QUEEN'S BUILDING. RUTr TERS COLLEGE BIG CLASS FOB RUTGERS TEtE ° F: " '"V IEGE BATTALION FBESHMAITS LARGEST LX LX- STITCTIOX'S HISTORY. "N*o. I piesa you never did 3ee on* Ilka ttta: be- fore." said Dorland Mumby to tae ai»a who was ad2ilrtns '-.•* beautiful mount of i sr.ow wilts da*! 1 whi^b Mr. Muaby haa brousit to *Jil» city. ' Stor-o"* Oh. yes. There's a 9tor7 goes wtta. IS, Let's se*." and Qte crack \u25a0\u25a0MB. who ha* taken any mzmber of deer out of taa Caaadlaa lIIGHTY HTTNTEB DECXAEES COLO9 WILL NOT WASH OFF. HE BAGGED A WHITE DEER. summer her-, was^ married this week to James Howard Connor, of tola city, a-.d a "ephew o* Councilman Thomas Thampaea. The ce-emory was performed by tae Rev. Dr. Townsend ia. the Church of th* A3>-er.3:on. an-i the we-id 1 -? dlaaef was s^r\-ed at the Northern Ljbertv Hotel Sir and Mr?. Connor started for a.-, extended Otp to Ealr:- raore, TV asalngton and other Souther", petsta T>.e paasenff-r dep art=lea: . 0 , til( , p. eacJl: . s Rajj. road has arrar.?-.1 to place fe, service between this city and Pnlbufelpsla what tne eerapaas «ay S w.-i be the faarest train in toe world for a short dis- tance. Both the "Wesr Jersey and the Reading railroads are rnnmTH trains from Philadelphia to this city tn on* hour, toe latter road coaattna twelve minutt»3 fcr enaalOM the river and fortv- e:^>.r minutes actual ronnlng time. Now. by pro- ri&tsu fcr i five minute stop at Hammonton. tnr the Syer, ni Readteg w::i rave tram that wJB make the run In f-rry-tiiree minutes for the flfry- four nil>s. or a r*:nr;ir.< wta.%* et aeienlj 11I1H i -\u25a0 - \u25a0 I HOtT PBINCETON'S HISTOniC CANNON WAS GAI>"EP ANP LOST BY RIVALCOLLEGIAN? - FT"TGER> PRANKS OF STfTDEXTS \u25a0 \u25a0 T \u25a0 - - - \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 mi>s an hour. It ha? been rumored here th*? the reading road would also rr>. iki i?re*r improvement 3 to its proL'erty in this cirv. and that tn-» improve- m*nta included a nir» .**.:t:on The foliorwtnx Ne'w-Tt irkrra have registered ar the hott>i* ttM ii week Avon Inn—Dr. in.l Mrs Grant, J Crite ar.d M.- an-l Mrs. N" D For' Hotel Brighton—Mn ' B Hancock. Mr and Jlrs PhiUp Rhetnhart, Mr and Mrs William Kht*inhart. Mr. and Mr< J^>* F. Navarre. Frink T FttzseraM. Mr and Mrs J. F Andrews, Mr? R. H Sraton. Mrs Albert Fi!t. Mra M L. Porter. Mrs E. L. Pratt Clarence L Prit:. Mrs M.->rr'.3 B!a:k. Dr H H P.idd!e. Edward Hrhl. Mrs Cnarlts H Strong Miss Miaa Hirwoo.l. Mr. and Mrs H-r.rv Koger?. Mrs. H Handi!! an.i Dr Jam*s Cole Hir.cock B:-?an Hous«^-U' P«t«rwm. W. Hunsacker. D Hr!>r.v. a. L-a.-k-r.i" nr.fi H ?w»cney. Beimonr— M-. and Mrs Harris, tad Mr? P-i;h".*: AT..I H. PaoKnr _ ___ Chalfonte— B Paw»f»n x\' Lusbjr F Di.-kerjor. \u25a0ir.ii B Saaaatte Hore! Dternis— B $cn.inck. J Kenbaly A Axler. Mis 3 LWtaa McLaajWin ir..l E.l-« ir 1 J N-wbrane. Hot -I D«ra!op-Mr and Mr?. R M.-.^ape H Cohen, i Mr .tr.d Mr? yorraan W. Rcberr. G Fifzaa.-k. . i Hanacer. J Lawkin and G. H!! 1 tiaddon Hi!!- 1 ' r-'iV.or !? <-h.imters. D Brady. | Mr a-d D Roye Mr iv-iMr* w. Glider. »ne Mtasea Gli-ler. G Kelbran. E Jenao. A F-Mcox. Mra. H Harbert M:^.-« M:t.:he!l. a Garnett R. Frffnan G Schmudel, E 'Your.s;. Mrs Lynch. 1 roha Herdmin. E Sttnwn »ad D OwrrtrMge. Kuehrle'3 Hore!-M. Stern, C Hoveland. E- Dal*. C Lun^en^. W Webb, A G^.P in) D Davenport Marlborou?n Hoose-Mr iod Mrs n Brown, Mrs Chrtster Mrs Thompeoß. JCaa M-v ollum. Mrs Aisdoy Mr*. O'Brien. 5 Dolph. T Hoppe.r. < Mrs. Dorei and H .. _ r-evere—Mr and Mrs Yo'in?. Miss T.vjnsr. tr«e j Rev Mr. Rudolph ir..l Mrs. Rudolph. i foreata. crossed h:s lega and rubb«"i a hand fiffctlveiy over hl3 brow "Ler? ?^e; !r was back in N'menher last year* tt» we« eaatgad out on Black Ct-^k. Eeat hunt- ir.g groiir.d In Ontarin. that ts. "R> h^d harf pretty «ood luok—killed four or five r-"i d'-er M firsa two days of th* season. But. then. W4 hul witH 03 some .-if the best do^a ;n ttis euumry. and tbac was comparatively easy work. Tr.ree of them w«i kllied ta two houra on the second day of th« seay rTbm had b«en arortea bry.igrht mro camp of & wmte aatv o«ag seen, and aoma of th* boys evea ••Uimed to h<ive had shor* a: it X\-hita deer arw rareiy. if ever, hear-i of. and they had never beea neard of m Ontario b«for*. Consequently th«aa they w^ f r<%h hh t e iiVefif: S 3tOCk * "" "^ But h, ie 7"J2 °" th * «Wwt *»? o* the seaaoa that t ba*se<l that pointi-i? to the im2*d er . 'TheM JSf „\u25a0 , h ?ht ss ow on t "* sround— just the day for atffl hunt!r.< So wa mn , :? early and leav^ mg our dogs tied up at Ut« camp, started out That rnarb.e >Wt know just how lons It wa* before I 9i<htW mv quarry, but I know that waea w^'.ii;^" mighrv hard work. You take that a'frt v^, >, *• a "- put i: tabu* a white snow. - in' Thos/'pk-ts" * fb<> r>n!v wh;T< * ' !t^ r * v * r t3k «» .J n> ** re ?*• f -^ camp' Oh. fifteen m'W thereabouts from the viiiase of Banno^Jcbufn on m* . On-arl.-. Railroad, and there's no better Bnatma sround 10 oe found m Ontario. The hur.tars *o tn-r» from all o\er 'he province, and no Jeaa t.iaa tw,i hundred <2rer were talcen out of there tr>« liar sciaon. But that white one ia th« only on* *v^ r known ro killed in Ontario YE GTIC I rr.E THE WHITE DEER STUFFED AXD THE TAXIDERMIST WHO SET I on wtlch the present bulUltns known aa was erected !n Uw9. " Wa& 5Ji ISS that a etft from Colonel Henry ; rfT^*' CT Nl - VL " York - ihinsfd th* ram* of th^ «c* :roas Queec'» to Rutgers, th* name which l^^i* born<> •**» eJcce.. As act of th* N< w-Jersty •^nsaxan 0 » 4> I%|> rt^ignate*! Ratger* | r;' "*tK* College r-jr Benefit of Arriculiure. ; S5 er i 1 - a . Rle •*\u25a0"«.\u25a0• th«» rreaticx the sclea- j t—dt-i . now numbers rwenty-nlae, and th« . gmwni-toa, eUthtiy over two cuadred. Kutgen i lemnijTr^' Ruet t"!"iuaatc m hav:r.« on its corps of •üb>»v i-'i?'* *' ho * r ' «-w-nent m tht'r resptctjve ; fwo'.'ll* /«« <J*partniscnt cf er.tumoiog>- boasts of I "•ff« ?fi cha W. Smith, whote took* Lave wen for ' whiu \r** ' - r>iic * anjoa* tee sr»nt:sta of the day. j M? ;••» '-on »o «-xt*rmlrjite the Nrw-Jersty mo»- 'tiiorpi *'* !i: r. to '.-. : n.-:. .. :..:.» i-: \u25a0 - '!^tv H^r* 11 ? fi P Per»c> er » '•« »«;H k-aowa to the pub- ! »n binioil ""^J oti P fcy«ical citnustry-. The courses ! h y i^S^S botany are represented reepacUvely ! HahiSi \u25a0XJIX Jl i Uus *»<* I*rofe«sor Uyron D- ' ProfeiJr,, Tge head of Uue electrical department ia j & 0 ' *•»\u25a0»<•!, Cuyler n Dyck. while the pro- I 'w L^l Cln * rrtn * s * Edward A Bowser, whose ! to m»th«L°" ii ml'tilrtm I' tilrtr * tlc " Ild »hose contrtbuuons ' Itco*-^ T^if Uc * 1 3°««^iJ» have made his name well ; v *n Svvi'T nume ">u» books ot Professor John C. tUiU*t J 2 art ""* favorably known. Professor '\u25a0\u25a0-•arfl r "c, "• na »ll « ta astroaotaj-; Professor E^- Wci^r it, lT'if a * oa ' Watory: Prcfcasor Jacob 1 *^'. in phUfmophy; ProTeswor Louis E«vUt, la TO make a 1ei.."!.-. .-tory brier, the Rutger* vuad o? nine scphoiaart* finally got the rin Srn to * , hw Rutgers campus For weeks, day ». nj right «-tude^:» kept a double guard on the. nrnjun The the casr.on was rcaovnl to the riv*-r front a--* c.aiod und.-r a yard of coal. After this, esr atfl] greater, safety, the prachma piece of racial was \u25a0tared In a cellar in Paterson-st.. N>w.r»rur.swi-k FbMSy interest ran . so hijsh thit th* faomVj^s^ th* 1 two colleges tock the subject m head aaj \u25a0 petatad a board of vtttntiaa This court decM^i tiat tie raanoTS had never belocgad to Rut-* e^T and tint it had iwt b««n taken away f rora r,, ' cers It abided that bouta or tra^iricci Ms " ifce contrary were fals* and that the Rat««n dent* who hid stolen the cannon did to i a jjj J|" :;<f that they were cetu&c back their rijit'ii* »• rtrn *tJ wertr. therefore, exonerated f^_ P °*" tmputatjoa of isallclous eor.duer. * iST Th« classroom \u25a0! | iT*er« at '_: —•> •« , t*-m^ _, eay«";y well as of p«ious thought On one occasion an vnbitlous undergraduate «* >>trou» of Kalnlag a reputation with the BPrt ," ' for more know:«dj;e cf the subject than tt-» «IM>r« IM>r inhis ca»* allowed, resorted to the oldtt*^« ~ toctf of openmt th« textbook on hla lap T*j« vm* 11 "^ whose eyessght w»a keen, reprw-ed ktai >• Sor- what the foUowiar fiahloa: la •°««- . -There. Is , aa sicni Ri=di and Par*** j^^ to thl, city 'or a number of year*-* fact, since fa. .^Sooy-nd ~ accura,- be«hte pro«no $ t<cau>ns that for many Y**rs his >redu- UOIU. \u25a0 I ... i.lOW*. R.pub-ic. S&hl »« 'T^Vm. .car.r.g hi. horse, when an utoaobO* P£*ed o^ X*K * sustained «*» n *~ ay \f £ £Sea that he cannot If";:^^^"^SrH^r.npr.- Ir «• COUEJM -" H«»« cf Representatives £££"&\u25a0£»»s• £ a M" h^ -i:r.ter here. AREA GREATER THW \NT 5T01U5 IN '• .\r.V YORK. AND CHOICS AS GKJEIAT, ' , nr~zzz * HAHNE & CO., \ NEWARK. t Two Days* Sale, Monday and Tuesday. Sec our WINDOW DISPLAY ami take your choice of 5.00 Blanket for 2.98. We have 550 or these fringe* Blankets or Rugs, suitable tor couch cover-, sluir.ber robe?, lap robes, wraps, go!: capes and grav- elling blankets. They are strictly pur? wool. extra lar;e sire (3cx6B inches > and heavy weighr. The assortment includes an ex- qutsite color combination of plaided effects, wirh plain colored back3. a beautiful vari- ety patterns from which to irake your selection. jjgW-TPBK T— **— rRIBTCSE. -SUXDaT. OCTTTUITR 5. "WE WORK ON THE NEW LIBRARY OF RUTGERS COLLEGE HAS BEGUN AND IT WILL BE READY FOR USE NEXT YEAR.' <J

rRIBTCSE. WORK ON THE NEW LIBRARY RUTGERS BEGUN …T>.e paasenff-r dep art=lea:. 0, til(,p.eacJl:. s Rajj. road has arrar.?-.1 to place fe, service between this city and Pnlbufelpsla

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Page 1: rRIBTCSE. WORK ON THE NEW LIBRARY RUTGERS BEGUN …T>.e paasenff-r dep art=lea:. 0, til(,p.eacJl:. s Rajj. road has arrar.?-.1 to place fe, service between this city and Pnlbufelpsla







"N*o.Ipiesa you never did 3ee on* Ilka ttta: be-fore." said Dorland Mumby to tae ai»a who wasad2ilrtns '-.•* beautiful mount ofisr.ow wilts da*!1whi^b Mr. Muaby haa brousit to *Jil» city.'

Stor-o"* Oh. yes. There's a 9tor7 goes wtta. IS,Let's se*." and Qte crack \u25a0\u25a0MB. who ha*taken any mzmber of deer out of taa Caaadlaa




was^ married this week to JamesHoward Connor, of tola city, a-.d a "ephew o*Councilman Thomas Thampaea. The ce-emory wasperformed by tae Rev. Dr. Townsend ia. the Churchof th* A3>-er.3:on. an-i the we-id1-? dlaaef wass^r\-ed at the Northern Ljbertv Hotel Sir andMr?. Connor started for a.-, extended Otp to Ealr:-raore, TV asalngton and other Souther", petsta

T>.e paasenff-r dep art=lea:. 0,

til(, p.eacJl:.s Rajj.road has arrar.?-.1 to place fe, service between thiscity and Pnlbufelpsla what tne eerapaas «ayS w.-ibe the faarest train in toe world for a short dis-tance. Both the "Wesr Jersey and the Readingrailroads are rnnmTH trains from Philadelphia tothis city tn on* hour, toe latter road coaattnatwelve minutt»3 fcr enaalOM the river and fortv-e:^>.r minutes actual ronnlng time. Now. by pro-ri&tsu fcr ifive minute stop at Hammonton. tnrthe Syer, ni Readteg w::i rave tram that wJBmake the run In f-rry-tiiree minutes for the flfry-four nil>s. or a r*:nr;ir.< wta.%* et aeienlj 11I1H

















mi>s an hour. Itha? been rumored here th*? thereading road would also rr>.iki i?re*r improvement 3to its proL'erty in this cirv. and that tn-» improve-m*nta included a nir» .**.:t:on

The foliorwtnx Ne'w-Tt irkrra have registered arthe hott>i* ttM ii• week

Avon Inn—Dr. in.l Mrs Grant, J Crite ar.d M.-an-l Mrs. N" D For'

Hotel Brighton—Mn' B Hancock. Mr and

Jlrs PhiUp Rhetnhart, Mr and Mrs WilliamKht*inhart. Mr. and Mr< J^>* F. d« Navarre. FrinkT FttzseraM. Mr and Mrs J. F Andrews, Mr?R. H Sraton. Mrs Albert Fi!t. Mra M L. Porter.Mrs E. L. Pratt Clarence L Prit:. Mrs M.->rr'.3B!a:k. Dr H H P.idd!e. Edward Hrhl. MrsCnarlts H Strong Miss Miaa Hirwoo.l.Mr. and Mrs H-r.rv Koger?. Mrs. H Handi!! an.iDr Jam*s Cole Hir.cock

B:-?an Hous«^-U' P«t«rwm. W. Hunsacker. DHr!>r.v. a. L-a.-k-r.i" nr.fi H ?w»cney.

Beimonr— M-. and Mrs Harris, tad Mr?P-i;h".*:AT..I H. PaoKnr

_ ___Chalfonte— B Paw»f»n x\' Lusbjr F Di.-kerjor.

\u25a0ir.ii B SaaaatteHore! Dternis— B $cn.inck. J Kenbaly A Axler.

Mis3LWtaa McLaajWin ir..l E.l-« ir1 J N-wbrane.Hot -I D«ra!op-Mr and Mr?. R M.-.^ape H Cohen, i

Mr .tr.d Mr? yorraan W. Rcberr. G Fifzaa.-k. • . iHanacer. J Lawkin and G. H!!1

tiaddon Hi!!-1' r-'iV.or !? <-h.imters. D Brady. |

Mr a-d D Roye Mr iv-iMr* w. Glider. »neMtasea Gli-ler. G Kelbran. E Jenao. A F-Mcox.Mra. H Harbert M:^.-« M:t.:he!l. a Garnett R.Frffnan G Schmudel, E 'Your.s;. Mrs Lynch. 1roha Herdmin. E Sttnwn »ad D OwrrtrMge.

Kuehrle'3 Hore!-M. Stern, C Hoveland. E- Dal*.C Lun^en^. W Webb, A G^.P in)D Davenport

Marlborou?n Hoose-Mr iod Mrs n Brown,Mrs Chrtster Mrs Thompeoß. JCaa M-v ollum.Mrs Aisdoy Mr*. O'Brien. 5 Dolph. T Hoppe.r. <Mrs. Dorei and H .. _

r-evere—Mr and Mrs Yo'in?. Miss T.vjnsr. tr«e jRev Mr. Rudolph ir..l Mrs. Rudolph.


foreata. crossed h:s lega and rubb«"i a hand m»fiffctlveiy over hl3 brow

"Ler? ?^e; !r was back in N'menher last year*tt» we« eaatgad out on Black Ct-^k. Eeat hunt-ir.g groiir.d In Ontarin. that ts. "R> h^d harf pretty«ood luok—killed four or five r-"i d'-er M firsatwo days of th* season. But. then. W4 hul witH03 some .-if the best do^a ;n ttis euumry. and tbacwas comparatively easy work. Tr.ree of them w«ikllied ta two houra on the second day of th« seay

rTbm had b«en arortea bry.igrht mro camp of &wmte aatv o«ag seen, and aoma of th*boys evea••Uimed to h<ive had shor* a: it X\-hita deer arwrareiy. if ever, hear-i of. and they had never beeaneard of m Ontario b«for*. Consequently th«aathey w^fr<%hhh

teiiVefif:S 3tOCk *"""^ But

h,ie 7"J2

°" th* «Wwt *»? o* the seaaoa that tba*se<l that pointi-i? to the im2*d d«er. 'TheMJSf „\u25a0, h?ht ss ow on t"*sround— just the dayfor atffl hunt!r.< So wa mn ,

:? early and leav^mg our dogs tied up at Ut« camp, started out That

rnarb.e >Wt know just how lons It wa*before I9i<htW mv quarry, but Iknow that waeaw^'.ii;^"mighrv hard work. You take thata'frt v^, >,*• a"- put i: tabu* a white snow.


in' Thos/'pk-ts" * fb<> r>n!v wh;T<* '!t r̂ *v*r t3k«».J n> **re ?*• f-^ camp' Oh. fifteen m'W o»thereabouts from the viiiase of Banno^Jcbufn onm*. On-arl.-. Railroad, and there's no betterBnatma sround 10 oe found m Ontario. The hur.tars*o tn-r» from all o\er 'he province, and no Jeaat.iaa tw,i hundred <2rer were talcen out of theretr>« liar sciaon. But that white one ia th« onlyon* *v r̂ known ro h« killed in Ontario



on wtlch the present bulUltns known aawas erected !n Uw9."

Wa& 5Ji ISS that a etft from Colonel Henry ;

rfT^*' CT Nl-VL "York- ihinsfd th* ram* of th^«c* :roas Queec'» to Rutgers, th* name which

l^^i*born<> •**»eJcce.. As act of th* N< w-Jersty

•^nsaxan 0» 4> I%|> rt^ignate*! Ratger* a» |r;' "*tK* College r-jr Benefit of Arriculiure. ;S5 eri1

-a.Rle •*\u25a0"«.\u25a0• th«» rreaticx the sclea- j

t—dt-i. now numbers rwenty-nlae, and th« .gmwni-toa, eUthtiy over two cuadred. Kutgen ilemnijTr^' Ruet t"!"iuaatc m hav:r.« on its corps of•üb>»v i-'i?'**'ho *r'«-w-nent m tht'r resptctjve ;

fwo'.'ll* /«« <J*partniscnt cf er.tumoiog>- boasts of I

"•ff« ?ficha W. Smith, whote took* Lave wen for'

whiu\r**'-r>iic* anjoa* tee sr»nt:sta of the day. jM? ;••» '-on »o «-xt*rmlrjite the Nrw-Jersty mo»-'tiiorpi *'*!i: r. to '.-.:n.-:. .. :..:.» i-: \u25a0

-'!^tv H^r*11? fiPPer»c>er» '•« »«;H k-aowa to the pub- !»n binioil""^J otiP fcy«ical citnustry-. The courses !hy i^S^S botany are represented reepacUvely !HahiSi \u25a0XJIX JliUus *»<* I*rofe«sor Uyron D- 'ProfeiJr,, Tge head of Uue electrical department ia j&0

'*•»\u25a0»<•!, Cuyler V«n Dyck. while the pro- I'w L^l Cln*rrtn* s * Edward A Bowser, whose !to m»th«L°" ii

ml'tilrtmI'tilrtr*tlc"•Ild»hose contrtbuuons 'Itco*-^T^ifUc*13°««^iJ» have made his name well;v*nSvvi'T nume ">u» books ot Professor John C.tUiU*tJ \£ 2 art ""*favorably known. Professor

'\u25a0\u25a0-•arfl r "c, "•na»ll« ta astroaotaj-; Professor E^-Wci^r it, lT'ifa

*oa' *» Watory: Prcfcasor Jacob1 *^'. in phUfmophy; ProTeswor Louis E«vUt, la

TO make a 1ei.."!.-. .-tory brier, the Rutger* vuado? nine scphoiaart* finally got the rinSrn to

*,hwRutgers campus For weeks, day ».njright«-tude^:» kept a double guard on the. nrnjun Thethe casr.on was rcaovnl to the riv*-rfront a--*c.aiod und.-r a yard of coal. After this, esr atfl]greater, safety, the prachma piece of racial was\u25a0tared In a cellar in Paterson-st.. N>w.r»rur.swi-kFbMSy interest ran.so hijsh thit th* faomVj^s^th*1 two colleges tock the subject m head aaj \u25a0

petatad a board of vtttntiaa This court decM^itiat tie raanoTS had never belocgad to Rut-*e^Tand tint it had iwt b««n taken away frora r,, '

cers It abided that bouta or tra^iricci Ms


ifce contrary were fals* and that the Rat««ndent* who hid stolen the cannon did toia jjj J|":;<f that they were cetu&c back their rijit'ii*»• rtrn *tJ wertr. therefore, exonerated f^_ P°*"tmputatjoa of isallclous eor.duer.


Th« classroom \u25a0! | iT*er« at '_: —•> •« ,t*-m^ _,eay«";y a» well as of p«ious thoughtOn one occasion an vnbitlous undergraduate «*

>>trou» of Kalnlag a reputation with the BPrt,"'

for more know:«dj;e cf the subject than tt-» «IM>r«IM>r

inhis ca»* allowed, resorted to the oldtt*^« ~ toctfof openmt th« textbook on hla lap T*j« vm*11"^whose eyessght w»a keen, reprw-ed ktai >• Sor-what the foUowiar fiahloa: la •°««-.-There. Is,aa sicni Ri=di-» and Par***j^^

to thl, city 'or a number of year*-* fact, since fa..^Sooy-nd ~ accura,- J« be«htepro«no$t<cau>ns that for many Y**rs his >redu-UOIU. \u25a0


i.lOW*.R.pub-ic. S&hl »« 'T^Vm. .car.r.g hi. horse,when an utoaobO* P£*ed o^ X*K*sustained«*»™n *~ay \f£ £Sea that he cannot

If";:^^^"^SrH^r.npr.-Ir «• COUEJM -"

H«»« cf Representatives

£££"&\u25a0£»»s• £ a M"h^-i:r.ter here.




Two Days* Sale,

Monday and Tuesday.Sec our WINDOW DISPLAY ami take

your choice of •

5.00 Blanket for 2.98.We have 550 or these fringe* Blankets or

Rugs, suitable tor couch cover-, sluir.berrobe?, lap robes, wraps, go!: capes and grav-elling blankets. They are strictly pur? wool.extra lar;e sire (3cx6B inches > and heavyweighr. The assortment includes an ex-qutsite color combination of plaided effects,wirh plain colored back3. a beautiful vari-ety o£ patterns from which to irake your
