Rule of the Lay Fraternities of St Dominic

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The Rule of the Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic (1987), with General Declarations (1987 and 2007). Original texts in Latin or Italian, and official translation in English.

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Original texts in Latin or Italian with official English translations of

The Rule of the Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic(approved by the Congregation of Religious and Secular Institutes, 15.01.1987) with

General Declarations of the Rule of the Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic(promulgated by the Master of the Order, 16.02.1987) and

General Declarations regarding the Rule of Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic(promulgated by the Master of the Order, 15.11.2007)

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CONGREGATION FOR RELIGIOUS AND SECULAR INSTITUTES Prot. #D. 27-1-87 The Master General of the Order of Preachers on March 14, 1986, through the Procurator General, sent this Congregation the text of the Rule of the Lay Fraternities of Saint Dominic in order to obtain a definitive approval of the text. After mature consideration and paying attention to the favourable vote of the Congress, this Congregation by force of the present decrees approves the text, of which there is an exemplary in the Archives of the Congregation, together with the corrections of the Congress presented in the letter sent with it. Anything to the contrary notwithstanding. Given at Rome on January 15, 1987. Jerome Cardinal Hamer, OP, Prefect Archbishop Vincent Fagiolo, Secretary

CURIA GENERALIS ORDINIS PRAEDICATORUM TO THE LAY FRATERNITIES OF SAINT DOMINIC Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord and Saint Dominic: Joyfully I give you the text of the Rule of the Lay Fraternities of Saint Dominic, which has very recently (January 15, 1987) been definitively approved by the Congregation for Religious and Secular Institutes. The text of the preceding Rule, promulgated by Father Aniceto Fernandez in 1969, was approved by the Holy See on an experimental basis. The General Chapter held in Rome in 1983 commissioned the Master General of the order to hold an international meeting of the Dominican Laity in order to renew and adapt the Rule of the Dominican Laity. This meeting, held in Montreal, Canada, June 2429, 1985, produced the text which is now definitively approved. Let this Rule be in your hearts and in your fraternities as a gospel ferment to nourish holiness and promote the apostolate together with the whole Dominican Family. Greetings in the Lord. Given at Rome, January 28, 1987, on the Feast of Saint Thomas Aquinas. Damian Byrne, OP Master of the Order

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Regula Fraternitatum Laicalium Sancti Dominici(NB. Titulus fraternitates laicales exprimi potest modo diverso ad mentem linguarum diversarum)

I. Constitutio fundamentalis Laicatus dominicani 1. (De laicis in Ecclesia).Inter Christi discipulos, viri et mulieres in saeculo degentes, virtute Baptismatis et confirmationis, muneris prophetici, sacerdotalis et regalis Domini nostri Iesu Christi participes facti sunt. Ad hoc vocantur ut Christi praesentiam in medio populorum vividam reddant et divinum salutis nuntium ab universis hominibus ubique terrarum congnoscatur et accipiatur (Apost. Act. 4, 3).

The Rule of the Lay Fraternities of Saint DominicI. The fundamental constitution for the Dominican Laity (Laity in the Church)1. Among the disciples of Christ, men and women living in the world, have in virtue of Baptism and Confirmation, been made sharers in the prophetic, priestly and royal office of our Lord Jesus Christ. They are called to this so that Christs presence may be brought to life in the midst of peoples and that the divine message of salvation be made known and accepted by all people throughout the world. (Vatican Council II, Apostolicam actuositatem, Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity, 4, par. 3).

(De laicatu dominicano)2. Aliqui vero, Spiritus Sancti motione ducti ad vitam secundum sancti Dominici spiritum et charisma adimplendam, Ordini incorporantur speciali promissione, secundum statuta ipsis propria.

(Dominican Laity)2. Some of them, moved by the Holy Spirit to live a life according to the spirit and charism of Saint Dominic, are incorporated into the Order by a special promise according to statutes proper to them.

(De Dominica Familia)3. In communitatibus coadunantur et cum aliis coetibus Ordinis unam familiam constituunt (cf. LCO, 141).

(Dominican Family)3. They are united in communities, and they constitute with other groups of the Order, one Family. (Book of the Constitutions and Ordinations of the Friars of the Order of Preachers, LCO, 141)

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(De specifico caractere laicatus dominicani)4. Peculiari proinde modo signantur tum in propria vita spirituali, cum in servitio Dei et proximi in Ecclesia. Ut membra Ordinis, eius missionem apostolicam participant, studio, oratione et praedicatione secundum propriam laicorum conditionem.

(Special Character of the Dominican Laity)4. They are accordingly marked out both by their own kind of spiritual life and by their service to God and neighbour in the Church. As members of the Order, they share its apostolic mission, by study, prayer and preaching according to the state proper to lay persons.

(De missione apostolica)5. Ad exemplum S. Dominici, S. Catharinae Senensis et maiorum nostrorum qui vitam Ordinis et Ecclesiae illustraverunt, ipsi communione fraterna roborati, in primis de propria fide testimonium reddunt, hominum huius temporis necessitates audiunt et veritati serviunt.

(Apostolic Mission)5. They follow the example of Saint Dominic, Saint Catherine of Siena and our forbears who illumined the life of the Order and the Church, and strengthened by their fraternal communion, bear witness above all to their own faith, listen to the needs of their contemporaries, and serve the truth.

6. Apostolatus Ecclesiae hodierni fines praecipuos sedulo considerant, speciali modo impulsi ad misericordiam veram erga omnes anxietates manifestandam, ad libertatem propugnandam, ad iustitiam et pacem promovendam. 6. They pay careful attention to the principal goals of the churchs present-day apostolate, driven in a special way to show real compassion to all who are troubled, to defend liberty and to promote justice and peace.

7. Charismate Ordinis inspirati, memores sunt apostolicam actionem ex abundantia contemplationis procedere. 7. Inspired by the charism of the Order, they are mindful that apostolic activity comes out of an abundance of contemplation.

II. De vita fraternitatum (De vita fraternitatum)8. In vera communione fraterna ad mentem beatitudinum pro viribus vivant, quam etiam in qualibet circumstantia exprimant opera misericordiae exercendo et quae sua sunt impertiendo inter sodales fraternitatum, pauperes praesertim et infirmos; suffragia pro defunctis offerendo; ita ut omnibus sit semper cor unum et anima una in Deo (Act., 4, 32).

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II. Life of the fraternities (Life of the Fraternities)8. They are, to the best of their ability, to live in true fraternal communion inspired by the beatitudes, and to express this in all circumstances by exercising the works of mercy and by sharing what they have with members of the fraternities, especially the poor and the sick; by offering suffrages for the deceased; so that that all may ever have one heart and one mind in God. (Acts, 4:32).

9. Cum fratribus et sororibus Ordinis in apostolatu partem capientes, sodales fraternitatum vitam Ecclesiae actuose participent, semper parati ut operam dent cum aliis consociationibus apostolicis. 9. Whilst taking part in the apostolate with the brothers and sisters of the Order, members of the fraternities are to share actively in the life of the Church, always prepared to work with other apostolic associations.

10. Fontes praecipui e quibus laici S. Dominici vires hauriunt ad proficiendum in propria vocatione, quae coniunctissime contemplativa est simul et apostolica, hi sunt: a. Divini verbi auscultatio et sacrae Scripturae lectio, praesertim Novi Testamenti. b. Quotidiana, quatenus possibilis sit, celebratio liturgica et sacrificii eucharistici participatio. c. Reconciliationis sacramentum frequens celebratio. d. Liturgiae horarum celebratio una cum universa Familia Dominicana, necnon oratio in privato, sicut meditatio et mariale rosarium. e. Conversio cordis iuxta spiritum et praxim paenitentiae evangelicae. f. Studium assiduum veritatis revelatae et constans cogitatio de problematibus huius temporis sub lumine fidei. g. Devotio erga beatam Virginem Mariam, secundum traditionem Ordinis, erga sanctum Dominicum patrem nostrum et sanctam Catharinam Senensem. h. Spirituales recollectiones periodicae.

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10. The following are the chief sources from which the lay members of Saint Dominic draw strength to advance in their proper vocation, which combines at one and the same time the contemplative and the apostolic: a. listening to the Word of God and reading the Sacred Scripture, especially the New Testament; b. daily participation (as far as possible) in the celebration of the liturgy and participation in the Eucharistic sacrifice; c. frequent celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation; d. celebration of the Liturgy of the Hours in union with the entire Dominican Family, as well as prayer in private, such as meditation and the Marian Rosary; e. conversion of heart according to the spirit and practice of evangelical penance; f. assiduous study of revealed truth and constant reflection on contemporary problems under the light of faith; g. devotion to the blessed Virgin Mary, according to the tradition of the Order, to our holy father Saint Dominic and to Saint Catherine of Siena; h. periodic spiritual retreats.

(De formatione)11. Dominicanae formationis propositum est veros adultos in fide praebere ita ut apti sint ad verbum Dei accipiendum, celebrandum et proclamandum. Cuique Provinciae competit rationem conficere: a. sive formationis progressivae pro incipientibus. b. sive formationis permanentis pro omnibus, etiam pro separatis membris.

(Formation)11. The purpose of Dominican formation is to provide for true adults in the Faith, so that they may be ready to welcome, celebrate and proclaim the Word of God. It belongs to each province to draw up a program: a. whether of progressive formation for beginners; b. or of permanent formation for all, even for members living apart from a fraternity.

12. Quilibet dominicanus aptus esse debet ad verbum Dei praedicandum. In hac praedicatione exercetur munus propheticum christiani baptizati et Sacramento Confirmationis roborati. In mundo hodierno verbi Dei praedicatio modo speciali sese extendere debet ad humanae personae dignitatem simulque vitam atque familiam propugnandam. Christianorum unitatem simul ac dialogum cum non christianis et non credentibus promovere ad dominicam vocationem pertinet.

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12. Every Dominican must be prepared to preach the Word of God. It is in this preaching that Christians, baptised and strengthened by the Sacrament of Confirmation, exercise the prophetic office. In todays world, the preaching of the Word of God must extend in a special way to defending the dignity of the human person, as well as life and the family. Promoting Christian unity and dialogue with non-Christians and non-believers is also part of the Dominican vocation.

13. Fontes praecipui ad dominicanam formationem perficiendam hi sunt: a. Verbum Dei et theologica cogitatio. b. Oratio liturgica. c. Historia et traditio Ordinis. d. Documenta recentiora Ecclesiae et Ordinis. e. Scientia signorum temporum.

13. These are the principal sources to advance Dominican formation: a. the Word of God and theological reflection; b. liturgical prayer; c. the history and tradition of the Order; d. more recent documents of the Church and the Order; e. awareness of the signs of our times.

(Professio seu promissio)14. Ut Ordini incorporentur, sodales tenentur professionem emittere, seu promissionem qua formaliter promittunt secundum spiritum S. Dominici et modum vivendi a Regula praescriptum vitam ducere. Professio vel promissio ad tempus est aut perpetua. In professione emittenda sequens aut similis quoad substantiam formula adhibeatur: Ad honorem Dei omnipotentis Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti, et Beatae Mariae Virginis et S. Dominici, ego N.N., coram vobis N.N., priore (praesidente) huius fraternitatis et N.N., adsistente, vice Magistri Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum, promitto me velle vivere secundum Regulam Laicorum S. Dominici (per triennium) (per totam vitam).

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(Profession or Promise)14. In order to be incorporated into the Order, members are bound to make profession, that is a promise in which they formally promise to live a life according to the spirit of Saint Dominic and the way of life prescribed by the Rule. This profession or promise is either temporary or perpetual. The following or a substantially similar formula is to be used for making profession: To the honour of almighty God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and of Saint Dominic, I, ___ ___, promise before you ___ ___, the President of this Fraternity/Chapter, and ___ ___, the Religious Assistant, in place of the Master of the Order of Friars Preachers, that I will live according to the Rule of the Laity of Saint Dominic [for three years] or [for my entire life].

III. De structura et regimine fraternitatum15. Fraternitas est medium idoneum ad dedicationem cuiuscumque in propria vocatione nutriendam et augendam. Periodicitas coadunationum diversa est secundum fraternitates. Assiduitas cuiusvis sodalis propriam fidelitatem demonstrat.

III. Organisation and government of the fraternities15. The Fraternity is the suitable means for the dedication of each person to the nourishment and growth of his or her own vocation. The frequency of meetings differs with fraternities. Each members fidelity is indicated by his or her assiduity.

16. Candidatorum admissio, servatis dispositionibus a Directorio praescriptis quantum ad conditionem personarum et tempus admissionis, committitur responsabili laicali qui (quae) praehabita votatione decisiva consilii fraternitatis, ad receptionem candidati, ritu a Directorio determinato, cum adsistente religioso, procedit. 16. The admission of candidates, given that the prescriptions of the `Directory in regard to the state of persons and the time for admission have been observed, is committed to the lay person responsible, who after having taken a decisive vote of the Council of the Fraternity, proceeds with the Religious Assistant to the reception of the candidate in a rite determined by the Directory.

17. Post tempus probationis a Directorio determinatum et accedente voto Consilii fraternitatis, responsabilis laicalis accipit, simul cum adsistente religioso, professionem ad tempus vel perpetuam. 17. After the time of probation determined by the Directory and with a favorable vote of the Council of the Fraternity, the lay person responsible, together with the Religious Assistant, receives the profession, either temporary or perpetual.

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(De iurisdictione Ordinis et fraternitatum autonomia)18. Fraternitates laicorum subsunt iurisdictioni Ordinis; illa tamen autonomia gaudent, laicis propria, qua seipsas gubernent.

(Jurisdiction of the Order and Autonomy of the Fraternities)18. Lay Fraternities are under the jurisdiction of the Order; however, they enjoy that autonomy proper to the laity, by which they may govern themselves.

(In universo Ordine)19. a. Magister Ordinis, qua S. Dominici successor et totius familiae dominicanae caput, praeest omnibus fraternitatibus in mundo. Ipsi competit integrum spiritum Ordinis in illis servare, normas statuere practicas pro opportunitate temporum et locorum et promovere bonum spirituale et zelum apostolicum sodalium b. Promotor generalis vices gerit Magistri Ordinis pro omnibus fraternitatibus, quorum vota praesentat Magistro vel Capitulo Generali.

(In the Whole Order)19. a. The Master of the Order, as successor of Saint Dominic and head of the entire Dominican Family, presides over all the fraternities in the world. It is his responsibility to preserve the integral spirit of the Order in them, to establish practical norms in accordance with the needs of specific times and places and to promote the spiritual good and apostolic zeal of the members. b. The Promoter General represents the Master of the Order for all the fraternities, and transmits their desires to the Master or the General Chapter.

(In Provinciis)20. a. Prior provincialis praeest fraternitatibus intra limites territorii suae provinciae ac, de consensu Ordinarii loci, novas fraternitates erigit. b. Promotor provincialis (frater aut soror) vices gerit prioris provincialis et pleno iure participat Consilium provinciale laicorum. Ipse nominatur a Capitulo provinciali vel a priore provinciali cum suo consilio, audito prius Consilio provinciali laicorum S. Dominici. c. In territorio Provinciae instituatur Consilium provinciale laicorum, quorum membra eliguntur a fraternitatibus et regulatur iuxta normas a Directorio definitas.Tali Consilio competit eligere Praesidem provincialem.

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(In the Province)20. a) The Prior Provincial presides over the fraternities within the territorial limits of his province, and, with the consent of the local Bishop, establishes new fraternities. b) The Provincial Promoter (brother or sister) represents the Prior Provincial, and is by right (pleno iure) a member of the Provincial Lay Council. He/she is appointed by the Provincial Chapter, or by the Prior Provincial with his Council, after the Provincial Lay Council of the Dominican Laity has been heard. c) A Provincial Council of the Laity of Saint Dominic is to be established in the territory of the province. Its members are elected by the fraternities and are regulated according to the norms defined by the Directory. It belongs to this Council to elect a provincial President.

(In fraternitatibus)21. a) Fraternitas localis gubernatur a praeside cum suo consilio, qui plenam responsabilitatem moderationis et administrationis assumunt. b) Consilium eligitur ad tempus et secundum modum a Directoriis particularibus statutum. Praeses eligitur a consiliariis inter membra Consilii. c) Adsistens religiosus (frater aut soror) adiuvat sodales in materia doctrinali et vita spirituali. Ipse nominatur a priore provinciali, auditis prius promotore provinciali et Consilio locali laicorum.

(Governance in Fraternities)21. a) A local Fraternity is governed by a President with his or her Council, who assume the full responsibility for direction and administration. b) The Council is elected for a specific time and in the manner established by particular Directories. The President is elected by the councillors from among the members of the Council. c) The Religious Assistant (brother or sister) assists members in doctrinal matters and the spiritual life. He or she is nominated by the Prior Provincial, after he has first heard the Provincial Promoter and the local Laity Council.

(De Consilio nationali et internationali)22. a. Ubi adsunt plures Ordinis provinciae in eodem ambitu nationali, institui potest Consilium nationale, secundum normas a Directoriis particularibus statutas. b. Simili modo exstare potest Consilium internationale, si tamen opportunum videatur, consultatis fraternitatibus totius Ordinis.

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(National and International Councils)22. a) Where there are several Provinces of the Order within the territory of the same nation, a National Council can be instituted, according to the norms established by particular Directories. b) An International Council can be formed in a similar way if it seems opportune, after the fraternities of the entire Order have been consulted.

23. Consilia fraternitatum vota et petitiones ad Capitulum provinciale fratrum Praedicatorum mittere possunt; Consilia provincialia et nationalia vero ad Capitulum Generale. Ad ista capitula aliqui responsabiles fraternitatum libenter invitentur ad materias tractandas quae laicios spectant. 23. Fraternity Councils can send their proposals and petitions to a Provincial Chapter of the Friars Preachers; Provincial and National Councils to a General Chapter. To these Chapters some representative members of the fraternities are to be readily invited for treating matters which concern the laity.

(Statuta fraternitatum)24. Statuta propria fraternitatum laicalium sancti Dominici sunt: a. Regula fraternitatum (Constitutio fundamentalis laicatus OP, normae vitae et regimen fraternitatum) b. Declarationes generales, seu Magistri Ordinis, seu Capituli Generalis. c. Directoria particularia

(Statutes of the Fraternities)24. The statutes proper to the lay fraternities of St Dominic are: a. The Rule of the Fraternities (Fundamental Constitution of the OP Laity, the norms of life, the governance of the fraternities) b. General Declarations, whether of the Master of the Order, or of General Chapters. c. Particular Directories

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Ad opus legislativum de laicalibus Fraternitatibus Sancti Dominici complendum Delarationes generales Regulae Fraternitatum laicalium Sancti Dominici auctoritate qua fungimur adprobamus atque promulgamus. Sic facilius atque maiore cum fructu spirituali observantia Regulae consequi poterit. Datum Romae, die 16 mensis februarii, 1987 Fr. Damian Byrne, O.P. Magister Ordinis Fr. J.Martn A secretis

To complete the legislative work concerning the Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic, we approve and promulgate the following General Declarations of the Rule of the Lay Fraternities of Saint Dominic by the authority which we hold. Thus the observance of the Rule shall be attained more easily and with greater spiritual fruitfulness. Given at Rome, on February 16, 1987 Fr. Damian Byrne, O.P. Master of the Order Fr. J.Martin, O.P. Secretary

Declarationes generales regulae fraternitatum laicalium Sancti Dominici1. Regula qua laicales fraternitates Sancti Dominici reguntur, lex fundamentalis pro fraternitatibus laicalibus totius mundi est; praesentes vero Declarationes generales, a Magistro Ordinis promulgatae, explicationes vel interpretationes supradictae Regulae sunt; Directoria autem provincilia vel nationalia, ab ipsis fraternitatibus elaborata atque a Magistro Ordinis adprobata, particulares normae sunt pro localibus fraternitatibus.

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General Declarations of the rule of the lay fraternities of St Dominic1. The Rule by which the lay fraternities of St Dominic are governed, is the fundamental law for lay fraternities of the whole world; the present General Declarations, promulgated by the Master of the Order, are explanations or interpretations of the aforementioned Rule: national or provincial Directories drawn up by the fraternities themselves and approved by the Master of the Order, are norms particular to local fraternities. [Modified by Ordination of the 1992 General Chapter (Mexico), no. 201: We ordain that the Directories of the Dominican Laity, national or provincial, should be approved by the corresponding Provincial Chapter(s) of the Province(s) in which these entities are established] [Also modified by Ordination of the 2007 General Chapter (Bogot), no. 244: We ordain that the Directories of the Dominican Laity, national or provincial, should be approved by the Provincial with his Council in the Province(s) in which these entities are established.] [GC 2007 Decl II - 2: The general Declaration, n. 1 of the Master, fr. D. Byrne, dated 16. 02. 1987, is hereby expressly declared and partially abrogated as to the section in which it was said that the provincial and national Directories would be effective, once approved by the Master of the Order.

2. Ut laicales fratres ac sorores suas obligationes adimpleant, non sicut servi sub lege, sed sicut liberi sub gratia constituti, declaramus quod transgressiones moralem culpam non constituunt. 2. So that lay brethren and sisters may fulfil their obligations not like slaves under the law but like free persons under grace we declare that transgressions do not constitute a moral fault.

3. Fraternitatum superiores Regulae vel Directorii praescriptionibus, ad tempus vel habitualiter, si hoc opportunum iudicaverint, legitime dispensare possunt. 3. Superiors of fraternities can legitimately dispense from the prescriptions of the Rule or Directory, for a time or habitually, if they judge this opportune. [GC 2007 Decl. III: The general Declaration n. 3 by the Master Fr. D. Byrne, promulgated on 16. 02. 1987, is declared explicitly abrogated.]

4. Priores provinciales potestatem habent convalidandi actus invalidos Fraternitatis, praesertim circa admissiones ad professionem vel promissionem. 4. Priors Provincial have the power to convalidate invalid acts of a Fraternity, particularly regarding admissions to profession or a promise.

5. Praeter laicales Fraternitates, de quibus in ista Regula agitur, adsunt sacerdotales Fraternitates, quae propria regula gubernantur. 5. In addition to lay Fraternities for which this Rule is intended, there are priestly Fraternities which are governed by a rule proper to them.

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6. Singula Directoria inter alia determinare debent: a. conditiones pro admissione ad Fraternitatem; b. tempus probationis ac professionis seu promissionis; c. frequentiam Sacramentorum atque orationes quas quotidie fratres et sorores laicales Deo elevare debent; d. frequentiam adunationum fraternitatum atque earum celebrationis formam, necnon frequentiam conventuum de spiritualitate; e. constitutionem tum internam uniuscuiusque fraternitatis tum communem fraternitatum unius provinciae vel nationis; f. modum procedendi ad electionem illorum officalium de quibus in Regula nihil determinatum invenitur; g. modus et limites dispensationis; h. suffragia pro fratribus ac sororibus defunctis atque pro toto Ordine.

6. Individual Directories should determine among other things: a. conditions for admission to a Fraternity; b. the time for probation and profession or promise; c. the frequency of Sacraments, and the prayers which the lay brethren and sisters should each day raise to God; d. the frequency of fraternity meetings and the form of their celebration, also the frequency of spiritual retreats; e. both the internal constitution of each fraternity and the common constitution of the fraternities of a province or country; f. the procedural manner of election of those officers about whom there is found nothing determined in the Rule; g. the manner and limitation of dispensation; h. suffrages for deceased brothers and sisters and for the whole Order.

7. Rosarium, quo ad familiarem contemplationem mysteriorum Christi mediante Beata Virgine Maria mens elevatur, traditionalis devotio Ordinis est; quapropter illius quotidiana recitatio fratribus ac sororibus laicalibus Sancti Dominici commendatur. 7. The Rosary is a traditional devotion in the Order. By it the mind is raised to an intimate contemplation of the mysteries of Christ through the mediation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Therefore its daily recitation is commended to the lay brethren and sisters of St Dominic.

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General Declarations regarding the Rule of Lay Fraternities of St. DominicTo fan anew the flame of the tradition and vocation of the Lay branch of the Order of Preachers, an International Congress of Lay Dominican Fraternities was convoked by the Promoter general in Buenos Aires, in March 2007. 56 delegations, coming from around the world, participated in it. Therefore, the documents and the Resolutions issued by the six commissions, articulating the work of the Congress, and approved by the Assembly, can rightly be considered the voice of all the Dominican Laity. The International Council of Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic met, in June 2007, in order to draw up the definitive version of the Acts of the Congress and then it was sent to the Master of the Order. From the Resolutions it emerged not only the necessity of the normative revision of the Rule but also the opportunity of certain integrative definitions contained there, so that interpretative doubts may disappear, normative contrasts may be cleared or legislative gaps may be filled in, and what the Acts and Ordinations of the General Chapters of the Order have legislated for the Laity may be implemented. Within the limits of the divine, canonical and proper laws of the Order, in conformity with the Dominican charism and whatever is considered apt for the life of the Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic, the glory of God and the salvation of souls, with the authority of our competence We Promulgate the following general Declarations regarding the Rule of Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic, establishing that, after publication in the next issue of Analecta Ordinis Praedicatorum and notification of the same to all the provincial promoters, they will come into force on August 8 2008, Solemnity of Our Holy Father Dominic, and that they must be implemented, promptly and with good will.

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Dichiarazione I: Denominazione, identit ed incorporazione dei membri delle Fraternite laiche di S. Domenico 1. I Laici di S. Domenico sono quei fedeli che, battezzati nella Chiesa Cattolica od in essa accolti, cresimati e nella piena comunione di fede, sacramenti e governo ecclesiastico, sono stati chiamati per singolare vocazione a tendere alla vita cristiana e ad animare le cose temporali tramite il carisma di S. Domenico. Per essere incorporati allOrdine dei Predicatori del quale pienamente partecipano la missione apostolica, essi emettono la promessa nella formula prevista dalla Regola. Solo con la promessa si attua lingresso nel ramo laico dellOrdine, denominato Fraternite laiche di S. Domenico, soggette alla giurisdizione del Maestro e degli altri Superiori Maggiori dellOrdine. La promessa perpetua preceduta da almeno un anno di accoglienza iniziale e da tre anni di promessa temporanea di cui conservata documentazione in appositi registri custoditi sia presso la Fraternita locale, sia nellarchivio provinciale.

Declaration I: Denomination, identity and incorporation of the members of Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic. 1. The Lay persons of St. Dominic are those faithful, who are baptized in the Catholic Church or accepted into it, confirmed and in full communion with faith, sacraments and ecclesiastical government, have been called in a unique way to the pursuit of Christian life and to raise up temporal realities through the charism of St. Dominic. In order to be incorporated into the Order of Preachers, of which apostolic mission they participate fully, they make the promise using the formula contained in the Rule. Only with the promise can the entry into the Lay branch of the Order called Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic, subject to the jurisdiction of the Master and to other Major Superiors of the Order, come about. The perpetual promise is preceded by at least one year of initial acceptance, and three years of temporary promise, of which records should be kept in the apposite registers kept both at the local Fraternity and in the Provincial archives.

2. La formula della promessa contenuta nella Regola delle Fraternite laiche di S. Domenico approvata dalla S. Sede non validamente utilizzata per altre forme di aggregazione alla Famiglia Domenicana, a meno che non sia diversamente ed espressamente concesso dal Maestro dellOrdine. Restano salvi tutti i diritti delle Associazioni e Confraternite che, rette dai propri Statuti legittimamente approvati dalla competente Autorit, a vario titolo, sono formalmente annesse alla Famiglia Domenicana. Queste, costituendo una grande e multiforme ricchezza per la Chiesa e la Famiglia Domenicana, siano massimamente apprezzate da parte di tutti i membri delle Fraternite laiche in spirito di concorde e fattiva collaborazione, riconoscendoci tutti fratelli e sorelle in S. Domenico, ciascuno nella propria condizione ed identit. 2. The formula of the promise contained in the Rule of the Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic, approved by the Holy See, cannot be used validly for other forms of aggregation to the Dominican Family, unless it is expressed otherwise and granted by the Master of the Order. All the rights of the Associations and Fraternities governed by their own Statutes, legitimately approved by the competent authority, in various capacities, are formally annexed to the Dominican Family. Because they constitute a great and multiform richness for the Church and the Dominican Family, they must be greatly appreciated by all the members of the Lay Fraternities, in a spirit of concord and active collaboration, recognizing one another as brothers and sisters in St. Dominic, each with his own state of life and identity.

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3. I Laici di S. Domenico sono sempre ascritti ad una Fraternita (possibilmente quella del proprio domicilio o quasi domicilio canonico) o almeno posti in stabile contatto con un membro del Consiglio provinciale o vicariale. 3.The Lay persons of St. Dominic are always ascribed to a Fraternity (possibly in ones own domicile or quasi canonical domicile) or, at least, put in a stable contact with a member of the provincial or vicariate council.

4. I fedeli che vivono situazioni particolari, per le quali a giudizio del Consiglio di Fraternita non prudente siano ammessi alla promessa, possono ugualmente partecipare alla vita della Fraternita e seguire la formazione permanente, in un cammino di sequela di Cristo attraverso il carisma domenicano, ciascuno nella propria condizione, fatti sempre integralmente salvi la disciplina ed il Magistero della Chiesa. 4. The faithful who live particular situations, and because of that, according to the judgment of the Council of the Fraternity, is not prudent to admit to the promise, can equally participate in the life of the Fraternity and follow the permanent formation, in a Sequela Christi following the Dominican charism, each in ones own situation, always and integrally safeguarding the discipline and the Magisterium of the Church.

Dichiarazione II: Direttori nazionali o provinciali 1. Lapprovazione e promulgazione dei Direttori nazionali e/o provinciali non spetta direttamente al Maestro dellOrdine che tuttavia, per giusta causa, pu intimare lemendazione di norme particolari gi promulgate. I Direttori provinciali, approvati dal Consiglio provinciale dei Laici, sono ratificati e promulgati dal Priore provinciale con il consenso del suo Consiglio; i Direttori nazionali, approvati dal Consiglio nazionale dei Laici di concerto con i relativi Consigli provinciali dei Laici, ratificati dai rispettivi Priori provinciali col consenso dei loro Consigli, sono promulgati dal Presidente di turno del Comitato nazionale dei Priori provinciali.

Declaration II: National or Provincial Directories 1. The approval and promulgation of national and/or provincial Directories does not pertain directly to the Master of the Order. However, for just reason, he can command the emendation of particular norms already promulgated. The provincial Directories, approved by the provincial council of Laity, are ratified and promulgated by the prior provincial with the consensus of his Council; the national Directories, approved by the national council of the Laity, in concord with the respective provincial council of the Laity, ratified by the respective priors provincials, with the consent of their Councils, are promulgated by the President in charge of the national Committee of the priors provincials.

2. Si dichiara espressamente e parzialmente abrogata la Dichiarazione generale n. 1 del Maestro Fr. D. Byrne del 16. 02. 1987 nella parte in cui si disponeva che i Direttori provinciali e nazionali fossero vigenti dallapprovazione del Maestro dellOrdine. 2. The general Declaration, n. 1 of the Master, fr. D. Byrne, dated 16. 02. 1987, is hereby expressly declared and partially abrogated as to the section in which it was said that the provincial and national Directories would be effective, once approved by the Master of the Order.

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Dichiarazione III: Dispensa dal diritto proprioFermo il divieto di dispensa dalle norme della Regola che afferiscano il diritto divino o comune meramente ecclesiastico, solo il Maestro dellOrdine pu dispensare dalle norme della Regola con dispensa generale per tutti i Laici domenicani con o senza limiti di tempo. Il Priore provinciale con gli stessi limiti pu dispensare dalle norme della Regola o del Direttorio con dispensa particolare per singole Fraternite anche in modo stabile senza limiti di tempo. Il Presidente della Fraternita pu legittimamente dispensare dalle norme non costitutive e non di diritto divino o meramente ecclesiastico della Regola o del Direttorio in casi singoli e per un tempo determinato. Si dichiara esplicitamente abrogata la Dichiarazione generale n. 3 del Maestro Fr. D. Byrne, promulgata il 16. 02. 1987.

Declaration III: Dispensation from proper LawWhile keeping the prohibition of dispensing from the norms of the Rule which are connected with divine law or merely ecclesiastical common law, only the Master of the Order can dispense all the Dominican Laity from the norms of the Rules with general dispensation with or without time limit. The prior provincial, within those same limitations, can dispense from the norms of the Rule or the Directory with particular dispensation for each Fraternity even in a stable form without time limit. The President of the Fraternity can legitimately dispense from non constitutive norms and not divine or purely ecclesiastical law of the Rule or of the Directory in specific situations and for a specified time. The general Declaration n. 3 by the Master Fr. D. Byrne, promulgated on 16. 02. 1987, is declared explicitly abrogated.

Dichiarazione IV: Promotore provinciale e nazionale 1. Si concede, in parziale dispensa generale dellart. 20 b della Regola delle Fraternite laiche di S. Domenico, senza limiti di tempo, che allufficio di Promotore provinciale e/o nazionale possa essere nominato dalla competente Autorit, col parere del Consiglio provinciale e/o nazionale delle Fraternite laiche sia un frate o una monaca appartenente allOrdine sia, ove lopportunit lo consigli o la necessit lo richieda, un/a religioso/a non sottoposto/a alla diretta giurisdizione del Maestro dellOrdine, sia un chierico secolare, sia un laico domenicano che abbia emesso la promessa perpetua.

Declaration IV: Provincial and National Promoter 1. It is granted, in partial general dispensation from art. 20 b of the Rule of the Lay Fraternity of St. Dominic, without time limit, that for the office of provincial and/or national Promoter of the Fraternities, can be appointed, by the competent authority, in consultation with the provincial/national Council of Lay Fraternities, a friar or a nun belonging to the Order, where the opportunity suggests or the necessity requests it, a religious, not directly under the jurisdiction of the Master of the Order, a secular cleric, a lay Dominican who made the perpetual promise.

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2. Del predetto ufficio non prende validamente possesso colui che, non dipendente dalla giurisdizione del Maestro dellOrdine, dopo la nomina non abbia sottoscritto un accordo con il Priore e Promotore provinciali ed abbia ottenuto licenza scritta dal proprio competente Superiore. 2. Someone does not validly take possession of the abovementioned office who, not being dependent on the jurisdiction of the Master of the Order, after his appointment has not underwritten an agreement with the provincial Prior and Promoter and has not obtained written permission from the proper competent Superior.

3. Il Promotore provinciale e/o nazionale non possiede voce n attiva n passiva in nessun organo collegiale delle Fraternite laiche al quale partecipi. 3. The provincial and/or national promoter does not have either active or passive voice in any collegiate body of the Lay Fraternities he participates in.

Dichiarazione V: Assistente religiosoNei singoli casi di impossibile applicazione del diritto comune o particolare circa lAssistente religioso (Regola, art. 21 c; can. 317, 1, 2), si applicano le norme generali sulla dispensa del diritto comune o proprio.

Declaration V: Religious AssistantIn individual situations where it is impossible to apply the common or particular law with regard to Religious Assistant, (Rule, art. 21 c; can.317, 1,2), the general norms of dispensation from common and proper law are applied.

Dichiarazione VI: Indulto temporaneo e definitivo 1. Allo scadere della promessa temporanea, se questa non rinnovata, il Laico pu liberamente lasciare lOrdine. Colui che abbia emesso la promessa temporanea - prima della sua scadenza - o perpetua, non chieda lindulto temporaneo o lindulto di lasciare definitivamente lOrdine, se non per gravi cause ponderate innanzi a Dio e con laiuto dei confratelli; presenti la sua domanda motivata al Presidente della Fraternita, il quale la inoltrer al Priore provinciale unitamente al suo voto ed a quello del Consiglio di Fraternita. Lindulto temporaneo o definitivo, una volta legittimamente concesso e notificato per iscritto allinteressato, comporta la dispensa dalla promessa e dallosservanza del diritto particolare delle Fraternite laiche di S. Domenico.

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Declaration VI: Temporary and Permanent Indult 1. When the temporary promise expires, if it is not renewed, the lay person can freely leave the Order. One who has made the temporary promise - before it expires - or perpetual, may not ask temporary indult or the indult to leave definitively the Order, if not after pondering over it seriously before God and seeking help from the brethren; he should present his request, with reasons to the President of the Fraternity, who will forward it to the prior provincial together with his vote and that of the council of the Fraternity. The temporary or definitive indult, once legitimately granted and notified in writing to the interested person, brings about the dispensation from the promise and from the observance of the particular law of the Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic.

2. Chi abbia ottenuto lindulto definitivo, ovunque domandi di essere reincorporato allOrdine deve essere nuovamente soggetto ai tempi del cammino formativo di base. La sua promessa perpetua sar ricevuta solo su licenza del Priore provinciale col consenso del Consiglio della Fraternita alla quale sar nuovamente ascritto. Non emette valida promessa e non viene validamente ascritto colui che domandando lammissione ad una Fraternita, taccia del precedente indulto. 2. Should those who have obtained the definitive indult, no matter where they ask to be incorporated into the Order, need to undergo a basic formation period. His perpetual promise will be received only with the permission of the prior provincial, with the consent of the council of the Fraternity to which he will now be ascribed. If one who seeks admission to a Fraternity, conceals the previous indult, then, he does not make a valid promise and is not validly enrolled.

Dichiarazione VII: Dimissioni 1. Il Laico che abbia emesso la promessa temporanea o quella perpetua e risulti imputabile di grave inosservanza della Regola o del Direttorio, o sia venuto meno alla comunione ecclesiale (fede, sacramenti, governo) o sia causa di pubblico scandalo tra i fedeli, dopo lammonizione formale del Presidente della Fraternita, se perdura nella propria condotta, ad istanza del Consiglio di Fraternita pu essere dimesso con decreto scritto del Priore provinciale. Il decreto di dimissione, una volta legittimamente irrogato e notificato per iscritto allinteressato, comporta la cessazione dei diritti e doveri derivanti dalla promessa. Tale decreto vale, a pena di nullit degli atti contrari, per tutte le Fraternite laiche domenicane.

Declaration VII: Dismissal 1. The lay person who has made his temporary or perpetual promise and is found guilty of grave inobservance of the Rule or the Directory, or lacks ecclesial communion (faith, sacraments, government) or is the cause of public scandal among the faithful, after formal warning by the President of the Fraternity, if he persists in this behaviour, at the request of the council of the Fraternity, can be dismissed by the written decree of the prior provincial. The decree of dismissal, once legitimately issued, in writing, and notified to the interested person, entails the cessation of rights and duties deriving from the promise. Such a decree has validity, on pain of nullity of contrary acts, for all Lay Dominican Fraternities.

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2. Previa attenta valutazione della condizione di vita ed avuta certezza dellemendazione, chi sia stato dimesso pu essere reincorporato allOrdine alle medesime condizioni, per la validit, di cui al 2 della Dichiarazione VI. 2. Following careful evaluation of the condition of life and having certainty as to amendment, the one who has been dismissed can be reincorporated into the Order on the same conditions, as to validity, for which see Declaration VI 2.

3. Avverso i predetti decreti sempre ammesso ricorso gerarchico al Maestro dellOrdine. 3. Against the aforementioned decrees, it is always possible to have hierarchical recourse to the Master of the Order.

Data a Roma, il 15 novembre 2007, Festa di S. Alberto Magno Fr. Carlos Alfonso Azpiroz Costa OP Maestro dellOrdine Fr. Christophe Holzer OP a secretis Prot. n. 73/07/1314 Regola

This compilation of the Rule and the two General Declarations was prepared by br. Jordanus of Oslo 30. December 2009

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