J IIWW I RUSH Get Your PRESENTS We will be Crowded Laler i I stave the prettiest 1 a ot China arId Toys ever sold Also largest assortment of r CANDlES Ittr IIJiJl i l E IM BATJLOU 4N- I 1 fL L D 0 0dt0 0 iQ E3 D EWD 1 wo do not have 111lnd advertise atT 0 I spy to make them sell but will meet any prices on p Q- Q Q QShoes 0 0 tR Underwear Ian rI 0111ask you to come E ml THIS IS TT I HfcMPHILl WEST j I gjrnjIJrnrnill 0 000000 0 i Corn fI A1UI G rnJ r ° CI I i I am in tha market for your lilt will piy the highest cash 01nI ket price See me before you I I COAL COAL COAL iti your wagons we always have coal 1mSend can please you bath q in price andIlualit inI jVhcn in needof flour Salt Field Seed or any thing in the feed line see me Car fush SAI1 just received y BANKS yr HUDSON I QLna Farmers Attentioni I have secured tnat will handle fore renewing g c me a J H General Insurancef L FREE By special arrangements with Bastin Telephone Co anyone can call me Ollice Phone No 31 Residence No 7 I i Bo A O i + ls vi Hi O in of the tin a i I fur in tel e rver toll s c ftrt IS oh of III ¬ tog it onct why iIiv I It I his lo it i > AG 10011 is < II li tell nim in ill wnrl I is LH inert lint fine is lust anl nlii i nIt iuC I r the iin are pifi in a1 ain vivl oi of nirtie Oi MI tour i t y name and ask the the if it is so and of the Law of the in ing are for the of the law and in this are The will say for the of our we in who now this law and I up than any to loaf The is idle men are seen on the and in fact all who used to left is true the ed It is next to find an idle theo once ¬ ous or is as as a and it is the even go We on the exCl dus of but the lias ei The ty of now in are law and the and will do all can to the of the and and has for the of did we do ill by met do fear or fa or the and sill pie it The man who has a row to hoe or the one who has a to or the per son who has a is tied at in a in is in he is if he not fall into the ice of ing to who an to him by ties of or are who not The man who is well is riot oxen for at this or lot at any He is in the of the 18 a wad is one of Its is of He is and not per are and H he he so as to a the is Over and sees but of the of life this if the ever over his are clad in and arc the of the wad owes it to and his to get say for once in the Let of coin it un til the in for once of own in the the of are for the of life of All G a of Can ton has the U S for for but is of all and to be We find it the for and and no bad For sale by R E 1m Christmas > i shop IIis Majestic Ran i lutes lanne j II oil ant jcool dl a nia i TlieCr MajesticRange izo LOAL MATTERS Dent Nuisance II aggravi iiicilfil dilijs pttiheconuncltol linis isilix instead goatitafter niaKH vutss uiitule nrftenoft ring they tally their Nothing often account IliiUliits conver alto giving yiiir party answering phoe SOl Vernon Signal Effects Enforcing Many newspapers neighbor towns clamoring enfor cement vagrant they giving straight goods Record benelit neighbors that have otlicers Lan- caster enforce take every trilling who shows inclination effect that seldom streets most those hang around have town This especially with color brother impossible negro notori Chute Battle Rote quiet country grave yard seldom otlicers down there frequently hear comment negroes town profit greatly thereby great majoii colored people residing Lancaster abiding honest hardworking citizens white people rcpt them they help them Verily enforcement lucid option vagrant laws worked wonders betterment Lancaster slow Simply employing ollicers above suspicion honest who their duty without Thats answer pure Try neighbors Tignt Wad The hard unfortunate large family upuorl limited income jnsti least measure being whit termed stingy Even thest holiday times excused hues pact bestow Christmas gifts those close consanguitiitv friendship There those how- ever have such justification todo sable being stingy that matter other season what vernacular street tight The term reproach wearer devoid friends shunned IIisI features that habitually harsh forbidding fortunate have wife poor woman worked little joys childien stork hovered domicile coarse clothes denied bless ins holiday season The tight himself familyI year loose that Dont pinch eagle scteauts pain Think your family andof that other family hovel members which suffering necessities King Congh Medicine JfrE Case mail carrier Center Conn who teen ini Service about sixteen years saysIWe have tried many rough medicines croup Chamber lains Cough Remedy king lone relied upon every time best remedy coughs colds giving certain results leaving aftereffects McRoberts Druggist the best Gift in S abc the lh t S MOUNT IELKIN IDont prosperous lit rnl1t trovl or IHUlllhit st t gn > for him and let II ettfirty Iii iv t < or Nu rtnitis lilt1 11 ii If you SIC thcty univiiiu ruin n rr feel pooch about it llelfrtliugs along Shove a little Push Try and ge some of the benelif vwmelf Dmt waste your time fueling sore bvrunse sum fallow ins a little inircsiiiso su sand Iliiin you iivc lIa iitlle liu intr voiirell Dont be a knnckor 1 I you can say a KIMM word say it like a prince If you are full of bile and this posed to say sim liinii mean keep your niintl shut Duf be a knocker No body ever ot rich or happy mind tag everybody elses business but hi own No Ulan ever helped himself permanently bv knocking his neigh ¬ hor down Give up a kind word git it Hi be rail v It wont rust you a cent sun you urn want one yuurvlf soon day Some had tllllus IUds one yea md the next year they were without the price of a shave So lout lie a knocker You cant allcni it It wont pay There s nothing in it If you want tn throw something at somebody throw a goad word or a piece of IIHIII ey Iint throw brickbats or mud Dont be a knocker You wits yet there till the alllJlarrod11I r Democrat Made Money On Cattle PlaUsbiirj Mo 11 10 0i Editor Record I noticed i II your last issue the success of Mr Fermisun of Hourhnn county with his bunch of rattle surd I Iwj tunotl the exact ac- count of which 1 handled one load b ugh t li head of steers in Kansas City the last week of November fl their wefiht beinu tIII pound on an average stir which 11311 IiO per cwt I lout the cattle in a stall lield fur 10 disjs after which t wintered miiderattily on shock ecru until May he Ill hey entiiig feed IIf of only 12 acres IIen I run them on grass ilime un il September 4 Mi Ii just 5 month after which I got theta on lull feed t rcquiriM about ten days Then 1 fe I them well for 32 days and weighed I hens up and they averaged 1I2 piiiin Is J shipped them to Chi igo and i her soll forper cwt vhicli net ed me i I at home I iildSiVI w nth nf hugs from behind hose rittl which were fed by them lVlteo 1 got the eat tie The caltiy business here is wonder fill It is in uncommon sight in the fall of the y iir to see 25 to t i ear loathed at this point at one time and the train tliit carried my stock to market cdtisijed of 52 cars aggregaa tint ono cattle 21 cars whichwere loaded here Should your associate want to know any reference of me in quire of B II Bauson of your city John M Baker Plattsbitrg Mo King Corn The average yield of corn in the United States last yearvAis bushels This years yield averages 3 buhelsI This is a significant fact The knowlI edge of how to do it is steadily in ¬ creasing There is a muitedtltirt of scieniilk nirn and practical farmers along the line of agriculture that isj biiiind to bring results of momeit Oii incentive to the improvement in corn growing lies in the fact of its increased consumption sued its higher price Nobody uses cum for fuel now as souse years ago was the vogue in souse sections of the country In must of the states of the great middle west corn is king Cotton may hold the supremacy in the south and in the tales west of the Miysissipi and north of the fortieth degree millInti tune wheat is the chief product slut ii the great middle west Cirn reigns supreme anti its future preeminence assured intro the fact of its IlI ceivingso careful attention In our own section the lessons in corn grow- ing are taught often by experienced instructors sum practical farmers are taking hold of the problem with allf intelligence and spirit which can lead to no otter result than the crowning of this king with wreaths of victory Great is corn Outwits The Surgeon A complication of female troubles with catarrh of tile stomach and bow els had reduced Mrs Thus S Austin 101 Leavenworth I nil tosuch a deplor- able condition that her factor alh SfcI an operation but her husband fearing fatal results postponed this to try Elec- tric Hitters and to the amiinent of all who knew her this medicine COllic pletely cured her Guaranteed cure for torrid liver kidney disease biliousness tundice chills and fever general de ¬ bility nervousness and blood poison ¬ ing Best tonic made Price Oc at R LJ McRoberts Drug store Try it 1m 1 The football season being over many college students have nothing to do but studysays Editor Seph Camp bell of Somerset A Texas Wonder Theres Hill at Bowie Tex thats twice as big as last year This wonder is W L ViII who from a weight of m pounds has grown to over ISO lie says I sulfered with a terrible cough all doctors gave me up to die of Consump tion I was reduced to IS pounds whei I began taking Dr Kings New Discov cry for Consumption coughs and Cold Now after taking 12 bottles 1 hav more than doubled in weight and an completely cured Only sure Cough and Cold cure Guaranteed by It h McBoberts Druggist uOc and 100 Tai bottle free Come and let us show you througl our entire stock of Holiday goods Frisbies Drug Store The finest and largest line jf hugs rugs ever seen in Lancaster truing at Iunurci ill i jProf Lipiml wants 20 good Sti r irons this region to enter tile Uicliimmd ItiiKiiiiss Ciluo taunts 7h to prep no 101 good positions Xohilli parr IIeIr NI graduatl in it Suite hav in il better reconis All art illllMIfJ p tsltilltlsL isf iiicl placed into Jofld positions a Londlv tmmlici of yoiini people It isdoinj ptgttet says cni lIts men say I Lippaids uraduatcs are thoroughly and carefully trained ills graduates reconiniund his Schools One writes Iim well pleased with my position for your kindness Another writes delighted with results oh wltichfare ill cachstudent inclmdiwlly Because cyou do secure positions for your grail uates where many other Schools fail All your other students I know areas adt a course to attend your College 2t Enter the Richmond Business Col loge in January and prepare for good positions many young people are not earning half what they might he earn- ing A husiness education is pirents best gift to sons and daughters Its insure road to success Write for particulars 2t Dont forget that the sunshine side of a womans nature cannot outlive coldness indifference and neglect Dont growl about womanly extrav agiince so long as ytn are keeping your own personal hills in good run rung oider- Dont meddle with the affairs of the house The man who must know ev cry little detail and counts the cost of every household move is an unmiti tatted nuisance Dont expect smiles and kisses frolllI the being who labors from early morn till niuiit fr the comfort and happ Hess of a man who hats not soul enough to appreciate her Dont forget that the patient little woman you call your wife was once your sweetheart A dress now and then or a tender word costs so little and means so much to the woman of your choice Long Tennessee Fight Fur twenty years W L Bawls ofI Bells Tenn fought nasal catarrh IllJ writes The swelling ruin soreness in- side my nose was fearful till I began applying Buckk is Arnica Salve to the v resurface this caused the sureness aid swelling to disappear never to re mm Best salve In existence 2c at II K Mcltoberts Druggist 1m Prof Iippanl has just placed more graduates into good positions with calls for other Heplaces his grad mates into good positions hence they I recommend his Schools 2t The Average Man The average man comes very near be ing an idiot in tasting care of himself You have seen him wearing a fur a peui his head while his shoes let in anioercual his throat is exposed to blizzards and he is often ailing or thinks he is ItsI herb tea root tonics As Its pine tar cordial or plasters and cures until the balance wheel in the machine comes to a stop lie drinks whiskey and that clogs the valves he drinks beer and that clogs the wheels he pours down tile lemonade stager ale buttermilk ice water tea coffee and what not and then wonders why toe sires tinder the butler do not burn 1 f you should take an ox and put him through a life per formance hed be cead in a year The simple and plainest taws of health are outraged every hour of the day by the average man Did Adam smoke Did the children of Israel make for a beer garden after crossing the Dead Sea Did Rebecca i eat gum traps and ice cream and call for soda water Adam was the lirst man and was i made perfect from head to heel How long would he have remained so after a mince pic before going to bed Sup pose he slept in a bed room r xi with window down the dour shut and two I dus under the bed Suppose Eve had laced herself up in a corset put on tight shoes sit up all hour of tne night eating her till of trash and sizzled her hair When you come to look at it the way mm misbehave himself you can only wonder how he ever lived to get hereIn Praise of Chamberlains Cough Remedy There is no other medicine mauu factored that has received so much praise and so many expressions of ratitude as Chamberlains Cough Uemedy It is effective and prompt relief follows its use Graeful parents vervwhere do not hesitate to testify o its merits for the benelit of others Et is certain cure for croup and will prevent the attack if given at the first ippearance of the disease It is espe ially adapted to children as it is pleas- ant to take and contains nothing inju ions Mr E A Humphreys a well xnown resident and clerk in the store If Mr E Lock of Alice Cape Colony South Africa says I have used Chamberlains Cough Remedy toward IT croup and colds in my family 1 nand it to be very satisfactory and it isles me pleasure to recommend it or sale by B 10 McBoberts The relia ¬ isle Druggist at Lancaster 1m Dont buy a Gasoline gineI until you get our pricesand our Engine I We have the Kentucky Wheat Drill i Let us sell you one Let us talk to you about a I Cutting Harrow Come and buy an HickoryWagons the best on earth I Romans Elmore u o ANYTHING FURNITURE q Carpets and Rugs in Crown Brussels Up Either Way ISide and Union Carpets fresh from the mills Mattings in all varieties of shades and colors Picture Moulding Pictures framed in neat style Mir Jrors Window Shades in all the various colors Oil Cloths lti Rugs Druggets Rockers Swing and Dining lJChairs Volo and Fashion Sewing MachinesLampsClocks great many other articles that cant be mentioned here Come and see Phone NO5I i J C ROBINSON r4 E L Woods IresX W C Fish Vice Irest W G Keni er Cashier PEOPLES BANK Paint Lick INCORPORATED We offer you fair treat ¬ ment with every accom ¬ modation that is consistent with- 1conservative Banking 5T SURPLUS CAPITAL 1600000 I lDI OTORS COY WOODS IIJ FISH II Our Customers are Fully Protected by Fidelity and Casuality = 1 Ltfwid LEA YELL President i11r IIJ I Tbe gITIZENS NATIONAL 883 BANK Of LANCASTER ICAPITAL 5000 KYJ I B F HUDSON W O RIGNEY Asst Cashr CD Business Solicited Prompt and Careful Attention DIRECTORS Lewis Y Leavell J S JOHNSON BE Hudson JJ Walker T 1tI Arnold THE National BankL- ancaster Of Capital 50000 Surplus 10000 A K DEXXV President- J E STORMES Vice Prest- S C DENNY Cashier J F Robinson Asst Cashr R T Einbry Bookkeeper DIRECTORS Saml D Cochran Alex R Denny AC Robinson John E Stormes- SC Denny I b Right I t 800000 I M RGGUYN J B WC I gasp Your 1G MeyI 1eo1icit Your Business

RUSH We Get be Crowded I Laler J II LOAL i I MATTERS Nu ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt702v2c8w57/data/0439.pdfket price See me before you I I COAL COAL COAL iti your wagons we always have

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Page 1: RUSH We Get be Crowded I Laler J II LOAL i I MATTERS Nu ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt702v2c8w57/data/0439.pdfket price See me before you I I COAL COAL COAL iti your wagons we always have


RUSH Get Your PRESENTSWe will be Crowded Laler

i I stave the prettiest 1 a ot

China arId Toysever sold Also largest assortment of




1 fL L

D 0 0dt0 0 iQ E3 D


wo do not have




spy to make them sell but will meet any prices on pQ-

QQ QShoes0 0tR UnderwearIan rI0111ask you to come




IgjrnjIJrnrnill 0 000000 0

i Corn

fI A1UIG rnJ

CI Ii I am in tha market for your

lilt will piy the highest cash 01nIket price See me before you


iti your wagons we always have coal

1mSend can please you bathqin price andIlualitinI

jVhcn in needof flour Salt Field Seed or any thing in

the feed line see me Car fush SAI1 just received




Farmers AttentioniI have securedtnat will handlefore renewing g c me a

J HGeneral Insurancef

L FREE By special arrangements with Bastin Telephone Coanyone can call me Ollice Phone No 31 Residence No 7 I


Bo A

O i +ls vi Hi O in of thetin a i I fur in tel e

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of All

G a of Canton hasthe U S for

for butis of all and

to be Wefind it the for

and andno bad For sale

by R E 1m

Christmas > i shopIIis Majestic Ran i

lutes lanne


IIoil ant jcool

dl a niai TlieCr MajesticRangeizo


II aggraviiiicilfil dilijs

pttiheconuncltol linisisilix instead

goatitafterniaKH vutssuiitule nrftenoft ring they

tally their Nothing


IliiUliits converalto giving yiiir

party answering phoe

SOl Vernon Signal

Effects EnforcingMany newspapers neighbor

towns clamoring enforcement vagrantthey giving straight goodsRecord benelitneighbors that have otlicers Lan-

caster enforcetake every trilling who shows

inclination effectthat seldomstreets most those

hang around have townThis especially with color

brother impossiblenegro notori

Chute Battle Rote quietcountry grave yard seldomotlicers down there

frequently hear commentnegroes town profit

greatly thereby great majoiicolored people residing

Lancaster abiding honesthardworking citizens whitepeople rcpt themthey help them Verilyenforcement lucid option

vagrant laws worked wondersbetterment Lancaster slow

Simply employingollicers above suspicion honestwho their duty without

Thats answer pureTry neighbors

Tignt Wad

The hardunfortunate

large family upuorllimited income jnsti

least measure beingwhit termed stingy Even thestholiday times excused hues

pact bestowChristmas gifts those

close consanguitiitvfriendship There those how-

ever have such justificationtodo

sable being stingythat matter other season

what vernacular streettight The term

reproach wearer devoidfriends shunnedIIisIfeatures that habitually harshforbidding fortunate

have wife poor womanworked little joys

childien storkhovered domicilecoarse clothes denied bless

ins holiday season The tighthimself familyI

yearloose that Dont pinch

eagle scteauts pain Thinkyour family andof

that other family hovelmembers which suffering


King Congh Medicine

JfrE Case mail carrierCenter Conn who teen ini

Service about sixteen yearssaysIWe have tried many roughmedicines croup Chamberlains Cough Remedy king

lone relied upon every timebest remedy coughs

colds giving certain resultsleaving aftereffects

McRoberts Druggist

the best Gift in S

abc the lh t



IDont prosperous litrnl1t trovl or

IHUlllhit st t gn > for him andlet II ettfirty Iii iv t <

or Nu rtnitis lilt1 11 iiIf you SIC thcty univiiiu ruin n rrfeel pooch about it llelfrtliugs alongShove a little Push Try and gesome of the benelif vwmelf Dmtwaste your time fueling sore bvrunsesum fallow ins a little inircsiiiso susand Iliiin you iivc lIa iitlle liuintr voiirell Dont be a knnckor1 I you can say a KIMM word say it like a

prince If you are full of bile and this

posed to say sim liinii mean keepyour niintl shut Duf be a knockerNo body ever ot rich or happy mindtag everybody elses business but hiown No Ulan ever helped himselfpermanently bv knocking his neigh ¬

hor down Give up a kind word gitit Hi be rail v It wont rust you a centsun you urn want one yuurvlf soonday Some had tllllus IUds one yeamd the next year they were withoutthe price of a shave So lout lie aknocker You cant allcni it It wontpay There s nothing in it If youwant tn throw something at somebodythrow a goad word or a piece of IIHIII

ey Iint throw brickbats or mudDont be a knocker You wits yet theretill the alllJlarrod11I r Democrat

Made Money On CattlePlaUsbiirj Mo 11 10 0i

Editor Record I noticed i II yourlast issue the success of Mr Fermisunof Hourhnn county with his bunch ofrattle surd I Iwj tunotl the exact ac-

count of which 1 handled one loadb ugh t li head of steers in Kansas

City the last week of November fl

their wefiht beinu tIII pound on anaverage stir which 11311 IiO percwt I lout the cattle in a stall lieldfur 10 disjs after which t winteredmiiderattily on shock ecru until Mayhe Ill hey entiiig feed IIf of only 12

acres IIen I run them on grassilime un il September 4 Mi Ii just

5 month after which I got theta onlull feed t rcquiriM about ten daysThen 1 fe I them well for 32 days andweighed I hens up and they averaged1I2 piiiin Is J shipped them to Chi

igo and i her soll forper cwtvhicli net ed me i I at home I

iildSiVI w nth nf hugs from behindhose rittl which were fed by themlVlteo 1 got the eat tie

The caltiy business here is wonderfill It is in uncommon sight in thefall of the y iir to see 25 to t i earloathed at this point at one time andthe train tliit carried my stock tomarket cdtisijed of 52 cars aggregaatint ono cattle 21 cars whichwereloaded here Should your associatewant to know any reference of me inquire of B II Bauson of your city

John M Baker Plattsbitrg Mo

King Corn

The average yield of corn in theUnited States last yearvAis bushelsThis years yield averages 3 buhelsIThis is a significant fact The knowlI

edge of how to do it is steadily in ¬

creasing There is a muitedtltirt ofscieniilk nirn and practical farmersalong the line of agriculture that isjbiiiind to bring results of momeitOii incentive to the improvement incorn growing lies in the fact of itsincreased consumption sued its higherprice Nobody uses cum for fuel nowas souse years ago was the vogue insouse sections of the country In mustof the states of the great middle westcorn is king Cotton may hold thesupremacy in the south and in thetales west of the Miysissipi andnorth of the fortieth degree millIntitune wheat is the chief product slutii the great middle west Cirn reigns

supreme anti its future preeminenceassured intro the fact of its IlI

ceivingso careful attention In ourown section the lessons in corn grow-ing are taught often by experiencedinstructors sum practical farmers aretaking hold of the problem with allfintelligence and spirit which can leadto no otter result than the crowningof this king with wreaths of victoryGreat is corn

Outwits The SurgeonA complication of female troubles

with catarrh of tile stomach and bowels had reduced Mrs Thus S Austin

101 Leavenworth I nil tosuch a deplor-able condition that her factor alh SfcIan operation but her husband fearingfatal results postponed this to try Elec-

tric Hitters and to the amiinent ofall who knew her this medicine COllicpletely cured her Guaranteed cure fortorrid liver kidney disease biliousnesstundice chills and fever general de ¬

bility nervousness and blood poison ¬

ing Best tonic made Price Oc atR LJ McRoberts Drug store Try it 1m


The football season being overmany college students have nothingto do but studysays Editor Seph Campbell of Somerset

A Texas Wonder

Theres Hill at Bowie Tex thatstwice as big as last year This wonderis W L ViII who from a weight of m

pounds has grown to over ISO lie saysI sulfered with a terrible cough all

doctors gave me up to die of Consumption I was reduced to IS pounds wheiI began taking Dr Kings New Discovcry for Consumption coughs and ColdNow after taking 12 bottles 1 havmore than doubled in weight and ancompletely cured Only sure Cough

and Cold cure Guaranteed by It h

McBoberts Druggist uOc and 100Tai bottle free

Come and let us show you througlour entire stock of Holiday goods

Frisbies Drug Store

The finest and largest line jf hugsrugs ever seen in Lancaster truing atIunurci



jProf Lipiml wants 20 good Sti rirons this region to enter tile

Uicliimmd ItiiKiiiiss Ciluo taunts7h to prep no 101 good positionsXohilli parr IIeIr NI graduatlin it Suite hav in il better reconisAll art illllMIfJ p tsltilltlsLisfiiicl placed into Jofld positions a Londlvtmmlici of yoiini people It isdoinjptgttetsays cni lIts men say

I Lippaids uraduatcs are thoroughlyand carefully trained ills graduatesreconiniund his Schools One writes

Iim well pleased with my positionfor your kindness Another

writes delighted with results oh

wltichfareill cachstudent inclmdiwlly Becausecyou do secure positions for your grail

uates where many other Schools failAll your other students I know areasadtacourse to attend your College 2t

Enter the Richmond Business Colloge in January and prepare for goodpositions many young people are notearning half what they might he earn-ing A husiness education is pirentsbest gift to sons and daughters Itsinsure road to success Write forparticulars 2t

Dont forget that the sunshine sideof a womans nature cannot outlivecoldness indifference and neglect

Dont growl about womanly extravagiince so long as ytn are keepingyour own personal hills in good runrung oider-

Dont meddle with the affairs of thehouse The man who must know evcry little detail and counts the costof every household move is an unmititatted nuisance

Dont expect smiles and kisses frolllIthe being who labors from early morntill niuiit fr the comfort and happHess of a man who hats not soul enoughto appreciate her

Dont forget that the patient littlewoman you call your wife was onceyour sweetheart A dress now andthen or a tender word costs so littleand means so much to the woman ofyour choice

Long Tennessee FightFur twenty years W L Bawls ofI

Bells Tenn fought nasal catarrh IllJwrites The swelling ruin soreness in-

side my nose was fearful till I beganapplying Buckk is Arnica Salve to thev resurface this caused the surenessaid swelling to disappear never to remm Best salve In existence 2c atII K Mcltoberts Druggist 1m

Prof Iippanl has just placed moregraduates into good positions withcalls for other Heplaces his gradmates into good positions hence they


recommend his Schools 2t

The Average ManThe average man comes very near be

ing an idiot in tasting care of himselfYou have seen him wearing a fur

a peui his head while his shoes let in

anioercualhis throat is exposed to blizzards andhe is often ailing or thinks he is ItsIherb tea root tonics AsIts pine tar cordial or plastersand cures until the balance wheel inthe machine comes to a stop

lie drinks whiskey and that clogsthe valves he drinks beer and thatclogs the wheels he pours down tilelemonade stager ale buttermilk icewater tea coffee and what not andthen wonders why toe sires tinder thebutler do not burn 1 f you should takean ox and put him through a life performance hed be cead in a year Thesimple and plainest taws of health areoutraged every hour of the day by theaverage man

Did Adam smoke Did the childrenof Israel make for a beer garden aftercrossing the Dead Sea Did Rebecca ieat gum traps and ice cream and callfor soda water

Adam was the lirst man and was i

made perfect from head to heel Howlong would he have remained so aftera mince pic before going to bed Suppose he slept in a bed room r xi withwindow down the dour shut and two I

dus under the bed

Suppose Eve had laced herself up ina corset put on tight shoes sit up allhour of tne night eating her till oftrash and sizzled her hair

When you come to look at it theway mm misbehave himself you canonly wonder how he ever lived to get


Praise of Chamberlains CoughRemedy

There is no other medicine mauufactored that has received so muchpraise and so many expressions ofratitude as Chamberlains Cough

Uemedy It is effective and promptrelief follows its use Graeful parentsvervwhere do not hesitate to testifyo its merits for the benelit of others

Et is certain cure for croup and willprevent the attack if given at the firstippearance of the disease It is espeially adapted to children as it is pleas-

ant to take and contains nothing injuions Mr E A Humphreys a well

xnown resident and clerk in the storeIf Mr E Lock of Alice Cape ColonySouth Africa says I have usedChamberlains Cough Remedy toward

IT croup and colds in my family 1

nand it to be very satisfactory and itisles me pleasure to recommend itor sale by B 10 McBoberts The relia ¬

isle Druggist at Lancaster 1m

Dont buy a

Gasoline gineIuntil you get our

pricesandour Engine

I We have the

Kentucky WheatDrill i

Let us sell you one

Let us talk to you about a

I Cutting HarrowCome and buy an


the best on earth

I Romans Elmore



Carpets and Rugs in Crown BrusselsUp Either WayISideand Union Carpets fresh from the

mills Mattings in all varieties of shades and colorsPicture Moulding Pictures framed in neat style Mir

Jrors Window Shades in all the various colors Oil Cloths lti

Rugs Druggets Rockers Swing and Dining

lJChairs Volo and Fashion Sewing MachinesLampsClocksgreat many other articles that cant be mentioned

here Come and see PhoneNO5Ii J C ROBINSONr4

E L Woods IresX W C Fish Vice Irest W G Keni er Cashier


We offer you fair treat ¬

ment with every accom ¬

modation that isconsistent with-







Our Customers are Fully Protected by Fidelity and Casuality =1

Ltfwid LEAYELLPresident






W O RIGNEY Asst Cashr C D

Business Solicited Prompt and Careful Attention


Lewis Y Leavell J S JOHNSON BE HudsonJ J Walker T 1tI Arnold

THENational BankL-


Capital 50000 Surplus 10000

A K DEXXV President-

J E STORMES Vice Prest-

S C DENNY Cashier

J F Robinson Asst CashrR T Einbry Bookkeeper


Saml D Cochran Alex R Denny A CRobinson John E Stormes-

S C Denny





t 800000I





gasp Your

1G MeyI

1eo1icit Your Business