CURRICULUM VITAE SUMMER 2019 YUSTE-ALONSO 1/6 Ruth Z. Yuste-Alonso University of Connecticut Department of Literatures, Cultures and Languages 365 Fairfield Way, U-1057 Storrs, CT 06269 [email protected] | LinkedIn: ruthyuste EDUCATION Ph.D. Spanish Studies May 2020 (estimated) University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut, United States Dissertation: Interrogating the Female Gaze: Gender, Genre, and Contemporary Spanish Womens Filmmaking Advisors: Eduardo Urios-Aparisi (advisor) M.A. Spanish Studies May 2015 University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut, United States M.A. Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language and Culture (MECU) June 2011 Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain Thesis: El empleo de la imagen publicitaria en la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera Advisors: Jorge Juan Vega y Vega (advisor), Arturo Delgado Cabrera (co-advisor) B.A. Translation and Interpreting (English and French) May 2007 Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain CERTIFICATES Graduate Certificate in Feminist Studies May 2020 (estimated) University of Connecticut, Storrs Graduate Certificate in College Instruction August 2016 University of Connecticut, Storrs Certificate for French Language (DELF/Proficiency) April 2011 Alliance Française, Canary Islands Certificate for Sworn Translator for the English Language March 2008 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Spain Teacher Qualification for Higher Education (Modern Languages) July 2008 Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio and ICSE Certificate for English Language (Advanced) May 2007 Council of Education, Culture, and Sports, Government of Canary Islands ACADEMIC & RESEARCH AFFILIATIONS Applied Linguistics for Teaching Languages, Literatures and Translation April 2010 present Junior Member Modern Languages Association (MLA) October 2015 present Graduate Student Member RESEARCH INTERESTS Women’s cinema, Contemporary Spanish Cinema, Feminist Film Studies, Gender and Genre, Contemporary Spanish Literature, Women Authors, Feminist Media Research, Teaching Spanish Language and Culture.

Ruth Z. Yuste Alonso...Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio and ICSE Certificate for English Language (Advanced) May 2007 Council of Education, Culture, and Sports, Government of Canary

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Page 1: Ruth Z. Yuste Alonso...Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio and ICSE Certificate for English Language (Advanced) May 2007 Council of Education, Culture, and Sports, Government of Canary



Ruth Z. Yuste-Alonso University of Connecticut

Department of Literatures, Cultures and Languages 365 Fairfield Way, U-1057

Storrs, CT 06269 [email protected] | LinkedIn: ruthyuste

EDUCATION Ph.D. Spanish Studies May 2020 (estimated)

University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut, United States Dissertation: Interrogating the Female Gaze: Gender, Genre, and Contemporary Spanish Women’s

Filmmaking Advisors: Eduardo Urios-Aparisi (advisor)

M.A. Spanish Studies May 2015 University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut, United States

M.A. Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language and Culture (MECU) June 2011 Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain Thesis: El empleo de la imagen publicitaria en la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera Advisors: Jorge Juan Vega y Vega (advisor), Arturo Delgado Cabrera (co-advisor)

B.A. Translation and Interpreting (English and French) May 2007 Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain

CERTIFICATES Graduate Certificate in Feminist Studies May 2020 (estimated) University of Connecticut, Storrs

Graduate Certificate in College Instruction August 2016 University of Connecticut, Storrs

Certificate for French Language (DELF/Proficiency) April 2011 Alliance Française, Canary Islands

Certificate for Sworn Translator for the English Language March 2008 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Spain

Teacher Qualification for Higher Education (Modern Languages) July 2008 Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio and ICSE

Certificate for English Language (Advanced) May 2007 Council of Education, Culture, and Sports, Government of Canary Islands

ACADEMIC & RESEARCH AFFILIATIONS Applied Linguistics for Teaching Languages, Literatures and Translation April 2010 – present Junior Member Modern Languages Association (MLA) October 2015 – present Graduate Student Member

RESEARCH INTERESTS Women’s cinema, Contemporary Spanish Cinema, Feminist Film Studies, Gender and Genre, Contemporary Spanish Literature, Women Authors, Feminist Media Research, Teaching Spanish Language and Culture.

Page 2: Ruth Z. Yuste Alonso...Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio and ICSE Certificate for English Language (Advanced) May 2007 Council of Education, Culture, and Sports, Government of Canary



RESEARCH EXPERIENCE University of Connecticut, Storrs, United States Research Assistant, Department of Literatures, Cultures and Languages

Supervisor: Ana María Díaz-Marcos Summer 2017 – 2018 Project: Edited and proof-read an anthology for publication of contemporary Spanish women

playwrights titled Escenarios de crisis: dramaturgas españolas en el nuevo milenio (Benilde 2018) Supervisor: Eduardo Urios-Aparisi Summer 2017 – 2018 Project: Created and expanded database for book project on films and water metaphors; assessed

prospective textbooks for the Spanish for Business course; and transcribed and translated from Spanish into English three nature documentaries for use as course materials

Supervisor: Rosa Helena Chinchilla Summer 2016 Project: Translated from Spanish into English two journal articles on Spanish Medieval Studies

Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain Research Assistant, Applied Linguistics for Teaching Languages, Literatures and Translation

Supervisor: Jorge J. Vega y Vega 2011 – 2015 Projects: Collaborated in the Spanish and English translations and proofreading of the book projects

coordinated by Professor Jorge Juan Vega y Vega titled Del razonamiento a la argumentación. Teoría y práctica de las destrezas discursivas en la nueva sociedad del conocimiento (2012), and The Essential Enthymeme. Propositions for Educating Students in a Modern World (2015)


Higher Education Instruction University of Connecticut, Storrs, United States Instructor, Department of Literatures, Cultures and Languages Storrs and Hartford campuses August 2013 – present

§   Teach general educational courses and specialized courses designed to fulfill undergraduates’ culture and language requirement as well as minor and major requisites in Spanish

§   Foster discussions on questions of gender, race, and cultural practices within the Spanish-speaking world to provide students with a holistic, comprehensive understanding of the cultural, social, and political undertones of material discussed in all class

§   Designed syllabi and course material for Spanish for Health Professions and Spanish for Engineers with a particular focus on developing critical thinking and cultural awareness to ensure students’ successful incorporation into a multicultural work environment

§   Incorporated the use of institutional and external online resources and technology to reduce cost of course required texts and resources, make materials accessible to all students, particularly students with learning disabilities, and help students curate their coursework to create a professional portfolio showcasing their language and analytical skills Ø  Website for Spanish for Engineers: https://spanishforengineers.wixsite.com/span3171

General courses: Elementary Spanish I and Elementary Spanish II (in-class and online), Intermediate Spanish I and Intermediate Spanish II, Major Works in Hispanic Literature in Translation

Specialized courses: Intermediate Spanish Composition, Spanish Communicative Grammar, Spanish for Health Professions, and Spanish for Engineers

Page 3: Ruth Z. Yuste Alonso...Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio and ICSE Certificate for English Language (Advanced) May 2007 Council of Education, Culture, and Sports, Government of Canary



Teaching Assistant, Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Program Storrs campus Starting in August 2019

§   Will be in charge of two discussion sections for the hybrid course Women, Gender and Film under the direction of Professor Sherry Zane

Teaching Assistant, Dept. of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages Winter 2015|Summer 2016

§   Monitored two sections for the online course Contemporary Spanish Culture and Society Through Film under the direction of Professor Gustavo Nanclares (Winter 2015) and Professor Eduardo Urios-Aparisi (Summer 2016)

§   Provided feedback to weekly discussion and journal entries on the assigned material addressing questions of history, race, gender, and politics within contemporary Spain

Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain Adjunct of French, Modern Languages, Faculty of Translation and Interpreting Obelisco campus April – September 2010

§   Taught French to sophomore undergraduates majoring in Translation and Interpreting in French

§   Devised vocabulary exercises to improve language accuracy and supplementary course materials (videos, articles, songs) to broaden their knowledge on specific French-speaking countries issues

§   Provided guidelines to summarize expository and argumentative texts, assigned essays with similar topics as the texts discussed in class, and graded homework weekly with an emphasis on providing follow-up feedback during office hours or via the online Moodle platform

Secondary Education Instruction Colegio Sagrada Familia, Canary Islands, Spain

Substitute Teacher of Spanish and French April – June 2011

§   Taught high-school level courses of Spanish language and literature as well as French as second foreign language to five sections of students aged between 11 and 16 years old

§   Created supplementary material to assist students with learning disabilities and enhance their communicative skills

I.E.S. Santiago Santana, Canary Islands, Spain Substitute Teacher of French April – June 2008

§   Taught high-school level courses of French as a foreign language to six sections of students aged between 11 and 16 years old

§   Devised supplementary course materials to incorporate more meaningful and relatable assignments to attend students’ needs and foster class engagement

§   Provided a weekly written report to record teaching performance, share feedback and suggest improvements to the instructor on record while on leave

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Adult Education Instruction Fundación Canaria (FULP) and Radio ECCA, Morocco and Spain

Teacher of Spanish as a Foreign Language March – September 2009 International Cooperation Program, Agadir (Morocco) | Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain)

§   Taught elementary Spanish hybrid courses to four sections of adult students consisting of an in-class session once a week followed by on-line follow-up sessions within the sixth edition of the international cooperation program for language diversification “Comunícate”

§   Monitored students’ performance and progress through the online Moodle platform and provided individualized feedback to ensure students’ improvement of the foreign language

§   Created visual aids and supplementary course materials to facilitate learning, develop oral skills, and foster engagement among students

§   Prepared a final written report at the end of the program, summarizing teaching performance and achievements and underlining areas of improvements for prospective editions

§   Designed content to develop oral skills to be used by the learning company in their outreach educational programs

Alcalingua, Madrid, Spain Teacher of Spanish as a Foreign Language August 2008 §   Taught Spanish elementary, intermediate, and advance courses on grammar, speaking, art and

literature during a fast-track summer program designed for international undergraduates

§   Created supplementary course materials to develop students' communicative skills through interactive and game-based activities


Translator for the English and French languages Freelance May 2008 – August 2015 §   Provided certified English-Spanish translation, namely of legal and academic documents such as

contracts, degrees, and transcripts

§   Translated general and semi-specialized texts from English/French into Spanish

§   Served as a volunteer English-Spanish translator for the non-governmental organization Fundación Sur-África Fundación (2009-2011) and the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) (2015-2016) providing translations of news articles on African countries’ affairs and displaced people in countries in Africa and the Middle East

Interpreter for the English and French languages Freelance May 2004 – November 2010 §   Provided consecutive and whispered interpreting for the parallel working group ‘Society and University’

at the 3rd International Meeting of Universities with Africa held in Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria in 2010

§   Performed consecutive and whispered interpreting to artists in workshops, press conferences and interviews at the 14th and 16th festival editions of the World of Music and Dance Festival (WOMAD) in 2008 and 2010 respectively

§   Provided consecutive and bilateral interpreting between Spanish and African businesspeople at the II Forum of Spain – West Africa Business Cooperation, organized by the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Shipping of Las Palmas and held at INFECAR in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain) in September 2004

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HONORS & AWARDS University of Connecticut, Department of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages

Joseph Palermo LCL Excellence in Research Award for Spanish Spring 2019 Joseph Palermo LCL Excellence in Teaching Award for Spanish Spring 2018

University of Connecticut, Rainbow Center Distinguished Graduate Student Research Award Spring 2019

University of Connecticut, Graduate Student Senate Graduate Senate Service Award Spring 2018

University of Connecticut, Office of the Provost Teaching Acknowledgement for Teaching Excellence (9 semesters) Fall 2013 – Spring 2019

ASSISTANTSHIPS, FELLOWSHIPS & SCHOLARSHIPS University of Connecticut, Wood/Raith Gender Identity Living Trust

Wood/Raith Graduate Summer Fellowship Summer 2019

University of Connecticut, Department of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages Graduate Summer Research Scholarship Summer 2018 Graduate Summer Research Scholarship Summer 2017 Graduate Studies Fellowship Fall 2016 – Spring 2017 Graduate Summer Research Scholarship Summer 2016

Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, Government of Spain Spanish and Culture Assistantship Abroad (University of Connecticut) Fall 2013 – Spring 2014 Study Abroad Program Scholarship (Université Jean Moulin-Lyon 3, France) Fall 2005 – Spring 2006

Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Radio ECCA Assistantship for International Cooperation Program (Agadir, Morocco) Spring – Summer 2009

PUBLICATIONS Yuste-Alonso, Ruth Z. “Book Review of Guerras simbólicas: el papel del audiovisual en la lucha contra la violencia de género.” Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies, vol. 11, no. 1, April 2019, pp. 148-149.

Yuste-Alonso, Ruth Z. in Díaz-Marcos, Ana María (ed). Escenarios de crisis: dramaturgas españolas en el nuevo milenio, Sevilla, Benilde Ediciones, 2018, pp. 523-531.

Yuste Alonso, Ruth Zenaida. “Como pez en el agua, una propuesta didáctica a partir del análisis de la imagen publicitaria.” Guiniguada, vol. 20, 2011, pp. 197-214. CONFERENCES & COLLOQUIA (Selection) “Genre Trouble: Interrogating the Gaze through Film Genre.” Panel Chair, 51st Annual NEMLA Convention, Boston, Massachusetts (Session Accepted for Upcoming 2020 Conference) “Intervenciones femeninas y feministas en el cine de Leticia Dolera y Mar Coll.” Presenter, 50th Annual NEMLA Convention, Washington D.C., March 2019 “Contesting the Gaze: Gender and Genre in Hispanic Women’s Filmmaking.” Roundtable Chair, 50th Annual NEMLA Convention, Washington D.C., March 2019

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“Interrogating the Gaze: Intersections between Gender and Genre in the Works of Contemporary Spanish Women Filmmakers.” Presenter, LCL Graduate Student Lecture Series, University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut, March 2019 “Body, Displacement, and Empathy in Katmandú, un espejo en el cielo (2011).” Presenter, 49th Annual NEMLA Convention, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, April 2018 “Like A Woman: A Feminist Analysis of Representations of Sportswomen in Nike’s Da Da Ding campaign.” Presenter, 15th International Pragmatics Conference (iPrA), Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom, July 2017 “Yo, Madame de Veintemilla: Construcción de una identidad histórica en el ensayo Madame Roland.” Presenter, 47th Annual NEMLA Convention, Hartford, Connecticut, March 2016 “Translating Images: Fostering Writing in the Foreign Language Classroom through Image Analysis.” Presenter, 10th Annual Conference on the Teaching of Writing, University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut, March 2015

SERVICE & LEADERSHIP Graduate Student Senate (GSS), University of Connecticut, Storrs Senator for the Department of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages August 2014 – December 2017 Representative for the AAUP Marth Mentorship Award Committee October – December 2015

Language Graduate Association (LANGSA), University of Connecticut, Storrs Vice-President August 2015 – June 2016 Secretary August 2014 – June 2015

UConn’s Spanish Club, University of Connecticut, Storrs Secretary August 2014 – June 2018 President August 2013 – June 2014 LANGUAGE SKILLS Spanish Native English Fluent French Full proficiency German Basic knowledge

COMPUTER COMPETENCE Operating Systems MacOS, Windows Word Processors Word, Pages, OpenOffice Presentation Tools PowerPoint, Keynote, Google Slides Web tools Wix, WordPress, Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) Translation Tools Trados, Wordfast Anywhere, OmegaT