RX - Ministry of Manpower · $ zrun uhodwhg dfflghqw ru glvhdvh fdq uhvxow lq wkh iroorzlqj 3k\vlfdo lqmxulhv fxwv exuqv pxvfoh vwudlqv ru 6\pswrpv ri phglfdo frqglwlrqv vxfk dv khdulqj

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Page 1: RX - Ministry of Manpower · $ zrun uhodwhg dfflghqw ru glvhdvh fdq uhvxow lq wkh iroorzlqj 3k\vlfdo lqmxulhv fxwv exuqv pxvfoh vwudlqv ru 6\pswrpv ri phglfdo frqglwlrqv vxfk dv khdulqj

A work-related accident or disease can result in the following: • Physical injuries (cuts, burns, muscle strains), or• Symptoms of medical conditions such as hearing loss due to excessive noise exposure, breathlessness from occupational asthma and rashes from occupational skin diseases.

Hey Ming! Did you not hear me? You dropped your handphone.

Oh thanks! I didn’t hear you. My hearing has been poor lately.

Maybe it’s due to your job. You spend so many hours every day with the jackhammer. Have you informed your Boss?

No, I’m not bleeding or in pain. I don’t think I’m hurt so I didn’t inform anyone.

Your injury may not be visible sometimes. But it may be related to your work and you should inform your boss and seek medical attention.

You’re right. I’ll report this immediately to my Boss.

If you are injured and need assistance with your work injury compensation claim, MOM can help you. We are located at MOM Services Centre, 1500 Bendemeer Road, Singapore 339946Opening hours from Monday to Friday: 8.00am to 5.30pmWebsite: http://www.mom.gov.sg/wicTel: 6438 5122