Rukmani Birla Modern High School, Jaipur Holiday Assignment Class XII Q.1. Read any one of the following Novels: Black Leopard, Red Wolf Marlon James Five Point someone Chetan Bhagat The Monk who sold his Ferrari Robin Sharma Note: The students will have the speaking Skills Assessment on the basis of the book they have read. Q.2. Poster Designing Design a poster of your School Fete. You may use slogans. (Roll No. 1-8) Design a poster for the Science Exhibition to be held in your school in the month of July. (Roll No. 9-16) You are making an effort to spread the message of communal harmony. Prepare a poster with catchy slogans to be displayed in the school premises. (Roll No. 17-24) Design a poster for your school library on the value of books and good reading habits. You may use slogans. (Roll No. 25-32) Your school is organizing a cultural evening to collect funds for slum children. The Human Resource Development Minister has consented to be the Chief Guest. Draft a poster to be displayed in different areas in your locality. You are the Cultural Secretary of your school. (Roll No. 33 and above) Note: Use A3 size sheet for poster designing. Q.3 Report writing: Cinema Fire claims 156. This is the newspaper heading. Write a report of the event mentioning the following points. Place, date What, where, when Details of cause of fire People injured, extent of damage Rescue operation Government’s response action Kidnapping bid foiled’. This newspaper heading caught your attention. Develop a report on the above event mentioning the following points: Place, date What, where, when Details of the vehicle Reaction of passers-by How Munish responded

Rukmani Birla Modern High School, Jaipur Holiday ... Assignment Class... · To investigate the dependence ,of angle of deviation ,on the angle of incidence, using hollow prism filled,

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Page 1: Rukmani Birla Modern High School, Jaipur Holiday ... Assignment Class... · To investigate the dependence ,of angle of deviation ,on the angle of incidence, using hollow prism filled,

Rukmani Birla Modern High School, Jaipur

Holiday Assignment

Class XII

Q.1. Read any one of the following Novels:

Black Leopard, Red Wolf – Marlon James

Five Point someone – Chetan Bhagat

The Monk who sold his Ferrari – Robin Sharma

Note: The students will have the speaking Skills Assessment on the basis of the book they have read.

Q.2. Poster Designing

Design a poster of your School Fete. You may use slogans. (Roll No. 1-8)

Design a poster for the Science Exhibition to be held in your school in the month of July. (Roll No. 9-16)

You are making an effort to spread the message of communal harmony. Prepare a poster with catchy

slogans to be displayed in the school premises. (Roll No. 17-24)

Design a poster for your school library on the value of books and good reading habits. You may use

slogans. (Roll No. 25-32)

Your school is organizing a cultural evening to collect funds for slum children. The Human Resource

Development Minister has consented to be the Chief Guest. Draft a poster to be displayed in different

areas in your locality. You are the Cultural Secretary of your school. (Roll No. 33 and above)

Note: Use A3 size sheet for poster designing.

Q.3 Report writing:

Cinema Fire claims 156. This is the newspaper heading. Write a report of the event mentioning the

following points.

Place, date

What, where, when

Details of cause of fire

People injured, extent of damage

Rescue operation

Government’s response action

Kidnapping bid foiled’. This newspaper heading caught your attention. Develop a report on the above

event mentioning the following points:

Place, date

What, where, when

Details of the vehicle

Reaction of passers-by

How Munish responded

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Social responsibility: prompt action

Police rescued the child

Q.4 Writing Advertisements: (Any 2)

You are personal Assistant to G.M., ABC metal Tools Company. Your General Manager has asked you to

draft an advertisement for a local daily in the classified column for the post of two engineers. Draft an


You are Manoj/Abha of 354, Pitampura, New Delhi. You want to sell the first floor of your newly

constructed house. Draft an advertisement for publication in The Indian Express under their classified

column, marked, property. Include all relevant details like location, type of accommodation and contact

address, including telephone number etc.

You are a computer engineer well versed in hardware and software techniques. Prepare a suitable

advertisement for the ‘situations wanted’ column offering your services on part time basis.

You are Prashant/Purnima of 202, Laxmi Nagar, New Delhi. You lost your briefcase while travelling by bus

from Laxmi Nagar to Connaught Place, New Delhi. The briefcase contains some valuable documents,

including your Board’s certificate for All India Secondary school Examination. Draft a notification to be

published in The Indian Express under their column “Lost & Found” Include all necessary details about the

lost briefcase to establish your claim.

Q.5 Invitation:

Your school is organizing the Annual Day next month in one of the prestigious auditoriums of your city.

Draft an invitation card in not more than 50 words giving all essential details. Do not forget to include

necessary instructions against mobile phones and cameras.

You are Abhinav/Aakriti. You have received a letter from your close friend, inviting you to attend the

Marriage of his sister. But unfortunately, you cannot attend it due to your previous commitments. Write

him a letter regretting your inability to attend the marriage ceremony.


Do Q.3 to Q.5 are to be done in English Class Work Registers.

Revise PA-I Syllabus


Do the following activities in the Mathematics activity file:

• To verify that the relation R in the Set L of all lines in a plane, defined by R = {(l, m) : l m} is symmetric but neither

reflexive nor transitive.

• To draw the graph of sin-1x, using the graph of sin x and demonstrate the concept of mirror reflection (about the line

y = x).

• To sketch the graphs of ax and logax, a > 0, a 1 and to examine that they are mirror images of each other.

Page 3: Rukmani Birla Modern High School, Jaipur Holiday ... Assignment Class... · To investigate the dependence ,of angle of deviation ,on the angle of incidence, using hollow prism filled,

• To establish a relationship between common logarithm (to the base 10) and natural logarithm (to the base e) of the

number x.

• To verify that for a function f to be continuous at given point x0, y = is arbitrarily small provided, x is sufficiently


Physics Investigatory Project :

As per CBSE syllabus, the students have to prepare an investigatory project .The project must be based on some concept

of physics of standard class XII. The students will have to submit a report on the project comprising scientific

investigations involving laboratory testing and collecting information from other sources.

Guidelines to be followed :

a. The Students will get the topic of investigation from the concerned subject teacher.

b. Brief report (Investigation file)

Mention following details:

Cover Page





Aim (name of investigatory project)

Apparatus and material used

Theory (concept, diagram etc.)


Experiments and Observations


Application of project in daily life


Suggested topics of investigatory project:

To study various factors on which the internal resistance of a cell depends.

To design an appropriate logic gate combination for a given truth table.

To investigate the dependence ,of angle of deviation ,on the angle of incidence, using hollow prism filled, one by

one with different transparent fluids.

To find refractive indices of water and oil using a plane mirror strip, a equiconvex lens and an adjustable object


To investigate the phenomenon of total internal reflection.

To investigate the relation between the ratio of

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a. output and input voltage

b. number of turns in secondary coil and primary coil of self designed transformer.

Chemistry Investigatory Project- As per C.B.S.E. Guidelines:

Scientific investigations involving laboratory testing and collecting information from other sources.

Project must cover the following:

Cover Page




Objective of Project


Experiments and observations

Results and conclusion


Few suggested projects:

Determination of rate of evaporation

Aspirin preparation

Bio diesel

Homeopathic Medicines

Determination of content of cold drinks

Preparation of Aspirin

Setting of Cement

Variation of conductance with temperature

Determination of content of fruit juices

Study of methods of purification of water

Study of Acidity of fruit and vegetable

Effect of acids and bases on the tensile strength of fibres .

Determination of rate of evaporation of different liquids.

Biology As per CBSE guidelines, the students have to prepare an investigatory project. They have to submit the project file

comprising the scientific investigations done by him//her and the information collected from appropriate sources. The

work should be done only on A4 size sheets.

Presentation of the project



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Objective of Project



Discussion and Conclusion


Few suggested topics:

Chromosomal disorder,

Pedigree analysis ,

Human diseases,

Evolutionary evidences,

Gene therapy,


DNA fingerprinting.,

Harmful effects of mobile radiations,

Malnutrition in India,

Microbes to control pollution,


Population explosion and control

Effect of smoking during pregnancy


Physical Education

Following sub topic related to any one game /sport as prescribed in syllabus:

Basketball, Cricket, Football, Hockey, Kho Kho, Volley Ball And Athletics, Archery, Judo, Skating, Taekwondo, Chess,

Tennis, Yoga.

History of the game

Latest general rules of the game/sport

Specifications of play fields and related sports equipment’s

Important Tournament and venues

Sports personalities

Fundamental skills

Specific ex of warm-up and conditioning

Related sports Terminology

Sports Awards

Common sports injuries and its prevention

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Computer Science

Take print out of 10 phishing e-mails on A4 sheet and find the most common words in phishing e-mails.

Informatics Practices

Q1. Consider a table Employee and answer the queries as given below-

Empno Ename Job Mgr Sal Comm. Deptno

8369 Smith Clerk 8902 800.00 NULL 20

8499 Anya Salesman 8698 1600.00 300.00 30

8521 Seth Salesman 8698 1250.00 500.00 30

8566 Mahadev Manager 8839 2985.00 NULL 20

8654 Momin Salesman 8698 1250.00 1400.00 30

8698 Bina Manager 8839 2850.00 NULL 30

8882 Shiavnsh Manager 8839 2450.00 NULL 10

8888 Scott Analyst 8566 3000.00 NULL 20

8839 Amir President NULL 5000.00 NULL 10

8844 Kuldeep Salesman 8698 1500.00 0.00 30

8886 Anoop Clerk 8888 1100.00 NULL 20

8900 Jatin Clerk 8698 950.00 NULL 30

NOTE: Write all the practicals along with the output in IP practical file.

i) Display ename, sal and sal added with comm. From table employee. ii) Write a query to display employee name, salary and department number who are not getting commission

from table employee. iii) Write a query to display employee number, name, sal and sal*12 as Annual Salary whose commission is not

NULL from table employee. iv) List all unique department numbers in table employee. v) List details of all clerks who have not been assigned departments as yet. vi) List the details of those employees who have four lettered names. vii) List the details of those employees whose annual salary is between 25000-40000. viii) List the details of employees who earn more commission than their salaries. ix) Write a query to display the name, job title and salary of employee who do not have manager. x) Write a query to display the name of employee whose name contains ‘A’ as an alphabet anywhere in the

middle of the name. xi) Write a query to display the name of employee where name starts with ‘B’ and ends with ‘a’. xii) Write a query to display ename and sal of employees whose salary are greater than or equal to 2200 from

table employee. xiii) Write a query to display employee name and salary of those employee who don’t have there salary in the

range of 2500 to 4000? xiv) Write a query to display the name , job title and salary of employee who do not have manager?

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xv) Write a query to sort the names in descending order. Q2. Create the following table named "Charity" and write SQL queries for the tasks that follow:

(Contribution is in Rs.)

NOTE: Write all the practicals along with the output in IP practical file.

a) Display all first names in lowercase b) Display all last names of people of Mumbai city in uppercase c) Display Person Id along with First 3 characters of his/her name. d) Display first name concatenated with last name for all the employees. e) Display length of address along with Person Id f) Display last 2 characters of City and Person ID. g) Display Last Names and First names of people who have "at" in the second or third position in their first names. h) Display the position of 'a' in Last name in every row. i) Display Last Name and First name of people who have "a" as the last character in their First names. j) Display the first name and last name concatenated after removing the leading and trailing blanks. k) Display Person Id, last names and contribution rounded to the nearest rupee of all the persons. l) Display Person Id, last name and contribution with decimal digits truncated of all the persons. m) Display Last name, contribution and a third column which has contribution divided by 10. Round it to two decimal

points. History



History is one of the most important disciplines in school education. It is the study of the past, which helps us to

understand our present and shape our future. It promotes the acquisition and understanding of historical knowledge in

breath and in depth across cultures.

The course of history in senior secondary classes is to enable students to know that history is a critical discipline, a

process of enquiry, a way of knowing about the past rather than just a collection of facts. The syllabus helps them to

understand the process, through which a historian collects, chooses, scrutinizes and assembles different types of

evidences to write history.

The syllabus in class-XI is organized around some major themes in world history. In class XII the focus shifts to a detailed

study of some themes in ancient, medieval and modern Indian history.

CBSE has decided to introduce project work in history for classes XI and XII in 2013-14 as a part of regular studies in

classroom, as project work gives students an opportunity to develop higher cognitive skills. It takes students to a life

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beyond text books and provides them a platform to refer materials, gather information, analyze it further to obtain

relevant information and decide what matter to keep and hence understand how history is constructed.


Project work will help students:

To develop skill to gather data from a variety of sources, investigate diverse viewpoints and arrive at logical


To develop skill to comprehend, analyze, interpret, evaluate historical evidence and understand the limitation of

historical evidence.

To develop 21st century managerial skills of co-ordination, self-direction and time management.

To learn to work on diverse cultures, races, religions and lifestyles.

To learn through constructivism-a theory based on observation and scientific study.

To inculcate a spirit of inquiry and research.

To communicate data in the most appropriate form using a variety of techniques.

To provide greater opportunity for interaction and exploration.

To understand contemporary issues in context to our past.

To develop a global perspective and an international outlook.

To grow into caring, sensitive individuals capable of making informed, intelligent and independent choices.

To develop lasting interest in history discipline.


1. Project work to be done individually.

2. Students to submit original work only.

3. Project report should be hand written only.

4. Eco-friendly materials can be used by students

5. Students can also include newspaper cuttings, photographs, film footage and recorded written/speeches.

Secondary sources may also be used after proper authentication


Allocation of Marks (20)

The marks will be allocated under the following heads:

1. Project Synopsis 2 Marks

2. Timeline/explanation and interpretation /Map work 5 Marks

3. Visual/overall presentation 4 Marks

4. Analysis/ Data/Statistical analysis 4 Marks

5. Bibliography 1 Mark

6. Viva 4 Marks

Total 20 Marks

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1. The mysteries behind the mound of dead –Mohenjo-Daro

2. An In-depth study to understand Spiritual Archaeology in the Sub-Continent

3. Buddha’s Path to Enlightenment

4. Insight and Reflection of Bernier’s notions of The Mughal Empire

5. An exploratory study to know the women who created history

6. “Mahatma Gandhi” – A legendary soul

7. To reconstruct the History of Vijayanagar through the Archaeology of Hampi

8. The emerald city of Colonial Era –BOMBAY

9. Vision of unity behind the first war of Independence

10. Divine Apostle of Guru Nanak Dev

11. Help, Humanity and Sacrifices during Partition

12. Glimpses inside Mughals Imperials Household

13. The process behind the framing of the Indian Constitution

14. The ‘BrahmNirupam’ of Kabir – A journey to Ultimate Reality

Work to be done for Annual Social Science Exhition

Prepare a display comprising model, chart, 3D Presentation etc. on any one of the following topics:

Group No. 1 Famous Indian Historians and their contributions

Group No. 2 Mughal contribution in Art/ Architecture/ Food habits/ Clothing etc.

Group No. 3 History of Mugals in India including maps, timelines of different rulers etc.


Development of case profile:

Using appropriate methods like interview, observation and psychological tests. The students may prepare a case profile

of an individual who has excelled in areas like sports, music, academics etc. or having special needs like learning

disability, autism, down syndrome, substance abuse etc. a case profile may be prepared based on the suggested format.

The students may be encouraged to reflect on the causes to draw preliminary conclusions. For suggested format please

refer to page number 199 of psychology textbook.


The students are required to prepare a project as per the guidelines issued by the cbse (available on

www.cbse.nic.in).There is a list of suggested topics for the same on this website. The project file must contain the

following details:

Cover page

Certificate and Acknowledgement

Introduction of topic/title

Identifying the causes, consequences and/or remedies

Various stakeholders and effect on each of them

Advantages and disadvantages of situations or issues identified

Short-term and long-term implications of economic strategies suggested.

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Using appropriate research methodology



The Project work will be assessed in PA II.


Project Work as per C.B.S.E. Guidelines:

Investigatory Project based on “Accounting Process” in a real business situation.

Project must cover the following: (A3 size)

Cover Page




Cover Story (Imaginary- Based on “Sole Proprietorship Firm”)


Journal Entries or Subsidiary Day Books(including GST)


Trial Balance

Adjustments and their Adjustment Journal Entries.

Preparation of Final Accounts (Trading & Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet)

Presentation of expenses(direct and indirect) through bar diagrams and pie charts.(at least two)

The Project work will be assessed in PA II.

Business Studies

Students are supposed to select one unit out of four and are required to make only ONE project from the selected unit.

Project One: Elements of Business Environment

1. Changes witnessed over the last few years on mode of packaging and its economic impact.

2. Changing role of the women in the past 25 years relating to joint families, nuclear families, women as a bread

earner of the family, changes in the requirement trend of mixers, washing machines, micro wave and standard of


3. The changes in the pattern of import and export of different Products.

4. The trend in the changing interest rates and their effect on savings etc.

Project Two: Principles of Management

The students are required to visit any one of the following:

1. A departmental store.

2. An Industrial unit.

3. A fast food outlet.

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They are required to observe the application of the general Principles of management advocated by Fayol. OR

They may enquire into the application of scientific management techniques by F.W.Taylor in the unit visited. The

observations could be on the basis of-

The different stages of division of work resulting to specialization.

Following instructions and accountability of subordinates to higher authorities.

Visibility of order and equity in the unit.

Communication levels and pattern in the organization.

Methods and techniques followed by the organization for unity of direction and

Coordination amongst all etc.

Project Three: Stock Exchange

The students are expected to:

Develop a brief report on History of Stock Exchanges in India.

Prepare a list of at least 25 companies listed on a Stock Exchange.

To make an imaginary portfolio totaling a sum of Rs. 50,000 equally in any of the 5companies of their choice listed

above over a period of twenty working days.

The students may be required to report the prices of the stocks on daily basis and present it diagrammatically on the

graph paper.

Project Four: Marketing

Presentation and Submission of Project Report

At the end of the stipulated term, each student will prepare and submit his/her project report.

Following essentials are required to be fulfilled for its preparation and submission.

The total length of the project will be of 25 to 30 pages.

The project should be handwritten.

The project should be presented in a neat folder.

The project report should be developed in the following sequence-

Cover page should include the title of the Project, student information, school and year.

List of contents.

Acknowledgements and preface


Topic with suitable heading.

Planning and activities done during the project, if any.

Observations and findings of the visit.

Conclusions (summarized suggestions or findings, future scope of study).

Photographs (if any).


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The students are required to prepare a market survey and a business plan as per the guidelines issued by CBSE( available

on www.cbse.academics.in). Submit a project report having essential features as follows:

Total number of pages should be 25 to 30 pages

Project should be hand written

Project must be presented in a neat folder

Cover page



Topics with suitable headings

Photographs in support of the topic



The Project work will be assessed in PA II.

Commercial Arts

1. Prepare layouts for poster design based on the topics given in the syllabus.

Size of the sheet :1/2 imp Medium: Any

2. Prepare layouts for Illustrations based on the topics given in the syllabus.

Size of the sheet :11” x14 ‘’ Medium: Any (as discussed)

3. Complete at least 2 illustrations based on the instructions given in the class.

Political Science

STUDENTS ARE REQUIRED TO COMPLETE THE PROJECT WORK DISCUSED IN THE CLASS ON THE BASIS OF FOLLOWING RUBRICS: The project work carries 20 marks. (10 marks for project + 10 marks viva voice). It’s an individual work.


1. Preface What the topic is all about and what for the project work is being



2. Acknowledgement Acknowledge the support system 1

3. Certificate A page of certificate for completion of the project by the student. 1/2

3. Index Proper paging 1

4. A brief introduction: of

the topic given

Write about the topic in which you are working. 1

5. Facts and Figure Facts and figures are to be presented in the form of graph, maps,

pie chart or diagrams.


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6. A comparative Study Graphical Presentation showing comparative study of the topic



7. Critical analytical view

on the topic

Critically analyse the information collected by you, and give your

conclusion on the topic.


9. Bibliography electronic media/print media/magazines/journals etc 1/2



Write the following in your practical file.

1. Data- its source and compilation.

a) What is data?

b) Source of data.

2. Data processing

a) Measures of central tendency.

1. Mean

2. Mode

3. Median

3. Fundamentals of Human Geography (Textbook - I)

Make the following maps and paste in your project file.

From the following units

Unit –2, 3, 4 & 5

4. Make 20 questions for field survey to be conducted and collect material related to any one topic given below –

1. Ground water change

2. Environmental pollution

3. Soil degradation

4. Poverty

5. Droughts and floods

6. Energy issues

7. Land use survey and change detection.

5. Make a file on the place you visit during vacations in geographical context.



Page 14: Rukmani Birla Modern High School, Jaipur Holiday ... Assignment Class... · To investigate the dependence ,of angle of deviation ,on the angle of incidence, using hollow prism filled,

As per the CBSE guidelines each student has to prepare a research project. The project must involve actual first hand

research done by the students in close consultation with the teacher. Students can take any topic of their choice

emphasizing the importance/effects/role of society.


Each report must fulfill the following requirements:

1. The body of the Project Report will be of approximately 15-20 A4/A3 Pages excluding additional appendices,

questionnaires etc.

2. The project report will be written in the student's own hand; though they may include other illustrative material

that is not hand - written

3. The project report will contain the following matter:

a) Cover page showing project title, student's information, school and session

b) List of contents

c) Acknowledgements and preface

d) Introduction

e) Rationale Purpose -The reason for the choice of the subject and its social significance.

f) Methodology Technique - Mention the methodology e.g. questionnaire, case study, ethnographic description

The students may use any method which is appropriate for the topic selected. Detailed steps and procedures

adopted must be given.

g) Presentation of evidence - There must be a major section formally presenting the evidence gathered as a part of

the project. This can be in the form of tables, extracts from interviews, reports on case studies or discussion of

documentary data (newspapers, articles, magazines, diaries, photographs). However, there should be value

addition by the student and it must not be a simple reproduction of the original material.

h) Analysis of evidence & conclusions - Each project should summarize its conclusions in a separate section. This can

be brief but should be clearly and carefully stated. If possible, some suggestions can be given for further

enhancement in the areal subject studied. This section can also include a statement describing the limitations of

the study.

i) Bibliography/ Appendix or other supporting material - This should include the references to relevant books and

other sources used for the study. The appendix will include questionnaires, list of interviews, documents or any

other material used in the study.