'iAW mm* ' $4* *s&- ^V Ir-.;*." * MJtj*-, R'^s 1 -." *'/,> - fe * $ |^;. 7?jf)*| K ^ ' te' -.,.'*• * •*A ~Sfii( ;*•» '• ^ , # .. ' p) f ;> V- ," * ,' -^'* -£• ft»*.. fp,V f- I !"••»•; V, ;# M if •SB W^AB|*E KiaHLY 'X: 1 A- .,•••, AT' TBJB; 1st. Home's introduction tQ the Critical Study and Knowledge pf the Holy Scriptures, 4 vols, octavo. '.'•''.'..' "' / 2d. The complete works of the late Rev. An drew Fuljer following, acceptation-. Vol.2. The Calv^riisti$ and Socihian Sys- tems examined and compared—fetters to Mr. tidier on the doctrine of Universal Sal- vation, Vol. 8, t h e gpsjpeljftf'own Wit- ness, in answer to Paineah$I pthers*T-Au apology for Christian Missions to India--- JStrictures'on Sandemaniamsm. Vol. 4, Dia-; /;ldgoe«,i^ettej&-a^d'^w?^Sj]S6'c.. Vol. 5> Ex- pository Discourses on the BqPk of Genesis. Vol.6, Expository Discourses on the Apoca- lypse—Memoirs of the late Rev Samuel, Pearse. Vol. % Sermpns on various sub- jects. Vol,. » contains Magazine Papers^- Sketches 4 of Sermons, IDetters, Tracts, &e. 3d, Dwight*$ Travels in New-Ehgland. and Newport, 4 vols, octavo* ;5th, Bwight's Theology, 4 vols, new edition. " ^fh, Faber's DiflScBlties of Infidel^y* 6th» BickV Christian Philosopher, fth, Ife^jon Pilgrims Triumph. 8tH|, ^unter's.SacredBiography 1 . 4 Vols. J't^Th'e^o^Ages.ofljife, by the Count de ijm, MpsHistQfyof tbeCnisades* [Segur. ! j | ^ $**•.•% d.o. 8 .,* ' ChkaltyV -' • ", • ik$»'-T$Wfi Tfeird Voyage of Discovery. 13tfij Bramhlet|e Hou$ei 8 vqis. - •• * t4tht Diary pfain Ermuyee. - [Buonaparte, i^h, Maitland's Narrative of the Surrender of 16th. SattdQvafeprthe JPreenxason* % vols 17th^t.esliefiiftkfteld, &vois„ ' . ••' ,18tb, Morningi<atBow-street, 10th, Rutledge's If istory. of #e Cburctr&f Eng- land, from the earliest:period to the present -' time, , : : ,- .' ' '• . -'• 20th,-flobart?s Fasts and Festivals, 21st, ChristiantMatpal, 22d, Miss Tritnner's Catechism. 2Sd, TWrtynfeee Village, Sermon's* by the ne.4-t. Ti.iAAit: fliiinetiniic itnntl rhl> POLAMLPHIS, f»^-. ,E< public gterespeetfiilly inforrfved that Ander- scats Cough Dropsy Pectoral Powders have from; _.„ extensive ;use for. eight years past* pcoyed them- selves to mfof the moat valuable remedies ever yet disejiyereft-^ the curt of qoug% eoldSj apd other, afectfplsuof, the bre?i$t and l«ngs '\wm& M Coft^infeUotts. IPhousaods have experienced the «a|^ pv»e:|ects-"of this Healing Balsam, and many of the highestreBpectability have voluntarily given certificate? gonie of wfiich will accompany each .bottler that will which other medicine had produced no favorable e fects,and where the most skillful Physicians had giv- en them up as hopeless. It is hflt pretended that tttey are.'.an infallible cure*inall cases; but of such as are 25tl,^dd'sQiiestipHS upon the EWdences. of '.Chjfistianjity..; : •.; ''. .•/ ... 26th, bishop Hohart's new Church Catechisrri, 27thi AuMeroentary course pjf Biblical Theo- logy, translated from the works of Professors Starr arid Flatt, with additions by S. S. Scliniucker, A. M. ,'••.'•• 28tli, Russian Tales. 29th, A few copies pf that. Elegant little work .' the.Atlantic Souvenir^ \ J. SMITH* 1R. LAMOTT'8 , ^|0»<|0^'bottles,pf this Elixir are now put- ting up V^t it 4s not offered to the public as ,i infaliihlei <mk* rival «d» every thing else, tho* ^•|®^^%lv1tttf65s'flrhjic>; render it peculiarly Adapted to theipreserjVprefailihg disorders of vtbe breastaM'iurj|5f f <}&'£$&£, to d6nsuraptibn> - A\timely^se,|f the,se'fropkrhay be considered asiavcferfain'-cw of'corniinPn ^cpj^ coughs*^jnfiHen^ ^btfpihg-cPUgh, pain in the sidej d r m M ^ ? # ^ a t h i n & w^ht of sleep are an ..,.„.. r , •-•-... ., incnrable, there are but few but will be greatly re- lieved by theuse of them. Scarcely acaae of Colds, .Coughs, Eaitfintbe sidCi difficulty of breatning, want of sleep arising from debility, or even seated*onsuo,p- tiong, bat iinay be relieved by a timely use of the Heal- ing Balsam. Eacjj Dolfar Bottle of this med»eipe contains about 40' dflfes, which proves themji cheap medicine considering their value. mW CERTIFICATES. JDa-. Mellen, Sir: The cause, of humanity demands ofme to give you the following statement.: My wife had fir six yeare been in a decline, and pronounced by her physiciana'to be in a consumptive statej and was attended by a severe pain in her side,:with a cpugh and difficulty of breathing. She %va? reduced so low as to be unable to get from her bed to the fire with- out aid. All hopes of her recovery hadlong been giv- en unr In this situation^ 1 was prevailed upon, as a last possible resort, yet without any hopes of success, to make use of *< Anderson's -Cftogb Drops* 0 She commenced theu'so of them in February last, and after using two bottles,' to the astonishment ofall', int the .month of May following, the bealtb,of my wife was entirely restored, and since which, her_ health, and strength were perhaps n;ever better, ^ e l i n g a d e e p interest that theMbiicCin general may resor.^ to the same rpmedy, when their friends or rtlaUves are iflgp- parently, or evidently on the brink'of the |rave, to rescue, them from the same»you are at liberty to pub- lish the above, I am respectfully &c. JAMES H. STYLES, Rhinebeck, (JV. V.) JVb». 8, IS26v This is to certify that the subscriber was brought very low by spitting blood, attended with a cough and catarrh, and that nothing afforded me real relief un- trllcpmmence^ taking Andersouisi tio'ugh Orop»» the use of which,>vas; Mi mean; i>the hantfl;f (?od v of % storing.meragatebva^omfgrtahtp state of^^health. ,; And Ido further certiry^ tba^tbJ. jf|%of ^fr ? NathaA Huntington, living in the same place was aj^fcted wiut a very bad cough for a hmber "dfyears^ and that in -1.82$* she was reduced 'so lorf'that it wls'thoughtshe must sooh be in her grave, as she was scarcely able to 1 walk from her bed to the Ire, when she commenced [taking Anderson's Cough Drops, the use of which, in a short time so farrestored her, that she was soon able to do a good day's work. . I can Cheerfully recommend this medicine to the public * ., v ^•^ Pmm JIIDSON* Pastor , of the Church in Ashford, Gonttecticut. Mfori, Sept. 251824.' : ' (£^*This excellent medicine is for Sale by DivWILLIABI EtCtRTSEN. Geneva, -Dec* 20,'ifi2§. * 5ri:&m mosf^hjaWe East India Medicine for the cure _ _ ofthetthe^ t , I x i a c t of a letter from the Rev* James English, dated ¥fenial, to his friend Dp. F t BedwelI,irrLond6n. .. -«.«%eaf Suv*.Agreeably to your request I hav^o-: cured and now send you by the ship Jawn, PaF-; Robertson, a few pounds of the poladetphis, or what generally goes by the name of India Extract,.AW*** cine universally esteemed among the people of India, for thecureofRheumatiBm. Were ttoinformyouoT the number of people who are daily relieved and cured bV this valuable remedy, it- would require^n oretjme tharii am able to bestow. Indeed, the effei t of this Medicine is so immediate that in Bheumawmyoa would in some cases suppose it acted a j M ^ f e n| * charm in removing that painful disease, ThB^ittjcui- ,tv. howeve.r, in procuring the Extract, wilUfor many years retard its great circulation Itbeinlobtamed from a Shriib growing on of the mountains df Tibet, m the Empire of India, and held in so much repute by the Natives that to part with it is like pftrtiog wm eir existence, the usual mode of taking H »s in the form of PILLS- I shall use all my endeavoi' you a constant supply. ' ' ',. Since the proprietor has received the above Medir- cWchehas put it up into Boxes made for the purpose, containing 6ft.PiUBv.with a bill of directions and at;er^ tificate ofl^sbeing Genuine, signed in his own hand writing; attdin arjdfer to show its vast importance, has thought proper toMfemit for public inspection, a few, out Of a vast number, of Certificates, from people who have been cured in Europe and America. J, ssapii-i'ilai,. a*^*:. Propose!. e6n|)ntting, the J^ea#n# lishmeot ht another year from Iq'e first of neJRt, at the rooiro in rear of his Booistore, where itbas heen kept for the two past J 6 ^ 8 * ^f^ ded #0 annual subscribers are obtained aj #*•}- In again issuing proposals for t h e continuance of tkU establishment, th© proprietor cannot re- frain from tendering to the citizens of Geneva his acknowledgments for the liberal support at- forded to this institution since its CorniMpnce- roent: and while its utility is generally admit- ted, he flatters hirhself that their s^sPnptions will not this year be Withheld, Every exertion willlJe made by. the proprietor to rendefthe Reading Room..nri&fe resort as shall be both pleading and profitable. Geneva, April 25. $lmb9criptiQri%0pei is open at the Bookstore-. ' E . P . BBWAMIN has 3\ist arri- ved frorn New^Yotk with an entire New Stock ofrf^pplds, which he is ndw ppteni»|'!it^he bric.ki'Sto>e," cor- ner of Seneca, and Water 1 streets, consisting of a complete ^sortaftent, oft Stapje and Fancy Anipug which are many new and fashionable articles. . Also, an Ejitensive assorinient of Crflipkery and Groceries comprising a variety of CHCIGE 'WINE'S,^ I4^0J?A,> .• .MOLASSES, T#B4C<p'0,;^qtARS, Letter to Dr. Bedwell, dated Liverpool, ...-•'. Jfanuary 7th, 1823. J?ear Doctop--»l have been vioiejatly. affected with a Rhbmatic coropiaiftt^for tnany years 5 even my fingers were so contracted I qould neither dress nor undress myself, or give the least assistance to v iny family. I have only used two boxes of the Extract, arid I am pe,6SujtesKKd - •: ,V!%&ttiHi». toBdon,'April 19th, 1824; Doctor Bedwell, DearSir, v J beg leave to. inform^ you that I have been for these several months so affect- ed with such violent pains iftjmyfcips*thighs and legs/ and swelliug of the joints, tb^tjl could hotrest day nor night'; nothing that was applied gave ariy relief, until a .neighbor of mine informed nie of the India Extract having performed many cures, j I sent for $ box, which' g^vewdhderful relief, and by using twbboxes and a half, I.am as well as ever 1'wais in my life, - > Yourtfb'tVservant, \- ."'. .•'.• •.•••• .j/«|pss*SB; . From fobiasJennin, Steward o£ : St.: ( Th#as, ^oipi* c tftl. •'•• . • 1 JLoadOhj Febr|arj 10th, I8f3. •„, DeaiJSir, :iihjp|i*fcmy.dtf^^4 rfwto ^»^ taC "- ter. trying every remedy pointed: out. by the roost~res- pectable physicians for the relief of myt^nr without any success, who you know,, has for many years beep laboring under severe Rheumatism, Rheumatic G<iut, ,r^ Fever*1tc, I made trial of the India T&jtracta?c1?#- P ms - ... N E W • ARRI¥AL OF tOOHB, •-. -March iSi'tm- ••" -> :•: ;^-$iiif^:^,,. ;. ; ' A S just «eceived,from H ^ V o r t o h e follow. U ig^^toahJ^^4iSr-some of wlji^h are. just, frorn the presjJ.^T NEW SCHOd^BCOKS Worcester's Elemetits of H % r y witli^storir cal charts^-new and highly recommended Worcester's Elements of Geography: An>- ciept an4ftdodern*with aKatlass—-new \ •%, Cardell's Elements of English Gramniar. I^evizack^s French Grammar Morse's . large 0eogr*phy, standard am miscellaneous ' % ' Horn's ItitrOduetioh to the Bible—4 vols. - Dick's Christian Philosopher Good's Book of Nature, 2 vols. ;. Gregory's Letters to «a friend on the Eviden- ces; Doctrines and Duties, ofthe Christian Reli- gion,. 2 vols. Dr. Alexander on the canonofOldandNew Testaments. Dr. Alexander on the eyi,de nc ^ s ^A the'Chns- tiari Religion. Pfew England pemoria].. Tales by the CPHara FaniiJy, 2d series; cohi- prisitig Nowtan's, and PeteJ of the Castle, 2 Paul Jbries, a Ronlance; The Young Rifleman's Conrrade. 'RoniVirr flVe I9th Ceiltury;-2 vols, ' Atitwick^stlefwfth" other p The,in|a¥t:t3nts^.o(0en f ev»^& yioinity are. respectfully, j^ted tp caltaridiexaTriifte his Goddis., fifiy ,\vere* ^ILpurch^sed aLthepres- erft rkdusced pr/ices in rf|v?-%or^ and^wiA be oner^d |ot0asfi or frpftupe at Ipast as pheap if no^TfeafeNhari was ever sold ift,this place. Genm, JM%, 81,1 a26., : -^1, GENUINE OLD S.-PHlIiLtPS gr^tefuliy a^khowledgfisthepa. trohage he'' has receiyey since he' opened the JSptxilA KofjEiif twp doors north of ihe Frank- linHouse* <J'en'ei J a,aBdi*he take's this opportu- nity tp inform Travelers, Sleighing Parties and others, that they ca*rj be enteitaineiTat,the above establishmerjt in first rate style, and charges mo>- derate, Nb'pains 0* expehse have beelnispared to make the" S^SE^A ffo*kx drie ;6f;the most conifar'tabte housejs ''irj,theCStaie:./-"Stages' call •with r or take passepgers frohijthis.h^se to any pari of the'0nio,n. ( jgnr^d\ | i | b l i n g , arid careful HOstlers always in,a%«^te^e t ,... . Just received, a ,flW Ot^^M real blue pointers—afep,' Qot'dfak, |tC. Mp^... *• ' ., •-$.AB^L ( BTOI/IP.S. Geneva, January %%<%%%% " ":•':'' .' •*> ttXtSkkV&%. CASJi : lf M ^ , " poems, JTie^oetllte'of: Mce;«!t S t a t e d t witb an ex- •*''*'• w ' ' A the'"^elu'bfl^^ether a wan may ah^a|io(h^ r .,.. .. , v ,„ .... ntafr^:his':deceased wife ? s^tpr, T i]ft a letter to a 0fferMhan of the Presbyterian Church, by Do- mesli%.: ; ;'" ••..';". : Ririfarksljih the tetter of iDomesticus by Ve '; al#it#asrn(i(dic asthhia it is singularly; effica t cicmisi ; §^A ! particular attention tp the direOr 'tiprisfor ! using is flecessary. \Eaeh hoitle"eon- taitistibottt50fasfe#. '•: PrtPe m* ' It wilf be seen .by reference to the direction paper.'thatjiirs. Borr.Pos^ Sumner, and Deait, SllpftheMd town of Cambridge, \% Y.) have •'"'•' WESTS^.PATEWT This f Sfachine reqoniaiends;ij.5felfv{b public favor by the ^advantages which it affords in that laboriousand expensive^part of* household duties^cleadingiclothes. | t washes them thdronghiyi and in much less time than usual; and canbe.workea with ekse by a.child 12 years. old« i ?he rubbing of the clotjifes, sn,d the conse- quent- wearj,wh|cjiy& a subjectMno general aBd, jugt compiaiht, is prevented |.ah"d the waste of soapav'M- ded TJiey-are already in Useinmany df the mostr§s-* pectable famllieB in this sectioh^Hhe country{Jpany of whom referehce is igiyen for their opinion of its val- ue. A recommendation o^f some of them is subjoined. " T h e subscribers having,for some months used West's Patent WalhlnfMchihei expre'si' their entire satisfaction with' it, a i d i n g much labor and time, and preventing wear of flothe? and waste of soap •:; and think;»* tvill heaveryessehtial benefit ip anyfam*, ijy in which it shall 4e used. $hey recommend it as. being decidedly superior to ainy which have been be* fore. prffienfedtothephhlic.V ingtoyo^r instructions, and I am rejoiced to %% it has prote^aiperfect cure. , •' •' ItjexTEES. *o mt. AGEIT* IN" AMEHICA, Richmohd, : May?d,- T824. jSear Sir, It becomes me at litis time, to express to God my gratitude for themeans he has hiade use of, in restoring mjf lost healthj by the use of a^medicine call- ed, Poladelphis -or lttdia,. ; E3!ti!aet* vFor'the Jast five yeari ihavebeen sogrjevously apoted with^Rheuma- tism, that l have at timjBs .almoi|t wM?d for .ueuth to relieve me from my su^erujg* j ^eeinfethis medicine advertised, I sent for a bojcj jind I tftdectiar^ that sfi)cci T h e subscriber Bas just: received fr&fe Ne^v- York an elegant assprtrtient pf Chinte;Calicoes and Prints of the j'atest' irnportatiphs, all of which-are splendid patterns, and very .cheap. Also, an assortment pf fo 4 ees,',Mtt5li.nsj Ifand- kfcrehiefs, &c. &e. Bes'will soPn repeive his entire stock of Spririg Goods, all of* which he will sell cheaper than ever. 1 " , i- ••>•.•"•'-.,• '••.,'. v .N.-AYHAtJ:ET. Geneva:,'April 17,1827. : u : . " ' . *m I have begun to useitlhaVe.neverfeKVpain^a'ndah*." sure that' by contmuihg fo'uie it for aj short^mje, I, shall again enjoy my usual health, and be able id m^ port my family, as theretofore.* Enclosed 1 send yob threedoliarsfor two jboxes, ; which yim wili-jpl'eqBe te» .pack»p carefullyj and Mr. IBwtfeyiviHSring ittfme : -; ^ojiMay tell the. woriiitii.my'opinion, 1 that theifeola.^- delphis is the only medicinein- theworld, tjthat.ivili cure f the Rheumatisms i y ., Wi|h joy. a^d^ladness, v , ; Fo.ur's,.fofc ) ey.er; Ws?,.G,; The Argurjierif ofDprnesticus, by Clericus.* " tetter dri'the tJsp and Abusfc olf Incorpdra- tion|V addressed to the Del^gatioti from the ci^' ofNFewYork, . •"••.'•• Elements of the Game of Chess, or a hew me- thod of instruction in. that celebrated Game-— foQiided on Scientiric - principles, by Wiljiam Lewis.' .... '•..-•'• The Rivals of .Acadia, or an old story of the; New- World. , -' ' . ,- ; " -•. The Golden Violet, w||h its f'ales of llp- marice and* Chivalry, and Other Poems.. Memoirs "of Mrs, HuptitJgtoD, of Boston!, Mass. byRey. Beti>.B. |v*isnert - '• ' : ; Lerripriere*s.^Classieal,0ictiopary- iN EQUrTt 7th CIECUIT; . ; *Ebr te» |e|r8i I *?as; afflio|e(|iwith a i0haiy\)Bpn1lp;iairit5 my cdugh'?v^as severe, My-: appetite w'e$^* arid ray Strength failingi I r u s e a ^ n l p ' c p l a r rjiedifeinis, but only ffitttid tenSpbraify' 'rfeli^'tihtirhy; a coritinued #e # jbu^'Vd'uau1e ; 'dr#Sj-.| havi .beexi 'bldssed'with such perTect h e a W as to r'ehde'r means tinner .cfes%a&;" r: 'V ;v 'EBEm : ZERVtt'AERIS.- .' . i^fei*- Jan.; li.- : 1§2^ * ' * ' •'*• \ •;'••. . ; :f^ % :f^-m.M0s-m0^^ "•". • • • -A *'lJ^^Cr 1 diy^1bIe|ardt% ail do the health o(til^uliiltedi Jvfeel %hsp)pe4>t0(Speak of the beiiinif wjjicfchi^aniijyjha^e derived froir^ the use^^&Mc^t'sCough^ropi*,.^ •;. For tlrfe'e yesirs; prfcvipus;tp - l ^ , , 4 a y -wire, hadrepeatgd^&,^#0e-oltog^t4ijp4M9@S* withi pain in the Sidej;«ind09 bejngififpriried: by her- physiOtan, that a seated co^sumpMdu would^e tlip result, tiriless! Ipimediately arres^d,*jpio4 . cured a bottle.ef, t$| ( above droops, •tvhjicri.yhafe, efrectuaily r^f«e$,|iet/to healthl.' ' •>•,';'.'. ; t also had' O t % ^ u g h t e r i who wassp^ejly" afflicted witir#S^^^^ cartfe pale 'arid erW|ciafldi "and .so dHtressibg' were the'fifSr t)i*| th& wife siifferer appeared many times - ^ rifia^y'iaffocaten*.'' ifany things, were tried witlioul' eifeet, "till we. made use, pf^ iisi Melt's cbughTdtops; aec^nflpanief with the; syrup; and as I^rjelie^e:, i t ' w ^ ' t h e jfrieans Wes- ^ed"fo*herre6P>ery. Severatnipnthshaifepass-. fdv d u # g ^iHch.she^ Wi had b^t^ue paroxysm,, hi which cask the same means were, used with' e^iralisiiccess. •• " '•.,'". '•'..•*'•':' r ^c|n'further stater that my brother, Jaines It^eli' lifas^in the*yearXl824; lor several rjiontlis «0h1!##iEtv ? c'dnsidei'able' jiart pf th^ time with tfeaifhteaj-'attea'd^d^^^ ,ebugh/difficulty Of hreitlinlf ' k $ 'M&&M^morf thanintheday ( tiin4^ : f^s'otVeh-#dfe^^^ appteheit!ious#^ so that he woftrd r *ti&hAprd%ffbed to.thedoor for/cold •air.* v #he'|fiyc } tlfee;ff^n eminent pfe^sibian was unavailing; arid• he tefS ^t length Induced to malte fise Of I^aM6tt%CPllgh*drpps , ; which'have been so saldtary that h© has far*six months past einjovedgoM health. JDHlN^BEED* •-. Ftepaved by A. Cn^s»t,soJe proprietor^ . Catnhridge, New-YorK, whose signature will be aflSxed in; his own hand^w^ting to each bill olf , directions. Be particular that each bPltle Is Ifnyeloped ivr a stereo or check label, tvhieh if f StVflifek on th(s ssine bill with the directions' »r s a ! e % Dr. Wm. Hortseiv, Geneva. Mr. aftby.• Waterloo. Mi. Watswprth, Ovid* 4; Jotikma (fray, Administrator of 4-c of tthomas Gray, dweas^d., John Dey (mdjPhebe Ms wife, ' ^jEG\ANT:0H3HSfA. p&&. Si|TTS,,'.. ;• M'the Gdneva€a$fcStore, * lijst received and J0r>sate at3^ew«York.prices. " v ; .. '•' f^'DEZENFG^HA^L.'' •December li, 1826. \ "',... inthe CJnitedStates,tOWspW^ tfi Stvalttable^me|li-. ci^ called the Folao^pBr^h^Extf'Mt, withfutt^ power^0 flppoint l agent^^he*e# fc ^ay:*hittkp%er.;l and}a» the great demiattd^aymd^^^ ,sbn'*'<*fabricate fte taedjieiffe^theinjury Jofih| ; pu;b-7 lic,I,h»Te thoughtpropprto«accoinpan^thNertificate wg;^4?to wyvowniij^ji^ritto^,^^^^^^^ &P Ai " ions; Hf. B#|gh1, $& H. Bogert; Wm. Sv Oe Zengr lames Rees^ B. McBphald,'' IJohn Sweepey, JDaVid COiPk, N. Ayrault, •.. S'. Hemeriway, ArtemEis Stohe,; •;:' p,$.«Bkaatsi. .. ' R..Rumney,' \ William Arisley,'"^e»tecn%; - •'•- J0. Masten, Penn-ltHni' , James D, Bemis 1 , J. A^ Stevens, J. ^an Rensselaer, iS. C, Ward, - . ; Chaiincey Morse, S.Whittelse^j' l l i e subscriber hgvini^urchased the ejrclusiyeJriight' of the above" lv|achine:fo>'Jke«6unfie8 6f phfarib, Fates, % u b e 1 r . ^ i o i a , ^ l ^ a ^ y , iB^ttaraugusVGhau-. Uaqk&i jErlei;*a^d'**ia^% will dispose of v the : rights orcounties^oivntoh'f^ , ; He con«$n% iS»^^ these Machines at 'his:'^abioeit Shdp in Maih»street, nearly lopfedsitfthelioteliCleheVaf. Afty person caa have the low hll *ou|id;^ach boxj ;and]||c*i> ^^^^^^p^W^i at my office, M^a^reekstifcoria^if, .„ir*: ," :^ ^*\v-&#&0ty$ifa ftfH'he S u b s e r i h e r i s appoirttfed^ ^ | e p t f o r i the aijfpve valuableV M?dicicfe,^h)ch;may M had, at his^ruggistMi»Weh^h;, -Mfa *1- Mf Christian Calendar [tyMctfysiasticai I&gister, : i*or tfle year"6f >ur Lord From theCreatidtt of the-world 58S1, just re-r eeived and for sale tit the^Bpok Stojre of -:•:'>•'-:-'- y- ' ••••.'.'.! '', ••J^SMJTRV.Jr,-' .' >Feh/ 14y 1827. ' ':"; :;••.-.• .'•••••.•• •»'•••.-• ance^of a decVejtal order ^pf th,4 CoDRT of Ejq|iDj'jry, of the^iheircuit, ntadelrt the a- bpve causes wilt lieUold under tji^iiSheotiph of the subscriber, at public auction, atthe "Geneva Hotel,kept by SifasHe%enwayj fethe'vHlage of Geneya, on Saturday "the Bothday of Ji*ne next, at 10o'dock in the fpreudon of \%it d^y-r— All that certairt tract or pa'*ce|- o| .'I&rjd/.a'iid. premises, Situate, lying and; bp,ipg io the' old township of BebeQa,.(teiflgno\f$ajrtly.i'n the counties of Ontario aiid Yates t ) and butted and hounded as follows.: Beginnipg at apo£t-siand- ingon the north hank of* Cpshopg.^r ; ,eek, the said'post being a ,*coirtier, ,o^.Iand.''Nlphgirig to Sanies Barnes-; thencfe east twepiy>live»phains r toa post; |h'eqce south twer>^r^e.fc^^ ing the Coshorii creek jto a^pciSt ? ^liericB west twetity-'fivechains, to a.post 4 ( thepce north twen- ty crj'ains, crossing t^eGos^png ereelf, t^> a post, the place pf^ land,''hein",g:the s^rne^p^ileippwrprlately occu- pied Ijy .the" said^ete,? |. 3ft e Ivfe?iPlaku>- 4Seflew» AiJBURNF-'-STATE-P'RISON,. WARE.. ;>"'•''•'-••- -••; ^osTH-ateJEiVEft^Tlf-'-''" "• •••: ^ A Y R A U L T ' S C A S H S T O R E , -' A large assortrheftt of Wooden Ware, manufac- Pots," & & ^ c . # g l a r i t l y finished* and pained, 'Whiett'heis^eHiagveJylov?/.':'"' \ '"' :' : Gerteya,#Iarcjh,;l'827;';- . ._.':• : - .s'ittessl CAST - Uf. : 'i.''.<*•••' £&, d^'L*.: Imls^of good mat?ria1s,* a||i#ell'made. Airy article •msiae to-order oh short u6'tic%^;>lBfl,mbfet and Jdaoat kinds of Produce taken in e^^hlg^foTf.ith^ above, :'. ; . '.>. •'•:••• :./-'.,- : WM.?SBT^ON 1 , JR. Geneva, Nov.!; f826. . •/ ^'§»%,' H O R S E , •.-..;. ^ Will stand this iselson M P^h^fo1ljpwipgokcK^om J mencing ftitn -May aW tehdin'g lOth|Puly:—> Mondays/and*Tues-dafs, at'Thd's ; Bfehis|afe%, oh the turnpike, 4«rjles^west ^ G e n ^ t ^ W e i d ^ heydays and Thursdays-till 1 i ^ e i p c k l ^ ' M ^ t Church's^stable, itfOatfafldaigua; Thiiflstayafo ternoons at GuJley's stablej in Manehester 5 and on Fridays and Saturdays at the stable of the" subscriber in Vienna. -Terms v&ty liher'sfl, and inadejjnowrt jor^ application: iai-''6ithe'i('-6|;'iHil'i stands*. Mpst; kinds Qj[rg|ajh ta^n'in ;pafj^em£ if delivered by the first pi January, a;t thfcj|fgtts| pf ;tjhe subscriber. Nptes' #l| be ; *e ! ^ujiiid.p| customers at the end of the .season./; Jfhpse' s wishirig.to send from^ a distance can-be S£d^ 14 modated with pasture at JDensmore's,' or.at,lhe sh^scribers; and good care and attention wit) be paicl. Accidents at the risk of owners. BIJROC is a 4sit% spriel, 16 hands hig^ fteli ; proportioned, and for; Strength of bone and cord ? and actiort, is.nqfctsjscelled by ariy, horse in:|bis country. TJe was' sired by tlie ripted hors^'fWi* rpfc, arid is'h^lf brother to the celebrated horse Mblipse. H\&,rTa"m was sired by f)unpah|iorp, ,and;,lJuricarmbM was sired; by the noted bjorse f I6rikel,'one'of the first for the turf, ' _.-. . •:-.'• .'-.• .'••". JfOEtSTEARNSiJr: S76ii2n| ' F&tifai(PhetysdM$«, 18^7, ^92:4w In thk'-p^i^i-.'^'.fM^^ii^n^i^ firanklirl House, 'of' i kind op^Wti invention,;, whiph have beeniohfclHedand highly: apJ4p«6a pfin; ^,;«k introdu:p1%"h&v tbihf §,»#. ptpj •PLO0#iSbf allthe^pT'M^i have come into general tisfe^airo'f the best ma* ferials. All the Plp|ghClolil;|y^?tM subscriber will be aetuaiiy^rhadert to purchasers ^ipti? ? f e ^Oubf^vttotVhut their good judgement wiji dply appreciate i. -, #d?he trusts thatfrqm jhirlpngexperieucfe, ; ifa't% ; Huii- STORE. . . J[ust^ecei«edj ah elegaiit^ssprtlment<if Ma- xjno*.-Gashjnaexej Super-CJaSsimere, and other fashionable Sha^Isy,adapted to the season* V , /'•'•-• •';'• ->-• /-'1Dfe•^G : ^;HAIii;^ , ' :®eGe'tobei-i2, v 182&i" '-.;-'•-/ ••"«' . .«-ui-u—•,.,..•'-,. -; r ; ..rrf,?,,;.,,,?^ -^T,,-—^—L—•„..^ l „a, ^•;... AWMlt^S ^ASHr;S(T ; ORE. ; ./' J 'Just>ecteiWd ; "|ihd : 'fpt^^^ 1 Bal6Brussels Carpefihg, ..- , 1 Bale ScotchCarpethig, of elegajit patterns. Also alkrge assortment of Hearth Rugs. •Geiteva, ,Oct; 'Sl,,i82^ ',. -' -> . J-S^.' .invited to call,. The subscribe^, w p l d Msp;)nfbrm Mechanics wishing to erigftge ^ ^^^^- t»..^«°« *&& 1iu ^iif-z propef Y! •4i< he'ifanagehtMdgrthfWOili^ .., t ,.. . Vhi6h, together\#l#>hlE ) ow1* irilrbvenien^ Comprising, -all :^ : ^^^^*^^^^^^ forms of construdi "'Ssti>.' C, Bo,Tj.$jt, $ol}t\ ffislfattn^HMcery.- ^;^p6w, .•"":•>'•-'•..•''••'• ; •'-'.. - ^ V ^ ^ l ^ H ' ' . - ' . - 11 '- 1 ' . BE^A't^T' 'ha*ihg^ie«l^|S^the ^ay- merit of the nooheys WS^S^fJ^pii'ji^^pft^ g3gi|, executed'. hy;J/osej^-lB^ep.^t.'-^«fer BnHeh to J^P^#Mle^'%e.arirr|^a^^^^^^ day of :P^^^W4^M^^^>^ thousand teight hundred ^rid:^ver>t$erj, tuppn M|il^that certain tract or p%ei ofi#nd,;4t«ate iti^^the-gore, betweep the'old ahdiheM pte-imp- by the south fine of ^ai# M ruXrhb%^hlriy and the Scoy iMd;, (so ctlle^f w|st% ^ ^ > be run^parallel- ^ ^ i M ' i M w ^ w « ^ ^ ' ) i i i « f » ia'fid at Sucih%«ista^ee#6ffl;said lifeeV to <s|ri,taitt fif- 'ty^at^Psfbi^anu: •^**^f**»-••&'- , .«.«K-a .*..^-.'«.» ~t lahdalHiiatlies •n(.l,"r'''.'.iii(i"j T^ftE*;'stfbsoSiber r win % |>ay C a s h -for' ©1(),v00; busps ofgcuid vm^rehantableWHEATr 'deliv- 5 eredatfPaihe'S#Hlsi4eneeaFalls; RvG. $tiy- ierfc <3o'.?s Mill, Vienna| or at the above store,? :in-,Ge*ev,aV -Also, '^or \ RYE, '©'ORNf, - anil i&gi^v' >/ ;.-•-'i ,v 'N. mteWW?.>>>'- •^TTRtj^E%^iSRATEJD:';;...-: RHEUMATIC OINTMENTS, ^ r.'the^ure ot R^erimaiiisJaV ;Gp%:S'eiatica, and I»«iihbagd.' i t f e e ^iavcfri 4 t9|^'fe twoittl^. F>th^re:'-6-f^ location, 'puiS6s* t arid' f^m^mti!m^T : Price ^fi'cehts,, WUh^irectibris^' &%**$&. 4, at:»oct f ia^#»B',* m^m^m, CARTEgS',Mn,streevGe#^''.. •"' Geneva, Jufo W*- •<*'*•*:•.• - For Boots, JSIitfes,* .and all ; khjd^ of.;Wa.qjied, teather, particul^riyJtadies* Merocco. Shoe?, whidh need n o preparation* In each G|as^ Bot-/ f tie v is > »sp»h'ge attac,fiedtothecprfc, *ptvnidh' it is applied without brushing; arid will not %«b .0. 5 vmBsMimgs. 'mn ^kh^ottwgim is pilsaged,wSth a view t<re^ite^ttenti,bn to the ^^iiGbsfcfpsiag;:' ' -•';••''•..••;•,'"- .,;. • i^S^EARGEBOT^Mf'Ibr^ -Shoe ^Makers. , To he used: witKa^Be ground $h f'orsal^iuteltya.by . 6' '••i "#t« tfata-esfbWan^iheludi«g;ih"said aulxitityof h 6 r t h p f % i a ? S ^ S « feeing r «, rrwfY . ,w. iibrrrbeHWeh^li^ih^h^^^^^ *o«ftdaries'^^i|^feTpiiBg.- ^tt^ %!Piaiaf E Wfelses^ such ^aits. •aK :; nave^beW%%yfed ; W0o^eph :h'rid-Chester •Wh&^Mffl$fc*$Mk$&.' Mommhfafwehmy ||^^a;C;h|'liifue of ia po#er eoht«in#1n srtd^Mof$i^' r a%d|'in t»enty-sixth^*day~^J«o^mb^^x^;altnme^ .o^cjoek in the. by 'e'df,' aART^N^of^rcMiffiirtthe' fcouftty of W4yri# ««• the ; # e o t y aijrith 'Mt&mr •*embe««ightfte^hutidred-ind^w^^ gaged 1 - to MifrdMlt P. 6NtM|ejr M$ jfamuir: *©^n^, "aMthat eertaih^piece^^ in MauchesteW Ohtarii); ' C o u ^ ^ ^ l ^ i n f ' e a W , part Of lot nuttiber pn^ hittidifei;|p^wln^one». range, a| bohndedl as follows %| acres of land withlii thei|l|uBili^ady given, ancf said J i n e ' M o secuVe |, liiJn of money he has- failed to payrr#i6ft:inb«gage has been duly assigned to tb©-siaSiSc ! «'it)ei, Therefore,^pursu^ mm a power ^nltajhlif in said.mortgage and 1 of,the .statute,!PubtSis Mtice ts Mntygiven, That said: m#tgaged premises with the appur- tenances, will be j sold at public auction, on the tenth daytffNovember next, at ten o'clock it* the foreriooh,i at Stearns* tavern in Vienna.*-* i-. 4 P*J6«I. •v.. -A %

R'^s fenyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031213/1827-06... · 28tli, Russian Tales. 29th, A few copies pf that. Elegant little work .' the.Atlantic Souvenir^ \ J. SMITH* 1R. LAMOTT'8

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Page 1: R'^s fenyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031213/1827-06... · 28tli, Russian Tales. 29th, A few copies pf that. Elegant little work .' the.Atlantic Souvenir^ \ J. SMITH* 1R. LAMOTT'8


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A -

. , • • • , A T ' T B J B ;

1st. Home's introduction tQ the Critical Study and Knowledge pf the Holy Scriptures, 4 vols, octavo. ' . ' • ' ' . ' . . ' "' /

2d. The complete works of the late R e v . An drew Fuljer following, acceptation-. Vol .2 . The Calv^riisti$ and Socihian Sys­tems examined and compared—fetters to Mr. t i d i e r on the doctrine of Universal Sal­vation, Vol. 8, t h e gpsjpeljftf'own Wit­ness, in answer to P a i n e a h $ I pthers*T-Au apology for Christian Missions to India---JStrictures'on Sandemaniamsm. Vol. 4, Dia-;

/;ldgoe«,i^ettej&-a^d'^w?^Sj]S6'c.. Vol. 5> E x ­pository Discourses on the BqPk of Genesis. Vol .6 , Expository Discourses on the Apoca­lypse—Memoirs of the late Rev Samuel, Pearse. Vol. % Sermpns on various sub­jects. Vol,. » contains Magazine Pape r s^ -Sketches4 of Sermons, IDetters, Tracts, &e.

3d, Dwight*$ Travels in New-Ehgland. and N e w p o r t , 4 vols, octavo*

;5th, Bwight's Theology, 4 vols, new edition. " ^fh, Faber's DiflScBlties of Infidel^y*

6th» BickV Christian Philosopher, f th, Ife^jon Pilgrims Triumph. 8tH|, ^unter's.SacredBiography1. 4 Vols . J ' t ^ T h ' e ^ o ^ A g e s . o f l j i f e , by the Count de ijm, MpsHis tQfyof tbeCnisades* [Segur.

• ! j | ^ $**•.•% d.o.8 .,* ' ChkaltyV -' • ", • ik$»'-T$Wfi Tfeird Voyage o f Discovery. 13tfij Bramhlet |e Hou$ei 8 vqis. - •• * t4tht Diary pfain Ermuyee. - [Buonaparte, i ^ h , Maitland's Narrative of the Surrender of 16th. SattdQvafeprthe JPreenxason* % vols 17th^t.esliefiiftkfteld, &vois„ ' . ••' v « ,18tb, Morningi<atBow-street, 10th, Rutledge's If istory. of # e Cburctr&f Eng­

land, from the earliest:period to the present - ' time, , : : ,- .' ' '•. -'• 20th,-flobart?s Fasts and Festivals, 21st, ChristiantMatpal, 22d, Miss Tritnner's Catechism. 2Sd, TWrtynfeee Village, Sermon's* by the

ne.4-t. • Ti.iAAit: fliiinetiniic itnntl rhl>

POLAMLPHIS, f » ^ - .

,E< public gterespeetfiilly inforrfved that Ander-scats Cough Dropsy Pectoral Powders have from;

_.„ extensive ;use for. eight years past* pcoyed them­selves to b» mfof the moat valuable remedies ever yet disejiyereft-^ the curt of qoug% eoldSj apd other, afectfplsuof, the bre?i$t and l«ngs '\wm& M Coft^infeUotts. IPhousaods have experienced the «a|^ pv»e:|ects-"of this Healing Balsam, and many of the highestreBpectability have voluntarily given certificate? gonie of wfiich will accompany each .bottler that will

which other medicine had produced no favorable e fects,and where the most skillful Physicians had giv­en them up as hopeless. It is hflt pretended that tttey are.'.an infallible cure*inall cases; but of such as are

25 t l , ^dd ' sQi ie s t ipHS upon the EWdences. of '.Chjfistianjity..; : •.; ' ' . . • / ...

26th, bishop Hohart's new Church Catechisrri, 27thi AuMeroentary course pjf Biblical Theo­

logy, translated from the works of Professors Starr arid Flatt , with additions by S. S . Scliniucker, A. M. ,'••.'••

28tli, Russian Tales. 29th, A few copies pf that . Elegant little work . ' the.Atlantic Souvenir^ \ J . SMITH* 1R.

L A M O T T ' 8

, ^ |0»<|0^ 'bott les ,pf this Elixir are now put­t ing up V ^ t it 4s not offered t o the public as

,i infaliihlei <mk* rival «d» every thing else, tho* ^•|®^^%lv1tttf65s'flrhjic>; render it peculiarly Adapted to theipreserjVprefailihg disorders of vtbe breastaM'iurj|5ff <}&'£$&£, t o d6nsuraptibn>

- A\t imely^se, | f the,se'fropkrhay be considered asiavcferfain'-cw of'corniinPn

^ c p j ^ coughs*^jnfiHen^ ^btfpihg-cPUgh, pain in the sidej d r m M ^ ? # ^ a t h i n & w^ht of sleep

are an ..,.„..r— , • - • - . . . ., incnrable, there are but few but will be greatly re­lieved by theuse of them. Scarcely acaae of Colds, .Coughs, Eaitfintbe sidCi difficulty of breatning, want of sleep arising from debility, or even seated*onsuo,p-tiong, bat iinay be relieved by a timely use of the Heal­ing Balsam. Eacjj Dolfar Bottle of this med»eipe contains about 40' dflfes, which proves themji cheap medicine considering their value.

mW C E R T I F I C A T E S . JDa-. Mellen, Sir : The cause, of humanity demands

ofme to give you the following statement.: My wife had fir six yeare been in a decline, and pronounced by her physiciana'to be in a consumptive statej and was attended by a severe pain in her side,:with a cpugh and difficulty of breathing. She %va? reduced so low as to be unable to get from her bed to the fire with­out aid. All hopes of her recovery hadlong been giv­en unr In this situation^ 1 was prevailed upon, as a last possible resort, yet without any hopes of success, to make use of *< Anderson's -Cftogb Drops*0 She commenced theu'so of them in February last, and after using two bottles,' to the astonishment of all', int the .month of May following, the bealtb,of my wife was entirely restored, and since which, her_ health, and strength were perhaps n;ever better, ^e l ingadeep interest that theMbiicCin general may resor.^ to the same rpmedy, when their friends or rtlaUves are iflgp-parently, or evidently on the brink'of the |rave, to rescue, them from the same»you are at liberty to pub­lish the above,

I am respectfully &c. J A M E S H . S T Y L E S ,

Rhinebeck, (JV. V.) JVb». 8, IS26v This is to certify that the subscriber was brought

very low by spitting blood, attended with a cough and catarrh, and that nothing afforded me real relief un-trllcpmmence^ taking Andersouisi tio'ugh Orop»» the use of which,>vas; Mi mean; i>the hantfl;f (?odvof % storing.meragatebva^omfgrtahtp state of ^health. ,;

And Ido further certiry^ tba^tbJ. jf|%of ^fr? NathaA Huntington, living in the same place was aj fcted wiut a very bad cough for a hmber "df years^ and that in -1.82$* she was reduced 'so lorf'that it wls'thoughtshe must sooh be in her grave, as she was scarcely able to

1 walk from her bed to the Ire, when she commenced [taking Anderson's Cough Drops, the use of which, in

a short time so farrestored her, that she was soon able to do a good day's work. . I can Cheerfully recommend this medicine to the public * ., v

^ • ^ Pmm J I IDSON* Pastor , of the Church in Ashford, Gonttecticut.

Mfori, Sept. 251824.' : ' (£^*This excellent medicine is for Sale by

D i v W I L L I A B I EtCtRTSEN. Geneva, -Dec* 20,'ifi2§. * 5ri:&m

mosf^hjaWe East India Medicine for the cure _ _ o f t h e t t h e ^ t , I x i ac t of a letter from the Rev* James English, dated ¥fenial, to his friend Dp. F t BedwelI,irrLond6n. .. -«.«%eaf Suv*.Agreeably to your request I hav^o- : cured and now send you by the ship Jawn, PaF-; Robertson, a few pounds of the poladetphis, or what generally goes by the name of India Extract,.AW*** cine universally esteemed among the people of India, for thecureofRheumatiBm. Were ttoinformyouoT the number of people who are daily relieved and cured bV this valuable remedy, it- would require^n oretjme tharii am able to bestow. Indeed, the effei t of this Medicine is so immediate that in Bheumawmyoa would in some cases suppose i t acted a j M ^ f e

n | * charm in removing that painful disease, ThB^ittjcui-,tv. howeve.r, in procuring the Extract, wilUfor many years retard its great circulation Itbeinlobtamed from a Shriib growing on of the mountains df Tibet, m the Empire of India, and held in so much repute by the Natives that to part with it is like pftrtiog wm

eir existence, t h e usual mode of taking H »s in the form of PILLS- I shall use all my endeavoi' you a constant supply. ' ' ',.

Since the proprietor has received the above Medir-cWchehas put it up into Boxes made for the purpose, containing 6ft.PiUBv.with a bill of directions and at;er^ tificate ofl^sbeing Genuine, signed in his own hand writing; attdin arjdfer to show its vast importance, has thought proper toMfemit for public inspection, a few, out Of a vast number, of Certificates, from people who have been cured in Europe and America.

J , ssapii-i'ilai,. a*^*:. Propose!. e6n|)ntting, the J ^ e a # n # lishmeot ht another year from Iq'e first of neJRt, at the rooiro in rear of his Booistore, where i tbas heen kept for the two past J 6 ^ 8 * ^f^ ded # 0 annual subscribers are obtained a j #*•}-In again issuing proposals for the continuance of tkU establishment, th© proprietor cannot re­frain from tendering to the citizens of Geneva his acknowledgments for the liberal support at-forded to this institution since its CorniMpnce-roent: and while its utility is generally admit­ted, h e flatters hirhself that their s^sPnptions will not this year be Withheld, Every exertion wil l lJe made by. the proprietor to rendefthe Reading Room..nri&fe resort as shall be both pleading and profitable. Geneva, April 25.

$lmb9criptiQri%0pei is open at the Bookstore-.

' E . P . B B W A M I N has 3\ist arri­ved frorn New^Yotk with an entire New Stock ofrf^pplds, which he is ndw ppteni»|'!it^he bric.ki'Sto>e," cor­

ner of Seneca, and Water1 streets, consisting of a complete ^sortaftent, oft Stapje and Fancy

Anipug which are many new and fashionable articles. . Also, an Ejitensive assorinient of Crflipkery and Groceries comprising a variety of

C H C I G E ' W I N E ' S , ^ I 4 ^ 0 J ? A , > .• . M O L A S S E S , T # B 4 C < p ' 0 , ; ^ q t A R S ,

Letter to Dr. Bedwell, dated Liverpool, • ...-•'. Jfanuary 7th, 1823.

J?ear Doctop--»l have been vioiejatly. affected with a Rhbmatic coropiaiftt for tnany years 5 even my fingers were so contracted I qould neither dress nor undress myself, or give the least assistance tov iny family. I have only used two boxes of the Extract, arid I am pe,6SujtesKKd- •: ,V!%&ttiHi».

toBdon,'April 19th, 1824; Doctor Bedwell, DearSir,vJ beg leave to. inform^

you that I have been for these several months so affect­ed with such violent pains iftjmy fcips* thighs and legs/ and swelliug of the joints, tb^tjl could hotrest day nor night'; nothing that was applied gave ariy relief, until a .neighbor of mine informed nie of the India Extract having performed many cures, j I sent for $ box, which' g^vewdhderful relief, and by using twbboxes and a half, I.am as well as ever 1'wais in my life,

- > Your tfb'tV servant, \- . " ' . .•'.• • . • • • • . j / « | p s s * S B ; . From fobiasJennin, Steward o£:St.:(Th#as, ^oipi* c tftl. •'•• . • 1 JLoadOhj Febr|arj 10th, I8f3. • „ ,

DeaiJSir, : i ih jp | i* fcmy.d t f^^4 r f w t o ^»^ t a C " -ter. trying every remedy pointed: out. by the roost~res-pectable physicians for the relief of myt^nr without any success, who you know,, has for many years beep laboring under severe Rheumatism, Rheumatic G<iut, , r ^ Fever*1tc, I made trial of the India T&jtracta?c1?#- Pms-

... N E W •

ARRI¥AL OF tOOHB, •-. - M a r c h i S i ' t m - ••"

-> :•: ;^-$iiif^:^,,. ;.;' A S just «eceived,from H ^ V o r t o h e follow.

U i g ^ ^ t o a h J ^ ^ 4 i S r - s o m e of wlji^h are. just, frorn the presjJ.^T

N E W S C H O d ^ B C O K S Worcester's Elemetits of H % r y witli^storir

cal charts^-new and highly recommended Worcester's Elements of Geography: An>-

ciept an4ftdodern*with aKatlass—-new \ •%, Cardell's Elements of English Gramniar. I^evizack^s French Grammar Morse's . large 0eogr*phy, standard am

miscellaneous ' % ' Horn's ItitrOduetioh to the Bible—4 vols. -Dick's Christian Philosopher Good's Book of Nature, 2 vols. ;. Gregory's Letters to «a friend on the Eviden­

ces; Doctrines and Duties, of the Christian Reli­gion,. 2 vols.

D r . Alexander on the canonofOldandNew Testaments.

Dr. Alexander on the eyi,denc^s^A the'Chns-tiari Religion.

Pfew England pemoria]. . Ta les by the CPHara FaniiJy, 2d series; cohi-

prisitig Nowtan's, and PeteJ o f the Castle, 2 P a u l Jbries, a Ronlance; T h e Young Rifleman's Conrrade.

• 'RoniVirr flVe I9th Ceiltury;-2 vols, ' Ati twick^st lefwfth" other p

The,in|a¥t:t3nts^.o(0enfev»^& yioinity are. respectfully, j ^ t e d tp caltaridiexaTriifte his Goddis., fifiy ,\vere* ^ILpurch^sed aLthepres-erft rkdusced pr/ices in rf |v?-%or^ and^wiA be oner^d |o t0as f i or frpftupe at Ipast as pheap if no^TfeafeNhari was ever sold ift,this place.

Genm, JM%, 8 1 , 1 a26., : -^1,


S . - P H l I i L t P S gr^tefuliy a^khowledgfisthepa. trohage he'' has receiyey since he' opened the

JSptxilA KofjEiif twp doors north of ihe Frank­linHouse* <J'en'eiJa,aBdi*he take's this opportu­nity tp inform Travelers , Sleighing Parties and others, that they ca*rj be enteitaineiTat,the above establishmerjt in first rate style, and charges mo>-derate, Nb'pains 0* expehse have beelnispared to make the" S ^ S E ^ A ffo*kx drie ;6f;the most conifar'tabte housejs ''irj,theCStaie:./-"Stages' call •withr or take passepgers frohijthis.h^se to any pari of the'0nio,n. (jgnr^d\ | i | b l i n g , arid careful HOstlers always in ,a%«^te^e t , . . . .

Just received, a ,flW O t ^ ^ M real blue pointers—afep,' Qot'dfak, | tC. Mp^... *• ' • . , • - $ . A B ^ L ( B T O I / I P . S .

Geneva, January %%<%%%% " ":•':'' .'


ttXtSkkV&%. CASJi:lfM^,"

poems, J T i e ^ o e t l l t e ' o f : Mce;«!t Stated twitb an ex-•*''*'• w' ' A the ' "^e lu 'bf l^^e ther a w a n may ah^a | io (h^ r .,.. „ .. ,v,„ . . . .

ntafr^:his':deceased wife?s^tpr,T i]ft a letter to a 0fferMhan of the Presbyterian Church, by Do-m e s l i % . : ; ; ' " • • . . ' ; " . :

Ririfarksljih the t e t t e r of iDomesticus by Ve

'; al#i t#asrn(i(dic asthhia it is singularly; effica t cicmisi ; §^A ! par t icu la r attention tp the direOr 'tiprisfor!using is flecessary. \Eaeh hoitle"eon-

taitistibottt50fasfe#. '•: PrtPe m* ' I t wilf be seen .by reference to the direction

paper.'thatjiirs. Bor r .Pos^ Sumner, and Deait, S l lpf theMd town of Cambridge, \% Y . ) have

•'"'•' W E S T S ^ . P A T E W T

ThisfSfachine reqoniaiends;ij.5felfv{b public favor by the ^advantages which it affords in that laboriousand expensive^part of* household duties^cleadingiclothes. | t washes them thdronghiyi and in much less time than usual; and canbe.workea with ekse by a.child 12 years. old« i ?he rubbing of the clotjifes, sn,d the conse­quent- wearj,wh|cjiy& a subjectMno general aBd, jugt compiaiht, is prevented |.ah"d the waste of soapav'M-ded TJiey-are already in Useinmany df the mostr§s-* pectable famllieB in this sectioh^Hhe country{Jpany of whom referehce is igiyen for their opinion of its val­ue. A recommendation o f some of them is subjoined.

" T h e subscribers having,for some months used West's Patent WalhlnfMchihei expre'si' their entire satisfaction with' it, a i d i n g much labor and time, and preventing wear of flothe? and waste of soap •:; and think;»* tvill heaveryessehtial benefit ip anyfam*, ijy in which it shall 4e used. $hey recommend it as. being decidedly superior to ainy which have been be* fore. prffienfedtothephhlic.V

ingtoyo^r instructions, and I am rejoiced to %% i t has prote^aiperfect cure. ,

•' •' ItjexTEES. * o mt. AGEIT* IN" AMEHICA, Richmohd, t » : May?d,- T824.

jSear Sir, It becomes me at litis time, to express to God my gratitude for themeans he has hiade use of, in restoring mjf lost healthj by the use of a^medicine call­ed, Poladelphis -or lttdia,.;E3!ti!aet* vFor'the Jast five yeari ihavebeen sogrjevously apoted with^Rheuma-tism, that l have at timjBs .almoi|t wM?d for .ueuth to relieve me from my su^erujg* j ^eeinfethis medicine advertised, I sent for a bojcj jind I tftdectiar^ that sfi)cci

T h e subscriber Bas just: received fr&fe Ne^v-York an elegant assprtrtient pf Chinte;Calicoes and Prints of the j'atest' irnportatiphs, all of which-are splendid patterns, and very .cheap. Also, an assortment pf fo4ees,',Mtt5li.nsj Ifand-kfcrehiefs, &c. &e. Bes'will soPn repeive his entire stock of Spririg Goods, all of* which he will sell cheaper than ever.1" , i-••>•.•"•'-.,• ' • • . , ' . v .N.-AYHAtJ:ET.

Geneva:,'April 17,1827. :u : . " ' .

*m I have begun to useitlhaVe.neverfeKVpain^a'ndah*." sure that' by contmuihg fo'uie it for aj short^mje, I , shall again enjoy my usual health, and be able id m^ port my family, as theretofore.* Enclosed 1 send yob threedoliarsfor two jboxes,;which yim wili-jpl'eqBe te» .pack»p carefullyj and Mr. IBwtfeyiviHSring it tf me:-; ^ojiMay tell the. woriiitii.my'opinion,1 that theifeola. -delphis is the only medicine in- theworld, tjthat.ivili curef

the Rheumatisms iy., Wi|h joy. a^d^ladness,v, ;Fo.ur's,.fofc)ey.er;


T h e Argurjierif ofDprnesticus, by Clericus.* " t e t t e r dri 'the tJsp and Abusfc olf Incorpdra-tion|V addressed to the Del^gatioti from the c i ^ ' ofNFewYork, . • " • • . ' • •

Elements of the Game of Chess, or a hew me­thod of instruction in . that celebrated Game-— foQiided on Scientiric - principles, by Wiljiam Lewis. ' . . . . ' • . . - • ' •

T h e Rivals of .Acadia, or an old story of the; New- World. , -' ' . ,-;" -•.

T h e Golden Violet, w||h its f'ales of llp-marice and* Chivalry, and Other Poems..

Memoirs "of Mrs, HuptitJgtoD, of Boston!, Mass. b y R e y . Beti>.B. |v*isnert - '• ' • :; Lerripriere*s.^Classieal,0ictiopary-

iN E Q U r T t 7th C I E C U I T ;

.; *Ebr t e » |e | r8 i I *?as; afflio|e(|iwith a i0haiy\)Bpn1lp;iairit5 my cdugh'?v^as severe,

My-: appetite w'e$^* arid ray Strength failingi I r u s e a ^ n l p 'cplar rjiedifeinis, but only ffitttid tenSpbraify' ' rfeli^ ' t ihtirhy; a coritinued # e # jbu^'Vd'uau1e;'dr#Sj-.| hav i .beexi 'bldssed'with such perTect h e a W as to r'ehde'r means tinner .cfes%a&;"r:'V ; v ' E B E m : Z E R V t t ' A E R I S . - .' . i ^ f e i * - Jan.; l i . - :1§2^ * ' *' •'*• \ • ; ' • • . . ;

:f^%:f^-m.M0s-m0^^ "•". • • • -A * ' l J ^ ^ C r 1 d i y ^ 1 b I e | a r d t % a i l do the health

o(t i l^ul i i l tedi Jvfeel %hsp)pe4>t0(Speak of the beiiinif wjjicfchi^aniijyjha^e derived froir^ the u s e ^ ^ & M c ^ t ' s C o u g h ^ r o p i * , . ^ •;.

For tlrfe'e yesirs; prfcvipus;tp - l ^ , , 4 a y -wire, hadrepeatgd^&,^#0e-oltog^t4ijp4M9@S* withi pain in the Sidej;«ind09 bejngififpriried: by her-physiOtan, that a seated co^sumpMdu would^e tlip result, tiriless! Ipimediately a r r e s ^ d , * j p i o 4

. cured a bottle.ef, t$| (above droops, •tvhjicri.yhafe, efrectuaily r^f«e$, | iet/to healthl.' ' •>•,';'.'. ;

t also had' O t % ^ u g h t e r i who wassp^ejly" afflicted witir#S^^^^ cartfe pale 'arid erW|ciafldi "and .so dHtressibg' were the'fifSr t)i*| th& wife siifferer appeared many times-^ rifia^y'iaffocaten*.'' i fany things, were tried witlioul' eifeet, "till we. made use, pf iisi Melt's cbughTdtops; aec^nflpanief with the; syrup; and a s I^rjelie^e:, i t 'w^ ' t he jfrieans Wes-^ed"fo*herre6P>ery. Severatnipnthshaifepass-. fdv d u # g ^iHch.she^ Wi had b^t^ue paroxysm,, hi which cask the same means were, used with' e^iralisiiccess. •• " '•. , '". ' • ' . . • * ' • ' : '

r ^c |n ' fur ther stater that my brother, Jaines I t^el i ' lifas^in the*yearXl824; lor several rjiontlis «0h1!##iEtv?c'dnsidei'able' jiart pf th^ time with tfeaifhteaj-'attea'd^d^^^ ,ebugh/difficulty Of h r e i t l i n l f ' k $ 'M&&M^morf thanintheday (

t i in4^ :f^s 'otVeh-#dfe^^^ a p p t e h e i t ! i o u s # ^ so that he woftrdr*ti&hAprd%ffbed to.thedoor for/cold •air.* v#he'|fiyc}tlfee;ff^n eminent pfe^sibian was unavailing; arid• he tefS ^t length Induced to malte fise Of I^aM6tt%CPllgh*drpps,; which'have been so saldtary that h© has far*six months

• past einjovedgoM health. • JDHlN^BEED*

•-. Ftepaved by A. C n ^ s » t , s o J e proprietor^ . Catnhridge, New-YorK, whose signature will be aflSxed in; his own hand^w^ting to each bill olf

, directions. Be particular that each bPltle Is Ifnyeloped ivr a stereo or check label, tvhieh if

fStVflifek on th(s ssine bill with the d i r e c t i o n s '

»r s a ! e% Dr. Wm. Hortseiv, Geneva. Mr. aftby.• Waterloo. Mi. Watswprth, Ovid*


Jotikma (fray, Administrator of 4-c of tthomas Gray, dweas^d.,

John Dey (mdjPhebe Ms wife,

• ' ^jEG\ANT:0H3HSfA. p&&. S i |TTS , , ' . . ;• • M'the Gdneva€a$fcStore, *

lijst received and J0r>sate at3^ew«York.prices. " v ; .. '•' f ^ ' D E Z E N F G ^ H A ^ L . ' ' • •December l i , 1826. \ "',...

inthe CJnitedStates,tOWspW^tfiStvalttable^me|li-. c i ^ called the Folao^pBr^h^Extf 'Mt, withfutt^ power^0 flppointlagent^^he*e#fc^ay:*hittkp%er.;l and}a» the great demiattd^aymd^^^ ,sbn'*'<*fabricate fte taedjieiffe^theinjury Jofih|;pu;b-7 lic,I,h»Te thoughtpropprto«accoinpan^thNertificate wg;^4?to wyvowniij^ji^ritto^,^^^^^^^ &PAi" ions;

Hf. B# |gh1 , $& H . Bogert; W m . Sv Oe Zengr l a m e s Rees^ B. McBphald,' ' IJohn Sweepey, JDaVid COiPk, N . Ayrault,

•.. S'. Hemeriway, ArtemEis Stohe,; •;:' p ,$.«Bkaatsi . .. ' R. .Rumney, ' \

William Arisley,'"^e»tecn%; -•'•- • J0. Masten, Penn-ltHni' ,

James D, Bemis1, J . A^ Stevens, J . ^ a n Rensselaer, iS. C , Ward, -

. ; Chaiincey Morse, S.Whittelse^j' l l i e subscriber hgvini^urchased the ejrclusiyeJriight'

of the above" lv|achine:fo>'Jke«6unfie8 6f phfarib, Fates, %ube1r .^ io ia ,^ l^a^y , iB ttaraugusVGhau-. Uaqk&i jErlei;*a^d'**ia^% will dispose of vthe: rights o r coun t i e s^o ivn toh ' f ^ ,

; He con«$n% iS»^^ these Machines at 'his:'^abioeit Shdp in Maih»street, nearly lopfedsitfthelioteliCleheVaf. Afty person caa have the

low hll

*ou|id;^ach boxj ;and]||c*i> ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ p ^ W ^ i

at my office, M^a^reekstifcoria^if ,

.„ir*: ," :^ ^*\v-&#&0ty$ifa ftfH'he Subseriheris appoirttfed^ ^ | e p t f o r i

the aijfpve valuableV M?dicicfe,^h)ch;may M had, a t h i s ^ r u g g i s t M i » W e h ^ h ; , -Mfa * 1 - Mf

Christian Calendar [tyMctfysiasticai I&gister, : i*or tfle year"6f >ur Lord

From theCreatidtt o f the-world 58S1, jus t re-r eeived and for sale tit the^Bpok Stojre of -:•:'>•'-:-'- y- '• ••••.'.'.! ' ' , ••J^SMJTRV.Jr,-' • .' >Feh/ 14y 1827. ' ':"; :;••.-.• .'•••••.•• •»'•••.-•

ance^of a decVejtal order

^pf th,4 CoDRT of Ejq|iDj'jry, of the^iheircuit , ntadelrt the a-

bpve causes wilt lieUold under tji^iiSheotiph of the subscriber, at public auction, a t the "Geneva Hotel,kept by SifasHe%enwayj fethe'vHlage of Geneya, on Saturday "the Bothday of Ji*ne next, at 10o'dock in the fpreudon of \%it d y-r— All that certairt tract or pa'*ce|- o | .'I&rjd/.a'iid. premises, Situate, lying and; bp,ipg io the' old township of BebeQa,.(teiflgno\f$ajrtly.i'n the counties of Ontario aiid Yates t) and butted and hounded as follows.: Beginnipg at apo£t-siand-ingon the north hank of* Cpshopg.^r;,eek, the said'post being a ,*coirtier, ,o^.Iand.''Nlphgirig to Sanies Barnes-; thencfe eas t twepiy>live»phainsr

toa post; |h'eqce south t w e r > ^ r ^ e . f c ^ ^ ing t he Coshorii creek jto a^pciSt ? ^liericB west twetity-'fivechains, to a.post 4(thepce north twen­ty crj'ains, crossing t^eGos^png ereelf, t > a post, the place p f ^

land,''hein",g:the s^rne^p^ileippwrprlately occu­pied Ijy .the" said^ete,? | . 3fteIvfe?iPlaku>- 4Seflew»

AiJBURNF-'-STATE-P'RISON,. WARE. . ;>"'•''•'-••- -••; ^osTH-ateJEiVEft^Tlf-'-''" "• •••: ^ A Y R A U L T ' S C A S H S T O R E , -'

A large assortrheftt of Wooden Ware, manufac-

Pots," & & ^ c . # g l a r i t l y finished* and pained, 'Whiett'heis^eHiagveJylov?/.': '"' \ '"' : '

:Gerteya,#Iarcjh,;l'827;';- . •._.':•: -


CAST - Uf.:'i.''.<*•••'

£&, d^'L*.:

Imls^of good mat?ria1s,* a||i#ell 'made. Airy article •msiae to-order oh short u6'tic% ;>lBfl,mbfet and Jdaoat kinds of Produce taken in e^^hlg^foTf.ith^ above, :'.;. '.>. •'•:••• :./-'.,-: W M . ? S B T ^ O N 1 , J R .

Geneva, Nov . ! ; f826. . • / ^ ' § » % , '

H O R S E , •.-..;. ^ Wil l stand this iselson M P ^ h ^ f o 1 l j p w i p g o k c K ^ o m J

mencing ftitn -May a W tehdin'g lOth|Puly:—> Mondays/and*Tues-dafs, at'Thd's ;Bfehis|afe%, oh the turnpike, 4«rjles^west ^ G e n ^ t ^ W e i d ^ heydays and Thursdays-till 1 i ^ e i p c k l ^ ' M ^ t Church's^stable, itfOatfafldaigua; Thiiflstayafo ternoons at GuJley's stablej in Manehester 5 and on Fridays and Saturdays a t the stable of the" subscriber in Vienna. -Terms v&ty liher'sfl, and inadejjnowrt jor^ application: iai-''6ithe'i('-6|;'iHil'i stands*. Mpst; kinds Qj[rg|ajh t a ^ n ' i n ;pafj^em£ if delivered by the first pi January, a;t thfcj|fgtts| pf ;tjhe subscriber. Nptes' # l | be ;*e!^ujiiid.p| customers at the end of the .season./; Jfhpse'

swishirig.to send from^ a distance can-be S£d^ 1 4

modated with pasture at JDensmore's,' or.at,lhe sh^scribers; and good care and attention wit) be paicl. Accidents at the risk of owners.

B I J R O C is a 4sit% spriel, 16 hands h i g ^ fteli ; proportioned, and for; Strength of bone and cord?

and actiort, is.nqfctsjscelled by ariy, horse in:|bis country. TJe was' sired by tlie ripted hors^'fWi* rpfc, arid is'h^lf brother to the celebrated horse Mblipse. H\&,rTa"m was sired by f)unpah|iorp, ,and;,lJuricarmbM was sired; by the noted bjorse f I6rikel,'one'of the first for the turf, '

_ . - . . •:-.'• .'-.• . ' • • " . J f O E t S T E A R N S i J r : S76ii2n| ' F&tifai(PhetysdM$«, 18^7, ^92:4w

In thk'-p^i^i-.'^'.fM^^ii^n^i^ firanklirl House, 'of' i kind op^Wti invention,;, whiph have beeniohfclHedand highly: apJ4p«6a p f in ;


introdu:p1%"h&v tbihf §,»#. ptpj • P L O 0 # i S b f a l l t h e ^ p T ' M ^ i have come into general tisfe^airo'f the best ma* ferials. All the Plp|ghClolil;|y^?tM subscriber will be ae tua i i y^ rhade r t to purchasers ^ i p t i ? ? f e ^Oubf^vttotVhut their good judgement wiji dply appreciate i. -, # d ? h e trusts thatfrqm jhirlpngexperieucfe,;ifa't%;Huii-

S T O R E . . • .

• J[ust^ecei«edj a h elegaiit^ssprtlment<if Ma-xjno*.-Gashjnaexej Super-CJaSsimere, and other fashionable Sha^Isy,adapted to t h e season* V ,

• / ' • ' • - • •';'• ->-• / - ' 1 D f e • ^ G : ^ ; H A I i i ; ^ , ' :®eGe'tobei-i2,v182&i" '-.;-'•-/ • ••"«' .

.«-ui-u—•,.,..•'-,. -;r; ..rrf,?,,;.,,,? -^T,,-—^—L—•„..^l „a, ^•;... AWMlt^S ^ASHr;S(T ;ORE. ; ./' J'Just>ecteiWd;"|ihd:'fpt^^^

1 Bal6Brussels Carpefihg, ..- , 1 Ba le ScotchCarpethig, of elegajit patterns.

Also a lkrge assortment of Hearth Rugs. •Geiteva, ,Oct; ' S l , , i 8 2 ^ • ' , . -' -> . J-S^. '

.invited to call,. The subscribe^, w p l d Msp;)nfbrm Mechanics

wishing to erigftge ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ - t»..^«°« *&& 1iu^iif-z propef Y!


h e ' i f a n a g e h t M d g r t h f W O i l i ^ .., t ,.. . Vhi6h, together\#l#>hlE)ow1* i r i l rbvenien^ Comprising, -all : ^ : ^ ^ ^ ^ * ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ forms of construdi


C , Bo,Tj.$jt, $ol}t\ ffislfattn^HMcery.-^ ; ^ p 6 w , •

.•"":•>'•-'•..•''••'• ; •'-'.. - ^ V ^ ^ l ^ H ' ' . - ' . - 1 1 ' - 1 ' . B E ^ A ' t ^ T ' ' h a * i h g ^ i e « l ^ | S ^ t h e ^ay-

merit of the nooheys WS^S^fJ^pii'ji^^pft^ g3gi|, executed'. h y ; J / o s e j ^ - l B ^ e p . ^ t . ' - ^ « f e r BnHeh to J^P^#Mle^'%e.arirr|^a^^^^^^ day of :P^^^W4^M^^^>^ thousand teight hundred ^rid:^ver>t$erj, tuppn M|il^that certain tract or p % e i ofi#nd,;4t«ate iti^^the-gore, betweep the'old ahdiheM pte- imp-

by the south fine of ^ai# M ruXrhb%^hlriy and the Scoy iMd;, (so c t l l e ^ f w | s t % ^ ^ > be run^parallel- ^ ^ i M ' i M w ^ w « ^ ^ ' ) i i i « f » ia'fid at Sucih%«ista^ee#6ffl;said lifeeV to <s|ri,taitt fif-'ty^at^Psfbi^anu: • ** f**»-••&'-,.«.«K-a .*..^-.'«.» ~t lahdalHiiatlies

•n(.l,"r'' '.'.iii(i"j

T^ftE*;'stfbsoSiber r win% |>ay Cash -for' ©1(),v00; b u s p s ofgcuid vm^rehantableWHEATr 'deliv-5

eredatfPaihe 'S#Hlsi4eneeaFal ls ; R v G . $ t i y -ierfc <3o'.?s Mill , V i e n n a | or at the above store,? :in-,Ge*ev,aV -Also, '^or \ R Y E , '©'ORNf, - anil • i & g i ^ v ' > / ;.-•-'i ,v ' N . mteWW?.>>>'-

• ^ T T R t j ^ E % ^ i S R A T E J D : ' ; ; . . . - : R H E U M A T I C O I N T M E N T S , ^

r. 'the^ure ot R^erimaiiisJaV ;Gp%:S'eiatica, and I»«iihbagd.' i t f e e ^iavcfri4t9|^'fe twoittl^.

F > t h ^ r e : ' - 6 - f ^ location, 'puiS6s*t arid' f^m^mti!m^T:

Price ^fi'cehts,, • WUh^irectibris^' &%**$&. 4,

at:»octf ia^#»B',* m^m^m, C A R T E g S ' , M n , s t r e e v G e # ^ ' ' . . •"'

Geneva, Jufo W * - •<*'*•*:•.• -

For Boots, JSIitfes,* .and all ;khjd^ of.;Wa.qjied, t e a the r , particul^riyJtadies* Merocco. Shoe?, whidh need n o preparation* In each G|as^ Bot-/

ftievis>»sp»h'ge attac,fiedtothecprfc, * p t v n i d h ' it is applied without brushing; arid will not %«b

.0. 5vmBsMimgs. 'mn kh^ottwgim is pilsaged,wSth a view t<re^ite^ttenti,bn t o the

^ ^ i i G b s f c f p s i a g ; : ' ' -•';••''•..••;•,'"- .,;. • i ^ S ^ E A R G E B O T ^ M f ' I b r ^

-Shoe ^Makers. , T o he used: wi tKa^Be ground $h f ' o r s a l ^ i u t e l t y a . b y

. 6' '••i


tfata-esfbWan^iheludi«g;ih"said aulxitityof h 6 r t h p f % i a ? S ^ S « feeing

r « , r r w f Y . ,w. iibrrrbeHWeh^li^ih^h^^^^^ *o«ftdaries'^^i|^feTpiiBg.- ^t t^ %!PiaiafE Wfelses^ such ^a i t s . •aK : ;nave^beW%%yfed ;W0o^eph :h'rid-Chester •Wh&^Mffl$fc*$Mk$&.' Mommhfafwehmy | | ^ ^ a ; C ; h | ' l i i f u e of ia po#er eoht«in#1n srtd^Mof$i^ ' ra%d| ' in

t » e n t y - s i x t h ^ * d a y ~ ^ J « o ^ m b ^ ^ x ^ ; a l t n m e ^ .o^cjoek in the. by


a A R T ^ N ^ o f ^ r c M i f f i i r t t h e ' fcouftty of W4yri# ««• the ; # e o t y aijrith 'Mt&mr •*embe««ightfte^hutidred-ind^w^^ gaged1- to MifrdMlt P. 6NtM|ejr M$ jfamuir:

* © ^ n ^ , "aMthat e e r t a i h ^ p i e c e ^ ^ in MauchesteW Ohtarii); ' C o u ^ ^ ^ l ^ i n f ' e a W , part Of lot nuttiber pn^ h i t t id i fe i ; |p^wln^one».

range, a | bohndedl as follows % |

acres of land withlii thei|l |uBili^ady given, ancf said J i n e ' M o secuVe | , liiJn of money he has-failed t o payrr# i6f t : inb«gage has been duly assigned to tb©-siaSiSc!«'it)ei, Therefore,^pursu^ mm a power ^nltajhlif i n said.mortgage and1

of,the .statute,!PubtSis Mtice ts Mntygiven, That said: m#tgaged premises with the appur­tenances, will be j sold at public auction, on the tenth day tff November next, at ten o'clock it* the foreriooh,i at Stearns* tavern in Vienna.*-*

i-. 4P*J6«I.


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