1 Rtn. Mary Kusemererwa President 2014 - 2015 ROTARY CLUB OF RUBAGA Time Activity In-Charge 12.00 noon 12.30 pm 12.40 12.50 01.00 1.15 1.25 1.30 1.45 1.55 2.00pm Arrival of members and Guests Registration and Entertainment Call fellowship to order and Rituals The Grace The Loyal Toast The Club Anthem The Four Way Test The Object of Rotary Outgoing President’s speech Theme song Introduction of In-coming President Introduction of District Governor Installation of President Maria Kusemererwa Incoming President’s speech Introduction of Guest of Honour Speech by Guest of Honour Vote of thanks Entertainment with Cake SAA and Recognitions Final Toast SAA team (Rtn. Kumudha, Rtn. Verna, Rtn. Griffin, Rtn. Julius Kayiira) SAA team with Rct. Candia and Rct. Evelyn Rtn. Paul Kiguba Rtn. Sr. Stephens Nzabamwita H.E Rtn. E. K. Ssekandi Rtn. Jesca Nanfuka Rtn. John Ntimba Rtn. Ssali Richard Rtn. Kaddu Mukasa Rtn. Lukwago Herman Rtn. Mukiibi Stephen Rtn. Paul Kiguba Rtn. Jesca Nanfuka PDG Ssebunnya PP Elizabeth Gwokyalya DG Emmanuel Katongole Rtn. Maria Kusemererwa PP. Lawrence Lugwana Mr. Henry Lubwama Rtn. G. W. Kasibante Rtn. Jesca Nanfuka, Rtn. Verna, Rtn. Leilah Rtn. Kimudha PP. J B Ssemwogerere INSTALLATION PROGRAM 17 th June, 2014

Rtn. Mary Kusemererwa President 2014 - 2015 ROTARY CLUB OF … · 2018-05-28 · 1 Rtn. Mary Kusemererwa President 2014 - 2015 ROTARY CLUB OF RUBAGA Time Activity In-Charge 12.00

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Page 1: Rtn. Mary Kusemererwa President 2014 - 2015 ROTARY CLUB OF … · 2018-05-28 · 1 Rtn. Mary Kusemererwa President 2014 - 2015 ROTARY CLUB OF RUBAGA Time Activity In-Charge 12.00


Rtn. Mary KusemererwaPresident 2014 - 2015


Time Activity In-Charge12.00 noon

12.30 pm










Arrival of members and Guests

Registration and Entertainment

Call fellowship to order and Rituals

The Grace

The Loyal Toast

The Club Anthem

The Four Way Test

The Object of Rotary

Outgoing President’s speech

Theme song

Introduction of In-coming President

Introduction of District Governor

Installation of President Maria Kusemererwa

Incoming President’s speech

Introduction of Guest of Honour

Speech by Guest of Honour

Vote of thanks

Entertainment with Cake

SAA and Recognitions

Final Toast

SAA team (Rtn. Kumudha, Rtn. Verna,

Rtn. Griffin, Rtn. Julius Kayiira)

SAA team with Rct. Candia and Rct. Evelyn

Rtn. Paul Kiguba

Rtn. Sr. Stephens Nzabamwita

H.E Rtn. E. K. Ssekandi

Rtn. Jesca Nanfuka

Rtn. John Ntimba

Rtn. Ssali Richard

Rtn. Kaddu Mukasa

Rtn. Lukwago Herman

Rtn. Mukiibi Stephen

Rtn. Paul Kiguba

Rtn. Jesca Nanfuka

PDG Ssebunnya

PP Elizabeth Gwokyalya

DG Emmanuel Katongole

Rtn. Maria Kusemererwa

PP. Lawrence Lugwana

Mr. Henry Lubwama

Rtn. G. W. Kasibante

Rtn. Jesca Nanfuka, Rtn. Verna, Rtn. Leilah

Rtn. Kimudha

PP. J B Ssemwogerere


17th June, 2014

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On Tuesday 11th June, 2013 at my installation, it was unthinkable to imagine my imminent handover. How time flies! Welcome to the 28th Installation of the Rotary Club of Rubaga.

This is my moment to thank fellow Rotarians for accepting me to serve with them all. What a great opportunity for me! I will for-ever cherish your guidance and inspiration. Together, we were in charge. The Board and Presidential advisors were always a call away. I cannot thank you enough.

During the year, we determined to Engage Rotary to Change Lives through the RI avenues of service. Under Club Administration, family teams handed by Presidents were in charge of organizing fellowships and mobilizing members towards the common club goals of the months, including guest speakers, dues reminders, at-tendance, home hospitalities etc.

On membership, eight members have been inducted. Some mem-bers under formal employment have sometimes found it challeng-ing to attend fellowships regularly. With only one lady inducted, we need to attract more females.

Through the Vocational service directorate, two awards went to Mr. Matovu Bruno(Uganda’s leading maize farmer based in Na-kasongola) and Hajji Abasi Kazibwe(Coffee processor at Kawa Nguvu and environmentalist). We also shared in the vocational ex-periences of the members through talks/discussions.

In the service projects, we had some a c h i e v e -m e n t s whereas oth-er projects are close to imple-mentat ion . Completed projects in-clude the Eyes Camp at Kabuusu, Kidney oper-ation of Nurse

Beatrice in India, contribution of $2000 towards the Cancer ward equipments at Nsambya, Nkokonjeru Hospital(Delivery Bed and maternity Ward Painting), The Bakateyamba Project(Xmas Lun-cheon, consumables, Rent, Clothes), The Rotary Family Health Days at Muganzirwazza, Katwe. The two-year Busolo Project ($296,000)

The GraceFor friends and fellowshipwe thank thee oh Lord. May we alwaysbe mindfull of the needs of others.AMEN.

The 4-way TestOf the things we think, say or do;1. Is it the TRUTH?2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?3. Will it build GOOD WILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS?4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?�

Object of Rotary.The Object Of Rotary is to encourage andfoster the ideal of service as a basis of worthyenterprise and in particular, to encourage andfoster:1. The development of aquaitance as an opportunity for service;2. High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations, and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society;3. The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business and community life;4. The advancement of international understanding, goodwill and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.

Its sad that we lost one of our Charter member, Rtn Aloysius Kakooza, was buried

on Sunday, 15th June, 2014. May his soul Rest in Peace.

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Word from incoming Assistant GovernorFred Masadde Kabuye

I greet you members of the Rotary Club of Rubaga. The District Governor Elect, Harish Bhatt, bestowed on me a great honour by asking to serve as his Assistant Governor to this club.

Firstly, a word of introduction. I am a member of the Rotary Club of Kampala Ssese Islands. My Rotary journey started when I became a memberof the Rotaract Club of Makerere University. I subsequently became a charter member of the Rotaract Club of Kampala City and later served as President. I then became a Rotarian when I was inducted into Kampala Ssese. I have been privileged to serve the Club as President. For the last two years, I have served as the Chair of the Country PR Committee, which has allowed me to be at the heart of the organisation of most Rotary initiatives in Uganda. I am also an Assistant Rotary Public Image Coordinator.

I am married to Goretti and we have been blessed with 3 children, Megan who is 14, Ethan 12 and Marian who is 7 years.

Some of my oldest friends in Rotary are members of Rubaga. While still a Rotaractor, I worked with Rotarians Lugwana, Kaye and Kasibante on the plastic surgery project at Mulago with Interplast. They have remained my friends ever since. I am therefore humbled even further that I am serving as their Assistant Governor. I look forward to working with President Mary in taking the Rotary Club of Rubaga forward. As always, the initiatives and hard work must come from you the members.As Assistant Governor, my role will be to learn and share experiences and help muster resources that will help make those initiatives a reality.

I look forward to a year of fun and fellowship as we work together to Light Up Rotary!
















































----has been launched. The Bweya

Vocational Centre Project($50, 000) and the Mbazzi Adopt A Vil-lage Project ($45, 000) will soon start. We plan to cover several areas of focus in our projects as guided by RI.

The Youth Service Directorate has reached out to the Rotaract Club of Rubaga, the Provisional Rotaract Club of Muteesa I Royal University and our eight interact clubs. Our Rotaractors have been very active in their Mother Club. The Club has also supported them in their Projects. The Provisional Rotaract Club of Muteesa I Royal University will soon be chartered.

As we worked with the communi-ties, the Rotary Community Corps Busolo-Gomba and Mbazzi have been chartered. We shall con-tinue to engage communities to transform them.

Contributions to the Rotary Foun-dation stand at $4000. Four Ro-tarians are now Sustaining Mem-bers. Club contributions to our ripe projects will also be convert-ed into PHFs.Under Public Relations, the club website at www.rotaryrubaga.org has been started. The weekly bulletin has also been published throughout the year. The social networks platform will pick mo-mentum too.

I would like to thank all Club Presi-dents of RY 2013/14 who visited us during fellowship and continued to share notes with me in this re-sponsibility of service. To the visit-ing Rotarians, Rotaractors, Inter-

actors and Guests, thank you for thinking about the RC Rubaga.

In a special way, I feel greatly honoured to thank my District Governor Emmanuel Katongole. He was always available to help out! The Uganda Rotary Country Officers made my presidency a great experience. It is my humble obligation to thank my employers at Kisubi-Mapeera S.S and colleagues at work, for bearing me and stand-ing in for me, whenever Rotary duty called.

My spouse, now Rtn Prossie (RC Nkumba), not only supported me but followed into Rotary! I think I inspired her. Our children Castor and Colman deserve some apol-ogies from their parents. During my presidency, my dad Mr. Simon Peter Kiguba died in a motor accident on 22/09/13 at Buloba. He had joyfully attended my installation and was closely following my performance as president. May his soul rest in eter-nal peace.

It is now my pleasure to welcome Rtn. Mary Kusemererwa to the highest Office of the Club. Con-gratulations!! My simple counsel stands: What you believe in, you will achieve! Chinese philosopher Confucius said “It is better to light a single candle, than to sit and curse the darkness”. It is now your turn to “LIGHT UP ROTARY’’. Enjoy the presidency of the great Rotary Club of Rubaga.


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Hannington Ssegirinya


Fred Masagazi Masaazi



Joseph Mary Ssemwogerere, PP



Sam KibuukaPP


Simon Peter Kaddu MukasaSOCIAL WORK

Patrick KayePP


Griffin LuleBUSINESS


John NtimbaPP,CP-RC Mbarara


Owen SserembaPHF




Paul Pochino BakkaPEST




JustinSsendikaddiwaPEST CONTROL

Leilah SserwaddaIPP




Robert Ssebunnya, CP,PHF,PDG


John MugangaPP, PAG, PHF


Lawrence LugwanaPP, MPHF(3)


GeorgeWilliam Kasibante


Paul KyabagguPP


Edward .K SsekandiPP, PHF




Emmanuel MumiraPROPERTY





John Baptist Ssemwogerere



Charity MusenzeAPPAREL






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Jesca NanfukaPE


Elizabeth Gwokyalya



John Mark LubegaNGO


Phiona LwangaPROPERTY


Rose SsaliPP


Waynand Ssebayigga


Julius LutakomeKayiira, PHF, PPMENTAL HEALTH

Annette MpuugaMasembe


Christopher KatoSOCIAL WORKER

Daniel KimudaPERSONNEL


Sr. Joseph Stephen Nzabamwita



Charles SsebunnyaEDUCATION


Mr. Ssebunya CharlesBorn in: 13/08/1961Village: Butoolo - MawokootaParents Father: Ssewalu Angel Mother: Nalubaale AnnetMarried to: Nafuka SolomyNumber of children: Three (3)Religion: CatholicOccupation: TeacherCurrently: Headteacher Kabowa C/U Primary SchoolHobbies: Farming, Net working, Reading self help books


Stephen MukiibiENGINEERING


Felix Mwanje SsemujjuENGINEERING


The Board, Staff and the Community of Kisubi Mapeera S.S Congratulate Pres. Paul Kiguba upon completing his presidency at the Rotary Club of Rubaga2013/14. Best wishes to Rtn. Mary Kusemererwa in year 2014/15.

Kisubi -Mapeera Secondary School is a catholic founded school owned by Kampala Archdiocese. It is a boarding mixed secondary school running from S1-S6 with both Arts and Sciences at very affordable fees. We are located 14 km on Kampala-Entebbe Road, branching off at Kawuku Trading centre to Kisubi Parish, opposite St. Joseph’s Technical Institute, Kisubi.

School Motto: Education is Liberation Vision: To produce a holistic and liberated person

Mission: To form young people, who are morally, spiritually, academically sound, ready to serve God and Society. Email. [email protected]/[email protected], Tel. 0772310951


Ssali RichardEDUCATION


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Mary’s ACCEPTANCE SpeechRtn. Mary KusemererwaPresident 2014-15, Rotary Club of Rubaga

The president of the Rotary club of Rubaga, President Paul Kiguba, The Vice President of the Republic of Ugan-da, His Excellence Edward Kiwanuka Ssekandi, our Guest of Honour Mr. Henry Lubwama, Managing Director Invest-ments Ltd.

Our District Governor district 9211 Em-manuel Katongole, The governor Nomi-nee Robert Waggwa Nsibirwa, Gover-nor Robert Sebunnya, Governor Nelson Kawalya, Governor Stephen Mwanje, Assistant Governors, the District and Country officers, all club presidents, fel-low Rotarians, Rotaractors and Interac-tors, Annies and Aundies, Inner Wheel members, ladies and gentlemen.

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome all of you to this memorable function where you have came to wit-ness my installation as president of the Rotary club of Rubaga for the year 2014/2015.

In a special way I wish to welcome our Guest of Honour Mr. Henry Lubwama who despite his busy schedule accept-ed to come and officiate at this func-tion as the guest of Honour. Thank you so much for spearing your time.

I wish also to thank and congratulate President Paul Kiguba for having had a very successful year. Paul has worked tirelessly to steer our club, to a higher level with lots of successes registered. I have personally admired your level of commitment, sense of humility, your ability to listen and your humbleness. Thank you so much; President Paul for the wonderful contribution made to the club.

I am grateful to members of the Rotary club of Rubaga for entrusting me with the responsibility of leading the club as president. I have accepted the re-sponsibility with humility and pledge to work tirelessly to serve the club and the entire Rotary Fraternity. With me is a strong and committed team with whom

we shall work to ensure that the Rotary club of Rubaga continues to shine and grow from strength to strength. We shall follow the footsteps of my predecessors and with your support, we are sure to suc-ceed.

The club goals and priority activities for the year have been set and as a Presi-dent my special emphasis will be to have a mobile X-ray delivered to Lubaga Hospi-tal, ensure that the Busolo-gomba phase 11 project takes off which is aimed at providing clean water, technical skills, a Milk cooling plant and so on to members of that Community, we shall continue to reach out to the Bakateyamba in a self support project towards their sustainabil-ity, reach out to Sanyu babies Home to those needy Children, and WAKISA MINI-STIRES which is a crises pregnancy Center to provide Mama Kit, Maternity Dresses, Vocational Skills and assist some to go back to school and to access education among the many projects earmarked for this year.

I wish to call upon all people who are here and are not Rotarians to join Rotary so that we can be able to work together to reach out to the less privileged in our communities. As mother Theresa of Cal-cutta once said “what I do you cannot do; but what you do, I cannot do. The needs are great, and none of us; includ-ing me ever do great things. But we can all do small things, with great love, and together we can do some things won-derful”. This calls for shared responsibil-ity by each one of us doing a small thing and at the same time tapping in each other’s potential skill unique, team work and each one as doing small things by displaying our unique skills and talent.

It is at this juncture that I wish to introduce to you Members of the Board with whom I will be working.1. The president : Rtn. Mary kusemererwa2. The vice president: Rtn Owen Seremba (PHF)3. President Elect:/Clu Secretary Rtn. Jesca Nanfuka (PHF)4. IPP & Club Trainer: PP Paul Kiguba5. Sergeant at Arms: Rtn Daniel Kimuda

Directors:6. Director club administration: Rtn. Betty Mwesigwa7. Director membership: PP Leillah Mutebi Sserwadda8. Director Service Projects: IPP Paul Kiguba9. Director Rotary Foundation: PP John Worst Kimbowa (PHF)

10. Director youth service: Rtn Mark Lubega11. Director Public Relations: Rtn Owen Seremba (PHF)12. Family of Rotary: Rtn Hannington segirinya13. International service: Rtn Alex Simbwa

Others Officers14. Community Service: Rtn Justine Sendikadiwa15. Fundraising Officer: Rtn Griffin Lule16. Polio Plus: PP Sam Kibuuka17. Bulletin Officer: Rtn Phillip Kiryowa18. RCC: PP Julius Lutakome Kayira19. Rotary Family Health days: Verna Mwinganisa20. On to Dar Salaam: Rtn. J.B. Ssemwogere21. On to Sao Paulo: PP Lawrence Lugwana21. Gift of Life: Rtn Herman Lukwago22. Attendance Office: Rtn Simon Peter Kadu Mukasa23. Monitoring and Evaluation Officers: Rtn Owen Seremba (PHF) & Rtn Harman Lukwago24. ICT Officers: PP Paul Kubuga, Rtn. Owen seremba (PHF) & Rtn Simon Peter Kaddu Mukasa.

Advisors:1. DG: Robert Sebuya2. DG: Nelson Kawalya3. PP: Lawrence Lugwana Kaggwa (PHF)4. PAG: Peters Musoke5. Major Donor: Abel Katahoire6. IPP: Elizabeth Gowkyalya (PHF).

To all those people who have contrib-uted financially, materially and otherwise thank you so much for all your contribu-tions.

I want to thank the installation commit-tee headed by Rotarian Owen Sserem-ba (PHF) may I request you all to stand up. Lets us give them a big round of up pulse.

To the Members of my family, thank you so much for accepting to stand with me and for encouraging me to take on this responsibility. I wish to request all of you to stand up for recognition.

Lastly, the Rotary International President Gary has emphasized in this year’s Theme for us to “LIGHT UP ROTARY” let us all join hands to light up Rotary by sharing our service, strengthening our club and let-ting our light shine in our Community.

Thank you so much.

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Today Tuesday the 17th of June 2014 the mem-bers of Rotary club of Rubaga have gathered for their weekly fellowship not only to carry out the man-dated weekly fellowship but also significantly to change the leadership of

the club as per the Rotary International rules. It is also indeed important that the club is install-ing a fourth woman President in the history of the club in the person of Rotarian Maria Kuse-mererwa whom we are quite certain and sure will steer the club to greater heights and contin-ue to improveand develop more humanitarian projects in our crusade to serve the most vulner-able people of our society.

The Rotary club of Rubaga chartered 28 years ago has created a legacy, and an impact in the community through various programs that the club has been able to initiate since 1987. Some of the projects are National wonders which have significantly contributed to the health development of this Nation. Projects such as the Uganda Heart Foundation / Heart-Institute, the Uganda plastic surgery which gave birth to the Uganda burns institute at Mulago hospital complex, the Rotary club of Rubaga and its members played a key role in its growth and development. These two projects amongst others have a significant impact in the total Na-tional Health strategy.

During the 28year tenure of our existence the club has produced eminent Rotarians to the level of District Governors, District officers and Rotary International service officers. A great contribution to Rotary Growth globally.The change of guard is in its self important in that it provides an opportunity for members to review their strategic plans and audit our failures and successes and at the same time continue to provide and train new leadership for the club and for the Nation.

The President in the person of Rtn. Mary Kuse-mererwa has got all these qualities and capabil-ities to achieve our goals and strive to maintain our supremacy in service delivery to humanity. Your continued commitment as Rotarians will certainly help our new president in her leader-ship, so let us go forth to serve humanity.

Congratulations Mary and your new Board.


LET US LIGHT UP THE WORLD Dear friends. Let me take this opportunity to recognize every member of Rotary for the great contribution that you make in making the world a better place. If every person in this world was a member of Rotary, I cannot imagine the positive difference it would make. Indeed Rotarians and Rotaractors have positively affected almost every facet of society ranging from health, educa-tion, peace and conflict resolution, leadership development, community development and gender equality. Many people out there have a misconception that Rotary is for the rich. In a way

this view may be true but only for a limited extent. Rotary is composed of personalities who are rich at heart. These are people who have a compassion for the less privileged in society. Indeed Rotary lights up the world because very many people have benefitted from the projects held by the different Rotary clubs in the country. A case in point is the Bakateyamba project where the Rotary club of Rubaga has provided very generously for the betterment of the less privileged. These efforts may go unnoticed to the ordinary man but God rewards accordingly. At this point I would like to thank every Rotarian for the commitment they have made in making a difference in their communities and the entire world. God will richly bless you and this is a key mark of patriotism.

ROTARY CHANGES LIVES I want to thank God for the life that He has given us. We take life for granted but the truth is that we can never alter anything if we are not alive. I am greatly honored to belong to the Rotary fraternity. Many people out there would be making a great difference in the lives of oth-ers if they joined Rotary but they are either not aware or some have false assumptions about Rotary. Many believe that Rotary is for the wealthy. That is true to some extent but Rotarians are just people who are rich at heart. If you have a compassion for the poor, if you want to serve society or if you want to maximize your poten-tial in life, then what are you waiting for to join Rotary? Very many youth out there spend a lot of time in gambling, watching soccer and abusing drugs. These are all peo-ple who must be nurtured to join Rotary so that they become responsible citizens. Indeed Rotary changes life because this is a fraternity where you get life changing information from experts in different fields for free. The projects organized by the different clubs are transforming society in all spheres of life. Even the government recognizes the role that the Rotary Movement is doing. The fun in Rotary is endless. If you are a lonely person out there simply join Rotary and your life will not be the same again. Once again I want to thank all members of the Rotary movement for committing their time, ideas and resources to making their com-munities and the world a better place. God sees all your efforts and He will reward you accordingly. I wish to congratulate President Elect Mary Kusemererwa for accepting to serve above self as the next president of the Rotary Club of Rubaga.

Rtn Kiryowa Phillip0752615916

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Please help me to know. Would you call the following Miscom-munication or Misunderstanding?Last weekend I went to Kannabulemu to congratulate someone upon having wedded, which function I missed because of some Rotary work here in Kampala. But I found something strange.

This young husband came home the previous night, and his wife threw her arms around his neck saying:“Darling, I have great news: I am a month overdue. I think we are going to have a baby!!!”“The Doctor gave me a test today, but until we find out for sure, we cannot tell anybody about it. Not even our parents”.

The next day, someone from Umeme rings the door bell, because this young couple hadn’t paid their power bill because of the debts they had incurred for the wedding.

“Are you Mrs. Mukasa? “You are a month overdue. Are you aware of this?”This Mugole is totally surprised and stammers: “How on earth do you know?”

My experience during the Presidency of Rtn Paul KigubaIt has been a fabulous and fascinating Ro-tary year. My greatest memory has been the joy of having attended every single fellow-ship during this Rotary Year. I always looked forward to the Tuesday afternoon fellow-ships as they provided a unique opportu-nity of coming together with my sponsoring Rotary club and it is the reason i have been

100% in this club for the last four Rotary years. The great projects that were undertaken during the year proved to be bonding mo-ments with Rotarians from the club.

Candia PatrickRotaract club of Rubaga


“Well, madam I know because it is in our files”, the Umeme

guy shot back.

“What do you really mean by, it is in your files?????”

“Exactly that, madam”

“Well, let me talk to my husband about this tonight when he returns from Kyotera because I am new here.”

That night, she informs her husband about this unwanted visi-tor and his utterances. Guess what? The husband went mad and was like a wounded bull. He had a sleepless night and very early the following day he rushed to the Umeme offices and immediately shouted:

“What is going on here? How do you say that you have on file that my wife is a month overdue? Is that your business?”

The attendant politely asked him to calm down saying:

“It is nothing very serious, Sir. All you have to do is to pay us”.

“Pay you? For what? And what if I refuse?”

“Well, in that case, sir, we will have no option but to cut yours off and leave others”.

The husband retorted: “You very well know that I am a safari person. What will my wife do when I am cut off?”

“Sir, I don’t know, but I guess she will have to use a candle” replied the attendant.


When I arrived at their home I had to take time to calm the husband and his Mugole who otherwise would have had a miscarriage. It was a blessing because I know the language of the power sector having interfaced with them for ten years.

What would you have done?

Rtn. Lawrence Lugwana-Kaggwa (4PHF)