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T W I I 'VOL. 3. NO. 138,


C enter of Commerci ted by Flam es 0

. ML^eccanti


- s i l f i i "m S T E IH S

EPirTiicfliByD e c l a r e s D i s t i n c t i o n s D r a w n

A m o n g S e c t i o n s o f R u s s i a

w h i c h H a v e D e c l a r e d I n d e ­

p e n d e n c e D e n o t e I g n o r a n c e

l.O SD O N, Dintinctiona drnwn h y Colby, Unitc .l StntcK no.-n-

ta rv of Mato, between Armenia, Polaml, Fiillnnil niul o ther «ccllonn of Pi.asio tl'i il have doclnro.l thi-lr Inilop'-ii.Ii'nco, wliieli were mode In the course - f Mr. Colhy’d' note o f Aujninl 1 tn t!ic Itnlinn ambaasa ilor in WnnhinRton. nr-? iiiijti's- t*il.li- to iinileratnncl anil probnbly fli*^ result of innuffieient inforniatij iu to llie roal fac ts of naHoniil int-nntern Europe ,” snyn Qcorito Tchitrh* orin , UuMian bolRhevlk min lfter »f for-

a f fa i r t . M. Tohltchf«rln bn# ftd- ilrcsiK'd n no te to the I ta lian g)vu»n- m ent an<l ‘ to sov ie t roprD5Pn‘«tlT«j» n b r u n d " In which ho nnawora

^ the conelufilona renched by Mr. Ci» ny in (liscuiininR Rusnlnn nffnirn

PubUabed iu L abor OrgLn '

The foTolpi m in is te r ’s c««vniuuii-nli-)u wafl j ln le . l '^ t Mnsrow Sept. '.0 ,\r \ has boen published in the I»n.lc.n Daily Hc'rnhl, orRnn of labo r . ' M. rcliitcberio

Mr. Colbv ot»n«iilnr5 Ihf* il'‘inun<t i( ir inilepcmlenro o f Polaml, Kinlnncl nnd •Armenin ICRlil, (myinff ll'O.V 'vpri- ;.nn ‘<- >.l to Buflsin by fo*Si(i,-urt«T Thnt their f^opunitlon rtocn not lAfrinKu* \\\nm Run- s i a ’n t r r r i lo r ia l rights. He a<»s'^rK t:iP m rro tn rv holds thn t nthi-r “ opt'sv.nod nutionnl 'itien of Ci. irint TJusnifl” were lint iinn<-xp<l bv forci»-and t l ia t the de ­si re for inilependenco of the Oeorcinr. ‘ /erbai!l^u, L ithunnian , liPtviiiii. Eotho. ni.iiT nnd Ukra ln iun peoples, e i the r in th e form o f romnlete in.lependenn- o r in fP.l.Tati.in with HuRsin nro lllPRnl.

Quoatitms MottT«s ,

••The exceptions nllowcil for by >fr. Colbv.” Hnys the foreiim m in is te r . '“ nn- Oerlinr tho more emphnticalh t his o>l- herenre to the terri to ria l indivinib il liv o f the former cziiriitt niinire. while :it

fContinned on P * j^ P i re )

^ Today’s Gamea J

N ntlcnal League. r^ror«- n n tSt. Louis ............ ........................ » 1n.iMi.n ............... ..... ................... ■» H» 1

Hiittcries: Donk and Clemons; Wnt »on. MrQnilla ii. TownM'nd. I 'ienit i nn-l

• - O ’yeil l.Wf-ore; Tl, H . K.I'it tslmrKh .................................. R !New Vork ............... .................. \ K! 1

niitti-rieH: A.lams and Srhnii il t: To nev an.l 8nv<l«r.Heorr: R. H. P-< incinnati .................................. l2 .T 1Hrooklyn ..................................... :i S 1

H ntterie s: E l i r r , Liiipi.' nml WinRO; Ca.iore and Miller,S< ore: R. H . EChii-.'ii’d ....................................... 0I'i.ilu'I.dphiu .............................. 0

(End Till.)Itntleries: Cliei'vcr anil O T a r re l l ;

Hix.'v und Witherow, IViubee.

Ajnerlcan League.Q.'ore: B- H. 6New York ................................ 1 8ChirOBo ................................... •

Jliktterics: Thnrnialen. Mays anc Hannnh; Fabor an.l Schalk.Kron-: R. H. KHoston .................... .................... 1D etro it ......................................... ft

(End 6th.)Hattorien: .Tones, Chinilln nnd Wai

lerN H nrper; B ogart and S tanage , H o r risette.Score: R. II. EW.i3hinKton ................................ i!( loveUnd .................................... .T

(E o d 7th.)Batteries : Courtney, Acosta ani

O harr ity ; Covoleikle and O'N'elll .Philadelphia ............... ..............0St. lx>uis --------------------------- 10 -

(E n d Sad.)R:it terii's : N'aylor and P e rk ln i

Lvnch and SevetaW.



i C H iER MOSESm3oo.oooi■cial Section I s Gut-1 O riginating N ear t i l e S to r e


KIL>]» (Spccial to ' t Ho N cw«).— Loss (’atlmatod n t ,xnorc than $300,00(1. was susta ined hore today in tho most c]iflnstrol)s"fir^ ever recorded in th is

I Hcction of the stnto. Tli.c blaze, s ta r t- in^;, it is nllcKed, in the rear o f th e

I P ilc r Murrantilc eom pany atoro, in tin*I Woo.la building, <lcstroycd fivo busi

fneas hoiiHi>H.nnd overhead institutions.

The blaze wns discovered n t 4 o ’clock this morning nnd quicklyMnid i n ashnc< some of the most im portnn t ostnblisb- muiitn and morraiitile s tocks 2n,fh<* prin elpol commorcinl soction o f the town.

IJ The heaviest loaeni nre:The f i le r Unrdwaro. FiK-r M erran tllo

la rompnnv, Modern' D rug shop, Woo.ls J Rooming house, W illiam s & Eggloston.

.T. W. Piorco garage, J . C. Doan b a t ­te ry servico-atatlon nnd the F i le r 'Vu!- I'nnlr.ing works,

l-y Wldeepread Damage.A vnliiablc pinto gjnsa window, front

int: tlu- Dr. T. U Cnrtney den ia l office in the First N ntional bnn k biii ld ing, immediately neross M ain s tree t from the scene nf the conflagra tion , wns

n‘* sha tte red b y bent, while display stock i in the window of the •I>ean & Hnmer-

' ' ' ‘ i^u is t sloro were deatroycd by hoat and tf> wnter. Tn the f ro n t end o f th is storo, in ba.-k nf t h r displ;iy windnW. alocku 'h* were more o r loss in jured by w a te r em-

ployed lo pro tect tne s t ruc tu re frotn u l’ the flames. In addition thu M. A. .fack- rn- son building, occupied by tho Tallo t fi!9 shop of , W. H; S co t t ' la more or lonf o t damagfi). Tho Woods building, centc i by o f thp fire, is a ' two-story s t rn . ' tu re

owned by .5. Hlnek o f Tw in Falls. Be. sides the rooming houso, in the bnek I'ortion of the icrond floor, th ere were

TJ offiees oceupicd b v W. JJ. Gillis, D r las M. .r. Goode, . lentist, nn.l Dr. F. H ily l)wit;ht. K<]uipnient o f these njinrt rio ments. as well ns the uiost of thnt ii: nd the rooming scetion. w m saved by he ,nd roie effort on the pnr’ i f iipeetntnrs

About :iO persons were nsleep in t in uir W.iiidn rooming house when the f i n us- wns founil. Many were eonnty fnii t:ie vis itors nnd oxposilion ntt-iebes.

H eav ies t Los«ts.eredc- ' **f all the sufferers th ro jg li tlii.s i-at a r . nelysni l h e Filer H ardw are . r n m p n n ’ ho - . Hustaiiied t h e lieiivieNt m onetnry loss

in I tbe ilnmn«e to stoek nn .l bnilding beln | • in lest lm ate il nt ♦lUri.Ollii. Th.- inercflntili

j compnny U n.'Xt with it htss of fft.'J.OOi .whi le Mr. S ln rk 's buil ding is .Inninge. , fo the exi.-nt of » l 0 .{in0 . The .Modcri

\ [r . i D rug shop reports n loss of J2.T,000 an« nn-1 the Woo.ls rooius ft Uke amount. Tli ' od-t Fi le r Meat com pany 's loss is esf im nt- i i J lv 'n t # 10011.

at I Ijisuran.'e wns i-arricil on most o _ L -;th it sto rks ami buildings involved, ;


■ ^ I W o r l d ^I WASHINOTON, (/P)— I

t ; ernm ent w as urged by Jose11 gaged in the oil industry in

•ftt. with S ecre tary Oolby..n.l i - ----------

I OKLAHOMA-CITY, OklV I levees along tho North Oana1 1 flooding of scor.es of homes i

' ” '1 a t thousands of dollars. Th, p. j was undor w a te r and two gi

\ \ MEXICO OITY, (/P)— Tthe Mexican p ro le taria t is t

. E . 1 gram merely s ta tes th a t pr little else is known regardin Names of foreigners arc mij

cil ; izers, most of them being fi


.2 at«ani«r Ooea to Bottom in Baltlinu and Harbor after Being Burned

. B HALTIMORK, (/P)—Tlie si.-nmer K i si-hau, o f the M.-n-hnnt« an.l Mino line, wns bndly '. lamaged in n fire i.ndi'termined origin an d Kiiik earU* I

Na\- liny in the ynr.ls o f tbe Dnltimore "i klor- Dock nnd Hhlpbull .ling'eoinpamJ wb.'

she had been undergoing repairs, f. R. waa ruported th a t six members o f t

crew were missing but offlcinls of t steamship eompany oald they were r. aonably certa in th n t no Uvea were Io

aa il X o eitimBte of the loss eould be .-fiv bv the compnnv, w hieh valued the l>i n t *400,000.

XDABO W B A T ^ Kclns; T oaigh t aad B a tu rdav probably f t

e»eUr to a l rh t M nthw est nort ien.




|l DEEMS %Wl

J C i lE S T *I Gree with Acclaim Premier’s I Decision to Further Cause of ! Workmen in Management of j Industry /

I MILA.V, (;p)—Ix-aders of the confed- Cf oration <*f Inbor and workers genornlly

feent to believo thoy havo won n g re a t v ir to ry in the deeision o f Premier Oio- lilti to appoin t n enmmisslon to sub-

~ iiiit rr»n<^tc proposals respecting par- lir ipaii(>n>y-i<orkmen In the technical, finnneinl und disciplinnry managtnnont

'•" of ff lf to ries. which wns n n o u n ced ^f t f* 'iTiirln Thursday.. This commlssfon’s ro

! ]Hirt will be basis f<ir n bil l which will pnilxidy m any o f the demands made b y

*' |iuetnl w orkers, sinco they havo o.'cu- pied Industrin l p lan ts throughout tho

‘ “ country.' Premier Takes Charge '

in ; Jt<'i>n*.s.-ntafivM of workmen deelaro • II. < the p rem ier took m atters into his own

, linnds w b en ho found employers <Ietcr- JJ , 'iiiitieil til resist despite his rounS’*l fo r •* mudemtion. \‘ I Bm ployers nn.l their supporters voiee

■ .i i id ig tia tion over fhe p remier’s inter- In v en tio n n t the present phase of thc 's l t - ■ jiifition n f t e r maintnining neutrnlity

julK-n w orks wern occupied. T h ey -an y Mvorkers would not have been ablo to i tnko o v e r factori .' s except “ through

I ith ........ .. o f the authorities with, . 't im ina ls .* ’ nnd tbey accuse tho gov-

em inent o f being the “ hnnible servant 'a s l»ol»l’'' ' ’*ki.”

:ks; - ^ m p l o ^ r s a t BayNi-ver the le i«r '« ^ployers agree they

" “ 'm u s t ne.-essnrily bow to tho slorm.I t is decla red S ignor Qiolitt i th roa t

I'UPtl Ihe emploers w ith worae mejiaurci " ' . ' l l f ' t h e v d id nnt arcept the w orkm en’*

■ p r o p o s a l , and assertion in made thn( his f i rm ness “ approbehcd b ru ta l i ty ' wlion h c showed his de te rmlnntion tha fhe employers should , sacrifice the! rlKbts w ith o u t eondlt ion In the interes

J*;' of the industrin l pence.

[TO Into rep o r t today indicating the hard r*'" w are compnny waa fully protecte.l .

A la rmed by Smoke, ill ’ Sinnke. s t if l ing the i.ecupaiifs of th

he- Woods rooms gave the firs t alarm o >rs Ih f inipending disaste r. Many person llie w rre so<m gntbcred in front of the Fi le i n ' H a rd w are store, which wns filled wit n ir smoke, nnd it waa thought that n f i r

wna sntoulderii ig in the rear of th huild ihg . L a te r it .was found the fir (ir ig innted In the renr of the F iler Mei

nt- rnn l i le store.tny ^ h e shr iek ing tones of the fire sire :>»s, numiiioiu'.l tho slohprng rcmdents « Ing lh o tow n to the scene of the fire , an t l l e 'm j .n y e a r ly morning risers iji the rurr OOnlooxmuunities e i the r heard t?ve alarm <: j e d i f u w tbo m ounting flames and enme int c r n j t o witness Ihe spcctnrnlar sight.»nd] W in d aiilfta.j'",'] I lnndicnpiicd by n lack of siif ficier

f i re-fi trb ting npparalus . the voliintet f i r e ilejiarta ieut un.ler tlu- direction c

nf ’, a ' (Continned on Page l lT e )

5WS E v en ts-Hocognition of the Mexican gov- seph P . Ouffey, an American en- n Mexico, a t a conferenco today

'kla., i/p)— F urther breaks in thft lad ian river Thursday caused the s and property dam age estim ated ^hc W e ste rn leagne baseball park gam es scheduled were called off.

-Tbc f i r s t communist congress of I to be held here aoon. The pro- principles “will be outlined” and ing th e objects of the convention, lissing from-the list of the organ- Moxican leaders.


Tiore Ohicago M unic ipal E iec a t lv e Wot Collect Damages fro m Two Paperi

Kcr CHICAGO, (/p>—Two su its f .. r i Inon .nllUon .lollars wore filed lo.Iay by i

!• i'l ’ <'hien«o on orders of Ma''V ill inni Hale Tliompt<on ntrninsf

b .Tj <’hic:it;.. T ribune an.l the Chlca-'o D.i I t N ew s , respeetively . Tlie suits, nccc

I i j ig t o Corporation Counsel a . E t' 4*«n, rtlU’ge th a t charges made b y th

loit new spapers in tho p rim ary cam pa fivi-a l ave in jured Chlcngn f l n a n d n l l r . . hosl T h e charges alleged fa lse sfatom

t o th e effect fha t the cUy ia b a n k r -»!i.l Us credit exhausted. They dec e d t h a t thvse ata tem enta in jn red bo

fair, •■»suetl l>»|he cltjr and la jnred th e o •«le o f tKe e i tv emoloveS.


D A I I10. n u D A T , 8 EMEMBEK 17, 1020

r a nK I D D I E S I N !

O F E X P O S I T I ' O N F I N A L i

I Schools Throughout County Cl( Another Big Attendance Rec

® keepers Leave Posts; Twin F '[ Crowds Reaching 7,(XK) Maif — —

Todny, being Children 's day, kiddie f rom every soction o f iiie county a r runn in g wild a ll over th'o ‘ e ipoait io i grounds n l Schools cvorywhor

0 . cloned In d e fn e n e e to . th e occasion nni b- nno ther | iig a ttendance i s 'ex p ec ted t Y ro ll up beforo gatekeepers ccase takin i

ndmissions iliis evening. ! nt Twin Fa l ls e ity schools, g rade nni0 ll i i l l , cnlled a full dny hoii.Iny, classo

elosing on Thurs.Iny nfte rnoon to n mniu rloiied unti l ncx] Miuiday mom

ho » ‘K-An extraord inar ily en terta in ing prc

g ram has bi’cu prepared for the cd lf ro cutirm » f fhe juvcuilea this afle r;y )oi

w ith specia l roees nnil musie . an .lances. A derby event has been ni ranged ns the prime track a t t rac l io r

re tho F ile r Chamber of Commureu han^ ing up a purse for the wiuaer o f Ihi C h i ld ren ’a day event,

jy Offic ia l figures, returue.l on yeslei to d a y 's a ttendance a t the rounty fa; :h slunv ft b ig break iiver the uttendanc th m urk of Wednesday, when a record f. V- au y single day a t county ex{>o»ltior nt wns set.

Y es te rd ay 's mark, aeroril ing i i r ee ip ts a t tlio gate , reached 7 ,0 0 0 , Tl gross ra sh receip ts ^^500. Aimission fee is !>0 cents per

W'ednesduy's rccord wns i!,rtOi- -Uti-ni “ en.-e. This wns Buhl Day.

Thus Tw in F.iJIb’ Day al lho fa i r c ' . tnbliahed an attendance mnrk which t

tu re fa irs in th is dis tric t wUl Im/o .» ulm nt, probnbly will not aurpiVM f

oirsst Special Hotior

For y es te rd ay 's spccial ho JOr cC>' “ si<in Twin Fnlla people turned out rtl- v a s t number both to colebrntc tlic di

anrl to vis it the biggest nud ti'J^t fn Twiu Fnlls roun ty has over promulg : .'(I. Not all of tho mereantilr .me

ll't' [ rises of the town dosed entire ly , b o f lh e big m ajo r ity shut up shop nnd -‘e

’n” nil han.ls to tlu’ exposition. Some «e }<•/ i\ iiart fo rce, at least as many en ploy

;iK coul.l well lie spared from d u ty . T •f” ; niiinieipnl .Iq ia r tm ents were elus1.'*'’ ; lioin noon on. while several o f th . lot

t v departm ents also were closed, a!.i>tliers on ha lf force. II The fa ir grounds fnirl>( teem ed w 1 vis itors during tlic afte rnoon, w ith

fjiir a ttendance la the morning, a j-till more iu the evening. E xhib it ■ 1 ;irtmenlN a l t ia c ted keen in terest , wl. 111.- races^ind special concessions evci wer. ' popularly patronized. The dnt

•flii.ir ranie in' for i ts full shnre of tenl io ii , nnd the other .eanvass-t«>p

ent lr:irti.iiiH were ertiwded most o f the d;

Thril ling Races

----- The I rack events yesterday worepeeially thril ling, s p ie / being ndii

^ i t . i some o f the most iute rest ii ig evei___l i .v minor accidents. - Oue o f these

ciirred when a uioiiiit, ente red in i I | .riucipal running eveni of fhe a f t

noon, th rew its .iock.'V, who finali^- ftise.l to ri.le. in the chnriot race. 1

---- '• t.-am broke some of the harness r^'ing. dragging Ihe .Iriver .>ver tho l.iiar.l :in.l uiider th.- wheels of woo.len .'ar. The hi*rses without Klriiiut then entered the m re anil .•ounietilioii unti l thev becaai.- enfau!; i „ - |h e harne.Hs a n d 'w ere .-..mpelled stop.

I Th.' vocal concerls, afl.-m.K.ii f ' i-v.'ning, liv lhe Hall I/»Ue Opera <|i:

1 ! te t. .•..iitinue to vie with the comp;, <.f .•i.me.liaiis for populari ty hot-, i Th.' .|uiii1et has jirovcd one-iif lhe m i [xiiiular ianuvatujas ever shown al I public a f fa i r in lhis_ rounty .


I . • ' ' ■j_JIewfoundland who Rescued M an y I I e r t Travele rs Ooes to R ew ard

___ ! I.OS ANCKI.KK, C.nl., (/p)—Itufu>. ^ | X . ‘wfouudland dog. whirh siiVed m i R S nii<ii from denth in the hot. Kiindy wn

t o f Death Vailin', is .l.*od.To thirse Who have Iniv.-rse.l th.-

” j ley tliis tiu-aiis uiueh, . ten Rufus gui.le.l scores ol w nnd.’

• tl.c-t n 'T oss 'i ts .lesert. He s<-arched the

avo r I •*'.'* guided man:,J s i i f e ty . Severnl hundred guide p

which m ark jiaths ncro^s the snnd j really monumenJs to the nchievcm

cord -1 o f Rufus.3ttle-l He tour.'d the ITulted S ta te s -on » v . ._ l t i ; r e tours with l,ou Wcslcott peek,

‘ plorer. Hia deeds were c h ro n k lr . P»‘« “ |m an«; nnwspapera; his p ic tu re s ’

I fubllshed in many magnzlaei. im ootj Beck died th ree yoara ago a n d R icrupt J li -tired to a home fo r homeless an l BClar-^ln Pasadenn. There he was forge londfi iw til bin dea th b r e u ^ t to the- mini’ m o r - ' th o s e he served find saved rem em br

I n f kin utrvl^a.


- Y N

■ I TP O S S E S S I O N


lo se in D e f e r e n c e t o O c c a s io n a n d

c o r d i s E x p e c t e d B e f o r e t h e G a te -

F a l l s D a y B r in g s R e c o r d - B r e a k in g

a r k .

e s ^ --------------------------------------- ---------- -—

" Says Forecaster of ' j Blast was Informed I Through Telepathy

HAMII.TON, Ont., (ifp)—FMward P. Fischer, detained here in ronnertiou

"‘^jwitli investigation into the Wail atreut i xphision, wa.-l apprehendeil ou infornin-

'''■ tiou given the p-jlicc here by his brcth- r ia law, Robert Pope of'Ncw York,

it Has staled. The two men have been ro- i,t a hotel here for Ihe hist two da^ a. fl- The polici' sny Mr. Pope informed JJ, them thai‘thr.-e weeks ago, tho prisoner

I predirted the N.-w York catnslroph.' an.I N.-iit warnlftgs to Wall ’street fiieuds. Pojie said his rclutlve han beer:

>n, in a p.-euliar mental condition for b<> uo lg. lime and he believes, Ihc information , j . » fit fhe approaching .lisast.-r wan *.!re-

reive.l b;* tolejiatliy.".\n insanity eommissioii ai)ju.lge<l

Fincher “ a fit subject for the asylun*” uir and hi' will be taken tliere this after ICO noon.[jr OTficers who ha.l the '|if'soncrs ir luy ( linrge said he talked queerly. Ho sai'l

he ha.l once nrted as a sparring purl r-‘- ner to .Tack Dempsy, the lieavy -welghl 'hu iK.xiiig elmmpion.


nd- iM c S W IN E Y H A S GOOD N IG H I

CS- Prison Phydfian B«porta Little Ohoag fu- in Lord Mayor’s Condition ', ;o ---------f»'>r, LONDON’, (iip)—-Ix)rd Mayor TorijM

MnrSwiney, of Cork, who todnv| bega . lhe .’jiljh day of his hunger'strik* u

. ‘Irixtoii prison. pas,se.l a somewhat b--| ' ‘ t:-r night atul had a little sloep, said .1 „ bulletin issue.l at nno o'clock thi . ' i r ru.Mumg l.v the Irish Relf-neteri-.inntlo ,.,f, hayin'. The bulletin said the iiains 1- y'" hns Hiiffere.1 iu his limbs nnd bnek eo.

tinne but that he was not.-sufTerln from which he haH freiiucntly complnir

, <'.l. Il was .lerhired ii.- is wi-nker b*j fhat he in still rousrious.

Xiic ’■‘’I’"'' ' •" home office, fh ise.l I'l'Vsicii.a al Brixton prison dcclaro lun- *"* change in the lord maj aiid ‘''''"I'^lon, except thnt a grndui .H'terioration wns noficenble dolly,

vilh ' h :i j------------------------:---------------------------

Swimming Ppol Listnnt-sj

Preiiomlf acknoilidEid, . J929.00iV l Burton E. Morse ................ . 10.00

i.‘v I Colwell «{ Spargur ............... 25.00I B. B. Wimaan*___________ 10.00Merlin O. Batley.................. 5.000. D. Eaae.............................. 10.00

1 J . B. White ........... ............ .... 25.001. D. Btore and Employes.... 200.00D. D. Alvord ...................... 50.00,J. C. Irwin .......................... ;. 26.00

. Charles E. Secord ............... 5.00- I Twin Fallfl Hardware Co.— 50.00

' 1{S. 1 Total ................................*1,544,00J , . ' ______ .

THE PLAN I Purchase of trac t of land adjacent

}']'! open ditch or coulee.~ ■ ’ I Oonstmctlon of open pool, 50xli " 'ifeet, concrete lined, varying In dep

.•from one to ten feet.I I Erection of snitable dresslnK roon

• , 1 .: benches, etc.! Balance of land not covered by po I and dressing rooms to be nsed for gc

.,ieral pstk purpowa or disposed of In 11 fonn of d ty lots.

Attendant to b« employed during s u mer months. E ntire project to be bni

,/^D by local subscription and turned over ; the City for maintenance and operstlo I free of all cost, npon compleUon.

Des-j Telephone Tho Nows, Phone 32, oi I tell us how much you caro to subscrll I You mny send your chcek in at oncc merely pledge tho nmount, payable ot

• • ■ hnlf Jnnuary 1 nnd onc-half April iiau> ]Q21. Amounta from one dollar up c ni! -H'dlnlly invited.


' -


\ nr** WAyHlNOTlIN, D. C.. (ifp)—An T>eni» tempted violation of fho.American c

sulale af O n o a by workmen displ I >0'-- iu(( rp(] who 'sought to forte :k, ex- lowering of tho Amerlean flag dur! ed in a funeral of workmen was reported were jday to tho state department. ‘

I The report of the incident waa c< Rut'tis munlcated by Vie# consul Murphy limals Genoa through the American emba [O ttin 'at Rome. The funeral waa of wc idT of mro who had been shot du ria t & cl iran. e with Italian police authorities I V

JUlurKmAMB nf IA Aa




- opcoNSPimicy(e- ------ing W. J. Flynn Declares Proof Po­

sitive that Bomb Caused Ex­plosion Taking Toll of 36 ' Lives and Injuring 200

N EW YOBK, « > )-W ll l lam J . F lynn ,> chief of the bureau of investigation ,

[depnrtment of justice, declared th ie .afternoon he wns positive t h a t a bomb

P had causcd tho explosion in Wall s treo t . ■ |yent(irday which took a toll of 36 l ives,

I injurod nbout UOO persons and cnuso.l reut property damage running into the mil- -nin- I’"*"''

FoUowa rirem an 's Report.Chief F lynn mnde his nnnouncemont

' shortly a f te r F ire Commissioner Dren- nnn had reported to Mayor H ylan his belief th a t a bomb was/rcspon'alblo fo r the d isaster and the police had begnn fo JTiring fo tho bomb theory a s op- poaed to thn t of a collision b e tw een a powder wagon and a n automobile.

'’f''*! “ There Is abaolntely no doubt „ th a t I t 'was a bomb/* said Chief

:Vr! Flynn. ‘ 'A n important deralepeunt . In the U st two henrs has eenvlnced

, , Qi of tlxia. The bomb-in«‘ »ppftr* '■ ently placed by a person who waa -

within fonr blocks of Wall a a l Broad streets when the explosion

. ,„l occnirea."More tl ian ISO pounds o f b ro k en

«aah w eights and other motal f rag - mcntfl have been coUeetcd b y tho f i re dopartm ont a t tho scene of tho d isa s te r a nd turned over to tho police, Commit- s loncr D rcnnnn said. '

1^*1* A t police headquarte rs. It w as ^ i d , th e f i r s t ta sk would be to nnsembyt tb.« f r a ^ e n t e in an e ffo r t to reoonstruc t

■7^ * the b om b ond dotermlne w hether it waa m ade b y skil led handa of by a noyice.

Ccrio ln ftt laat of th e^cauie .o t the i explosion, federal agents^And c i ty p o - •

'Cga 1 Hog increased the ir efforts to f in d the ;« ul d r iv e r o f a wagon dr<wn by one h o f»9

b.-t- which ^ n s blown to fleces. N'o trace ill] II o f him hns yet been found.

Believed Bomb In Wagon." ? '' ! The theory nf the investigato rs is

th a t a t im e bomb was plnccd on the wagou atul th a t the driver hurried from

itnin **“’ j""* a f te r arranging fo r the• 1 Ml occur a t noon.

' Six expert chemists ntfnrhed to the bureau o f mines of the departm ent of

{ , tho in te r io r arrived at police headqunr- tors th is afternoon from W ashington an d nssinted in reconstructing metal f ragm en ts believed to have boon par». o f a bomb.

___ ' Edward P. Fischer, a former em 'ploje of the French high commit

i4- aion in N ev Tork, wh^-waa dettln- ed by the police In Hamilton, fint.,

____ today aftor he 1s allejed to haTOsent two postcards to friends h«re

1.00 from Toronto warning them not to be In Wall street a t 3 o’clock Wed-

100 BwUy. the 16th, will be brooght to ^ New Y o rk -to testify before the ^ Beptember grand jnry. This body ,'nn- today w u ordered to inquire Into

the disaster. • j OO Hhortly bofore woril of Fischer’s de- • ).0 0 . tenlion was received here, a report )!00 attorney's office lef.j'oq for Toronto with a subpoena for him.

).00 ( M organ Offic ia ls ffi'Darlc.— Members nf the firm of J . P . Mor-

gun and .om pany nfte r conferr ing la repnrd fo the disnster, issued n s ta te - ineut to the effec t that they hod no

in t to ku.iwledge as to fhe cause of m otives of the explosion. Severa l mem bers of

received vriinl nnd writ - ctnnmiinicnlions in regard to fho

expliisinn, but they sny th a t none has th rown anv light upon it.

‘ooras.Traces H o t U luUes.

r pool (i.-orgu I.jimb, division superin tend* r gen- ea t of flu- bureau of investigation of In ths the .l.-partment of justi re. found one

mail had been struck while on Jo h n { sum- s treet, ftilly a quarter of a milo from I bnllt scene of the explosion by a wlndQw ver to weight. The metal, noarly two-ation, *>’''1" ' ’' '» length was hot when it fell.

Six expert wagon makers ezpren- l, ond ed opinion a t police hea^njir- jcribc. ters th a t the “ powder waeoA’"* was ncc or ^ closed vehicle of old time design.0 one- T toy said that fragmoata o f tlw .

1 vehicle indicated i t waa bo distinct*' m eo^ ^ former days th a t the^ taak gf esUbll^hlng its IdeQtity

ROWI (OoBtinned on Page Five)


\ n at procession was passing the eonsolate in con- a nnmber of workmen rushed Into the isplay bnUding and tried to enter the eon* xe the sul’s oftiee to lower tbe Am«rkas f l* f during to half mast In respeet t» t U desd. - ted to- Viee Consn] Morphy j to ta iM tIte

erowd and refused the w y i M ’'tfcM IS coa- the flag be lowered,'and tW phy at etoird e s t e f tM eeasalatft i n t M A t atbaaqr men Anally lefi after oe—H w tlB i ' m

woA pestuiatloB d o ^ w U el ihlH a clash iald . to have *nrT tfnr IW fii if I '

..... The ItaUaa «slboeilk*>Aa tka (irnaaj*.! rMBrm* Im

M m m i m iII ID C iPSIIS i

tiisrsfiEsyustro i

Federal Agents Work with the State and Cily Offioials to Run Down Reports of Wide- „ spread Extremist Plots '


—L------ tf

Discovery of Clock Work P arts in W reckage Indicates Oon- ti spiracy Back of Catastrophe ^ in Wall S tree t

N E W VOIIK, ( f f ) -T lro fi.ii.ii,-ini I ' ‘'.eDtcrs of Aiiir rirn 'd f)l(j '-ificH from '

coast to ronnt arc nrmcd caiitpH toilnv, with ].o1iec nml i>rivntc si’iitrii's postoil ' to guard agnlnnt roju'tUion o f tUV myn- fcriouB explosion tliat roi-kod Wnll »«v BtTcct vcfltcrdny. 0

In WnHliinnfon, ThlcoffO and othof citic'A, aa fn r noiitli nn Uip. Oiilf o f Mox- Ico, n n J w'l'Kt to tli<‘ Ooldrii Onto, au- • thorlt ir fl plnrotl lu^nvy pnttolR in IhcSr

hiiJunoBB diHtriclK, nnd fedorni jiRcnfn worked wifli stnto nnd o lty offi- .•inln to run down ropnrfs of wldcsprond cxtri'tniRt plotH. noo

D eath L is t Orowa Thirty-four jior«onn wore k illed and

mon- tlinn 1!00 injuroil in tho oxplortlon yontcrdny, duclarod l»y tlie policc lierc,AH probnbly cauBC'd by an infe rna l m o-1 ., , , , chinc. 1

TUreo nami'«*v.’c io Mnftfd tb is mom- i,,,,) inK from tlio liflt of thimo inju red to tho di'ttth polunin. Tho wore Jo lm Dono- Jiuc, a Brooklyn norountnnt; Jo h n W. I'' W eir nnd MIh.i MnrKiiret F iahor o f ’ I'" UroniJyn. They died iu hoifpitalii. Thlt» LroiiKlit the revised liat of dead to 33

Dlicovory e f part* o f clock w ork In th# wreck**® and aonouacenjent ' b y experts t h a t tr latrotolt io l o r pic. r io acW waa used la the bomb, I f tJiere waa cne. have sea t de tec tlvea ’ an d departm ent o f Juatlc* m en on " ‘’Jv th i r t y *‘leada” poin ting to bom b ' ■ plota Bos^rodlcal activities.M(*anwhiIo ilic Kecni' of yoHfordny’n

b last i« roj)od off. while the stoctc ex- Tl rhanRi' ond nllied (irgnnizations pre- " 'i ll pared fo rosumo businow a t tho uminl >'nei liour tliin mnrning. two

Detecttves Take Trail. T'Severa l N’ew York doicctlvea--«.a«d pj-.t

KCftet Bcrvicp »ncn -left tlio vUy carW . th is morning fo r unnnnotinfod dostJna- tion on out of town ends o f the invoa- „ i .„ tiRfttion. Willinm J . Flynn, chlo f o f (he , bureau «if invoMti){atiun of th c dcpnrt- m ent of justice , viewed tho aecno o f . tho \An«t pernonaUy aceoinpanlod t y ,i dotoefives nnd his own men, b u t stoad- tt f a s t ly refused to (dlk on the m b jee t .

tw o p a l a n ead ln eaa ' ' ^ i d 'Troops wero hold In leadinoss on on i

G overnor 's island today a n d -d e ta e h - Tl m enta o f tho Tweaty-sccond in f a n t ry su f f wero in barracks, sub jcct to call. whh

AH publio buildlnRS and tho homes o f wcoltl iy and prominent men hero a re under special watch and overy ava ilab le roan i» held in tcacTVc ur uetWely work- " inf; in federal, s ta te njid c i t r invoatiffa- t ion afroncics.

Office W o rke rs Admitted. ^ b<Betw een 8 and fl o ’rloek th in -morn- iilimi

ing police linos in tho financia l d is t r ic t Htav •were re laxed for ndmlimiou nf tlio thoU' the . sands o f offiee workers. Durinp tlin th is samo period emergency patro ls wero Cliie doubled an d tv c ry doorway and nl ley btisf wos* under close Inapcetion. D ow ntow n mon ttuhway s tn t lons v f t re k t p t c lcare il \>y nfiU a ' l a r g c force of policemen. to I

During th e onrly honrs pttblic and p r ivn to ugencicH cleaned uj> Wnll s t ree t A Bwceping up tons of debris nml wash- j tT!re


MONR<The Mansfield of the t

“ H is ]A D ram atic Six P a r t Prodi

‘ Topici of tke Day—CoMAXmEE AUD EVENING

Gas BuggiesSalesnuyish

■ fwe VOULP like / # I YES T f . LOOK AT T « l» \MY YOU« A M A U CAR& A TCWfllNS C A n UNU3U4L


-----------IycX/ PftCI ^ r tN O


ng down blood-spattered sidewalks nnd of 'i (uildings. Repairmen in the- night for l i a r tc d work nld^d bji floarchli i^ li i liili •omedying danmgi' to fwlrtcd iron of- ilie licc VtTuctures Sn tUv Morgan liuildiug. to Uld glorli' r" by Heores begnn tin; loni,':nnk nf restoring window pniics in tlie j 'Titiri' finnneinl di»tricf. .

Metal MlB sl lo s Found _Tlireii jiieiTH o f n irved motnl wen’ '

b o n e a l i r th e Hiirfiivo <>f iln- pavement '11 tho hole i-niisd bv tin ' ex|iloaion. An- *• flier piece (if simUnr melal was taken • rrom thli body o f Robert Westdny, n Id veiir-old pnssengcjr who wns klUed, ;.c«-’ording lo Dr. Charles II. N'orris, . :b lof medical exnminor.

TLo authoritiea aald t h a t the ‘ f i n d i n g of these btta of evidence • v i r tu a i l r dlsalpated tho theo ry h f ld tim ear lie r by aome officia la t h a t the enn explosion m ight have been^caoaed b y a colliHion w ith a wagon loaded n m w ith explosive. Exi^miaatioa o f tHe bor wrecked wagon revealed, accordiag ihe to the police, t h a t i t waa w h a t la resi known m ft ' ' r a c k t ru c k ’ ’ an d th a t cigi I t waa unlikely t h a t a vehic le o f ^rjv th is t y ^ wotild be tiaed to tr aas- Ktn p o r t powerful exploalvea. nnd

-Thomns W. T>nmonf o f J . P. Morgan »nd cnmpnny, however, in front 'if of i KhoM flffii'os the explcsion oe.cutred 'xpressed fhe opinion Ihnt It wns pure- ,|i„. ly nreidenla l. f|c(

Two W arnings Uncovered, 'Twr> roji'Tfed wnrnings Iha t tbe ex- in <

,ili)Hlon wnn to occur figured in th.' flie invosflgnlion tndny. I

One of these wn« a In tte r reeeived jmr liy Lleiileiinnt Arnniid, of tho French im-( liigli eonimiKHion, from a man known uni to hnvo li'-en n former employe o f the to ,’0H\TOij»0H wUo predU-ted, it . is ss\W j-ov »ueh nri oreurronee. nnd warned fir.’ I’limrnlHsion to closo the offico and send llie omployi-H bome yeste rdoy after- j,|', noon.

The other was n le t te r received fw . tlnys ngo b y fieorgo TCetcbledge, nn cm * plnye nf n bnikeriino honso, from Efl- , ward FlHcher, in Toronto. Cnnndn, who , warned ngninst renmining in Wnll I t r e e t “ nfte r .'I o ’elock on the ITitli,” lind ended his missive w ith "go o d '’f" lu ek .- '

Securities Loss Heavy.Kfforts nlso were mnde to ascerta in

llio ajip'roTunnte nmoiint of bonds and . Jtl ier negotlnble seciirUios said to hnve ' beon loHl diirinc .veslenlay’s confusion, j , Special deteeflves nnd officers of .<e- *-\ iir lfv roitiimnies wi-ro ‘‘xer ling flieir

•fforts to this e n d . ' I t wns roportecf the -y" im ount of seeurltles lest Wns oipcotoil o run info severnl hundred flioiit>nnd ’*!" lollnrs. ■ -

J-lstlmnfeN o f the i>rojiertv dnmnge Inti •un n« high ns »2,.100,000. 'vil

Sightseers Crowd Scene.The • flnnilrinl dis trie t wns erowded

vilb sightseers th is inonrnnr. Polici- ines wero estnblis lied for a dislnnce of wo blocks north , enst, west nnd soiilh. " 7

The stock mnrket opencil promptly it 10 o 'e lork w ith no oiitwnrd aigna of xeltoinent nnd few traces of yester- In y ’s diMfUtor aside from tho windown vhich woFe eovered w llh m nvns in ,p, ' lim e o f tlie huge glnss panoa splinferod , ly the explosion.

A Inrge m a jo r i ty o f fhe netivo mem- •ers of tho exehange were present when bo opening gong sonnded. At the .. Jn ited S ta tes s/ib-trensury nnd n^say if ficc the d a y 's routino wns tnken up . c-ithout n hi tch. E x f rn gnanls were n d u ty ns n proenutionnry mensure. 1 ' The M organ han k building which

u f fe red most in the cntnstrophe also rns henvily guarded. ’

Busineas aa U s u a l crciTlie linnks opened nfKUsnal. Aressen- tior

ers nnd runners were escorted by wnj uards ns n jirceaiifionarT^’ mensure na g a in s t the crowds In the dlstrle.t. ,\

A piece o f metnl. jiremimably from wIm bomb, lind nn iron slug weighing froi

bout ft pound were fwind by II. 8. list i tnu t, deputy ussls tant trcasuTcr, ou 1- he . roof of the siib treasnry building enn his momin>«- Chief Kenlon nnd notl i i e g Brojiiiy nf tho bureau of com- tem 'iisfibles, eonferred nf city hal! th is j V norning with Mnyor ITylnn. They pre-ij 'n ii en ted repoTts on '■w hich tlie in-iievi-d whc 0 be the cniiHe o f the explo.sioii. wrr

Sc,eno P reaenta O on traa t. pio;u m ie of. nn . nlire ly d iffe ren t na

Qre from th a t o f yeste rday in front H

[ T H E A T R E

tOE SALISBl3 Screen, in a Story of the Eentu

D ivorced W i)dnction-^Admirably Acted — Sj

lomedy—Pathe Review, a

ihip, sizing up fhe prospei------ T------- IN T ^ I9 MODEL WlIfl- S tep pis»pen5ep w ith i•ivr- con ^ POVNO op w e is h t

EXCF5«V£ U/EI«H-WUY LISHT NECES5;4flVEIGHT V MOPEflN SCIENCE^ o e A ^ C f ) APPHEO-N o w - y ' ------------- -------

. Tw4n FALLS DAILlif lho sub-treasury was on fho program or todny. Sons o f tho .Vmoricon R^'vo- ^ iifion naseiubled fo r a rally a t noon on he stepH o f the government building o cele.briite I 'onsil tu tion day. ,


render nsked n westcfn newspaper0 net forth b riefly the pledges t h a t tho i><-nm<r!ilic piirty bnd mndo In itg plat- •orms nml fa iled to keep.

Sonii' o f tho brokon pledges of the !ltli: ph iffonu weru given aa follows:

•*\Vi- fnvor n single presidential tenn. . . und we pledgo tho cnndlda tj

if fhia convention to th a i principle.“ We fav.or tho exemption from tolls

if Americnn ships engaged in coastwisti mile passing through .tho Panama nnnl. ,

“ The cunstlVutionni r igh ts of Aineri- ■nil eltl;;ena should protect them on oar •orders nnd go wifh them throughout he world, nnd every Amorican citizen eaiding or hnving property in anyi for- ign country ia cufltlod to nnd m ust ’>e

riven the fu ll protection o f tho United Stntes govornment, both for himself j ind hla property .

“ Wo denounce tho profligate waste if money w rung from the people by op- ^Tensive t i ixntion. W o demnnd a re­luct ion In th c numbor o f useless of- !lces.

“ Our pledges nrc niitdo to be ,kept’ n offieo ns woll ns relied upon during he e nm pn ign ."

In addition , siivs tho nrtielo, the |i!irty In eonvention assembled prom­ised to reduec the high cost o f living, md ii Ih superf luous to cnll atton tion ;o the fnct th n t four ycnra la te r Wood- roAv Wilnon repudinted the »lnglo -tcm |)lnnk, Ihe promiso to exempt Amoricnn .•o.'isfwise Mhlps from pn>|ng toll ](vn llii'oiigh the eiinnl, lho pledgo fo redu^D am Ihe number o f uaeless offices nnd to (jur iirolect American eit lj’.euH ou the Mcsl- pa( [•nil border.

Till' paper then continues: M.“ In ]«10, the p a r ty in i ts p la tform s Cr«

ind in tlnr public nta tcmenta of i ts lend* On :’ra prumiscd to pnsa a water-power bill, _ but jiut i t o f f until a republican eon- _ gress acted. .

“ The deuioernts in IDld declared I flieir devotion fo tho princip le of a | budget system , bui. the budget bill [las.Ked bv the las t cougrcsa wus vetoed I by I’resideiit Wilson.

“ It ngnln promised i>rotocHon in „ ,\iiK!ric/ina on tho Mexican border, bu t f , llie m urder o f hundreds o f citizens con- i , „ iimed. Tho admin is tration meddled

ivithoul eonsifltcnej^ nnd In its vascil- nfihg po liry wna lanientnbly TN-rong ' vilh regard to both our rights and o a r ii ifies.” t>lo

- ' 1

3APITAL, T H E PB.TJ1T OP liASOB. \ (The Manufactu rer.)

“ Kxeept n <-orn of whent full Info 111' grounil nnd die. i t abideth alone;Hit if , it die, i t br inge th for th much I' rwit.—Jo h n X II , ‘IA. Tn1

(iod mnde no mis tnke in creation. Kl] rin‘ jlesire o f men lo hnve and invesT I md nequlre wealth for themaelvea la n •'>»» ilessing to Iho world: for they cannot ■i Io th is w i th o u t beunflt t ing thoir fel- lot ow men, whetl ie r they wieh fo benefit hem o r not. 'All thnt men savo nnd loti nvest, holjia othor people to got a ^ Iving. I t ili nil or aubsla'ntially nil, laid out in wnges, and the more they Jive and tho richer fhoy grow, the nnro they pay o a t in wages, and the Jiiaga producod continually furnish a low fund fo r saving, investing nnd in- reaso in wages. This is tho i«plana- ion o f good employment nnd high vngea in “ cap itfl l iaf’ ’ eountrioa, euch la fho United S ta tes.

All sav ing Involves sacrifice. lie vImi saves w h ea t fo r aoivl hna refrained rom eousum ing i t : nnd so in nil the ist o f th inga saved.

I f a ttiftu Is n« t to have legal t i t le or onlrol of whnt he cnn save, ho will lot aave. I l ls to ry nnd .experience enchoe thia.

Whtvt h av e ' .Vmerlcan workmen tn :nin by following tho advlfo of radicals vho would a-orifiKi-nte capita l nnd vroi-k in dus try? Noth ing but uncm- iloyment nnd niiHory.


IP T O D A Y A N D L » T O M O R R O W

;URYtucky Mountain

i f e ”Splendidly Staged

a Screen MagazineQUALITY rOTOPLAYS

ect {Oiry!:WE HAVE ^ ( EXCESSIVE WEIGHT »1 EVERY S 1A& 00£PHT p o s s i b l e - ) NOT iJNLY PCCR T>C H T I & ^ OUT OF > t y l e ,V WHEN \ £>HCW£> t6N0PANC&ZE r VF49HJ0NEP IOEA& «- ^ ^ ----------------- V .T7<E t


tr eater Hero.than Sergea Dutch Bl

ftergeunt L«uis V na Icraot, who won m ho famed S ergeant Y o rk /h a a re turned to ri th him a b r ide , formoriy Miaa Hondrlck ands. Van le rse l comc to th is country* ii rmy wheu w a r broke.' I t wita in tho arm ungo. He cap tured aixty-fivo O o m a n pi Bgne- y o t ' ' lh ia ho rocoivcd th c Croix do leda l of Honor b y getting inform ation un t I. Ninth In fnn try , from nnnlhilotlon. Othi Iroix do Guerre w ith pnlm and_ata re , Me -’ross, M ontenegran Medal and a regimcnta:

■ ' ■ bh

eEllLESTIlTETBIlMSFERS ;;;Pamiihed By tue Twin PalU Titl«

aod Abstract Oojnpaay

Ilaiiaen Townsito Co. fo Oscar As q t ury, $150, lot block 8, Hausen.C. C. .lohnson lo Em m a Johnson, c r

-.'iOO, lol 1. Oraceland Buh.8ame lo Samo, *-1000. pnrt lot 12, —

■lock 83, Twin Falls.1). Cr. Grnvbenl lo W. C W vekoff e:

1 «5fl00, lo t 1, bloek 1, Five i»‘olnt Add.’win F a l l s . .

M. W. Denoyor to Bessie M. Davies, 2MU, lots 13, 14, l.i. Garden Homes nb., Twin Falla. •Kimberlv Townsito Co. to F rank

'nto $3000, lo ts U and 12, block 27, kimborly.

Frank T ate ‘to II. W. Goodapeod $2,- 00. lojs n nnd 12. block 27, Kimberlv. Alan P. Senior to J . 0 . Fablor 42350,

>1 11, block 1, Senior Add., Twin Falls.Poc. Bee. Tr. Co. to L. H. Lathrop #1,

its 10 and I I , bloek 8, lots 15 and 16,

T h e O rpheA . I

The Celebrated Irish Bar


O’ M AIHe is One of the Most Talente

» Big Attraotions

The ViUing lyrics of old E rin ha pleasing to tho music lovers o f thli jieclnlhv whou suag by thoso who kno terisficH of Iriah folk music, us inter] Irue Irish. Mr. O 'M nra has given h ntudy of Irish music, history a n d dran studied voice production undor some teachers in Amcricn; being a lato pup iicni American baritone, David Bisphi


fright, 1020, by Xww E ia F e n tu r ' i f ) .

A W /r r aC A lL Y ) * i n s u l t e d -------- I

= M D OLP / ' ' V P .R E C A m m S L J -



m t York Arrives with tride...... . -ir HIIIII - | I i i i w i — M

J jncli

■■ *

--f4 mov

E f

■ > K

wore AftcoratiouB In th e A. E . F . than ) h is homo in Passaic , N . J . , b ring ing ks do Bondo, o f Duaacn, Tbo Nethcp- »_ in 1010 and enlisted In Uio American nji thn t ho lo am de tho Amorican lan- pi prisoners ainglo-handcd 4n tho Cham- 0 Oucrro. Ho won tbo CJongreaalonal ider firo t h a t aavod h is un i t , Compaav F< hor decorations ho won woro two moro [odal Mllitairo, D is tinguished Sorvico al fourngucrro. S '

- _____ ___________ f i

lock 4, lots 12 and 43, b lock (1, Blue A .akes- Add,, T w ih s ^ l l a . d(

J . C. Fnhler fn Wm. T. Leslie, $1, pj rimo lof. «i

A. M. Loflko to A. D. W eaver $1. SK 0-15-18, pfirt SKSB 24-15-17.

A. D. Wenver fo A. K. Pond, p a r t E S E 24-l.'5.17.A. E. Pond to .-V. U. W eaver $1, pari

•ESE 24-l.'>-17.


W h i t e B e a n s a wThe only BONDED WA!



TlipVifP YL i X P O -

“The Siavo long beon Two P arla country, os- ow the c h a ra c

TheSileipll o f thd 'emi-bam. Starring


r ) j \ l W A ^ MEffELY E

) B O T - I - I ' I \w ei<SMT OVEPt.H

. ) W H A T * THE WEftfHT ANO/ M A T 7 E f 7 ? J THEY ( ^ M A O y ' ’ —f I /»NP

■ M

PTEMBER 17,1920W a r a n d Peac«.

T he illfterence between war and peace Ib. In wor a peoplo aro united . dgalnst a common enemy; In peace, ench mnn hna blood In hl8 <ye and hlti Boybody within rcach.—Bou8ton PobL

^ a t Yon Porget.

Lot us remind you tt ia t Clinmber- Ia in ’s Tablo ta no t only cfiuab a gentle movement o f tho bow o U ib u t Im prom tbe appetite and a trengthen tho diges ­tion.—adv ,'

*TH E LEGENDARY VAM- •L PIRE was said to sudc the

life blood of sleeiring men. The Fire Vampire is not legendary.Its menace is ever present

Are you awake to fills danger?Is your property insured and protected? '

Without extra cost, . .FORD F ire Compant

offers special Fire I t e n t i o n Service together with its sound {ire insurance, whicb mean? double protection. Tp fully un­derstand and obtain this effectwe protection, ’phone or write this “ Haktford” Agency. '

Twin Falls Title and Abstract Co., Ltd.


n d C l o v e r S e e dAREHOUSE in Filer




ictoryX rio7, Songs and Mnsic


irate’sGold”Iventure S tory

simple Life”Part Comedy Riot

ent AvengerIg WiUiam Dnncan

IG ' •

by Beck

EXPu'|NIN(^( -CP U 6 H tP h a v e

^ T/VCT.


miElNDOyBH-Republican Gubernatorial and

Senatorial Nominations and Demoorajic Senatorial Race All are Closely Contested n i

, • ICHICAGO, (;p)—K ffo r ta w crr con

tinned todav to pompleto the unoffic ia l , p'. ' ronnt o f W «dncsdny’B IlIinoiB prim ary i " ballots In thp pIobpIv ronlontod rep«b- licoii Kubornfttorial and ncnntoria l nom- iuationn and the dptnorro tie nrnatorinl mco. 'With Ot>l o u t o f tho 7731 pro- p i ‘, pjnrts in tho stato m lu in f ; o f which 27fl pji wore in Cltleaffo. Small, o f Kanka- n ,.

supported by M ay o r Thompson o f i Ohira(;o, fo r tbo p;ubornatorla l nomina- p,, tion ^ p e a r e d to h av a b o fn tho vic to r g^. nvpr Lioutonant' Governor -Tohn O. Os- l>ii li'Hby. Txiwden <-andi.lnto, by a plural Ity of about 10,000 in n to ta l voto of | lu'firly 700,000. Smnll polled lii's hoavi- put votp in Chiraffo. I

M cSia]«7 Takes Lead. ■ConjrrcBsman W. n . Mi-Kjnloy,

dou randidutG for siMintor. npptnrcd linvo dcfcnted P ra n k L. Smith, ported by Mayor ThampHtm, liy a pUir^ nlify.ijnmowhnt smaller thnn tho t which ” d ’oiilAl tho fnihcrnnforiol eontost. Boc- tificfttion o f a rlcrical o rror In the ta b ­ulation o f tho Chicngo voto p u t Me Kin!<-y in tho lend b y n'bont 4000 voles, g, McKinloy-’a vote, w ith 447 p re c A ^ p Ci ouifli-lo Cook county mlsslnR was 3W,- Br

Smith hnd ni7,.'l3.'5 wUli 270 pro <-lncl8 minHin^ in Ghirnf^o. (fq

Democratic Soce Oloso.Till' offirin l cauvnss to bo hold next 8 t

Tuc.ijny probnbly w ill l>c ncccssary to R{ (l.’ti’rmini! Ilic democratic! BOiiutnrial winii-T. Unoffic ia l roOirns showed n , Iloln'rt E. Burko and P e t e r Waller run- tjc niili; uork and nock. Tho voto in 2815 gc precincts of which 2130 wero in Cool: Ht i-tmtitv was; Bnrko 4ft.H20; Wnller, q , 4S.i*02. •

s o c i i i L m m y i i i "

M C T E O JN N E W y O R I,F iv e . M e m b e r s E x p e l l e d o n th o c

C h a r g e s o f D i s lo y a l ty , S u p - ^ p o r t e d b x ^ l & tc r s

NKW YORK, fiv,. so,-ial- |i111 nM?i-ml)!ym«-n who w , t c cxpt'lled from tHo titiitc It'KiHlatiiro Inst sprinjrl nn eharRe.H of dlHloyulty w,-re rc olcctod

. nt Hiicrinl (’Irctionn brl ,l h»‘r»> Thurs-1 dny. I

At another «po< lnl oloction in t h e } ’ N*inp|f*onth disfrict o f K in j i ’K pounty. • N.'it Rubin, MK'lnliHl, rnn tliird in n I thri’.' cornered oimtvst. 1 '

The voto in tho f ive (Intrii'-tM where j till- ouHtcd nnsemblymrn rnn wns lij»lit. 1 In llie Eighth d is tr ic t , N'l-w- Vork ronn i® ry. I»uiH Wnldnmn wns ele rtcd ov-r I , MiirrlH B. Reiss, the fusion rnndidflte. i * l.y.n vote of 30Cfi to 2-J22. '

Aiiuust Clnessans, rp-olc-ted in t h e j ' S,-veiiici nth dis tric t o f N'ew Vork eoun- ty, received 37.1S a^'uinst 2220 for An- | ^

Roseni'cweijr, fu sion i-nndidnte. !_ B. A. D eW itt i^efcnsei{ the fnMon cnn- i*

liiilnte, Milton A ltsi-hnl-r in the th i r d ! ' llronx distric t . .IHO.T lo 2:U0.

Samuel Orr. r n n n in s ngninst .lames .1. (’oIlinN, fusion enndidnte in the for-;^ tiolli Bronx d is t r ic l , wns re-fleeted.; ■1171 to .1003. j

lu the Tw enty- th ird d is tr ict ni’ \ Kiiiir’s eounty, Charles Solomon jiolled ' 2slii votes nRoinsf l-IJl fo r .1. S,duiei.liT democrat.

Silnmon BOid his vii-tory was :i viti-|^ .ii.-ation.

N e t Pure Reading Matter."How to lie when uHlcep.” runs a ^

oew spaper heiiOUne. T in- up...... would | 'be ho t te r fllleil i>eoiile t o ;tell the tn i th while nwnk'* .- llnstPB i Transcrlpr. i ,

T IHad ■ F renz le .d Look. !

From a Story—'‘F reiiz le Kulti iirtth-j* •InK, and tliere wan Knmrtlitni;. <Ilsron' iJ

certing In tlio wny lie -nlil l t ."--n , is t ,in | ’ Transcrip t.

I ngagement e

BElWlTOrtWT h e F i

K e l l y ’sC iTwo Nights Only—i


I n T h e i r T e n t T h- T ^ r e o t o d o n L o t s Adjoi:

Saturday NightT h e S c r e a m i n g l y F u n n y

F a r c o O o m e d y

“At Monte Carlo"

P o p u la r P r ic eScats Oan Bo Obtained from


y rv ,

' ^ d a j ^ s S p o r

/ AI B A S E B A L L vo


N A T IO N A L L E A O U B S ta n d i n g o f O ln b s

n-oa. L-m. P -tBrooklvn ...................... 8o 38 .CiO.'i ’ "Cincinnati .................. 7.T 60New York ................. 77 02 .S.'54Pittaburgh ................. . 71 Ofl .52.1Chicago .... ............. .. CD '72 .400 P ”SI. Louia .................... ar, 7r, .4mU- Bton ------------------- 4fl 77 .421 ^Pnilad^jnJiia .............. .'>4 H4 .301

YBflTEEl»AY'8 QAMB8 .At Now York— Jz

First gamo: - B. H. BPittsburgh' ............................ 3 8 1N. w York ................ ............ 1 i 1

Battorios: Hamilton and Behmidt; Piimea, Donglas and Snyder. |Br.'Auil came: B. H. B. BPiitshiirBh ................ ......... . O i lNew York ............................ 4 7 0

Hutteriea: Ponder and Sehmidt; Nehf nml Smith.

At Philadelphia— iniSM.re: E. H. B.' Cl,icago ....................................0 12 o' i-’liiludvlphin ............... ........... 5 13 1

Battories: VauiChn. Aloxauder and ' ! O'FarreU; Hubboll, Rnzmann, Cattaoy '* nnd Withorow.

-\t Brooklyn— Vl S< ore; • B. H.. B.Cineinnnli .............................. 3 10 IBrooklyn .......................... — 5 10 I

Batteries: Tlenther, Fisher find Win-go; Grimes and Milter. ]„

-------- MAt Boaton— |,j

St. L o u ia .......................... . r - w — 0 i,BoRton' .................................... 3 9 0 p

Bnttcries: Goodwin, Schcrdel, Lyons,Donk and Clomons; Scott,.McQuillan, inTownsend and Gowdy. f,8 c<-ond Ramo: R..H. E. oiHt. liouis ................................ 3 S 0 fjBoston .................................... 4 14 0 Ji

Batteries: • Haynes nnd OrioBonbeck,Cleiiuins; OpHchger nnd O ’Koill. “

A M EB IO A H L E A G U B S ta n d i n g o f O lnbs

Woo. I-oat. Pet.Clevi lmvl .................. KO 52 .02-1N.-w Vork .................. «S .'54 .«11i

' CHic-nKf) Hfi r,r,. .010. yt. U uis .................... na r.o .4H7

Boston .. <>0 7i" .40S\Vjish>ni;tnn ................ 73 , .4^3Detroit fir, f<4 .3!M

j 1-hil.idelphin .............. 40 03 .331

• TESTEEDAY’B O A ^ S .. Al Chbago—

( Seore: R. H. EL. 1 NVw York ............................ 3 0 2•jChirnKo .................................. H 13 I

I Hntteries: Qulnn. Mogridtfo, Collins I MeOrnw nn,| llnunnli: Kerr nnd'8<'halk.

‘ t At Clevolnnd— ' '■ j Sroro: R. Hy JE.r Wasliinglon .................... ..... O' <T 'U

, Cleveland ................................ 1 3 1■ ' Hntteries: Znrhnrv nud Ohnrrity;,, jMnils nnd O’Neill.

. i . At Delroit— i *^corc: R. H. E.-Rostou .................................... 0

,) 'Detroit ................................... " '2 3i Dnlteries: ftush. I’eiinoek nnd j Sehiinj;: <'rumplcT'. ('onkwrl(;ht iind

f. |Stannge.

■ ' At St. lx>tiis—,^!Reore: R H. B,1 Philndelphia .......................... 12 I

St. I.ouis ................................ •” 12 .2Batteries: Hnrriif, Perry nnd P> r

Deherrv, Stvtliett'u nnd RilUnRn.


. At Portland—5 Senre: _ R .U .E

lanerninento ............................ " 13 0; I’ortlnnd .......................... 1 4 1

® ; Batteries: Fittgry au,1 Sc-liring; .lohn ‘ hoii and Koehler.1 ______! Ai*ann Francisco—

V.j tlrorp: R. H. B. Onkltmd .................................. « •' 1

,, .San Fran.-isc-o ........................ -1 « iI IJiitiorieH: R. Arlett and Dorman: ;t'«ui-h nud Yclle.

EXTRAOBDINMY! Im FALLS BANDfa m o u sh m e d i a n s-Saturday', Sept. 18— y, Sept. 20

’h e a t r e B e a u t i f u ljo in in g Jo h n so n ^ s G a r a g e —

Monday NightW o b e r & F ie ld s S l 'a p e n d -

o u s M u s ic a l S u c c e s s

J “All Aboard”

:es 5 0 e a n d 7 5 cim t h e D n i g S to r e s , P o o l B o o m s B E B S O F T H E B A N D


r i in g f f f fw s §

At Loj .^n^oles—-irore: . . E H. 12.Vomon ................................... . 6 8 3 *Lob Angolos ........................... 3 3 1 - -

Balteripsi \S'. MltcbvU nnd Devor- * nicr; Thomns, Pcrtipii, Hughe-, nud La-r*n- da

A t 8 o « l l l o —I'irat cnme: E. H. G. *Hnll r^k e ................. ............... 2 0 1Seattle ............ ..... -..... ........... » 11 1• Batteriea: Could. Bnuui nnd llyler; ■ Dameroe and Raldwiai.Keeond gamo: R. H. E.Salt L a k e ................................. 2 VSeattlo ..................................—, 3 fi 0

Batteriea: Btftmley, Tliurstou and Jenkina; Caroy and /Adams.

Indians Move toTop Position in od

American League HB y B e a t i n g W a s h i n g to n w h ile

S o x W h ip Y a n k e e s , V ita lC h a n g e i s M a d e ',!!

Nl-:\V Y(*UK. (ff)—Clevi-l.nnd slipped iiilo rii>i |il(n-,'. in flu- .-VnmHenn lenguo I'eiinriiit rnee yenierday whlli^ fhe bat- tie lu'i\v,<iii ‘ lie oHuT two contenders, Chicngii au<l Xew York. re-<itlled iu a vii-tiiry for fhe Wliii,- Hox. Brooklyn nt widened ihi- pip sephratiug it from (Mn w ,|iunaii to HIX full gomes hy s.-orini; 8 < i'irsi li|»od in Ihe scirl‘*H with the Reds. R Tfu' Nejr Vork N'ntionnls. who split ot v'M'ii witli Vittshiirg)!. are still n mnth- d< onmtienl possihility.

The C’levelnnd Amerienns were' held K' Hire • hit-' hy Znrhnry uf Washington, n hnt the Indians won, their now pitchcr, - Jfnils, lilniiklng tin; So<:tnlors wUU four hits. Chicago pulled New York from o ils tnp position hy bntting Quinn and tl C(dlius^hnrd yesterday.

Cj)ieiijnat» \s ntnr pitcJicr, Rdthor, pi Insled only one-thinl of an inning he- fi fore the onrush of Brooklyn. Grimes ii of the Siiporbiis yielded n nm iu lho tl first inning nnd two in Ihe fifth wheu Pnuhert -niflde n home run but seat-

m nE v e r y l i t t l e b o ;

e v e r y l i t t l e b a b y

I D a y ” T o m o r r o w .

i I ----------- -

FRiHrill}: a l l t h c k i i ld ir s to 1

r l iow lot. o f f in e b a l lo o n s a n d [ f iH itp itn ie d liy a n a d u l t . W u 1

lo iuK \v<inld h e ji ivcu o u t th c fi T h i s r h i l d r c n ’k s ec t io n is

W e a ra b le s f o r e l i i ld ro n o f a l l :

A G Oi ____________ A_________

S le e p in o G a rm e n t!

For Ihe kiddies when thc cold ni

They nre mnde-<if wool and eotl

The liltle feet can’t get cold unt

n string so that the liuuda nmy he ti

1 L _____________________________

■ .

Vnd^wear and Hosiery

On eiuh of the offerings lielnw, (U K.-ile Saturday only, there i^.ii re'il

i I n f a n t s ’ V e s ts

' A large a.ssorlmenl of the f:iDioi.> j “ M " vests for infnnls. I’lirt wool, j . Ages ;i t<l 0. Hegulnr «I.2r......... ISflc

. P u n e S i lk H o se

j A ilainty pure silk hose for tin- ti»i' I tulH. Th,-y eome in pink, blue ;ind

wtiili'. Hegulnr $1.2.1 ............... 89(

1 F le e c e d U n io n S u i t s

i A siurdy ribbed fleered union s'jii i. in si’eri Mi-B und H. Ui-guliU' |-.in ; i-> tl.ll.'> ................ .......................... 7P«

! G i r l s ’ C o t to n H o se

atrong black ribbed hose for echoi' ehildren. An exocHenf one for worn

EWS, TWIN FALLS, IDiered the h i ts in the other innings. I f in Brooklyn wins six of i ts I I romain iog lu ■ames, the Rods, to nose th e m ' out li 'rould have to win 10 out o f 18 and he G iants tnsk would bc IS Btmight vilh no defeats .

' " » — «1

Brief Bits of SportDickie K err appears to have a ligh ted hi

igain. -Il

By w inning from New York yester- ^ Jay Chesty D ick forced ihe Yankee-; c >nt o f f i r s t placc, acndlng t!levelaiul “1>- ' ______

Thc W hite Sox ycale rday gave nn V old flm e exemplifieatlon o f how a Co- » mlakoy tenm can play boll when it S wants to;

“ D u lo h ” Eeu ther did not gn fur from th e RcdJeg fold a f t e r all. He atuck nround on the ou tsk ir ts inslca<l j, of (pii lt iug and appeared in the lineup ■ yesterday a g a in s t Brooklyn. ^

But the fo rm er R^d slnr was knoek- ‘J ed out o f th c box enrly, Brooklyn w in ­n ing 5-3, nnd tak ing u atill t ig h te r hold on the flag.

AUhongh oflCBpying fhe cellar posi- " t ion Connio M a c k 's A th le tics comprise one o f the strongest und eerln in ly the most tr iiuldesonie eluliH in the A m eri­can league.

The S ea t t le Siwnshes yeater-lay wni c lopeil the s tingle ss Salt Lnke Rei-s a r couple o f times. I

Tox R ickard , prize, f ight p romoter, nnnouiicos he witl hnve n Bnhe Ruth J week nt .Mndison Square flnrdi-n from I September li> to 20. On this oeeasion I Rirkii rd will present moving pic tures o f the hiisling bnmhlnii and hnve Hnhe do a l i t t le monologue. <

Inc identa lly T ex nttd Bttln- will ,op a bit of coin fo r the lnbor, ^

C h ief '. luM iee CUatles A. M vnonnU . o f the Ill inoin supreme eo u n , th in k s ' there is aometh ing more hehiud these “ erookery” ehnrges ngninst ball play- prs. Ift- h in ts lhal the ‘ ' linsehall t r u s t ” ahould be investigated, nnd hna ( in struoted Ihe grand jury to go info the m a tte r thoroughly from all angles.,

.\!so. tlisi 'oeery hns been tunde thnt i

J D R E>y and every little j {to t is invited to “ Cl r.

IEE BALLOONSthe <Muldr(*n’.s- Si'ction t(nin>rro

1 there will he one for <nery kitldi havL* to make this i-«in<lllioii, «»tl fir.st lioijiis e q u i p p e d te s n p p k w o n d e r 1 a;ieH.

D O P V g jig B T O T I IA M

ts Crib Bnights set iu. Made of Beacon cloth,

t io n mixtu re . warm tha t m other nee<

nd there is ii t iny hiibe will su ffe r

tied in.. 51.20 are $1.2rr vnlues. Spe«

SHOESHere »m,- enn offeet savings, l-'.ir Sji lunlay we shall offer these Te.v


Canvas Marv JanesTh(-i.- i» s li ll time to jiet wear out of Ihese littlc 'M ur\l.T;inev They v l i ' lenula rly fo r J1.2.-.. Satu rday.. .. ^8^

" Infants? Soft'SolesTiiey i-ome iu the various eol,>fN, lihiek, browu, while. All s i7.es. Are very n l lrae live . Regular SH..'i(l.............................................. r .......... S1.20

Girlie Shoes,,l g o o d-s trong shoe for rlie school

girl, lu liiarl! only. In sizes 11 1-2 til 2. S|)i-eial for S a tu rday ........ $3.yJr

HERE AND THEREMosi atiy i>l.'u'e in the slore you will

Oc find »]iecials for Ihe i-hililreu. AH are nf speeinl price.*.

' Patsy RompersThe euii-st l i tt le riunjier in Ihe world. Tlie-4 are wanted the niiaule one sees tlii'iii. Hjiei-inlly prieeil.

Toysill Then- a r r gu ii ', iiooks. ba lls und itl- gatm s I'cir the hoys. l)<dl», g«m-‘S, •pc lii-oks fur th e girl". special doll


Stork CastileA Bpi-cjally prepared Boap f o / the

'o r {i„y lots . Is so made lha l it will Tint " linrn fnr ............. ........ 9 'k

)AHO, FRIDAY, SEPTEIII Ciueinnati a husoboll lo t te ry baa leen eo<idueted all season, and authori- . ies seeiii powerless lo slop it.

— rcl«Sim J-iuiiley, sagebrush sage, says: of

‘ Poverty nir a h lessin ’ in disguise , a1\ r ig h l—a n ’ Ih ' disguise a i r per-

■ moWalter Monahnu, who tra ined Wil- dyi

Inrd for l i is a f fa i r w ilh Dempaey on ing lu ly 4, lOlD, has been rptu lncd by thc dot Carpentier ou tf i t to holp prepare thp oni F ren rh champion fu r ba t t les In th is sai countrv. tin

--------- intThe major problems of lhi* season thc

UTM F ind ing a horse to b e a t Man O ' tht Wnr; f inding battlers to f igh t Demp- Co aey; finding pitchers to jiul the W hite boi Sox into f irs t plaee.


NKW VORK. Thc first impor- e s t a u t boxing mntch under thu now W al­ker law whieh legnli/.es Ifi-ronnd bouts in Xcw York slnte will be held in Mndi- aon Square Garden tonight betwec.i Johnny Dundee of New Y ork nnd .loo Well ing o f Chicago,

They have agreed to l.'l.'i |iounds nl j 3 o ’cloek th is afte rnoon. I t will be i the fir st deris ion bout, in the s t rue fu re l since the match hotwoeu Corbett ond | MeCoy, nearly 20 years ngo.

L A W L E E OETS D E O ia iO N .ST. IX)TTTS. .Tack Law ler of

Omnhu won Ihu newspaper ileeision over Kid Bandy o f St. Louis in au eight round bout last nighl. They arp lighlweights.

B y l l e t i n s

WASHINOTON. -P. C., (iP)—Tnlnre, Cni., 3,-530; increase 781 or 28.3 per cent.

Coalinga, Cni., 2034; deerensed 12fl.'i or 30,1 por cent.

Portervil le . Cni., 4007; increase, 1401 or 52 per ccnt. - , . ,

Fresno, Cal., (revised), 4.'^,(»(5; p re ­viously onnouneed 44,010.

Joraoy Cily, N. J. , (ro\‘ised). 208,- 070; previously nnnounced 207.804.

Yon can make >oor buying problemi ‘•come oot righ t” l r yoo atndy th# ■dl.

W K ]g i r l a n d h ild r e n ’ s

M r

i>W. ^^ 'u

lie who comes ac-Lhervvisi> th e b.U

rfn ilv linndHoiup W —

s i i a i

Blankets1. T h e y aro so soft nud The eu lest li

ed havo no fea r th a t rhe pink« nn,| bl

r from thc cold. Tlios-! for the fin.i

eclul Sn turday ..... D5c er. Sjieeinl ;

Ginqham Dresses 1

large nsaorlmenl of ginghuin dress

es for Ihe srhool girl, . \ t t rac t iv o ly

friiunie‘1. A«es fi.to 14 ............ $2.45

? THE TINY TOTSWe have a rejiutatina for hav ing

ivhat the inothrrs wa'iit fur the tiiiv


ll S C" Bonnets

A l:irne :is>urtmeul of buby'bcxu-.K-lc. They are Iriiuuied iu surh goml ta.sti-.

1. (.’aiitinr be made to look as good....05c

GertrudesA well made 'g ertrude fo r the >«)U»ig-- Mers, made of the best qu.nlity f la i -

s. I'rl. Regular ]irire is 05e. Speci.il 11 ............................................................... 7&C)C

RattlesBuy tlie .voungstprs a cu te l i t t le rnt-

II tie. The babe cnunot Imve too mntiv ic of ihpin. A bit ' selectlou.. .......... 50c

MBER 17,1920 '■ . . A. Q n te fo l L«tt«r.

It is in trying conditions like that, related below by Mrs. Oeoigc L. Korth of Naples. N. Y. that proves the worth of Chamberlain's Colic and DUrrhoei Romody. “ Two vears ogo last sum­mer” she soVb “ our llttio boy bn;l dysentery. A t that time wo were liv ­ing in the country eight miles from .n doctor. Our son was taken ill iuddeal> - ond was about the sickest child I ever saw. He was lu terrible pain oU the time and passed from one‘convulaloa into another. I sent my huaband for tho doctor and after ho w u gone thoQght of a bottle ot C hu ah e rw a 't Colic and Diofrhoea Rpinedy in tbe eup- board. I gavo Um wme of It aad ae began 'to improve a t onee. By the titne tho doctor arrived ho was out ot duigOT.”—adv.





No. 1—120 ncrcB, 3 miles from Joromo,

0 acres wont 72 bu. wh^at machine mensure /p e r acre. AU ‘igavj* wheat and alfalfa land. tlSS.OO. $3,.')00 to handle. ,

I No. 2—' 8(1 ucrcB, 4 miles out, all wheat

and alfnlfa land. $175.00 per t acre. $2,.''>00 down.

No. 3 -1 00 ncrcs, 5 miles out, average

wlioat crop 50 bu. por acre,-l-al- mice nlfalfa. $185.00.

No. 4— -I no nereis 6 miles oat. tlOO.OO.

Tlfis is a good one.

These are all uudor high urnle of cuJtivntloJi.

U Uitcrcstcd write Bor 39

; J E R O M E , I D A H O

M y

* u f I I u Hw

I n f a n t s ’ J a c k e t s

st little eiislmicre jacket frimme,! >11

d blues. Makes nn inexpensive gift

in.i tot. Will surely please the niotli-

ini Sufuriljiy ................. ............... 69c


i G in g h a m S h i r t i n q s ,

A vi ry siunly elolh, speeially adnpt- I'll for iniys’ .shirts. In gre*-* and blue. Regular prire is r)Oe. Spec- iul .................................................... 39c '

C a n to n F la n n e l

rulileai-hed ennlon flannel 27 inr.iu-K ,««iile. Is e»eellenl (piality ami sells reu«l;uly for 33c. Saturday only

............ '........................... t ..........C a n t o n F la n n e l

iilruflu-d e:inlon fhinnel, 27 inuhis wide. A wonderful "'Oe (juality. Will hr ou sale Saturiliiy only.,.. 42c

' W o o l F la n n e l

ili'd Seal dinper cloth, (.’oiucs in bidls only, of 10 ynrds to the bolt, .'-'.ilurdav' voii mnv have it, llie bolt' ............ ...................■..................... S2.0S

D i a p e r C lo th

^ .lust thr thing for mnking tho iiin- niug bhinkets, gerlrudes and UQibr- ► kirl-t. Sjn-eial foe Suturdav.... 69c

B e a c o n C lo th

A. uou-lrrful uialetiul for makiugII bath robes, eriii Idankets, ete. B.-‘nr ,5 llabbll designs. Speeinl*........... . 8P».

R ibbons_

, A Inrge aasorlment of h ^ r howfJI*- l>oiis for the school gTrlT TK w '."i’i

y 7jp values. You may have “yotfc ' )c .-hnii'i- _______________ __

'X 'o d e ^ y a I ' i s . r k u S .'i |

Hnw YoA stock M ultutN E W YORK, (/P)—Trftdlng wna livo-

ly In tbo early deuUnR on tho Block cx- chHH«c The hrs itHncy wlilch lhoUdt sliowod nt tlio outHut no a result of ■yoBtcrilftv’ri mliiBtroiiho wan aoon uiu- p o J lu d 'W IV bron.l movomo-itWhich oii.brHi-.-d iiH.Hi /.f the popular

'ilJittrcB. _ ^y Liborty Bonds

'^ 'n ^ V YOHK, VP> — UlKTly himd‘ cI ..hUiK: 3 1 -2 '« *00-; J ’s

flcrciw H ’s $85.10; firKt i 1-4 V jSSO. tor.- ond -i 1-4’h «8r,.12; th i rd A M ’ JSS.-t*!;

4 1.4-B «8S.:i2; Vicl. .ry 3 I JJ>5.44; V ic tory 4 3-4'a tur-.oO.

■ Grain Mid Provlalous (.*L«IC.\(30, Whpnt ndv'.n»fod

■harply) in prico todny, larRol/ a roBOlt o f jromilp th a t tho export burtlncdu hnd

■ been libornl and domeatlc do; mand continued uctivo. There wcio aignii t lm t tho genorul dlKpobitM.n of fn m irm wna to m a in ta in a hold-n^ pol­icy. The niu rkot Bhowed no fvldcnco of jjolllng prcMure.

Oponfnit prices, which vnrled f ro u unohanced ficurc# to 2 l-4c highor, w ith Dopcmber $2.38 to «?.40 and M nrch $2.33^1-4, were foll6wcd by a Kenoral riso t h n t In somo coBOB.wont

--C l-'2c,'!»bov«. y o a lc rd ay ’j* finJBb.Seaboard denia ls of nny xoport de­

m a n d b iongh t abou t a decided reaction, h u t l a te r BclRiau intercBtn wero Baid

~ T S 'bo'huyiuR, and the m a rk e t nflconilcd aga in . Tho cIobo wub s trong, 4 to fic net hjffhcr w ith ;)ocember $2.42 to 2.42 1-4 a n d M arch $2.37 to 2.37 1-2.

ProBpectB o f enlarged recciptB kept tho corn m a rk t re la tively wonk. A fte r opening 3-4c lower to 1-4p udvunce, Avlth Deci'iiibcr $1.11 •'>-H l« $ 1.12 , tho

' n ia rkc t scored nllght genorul gain, hut then HUdcrwont :\ mo.loriito bur.

- eubsoquentlxf roportn t lm t old corn in lowfi had wild a t $1 ii buHhcl lod jiiany Chicago longs to sell out. Tlio cloHo WHB uUHcttlud. 3'4 (o 1 3-4c- net Jower, with December 11.10 to 1.10 1-8

Oata woro dull , bu t firm.1-Hi- to 3-8c higher, December 03 3-4 lo «i3 7-8c, nnd la ter harden ing n lit tle.

HtroMgth in the hog m nrke t lift-.'t: proviaiona.

Oash Quota tions CHICAGO, W i e a t No. 1 red

J2.ni 1-2; No. 2 rod $2.f.l 1-2.Corn No. 2 mixed $1.28 to 1.29 1-4;

Xo. 2 yellow $1.20 J-2 fo 2.30.OatB No. 2 M-hito 02 to (12 l-4r; No. 3

whito 60 to 01 l-2c.Rjto $l.f>l 1-2 \o 1.92 1-2.T im othy seed $•'5 to 7.50.Clover seed 20 to 25.I ’ork nominnl.RlhB $17.75.

Chicago Livoatock CHICAOO, UF)— Catt)o: Boceip ta 7,-

OOO; heat beef und bntchor cnttlo steady,-othern alow an d w cnk; top beef Btcors $18.25; bnlk o f reeoip ta plain and medium grnsBV Bteorn iwlllng nround $10.50 t(> $14.00; canners nnd cuttera Bteady, $4.2S 1oj$0.00; f a t and beat bo­logna bnlla et«adyti commoner kinds lower; bulk bolognn $0.00 to $7.00: cjilves s teady ; bulk deBlroblo voalorB $17.50 to $18.00; stockora and foed^rs 35c lower.

Hog«, 10,000; moBtly 25c higher; top, *17.75; bulk l igh t a n d bu tcho rs $17.00 to $17.05; bu lk pack ing sows $10.00 to $10.25; p igs m ostly 25c highor.

Shftep, 0 ,0 0 0 ; slow, s te a d y to lowor; heavT owes extrem ely ruU; top native InmbB $14.pO; bu lk *12.50 to $13.50; ono s t r in g o f JTontano Jaajbs, mostly feeders, $13.75; f a t h o a w owes largely

■ $0.00; feodera steadylOmaha Livestock

O MAHA,fu lly 2r>c higher; hu lk modium nml l ig h t $10.50 to $17.00; top $17.25; bulk nlroug w eight nnd pncTcing grndos $15.75 to >10.50.

Cnttle, 1,800: no th ing choico includ od; all classes gonorally stendy.

Sheep, 7000, m’oBtly s tendy; beat ran g e lninb« $1,3.05; b e s t owes $0.50; feed ing lam bs $13.00.

OWcago Prodac®C in C A a O , B u t te r unchun"c.l:

F.ggs, unHotth'd; rei’oip ts 018.') ensos; f re sh 50 l-2c to 51c; s tandards 51 l-2c; ordinnry fri'sh 4.'5r to 40c; nt mnrket, mBffl included 48c to 4!) l-2i:; storngi' packed fresh 53c to 53 l-2c.

Pou l t ry nlivo ^nchangod.PoUto«a

CIIICAOO, (/P)— Pota toes steady; ’.e- ceij)ts 75 cars ; Je rsey ' C obbh 'n , Kncked nnd bulk $2.05 to 2.75; Qiant.i, sj<rkod ??2.30 to 2.40; M inneso ta an d VTiscouain Uound W hito, sacked nnd bulk <2.35 to 2.50; M innesota E a r ly Ohios, sack jd :ind bu lk $2.25 to 2.8S.

6 e« Beauty In Long Neck.Tho oltn o f every woilian of the Bop*

me«io tribu bf I’ndung Is to olongato th e neck an much nn powlhle . nnd to effeet this a fem ale child h n a 'a brass w iro fltted nround h e r neck, to which flddltlODal rings n re added ns ^iho yenra go hy ooti l sh e la (IftocD years o f oge. when she . Is valued by Uie length o f b e r collvr' and pu rchased o i a wife. Gir ls w ith nockB over a foot long a re not commnn-

-V enerablo 8ed« ." .The VencrabJo IJede or Bcda wns a

8 oxoo churchman of deep piety nnd frea t classical learning. Uc wns hom abont th© year 672, at Jnrrow in Dor* ham, England, near the mouth of the Tyne. He died in Juno. 735, Just ni be had completed n tmnslatlon 4nto Saion of 8 L John's Gospel. His chief original work la his "History of tha

> AngloSaxon Church," written In Lab’ la.

Plflmy Raco.The nutlves of the Andaman !»•

landa, bny of Bengal, average three feet eleven inthca In height and w«lgh under Mventy pounds.


I IDAHO DCPAR10-X- r ' -

1. . . i i s l s v -


(d *— — • " *It .|. „■, " —I ....... r

Free Rest and Writing Room For the Ladies

i Jake the I. D.« y Store Your - lc Meeting Place

:Y lldaho De]ler --- ---------------------------------- ------- 737s e , ________________________ho 1.

E S atu rdayI To the :

Provid are the par school all tbPTpred the I. D. Store: foi

wl ' entswel lknow.fi ,j. serviceable.

’ Here’s another big vali Values up to $14.75. (

. BOTS' FIHE THIlOnED SUITS IH tAll these splendid models hav When you see tbe wonderful ry th a t you camo in. As a sj those present market conditio

Ii B O Ii i W o r t h to $9\era W e’ve gathered a lot of oddi'o- regularly priced up to S0.75.ids bavo roduced the*m to $4.05...10: A tlons we have ever made onors Sizes 4 to 18. Tbey will bo oijrs Choice— ..

op. "•.00to

or; y «f >4




i 9 ^ '

!»•■eo - ~nd

I d a h o D ^^ V p t o d a i * ^ C Q E C Q

' ' ~ .... ......



Big SaT h e r e W

E v e r y Saturda: Tom orrow w ill

tic u la rly tim e ly an

$2.75 Table Damask $1.970 in<rh e x tra fino quality Linen 1

Damnnk. Severnl d iffe ren t p a t te n

Jiclcu-t from. This ia no t un all 1

liul the percen tage o f cotton ia

Huiii!!. Haturday ?2.75 value ........ i

apartm ent Stc

(r Morning, Lel! I. D. Stores’ Big Sale of Birents and happy the your d out'in one of these spei or the I. 0. Store boys’ de featui-e apparel that t s r

alue In boys’ suits for Saturday. Choice of lot—

» Bie HUGE OF HEW PHTERNS TO SELECT FRDMlave boen soloctoJ* from our regular stock, ll values they really axe you won’t be sor- solo of Wnii iB B«ldom offoted tmdet*

dons. Worth to 514.75.' Saturday,,.. $8.05

Y S l- S U IT S P E ( 9i75---Choice $4.95d fnll medium weight niita from linea 5. onci for''fl“ <tnlck o lea raa^Sa tu rday wb. ... This la one-of the greatest prico r^uc- )n suits; Just 'wba.t boys v a n t for school on sale Saturday only. Worth up to $0.75


L - - i b

? IScMen^sC. M c i l i u i u 'V c i;

$2.00 Men’s

A i h » ‘ u n i o n s n l

I < l a y i n o u r m i

^ Sale I$4.00 Mei

\ i V ■ I'PH e re 's nnother nnd soleclioit o grnde dresn shi rniigc o f new pn strip<'s and colo ■iatiirday.. Vnluc

^ ^ STORELtd

By WaU

t u r d a y

S ^ il l B e L o t s o f il y b r i n g s u s m a n y m

1 b e a g o o d d a y f o r 1

n d u n u s u a l l y i n t e r e s i

.95 V i s i t o u r n e w l y a mTnlilo

l a r p r e d c a n d y d e i

lit,™, m e n t i n o u r E c o r

" s iK B a s e m e n t S t o r e .

ore— Twin F:

t ’sGoBoys aBoys’ Suits ]n p T s t e r t h a t w a l k s t o ecial sale suits from .epartment, as par- not only’smart but



i$4.95l a y M o r n in g Sa

m ’ s S T i

canvas (Sloves 12c 85cmon’s flinvas Men’s

tni'tlnv S])CM’ial, 15c 1 2 c

w h i t e ,

s Union Suits $ 1 .4 5 ' ’" " ' ‘" f ' u i ‘< lav

f o t t o n r i b b o d t i n i o n

i UJ^bt f l e e c e d b u c k . g j q g g

•u c O io r o u l y . J u . s t

u i tK f o r h a r d w e a r . $ 1 0 0 \

t u r d a y , $ 2 . 0 0 v a l u e \

............................... ■ $ 1 . 4 5 $ 1 . 5 0 J

. t i o s . i

len’s Sox 25c ■'t i e s . Jl

(•( i t to n Hox. C o m e

s o lo \\LH‘\ a n d t o y s ; $ 4 . 5 0

, b r o w n , w h i t o , i ? ro y ,,, ,• , . . . l a - M e n ’s

e a c h , b p e - j u u h a t i i r -

n e n ’H C h o i c e ^ S a l n r d

.............. p a i r $ 4 . 5 0 .

o f M e n ' s D r een’s Dress Sale of Men’s D; ) to $3.25 Shirts for Saturdar Bplendit’ vahio Vajue up to $3.00—Met ot m t n ' , lilali „ i „ r e d . o f t ' c u / f , nci

ihirta, in a big . . . . ,.i*liirlH, in a hii; rango i pnttcrns, in iie.it ’ *' ^loriBCT. I'" '"-'™". ■" I j " " ' "Sue $4';<Jii. Choii-e ''''f** tJrouinls. Choii-e ............. . S3.25 (l:iy .................... .........

= $3.25 Wool Batts $2.692 pound 72x84 wool hatts iti d very fine (piality 'itooI. Special

^ K/((unI/iy, f3.2.7 ynluo ....... S2.*I0

j l J U S T


ching Our Advertise

S p e c i aS p e c i a l S a l e S i g re w c u s t o m e r s ; f o r n e

t h e f e w w h o h a v e n e

s t i n g i n t h e s e p r i c e s .

g j j . $2.95 Wool Batts $2

.'t lb. Snowflake wool bat ipart- full com fort «ize, 72x84.

same b a t t is sold i i nmny n o m y for imich m ore in a n ^ l

than we an* asking. $2:

a l l s ’ G r e a t e s t

^ . Ifl

l l i i l1\ w C


- -Siiti

\ v l i U l f l .■ V J S i i l i

^ „ 1

wers in Our

ORE >Men’s Colton Hose 50c

; fiiK merci-M-ized cotton CoiiK* wilh tloublo Kole, \

ud (’oloi-K of black,, navy, Tliey are'acturors’ i rrop ilars . Sat-

Spocial, 85c value.... 50c

ate M«n's Silk Neckwearfor Saturdav r =

Men’s four in liiuid all t iS a t im la y .....................,75c JMen's four in hand all Hi kS a tu rd a y '................ $1.15 -

Mou'h four iu iiund all silk Iia tu rd a v .................... $1.65


0 Men’s Felt Hats $3.75 S1 fine quality good styleit« will be included in our ^dav .special. W orth up to

Choice.................... $3.75F

fss Shirts LI)ressav Only I

of nent

.... <2-40----------------------------------------------- - $<

" U i r r

59c Shirtinn Madras 49c 532 inch ahirting madras, in a big

‘ rnng.' of noat stripes nnd color- I iiiga; very Buitnblo for boyii' rhi , 'vniHta and men’s shirts, aatiir- ,

duj' specini I nOr vnlue ....... 40c *" ”

[T T L E B E T T E R

sements Each Day 4s

ll Sale Oin i s T o m o r r o w t o (

l e i g h b o r s t e l l n e i g h b o r s

l e v e r a t t e n d e d o n e o f o


$ 2 . 4 9 6 5 c Hair B o w R ib b o n s

b attK i n a IC x tra w id e f a n c y l>iur Im

:84. T b i s h im , in Iw th l i g l i t a t id

a n y s t o r e s g ro u n d s . T h i s i s a n a l l si

g u l a r Svay b o n ,^ v i l l b e o n d i s p l a y (

$2.95 v a l - . c e n t tT sh o w t a b l e . S a t u r d

........ $2 49 v a l u e ......................................

it a n d L argest


C o m fo rt SpeiS10.50 DOWN OOMTOETS $10.00 COMT'

.V full 72x8^ tlawii-iWcd sa- .viJk.ilijic'tei'u covered comfort, light ii> . j'‘weight, but <lown coaiforts :.rc ‘ . d ’very warm ' and attractive. Salurday >qieciat, «1(1..'>0 valu.j „ ............... :..... ‘ .......... ;........ , 513.05 S B M B E ^ O

S22.M W O O L r n J J l D OOM.r O S T S S19.50 bilkiiliiio covo

72>84 liRht colcrcd .ilknlio,. fovored comforts, filled wifh a goo<{ tjujility cotton. Satuf- * dn>l special, $3.2.'> viluo 84.86 7:2x84 wool filled comforta. A 04*78 silki Saturday »pecial, «22.S0 vaUio blanket. Sati .................................... 819.60 !5i:i.50 value.....

B ig Sale of Wa

i ' ^ p i — — 1 . y P e

T w o B i g S p e c i a l s ^ 1 ^

Id o u r ' I ^

G r o c e r y S t o r e r

These spodols are for Saturdny I W and Trtli be limited to only ono Vof each to a cuatomer. . I ^

$1.00 BBOOMB OOcOur vrell known brand of Jolly j IJroomB. 8ftturda\I apccinl 60c |

rO LOBE'8-BEST OOITEE 4 S fP o x iN D.

Folger's Golden Gate ateul cut Jcoffee, limit o'no pound to cub-tomer. Snturday only. | •


N A P BLAMKETB (7.1)5 B L A H. . . . , . Extra hoav;

JuBt think of buvlnR nn bi- blankets intra Inrge sire 72x80 fancy fancy borderplaid woolnap blanket nt thia iifacturor’a i:

them nt. Snturdny, rogtilnr Saturday, ref $9.S0 vnJue. Choico....... 17.95 ................... ..

5 9 c C h e v io t S h ir t in p 4 5 c 4 5 c W

Potiblo fold li^ht nnd dark colored „^ Ghod WOI

cheviot sliirtiii‘'M. Haturday flpc- jn-, for {rial, v a l u e ................................ 45/; w<’ ..............


TWIN FALLS DAILY NEWS«v«ry nfternoon .cicppt Sunitajr

i-wln Falla Nown PublUhlfi* Co.. Inc. *’ (S«t*bll*h>a

ROY A RBAD ......... ........... Prc»l<l«n< IJO H N C. H A R V Pr T rctnurar I

B i 0 « ^ *a MCOnd o lu a ttuiil m n U t I Aprit 9. ItlB. At Uie pofloffloo -kt Twtn I FlUIa. Idaho, under lh».Aot of MaroIi I. Im » ._______ _ ^ ____1 I

8 u |Ono year ............................................. IJ.M I« month* ..................... ......................./ I.M II montha ........ ....................................^ l.W It month ....................................................... •> I

IIHMBBR o r A « ^ I A T B D ~ P R ^ I*Tho ABsocUlefl P r « n ta exe)ualv«l7 «n> I

Ulled ’to lho uao for repubtleaUon of ali Inewa dlapalchea credltMt ta It, or not I otherwise credited. Jn thtj paper. bmI olao ; 1Ihe locftt newA publlnhcd iiorrln. All Irtchta of republieutlon of sp«cliil dlapatch* Iea herein aro aUo reaerved. , I

No retponatiUltty Ls oasumed for (ha Ii r e ot unsolicited manuscript, phetO' ’I

irraphn o r other contributed mntter. Ar- Itlclra fiubmltted f^r publication will be Iused or not nt the discretion of the editor ~ |nnd no mnnuscript will l>e returned un» I

' less accompnnied bjr the necessary po s t 'a«e. ______ _______________

Member Audit Bureau of Circulation*

BASTERN RBSPRBSaNTATIVBB: ' Oeorce B. Darld Co., Inc.. 171

Ave.. Sew Tort^- A. R. Keator. 1411 Hart< tord BuUdtnv. Chtaaco^ ^


Govcriiur tVii hiis publicly declaroil

that-In ' liii.n ncvvr rccoivcU nny support

from tlu' lt(iiior iutcreftts of Ohio or IhO

IhiUi'tl SinloH, but tliiy ropudintion dnun

n«t jvTcvvnl On' mlvocnlPH of Uquor from

rallyiiiK lo ttio ciiuse of tlio Dctiu.trnlii^


T he fi 'dcraliou of liquor iatPro.Htii of

■ Now .l<THvy l»a« inHui'it vv elrtuUvr nn

mombprH nnd frioixU of tlie oniiHo tlial

is tiilHKted l>y tho oij?liti'cnth in icn.l-

meat. Tlic c ircular iiidicntcH tlm t tlu*

liquor intcrcHiK aro not in nny dawbt ^

os to llll' jiiTHon in wlium tlicy can placo ***' Jiopt*. • • i(*

“ The nominntion of (Jovernor ,Oi*x

for tlio pri'siik'ney by llie Domocrals

u bij; victor_'< fo r our inlproBta," tho eir-j *'**"

culur HIIVH, “ and i-nn l>c nttribiifcd t0 ; “*^

a p'Ojil di-yri'C to i!ie_ uirtivity o f o u r i^ ‘'**

trndi ' ori;anizrttiiin» tlirduj'hoiit the nn- !"**

t to n .”

X<it mily tloc.i til.- llniior oryiin vl;iiu; till- i-rodit f(»r tin ' nominntion of

crnor (’as , but i t rea»Kni;ifH tho .i'ili(’p-|^-'!*I

tion Ilf fiivinj; him tlie fililpal puBjihle|

support lit the polU. I l ia rcnjjziid t h ! \ t J ’J"'

the only way it can bo rewarded ftirj'^*’'

BDcuriiiK tlie niiiiiiniiliun o f Cox is I'l

c lod him president. • j " ’ '“

" T h e (irjjiinircd liipiiir trnd© o f Now Jorse.v Jins not oul tn do ils par t toward

tJjo «'Icetinn o f Jam es M. Cox n i fho

noxt j)ruflidcat o f lho Unitod 8 t i ( t r s , ' ' :

tfio cin-iilnr condiides. T

Th«- country has not forjjoltcn thnt' ji in

when Oovernor Cox, pr ior to hiK nomi-! ntn;

DQt'ioii, mnde it t r ip euHt, he mni1i> >.hc' iv«r

Btntenicnf tlmt the VolNlend law n'-mild I eve

Lo !.:• ! 'i l i /cd to poniiit th.' i»an:ifn»;- wlir

tu re o f beer and llgtit wines. The ■>']- ’>in{

HOT inti-n'Htu nro supporting Cox in oul,

fa ith . ^ ^'j' '' I >


B. \V. S traus, pToslJcnt of the

j an ■' lu f l Siiciety, is u u th ir i ty f >r ‘ ' 1'

stntcmont th a l a Kuvcninu-nt «rt'icial p)i'

CstimatCii «3,000,00tt,000 of l b ......... un- 'in«

tr^’’s cash is cUbor hidden ;ivv;iy ia p'l.c- if!'

OH where it is euli re iy out -if .i .nii.T-Wo'

tion or in beinR ra rricd aroin: I in tlie^H'-'x

pofkotK (if its ]iutae.vsi,r^. If i '- i in llenh '" c

of whetliiT lliiH is true, it l« n fae t tha tjn im

the nm ount of money fhp a . 'o ii i ; , ' n i i n . 'n a

riirrii-s about with him ii Kri’a lly iu nx-|od t’csH o f tho ciiiitcniH of tin- i rera;?-^ ''u t

pockotboiik ;i fcsv ye;if)t a"ii, ihi*^»'ill

beyriiid <biubi i.s ;i si-riou.n-fii.'tor in the. boil

pri'.Hcnt uliiirtai'c of moii.*y Iti tli.- bnnk",| ‘’i-c

whicb ill li ini i i felt by buMin.'K.i <if nil “I'o kinili . . '■ I

Art Mr. .StrriUi m:iv.i iry li i i eoinmeiil e<ni

on Ibis I'luulitiiiii, ivhib-'iV i.i neci'«H;iry j " f in a nation of inO.iKio'odO pe*i|>]e to“ 'is<-[

a ijrcat anmunt o( lonsc cjsli and I'lir- ._j

ri-iicy, it i.H likely tha t a Icoiisiib'iaiib; i g^’portion of flic Hiiin referred t»i i<< .-on- aui

realcil in obsi ure iiuok« and coriK-iH, ;»ii',l t®

fliii!i kej.t oul . .f i-irnilftlion.

Carryiiij; rash iif-oiie’» pocket or th i „.|

liiiliiifj o f i iioncr un<ier carpets and miif- tin

trcuscH and in «tlicr places »vh«-re it i.i

M-|i]i..;-cd t< be- safe fnnn l-iri;;:ir'i nml

th ieves doc.i n<it con»titiite I'onslnu-five

th r i f t , whieh muiuis not only sav ing ,

mniie^^'bui p u t t ing it m hiuhl' umc.

W hen fandfl a ro 'savcd and dopoMtc i cai

w ith Jl bnnk or are invested pnuh-nOv

wo aro p rac lic inp coUMtructivr th r i f t

nnd o u r Hnviufjs help to keep the jj?n- eral basiness of tho country ^oiug, no t Cla

w hea our suvinsB aro hidden awny they

represen t ju s t so murh idle capiln!.

J f a ll the money tha t the 'lenpto ,»f

thifl «otinti7 earned from dny to dny were y>\\\ awny-wlirTc U would W o»lV c-f

circula tion tbo wheels o f industry wo-.ild

stop immedia te ly and buaincss would

to- Kmnsb; all pro(;ru8s would consi' :md

wo wuuld f ind ouTselvcs Iti tb « n\ld«t n (

eeonnmie. chaos.

Money m ust bo kept In v-ir«u!j*ion,

and th e th r i f ty u a n wilt s»o thn t the'


Mercy! Did Yoa Bier See

^ 1 r " 0 1

\ \ p M 4 K '\ V v t H o s

~ t h a t ^ vn'TH J

'H r h H


. K«produM4 by permlaalon New Tork

utructivc value to himself and to so- ^

I,Miserly habifa do not constitute any M

tl i r i f t nor are nvarice au>l pciiurio-.js.

neSH any lie tter tlmn tin- rice of easy-

ajfendioR. T h r if t m ust b.* pr.ietit-nd in-

lellijfontly. We eannot spen l or inveKt

unfil we hnve «a-ved, but it is jual -is[

ns.icntial thu t fhe iuvcatin(''-nnd tip'iurl-j

in s be done p ruden t ly ns i l is Ibat thei

savinjj be done wisely. Tho savings'

^niik is tlio placo for savinffs In smnll^Df

iimounts”nnd"W cliccklnR’ account is ih c l

place for money held rcndy ^o r imme­

dia te ex]ieiiditurcH. Banks like to h a v j

i- lnvkinc aeeounfs, however sniall, nnd

the m nn who pnys h is bills b y cheelfs in-

V|irinbh1 has a 'b e t te r s tnndinjj In tho let

erimniunity th nu he w-lio pays by rash. «** °c

’ tio<K}&EY OKXBES T H E B EDS rm

whThe dcHpots who nre now rnlinjf Kiiv ih«

iia and endei^vorinj: to spreftd their de- 'in

Htrue.live leiietH over the rest of t!i-j

world nre not m ak in g everyone happy, j

even in Hun.siii. Mnst o f the Russians

who are b it te r ly opposed to tho Lenine |

llill Trofzlcy rejftuie, aro n fraid lo speak j

oul, b u t oei-ns'ionn\ly a word of pro test •

ijl heard.Miixim" Oorkjl w rites in P rnvda, a

Moscow soviet o rgan , Ibnt “ it ia tlmo s|>!

U K<v U\ w ork .” H e poin ts ont thn t ‘ ' Mve.-yf^ilntj now belonf’s l.i the poo- ,i„

pie, but the <lestruetion of these bebiR -

in^is increases daily. Houses are dei'iol*

ished and fine fu rn i lu te is used ns 'firo-

wood. Hevolutionnry soeialisf policy is

a.tsurcilly :i very beautifu l thinjj, I'Ut

we must work. We have ereatcd nn a t ­

mosphere of Roneral i.ileiiesH nnd crlni- po

inal ncKliBenre. We have never w> k*

ed sn ill or so dishonestly as n t pres- _

ent. To be sure,, this is in pnrt the re ­

sult o f malnutrit ion and cnnse()Uciif

liodily weaknitiH but in the main it j»ro-

ceeds from n laek of Ihe sense of r»-

M]KiUHibilit.'». ” ■ 'lliiw loiit; will il take liiissia to

completely to ]iieees, under lll^'p^opess ^

• if ilesiruelion and-iion-produetionf

N a tu r^ a Supremacy.■—KtnefRon In h la pft«ay o a N a to w < sn y s : "At the jn»te« of the foreat th* aurprlswl mnn of the world Is forced y to leave Ills city psiinintc.'* of great and Kiniill. wise und fooUib. The IcunpHneU of cukIohI fnlU oft Ids tjack f f witb the (Ir.si s tep be innkcs Intotbese prerliii-tH. Hen- Is Riinctlty __wlilch sliniiK-; o u r Ir^jlons nnd renllty whk-li disc-reillls <nir heroes.”

e illy Ballefa. _T he re a rc sti ll some piocea wher*

people believe a felon on the fliiRcr la : causcd by having p-dnted the (Inijcr a t th e t \)ooo, ntwl th ii t pome hciidwchca a rc caused by linvin;; one's ba ir cut while tbc moon is cri'secnt.

Claaniflcd Ads a re <?ticap— effective.

SWEET CLOVER SEED VWo nro prepared to Hull and

Uo-clcan your Sw eot C lorer Soed.Our ayatom absolately saves all o f }tjur seed b e t te r than any other.


D arrow B r o s . S e e d & Supply

C o inpan )T W IN F A L U , ZDAHO

- ■ ' tu l

s Such a Light Sleeper?brr

• .\nTTTE----' ■. hel

I i l i l l l W H W ^ ^ V ^ l l i '



I — - - /


n !m IfflSr TBU P“F I I jS m

m I W M i h} _ t h

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fS S If^^ tS K t ^j b j b L J / U K m B wi

. ruIII

K H m L ' Iw ^

rk Tribuao, Ino.. Copyrlfhtad Ul*.,

msjijmn tORGDVUTISInm pE|

Declares Time Has Come for the “« United States to Decide S whether it will Preserve or »“

. Abandon National Charter "><______ «ii

M A n rO X , O., (/P)—1‘ronouneinR tho leaguo Ilf nations covenant irrcconcil- nble wifh the American consti tu tion S e n a to r H ard in g declared in n eonstitii tion dny address liere flint the time hn<l eome (o r »be United Sta ll 's to decide j„ w hether it wuuld ]>reservo o r 'a b a n d o n fhe eharae te r under wliich it ncliiev<-d ,,,j nnfionalify.

" T h e consti tn tion or tli® cove­nan t , t h a t la th a panunount tsaue” eo ho said . “ The two .are i rrocondla- ho ble. W a cannot Ije govomed from no b o th Geneva and Washington. W e xl c u u \o t fo llow our present chief ' wl m ag is tra te ' without forsaking th e Je< faUier o f o\ir coun try ." inThe re]iiiblicaii nominee nlso assailed ea

thp n<lmin is tration’s policy toward the smnllor nations of the western lienil- s|)liere, nsnerl ini' Unit the exer.titive bad usurped ctnntressioaal powers to cnrry on an iincniisfnutiounl wnr w ith Hnyf'i and tinn Domingo. He derlijred the rc- eent u tte rances of Frnnklin D. Koose velf, th e dcmncrnfic nominee for vice president, had revealeil offie ia lly fnr tho f ir s t time tbe Amciicnn govern- m c n t ’s “ rn p e ” of the two l i t t l e ' r ‘ publics.

Constitu tion K e re r Falla.The speeeh delivered fri-m the frotit

porch to lielegntions from several Ohio counties, reviewed the elrciimstnnees surroiuidinc tho tiiiikiii)t of the consti-

Save Time and LaborY i n i f j i n d o i t b y U u y in ; ; W i i t ; -

m*r*s H r i ' j u l . !

! t is (I Hoiiir-iiiuifr l,oaf ■ '

— t h e s i i i i i f jr 'ood f l o u r s , n i i l k , j

. '^ ii 'i ii r , Hlu»i-(c*iiiiip: j i s y o u n s o i

At,ll<MU(*. I

— .lu .s t JIS iiiu<-li fo iupro .ss i .M lj

y t ' j iH t t o m a k e t ! i c d o u ; ; h c o m i ! , u |) . f a i l a n d h e a l t h y .

— ' r l i o s a n u ^ s u h s t a i i t i u l . s l ic y —

l i i e sum** fo o il v a l u e .

.1 t r ia l irill coiirince you . j

Wagner’s Home Bakeryl‘M Hoinr-Matle L o a f "

STEWS. 1*W1N FALLS, IIufion and ouyined th e c a n d id a te '- unceptton of the balaaccd. powers of he exeeiifive, legis lative and -judicinl )rnnehes nf fhe government.

“ Tlie consti tu tion has novcr failed \nic rirn,*’ lie eontinued, “ and despite let-dless anscrlions fo ' the contra ry ^morUa haa nevor fa iled the world.\ n d now, na novor before' she s ta n d i •cndy, and le t us hope, will soon bo in \ |K>Rition thr6ugh earnest co-operation if all b randies of our govom m en t ta end a helping hand, b u t sho herself io nust point tho way. jk

F i i « a t n i i P U U t ™“ How enii we, then, in reason and f.j

v ilh confideneo m ake 'suro o f fulfi l l ing )ur mission on oar th f Tho f i r s t 8tf |i IS plain. Wo must s t r ic t ly m ain ta in lnd acnipuiously obsorve, in le tte r and = in spirit, tile mandates o f the eonsti- intion o f the United States . Wo aro If war, uot alono technic witb Oormany Init actually w ith tho Utt le . helpless to- publics o f our own hemisphere. .Tho wars upon our neighbors to Die south wero made nnd are still bcinj: waged, though nevor declared, through tho usurpation by the executive of jiowers i\evor bestowed b u t scrupulously w ith ­held by tho consti tu tion.

< ^ t « s E M sevel t B o a s t O f fho fnct tbere can be no ijucstion.

[I is arlmitle^l, even boasted o f by tho dcm(>eTatlc candidate fo r vico presi­dent, botweon whom. If elucted nnd the presiilency tl iere would bc a comploto control.

“ ‘ You k now ,’ tk'o saiiK td the pOoph nf Montana, a s hia words woro quoted by Ihe press, ‘ X havo som eth ing to do with tlic running of n cooplc o f l i tl lo republics. Tho fac t is t h a t 1 wro te I la y t l ' s copstltntion myself and, if I do'-iiay. it, J thimfc^it.is a p ro t ty good eonstilutiou. Unti l hvst wook, 1 had two voles in the loaguo assem bly ; now Hccreinry Daniels has th e m .’ ,• “ To best of my in formation th is Is the rjfficini admission o f tho rape o f Ilayfi and Ban Domingo by tho present nilministration. To my mliid moreover, it is fho must shocking assertion tha t ever cm'aaated from a responsible mem­ber of the government o f the United {Slates.

CenaotsWp Veila TtoUi.“ True, wo know little o f fhe cou-

iluci of these wnrs of ‘ occupancy’ nnd the imposidoy. o f laws upon our help loss neighbors. The censorsh ip' is no less s tric t than i l was during tho secrei conferences and the coni(piruftics in Paris. Practically all we know now is tha t thousands of nativo H nytlans hnve been killed by American marines, and tha t many of our own ga l lan t mon have <acriflceil‘'tUeitv l\vc^^:Xv thiv liebrst of mi executive d ep a r tm en t . in order. In i-stnldish laws draf ted , b j: an assis tant <ecretnry o f- the nav>*^|o sccure a voto in the league and to continue a t tbq [)oint of lho bayonet a m'ilitnry domi- uation which a t this moment requires the presence o f no less th a n .1000 of 3ur armed men on tha t foreign aoil.

“ Vastly more importnnt and fnr more menacing fo our own popular in- i ti tu tions than even Ibis dist ressiuj; sxample is fhe proposal to t rnnafe t by indirection, lhe chief prerogative of tlie jovcmment. '

T rea ty o f Busrefflo L a v .“ All ure flwarc the consti tu tion vests

in congress the power fo dcclnro war. but it also dcclnres flial n duly exoeut- I'd trea ty ‘shall be the supreme law Ilf the laud. ’

“ Un<ler nrtic lo -\ of the Versailles covenant ntvw being suljjecled in n solemn refcreiiiluni it would be the up- [Hiintec and representative of fhe pres ­ident, not of congress nor of the jieople, wl^o. would either ncquicsee in or re ­ject n jiroposition in flie council n f the lenKue to uphold by'forcV- o f 'n rm s the cause of one power agninst a n o th e r . ' ’

READ TH E CTLASSIFTED A D S_____ ____________________

’ VarSpecial


Decorated English T Decorated English T Decorated Ja;'panese- Brown and Black Gu Brown and BlacU Gu

E narPreserving: Kettle, re Preserving Kettle, re 17 auart Diah Pan. re 12 quart Dish Pan, rei 10 uuart Dish Pan, re Bakinjr Pans, rejrula Pudding Pans, rejrul PuddinK Pans, reKul Wash Basins, repulai

H undreda tti :


(Lewiston Tribune)of

lU'publiciui women leaders, wc a reissurcd, .a re to urge th a t no isjue I'o i.olnade of tho record o f an y m em ber o f apiongress in the p ast opposed to HUfCrngw, ofvhile democra tic women Icadora nro go* pulng to request tho retirom ont o f overv suincmber, of eongress who opposed suf- pul'rngo. Perhaps so; bu t wo shall p re fe r Ingu th ink aa long ns the f a c t s m n k j <t oul>crmlssible th a t tho domocmtir . women sid-ontcmplato no such campaign as Js thus puii t t r ib u ted to them. W oman su f f rag e Ivt;avlDg broomo a r ea l i tv nnd nmdo im- exinutablo can n o t bo ji-opardi*ed, nor in wh m y w iw affected, b y 'p u tU n j; Into tb b r»1

Matinee 2:15


Special Orches


WallactSupportetl by LI

“ HAW THC TH E y .

JUSTSIJI’ Yuti suddenly found yourHelf r

to om* you wouldn’t do wliat I out alive.

The haii(l.'<onu?Kt «tup on tlie portin^r fjiHt he (ivor had. .Tauti uiuph filmed witli a lmndn?d la

Jj, Added A ttSnub Pollard Comedy t

le ty St(Is For Sa

Teapotsreapots, reffular f?2.00 val reapots, res^ular $1.50 val ■Teapots, regular $1.50 ve uernsey-Teapots, reerular uernsey Teapots, reprular

tnelware Speceffular $1.35 value..........!jg-ular $1.10 value....... Iagular $1.50 value........ $1;srular $1.20 value...,........ /epTufar $1.10 value-...........ir SSc value.......................lar 65e value....................lar 50c value ...’.................,r 65e, value ........................

Is of o th e r B tie V ariety St<

public ser\-ice or con tinu ing in il,o p u b ­

lic service men wbo opposed tin? « rnn t of it. To mnke th e opposit ion to i t n causo o f grievance could nccompll«h i.ofhinginore than tbo g ra t i f ic a t io n o f a spiH t of vengcance, a n d the indulgence o f th a t spir it cau only bo liarm ful to th e public interest . Opposit ion to woman suffrage brought no moral tain t- I f publie men aro to bo punished fo r h a v ­in g aligned themselves w itb w hat tu rns o u t to be Ihc m inority and unpopuli^r sido, theu a premium will havo boon p u t on political cowardice a n d a seduc t­ive process set up whicb will work to excludo from public scrvice a l l , thoso who p refe r fo champion w h a t is r igh t r» th e r than w bat ia expedien t. •

Night 7:1,0.

9 S A T U R D A Y

hestra Music ^

^ u . I

:e ReidI J L A L E E i l l

O R N E O FS. a ;” ,

D P P O S E ^

,f r o i l i u K i n w e a l t h . I t ’s t e n

i t H a w t h o r n e ( H d — a n d (;oiii.*

t l i e N c r e e n . T h e - g r e a t e s t s u p -

i ine .s ]{. T a ^ ' a u ’s b i g t r i -

I l a u f ih H a n d t h r i l l s .

ttractiony and Pathe Newa

orei turday

a l u e ....................................$1.69a l u e ...................................$1.19 'v a l u e ................................$1.19.ir $1.25 v a l u e ..............9Sci r $1.00 v a l u e ............. 79c


..................■ 79c.......... ................. 55c.............................45c..... .......................39c..................... ...... 45c

B argainsto re


mer Secretary of Interior ^lays Democrats Plan to Hold ^ iolid South and Capture the(Vet Votes ; .

:A B I0 N , o . i ( /p y - fT h a t tho real • ' ' I ] tofry o f tho democratic campaign ■:> hold the votos o f “ solid Bouth"

(Capture cnoagh of tin* itortlicrii I'!* th rongh upooBitiR tho w o t causo tbcir citJnn onil induiltrinl rT>ntPr».<ipi 'Iarcd i n , ^ Btatemont insupd horo

»y Jiy f o r m e r S e e r o t a r y o f - t h o In- Df Jo m e B B. Q n r f i c ld . n f t e r .cttn- m r o with S e n a t o r Itnreii nK, t h c rc - l i i-an c a n d i d a t e . .

OoQtrol W ors t E lements.Tho dcmtirrntic plan ih Io conci'ii- . UjE'

:<• c ffo r tn in carry ing tho b ig o.itifH ,' th o se nlatOB, through crontroIlinK ir worst clomontii, ” Oarfiold Haid

J. huiu r thin plan. Garfiold nniil, fho losl vicious «^lcmcntH of tho north

ar ray ed with t h f Holi<l nouth ti> nil th e pountry mulor tlioir I'on-J . ' ’ilr. Oarfjp ld naid in par t:‘ So long an tho dcmorratH plny poli- 1 w ith londod dip*'— Btarting ovory npaif 'n w ith fho i:tfl v o fo t of tho . ill Houth, n n d ’only KIO more ni'Oili’tl • ,• olopt— till’ foun try mujit nndorBtnnd

«f itB first litininoM in to pvpvent >trt)| fn thnt inforest . Thin yonr tho ua tion in aRRravntcd by thn f ac t L 3 £ j vornor (V>x‘ Ih tho onnciidafo o f tlu' I

n t h . pIuB thc boHs pontrolicd ntatoH tho north .

E « J , B ^ t « ’oUgMchy.' ‘ .S o m c th i n p hnB boon h o a r d ' l a t e l y p _ y i * , o u t 11 s e n a t o r i a l o l i g a r c h y . T h c r pa l « ta ta t i a to r i a l o l i g a r c h y 1h th o fjrotl^) o f n p p n t i ' t n n s o n l l u ' t n domoKTutic Kcn&torH,IO ahvnys c-ontrol logixlation when ^iimi'rapy in in power. ' ^The same in Inic , bronilly. o f ’ the hicrhi •iiHi- of ropreHcntativpH.“ I f fho country nhould go democra ■ this yenr, it would hc nbnolutcly in I' ^rip of thu old HoiitliL-rn mrfp.hlnc, ^ ^ US the Tiimmnnies of N’ew York. New .•rsey, Ohio, Ind iana nnd IlIinoiB, • • ‘ (liivornor wnn nominated be-

luvi' lie wiiji wil ling to bc nominatec! ^1 tbi'n bnnin. Kvery w e t inflnencc rcc znizi'<l him an the w et candidate . If ^ I iinnoPcnBary for him to dee la re him- Mf on fho nubjppt; it wns unncccHsnry or tho porty pintform adopted nf Snn jj„ j ’rnnei>HM> to drela ro itHclf; flu* fine gj, r.-c uianonry of booze nnd bonHinm hn" gpg^ iin m arked for itn own. If rccogiiir.oi jj,_ im .TH itB blood b ro th e r .” portior

^ FAMILY NAMES, S " ”g r e a t m a n y f a m i l y iiamcH r o p ro ' loan o

-‘•ut t h e IradcB o r Q cc up n ti o nn o f o u r to be ’n - n t - g r c a t . g rand fa t fi o rB . .J oh n, t h " predK I ' i l le r , a n d a f t e r t h a t IiIk cIcHccndiintn Sn- . v e ro k n o w n an M i l l o r , ” Nnyn C l i f f o r d n nt liot r l n w a r d in nn a r t i c lo o n thii n io a n in i: i««up I >1 nntnoH in th o S o p t c m l i c r n u m b e r o f innt io i •Iov.h’ I j f c . ‘ ‘ A n d U o b p r t , t b e b a k o r . KOtinR i(nrfi '<l fh e f a m i ly n a m o o f l i n k e r , A n i pd in :hu.H w e h a v e m a n y o t h e r f a m i l i n r f a m nx Tdj ; lv n a m en — C a r p e a tp r , Mn so ii . T n y lo r , iBiue, ^ i i o o m a k e r , B r pw p r, D r a p e r , ShP ii h e rd , f ru m r i s h p r . H u n t e r , H a r k ( c l c r k ) . I’a g c , bondn H a r p e r , S i n g e r a n d a w h o le l o t m ore , wliich I t u t p h i e f a m o n g t h e m nil i» Sm ith ' . Tlio p e r n r>-anon f h o r e a r e no m a n y S m i t h s t o d a y cBt nh i t b e c a u s e the r 'e uned t o be no m a n y install

. t l i l ' f o r e n t kindH o f Bin iths— blapknmith?* u a r y i K obls m i fh n , ntivprnmllliH, p o p p e rn m i th n , yenr. b 'o k n in if hn , a r r o w n m i th n a n d no on . ahnll K ac li , f o r ’nh o r t, w an k n o w n .simply n s n po ns u m i i h ; n n d paph d i f f e r e n t k i n d o f mo nm n m it h s t a r t e d h i s o w n f a m i l y ' o f S m i th , rem ov

I n ' m n n v canon i f t h e r f ' w n n wimc- b on d t h i n g v e r y n t r i k ln g n b o n t n, m n n — if I 'umbi !i.« w an v v ry nh or t o r hnd v e r y r e d inclun h n i r o r h n d nomo p e c u l i a r t r n i t o r h a b i t m ay ,

■N— i t w an ‘uBcd f o r B t a r t i n g ii f n m i ly pa id ‘n a in o , a n d th a t 'B h o w w e h a v e siipli n n m o s a n U t t l e . K mall. Hohh ( w h i c h See

Mnoan>. r o d ) B lac k , O r a v . W h i t e , St ro ii j ; ,I^ong, L o n g f e ll o w , W h i s t l e r . - N o b l e , " ' i i ta l S w i f f D o o l i t t l e , S a v n g e , W ine u n d m a n y t e re s t iii-.r.- o f th n name k in « l. ”

- -_________ nf thiT H E MOST B F F IO IE N T L IG H Tt ’aKio a n d f o r t u n e a w a i t I h e s e icn t in l

w h o d i s c o v e r n t h o n c c r c t o f t h e fi in ii l ia r f i r e f l v o r l lR h tn in g b u g . N o o n e luw

a b l e to te ll h n w t h c H tt l< i^ nso i 'f , ,, iV rnr lu ce n Ih e f innh es o f l i g h t w c h c ’ f . ’ 'T i n k l in g a b o u t um o n d n r k uiKliM, j ' r n r o f u l -mrien lifi c t e s t s h a v e p r o v e n . ,

t l , « t 11,1. l iBhl i» w i t h n b o u t one f o u r h u n d r e d t l m p a r r o f t h e c n c r g v w h ic h in e x p e n d e d i n - t b e f l a m e ut a c a n d le . C o n s i d e r i n g th e sI r ' en K th o r r a t h e r fecblenoRM o f f h e r i r p f l v t h i s UgUt in b c U e v c d to b e t h e nniHt i - f f lc io n t f o r m o f i l l u m in n t l o n In idw ii to d n y . I f tTiln m e t h o d con ld bc ii i ul er st oo i l u nd p u t lo w il r k i t is cal- n i l a l e i l t h n t Iho e n e r g y e x o r l e d b^ ' a . l n .y iu t l r i v i n e n b i c y c l e w o u ld bn niif- t' icii 'i i t lo r u n a p o w e r f u l d y u n m o or • I ’lrlit if i i les rtf Htreet lnm].»<. T h e l ig h t . I .r t h e f i r e f l y ^ in p r n c f ip n l l y Iipnt1e' '« ] a n d it is bpli<‘Vi'd n m o n g i'f ii-iit is l s thftt Ihe' f u t u r e o f t h e l i g l i t i n u i n d u s t r y o f ^Hi.- w,irl<! d e i ' p n d s up ll i e d i s i 'o v e r y n f

U v sa l es s Uy:h t. — ttovH ' L i f e .

Keop Well and Be Happy.I f you would be happy yon must

keep your bowi'ls regular. One or l«'t. « . .f a i a m b e r ln in ’B Tnbh>tT>^ikpn Immi!- «iiatolv a f te r Bupiier <\-lll p riii^ a Rcntl,- | liiovctncrit of the bowels on l^e follow i:i.' morning. T ry it.—aiiv.

H K M ) THK D AILY NEW S. »___________________________ ____t

~ ------ -------------------------------------------------------- (

F o r S a le ! j JBest Bushel Peach ond Apple HftB. i 'Iccta. Order eorly. Alao If nciid- 'ed, could get advanco fo r you on jvour crop. I w an t to f igure with ' you fo r your PonchpB, Apple* nnd Pototoea for roliable peopN*.


Phon® 660-B ' P . O.-Box 764 ^


T h a t F ifteen 1

-{SHAKI* w « T t f S ? ^ ^ w nr HAVZ

QOVa 7 0 thw

R*pr»«uoU b r psmilMtaB T»rk Trlbi

AN AOT 1vlding f o r tb o bauanco J iad sale o f : b , „ ,» Ate bonds In the «um ol 12,000,000:' 7., ° pproprtaUng th o proceed# o f the a a l o . , leroof {or tho paym ent o f a port ion T ' r th« co s t o f lay ing out, s tn rey ln g I ,Qd c o n s tm c t in g a system o f sta t® !’ S , Ighways In th o s ta t« o f Idoho; p ro- 'J , '" '* ‘ Idlng b y a t a x levy a redemption o r : * , iik lng fo n d fo r th e paym en t of tho i ild bonds a t mattxilty and the lotei'- i ^ r t th e reo n a s th e same becomes d u e ; ; pp top rla tlng tho moneys which shaU : ■ ccTUo to such s ink ing fu n d fo r t h e / ' “’"< urposes f o r w hich provided; direct- ig th o D ep a r tm en t o f PnbUc Work» ow to ap p ly th o proceeds of the s a lo , f«rma f sa id bonds h ereby anthorlzed; rovldlng fo r tho approval o r re jec - 'Ion h e re o f b y th o people o f tbe s ta te . I lo i t enac ted by tho Ivogialaturo o f i " ' S ta te o f IdaLo: *

lection 1. F o r tno purpoao of provid- •’«»'<? monoy.H to bo used in paying for n : ’

finn Ilf fho post of lay ing oul, su r -1 Merest •inn and ponBtructing n syatem o f ; t ‘,f"'^ te liighwnyB in thc sta to of Idaho n l ’*'"**'' n .o f »2,000.000 in hcrebv ou fho riic .l . " h ic h be nego t ia ted upon the fa ith a n d l ‘*'“' ' ' ’ dii of tho S ta t e .n f Idnho. dcliv .See. 2. T he Btaii- 'r rcnnnrer In hercbvl ’ ■"’'•oi liorizcd, empowered and directed to]'','*'' '■ lie biindH fif the s ta te in such denom |t iou tions ns hc di'cmn ndvinnblo, a gg re - ;:inR the nmount of tho loan nuthorti . ill Seclion 1, which nlinll bc known i ®cc Idnho Btate highwny honda. fourth ]

UP, lind shnll become due 20 yoar»r i im the dn io o f tlioir isnuance. 'S u c lita ta ie ndn Bbnll bear in te rest of n ra te | lich sball not cxcoed tho rato of f lv « |b lo f r confurij per annum and said inter-1'^onnt , nhnll b« paid In equal nemi onnual i 'vayn itallmcntH upon tho firs t dny of .Tan- briilg ry nnd th e firnt day of J ;dy in eoch purcl nr. Such inntnltneViln o f inte rest P'!’'* dll be ovidcnced liy -10 in teresl coii na nfinchod to eopli bond in nuch with mner t h a t they may bc detaelied at:d mono moved w ithou t m u tila ting cither theiP<‘rm nd or th e coupona ll iemselves nnd br«j"I’f>n mbcred eonaecutivoly ffom I to -10,j Se< clunivc. Any or nil of sa id , bonds n fui iy, a l th e pleasure of the state, be. ignal id o ff nnd rodecmpd nftc r lO yea rs l l ion nm the dnto o f insiinucc. jnhic .See.. :t. The ntnte treasurer shali ilorcB use to Ik! prin ted or lil liographpd i :ind ilnble bonilH in p rn p 'r form wilh iu - | i i c l . i rent coupons attnphcd thereto for th i ' i t r n l l irponc o f carry ing out llic provisions J dolla thin net. i wilh

Sep, 4. All lionila in.meil under an 'l |i in ll • vir tue o f Ibo provinioun of this ttc t ; cecili all bp signoil by tbo t !o \-rnor of ibi.-'a ted nto o f Idaho with hl.» own proper the unc and in hifl o ffic ial cnpacity. Thev four inll likewine be nigflcd by the sccre- nhall ry of ntn te In his offic ial papnciiy paid lli be nutbontipn ted by huvinR a ttach inn I to eaeh the greiif neal nf thc s ta te ot’ wliio Inhn. nndHoc. 5. .After being signed by the forti tvcrnnr nnd fho nccrotary of ntate nnd sta l( dug au tbon l ica ted na hereinbefore in t •ovidcd the. said bonds shall bo doliv- fund •ed to tbo s la te aiidUor, wbo Bhall fum’ uko nnd keep in hla offico a registe r intci illy nnd properly deacriblng ' each bone m d nnd tbo in te rost coupona attached com*

L a y T U * A .

W o r t ^ O r g a n i z w

On Yonr Deak i:&Bd pBl « M i a d « k t e W ' j S «r. I b a t k l tiM w a r to

W o r kT O s e a t . 1

deak prohlm u li^Md boUent allow e iu j of

to C t yw if own TiMida jiu t slip a nff j « e a ^ UQder tbe eonoloid.

W Kh each Woric-Organixer comes a < tlio ballotin, “H tw to Organiro Desk worth a t e n ^ I l a r bOl to anv d e ^ ' I t w in fftva yoa aoma Ideas th a t a n 1 to z»is« ttte efOeieocy of 60,000 o lfkes


I '

IN g-ALLS DAILY■ I ' 'i I I I - ■.% tho ia t


m illio n >“ >• tho pri)

' ■ ii- - " . > poBBibhfunds 1

■I ■ ■ mm ' ■ ‘I pny thi I . then 01

. ^ becomo, ensiling

- Sec.I'Ot bo

^ . y s toto h✓ A i n J H i 9 S 9 9 B ^ ^ ‘

^ prineip/ iW «l 1 uondB,

- s ' ^ ^

II|V||A tho stxi howeveI f j j * c icn t n

J I . " " “ 1/ j dem pti

~L^ amoum

^ provifli

iB ^ . ^ I mST^ / bondn

by thor ^ v A l a i v r / iu tc rea

T ~ pordini fa lfh r

r ^ In- aoloV -— “ m cnt i

t " " " thorcoi

' • ' / shall T--- , / / * \ v v money

blo ieo

\V\W^ I * upon 1

Ij L£-L ' ont* " fIduhn',

f v * HOll tbions o

_______ i th e ro f

« u » . . I n i . c o n w i t u i m .lowoat

^ , = * = ^ = ^ = = ^ ^ ^ ^ * 1 b idder old in tho niannor and form in tho rl ch. bonds herotoforo iasuod by th e b id s < :o o f Idaho aro described in tbo reg ' bid s, rn thereof kppl in the offlpo’l i ^ h o Sec. 0 auditor. R aving so reg ie te rcd^bo o r li ll c, the s la te auditor shall deliver )>ondj» iKindH'tii the ala to t reasurer and f o r t h

ll elinige th e treasurer with the full vision va lue thereof. tho m.

ei'. fi. T h e s ta to treasurer ahall m ake o f aa k'.'cp ill hi:^ offico a registe r o f all ou t, si

dn Issued nnder thc provisions o f systOD ac t , whieli regis ter sliall show all Sec.

»e th ings required to bo ahown b y bondn reg is te r thereof kopt in tho office tho p

thc s ta te auditor and such o thor in- dato rnatlon w ith rcapect therctQ a» tbo d u ^ J isuror fllinll docm it proper nnd noc- intvru i ry to record. bo las<•(•. 7. Whon ready to mako delivery o f th« name the s tn tc treasurer ahnll aign Sec ll o f said bonda with hia own proper workr [i(? nnd ill his officinl eapac ity na dircel h s tn tc treaaurer and each o£ the in- naid ] }st coununn .'ittaehed thereto Bhali insue,0 the -li tliogrnphed or prin ted fac- To llo Higiiature of tho Htate treaaurer. Btato [ph nigiinlure shaft bind tho S la to o f v/i tb ibo. T h f ntato^lroasur‘' r sbnll m ake the a ivory rtf th e bonds to the purchaser « = roof ou hebalf o f tho S tuto of Idaho i* '■1 hhall at fbe same fime make collcc- u from sa id piirchoae'r o f tho full oun t o f t h c prico for which the aamv ' nold.?ec. 5. All tnonoyfl recoived from the e flf the Idaho s ta te highway bondn, irONitsae, A a i l be paid into the Idaho le h ighw ay fund. BupIi tnoneys arc. oby npproprintod und mode avalla- I fo r tbo lay ing oul, surveying and intructing o f a nystcm o f s ta te high- ,vn in the ntnto o f Idaho', including all :dge«, culvcr tn ond grtidun nnd the rchnsc of r igh ts of wny form ing n rt th ereo f or nocesaary to bo had, jd n r occiipipd in connertion thorc- th nud for such purpoacs only^ No inoy.B shall a t an y timo bo withdrawn rmaiicntly from said fund except on the warrnn( o f tho atato nuditor..Re<-, I*. F o r the purposo o f creating fu n d which said/fund ia hereby deS' nnted as thii nt£lo highway rcdemp- m fund, ronu l i /b o n d i^.sue, out nf lich nhall be jM d tho principnl and in- rcBl upon th e honds to be issuod under d by vir tue of tho provisions of thia t. there is horcliy levied r. tnx of four- nllis o f ono mill (S.OOO-H upon cnch liar ill value of the taxnblo property ih in tbi.* stuto . thc name to bo known the ntnte highway tnx, nnd the pro

Oils of {he snme nro InTObv' appnipr l ed and act as'idtf until nucb time ai e nald Iilaliii s ta te hlghwav bonds, u r th inniip. nn<l all intercnl which all hnve noerued llicreon_ nro fully lid nn<l rcileeinod. The miineys nccru- g from the source above mentionod, liioh nre lien'hy diverlpil, appropriated id Ht'l nslde for the purpose .'ibovc set ir th , shali bo by lhe,iiln*p nuditor and a lo , trea su re r credited to and placed . tho said ata to highwny rcdempllon ind, fourlh bond Ihsiio, nut of whieh ind the s ta le trensiirer sbnll pny tbe i to rest upon tho Idnho stuto highway )nds, fo urth iasuo, as tho a.imo ahnll bo- »mc duo, and upon any day upon which

1 ■

, f l a t , In I J

StoteS ' J '--------

I• c o p y r f r SPfcln

j h o i p i n »

TI*. « p k U . 1140.

QRE .w i l b mAnnrutarad » d 4 «

yS.TW INFAljiS.n)AI3n to rm t coupSna a t tached to aald crnmev J become due. beginning J an u a ry dcomc( .11, ho shall alao pay ao mnch o f Tho r in d p a l of «aid bonda a s It may bc tingonl ble to pay a f te r reserving in «Ud ntlvo 1 I moneys auffio leni in amount to highws ■ho Interest upon thoae said bonds ernmor outs tanding which shall accrue and Buppllo ao duo during and within tho n o i t «1 fro PK . 'ear. , i t nppt•. 10. I f a t any time thore shall partnie lio suffic ien t moneys in tho said «>ibsi'qi h ighway redemption fund, fourth operati issue, to .p ay the in te rest upon or the nc ip s l o f the Idaho ata to hlghwav (he on s, fou r lh iasuo, authorized by tbis <)o] then due, tho a ta to treasurer shall Its ho 'same out o f tho general fund of constn i ta tc . Tho s ta te t reasu rer shall, highwi vor, a s 900Q th e re a f te r a s suffl- iateroi moneys fo r t h a t purpose havo to- Sec.

I to the said^ s ta to b lghw ay ro until tion fund, fou r th bond issuo, re- Bhali 1 to the s ta to goneral fu n d all and nl ints token- therefrom undor tbis nil thi ision nnd not previously ropaid. mirh i :. 11. For tho paym en t of tho The n aulhorir.ed to be isaucil under and elocto ho proviflion.s o f th is a c t nnd the I'loctit e s l which ahnll accrue thereon, ac- thev n g lo the s t r ic t te rm s . th c« o f , tho shnll

nnd credit o f th e s ta te of Idoho Sha ilomiily pledged, and for tho pay- RMthoi ; o f such bonds and the intorost RO'l c •on in lawful monoy o f tho United Sec. IS o f Amorica an and whon tho samo reeled

becomo due the s ta to treasurer paper resorvo any ond su ftic ien t of the od th

>y in biB hands, a t Ihc least possi* throe cost. In preference to all o ther oral o IS whalsoevor. except th o . In te re s t direct

and tho principal of- other bondn = 10 S ln te of Idoho herotoforo iaaued r ac ts of the leginlofuro o t said

-p. 12. The s ta te treasurer ahall F tw o 'w e e k s ’ notice by publicatioa

newspapers o f general circulation nf which In published in tho s toto of 11", of the in ten tion of the stafo tn the boniln authorized by tho provia- o f th is ac t , nud nhnll invito bids

nfor. Said l>nndn must bo sold a t losB than the p a r value thereof,

I th n best torms offe red and a t th? ist ra to o f in te rest nnmed by anv cr. The s tn tc tre.isurer shall have r ig h t to roject any and all of the

offe red and m ay rcadvertlso for , a s herein provided.'-c.. 1:1. Tho expenses of prin ting i thographing an d procuring auilnbl'* i/l with in te rest coupona attache'!. tho purposo o f ca r ry ing ou t tho pro-j )na o f this net, Bhali be paid out of moneys a r is ing from the aale thore- a nn cxpcnso incidont to tho laying surveying nnd constructing o f said

om o f Btato bighwaya.• c . 'H . Tho Bald s t a t o highway!In, fourth issue, to bo isauod under priivisiuns o f thin ac t, shall boa:

‘ o f Jonuory 1, 1921, and bocome . J an u a ry 1, 1941, Both bonds and real coupona here in authorized l't aaued shall bc payable a t tho office h« ntnlo treaaurer nl Boise, Idaho, ee. I ’i. The departm en t o f public kn of thc Btate of Idabo ia hereby 1 Pled tl) apply the propoedj o f the 1 Idaho atato h ighw ay bonds, fourlh c, aa followa, to -wit: o thc completion or conatruction 0 ^.0 roods or b ridges in co-operation h counties' and highway d is tr jc ts of

s ta te ot Idalio or tho f o d o r i gov-

For econ

Hart Sci


WE a d v i s e

i n c lo th e :

j u s t - a s h o n e s t ■'

o m i z e b y b u y i

c l o t h e s . B e e a

w o o l f a b r i c s a:

w i l l g i v e y o u I

o f i t p e r d o l l a r

We’ll Si as lou

EldridgeT h e h o m e


‘Ut o r bo th , i a such .an o u n U a» ors and jd proper by tho .deportment. lots a t J t o r c h i n g allotment is mado con- foregolc I t upon tbo ava ilab ili ty o f eo-oper- question funda lo bo supplied by counties, and cer

ray d is tr ic ts and thc federal gov- b y law m t, as provided by law, or funds Appre led by p r iva te donation o r rocoiv- — — :■ om any other source, ond should ie a r to tho satisfaction o f the dc- lent of public works a t any timo quont to -Tnnuary 1, 1022. t h a t co- / / t t t lve funda w ill no t bo supplied In i 7 / j ccossory amounta to make .uao o f j i f I n ti ro am eunt herein appropria ted, | ( | l opartm oji t of public worics m ay uao I ( I I 1 d iscretion an y romolnder fo r tho i l l 1 ruction or completion of such s ta to . | \ l l vays oa deemed by i t fo r tho bes: I \ \ ' Bsts o t tho s ta to . , ' E \ \^ 16. Thin ac t shall not take effec t

a t tho noxt general election i t bitve beon submitted to tho pooplo ^

shall havo roeeived 1 m ajorltv of hrt vote* cas t fot or aga lM t ( t a l

clcction.e quostion to bo submit ted to th-r Y E S nra of tbo s ta to a t thc noxt. general ’ion in order to dotormino whether

will approve or roject this act, ^ ,. be na follows: \__ ^ •

all a bond issue o f $2,000,000 bo " ' ’•e »ri7.cd fo r the lav ing out, surveying construc ting of s ta to h ig h w a ja t c. 17. Tho aecrota ry of s la to i s di- d to publiah th is ac t in ono news- r in oocb county , i f oue bo pub l^h - process heroin , throughout tho s ta to fo r ) months proeedlng tho noxt* gon- R t M oloctiijin. Tho secreta ry s ta to i)!tod to cer t i fy to tho-county audit -

Tjwin FallsSmith'-Rice Bui

Phone 135


Surfjery and General IMedicine


Diseases of Wo General Medic

DK. W EAVER X-Ray Diagnoais and .

Treatm ent ‘Obstetrici? and Diseufies ^

of Children

M ISS BESS C. 1 Labonitory Tect

Bacteriology, Serology, Blo<

_ • . i ' i i i i

lomy s sati

haffner &

ne clothes

o u r c u s t o m e r s t o

;s; i t ’s h o n e s t a d v i '

w h e n w e a d v i s e y<

i n g H a r t S c h a f f n e

i u s e w e k n o w th e

m d t h o r o u g h , h o n (

b e t t e r w e a r , a n d n

r t h a n i n a n y o t h e

e l l c lo th e s a t p]

V a s w e ca n g o

Clothing Coo f H a r t S c h a f f n e r & M a r x c

BER 17,1920

and tba latter to print on the bal* a t tbe aext goaerat election tho

going question. Tho-rf turns oa said >Ition Ma}l be coonted, eanvAsaeu certified in 1 tbo taanner provided

law for ooaatitutional amendments, pproved Uareh 14, 1910.



»'t they bolt Uko newV They'll ran ■> now, too, soe If they don’t. Tou I save a lot of money i f yoo jnst lot vulcanize thoso old tfioea ot yonrs t you think aro wom o n t We've an A 'I 100 per eent vnleanlzing''

cess that anre doea tho work right.

:M STATE VULGANIZIN6 CO—128 2nd A ra . W.— .

Is CHnieBuilding



Eye, Ear, Nos? and Throat

ERS ' '

Women - --‘dicine


Osteopathic Therapeutic.s Obstetrics and In fan t


3. BAIRD 'echnician

Jlood Chemistry, etc.

ke buy

i Marx

3 e c o n o m i z e

;n c e , a n d i t ’s

y o u to e c o n -

l e r & M a r x

l a t th e i r a l l ­

n e s t t a i lo r in g

m o r e w e e k s

i e r c lo th e s .

prices 9 on

^mpkyt c l o t h e s


_____:________ ___ I

TOUGHEfllNeFDR Be pues

SEEK NETTLEAll tho Heavyweights who W ant

Crown have to do is Eaook Ont Dempsey

’ BY K \ Y PFA U 80NWilut a lovely outlook oxiata for t l» t«

follcwH wlio aro iinpiranta for tlic world ’a vwcigUt diwmj'loniiliip. TrUc, U»ero

'A n s 'i ' l vory many o f tlio’o. buC wc lu plit mention Bill Brouiian, Hnrry •WiJla, B a l Laviaaky, Ocorjjci Carpcn- tinr, BoV M artin , and poriiupx n few oti-.ora. I t m ight bo ndviaablo for ono an d nil of tlioao so-tailed iispirnnttt for tho crown w ora by Jock Oompji'y to in terview Mr. Bilh^ Misku, bom': ad,drc8S 8 t I’atil, Minn.

Mibko was ii oicmbor of tlni nspir- un ta ' clusB until ho n t tom pto j to miuglo in Dempsey society a t Bonton JIarbor, Micb., Jl few days ago. Now -yu d o n 't ovor expect to bear o f Bil ly ever try ing to repeat bi« bold offor.t. 'P oo r Bill , as dandy a fellow a s oao woUld lUco to moot, and a fellow wo all roust ndmit is u good fighter, drops out « f th<s <:ou- tontion und it even is bintod out u t pu­gilism altogether, j u s t bee&uso tboro is a man named Dempsey who bolda tUo ti tlo nnd w o n ' t lol go of it.

Miake Logical GbaUea^er Miako was ra ted tbo logieol u a a lo

givo Dom'psoy i> ba ttle wortbji o f tho namo, an d becauso Ito bad beon able to lost tbo l im it in a couplo of uo-docis- ion contests of ton and six rounds, ro> spuctively, i t was thought bo might fis t his way ho woll tl int lliere woulil bo a nuw champion.

Now, to ge t down to wbat wo s tarted * to say: Apprecbiting tho l a c t th a t Mis*

kc is a good figbto r, wbat bas tb a t to do w itb Jnck Dempsey. Ja c k i s n ' t a good figb tor (d o n ' t got excitcd)—bo l« be t­te r by u long, long w ay than good, llo is marvelous, nnd-you c a n ' t got away from t l in f . ' Afilt Itilly Minkc, nnd bo'l! tell you. - 1 . , ‘

When nenipHey’ knocked Mislte to . tliu floor l>y OUP o t b»H moftt Belect r i«h t

hooks iu tho th ird round o f thoir b a ttlo . tho 8 t. Paul man was practically cuokooj for six or sevmj minutea. I t took him HoVcrnl m inute s longer than tha t to ro* gain his normal mentality , but a f te r six minutes of the resuscitation businMS Bill , hazy o f noodle, opened Uls moatli nnd feobbf rem arked: “ Ob, whnt a won­derful f igb to r th a t fellow is . "

Toko a T ip from Mlsko BUI ought to know, wo admit. T a lk ­

ing with him Bonio four h**urs nf te r ho had bcon knocked out, one gleans fa r moru convincing ovidenco of ju s t whnt a sad time is coming lo other usplrants 4ti tbo field. W e ’ll le t Hill tell it him- iself, BO Uoio goea:

“ I n evor know tbere was sut-h ;i figlit- iT fls tbis m an Dempsey. I t wus bard to boHsvo tb a t th e re could bo so much diffcronco botween a f ig h te r of my cal­iber nnd Dampsoy, b u t 1 sure ly had my eyrs opened—anil closed tem]iurarily, too. I h av e b e a ten a lot o f good fight- »rs, and so I believed th a t I was ablo to cope BuccosafuUf w ith tbo champioa. B u t I reallKO now th a t I w a s n ' t ^ t o r the pain of a tb reo round knockout.

* 'O ro a t« n T«o-F ls t«d H i t t e r ”I nm n o t t r j t ing to boost Ja c k Dcmp*

;tuy when I say ho ia a wonderful r in g mun. F o r a n y one w h a ean f ig h t aa be can needs no boosting. J a e k l i tho

. Unrttest f i t t e r th&t I ever m e t i a tha ri:ig, and I ' l l go a l i t t le b e t te r there by s ta t in g t b a t I t h in k he U the grea te s t two-fisted h i t te r b a t ever pulled o a a ]>air o f padded mita.

■ ‘ No 'f ig h te r 1 eve r facod, until I met Dempsey a t Benton Harbor, was ablo to jo l t mo o t t *ay fee t. They w o rea 't even able to damago me to any senooa ex ten t, so na tu ra l ly I d id n ' t believe t h a t Dcmpsoy could do" w b a t no o ther acrap* per had done.

Hut w h a t did Dempiey d o t Uo p<‘g- l>ed mo under the h e a r t w ith a a tra lgbt r ight hand wallop in the second rooad

. (if our bou t and ra ised me completely (iff m y feet- Whon I canto to the ond of the’ ride t b a t punch had s tarted mo on I wna Bitting on tbo floor o t tha riii;;. Tho f i r s t knockdown of my cl- n-er from a punch on tho body, v l t wus hard to understand. \

N ever E a e w W h a t H i t Hliji “ B u t t h a t w a s n 't all, bv a long w u/.

Wlion he popped mc ou the cblu with tlint r igh t croKS bi the third round th:i: knocked m(! ou t nud ended an uaplcin- nnt nfte rnoon, 1 never knew what hit me, i t e«me iw bard. 1 ha te even lo tli ink how burd j t wuh. Can hc puneb? W(>11, tnke i t from me, nn one ev^r punched s o ’h n rd . ' '

Those folks famil ia r witti jiii^ilisin who had nn idea tlini Demitsoy wiUn'l ill hi» best condition wlieu he fought MUke, neeiln ’l worry. A man witb the panelling ab ili ty Ui.Tt Dempsey poHsenseM doesn’t need l<* lie in tiptiip form. He eoiil^l trim mont of them with one hand tied behind him.

Yen, it is ii moBt umde.vmit situatioa tha t confroutM these fellovfs, wlm woul'l Ukv to take th« t i tb ' aw;iy rroni -laeJ;Dempaey.

1 Promise* of Sprlna.I t la no t tb c varlegutcd colon), the

cheerfu l Bounds, *«d tb(* warm breexes ■wblch enliven uh »o mueb In Bprlng; It Is tbe qulo '- pn iphctic npirit of end ' Irir* hopi*. /H pri‘!i<-'iitliiient of m auj happy «1nv«-—M nraurr t Opitr .

Ohroolc Catarrh.Our manner of living makes us vor;

siiBoeptible to colds ^wul a sueeiviaioi .,-*f eoJds ond o sueccsBiAn of colds cause

chronic ca ta rrh ' ft Idothsome diseas witb which i t is catimated thnt 95 pe ccnl of our adu l t population a te al fl lclcd. I f you would avoid chroalo ci ta rrh you m ust avoid colds or havin contracted a cold g e t rW-of it as quid, ly aa possible. Chaiaherlaia 'a Coug Rpmedy ]» h igh ly , recommended u cure fo r eoMa i l d ' i a n be depende upon.—adv.


Poliah Preaident Retj»|W ail . 4 - _

' J


lie n

, ' tlg.18 % • / g a p ^

Ifflfiffrwtili t T r l W i * ™

Ocuoral Pilsudski, proaident of tbe |g for tbo fron t. The photograph is ono

Uo - •


tod ______

Shortage of Coal and Prpvis- ;•!; ions is ftccompanied by Loot­

ing of Stores and Threats of iM Bolshevist UprisingsUo --------- -:ooj LI.SBON. (/p)—I’orliigal is Hiifferinj:

from a hUortnge of i-otil auil pcavlHimts whii-h have reHuUed in liintinjr o f roml stores ill some partu r>f the eounlry an<l in the re nppeii ran.'• nl' tlm fdrmerly fam il ia r long lines of women xtniHlinu outs ido of bakeries waiting for breii'l. Tlie s i tua tion hns been eoinplieated by iin nnnouneemenl o f the m in is te r of tlie

[jj. in te r io r published in the Sei’ulo ilmt j,p Ibe governm ent has liei'oim) aware -of

n bninlievist plot to provoke disliir t' , nneen'jnll over I’nThignl. ho n.-* Jo leii'l

jjjg up lo: n Koiierul movement Inter. Tin m inis te r made ,it kmiwn thut the gov­e rnm en t hnd taken preeantion.t to fru^

. . t rn tc those plans.I I Thero bavc been severo eonflie ts nl

Soutarem , Hetiibal und in other part ' 1 , of the. country where stores Imve lu-ev •® looted' ntid emj>tied of the ir lo iitentu

Tlu* military un'thoritieH aHsiimed con irol in .San tu ren i ?uid order w«» reslor

^ ed b u t Biibne(|uenlly fisb rio ts owurrei tho S an ta rem f ish 'm a rk e t w an-a ttnek cd by n mob whieh seir:ed the fish am d iv ided it among tliomselves. Dry cm form erly was the ih lo f and •favoriti food o f the people but is now so eX pensive llml only the well to ib. e»i

inir «bopkc«per ivpp-nHct*?• the mob by didlributing hts supply o “ ■ end fisli nn.l thus was allowed lo re

ta in bis other wares.-The sertousncKH of the sliorluge <i

food and ftiel lias boen emphasir.ed b; ■** a s ta tem en t of I’reniier F ran jo mnil

* in parliam ent in whieli hc said tba lliere was a laek noi only n f eonl nii< provisions bui nf nil other urtie lcs in dispensable for living. Sinee th e r -wns only lO.HW \n«s of snjjnr to snppV tile eountry, the government was goin;

h a t to priihibii tt» skle in resln ii rants an< ■■P- pastry (.hops so that the hosjiitals <>

Porliignl mijjht not n m short.«*ff- . • ‘ Butle r , lard, eoal, oil and evei gilt vegetables hnve disappeared from- tin la d lunrket sinee governm snl p rices wet' •ely fixed for those a rtic les ,” said tbe prc jnd mior. “ The bn-ad ipicstinn ia eye* mo more des|>erute than the otber^i. Tin th a wlieat in Ibis lountry w in benrly suf ca- flee to tnjiiily bread for Ihe next fiv vus dnys. W heat eoiitracts ure being elose.

hy the govomment at a v i t v liinh prie- The maixe harvest K so Imd tlm t wi

.» 1i(»v<«-<ilready imporled 100,OOf) tons o: it- There is no i-oal in the eity of Lif

-w ii'Ti' tin- i>i'»r nre tenring uj hn: fheir t'h>ors to eook Iheir fo<id nml tlu !i>s- foreign loni is sold ut Btnrli an exorb i hit tunt pri.'i- Ihnt it doe? not even allov »o ,iiir t'iMliiii" vessels lo go to sea fo

ell? fi- i i .”V^r In view of this <-rLHi . Ibe pr.-mir

upp<-aled to parl ia iaeui for a id and cf ism fortN an- l»'ini; niiide to ulitnin wlie.'v m 't from ilir liig t'nniiers in the Hibnle.I gh t .li^iri.-L ■ ,the .. « -

Eveiy thino N«w.R ob e r t 's futlier liad Just been mat

r l f d th e second t im e . . One nfiernoo: tioa " ^'■b'ad (»f IftJf over lo 111,uj,j new home. Afte r bo bad sln»«Ti th •ifj; m u « boy rU ‘.l-.rous;U tbe lumne h

sn id : “ Do you know, t'inri :. everj thJDg lo th 's lti)us<? 1« new. «;veii _tii m otbcr."

tho ■ — ----------------Expla ining th« Hcrmlt .

It A gofHl i . iuny 'i 'f th-? tinkii .wn ’To ;nd* a t lv e s - who alwnys !ipl'*-ar soon nft. auy tb e ilcHfh cl a rieh liertnii prolmlil

a r e genuine, nnd h-‘li> expla in 'vliy tli b m n l l beennie n tierinit.— Cii S ta r.

very , —

E E i D T H E C LA SSIFIED AD8.IU908leaae -----------z- .tt- , ^

KRENGEL MACHINE CO.°ving M achln ls ta, B o i la rm ak tn . BUck iick- tm ltha . E lec tr ic and Ozy*A£«t7 l«ai ough ’Waldarsas e SIS BEOOm> A ^ . 0 0 .

—PH O N E 1 2 0 1 -

Y N E W S , T W I N f a l l s ,

sviewa troopa Before Baf mil mm

lie PollBh Bopublle, in a f ina l review o f hia BO o f tbo la te s t to tea.-li this country-, fron



I t hOB been repeatedly and cnntinn- oiisly denied.thnt tho •Inpancao bnd ever

I negotiated for tho purchase o t l.nrge trac ts of innd either in .Moxican Lowjo

I Cali fornia cloao to tho Cali fornia bor- I dcr or in tho neighborhood o f Mngiln-

Elmin bny, tlio American mapcuvoring grtniml nn the westerw coast o l Mcxico. Itut i t is not denied t b a t Jnpaaose syn- d irn tes are buying la rgo t ra c t s of agri- eulti trni luml for colonization purpones ill tlio s ta tes ,o f western South Amcrii’n.

| c . The F a r Enst, a magnxinc iiublishcd in the Orient, reports fo r instnnre tha t

t t« "fapunese enpitalists l iavo ac<i«ited a trjiet liO miles wide nnd 00 Io:ig,

o f eomprising aomo of tho richoat farm laml in tlm southern pnrt o f Bolivp. .lust prior 1i> th is trunsaclion .lupono.i-j inte rests had obtained control o f -I'.- iiOO s(|imri'* miles nf land in northern

ms I'■rii. Tln',v are also prepnring to eon .•*tniet nnil operate rnilronds anH de- vi-|i.|i m inis in both eoiintriea.

_ Throijgliont Asia, from the sho'res of the Aretie to the Ind ian occan. tbV

'"!• ,ve;i.st of iintioiialism is nt la s t stirring the popiilatinns thnt inhab it the terri fury whieh was Ihc erndlo o f the hii- mnn raee. lii t 'e n tra l Asia thero nre .t..................... . nlmost iinlnhabi!ed s(piare miles wide ppen to Jap.mesi' eoloiiizatioii. But eol6nixalion on cnii- liiientH opened up by the white raci'S

' is fa r easier and pleasanter—also mori. ilaiigermiH to the peneo of fhe world.— SepU-uaivr HvvnMt.

»' o o n DIAMOND m P O E T S .During Ihe I - mimths’ ending with

.Illlll' :ii'th- tlie l ’nited S la tes heenm.’ **"• the w o rh ls diiinpiiiK groiiiid for dia

monds, j>earls, silks, Inees, furs , vml.roi.lery .....I. •.iniilar geegnws , for tliflieuiitifieatiiiii ariil Jiciornment of ln'i majesty , Iht- Atneriean woin.iii. We seiii

*“ '{ out sneh coinmonphiee ar lie les as Inrd bnron, flowr. sinvelii tni steel, kerosem ntid eanned milk: in re turn we rereiv ed more than a billion do l la rs ’ wortl

‘■^'1 of ,iiink withoul intri iis le vabir oi usefulness, imports whose p r ’neipn

** fiinetion is tht> i-renlioii o f ' e n v y nfii the widening of elass dislinetiotis ,

, During Ihe yeur referreil to importi ol Inres-iinil embroideries Imd a valin I 'f .$l‘j0,(l0(l,0()(), i-imijiared with les. llinii jaO.OOO.dOii in li‘M. F n r import' rose from ia V.'l t lo

'‘V‘1 000 ,(1(1(1 in I'tJO. Dinimmds and pren **' (MIS stones im'r«‘nsi-<I from $;i1 .000 ,0 lll

' ‘■f'-’ lo ^ 1120.0 0 0 ,ono.' r ^ We should worry. W e ’ve got th>

money. Why shouldn’t wo blow it in '‘'",1 Still, the piiri-lmsers of iliamondH Hhoiih

*’ nuK-mber this propboev; Wlivn tbt" I Iry to pawn or sell liie'l<i::o dinmonil' in l! 'i2 they w on’t be nhlo to ge t ha! llii'ir monoy back. L iber ty booda. oi the o thor hand, will be worth tnore ii 1022 than they a rc todoy—Septembe:

i!!‘" Sunaet. riie

T h . p i tx of It.„ ,,1 F i r s t lady—“ Why. d idn 't you know •iV- my husband was n g rea t o p t h n l s t r wc Second lady—•■No. Whnt a p ity! . n« o f could bavc bnd ibc order. I Knv<* foi

- i f n pa ir o f speeiaeles fo r my hushand "1‘ only InsT wee^;V

th-' ____ ,rbi MOST O F TODAY'8 CLA flSITIED ad I'*"' will lead to "bu i lneB a." Salea will b

mnde. ,]oba will be found. Some wi discover, pornaps 'to th e ir surprise, boi “conomieally «<tv«rti ilng aerves therr

le.'vi — —

“ N O W - ^,.'r- y says the (non 'bn A n

. ry- of tl'

H e


l l i e v 'r i t y t o h

I / / aa c

^ I Tot— \ that) .

m* W-B G U T is a long fine- R IG H T

attle with the Reds. ’ smammmtmmmmma^mamaca.

ia fo rcc84o ;W arsaw beforo tho troopa lofl 3m tho Polish capital.

N O TIOE TO OONTRAOTOES.A N'otiee is lieruby given th a t the ii. ('Jiairnmn ot tho B oard of Trustoea an(i ;r the Bliard o f T rus tee s o f the Villago ol

Kimberly. T.win Fa lls County, Idaho j(» will reeeive and consider sealed liid^ r. nnd propo.sals on the 23th d a y o f Sep Q. tember, lO’JO, a t tho hour o f fi o'c locl

p. m., of sahi dny, a t tho office o f tlu 0 . VUlnge Clork,in the Vil lage of K im n-. berly, fo r doing the work nnd furnish ri- ing* the materinl in improving suii es I f'i 'i'cts nnd pa r ts of stri'ets in the Vil 'H. ln(s'e of Kim berly , Tdnho. by grading itl paving, curb ing and surface drainin i n; the safne, which streots nnd pa r ts o ;i slreotB so to hc improved nro «peeifir

;g, ally BOt fo r th in Onlinanees Nos. Iff am Ul 20, w'Jiieb ordinane^s re.sjieetivelv do i'l, s . r ibe nml set fortli* the boiihdnrie. ,,.j and rimits of T,oenl Improvomcnt Dia

.triet Xo. .1 o f the Village of Kimberly rn Tw4ii Fnlls Cnnnly , S ta te o f Idaho. Saii n or.liimiireH nre on file in fhe officc o le. I l l ' Villnge Clerk o f said village, ii

Kiiid villnge, nt whieh plaee access ti of tlie snme enn bc obtained. A genera liV dewriptioH o f tbe k ind nnd amonnt o iijj worl< to l>e dono and Iho m ateria l ti ri b ‘ furnished for the construction o II- sfiid imp'rovements 'and tbe da ta ns ti .T Ihe m aterial out of whieh ^he aame ari

it. to be eonstr iieted,. arit set forth anr SI' <'oiitaim-d in fhe plans nnd speeifiea 11- lions on file in fhe V il lage 'C lerk 's of <'3 fiee of .snid village, in said villnee n. wliieb plnns nnd speeif ientlons are here — by referred to and made a part hereof

■ nnd eivpii''n nf wiid plans nnd snceifien tioiis c-nii be obta ined frojn_tl ie ''cnui neer in churi'e o f snid work for the saii

th Villin>e o f Kimherly, heing ^fr. II. T. lie i lloffe.lifr,. o f Twin Falls, Tdnho, wh. in.; will fiirni.sh said plans and speeifiea m I tions npon the deposil of ilO.OO wit) Ilf him whieh will be re turned and refund ier eil iipim the re turn o f Baid.plons aoi • ni sjieeifii-altons. The nmount of the rd. tinmtc's approved by nnid villnge o fne the i-tisl n f th e eonstriie tion of satd Irr iv- provciaentH is $9-1,001.21.•ftl Work upon said im provoment shal •ir he eommcneed und Ihe snmo shnll b

pal fiiiisheil nt such t“imes ns the Chairmn nil of the Hoard n f Trustees^ftnd the Boar

of Trustees shall designate. Eneh bi r ts and proposal umst lie jieeompnniod b lue a certif ied eheek ii|>on some relinlil es-1 bnnk. pnynhle to Ihe Village of Kin r ts berly or o rder in an nfnount -er]unl t 10,' 10 per cen t of the amount of tho cntit 'I-l I'ontrae.t jiriee. 'In the event thnt tli llll)! siiceessfnl bidder docs uof ente r inlo

Icoiilrai'l with the snid village fo r fh Ihc I nmking of said improvement, fhe sai in .' I eheek will be re ta ined bv Ihc VillnR .il(!jof K im herly nnd the said bidder aha n'v I forfeit the same to the snid vilinjj I lls-The checks of nnsur(?e8sful bidders wi :iir be retiirneil to tlicm a t tli-< timo of th on re,jei'tion o f fheir bids and proposnl in The person, / i rm or eorjioration obtaii

ier ing the eontrae t for the constructio of snid improvement will he require to furnish fhe aaid village, a t or befor the timo o f the delivery of the coi trnct, with a good ami su ffic ient bon.

y in some reliable su re ty companv, in n pj^ iuii»inii In, s ix ty (fiO) p e r 'e e n l (

lhe I'u tire .'iinoinit of the eontraet prie ° \ eonditioncd for Ihe fnithfii l perfoni

nitre nf all the eonditions nnd te rms r the coiilraet by him to bo pcrformo' and coii'liliiiucil fu r the r for the fait!

■ d l fill performaiice of the terms nnd em b» dit ion- <,f (he m ati ites o f the S la te t

wilt l. laho in -iirh eu':- mad.‘ niiri provi.l.- loir I’aym.-iils hjkui the .sai.l eontraet wi

Ill' nia-le as fnlhiws: - ______ ftp p e r cent of the engin.-er's esi

A ^ A Y S ^Good Judge

man can get a heap more isfacdoa from asmall chew this class of tobacco, ^hnn ever could get from a big

ew of the old kind.B finds itcostsless, too. The od tobacco taste lasts so ich longer he doesn’t need have a fresh chew nearly often.

ly man who uses the Real )bacco CSiew will tell you I t

Put up itt two styles

e-cut tobaccor C U T is a short-cut tobaccd

S,IDAHO, FRIDAY, SEPm ate o f the aiaount earned u a d e r aaid con trac t d u t ia g e'ach c a len d a r month wiU t>e paid on the f i ra t T aoaday a f t e r th e f i r s t ' Monday of th e following m on th and so on each m onth , e i th e r i n , caah o r in general o a s o ^ o n t im prove ­m ent bonde iuu«id aga ins t tho p roperty benofited witliin said Loca l Im prove uiout B istclet No. 3 aa m a y b e oKood upon Iwtwecn tbo con trac to r and "ihu Clmirmun of tho Board of Tnifltees and thu Board of Truatoes o t s a id vil lage; thli 10 por cent aorne<t d u r in g oa.:b month will bo rota incd u n t i l tho com­pletion of tho controc t.and tbci aeeept- nnce o f the work by tbo B oard o f Trustees , o f said Villago. Tho Board o f Truateea reaervo tho r ig h t to re je c t anv and all bids.

b a te d Augutit 25th.. IflSO.J . M. S T E E L S M IT H . '

ChairnuCh of Board o f Truateea. A ttu s t ;

W, r . BRECKON,Villogo Clerk.


■ I, A. N. Sprague, she r i f f of tho County of Twin Falla, S ta lo o f Idaho, hnvo takon into my pos^esaiotV nt T- R S a l lee ’s rnneh tho following described cstrny animals, to -wit:

One snrrol mate, (imootU woutb , brnii.led J N on loft Btiflo, w h ite Btrip in fncc, weight about 9!i0 pounda, wiro e-iit on left hind foot, r ig h t hind and le f t f ro n t font whito:

One bay geldiug, sm ootb mouth, weight about 1000 poundn; uo brand, both hind feet white, saddle m arks on back.

f t Public notice is hereby g iven , th a t I will sell the above deacribed c s t rn y anl- mikls, in pa rsw ncc witb 8«c t ion 2000,

— Compiled S ta tu ies o f Idabo, a t publi.r nuetjon, to the liighest nnd b e s t bidder

IP fo r cnah, lawful money of th o Unltod iri S ta tes , on the 21sf day o f October, >f 1020, a t 2 o ’eloek. P. M. (M ountain 0 , Time) nt C. li. Sallee 's ronch , one

fourth milo west of tho n o r th end «f p ITarrljioii S in t ' t , o f the C ity o f Twiu •k Falls, Connty» of Twin Fnlls, S ta te , o f

l.lnlio,TJ. Dated tb is Oth day of Septem ber, I,. 1020.I,1 A. N. S PR A G U E, il. Sheriff .:(f, By BKN J. BROWN, Deputy .ntr _____

I w mi NIRROLMnf jfifflof E o m

a- unHnl'i _& liV U E


a - l i i H l l l l l l l l l U |} | i l |U V i ^

L I '




w i n e x p e n s i \

W o o d w o r k a

li'' b e m a d e t o l o o k lil

ui M I R R O L A C - 0 ,

to h o g a n y I J f f e c t s se< ‘f ’

''« Salladay Han.'IS T W O T J - A I i S ,


II.s. io- -JSSInn

I tZ ' It " ~ < ^ F E D E R A 1

ee,lb ' . of

cd, , • - .

I The First Nsti-

Of TwT W (^ FA.

Capital a $165

? .'F . Johnson, P res.

J. fit Maxwell, Cash.

H. L. Max'weU,

A. P-jrman Johnsi

PTEMBER.17,1920aid Snltan of Sgypt H ears Oountry

Wlfl Be I^eoognized by ^ ing G reat Brita in ^


^hu .m d

tiultnii Filed 1, the rule r o f Kgvpf, **b, >vhn has, iieeording lo a rep o r t piiblisli- ,

cd in liondiin, been advised th n t the in- o*> dependence of his country b ns boen rec-

ognixed by {ireat Brilu in . U is said ,^ } t h a t th is deeisi.'in resulted from recont i ^ conversations in Lonilon between Vis- '■?> count Milner and an l-’gyptinti <ieb‘«a-

tion, hooded ,by Sai.l .\Iu«lonl I ’ashn. former min is ter o f ,iiistiee.

tod — T - - ‘

ahi’ *’■*’*,np B righ t colors, plenty o f l ight, cleon

o f wlDdoiVa, un abundiit ice r>f good colored wiu p r in ts nnd toys w ithout n u m b e r n ro thp

o f propor fumlshlngB for n ntirHory. Nur* a e r y r Why, the very nnm o tells yoa

ber, v h a t It ought tn bc— tbe bom c o f cblld* hood— Uic most Imi^irtnnt room In the

. hotise—n room thn t will g r e a t ly tend to .M n m p the rhn rac te r n t , y o n r diH d

_ _ fo r fhe rcmntn iler o f l^ ln 'l f fe . •______

B 71

1 m i

i s iv e F l o o r s . F u r n i t u r e ,

a n d B r i e - a - B r a e c a n

: l ik e new w i t h D E V O E

O a k , W a ln u t a n d M a -

s e c u r e d w i t h e a se .

irdwareCo.I S , IDAHO S f v m

4 L R E S E R V ^ ^ - — Y S T E M ,,,: :d iM

National Bank win Fails'ALLS, IDAHO

I and Surplus 6 5 fl0 0 M

^ - J S - E ld r id g e , V ice-Pres.

W. E, Nijon. Asat.-Cnsh.

tjU, A ssistant Cashier

inson, Aasistant Oashior


•------------ __I

M E i H i l i i e i' tag

Ascension Epl»oopU Otnircb. inF rc J W. Mcoch, Lcyrendcr.

bunday sch o o l Parish liall., 10 a . m. M orii ine p raye r .wi th Bpccial musio

lit 11 oVioek. corO ffe r to ry anthcfli, “ Sing Alle lu ia

F o r t h ’ ' (B uck) . a™Soloa b y Mrs. W. H. Dwieht niid MLu

Mildred Brycc.— coc

.T w in r a n * M ss lo a . • *230 Third Ave. E. ’ 'J . M. Olofl, PaatOT. ^1’

Sunday school 10 a. m.Preaeh ing 11 a. in.

■ Song nod P ra ise 7 p. m. .PProaching. 7 :4 5 p. m. Tli ird sermon it.®

on I^onhecy , i l lustrated by c h a r t ; sub , t - , jocl: ‘^bo Jew s—P ast, Present nnd Fu-

JniP m y er m eeting and b iH e s tudy on

T hursday , 7:30 p. m. g J

L o tl ian m Ohureh.J . Olbring, Pasio r. Dot

T h ird Ave. W. nnd F i f th 8 t. Ttn Sunday sehool 0:46 al n . TwPreach ing 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. M orn ing topic: “ Spir itual Qrowrth."

Topic fo r tho evening: " C h r is t ia n Edu- Att ca t ion .” <V

Tho Y oung Peoples’ socie ty m cet» Tu.'sdfty, 8 p. m. - -

•S.. ---------- P iF i r s t PresliTtexlaa G^urcb. •:

A sher H arlan DranU, Minis ter. M orn ing worship a t 11 o'clock.E ven ing worship n t 7:30 o ’clock. I Tho Bib le school opons a l D:45 a. ni.T hc Y. P. 8 . C. E. moots a t €:30 >®g'

o ’clock p. m.- ' ty,Tho JumoT C. E . tnccts :[ o ’cloclc. ‘ M orn ing music : wilOrgan proludo: Prologue (Rbgera);

anthem, “ F e a r >'ol, 0 I s r a e l” (Spic- Jeer); o ffortory , In tonnezzo; solo by ®* ' Jnmen IljUl; o rgan piJfftlude, Grand Cliorus (Dubois).

E ven ing music: “ “JOrgan prelude, A ndante Cantabilo „

(Tflchaikowflky); an th em ,. “ Inclinu Tliine E a r ” ( l l im m ol) ; o fferto ry . Eve- *” 5 Iling Song (K in d e r ) ; organ postlude, Postludo (n«ckw cll) . ^0^

f OhnrcJi o f th# Brethw n.ChnrlcB W. Honk, P as to r . ,

Bible school, 10 a. m.M orning worsh ip . 11 a. m. PTho Bov. Mr. Oraybill o f N'ampa ia

rxpi'cJe.l to prcnch in this ser\’ice.Christian W orkers ’ meeting 7 p. m. . J u n io t -W o rk e r s ’ meeting 7 p. n>.K vcning worship and oruaioation p

Hervipo 8 o 'c lock.P rayer mofting nnd bible s tu d y on . .

Wp(lnenday evening a t 8 o ’clock.

O h ilr tU n Olinrch. '• j i f ;• W . A . Moore, Minister.

UM.", n. m.. Bib le school. , >f-11 a. m., (TommunioD.' Solo b y Mrs. y i i ;

J . B. W hlto actm on, “ A n Ineurablo Cured,” thc Bev. W. A. Moore.

(}:30 p. m., Y oung people 's socinl and devotional hour.

7:30 p. m., Male qurato t. Sermon, .w. “ Fools, V tho Rev. W. A. Moore,

^ - ■ ------ ^= ~ fonM U in O IP A L COUPON BOND IBSU E B

A N D b a u : b y t h e V I L I A O E be O P K IM B E E L Y , OOUNTY O P Clc T W IN P A L L S. STATE-OF ID A H O a n ;

Public no tice !• hertt jy givon t h a t tho . VillngQ o f K im borly , in tho Connty of ,

Twin Falls , i a tbe S ta te o f Idaho , in- j- tenda to issoe a n d negotiate the Muni- . cipal Coxmon Bonds o f aald 'VlUftRO in ^ thfl^oggrogate nmonnt of J14,767.J8 fo r tho following purposes, tc-wit :

M unic ipal Couj)on Bonds to the nmount o f $14,707.18 to bo designated ‘ ‘M unic ipal Coupon Pnving Bonds o f ^ tho V il lage o f K im borly ,” to provide for t h o ' building and constructing ot drain s, grad ing , paving. cuTbing a n d < crosswalks in tho Bpaces formM b y tho function o f t ^ o or moro stre&tA o r where dno main s t ree t te rminates or crofiBCH n o t h c r main s t ree t in Local r i l t^ o v c - { niNjt D is tr ic t No. 3 of the snid Vtllc^^.

Said bonds will bo idsued In conform>J ity w ith tbe provisions of Ordinance No 21 of eaid V l\ lag« adopted and approved on tho 24th day o f August, 1020, an;l- " subject to the approval of tho qunli fiod electors o f said Villago voting upon tho question a t an eleclion to bo hold in rnn fo rm ity w ith aaid ordinance on thc 27th day of ScptomVcr, 1920.

I f tho issue o f eald-bonds is approved b y the electo rs aa aloroszud, tbo bondo will bea r dato a s o f tho d a te o f theii issue; w il l be redoemablo a t the option of tho Villago o t any timo a f t e r the ex ­p iration o f ten ( 10 ) years from tho dato thoroof an d shall bo absolu tely due and payable In tw en ty (20) years a f t e r tho dnto o f th e ir issuo. Said bonds shall be ijsued In the denomination of $1000 .00 each, oxcept bonds In tho denomination

• of tSOO.OO o r -$100.00 may be issued ■when necesaary; tho principal o f Mid bonds a n d the intorcsi Ihorcon shall bu payablo a t th e offico of tho Village T reasurer or a t the Nationr>l City Bank, in tho C ity an d S u t e o f Now York, a t tho op tion of tho holder. Said bonds

. will b e a r in te re s t a t tho ra to n o t to ^ exceed s ix (6 ) > e r cent per annum , payablo lomt-annuaUy on tho 1s t day ^ of J a n u a ry and tho 1st dny of J u ly , in i eoch year . Thc Chairman o f the Board pa^

■ of Trustees and the Board o f T rustees jtu of the sa id Village o f Kimborly will, gto.

Gas Buggies—Did it ever. m \WHY DOtiT YCO TAKE THC


■ AL ThTn w ell 'go FCTfl /

A Ri£E-

V \ r 1 i/.-^



up to Toesday, th e 28tb doy o f Sap- F tember, A. D., 1920, a t the hOor o f 8 1/ o ’elock P . M., a t . t h o off ice o f the VU- lage Clerk of sa id Villogo o f Kimberly, in the Village o f Kimberly," receive I] scaled bids fo r said bonds. All bids niust bo w ilhou t condition os to legal- ]l i ty and must be accompanied-by an no- li conditional ce r tif ied chock on a No­tional Bank o r T ru s t Company equal in amount to ten ( 10) per eont o f tho foee value of tho b o n d s 'b id for. Bidders sliall s la to tho rn to o f in te rest; n o t ex- — coeding six (6 } p e r cont per onnnm, on , which the ir b»da a te ba«sl.

A f te r naeorto ln lng tho best te rms upon and tho lowest ra to n t which said ' bonds can be nego tia ted , the bonds will be sold, b u t in no case fo r loss than their p a r valuo a n d accrued in to rost a t tho time of disposa l b y t h a Villngo , T reasurer nnder the generol supervi- J sion o f the CUalnnan c f th e B oard o t _ Trustees and tbe B oard o f T rusloes o f „ said Village o f K im borly . Tho Chair* man o f tlie B oard o f T r is tee s and tho I Board o f T rus tees reserve tho r ig h t tu roji 'c t any an d a l l bids . •

By order' o f tha^ Chairman o f thc Board of T rus tees and th e Board of Ttustcca o f th e VlUage o f K im berly, Twin Falla County, S ta to o f Idaho.

J . M. S T E B I^ M IT H , Chairman o f B oard o f Truatees. *?'

A t tes t: C.•W. P . BBEOKON, —

Village Clcrk.---------------- ------------------------------------------- /r«


ELEO TIO N . A(Kimborly , Idabo , Aog. 26th , 1020. ~

Pu rsuant to- th e law s of the S ta te of Idaho And Ordinance No. 21 o f tb e Vll- go logo o f K im borly. in Twi|» Fa lls Conn pn ty , in tho Ota to o f Idaho , publio notieo ~ le Isotflby g iven t b a t a speela l election will bo held in tho so ld Vil lage o f Kim- in berly, a t the v o t in g place horoinafter roi doslgnatod, on S a tu rday , tho 27th day inj o f Soptcmbor, A. D. 1020, b(>ginning n t ctl tho hour of 0 o ’clock A. M., an d closing nn o t tho hour o f 7 o 'clock P. M. o f said 39day, fo r the purposo o f ta k in g the vo te __!of tho qualif iod e lc t lo rs who a te t a x ­payers of said Villago upon th e follow- gj m g qop#tion» to-w it: in.

Shall thc Villflgo o f K im berly , in thc County of Tw in R i l l s nnd in tho S toto jo( of Idaho, issuo i t s Munic ipal Coupon f^] P av ing Bonds in tho oggregoto omount , „ o f $14,767.18 to provide lo r building and connlrucllng o f d rains, grading, paving, curbing and cross w alks in thu spaeca lo rwod b y (bo junc t ion o f iw o ' o r more s tree ts or whero one main s tree t .rterminatcB or crosses ano ther main __s treet, in Local Im provem ont Distr ic t 1 No. 3 of said V il lag e r «^(

Said election shall bo held in said qq V il lage and tho v o lo npon said question taken a t tho follow ing designated voting place: Tho offico o f Breckon and __Hays on M ain S t r e e t in tho Vil lage of Kimborly , Idaho . ‘

All persons who, a t tho Umo o f said f eloction. a re qua lif ied eloctors o f said . Village of K im berly a a d who a re tax- _ payers thereof, an d no othors, aball bo qualifiod to vo tn a t said election on aoi sa id question. T he voting’ o t sa id eloi-- ^ tion shall be b y ba l lo t and the ballet j shall bo supplied to the vo ters fo r their ose a t si:dd eleotion and sball 'be in thc — form as s e t fo r th in Ordinanco No. 21. 1

Hegis tration f o r . said election mav Fi ' be mado in tbe off ice of tbh Village ba Clork in said V illago o f K imborly a t ho an y time dn ring bnsiness honrs, and said reg is tra tion shall be bad ia ac- : cordanco w ith tho p rovisions o f the laws of the S ta to o f Idaho.

Dated o t K im berly , Idaho, this < fith bit day o f Angnst, A D., 1020. tre

W . P . BRECKON. — Village Clork. .

Classified Ads a ro cheap—effeetlTe. ^

T h e n i g h t s a r e g e t ­

t i n g c h i l l y s o w e a r e n

s e r v i n g f i n e — J '

Hot 15 Chocolate 2a n d e x t r a f i n e

Hot Chili I

V A RN EYT h e L i v e C a n d y M a n

Phone 366| 139 Main W. “J


LOST—S a tu rd a y , n ig b t a t Lavering ^ pavilion. Sigm a Al'pUa f r a te rn i ty pin . ' studded w ith pearls . R e tu rn to W r ig h t ’a or Blorc. Reward- Bc

;r happen to you?

; IT ‘ LOPKIN- Yau (J„ III I« E T HEAOyjJ I ; n


i l f */•: W //

- U '



Per wor4 nar inaertion 1C* II j Per w ord ,uar week “ TTo"*' II Per word ner m onth l&o


i‘'OK SA LE— One rouni house, 1 dish cupboard ; 1 n ow b od. '440 F if th ave. W. Co:

FO E 6 A L I> -M y equity ta , ,11 t o . J proved 80 acros on highway, near Jo- romo. Exeepitonal terms on balanco.C. X., caro Now*.

PO R SA L E — ]2-ocro t r a c t one mile from tow n; cnsy terms. Call 752B.

FO R SALB— Small two story born ^ Address R. A. R j ^ a r o of Nows Office. j------------------ — — _ £ui

FOR S A lE — Now throo roomed bun* av. galow and lo t ; will tako cor as p a r t - payment. 230 Van Buron S t. > 1---------------------- —-----------------------------------hui

FOR SA LE OB T B A D E —Fo\w aw es luo in Highland View addiU on. Haa f iv e of room partly modorn houao with alnop* ing porch, summer kitchen, and two ether porches; good b am , chicken house and other outbuildings. Addross Box ^ 80, Twin Falls, or phono 708.

A R E A I, SN A P ON T H E NORTH SIDK AT “ N O R TE S ID E ” PRICES—100 ncrcs good lund, 6 milea from Jo- * , ronic; jua t o f f b e s t gravelled road;100 acrca clcarod of brush; 20 acros al- fulfu, with good s tand ; 40 acres thor- _ uu^lily p repared and now roady fo r fa ll j seeding; possessiaa a t onco to buyer ,.q. wiflliiiig to seod or improve. Pr lco $110 Jier aero; $2.')U0 caah w ith in 40 days; . cnsy te rms 'on balance. Wilburn & ",j | llartahorn, Jeromo, Idaho . Phono No. 30

FOR S A L E — if you tn m k $400 o r j $S00 la£d too hig)], le t mo sell you on 80 tho t is j u s t as good ond nearly all in a lfnifo fo r $175. Dr. Dwight, Twin _iJ Falls, . I------------------------------------------------------------ lin

FOR S A L E OB TR A D E—P e r City -- proportj-^ two acres, 4 room honso, good barnjlc ity w ator, 8 bloeka from school. Immediate posacssion. P . 0 . Box 187.

FOR SALE— Six-room house. Inquire 1 420 M ain No. ^

FOil SALE— 4-room house with sloop- '■ ing porch. 343 F i f th ave. N.

FOR SA LE— Or tra d e fo r acreage: TwFive-room bungnlow; sleeping porch, —bath, hn lf bo ao o cn t , garage, chicken ihouse, E lm p a r k w ater and city watei. IKt773 Six th ave. E —

FOR S A L E — N 9 w B room modern np] bouse w itb one, two o r t h ree aerea, fon r I 'b blocks from L incoln achool, 200 f e j t ; from pavem ent. Pbono 1268.

FOB SA L E — Two Twin Falls buai- “ j ness lo ts ; pr ice reasonable . Phone

■g °” - __________________gS!FOB SA L E ^-F ivo room modern

houso. Phone 440J.■ ■ sun

FOR BENT o'_______ _______ ________________________ Ja i

FOU R ENT— Fro n t bedroom, furnacc ‘- ~hea t; genllemnn prvfcrrcd. 1203 It , 340 Fourth ave. N.______________________________________ hoi

FOR RE N T —Office, also living 121roomH on Main, oi'posite Perrino hotel. — I'lmno 195W.

POR IRENT—Singer sewing ma- Ca! chincs. Phono 303J. No

FOR R ENT— Sleoping rooms or ga- J rag«it reasonable . 414 Bocond West. 13.

■ - ■ in rFOU RE N T — Two rooma unfurnished

for light housokeeping; modorn. S2S __F if th ove. W. ]

~ ^ R BE N T — Boom and board. 562 Third ove. E . „

ROOM FO R RE N T —Pfione 008M. p

FOR R E N T —^FrOnt bedroom, furnaco ! heat. Phonb 488J.--------- 1------------------------------------------------- go.

FOR RE:NT— U r g e fam ished f ron t SOI room, for two mon, cheap. S04 Seventh nve. E. Phone 2MJ.______________ =----------------------------- ------- cyl

i'OU RE N T — Furniahed room, privi- S i U'go of b a th ; ho t w a te t available a t cn. all times. 543 F o n r th ave. N . tO]

FOK E E N T —81«opl»8 ro o n i . 222 eth A re . E. Phono Q v

^ O E E E N T — n S muOBrn b t lck Ilo™ or garage bm ld iog. See Exchange ^ Bealty Co., 113 E M ain S t . Pbone 36.

:opyright, 1020, b y N ow E ra Features)

II 6 iv £ HER < ^000 ^ f i u e e i t h A\ A N P CLEAN ' C/FF OWPEf?'■ \ NEATH THEN PJLISI

7 / .


E W S c l a :




W IN D S H IE L D S and headligh ts a t 'onw ay Auto'.Top Shop. M nin j ivo . E . h'

F O R S A L E —20 gnge shotgun, new ; -,\10 acres sou theast of Kim borly ; prico — i200 p ^ acre. W. B. Hoag, 410 TJiirdkvc. W. •!----------------------------------------------------- ------- 8-

IX )H '8 AIiB—Old lumber and tioa, $2 — lor load: call city paving ^ g l n o e r ' s 'ffice . W aterw orks Bldg. W. L. Hoffo- b.iita. O’

iX )B S A L E —Din ing and liv ing room urn i tu ro ; new ten t and cot. 320 l l ' t h rc ivc. E. V. B- ------------------------------------------------— gl

FO R SA LE— Ripo tomatoes $1.SU p e r o( lushel; olso-largo and small yollow to- — iiatovB a t t ip a c u ^ a n ’e, 1-2 xnilo N. E.>f c i ty ; a n y timu except Sundoy.

P O W E R IN E is equal to gasoline a t Se . gallon. Salesipen and agents w anted, ilxclusivc te r r i to ry granted. Poworino ti. s guaran teed to bo harmless , to remove T ' n<J p rev en t carbon, doubling li fe .of a ll ~~ ,asolinu motors, stvviog repair s, adding unp, speed, power. An am ount equal ^ 0 20 gallons of gasollno son t to auv ^ ddress in tho United Btntce, chargcs irvpnid fo r $1. W. Portor Barnes , Box to 24A40, S a n ta Roso, Calif. to

l ^ r SA LE— Will Jock F ro s t rob ou of canning tomatoes. W o havo ’cni in t $1.50 tho basket. B ring boxes and tii •et ’em o r o rder b y postal, Routo 2 . bi lilo and qua rte r vast on E lizabe th ^ Uvd. HflVvey Bros.

F O R S A L E —Bargnin in f in a milcn Cc oatH; must sell. Phono 050R. O. - tox -54.

--------------------------------------------------------- l,ii 'O U SALli— Oood sccond band vio- ,vi

in w ith case. Call a t Shoe M arke t. i ’i

FOR SALB—Reasonable pricos, ooe* nd-hand bags, suitable fo r potatoes, ivi larley or wheat. 233 Wall S t. C(

FO R SAI^E—Bargain,-piano and Sax- i},.car. 437 Fourth ave. W. I .

T H E BEST P IA N O Is »one too good, iuy the ‘ ^Zeck” . Circular, priceo a n d ni crm s mailod free. K arl Zeck Co., Inc., tc 'w in Palls , Idaho.

FO R 8 A L & - B l a t k boiao, w e l ^ V DOO. Phono S54 B 12. C:

FO B SA L E —L arge W raltny e a t i n j .pples delivered by pound or box. cli 'hone 537 R 4. nr

FO R SA L E —Cheap, 2 ton-foot countrs w ith d ra w e ra Apply W rights . co______________________________ ________al

FO R SA L E —Hogs: Wo havo fo r aalo --00 head of atock hogs a ll altea and ;ood qua li ty ; w il l sell i n .a n y number. >lc no to a carload. Alao somo puro)}red kl )uroc sows and gil ts to p ig aoon a n d P< umo w ith l i t te rs ; best atock in tbio 2 i Dcality. 1-2 mllo weat and 1-4 sontb -

K im berly . Phono 24 J 3, Kimborly. a ck Franco & Sona. JT

“ f o r s a l e —Choice . Black M inorca cus, good laying stra in ; also small bou ouse. 200 Seventh ave. N . Phono 25M. ___________ _____________ N

F O R S A L E —N ew houiO to nt, 8x10,i-foot walls, floor nnd door; choop. fcJail 7 to 8 p. m., reor of 328 Sevonth hIsorth. • —

FO R S A L E —Wovon wool m g ,lL flx a 3.0. Also 1 B russe ll’s corpet contain- — ng a bou t 12 yd. T. 0 . Stopbemwn, 170 B' V alnut S t. y '

K i A aA L £ --B iey e ie s , tr ieyelea, f lab ' ng tackle , t i i e a i d aeeeasories. War* > ' l e r ’j Bepa ir Shop ^824 2nd S t . E M

FOR SALE-AUTOMOBILES c____________________________________ X ' w

FO R S A L E —5 passenger Ford, in ^ o d condit ion. 3 new casings. Ph o n e ^ iOS^J.

T O r ' s A L E — 1910 WlUls-Knight 8 ^ y l indcr; ru n 10,000 milos; 7-paasoDger1 wiro wheels, 5 now cord tiros, 2 tope, tc :ncloBcd eedoa top and c lo th . Bummot C ;op; mochanlcally perfec t; a world o f B power; Ideal c a r fo r passenger s tage - >r largo fam ily; motor is noiseless. Dwncr wanta smaller car. U. E. W rig h t , ^ W rig h t’s storo.

R E A d I ^ E D AILY NEWS. 4

JHE LOO:1 / l i a - ~ a = 3 r ; . fflE T T V i> w e i

SH V M i n t , IT-l YOy PtCAOY?





:n n ies w o r t h |I]


WANTED— To buy five or nix room ^liouBc; will give ear nn p a r t payment. ur<Addrons box 80, T w in Fa lla u t phoao Bo798. , _

WANTED—Yonr raxor blades to sharpen. W e m e r ’a Bepa lr Bhop, 144 Second sreet E. »» _

WANTED—P iano to use fo r s to rage; , l)cst of coro; no children. 802 Fourth ^ SVC. E . ‘ ~

WANTED— I do all k inda of /u rn itt ire repairing an d upholate r work. L. A. Brnaton, roar o f O tia -Second Hand •store. Corner 2nd nnd 2nd So. Phone308-W. . , -

W a n t e d —T o re n t , so ncrea im- >0® iroved; with in 7 'milea o f Twin Falla. I’hone 817R. Ph

W A N T E D --T 0 lonso w ith buying op- idn. 2 to 5 ncrcs improved land noar [“win Falls. Phono 817R. ^

WANTEI>—To c lean you r furnaco J m d chimnoya. W ork guarontcod. D. f “ Jalisbury, phono (523J. 110 M ain nve. E . “ fi------------------- -------------------------------------- IT pel

WANTED—To mako th o t old au to M l op oJ yours look p rraen tab lo ; aoo our — op departm ent. L in d Automobile Co.

WANTED— Our lo p s n d upholster- ng departmenl is tho finest in tho weat m d our prices ore righ‘t. L ind Automo- .ilo Co. . J.

WANTED— Curta in nnd top ropai.- cork o f all kinda. L ind Automobile Company; .

WANTED—Clov«r seed; all kinds; l ighost m arke t pricos paid, phonp or vrilc. Tho A lbo rt Dickinaon Co., Twin ^ '>lla. Phonos 630, 100 or 818. —

• \VXNTED—Storajro b a l to ry repair ^ vork of all k inds. M - in d Automobile W l Jompany. i

W A N T E D —PoBlure fo r tb ree horaea — J. I t . Bonton, 216 T h i rd ave. N.

W A N TED —U rfo la te r ln g o f old fur- l i tu ro ; p r i c o f 'n g b t and work guaran- ced. Lind Automo.bilo Co. ___ ~

W ANTED—Dresa m ak ing — sewing. ' L.adlcs’ dtesaos, » » a ' a aWrta , e te. Mrs. — gy t o , Colonial A p ta , E-2. Phone 845M.

W ANTED—S torage b a tte r ies to re- ^ ihorgo; our fo c i l i t k s ore th e very best j ind priccs righ t. 'L i n d Automobile Co

W ANTED— Upholstering and seat ;ovcr jobs of oil krnds; priccs reason ible. Lind Automobilo Co. I ,

W ANTED — KalBomlning p r o i^ U y L lone. Estim ates eheerfDlly given. Kna- clo & BomiUer, T w in F a l l j PremMr Pain l Shop, 236 M ain Ave. Ni Phone ~

_______________ :________________ ‘ tW ANTED — Y o n r mowera to

frind. W e m e r ’a BepaJr Bbop.

' MISCELLANEOUS" ^JA M E S K T B g fo r ca rp e t rugs and

J^avnjo cleoning. P bono 43BJ. _

"T'ONWAY AVTQ T O P AUTO SHOP ? ! for every th ing in a u to topa and uphol- T i t ie ring. M ain avc^. E.

■ ^ B E S S M A K I N G — n r t B. F. P o r^ i v o an , 1037 Elm S t . . 1

90A B D AN D B (M M a t 4 U H a ls W. — ?hoB« 1219-J. E .

BAUV: (’AB T I R E S /re p ia c c d whilo J kou wait. Conwoy Auto Top Shop. — Main ave. E. ^ ' (

' W E HULL, ro c leon and buy S W E E T ]JLO V ER SEIID. O nr p rieea a re r ig h t 1We aave A i i y o a r seed. Darrow Bros. —3cod and Supply Co., Plfoae 8 , Tw bi D<F.1111 -1____________ _

MONEY TO LOANTO LOAX—»1 to *15,000 fro*, od.. S j

to th rco years on improvcd*5fcal estate.Call a t tooma 4, S, 0, I . D. Bldg. P . 0 . Box 122.


W IL L TRA D E 7 passenger Buick for D lich te r car. 255 S ix th A^vc.-^^. Phono 487.

OK? f i r i ? LlKE'A 1 / t h i s JU&T /*•1. NEW < L V C H -A F T B F .-

e t 'm / SPENDING TWO} ■ ^ S o V ^ FOR /

^ ----------" T ^ T c o -

EMBER 17,1920

SECTIONII U you w an t to bny, leU,I oichange, barter, dis-

II pose of o r aoqoire ANT- I

THINO try Daily Newi I OlasB aasl


W A N T E D —A good aalesmon for S a t ­u rd a y s S ta to oxporicaco. Addroia Box 32, T w in Fail* .

W A N T E D —F ir s t elass shoomaker,$40 per ■week. Call Alexander Shoo Im ­pa ir shop.

W A N T E D —P rac t ica l woman to w afk by day. Phono 606J.

W A N TED — W o m a n -1 0 do woshing on M ondny a t 244 Six th ovo. N.

W A N T E D —Messenger boy,- call 40. Weatern Union. '

W A N T E D — Live aaiosman w ith IVird toadstor ; b e s t a tandard p ro p o r t io n in town; $ 1 0 0 a week for r ig h t mtin Phono 393J.

W A N TED —M an fo r clerical w ork; perm oneot position. Addresa D is tr ic t Chemist, Amolgomoted Sogar Co.

M A N or woman wanted, aalary $:i4 f a l l t ime, OOo a n hour spare t im e, sell­ing g o a r ^ t e e d hoaiery to wearer ; ex- / perienco unnoceasary. Guaranteed k iU a , N orr is tow n , Pa.


W A N T E D —^Mnn and w ife w an t work on ranch tho y ear round. W rito J . M. Alliaon, Amorican liYlls, Idaho.


W IN D O W O L A S f r -W in d ahielda, eab- in e t w ork . M oon 'a Shop. Ph o n e 0.


PIA N O ' r U N I N b ^ ^ T T ' H o l i r P h ^ a 84, Bogeraon H o te l ^

PIA N O T U N IN O — Pbone 108. Logan M usic Co. - - r

r a A N i r a

oioH m a T R ^ « m ^ c o m p a n y ;i ’hone 34i).

I , p r o i e 6 J i o n a l

AOOOUNTANT___________________________ ____________y. 0 . O W K > O D -^ c e o u n t* n t Telephone

876. T w in Falla.


J O ^ W . O B A H A i l - ^ L a ^ B a n k l l T ru s t Bldg. Phone 036B.

AHHEB B . W IL B O N -L aw yer.

E O M S B 0 . wrr .TJ^—Boyd Bnilding.

T A Y L O a OUMMINB—Babcock B l ^ ^ P ro b a te ond eiv il practico. _ \

S W E E L B Y ft B W E E L E Y -A t to rn e y s a t- law . P ra c t ic e in all courts, Tw ia Falla . Id a h o . -

E . M . W O L F B —L aw yer, Booma S M d - 6 , ove r Id a h o Departm ent S tore , Twia

fSills, Idabo .

7 . H . W IS E — Law yer. Fully o r n n l M d Collection D ep a r tm e n t Offleea— Booma (1 a n d 7, over Twin Falla B aak A T ru s t Co., I V i n Falls, Idabo.

D ^ J . B B N B Y —Boom 1, P ow er Bldg. Collectiona and Commereial ^Law.


D A N m A JL L E S — L i r e w d ^ ^ U E ng in ee r and Surveyor. O ff ice OTer L o n a ’a M nsle Store. Phone 17SU. T v ^ F a l la , Idaho.

' ■ ■ ■ ' ■ va * » v — ". . I. DENTISTS

1 DE?1ir a . ioSOT—Dr. £ A. KBHNB.) D en tis ts . Idaho Deportm ent Sto r. '

B uilding. Tw in F n l la Telophono 14.

by Bflok

T A t y yp>^ <S£TT1N6 } ^ '

y > y / ^ 0 At<EP / / y



CDOLimtr ™“lETIlllOSCiPli-

______ m

Harvesting la Checked by Sain,Too, but B eets and P o ta ­

toes Thrive ^

Lflfit n o o k ’s w ea th e r was “ aUghtl.r o f f ” n» n crop’ m ake r , but thoro ■*ra« ‘‘V "’*' np froat .lomago of a n y lmpoxt»W*« In nny RCPllon of Idaho , imys Clinton B. ” Noniucul, o f tJio s ta te clinyjtoloRieal d»- jinrtmnnl, in n weekly (nimtnary o f fnir wnntlinr juut iflsued. hin f

In Jhli report tho nla tomoot is made . J h a t rains helped paBlures and ranger ^ i thc

t r many-Boctlons, ond were moro or ficatl loKN liuncficiol to l>ect# Jind potatoes. «‘ i Hnyinff, harvesting a n d ■ HtackinD; op- .jintr jTa'tionii, howovor, w orr seriously ro* fm-i f.nnied l.y wonthor «jn«litionfl ,ln most „ „oi Hoctions o f tlio s ta te . T h e 'b u l lo t in la fu ll follows: pjnre

“ AltliQiiRh thp week seemed a b i t t ), cool, tomiieraturea w«*rp Kcncrally not impri f a r from scnsonable. There ' was eon- ,| ,i„ Hidernblo oloudinens nnd loin than th? n,,, normal amount of aunnhino’. ShowoTU ojcliil occurrcd over most o f tho *tat>> durinf; the la lter pnrt o f lho wook. Tho i.ast amount* o f p rec ip ita tion woro fa ir ly co- pious in mnny locali ties o f tho Panhan- (llu and in tho ea s te rn counties; elao- whero only light show ers occurrod.

“ Thn w eather w aa oo t particu larly j, if fttvornhle fo r m a tu r in g eropH, being too rbol for rap id devolopment. Howover, , tho rnin» wore h igh ly bonofieia l to pae fnjr Inros and ranges in nil sections nnd to ^ Hiignr bcots and p o ta to e s in . tho upper Snake river valley. I n the Panhandle t i ea r ly seeded w hea t wbh helped deciiled- ly b y jcnerotis shpwors; tlie crop U „f t| fuming up to n good s tan d nnd is grow- ing nicely. Soil conditions wero great- |,„r(.

, ly improved b y increased moisture.Farm work, on Uio o th e r hand, was n,,. Iinndieopped to a oonHldernblo oxtenl i„jj by lho fretjucnt showers. Harvesting oi’ grain o nd a lfa lfa , a n d threshing wero delnyorl nnd pnino p iek i^ g was stopped „v<.t fo r a time. ,l„.

" M o i l criiim nre now well matiiroil. ^ e l l Corn I* growing slowly but in^.most lo- „„,i (■nllties It is now snfe f rom serious dam- „ „ . r nge bv /rost. P o ta to es in the eommer- a^e .-ial diatriets a re r ipen ing . Garden and f^ ir ti iiek crops are ab o u t m atured. a re ;

“ Prune harvest is in full swing ,|„^j in most distrletH lho yie ld is up to e x ' pectntlons. Apples a rc stt>1 growing, j„. } nnd coloring; th e eriip In Tibout t ^ . weeks late this vear. A few favored this loenlities n re m a rk e t in g a good .-mp of f ine 'peBchos." ‘



Men Accused of Importing Oon- * traband U q n o r BeUeved to

Have L e ft County ■ y,

Aceording fo a t ta c h e s o f the sh e r if f 's office both Ho»> L inv i l le and Cleo “ Slim " Bush a re “ tn ivo l ing l ig h t” ou t of t o f the country. T he men nro wauled lo •nnswor charges inv o lv in g tlie importn- tion into llii^i coun ty o f contr.il)oi:d Hti-

Bush nnd Linville nro alleged to lu.v.- yesterday m orning b rough t u Kep o f '"-r., alcohol into the oouniy , the liqui/r bein:; found cnched r \ th e b ru sh near n wi-ook- ed automobile owne.I t>x' I.lnvill.. :,a I found overturned a t th e roadside two miles soulh of T w in FnlU city , liush is tm.t said to have bt'en ou guard , when the „ioB sh e r if f and two c i ty m ia lo n s of tbe law nrr ived on tho scene. T ho cnr hn>l bcon overturned when ' i t coll ided with n i....* hoavy form vehicle , which wus also f,.., wrecked,

Linville IH miid to hnve beo-. -luit.- ' mI ni-vcrely Injured in the acc ident and wns , ta k e n tn u local hosp itn l imme<1i;itelv' ,.orti n fter. A fter his in ju r ie s wer.s dressed, lie loft tl>e in sti tu tion , i t i)> rela ted, a u d l l 01 nuit town. Bolh Bush and Linvil le are .leeliired h y Hherif f A. N. Sprngue to have been drunk a t the timo e f !ho


Samples of Maize, Presented a t .>r'n Pair, Indicate ' Culture a ' ‘."'i'


Thnt field . ■ . . n r r r ^ ^ U i i v d to b.-.-.mi,' ,n r" •me of llio «t.-iiidi>rd .-n ’pH of Ih.- .li.s t r i r l is tUv oi.iiiion eKpn-«sed l.y acri , A-f! vulturiMs vers.'il in tho tjrowinii of this ” ' l.roiluct. Ill l..)lli th e l>ig |ir..du.tN ex hibil hiiililii.g nnd tho biii ll in t; d.- votod If) Iho fxh ih ition o f .liiiii.ir Farci I,ureau |ir<.diu-lM tn ll Mnlks thnt, but for the liiekiii;: br:in.'bi-<. mill i i In- eim Midcrod treos. ar,- ..i. display. ' !"'-

Tbe Mslks climb, U.ominj; like .h ick ’s ll" ' l.onnstalV «f m vtbologv . bave been posted nil iiU.iit bo lh Imll.H, somo of th.-m b^nrinir thro,, full-d-voloped ears f , " | alre^idy well in tbo d.^nl. , On count- ors -espcciall.v Imilt fo r dis(ilay jiur- poses,’ nmnv husked oars aro displayed.

. Homo of tbo«> m easure as long as 14inches. “

In the jun io r fa rm burenu building girls nre in eliarge o^*lhe domestic wi- ence bonth, giving, examples o f fru it " ' and vegetable j iack ing , as well os of sewing «nd needleworlt. This buildi«K P'*" 'contains one o f th e most ia te r e s t in t general ilisplnya o f domestic handicraft OD the fa ir grouDda. A

' ■ - .1 . ■ peaD O N ’T B E A.T T H B T A IL O P T H E ot

8 H B E P A N D W O O L P A B A D E two Ilej X«ara f r tm bow. U m Oot«wo\a l U a i dts| now. Oood r»m a Six in ;B ilea • » « M d w e i t o f I tSo ttth P t t k t o tn tr . J . P . BoUtOIo, B. 8 . ene

o f '■ ■ I -I ■ ■ rev

Dr. J. P. K o M s kM AMapi U i be! o t n e » > tho T < i ^ f W I * oltole 5 iU dI» f pos o ro r t h i P m i f a ^

P IB B T K 9 i m A 0 l OITWtlf- M MRVT0. Aftknr U »«rtiL->«4T. $Mi

E l i r l l O iISNOTEDByEMfiT

ren Mooro, SpeciaUat In Do- Twi m estic Fowl Culture, Says W(

Exhibit Improved

• 'T h e poultry exhib it a t the Twin o. ills county f s i r th is y e a r is lOOO per >me nt g r ea te r nnd n l lenst th a t much |provoil ovor last y e a r , ” aceording to , roll Muore, poult ry busbundman of attoi e i i n iv r s i t y extonsion departm ent. I'^vc Mr. Woore has a ttended all Twultrv ity. :hiblts since the Twin Falls county M ir was in it la tod f iv r years ngo, and s s ta tem en t eon(rerning th is y e a r 's ml*” Iposition of domestic fowls wns made tion it hon t so licitation aud without nnall ' !■< t cation. lln t“ I ^ o k s as thougli the p\-ople o f tbU herd iHtriot hnvo at 1nsl awakened to the yra r let t h a t bolter jioult ry Is just ns much noeessitv an is be lte r livcHloek, cowiJ-fhe

urs-H nnd sheep,” Mr. Mooro de are.!. U d ;T hai there is nn nnward "iJweep for "'lth

iiproved domestic fowls nil through elnni .is d is tr ic t is nmply exemplified in thre 1C scope of eountrv eovered by the prizi Oiibits . as well as iu t)i- qiia litv of Han ;ock shown at the emiu ty exposition. H‘'d as t yoa r , which wns regarded as thc Tl

fo r poultry exhib its up to thnt lue, the elasses o f domesl ic fowls were leager nnd the .lunllty poor. This ear Iho j.oultry building is erowded *■', its. u tm ost capncity, and should the <'h>i nne degree of progress be made in S’ lie eoming vear as in the' past countv V'H nir board will have to extend quarter*- T I. meet requirements fo r jioultrv lious l"'rl Ig in 1021. FThe improvement noted. Mr. Moore Pro

eclares, is largely duc to the ac tiv ity f tho domest ic seionc'o nnd demonstra- „ iou depnrtment o f fhe eouiity fnrni ,, ureau, a ttaches of whieh have labored Ireiuiouslv during the pnsl vonr for be genera l improvement nnd upbuild ug of pou l t ry flocks in fhe Twin F a lh lis tr ic t. P o u l t ry -cu l l in g elnnscs and 3 ehools bavo been- f requently held all f.„f iver tho oonntv wifh the result th a t ^ ho .iwiiors IhomselvoH have become • irell educnied in p ick ing oul poor stork nd re tn in ing the best for propagation j lurposea. Similar i-lnsses and schools | F re be in g held bv Miss Uidwig m thc i S a ir ev e ry morning af 11 o'c lock. Plans »30i ,rr also -lieing mude looking to ' th e con- ^ lu.'ing o f n “ culling, w eek” fo r t V Moi lis tr ic t. The classes iu culling will 10 held under the direction of expert-ij ,, n '« U eommunlfies o f the eounly lato . *' his fa ll or in tho winter.


.. jinSUcs Thia Evening will Sit Down

to B epast with Oame the ’ i Principal Dish

Willi duck w i lT T T th e prinHpnl nt- ' " J raetion nt n banquet lo be served thiH vening f<.r RIks aud major members Dm f th e ir fnmilieK. Tho fra te rn i ty peo I.- r rn . - r - I„.C„ lo l„. '- 'Iround the fostixV ImarC nt « o ’clock 1 P nr ish hail. T h e feast Is being pro- y nred Uy .1. M. ()i*wig; a professionni j.j,.

The pieces dc re.sistiince. 4dO hnndrod u num ber , have been provided In- E lks ' mrksm on, th ree companies of whom 1*'" pent y e s te rd a v , in fhe marshes and ^ [»ko reed s heroahouts in quest of thc rc>] oothsoino birdH. The hunting compn lies w ere hendod by (’. A. Bailev, Vi» Seorge H. KnnbM, and W. O. Tnvlor. rhe fornio r pulled down 132 birds. Kns- j c v ’h crowd lO.I and the rest o f the 11)0 Vll lo flio prowess of W. O. Tavlor and lis bnnd. Ibiiley. ,H--isto>l by .three 1 ■veil known hJmofi*rs, pulled d’<<wu fn) Oin .f Ihe i;il> fnlliug fo the lot o f l i i s ^ ]



a . A. Thomotz zand W. F. Alworth Got Places on F arm B ureau Committoo*

The oxcciilivc ootnmitfoe t.f the hUi!c ' . nrm ,b» n ; . . i in scs.ii.n thin wook in I W ntM l" . niiMic.l M. A. ThomefT; of | ^ rwin Fnlls. an mi.mber of a .-^.muiil ^........... ......... . nnd by-laws, nnd I ‘'"J■V. F, Alworth of Twiir Fall. -., 'ii iembcr; *■if a ..................... on logislali im to .Irafl :. :o[io-.od f o r Ih,- n o x t scs.siun o f 'Ih- loi;i>, |.-inire. T . ’n t n t i v o .In tc f o r Ihc J- i . inua l m . v t i n g o f t h e s t a t o f n rm bu- <m

w a s se t f u r Iho f i r s t wc<‘k in . lan - t

_________ __________ Vil'


Om- '>f II.I- li.-:i.llin.-tH with the Hnr- ]■ ov M insiroK which is a t tIrP I>nvcring i,.n h.-afer fciuiglil i^ ihiTt-of the Austra ul, .inn Wii if -s. Ibc- whlpcraekers. Mrt n„, kVnito ba?* oiu- whip ."ill feet long whicb t>*s uni'OHsibl.' to ii*,> ,111 Ihe av,*ragc j sfajji-. Mr. . l.avoriog has requested that th is part of (he won.lorful whip \~ I d be pre».cnlo,| ..11 th.- ..ulsiilc of th-.- lh.-at,-r louighi nt 7::!<> when tho min- c, . trel ban .l is pluyinj: i ts concert. Mis^ Waite, tho ju sis lanl ,in thc net will .V,, li,d<l a piece o f paiK'r in her haml 7 tiu<l sw ing a whip . '0 feet long and s laud ing al tba t distance from bis part ner, Mr. Waite will . u t th i» ,p a iW to

P'*'"*''*- • ?lri


A. U. Hmifh has been ordered to op pear a t fhe i h e r i f f s of f ief on chargc ot c a r ry in g concealed weapons. Smith, . Deputy Hheriff H. F. I ledmon w tb . d’uiplaj 'od a pistol whilo using the danc' ing f loor a t the county fa i r yeste rday. „ I t appea rs tha t Smith while dancing, '.f, eooou&tr rrd an obstrne tioa on the edge o f th e floor, bis coat b « ln» throwo open reroalSog the roTolver n t ta c i jc d . to a E bolt • ro u n d bU waJit. . The deputy took pogaesalon o f the ^ n .

n » E tb c r t s e a u i s f (iMeltM aro ripe fl< • t tfao .C ryoU J 8 a r i a |* orchard , eome 61 « a d b r t a r j o o r



win FaUa Shorthorns . St-ind Veil in M onater Herd Shown

a t PaU Bxpoaition. He

0. A. M eM nst.T of Twin Pall.s, wtis ^ e of the big ribbon winners with ® lorthorn r a t t l e entries nt the county V ir yester.lny. This elass of livestock1" been tho marvel o f eatt le brecdora' tending th e exposition and is snid to C. IVO estab lished a high rocord fo r qual- Wile y. 08 well a s quantity of entrios.Mr, M eM astcr won f i r s t premiiin. ith a year l ing bull and also f i r s t pro- ium for bull calf entries. I n addi- *'* on he, w-as awarded seeond premium i tho yearling- bull class, th ird place „** I thc year l ing he ifer pen, th ird for ■rd shown flnd fourlh ' plaeo fo r two- :-ar-oId bull. JyMr. McMnsto r nlso made a shoivlng in

le Hereford oxhibits, winning f i r s t j, rlxe fo r g rand ehnmpion eow with ndy Wilson IT, nnd took f ira t also m i | i th tho sam e anim al in the singlo eow m i nss betw-eon two vears and under UKl iret>. W il lnrd AfcMastcr wou sccond rize fo r Shorthorn heifer cnlves. Jessc iamlino o f F ile r took i-vervth ing iu ed Polled A ngus, entries.The . 'a t t lo nwards yesterdny follow:

S H O E T E O B ira Bull, Tw o Year* a a d Over.

Firs t— K. M.- Varin. Victor. Si lvor loud 704t5»:;.Second—.1. (}. Haydeu, ( 'n s tleford. i,- illago V ic tor seu in r .Third— Requa Bros.. Kimberlv, Cum-

erlnnd nep ca fo r »ud T.l.'lliO!'. ' *F ourlh— C. A. McMnstor, Twin Knlln- J-

•roud Lnd «.’5272L*. .his

Bull , Senio r Yearllnj.F i r s i - (;. A. McMnstor, M in a 's Dalo -r

1. 1470.'4.

Bull, J u n io r Yearling.^ BiF i t K l - n i g Springs Kanch, Huhl 1

.■iimberlan.l Cup L'nd fil4.'!P,". ;5,'.!'S o c o u d -f ! . A. McMastor, M in a 's i

'umberland HfilMltn. ;i.-fThir .l— F rank Sullivan Hons. Ruj ie rt . '

«I .'f 's .Sulfnn. . ji.-is

Bull. Soulor Oalf. * jF irs i— C. A. McMastor. S u l ta n 's Gem. ,Socoud— K. M. Varin, fi tc tling S ilver \ , . l

130097. 'Thir .l— L. H, Hrowii, F iler. Stam ps

dodci .inunsii; »Bull, J im lor Calf. ‘

F irs t— Hoqiin Hros.. Cituibcrland Vic. or »1.'5”0S.

S eo o n il-K . K. (’..rv, (■iimborlnii.l^VOll. J . . .^

T l i i r . l -M , M. Vntin. Si lvor Goods. , F ou rth—S. n . Froclor. (rumberland

•rim-c !i t l7 li : .Cow, Three Yoars and Orer.

FirHi — R,.,,ua Hros., Victoria Secrc* :in7i:i.

Si.lliv,,.. ......... In.- ;•orloil ‘Tiron.Ihooks U s s ie d.1I)27H.

Thir .l— F rnnk Hullivau Sons, Nonpii- ■eil Gom Itilh .•5(14(l.i:.. '

Fourth—S. H. Prootor. V,>lumnln H.Ilh 71M!i44.

Dow, T w o Yeara and U nder Throo ^ F irs l— X. H. l.clnn.l, Wendell. W hito I Diii'hesH. i

H,‘coud—.1. {;. Hnvdi-n, Matebloss :ird «t:.';!dti.i. I ;

Thir .l—.lohn W. Silvers. M urln t igb .’i ' {osy Cruiekshnuk 7L'lUJl.

Fourth— H i t ’ Springs Uaiich. Mng- ji.-’s Cl,..ico Ln.ly 7S71»:i.

H eife r , Senior Yearling,F irs t— Hig Springs Rnnch. Iiivido

III0 SM.1111 K2()l,'>(>.H,‘ron.l—-M usgravi ' & .Sons, N'onpa li<'

•cil n . 'a ii tv 2nd 82C671.Third—( \ A. MeMastcr. S.-mpslresa ti.'

Viscount :ir<l :iir)H4fi.H olfor, Jun io r Yearling.

F i i s t - N . U. LoIhu.I, Lit t le M arv 2n,lSecon.l—.1. (5. I lav ....... Orniig.. Hlos

»om :ird. P '- 'Thir .l— Frank Nullivnns S<.ti-.. Clioiro

3 iieen.F o u r lh — Hig Siiriugs Ranch. M arv

Hlnir :ird/7H710.*.(H e ife r . Senior Oalf.

F irnt— Willar,1 MeMastcr. Twin Fnlls •?wrol n u l l e r f lv PL’ KISii.

S,-rt>nd—Wpllnrd Mc.\ln>.t.T. R/.vnl Uulterflv !»24n8.';. ^V h i r d — r. G. Ilnvilen. Ciimberlnfi.l

H eife r , Jun io r Calf.F irs i— K. M. Vj.riu, .Silver » 11.-. ; Soct)n.l— K. M. Vnn'n. Silvor I/.lv.. i Tb'inl— Uoqlin Hros., M5kh (dumber

iinil. IF . n i r t h - F r a n k Mali', Kd,‘n, R.wo o f ' 7u,

Maho SI27227. ;B ro e le ra o f Calf Herd. I 'i<-

FirHi---K. M. Vnrin (Sl.^rling S ilver ).1(»ID7, S ilv .T Hclle, Silv. r I .ndv) .

Hecon.l--ll .-qua HroU, (Cumb.-rliind Virt.ir Hl-VJlin, Miss Cumb.-tlaud, fdaho .•nml.rrbuid (Jn.-en).

T h i r i l ^ f . <!. Hav.l.-n ,'Red Cumber l.-iml. CitmlMyland IfOM-. Orange Hiu;. ' >■ .om Hn.l '.

B reed e rs ’ Yonng H erdV F i r s t - V ; . Hav,len (Red Oumb.r

If.nd. Orange- Hfossoiii .’Irtl. Flower Gir! >■' Ilh. J' l^nborlnnd Oraugo Hlossomlliid). ’ -■="

Aged Herd. ■First- .1. (}. Hav.I.-n (Villngo Victor

:.21'i:)7. F low er Girl I'n.l 22«2!i.S, Mjitch- . less ;ir.l 75.106.'. Orange lUossom ;ird. Cumberlnnd K«.s.-). V

8 ,-con.l—Reciua Hnis.. (Cumberlnnd Repoiitor 2n<l •7.1,'5-JOl', Victoria S ec r - t I ai(17i:i, V ic tor ia Marshall 8.10112, VII- Isge 1/ola K.-n.I.-.D, Miss CumlHsrlipd). 7(1

Third—C. A. M.-Master (P roud U . l jv HVJ722. S w intou Mina W28()l>. M ary j,', Ann 2n.l 7lil«lM. Sempstress Viscount flril :il51MX. Prineoj«s Cumborlan.l>. ,|,

0 « t o f Slx«. ' PFirst K. M. V alin . Si lver Clou.l 704- fi

n02 (S te r l in g S ilver M0007, S ilver Goods, S i lv e r t. ily D2H624, S ilver Bello). «l

Second— Hig Springs Rj^nch, C lans lii man 473082 (Simplicity 'a Becret 787 2i Ull , M ag g ie 's Choice L ady 787103, .Marv B la ir Jlrd 787105, M ary M aple flth 3; 787100). I-

Third— Ilequa Bros., Cumberland Re- .K peator "n .i (Mias (.'umberland, Idn Cumberland Queen), <’

Pro4ae* o f Dam. J*Pirat— R M. Varin, M aU ka M a y "

flower 1B5037 (M aU ka SultAo 7Cd44S, a i lve r Gooda).

Fkeoad— Rcqna B roa , Vletori* 8 *- 3'

EWS, TWm FALLS, IDi> A H O , F R I D A Y , SEPTEA't 21C71.T (V ictoria Marshall 8aOU2, 8<mb. rirtnd Victor ,P1C028). 244.'rh lrd— J. 0 . H ayden . ' Tl

. Chantpion SuU.B. M. V»rln, S ilver Cloud 70,092. . “ 5,1

Champloa Oow. - ^Sc H. Udand, W hito Ducheoa.

H E E E T O E D a JBull, Two Y ear* a n d Over, 0031

Second—J. ,1. M urphy, Diotrlch, Pret- ^Perfection. p,

Oow, Two Y e a n a n d U n d e r Thioe. pFirat—C. A. M eM astcr , Twin Palls, finu dy Wilnon Snd <^12532.

O rand Ohampion Cow.C. A. M eMastcr, T w in Falls, Lady « ilson 2nd GD2532. y

E e d PoUod. BigBnll. J u n io r Oalf. ft

F irs t—.lusso Hamline, Rod Lad. moiOow, Throo Year* a a d Over. T

P irs t—Jesse Hniuline. Filer, Pride von0040. V F

Champloa BuU. I.onJesse Hamline. Red Lad. ^

Champion Cow. _j,.j .lease Hamline, p r ido .»fl04n.

i N E O l i i l PREMIUMS A i m

DUBOC-JEBSZTY' jBoar, 2 Y ears a n d Over Yn

Firs t—Rav D uran t Si Sons, Rupert, ancoek Wondor 203717. . ]Boar, 18 M onths a n d U n d e r 2 Y e a n ,,10 P ir s t—L. S. O tto , F i le r , Afo of Kings, j

l'ni20. ' ' M,Boar, 1 Yoar a n d U n d e r IB Montha I F ir s t—WatBon L ivestock Co., Rupert,

ust Liko Pathfinder 337581.Heeoml— W. II. Rambo, Filer,\ Select „ '

'riiico 30072.-. 'Thir .l—Oil, . W nlt. .11, Miirtnugli, Maho u n g :i(lft72:!.Boar. 81* M onths a n d Undor 1 Yoar J

F i r s t - L . H .,O lto , Pathfin.lor Glnnl ' ,*.HflB7.

Second—L. K. OtH.. Western Ginnt .•«S)7.'.

T J iI rd -W . n . Hambo. Gi^int King „ .':«1>77.,Fourlh— L. S. Otto, Palhfin .ler Ginnt

st ;!r>8im!i.F if th—L. H. Otto, Iilalio (liunt -111

7i). . . . . . .Boar, U nder 6 M onths M:

FIrsI ~W. II. Rnihbo ' Orion Joe. .4,-,.„nil—W. II. Rambo, Orion Wonder M

lov.T h i r d - L . H. Otto, Hig Hensnti,.)!

'-H899.I’ourth— L H. O lio, S e a sa tb n Job

.18003.F if th — L. S.’ Olio, Oriou Big Kensa-

ioii :i,'800.'..

Sow, 2 Years a n d OverFirnt —r,.‘s. Otto, (J.ddie Pathfimlo.

■77d()H,SocotuI— L. S. Oito. Gano La.lv HO.S-

;0H.Third—W. II. Rnmlio. Henulv 721U-1. Fourth— Rnv Durjint & S,>ns. Luckv 's

'ri.lo ;ird'77l.HH.Flf lh —W atw n LivesK.ck Co„ Pntli-

'lu.ler Bolle 2n.l fl0f!2l4. .Sow, 18 Months and U nder 2 Yoars F irs t—L. S. Ott. i, .Sonsntiou Good-.

Sow. 1 Year and U n d e r 18 MonthaFirst—W. H. Rambo,'Sensation Pri.le

<H2Ht54.Sccoiiil— W. H. Rambo. que.iu Hciim -]

lion 8(128(12.'r i i in i^ L . S. O no . Maho Qiiccn 7))2-

Fourth— Watson Livestock C,... V:i- i.iiial Hollc 2nd 792448.

F if ih —W. II. Rambo, U d v Hen.sa iou H(i2S«u.

Sow, 6 M onths and U nder 1 Year Fir.'.i—L. S. Otto, Vnll.'v La.lv tUI-

•.Hi........ ml— L. S. Otto. Vallcv I.adv Ist,

»;!l/ (i(;. ‘ ■ ' Th ird—O. C. F.dH.n, Filer. Jl-’i iu rih—0. C. F. 'ltou.Fifth-;-^). C. F. 'l ton. ■

Sow, U nder 6 M onths 'Firsi— \V. H. Rambo, Katie OiioninH

>nr.<t24. j«.-cood—W. H. Ramb.., Orion 's Bcui ')

V !m(i!i2(l. II'hir.i—W. H. Rnmbo. PnUifiudor V. I ' " ^iicca ;ir.l I -

F.iurtli— W. H. Kauib... Hiibv Orion : i:!(UI28. ■ , ;

F if th - -L . S. Ott.>, K.-ns.itioti .Mod.-I '»

P a i r of P igs U n d o r 0 Mofttos 1First - W . IL Rnmbo. Orion Joo :U',Z- i .

M-* au.l Katie Oriou 5i;tn024. , ,Scri.mt— W. H. Riimbo. Orion 's W..n-

ior Hoy n.-;98.';7 aii.l O ri.m ’s Homily

Third—L, K. Otto. Hiir SoiiMatiVi I “ '■i‘» .-.ti.I Soni.itioti .Model W45UM. '

F.iurtti— L. R. Ot-K . Sciisati.u, T . . i i ! , H,-ii>r.lmn M.nl.'l Ut ' ' \ ' ‘

Fif ih - Tlav n,ir;n>* i S ons , . |.u.-kv 1 I'ndi- Ist ati.l (Jrcaf Crimsnn S,-tisnfi,.i.. |

Boar and Throe Sows. Over 1 Y ear j pi F i r s t - L . H. Olio, Aco nf Kings liO.i-j ol

I2?>. (!r.|,li,. ['o lhfiudcr 777dOS, (iiin.M ' Lii.lv Sciisali.>n Go.uIh xn.'S.'-.) t

Second--W . n . Ramb.., Sdc.-t Priaec :!lif72.-;. S.-n.atlnn Fri.h- Q,,,.,.,,Sv«HaU«i, RC.-jStV.:. \.,u \y S,.|,H„ii,.n RO':- SCO.

Thir .l—Watsim Liv.-sto,-k (',.„ Juf-t r.ikc j'u lhfimior, Patlifiinlc r Bolle 2n.l, C r,afors l.lal... Holl-, Nntional Belle

BoaTwilfcffjwoe-Sowa. Undor 1 YoarF irs t—\V > iu j{ , in ,b . . , Orion Joo 3D3-

7(1.1, Kati .' Orion 9:iW24, Orion 's Beau- »y W.m'lW. Pa th f inder liuecn 3rd OTKl- miN.

Socoml—W. H. Rambo, Orion’s Won- .ler Hoy ll.-ifiS'H, Riibv Orion 03092M, Palh findor Queen 2n.l •93000(1, P a th ­f in.lor-Queen 1st l);ifl004.

T h ird—L. S. Otto, B ig Bi-nsufCn 35.S- «!'!», SenKfltion Model »34.'i6fl, Senaa- lion Model ,Jsi !i;i4. '>H, Bcnsatlon Model 2nd OI .ICO.

J iiurtli-:rU S. Otto, Pji th fiuder Giant 3-18007, VallPT l*a<ly 954504, Valley l .ady 1st 934500, Valley Ladv 2nd M4- .108.

F i f t h - R a y Dnrnnt Ic Bona, Great (’rimsoa SensatloD, L ueky P r id e la t . Lucky Pride 2od, M Us Wonder Seasa- tioa. I

M o f Mr*P i r s t—W. R. Rambo, Top.O rion STS* I

3 « . I!

J ' . ' '

3econd—L. 8 . O tlo , High Pa th f inder ♦ ------

rh ird—O. (,’. Follou. Wl-’ourth— L. H. QUO, Big Orion Son- ion 333431.h'iflh—W. H. Ramb6, Great Pathflnd- 305109.

FYodooa of Bow ,First— W. H. Bambo, Lonora 855840. L Second—L. 8 . Otto, Vnlloy G ian t 11th * 3112. tiThird—0 . C. Polton. . wFourlh—L. S. O tto , Modol Oirl 773052. In F if th—W. H. B a m b t Mabel Col. 701- vi S. h.

---------- hiPOXAKD CH IK A

Boar, 1 Yoar and UBder IB Months First—A. L. Wilson & Sons, Nampa, “ g Timo 358223. .Secon.i-A,- L. Wils.in k Sons, Parn- - >uut 377315.Tliird—Lou Holler, Cnatleford, Cun- ”, i i ' . l ' r l J e . , "Fourth—Clvdo B. Taylor, Hnnsen, „ ing-Boy 10702-t. ' .Boar, 6 M onths and Under 1 Y ear

First—A. L. Wilson, Kin-Son Time <. — 1877.

Boar, U n d er 6 Months |V||LF i r s i - L . Wilson, Kln-SJm Timo Oth 1887.Second—W alter Nichnlsoa, Wondoll, rand O rphan’s Equal 413195. MT h i r d - A . L. Wilson, Kln-8 on Tiaxu ■h 411880.Fourth— Wnltor Nicholson, Idaho Bov .

1:1103. , •J - ' i f i^ C ly . lo B. Taylor, Hanson, '

nung/B(h) 1141C9. ,Sow, 2 Y ears and Over

F i r s t - A . U Wilson & Sona, Mam- loiilh Lndv 588050. addiS c c o n d -A . L. W ls o n Sona, Miaa K 1

I.illiourne 081224. wasSow, 1 Y ear an d Under 18 Montha |o rs . First—A. L. Wilson & 8 ,ms, W oadcr mor

liautoss 335048. , ‘ ' • "couS eco n d -T ed Slerer, Filer, 'Betm l 84’)- Ho 1

0.1. • seasThir.l“ Lou Holler, Medle r 's Idamont. Fourth—Lou Heller, Betty Meddler.Bow. 6 M onths and Under 1 Y ear

'irst— A. L. Wilson & Sons, K in S o n . into .label l)8 '.(i0fi. sher

Second—A. L. Wilson 4 ous, Kin-Soii in leautv 2tul 985590. plae

Thifd—A. L. Wilson 4 Sons, Kiu-S;m R. 1 h'aiity .'fh onr,r,02 . - drni

Sow, U n d er 6 Months F i r s i - A . L. Wilson. Kin-Son Mubol ,*1 '

th,0fi500l!.Kecoii.l—Wnltor. XiclioUou, Orphan

ilaid 900148.- • “T li i rd -W n l to r N’ieholson, Orpluiii j

ifaid 990150.Fourth—A. L. Wilson, Kin-Son Bern- i _ _

y 985584. yFif th— WnltiT NIeholsnn, Orphait , , ’cl

■Ini.l :inl 990152. TvrP a i r o f P igs U n d er 6 Montha Iors

S.-i'„iid— W alter Nicholwn. ? “ l]F i r s t - A . L. Wilson * Sons.Third— A. L. Wilson 4 Sons.F.mrth—CIv.lc B. Tuvlor.

Boar and 3 Sows. Over 1 Yoar , , First—A. L. Wilson & Sons.

Boar and 3 Sows. Under 1 Year F i r s t - A . L. Wilson k Sons. ,S.'coud—A. L. Wilson tt Sona. w .Third—W aller Nicholson.F.Mirfh—Cly.le B. TVylor.

Oot Of Boar F i r s t - A . L. Wilson k Sous. 1SccoM.i—A. L. Wilson 4 Sons.Tkir.l—Wnltor Nicholson. .1.F„iirth-CI>Me B. Taylor. J"--.III--Lon ilellor. J J '

Produce o f Sow "JJF i r s t - A . L. Wilson & Sons. r*«.Socou.l—A. L. Wilson 4 Sons. T ..Tliir.l—Wall,4- Nicholson. f®'Fourth—Clyde B. Taylor. *'®'

Senior Ohampion Boar A. L, Wilson 4 Sons, Big Timm 35S- -

123.Ju n io r Champion Boar f ~

A. L. Wilson. Kin-Son Timm 4US77. ' - Orand Champion Boar !

A. I.. Wilson, Kin-Son Timm 411377 .

Senior Champloa Sow ^A. L. Wilsou 4 Sous, OinntoHs 335- 1

* W. *Jun io r Ohainpion Sow

A. L. Wilson 4 Sons, Kin-8<m .Mabel - IK.ViOli. _ 1

Grand Ohampion Sow A. L. Wilson 1- Hous. Wonder Giant-

M :ar,uin. ■', tea

> ---------------------------------------1— =_ a _


U:M—Monr.M- Salisburv in “ H I s 'd I - ^ vorred W if .-" ; also Topics of *lir

•Day; C.mie.lv; nnd Patho News. :>RPHEU.M -Irish Baritone, Barney

O'Mnrn: ulsu “ Tho P ira te 's G o h r ' : nml a two-p;irt cOmo.lv.

iDAHO—Wallac- Reid in “ Hawthor.u ' f o f the I’. 8. A . ” ; and a Pollard Con: 6 . ilv aud Pathe Nows.

N.WKRfNf; - H a rv e y ’s ( im ito r Min- Mr.-I^ .nn.l Octoroon HeautV Choru.i.

Dr. Emma C. Oiossland. Oateopatlii : jhysi^l^a, announeca tho removal of hor *'>11 jffirw lo Smith-Rico, buUdlng.—a d r . ______

N O TW atch fo r the oj

the n(

T O M ’SFormerly Twin


MBER 17,1920

Weather Makea New Heat Marks

Night and Day

At t e n d a n c e a t the countv fa ir was not tho onl>- now rocord marked up in th is sec- " t iou yc.stcrday. ' Tho day Itsoli’ w as the torridest Septem ber day

In thu annals o f tho local, obser­va tion depnrtment, and Inst n ight h ung up a new nnd dis tinctive h e a t mark.

Top notch reached yeste rday waa H&—je a l summer w eather— a n d la s t n ig h t ’s low w as 00—corn-growing conditions fo r suro;.....

Tho weathor man flpeak.a_ of f a i r wcathor and cooler fo r to ­n ig h t and Satu rday, b u t dodges tho rnin iasuo, whieh, from ov ­e ry indicatlonf, th rea tens to bo nn outntandlng fea tu re before the duy ia don>'.

> ----:------ --------< I


Mrs. Gnstnvea Pearson, 302 Fourth ivenuo rnnt, bns la te ly re tu rned from Ihixbiirg where she attcndOil funernl ' lorvices fo r her son, Orlonzo Pearson, w whose body wan the f i r s t o f Idaho aorv- « ^ ico men lo b e re turned from Prance to th i s s ta to . Funernl 8or\-lct*« were •• •ouducted by officers of the American !>}jion pnst n t Roxburg, tho principal iddreas bo ing delivered by Bishop C.B Dlnwoody of Idaho- PtiUs. Buria l wns conducted with full m il i ta ry hon­ors, nn escort being composed of fo r ­mor service men in un iform and boy Hcoutn. DeceJflj t was 22 voara o f age.Ho en lis ted Ju n e 9.1017, and died ovor- scan J u ly 5, 1018, of spliinl moningil ls .

SPEECHLESS.At^j^it of six men, uevHKod of boi»n

in lox ioH ed, was made la s t ovcning by s h e r i f f ’s ileputies a t fhe f a i r grounds in F i l e r and on the s treo ta , o f that place. According to D eputy S h e r if f - R. F . Redinon all of the men wore bo drnnk th a t they were unable to give thoir names, nr uittko coheren t answ,.ra to questions. Three nrc supposed lo be su f fe r in g from d rug poiaonlng.


l-'uneral services woro conducted a t 2 o ’clock this nfternoim fo r A rthu r J.Tyron In the DoWitf undertak ing p a r ­lors. T he Rev. A. D. Blaok o f the Firs t B ap t is t ehureh, officia ted. Burial was iu Tw in Fnlls cemetery.

OBAPE8G et them from l>lerk.-s. He has th^

best. A t Sh.ishonc Falls.— adv.

ANNOUNOBMENT. 'Joseph . Segal, M. D.. over B o o th ’s .

Morc&ntUe Store. Proc tlce UmUtd to women.— adv.

Fearod Burial Allvo.H a n s Ahdcnieu nnd H a r r ie t Miu^

tlnea t] le f t specTtlc In s trac t lo n s t b a t th e y sliould no t be hurled a n t l l e rery- th in g hnd been done to m ak e su re th n t t i jo f wero lifeless. So dlfl W il­k ie Oirt)ln», wboRf novel ‘'JeztsbeVa D au g h te r” conto ins a th r il l ing a c ­c oun t o f a sccpo In a O e n n a n dead- h o u R v ^ h e n un Knglislr widow, poi­soned nnd supposed to be dend. sit* o p and confronts h e r ••nemtes.

• f - 0 1 a 5 s i . f i e i

(TOO LATB FOB C L A SniFIO A T lO ir)---- ^ ----------— ------ ---

T O R .SAfiK—Mnple .Iresser, bed stenil s la t ; canned chorrios nn.l peachcs.Two Kanitary cots. 412 F i f th av.-. N.

~ K 1 R Kl-.NT—'Htfoe roou, Uausc. W.F Fli .ke. city... .

Amcricn u.ses t<-ii tu ues more blnek tea fha.i it docs gre.-n.


W ho soici clothing prices were coming down?

| P c l > a M i n o C o .

y j i ? .

l e i i i i ' i i i i n *

DICE /opening date o f


C A F Erin Falls Cafe ^