- 3./60 Kcrs:p ,01>4 Mc_'S:o~144." Mas:o Vol 7 No 11 O~fUcWA VALLEY MOBILE- RAnIa CLUBs rnaOBPORATEDs ottawa~ Ont •• Nov 64 \ !ditQF8" Ed Morgcin~ VE3GX\) 75, RamI.at: RoEtctg ott.awa 8~ Ontariop canada. I f~ POT HOLE- NET- I ~~ O:fflciaI C-.tubNe.'t:o NO-rIIIa"IIy melets:; ev-ery Sat & 3'un on 3.760 _~ at 10 Al'lt loca! time. but f"or a; tria~ period thl- EXecutive hav:e: d:e,c.icted: to su1r~itute at 6.30 PM - N- t e-ve.ry iTiday nite: in lieu 0 _the: sa..tu;I"(fay morning Net. TIlis: change ifi!" per art:fCIl~ 2.p (6) of the: C!on _ itutio-n widen. empower-S:' the EXe,atltive to- make auc-n. a-e;t:'iaiOIIS'e -, MONITORING'- FAOILITY VE3a:GO monitor$ 176_0 Kcs dairy nIom ~pp":J::"OX 8 .ItM" to 6 PMdaily :for local mobile\) or out o-:ftown tra:ffia" NOT! ax OF MONTHLY MEE-TING- E.LA.cm:.: E;RUSti.gl:r.fixStree:-t~ Room 303-99 ottawav- Ontario •• DkTE/TTMK: THURSDAY12 No mber 64 rt 8.00 PM - PROGRJUf BU9TNE~ TE-CHJSf.rC"AL DEMONSTHA.TION8 Taylor SUper Jlocrdu!.a tforr (by "flE-3VI) FILM-!; m c.OFRU & COOKIES;. RAGClIE.V REPORT' ON ~. :IiA3.r MEETING Art U3CG.D:gave: -a: ve:ry exce:lIent impr-omtu ta-lk an, Radar speed- ~t-ers- a~ used by t:he. City- Polic-e&. Ire: aJ:so went iirto the. theory of' Radar Speed::Meter Detectors" A. very :fb- shaw- Art ~ and ~sc inet! ca.-ted' by the: numerous: que:stionf£ and general int- euts) wa.-~ ery wert rec-eivedo Le-t°g gat: Art on the: lItlecklt more often. VK3,YC Ja-ek show d: his: Ife8;th HW12 !laMIe SSB' Trane:c:e-iver and ans;werecI numerOU::I que-at.- fons. on the op-era'tfo-n. and: ~ong-truc:t:tan of- ito The: Nutice or- MO:tian printed in the.: l:a-S't_ tasue of'" tlie" RamlTl:er was: voted: up:cm ana was:: aa-rrie.d: Out amy ~te:r two amendme:nta: were. vote-d upcrrrf'irst.,. 'ffla actual. amendments- will b--erenee ted' in the minutes: of'" 'the' mee:t1ng-o T"o p~hras-e:~ (I) The Not:lc'e vdi1 be effective. for the: 196,- Elec-tiano _(2:) me; Vle:e;?Presicrent wi'II aJ3'Sume the: d-utieg of'

rt - Ottawa Valley Mobile Radio Club IncorporatedVol 7 No 11 O~fUcWA VALLEY MOBILE-RAnIa CLUBs rnaOBPORATEDs ottawa~ Ont •• Nov 64 !ditQF8" Ed Morgcin~ VE3GX\) 75, RamI.at: RoEtctg

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Page 1: rt - Ottawa Valley Mobile Radio Club IncorporatedVol 7 No 11 O~fUcWA VALLEY MOBILE-RAnIa CLUBs rnaOBPORATEDs ottawa~ Ont •• Nov 64 !ditQF8" Ed Morgcin~ VE3GX\) 75, RamI.at: RoEtctg

-3./60 Kcrs:p ,01>4 Mc_'S:o~144." Mas:o

Vol 7 No 11 O~fUcWAVALLEY MOBILE- RAnIa CLUBs rnaOBPORATEDs ottawa~ Ont •• Nov 64\

!ditQF8" Ed Morgcin~ VE3GX\) 75, RamI.at: RoEtctg ott.awa 8~ Ontariop canada.I f~

POT HOLE- NET- I ~~O:fflciaI C-.tubNe.'t:o NO-rIIIa"IIy melets:; ev-ery Sat & 3'un on 3.760 _~ at 10 Al'lt loca!

time. but f"or a; tria~ period thl- EXecutive hav:e: d:e,c.icted: to su1r~itute at 6.30 PM ­N- t e-ve.ry iTiday nite: in lieu 0 _the: sa..tu;I"(fay morning Net. TIlis: change ifi!"per art:fCIl~ 2.p (6) of the: C!on_ itutio-n widen. empower-S:' the EXe,atltive to- makeauc-n. a-e;t:'iaiOIIS'e-,

MONITORING'- FAOILITYVE3a:GO monitor$ 176_0 Kcs dairy nIom ~pp":J::"OX8 .ItM"to 6 PMdaily :for local mobile\)or out o-:ftown tra:ffia"


E.LA.cm:.: E;RUSti.gl:r.fixStree:-t~ Room 303-99 ottawav- Ontario ••

DkTE/TTMK: THURSDAY12 No mber 64 rt 8.00 PM -



TE-CHJSf.rC"AL DEMONSTHA.TION8 Taylor SUper Jlocrdu!.a tforr (by "flE-3VI)



REPORT' ON ~. :IiA3.r MEETINGArt U3CG.D:gave: -a: ve:ry exce:lIent impr-omtu ta-lk an, Radar speed- ~t-ers- a~ used byt:he. City- Polic-e&. Ire: aJ:so went iirto the. theory of' Radar Speed::Meter Detectors"A. very :fb- shaw- Art ~ and ~sc inet! ca.-ted' by the: numerous: que:stionf£ and general int-euts) wa.-~ ery wert rec-eivedo Le-t°g gat: Art on the: lItlecklt more often. VK3,YCJa-ek show d: his: Ife8;th HW12 !laMIe SSB' Trane:c:e-iver and ans;werecI numerOU::I que-at.­fons. on the op-era'tfo-n. and: ~ong-truc:t:tan of- ito The: Nutice or- MO:tian printed inthe.: l:a-S't_ tasue of'" tlie" RamlTl:er was: voted: up:cm ana was:: aa-rrie.d: Out amy ~te:rtwo amendme:nta: were. vote-d upcrrrf'irst.,. 'ffla actual. amendments- will b--erenee ted'in the minutes: of'" 'the' mee:t1ng-o T"o p~hras-e:~ (I) The Not:lc'e vdi1 be effective.for the: 196,- Elec-tiano _(2:) me; Vle:e;?Presicrent wi'II aJ3'Sume the: d-utieg of'

Page 2: rt - Ottawa Valley Mobile Radio Club IncorporatedVol 7 No 11 O~fUcWA VALLEY MOBILE-RAnIa CLUBs rnaOBPORATEDs ottawa~ Ont •• Nov 64 !ditQF8" Ed Morgcin~ VE3GX\) 75, RamI.at: RoEtctg

o:f ~AnA~ti vi ties: C:o~rdinatO'r 0 ThiS' d:ce~ not imp~y a r-es.ponsi.bl1itty for theo-rigina:tf.on of': ae.tivit:iest)" [u;l-t. ~ther the. ErQ<>a::rctinator of" the~ the; activities:cre:oideil:upon by the: EXeatttrvEr. 13'ody a:s a groupo It was: als:ci frtrong!y indicat-ed

-Chartthis fiNo-tic-a of"MotionPl'· wa~no·t Intend:edi sa: 81. ]:,'itieiznr of' pr-esent or·pas1 ~tivitie$ Chairmano

REPORT- ON 'fHl[ SO<lIAL E.VENING .. ·'llh~.~irst So.(rla:tK'iremng of: ihe. F"al:t s:ea;Sl)n'l) a.nd; the: s:ec:.omf of the- the 64Exe~utive. wa-g: heIcf a± the PL1)G Jlirea:son queen Stree:.t:. oetoD'er- 24th~ 1964. Uil­f"o-rtunate1.yl' your- rep-orter(fld not arrire until 10 •.JQ.PM9 due:, to'C'iraumstancesbeyand: <lon-trolo In vie:v:r' or t:hiap . )'our- reporter cmnnot eva1.ua.:te the newlaca;,tion..or:"the: snce:es:.s: o:f' tli:ee:vent~ nt:hany degree o:f"aceuraey... The turn-

- aut wa$ rather 3IIll:tII ase:ompaTed t~o-pr-erl~ even:t3:o Ns a .~seI:f'Styled Expert"on- -aoc-1aIE'venfngs=~' tf£er;: wr:tt~ ZC'armt1fJt" n~p bUt·n1nre.xve:'thatt aometh:imt was:

!ef"t ~o' lJe- dteJdred in llies:e: :t.wrttwQ: e:v.e-nt:Si'e-. It:· wnaTd' ,app-ear 'that the depart ..•lire from the previ ou'-S: 5uccespfl.il Tormul.a. :la:' the',reason •• The formula reac~ed'its pea-k ofpe:r:Fec.-tfon at ol.rr r$1.s-t·~'V'ent tit the Wallis: HOuare.. ThiS:" in muopinion p 'mhic,lLirrcr:tdep-t.Jy-...- iJt" Slla-recf by-many,_ others. IIwas:- _~he naoma o'f"; perfea: :ion ••I am· ali_fbr ..ahange f"o:rtflie: be:tterp. but a: c:nange f'ar't:.liel: sake of~ ahange whe-none: ha:m .the: r:-o~Ia···ift imre'e<f' a:I:. ba-c-kvm:xd mtep.... ~e. rlIOtte Man ShowA' C"ann~t ina~ V1B1Y.<:.ompe-te vrlth tIiEr-~b6ur-of' LO"li"e~m:-ea-tfon by tit. gro'trp" of" peo]nIe ded'icat~ed:' t~tha smcre-ef'mi'frLrm ge1rt~ 'P-~lJsr I am taIdng' advantage or my editorialpower-sry: btrt neve-rthe-Iefis!1 them'S" DiYs.edime.ttts-o> SiY: :sue-me g

.COME ABOARD . .~'·nevt memb-e:rs:sr:' hed~a'uIt9' ,1lE;3FCK£> a.ne:w- a;nd: aetive mobiIeand .Tacktlhit-tfng:ham~ VE]IDI' a:t!:ro- a:n 'W'. and:aetie nRffEI.e:.. -al.e'ome: gentlemenS' we&'r'e hOllcrured' to. Im:ve: yclu crbO'lU'd ••.

NDrICE OJr MO-!f'IDJifGrenn· Pa:'C'k~VE3e:GP;~ wishes 'to: make a: notice of" mlilti.mr 'to the: ef:fec-t that kt~

, ie-Ie: Z (6) of" the: ab:nrlitutfon a-e: amended to read~~~O' hold :rregtilar fJOri the.Air~· !f.e't mee:tin:g::r on- 3760 Kc-S' :evei'jr Saturday and: SUnday at 10 JfJll[ loealtima~ .Jf.1:J:yaddi'tional We:ts;?,.fire1luen::r.ies: eta- ••..sha:l~ he- a:e-c.-'1aed: by the ClubMembe-rs-hfp' art a regular-meeting- subject fo "fa· D"a'er :rr?'tfe:-a e:on!f:a'ine<f i:n ~ticle;.~ ~f. the Con~titution •...

NOMINATING aOMMITTEfire- e:lerlien of of'f'fc-eTfl' f'or the 1965 ~eason wil!' take plaa-e at the DeeembeTmaeting- of' flIt:: CIub-... The: mn-rent ·h'ecu-tive have: appoint-eel: VE.}GXas; chairmanof the: Committee a:ssiS'tecf by Harry VE3BEB-ancL.S'c'ot~ VE3DYM~ .It will be theirtask 'to aaIecrt e;.S'~ate: of o:rrieersz w:11Iing 'to' server on the: 1965' EXecrutive.The Ct.ba:tr.m&n w::tlIa:-llio crnmIuct the: 196, eIac-tion at: the. meeting <>. It should bem:J''ta<ithat the' s:l ate of' o-f"f"i<:er3'5~lecr:ted'O.y thee c'ommitee <Loe'S:;nat precludeno-mima-tfa'na; f"romthe:- noar an 'me: night of' the eleC"tiott~' Th~irpurpo s-e is'6'oleJ:y to bring itl a aXat'e-o-~o:fritters: wil1.ing to aexve:.. l't is reg;uestedth&t I mem"fre~ cmakirtg-"namfnatiOllS:: fr0m the.: floor- f'irst olita-in tne permiss­fan. of" the candfcfa:t:as: a1"' their circricre: b~fore; ma1tlng: their IW'minat.ion. TIiis:yneecUes:sl. t.n S8iY wiII promo:te:: a mnoorth, and: s:p~dy eCLee:ti::6n:oSo think aboutthiS':s- .endf;.«all the:' c:andftra±eoi" your' ahoic:~ ThiS! is: your- d:emoc-ratfcr right,.exclercnsre=-'ff'ancF Ie't~ have an eTe-etlon:!


No di-nb:t.slTme:-·Or yo:u -w£i:r be: sUrprised: to heart:hat: Mike IArs:-en K:{~ (ex K5'IJ"V)and ..:r-mtUI:l._~_~lde' iItGermany co-urtesy Q:f the: :rrdAF.. Mike .was; a; ei1arter- memb:ar- o-r Q\U1" Cl.un-9 and ae::rved:·fti-vanous e~paci ties:'; iriclug ingthwtcrf"Prea:idemr cIurii'tg h':tsi tour o'K <iuty in otta1l1a'e> Mike.: is- retaining his.pres: n.t::~I blItiB:Q,peratfa:nal und:erthe.' calI. DL5FN'f"rom" theoff'lce: uaing a: .

Page 3: rt - Ottawa Valley Mobile Radio Club IncorporatedVol 7 No 11 O~fUcWA VALLEY MOBILE-RAnIa CLUBs rnaOBPORATEDs ottawa~ Ont •• Nov 64 !ditQF8" Ed Morgcin~ VE3GX\) 75, RamI.at: RoEtctg

=y .KWM20 He: hopes: to ape.ra..te Irom his: home. am aoem as- he ge:tg; quarters:o Thi s2nd: tour in Ge:rmany should: improve your ki tc:henqe.rman language proficiencyMike g I wonder- if"you wi!l a·lao awitell to the national beverage: Mike willrre in his new' QTH fo~ thre~ years and I am sure that we will ~e able to haveaome nice qgOs-now:that ycru c.an operate in our portIon of the band Hi-a: He getsinto the U030 earl cO'a;rl fir aTound 1000 hrm GltTo There: are:' lotgo of" hams inthe ottawa" area on SSJl n'ow:Mike: gO it shouId b'e easy to' arrange some s:kedS'o3:0 pcrint your beams; ove'r DL way and leta- have S'omefirrrt hand news from Mikeand f"amiIy 0

SUGGESTION~e ROAl? as'sociatio'n will. be' holding a Hard- Time dance at the. OTub quart~rs:'at 913 C'arling Avenue. This:: ia an id:eal central lcrcationwi th lots:: of par'king"acrosS'" the- atree.t in the: No 8 'lemporary BId-.g parking 10 to It is' sugges:.ted thatpossibly we crould maIre'up a party and' JO'in fn the f"eati vi tie6'.o As a member ofthat organization it has: been ~gges:ted. that we would be more' than welC'Qme0It.woul~ be a ~ociai evening without the problems of renting a hall provindinga lunch etao The: d'ate Incidently iEr 14th of' November-" The detail.s, chargeS'etc have not be ~inalized as yet but might be wor~h Ioaking into. SOmeofthe original members may recall. that we di~ this: once aefore very &ucceasfullys:everal yea'rs ago at Reaver :aarrq-cks:"

SPLATTER fromStan VK,3ECNis back iiI tOW!li\locnre.land is:, pres-.ently looking f'or a ~TH.whichwi!! ye-rmit Ham radio. Stan wilt only be in ottawa: pO/'Jl'S.:iblyuntil springat whicrh time- he viill. be' of'"f'a:gain to some foreign land.~~hQpe to gee you atO'UI' next meeting s:..t.an==,:,",Maybeyou could tell. us: a.bout Ham operation f"rom 4,X4la.nd ~G H"'i' 3J)qrl: is'' of"f' on a tWQ weeks busineS's: trip to the' EaS't coast -d'onllct eat too muan salt cod' Bfl~ ~oooC>JBCIL S'Jd is hack on the air with aViking L!> he hape:s to have' a; more: formidabl e antenna s:yertem in operations:oan~=~~aure nice to' hear you back on the:: Net -0 <> ,,= Harry 3BEB ~till is:waiting f'or his ne.wmobile antenna=~G'ee: itS' Jus·t lIke a thrilling serial~~-

ill. he or wont he get his- antenna ? ~~~a.tay tuned for' further newS' -0" 0-

.3CFV'Roy noW'calling into- the' ne"t f'rom the:~Club a:tatfon .;3PET from :Petawawa~ 0 0 o~ 3.YCJack is' putting out a terrific mobile:: S'ignal with his: H'1t-12 mobile-l>-ooc>-TO'ny aw .made' a welcrome:"appearance: at. the las.t s:oaial--nic e to see: youagain ~.,.<>'"-- Gues:s: thata:-aIl the: news::for now except that 1 note' that Rowland.3.AML :Is- the nev Ham C'oIumn:.edi tor -ror Electron Magazine'. I do hope theMitor of that magazine haS' G'nanged hig; pcIiC'y f'rom the Ma.y 64 is'$Ue-. YO'umay recall that he was-.trying to spearhead a movement to degrade amateur rad 10'in Canad:a byad:voaating' an idiot I.e.:ve:ttype TI:QT' e:Xamina,tforr f"or thos:e: per6'onstoo Iazy to' apend a month or twO' s:tudying f"or- a licence. I rather Ertls1>ectthat this ed:itorial los:tthe. magazine. many subscriptions: ---I was toying withthe. id:e.a. of s:ubfiC'riating until that I idiculous: edi tor-fal. changed' my mind. 0 Ithink that anyone g:e:.nuinely inte~es::ted. in the f"uture. of amateur radiO' wouldcartainly boyc-ot suc:h a':magaz:ine; ~~~~Ohw.ell it takes: all kindS' -.-.'