Student Grant Proposal 2013 Rube Goldberg Design Project Katie Wisdom 102-60543 [email protected] 208-409-1980

Rube Goldberg Design Project - Katie Wisdom Online Portfoliokatiewisdom.weebly.com/uploads/1/5/5/3/15538912/sgp...Rube Goldberg Design Project Katie Wisdom 102-60543 [email protected]

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Page 1: Rube Goldberg Design Project - Katie Wisdom Online Portfoliokatiewisdom.weebly.com/uploads/1/5/5/3/15538912/sgp...Rube Goldberg Design Project Katie Wisdom 102-60543 wisd3214@vandals.uidaho.edu

Student Grant Proposal 2013

Rube Goldberg Design Project

Katie Wisdom 102-60543 [email protected] 208-409-1980

Page 2: Rube Goldberg Design Project - Katie Wisdom Online Portfoliokatiewisdom.weebly.com/uploads/1/5/5/3/15538912/sgp...Rube Goldberg Design Project Katie Wisdom 102-60543 wisd3214@vandals.uidaho.edu

16 November 2012

Student Grant Proposal Committee University of Idaho

Dear Student Grant Proposal Committee,

Every spring, Purdue University hosts the Rube Goldberg competition. This engineering design competition is open to high school and college students from across the country. The competition is named after Rube Goldberg, an icon to cartoonists and engineers alike. Goldberg drew cartoons that incorporated everyday items into a machine that achieved a simple task, such as flipping a light switch or turning off an alarm clock. His designs are the epitome of inefficiency and teams participating in the competition aim to replicate them. The University of Idaho will benefit from participating in the Rube Goldberg competition. This competition is an opportunity for the university to increase its renown as an engineering school, particularly in other regions. Adding to University of Idaho’s reputation will allow the university to increase attendance, particularly from other states. Participants in this competition learn the basics of engineering design and gain an understanding of the importance of teamwork and communication. This project also incorporates students from all disciplines (even non-engineers), giving students the opportunity to experience interdisciplinary design work. This experience will prepare students for entering the work force, where engineers from different fields must communicate and work together to create quality projects. The Rube Goldberg project differs from the design projects because participation does not require any technical knowledge or coursework, allowing interested students to get more involved earlier in their education. I participated in this competition in 2009 through St. Olaf College, and I gained invaluable experiences from it. My past participation makes me an ideal candidate to bring this design project to the University of Idaho, but it cannot be effectively instated without adequate funding. Rube Goldberg machines cannot be built without basic building supplies and everyday items, and funds from the Student Grant Program would enable the project team to purchase them. If given adequate funding, I believe that this project could be successful at University of Idaho and would benefit the students and university. Our students are intelligent and innovative, and this project could be the chance for some of them to shine on a national stage. Sincerely, Katie Wisdom

Page 3: Rube Goldberg Design Project - Katie Wisdom Online Portfoliokatiewisdom.weebly.com/uploads/1/5/5/3/15538912/sgp...Rube Goldberg Design Project Katie Wisdom 102-60543 wisd3214@vandals.uidaho.edu

Narrative Objective

Rube Goldberg established himself as a cartoonist in the United States with his outlandish drawings in the early 1900’s. Simultaneously, he became renowned in the engineering world as the epitome of inefficiency, as seen in the comic below in Figure 1.

Figure 1: One of Rube Goldberg's classic drawings1

A competition was created in Goldberg’s honor by two engineering fraternities at Purdue University in 1949.2 Though abandoned at Purdue from 1955-1983, this cross-campus rivalry has become a national competition; eight colleges and universities competed in 2012.3 Teams from all over the country aim to be the most inefficient and in the process learn about engineering design and efficiency. They do so by designing a machine modeled after Goldberg’s cartoons and incorporating everyday items to achieve a common goal via the most roundabout path possible.

The design task changes each year. Past challenges include changing a light bulb, popping a balloon, watering a plant, and dispensing hand sanitizer.4 Participants are encouraged to design a creative and roundabout method of achieving the task and must utilize at least twenty

1 Rube Goldberg: Gallery. http://www.rubegoldberg.com/gallery# (Accessed November 11, 2012). 2 Purdue University News: Rube Goldberg History. http://www.purdue.edu/newsroom/rubegoldberg/history.html (Accessed November 8, 2012). 3 Purdue University News: Rube Goldberg Events. http://www.purdue.edu/newsroom/events/2012/120321LeeNationalRubePreview.html (Accessed November 8, 2012). 4 Purdue University News: Rube Goldberg Past Contest Winners. http://www.purdue.edu/newsroom/rubegoldberg/pastcontests.html (Accessed November 9, 2012)

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steps. Teams are encouraged to compete on a regional level prior to presenting their work at the national competition, but most participating schools are the only contenders in their region. At present, all competing schools are east of Texas.

I had the opportunity to participate in the Rube Goldberg competition in 2009, and the experience led to my decision to become an engineer. I learned the basics of engineering design and gained experience in working with multiple design teams and troubleshooting. I believe that the University of Idaho and its students would benefit in many ways from participating in this competition, but doing so requires funding for materials and tools. Importance

Participation in this national competition would increase University of Idaho’s notoriety among engineering schools. Since the Rube Goldberg competition includes a high school competition, participation would bring University of Idaho to the attention of promising out of state students and could assist in increasing attendance. Increasing University of Idaho’s renown as a quality engineering institution would also benefit new graduates seeking jobs.

University of Idaho students could benefit from participation in the National Rube Goldberg Competition. Participants gain design experience without the necessity of advanced knowledge in their field. Other extracurricular design projects like Concrete Canoe, Steel Bridge, and Chemical Car are excellent opportunities for upper class students to gain design experience, but these projects place first year students at a disadvantage. A foundation of engineering basics is required for active participation in these projects, and most students do not gain them until their sophomore year in the engineering curricula. St. Olaf College is a liberal arts college that won the 2009 and 2012 competitions. This school does not have an engineering program, proving that participants need only have analytical minds and creativity to succeed in Rube Goldberg design. Incorporating this project into University of Idaho’s engineering projects would allow students to begin learning about engineering design from the start of their education, something that is difficult with most of the current projects.

Designing an effective Rube Goldberg machine requires creativity and collaboration, and the best machines are designed by teams that incorporate multiple engineering disciplines, such as mechanical, civil, and electrical engineering students. The majority of the university’s current projects are directed toward students from specific disciplines. These projects teach students about designing in their specific field, but working on a Rube Goldberg project teaches students how to work and compromise with engineers from other disciplines (or students from non-engineering fields). Engineering professionals commonly work with other disciplines to complete projects, and preparing students to do so will make them better suited to a professional environment.

Participants in this competition also learn the basics of engineering design, and they have fun doing it. Student learn about efficiency and feasibility by being inefficient and gain hands-on experience with problem solving as they troubleshoot different components of the machine. Communication and teamwork are also important aspects of design, and participants in this

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project learn that first-hand. Students also gain experience with thinking creatively, an essential aspect of engineering that does not come naturally to many engineers. Methods

The 6’x5’x5’ creations are judged for the machine’s impression on the judges and how well it runs.5 Impression subcategories include: Theme/Story, Team Chemistry, Complexity, and Everyday Items. Each team is judged on an oral presentation, the Rube Goldberg style of the machine, and machine flow. Points are deducted for errors in each run-through, and the team with the most points after two runs wins.

With the above criteria in mind, a group of interested students will begin brainstorming theme and step ideas in September. After a theme is chosen, students will be split into balanced design teams to begin finalizing step ideas and how to conform them to the machine theme. The design teams will be chosen to ensure that students have the opportunity to work with other disciplines and levels of experience. Experienced students will function as team leads. They will guide their team through the steps of engineering design and meet regularly with the faculty advisor to discuss their team’s progress and problems. These team leads will also be responsible for filing all appropriate paperwork, including competition registration forms, budget calculations and purchase tracking, and travel arrangements.

The initial stages of step finalization will involve building potential pieces of the machine to judge feasibility and reliability and will include trial and error analysis. Throughout these initial stages, all participants will meet regularly to measure progress and ensure continuity, since each team’s section of the machine will connect to the others. All students intending to work on building pieces of the machine will attend the university’s tool safety course prior to construction. Steps will be finalized by mid-October.

A rough model of the machine will be completed and tested before fall semester finals begin, and construction of actual machine parts will begin at the start of spring semester. Troubleshooting of components will be an ongoing and inclusive process, preventing students from getting too close to a problem to see a solution. The final machine should be designed and completed (with the potential exception of decorations) a month before the competition to allow for testing and maximizing the machine’s success rate. At this time, work will also begin on making the machine and team presentable for competition by aligning them with the chosen theme.

Each design team will submit a draft of the machine step list three weeks before the competition, and the most creative, organized, and aesthetically pleasing draft will be finalized for submission. Teams will also submit drafts of the verbal presentation and one will be finalized for use at the competition. The presenter will be selected by popular vote.

The machine will be transported to Indiana two days in advance of the competition to allow the team to fix broken pieces that result from the drive across the country. On the day of the competition, selected members of the team will prepare the machine for the competition.

5Rube Goldberg: Judging Form. http://memberdata.s3.amazonaws.com/ru/rube4/files/JudgingCOLHSFINAL.pdf (Accessed November 9, 2012)

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Timeline Event DateFirst full group meeting- theme and step brainstorming Second week of classesFull group meeting- brainstorming and design team selection

Third week of classes

Design team meetings Weekly (or more frequently) for remainder of project

Team lead meetings with advisor Bi-weeklyStep ideas finalized Mid-OctoberRough model completed and tested Dead WeekFinal machine construction begins Start of Spring Semester 2014Machine ready for testing and trial runs One month before competitionOral presentation and step list drafts due Three weeks before competitionDepart for Indiana Four days before competitionNational Rube Goldberg Competition End of March (Exact date TBD)

Additional Information Institutional Resources Available

University of Idaho already has the facilities and other equipment necessary to build a quality machine. The College of Engineering has construction facilities of the caliber required for this project. The mechanical engineering machine shop in the Gauss Johnson Engineering Building is available for group project construction upon completion of a safety certification course. AutoCAD and SolidWorks software is available on campus computers for students wishing to model portions of the machine electronically to use. Other Sources of Funding

I intend to request funding from the students engineering organizations (ASCE, ASCHE, ASME, etc.) to assist with student travel costs. The amount of funding requested from these groups will be determined at the start of the project based on the number of participants, and some travel costs may be paid by the students. Plan to Disseminate to the University

The final Rube Goldberg machine will be presented at the Engineering Expo in Spring 2014 and will be available for demonstrations on campus visit days, such as Women in Engineering Day. Regulatory Committee Approvals

The plans, equipment, and materials for this project have not yet been selected, but they will be limited to non-controlled substances and other materials that do not require committee approval.

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Other I participated in the design and construction of the 2009 competition winning machine

and am eager to participate again. I have an understanding of the level of commitment required for this project and experienced the level of competition firsthand. I am also a junior in University of Idaho’s Civil Engineering program and have gained design experience through my coursework. My previous experience with the competition and coursework will allow me to effectively introduce this project to the University of Idaho.

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Investigator Information Form  


Name:  %Effort: Email:

Vandal ID:  Phone:




***Click here to add additional Investigators. The combined percent effort of all investigators must total 100%. 



Name:  Office:

Department:  Phone:



 Undergraduate                   Graduate                   Law               |               Full Time Student      Moscow Campus 



Have you previously received a grant from this program?   Yes   No 

If yes, have report(s) of previous grant(s) been submitted?   Yes   No 


Proposal Title: 

Amount Requested From SGP:   


Please provide a brief abstract of your proposal (Maximum 200 words): 



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#1 Faculty/Staff Name:  Email:



#2 Student Name:  Email:



#3 Student Name:  Email:





Project Type:       Basic Research              Applied Research             Outreach/Service            Instruction 



Yes  No  Click on title for more information  Explanation 

    Are Human Subjects Involved?  

 Assurance#                            Date: 




    Are Experimental Animals Involved?  

 Protocol#                               Date: 




    Are Biohazards, Recombinant DNA, or 

Radiation Involved?   Approval Date: 




    Are Select Agents or High Consequence 

Livestock Pathogens and Toxins Involved? 




    Is proposal subject to Export Controls or  


    ITAR                 EAR 








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Approvals and Certifications: 


Departmental certification:  Approval signifies that the proposed project fits within the academic framework and resources of the 

unit; requirements for new or renovated facilities/space including segregated facilities for export controlled projects have been 

discussed with the appropriate people; UI obligations will be met by the department/college unless otherwise noted; that conflict of 

interest requirements have been addressed; and that the Student Grant Committee may review and process the proposal.  The 

Department, College and/or Institute certify that responsibilities will be adjusted and space and facilities made available to 

accommodate the project. The Department College and or Institute will also provide service and support (including fiscal oversight 

and liability) for the project based upon the roles and responsibilities identified in the Faculty Staff Handbook and the Administrative 

Procedures Manual.  This service and support is intended to assist the PI in fulfilling their obligation through the certification below. 


Faculty Sponsor signature                                               Date Department Chair signature                                              Date





PI Certification: If the proposal submitted herewith is funded, I will conduct the project in accordance with the terms and conditions 

of the SGP and the policies of the University and I recognize that non‐compliance with terms and conditions of the award will result in 

immediate discontinuation of current project funding and could make me ineligible for future SGP awards.  I will be fully responsible 

for meeting the requirements of the award, including managing restrictions on facilities or personnel due to export controls; 

providing proper management of funds; submitting all required technical reports and deliverables on a timely basis; and properly 

disclosing all inventions to the University’s Technology Transfer Office, in accordance with Federal or contractual terms and 

University policy.  Neither myself nor anyone involved in this project is presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, 

declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any deferral department or agency.  I certify that this 

application is true, complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that any false fictitious or fraudulent statements may be 

subject to criminal, civil or administrative penalties.  I agree to assume responsibility for the scientific conduct and custody of records 

and data in accordance with University policy on retention of data and to provide University access to such records and data.  If at 

any point I am unable to complete the project as proposed, I will notify the SGP and Office of Sponsored Programs immediately. 



Student PI signature    Student PI signature Student PI signature       

Student PI signature    Student PI signature Student PI signature









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Additional Investigator Information 

 Which academic department will be managing the grant? 




Name:  %Effort: Email:

Vandal ID:  Phone:




Name:  %Effort: Email:

Vandal ID:  Phone:




Name:  %Effort: Email:

Vandal ID:  Phone:




Name:  %Effort: Email:

Vandal ID:  Phone:




Name:  %Effort: Email:

Vandal ID:  Phone:




Name:  %Effort: Email:

Vandal ID:  Phone:





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Equipment (itemized) Amount






Equipment total:Materials and Supplies (itemized)






Materials and supplies total:Travel Costs (itemized)






Travel total:Personnel/Services (itemized)






Personnel/services total:Other Expenses (itemized)








Other total:


Facilities and Administrative Costs (8%):

Your Current Total:

Total must NOT EXCEED $5000.00 Total Request:


Student ID #:Please fill out this form usning Adobe Acrobat

For all expenses listed under “Equipment” indicate on page 2 of this PDF who will assume responsibility for the equipment once the project has been completed.

All items listed under “Other Expenses” must be accompanied by a justification statement on the 2 page of this PDF.

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Project Grant Budget Form
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Justification ‐ For all expenses over $100 and those items listed under “Other Expenses”, describe the expenses such 

that reviewers and committee members will be able to immediately recognize the relevance and necessity of the items. 

For all expenses listed under "Equipment", indicate who will assume responsibility for the equipment once the project 

has been completed. 


Equipment (itemized) Number: Who will assume responsibility for the equipment once the project has been completed?

Justification for expense if over $100:

Number: Who will assume responsibility for the equipment once the project has been completed?

Justification for expense if over $100:

Number: Who will assume responsibility for the equipment once the project has been completed?

Justification for expense if over $100:

Number: Who will assume responsibility for the equipment once the project has been completed?

Justification for expense if over $100:

Number: Who will assume responsibility for the equipment once the project has been completed?

Justification for expense if over $100:

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Materials and Supplies (itemized) For all expenses over $100. Number: Justification for expense:

Number: Justification for expense:

Number: Justification for expense:

Number: Justification for expense:

Number: Justification for expense:

Travel Costs (itemized) For all expenses over $100. Number: Justification for expense:

Number: Justification for expense:

Number: Justification for expense:

Number: Justification for expense:

Number: Justification for expense:


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Personnel/Services (itemized) For all expenses over $100. Number: Justification for expense:

Number: Justification for expense:

Number: Justification for expense:

Number: Justification for expense:

Number: Justification for expense:



Other Expenses (itemized) Number: Justification for expense:

Number: Justification for expense:

Number: Justification for expense:

Number: Justification for expense:

Number: Justification for expense:

Number: Justification for expense:

Number: Justification for expense: