs, L. II. Komp, of Fulton Hlll.Rev. George lt. Sheriff wlll begln a

serlos of revlvnl meetlngs at Fpur-MlloCreek Baptlst Churoh. ln Varlna to-nlght.Parrlsh Rcnms. tho llttlo son of Mr, J.

W. Reams, left thls week to vlslt hls sls¬ter, Mrs. J. Claudo Elsom, at Madlson,

Ml'ss Katlo Lamborf'has roturned homoafter a vlslt to friends at Snow Hlll.Mr. Wllllnm McNumarn, son of tlio lato

Mr. and Mrs. Cornnllus McNanwirn, ofTrenton, N. J., Is tho guost of hls unclo,Mr. John F. O'Grady. Mr. MoNamarahaa had tho mlsfortune to loso bcttn ofhls parents In the past year Both of thomwere woll known ln Fulton, whore thoyreslded somo years Ago.Mr. and MrB. Isaao Wood, Jr., havo

returned from a vslt to Mrs. Wood s sls¬ter, Mrs. Belle Rogers, at Axton, Va.Mr, Arthur C. Nolsen left to-day for

Plttuburg, Pa.., to tako a speclal coursoin embalmlng.A valuahle cow bolonglng to Mrs. Chas.

Burkman was kllled Thursday by a C,and O. train Just below Fulton.Little Mlss Mary McCann, of Baltlmore,

who haB been vlsiting her aunt, Mrs.James Bowen, has roturned homo.

Mr. John Duke ls rapldly recoverlngirom a spell of typhold fever.Mlss Bessle Wells has returned from

a vlslt to frlonds ln Frederlckeburg.Aldorman Lewls Wosher and family

have returned to tho olty from thelrcountry resldence, "Slato Top,* whorethey spont th© summer,Mrs, Gortlo.Hardln ls recoverlng from

her recent lllness. ....

James Rlddoll, Jr., who has beon suf-ferlng with blood poisoning for sovoralweeks, ls able to bo out.Mrs. N. W. Thompson and chlldren,

who have been vlsiting ln Charlottesvllle,have returned home,MrB. Fred. L. Rlce nnd chlldren havo

returned home from Nag-s Head, N C.,whore they spent the summer wlth rela-

CoTonel Charles E, Mosby ls conflnedto his resldenco on Nlcholson Stroot.Mrs. Josie Fantono has roturned from

a vlslt to relatlves at Norfolk.Mr. RIchard Dowdoh,/who has been

qulte slck, ls much lmr/roved.Mr. B. J. Zlmmer ls qulte slck at hls

resldence at No. 3714 Lestcr Streot.Mlss Loulso Briggs leti yesterday for

Farmville; where she wlll attend col-lege thls fall.


$ fBADnrON HEICNTS. |<$<**-»<^.Mx'»4>4><4^^Mr. Stuart Whlte lott yesterday for Roa¬

noke and Lynchburg on o pleasant trlp.Mrs. Cardwell, of Columbla. S. C, is

vlsiting Mrs. N. B. Croxton.MlS Jeanette Luck, of Vlrglnla Avenue

has left for Washlngton, D. C, to spendsome tlmo wlth her aunt. \Mlss Bessle Luck ha8 returned home.

nfter' a vlslt to. friends ln Spotsylvanla,VMr C. R. Cullon and daughter. whoaro vlsiting ln Bedford Clty, wlll return

Tr! W^lfery'Gans has left for ElllcottClty Md. to resume hls studles at tne

RMIS8HW H0llHl?l. of Petersburg. ls vlsit¬ing Mrs. Kastelburg. of Chestnut Hlll.Mrs, B. XV. Bonnett, of Washlngton, ls

vlsiting Mrs. Tiller. of Brookland ParkMrs. A. W. Ball, of New York. Is vlsit¬

ing Mrs. Jones, of Moadow Brldge Road.Mrs. W. D. BecVof Loulsa. ls vlsiting

Mrs. Georgo B. Carter. of Brookland

Mrs W, M. Luck, who has been vlsitingher sl'stec Mrs. Blakeley, of New Jersoy,has returned home.Mlss Ada Lewls Scott has returned after

a stay with friends and relatlves ln

0M?_V°P.nHaupt hM. returned homofrom a trlp to Florlda.Mlss May Sharp is vlsiting frlonds ln

RMlssr Jane Wooldrldge, of New York,who haa been vlsiting Mrs. George P.¦Wllson. haa returned homo.Mlss Mary Jones, who ls vlsiting friends

and relatlves In Loulsa, ls expected homo

S°Mr's C, P. Duell hns returned home,after a vlslt to relatlvos in Washlngton.Rov. C, R. Kuyk. who Is vlsiting in

Nottoway, has returned home.Mr. Wllllo Goyne and brothers have

roturnod homo. after a vlslt to thelr oou-

sins, Mr. and Mrs. James Edmunds, ofNowport News.Mr. John Toler, who has been vlsiting

Mr Goorgo Palmor. of Meadow BrldgoRoad. haa left for Norfolk.Mlss Graco Perkins, of Ralelgh. ls the

guest of Mlss L. Smlth.Mr, Wllllnm Croxton has left for Klng

William to vlslt relatlves.Mr. L. O. Boone wlll leave ln n few

days fhr Klng Wllllnm to vlslt frlonds.Mr, Charles L. Jones, of Lynchburg, ls

vlsiting hls wife here.. .,<

Mrs. Charles R. Wllholm, of BnltUmoro, ls the guest of hor rlstor, Mrs. W.

B. Blount.. '.'_.¦';¦.¦'¦'¦''Mra. Jullus L. Gny has roturnod home.

aftor a vlslt to relatlves in/ Charlottes-V Ml'ss Bonson. of Petersburg. ls vlsltlhcMrs. Georgo E. Carter. of Brookland

Mlss Tiller, of Washlngton, ls vlsiting

MMl'saMaud' Tnylor, ofBnltlrrtoro. ls vls¬iting Mrs, Georgo Cartor. of Brookland

Mlss Ball, of Loulsa, Is ylsltlng MlsaBaln. of Meadow Biidgn Road.Mrs. George XV. AVIlson, who hns beon

stopping wlth Mrs. Smlth, of Wlnnsboro,S. C. ls vlsiting her father, Mr, E. J.

WMrs!nYV". T. Tiller, of Lynchburg, ls tho¦-ue-t "' Mrs. George Cartor."Mrs, lt. W. Furthor, of North Carolina,


Plivsiclans ana scleatliti tlirmiyhout tlieworld'havo long sluco prououiicurt driinkounessa dlsoiiso of ili« norvous svstom, creatluif Uinorbld cravlug for a stlinulant. Hy.tem* varyna to tlie liliid of driuk tluit vrlll satlsfy thlscravlnif.Bome want wlii8kcy,otliera beer, wliio,klmniel, ete, tUe uso of wlilcli wlll evoutuallyresult lu mlnlng the health and brlngiiig oiidisease, ln many cusrseiullnc lu denlli.

" ORRINfi " penuaiieiitly removes tbe crav.luir for liquor, resiores tlie oryaua of iliastomacli to thelr natural couilltlou aud li.vnro vi'B tlie appL'tlto und rllireiiliiiii. Itcoui.ii iui uoliijiirloiiarinigs of any deacrlptlon. ». ORkINU"call bo giveu wltliout tlio pulicut'a knowlrd.;,,,If deslred, 'u tea, coffee, water or milk. It re-nulrea nc >fllce or aaultarlum treatment, butrun be taken atliome.We wlll rofiind tlio moneyif lt falls to do ull tbat ls clalmed for lt.

Mr, E, T. Sluis, Jfrooklyu, N. Y., wrlteai'Use uiy uaiuo aa artwouty-yaar druulrard ro<itnrud lo mauhood aud lieallli l>y 4 boxes of'ORRINH.' It is a nouderful and marvelom:uro for tlio drlnk liabli."TUe nrlce of "ORRINB" U $1 por box,

j boxes for**", MalleU lu ulalu.aealed wrapiwr,byOKmmt Co., S17 KtU St., N, W. Wasblug-ton, I). C. Interestliifr booklet (gealed) free ourcijuest. Sold and recomnieudcd by

POLK MIUI-ER-CHILpBEY CO.,101 Ea5t Broad, Cornar Flrst Street.

POLK MILLER DRUQ OO.,S34 East Maln Street



Sludylng the Requlrements of Well Developed Figureshaa resnltnd In tha prorlnotlon of Longfelo Model, style 530, Tlils ls s «at>mont of rteslgn nnd proportions auch ns nro ossontlal for flgnros of Inrge dovelop-mont. Draw tho flesh from thn abdomon to tliahlpn, wlioro It Is hold saenrelr fagrnoofnl llnos br tbo Inrjje lmlf-b«ek jroro. No unduo pressuro nnywhore, The enrredand hlm sootlons do tho work, No straps, not n lmrnosa, hut a sciontlllcally oon-.tructod oorsob, Mndo of flne Con til, ln Whlto, Drab and Black, Slzon 13 to 30.12.00.

130 Other Styles.A Sh-pe for tverj FliureAt j-our dealors, /¦".¦; >«

is tho guost of Mrs, Cowardln.Mlss Luck, of Toxas, ls tho guest of

Mlss Green, of Brookland Park. /Mlss Burton, ot New York. ls visitlng

Mrs, Coffoy, of Brookland Park.Mr, Kimball -Moores, who la visitlng

relatlves ln Oldham. wlll roUirn homo thlswoelc.Mr, Edgar Rose has returned from a

trlp to Klng Wllllam.Messrs. Wllllam and Rlchard Qlbbs. of

Bedford Clty, is the guest ot Mr. W. T.Coalter. of Brookland Park,Mrs. Earle Qlbbs and chlldren, of Dur¬

ham, N. C, are spendlng tho week wlthMrs, W. T. Coalter.Mr. Wllllam Hogan, of Bedford Clty, is

the guest of Mr. W. T. Coaltor,The C. M. A. Club met at the homo of

Mr. Overton Woodwards yesterday. ThosepreHent woro: Vlrglnlus Croxton.. EvunsDavlson, Buford Rose, Robert Kldwelland Overton Woodward.Mr. Charles Parsona, ot Loulsa, la the

guest of Mr. John Jones,

Sestnutjfci'tl andJtyhlandPark

The regular meetlng of the Sunday-Bchool aopletles of Rlchmond wlll bo heldat HIghland Park Church thls afternoonai half-past 3 o'clock. An interestlngprogramme has beon arranged. Congress¬man John Lamb wlll address tha meet¬lng.Mr. Holladay. of Charlottesvlllo, has

been visitlng Mr. Horace Baker. of FourthAvenuo.Miss Roxle Skllos has returned to her

home Jn Manchester. after a plensant.vlslt to her cousin. Mra. E, T, Long, ofThlrd Avenuo.Usual Sunday morning services at MIs-

pah Presbyterlan Church to-day nt 11o'clock A. M., conducted by pastor. Rov.D. -K.-"Walthall. Sunday-school at 9:30A. M.Mlss Ellle Noel has returned to hor

home ln Bon Alr, nfter n short vlslt toMrs. Charles Eubank, of Second Ave¬nue.Tho rosldents of Northsldo are arlad

to seo now rails and tleB, whlch soon willbo placed around tho loop to tho formertermlnus,Mrs. Wlrt Quarlos and son, Rufus, of

Thlrd Avenuo. have returned homo, afterspendlng several woeka with relatlvs inBaltlmore.Mr. Smlth. of Rlchmond, haa movod Into

hls new rosldenco on Fourth Avenuo.Mlss Louise Austln, of Tlhrd Avenue,

has returned homo, nfter spendlng sev-oral days wlth Miss Lillle and FannloGray. of Hanover county.Regular Sunday morning services wlll

bo held nt HIghland Park MothodlstChurch at 31 o'clock A. M. On accountof tho meetlng in the evening thore wlllbo no ovenlng sorvices.Mr. J. E. Austln. of Thlrd Avenuo, loft

Thursdny to accept a posltlon In Roa-

Miss Bossio 'Holladay. of Charlottea-vllle, was tho guest last weok of MlssDelia Bakor. of Fourth Avenue.Master Eddle Benl spent last weok wlth

hla cousin, Master Clarence Austln, ofThlrd Avenue.Mlss Llzzie Tylor has been visitlng rela¬

tlves on tho "Hill."Mlss Suo Todd, of Fourth Avenuo, hna

roturnod homo, after spendlng severalwoeka wlth relatlves ln Hanovor coun¬ty.After undorgolng many repnlra, HIgh¬

land Park achool wlll be openod. Mon¬day, the lltih; wlth Miss Ellzabeth Quln-bv as principal, and Mlsses Mary Pomlior-ton. Mattle Hanes, Rena Carleton andMary Duncanson as asslstants,

The pastor, Rev. A. Osburn, will con-

duct services at Beulah ProsbytorlanChurch thls afternoon at 3:30 P. M.Mr. Alllo Roberts Is very 111 wlth ty¬

phold fever o.nd blood poisonlng.Mt. Bernnrd Bendlea ls dolng ns well

as can be expected.Mrs. 11. Osburn, of Cold Hurbor Ceme-

tory, ls on a vlslt to hor mother nearSeven Plnea, ¦¦ /,Mr. Robert Jooklna Is Htlll Improvlng.Tlie picnlc given for Bothleliom Pros-

byterlnn Church ln thn grove of Mr.John Tomlln. nonr tho Pnmuukoy Rlver,wns enjoyed by nll. loe-cream wns aeryedafter the game of ball wna playod. Thoold ohurch todm waa tho winner.Mr. Frank Blount, ot Rlchmond, vlslt¬

ed Galnes' Mlll battlotlelda aud Cold Hur¬bor Cenieterv durlng tho paat week,Mr nnd Mra. A, Jonklns, of Itlchmond,

hnvo beon visitlng hla mothnr recently.Mra. Miller, of Mondow Farm, who has

been absont aovor.-il months, la expeotedHomo In tho noar future,Mrs. .At. C. Martin la visitlng hor daugh-

tor nnd Mra. M. J. Bryant ln Rloh¬mond. , , ,MothlGhom Churoh ls muoh Improvednnd la very pretty nnd attractlve slneetho addltion lo It hns beon mnde.Mr, nnd Mrs. Hoshor have been eponumg

tlio pnst weok wlth the latter's parontannd nttondlng tho protracted meetlng atHlack C'rook Churoh.Mrs. Floronee Campbell and husband

has returned to Rlohmond aftor a atay ofa fow weeks lu Hutiovor,Mlas Jesslo Wlngo haa roturnod hnme

aftor a vlslt to relatlvoa and frlends lnAlbemarle county,Wodnesday Mr. and Mrs. Orant Frank¬

lln gavo a birthday party In honor of'tlielr daughter, Mlas IMuud Franklln.Manv young peoplo enjoyed tho ppcaslon,A dellghtful roceptlon wna given.TJiurs-

duy evening by Mr. und Mra. WuTianisat Arllngton HelghtB, tholr homo, In luin-or of their nlooo of Phlladelphla, MlssMnyboll Belmont. Muslo and rofroah-monts lont much to the oujoynioiit oTtho evening. Among tbo features of theooeaalon wero tbo t-harmlng solos byMlasea PavJs nud Tront, and the plens¬ant rejidltlou of rng-tlme muslo by Mr.Riiglln und Mrs. Preston. Among thosepiosont woro: Alllo and Bt ¦} Fos or, IJl-Ilo Tyler, Ora Uuglund. Nellie uiidl/ijteSmlth, Mary nnd l,ufa Carter, FstmloCary. Sallle Clruy last, but nut lonat; MAibMnyboll Belmont, Jamos luistor, LulherTyler John and Wlllle Westmun, HurryCarter, Mr. Ragland aud Mr. Preston andMr and Mra. Burnard Wllliams.


/ilore There Than In AnyOther Portlon of West

Virglnia.(Speclal to The Times-Dlspatch.)

BLUEF]ELDj_W. VA., September 12.-tThe Industrlal situation in thls eeotion lsat anMnterestlng stage at present It waa

thought whon the Norfolk and WesternRallroad Issued orders some tlme agodlscontinulng work on the varlous doubletracklng contraots between Radfowl andKenovn that a general euspenslon btnearly nll kinds of work would promptly;ensuo, but such has not beon the case.All the laborers who wore thrown out ofomployment along the maln Une were ea-gerly gathered up by the contractors ontho varlous branch roads of tho Norfolknnd Wostern E'yntem, whlch work wnsnot affoatad by tho cessatlon of Improre*rr.ents along the maln llno. Theift aro,probably moro men at work now "(rt thlsImmedlate vlclulty than ever bo'for-j. Thegradlng of new rnHrouds, the bullcftng ofnew towns, the rapld growth of the 014ones, together wlth the progperous condi¬tlon and heavy output of the coal Jlelds,nll contrlbuto to tlie Interests of laborand tho genoral welfare of us all.Over flvo hundred new housei' have b«e_

erectod ln thla clty alone slnce enrlysprlng, and fully one-third that numbernre now olthor under way or projectsd,Bluedold Is growing As It never has be¬foro, and Its future seems brlght all thewny through. A street car llne wlll In thenear futuro connect thls place wlth Gri»-hnm, Va,, a. Ilvely little town four mlle§-west, nnd In duo course of events.-, ltchartors and other preparatlons count, thellno wlll bo extended to Hlnton, on theChesapenko and Ohlo Rallroad.There aro probably moro rats ln Bl_e-

Ilold than any othor clty Its sUo ln WestVirglnia, nnd durlng tho progress of thework of toaring up the old sldewalks.prepnratory to puttlng down new anclbetter ones, a pecullar state of alfmtra waafound to exlst. In many places tha mls-chlevous llttlo roiionts had, worklng fromthe collars, hurrowed holes under1 thasldownlks ln mnny placea to suoh hugeproportlons ns to make the walkw dan-gerous to llfo nnd llmb. Thoy appear tebe nlmost f_^rless, nnd frequently showthelr foroclly by defendlng the onslaughtamado upon them by wouid-be rat etcter-mlnators,

Church of Holy Comforter.There wlll bo holy commimlon at tha

Church of the Holy Comforter at 11 X,M. Rev. John H. Dlcklnson will preachat 11 A. M. and 5 P, M,

Belng vegetable, Sutln Skin Creaa|does not ouuse or promote halr growtli,li'a skin food.nourlshes away wdnklea,26c. Miller & Rhoads.

CASTORIAFor Infant« and Children.

The Kind You Have Always BotffttHoats the

