“You have so much to do for our Lord. May he bless you as my heart and soul bless you!” Elizabeth Seton letter to Margaret George Emmitsburg, 28 May 1819

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“You have so much to do for our Lord. May he bless you

as my heart and soul bless you!”

Elizabeth Seton letter to Margaret George Emmitsburg, 28 May 1819

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With profound gratitude...

Dearest family, friends, and Charity family,

Thank you for being part of this amazing, sacred moment in my journey. Our charism statement says that we Sisters of Charity are called to “life through

love and friendship.” God has gifted me both through each of you. Whether you are here in person or

connected on livestream, I know you are “with” me, and not just today. You have shown me God’s love in

countless ways and blessed my life abundantly.

Thank you to all who worked so creatively to make today’s celebration possible in the midst of a

pandemic, including Barb Hagedorn, Monica Gundler, Lois Goettke, the Leadership Council, Terry

Thorman, my Visitation House community, the Communications office, the musicians, singers,

lectors, sacristans, photographers, and those coordinating technology, cleaning, and other health

and safety measures. You are the best!

Infinite gratitude to my parents, Dan and Patty, who gave me the gift of faith from a young age and have loved and supported me through every stage of my life. I am who I am because of you. I treasure you,

and I am so proud to be your daughter.

I make this profession today in grateful memory of Janet Gildea, who shared her Charity zeal with great love and tireless commitment. Thank you, Janet, for

seeing the call in me and helping me say “yes.” I would not be here today without your invitation,

inspiration, and steadfast accompaniment. Pray for us!



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2. Go be healing to God’s people; Seek and share the saving call. Be the touch of Christ for others, Be the voice of Christ for all. Lives are broken all around you, And Christ has no hands but yours; Hold in them the ones who suffer So Christ’s healing love endures. 3. Go, be mercy to God’s people In forgiveness freely shown; Find the stranger, call her kindred, Find the exile, call him home. Age to age God’s mercy welcomes With a love that will not cease; Go, be Christ light to God’s people, Be an instrument of peace. 4. Go be courage; God now sends us to bear fruit that will remain. Urged by Christ’s love, we give our love to the vision of God’s reign. Trust the Spirit’s power within us; Dare to risk love faithfully. Go, be good news for the whole world; Sing forever charity! Cover art: Watercolor by Nancy Bramlage, SC Music reprinted with permission: One License #702647 “With All The Saints,” OCP, Bob Hurd, 2003, 2009 “Psalm 89: Forever I Will Sing,” GIA, Marty Haugen, 1988 “Anima Christi,” OCP, Suzanne Toolan, RSM, 2003 (Spanish translations by Tracy Kemme, SC) “Go Be Justice,” WLP, Martin Willett, 1944, 2001 (text of final verse by Tracy Kemme, SC) Stock images used with permission from 123rf.com. Because of a poem by Margaret George, white roses are a special symbol for the flourishing of our congregation. Elizabeth Seton sculpture, “Hazard Yet Forward,” by Margaret Beaudette, Sister of Charity of New York

Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati

Mission Statement

Urged by the love of Christ and in the spirit of our founder, Elizabeth Ann Seton,

we Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati strive to live Gospel values. We choose to act justly, to build loving relationships,

to share our resources with those in need, and to care for all creation.

Charism Statement

True to the spirit of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, Margaret Cecilia George, and all who share our heritage,

we Sisters of Charity are called to be faith-filled women of the Church.

Like Elizabeth we are called to be vitalized by Scripture and Eucharist;

with her we are called to fidelity to the Church, to reliance on the Spirit,

and to life through love and friendship. We vow our lives to our God

with whom we walk in humility, simplicity, and charity. As pilgrims we pray for the wisdom

to know the needs of our sisters and brothers and we dare to risk a caring response.

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Prelude Music “Discipleship Medley” (Instrumental) Terry Thorman, SC, and Lois Goettke, SC “These Alone Are Enough” Tracy Kemme, SC Call to Worship: Barb Hagedorn, SC, Tracy’s formation mentor

Introductory Rites Opening Hymn: "With All the Saints," verses 1, 2, 4, and 6

Communion: Those in the chapel, please remain at your seats; a distributor will come to you. Those on livestream, please join our song as an act of spiritual communion. Communion song: “Anima Christi” Tracy Kemme, SC (verses) Refrain: Jesus, Jesus, may all that is you be present in me. Flow into me.

Concluding Rite

Announcements: Tracy Kemme, SC Blessing of Sr. Tracy: Monica Gundler, SC, and Barb Hagedorn, SC Song of Sending Forth: “Go Be Justice” 1. Go, be justice to God’s people; Open wide your hearts to learn. Break the bread of true communion, Pour the cup of true concern. Feed the hungry, house the homeless, Catch the tyrants in their lies; Be the Lord’s anointed servants So God’s justice never dies.

Verses in Spanish: 1. May your body and blood be my food and drink. 2. May your passion and death be my strength and life.

5. Let me not run from the love which you offer, 6. But hold me safe from the forces of evil. 9. When, with your saints, I may praise you forever.

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Community Response: All say together Sister Tracy, We, your Sisters, Associates, family and friends, witness with gratitude the life commitment you profess today. We thank you for your faithfulness to God’s call; for carrying forward Elizabeth Seton’s mission of service to all people, especially the most vulnerable; and for living your vows as a Sister of Charity with joy and humility. We pray that you will be a strong, courageous servant leader and a sign of hope in our world. Today and throughout your life, may the Spirit inspire you, may Christ’s love impel you, and may God surround you with enduring care. We rejoice with you, and we promise to love and support you always. Intercessions: Maureen Heverin, SC, and Carol Leveque, SC Response: Faithful God, hear us.

Liturgy of Holy Communion Lord’s Prayer Sign of Peace

Presider: Monica Gundler, SC, Formation Councilor Music: Terry Thorman, SC, director and piano; Mary Bookser, SC, organ; Lois Goettke, SC, violin; Marge Kloos, vocals

Celebration of the Word of God

First Reading: Isaiah 61:1-3, 8-10a, 11 Whitney Schieltz, SC Responsorial: Psalm 89 “Forever I Will Sing” Tracy Kemme, SC

Second Reading: Ephesians 3:14-21 Dan Kemme, Tracy’s Dad Gospel Acclamation: John 15:16 Marge Kloos, SC Gospel: John 15:9-14, 15b-17 Louise Lears, SC Reflection: Annie Klapheke, SC

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Rite of Perpetual Profession Litany of the Communion of Saints: Marge Kloos, SC Response after each line: Pray for us. Saints who have inspired Tracy during preparation for final vows: Mary and Elizabeth Joseph, Zechariah John the Baptist and Paul Mary and Martha Mary of Magdala Hildegard von Bingen, 12th c. abbess, writer, composer, and mystic Teresa de Ávila Sor Juana de la Cruz,17th c. nun, theologian, writer, and dramatist Response: All you holy men and women, pray for us. The first Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati, known with Margaret George as the “Mystic Seven”: Sophia Gilmeyer Anthony O’ Connell Josephine Harvey Regina Mattingly Antonia McCaffrey Gonzalva Dougherty 19th c. pioneering Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati and writers: Catherine Mallon Blandina and Justina, the Segale sisters Response: All you holy men and women, pray for us. Santiago Apóstol, St. James the Apostle, whose feast is today; Patron saint of Chile, Spain, and Guayaquil, Ecuador, where Tracy lived Pete and Alice Voegele, Tracy’s maternal grandparents Don Kemme, Tracy’s paternal grandpa Janet Gildea, Sister of Charity and beloved mentor; Invited Tracy to the congregation and walked with her generously until her untimely death on April 4, 2019

Saints of the Sisters of Charity Federation: Vincent de Paul (Founder of the Congregation of the Mission) Louise de Marillac (Founder of the Daughters of Charity) Margaret George (Founding Mother of the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati) Elizabeth Seton (Founder of the Sisters of Charity) Response: All you holy men and women, pray for us.

Invitation to Profess Vows: Patricia Hayden, SC, President Profession of Perpetual Vows: Tracy Kemme, SC In the name of our Triune God: Creator, Eternal Word, and Holy Spirit, Amen. With deep gratitude for God’s call and steadfast love, I, Sister Tracy Elizabeth Kemme, freely and whole-heartedly commit myself for life to the service of God, God’s people, and all of Creation as a member of the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati. To witness to the Reign of God and to make Christ’s love incarnate in the world, I freely promise to live in community, and I vow to God poverty, consecrated celibacy, and obedience according to the constitutions of the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati. I make these evangelical vows into the hands of Sister Patricia Hayden. I ask for the continuing grace of God and the support of my Sisters, Associates, family, and friends, that I may be faithful always to the life commitment I freely and joyfully make today. Amen. Reception of Vows: Patricia Hayden, SC