RUstressN-SAMHSA Text Message Crisis Line for Nevada Youth

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  • 8/3/2019 RUstressN-SAMHSA Text Message Crisis Line for Nevada Youth


    Educational Message Services, Inc. 2300 Alessandro Drive. Suite 100, Ventura CA 93001 USA | Phone: 805 653 6000

    PPTMSText Message Crisis Support

    Program for Nevada MiddleSchools and High Schools"Background and Process!

    Supported by a 3-Year Garrett Lee Smith"SAMHSA Youth Suicide Prevention Grant "

  • 8/3/2019 RUstressN-SAMHSA Text Message Crisis Line for Nevada Youth


    Educational Message Services, Inc. 2300 Alessandro Drive. Suite 100, Ventura CA 93001 USA | Phone: 805 653 6000

    Trends in Texting

    n About 1.5 trillion text messages were sent in 2009, up from 1.5 trillion in 2008 and 363 billion in 2007,according to the wireless trade association CTIA.!

    n Adult cell phone users are increasingly texting 72% text as of May 2010, up from 65% in September 2009.!n The number of pictures and multimedia messages sent by mobile devices doubled from 2008 to 2009 to

    more than 24.2 billion MMS messages!n Mobile users sent and receive more text messages in 2008 than phone calls averaging 357 text messages a

    month versus 204 phone calls.!n Texting for charity is a growing trend. The Haiti earthquake saw almost double the number of SMS

    donors. African Americans, Hispanics and males were more likely to donate in this manner.!n Pew Internet data suggest that minorities tend to text message more than their white counterparts: 50% of

    Hispanics and 47% of African Americans who own cell phones report texting on a typical day, comparedwith 40% of whites.!

  • 8/3/2019 RUstressN-SAMHSA Text Message Crisis Line for Nevada Youth


    Educational Message Services, Inc. 2300 Alessandro Drive. Suite 100, Ventura CA 93001 USA | Phone: 805 653 6000

    Key Finding

    !n Teen texting is exploding daily texting increased from 38% to 54% from February 2008 to

    September 2009. A third of teens send more than 100 texts a day, and half send over 50.Girls are the most frequent texters, and young teenage boys send the fewest."

  • 8/3/2019 RUstressN-SAMHSA Text Message Crisis Line for Nevada Youth


    Educational Message Services, Inc. 2300 Alessandro Drive. Suite 100, Ventura CA 93001 USA | Phone: 805 653 6000

    SystemPreparations! Provision

    Database!Setup Computer


    Orientation!Training (Web-

    based, e.g.overhead)!Peer to Peer!

    Launch!Pilot Schools


    ExpandthroughoutNevada to schools13 through ??!


  • 8/3/2019 RUstressN-SAMHSA Text Message Crisis Line for Nevada Youth


    Educational Message Services, Inc. 2300 Alessandro Drive. Suite 100, Ventura CA 93001 USA | Phone: 805 653 6000

    System Adaptations

    !The PPTMS Website supports https secure socket layer (ssl)* and contains the text messageresponse interface. Text line responders log in for each session with a username and password. !!All data resides on an EMS server at a Co-lo to ensure availability, access, and security. !!Absolutely no software or information (e.g. unique identifiers, or text message content) isdownloaded onto staff computers. !!!*Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) 128-bit encryption is the process of encoding information !in such a way that the entity or computer with the key can decode it, or taking all the !data that one computer is sending to another and encoding the data into a form that only!the receiving computer will be able to decode. User privilege acceptance and consent !authentication process will rely on username, password and verified data sources.!

  • 8/3/2019 RUstressN-SAMHSA Text Message Crisis Line for Nevada Youth


    Educational Message Services, Inc. 2300 Alessandro Drive. Suite 100, Ventura CA 93001 USA | Phone: 805 653 6000

    Training Strategies

    !Staff were screened for prior text experience !!Web-based Group Session (1 hour)!!Individual training with each responder (30 min)!!Peer supported mock texting scenarios (ongoing)!

  • 8/3/2019 RUstressN-SAMHSA Text Message Crisis Line for Nevada Youth


    Educational Message Services, Inc. 2300 Alessandro Drive. Suite 100, Ventura CA 93001 USA | Phone: 805 653 6000

    RU StressN?

    Text message crisis supportprogram for Nevada middleschools & high schools

    Text listen to 839863

    A new program for students and their

    friends and family. If you or someone

    close is suffering

    Depression/grief/lossDomestic, date violenceSexual AssaultSubstance AbuseThoughts of self harmConcerned about a parent

    Text us and we will help you get

    through the hurt, safely and privately.

    Program Launch

  • 8/3/2019 RUstressN-SAMHSA Text Message Crisis Line for Nevada Youth


    Educational Message Services, Inc. 2300 Alessandro Drive. Suite 100, Ventura CA 93001 USA | Phone: 805 653 6000

    School based programs install displays inboys and girls restrooms/locker rooms and

    other locations such as the library andcafeteria, in areas where students can feelrelatively sure they wont be judged by theirpeers.

    Displays encourage students to

    Take a card. Text anytime.

    Narrowcast Strategy"Narrowcasting uses targeted messagingin public/private places to increase healthseeking among a specific demographic. Inthese settings individuals from theintended priority group are temporarily


    while being exposed to content

    tailored to their personal health, and aremore likely to consider change.

    Repeated encounters help reinforce theirwillingness to change.

  • 8/3/2019 RUstressN-SAMHSA Text Message Crisis Line for Nevada Youth


    Educational Message Services, Inc. 2300 Alessandro Drive. Suite 100, Ventura CA 93001 USA | Phone: 805 653 6000

    Cultural competency is atthe core of the Narrowcasttheory.


    Images and content reflectkey aspects of priority


  • 8/3/2019 RUstressN-SAMHSA Text Message Crisis Line for Nevada Youth


    Educational Message Services, Inc. 2300 Alessandro Drive. Suite 100, Ventura CA 93001 USA | Phone: 805 653 6000

    Displays with take-away cards

    Gender specific"

    *Standard textmessage rates meanswhatever your service

    provider charges. Ifyou have unlimited

    texting, then its free!

  • 8/3/2019 RUstressN-SAMHSA Text Message Crisis Line for Nevada Youth


    Educational Message Services, Inc. 2300 Alessandro Drive. Suite 100, Ventura CA 93001 USA | Phone: 805 653 6000

    R U StressN?"Cards are wallet-size. Students can take them home and text from the privacy oftheir room. Cards also promote safe cell phone behaviors such as: Dont text anddrive.

    Practice Safe CellPhone Behavior,Report Text


  • 8/3/2019 RUstressN-SAMHSA Text Message Crisis Line for Nevada Youth


    Educational Message Services, Inc. 2300 Alessandro Drive. Suite 100, Ventura CA 93001 USA | Phone: 805 653 6000

    Series 2 Posters "

    Series 2 Postersincorporate someof the themes

    being expressedby students who

    have used theprogram.

  • 8/3/2019 RUstressN-SAMHSA Text Message Crisis Line for Nevada Youth


    Educational Message Services, Inc. 2300 Alessandro Drive. Suite 100, Ventura CA 93001 USA | Phone: 805 653 6000

    Series 2 Cards"

  • 8/3/2019 RUstressN-SAMHSA Text Message Crisis Line for Nevada Youth


    Educational Message Services, Inc. 2300 Alessandro Drive. Suite 100, Ventura CA 93001 USA | Phone: 805 653 6000


    The keyword + Shortcode

    model lends itself to thenarrowcast strategy andstreamlines the intakeprocess

    Text sass for help copingwith sexual assault

  • 8/3/2019 RUstressN-SAMHSA Text Message Crisis Line for Nevada Youth


    Educational Message Services, Inc. 2300 Alessandro Drive. Suite 100, Ventura CA 93001 USA | Phone: 805 653 6000


    Contact Info:

    For information on project advocacy at the state and

    Local levels, or if you have specific questions aboutthe Nevada schools text program, contact Misty

    Vaughan Allen, Suicide Prevention Coordinator,

    Nevada Dept of Health and Human Services, (775)443-7843 [email protected]

    Evaluation Conducted by: Bill Evans, Ph.D.

    University of Nevada, Reno [email protected]

    For info on operational protocols, questions about theservice (the responders and responder guidelines)contact Kathy Jacobs, Director Crisis Call Center at:


    For information on program materials, marketing andimplementation components e.g. web label and PPT,contact Jonathan at 805.653.6000,

    [email protected] or Tom at [email protected]