rupture trauma

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  • 7/29/2019 rupture trauma


    Abstract A total of 5534 protocols of judicial and extra-judicial autopsies performed at the Institute of Legal Med-icine of the University of Wrzburg between 1974 and 1987were examined to determine whether an isolated liver rup-ture can be attributed to a blow, a kick or a fall on a levelplane or against a hard edge, based on the nature of the in-jury alone. From the 5534 autopsies examined, 293 casesof falling on level ground or down staircases were found.In 271 cases the abdomen struck against a flat surface, in21 cases either against a post or an edge and in one case itwas not possible to find out which object the abdomenstruck against. A liver rupture was found in only four cases.It is highly unlikely that liver rupture will be caused by afall on a level plane or down steps. This empirical findingis further supported by biomechanical calculations. A fallon a level plane can only cause a liver rupture if the ab-domen strikes against a hard edge or a stake-like object. Ifsuch an event can be excluded, the most likely cause ofthe liver rupture is a blow or a kick. In all cases of liverrupture, however, the differential diagnosis must excludeextrathoracic heart massage as the cause.

    Keywords Liver rupture Blow Kick Fall Biomechanics


    A relationship between the pattern and severity of injuriesand the transfer of kinetic energy can usually be estab-lished in cases of mechanical trauma such as traffic acci-dents [15]. In this context the forensic pathologist is occa-sionally confronted with the task of ascertaining whethera certain type of injury is the result of a blow, a kick or a

    fall. The differential diagnosis between fall-induced fatalor non-fatal injury versus injury or death caused by inten-tional physical violence, is especially difficult if bothevents, e.g. a fall and a blow or kick, have occurred in thesame incident [31]. Differentiation between accidentallyinduced injury and injury caused by intentional physicalviolence is important not only in cranial-cerebral injuries,but also in blunt force abdominal injuries. Unfortunately,the forensic and clinical literature to date has paid scantattention to this topic [23]. Several cases in which thecause of liver rupture had to be determined, plus a numberof reports in the literature, prompted us to take a closerlook at this topic.

    Materials and methods

    The protocols of 5534 autopsies performed at the Institute for Le-gal Medicine of the University of Wrzburg between 1974 and 1987were examined for individuals who had sustained a liver rupture ina fall on a level plane or down steps.


    Among the 5534 autopsies examined, 214 cases involvedfalls onto level ground and 79 falls down steps. In 21 of the293 cases, the police investigation and/or autopsy revealedthat the victims abdomen struck against a hard edge or astake-like object, and in one case the object against whichthe abdomen struck could not be determined. In the re-maining 271 cases the abdomen impacted against a flatsurface.

    The entire group of legal medical autopsies includedonly four cases of fall-induced liver rupture. Table 1 pro-vides the important data on each of these four cases.

    In case 1 it could not be determined whether the vic-tims abdomen struck a flat surface or the edge of a bed-frame or table. Cases 24 involved falls on a level plane,with the abdomen striking against a hard edge (i.e. abathtub rim, a boundary stake and the edge of a bed-frame).

    R. Vock

    Liver rupture caused by isolated blunt force impact:

    the result of a blow, a kick or a fall?

    Int J Legal Med (2001) 114 : 244247 Springer-Verlag 2001

    Received: 21 October 1998 / Accepted: 11 October 2000


    Dr. Vock died before publication of this manuscript

    R. VockInstitute of Legal Medicine, University of Leipzig,Johannisallee 28, 04103 Leipzig, Germany

  • 7/29/2019 rupture trauma


    The extent of the injuries ranged from a 12-cm-longand 4-mm-deep tear of the hepatic capsule to a grapefruit-sized rupture of the right hepatic lobe (Fig.1).

    Liver disease could be excluded in all cases exceptcase 4 (micronodular liver cirrhosis), two cases involvedisolated injury to the liver and in two cases the liver injurywas accompanied by serial rib fractures.

    Extrathoracic cardiac massage was not performed in any

    of the 4 cases.The cause of death in case 1 was a pulmonary throm-boembolism, in cases 24 hypovolemic shock.


    Falls on a level plane or down steps rarely cause injury toabdominal organs [5, 12, 13, 14, 27, 32]. Among approxi-mately 1500 persons injured in falls from sidewalks inthe former East Berlin, Barbier and Bischitzky [4] foundonly two cases involving abdominal injury (one traumatic

    perforation of the ileum, one unspecified injury). This lowincidence is all the more surprising since about one-thirdof the falls occurred while the victim was intoxicated and

    thus incapable of checking the force of the fall. Similarly,Potondi et al. [23] did not find a single case of abdominalinjury among 1001 falls by inebriated individuals (nonefrom a height) in the course of a single year in Budapest.

    The present results thus agree with the findings in theliterature that liver rupture caused by falls on a level planeor down steps is extremely rare [13, 27]. Nellen [20], forexample, found only one instance of liver rupture among23 falls down steps with fatal outcome and not a singleliver injury in 42 falls on a level plane.

    The low incidence of injury to the liver in falls can beexplained by the fact that the abdomen is protected by thefour extremities, the head, and the thorax. Abdominal or-

    gans are injured only when these protective buffers havebeen compromised by prior injuries, or are nullified by anoverwhelming force on impact, as in traffic accidents orfalls from a height. It is not surprising, therefore, that inthree of the four cases reported here the sometimes severeliver injury was caused by the abdomen striking a hard-edge such as a bathtub rim, a boundary stake, or a bed-frame. In case 1 (fall secondary to a pulmonary throm-boembolism), the facts of the case do not exclude the pos-sibility that the abdomen hit the floor, the liver rupturethus not being caused by impact against a hard edge orstake-like object. It is possible that the cardiac death re-sulting from the pulmonary thromboembolism rendered

    the woman unconscious and thus incapable of braking thefall with her arms.Because extrathoracic heart massage can cause injury

    to the liver (in addition to heart injuries, and fractures of thespinal column, sternum, and ribs), it must always be in-cluded among the differential diagnostic possibilities incases of liver rupture [1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18,21, 22, 24, 26, 30]. Unlike the ruptures described here,however, cardiac massage-induced liver ruptures are pref-erentially located vertically between the right and left he-patic lobes [19, 28, 31]. Spontaneous liver ruptures are rareand therefore have a low significance for differential di-

    R. Vock: Liver rupture and blunt force impact 245

    Table 1 Cases of fall-induced liver rupture

    Case Sex Age Type of accident Extent of injuries Cause of death(years)

    1 F 30 Lethal fall caused by heart failure Hematoma of right frontal scalp, 12-cm-long, Pulmonary throm-secondary to (fatal) fulminant pulmonary 4-mm-deep tear of hepatic capsule of right boembolismthromboembolism. Fall to floor or lobe, 40 ml diffuse haematoperitoneumagainst edge of a bed frame or table

    2 M 46 Lethal fall, right side of victims A 14-cm-long deep ventrodorsal tear along Hypovolaemia

    abdomen striking a bathtub rim, death inferior aspect of liver, 4 l haemato-3 days after fall peritoneum3 F 65 Lethal fall on level ground, victim Fracture of 8th10th ribs right, 400 ml Hypovolaemia

    striking a boundary stake in a vineyard, haematothorax, grapefruit-sized ventrodorsaldeath 5 h after fall rupture of right hepatic lobe, massive

    haematoperitoneum, no cardiac massage4 F 86 Victim slipped on bedside rug and fell Serial rib fractures right, 6th9th ribs along Hypovolaemia

    with right side of the body against edge medioclavicular line, 10 2 4 cm ruptureof bed frame, death 2 h after fall of right hepatic lobe, 1.6 l haematoperi-

    toneum, no cardiac massage

    Fig.1 Localisation of the liver ruptures in cases 14 (Illustrationof the liver from [33])

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    agnosis, and are mainly seen in patients with liver diseases,such as liver tumours, amyloidosis and peliosis hepatis [29].

    The following biomechanical calculations support theempirical finding that falls on a horizontal plane cannotcause a liver rupture with a high degree of probability:

    The tolerance value reported by Ropohl [25] for aforce (FT) capable of inducing liver rupture lies between1.2 and 2.0 KN, where FT represents the change in accel-

    eration per unit of time:


    This produces a critical impact time (deceleration time)of:


    where m is the liver mass (2 kg), FT the force thresholdnecessary to cause liver rupture, and v the deceleration af-ter impact.

    The velocity (v) at impact was calculated according to

    the formula given in the appendix, namely:


    where a is the centre of gravity of the liver, l is the bodylength, and g is the acceleration at impact. Since the ve-locity decelerates to null on impact, the change in velocityis:

    v = v 0 = 4.8 m/s (4)

    Insertion of the values thus derived into the formula forcalculating the critical impact time (deceleration time)

    produces the following equation for tKrit:


    The impact time of 8 103 s or 8 ms is several-fold lessthan normal impact times for the human body falling on ahorizontal plane, which can reach 50 ms for relativelyunchecked fall-induced impacts (e.g. the head againstconcrete). For biomechanical reasons alone, therefore, itappears highly unlikely that liver rupture can result from afall when the centre of gravity is a (the present formularepresents the maximum variant for the forces involved).

    Experience shows that a falling person breaks the fall withthe hands or arms, thus averting direct impact to the ab-domen. Moreover, the manner in which the liver is sus-pended within the body together with its pliancy furtherreduce the force of the impact.

    In sum, the findings in the four cases reported here, thebiomechanical calculations, and the data in the literatureall show that with a high degree of probability liver rup-tures are not caused by falls on a level plane or down steps.Rupture of the liver is only possible if the abdomen strikesa hard edge or a stake-like object. When confronted witha liver rupture, therefore, the forensic pathologist must as-

    sume (unless the aforementioned exceptions apply) an in-tentional act of violence (such as a kick or blow) as themost likely cause. The differential diagnosis, however, mustalways exclude extrathoracic heart massage-induced in-jury.

    Acknowledgements I thank Prof. Dr. rer. nat. K. Arnold andProf. Dr. rer. nat. K. Dhnert (Institut fr Medizinische Physik undBiophysik der Universitt Leipzig) for their calculations of the bio-mechanical forces involved.


    Biomechanical model for calculating the velocityon impact

    This model represents a person falling forward with out-stretched body. The pivot point (D) is located at the feet.(cf. Figure 2).

    The moment of inertia () of a person with mass (m) isused (analogous to the fall of a stake) as follows:


    Applying the law of the conservation of energy:


    the angular velocity of the toppling body is calculated:


    This produces the impact velocity (v) for the liver apply-ing the formula v = a. If the bodys centre of gravity is

    =2 mgh

    m g h =1

    2 2

    = 1

    32m l

    tkg m / s

    kg m / ssKit 2




    1 2004 8 8 10 3


    v = a3 g

    1m / s = 17.2 km / h= 4 8.




    = =

    F =mxv




    ( )=

    246 R. Vock: Liver rupture and blunt force impact

    Fig.2 Data on body mass for body length (l), position of the

    bodys centre of gravity (S) at height (h), location of the liver (L)at height (a), and location of the pivot (D) at the feet

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    R. Vock: Liver rupture and blunt force impact 247

    located at the centre of the body length, insertion of theappropriate values produces the following equation:



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